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1 4 d,-1- mi L p It a 1 9 J. Lf-A-4- 00 00 MA-491. Analysis of methods for awsmau" �bWvlwn of cosuft-Tool 0411, z Rd&#& (InRurAlan.) A.1.0 Staski J 1xiltrume"t (M.M..M."LL 00 c MquipuVent). v. 20. May 1949. p, 31 -3Z Several methods 4tommonly und In the U.SAS.R. Speciflic applicability of each. 00 Z; t", V I A AL JALLupricAt L31EMATUft CLASSIFICATIOM 'Al !. V. 141A.-I ilk, iYil~ if W3 i9 VP it IV IP of if K 4 of U of it It It 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 des doe Gas .1111, a" a.. 9%4 M L 1 9 ni a 91 0 7 or a -3 v M KLO n I Va 0 0 0 0.0 411 0 0 Ole 9 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 101 - APP31" Nodo".48 mvieve. ?OL 7 The 4 '! or. 19% -.19ijklades or pWMjr4 "d Cu"lng Ila brscl!!" A. L.J" so of now "0 son on the quality Cd rafesm In sow week (m IndmffwW no. 5, 23-46, Mey IOU. for experiments dewrlbW. "A 46-11001 YWOW with 5-tfttb broaching humAn was dvmsm~~A 0; Una '~4%dvnntmgm. Only 2 teeth wers, cutting. Too& fiwes wm- Up., raka 2D*, clearance an& r.' inat, were me& Items, P. is steel of RA2-a. Cutting-edp.r6dbwv&wWfmmOAWAI*GMIW, In. by hand honing and was mosswed an sm MJWI1 bilimed Microscope. Tooth surfus Anish was to 5.9 w1wolemb" em two au'd 11.8 udemkichms an dumes too. Depth 41 from Omm to 0.00107 in. pir too* Camisig owd I= Ipm, and a sulfurimmi malwal oil was us Ant were me& from an alloy AW, 2XII, with a Mect at cutting WV sharposim and depth 4t on surface roughness and depth of aomiprumed cow Ism d wen deteradned. It is stated In Sowkwom " w4l M is 840 slempam marked InNuenes on roughness mW depth of kmopropW 97 Is, Iftgre~wdhe ~eutu-w~w "WNW ffesm, cams to am Pay nady dwAk the ImaTa-ft Fm*ftM &1W marehem, OR*: on have an Wbd ft now foughmak lmw lam= .paphs "d tow PbOOPTNAW we Swes. IR. D*wwAK /V A/ IN, KOVALEV. M.K.; KOSTIN, V.Ye.; BONDARENKO, D.A.; GRECHUKHIN, A.I. Measuring minor dimensions. Stan. i instr. 28 no.12:27-28 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Microscope) KOSTGUSOV, A.I.; BRIT5KO, K.M.; VOLODIN, Ye.I.; GRMCHUKHIII. A.I.,- DEGTYA- IRENKO. N.S.; DO'BROSKOK, A.N.; HARDA1fYA1T,-x-.Ye-.-; N_AY__D'E_i__O'V-, I.A.; PROKOPOVICH, A.Ye.; T3LYATNIKOV, L.P.; USPENSKIY, Ya.K.; KHLYNOV. V.N.; PMMISMEYN, Ye.A., nauchnyy red.; YEVSEVICKEV, V.I., red.; BUDOVA, L.G.,; NADEINSKAYA, A.A., Nachine-tool manufacture in Japan] IAponskoe stankostroenie. Pod obshchei red. A.E.Prokopovicha i M.E.Mardaniana, Koekva. TSentr. biuro tekhn.informatsii, 1959o 461 p. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Moscow (Province) Oblastnoy sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Japan--Machine tool industry) KOSTOUSOV, A.I.; VASIL'YEV, V.S.; GRLCH KIqN) ; DEGVYARFI!K0, 2__ _ _Aj_ N.S.; PETROCHENKOV, A.G.; PROKOFOVICIJ, A.Ye.; TELESHM, A.P.; SHEVYAKOV, L.N.; GONCHAROVA, S.L., na~lchn. red.; BORUSIVOY, I.V.., red.; IDGINOVA, R.A., red.; MONAMOVA, N.V., red.; SIICIIEGLOVA, I.B.) red.; KOVALISKAYA) I.F., tekhn. red. (Machine-tool industry in Japan according to materials from the Machine-tool Exhibition of 1962 in Osaka] Stan- kostroenie IAponii; po materialam. stankostroitellnoi vystavId 1962 gods, v g.Osaka. Moskva, 1963. 473 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moscow. TSentrallrqy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii po avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyenivu. (Japan-Machine-tool industry) Y. Z/f ;7777 L Ek Zh a! iF ur. sp r itio f !he jet~r -%ults are i TOM. Fix. ffa Isclquov; INMM~e re I tA given for the catca. of ttle probability of mit AIL trwi4tion ,,f the type a L, Al -I- I by tilkilig into u-cou"t , t~, Rovtar Lcach lo f th n bit l b i d n-or ca e nuc o . a o sp SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1929 AUTHOR GRE6UCHIE,D.P. TITLE The Effect Produced by the Finity of the Mass of the Target Hucleus on the Angular Distribution of the Products of the Reactions (dp) and (dn). PERIODICAL gurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.L1,fasc-5,895-897 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 The author computed angular distribution in consideration of the finity of nu- clear mass by the same method of "sewing together" and by basing upon the same conditions as S.T.BUTLER, Proc.Roy.Soc. A 208, 559 (1951). On this occasion the problem as to whether these conditions are permitted or not was disregarded. The present work deals with the results obtained by these computations. First, the rather voluminous formula for angular distribution is written down; it differs only little from BUTLER'S formula. These differences are described. In the case of an infinitely great mass of the target nucleus the formula found by the author goes over into BUTLER'S formula. Taking the finity of nuclear mass into account leads to the modification of the reaction radius R , and every time to an increase of the same. Also the angular distribution of the products of 0 the reaction is somewhat deformed, particularly in the case of angles 9 0.5/,c) upon a background of disoriented structure. Card 1/1 L~ F 1. Single crystals-glectroplating-Test results 2. Chromium- Electrodeposition-Test results V=YEV, A.Sh.; GRECHUKHINA, T.N. Use of the photogalvanic method in the study of Mechanism under4ing electrode processes. Izv.Kazan.fil. AN SSSR. Ser.khim.nauk !)a, 6: 183-191 161. (MIRA 16:5) (Electrodes) (Photochemistry) GU.CHUKHINA, T.N.; VAJZYEVv A.Sh. Comection between structural changes in copper surface during anodic, dinsclution and the semieonductor prroperties of the originatIng film. Izv. AN SSSR, Srar. khim. no.1lil942-l9Z,5 165. (MIRA 18:11) I* KhWcheakiy institut im, Aje, Arbu2cva AN SSSR. 'EWP(t lip c JDAT ACC NRs AP6o16110 SOURCE CODE: UR,,/0062/65/000/011/1942/1945 AUMOR: Grgcbukhjpg. T. N& Valeyev. . Sh, ORG: W. Ye-0 W&izov_~AN SSSR (M-imicheskiy institut AN SSSH) TITIE: Relationship of the structural changes of the surface of copper during anodic solution to the sgMigoilductor pXopgrJiM of the film that arises SOURCEt AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimichelya, no. 111~1965, 1942-1945 TOPIC TAGS: metal surface,'copper, photoelectric effects semiconducting film# electron diffraction analysis ABSTRACT: The photoelectric phbktoaena and structural changes in the surface or ;uetals during anodic solution were studied in various electrolytes under the ,conditions of the formation Of a very thin oxide film. A definite Interrelation- ship woo established between the structural changes and the magnitude and nature of the pbotoelectrochemical efiect-that arisen. The structural changes on the surface or copper were studied during anodic solution In a 3% copper sulfate .19olution with addition of 1% sulfuric acid. Solution at current densities lying above the abrupt Increase In the potential leads to a smoothing out of the nic"- r6ughnesses of the surface without luster. Electron diffraction studies es- tablished that a thin filat of cuprous oxide arises on the copper surface In this i aaes On the basis of the data of photoele6t'rochemical'investigations, the authors hypothesize that the smoothing of the surface is due to the high-resistance contact la r of cuDrous M4de the Interface with copper. The authors thank C.,S, 111. ye - -- . . - I - Vozdvizhens the discussions of the work and'for his a6ide, Orig. arte has 2 fires SUB ODE., Tj~',,U. DATE: 04MaY64 ORIG REF t 008 Card 3A 4/ UDCt 541-15 ,.GRECHUN, N.6.,,-inzh. Over-all mechanization of the transportation and handling of cement. Stroi. i dor mash. 7 no.6:4-6 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Cement-Transportation) AS~TqAotlc c-In.,' -,-~.~p ut' 't-cz('n " Ite strest!'~Id ~ts AN SESIF Ser. teki-., va~ikl 69 t64 17: 1-0) 1 n s t i t ii t T%~z t o c- n 1 ya z--, f-,,) Ot -7i 1~ 1 1 ~ I IYa Ya ku t s k GRECHUSHKIN, V.S. ... Quadrupole relaxation in comm) f;h1oratca. opt. i uf,-,oktr. 18 no.0727 Ap 065. (MIRA 1818) OSTROUKHOVA, H.P.; VOWSTNYKH, A.V.; GRECHUSHKINA, A.G.; BAL4UNOVSKAYA, A.P.; MRSHCHERTAIDYA, Z.P. Supplemantnry mathodn of lnborntory dingnouln of bnolllnry dynantfiry. Zliur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 29 no.2:92-95 IP 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz laborRtorii doroahnoy annitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stpnteii Tomakoy zheleznoy dorogi. (DYSENTERY. BACILLARY, diagnoRis, laborntory suprplementnry methode (Run)