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First use of mnpowder in mininr,. p.hl.
(Rudy, Vol. No. 2, Feb. 191~7)' Praha, Czechoslovakia)
SO: TIonthly List of East European Accessions (ERAL) LC- Vol. 6, No. F, Sept. 1957. Uncl.
-'i,. F
1. dfbi6fIii, pg.; SAWAROV, V., Eng.
2. USSR (600)
4- Skating
7, Open-air skating rink in Moscow. Khol. takh* 29# Noe 39 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -IAAW= 1953. Unclassified.
GINMIN, I. [trannlator].
Ice nream plant. (Yrom ORefrigerating Engineering' 1952, *Ice und Refrige-
rationn 1953.1 Khol.tekb. 30 no.2:76-77 Ap-Je 153. (M" 6:7)
(Ice cream, Ices. etc.)
GINDLIN, I., inzhener.
New cold storage establishments in Berlin. (Naltetachnik no.6, 1952;
no.4, 1953). Khol.tekh,31 no.1:78-79 Ja-Mr 154. OMR A 7 - 4)
(Berlin--Cold storage)
CHIM-IN, I., inzhener; M&MIMOV, P., inzhener.
Ar. efficient ammonia syrtem for refrigeratorn. Khol.tekh-31
no.2-.22-27 Ap-Je 154. (MLRA '~:7)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
GI XIM IN, I.. Inshener.
Cold storege for the preservation of frult.(Frow wFood Industries of
South Africs.4 November 1954). Shol.tekh. 32 no-3:74 JI - S 155.
(South Africa, Union of--Cold storage) (KLDA 9-1)
GINDLIM. A., inzhener.
r-1-, V. I "?"IFIWO
Artificial skating rink vith direct cooling.(Yrom: nRevue Generale
du Proid" October 1954). Khol.tekh.32 no.4:73 O-D 155.(HIRA 9.4)
(Switzerland--Skating rinks)
GINDLIN, I., inzhener.
Spacing of doors in a large cold storage warehaune.(Prom "Yood Ingi-
nearing" January 1955).Khol.takh-33 se.2:73 AP-Je '56. (MiRA 9:9)
(United States--Gold storage warehouses)
Building two-story cold-sterage warehouses in the United States;
(from "Industrial RefTigeration" September 1955) Khol.tekh.33
n0-3:72-73 J1 - 6 156. (KERA 9:10)
(United Stfttes--Cold-storage warehouses)
AU-THORS': G-indlin, I., EnL~;ineer bild Sakharov, V., DiGineer. 66-1-10126
TITLE, Artificial skatin- rink in -the Sports Palace in Moscow.
(Iskusstvennyy katok vo Dvort3e Sporta v Moskve).
P&iD.)DICAL; "Kholodil'nala. Tek"-ika" (RefriGeration EneineerinE;).
1-957, No.1, pp. 31-34 (U.S.S.R.)
ABS,L-dAG2. There are four artificiel skatin6 rinks at present in
Eloscow atid the buildinC of e. fiftli is scheduled in
I~,naylovo. Moscow experience has proved thaL for all Lhe
year round sports traininE it is preferable to have closed
s"--ating rinks which are not dependent on the meteorolo,~7,ical
conditions and in which the surface of the ice is not
contaminated by dust, dirt etc. from the outside. Also,
proved ventilation
closed skating rinks can be fitted with im U
or air conditioning to improve the comfort of the spectators.
Furthermore, the saffie space can also be utilised for other
activities such as concerts etc. In November, 1956 a large
closed skating rink with a field a-rea of 61 x 30 m was
put into operation in the Central Stadium imeni V.I. Lenin
in the building of the Sports Palace. The building, which
contains a skating rink, can accouEnodate 15 000 spectators,
see Fig.l. In this article a brief description is civen of
-the design of the ice field, mentioning also the main data
Card 1/3 of the refrigeratio.a equipmenit. The coolinL liquid is fed
Artificial skating rink in the Sports Palace in Moscow.
(Cont.) 66-1-10/26
t1irough a system of LI-5 jam dia. pipes spaced at 100 =rL
interaxial distance. Altogether 300 pipes of a total
length of 19 000 m have been laid and Fig.3 shows a
photograph taken during their installation. The engine
room is located at about 200 m from the Sports Palace,
it contains four vertical 2-cylinder compressors type
2 AB-27, each of a cooling capacity of 425 000 IT kcal/hr
at 480 r,p.m. driven by a 155 kW motor. There are t o
jacket-tube evaporators each with a surface of 200 m
two jackP-tube horintal condensers each with a surfacf,
of 150 m , two 3.5 m receiver vessels, a cooler of 24 ml
surface, three salt mixture pumps of a feed rate of
340 m3/hr, two oil separators with gas washing, oil
collectors and auxilia;y equipment. The salt-water system
is filled with 150 ra~' of 26% aqueous solution of calcium
chloride, the rated boiling temperature of the ammonia is
-21 C, the average temperature of the salt solution is -1.6 C.
The buildings of -the Sports Palace are heated from the
Urban District Heating Station and during the hockey
tournament in the winter the temperature in the hall can
Card 2/3 be maintained at 18 to 20 C. The installation of the
Artificial skating rink in the Sports Palace in Moscow.
(Cont.) 66-1-io/26
cooling equipment and of the pipe system is effected b
industrial methods; the tube joints (over 4000 of theZ
were effected by electric butt welding. Four days after
the refrigeration machinery was put into operation a
uniform ice field of a thickness of 4 cm was produced, the
quality of which was highly appreciated by the sportsmen.
There are three f igures.
Card 3/3
AUTHOR:' Gindlin, I. 3,--Eagineer. 66-1-24/26
TITIX: Investigation of an experimental cold chamber with a
thermal insulation jacket. (Ispytaniye opytnoy
kholodillnoy kamery s teplozashchitnoy rubaahkoy).
Pi~RIGDICAL: "Kholodilluaya Tekhnikall (Refrigeration Engineering),
1957, No.11 PP-76-77 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: The aim of the insulation jackets Is to maintain a high
relative humidity.
Extracted from "Canadian Journal of Technology", 1955, NO-33.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Gindliat I'-* (Engineer) 66-2-19/22
without columas'
TITLE: .'Cold, stoth (Kholodil I nik bes
.ya Tekb-nikyA
PERIODICAL: - "Kholo dil (Refrigeration Engineering)
19579 NO-2t-F,.73-kUz51E)e
ABSTRACT: JUld Otftt of about 9000 ton capacity in
St~Louis, U',S','A~. Extracted from the September 1955 issue
of "Industrial Refrigeration"
cut 1A
USSR/General Problems. 1,.Iethodolo,,7j. History. ScientificA
Institutions and Conferences. Instruction.
.),uestions Concorninr7 Bibliography and 3cien-
tific Documentation
Abs Jour Ref 7,hur-Khimiya, No 3, 1958, 6833
Author P. r,,1aksii,-,ov, 'r
L. Gindlin
Inst State I-nstiture for PI-annini-, Refri~;-erators
and Dry Ice and Ice Crew. Factories
-u-.e for '11)larinin- Refri.7-
Title State instit - L, _,era"ors
and Dry 1-ce and Ice Cream Factories
Orig '--ub 'ralolodil'Tiaya te'-,-.hnika, 1957, No 3, 22-23
Abstract In L~Oth anniversary of the Great October
.Lo the
Socialist !devolution. A review of the Institute
activities since 1931.
Card 1/1
Gla,)LIAJ I. V-
Yakovlev, R. V., Frid, A. Y. and Gindlin, I. M. (Moscow G'Ud ~-Lore No. 12; State
Institute for Designing rriterprises of trie 171'ri.;,rating Imiuat'ry'); "A%;tcmAion and
Control at Lne Roscoj Ao. 12 ~,.ld 3L-jre" /'Lnj,,Iist, - 8 pgev
report presenteu at tne International Inst. of itel'rig,.~ration (11a), Annial
kleuting of Vomriissions 3,4, and 5, H03COW, 3-6 oad 1958.
Construction of cold storage warehouses in the Albanian People's
Republic. Khol. tekh. 35 no.2:67-68 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4)
(Albania--Cold storage warehouses)
Mechanized cold atorage warehouse at the port of London (from nModern
Refrigeration," Aug. 1957). Khol. tekh. 35 no.2:74-75 Mr-Jkp 158.
(MIRA 11:4)
(London-Cold storage warehouses)
GINDLIN, I., inzh.
1. ., ": I ~:-. IN, ~
Cold storage warshouna with air-corWitionovd dockz(froq Industrial
Ref rigors tion, 0 MOY 1957). K)101. takh. 35 no. 3:73-7~ My-,To. '58.
(MIRA 11-7)
(Saint Louis--Gold atorage warshouans)
international Congress of Refrigeration. Moscow, 1958
Sbornik dokladov ot SSSR (Collected Soviet Reports) Moscow, Gostorgizdat,
1959. 214 P. Errata slip inserted. 2,000 copies printed.
Ed. (Title page); Sh. N. KobulAshvili; Ed. (Inside book): N. V. Chichkov;
Thch. Ed.: V. V. Babicheva.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for those interested in the
problems of food refrigeration.
COVERAGE: The collection contains 26 reports which were submitted at the meet-
ing of the 31d, 4th, and 5th Comittees of the International Institute of
Refrigeration. The meeting was held in Moscow, September 3-6, 1958, and was
attended by 265 Soviet specialists and 3.15 representatives from other
oountties. The 73 reports discussed at this meeting cover such broad areas
as the automation of the cooling of refrigerating installations, the use of
finned-tube type refrigerating devices, fast-freezing food freezers, the
Card l/ 9
Collected Soviet Reports ' ~
theory and technique of rapid cooling and freezing of meat and fish, the
use of antibiotics in the cold storage of food,, and the operation of
refrigerators and cooling systems. A complete account of the proceedings
of this meeting was published by the raternational Institute of Refrig-
eration in 1959. No personalities am mentioned. References follow
several of the articles.
Kobulashvili, Sh. jVsesoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut
kholodillnoy promyshlennosti Imeni A. I. Mikoyans (All-Union Scientific
Research Institute of the Refrigeration rndustry imeni A. I. Mikoyan)].
Basic Trends in the Desiga of ftst-Preezing Food F%vezers in the USSR 5
Z%ytsev,, V. P. (Veenoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatel'skiy institut
morskogo rybnogo khozyaystvL i okeaaogmfii (All-Vnion Scientific Re-
search Institute of Sea Fisheries and Oceanography)], and Ye. G.
Pavlov (Otdel rybnoy proaWshleanosti Goopl=& SSSR ( Department of the
Fishing Industry, Gosplem USHR)J. Fish Freezing on Seagoing Ships in
the USSR 32
Card 2/ 9
Collected .3oviet Reports
(Gosudarstvennyy institut pa proyektirovaniya pred-
priyatiy kholodillnov promyshlennosti (State Institute for the
Design and Planning of Establishments of the Plefrigeration
Industry)],, N. Fridt( Mioskovskiy kholodillnik No,12 (Moscow Re-
frigerator No. 12)], and N. Yakovlev [All-Union Scientific Fesearch
Institute of the Refrigeration Industry Imeni A. I. Mikoyan]. Auto-
mation and Control of Moscow Wrigerator No. 12 38
loffe, D. (All-Union Scientific Pasearch Institute of the Refrigeration
Industry imeni A. 1. Mikoyunj. InvestigLtlon of Air-Cooled Condensers
for Small Refrigerators 45
Nan, K. D. [Tsentralln m. konstruktorskoye byuro kholodillnogo
mshinostroyeniya (Central Design Office for the Building of Refrig-
eration Machinery)]. Heat and Mass Exchange in an Air-Cooler
Provided With Helical Fins 55
Card 3/ 9
14(1) SOV/66-59-4-97/28
AUTHOR, Gindlin. I.
TIME: Underground Refrigerator
PERIODICAL.- KholodilInaya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 4, p 76 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article describes an underground refrigeration installation located
in Johnson city/USA, as taken from the August,1957 issue of the journal
"Tndustrial Refrigeration". - -
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Gindlin, I., Engineer
.... ..
TITLE: Large Single Room Refrigerator for Storing Frozen Food
PERIODICAL: Kholodil'naya tekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, PP 71-72 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article is taken from May issue 1958 of "Industrial Refrigeration"
and describes the new single story refrigeration plant of the Los
Angeles Cold Storage Co. having a capacity of 15,000 tons.
Card 1/1'
GIITDLIII, I., inzh.; SAKHAROV, V., inzh.; NOVOFILOV, S., inzh.
Prefnbricated ice skating rink made of aluminum tube-sheet
panels. Khol.tekh. 37 no.1:11-14 Ja-F '60. (MIRA 13:5)
(Skating rinks)
GINDLIN, I.M., inzh.
Constr+tion of a cold storage attached to the Krymakaya
Canning Combine. Khol.tekh. 40 no.200 Mr-Ap 163.
(Krymskaya-Canning industry) (MIRA 1634)
(Krymakaya-Cold storage warehouses)
GINDLINq IoM*v inzho
New cold storage warehouse in the London Harbor (from R~bdern
Refrigeration," no.767, 1962; "The Journal of Refrigeration,"
no.1, 1962). Xbol.tekh. 40 no.2s72-75 Mr-Ap 163.
(MIRA 1614)
(London-Cold storage warehouses)
GINDLINV-1.14., inzh.
Pump circulating cooling system with downdraft ammonia feed to
the coils. Khol.tekh. 41 no.1:27-30 Ja-P 164. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Vsesoyuznyj nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Vholodillnoy
L 40723-65
AOCESSION NR: AP5012177 UR/0066/64/000/00.5/0014/,oms-
JAUTHOR: rAnnin, 1. M. (magines0; Holseyeva, N. A. (Candidate of technical
1 sciences)
..;TnU: Smoth-ceilings'necesaaw:r in refrigeration chambers
';SOUME:KhoIodiI'naya tekhnikai ru). 5. 1964, 14-18
~TOPIC TAGS: refrigeration ev4;iziaering, structural engineering
-Th! article Is a survey of recent Soviet and foreign experleace
In connection vIth the near-univereal bean-type reinforced-concrete can-
struction evployed In refrigeratlon Installations. There Is no doubt that
the presence of exposed celling beans seriouly violates one of the neces-
eary conditions of efficient refrigeration -- aormsI air circulation and
uniform relative humidity. The author describes a mmtw of Soviet tests
'supportIng this concluslon. A 3*turn to earlier teamless design in
strongly recomanded,, though this runs counter to current Soviet con-
struction *ad design practice. There Is one Soviet "awoth-cefli:W re-
frigeration plant In existence.(& 161,000-ton =dtist r
~_~pIant in No4cow-
Card 1/2
L 4072-0-65
ACGMION P: AP5012177 0 1
i0-.bakoVo)#*and aaafter.under conxiUnctiOrA (a 9"Wo-tou plant In Cklead-
th1k). The artlele Is accompmAt& by several graphs aml tables# ard was
auWstions forcon4tructIon, PaUtrials and food-packsgings.
Orig. &A. - has: I figure 2 grapha 2 ~ tablem.
:ASSOCIATIONS Vse5oYuznyy naucluto-Isaledovatel skiy inatitut kholadil noy
promyshlennosti, (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Refrigeration
SUMUTMI 00 IMM 00 so COM: Is$ 00
No mz mvi oo6 OT 000 JPRS
Z L~V*Rt'~-',
OR -11?
Mwllk. :~
13MAL I I. ~,. 0 d I., k '. , II , ;, ,, ; I ) . I : - ! ) 'v ,!),; 1 i..i ; i .,I.-
,Suggeo'~ad airc--~si:ar' cif the Safp,*,y Pepulatirns for fijmroni~l
Ref-rig-3rating i'Dirts. Khcl.tekl-. 42 no.".54-56 Mr-AT, 0651. OM I R A 18 .1 51 )
I , naur-~Irc- -Z s:Qedo-a r,;,~ I I cikly, i ro !,I Tu 7, Yh- 12 1 ney
-1. ve e Z,
F, rcmy!;hl(i,,irv- s t,3 .
GURALINIK, Mikhail Isayevich; DIK, M.G., retsenzent;
I.M.,, retsenzent TSUZM-N,;:A.L..,~red.~
[Mechanization of loading and unloading operations An
refrigeratorsl Mekhanizatsila pogrtizoehno-razgi-uzlic,,cimykh
rabot na khol.odillnikakh. Moskva, Pishchevala promyshlen-
nost.l. 1965. 138 P. (MIRA 18:10')
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