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GR9,HTJ-SHh11vA,, A.P.; Methodology of pro.',, iged non-ContaCL StimulatLon of :L nerve with I - impulse inductlion current. Fiziol.zhur. 51 no.3:398-4"0 M.- '65. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ot.del avtorvitizats1i Ukraln--,koFc. nauchno-Issledovate-Pskego inutitutz f,,1drnv)1cbtt,,4oy dolbyohi tiglyn, Lw;nnak. L .3,IM-M D~T(1)/FCC GSI*GW --'---UR/0000/65/000/000/0164/0180'-'--.'.:~- 30 AUTHOR: Grechushkinap. M. P.; Izrael'. Yu. A. 84 14 L4, 57 'S' TITLE: Fractionation of the radioactive products of a nuclear explosion SOURCE: Nauchnaya konferentsiy~-po yader~2y Radio- aktivnyyii'-fici-t;ii'-,~'-itm-oife-re-i.-'lk7li-i "pflzovaniye v meteorologil (Radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere and their use in meteorology); doklady konferentsii. Mbscow, Atomizdat, 1965, 164-1.80*. TOPIC TAGS: nuclear'meteoroloBy,'jtadioactive fallout, atmospheric pollution, nuclear explosion,, nuclear fractioi;a`tio_n_,'r_aMoactive Isotope ABSTRACT: This paper presents a review of selected literature written by world authorities on various aspects of the fractionation of the radioactive prooucts xplosions detonated on the ground'and in the air. Topics discussed Of nuclear e includ~'the procesi3es leading to fractionation, methods-of making quantitative i estimates and calculations of amount's of fractionation oc(,urring after explosions of vaiying sizes, and secondary fractionation. Orig. art. has: 3 figuresi 4 formu- las, and 3 tables. [ER]" ASSOCIATION# non6 Card - --cL . - - I . I - - - . . ------ - . I . I GRECHUSHKINA N.N. -- Effect of MnS04 on the nature of Lactobaotoriurn pontoaceticum fermentation under various condItions of aeration and cultui*e acidity. Mikrobiologiia 30 no-1:35-40 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 1415) 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet inieni MN-Lomonosova Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet. (IACTOBACILLUS PENTOACETICUM) (MAGNESIUM SULFATE-PITYSIOLOGICAL =-ZCT) L,27402-66 EWT (I )/T A ACC NRiAP6017700 SOUIM CODEs UR/0220/65/034/002/0200/0203 AUTHORs Greghushlana. No- N~- Nikitina., K~ A~j Rabotnovaj le Le' .ORG:. Biology-Soil Faculty, Mosco~r State University-im" M. Ve Lomonosov (Biologo- pochvenyWy fakv2ltet Moskovskogo, gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITIE:- Factors underlying the decrease of the redox potential in cultures of sporoge. nous aerobic bacteria SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mi3mobiologiya, ve 34, no. 2, 1965, 200-203 TOPIC T "r: bacteria, bacteriology, plant metabolism In experizents.on the cul of Bacillui mesen 0. b' MSTRACT: tericus, Is' revise ,Bad. cereuB, and Bac. simplex, it was established that the decrease in the rH2 !of the medium during culturing was associated with an increase in the content of i Zeducing substances formed by-tfie'bacteria. Bowever, aeration of the cultures. :also had an effects the rH2 decreased to a greater extent during culturing in ~test tubes than during cultivation-in flaWw. The effect of aeration could be :Been moot clearly in connection with the culturing of Bac. Meaentericus on a :dulcite medium, i.e., under conditions in which reducing substances are not formed. The rK2 was lower when Bac. mesentericus was matured in test tubes, becaune the aeration was lose effective# Ybr bacteria of the group issvestigstedf~ aeration 1wobably had a greeter effect on the formation of red substancess' 'orig. art. has: 4 figures SUB CODE't 06, SUBM DATEt 3omar64 oRIG REFs oo4 I Car 111-44 UDCf W6,85LJ1,098 GRECHUSHKINA., N.N. Influence of the acidity of a mediwa on the correlation of fermentation producto of Lactobacterium pentoaceticum. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.2:221-228 W-4p 161. (MIR& 14:6) 1. Mo skovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet imeni M.V.Lcmonosava I I I Biologtj--pochvennyy takulltet. (LACTOBOTERIUM PENTOACETICUM) (BACTERIOLOGY-CULTURES AND CULTURE MEDIA) GREGHUSBKINA, N. N. Effect of aeration on heteroenzymatic lactic acid fermentation in connection with the acidity of the medium. Mikrobiologiia 30 no.3:418-425 My-Je '61. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Moakovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosava. (FERMTATION) (,IACTOBACTFIUACEAE) GRECHUSHKINA., N. N. Dissertation defended at the Institute of Microbiology for the academic degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences: "Role of Fhysicochemical Factors of the External Environment in the Heteroenzymatic Lactic Fermentation of Lactobacterium pentoaceticum~ll Vestnik Akad Nauk, No. 4, 1963, pp. 1i9-145 GRECHUSHKINA N.N.; NIKITINA, K.A.; RABOTNOVA, I.L. Factors determining oxidatlion-reduction potential drop in sporeforming aerobic bacteria cultures. 14ikrobiologiia 34 no.2:200.-203 Mr-Ap 165. (14IRA 18 -.6) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulttet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo t. universiteta imeni Lomonosova. GRECIVSHKIKA) M f RA .'1'8 GRECHUSHKINA) N.N.; NIKTTINA, K.A.; RABOTNGVA, I.L. Study of the physiology of Mycobacterium lacticolum strain 35 as related to the use of hydrocarbons. Prikl. biokhim. i mikrobtol. I no. 6&627-634 N-D 165. (MMA l8sl2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet imani Lomonogovap biologo-pochvennyy fakulftet. Submitted Dec. 29, 10/64. NIKITINA, K.A.; GRI,"CH11ITKINAY N.N. Methods of the calculation of microoruanisms i-i the cjl-~ure orl media with liquid carbohydrat.-3. Vest. Mlosk.un. Ser. 6: Bioli~ pochvo 20 no.5:4-5-49 S-0 165. 15'.1 1. Kafedra mikroWologil Moskovskcgo wiiversiteta. Submitted starch 15, 1965. -(Moskva) Compressed bent rod in the elastoplastic stage. Strot mekh. i ranch. soor. 2 no.6t23-27 160. WRA 13 :12) (M^mtic rods and wires) GRECHONKINA. N.N.: RAWTNOVA, I.L. Role of o7ygen in the metabolism of Lactobacterium pento, acaticum cultivated in brewing wort. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6- Biol., pachv. 19 no.4&44-47 Jl-Ag 164. (WRA 17M) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii Moskovskogo wniversiteta. GRECHUSHKINAP-N.N.; RABOTNOVA, I.L. Secretion of reducing agents by sporeforming aerobic bacteria. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6s Biol., pochv. 19 no.5t28-35 S-0 164. (K RA 17 - 121 1. Kafodrs m4.krohlologlt Mosk-avskogn. u.-i-rers,t*tA. L 5420-66 EVIT(l) ACCESSION'NR: AP5017913 UR/0051/65/019/001/0151/0153 119,65, AX/ AUTHORS: Petrov, I. P.; Greebushnikov, TITLE: Photographic method of recording in Fourier spectrometrx SOURCE: Optika I spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 1, 1965, 151-153 TOPIC TAGS: spectrometry,-photometric analysis, Fourier spectrometer,i radiation spectrometer ABSTRACT: After briefly describing the principles underlying Fourier spectrometry, the authors indicate that Instruments based on the in- terference of polarized beams produced by double refraction In a crystal have superior transmission (luminosity) than apparatus of the Michelson interferometer type. In particularit Is recommended to photograph the interference pattern obtained when the entire wedge is illuminated by a parallel beam of the light under study, and then make* a photometric analysis of the photograph of the interference pattern. To test the photographic method of recording in Fourier spectrometry, the autbom constructed a breadboard device which enabled them to Card 1/2 UDC: 535-33:517-512.2 0 ~74vl 0 IV-S q L 5420-66 ~ACCESSION NR: AP5017913 analyze emission of not too complex spectral composition in the vidble! portion of the spectrum. The emission chosen for study was the lumi- nescence of Rhodamine S. The interference pattern was recorded with panchromatic photographic plates and the true emission spectrum, as I reconstructed from the,measurement data, was found to be quite close to the measured spectrum. The method Is especially recommended for high-speed emissive processes and for spectra of low-intensity astro- nomical objects, since the accumulation of the signal afforded by the photography is then very useful. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 29Jan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP ~0 UF SOV: 008 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 GRECHUSH'i'FEKOV, B. N. Spectroscopy Dissertation: "Absorption Spectra of Sci, Inst of Crystallography, Acad Sci Fizika, Moscow, Mar 54) Fuchein at Various Temperatures." Cand Phys-Hath USSR, Moscow, 1953. (Heferativnyy Zhurnal.. SO: SUM 213$ 20 Sep 1954 USSRj6~hysics Crystalography, Card 1/1 Pub. 2,2 - 11156 Authors t Grechushnikovp B.N. Title tAbsorykLon spectra..of rubyat various temperature$. Periodical IDok*_ AN SSSR 99/5s 707-101, Dec. 11, 1954 Abstract An experimental study of the dependence of the form of absorption bands in ruby crystali-spectra on~the temperature Is described. The absorption, bands were observed due to -admixtures to ruby crystals of isomorphic Cr. Results are presented in the form of graphs. Five USA referenceg (1952- 1953). Graphs. Inst.itution: The Institute of Crystallography of the Acad. of Sce. of the MR. Presented by: Academician A. V. Shubnikov, July 31, 1954. USSRIPhysics Absorption band FD-2982 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 23/28 Author Grechushnikov, B. N.; Feofilov, P. P. Title M"ftfWAft6'5VVe' in the absorption spectrum of rubidium at minus 1900 C Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 29, September 1955, 384 Abutract S. 1. Pekar (ibid., 22, 641, 1952) and M. A. Krivoglaz (co-author S. I. Pekar, Trudy Inutituta M111 AN Ukr. SSR, It, 37, 19511) showed theoretically that the form of the absorption band for ad- mixtures in dielectrics can be represented under definite assump- tions in the form of the product of two frequency functions, the first factor representing the smooth bell-shaped curve and de- scribing the general contour of the abso~_)tion spectrum and the second factor representing a rapidly -;jciilating function and de- scribing the so called structure of the absorption band. B. N. Grechushnikov (DAN SSSR, 99, 707, 1955) investigated the absorp- tion spectrum of rubidium at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (the earlier study of the influence of temperature was by K. Gib- son, Phys. Rev., 8, 38, 1916). The present writer obtains greater detail. Five references: e.g. Krishnan, Proc. Ind. Soc., 26, A, 6, 450, 1947. Institution Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences USSR -U-4 4-4- A Mav 19. 1955 Category : USSR/Opticn Phyolcal a~tic-j K-5 I Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, No 2374 Author : Grechushnikov, B.N. Inst :-jE`-sEj1-uT_e7o_F -Crystallography, Academy of Scien,,:es USSR Title :On Polarization Iaminescence in Monocrystals Orig Pub :Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 1o6, No 3, 457-459 Abstract :Examination of the polarization of luminescence of single-axis crystals. Polarization diagram computed for single-axis crystals are cited (Vavilov, Zhur. ekperim. i teoret. fiziki, 1940, 10, 1363). The numerical calcula- tions are made for a negative calcite crystal and for a positive calomel crystal. It Is noted that the experimentally-determined values of the degree of polarization are higher than those computed by Vavilov, probably owing to the effect of the anisotropy of the medium. USSR/Optics -optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments. K-7 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13135 Author : Melankholin, N.M., Grechushnikov, B.N. Inst : Institute of Crystallography, Acadewj of Sciences, USSR Title : New Photoelectric Microspectraphotometer. Orig Pub : Tr. in-ta Pristallogr. AN SSSR, 1956, vyp. 12, 186-191 Abstract To investigate the absorption spectra of various small crystals of organic dyes (up to 0.03 mm in diameter), a photoelectric microspectraphotometer was constructed. The source of monochromatic light is the UM-2 monochroma- tor, and the receiver is a FEU-19 photomultiplier. The darkness current of the photomultiplier is compensated for. The instrument can be used for the investigation of the absorption spectra of all microcrystals or biolo- gical objects, and also for the spectraphotometric Card 1/2 PRIK Ho-r'Kcs, A- F 24(7) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATXox SOV/1365 j~ j Natorlaly X Vsesoyurnoga Pmshchmlya po spektrookopit. t. is Holelnslyarnayo spsktrook.,,plyst (Papers of the 10th All-Union Confervisoo on Spectroscopy. Val. 1: ~bleculax Spectroscopy) IL,voy) IzA-vo Llvoyakogo zdv.ta, 1957. 499 p. 4 000 copies printed. (Ser-istas !tat Plz7ohn" abir.Vk, v7p. Additional Sponsoring Agenc7t AkAtdetLtya net* SSSR. KGrAgalya po 3pektroakopli. Ed.: ftzerv S.L.; Tech. Ed.: Saranyuk, T.V.j Editorial Board; Landaterg, G,S., Academician (Reap. Ed., Decea Neporent, B.S.0 Doctor or Physical and Nattematical Soleness, Faballnekly, I.L., Doctor or Phyaloal vid Mathematical Solloncess. F&brlk=$. V.A.. Doctor of Ph7sloja and Mathematical Solonooo. KorsitakU, V.Q.. Candidate of Too%miaal Sciences, RayakLy, S.M., Candidate of Physical ani Mathematical Selene#@, Kllmovakly, L.K., Cond1date of Physical &ad Xatkexatlcal Sclestas Killyanchuk, V.S.. and Olauborma, 3 Candidate of Ph7sloal and Matheratical Selene*: L A. To., Candidate of M.1sleal and Mathesmatloal 1411404141. C&vd 1/30 Dorgan, M.P. Theory of 1.4ght Aboorptims by laxpurLty Centers; In Hqzo~; olsr Cr7stAls 135 Doygen, M.P., %.-A V.L. VtAe,~se_y. OptleAll Properties of ?2+ -assnt-)rs in loalts Crystals 137 Mahba, R.I. Isruri-ty Abss.)rptlon in no*.Ooul&r Crystals 140 Kate. H.L. Absarpti~a Spac%r% of Sow Solid Solutions w,4 Their Change When S,.1bjeot*d to Hard Radiatien. 141 Orwa.-Grzhimaylo, S.V., and ~.A. Kravahenko-Berezhisoy. Vibrational StrUatUro in the Absorption Sp*otrtta of Corundum Tinted With Vanad.Lum (at 1001K) 144 31&vn*va, le. X. Spectrorh--toztetria Study of Dye Impurities in crystals at J&ad and Barium Atritess 6~ e-c AUTHORS: Chentsova, L. G., Grechushnikov, B. N.) and Batrak, Ye - N. TITLE: Investigation of Temperature Sbimdaticn of Crystalline Quartz-Foccited with X-Rays. (Issledovani,7e temper- aturnogo vysvechivaniya kristallicheskogo kvartsa, vozbuzhdennogo rentgenovymi luchami.) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskotiya, 1957, Vol. III, Nr. 6, pp. 619-623. (USS ABSTRACT: N,E. Veden6yeva and G.G. Lemmleyn found that the samples of qaartz which luminesce strongly can be coloured intensively by the action of X-rays. The identity of the colour centres and the capture centres which produce thermoluminescence in melted quartz was proved by Lautout (Ref.1). There are two points of view on the nature of capture centres. In the opinion of Yokota (Ref.2) the capture centres are due to oxygen defects. Other workers ascribe colouring on irradiation to the presence of impurities in quartz which are in atomic-disperse state. The Card 1/4 authors investigated properties of samples of natural 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature Stimulation of Crystalline Quartz Excited with X-Rays. crystals from several places of origin. These crystals are: (A) Quartz from Volhynia, which can be intensely coloured by X-rays. (B) (tiartz from South Urals, which is moro difficult to colour. (V) Quartz from Polar Urals, and (G) Quartz from Aldan - samples of the latter two groups can be only weakly coloured by X-rays. (D) Q~iartz from Elba, which cannot be coloured by the action of X-rays. All samples were heated to 4000C and then irradiated with 180 kV X-rays. Stimulation was produced by uniform increase of temperature (2 degfinin). Fig,,l shows the thermoluminescence curves for X-irradiated cluartz A (curve 1 1 hour's irradiation, curve 2 - 2 hours I, curve 3 6 hours I ) .On all the curves of Fig.1 clear maxima appear at 175 and 2900C. Fig.2 shows similar curves for samples of quartz A. and quartz B, irradiated with X-rays for 3 hours. Card 2/4 The maximum at 1?50C is much stronger in quartz B. 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature Stimulation of Crystalline Quartz Excited with X-Rays. Fig.3 shows -the thermoluminescence of samples of quartz V and G subjected to 30 hours of irradiation. quartz V has an inflection around 1750C, and a wide maximum at about 2800C. Quartz G has several maxima. Samples cut from two portions of the same crystal G, separated by a crack, have quite different thermo- luminescence curves (Fig.4). Heating of uncoloured quartz D did not produce any emission. In the opinion of the present authors the differences between thermoluminescence curves of quartz from various places of origin support the impurity hypothesis on the nature of capture centres. Quartz possesses structural channels (pores) along the C-axis: when ions of Li+ and Na+ are introduced into these channels by electrodiffusion, quartz does not lose its ability to be coloured on X-irradiation. Fig-5, curve 1 gives thermolumineseence of quartz A befoie intro- duction of foreign ions; curve 2 represents the same quartz with Li+ ions and curve the same quartz Card 3/4 wit h Na+ ions. In each case the sample was irradiated 51-6-10/25 Investigation of Temperature aimijatiaaof Crystalline Quartz Excited with X-Rays. for 6 hours. Introduction of Li+ ions strengthens the l?50C maximum, while introduction of Na+ destroys the 1750C maximum and depresses the 2900C maximum. It follows that the depth of the capture centres producing thermoluminescence is affected by ions such as Li+ and Na+. There_are 5 figuies and 6 references, of which 1 is Russian, 4 English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. (Institut kristallografii AIT SSSR) SUBMITTED: February 11, 1957. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 SUBJEM USSR/Luminescence AUTHORS: Chentsova, L.G., Grechushnikov, B.N. and Batrak, Ye.M. TITLEt Investigation of Temperature Do-Luminescence of Crystalline Quartz Excited by X-Raye (Iseledoveniye temperaturnogo vysyechi- vaniya kristallicheskogo kvartea, vozbuzhdennogo rontgonovymi luchami) PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akadsmii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol 21, #59 pp 699-700 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The temperature do-lumineacence of natural quartz samples from different formation sites was investigated, The curves of samples taken from different sites differ both in intensity of luminescence and in the number and temperature of peaks, This difference indicates the differont nature of admixture ions which induce 'he formation of capture centers, Alkali "compensating" ionag which presumably are located in the structural channels of quartz, affect the thermal de-lumines- cenceo The experiments carried out have shown that after migration of Card 1/2 TITLE8 Investigation of Temperature De-Lumineacence of Crystalline quartz Excited by X-Rays (Isoledovaniye temperaturnogo vysvechi- vaniya kriatallicheskogo kvartsa, vozbuzhdennogo rentgenovymi luchami) +_ +_ - lose their abi- Li and Na ions through quartz,, they did not lity of being colored by irradiation, Absorption spectra of the samples subjected to roentgenization after the introduction of Li+ and Na+ are very similarp whereas their curves of ther- mal de-luminescence differ considerably, The investigation performed has thereby shown that admixture ions, which create charge defects in the crystalline lattice, and ions compensating these defects played an essential role In the formation of capture centers, The report was followed by a discussion, One Russian reference is cited, INSTITUTIONt Institute of Crystallography of the USSR Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BYt BUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE% At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 S/07o/62/007/00i/oi6/022 E039/E435 AUTHORS4 Gerasimov, Yu,M., G TITLE-. The optical orientation of crystalline grains PERIODICAL~ Kristallografiya, v.7, no.1, 1961~, 137 TEXT-. Description of a method of orientating crystalline grains with dimensions up to about 0.5 mm, based on the classical method of Fedorov, The crystals are orientated by observing the position at which extinction occurs when they are placed between Lrossed polarisers, Details of the apparatus are shown in a photograph. The crystal is stuck to an auxiliary needle and mounted so that it is at the centre of a hollow glass sphere and on the axis of rotation of the ring on the Fedorov table, After orientation, which is facilitated by filling the sphere with liquid, the required direction is along the optic axis of the polarizing microscope. A second needle is then set up along this optical axis and the crystal is carefully transferred to it, the desired direction of the crystal now being along the axis of the second needle, The crystals are fixed by the use of the vapour from glue dissolved in various solutions (e.g. silicate glue Card 1/2 The optiGal orientation S/070/62/007/001/016/022 E039/E435 b'~).-2 (F3F...2) and others) The method was checked using a hexagonal crystal of syngony and, from measuremenLs a goniometer, it was shown that an accuracy of I Lo 2 ,ould be obtained, There is I figure, ASSOCIATION, Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography AS USSR) SUBMITTED~ April 14, 1961 Card 2/2 GRECHUSHIMOV, B.N.; PETROV, I.P. Accuracy of Waterman's polarimeter. Opt. I spektr. 7 no.4: 521-522 Ap 162. (KRA 15:5) (Polariscope) ACCESSION NR: AR4o44oo2 S/OO58/64/OO0/0b6/E048/1-;O4q SOURCE: Ref. zh. 'Fizik&, Aba. 6E365 AUTHOR: Grechushnikov, B..N.; Distler, G. I.; Chudakov, V. S. TITLE: The photoelectric qethod of investigating stresses and heterogeneities in semiconductor crystals 6ITED SOURCE: Sb. Metod fotoelektr. infrakrasn. polyariskopii i defektoskopii poluprovodnik. materialov. M., 1962,6-15 TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric method, stress, heterogeneity, semiconductor cryst ali IR polariscopy, flaw detection TRANSLATION: There is developed a method of photoelectric infrared polariscopy and flaw detection, consisting in consecutive measurement, at individual points of semiconductor crystals, of values of transmission and birefringence that characterize their structural imperfections. The method also makes it possible to observe the pictures of transmission and birefringence distribution obtained in the infrared region of the spectrum. The apparatus used in this method Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4044002 operates on the principle of scanning using high-sensitivity infrared-radiation receivers. To obtain quantitative dat2, the electrical signal generated in the infrared receiver is amplified and recorded by a measuring device. The electrical signal can also be converted into visible light. When using a microscope with this method it is possible to study various structural flaws. There have been designed and built instruments that operate using this method: the infrared polariscopo ~PIK-l and infrared polarization scanning microscope to investigate structural flaws in silicon and germanium crystals. SUB CODE: SS, OP ENCL: 00 Card 212 4 L 1530~6 RWT (1)/W(q)/IWT W/= A MIC/AW/APOO/BSP~ WN ACWMION KRI AP3000786 S/0070/61/OW/003/0465/0468 AUTHORt Oreahashnikov, B. N. IMatler, 0. 1.1 Petrov, 1. P,, TIM A. rMier spectrometer idthifilters SOMOEv KrIst&21ografiyat v; 0" to. 3t 1963t 465-468 TOP101ADSt qtiartap spectral transmission.. Fourier series.. 2ow-Intens city 1111161tlli~ tion,,- interfereme-polarization filter ABSTRAM. The authors reduce the task of determining spectral composition -a low- intensity radiation 0 computation.of Fourier coefficients by s*XvLng a system of algebraic equations#.'shown in Formula (1). The right side of these equttlo~s may be determined by measurement, to be made on an Instrument constructed-at the Inst 0 -ror optical aye- tute of Crystanography AN.'SSSR This instrument consists bf a m3i temi raw'' ier filters, and a receiver-amplifier current with automatic. recorder. The optical system has two mirrors and objectives of fluorites producing a_ beam', of light'with,& half angle of resolution of 4 degrees, A shutter with seven Fovrler filterm is placed in this beams -and the light is dire tdd to the intake 6f the - NMR2atrometer~* receiver-"Plifier circuit (the panel from an i or a standard 281MampUfier), The Amplified' signal is then Introduced to the intake of an eT V, ,_Card 110z_ q'7777=1 : .,,,, .. :--. -, , , i.: 'To =:O" EM ACCESSrON VRt AP3000767 1WI0163100810031OW10471 AUTHORs Cirechushnikov, B. N. t Distler, G. r. I Petrov, 1. P, T~TIZ t A Fourier spectrometer for , vork 10 the near-infrared region of the'epactrmai,'~ !Lftsultsvere presented at the All-Uhion Conference of Spectroscopy. 19597 ~:SOURCEt Kristallografiyao v. 8,, no*, 3# 196jp 468-471 iTOPIC TAGSs Fourier transforma4on,,-infrardd spectrum,, quartz vedgeo spectrometer,, luminescence IABSTRACT t TMW is an expansion of the,,device.and application discussed in a pro-- vious article ~y the saw authorge (Irri4allografTya, 8. 39 1%3). The expansions finolude substitution of Ia quartz wed .ge in the optical system in order to make use iof the Fourier ta,"sformation and the addition of extra circuits and instrwoents to 1permit the desired measurements of -near-infrared radiation. The optical arrange- ment and consta-action of the quartz wed& are shown in Figs. -I and 2. The schemat- 7 .1io arrangements of circuits in'the setup are shown in Figst 3 and 4. The authors iused the apparatus to study luminescence spectra of several crystals In the visible~ !and near-infrared regions of the spectrum. The results vere not reported in this 'article but were reported previously in a short presentation at the All-Union Con- fere on Speptroscopy in*159, icard r! ysfilbig e nEii.SSSR 5/051-/63/014/002/022/026 E039/E120 AUTHORS 3 Grechushnikov B N., and Petrov, I.P. TITLEt A polarizer for the infrared region of the spectrum PERIODICALt Optika i spektrookoplyag vol4q no.29 1963, 305-307 T:;XT: Calculations are made showing the increase in - reflection coefficient with Increase of refractive index n at the Brewster angle, i.e. from - 20,~ at n a 2 to -0% at n An estimate is also made of the dependence of the angular aperture of the incident beam on n when the degree of polarization in not less than 99%. it in shown that with increase in n the angular aperture of the incident beam decreases smoothly. For the transmission of a polarizer to be not less than )0%, with the angular aperture' of the incident beam -6 - 7% then 4 -