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GRASTYAN I -HASZNOS, T.;LISSAK, K.;MOLNAR, L.;RUZSONYI, Z. `7 RWO Activation of the brain stem activating system by vegetative afferonts; a preliminar7 report. Acta physiol. hung. 3 no.1:103-1022 1952. (CIML 24:3) 1. Of the Institute, of Pbysiology of Pecs University. pow of by h#UotL r. Grast)IR7 tMi OLL. Hasinos, and L. oInAr (Acta thysial. Ated. Ser. K It. . H. kuxg., 1963, 4.' 241 -252).-Simultancous stimulation of the motor cortex and the hypothalamus by two square wave stimulatorii with a stereotactic Instrument in cats under ether, chloralose, or Evipan were carried out and the foreleg flexion elicited by motor cortex stimulation, arterial blood pressure and lung ventilation were recorded, Tho exiMence of independent and coherent somato- motor inhibitory system was demonstrated in the region of the tuberal nuclei; area pre-aptica, also in the septal nuclei as well as in the lateral put of the caput nuclei caudati. A parallelism was regularly seen between inhibition and parasympathetic modification of blood pressure and lung ventilation. A close functional Inter. dependence of the fachitatory anti inhibitory systems was proved by pQst-stimulatury rebound .and proton .ged periodical fluctuationl. A. B. L BzzxAic. GMSTYAN, E. .00, Anabils of Is .. rastyin, U., 'Lissft, and V1 un 4. 253-239).-The ifects 0 the stimulati at v =,.j,),oints in the hypothalamus on thp movements ill th IIn lc 'y stimul- ation of the*motor cortex together wit a I pr uro and long ventilation were rre-corded in ca un ler a h and Evi an anamthesta. Square waves of intensities varying between 2- 1 V. and frequencies 24 to 192 C)Cies/5ec. were used- Reaction reversal In the case of direct hypothalamic stimulation is a function of the Intensity of the stimulus and is clue to current disluo-mion. At voltages not leading to disperslon.a. change in frequency influences only the site but not the direction of the reaction. It ii concluded that two systems, a facilitating and an inhibiting, forming a func- tional unit exist in thv hypnthalamus. A. 13. 1- BKzNAK. G,-,,', S Tl,', a: , ~ 5. -~Irastypmn, E. Lis--aak, --ol;mit, L. "The furctional reLition lbotv-3on cyrus chn-~ 'ili an cau-11ate Ln 11-hf,. cA." P. 261. 0, - - 3 'i i (Actu Ph-~;siolo~:icn JIc.II,-.-.,JLac 3ciolAiamu.1 'i~-11-1~~Q-Lcan. O.L. ',:, 110. )114, 1-953, ;U,--,1':-!st-) SO: rionth,]-T Liot, or !bast Eurore-,,~n Acccz;s.Ioris, Vol. 2, f"o. ), Librvxry Cor.,,-rcss, Sapte.-aber 1953, Uncl. GRotSTYAN, A.; MOISAR, L. Xxperimental studies on the handedness of cat. Acta plWelol. hung. 6 no-2-3:301-311 1954. 1. AWsiologleches Institut und Nourologisch-Psychiatrische KlInIk der Kedisinlechen Univereltat, Pace. (CATS handedness, extremital dominance) (HOMMMS extremital dominance In cats) GR"TTAN, Indre; KOLNAR, Laszlo Axperlsiontal study of hands4noss in cat. limerletom orrostud. 6 no.6:541-548 Nov 54. 1-Pecoi Orvostudo&wWt BlettanI Intesets, Ideg-, on Blaeklinlkaja. (HANMMSS in cats) MEMI, Ferenc. dr.; GRASTTAN, Andre, dr.; HASZNOS, Tivadar, dr. The significance and treatment of increase of Intracrantal pressure following cranial injuries. Nagy,. sebeezat 7 no.l: 53-59 Feb 54. 1. A Facet OrvostudomwTl Iffeten Ideg-se Illemaklinikajanak as Bletiani Intsietensk kozlenenys. (MAIN, wds. & inj. causl~g Increase of Intracranial pressure, ther.) (WOUNIDS AND INJIM33S brain, causing Increase of intracrantal pressure, ther.) (CMBROSPIUL FLUID, pbysiol. pressure Increase following cerebral Inj., t.her.) GRASTYAN, E.,; LISSAK, K.,; SZABO, J. Cortical electrical manifestations of diencephalic inhibition. Acta physiol. hung. 7 no.3:187-198 1955. 1. Institute of physiology, University Medical School, Pecs. (RUCTROINCIPHALOGRAM, cortical manifest. of diencephalic inhib) (DINNGIPHALON, physiology, cortical manifest. of diencephalic inhib., XW) (UMMAT CORTEX. physiology, cortical manifest. of diencephalic inhib., BUG) MOLNAR. Laszlo; GRAS7TAN, Andre AxperimenfiWIVS. on the physiology of the grasping reflex. Ideg. sseffile 8 no-3:74-78 June 55. 1. A Pecei Oryostudovianyi 3ffetem Ideg - so Slaskliniimjanak (Igasgato: Dr. Jorzqey Istvan) as Blettani Intexetenek (Igaxgato: Dr. Lissak Kalman) koslemanys. (RuLIX grasping reflex, localization of regulatory centers in cats (Hun)) MOLNAR, Laszlo. dr.; SCHAB, Razoo, dr.; GRASTYAN, Indre, dr. Effects of ligation of the carotid and vertebral arteries on the process of experimental epileptic selzures in cats. Tdeg. szemle 9 no.i:li-i6 Feb 56. 1. A Pecal Orvost. J~ystem Ideg- as 11jokortant Klinik. (irax. Dr. Kornyey, Istvan). valamint Mettani Inter. (Igaz. dr. Lissak Kalwn) kozl. (WILAPSY, exper. off. of ligation of carotid & vertebral arteries in cats. (Hun)) (ARTMIES, GAROTID, physiol. off of It tion on exper. epileptic seizures In 0 'T cats. (]Run ) (ARTERIES, VINIBRAL. PbYstol. same.)) 7 ~1. Facuitallatt Ind Irthiliff.10A ct~ coluutian, j7 defettsivo rdla~.44 by gimWAd'an of th-1 hy "k.- 14 am- t. drs'proi tbat .0i!iOnt lir-pljo Mal- ubcortic,04 21 Z(b'Orlt:1621 of"Conditi,ricd k tbe J, afthaltyp6tWainui and reticu),ir (armatloc in.their :11jow riNt: ivas studii:4, hi.order to differentiate 'Pecific ti lig ther cortex 'Lild thc cffact~l - from those non-$ wei Ica atAlva v livriplieral viotat'Autit. hypiAltalam vLnd foxioatioa mcas ..wct4~cIcCtdra1Iy titimuUted -wilue thil -pt perfamu'd one of buo antagop stic'(pul alitnentary aad a.4efctuiivc) mAijoned Imhavinur dawnted- The, siteis of atterm L614,~A) deiitffied. clupgB in the O'C's. atilntilatid" -wirv-ilso simllliallooll5ly rccoriled, Stimulittioil of thz!ie areas o"1 I IIVIICC Co ITA Ito stlintilatiolli of:4 Atvon pwnt~ [pitt "Ila )I tic ullect quaw polnt~; (;Ylt wit pr ot ng,mn Iti lactli k"i I -w-111PItto ed tt; DOW stimuli ris ;Oilif 16kti!( rtspollso, z~audlioll, .-C grs: it tu i, diamcker 61 the OLIngez] In the-excitibility 61 titic amiula*Ld ~,6ucl.ulvs. The, bypni m dlffwi~ W. ((.n a I vxi,~ r"r th-11 cumlilivood 4WO itild efulve 7 1!JA K it ) Ifft Witt iflofted di, - On %7- d twm n: 0i"ki all 114d(get" _ , j _172 Ai 4d sa ~ , - 'nit wczctian was A id . . , - * iii ;i 2diffib6 d l d ; i cond ui on ittlioan i. Nrnlanclit L44j~ ro stimu , tj Pits Iverc i(Wrtxf intot6~iortcx, 2 paiN into the motor, cue into the auditory cortex. Electrical stimulation of thr. anifitlwy cortex witk or shortly after the fjoz;j.J%e couditiom.41 ~,und 1.timui U:% inhibitedlh~~coiidffijuvd Lalivw-, r~_spjtv~e II ule ~-nc C!c;uical %tinwlati~q vnao U:~Cd aft,!r Ole -is a F;xonaafv coltiltionco Stifnalus. it 66ted a o3ail Itlo lied salt,azv oj, 4:aJimuW-i. r1cetrical !5tivlu~ Erspilmi!s ft.aving b&-me act Atioue ation,of the audlb~ry Ode.% alone eillo;?,rve k.5 canditirved stimulus. 13. 1. B91VAic :7 T~ P /I LISSAK, K.; GUSTYANv- &+---140LNAR, L.; KWMI, F.; SZABO, J.; VXIMY, G. Significance of the hypothalamus and hippocampus in the higher nervous activity. Cesk. fysiol. 6 no.4:461-466 Nov 57. 1. Pysiologicky ustav lekarske fakulty. Pecs. PredneBeno na Pnvlovovsken zasedani v Mpsku 2. 12. 1955. (HIMGAWM, physiology, in higher nervous activity (Cs)) (HYPOTHAIAMM, physiology same) , (GETMAL M110US SYSTM, physiology higher nervous activity, role of hippocampus & hypothal (CZ)) sec.2 V01.10/10 Oct 4399. GRASTYAN E., LissAK K., K9KESI F., SZAB6 J. and VEREBY 1. Pdcsi urvostud. Egyet.Elettani Intez., Pd4cs. I Adatok a hippocampus fiziol6giAjdhoz. Physiology of the hippocampus KISER L. ORVOSTUD. 1957, 9/1 (88-99) Graphs 7 Illus. 2 The role of the hippocampus in higher nervous activity was studied in acute and chronic experir,.!nts on cats. With electrical stimulation of various types under acute and chronic conditions It was found In contrast to the effects demonstrated from the hypothalamus and the reticular substance, that hippocampal stimulation inhibits in a non-reciprocal manner the spontaneous and reflexmovements and the antagonistic conditioned reflexes (feeding and defensive reflexes). Similar effects of opposite nature in the function of the 2 regions were observed with stimulation during deep natural steep. Variations in electrical function of the cortex were ana- lysed parallel with the motor and behavioural changes. Some conclusions as to the physiological significance of hippocampal inhibition are drawn. VMMY, Gy. 1. F. ; GRASTYAN, 3. Comparative studies on the activation systems of hippocampuB and brain stem by stimulation and ING analysis during natural sleep. Acta physiol. hung. ll(Suppl):21-22 1957. l..Physiologisches Institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Pecs. (HIPPOCAMPUS. physiol. activation system during sleep, studies by electric stimulAtion & IM in exper. animale (Ger)) (BRAIN STM. physiol. activation system of reticular form. during sleep. studies by electric stimulation & RIG in exper. animals (Gar)) (SIJMP, pbysiol. activation systems of hippocampus & reticular form. during sleip, studies jy electric stimulation & AEG in exper. animals (Ger)) EX.CERM .MEDICA See 2 Vol 12/4 Phy3lology Apr 59 1343. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HIPPOCAMPUS - BeitrAge zur Physiologie des Hippocampus - Grastydn E- . Lisalk K. , Kdkesi F. , Szabd J. and Vereby 1. PRy-siol. Inst. der Med. Univ., P#cz - PHYSIOL.BOHEM. 1958. 7/1 (9-18) Graphs 5 Illus. 2 Electrical stimulation of the hippocRmpus of cats inhibits spontaneous and reflex motor activity and conditioned reflexes. Hahn - Prague _IK- 41 BAUFAR, Miklos, dr.; GRAS indre.'U. Registration of acoustic Oevoked potentials" during the formation of conditioned food reflexes. Pal-orr-gegeaoa 7 no.1:10-17 F '61. 1. A Pecei Orrostudomanyt Bgyetem Ful-orr-gegeklinikajanak (Kb. i,gasgato: Duchou Jeno dr.) so Ilettani Intezetenek (Igasgato: Lissak Kalman dr.. egyat. tanar~ koslamenve. (XMAX C.ObIlIONED) GRASTYAN, Endre, az orvostudomanyok kandidatuBa; BAUER. Miklos Changes in the produced potentials of auditory and visual cortices during the development of a momenta-.7 relationship. Biol or7 kozl MTA 12 no.i/2:ul-147 161. 1. Feesi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete as Orr-Ful-Gege Klinikaja. MOBT) K.; GRASTYAN, E. EEG and behavioral studios of "bacward conditioning" in cats. Acta physiol. hung. 20 no.1:27-.40 161. 1. Phyaiologisches Institut der K3dizinisclien Universitat, Pecs. (REFLL'X,- CONDITIONi-M) GRASTYAN, E.; YJJ3MOS, G. A study of a possible "dreaming" mechanism in the cat. Acta physiol. hung. 20 no.1:41-50 161. 1. Instituto of ghysiology, Medical Uhiversity, Pecs. (DREVS) j(BRAIN physiol) (SLEEP Ohysio-1) LISSAK, K.; KARMOS, G.; _QW-TIA". A peculiar dream-like stage of sleep in the cat. Activ. nerv. sup. 4 no.3/4t347-352 162. 1. Institute of P .hysiology, Medical University of Pecs. SLEEP) (DREAMS) (ME SENCEPMLON) t, (RETICULAR FORMATION) (HIPPOCA~FUS) KOPA, J.; SZABO, I.; GRASTYAN, E. A dual behavioural eff ect from stimulating the same ths 1 ami a point vith identical stinaus parameters in different conditional reflex situations. Acta physiol. acad. sci. hung. 21 no-3:20`7-~214 162. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Pecs. (AVOIDANCE LF"ING) (THALAMUS) (REFLEX, CONDITIOhED) KARMOS, G.; GRASTW, E. Influence of hippocampal lesions on simple and delayed conditional reflexes. Acts. physiol. aced. sci. hung. 21 no.3:215-224 162. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Pecs. (HIPPOCAMPUS) (REFLEX, C01WITIONED) MLASTYAN.. &dre,, dr., egyetc7d tarar,, az or7ostudomanyok kand.:,Aatusa. i PhIysiology of animal behavior. Elovi-lag 8 no.2sl6-26 Mr-Ap163. 1. Pecsi O~vostudomanyi EMtem Elettani Inteze-te. '11~~ HU-wG'juy KLINGMRG, Fritz., of -the Clinic for Neurolo~Sr and Psychiat~.-y at Karl Marx University (Neurologisch-Psychiatrische Kliuik, Karl-Marx Uni- versitat) in Leipzig, Germany, aud GRASTYAN' Endre of the Institute-' for Biology at the Medical Universit~ ( )rvostUd0UIaUYi Egyeteia Elettaui IntuLete) in Pecs. "Changes of Optic-Evoked Potentials During Conditioning, and Their Rela- t4on to the Conditional Startle Reaction" Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientivirum Hun6aricae., Vol 23, No 2, 1963, P-.o. 115-135- Abstract- (English article; authors' English surnmaryl Similarly to sound stinali, startle reactions are elicited by conditional light sti- muli in an eaxly phase of development of -~he conditional adversive reflex. A:t the time of appearance of the startle reactions, 8eneral motor inhibition, a decreased cortical electric&-' tone, and an imcrease of the late-surface negative waves of the evoked potential can be ob- served. It is suggested that a cco-mon mechanism is represented by this 1/2 L~ .'J EUNWY Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiw:urn Hun~_aricae., Vol 23, 11o 2, 1963, PP- 115-135. Potential component, the human 'nonspecific elactroencephaloor&r res- ponse', and by the recruiting potential. On the basis of the decreased cortical tone accompanying the conditionall startle reactions, the con- clusion Is drawn that as to its mechanism the startle ionsists of a subcortical irradiation process released by cortical inhibition. The mec.lunism of the startle reaction is considered to play an important role in the development of tbe conditional re..PlQx, and at the seme time to bo oaa of the earliest somatic conditional ri"ifestatiors. Forty-five refereaces, '.ncluding 2 Rusoian, 2 Haugaritut, 2 Gcruip-a, and 39 Western. 2/2 rHOGARY GPU~STYAIT- Eadre, EAYXdULILA.., G.T., and ANGYAN, Lajos, of the Institute at. the Mledacal University (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Eletzaai ruca. "Functionall Significance of the Recruiting Potential Mechanism When Used as Conditional Stimulus for the Elaboration of the Avoidance Reflex" Budapest, Acta Phy.~;iologica Academiae Scientiaxurr, Huntz,,iricae Vol 23, No 2, 1963, pp. 155-10'7. Abstract: (Zafglish article; authors' English summary, abbreviated] A stimulation eliciting recruiting potentials caa be used successfully for coaditioning.The essential factor was apparently the aftereffect of the stimulation rather than the stimulation itself. There was an inver3e relation between the prominence of the recruiting response and its capacity to become a conditional signal. Stimulation itself had a dorect inhibitory effect on the conditional reflex. A dominantly in- hibitory mechanism, is represented by the recruiting potential. Four- teen referenceo, including 2 Hungarian and 12 Western. U/l _j _H U I-,TG A RY ANGY0, lajos, GFUIS [AN,_&idx_e, Institute of Physiology, Medical Uni- versity, Pecs (Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani intezete, Pecs). "Changes of Recruiting Potentials During Avoidance Conditioning." Budapest' kcta Physiologica Acaderiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol XXIII, No 3, 1963, pages 297-303. Abstract:[En.glish article; Authors' English summary] The influence of psychologically different situations of avoidance conditioning on the recruiting potentials was studied in cats. Two opposite change were ob- served durina conditions of hiaher emotional excitement, one consisting. of a decrease, the other of an increase of amplitudes of recruiting- type potentials. Morphological differences were found between the poten- tials showing these opposite effects. The potentials-showing a decrease were found to be pure surface negative, the other potentials biphasic, with an early positive component. It is inferred that this last type rapresented augmienting responses and it is concluded that, despite some common characteristics of both potential forms, they represent differ- ent mechanisms. 2 Hunaarian, 7 Western references. _j CZOPFI.T.; XJWTXAN,];,_,_, The effect of septal lesions on simple and delayed conditioning in cats. Acta physiol. acad. sci. limg. 24 no.3013-319 164 1. institute of Physiology,. Modical University,,, Pecs. ip !W'ij7;R, VI.; GRASTYAN, E. Simultaneous elahoration of approach and avolrarf--e c-ndlitioning In the same experimenta.' s-ituation Coz, cats. ,h-ioL. acad. scL. Hung. 25 no-1:53-60 t 6z,. 1. institute of Physiology, University GRASTYAN E.- CZOPF#J.1 ANGYMI, L.; SZABO, I. A= t The significance of subcortical motivational mechanisms in the organization of conditional connections. An attempt at the physiological interpretation of the basic mechanism of motiva- tion. Acts, physiol. acad. sol, 11unge 26 no,lt9-46 165 1. Institute of Physiology, University Medical School, Peas. KAR40S,G.; GRASTYAN,E.; LOSONCZY,Hajna; VERECZKEY,L.; GPOSZ,J. The possible role of the hippocampus In the organization of the orientation reaction. Acts. physiol. acad. sai. thing. 26 no.l: 131-141 165 1. Institute of Physiology, University Medical School, Peas. L1111GYMI t L.; GW.STYAN, E. Some electrical correlates of drive processes elicited from median thalamic structures. Acts. physiol. acad. sel. Hung. 26 no.3.tl49-155 165 1. Institute of Physiology, University Medical School, Fees. ACC NR: AT6033345 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/01-/Oi AUTHOR: Crastyan, E.; 'Vzopf, J.; Angyan, L.; Szabo, I. ORG: InsUM&-eof-Physiology, Medical University of Pecs (Pecsi Orvoetudomanyi Egyetem, Elettani Intezet) TITIE: Significance of subcortical motivational mechanisms in the organization of conditional connections. Attempt at the physiological interpretation of the basic mechanism of motivation (Paper presented at the symposium of the Hungarian Physiolop; Society held in Budapest from 2-3 July 19631 SWRCE: Academia scientiarum hivngi%riono. Aetn phynlologAea, v. 26, no. 1-2, 1965, 9 TOPIC TAO: cotiditioned reflex, cat, brain, neurophysiology, electrophysiology A13SIRACT: The basic neural mechanisms of motivation have been investigated in cats by electric stimulation of diencephalic and mesencephalic structures in a dual conditional reflex environment. Two elementary and antagonistic mechanisms were demonstrated behind the apparently homogeneous motivational effects elicited by the stimulations, termed pull and push effects, and they were shown to be interconnected inseparably. The possible neural organization responsible for the complex inter- relationships of the two motivational sub-systems were discussed on the basis of analysis of several experimental facts. It is pointed out that both ihe pull and push effects can organize conditional connections corresponding to their nature, with external stimuli active at the moment of their existence. An attempt has been made at a physiological interpretation of Ifullfs drive reduction hypothesis. The importance of the arrest reaction in the formation of instrumental conditioned reactions is pointed out. Orig. art. has: 11 figures. (Orig. art. in Eng.) (JPRS] SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATEi none / ORIG REF: 007 SOV REF: 001 OTH REFt 025 Card L h5411-66 ACC NR, AT6033354 SOURCE CODE: -liU/2505/65/04-6/01-/0131/0141I AUTHOR: Kamos, G.; Grastyan, E..; Losonczy, Hajna; Vereczkey, L.; Grosz, J. ORG: Institute of P ~Ysiol~ogy, Wdical University of Pecs (Pecsi Orvostud omanyi E t Elettani Intezet) WT"Possible ro~g of the hippocampus in the orgakiization of the or entatioR.13a his paper present at the ' posium of the Hungarian Physiological Aociety apest from 2 to 3 Jiily 1963F SdTME: Academia scientiarum hu-ingaricae. Acta physiologica, v. 26, no. 1-2, 1965 131-14 TOPIC TAGS: electrophysiology, brain, cat, neurophysiology 'ABSTRACT: - BehavioraL, and electrophysiological findings have been presented concerhing the func-\ tion of the hippocampus. It was found In unrestrained cats wi6 implanted electrodes that, in contrast to the generally accepted view, hippocampal carousal is characterized b~ desynchronization similar to that of the neo- cortex and not by theta waves. An analysis of the relationship between the .orientation reaction and hippocampal theta activity revealed that unfamiliar stimuli in a familiar environment did not elicit an orientation reaction. The. latter could be elicited only by stimuli having a conditional signal property. The hippocampal theta rhythm was found to bp a concomitant of the .orientation reaction. An intensification of the latter was observed after .hippocampal lesions. A multiple-choice delayed reflex could not be elaborated in cats with hippocampal lesions while the reflex elaborated before the lesion was impaired only temporarily. The possible function of. the hippocampus and the significance of the theta rhythm have been discussed. The authors thank the "Muszerg'ari Muvek", Eaztergom, Hungary for the loan of the frequency analyzer. Orig. . has: 10 figures. Orig. art. in Eng.] (JPRS) SUB CODh: fP6 / SUBM DATE: non6 / ORIG REF: 004 / SOV REF: 001 / OTH REF: 010 L -1 -. .69-66 NR: _j~66333_56 SOURCE CODE: HU/2505/65/026/01-/0149/0155!, ~2 AUTHOR: Angyan, L.;_gr ORG: Institute of Physiology, Medical University of Pecs (Pecsi Orvostudomanyi-'~/ Egyetem, Elettani Intezet) TITLE: Some electric 1 correlations of drive processes elicited from the median thalamic structures 4hLis paper presented at the Usium of the Hungarian Physiolog- ical Society held in apest from 2 to 3 July 196 SOURCE: Academia scientarum hungarione, Acta physlologrica,'V.'260 no.1-2,1965# 149-155 TOPIC TAGS: brain, electrophysiology, neurophysiology ABSTRACT: The role of midline thalamic structures in the conditioning process has been studied using the recruiting potential as an indicator in three different ways. 1. Recruiting responses were elicited in two psychological opposite situations of avoidance conditioning in order to evaluate the influence of different environmental factors on the potential mechanism. 2. Low frequency stimulation of the centrum, medianum, reuniens and ventralis anterior nerves was used as a conditioned signal and in variations in the morphology of the potentials accompanying the development of conditioning were analyzed- 3- Stimulations were applied to activate a pre- established avoidance or approach conditioned reaction, and the potential configura7 tions at which activation was reached were compared with potential configurations not reaching the threshold of activation. The observations suggested that, despite their common characteristics, different parts of the diffuse thalamic projection system represent different mechanisms. A double functional representation of the region of the centrum medianum and its possible role in the conditioning process is discussed. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [Orig. art. in Eng.] (JPRS1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1. fV CRIJU, Ironst. . . 1*1 - Pr-trlbul*~- , il. tt.- " +1 fauna of the Upper-JeMiBic in- the Hagimas MountainB. Anal St Jassy II 10:71-~� 164. 1. ""Uejavulll Research ~Itaticn, -Pin-arati. Submitted October 26-27, !963. GRASU, Gheorghe From the experience of the front-rankers in socialist competition. Constr Buc 16 no.742:2 742 28 March 1964. 1. Fabrics. de ciment "Stincall din Braila. ACCESSION NR: A?402473Z S/0109164/0091003/OSZA/053Z _; Or&yevskiy. A. K. AUTHOR: Grasyuk,,A_q.,Z,~~ TITLE: Transients in numer SOURCE: Radioiakhnika i alcktronika, Y. 9. no. 3. 1964, S24-S32 TOPIC TAGS: maser, maser transient , maser transient theory, maser transient experiment ABSTRACT: A theoretical and experimental investigation of transients occurring, in a maser is reported. from the moment of e n t r y of the active-molecule beam into the resonator. Equations are developed which describe the transients; the form of these equations is similar to that of equations describing quasi- stationary conditions. It is found that the effect of the beam intensity on the quiescent time and the total transient time is stronger than the corresponding effect on the steady-state amplitude; this permits using the method of a tude. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4024732 transient characteristics for balancing beam intensities in two-beam masers. The phase and frequency in a maser are established in a different manner than is the amplitude. which should be borne in mind when dealing with the various methods of aliGaing a maser f or its radiation line. The oscillating nature of the theoretical amplitud:e curves provides some reason to believe that an auto-i modulation made is possible in a waser under certain conditions. "The authors wish to thank A. V. Uspenskiy ior his comments. 11 Orige art. has: 9 figures and 21 formula&. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 28jun6Z SUB CODE: PH. Card Z/2 DATE ACQ: 10Apr64 NO RAW SOY: 906 ENCL: 00 OTHER: - 001 SU13 CODE%; A04 AdGESSION NR: AP4019968 S/0020/64/154/006/130311305 AUTHORS:..Qrasyuk,--A-Z-; Zuyev, V.S.; Kokurin, Yu.L.; Kryukov, P.G.; Kurbasov, V.V.; Lobanov, V.F.; Moxhzherin, V.M.; Sukhanovs4i A.N.; Cherny*kh, N.S.; Chuvayev, K.K. 1,TITLE: O'ptical moon ranging SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,g v. 154, no. 6, 1964, 1303-1305 TOPIC TAGS: lasert ruby laser, moon rangingg moon light reflectiong celestial ranging,optical ranging .ABSTRACT: The paper describes the preliminary results-of moon ranging with a ruby laser. For the transmission and reception of ~the light pulses, a telescope was used with a mirror diameter of 2.6 M. (see Fig. I of died Enclosure)'$ In law wed was developed by V. S. Zuyev ndI :P.M. Kryukov and had the following parameters: wavelength 6943 , - 1 pulse energy 50 to 70 joules, pulse dufation 2 *Vsec, diameter .11of the beam 3.1 mm.I, and divergence 31 B taking into consideration ;# b the light'scattering in the atmospher tle diameter of the spot on the moon is estimated to be 14 km. For the detection of the signal, cpaL ,1ACCESSION NR.- AP4019968 a photomultiplier cooled with dry ice was used. The signal to noise ratio was 0.16. Therefore, statistical treatment was necessary.* The authors bblieve that the results prove the reality of the re- flected signal. "The authors are grateful to corresp. members A. G Basov and A. B"'Severny*y, and to B. I. Belov, F. Kh. Nipr-atullin of the Lebedev Phys. Institute, and to V. B. Nikonov, V.-K. Prokof"v. P. P. Dobronraving N. V. Stesheuko, and B. P. Abrazhevskiy of the Cr~mean Astrophysics Obser-Vatory." Orig. art. has: 1 figure., ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva Akedemli nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics, AN SSSR), Kry*mskaya astrofiziche3kaya *1observatoriya akademii nauk SSSR (Crimean-Astrophysics Observatory, i AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: O5Nov63 ATD PRZ~Si '3047* ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: za, AA NO RZF SOVC-00~ OTHERs OW 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4019968 ENCLOSURE 1 01 .4 1/3 Fig. 1. Diagram of unit for optical moon ranging T - Telescope; OKG - optical quantized g-- I terator; L, matching Ions; Z - throvover I mirror; D diaphragm; IF - interference fll-~ terl FZY eleetron.photosultiplierl OK dry ice container, L 53581-a6,5- ACCESSION,NE' AP5oi42R6,,. :i ~l Z- I . ON NR., AP ACMSSI 5 1 it AF 2. spectral line of-GaAs ford Fig4 14 ~v various taues of pumping p er.. 43 Me scale along-the ordinate axis differs-for varibus.curves: the curve 3 is much great M&Ximum at er APR -at,curve that AW "OW-9k w Ow %A i Mii 4/4 I - 1 ~ - - -X~ ~.- ,I I".'~ -- : --I-,- , 1-~.. - . - . - ... J -, - :T-,~~- ~ , !. - - ~ I e , . - . . I -- - . . - . ~ '. 1- :1 - - --. ..- 7- - . , :~ : . I - - - . I ~, ~; - , -- --- -- t" , - " I I - ~- I '- ~ - - - = --- - - . i L 946o-66 ~BD/EWT(I)/EWP(e)/EViT(m)ZEEC(k) A;VP(t)/EWP(k)/EWP(b)/EV1A (m)-2/EWA(h) ACC NRs AP6000868 SCTB/IJP(c) WGIM sona com UR/0181/65/OOT/012/3639/36hc AWHOR: Basov, N. G.; Gr4sy uk, A. Z.; Zubarev, I. G.; Katulin, V. A. , , -Y YY ORG: ?bysics Institute im. P. N. Le&dev, Acadeqr of Liences SSSR (Fizi.cheskly institut Akademii nauk SSSH) TITLE: Laser action in CdS due to optical excitation by radiation from a 13Lby laser zelyy 71 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3639-364o TOPIC TAGS: laser, semiconductor laser, ruby laser, nonlinear optics, two photoq absorption ABSTRACT: Laser action is reported in CdS excited by a ruby laser at 77K. Since the energy of photons of incident radiation (A = 1.78 w) is smaller than the width of the forbidden gap (2-5 ev), two-photon absorption was responsible for laser action. A 5 x 3 x 3 mm sample forming a FAbry-Perot,cavity was excited by radiation from a 1-j ruby laser (pulse duration 'u50 nsec). The emission spectrum from US at various pump densities (see ng. 1) is similar to that of electron-beam-pumped CdS. The broadening of the oscillation line with higher pump power vas attributed to an in- crease in the number of modes; however, a resolving power of 11 did not make it pos- r-.A I /P L 9460-66 ACC NR, AP6=868 Fig. 1. The emission spectrum of CdS 40 - excited by a ruby laser. The pump power 'j- 4-1 1 density: 1 and la - 60; 2 - 80; 4:30 - is 3 - 600 Mw/cm2. The vertical scale is 0 different7 for different curves.- . 20 - MI r4 4940 4960 4909 5500 5020 sible to observe the different modes. At-100 MV/cm2 emissfon occurred throughout the thickness of the crystal. Orig. art. has: 'I figure and 1 table. (CS] SIUB CODE: 20 suBm DATE: 15may65/ ORIG REF: oo4/ ATD PRESS:4/~~ E-~fxy'% s~(%. GPAl';*l0Y-, ZUBARLT, J.'%; K~~TUL!Vlj V.A. klener,itlon in 'ji-As in the -Pae ot two-phot-on ortical exfat~t- tion by ractiation frurk ~~ lpeev rperating tm neodymi~ glas S. v red. "him. eks-pr. -1 ter~ct. f~z. I ro.4,,-29=-33 (M' A 8:' 1 1. Ftzloheskiy Institut 1-moni L.~-bpdnva AN SSSP.. Su'mitled 16P 1965. ~c ml rn ixor, 7 1r!'. L 21390-66 BE C (k)2 /E'6T (k),"EWTIIF BD/T I,1P(c) WIJ 9c; ACC NR: AT6009312 SOURCE CODE: UR/2504/65/031/000/0074/00.11 AUTHORS: Basov, N. G.; Grasyuk.. A. Z.; Zubarev, I. G.; A Tevelev, L. V.- ORG; JjMysics Institute Im. F. N. Lebedev Academy of Scienc SSSR (Flzicheskiy institut Akademii nauk'sur TITLE: Regenerative optic quantum amp -lifiers SOURCE: AN SSSR. Fizicheskiy institut. Trudy v. 31, 1965. Kvantovaya radiofizika. antum radio -95 (Qu pbyzicsl 74 TOPIC TAGS: -laser application, image amplification, molecular il amplifier,,ruby.laser,, amplifier design, quantum electronica, electronic amplifier, coherent light, light emission. ABSTRACT, . An optical quantum ampllf ier is def ined as a device in which h 'ent light c o er emission is amplified by using the laser principle and,the authors deal with the properties of regeneratlive optic quantum amplifiers and ways of their practical utilization. The a sa rticle,,is devoted to.the fundamental theoretical relations neces ry--__7 Card 1/21,' L23390_66 ACC NR: AT6009312 to,estimate the property of ucb amplifiers, and to results of.ex- perimental investigations ofseertain amplifier schemes and their main characteristics Theoretical relations ave obtained for the -1 gain and bandwidth of regenerative amplifiers operating in one mode and for the sensitivity of the regenerative amplifier (with and without account of mode,,spectrum in the resonator). In addition,* the authors report an experimental investi -gation of a regenerative optical quantum amplifier, using a Q-switched ruby laser, the ampli-! fier itself being operated with and without Q switching. Several I models of the amplifier were tested -for gain, bandwidth, and for. A operation as an image intensifier. Orig. art. has-: 12 figures and J.-36 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ ORIG REF: 021/,- OTH REF: 017 SUBM DATE: none/ Card --------- -- - - L ACC 13R(n) VIM 07829 CE CODE: bi/0120/66/ooo/001/0156/0158 AUTHOR: Grasyuk ! A. Z.";.Zubare-v, 1. G. ORG: Physics Institute,AN SSSRi Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Tuning of a multimirror optical resonator SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1, 1966, 156-158 TOPIC TAGS: laser resonator, multimirror resonator, resonator tuning ABSTRACT: A method of tuning multimirror resonators which are a part of lasers ;elqj~ and regenerative quantum amplifiers is described. The equipment used in the method (see Fig. 1) consisted of a light source-i diaphragm, lens, autocollimator, and several mirrors. The method calls for 1) a proper selection of the direction of the collimated beam; 2) crossing of the AC and DF beams at a point B by means of mirrors M2 and M3; 3) proper arrangement of auxiliary semitransparent mirro, r M4; and 4) placement of the working surface of M 1 at a point B. When these steps are taken, the autocollimator produces a pattern which indicates a properly tuned Card 1/3 uDc: 621.378 ACC NRt AP6007829 M? 0 Fig. 1. Equipment used in "he meth od. c fUMD C~Mm L ~1d and d C~ IC, ON Diaphr 1 and 3 2 agms with diameters of 5 mm, respectively; L -s collimatinj MI lens with focal length of %, 10 cm; M semi- transparent birVer; M , M - dense mirrors A ,i0 , 98%); M (coefficient of reflect n 4-.aux- Mary mirror; C condenser; T auxilbEIX7 optical tube. Carj 2/3- L 21602-66 ACC NRi AP6007829 Ol ~resonator (Fig.-2).. For comparison, a pattern of a detuned resonator is sh6wn in Fig. 3. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, [YKI SU13 CODE: 20/ -SMIA DATE: o5jan65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF; 002/ 47-0 ft&r."(1jV r Card 3/3 L. 22769-66 FBD/Eyrr 1)ZEEC(k)-??VE~V WAV-1-AN Ijp(c) VoG ACC AR. AP'Cft61ii~___ SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/003/0~5i/Oi5q AUTHOR: Basov, N. Zubarev, 1. G. : Katulin, V. A.: Krokhin, 0.--,,., ORG: Phvsics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AAspad (Fizicheski Sciances SSSR y genr institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE* Two-photon optically excited semiconductor Inser SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoretichealtoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, 551-555 TOPIC TAGS: laser, semiconductor laser, nonlinear optics, two photon absorption, optical excitation ABSTRACT: The present paperis m ex?anded version of an earlier article on a two-photon optically excited GaAs laser (Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i tooreticheskay fiziki, pis'ma v redaktsiyu, v. 1, no. 4, 1965, p. 29; (see ATD PRESS, v. 4, no. 15, 1965, P_ 9)). It is pointed out that in calculating the coefficients of two-photon absorp- tion in CdC, R. Braunstein and N. Ockman (Physical Review, v. 134, no. 2A, 1964, p. 499) neglected the interband states in the valence band and the interference turn in the matrix elements, and thus arrived at incorrect results. Since a formula derived.- by L. V. Keldysh (Zhurnal eksperimental'noy'i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 47, 1964, p. 1945) for the probability of multiphoton absorption gives a lower value than the experimentally obtained data for two-photon absorption, formulas are derived for the probability and the coefficient of two-photon abs:)rption in GaAs, using the perturba- Card 1/2 ACC NR, AP6010975 0 tion theory and taking into account the band structure parameters of GaAs. In addition expressiotu are also obtained for the dependence of- the excitation intensity on the penetration depth of the exciting radiation into the semiconductor and thegxternal coherent quantum yield and its dependence on the internal losses in the laser and on the length of the cavity. The calculated data are found to be in good agz~--ement with the experimental results. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas and 7 figures. [CS] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 060ct65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 004/ ATD PRESS: ard MOO,, C L i9.358-66 EEC (k)-Z/EWP(k WENT (1)/AIT (m)/FPYETC (f )/r/EWP (e)/EWP(t)/ETI Wp(c) ACC NRi AP6018574 SOURCE COM UR/0181/66/000/006/1953/1954. RDW/WC-,/AVH/JD, AUTHORi Or& 11 yuk,. As Z.: Yeflakay, V, F. Zubarevi 1. C.; Katulin V. Mentser. A. ORG: Physics Institute La. P, N, Lebedev. AN -SSSR, Hoscow (Fisichaski?, inatttut AR SSIR); Hoscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. (Hoskovskiy institut stali L op -Tavov) TITLE: CdSe semiconductor laser with two-photon optical excitation- SOURCEs FLzLka tverdogo tela, v. 8g not 6. 1966, 195J-1954 TOPIC TAM laserp sesLdonAuctoro. semiconductor laser, cadmium selenide ABSTRACT% Laser action, 11 re?orted in CdSe excited with a Q-twitched neadymium-doped gla laser, Since:the energy of the exciting radia-, tion bw a 1.17 ev 1 MALLer than the Oidth of the forbidden band in CdSe (A - 1.88 ev at 77K) the stimulated emiasion was attributed to two-photon absorption. The 8 x 4 x 2mm sample was cooled to 77K. The ..'exciting radiation was incident on the 8 x 4 mm face of the sample per- pendicularto the Fabry-Perot cavity. The emission observed is shown _,-in Fig. l.' The peak occurred at 6912 A Ow - 1.78 ev). At an excita- tion density of I Hw/cm2 the halfuidth of the 2pontaneous emission van Card 1/2 L 29358-66 ACC NRs AP60185-74 4j -The emission spectrum of CdSe at 48 - I -i- * an intensity of exciting radiation o IJ-'A 114 A $4 2 2 1 MWIM ~-(1) and 7 MWICM (2) C3 H2- too 120 Generation occurred at aden'sity of.excitLng radiat-ion o f- 7 MW/CM2 (them halfwidth narrowed down to 18 A. the intensity of emission increased by two orders of magnitude, and directivity was 1-2*). The external quantum efficiency with regard to the energy of the exciting light penetrating the sample was 0.5%. A second harmonic of the - exciting radiation at 5300 was observed Vhan the pump light wap parallel to the c-axL*v of the sample. The threshold intensity for excitation of CdSe was three times smaller than in optically pumped W&S An attempt to attain laser action in CdSe by rubyl...'laoer was unsuccessful.,, -Orig, art' hast I figure. (C'S] SUB CODE: .20/ SUBM DAM 03Jan66/;,-:__-ORIG REPs'. 003/ ATD PRESSi~r6 Card 2/2- 81371 3/046/60/006/01/(>4/033 BO08/BO1i AUTHOR: Grasak, D. S. TITLE; Scattering of Sound Waves From an Uneven Surface of an Elastic Body PERIODICAL: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 6, No. 1, PP- 30 - 33 TEXT: The author deals with the problem of the scattering of sound waves from an uneven interface between liquid and solid body. The unevenness is assumed to be periodic and to have a small amplitude compared to the wavelength of incident radiation (Fig. 1). Amplitudes of surface waves and of shear waves in the solid body are estimated with the aid of Rayleigh's approximation method. Fig. 2 illustrates the amplitudes of the primary spectrum reflected into the liquid (Curves 1, 2, 3), of the primary longitudinal (Curves 4, 5, 6) and of the transversal spectrum (Curves 7 and 8) in the solid body, depending on the angle of incidence J , for 3 propagation rates of the shear waves. The following conclusions can be derived herefrom: (1) At b = 100 m/sec (Curve 8) the shear spectra Card 112 81371 Scattering of Sound Waves From an Uneven S/046/60/006/01/04/033 Surface of an Elastic Body BOO8/BO11 appear only at an incidence angle of 4?201. They are negligibly small. (2) At b = 500 m/sec (Curve 7) the amplitude of the shear waves, be- ginning &t-t~ = 150, can be compared with the amplitude of the broken lon- gitudinal waves. (3) At 1~ =5503', X1 = 0 holds, i. e. the primary lon- gitudinal. spectrum in the solid body glides along the surface, but its amplitude remains finite. On a further widening angle of incidence, the quantityy 1 becomes imaginary. The primary longitudinal spectrum turns into an inhomogeneous wave propagating along the x-axis, and its amplitude, at a distance from the uneven surface, falls off in the ex- ponent. The transversal waves remain ordinary plane waves, although with a small amplitude. The author thanks L. M. Brekhovskikh for his valuable advice. 1here are 2 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet and I Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Acoustics, AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: August 17, 1959 L4/ Card 212 8325-66 ACC NRa -E-C 61 i i AI?5028047 SOUR UR/0046/65/011/004/0438/0441 AUTHOR: Grasyuk, D.S.; Oshchenkov, P.K.; Rozenberg, L.D.; Semennikov, Yu. B. ORG: Institute of Acoustics, A14 SSSR, Moscow (Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: An ultrasonic acoustic visor with a new U-55 electronic-acoustic image converter 14 to SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 4, 1965, 438-441 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic equipment, electronic device, acoustic equipment, image converter ABSTRACT: . The authors present a description of a new U-55 electron ic-acoustic Image con- verter in which the piezoelectric receiving plate is not one of the walls of the vacuum vessel,. as ppposed to image converters in common usage which use a wall (usually the front wall) of the yacuum vessel as the plate. A schematic diagram of the device is presented (Fig. I). It is 1 -Receiving piezoelectric plate; 2 - Converter body; 3 - Thin metal lead-in; 4 - glass plate; 5 - electron beam, I Card 1/2 UDC: 620.179.16 L 8325-66 ACC NR, AP5028047 noted that the converter is capable of copying the image of any electric contour Incident on Us surface, regardless of the origin of the contour, 1. e., it may be used in a system with any contour source 'such as infrared or electrolytic. It has been.named a "unicon" (unikon) (universal converter) because of its universal applicability. An acoustic visor (introscope) designed on the basis.of the new converter, operating in the 3--9 Me range, has been 'Iested Several examples off its application are given and discussed. It is noted that the examples presented show that the introscope makes it possible to obtain satisfactory Images of a great variety of objects and may become the prototype of industrial units for obtaining visible images of defects in metals and plastics, and may also be utilized in medical diagnostics. Authors express their gratitude to V.I. ]Rybalka. M -A. Gorodnicheva, T. 1. Didyus R. G. Molchanova, V. L Stepanov, S. L Filipo, , and V. 1. Fomin, who participated in the velopment, -construction, and tests of the converter' and the ultrasonic introscope. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. SUB CODE, GP, 1E SUBM DATE: 17Aug" ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF: 005 JW Card 2/2 SOV/138-59-4-13/26 AUTHORS: Fedyukin, D.L., GZ-1~ ~~ and Gollberg, I,Ie TITLE: Determination of the Kinetics of Diffusion in Balls :'(0yredeleniye kinetiki diffuzii v myachakh) PERIODICAL:Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, Nr 49 pp45-47 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The playing properties of tennis balls are determined largely by visco-elastic properties, which in turn are dependent on internal pressure and the properties of rubber, The standard requires that the internal pressure at the time of maaufacture should be from 300 to 500 mm Hg, In vis* of the wide variation- allowable, the pressure as deteiminect after storage may show similar wide variation. Thus a kinetic test to measure actual rate of diffusion is helpful. Figure 1 shows a manometer formed of 64~1 -ary tube, 1.2 mm bore, to give low dead capacity. The ball is punctured by a hollow needle, and a paste of lead oxide and glycerine is used to ensure leak ti I Ca.rd 1/2 The ball is punctured at the seam betwedn goresi, '?1heness SOV/138-59-4-13/26 Determination of the Kinetics of Diffusion in fLalls difference in pressure is logged over several days, and kinetic-diffusion curves, as in Figure 2, where p/p is the ratio of the actual pressure to the initial pre2sure is plotted against time in days. A formula and constants were found to fit these curves. From these, using stat- istical distributions, the probable time in storage before given percentages of the balls will lose pressure to a level below 300 mm Hg is tabulated in Table 2, where time is given in days. Balls sprayed or coated with a polyamide film are compared with uncoated balls, It is seen that the actual period at which pressure is main- tained within the set limits is much shorter than the required six months. It is suggested that balls must t1wrefore be stored under pressure in sealed containers. Coating with a polyamide film does increase storage life considerably. Iffiere are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASCSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovateloskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksn*h izdoliy (Scientif ic-re search Institute for Card 2/2 Rubber and Latex Articles) S/081,/61/000/019-/083/085 B103/B147 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Fedyukin, D. L., j~a~ Test of spongelike mixtures by the WC-2 (PKGS-2) device Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no-19, 1961, 523, abstract 19P3i6 (Tr. N.-i. in-ta shin. prom-sti, sb- 7, 1960, 148-153) TEXT: To characterize the swelling capacity (percent increase of volume of the sample) of spongelike mixtures, a device imitating the operational vulcanization conditions was designed and constructed. Three sockets (for parallel determination) were installed in a heatable vessell the cylinders holding the samples were put in the sockets. The pressure is transferred via rod and piston, and regulated by the length of the lever arm. and the size of the suspended weight. The increase in height of the sample during heating is read from a micrometer. FAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 3/138/63/000/001/006/C)08 A051/A126 AUTHORS: Fedyukin, D. L., Grasy-uk, Yu. Z. TITLE- Instrument and method for testing the froat resistance of foam rubber PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no. 1, 1963, 54 - 55 TEKE: An Ins:trument for testing the frost resistance of foam,rubber, small in size and of simple construction, has been designed at -the H14HP (NIM), (Fig. 2). Tests are conducted in an air medium where the necessary temperature conditions are created by a "dry" ice and- alcohol mixture. Latex foam rubber was used in -the initial testing conducted first at room temperature and, subsequently,, at lowered temperatures. The new instrument is recommended for industrial use. There are 2 figure3. ASSOCIATION: Natichno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Articles) MAGYAR, Imre. dr..; VAGO, Brzoebot, dr.,,- MAN, Zoltan, dr.,"QUaw.. Irzaabot,; SZUSZ'R'rAB. T.Judith,toohnikai sogitsegevel. Xffect of oupIWIlin on hepatic circulation rate. Orv. hotil. 96 no.11:287-290 13 Mar 55 1. ADudapesti O"ostudomanyi F4yetem I. sz. Belklinikajanak igasgazo: Rusznyak Istvan dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemanye. (AMINOPHYLLINN, effects, on liver ciro. rate) (LIVIR, blood supplh, off. of aninopbVlline on circ. rate) RENYI-VAMOS, Ferenc; BIRO, Janos; G11ASZ, Erzsebet; RWYI-VAHM, Ferenons Lymph transport of alkaline phosphatane. licierletes Orvostudomany 11 no.l.-46-50 Feb 59. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomarqegyetem Urologiai Klinikaja. (LYMPH alkaline phoopbatase content of lymphatic & correspond- ing blood vessels in dogs. eff. of fastink & various (PHOSPHATASIS, determ. same) (FASTING, off. on alkaline phosphatase content of lymphatic & corre- sponding blood vessels in dogs (Ran)) (DIAM . elf. same GPATTP V.;~.; T[fillijiYOU, N.A. F,^.xir,s of Vj-~,S~4 and p :~~sphc,- s n .--, keai Charnozem& of 1. - UM h -1-1 . Mo I d a vla. 7zv. Mold. f.11. AN 161 (MIRA ORATIP VJ.~ SINUVICH9 Z.A.; KLFSHCHP F.:1 H,mms content and compneition of individual mchan',ca2 fraritior.5; in soils of Moldavia. Ponhvovedente no.IC,.72-81 0 165~ (~CRJI 18g1j) 1. Moldavskly nauohno-irsledovatellskiy 1rustitat rx.:Iml~veeeniye i agrakhimil imen'L Dim. GRATKOWSKA, Helena Supravital ar4ntatlon with administration of penicillin pants. Czas.9tomat. 8 no.4:149-155 Apr 155. 1. Z KlinIkI Stonatologli Sachowswczej w Warssawte. Kierovalk: prof.dr J. Krsywicki. Warszawa, Hiodawa 18. (HOOT CANAL THIM" amputation with preserv. oflive pul.puse of penicillin pants) (PENICILLIN, ther.use root canal surg. with preserv. of live pulp) I lf,31ena; Ireria Studies on the appearance of dental calculus in human subjects. 1. Dental calculus and its relation to the salivary concentration of calclum, phosphorus nnd hvdrogen Ions. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.12: 41-7-420 16 ar 164. 1. Z Zakladu C,enii Fizjologicznej Akidemit Medreznej w Warszawie (klercwnik: prof. dr. med. Irena Mochnacka) i z K-Liniki Stoll,11tologii 7achowawczej Akademi-i ?,!t-dycznej w Warozawle (kierotnilk: 1-1-rof. (!r. med. Janusz Krzywicki). AP6026029 SOURCE CODE I V!~j 7 AUTHOR: Ponomarew. I. F.; GratschLano A. N.; Subechin, X. P. 13 ORG: Department of Binder Technolou, Institute, Novocherkasek PojAechnic TITLE: Consistgnt effects in the infliie.ncing of the formation process of white Portland cementV'clinker in the presence of mineralizers SOURCE: Silikattechnik, no. 1, 1966, 12-14 TOPIC TAGS: cement, anion, cation, crystallization ABSTRACT: [German translation (by FRAHM, M.,, in Berlin) of a Russian- language In rticlel Tests were conducted to establish the consistent effects of the ca- tions (Be, Mg, Li, Me, K), of the anions (SiF6, F, S04, Cl), and of the cati- ons and anions in various combinations with each other on the formation of white Portland cement clinker. The ions Investigated form parts of conven- tLonal mineralizers. The findings indicated that,, in general, the most effec- tive mineraliters are those which combine a cation of relatively low alectro- negativity and an anion of relatively high electronagativity. Sodium box&- ifluorcaLlicate contributes to the formation of e.very fine cc inA. struc.turee _ystatl Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. LJPRS: 3593281 SUB CODE: 11, 07, 20 / SUBM DATE: none /. ORIG NEF: 013 / OTH REF: 001 r-A I /I '01Z1111 UDC:' 666.942.82 GRATMUTP,YN, 1, 14 4 and 14ALXNOVA~ R, D. ODesigning and SettbW-Up jDf Nonferrous Enterprises," Moscow, 1951. 527 pp. _qRAT_SAWTqTfi_., Igall Markovich; MALINOVA, Reyekks. Davydayna; MIT?, C'.Ta., da'i' icandi ~ii=ir"iikh nauk; retmeazent; MARATLAWT, V.M., Inzhessr, retsenzent; T M N, T.T., 1whener, retsensent; KUZNXTSOV, G.D,, Inshe- nor, retsenzent; TAMPOLOSKIT. Ih.A., redaktor; ARKHMILISUTA, K.S., redaktor; YX?IMOVA;,A.P.,tek-hnichsskiy yoclaktar. I (organization and planning at n9nferrous metal enterprisea; metallur- gical,plants mid concentration mills] Organizateiis i planirovanie as i~ridpriiatiiakhjsyq~tnoi metallurgii; notallurgicheekle zavedy i *be- gatitellays fabriki. Moskvw-, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry re Cher- so i i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1955. 560 p. (MIRA 9:6) (Nonferrous metal industries) 137-58-6-11873 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 99 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gratsershteyn, I.M. TITLE: Fundamental Problems of the Economics of the Aluminum In- dustry of the USSR (Osnovnyye.Vb' rosy ekonomiki alyumini- _,p yevoy promyshlennosti SSSR) ';- - PERIODICAL: Byul. tsvetn. metallurgii, 1957, Nr 16, pp 30-34 ABSTRACT: In recent years the major processes in alumina and elec- trolysis shops have been mechanized, and this has made it pos- sible to cut the number of auxiliary workers. The cost of Al in 1950 diminished by 11.71o as compared with 1940, the decline at individual plants during the 4th Five-Year Plan being 11.87o at the Urals Works, 12.716 at the Stalino Works, and 17.4% at the Bogoslovsk Works. The 5th Five-Year Plan accomplished a further reduction in the cost of alumina by 30.55o on the av- erage (29.2% at the Urals Works and 52. 1% at Bogoslovsk); this leads td a reduction in the price of Al in 1955. At the present time 891o of all alumina is produced by the Bayer process (the percentage was 23 in 1940). The yield of metal per kwh of Card 1/2 electric energy has risen from 50 g in 1940 to 60 g. Cell 137-58-6-11873 Fundamental Problems of the (cont.) productivity at the Urals plant has risen by 18.5%, while the rise at the Stalino Works has been 5Z.27a and at the Dnepr Works 40%. Cost reduction has been made possible by a reduced consumption of power and materials, and also by cutting service and management costs. In the future, the cost of Al will drop owing to more exhaustive utilization of the raw material, rational location of new plants, the use of new types of complex raw mater- ials (nephelines etc.), and mobilization of the internal reserves of the in- dustry under the new system of management. A.P. 1. Aluminum--USSR 2. Aluminum--Economic aspects Card 2/2 137-1958-3-4833 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, p 55 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gratsersht TITLE: How to Determine the Productive Capacity of Nonferrous Metallurgy Enterprises (K voprosu ob opredelenii proizvodstvennykh moshchnostey na predpriyatiyakh tsvetnoy metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Mosk. in-t tsvetn. met. i zolota i VNITO tsvetn. metalturgii, 1957, Nr 26, pp 297-309 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 .118(6); 25(5); 25(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION GER/2456 O.ratnershteys, I.O.,and R.D. Nalinova Organisation und Planung In Betrieben der Buntmetallurgie. Berlinp VEB Verlag Technik, 1958. 413 p. Number of copies printed not gives. Translation of: Organizatsiya I planirovamiye na predpriyatiyakh toletnoy metallurgii; metallurgicheskiye zavody I obogatitell- myye fabriki (organization and Planning in Nonferrous Metal- lurgipal Plants Metallurgical Plants and Conc&itratiani Mills) Moscomp 1955'. 40 P. Tranal tors: Beek, Bergachicker, Fischer, Frahn, Gamaleya (Doctor), WAdemann; Scientific Revisers: E. Herzog, Doctor; G. Ketelhut, Economist; and W. SteigenbOrgerp Economist. Reviewer: M. Walter, Economio,~'Engineer. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students of metallurgy specializing in the study of industrial organization and production planning. It may also be useful to managerial personnel, technicians, and economists at nonferrous metallurgical plants. Car4---lA2--,. GRATSIRSHMN, I.M. ( -- --.- - PlannIM complete -atilization cE rav materials in the u.onferrous metallurgy. Izvq vys, ucheb, zxr.; taret. =t. w.2::169-172 158 (NM 11t8i 1; Moskovskly Institut tmtrqi& metalloy i solotao KafedrA organizataii I planirovanlya prodpriyatiy. (Nonferrous moUls-Ketallurgy) 18(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2222 Gratsershteyn, Izrall,' Iftrkavich -------------- razv:Ltiye &13nzm'niysvoy proaWshiennostj sssR (Development of the Alumin= Indust in the USSR) Nosicowp Jbtallurgizdat,, 1959. 160 P. Errata slip inse:LT. 2,700 copies printed. Reviever: A. 1. Belyayev, Dpator of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.-. Kh. A.' Yampollskiyi Ed. of Publishing House: 1. 1. Pinegi a; Tech. Ed.: V. V. Ydkhaylova. PUMSE: The book Is intended for engineers, technicians, and economists in- terested In nonferrous metallurgy. It may also be of use to students taking a course on the economics of nonferrous metallurgy in colleges and s6condary schools. COVERAGM: The book discusses the economic grovth oi the Soviet bawdte and aluminum industry. Little Information on individual deposits and plants is given and no evaluation of Soviet metalgrade beivite is included. The book reports on the overall chanoes in productive capacities brought about 18-3100 75398 SOV/149-2-5-24/32 AUTHORS: Nezhinskaya, L. A., Gratsershteyn, I. M. TITLE: Analysis of State and Effectiveness of Complex Utiliza- tion of Lead-Zinc Raw Material PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshilch uchebnykh zavedeniy. Tsvetnaya metal- lurgiya, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 5, PP 166-172 (USSR)' ABSTRACT: At present, dressing of polymetallic ores is a very waste- ful operation and only the lesser part of the valuable components is recovered. Only 15 to 20% of the sulfur content is utilized and the correspondin figures for other components are: lead 43.6%,, zinc 29%, copper 42.6%, gold 19.5%, silver 39.9%. All the rare elements are usually lost. The losses in the smelting of the concen- trates are not as great as the above but are still very high: in 1957 Electrotsink lost the equivalent of 49 25% of its final production, Ust'-Kamenogorsk plant loft 32'.06%. A system of complex utilization of the ores improved this picture very considerably, since it Card 1/3 was introduced in the 1950's. Thus, zinc extraction at Analysis of State and Effectiveness 75398 of Complex Utilization of Lead-Zinc sov/149-2-5-211/32 Raw Material at Ust'-Kamenogorsk by 26.2% and at Elektrotsink by 13.6%. ASSOCIATION: Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metallurgy. Chair of Plant Organization and Planning (Krasnoyarskly institut tsvetnykh metallov. Kafedra organizatsii i planirovaniya predpriyatiy) SUBMITTED: March 24, 1959 Card 3/3 GRATSERSHTEYN. L M , Improving management organization In the nonferroug industry. Biul.nauch.inform.; trud I sar.plata. no.3:28-34 159. (KIRA 12:5) (Nonferrous metal Industries) Oractory management)