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GINZBURG, V.L.,, FAYN, V.M~ Ph - 2080 T IT IIE On the Quantum Ilffects occurring on Interactions of Electrons with High Frequency Fields in Resonant Cavities (0 kvantovykh effektakh pri vvalmocleystvii elektronov c vysokochastochnymi polyami v polykh rezonatorakh), P-RIODICAL Zhurnal. Eksperimental Inoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, pp 162-164 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT The authors invi-53tigated the following problem in classical mannert At the moment A = 0 with the kinetic energy Ko - mv4 2 a non-relativistical elec- o/ tron enters the resonator and leaves it at the moment. t with the energy Kr. ~ mv11/2. For reasons of simplicity the electric field E in the resonator on th! path of the electron is assumed to be homogeneous and parallel to the velocity of the electron (such a case is absolutely real). If E = El costit + (Eg + E,) sincit applies I 'dv/dt) = eE and vy = sintit + (~a + E )(1 - coscj311 is obtained. Here El and v ' + (e/mw) [El . o = Za = 0 and Q = ZI = V?d4 are as- E2 denote chance quantities and il sumed to apply. d denotes the path to be covered by the electron (thick- ness of the resonator) and T' denotes the mean square of the fluctuation- voltage, The averaging is carried out over the corresponding assemblies of the identical systems. The field in the resonator is assumed to influ- ence the movement of the electrons only to a small extent so that the terms of the order of magnitude e33 may be taken to be sufficient. Under aV2 [(sin(cj7-/2)/(,jY/2)] a applies. For e t ances these circums Card 1/2 On the Quantum 'Effects occurring on Interactiom of Ele PA - 2080 Frequency Field, ctrons with High -3 in Resonant Cavities. the dispersion of vel.ocity then Tlv_~T4 TLr-r7~M-4v-4 applies. if wr- 'lard 1/-3 S/0 6 1/000! / !2/013/)43 in i,he tneory Of c0z~lrlc- 1'ay origin AURX11cri ntl C -- Some quesLlOns . disintegration Of heaLvy, a secondary one. due TO~.he fiu), of tie'i'li the observed proton flu)' 15 ajo of proton "i C, - ml C rAy - The magnituje of the I - I-- -neir ltf~-: 1e. i -rees with th - I r,e- 20,ag - halo bounn-al. Ga WnIch eq,jal to 15 - ~r 'he ~,lane to the ~he galactic ed tha' f C:-- z T. near 4- ol,e I'. is ~,r`e5um t-~r"t gene 1rie r e f it or force Liff- lot 4 L. -n a la -VI e. a knO, .1 -- .j., .,,-,:Iere ou, h a; -ti - . - in can 90 rar,""aie=/Sec of 10 rju~'Iear dUsorptlon C, Vs. t - CO i he V~ 'ne Gala)(Y - V fi e Of fr- 10 their t, o une rei I" e ng rle rg I e 5 r; 1 r Ia In rljejear f em v-Lng !AIE' em Of f 'e. lea L~Otl.t a er r-ne con', c-leri"W. C J . -, .1 - 111 f. ... wh -ge- i effp- -rA ra L.. mc ,e,r the ~Xkt: r i. 9 n of n, ria-f-'Y e mo i"'ard 2/) ACCESSION NA: AT3012749 S/2831/60/000/002/0013/0018 AUTHORS# Gershmano S. 9-Y Gintburg, V. L. TITLE: Formation of ionospheric inhomogeneities SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomst. komit. po prov. mezhdunarodn. geofizich. goda. 5 razdal program. MGG: Ionooferao Sbo statey, no. 2, 1960, 13-18 TOPIC TAGS: ionosphere,, ionospheric inhomogeneities, F layer, E layer, ionization wind, plasma velocity, ionization wind velocity, altitude variation-of ionosphere ABSTRACT: Some of tbe.bypoibeses recently advanced to explain the- mechanism wbereby inbomogeneities are produced'in the F layer-are. discussed, with emphasis on the inhomogeneities that cause flicker of radio stars and diffuse reflection from the F layer.-The authors analyze the conditions which determine the motion of-an ionized gas Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3012749.- component in the ionosphere, since a clarification of this question can serve as a premise for the construction of a theory of "ioniza- tion winds" and f~rmationof inhomogeneities in the P layer. It is' concluded from various estimates of the possible plasma and wind velocities and the resultant variations of the electric and mag- netic fields in the ionosphere that the formation and motion of in- homogeneities of ionization in the P-layer is not a hydrodynamic problem but must be solved with allowance for the earth's magnetic field, the electric,field, and the fact that the gas as a whole does not move with the same speed as its-ionized component. The nature of the ionospheric winds and*ionospheric inhomogeneities must be ascertained by clarifying the character of the distribution of the electric field and the velocity on scales that are comparable, with the dimensions of the earth's sphere. The particular partial problems still to be considered-aret the transport of the electric field in the F layer from the diurnal region and the related circu- lation in the F layer, the passage of.different types of low fre- Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR& AT3012749 quency waves from the Elayer into the F layer (capable of becoming propagated in a weakly ionized gas), the influence of the earth's magnetic field, and the inhomogeneity of the atmosphere with alti- tude. Orig. art. hast.12 formulas. ASSOCIATIONs None SUBIMITTEDs 00 DATE ACO: 220ct63 ENCLt .00 SUB CODE: AS, Al NO REF SOVS. 005 OTHER: 006 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 84o62 S/181/60/002/009/003/036 B004/BO56 Ginzburg, V. L._ Some Remarks on Phase Transitions of Second Kind and the Microscopic Theory of Seignettoelectrics 7A Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 9, pp. 2031-2043 TEXT: The author discusses the problem as to whether transitions of second kind have the same character in superconductors, liquid helium, ferro- magnetics, and seignettoelectrics, and differ from one another only by the value of one parameter. Corresponding to the theory of phase transitions developed by L. D. Landau (Ref. 2Y, the author writes down the series.: =(k + al 2 + (P/2)~4 + (y/6)1 6+ 6(grad 1) 2'(1) for the thermodynamic potential where (b09 a$ Pt y; ,6, are functions of temperature and 2 pressure, and 6(grad 1) is described as correlation energy. Because of. thermal motion, ~ fluctuates round a mean v6lue ~0.(Zhe)series in 2 41~ first approximation gives correct results aq ~Long as Ll 0 and T respectively, are small as compared to The condition Card 1/3 84062 Some Remarks on Phase Transitions of Second S/181/60/002/009/003/036 Kind and the MicrQscopic Theory of Seignetto- . B004/BO56 electrics 6 T > X2/(6/c(,g)3 (60)2 (5b) is writtOn down (x Boltzmann con- ./0 > 9 - ~T stant, 9 - temperature of the transition point). 6T = 0 T, T =~ 9, 2 1 6c = (af) Qp- . The character of transition thus depends only on For 9 16 fT' superconductors it is found that fT -3-10- , for liquid.helium, fT -0-39 and for solids, fT - 0.03. Therefore, no anomalies of specific heat are observed in superconductors. Likewise I fT is anomalously low for ferro- magnetics. For seignettoelectrics, above all'BaTiO , it is found that the parameter 12 = 6/ap is anomalously great, whereas3the fluctuation is re- latively low . This qualitative statement is quantitatively investigated by means of a model of anharmonic oscillators, and for the frequencies of BaTiO3 it is found that 6it(g) = -VaT~T1rp1 -6.3-10-11; KIP t(Q)=2jW(5TPV, and for wavelengths Xt - 2nc/6Jt (9) - 3 mm; 6jz, t - 1 .5 mm. (~L-m/2e2ffN' 11 0 concentration of the dipoles). The author considers detailed experimental investigations of the behavior of substances near the transition point to be nec essary. There are 35 referenceg: 22 Soviet, 9 US, 3 British, 2 Dutch, and 1 German. Card 2/3 Some Remarks on Phase Transitions of Second S/181/6O/Nft9/OO3/036 Kind and the Microscopic Theory of Seignetto- B004/BO56 electrics ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva, Moskva (Institute of Physics imeni P. N. Lebedev, Moscow) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1960 x Card 3/3 80876 s/141/60/003/02/023/025 E032/E314 AUTHOR: Ginzburg,_V.L. 1W_ MMU09mm- TITLE: On the Possibility of a Determination of the Magnetic Field in the Outerl'~`Solar Corona by Examining the Polarized Radiation due to Discrete Sources Transmitted Through it PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 2, pp 341 - 342 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The presence of an ordered magnetic field in the solar corona can lead to a rotation of the plane of radio \Y emission passing through the corona. The radio emission of the Crab nebulat'~~s the radiation in question. it passes through the corona during June and has a polari- zation of approximately 790' at 3 cm. The polarization is characterised by a position angle of At = 148-i49 For 10 cm waves the polarization is 3 :t 0.50% and It= 142 -4~ 50 . There is evidence that at long wavelengths the polarization is smaller. In the corona (in the plane of the solar equatori the 3electron concentrat on iS (Ref 7) N - 7 x 10 CM at n = 5, N 10 cm at Cardi/4 10 and N - 2.5 x 10 3 CM-,) at 20 It 80676 S/141/60/003/02/023/025 E?3j4E3A4 On the Possibility of a Determination 0 e agnetic Field in the Outer Solar Corona by Examining the Polarized Radiation due to Discrete Sources Transmitted Through it 2 2 9 follows that for 5 to 20 , w 0 4T( e N/m =. 3..L8 x io N -,' 2 x 10 14 -8 x io 12 and to eEl/mc = =-1.76 x io7 H - 105 - 105 sec Moreover, the frequency of the radio emission w '-IVc/k - 2 x 10 10 sec-I at X - 10 cin . Under these conditions the propagation of radio waves may be looked upon as quasi- longitudinal for practically all angles a between tile magnetic field H and the direction of the wave normal. The difference between the refractive indices nt for normal circularly polarized waves is 2 3 16 3 An = w11W0Cos a/W =_ 5.6 X 10 HN cos a/w The rotation of the plane of polarization after passage through the plasma layer is given by Eq (1), where the integration is carried out along the ray which in the present case can Card2/4 be considered to be rectilinear. In order to estimate this 80876 s/141/60/003/02/023/025 On the Possibility of a Determination oMMEA-a-'gnetic Field in the Outer Solar Corona by Examining the Polarized Radiation due to Discrete Sources Transmitted Through it effect it is assumed that: 106HNL cos a where L is a certain effective path longth. With -2 5 -3 -,%- zt 5 H ^- 10 Oe, N --' 10 cm cos a 1 and L ~ IR0- 3 x 10 11 cm the rotation of the plane of polarization is LINT = 6o0 . When =10 , H ~-- 10- N - cm-3 Cos a - 1 and L - IOR9 the rotation is AT,-- l' The relatively strong dependence of the rotation on w should serve as a useful additional effect. There are 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet Card3/4 and 4 English. 80876 S/141/60/003/02/023/025 JO~A/EAI On the Possibility of a Determination o e a4gnetic Field in the Outer Solar Corona by Examining the Polarized Radiation due to Discrete Sources Transmitted Through it ASSOCIATION- Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri,Gorlkovskom universitete (Scientific-research Radiophysics Institute of Gorlkiy University) SUBMITTED: March 25, 196o V)~/ Card 4/4 GABIKM. 0.; GINZ,8094J.L. [translator] Achievements and objectives of the industry of rubber products for engineering uses in the German Democratic~kepublic. Uuch. i rez. 19 no. 11:296-32 N 160. 1 (MIRA 13:11) 1. Nentrallnaya nauchno-tooledovatellskaya:.ioboratoriya rezinovogo zavoda 9111be", Germanskaya Demokraticheskays, Respublika. (Germany, last--Rubber goods)