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L 09430-67
ACC NR1 AP6032497
an auxiliary rectifier. To improve the quality of welding and for controlling the
pulse-shaping unit, a voltage feedback circuit is employed for the welding arc,
using a peak transformer; the primary winding of the transformer is connected
in parallel to the welding arc, while the secondary winding is connected to a slave
multivibrator with a thyratron at the output. The pulse-shaping unit consists of a
screw connected variable resistor and capacitor which, in turn, are connected in
parallel to the auxiliary rectifier. A switching device circuit, such as an igni-
tion, a variable discharge choke coil, and a resistor are connected with the pulse
shaping unit (see Fig. 1). Orig. art, hast 1 figure. (Translation)
Fig. 1. Rectifying device for pulse
arc welding.
or ------- 1--Consumable electrode;
2--rectifier.- Drl--choke
coil; 3--pulse shaping unit;
Tr--transformer of power-
supply unit; B--auxiliary
rectifier; PT--peak trans-
C ____J"J former; M--slave multivibra,
tor; T--thyratron; R--con-
2 3 trolled resistors; C--capaci-
L 09430-67
ACC N" APG032407
tor; 1--ignition; Dr2--
variable discharge choke
3 6
in o"Af. L rostail vilisfillong (A a fed In boodifla
with boau4spImis fnu&btw o"p"ll JO-lum6n), Nill,
Mot. mak-17, 3. mr-61% *pt./(k-L 10"m
Attuvw ""k" a eanulever lwmm "r roll wm all arMitary
OpArtiolIA frov rinil llw olliew 10
110119-In In Vl1rh A WIRY thAt LhMv In olminlAur 1wrifoulPisial in Ow
Angular olipphiminwit, Thn wAtinis 14 IIOV411"l In 114111- 'If 04'
VIAMI'llimilows nt An Im-am frq" from olmotphole. The rrvirral
pulutme" be fil-InInowl rJul owl IIIIAl"It MMI., w101,11 II)p ~M'*Jlt 44
tinmpLog #4qwsw4v" win, ow Infinity, more
K. thilO,
ACC NRI AP6029984
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/015/0194/0194
INVENTOR: Grodko, L. N.; Leykand, M. A) Bakhov, 0. P.; Kurova, 1. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Helicopter rotor-blade damper. Class 62, No. 184142
SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 194
TOPIC TAGS: vibrntion dnmping, helicopter rotor. helicopter, rotary wing ftircraft
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a helicopter-rotor shock
absorber, consisting of a hydraulic damping cylinder, a piston, and a rod
connected by a bracket to the rotor hub. To Increase the daq)ing of the low-frequency
rotor-blade vibrations during ground resonance and to decrease the atresses on the-..
rotor blade and hub by vibrations arising during flight, the damper is connected
to an auxiliary resilient element (for example, spring or rubber), which is placed
on the rod or in the cyl-inder in series with the main abock-aboorbing cylinder.
Card 1/1
GROW, L.N. (Moskva)
Flane problem of surface waves of a hear
y incomprossible liquid
caused by the vibration of a flexible wall in a channel with
finIte dept1i. Inzh.zhur. 1 no-4:6,10 161. (IMiA L5.'I.)
ACC NRs AIM(3032642 (A) Monograph
ill, Mikhail Lcontlyevich; Nckrasov, Andrey Vladimirovich; Braverman, Aleksandr
Samoylovich; Grodko, Lev Naumovich; Leykand, Matvey Abramovich
Helicopters; design and construction. v. 1: Aerodynamics (Vertolety; raschet i
proycktirovaniye. t. 1: Acrodinamika). Mluocow, Tzd-vo "Mashinoetroyeniye",
1966. 454 p. illus., biblio. Errata slip in5crted. 4600 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS: helicopter, aerodynamics, rotary wing aircraft, helicopter rotor, heli-
copter rotor blade, mechanical vibration, helicopter decign
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This in Book One of a three-book series on helicopters. Book
Two is on Vibrations and Dynamic Stability, and Book Three is on Planning. rile
book is intended for engineers of design bureaus, for celentific workers, and for
fellows and instructors or higher educational institutions. :t ei4n also be of
use to engineers of helicopter-building plants an,! ntud,~nts studying aerodynamics
and helicopter stability. Many parts of the book will also be useful to flight
and technical personnel in helicopter flying unitG. The luoc% discusses the
course of helicopter development, principles of tile4r deGigl-,, ukrd their place
waong other aircraft not requiring airports. Various theories on rotors are
covered, along with methods for determining their acrodynwiic characteristics,
including: the -pulse theory of an ideal rotor and its application to the energetic
,~e where nizierical integra-
method of calculation; the classic theory, in the ctL
tion methods are used; the vortex theory; and methoda of experimientally determin-
ing a rotor's characteristics during flight tests and in wind tunnels, There is a
_ACC NR,_ Am603264_2_'_
detailed discussion of the various methods for the acrodynamic calculation of the
helicopter and the theory of rotor flutter. Methods are explained for calculating
flutter while hovering and in forward flight. Special attention is devoted to the
calculation of friction in the huble feathering hinges and to the transmission
of blade vibrations through the automatic pitch control. Experimental research
on flutter is described. The authors express gratitude to engineers
F. L. ZarzhevGkaya, R. L. Kreyer, and L. G, Rudaitakiy for their help in pre-
paring the manuscript, and to R. A. Mikheyev for hie review. There are 42
references, 35 of which are Soviet.
Foreword - 3
Basic symbols - 5
Ch. 1. Lines of helicopter development and basic principles of their design - T
1. Development of helicopter building - 9
2. Helicopter as compared to transport VTOL'a and STOL's - 21
3. Bozic design principles - 37
Ch. 2. Rotor aerodynamics - 47
1. Theory of rotor development and methods of experimenLally determining its
2. Classic thr-ory of a rotor with hingi.-d blarle connection. General caGe.
Curvilinour motion 58
3. Rotor pulse theory 138
Numerical inL(!~,.ratioa theory - 174
4. Classic rotor theory.
5. Vortex rotor theory - 210
rotor 2
6. Experimental determinations of tl~e r~urol.yrvL;7ic characteristics of
7. Quality and the propulsion coefficient of rotor efficiency - 253
8. Calculating rotor characteris tics for hovering and vertical flight
(Propulsion theory of rotors) - 265
Ch. 3. Aerodynnn&Ic calculation of helicopter - 260
1. Basic equations for the aerodynamic calculntion of a helicopter - 280
2. Helicopter aerodynamic calculation by the /iil'/Yaroshenko method - 293
3. General method for the aerodynamic calculation of rotary-winged
aircraft - 301
4. Helicopter aerodynamic calculation uning, tho.! concepts of rotor quality
and efficiency - 323
5. Helicopter aerodynamic calculation by the forces method - 343
Ch. 4. Rotor flutter - 351
1. Basic assumptions and peculiarities of the approach to flutter
calculation - 352
2. Flywheel flutter of the isolated blade during axial flow around the rotor 3581
3. Calculating friction during flutter - 376
4. Rotor flutter with relation to the transmission of blade vibration
through the automatic pitch control 382
Card 3/4
IkeCNRj -AM-60-3264-2---------,--
5. Flywheel flutter of the rotor in forward flight - 391
6. Calculation of flutter 2considering blade flexure and torsion - 396 17
7. General method for calculating the flutter and torsion in a rotor in
flight -,418
8. Experimental studies of flutter 433
References - 449
SUB CODE: Ol/ - SUM DATE.- 04mar,66/ ORIG REP: 033/ OTH RU: 0091
Standard antibotulism. serum type E. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. I
i-min. 31 no. 4:8447 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1, Iz Goeudaretvermogo kontrollnogo instituta meditsinskikh
biologichookikh preparatov imeni Tarasevicha i Kharlkovskogo
irwtituta vaktoin i syvorotok imeni Mechnikova.
AUMOR: gi-,#-.n
Cf ' -'-A ~
In r
An C-S;!R.. P:;-
ABSTRACT: At th-!~ 2:2.3"UtUte fc-- f!)r tbe, degree
of o' D- 0_;*C~- Cz&.1". an3
fr InStILMA 1,(141).
y ,jiltca-, ir, .~.IC_A 4A
y :t EL
A. Ml. f07 t1le dngree Of
~t lievol; 193-1-1913
A. 3-itrr C.' aa. a - tim
-Ina :boas for the degree
of F. C. lww~raav - Critical
~~%t vf t~_e. Nvv." I-.- y tekst
t irTortance of
the wo:-k nt=7
Card 1/5
DefenBe Of IY_q3ae-It~.:X-3 5--12-142/45
Section off Eds.ory
(0 .Caev!M.-Ij ;:se'.0v pa.-.V:,y P-..!C.'Viny 159.33
Vne v
WALOX). 8L. ~Vhzll.~.'C f..-Az: pot'ry etuAus 'L, Creat National
-)e -~ - g Ve
;-,, :, -,ra r ody likoy
:r. O= Hiet
f,).- Vie- of I*ctor of Hictory:
S. C.- thn I5c,.!Ihrviks in the 30-el
et-Tit-i v 3. Gosudarstvennoy
e.*tz;r-). P. A. in t'~. Mzzadne in the
0" -:;,.A-) (Ralocheye
7. M. Awa rj,:;=,iC Of t"Ao-. ldstor7 of
(O-bdvk.~. Avetrii
A. n. Me rf7 the Le.-.Ikho-- wder
"'th ze-'Itury (on
V.! tw ".C, in FwGian
Card 2/5
Defense of' Djsnert,,t--jn:- (Junirtry - Julj 3o-12-42/45
S.Oction of
t,,tir,,hon;- i',.h otnooheniy v rliss%o~7
T)romjuhlennu!;ti I'/. veka) Api)li -ittior..; for the dejyyee of
Candidate of History- 'S. V, Voronov - ..oicow brick
factories in the 15t',: centiiry (!..or,)%ovGkiye ' ir~)ichnyye
Y. ., - Da 11 - S' crisis of
Z.~Vody v 18. voke, v " 11
slyridiculio,-i in pre-war Fr~.ncc (Stachki i sindikalizma
v pre~lvoyennoy FrILntgii). It. F. De;Adov;i - The rininj i,
Bashkiria 1735 - 1736 (Bnnh;:irskoye vosst-tni,re 1735-1736
~,O:Iov). I. G. Senkovich - The r;.si:i; for liberation
i.i Albania l"oS - 191o (?iatsion
dvizheniye v Albanii v l?DU-1 Ilo ,o. ak.,) . D. Smirnova -
The f oundin,, of the P :!o,)1( R--publ ic of Alb.-iniz-., (obrazovaniye
Yir.troJno,,, Respulliki Albanii), Yal-hyaYev -
Colle,:tivization of %~;riculture in the T-,J-A~Jk SSIR 193o - 1935
(Kollektivi-tuiya sellsko~;a '1iozy-tfstv-,.L v Tadzhikskoj, SSR
1)30 - 1935 L-odlov).
At the Institute for -the.11istory of Art (L:ctitut istorii
ic":usstv). Application- for the de-:1*ree Doct,~: of the
History of Art7 A V, Bunin - Thf,
Card 3,15 Ootoriya -radostroitellno.,o iskuootv..,). I. S. Zillbershto,.n
Defen:;e -)f Discertations (jarmary - July 1957)
i ye,,o -.,.aivodfinoyL winledi-re). ',;. A. Aven.%rivu - Ch-i~-Ies
Spenser Ch%iplin. An acc.,unt of his eialy worl,~. (Charl I z
Spe!;jer Chaplin. Oclierk ranne,;o tvorchentva).
At the Inotitute of the Ilistorv of Muteri.,-. C,~~'.umMstitut
iatorii~ mnteriallnoy ':U111.Ury). '-pplicatijn for tiie le,~;ree
of Doctor of lli~-,tory: I.I. Levin. - EV2zlz a:It'r-oioloj;y
prol)le;~,,o of the of the peoldec of t:ie F~.r
Baot nt opolol-,iya i pro~le-.l.- ctno -encza
i):a I., c~,o Vo~-,tol-...) . *~,,plicati:):. for the ~le,-,rec of
C~mdidate of Motorical Sciences: D. A. Tash-Air 1 Sta-
!!.base for the deterninati on of thu peri.- !z-, o, ~,Ozt-
-ydvolythi soutl,.-rre~;t Cri:,ea (t3toya,-Ikzi Tash-
-air 1 k,.-k osnava periodizLtsii poslepaleoliticheskikh
:-rilltur Krymu).
At t:i-.- Institute for Slavic Laf :jia_ec furld Civiliz%tion
(I-Otitilt nlnvyanovcdeni~.ra~. Appliciit; n 1'.)z- tlw !1e.-ree of
Doctor o' Philolo;,y: Yu. S. !,.aslov -;e.-_:.1 az-.,ect in
t'ie .-.odern (I.!.% I-ol vid v n-,)vremennom
boijarokoia yazyke). Api)lication f )r tLe de.-ree of Candidate
Card 4/5 of "sintory- , T, Tolorov - Vic dovelo,- ~f ca,~itnlist
Defe:;.,~e -if' Dionertriti-ins (January - .,'Lll. 1~'57) 3o-12-42/45
S cc,. on of ifintory
relations in the textil-a in---1i:strj of' in tile 1.
h~21~- )f tile 1~)tll Century (",aro-.h!cniyc kapitalinticheskikh
otnonheniy v tekstillnom )roizv,-)'.,;tve 3ol,,%rii v pervoy
Polovine 19. voka'.
At the Institute for Ethno,,:rtphy L--Iieni :7. !'. Miklukho-:~_~.
(Institnt ctno,,~rafii i%oml !1. 1".
Application for the de,;ree of Doctor of History: Kh. M.
"haahlayev - The aocial order of Dzureatan in the 19th century
Obstichestvannyy utroy Div-estana v 19. ve'-e). Application for
the de.-ree of Candidate of History: A. V. Smolyak - The
%---terial cultiire of the 111ch peopl,- (dwellingB, clotnes,
food, means of transport fron t:e !,,iddle of the 19th century
to t'-c fir-t quartor of the 2oth centur 'v-) (Materiallni-Ya
1:1,11tiirz-. rIlchey 'Zhilinhche, odezhda, pishcha sredstva
1". (;..~,tverti 20. vekov~
AVAILABLE: Library of Con--ress
Card 5/5 1. Sinology 2. History 3. Literature 4. Labor 5. krt
Central 5tate Sci. Control Tnst., (-1944-)
"Titration of the sera against B perfringens by the
method of Nagler-T sekhrovitser."
Zhur. I-11krobiol., Epide-Jol., i Iiununobiol, 'No. 9, 1944.
USSR/medicine - Gas Gangrene Feb 53
"Xnvestigation of the Strain Isolated by M. R.
Neebayevskaya," N. Grodko, State Control Inst or
Sera and Vaccines imeni L. A. Tarasevich
"Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol, i 7--nin iol" No 2,
PP 57, 58
Describes the properties of B. anaerobius pig-
Mentosus, which was isolated by M.R. Necbayevskqa.
Investigation showed that this microorganism be-
kxigsto the Clostridium genus and that it resem-
bles the species B. oedematiens, except that it
cannot be neutralized by the serum counteracting
B. oedematiens and does not ferment glucose or
maltose. Points out the necessity of preparing
an antitoxic serum immediately after a strain of
a new species of gangrene-producing sicroorgan-
inas has been isolated, because pathogenic
anaerobes frequently lose their toxicity very
rapidly after isolation.
"Combine Blvalent Irmunization &-,alnct Gas Gangrene," by N.
G. Grodko, State Control Institute of Sera and Vaccili-e-z
r- Tarasevich, Zhurnal Miltrobiologii, Epidemiolo(~ii _i lm-
mzhobi6logi ) 6upplement,, 19571 PP 30-31
"Investigations conducted in 1940 by Chertkova, Grodko, and Pon-
omareva indicated the presence of comt:on antibodies in sera nZainst
Vibrion septique and B. histolyticus, and also in sera a6ainst B. per-
fringens and oedematiens. To investigate this problem in detail, we
performed cross-titration experiments on 2.1 specimens of dry anaerobic
sera against various forms of pathogenic gas gangrene at the Control
Institute and 38 samples of therapeutic antitoxic antirangrene sera.
The results obtained veriV-cd the presence of common antibodies in the
sera against Vibrion septique and B. histolyticuo. Giomi and coworkers
(1956~ 1949, 1951) and 1952) made use of these observetions in obtain-
ing bivalent sera. To resolve the question of the possibility of im-
munizing a given producer with different antiGens in preparing bivalent
sera, we immunized two groups of rabbits: the first) with Vibrion
septique toxin; the second, with B. histolyticus antigen. Both groups
were Jaminized according to the same schedule. First, preliminary IM-
munization war. carried out ie.asp two injections of toxin In lano3in of
5 ana 10 HM with 5 days between. Within 15 dnvs, each group of rabbits
dolg,g 2W;fi-fl,~ MJE
rali voit~ aaOryrsJ?V"+,ffnt f
same intervalsl. EksanNination was f on 'the 9th day. In rabbit'.
of th, first roup, th-- averaCe titer o~ Vibrion septique was.3 AE and
of B. hintol, ICU-,, less than 0.1 AE. In rabbits oT t',,, seco L;roup ,
tb(, nver.,irre tit-r of B. histolyticus war, j;reater 0.1. ui.d thv-n
0 - 3 ai" aiid of Vibrion septique lt,~o thmi J - 1. AE
"Later, the rabbits of each group received t,,,,o injections (30 and
60 MD) of heterologous tox1n.
"In rabbits of the first grou-1.) irimmized initially with B. his-
tolyticus toxin, the titer was sharply increased with respect to 1W,-th
anti ns: B. histalyticus , to '20 AE and Vibrion, qeptique to 15P AE.
Rabbften of thQ s,-cond I-roup i=afniz(.,d Initially with Vibrion Z,-,ptique
Lo-in Chi nwith B. hls't'ol~rti~, , to:
-ur --in wore o' :~.o .;pL:ciLU
"l. Sex-m against VibrIon septique partially neutralizes B. his-
tolyticu-- toxin, and conversely. Serum against B. oeoemtiens neutrel-
izes B. perfringens toxJn to an inzignificant deC,=ee.
"2. After i=xunizing a given rabbit initially with B. histolyticus
toxin and thaL with Vibrion septique toxin, the -riter of both gas gangrene
pathogens is increased."
Method of control of immanoganic pronertles of anatoxins in mice. Zhur.
isikrobiol. epid. i imman. 29 no.11:114-115 N 158. (WIRA 12:1)
1. Ix Gonudnretyennogo kontrollnoao inotituta Imeni Tarasevichs.
control of immunogenic propertiee of anatoxims for
vacc. on mice (Has))
17 (6, 12) sov/16-60-4-21/47
Grodko, N.S.,
AUTHOR: Chertkova. P,A,, Ushakove A.A., Denisova, I.Ya., Kats, F.M.
and Dudarenko, 0 .V.
TITLE: Standard BotullJ'Antiserum 'Type E
PERIOD1CAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologil, epidemiologil i Immunoblologli, 1960, Nr 4,
Pp 81; - 87 (USSR)
ABSTRAC"I'- The authors made a study of the standard botulism antiserum type E
(batch 216/2) prepared at the Khar'kovskiy Institut vaktsin i syvorotok
imeni Mechnikova (Institute of Vaccine and Sera imeni Mechnikov, Khar'kov
and also of two other batches of antiserum - batch 205/1, also prepared
by the same institute, and batch 1613 prepared at the Institut epidemlo-
lo6ii i mikrobiologil Imeni Gamalel AM 333R (Institute of Epidemiology
and Microbiology imeni Gamaleya of the AMN, USSR). A standard for the
botulism antiserum type E was worked out and the size of one antitoxic
unit (AU) set at 0.03 mg of dry substance. An experimental toxin dose
was determined and titration of antisera was recommended at 1/10 of this
experimental dose (L+/10). It was found that the experimental dose of
the three batches of toxins prepared on diffarent nutrient media contained
Card 112 different amounts of MLD (m1n1mum lethal dose). Two of the three toxin
Standeq--d Botulism Antiserum Type E
samples studied were activated by trypsin which rather indicated non-
specific activation of one of the toxin batches during its preparation.
There is I table and 11 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 7 English,
1 Italian and 1 French.
ASSOCIATION- Gosudarstvennyy kontrollnyy institut meditsinskikh biologicheskikh prepa-
ratov imeni Tarasevicha (State Control Institute for Medical Biological
Preparations imeni Tarasevich); Khar'kovskiy institut vaktsin I syvorotok
imeni MechniRova (Institute of Vaccines and Sera imeni Mechnikov, Khar1kov)
SUBMITTED: September 24, 1958
Card 2/2
(Radiometric analysis of ore.,; on conveyers]
riche3kii nnnliz rud na transporterakh. Moskva, Glav.
upr. po InDol'zovaniiu atormoi onergli, 1960. 18 p.
(!.URA YI- 1)
(Ores-Radionctive properties) (Radiometry)
GR)DED, R.S., kandidat meditainskikh nauk
Invngination of the small intestine into the stowch following
gastroenterostorV. Khtrurglia no.7:58 -J1 '55 (MLEA 8:12)
1. Iz gospitallnoy khIrargicheskoy kliniki (zav.kafedroy-prof.
A.1l.Spiridonova) Saratovskogo moditainskogo instituta.
(IMUSSUSCOTION, etiol. and pathoeen.
(STORACTI, surg.
gastroanterostoMr, causing intuesusception)
(TIMSTINIA small, surg.
AUTHOR: Grodko, V. A~
TITLE: On the problem of determining local. and
average temperature stresses and the tempera-
ture of the stream in channels of uniform
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Mekhanika, no. 12, 1961,
42, abstract 12B246 ~Tr, Labor, dvigateley,
AN SSSR, 1960, no. 5, 7-12)
TEXT: The problem of determining a series of temperature
parameters of the stream in a channel of uniform cross-section
is solved by means of other temperature parameters of the stream
assumed known, In general, the problem Is formulated as follows: ZC
Initial and final viall temperatures, stream temperature, tempera-
ture of the wall along the length of the channel, and length of
the channel are known. The quantities sought are: stream tempera-
S/12 61/000/012/017/038
Card 1/2
S112 61/000/012/017/038
On the problem of..., D237YD304
ture in any cross-section, average stream temperature, mean
temperature stress,and temperature stress in any croso-section.,
In this formulation, the problem reduces to solving a known Sys-
tem of two equations with some simplifying aosumptlons: Tempera-
ture regime in any croso-section is assumed stable', heat trans-
fer coefficient and specific heat capacity of the fluid at con-
stant pressure are taken as constant along the length of the
channel- In a number of particular cases (constant wall tempera-
ture, linear, parabolic, exponential and sine change of wall
temperature), the formulas are obtained for stream temperature V~,
determination in any cross-section and for mean temperature
stress, In the author's opinion, the numerical formulas ob.
tained can be utilized in calculations occurring in the treat"
me-it of experimental results in the field of bent exchange in
electrical heaters, nuclear reactors, etc, 5 references,. ~ Ab-
stracter's note; Complete translation. 7
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Grodkol__V,-A., Zolotarevskiy, V.S., Markarlyan, B.N.
aWd-Rubanovich, I.M.
TITLE: Influence of the Difference Between the Work Functions
of the Electrode of a Thermionic Converter on its
Output Parameters
PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika i elektronika, 1960, Vol-5, No.12,
pp. 206-2051
TEXT: The dependence f the,specific nower w and the
electron efficiency n "N;Uee"A'tfi'e'-ani)de anu cathode work
functions, VK and ;j~a'4 in investigated analytically. For the
purpose of calculatinne it in assumed that the temperatures
Ta = const and TK = const but TK > Ta; it is also assumed that
~Oa= const. Further, the case when the density of the saturation
current of the cathode is less than that of the anode is excluded.
The voltage current characteristic of a thermionic energy converter
can, therefore, be expressed by
i = A T 2exp (_ g1K) _ A T2 exp
Card 1/6 K K xTK a a xTa
Influence of the Difference Between the Work Functions of the
Electrode of a Thermionic Converter on its Output Parameters
where 9 is the overall potential barrier of an electrode, a is the
charge of an electron and x in the Boltzmann constant. The
potential diagram of such a converter, illustrating the dependence
of k and !t on U (where U = TK - V is represented in Fig.2.
It is seen th:t in the region I of this figure !I)K = VK = const
and L = 'fa = const. Eq.(1) can now be written in a different
form so that the current i in expressed as a function of U. Now
the voltage current characteristic of the limiting case, when
TK = (P , is shown to be in the form of an envelope for all the
intermaediste characteristics and the second limiting case when
(PK = U0 + 4Pa, where U 0 in the electro-motive force of the
converter. Such an envelope in shown in Fig-3; this also shows
three characteristics for various values of ~OK at fixed values of
Ya , TXand Ts. From the investigation of the envelope it is
concluded that the maximum specific power of the converter is
numerically equal to the area of the largest possible rectangle
Card 2/6
Influence of the Difference Between the Work Functions of the
Electrode of a Thermionic Converter on its Output Parameters
which can be inscribed inside the envelope. The problem of
determining this quantity is equivalent to finding the coordinate
U13 of the point B of the characteristic at which the maximum
power w max is pbtained (see Fig-3). On the basis of Eq*.(l)'it
is shown that the specific power is expressed by
A exp A T exp (3)
w ~ K '- 41 Ji xT a a xT
There is a considerable difficulty in determining the maximum of
this function since its derivative aw/dj = 0 cannot be solved
with respect to,%, I-t is shown, howevef, that a double Inequality
specifying the i tin for ~ can be-determined.- From this
inequality it is found that the voltage at point 8 (see Fig.3) is
approximately given by
Card 3/6
Influence of*the Difference Between the Work Functions of the.
Electrode of a Thermionic Converter on its Output Parameters
rM Ar. ,p
Us (0. ~Ps) wMama 2A T
T. (5)
The electron effici ncy % (J. M. Houston, Ref.5) is taken to
include only the lo:ses du to the heat transfer by the electrons.
this quantity in expressed by
ijK + yTK i&TA)
This expression ii investigated for the region of the accelerating
field as well as for decelerating fields and the results are shown
Card 4/6
Influence of the Difference Between the Work Functions of the
Electrode of a Thermionic Converter on its Output Parameters
~n two figures. Prom the analysis it in concluded that, other
onditions being equal, the highest specific power and electron
fficiency can be obtained when ~p is very low. A converter
aving (P. = 9 , other parameters being fixed, gives the highest
pecific power and electron efficiency Possible with these
larameters. The converters in which ip wa < /-~, xT /g can
Also give the maximum specific power but the short circuit current
in this came is lower. All the converters h ving OK - tpa> kTK/6
cannot give the maximum specific power. The:e are 6 figures and
6 references, 3 Soviet (one a translation from English) and
3 non-Soviet.
SUBMITTEDt May 21, 1960
Card 5/6
L-18229-63 BDVEPR/EEPF(c )/EPF(n) - AFFT-V
A ~ -2-
'D,~_I~ffCWSSD PsA/Pr-4/pu~4
ACCESSION NR: AT3001858 S/2909/62/000/006/0042/0050
AUTHOR: Grodko. V. A.
Method of the comparison of heat-transfer surfaces
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institutdvigtateky, Trudy, no. 6, 1962, 42-50
TOPIC TAGS; heat transfer, heat exchange, Nusselt number, Reynolds number,
Kirpichev criterion.
ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper seeks to find a parameter (criterion) which
could serve in the comparison of the heat-transfer characteristics of given
surfaces in the manner of the Kirpichev criterion, but which could represent the
effectiveness of any given heat-transfer surface without requiring the introduction
of data of any specific expe rimcnt, but which could be expressed sol ely by the
criterial equations of the Nusselt viumber and the surface drag as functions of the
Reynolds number. Such a parameter could be established by using a heat transfer
surface with a given Kirpichcv criterion. If then two such surfaces are compared
with that stipulation, then the more effective surface will be that which has a
smaller area. A comparison of all surfaces examined with one selected as a
standard would permit their systematic grading according to effectiveness.
Card 1/2
L 1822-9-63
Having made a certain number of simplifying stipulations concerning the geometry,
pressure distribution, and temperatures, a parameter S* can be written which
does not depend on the specific experimental data and which single-valuedly deter-
mines the effectiveness of a test surface. It is proved analytically that this is
indeed so. Existing test data published by 9 authors are correlated to test the
application of the parameter S* to various types of heat exchangers and surface
configurations. Orig. art. Bias: 2 figures and 2 tables.
Card 2/2
AID Hr. 979-10 29 May
Kul'varskaya, B. S., y__A__QrAdL-g, B. N. Markarlyan. and I. M Rubanovich.
Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 8, no. 4, Apr 1963, 675-679.
The device used in the investigation was a diode with the cathode stamped
from a tantalum strip in a shape permitting temperature compensation. The
specimens were cemented to the working area of the cathode (0. 10 cm2) in
thicknesses of 80 4. After vacuum processing,the specimens were detached
in a vacuum of the order of 10- 7 mm Hg, and measurements were made. The
results were plotted alongSchottky curves, from which the densities of the
saturation current were determined. At 120 amp/cm2-degree, the value of
emission (P (T) was calculated by the Rich ardaon-.Dushm an equation, and the
Card 1/2
AID Xr. 979-10 29 My
temperature coefficient was determined. It was found that all the investigated
compounds of the system possess a rather high emitting capacity, substantially
exceeding the thermoelectric emission of pure refractory metals. Compounds
of the system from UC to (ZrC)o.a- (UC)O. 2 inclusive have the highest ther-
moelectric emission rate, The ZrC.. UCO.2 compound is considered the
bQst emitter of the whole system. Stable emission from the cathodes of the
investigated system are obtained only after adequate aging at 2000*K. IDW
Card 2/2
Selection of efficient cathodic materials for a thermoelectron
converter. Porosh. met. 3 no.409-88 JI-Ag 163. (MM 16t10)
1. Institut dvigateley AN SSSR.
(Electrodes) (Thermoblectric generators)
r.. 1-j 7' ', t )i 1,, :,~ I
ACC NR, AP6025237 SOURCF CODE-:-- - _UR /00 57 661 0-3-6-/007-/i __ 163-/i-1-65
AUTHOR: Grodko, V. A.; Markarlyan, B. N. 0
ORG: none ~3
TITLE: The effect of boundary conditions on the transmission of
current through a thermal c-al M..Diasma ~~-
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheako f ziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1163-1165
TOPIC TAGS: cesium plasma, work function, boundary layer plasmas
vapor pressure, cathode, electrode , electric current
ABSTRACT: A qualitative analysis based on experimental data was made
of the dependence of physical processes occurring in the neighborhood
of the electrodes in the plasma of a cesium diode, operating at "quagi-
vacuum" and diffusion modes, on the work function of cathode material
in vacuum (cY). Each experimental diode was cylindrical and the dis-
tance between Electrodes (d) was 1 mm. The directly heated cathode was
1 mm in diameter and 50 mm long. The collector consisted of three
sections: the central or operating section (15 mm long), and two
screening aections. The dependences of the short-circuit cathode
current i on the pressure of cesium vapor p at fixed cathode and anode
temperatures Tc and Ta,reopectively, as well as on d for different
values of T (5.09 4.5o 4.0, 2.7 V) i.e., for different boundary con-
Card 1 /2
L 38419-66
ditione on the cathode. were experimentally determined. The depend-
ences show that in the investigated ranges of electrode temperatures
and vapor pressures of cesium, the following relationships take
place: at fixed Tc, Ta, d, and T, the function i - i(p) passes through
a maximum; the value of short-circuit current i0 at optimum value of
cesium va or pressure po and fixed electrode temperatures is independ-
ent of J(PT; a decrease of ~p from 5.0 to 2.7 under the same conditions
is followed by a continuous rise of po; an increase of Tc at fixed rf is
followed by the rise of io and po, The dependence of the effective
cathode work function E* on the vapor pressure of cesium p at Tc - const
and different values of T shows that with the rise of p the greatest
decrease of * corresponds to large values of T. Investigation of the
effect of Tc on the relationship between the optimum short-circuit
current and the vapor pressure of cesium at fixed values of (f shows
that a correspondence exists between large values of Tc and 0. An
increase of Tc may result in an increase in the value of optimum short-
circuit current. Such variation of LO and po caused by variation of
To Is consistent with the experiment. Orig, art. has: 4 figures. (JAI
Card 2/2
Largest blut furrAce In Europe goes into operation. Na mtroi.
Roo no.10:Et-10 0 161. (MIRA 14:11)
1. flachallnik stroitelletva kompleksa sooruzheniy domennoy
pechi Novo-Lipetskogo metallurgicheekogo zavoda.
(Rovyy Upetak-Blast furnaces)
Nitrogen fertJllzer plant will to buAlit In 1~ mon,ha. ;
strol. 42 no.12:13-14 D 164. ty:.HA
1. Lipetskatroy.
i Irf-lylll KA:1j!jiEY,, lrena
A case of hminginmri of' the bladdor in it ch,41A, (liaemarri-3me
ve-BlIcae'l. Pol. pr.-egl. chir. 36
1 . 7 Odri zJ a bi Wrv np trznego Mloj i;kl el,r) S z p I ta lu I ZL F- . Nr I
Warnzmwie (Ordynatol-. dr 14. Gaiiw~~i I
GhirurgicznQF:,) Mir-.1sk. SzpIltala Nr I w 'A;rir.-j-,awte (Oreynat~,.-
dr M.M. Kovzla).
40dwNs, 1. Cato4liot I(% Cis m
22-4. No. 3.102-1). In Ru.-kAms. 'I heats hir
lbills the kllgtt t1j.1
-,( Slyllfli"s -Ahle.. UrSIP.10 Ot 1916-111j: tAllh
#14nqaikg Air ah,iiu-~l atsl vILAtAo fee tolm -1 t smsu-
lvj~, .4 J.h. Age tail-IA
ancallAl -61 % Air git vi Wt 114--ims, t.wlsll M.
1111OCTS.-All, lflo(i.11. Mid t'fr%Wli -A%1A
I.WrIfirl wilb sh4wovilill.w &,ul 4"41,
the briection ul cavtwl t%dole dnigm.
'r I J 1
.-I~ t.1 V; r"t (-I
.'T'i f j p jr r t a r, c p :i t ru r,-.!i w tk! v n7--'
-ir I lo-h Wo-11
;-i-inoert: ln,l tec;irici2rr.
fln !,rc, s n n v n tv a r u f. o t 1 r11 o ti
1,-~ r
3 51 J44
Full T I t1c
T ra., I
r- i
xl-inatini_ AEc-ricy:
P,-w,;r -:labllo,*,%j--
D,t No. `72
tr,, r : .I c: " e .
Ln-C h t Q IN, e
ve r.-., ',"he -.4f)z-k tr,-. its tq,~ the,~.,Y, -lo:!i ;x,
ail l-,
^u ~nxt*c~~-', for
s: 15.
LYUTOV, S.A.; Prinimal ucbast1yejqFDDb%_V,,_j,j,; VAYNSHTEYN, S.S.,
red.; FRIDKIN, UO., tekhn. red.
(Industrial radio interferences and methods for their preven-
tion] Industriallnye pomekhi radiopriemu i boribn a nimi.
Izd-3., perer. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1952. 320 p.
(MIRA 16:7)
GROU"V.,-,Ipr' 12maYlovich; SOKOWY, Vaoiliy Vasil'yevich; NOVIXOT, V.A.,
i_ redaktor; BUSANKINA. N.G., redaktor; rHELBMKATA, L.K., telchni-
cheskiy redaktor.
[Coaxial cables] goaksialInye kabeli. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo lit-ry
po voprosam eviati t radio, 1954. 225 p.[Kicrofilm)(KIRA 8:2)
(Ilectric cables)
GRODKEY, Igor' Izm&Ylovic!j; IAKWIK, Rafail Moiseyevich; SHARIZ, David
Leonidovich; TErIMOV, I.Te., redaktor; LIUOV, A.Y., redaktor;
FRIDKIN, A.M., tokhatchaskiy redaktor
(Fundamentals of the theory and the production of communication
cables] Cenovy teorii i proizvodstvo kabelei sviazi. Moskva, Go*.
energ. izd-vo. 1956. 480 p. (HLRA 9:11)
(Xlectric cables)
WIN i im; TIPIMOV. I.Te.; XARIMONT. L.B.; SHIRYATXV, N.P., inzhener-
kapitan. redaktor; STRILIFIKOVA. N.A.. tekhnicheskiy redaktor
LCommunication lines; approved by the chi f i1 aml office as a
textbook for military schools of co untc:ti:nj Linit sviazi;
odobreno nachallnikou voisk sylast v kachestve uchebnika dlia
voennykh uchilishch eviazi. Noskya, Toen. Izd-vo K-Ya obor. SSSR,
1956. 503 p. (NLRA 10:6)
(Telephone lines) (Telegraph lime)
k -
Kable talskomunikacyjne (Telecommunication cables) by I.I. Grodniew and B.F. Killar.
Reported in Now Books (Nowe Ksiaski,) March 1, 1956,
GRODNEV, I.I., doktor takhaichookikh nAuk; S)MGMYCHUX, X.Ta., kandidat
---.-----tvkYmIch~mkikh sauk.
Blectric losses in the screens of communication cable.^ Bloktreavlas'
10 se.2:41-49 ir 056. (KERA 9:6)
(Telephone cablas)
- a, .; UXSTIN, I.F.
.J Alp ~-~
.-------fttedation of the optimm designs of avmmetrlc&l c&bles in trunk
communication. Blektrosviss' 10 no.5:56-65 NY 156. (KLRL 9:8)
(RMIO lines)
Multilayer cmabization shielde for couminication cables. Ilskitro-
aviail 10 no.12:48-56 D 156. (NLBA 9:12)
(Blectric cables)
GRODXIV, I., inzh.-podpolkovnik doktor takhn.nauk
,.-I ~....... .- -- -.,- - 1. 1 ~
Wave guides and their application. Voen.sviaz. 16 no.4:9-12
Ap 158. (mmA ii-M
(Wave guides)
Belorussoys N. I., and 1. 1. Grodnev
Radiocbastotnyye kabeli (Radio-Irreqwncy Cables) 2wA ed., rev. Noof-cm,
Gosenergoizdat, 1959- 318 P- Irrats, slip inserted. 10,000 copit-tt
Ed.: 1. 1. Yefimov; Tech. Ed.; G. 1. Matveyev.
PURPOWs The book vas approved by the Administration of Secondary Specialized
Schools, Ministry of Higher Educationj, UWp as a teXtbook for tekhnikum
students specioLlizing in the production of cables and ennductors. The bcrk
is also intended for engineering and technical personnel of the cable Indastry.,
design bureaui~ laboratories, enterprises and departments engaged in the
utilization and operation of radio-frequency cables.
COVE": The authors outline the theory of e'o%xI&l and symnetrical cables,,
present electrical calculations and describe the basic types of r%,'Uo-
frequency cables. Basic information on wavegaides is given. Radio-frequency
Card .1/7
Radio-Frequency Cables
cable materials, production processes and methods of testing and measuring
these cables are described. The authors thank the following persons for
their help in writing this book: Doctor of Technical Setences I. Ye. Yetimrx,
Engineers V. N. Krasotkin (decessed)p T. M. Orloviph and S. S. Solonin1k, wid
Candidates of Technical Sciences K. Ya. Sergeychuk and v. I. Suahkovich.
There are 39 Soviet references (including U translations).
Foreword 3
Introduction- 7
Ch. I. Principles of Tranodusion of Zlectromagnetin Energy by Cablea 10
1. Initial equations of the cable network 10
2. Velocity of energy propagation along cables 19
3. Resonance properties of the cable network 21
4. Special features of the quarter-vave netvork 24
Card 2/7
Radio -Frequency Cables
Ch. II. Coaxial Cables
1. Electromagnetic processes in coaxial r-ables
2. Calculation of resistance
3. Calculation of parameters L, C and G 14-1
4. Calculation of swondary parawtere of a coaxIal cable 51
5. Optimm relationship between diameters of the ~onductora of a
coaxial cable 59
6. Shielding properties of a coaxial cable 63
7. Calculation of power transmitted through a c-)axis.1 cable 66
8. PIrequency range for the use of coaxial cables ,?9
9. Elements of construction of coaxial cables 82
10. Cables with a continuous polyethylene insulation 95
11. Cables with heat-resistant insulation 323
12. C"Ies with rubber Insulation 117
13. Coaxial cables with semi-air insulation 1.19
14. Coaxial cables with air insulation 1!?5
Ch. Ill. Spiral R-F Cables 128
1. Purpose and field of application of spiral cables 128
2. Electric calculation of delay and matching-elisles 1.31
Card 3/7
Radio-Frequency Cables
3. '7arjous constructions of spiral cables and thetr I-aai.,
characteristics 141z;
4. Transformation cables 14(;
Ch. IV. Symmetrical Cables A.;'2
1. Electrokagnetic processes in symmetrical cables 142
2. Calculation of a symmetrical unshielded oa1il-!
3. Calculation of a symmetrical shielded cabl!
4. Shielding properties of a symmetrical netmirk
5. Constructional elements of symmetrical raIalps
6. Sy=etrical unshielded cables 13-1
7. Symmetrical shielded cables
Ch. V. Waveguides
1. Physical processes in waveguides
2. Inergy attenuation and Velocity of transmisnion in wav-!E7.iL4~~s
3. Comparison of wavegaides and other tyl-w-a of troxismisO.,in llnes
4. Classification of weveguides and vave
5. Transverse-electric H10-mode vsve in a
Card 4/ 7
Radilo-Frequency Cablpb
6. Special featniN~n of the 111-mdf-- vave
7. ca charaptertW--p. e,,f wavPguidi3a
Calculation of the electr
8. Construction of wavegaides
9. Flexible waveguides A
Ch. VT. Radio-Frequeney Cable Connertors
1. General principles of constructing eehle (!-inik- ~Vjrs 2~14
2. Construction of connectors
3. Connectors recommended by the Intervat;4.,itv4 El~--trnf.ecvtinical
4. Electrical Pharwteristies of conner-fors
5. Physical and wchanical rharacteristica of rotinvotors
Ch. VII. Materials for the Production of R-F Cables I?
1. Conductor materials
2. Polyethylene 242
3. Polystyrene 210
4. Polytetrafluoroethylene 250
5. Rub*r 2FI
6. PolyvInyI chloride masticated rubber 21;2-
Card 5/7
Radio-Frequency Cables SOV/3158
Ch. VILI. Produation of R-F Cables 2:1 3
1. Production of the inner conductor 253
2. Preparation of plastic material for and sheathing ~~55
3. Apparatus for applying plantic
4. Applying MlypthyInne InnUlUttrin
5- Applying Insulation of poIytetrnfIn,-r~-ttj`-n-:
6. Applying nibber insulation
7. Applying (,ap InmilatIon
8. Applving the outer ennduntnr
9. Bralders
10. Applying the sheathing
U. ~xazirple of planning the shop for the nf 7--f c:ables
with polyethylene insulation
Ch. DI. Testing and Measuring R-F Cables
1. Measuring lines
2. Setup for measuring attenuation
3. Q-meters k-,
4. Measuring elentrinal charaeteristt-9 of
5. Mewxuring wave imjvdan,!e
Card 6/7
6. Mous-aring, ~At ~;,i, i
7. Tenting vi'(h 141r1i
8. PhysVaL and tw.,7hnn1-iA L; t i r:g
9. Climatic tefiting
Alphabetl~,al. Index
Alphabetical Index of Makes of R-F Cable
AVAIIABLE: Library of 0,r)ngreng. (TK5)r-l-B44, 1959)
Card 7/7
BZZSONOV, Boris LIvovich; GORODETSKIT. Sergey Sargeyevich; GRODRUT,
Igor' Ismaylovich; LINKOV, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; LTUBIHOY.
Ionstentin Alskenndrovieh; XACHMM, Lev Illich; PRIT-023NTSKY,
Vladimir Alskseyevich; SAPAROVA, A.L., red.; LARIONOT, G.Te.,
(Cables and wires) Kabeli i provoda. Pod obshchei red. V.A.
Privezantseva i A.T.Linkova. Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo. Vol.l.
[Fundamentals of theory, calculation. and construction] 0snovy
teorii. rasohat i konstruirovanis. 1959. 559 P. (MIRA 13:2)
(Ilectric cables) (Electric wires)
MIIHAYLOV, Mikhail Ivenovichi'doktor tekhn.nauk. Prinimal uchastiye:
RAZUKOV, L.D.. GRORM, I.I., retsenzent; GRACHEY, I.S.,; BELIar, B.S., rule; KMOCH, K.G.,
(Affect of external electromagnetic fields on communication
lines and protective asureal Vlilanie vneahnikh elektro-
magnitnykh polei na t:pi provodnoi oviazi i sashchitn"
maropriiatiia. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po voproaam sviazi
i radio. 1959. 582 p. (MIRA 12:9)
(Tolecommunication-Equipment and supplies)
MINTS, A.L., akndemik, glavnyy red.; BURDUN, G.D., red.; VOLIPW, A.R.,
red.; GCHOH. I.Te., red.; GUTZKMAXIM, L*I,, prof*, red.;
GAPHO.-I.L. red.; UWUTKOV. N.D., red.; 2MUMIN. L.A.,
red.; KATAYICV, S.I.. red.; VZYKAN, H.S.. red.; SIFOROV, V.I..
red.; CHISTTAKOW, V.I., red.; GNSSMI, L.V., red.izd-va;
[One hundredth anniversary of the birth of A.S.Popov; jubilee
session] 100 let so dnia rozhdaniia A.S.Popove; iubilainsia
sesalia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.tujuk SSSR, 1960. )12 p.
(min 14:1)
1. Nauchno-tekhnichaskoye obahchestvo radiotelchniki
(Information theory)
Grodnev, I.I.,, and K. Ya. Sergeychuk
Ekranirovaniye apparatury I kabeley svyazi (Shielding of Communication Apparatus
and Cables) Moscow, Svyazlizdat, 1960. 315 p. 6,000 copies printed.
Resp. Ed.: V.X. Lavrov; Tech. Ed.: S.F. Karabiloya; Ed.: V. Ye. Petrova.
PURPOSE: ThIs book Is intended for technical personnel. enncerned with the
development and operation of means of comounicatiossand -adio engineering.
It may also be used as a textbook by students in advanc.-d related courses.
COVERAGE: The book presents the shielding theory and its application in the
protection of h-f communication apparatus and cables from interference.
The principles of shielding by means of flat, cylindrical, and spherical shielda
of single or multilayer design are reviewed and the required basic shielding
parameters are established for a wide-frequency spectrum. The effect of the
shield on intrinsic transmission parameters and the influence of shielded com-
ponents and circuits am discussed; a description is included of a mathematical
apparatus for the computation of electrical losses in shields. The shielding
Card -1/6~_
Shielding of Communication Apparatus (Cont.) SOV/4822
theory for stranded-cable networks is presented and electrically nonuniform
shields of the braided, grid, and other types are studied. Practical measures
for carrying out the shielding of communication apparatus and cables are also
examined,, and recommendations are given concerning the design and manufactum of
shields . The investigations are based on the solution of Maxwell's equations
under quasi-stationary conditions, and, in respect to the shielded objects in
question,, these solutions are correct for a frequency range of up to 107 to 109
cycles. The authors thank S.M. Bragin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and
V.M. Lavrovp Candidate of Technical Sciences, fo" their advice. There are 39
references, all Soviet (including 6 translations).
Foreword 3
Symbols Used 5
Ch. I. Theory of Flatp Cylindrical and Spherical Shields 7
1. Basic principles of shielding 7
2. Flat shield 12
3. Cylindrical shield 19
GRUDM, Igor' lzmaylovich; IMSHOT, Tasiliy Nikolayovich; SOKOLOY,
..-- -6411ij--finii1yevich (deceased]; SEROTCHUX, K.Ts., kand.tekhn.
sauk, red.; BALAKIEW, A.Y., red.; R, G.I., takha.rid.
(Cable comminicatioa lines] Kabellve linii eviazi. Pod red.
K.MSergelchuko. Koskvas Goe.izd-vo lit-ry po voprossm eviazi
i radio, 1960. 494 p. (MIRA 13:7)
(Blectric cables)
Prnfessor Vladimir Alekseevich Privezenteov. Blektrichostvo
no.7:94 A 160. (MIRA 13:8)
(Privezentsev. Vladimir Aleksoovidh, 1900-)
.0rodnev, I. I., A. N. Gumelya, M. A. Klimov, K. Ya. Sergeychuk, and
V_.O. Shvartsman
Inzhenerno-tekhnicheekly spravochnik po elektroavyazi; kabellnyye i
vozdushnyye linii avyazi (Engineering and Technical Manual In
Electrocommunication; Cable and Overhead Communication Lines)
[Moscow] Svyazlizdat, 1961. 558 P. 15,000 copies printed.
Reap. Ed.: K. Ya. Sergeychuk; Ed.: G. V. Bogacheva; Tech. Ed.:
G. I. Shefer.
PURPOSE: This manual in intended for technical personnel engaged in
planningo buildingp and operating electrocommunieation lines, and
for students in communication schools of higher technical educa-
COVERAGE: The manual reviews the systems of arrangement and opera-
tion of intercity communication lines. Construction data and
detailed electrical characteristics of symmetrical and coaxial
Engineering and Technical Manual (Cont.) SOV/5267
cables and overhead lines are given for a broad frequency spectrum.
The book contains the basic definitions and engineering calcula-
tion formulas for transmission parameters and for the effect of
various types of lines. Problems of protection of communication
lines from mutual effects (transposition, balancing, shielding)
are examined. Electrical measurements and protective measures
against the influence on communication lines of power lines and
atmospheric electricity are described. Basic reference data
are given for the planning, construction, and operation of in-
tercity electrocommunication lines. No personalities are men-
tioned. There are 50 references, all Soviet.
Foreword 7
Ch. I. Systems of Construction and Operation of Intercity
Cable Communication Lines
An kll-Union session. Radiotekhnika 16 no.10:77-80 0 161.
(MIM 14: 10)
1. Rukovoditell sektaii elektroniki Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo
obshche3tva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova (for
Devyatkov). 2. Rukovoditeli sektaii provodnoy svyazi Nauchno-
tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektroavyazi (foi
Grodnev, Roginskiy). 3. Rakovoditell sektsii poluprovodnikovykh
priborov Nauchno-tekhaicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i
elektroavyazi (for Gallperin).
svi j~ z i no.1 -1.. 13 !a Q-2, ~,A 2,
-V~~e ~ovuznyv i~i, hnyy s-,ryzai
fto.! GrcJnwi). 2. Zameptite-l rvu ! Akogo
in,)ti-tutn kabeVnoy prcuqshienr.~~:'~ pe nni~i,-no.-, c"a-'.-L (fc..
kPed'-0 -inns.)
9 oa
Atf'_'HOR. Cd I - T_
S/ I 06/6P,/OOO/OOZ/009/0 ! 0
7IMF- Propagation of impulses along real syTnretrtcal and ccaxia: cable
PFJt.1OD17,AL-. ElektrosvyiW, no. 2, 196P, 6()
TECL ; The propagation of impulses P-1 ---ymmetrical and coaxial cable
.:Ircz~It5 is analyzed, account taken of eddy -:-ent losses, of the skin effect,
of ~.he proximity effect and of the dielect 1, )sses In Insulation (dielectric
p-larlza'.Ion). The author begins by deriviri, for the Impedances
Z, and Z2 (of the inner and outer conductors the case of coaxial cables) and
'he-. for 'r~he Impedance Z, + Z2 of the coaxial cable circuit, and a-so for the im-
pe-dance of the symmetrical cable circuit. In the case of symmetrical circuits,
two formulae-are derived for the impedance: 1) account taken of the skin effect,
2) account taken of the skin effect and of the proximity effect. All these for-
mula--~ are valid for the h-f range. Using these formulae, the author deduces the
sxpressions giving tne propagation factor ~r for the coaxial cable and for the
_~Ymme'.rical cable. Fe finds(using the operator method) the expressions represent-
Card 1/2
Pr,,pagatiorl of Impulses along real ... A055/A1Ol
ing the *-ran,~tent- response of an infinitely long circuit or of a circuit. with a
ma"_ne.d load in the cafe of a single voltage jump. Resorling then to the super-
po~ltl3n method, lie expresses the Impulse as the sum of twc single jumps with a
'!me-shl,lt bet.ween them equal to the duration 7, of the Impulse, and thus deter-
miries 11;e response of the circuit to a single impulze. This rezponse !s ex-
Pree--eJ az the stim of two similar runctions, f4me-shIfted by T. with respect t~~
_)nr~ ario~,her and having oppo!31te signr. 7hese fanclions can be simplified If V
is ;i~ss)ble to neglect eddy current losses. At the end of the article, the
'-,c- brl-~-fly examInes ine atInvatIm and the distortion of rectangular Impilses
(in a coaxial and in a symmetrIcal circuit), due !~o dielectric losses, to the
31~1n effect and to.Nie proximity effect. 7here are It figures and I Soviet-bloc
r~_feren:e. T-Ke Sov!_~-~ authors or s~tentJsti mentioned In the article are- V. W.
and V, 'i. Sokolov.
%Ily 10~ 1961
Card ?_/2
3?C' -
~ Ot
AWHORS: Grodnev, I.I.; Lyubimov, X.A.; Sverkalova, A.P.
TI=: Investigation of multilayer shields in coaxia'. cablez;
0 562, ('-
P.E.-KODICAL: FUcktro.-,vYaz no- 5, 1 0
TFIXT: The authors describe a wullti
I shieldz in coaxial cables. The zhielding of a coaxial cable 'L,2.'rg
expressed by the ratio of the electric field strength axlal components on the
external and internal surfaces of the cable shield, i.e.:
zz (r
S ex,
z (ri.'t)
it is necessary, in the case of a three-layer shield klcopper-st~el-copper), to
k,now the field strengths at rext r4 and ri:-.- 2). To solve th-'s
problem, the authors write do-wrn the lelaxwell equations for the components E., and
H,,, (in the cylindrical system of coordinates) and deduce, first, the general
expressions giving Ez and H,, and, then, a set of particular expressions for
Card 1/3
Investigation of multilayer shields in coaxial cables P,055AIGI
thin shields. The shielding factor of the examil.ed threc-layel. 31".ield, *%;ch as
finally found by the authors, is:
S123 - ch k1tj ch 1k2i~_~k
3 t~3 (1 + L th 1-1tj U, ;,2t2)
z + z -1h ;'2-1~2 Lh k3t)
where K I (,) ktto are the eddy currents coefficients of the corresponding
Irl r!. 11,
shield layerv; t are the thicknesses of the shield layers; Zr are
the wave Impedances of the metal of the corres;-,ondlng layers. Gm the basis Of
t~.L& foramla, the aUthors obtain also analogous Afonr,~,;Iae for t".,? Shielding fac-
tor of the two-layer and one-layer shieldz. The a-uthors nex-_ deal with the cal-
culation, of the "shielding attenuation" in the case of the three-layer (copper-
-teel ara 1 ny
-copper) shields and eor different thicknesses of tne copper . steel ~_ -
ers, the total thickness of the shield beingr, constant and equall, to C-2 r,-.n; this
calculation was made for the 60 - 550 kc/z range. Two ~rapnr, are prerjented,
glv~lng, respectively, the frequenc., dependence of tte attenuation and its depen-
dence on the increase of the thickness of the steel layer. Another graph shows
Card 2/3
Investirtition of multilayar nhIelds in coaxial cablw; A C, 5 5/A 16
the rplative importance of the "absorption attenuation" a:~-d the at-
te."Lation" in the ca:;e of a three-layer z,'-ie-d- At the
end of the artic-le, the wathor- reproduce a table giving '
a'~tenuat,ion *rx!tween small coaxial cables, Intended for L"-~ h-f mailtiplexing syr-
tem K-300U. The Soviet personality mentioned in the article Is V. Vash?ova. There
are 5 flig-ur es and 2 tables.
S U-M I WL E D; Decumbur 15, 1961
Figure 2:
Card 3/3
IpGri Ti D-i N i ~.cj 'i , y ');-a t r,. y~! v~,. ,
GWWTi~vp - vlovlch~ K~I;L9A I
- 0tv., red 1 11 Yo . re-I ,
TRISHINA, L.A.-, tekhn, red-
r0orvani~ntioxi line stru;-,tures' :.irieinye 91,dazi.
Moskva, SVIAZ'izdnt, 1963. 578 P~ (MIRA 16-.S'j
(Electric 11nes-Overtead) k.7 e '02 comfnun I z n t i o n ~
MQUEV, Igor' Imanylovich; KULESHOV, V.11., otv. red.; V(jLfJDK-,..FAYA, red.
[Tran=lBsion of clectrorutpietic enarey u3ing directional
nystems] Peradacha elektromagnitnol energli po napravlia-
lushchim vistenim. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sviazl" 1964. 52 p.
(1411i"A 17:5)
- ", , a~O K:71' -
- - 0-`
YEFIXIOV, 1.7c.; CROj)jlKK,_j~j.,v doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., rati;enzent;
SUSHUNICH, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk) retsenzent; SRL711;SKIY,
V.11., retsenzent; GOLOVPIIOVA, L.V., red.
kadlufvequoncy transmission lines] Hadiochastotnyo linii pe-
roduchl. Mo.,jkva, Sovetskoe radio, 1964. 599 p. WAMA 17:5)
GRODNEV, I.I., doktor tokhn.naule; LYIJBIMV, K.A., knnd.t.,(,khn.naidc;
SVERYAW-1A, A.P., inzh.
Sma)l-slzed coaxial cable. Elnktrotekhnl~si 35 no.3s46-47
Mr 164. MRA 17--5)
7-~-) ly.,-)V , j3,)j-js rjAtuLyIuvI,-,h; GIVIDNEV, Igor' JzT-ayI-pv';,-f:; n '
.1 '1 -
'.- Nina Yerimovna, KIj7Wr,r.-ZV, lilk-Afty Iva - v4ch;
V()-'O-rI.fLIS.V.TAt,%'.Ya,,# red, -
[Flastic coated ccmmuni~:ation cables] Kabul! svIa7..'L v
plastmaDse. Moskvap 3viazlp 1965. 190 P. (M:RA 18:12)
G.rICDI.;EV).- Igor' lzmaylovicl,; GUK, V.V., red.
[Comm,nication cables] Kabell oviazt. Yoskvii, Enurgilia,
1965. 279 p. (1.11RA 18:9)
Shielding effect of cable sheathings. Elektrosviaxt 19
73-75 Ja 165. (MIRA 18t4)
I 22_494-1~6 EWT(d)
ACC NR, AP 05004 SOURCE: CODE: UR/01067667000/001/0079/0080
AUTHOR: Grodnev, 1. 1.; Novozhilova, L. V.
ORG. none
TITLE: Shielding SRF electromagnetic field
SOURCE: Elektrosvya~% no. 1, 1966, 79-80
TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic shielding, SHF
ABSTRACT. rormulas for calculating SHF shields, for TM and TE modes, are
analyzed, and a numerical example of a copper cylindrical 3-cm diameter shield
(frequencies up to 10211 cps) ta presented. The mathematical structure of the shield-
design formulas for TM, TE, and TEM (lower frequencies) modes is the same. The
shield-caused attenuation consists of two parts: absorption attenuation Aa due to
eddy-current heat loss and reflection attenuation Ar. The shield effect due to A a
increases with frequency and shield thickness; the Aa v8- frequency curve is
monotonous for all frequencies. The Ar vs- frequency curve is periodic at SHF
because the wavelength becomes comparable to the shield dimensions. Orig. art,
-has: 4 figures and 6 formulas.
SUB CODE-. 09 SUBM DATE: 06Apr65 / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 001
111 71-N.. UDC: 621.315.212
GRODNICKI, Kjnryk, mgr (Warszawa)
The Warszawa Building Machinery Managing Enterprise. Przegl budowl
i bud missak 34 nd.2sll5-116 F 162.
GRODNICKI, Henryk (Warstawa)
Transportation organization of prefabricated building parts
in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Przagl budowl i
bud mieszk 35 no. 6; 274-278 Je 163.
Moscow. VyoLy-e tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumaaa
Issledovaniye protsessoy I meehin glubokogo kholoda; sbornik statey (Investi-
Sation of Deep Freezing Processes and Machinery; Collection of Articles)
Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958- 77 P. (Series: Its:/Trudy/ vYP. 75) No of copies
printed not given.
Zd.: S.Ya. Gersh, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Managing Ed. for
Literature on Machine Building and Instrument Making (N&shgiz): N.V. Fbkrovskiy,
PLWdVM: This collection of articles Is intended for scientific workers and
engineers concerned with deep freezing.
COVARAGS: In the present collection, a number of investigations of deep-freezing
problems associated with heat-exchange processes and the design of expanders
ardturbocompresoors are published for the first time. See Table of Contents.
There are 16 references, 13 of which are Soviet, and 3 English.
Card l/ 6
Investigation of IX-ep Freezing Processes (Cont.) SOV/1504
Gersh, 8-Ya., Professor, Doctor of Itchnical Sciences. Energy Variations
in Irreversible Processes
Increase of entropy associated with heat transfer from one body to another 5
Increase of entropy associated with heat transfer in heat exchangers 7
Increase of entropy associated with conversion of mecranical into thermal
energy 8
Increase of entropy associated with throttling
Increase of entropy in real cycles
Disturbance of thermal equilibrium between the working body and the heat
source (Ixternal irreversible processes) 10
Cycle within the temperature limits T1 and T2 12
card 2/ 6
Investigation of Deep Freezing Processes (Cont.) SOV/1504
Inverse cycle at constant temperatures of the heat sources T, and T 2 15
Increase of work associated with the disturbance of thermal equilibrium 17
Internal irreversible variations in cycles 18
References (8 Sovlet) 20
Golovintsov,, A.G. p Candidate of T6chnical Sciences. On the Problem of De-
signing a Piston ZxpaWer 21
Gersh, S.Ya., Professor, Doctor of 1*cWc&1 Sciences,, and M.G. Grolnik,,
Ingimer. Equipenat for Producing Liquid OiW~Pn With a N;6ruit~tY-Of 5 t 33
Schematic of the machine 34
Initial paraimters for calculation (concentrations, pressure losses, pressures,,
temperatures, coldeloases to the surmunding madim) 36
Amount of processed air 37
Card 316
Investigation of Deep Freezing Processes (Cant.) SOV/1504
Heat balance of the fractionating column 37
Heat balan of the Uqujd-oxyjpn supercooler 38
Beat balance of the nitrogan siVercooler 39
Process of fractionation 40
Heat load trmsferzed in the cond n r 40
Heat balance of regenerators and recoverY urdto 41
ft1culAtion of t1a cooling cycle 42
a. Amount of inverse nitroWn passing through the main heat exchampr 42
b. Amount of nitrogen passing through the piston expander 43
c. Faramters of nitrogen after expension in the piston expander 43
d. Heat balance of the min heat exchan r 43
e. Heat balwee of the expand r-type heat exchanger 44
f. Cold-producing calacity of the turboexpander 44
g. General equation of cold balance 45
Card 4/ 6
Investigation of Deep Freezing Pr9cesses, (Cone; Wf/1504
Energy consumption per kg of liquid oxygen 45
layout of liquAd-oxygn.plant-vith pre-fractionating of air and a circulatiop-
Vve cooling 07016 46
9pecial features of wyst~ of l1qmid-o)Wpn, plants with a circulation-
type nitrogen cycle 47
MU&kavs, V. M.,, Engineer. On the Ymber of Ble"s In the Hator of a
TurbocoWrwssor 48
Basic considerations 48
Zxpression. for the output per moood 50
Expression,%/u 2 for P=p rotorm, 53
Determination of tbs optimmma number of b2ades in a pump rotor 55
Determins,tion of ths optlow amber of blMes In a compressor-type rotor 57
Mikulin, Ye. 1.,, CoAldste of lbabdoal lklences. Dania and OLlculation
of Mate-tnm Brat ZxChawro 62
card 5/6
Investigation of Deep P~Meslmx homeme (Cost.) SOV/1504
Deelga of plAte-type beat exablapre., lbtemlastlon of beat-troaafer co-
I efficient and maletance 62
Basic equations for detemial" the dl~lomz of the beat exchm r 65
Peferences 0 Soviet, 3 W115h)
AVAILAMEt lAbmry of Congmes
I. B./ftl
card 616
GRODNIK , X.Gq, Inzb.
]Problem of uniform refluxing in deoigning multicell rectification
column ' #Izv,TY*,uoheb.z&v.; mashinontr. no.4:15Q-165 '59.
(MIRA 11i4)
1. Moskovskoye v7seheye tekhnicheekoye uchilishche im. Baumana.
(Refrigeration and refriterating machinery)
GRODNIN, M.Ge. inzh.; BYKGVA, E.N., inzh.; VELICHAIISKIY, Ya.A., inzh.
Purificatio" and drying of carbon dioxide gaa in the Byatem
of carbon dioxide planta. Khol. tekh. 39 no-5:35-36 S-0 162.
(MIRA 16.7)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu kholodillnikov,
fabrik morozhenogop zavodov sukhogo i vodnogo 11da i zhidkoy
(Carbon dioxide) (Gasea-Purification)
1 -1 - Id IT' ~- T " ZP
- 6;." . ii,
Un-,)Ived nroblen?. Av, tranpr. 1~ '(--I] Jr- ' --- . -,; r~,?~
- I I
(Trans-.nortoit to,i loitim-rot I" o I
BERGMAN, Ta.; Q_?qD11ITSKIY, P.; EYZ11fl=TN. 0.
Centralized operational service. Avt. transp. 37 no.8:10-12 A 159
(MIRA 12:12~
I.Leningradskly fillal Nauchno-Inaledovatellakogo Instituta avtomobill-
nogo transport& i Krasnoyarskiy avtotrest.
(Transportation, Automotive)
PC:LAI'*,D. / Chem1cal Tcchn(.-.logy. Proriucts an'! H
Tli 2 1 r j'-.i)r) I Lc atf rn7.. rherrical :Iroces-in-,i of
Sol ic] Foss I I Fur~ I,;.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-ILhimiya, 1059, i,;,) 4, 13115.
Auth,~,r Ka 1 onwitsle I -~ohd-~n; '3rcdon, Alojzy; Antonl
Inst !.ot given.
Title Ab3orbent Oil for Collecting Benzene from Coklnq
.11 )-~neraticn.
jas anrl liew Possibilities of its ;or
Part 1,
Crig F10): Ko.,s) smola, gaz, 19571, Z) No 43 153-156.
1%;):; t r ac. t (-Icneral Informetion Is given on nictIvt1r, f,~,r collcct-
Ing i)cnzene fror coling gases, on co!-,.,-)ar-Aiv- char-
act,ristics (,f coal ond sol,-.~r a!)sr-r6ent oills asuall'i-
iiso3d an(i t1leir reor~ncrrtlon. 11cz;sons for pro,jucticii
rj,' thesc oils a,-icl st-;)s f,,)r sto:-,,)Ing these
losses are
i.ard I/I
Chemical itari Actho"'
wthods. San
POIAO/Cherd-cal e - safety 58) 36151
'Joes tio 1.9
Abs JOut rroaon As ()re~Dr No in 5,nzene Storagee
A.thor 14,,Sxwes
-11113t 1,951, 36, 110 It 15-1.9
Title przeA- j ares and C~Qlo-
orig pub development 0 of japor
olapo influe
.favoreible to thezene (BI CC sition 'ne' of
VaCtojrS ed ben sourcep Xtingdsh'"
P,batract sione of tal 'k-stor -e of fire eans Of C the our-
i (,4PA) , rol Id ta
,j.%taef rities (14qp co ) a, (VpA) cLbo'vc
are tajns and
inert EPS fircis (Vulu=e $) j..0
of (B) Caused ,a Vade (B) con. 1. 4.9-2, il-5-Cft;
face Of techni 0 8 to 7.2-co, * ined by the Oxida-
3.5 to 9- 6-C0-2) * be expla
to 6.3-0 a U of (VAM) TOO . under catalytic
such co ;&,,4,tiO and its Vapo
,,a6 benz(3ne
tion Of liq
card 1/2