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- -1 - . -- - 7 - - ~ "- --.I. .II- - -- --- - - GORSKOV9 V.A. "Efficient method of making blown stem glasaware.O'Reviewed by T.A. Gorskov. Leg. prom. 17 no.10:52 157. (MIRA 100.12) (Glass blowing and working) GORSKOV, Vladimir Alekseyevich; SMARIN..A.K., nauchnyy red. [deceased]: S.A lud-va; OSMO, L.M.. [setting up production standards and organizing work In the glass industry) Tekhalcheskos normirovanis I organizateita truda Y proisvodst~xe stekla. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arWt. I etroit. Iterialan, 1960. 297 p. (KM 13:5) Oisse wnufaoture) ,-RSKOV. Vlad icbp* LYULYUKlUt V.F.9 retseuz~tnt; ZIFLUp Of nwo re J GABOV19 D.H., red.; SHAMKOVAp T.A., tekhn, red. (Technical standards and the organization of work in glass pro- ducition (higb-quality glassware and glass containers)] Tekbniche- skoe normirovanie i organizataiia truda v stekollnom proizvodst4e (sortovoi posudy i stekliannoi tary). Izd.2,., perer. i dop. Mo- skva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekbn. lit-ry RSFSR, 1961, 393 pe (KMA 31+:9) (Glaso6we-Production stardards) SIMEYDER, V.Ye., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; TUROVSKIY, I.G., prof.; ZAK, M.A., kand. ekon. nauk; BOCUSLAVSKIY, A.I., Inzh.- ekon.; SANKISKIY, D.I., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ASrANSKIY) L.7u,,,-kand.. tekhn. nauk; GUSEV, S.G., inzh.- ekon.; GORSKQV Re " ' ceas'ad]; ILIIN, S.I., inzh.-ekon.; BALDIN, S.A., inzh.-ekon.; NAUMOVA, L.N., kand. ekon. nauk (Economics, organization and planning for the building materials industry] Ekonoirdka; organizatsAia i planirovania pronqshlonnosti stroitelinykh materialov. Moskva ' Stroi- izdat, 1965. 425 pr (14iitA 18:10) GORSKOV, V.K.; MYSLIVTSEV, I.V.; USHKOVp I.A.; ZHILKIN, N.K. - 1--, ~-T Controlling the stAte of the hearth inwall in an operating blast furnace. Stall 25 no.4006-308 Ap 165s (MIRA 18:11) 1, Metallurgicheskiy savod "Svobodrqy ~fokolff i Lipetskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo instituta. stali i splavov, i)/T/L.-,Jp L 21206-66 E74T(1)/njT(m)/EWP(w)/94A( (t)/W(k)/ak(~) IJP(c) JD/J0 ACC NRt AP5026920 SOURCE CODE: UR/O185/65/olo/olo/i1h.,/2i45 AWHOR: (;orstkyy, F. K.---Gorokiy, F. K..; Yefremov, V. I. 0110: Belorussian Institute of Eural Mechanization, Minsk (Bilorus'~!,-y,institut mekhanizatsiyi sillskogo gospodarstva) 2). TITLE: Effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the kinetics of ordering of solid solutions SOURCE: Ukrayins'kiy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 10, 1965, 1141-1145 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic vibration, copper alloy, gold alloy, aluminum alloy, metal heat treatment, magnetic property, electric property, solid mechanical property, physical diffusion, metal hardening, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of ordering solid solutionsk 4- hich extended the area of applications of heat treatment was discovered in the process of investigation 0C pper and gold a loys. As a 4esult of alloy ordering, the mechanical, ma Ignetic, electric an properties f alloys can be markedly changed, making the study of this phenomenon an important part of the general problem of obtaining alloys with given properties. Ordering, like other phase transformations, takes place with the formation and growth of nuclei of the new phase. According to the fluctua- tion theory of phase transformation, one of the factors determining the kinetics of the process is diffusion. The authors have previously shown that the relief of the L 212o6.46 t2 ACC Nks- A-P-5026920 diffusion process with ultrasonics may accelerate dispersion hardening (aging of alloys. (For example, the process is accelerated 70 times for aluminum alloys.) The purpose of this study was to verify whether it is possible to accele;qe the ordering of,~lloys with ultrasonics. To study the kinetics of ordering of aluminum bronzOT6.5% Al), the method of electrical resistance measurement was used. Before t~-sting, the samples were annealed at 750C (time 3 hours) and cooled down together with the furnace. The fixation of the unordered state was achieved with hardening from 500C (time I hour) into water at 20C. The introduction of ultra- sonics took place in water bath by means of a magnetostrictive transformer, at a frequency of 19-20 kilocycles.. The transformer was fed by an ultrasonic genera;.- tor (power 2.5 kw). The acoustic efficiency in the bath was 1.25 kw. At the tem- perature of the experiments - TOC - ultrasonic vibrations-accelerated the process of ordering four times. Ultrasonics may be used in the heat treatment of ordered alloys in twolways: shortening the time of.treatment at the treatment temperatures ordinarily employed, or conducting the ordering process at a lower temperature. Orig.-, art. has: 3 figures. JBased.on authors' abstract.] INT11. SUB CODE: 11, 20/ BM .150A64/ OR16 REF': :013/ SU DATt. . . . ........ Car d 2/2 COUNM iMMA141A 11 CAWMEY Chemical Tec!,noloRy. Chemical Prodlicts and Their Ann'lications. Food Tn4ustrv. ABS. JOUR. MWxim., No 19, 19.59) No. 69497 AUTIYOR P. EVS11-1-11M, TIT S,,-ttirr Starf3,!r(l~,, or. tlie C'nnslinintion of Haw ,Motorials in tb(. Poo(I Inillist-ry Opar,. P0. :Rev. in(l. P.1iment. nrod. veretplo, 115P, No 109 r 11-8 ABSTRACT :ne dis-cussi.on covcrs fbr~ of stiandnrrls for rn-w mitteriuls in lit, food iii,lustry 1,v me-i-, of defininr lo~,ses, r.-xnressiviv fl--e~te los- sos Ps nerce4 'n,I-pq of +I!p fini-~hedl ,rod~icts or as -ere(mtapa of a iispfiil ii-wredient nreqent in rn,* materi-ti-1s, rits +onq (~f ii:7,vF0, sWifttances in a i7iven wQipht of a raw rnfxterial iiFed in r1eriving, I -ton of finisbo4 nroOuct. In all the clises stantlarils ghould 1,t- pf!tnb1i!ghpd tend nn ibe avnilal,i- litV of a useful. substancp in a raw nateria).Al- ,lowances for fl,e variatiop in etritent of such Card: Ml jP : #I a A) a A x~ Most 9 1 - 1-1. -4 V ~1-1- Y-L M N CC 0 Ujo I A a I & 0 t- A-0 0.0 papl*$ its A. T. Sulm1mv- of awr4ro-k MW AnS..Ul M.-te-with dd%cultY 0 4. 377-KkIWII V. KALIC1111MY mluire julwerful detottatt" such in slicics. 13 COO 000 00 ~l 0 '0 6 go' f ... ... 14 .1 At* ILA NITALLU26KAL LIMATWI CLASWICATION -ws- i6sag) .40 "v oat - -"Ir . -- .0 m AV 00 ,1; It An a .4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 g 4* oft so 0" go 0,4060" 0" go on on no 0" *4 1 on 41 * 0 GORSTP Avest G MUtI&ok, doktor khImicheskikh nauk, professor; BAGALA, L.I., proMes-so-Ir', retsenzent; DANILOVA, S.N., professor. retsenzent; PMVERZEYA, A.Ye., professor, retsenzent; GOL'B.IPM, A.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; BOGOM010VA, M.F., izdatel'skiy redaktor; ROZHIN, V.P., takhnicheskly redaktor. [Gunpowder and explosives] Porokha i vzryvehatye veshchestva. Izd. 2-oe, perer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor.promyshl., 1957. 186 p. (MIRA 10:11) (UplQsives. Military) (Gunpowder) AVANMOV, Drastamat Sergeyevich; KATSAK, I.Te., prof., doktor takhn..nauk, retsenzent LgqRST.,_Aq.' prof., doktor khim.nauk, reteenzent; KALTBHZV, N.V., inzh,, red.; XUII BOVA. A.G.,; IKOVA. N.A., (Practical manual for the pbysicochemical testing of explosives] Praktikum po fiziko-khimicheakin ispyt4niiam vzryvchatykh veshchestv. Koskya, Gos.isd-vo obor.promyshl... 1959. 165 p. (KMA 12:5) (IbIplosives-Testing) BANWHIII, Mikhail Kuslmich; RUKIN, Ley Grigorlyevich; prof., doktor khim.nauk. retseusent; GOLIBINM, A.I.0 kiiiid. takhn.nauke retsenzent; SHUSTHAN, B.A.,; ROZHIN. V,P., [Collected problem on explosives] Sbornik sadach pa teorii vsryvehatykh veshchesty. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo oborapromyshloo 1959. 187 P. (MIRA 12:8) REMPELIP Georgiy Gergardovich, kand. tekhn.naukj LIKIN, Viktor Alekoandrovich, insh.; P-MIST, doktor khim. nauk, prof., retsenzent; YAKOVLEVA, V.I., red.; SKOTNIKOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Labor safety in working with explosives) Bezopasn6ett truda pri rabote a varyvehatymi veshchestvami. Moskva, Oborongiz, 1963. 57 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Blaating--Safety measures) ANDREYEV, K.K., pr6f., red.; BELYAYEV, A.F., prof., red.; GOLIDINBERG, A.I., prof., red.-, prof., red.; YAKIMOV, S.Ya., insh., red.; STE id. izd-va; NOVIK,,-A.Ya.., tekhn. red. (Theory of explosives]Teoriia vzz7vahatykh veshchesty; stornik statei. 146skva, Oboron gis, 1963. 578 p. (MIRA 16:4) tExplosives) th GORST, Yu.G. C--- Integral methods of.sumation restrictively equivalent to conver- genceo Isvo vyse uchebe sav.; mat. noo2:65-73 060. OCIRA 13:7) 1. Irasnoyarskiy pedagogicheskly Institut. (Functions of real variables) 85218 10 S/042/60/015/005/Glo/oi6xx 4,qooo C111/C222 AUTHORs Goret, Yu.G. TITLE. Some in-tegral me 0 a of Sumnation PERIODICAL: Uspekhi matematicheskikh naukq 1960, Vol-159 NO-59 pp.159-163 TEXT: Let f(t) be a bounded funo'blon measurable according to Lebesgue and defined on (O.,oD ); K(s,t) on OI it holds uniformly in a 00 ~1K(sPt)f(at)dt--,3,X - lim f(t) for a-Xoo 11 J 0 for an arbitrary function f(t)e Ky then K and K, are restrictedly com- patible. are conclusiona Regualr integral methods with kernels K(s,,t) g I mutually restriatedly.compatiblo. Conclusion 2t All regular integral methods with the property (a) are .restrictedly compatible with the method (C,1) defined by the kernel Card 2/3 85218 S/042/60/015/005/010/016XI C111/C222 Some Integral Methods of Summation for O 00%, v beb*vW twenally. Tfw stommol temp. owo; of r is Notice" witwo f1w wkksc toots. IMPS. aw am dw callodlown io tow OPP* coU. few W-1-if "h'. at w" IMP..- Wkwo a Comm. moor a.#.. 1040% AkW #A 0'), 1 watues hom afr 11% on. Pill" b 21 * WbM its CA. Palo of c# I v*~ bet 40"(fe.01abovedwaft. p~tcl wis w*?.) owl 010 od. % U At SO loompal lot"" """, v ;;A ww" W! IMAIM"P31'. T. 167J6,41,14. OW 0,60 at it. 10. oW lllv~ At loot, 10. 8. 30, .30, swil 38'.. = ow eek.,P" of W. Is boinowEst cd tMo. but to I.P.. Tbow, is I so, 40%. /all is "w." fit OW 141'. ow I'M nNflo M%, to --o 'Id/o to oit 1.j*w*A All 0*1 #V1 PAW d OW&M Wy, **it low me. 0101,11 two dM" ik1jr atwfw Ia "*OM 114-odliffing. GGRTAUA, T. A. "Viscosity of systems of benzene and its homologues with lower alcolols." B. Ya. Teitellba=, T.-&. CortaIM, and S. G. Canelina. (p. W2) SO: Journal of General Chemist (Zhurnal Cbshchei Khimit) 1950, Vol 20, No 20. time of Utim . A K. tikkao" (Arbmwv lam. Clitem, W. Ms'sk.). Dar. Ofs. KUM. $3, 911-19(1951).-The satlem tcn#6= v ( ask.) Aw fit t- omf IV att uk-Amed by - . - ZZ ImIj In *1q. mohm of MOOH, 840H. IKUBNOII in Irder to Invold"to I" whits Idl t Ismac- ibm In the (I swinev toy". Isk 240H Seim studild bdtWW4 to U04 W. if* Ili% (VW. am". of Wutq) (441wed up to The temp, wbwv "Va. jejo- P44(V; AS tkill 16111P. WTV&fta. thin Ptdylhwm tAMMIR towntril in td Palo IIS011. Thus an SwIn" - lik It the C411ablety ;Q; be "pod the t4m to comme. an a rwmk d bw ims. 6w. is attribaw to do fumstim d ltyttmtcl In the wmfam kM. At low to wpL, V is I-ca (mveral twere the vww 1(w a"") w m um tealle, 7 iffit" AW Ofth to Ms. 14 a Pkit of -y qmJW coacis C. the cwve few a sm". at to- &W a wAs. AlAt'. tumve Walt. 41tave totheim- P9 d"MCNOW I**"Pmt- in thv OWIAVO kM (,C,A, 44, 41"It). ON Mansell. I&M d It to fartualkto t I" te"W& 7ut The =Iskw of 616-milliAg ft*w Off*~ 04VAlli, is assAm bY the dot* QbIAWW betweem -A &W 00. to WWW"t a dWMINT bdMVW 0 (00 immomm. is" 4RY. iiiW 66.. AD #a thm 3% (wd.) or was lima 40S sk, therstsi'mm, I aft timmart It, VAIMMs aft culyfal AW 1110,11, IMP. nVII, -Y Is knin, 160 14* llw pwv rum"Onlis. fly the lumbski 04 ZkukbwAtAN (C.A. 30, 311U41) the costiva. wl Ort muUm unt an be caJcd. " for an kW sydem; (be 6ttw sp- prommuttim m "sults In good nVaistat w*tb imid- wo (Omm, in and AdAm C.A. 27. IMO) -tW IT Z w4w1comm.milal. c%W. convia.. the rmiling cum shims a drop an both skin Iomminuntlad to the put* coultmairms fall 11141. to the mk$41,7 vww". r."Ide. th"ll 1cr."' 'rntrupy Is rmtlwd in the UnIP WINTIF ShO IOrttl4kt14n ii A hydrAtrUtOll-11#01-lKwWwo. IWASOMilief.IffilittIftlJ11 ~rjhw.&%"*WiT4Wbvb&vIw. fit ~43 81, MIMI), 30. -M, O-OW), and (24.44, 0,UQ)torftopu0d- Ilia to cimictus. of WOW V. 2. 6. 10. %),.it). W. -Til. ast! 10(i. temp. In a pW -' v ailtmiltist otknd. mdwt IMMMSL. & Clififil ejallitif 1#3 that tkVMWtbnVf ICK Ittoll soldmit. is obtained, sitlumich depsictwir (mis sulditIvIty Is bm tawked. lien Aso, Isyttrate luirmatkin In the swiletv lopw sunest. It.11. %16-iwl I"'but GORTALOVAA, T. A. USSR/Chemistx7 - Surface Tension Sep 51 "Investigation of the Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions of Acetone, Mothyletbylketons, Pyridine, and Chloral," B. Ya. Teytellbaum, S. G. Ganelina, T. A. Gortalova, Chem Inst imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov, Kazanl Affiliate Acad Sci USSR fthur Piz Xhim" Vol XXT. No 9. pp 1043-lo4g. PA 192T39 ACCESSION NR. AR4015649 S/0081/63/000/021/0028/0028 SOURCE: RZh- KhImiya, Abs. 21B159 AUITKOR: Be~rg, L. G.; Ya9farov, M. Sh.; Gortalova, T. A. TITLE: A study of the dependence of the thermal characterisitics of some sub- .stances on temperature '~_CITED SOURCE: Izv. Kazansk. fil. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. n., no. 6, 1961, 231-237 TOPIC TAGS: temperature registration, thermographic temperature registration, ture thermal flux measurement, thermophysical characteristic measurement, tempera difference technique, heat capacity measurement, thermal conductivity measurement ABSTRACT: The thermographic method for recording heating curves was used to de- termine heat capacity,,the coefficient of thermal conductivity and temperature con-i ductivity by measuring differences In thermal fluxes passing through the experi- ..mental substances.and a standard control. The test unit containing both substances was heated in a quasi-stationary environment. Cylindrical, thin-walled, metal]-ic shells were joined by means of a heat insulating material and were then placed in- side a cylindrical block, In which a temperature field was created with a zero Iradient on the exterior surface of the cylinder. The substance under Investiga- Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4ol5649 tion was placed inside one of these shellsi'the other serving as an air stanidard. The temperature fie'ld inside the block was measured with the aid of two differential. thermocouples which recorded temperature differences between the shells as well as between the air standard and the block itself. The accuracy of measurement of ~the thermophysical-characteristics was about 0.5% (verified for A1203 and KCI). L. Rezn, 1 ts ki y DATE ACQ: 09bec631. SUB'CODE: CH ENCL: 00 Cc.rd 2/2 A& M M 001, ~ "H~- goo EXCERPTA MONA See 1~ '101 5/3 Public Health Yar 59 1006. DETERMINATION OF THE 3:4-BENZOPYRENE CONTENT IN CERTAIN SCHISTOSE PRODUCTS 'AND IN THE EFFLUENTS OP SCHISTOSE CHEMICAL PLANTS (Russian text) - Gortalum G. M. and Dikun P. P. -GIG. I SAN. 1958/8 (24-27) Tiaw-srl- A number of schistose resins and other schistose products were examined by fluorescent spectral methods: 3:4-benzopyrene was found In both chamber and generator resins and (although in considerably lower amounts) in the effluents of schistose chemical plants. Extraction of the phenol of butyl acetate from ef- fluent considerably lowered the content of 3-.4-benzopyrene. JA GORTALUM, G Eigth International Camer Research Congress. Gig i san. 28 no.l:U2-114 Ja'63. (141HA 1-6:7) (CANCER HESEARCR-CONGRESSFZ) SOV/177-58-11-,10/50 AUTHOR: Gortalum, G.M., Major of the Medical Corps TITLE; A Portable Device for Luminescence Analysis PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 11, pp 35 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author developed a device for luminescence ana- lysis which is contrary to the already existing apparatus - technically simple and accessible to any medical institution. In the capacity of a sourne producing luminescence of the objects under in- vestigation, a low pressure UFO- 4A-type mercury lamp is used. It is included in the standard ar- mature ARUFOSh-50 or ARUFOSh-45 equipped with an uviol light filter. The lamp is switched into the d.c. net, with a voltage of 26 V, through an RUF-48 type rheostat having a constant resistance up to 70 ohm. The rheostat regulates the radiation of the UFO-4A Card 1/3 type lamp. If there is a rectifier, the lamp may SOV/177-58-11-10/50 'A Vortable Device for Luminescence Analysis be connected to the a.c. net. -~or this purpose, a simple rectifier has been manufactured with a selenic column and a filament transformer of the "Rubin" type TV set. In selecting the rectifier it has to be con- sidered that the lamp requires a voltage of 11.4 V at a current intensity of 0-35 A. The ultraviolet current of the lamp's rays of 0.04 W is sufficient for exciting fluorescence of those substances for which the maximum excitement lies in the field 365".. . The armature with the lamp is attached to a sUative of the usual illuminator for the 01-7 type microscoDe. In combination with the simplest colorimeter (Figures 1,2,3) the device permits not only qualitative but also quantitative determination of various fluorescent liquids. The device (with- out rectifier) weighs 1,800 grams as compared to the "Apparatus for Fluorescent knalyKsll manufactured in the "KRASNOGVARDEYETS" Plant which weighs 19 kg Card 2/3 and is larger. The author uses the device for deter- SOV/177-58-11-10/50 A Portable Device for Iiaminescence Analysis mining the concentrations of vitamin B complex, hormones, medicines, and aerosols of mineral oils in the air according to M.V. Alekseyeva's and Ts.I. Golldina's method. The insignificant heat irradia- tion of the UFO-4A type lamp in comparison to the mercury-quartz PRK and SVD type lamps permits the application of the lamp as a source of ultraviolet rays in the production of luminescent sera. Dia- grams show the scheme of the device and its optic system (Figures 1 and 2). The device was approved by the Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut imeni F.F. Erismana (Scientific-Research Medical-Hygienic Insti- tute imeni F.F. Erisman). There is 1 photograph, 2 diagrams and 1 Soviet reference. Card 3/3 GORTAT, Tadeusz Title to pension according to the first class of employment. Praca zabezp spol 7 no.3%34-40 Mr 165. pbly r. &hudo" log a nd a j re v 37 4f COUNI'My t Poland Ch TFGMY t AW. RMim,,v No. 51960,p Nos 20056 A117HOR S Obloj, J., Beres, J., Gortel, Z.t and Szczurek, M. 105 T, I Not given TITLE S Polyethylene. I. Co1rmerci al Production ProceRses Properties, and Applirationz of PolyethIlene CRIG, RM, I Przemy3l Chem, .17, No 11, ?o6-710 (1958) A BS TRA CT I A r'view article. The production of PolYethYlene undLer high, inedium, and 1(~w pressurqs is dis- cussed. The bibliography lists 37 titles. L. Sedov OURM. TO.T. Ogatumtieu sWetination sad th* crystallochmlstry of forrmuWkette 011dome; co"lusles. Uspefla.sauk 57 moo3:435-M3 N 155. (KM 9:2) (ForromWeilm) DANIMIN, V.I. Limiting diffusion currents on cation exchange membranes. %ur.- prikl.khim. 35 no.12t2640-2644 D 162, (MM 16:5) (Base-exchanging compounds) (Electric currents) WBROVAO Y*,A*; GIMOVIC119 A*L9; GORTtROVAl V.1a Interactibn in w1uoms solatione of boric and tartaric Pitdo studied by the wathode of'ion exchange and potent lowt-rlc titratione Veoto= 20 noeUsI221-130 165a (MIRA l8sl2) is valluuW121.11111" I aniall an Jim Diu 1110441 ad 400co J_A_L_"_rE_ -L-t- x n is a IF ~A_c A A t A A 16 6 oi : 2 ---- -- _---_1.4~i. 06 A i4 00.8 so 040" MM6 hews". U. 1. Items and T. V, J. OV CAM, (U. $' S. It.) 10, 17MA" - Present ar"deals Ifilk the we", of inter. SO g so Meftka lor tow orwhevis ad pwowe antinwarial ph-- cmdashL ~ wid (60 ff.) mW lb"81120%taken incli. '060111, Mr"OVS104 ellet, 1), litt-19% In 92-4% yW. IVA *61.12 *rM I D mil. 0 H and 66 S. N&CN auta- at Ila* 6 bra. rield 1010 5, pq 17"J", 13 (16 a.) *ad IRD t . 0 afterahn.on a stem both with V-g. No 0, with coWinc, *so thm aphe bweed 2 bra. an the attam both, pptd. by l1jO, rxid. by 41L KOH mad rem d. Ey 5% WSO,. yield 15- god 16 1 ni 243A* (decownpit.). M S.) wd 30 mi. SMI#, "-:;d and treated with 120 rhH, W. a 6. at (IV). M. sea =6-7' W .). CHN, (from 9.2 s. MeN(NO)- CONI~) Its other oW 4 v. powd. IV at (" yield 2,2-2.4 set g, 04kewo*odimar IV). a 146-" (eitcumm). 009 Cryold. from MOOH. It M. 14"'' (deewipa.). V t 0.5 g.). in 4 at. AcOH, treated with 0.6 ml. coned. HO 9 ketone hydrothlorider. de -acrid3i chloro"hyl 236 M" AcOH). V (5-0 g.) in 104 nd. AcOlt (96 j. treuval with 7 ad. of 481; HBr yields the cwre- wrt 1k wpd., d..p. SIV-116' (from AcOH). a Th. kene how is forward by virmfint the IM valt with Na- HCOv moin., fallownd by trysin, from PbH. 9-Arpid.W cr d"z*,Fq bawsowab~g Maw. y.Ww. w. 150-2% G. hi. K. . ..... ".1 __~oo '-so *0 00 00 -00 :100 no* COO coo ties Ala- 43.0v .1711 141064 .49 *.1 oaf as Va ta AM 1 0 Od 0 '1 W 11 9 AD 0 3 0 1 SAT go u F 0 0 0 01*0 0 0 00 00 0 o 0" 000 .0 0 0 o * 0 0 0 000 0 0 e * o a o;o O's 00 00 000 so 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 6 000 Soo GORTINSKA, T. V. GOFGINSKAj, T. V. - 112-Mercapto-4-Ardnobenzoic. Acid and Its Allied Compounds." Sub 23 Jun 52, All-Union S,,.i Res Chemicopharmaccutical Inst imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (MIDFI). (Dis9ertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 19")'2 .- - - - -- to SHCHUKINA, M.Xa;,_qQRR1jaA. T.V. Arovatic disulfides and wreaptans. I. 24broapto-"nitrobonsole &old and Its traneformtIone. Zhur. Obshchey Khlu. 22.1835-61 052. (CA 47 no.13:6366 153) (mm 5:11) 1. 8, Ordshoulkidse All-Union Cham, Pham. Inst., Moscow, GORTINSUTA, T.T.; MURAVOYEVA, K.M.; SHCWXINA, M.N. q , Derivatives of diasinsearboxylic acids. Zhur.obokhim.25 n0-12: 2313-2317 N 155- (KraA 9:4) lJoesoyamuff muchno-insledevatel'skiy khimike-farmatewrtiche- skly Institut Imeal B.Ordshenikidso. (DIazinee"boxylic &old) 1-:0 i:At I 111- 4--- Liu -AGA. D'~ wily k Av coq,pa- LTZriained by reduction of cthyt~:re ydrin Lnd niet'a nit rcduc- -yLitivr. off the rcsulting 3-arninciprap"llo!- tiwl nE vthvlen~ cya-mllydri% i~2 ca~riei 'Alt in a A~ ~-,Lrt mul the vuctl.,yL-ti*n iq donc Awl- C11,0 Irl GORTINSKAYA, T.T.; SAVITSKAYA, N.V.; SAMOLOTOVA, V.G.; TSIZIN, Yu.S.; b~'t~ini'n'g''ai'mot-hyl-a'minopropanol from ethylene cyanohydriu. Ned. ppm,,~jj~o,,4:23.-?5. Ap, 157t KLRA lo:6) nauchno- Issledovatel'skly kbialko-farmatsevticbeekly ineiitut Imeni S.Ordzbonlkldso. (PROPANOL) (HMAGRYUMITRILIC) Some d;rivaltivas ot d~.Zin nyi sulionj nd 4 hyAraxin,)Phc-.yl Z-4cotaml ('-5-t I- to iv t:--t r"nVf"~,f4m Of "Tr~ 79 A i M-~, A~l i w~dwf! .4 SAMOWVOVA, V.G.; YBRHOIAY3VA, V.G.; I)ORTIIMKATA, T.V,; YASEMKIY, V.G.; SHCHUINA, M.N. Smthents of astorol and other derivatives of aminotoxibeusthintoles. Med. Y)rom. 13 no.5:23-26 )V 139. (NIBA 12:7) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchuo-iseledovatellakly khimiko-farmatseyticheekly institut imeni S. Ordshouikidze. (THIAZOIA) SAMrDVOTA, Y.G.; GORTIIISUYA. T,T,; SHCHUXINA, M.N. Phenouxins, ftrt 1: Synthesis of some 10-substituted derivatives of phenoxasins. Zhur.ob.khis- 30 no.511516-1517 MY 160. (Km 13:5) 1. VoesorlsWy nauchno-Issledowatellskiy khimiko-farmateevticheakiy institut Imeni B.Ordshonlkidxo. (Asnoxxxins) GORTINSKAYA T V.; SHEINAI, N.P.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. Determination of the dissolution properties and the mechanical hardness of tablets. Materials for the 9th edition of the State Pharmacopoeia of the U.S.S.R. Mod, prom. 34 no.9:15~-23 S"60. (MA 13:9) 1 TABLETS (MEDICINE)) (DRUG INDUSTRY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) GORTINSKAYAt T.V.; SHEINAp N.F.j SHCHUKINA9 M.N. Some derivatives of 3-mthoxy-6-(oulfanilamido)-pyridazine. Med. prom. 14 no.9823-25 S 160. (KM 13:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy khimiko-farmatsevticheakiy inslitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (PYSIDA UMY4,?.T.: SHCIMIMI 14-M. Sommi derivatives of ryridmine. Zbur.ob.khlm- 30 no.5. iw-mo mr l6o. (MM 13:5) 1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-ineledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatenticheakiy lustitut imeni S.Ordshonikidze. (Pyridazine) SAMOIDVOVA, V.G.;_GORTINSKAU, T.V.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. ~ phezi.oxazine series. Part 3.- Glycide derivatives of phen=azinee 7.1mroobold"a 31 no*~:1492-3.497 IV 161. (KIRA 14W 1. Voesoyusnyy mobno-isoledovatellskiy Ichim' o-farmatmortichookly institut imni. B.Ordshonikidsee (Glycidol) (Phanoxazine) SAMOLOVOVA, V.G.;,GORTINSKAYAI--T..V-,, SHCHUKINA., M.N. Phonoxazone series. Part 6s Synthesis of some 10-substituted derivatives.of phanoxazine. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1085-1088 Ap '62. (KRA 15:4) 1. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy institut imeni B.Ordshonikidze. (Phenoxazine) NYHKOVAP V.G.; GORTIM',KAYA, T.V.; SHCHUMA, M.N. Synthesis of 2-chloro-3,4-diazaphenoxazine. Zhur. ob. khim- 34 nc.9: 3132 S 164. (MIRA 17; 11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-ioaledovatellskiy khixdko-farr:atsevticheskiy institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. SAMOWVOVAI V.G.; GORTINSKAYAO.;.Tl SHOHUKINAt M.N. Phenoxasine. Paft 7# Some 10-substituted phanczaniness Zhur. ob. khim, 34 no.Ut3791-3794 N w64 (MITIA 18il) f L 186a-6k -~IA(J)/FWT(m)/E;PF(c-)/E'dP(~j)/,EIIA(b-Y-2/EWA(c) A MAjEbblUNINR: AP5022536 UR/0366/65/001/009/1688/1691 547.867.8 AUTHOR: k4yrkova, V. G.; GortinskUa, T. V.; Shchukina. M. N. TITIZ: Synthesis of 3,4-diazaphenoxazole a new heterocyclic system SOURCE: Zhurnal organichaskoy khtmii, v. 1, no. 9, 1965* 1688-1691 TOPIC TAGS: heterocycljbase compound, organic synthetic process ABSTRACT: The reaction of 4-bromopyridazine-3,6-diol with phosphoryl chloride produced 3,4,6-trichloropyridazine. IThe condensation of 3,4,6-trichloropyridazine with o-aminoph formed 2-Chloro-;3,4-diazaphenoxazine (I), the structure of which is proved by reverse syntheses. The reactions performed and compounds ob~-~ tained are shown iti Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The synthesized compounds ate:, 3.4.6-trichloropyridazine; 2-chloro-3,4-diazaphenoxazine (I); 3.6-dichloro-4. (2'methoxyphenylamino)pyridazine (III);.3,5.dichloro-4.(21-hydroxyphenylamino)- .pyridazine (IV); 2-chloro-304-diazaphenoxazine (1); 3 0 6-dichloro-4-(21~&nitro- phenoxy)pyridazine (V); 3,6-dichlora-4-(20-aminophenoxy)pyridasine (VI); 306.: dichloro-4-(21-acetaminophenoxy)pyridazine (V1&); 3,6-dichloro-4-(21-acetoxy- phenylamino)pyridazine (M). .Orig.' art. hass I figure. .-Card_ l/ 4.- L 1869-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022536 ASSOCIATION: None SUMITTED: OMug64 ENCLs 02 SUB CODE ,NO REF SOV: 002 OV131t: 005 Card 2/4 11, NMOVAj V.G.; GORTIRSKAYA, T.V.; SHCHUXINA, M.N. Synthesis of the new heterocyclic system 3#4,-diazapbencocazole, Zhur. org. khim, 1 no#9:16S8-1691 8 165, (MLRA 18-12) 1. Submitted August Sp 1964. GORTINSKIY, G.B. Allelopathy and biogeocanology; biogeocenological approach to the problems of allelopathy. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.6:103-110 N-D 163. (MRA 17:1) is. GORTINSKIY, G.B. Factors Umiting seed germinatlon and seedling growth of the spruce Picea, excelea Link in the forests of the southern taiga, Bot,zbur. 1+9 no.lOtl389-1401 0 164o (MIRA 1891) 1. Laboratoriya lesovedeniya,, aelo Uspenakoye Mookovskoy oblasti, GORTSEVSKIY. Stepan-Androyevich [Hortsevslkyip S.A.); KUZIMINA, .F., red.; NEMCBWO, I.Yu*# tekhn. red@ (Susceptibility of young animals to diseases] Spryiniatly~- vist' molodniaka tvaryn do zakhvoriuvan'. 2,,j perer. i dop. vyd. Kyiv, DerzhaillhospvydavURSR, 1963. '65 Pe (MIRA 17:4) NOT 48 TLLAogeneratorb Generators, Electric *Ravi erw of Works of the Central Scientific Be-' search Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Ministry OfElectric-Power Plants," S. 14. Gor.tinakly, Eagr, 6 pp *Zlektrichestvo" No 11 Reviews work done by this laboratory In various fields Including: Investigation of the behavior of turbogenerators during lose,of excitation, self -synchronizing generators, drying generators 27/49TW USSR/Electricity (Contd) NOT 48 when they are standing, machine vibration, high- voltage arcs, frosting on cables,, and development of new apparatus. Z-1 902M, S#P., lnsh*nor; GORTINSKIT, S.M., rodakt*r-, FRINN, A.M., tokhnichookly rodakt*r. Lziectric water hooten and steam boilers] Xlektrichoskis vode- nagrovateli L parons k*tly. Moskva, G*s. onerg. isd-ve, 1954. r 123 Pillootric hoatIng) (Steam boilers) (KLRA 7.7) KHASIVSKIT, S.P.; GORTINSKIY, S.M., redaktor; SIVORTSOV, I.M., takhnicheakly redaktor. "~ [Automatic control in )Wdroolectric power ntation inatallations3 Avtomatika na sooruxhenilakh gidroolektrichookikh stanteli. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1954. 181 p. (MM 7-12) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Automatic control) ROZAKOV. G.M.; GORTINSKIT. S.M., red.; FRIDKIH, A.M., takhn.rede [Some problem of designing mechanical parts of overhead lines) Makotor'ye vopromy rescheta mokbanicheskoi chasti vozdushnykh linti. Moskva, Goa. energe izd-vo, 1954. 223, p. (MIRA 11:6) . (Ilsotric4lines-Overhead) 10M, Yevoey lilippoviob; OMMKIY, B.N., redaktor-, VORONIN, X.P., tekhnicheskly (Task* Involvid In the operation of high-tension substations] Oporativnalm, rabots, 9A podstenteltakh vysokogo napriatheniia. Isd. 2-o, perer. Koskva Go@. entrg. Isd-vo, 1954. 280 p. (NLRL 8:1) (Plectric substations) (Bloctric power distribution--High tension) LLYWANOVICH. Mikhail Mikhallovich. inshener; SMIRNOV, A.D., inshener, redaktor; SOWVIYZV, P.F., inzhener, redaktor; GORTIRSKIY, S.M., redaktor; VORONIN, K.P., tekbuicheskiy redaktor:~_~ (An electrician's handbook] Spravochnik alektromontera. Vol. 7. (installation of overhead electric lines with voltage up to 35 KWI Montash vosdushnykh linii slaktropersdachi do 35 kv. Pod obshchei red. A.D.Sairnova I P.F.Solovleva. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-vo. 1954. 302 p. (Iff-RA 8:1) (Zlectric line~--Overhead) S-di, KNACHkTRTAN, A.S.1 AB&DIZM. Tu.G.; ZOLOTMV, T.L.-. KONDAKHCHAN, V.S.; ATAMOV, G.I.; GABAMMLI, N.V.; SISOTAN, G.A.; MAKKARADER, G.K.; VOROHIN. A.V.; GORTINSUT, S.M.; KLRUULIBU, A.N. mmim6w9mgmpow Professor A.IA Ter-KhachAturov. A.S.Khachatrian ani others. Blektriohoe'tvo no.8:90 Ag 154. (KLRA 7:8) (Ter-Khachaturov, Artemii IAkovlevich, 1884- VOSTROMMOV, likolay Goorglyevich; 2=L=T,,. SeX.O redrAktor; VORONIN, K.P.1 tekl2nicheskly r 0 [Electric measurements] Blek-tricheakle lzmerenila. Moskva, Goa,-energ. lzd-yo, 1955c 191 P. (KOA 8:8 ) (Ilectric measurements) SOWVITLPV, Petr Fedorovich: 0ONDISKIT. S.M., redaktor: VORDNIN, K.P. tekhnicheekly redaktor P""W- [Principles of installation and operating electric equipment of indhistrial plants] Osnovy sontasha i skepluatateli elektro- obortt"vanlia pro-mVehlenaykh ustanovoyk. 3-e parer. i dopAsd. .. Moskva, Gos.energ. isd-vo. 191,5. 383 P. (MLRk 8:10) (Blectric engineering) GRIGOROYBTq Yurly Tsvg~u'ywv1chj GULIT's"mAT-M, Todin V24Aialrovicb; WITUIT.'Kenotantla Iloo'stantizovichl XOZMAN, SoO., re- dakt9rj r; TORONIN. XoPo. tokhalckemkly rodaktor* (Construction. of the boviet Unless's first ltpg d1stanoo 40 kllovp~t electric troantemloa Ila*] Stroltalletve pirvot v Sovetskon **Ins* daVael elektroperedaebi 400 kv.Ped 'redo I prodiel. U.5AWketianao mookwa, easoonarg.lad-ve, 1956. Po' (XLRA IOz6) (Blestr1o l1ass) VABILIKOV, Ivan Semenovich; G!FTjr MOVEDS7. L.Ta., tekIff.-F Aj_.M!,, red.; IGLITSYN, I.L., red.; [Development of electric power engineering in the U.S.S.R. during the last 40 years] Rasvitie elaktroenergetiki SSSB ze 40 let. Moskva, Goo. energ. isd-vo, 1957. 79 P. (MIRA 11:3) (Electrification) CC,e 7- 141 122. "I-= rTy SHWHOV, Bergey Fedorovich; 5 redaktor; CHMOV, tekbuicheskly redattor. ------Ommmm V.S., [White coal] B*Iyi U9011. Moskva, Gos.eaorg.isd-yo, 1957. 92 p. ~(XIRA 10:11) (Hydrool.ectric power stations) k 7'/ 41 SHTEYNGAUZ, Yevgeniy Oakarovich-, MIPTUSIrTY - S -M., redaktor; TISTROVA,O.N., redaktor; MYEZY, L.Ya., tekhnichemkty redaktor. [Basic indices of power supply of capitalist countries] Oanovve pokazateli energeticheakikh balansov kapitalisticheakikh stran. Roakwa, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1957. 103 P. (MIRA 10:11) (11*ctric power-Staltisties) GORTINSKIT, S.M., ins1hener (Maskva); SYRMWNIKOV, I.A., doktor takhniche- professor, Pbwer systems at a new level. ll*ktrichostvo no.10:1-4 0 157. Ollectric power) (NLIA 10:91 IONDAIHCHAN, Yak Sakovich: GORTINSKIT,_3,M., red.; J&moy, P'K" .. --- - (Operation of electric installations used for power station auxiliaries] Ekspluatataiia elaktrooborudavaniia sobstvannykh rmzhd alaktrostanteii. Moskva, Goe.energ.isd-vo. 1959. 207 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Ilectric power plants-Iquipment and supplies) 8 (0) AUTHORS: Ananiashviliq G. D.f Gabashvilij N. V., SOV/105-59-11-31/32 -1. M., Xurdiani, 1. S., Mimikonya Gortinsvi', nU, L. G., VUVrV. A., Ter-Khachaturov, A. Ya.9 Chkheidze, D. H., Min, L. Ye. TITLEz Ye. M. khv4idze (Deceased) PERIODICAL: Elektrioestvo, 1959, Wr 11, P 95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: JYegor Rukhvadzd died on August 9,- 1959, 45 years o d. ja~ur ;iaving completed his studies at the elektrotekhni- cheskiy fakul'tat Gruzinskogo industriallnogo inetituta (De- partment of Blectric;.Ll of the Georgian Industrial Institute) Ye. M. Rukhvadze worked in Sevastopolt and Tbilisi in the cantral laboratories of the Gruzenergo. In 1948 he assisted in the organization of the Tbilisskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateltakcmo institute, elektrifikatfAi aellskogo khozyeystva (Tbilisi Branch of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Electrification of Agriculture) which was later reorganized into the Gruzinskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut mekhanizateii i elektri- fikataii sellskogo khozyaystva (Georgian Scientific Research Card 1/2 Institute for the Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture). Ye. M. Rukhvadze (Deceased) SOV/105-59-11-31/32 Since 1,944 he worked at the Kaf edra Tsontral I nykh elektricheskikh L-1-1 , stantsiV i setey Gruzinskogo politakhniohoskogo instituta, (Chair of the Central Electric Power Plants and Networks of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute). There is I figure.