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S/57o/6o/ooo/o17/008 /012
Surface waves on the boundary of
For Y > 0, () H
E 1 z J- H (4)
x 3
k ay A
0 0
Using the conditi on that Ex and Hz must be continuous across
the boundary, one ca n find the characteristic equation for the
phase velocity of th e surface waves. It is shown that
a _
1 -2
, A/ -u
where u h/k. and is the ratio of the phase velocity in vacuum
to the phase velocity in the medium. Four cases then arise:
1) e L > 0, 1" > 0, 1. The condition for the propagation
is then: e (CL - 1) ] 1/2 (10)
-L + 1 > lc -L
2) cJ~ > 0 but < 1, >0. liere the condition for the
propagation of the direct wave is:
Card 3/7
Surface waves on. the boundary of S/570/60/000/017/oo8/ol2
C-L + I > C~L) 1/2 (11)
3) c < 0 but r > 0. As before, only the direct
.J. IC.J < 1 4-
wave is propagated here and the condition is:
( ) - C.L) 1/2 > r, > c-L + 1 (12)
4) 0 ici >i, r > 0. The condition for the
propii-g-a~tion of a direct wave is:
( I - C~L) 1/2 > F (13)
and the condition for the reverse wave is:
I c-L + l I > r (14)
Thus, for sufficiently small r both waves can propagate but
their phase velocities and the field distribution will be
different:. The second -~case considered is that where the
Card V 7
Surface waves on the boundary of S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/008/0l2
boundary y = 0 separates two gyrotropic media (two plasma layers
with different electron concentrations). Medium I is described by
the tensor CA and medium 2 by -Cjik- The equation corresponding
to Eq.(7) now becomes:
V1- -2- r
u _ C,
C U C7 + C A/ U~- c L = u(c r C-L (15)
and the propagation conditions are as follows:
C.L > 0, 'E
.L > 04
(C.L _ , )31/2< C_L-' +
CJL r c, CL (17)
> 0, , + >O-,
2) C C
.L < 0, C_L E.L
('~L _ )]I/ > I ej r ;> E:j +
Is, r
Card 5/7
Surface waves on the boundary of S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/oo8/ol2
3) > 0., 0, E + E,,r + r , > o;
rl L CI
(direct wave) (19)
E.L1 C.L )3112 > C r
lei +~ j-,>r (reverse wave). (20)
- C.L A~
C-L < 0, 7.JL -C 0
+ I< r (21)
where for r>o the reverse wave is propagated while for r 4 o
the direct wave is propagated. The analysis can be extended to a
set of parallel layers. Acknowledgments are expressed to
Ya.L. Allpert for discussing the results,
There are 4 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-
Soviet-bloc. (including I Russian translation fron non-Soviet
publication. The English language references read as follows:
Card 6/7
Surface waves on the boundary of s.. S/57o/6o/ooo/ol7/008/012
Ref.4: W. Pfister, J. Ulwick. J. Geophys. Res., v.63, N 2, 301,
Ref,5: J Jackson, J. Seddon. J. Geophys. Res., v.63, N 1, 197,
1958- t
Card 7/7
AUTHOR. Gintsburg, K. A.
-- -- ----------------------
TITLE: The Theory of Spin Waves~
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telaq 1960, Vol. 2, No- 5, PP- 913 - 921
TEXT: The present paper was read at the Seminar of the Theoretical
Department of FIAN on January 7, 1959. The basic relation in the theory
of spin waves re-,as known, the dispersion law - the dependence of the
wavelength X on frequency * Hitherto, the theory of spin wav*8 had been
based upon a dispersion law (Refs. 1-3) which is mathematically ex-
pressed by equation (1). On. the basis of the statements made in the
paper, the question arises as to the manner in which transition from
spin waves to electromagnetic wavemi0takes plaoe, as to the nature of
the waves in the transition zone, and as to the part played by absorp-
tion. This question is briofly dealt with by the present paper. In case
A a lose-free ferromagnetic is studied. At 9 - 0 the dispersion law
eq ation (2)) takes the form of (4). With an increase of frequency in
4)uq this equation continuously goes over into equation (1) (see Fig.1
Card 1/-2 ,/
The Theory of Spin Waves S/181/60/002/05/24/041
In Fig. I the solid curves represent the dispersion law (4) and the
analogous relation for 0 - %/2, whereas the broken curves illustrate
the dispersion law (1). The next paragraph deals with the case of real
ferromagnetics. Fig. 2 shows the curves k,(&)) and k 2((~)) for both
branches of equations (8) and (9) (solid curves), whereas the broken
curves illustrate the dispersion law (1), where k, is the wave number,
and the imaginary part k2 is the damping coefficient (k in equation (9)
is complex: k - k1 -1k 2) . A further paragraph deals with the dispersion
law of spin waves for an arbitrary direction of their propagation. The
position of the branches of the dispersion curves for this case is
given in Fig. 3. There are 3 figures and 15 references: 3 Soviet,
2 German, and 10 British.
ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya
radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute for Terrestrial Magnetiamp
the Ionosphere, &nd'the Propagation of Radio Waves of
the AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 109 1959 /C
Card 2/2
(also 1034
,Gintsburg, M. A.
T IT LE On the Possibility of Lxciting Radio I.-Javes by Ziolur
Corpuscular Streams
-P-ERIGDICAL: Izvestiya vysshilrh uchebnvkh zavedcniy,
Hadiofizika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. Pp. 963 - 986
TEXT: A stream of particles moving in a plasma in the
direction of an external magnetic field can radiate transverse
electromagnetic waves. This can be applied-to the ca8e of
ions and electrons from the Sun moving in the ionized atmospacre
of the Earth. A Maxwellian velocity distribution is assumed
in the stream (with a small correction due to the pr4sence of
field). (All terins in the equations are used to a ~Cirst-
order approximation.) An expression is then derived for the
effective electrical conductivity . The problem is restricted
to trying to find a value for the wave number which will)
correspond to instubility of the 'solar corpuscular stream, in
the Earth's exosphere - this being the condition for radio
waves to be emitted. In practice this means that one looks
Card 1/~
Uri the Possibility of .... E133/E36i
for a value of w and k for which -the iwaginary part of
the equation.
j 4(,)2
+ LL~ V ~~" (. I _111/1) 1~(Zj)' ( 1)
2 k S,
is negative. The extraordinary wave is considered first
and it is shown that this condition is fulfilled if:
U2 V_ (5)
holds (where u 2 is the ion velocity,
V-i is the phase velocity of,the waves, and
is the Larmor frequency of the ions).
The extraordinary wave is excited by the ions and not by the
Card 2/d~;_
On the Possibility of .... E133/E361
electrons. Fig. I shows the dependence of v (Curve A) and
u!2 (Curve B) on frequency. v- has a inaxi.Lmum at 1/2W
(where W H is the Larmor frequency for the electrons).
U2 has a minimum value at w = 2.7 1Z H , at which point
it is equal to 2.6 v- (where v. is the phase velocity
of hydromagnetic waves). Ion streams with velocities greater
than u 2,min therefore excite an extraordinary wave in the
plasma. The electron stream excites waves of opposite
polarization. The dispersion of' these, however, is determined
by the ions. In order to excite the waves it is necessary that
the increment (the imaginary part of the angular frequency)
due to the corpuscular stream should be greater than the
decrement (that is, the damping due to collisions and
cyclotron resonance absorption). The author next considers
typical conditions in the Earth's exosphere, at a distance
of 28 x 103 kin from the centre of the Earth (Ref. 4). lt is
Card 31Y
on the Possibility of .... E133/E361
shown that the velocity of solar corpuscular streams is fast
enough to excite waves. For a stream velocity of
8.5 x 108 cm see-1 , three ranges of frequency are excited:
- 5 c-P-s-s 850 c-P-5. and 7 6oo c.p.s. The low-frequency
range is probably connected with micro-pulsations of the
Earth's magnetic field. Assuming an average stream velocity
of 2 x 108 cmsec- 1, the requirements for instability are
satisfied in the ionosphere jh < 700 km) and in the outer
radiation belt (h > 2.5 x 10 km). observations of low-
frequency radio waves from corpuscular streams by R. Gallet,
R. Helliwell and G. Ellis (Refs. 6-8) agree well with the
predictions of this paper. Eq. (5) also demonstrates the
predicted correlation between the radio waves and magnetic
activity. The author estimates the amplitude of the excited
geomagnetic pulsations to be about 10 - 100 y
Card 41,6
on the Possibility of .... i.,.i33/L
'I'licre arc 1 fj..gurc and 11 references: 5 3ovict and
0 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Institut zemnogo magnetizinn, idnosfery i
rasprostrarieniya radiovoln AN SSSR
(Institute of Earth N'agixetism, Ionosphere and
Propagation of Radio Ilavcs of the AS U33,I)
SUBI,IITTnD: February 1, 196o
S,&1-., IS31 E032/E5i4
AUTHOR.- Gintsburg, M.A.
TITLE: The Dielectric Constant Tensor for a Plasma and a Beam
PERIODICAL:Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol-5, No.12,
TEXT: Shafranov's formula (Refs.1 and 2) is used to calculate
the components of the dielectric constant of a plasma-beam system
under the following assumptions:
1) the plasma obeys the Maxwellian veloctty distribution;
2) a charged particle beam (ions and electrons) is passing through
the plasma. The beam is assumed to be infinite and the velocity
distribution in it is also Maxwellian and given by
[(vz _ u)2 + v2 + v2
fo,n M = C exp I - s2
where u is the velocity of the beam and s Vr2X_T/m is the
thermal velocity 9f the ions (electrons) in the beam. The external
magnetic field H 0 is assumed to be uniform and such that
Card 1/5
The Dielectric Constant Tensor for a Plasma and a Beam eH
H 11 Oz'ujj Ho. The following notation is employedt w * is
0 H,g Mtc
the Larmor frequency, Wl is the complex frequency of the wave
(W = W + iy), Nt is the concentration of particles of the t -th
type, T& is their kinetic temperature, uZ is the velojcity of
the directed motion and k is the wave vector (EJI-ei(MI - WO I
Z(k X O,k.1 ). The subscripts 9 = I and = 2 refer to electrons
and ions in the beam and the subscripts t= 3 and t = 4 refer to
electrons and ions in the lasma. The plasma frequency is denoted
,~he La sm
4 ly ~eN
by W 4 lye N,& kxs'&
04 me WH,t
and W(Z) = e-Z2 ~ + 2i 3 et2 d is the probability integral.
Fly 0
The functions Fn(.\), in (h) and Nyn(h) are defined by Eq.(l) and
Card 2/5
The Dielectric Constant Tensor for a Plasma and a Beam
-using the expansion
i nconju
_ in
-ict sin N
P (Q)e
n= -to
with Eq.(5) of Ref.2), the dielectric constant components are found.
to be given by
+ I
to - uk, ID. (1) W
(s In,
6XV'- VX-
e ukj
W (ff.)
I +
Ws W Uk
-0 YJ (1) W (s'J'
Card -3/5
The Dielectric Constant Tensor for a plasma and a
uk W (S.
V -I FW [I
to - uk
+ Y-n (7)
~1011) WAS 0)
;Y j
0 Ak
in' theme formulas the summation over n i calried out bietween
and + 00 and the summation sign ov:r
.. ........ ...
The Dielectric Constant Tensor for a Plasma and a Beam
omitted. These formulae hold for a plasma with any number of
beams (all parallel to HO) and can be used to solve various
problems in radio engineering, including numerical calculations on
plasma amplifiers, calculation of the absorption of waves in the
plasma near the gyromagnetic resonance, calculation of the
excitation of waves in the ionosphere by an ion jet and other
problems in which the elementary theory is insufficient and the
thermal motion of the plasma particles must be taken into account.
When T -+ 0, these formulae become identical with the formulae of
the elementary theory (ayzt 9zy1 CXZ' gzx--)~ 0, eyy -.> C..), while
when u --> 0 the formulae become identical with those obtained by
Stepanov and Sitenko (Ref.10. These are 4 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: June 1, 1960
Card 5/5
41/, // 2 6, // Z E032/r,514
AUTHOR-. Gintsburg, M. A.
TITLE: Generation of Plasma Waves by Solar Corpuscular Streams
PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol,37, No.6, pp.979-982
TEXT: It is shown that solar corpuscular streams should excite
plasma waves in the exosphere and the Earth's ionosphere. A
numerical solution is obtained for the dispersion equation for a
solar corpuscular stream in the Earth's exosphere. It was shown in
Refs. 2 and 3 that the kinetic equation describing a beam-plasma
system can be written in tho formi
1 [1 + i ff z1W (z t I
w + i Y kU6 + i
where z/ X + iY Vl-
k Sj.
and W(Z) e- 2( 1. + 21 et"d)
Card 1/4 0
Generation of Plasma Waves by Solar Corpuscular StreFtms
and the remaining symbols are as follows: Nz - concentration of
particles of the .9-th type, T their temperature, 6 - their charge,
S.t,- thermal velocity, U1 - velocity of the (Hrocted motion, a9 -
Debye radius, VI - effective number of collisions, Ir. - wave number
of excited plasma wave and f, = 1, 2, 3, It, where these numbers
refer to the electrons and ions in the solar corpuscular stream and
electrons and ions in the plasma through which the stream is
passing, respectively. These equations are solved numerically for
the following numerical parametersa
A: Solar corpusclular stream:
T = 300000K, U2 = 10 8 cm/sec, N2 = 10 Cm-3: Ul = 0
B: Exosphere (h 2000 kni from the Earth's stirface),~
T = 30000K, N 1000 cm-3
The numerical, results obtained as are follows.
Card 2/4
Generation of Plasma Waves by Solar Corpuscular Streams
(w/k)1= o.9645-10 8 cm/sec; (w/k) 2 = o,9986-lo8 cm/sec;
fI= 315 kc/si f2= 11.0 kc/si
= 3 m; h = 9 m wavelength),
Thus, the protons of the solar corpuscular stream can excite
electron plasma waves in the exosphere, the frequency being close
to the proper frequency for electrons in the plasma f 0--N- 300 kc/s,
Measurement of the frequencies of these waves would provide
information on the parameters and nature of corpuscular streams.
Plasma waves will be propagated only at frequencies close to f
Since f 0 is proportional to the concentration N and the
latter increases towards the Earth's surface, it follows that plas,al
waves which originate at large altitudes cannot penetrate towards
the Earth's surface. However, plasma waves (without a magnetic
field) can become transformed into electromagnetic waves on
scattering and can reach the Earth's surface in this form. it
follows that, in addition to polar auroras and magnetic variations,
Card 3/4
Generation of Plasma Waves by Solar Corpuscular Streams
solar corpuscular streanig should produce radio noise in the
frequency range 105 - 10 cps on the Earth's surface. Dowden (Ref.9)
has reported radio noise of exospheric origin on 230 kc/s and the
present author identifies this with the above waves. Owing to the
screening effect of the ionosphere, this noise is best observed
from a rocket or a satellite. Plasma waves can also be excited by
beams under laboratory conditions. In recent years considerable
effort has been devoted to possibilities of ion jet propulsion.
The ion beams producedin these experiments may also generate plasma
waves. A graphical method is described which can be used to
estimate the stability of the ion beam under these conditions.
Acknowledgments are made to N. N. Mayman for valuable advice.
There are 2 figures and 9 referencest 6 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut zemnogo magnetizina, ionosfery i
rasprostraneniya radiovoln Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and
the Propagation of Radio Waves.. AS., USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 28, 1960
Card 4/4
-3- 9
AUTHOR: Gintsburg, M.A.
S/04 61/000/011/005/005
TITLE: On a new mechanism for the excitation of micropulsa-
tions in the earth's magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya geofiziches-
kaya, no. 11, 1961, 1979-1691
TEXT: The radiation from a single ion in the solar corpuscular
stream (SCS) interacting with the earth's magnetic field is con_
sidered. Apart from radio frequencies, solutions are found for low-
frequency mhd-waves in the range 0.1 to 0.001 c/s and it is sug-
gested that these are components of the earth's ahort-period va-
riation field. It is shown in the course of the theory that the
ion must be travelling at super-critical speed (i.e. with a velo-
city greater than that of radiation in the plasma) in order to ra-
diate in this mode. The cases are divided into two, according as
u, the velocity of the ion, is greater or less than the velocity
VA of radiation in the plasma. For the subcritical case, the ex-
Card 1/6
On a new mechanism for ...
pression for the Larmor frequency as received by an observer fixed
w.r.t. the plasma,&)', is
co I =
1- N cos 0
where dlis the Larmor frequency of the ion, N is the refractive
index of the plasma and 0 is the angle between u and the wave-vec-
tor. For the super-critical case the mechanism of radiation may be
of either the cyclotron or Cherenkov type. Por the cyclotroi-i. type
the equation corresponding to is
u N.Cos 0 - I
Card 2/6
On a new mechanism for ...
of the anomalous Doppler effect. For each case of interest now~ the
procedure is to write the expression for N and by some manipulatinn
L --
4L--o obtain a relation between 4 and u/v A where q is d ef ined by &)/O-~
60 being the symbol for 2T/~times the frequency observed. In the simp-
lest case where the ion is travelling down a line of force and cor.--
sidering the wave of magnetosonic type this relation is as foli~)wF:
a- = (1 , 1) (5)
vA 1~ +-
The equation which has three roots given approximately by,21 =~?' A/ul
12 = (U/VA) 2 and ~3 = 1/0L - (U/VA) 2 where 61~ = m/M = 1/ 1836, 'is
graphed for various cases. Inserting typical values the '21 root.
corresponds to a frequency of 0.46 c/s. The cases where 0 is finite
and of Cherenkov radiation are also treated in detail. The case of
radiation from protons in the inner radiation belt requires the
Card 3A
On a riew machanism for ...
f-,ubstitution for (2) of the relativistic Doppler e(ILiation
sly T --7F
u N cos 0 (114)
j 7-
Alflien waves are now considered. The equation for "'s
0 [(2 + T/Mc2 ) T/Mc 2J.- 1/2
where Q = M Als ratio of masses of plasma. ions (0t to SOS
p :6
(11-') ~~ind T is the kinetic energy of the ion. Likely values of P
given, in a table, e.g. for T = 750 MeV, v = 1).107,-,z,/sec an d a ~'- h
500 Km, F = 0.17 c/s. In a geophysica-L appendix the 1mrjo-rtar,,:--e
Card 4/6
On a new mechanism for ... D239/D303
discussed of the focussing effect of the field which brings the
group-velocity vector closer to the field-line direction than the
wave-vector. The attenuation and polarization of the low-frequen.,--y
waves are also discussed. It is concluded that a sin-le ion with
suberitical velocity travelling along the field cannot radiateo
(i.e. there is no incoherent radiation with u< v A). Coherent ra-
diation also disappears. However, the position is radically diffe.-
rent for ions travelling with super-critical velocities, where both
coherent and incoherent radiation at very low frequencies in an
mhd-mode are possible for all directions of the ion relative -to the
field. There is a mathematical appendix. There are 1 figure, I and 23 references: 15 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The
4 most recent references to the English-language publications read
as follows: M. Sugiura, Phys,, Rev. Letters, 6, 2559 1961; R. San-
tirocco, Proc. IRE, 48, 1650, 1960; W. Murcray, J. Rope, Proc. IRE,
49, 811, 1961; J. Pope, W. Campbell, J. Geophys., 65, 1960.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut zemnogo magnetizma,
Card 5/6 ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln (Academy of
On a new mechanism for ...
Sciences USSR~ Institute of Terrest-lal Magnetism,
Ionosphere and Wave Propagation)
August 29, 1960 t-
Card 6/6
28 755
9 B'l 2 5/B 102
(MI/ 1*6
AUTHOR: Gintsburg, M...A.
TITLE., Anomalous Doppler effect in plasma
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41,
no. 3(9), 1961, 752-755
TEXT: This article deals with the.excitation of electromagnetic waves in
plasma by an ion beam, account being taken of the motion of ions in the
plasma. An ion having the mass M 1 is assumed to move in a plasma along
the external magnetic field H at a velocity u. Since it is assumed to
rotate around the lines of force, it may also be considered an oscillator
with the sequence of eigenfrequencies 4) 5 - sQ, (a - 1, 2, ...). 52, denotes
the ionic Larmor frequency. If 0