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Method for improving the evaluation of rArameters. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 20 no. 6:15-19 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR Yu. O.Mitropollsklm. _jk~Ajjp~Tlill)v., 1,5h. I I - _ ~ .. -.-. ~ Deteminettlon of d3strilrition -arainater3. .rz-7. L1- Azerb. 53-R. Sor. fiz.-tekh. i mat, nuk no.201-41 .364. (!,tIP A 17: 10) SHARIFKANOV) A.Sh.1 IMANOV) P-S- Heterooyelt.o oompoundpe Phenoxyacetic &W benzoio asters of the oc-forms of 3,orotyl- and 1-(,f-ohlorocrotyl)-2..5-dimethyl-4-piperidinoo Iwo AN Kazakh* SSR Ser, khim. no. 2sI05-106 160. (MMA 1415) (Piparidinol) V CYcl!YAtwQ of "'Ittat'hyibme" 4Z2c(j)/4E3d 1 D l M in-41. I - S AE04. Mauk i a-r'itra-. 71-43.-The Gttkdy of the cytiftation reRctiou Q shawcd thit & fjV3hjWcpd- catalyst cb- t ined b IVfS Wd of t T((h from T(CI w(th a c. y pp 4 C CqUiV. tO 10.5%, at (M*, 12 mj.1j-.r, feed of I and I I./hr. Ill. Tht $Ad=. Of CU salts to the TiO, as a Promoter did rot produce a neticcable Incrczv In *!d Of It aj cempired writh the ptre Ti0j. T~- &ddn. of K,O, which rave a notiotahle P03. promoter effect ad CrtOs-AIA CatIlYst Sh(,-,ed a neg. "an in case of the catalyst ccritc. ri. A &-on. a! TiO~ with CrOg and subicqucnt redn. ii a sixftm of lit ir=e2v-d the yield of 11 or~d alit) rzisv:d Oe th = C4 t-bilky 4 the caudytt, Tc;tv, -,-fr-A- n-m wt a x C-tAI)-9t of TiOr-A1,1% indicated that the tes: ric!d of !I olhtah-wd nn a mt:dy%t romr. .~)- TiC~, A1,0a The trudy of '-f 11 - 1. by the CxLn. Ot the dixtiilratt wikh 11 and the sepa. of H as a picrate, 141 211 cz-acs the product Was a roncryatc. 0a awing to ti:e pstvzznce a E=-Zn &mounts of by-products. The cryst. U. m. wa~i ob- tained after 4-6 pss~es of the crude benreim ezts. thiough an Abi~lioa column Wked with ty-pe AIA. A. V. TrI1=jZ- INUM- -=SONSARKOSIO Elan j Roport, on my study trip to Paris* Ken tud koal ICA 20-not2t272- 276 1,63. lo Magyar Tudommqw Akadenis, lealai-S"Amseti Kutato La~watoriump D"aposto Hungary/Gh,mnical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Food industry., 1-28 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya., No 2, 1957., 6570 Auth)r: Szoke.. Sandor; lbranyip Katalin Institution: None Title: Investigation of the Quality of Bread Original Publication: Elelm. ipar, 1956, lo, No 6, 161-169 Abstract: A review. Bibliograpbyl 41 references. IBRANTI Miklos, technikus I The 220/120 kV transfomer station at Sajoazoged,, Villamossag 1.) - no.6--275-1-76 Jo 162. 3t Villamos Rromu Tervezo es Szerelo Vallalat. u,.- = bragev, 11. 1.~ Some CASeq of anbility of Solutions of it denumerable systent of differcidini equations. bvc-stiya Vol. 14 Noq 9 And. Natik,'Kamb. NSR 1951, ito. 62, '-A-r. Mat. Nich. S. 119- 135 0950. 0(11-,iian) 8,3pb. 1953 Extellsioll of the Ly.11)(11-mv "Iwcolld meth'XI" stability AnalyJAG theorems (to a vec(or qyslem ill 111C -~Jml v 1j; X), X') -,j('; X")11 6A X, 11 where A (1) is conthmous for 1;1,,. 0. S. I .A(helz. IBRASHEV, Kh.; I = GUIDV, Sh. compiling dictiomries of matbeMatiCal terms in the XaZakh language. Vest.Kazakh.SSR 16 uo-9:57-61 8 160. (MIR& 13:9) (Hathematice-Dictionaries-Kazakh) hut2o /001/033/053 s/o44/63/000 p,060/1\000 Ustions eci of 5.16ebr 9-3) ev 8 - 9, go - real parts of the roots Ostrac 1963s the TIP. no* . 9 60 us- 'Determining' 14stematj`j~ftq t0 19 161- a 'n-Al I SOSY.. Un, OUS different jjererv6tA,4nyy.%MIIS%txeM- f0' Y.&?- . r 1homoselle ~,rr. 14eyyon. of lines vok.LO'DjrNT'I g;LVen 5 ,stem J~et there .,. +-? sit C- (t) %2 + run + 152 A 0 no rac- ti.ons 4y.5 7-1 n.. jents 5, . n ot t tyie r0 pal a eoe frie a of at $,,ore tale ....86ted ttA of t its demon real arts Special c'ase I to ,siderB eve reaX eq\xa utylor 00 w .a Da tem a" T110 f t, and the 5 tions 0 . ,Umbers of teristi altion t)~Je acP Card 1/3 2 GALUZO, 1,G.; GVOZM, Terj.; DOWUSHIN. I.A.; AGAPOFIA, AsI,; SOKOLOVA, LB,; USHAXOFA, G.T. ATASBAUMA, NJ.; IDUSEURA, s.r. T.A.Dogell: bbitum7. Yest.Al Usakh.SSR 11 no.91.89-90 S 155. (KTJU 9:1) (Dogelf, Valentin AlskmandroTich. 1882-1955) IBRASMVA, S. I. I BUTENNO, Yu. V. lArval forms of trematoden from freshvater mollusks in Alma-Ata Province. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 163157-165 162. (MMA 3-5: 10) Alma-Ata ~Frovincs-Parasitee-Mollusks) Alm-Ata Province-Trematoda) i 27~30 3/123/61/000/014/007/045 AOO 4/A 10 1 AtMORSt Ibrayev,,G. X.I. Rodzevloh, I. A. Tr=; HF-machine for'the test1hg of tensile hnd compreasion*fatigue PERIODICAL: Roferativnyy zhurnal, Maahinogtroyeniye, no. 14, 1961, 25, abstract 14Al89,.("Uch. zap,. Permsk. un-t:", 1960, v. 17, no. 3, 43-46) TEXT: The authors present the design layout and calculations of a resonance machine for fatigue tests during tension and compression with a stress of up to 25 tons and a frequency of 15,000-18,000 cycles per minute. The specimens are stretched on the machine by-the tightening of a set of disk springs on which . bears a fork with a rotating roller which is in constant contact with the copying flywheel being rotat#d by-a. motor via a hydraulic clutch. The resonance testing conditions are selected bi,ohanging the spring rigidity and the number of: '. . revolutions-of the copyir~e flywheel which is controlled by the hydraulic clutch. A. Usov (Abstraoterts. note: Complete translationY Caiq,W IBRAYEV# G.Zh.; GORYAIVp M.I. of furfurcle by gas-Uquid chromatograPhY. Gidrolis, i 1esoUMmoPVM. 15 no.845.26 162.9 (KMA 15112) 1. Institut khjujoheakiM nauk AN KaSM,, (Furaldewe) (Gas chromatography) GORYAre,V. M.I.; PUGAGULT, M.G.; TRFT'YAKCV, L.I.; PUOV, A.P.; KORNILOVA, G.P.; IBRAYEV, G.Zh.; TUREBEKOV, Sh.S.; SAKU11, N.E. Preparation of fodder yeasts from molasses waste of the Dzhambul Alcohol and Vodka Combine. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR.Ser.khIm.nauk 15 no.2:77-82 Ap-Je 165. (MMI 18:9) JERAYKV "G*Zh..; GORYATW., M.I.;KARAGU73II3Y%7A, D.; YAKOVLEVA, Z.M.; KIK, G.S. Using plant waste hydrolysates in culturing nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Vest* AN Kasakh, SSR 20 noe6t,14 is 164 (MIRA 18:1) IBRAYLV, K. I., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Problem of operative tactics in the treatment of calculi of the urinary bladder." Alma-Ata, l9eO. 10 pp; (Joint Academic Council of the Institutes of ihysiology, Kray Pathology, and Clinical and Experimental Surgery of the Academy of Sciences Kazakh SSR); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 28-60, 164) IERAYEVI 0.1. ButImated effect of the sequence of application of external loads on the carrying capacity of beams, Dokl. AN Uz.SSR. 21 no.30-13 164. (MM l9a) 1. Kazakhakiy takhnologicheakiy institut. Submitted September 20, 1963. IBRAYEV, Sh. 0. Cand Ped Sal -- (dis ) "Elements of Polytechnical 'e ILk-'!~A" =P I VI^ - Training in the-bes"n Work of-fte-IM Class Students g# Animal Huagandry Under Conditions of Kazakhstan." Alma-Ata, 1957. 19 PP 22 am. (Alma-Ata State Pedagogical Inst im Abay, Chair of Zoology),~ 110 copies (KL, 26-57, 114) - 13%- chsmical Abstraots Vol. 48 No- 5 . lot 1954 Mar Explosive and.Uplosions flecess y PM this isdo rd Of.Action of an w1mlys gge, h r fl- "PPAW Wauk Xasakh. S.S.R. No. 110M0, ser. DAs No. 3 Is suggest ed that the princip of Indepen&tirt of acO)n of sin triclowd explosive ctLtM be stated: a cha of known magnitu de and of approx. ,r spherical form exp-jed In a medium with kuown proper- ties produces'a const. ra a In -11 dirty tions Prorldc I nont of the action of theen penetlatems ito the exterior. 080ta Iwo! IBILVI, ', Sh. 1. Mining Engineering Model NIOrRI sprinkler. Gor. Zhur. no. 9, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. STZSH]CM.A.I.; ZHMVLEV.S.P.; TAW,P.N.; VMRTASHOV,K.V.; ZHUIOV,N.N.; IMLYT,P.L.; ]rADYRVAYZV,R.A.; PASTUSEXIN,P.M.; SHOSTAK,A.G.; OSTRO- UXHOV,A.I.; POUNBEIT,K.I.; OSTROUKHOV,1'.I.; WGOVSKrY,S.I.; BY,- MWO, P. 1. ;KH(IROOHNV,O.V.; IBRAYV,Sh.l.; MMOV,O.D. mm.mmmmmwmpm~ - qMst control In the mines of Krivoy Rog Basin." V.V.Nedin. Re- viewed by A.I.Steshanko and others. Gor.shur. no.9:61-62 S 155. (KIRA 8:8) (Krivoy Rog--Nine dusts) (Nedinj.T.) L r NAINKO S/S,;- IBRAYIV. Sh.L. dotment. Effective preparation of levels at the 'Bolshevik* mine. Gor.zhur. no.12:3-5 D 156. (HLRA 10:1) 1, Glavnyy inshener Otdela Ispitellnogo stroitelletya rudoupr"le- niya OBollshaviku (for 4&umenko). 2.Xrivorozhakiy gornorudnyy inati- tut (for Ivrom), (Krivoy Rog--Mining engineering) IMTIVv She lo, dotsent, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk.;RAUMKO, S.S., Cornyy Now tYPee of haulMeway timbering in the Krivoy Rog Basin. Gore shur. no.3:47-50 Mr ~57. (MMA 10:4) 1. Krivoroshakiy gornoradmy institut (for Ibrayev). 2. Rudnik "Bollsheviks (for lausenkc) (Irivoy Rog- Mine tinberim) N X 5il 127-5a-5-9/30 AUTHORz Dotsentf Candidate of Technical Sciences TIIIE: Derricks With "Sunk" Drilling Machines for Open Minina (Burovyye stanki a pogruzhnym perforatorom dlya otkrytykh rabot). in the Belogorsk Open Mine (Na Belogorskom karl- yere) PERIODICALt Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 5, P 31 (USSR) ABSTRACTt An experimental self-propelling pneumatic drilling unit of the SPBA-2 type is successfully operating in the Belo- gorsk open pit. It was manufactured in the mechanical shop of the mine according to the proposal of Mining Engineer V.M. Malltsev. The unit is provided with a compressor of 6 Gu m.min capacity and a hoisting winch. Technical characteristics are as followst drilling speed - 60 to 75 mm/min in rocks of 12 hardness coefficient (by Professor Protodlyakonov scale); transport speed of the drilling unit - 50 to 60 m/min; inclination angle of descending bore holes - from 45 to 900; depth of drilling - up to 15 m; compressed air pressure - 5 atm; compressed air con- Card 1/2 sumPtion - 3-5 cu m/min; dimensions - 4-5 x 2 x 2-5 m- 127-58-5-9/30 Derricks With "Sunk" Drilling Machines for Open Mining. In the Belo- gorsk Open Mine Over 1,500 m of bore holes have been drilled by this ex- perimental unit in the Belogorsk open pit at an average of 15 m per shift. There is 1 photo. ASSOCIATION: Institut gornogo dela AN KazSSR (Institute of Mining of the AS Kazak!kSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Dril3ing machines-Design IBRATV, Sh.l.;STBDKOV, N.I.; XOPICHM, O.Y. - Blectronic device for short-delajr blasting. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR. Ber.gor.dela no.2:100-105 159. (MIRA 13:4) (MInIng ongbooring) (Ilectronle contrcl) MIDIN, Valentin Vasil'yovich; IBLAY17, Shaymardan Ibrayevich-, DOKUCHAYCT, MX, insho; BARON$ ,; WISFEATIKO, N.I., red.ixd-va; NORM 00 IYZTA, N.A., ; (Boring and blasting operational Burovsryvnys raboty. Xoskvso Go$. nauchno-takhn.isd-vo lit-ry pa cornew dalu, 1960. 356 p. (MMA 13:4) (Boring) (Blasting) ,- IBBAYE.V,-Sh-A--.---- - Calculating the basic parameters of boring and blasting operations in mining. Trudy Inst. gore del& AN Xazakhe SSR 5172-81 160. (MIRA 1)0) (Mining engineering) (.IBRAYNV, Sh, L; TIJIUZBAN(YF, IF.?# 11ffoot of the amount of bared surface on blast Indiw. 1xv. AN Usakbo SSR. Ser.gor.dela Ao.265-61 160. (NMA 13: 10) (Mining engineering) 88607 lz.1000- S/127/60/000/005/002/008 B012[BO58 AUTHORS: _jtrajevj Sh. I., Candidate of Technical Sciencesp Arykovp A. I.7-TI-Ern-g Engineer, Kanafin, K. N., Chief Engineer TITLE: Large-scale Ore Mining With the Aid of Hole Charges and Short-delay Blasting PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1960, No- 5, PP- 33 - 35 TEXT: The use of vehicles with individual drive in the mines of the Dzhezkazgan permitted large-scale mining of ores by means of hole charges at faces with and without benches. Experiments vere conducted in mine No. 45 of the Dzhezkazganskoye rudoupravleniye (Dzhezkazgan Mine Admin- istration) in order to determine the parameters for large-scale mining. The rock hardness was 12 to 14 according to Protodlyakonov. Three work- ing programs for drilling and blasting were elaborated for mining at a face with benches. The scheme according to the third working program is shown in Fig- 3. Experiments showed that this scheme is most suitable for large-scale ore mining at a face with one bench. The holes were charged Card 1/5 8M07 Large-scale Ore Mining With the Aid of Hole Charges and Short-delay Blasting S/127/60/000/005/002/006 B012/BO56 with ammonite No. 6 and blasted by the short-delay method. Work at the faces is at present carried out with individually driven vehicles accord- ing to the third working program. As from June 1959, experimental work has been conducted at a face without benches. The best characteristic values In the technological and economic respect were obtained with the schemes shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Short-delay blasting was applied in all cases. Compared with fuse blasting, short-delay blastinC Gave much more favorable results. It is recommended to use at least 10 to 12 delay steps. There are 3 figures, I table, and I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: IGD AN KazSSR (1011 AS Kazakhakaya SSR) Ibrayev, Sh. I. and Arykov, A. I.; shakhta No. 45 Dzhezkazganskogo rudoupravlerdya (Mine No- 45 of the Dzhezkazgan Mine Administration) Kanafin, K. N. Vk Card 2/5 A A2, Pxc. 1. cxemo pccnolowcHIIR ma 21 ye- 3100e S/127/60/000/005/002/008 B012/BO58 2x 0 4;v m 14 Card 3/5 Lai 8W7 B/127,/60/000/005/002/006 B012/BO58 w 'A; Card 4/5 88607 S/127/60/000/005/002/008 B012A058 Legend to Fig. 1: Scheme of the positions of holes at a face with benches. Legend to Fig. 2: Scheme of the positions of holes at a face without benches with a central one-sided crosa-cutting. Legend to Fig. 3: Scheme of the positions of holes at a face without benches for breaking without cross-cutting. Card 5/5 IIMAYEV, Sh.l.; ARYMDV, A.I. Some results of laboratory testing to study the affect of the charge diameter on the degree of crushing in the blast area. Trudy Inste gore dela AN Kasakh. SSR 6t136-145 160. (XM 13:12) (BlastinC-Testing) IBRAYEVI, Sh,1,; AMXOVj A.I.; DASPNIN, I.Ke; TLEUZHANCV, N,T. Parameters of boring and blasting operations with use of drill rigs,, Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN Kazikh., SSR W30-138 16o. (KM 14s6) (Boring) (Blasting) SHARIPOV9 Vakhit Sharipovich; IAUZGD;p Sergey Spiridonovicb; BUPEZHANOVj,' Hukhit Wdshanovich; VACHENKO, Artem Mikhsy~~cb; ARTAMONOMIX, Oleg Yurlyevich; MJIAKOV., Arkadiy Yakovlevic~,, Prinizall uch&3tiye: KAZYBEKCVp D.M.1 ISTCHINI SX p; GE" jLvHq p a - red,isd-va; SIPYAGINA, LA.,, re&isd-vaj SALITSOVSPUv-, M.S., redoiad-yal MAKS3NGVAj V,V,j tekhn, redo (Self-propened maohinee for underground workings of ore deposits] Sa- mokhodrqo mashinq dlia podzo=oi razrabotki rudriykh mostorozhdanii. By V.Sh,Sharipay i dr. MosWa,, Gos.naucbno-tekbn.izd-vo lit-ry po gor- nomu delu, 1961. 258 p. (Mining machinery) (MIRA 14:12) $11-191--pota.? kand. tekhn. nauk; LICIM', A., red.; "-'OZaCV, V.) re .; NAGIDIN, P., tekhn. red. (Boring and blasting operations in mines (during drifting)]Bu- rovzr7vnye raboty na rudnikakh (pri prokYodko vyrabotok). Alma- Ata, Kazakhakoo gos.izd-vo, 1962. 183 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Borinc) (Blasting) BAKAY'v, M.T.; FUOrWGV, K.Kh.; SEYDUALIYEV, Z.S.; DFAYEV, Sh.I.-, ULUYJ3EKGVt O.K.; PUSIN, A.Ch., doktor tekYr.. nauk., Prof., red.; ADDRAMWO11, A., kand. filolog. nauk-,- ASAD,'OV, M., red.; AYD.U)UI9IBL70VA, S., red.; ZIIUKOVA, N.D., red.; KIIUDYAKOV, A.G.,-tekbn. red. (Rusalan-Kazekh dictionary of torrinolo4r]Ittisskc,.-ka7,akhskii terninologicheskii slovarl. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo kad. nauk KazEl-hskoi SSR. Vol.U[YinIng]Gornoe delo. 1962. 281 p. (KIRA 15: 11) 1. Akarlemi-ya nauk Kazakhi3koy SSR, Alma-Ata. InstitUt ya2or- koznaniya. (Mining engineering-DictIonarles) (Russian language.--Dictionaries-Kazakh) BAYKOIiIJRQV, O.A.p akademik, prof.; IELPLAYEV, Sh.I., kand.takhn.nauk; VII:OKITiGV, L.V.j inzh. Determining the mocluLnical constants of rocks in studying the asiBmic effect of blasUng. Ger. zhur. no.8:28-29 Ag 163. (IMU 16-.o,) 1. Kazakliskiy politekhuichel4kiy inatitut, Alma-Ata. (Rocks-Testing) (Blasting) BAYKONUROV, O.A., akademik; IBRAYEV, Sh.l., dotsent; VINOKUROV, L.V., inzh. Effact of the construction of the working face on the seismic action of a blest. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.3:22-26 163. 1. Kazakhskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy podsomnoy razrabotki plastovykh mostorozhdaniy i otkrytykh gornykh rabot. 2. Akademiya nauk Kazakhgkoy SSR (for Baykonurov). 0 IBRAYFV,, "YI.L.-dotaent - - --- ... I . -- -- --- Efficiency of rock drillingo Izv.vya. ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 6 no. 12:115-119 163, (MIRA 17:5) 1. Kazakhskiy politekhnicheskly institut. Rakomendovana kafedroy razrabotski plastovykh mestorozhdeniy i otkrytykh gornykh rabot, IBRAYEV, Sh. Z.: IBRAYEV, Sh. Z.i "On the problem of changes in thermoregulation as an Index of the state of the vegetative portion of the central nervous system in toxic and septic states in young children". Leningrad, 1955. Leningrad Pediatric Medical inst. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.) So. Knizhmya letopis'. No. 49, 3 December 1955. Moscow. IBBAMCV. bh.Z.. Study of skin temperature, the nature of the thermoregulator7 reaction, perspiration, and the cutaneogalvanic potential in healthy children. Zdrav.Xmzakh* 17 no.10/11:88-92 '57. (Hin 12:6) 1, Is kafedry fakulitatokoy pediatrii Leningradakago pediatri- chaskogo maditainakogo lnstituta. (BWr TB)GMMTM) (PARSPMTION) (BLBCTROPHYSIOLOGY) IBRAUV2 Sh.Z.t kand.madonauki GZULYA2 F.I. Case of typhoid fever in a child of 4 montho. Zdray.-Kazakh. 21 no. 4t79-U 161. (MIM 14:4) 1, Iz kafedr detak4kh bolezney i patologicheskoy anatomii Kazakbokogo meditiibakogo inatituta, (TIPHOID FZV ) I33RA KV Sh Z.,; GZULYk, F.I. Case of cirrhosis of tha liver in an infant. Zdrav. kazakh. 21 no.12:55-51 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1, Iz kafedr detakikh bolesney i patologicheakoy anatomii Kazakhokogo moditsinokogo inatituta. (LIVER-CIRRHOSIS) CITI,',P,DYIITSEV, V.V.; IBRAY-;&Vj T.A.; MOCHALOVA, V.F. Radiobaryllium in fossil bones. Gookhimila no.12:1240-1243 D 164. (KRA 18:8) 1. Geologicheskiy Institut AN SSSR, Moskva. A, th~ varlia~i,%i "n mie t ~i ~~ r I t,,!!3 z vi IN S s --:,' -* t i - r, ~~ n k,:k ~i) USHPAI-W, D.O., inzh.; KIK, G.14, inzh.; IDILAYES, T.I., irmh.; FIR-EY, L.I.P takhnik Effect of individual factors on the stability of the roof. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavo; gar, zbur, 6 no.7:85-86 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dzhezk-izganskiy gornometallurgichaskiy kombi,rat. (Hining engineering) IBRAZIMOT, F.I. Significance of reaction of sedimentation on glass presented by Soviet authors for serodiaposts of syphilis* Test, vener., Moskva no.1:39-42 Jan-lob 1933. (CLKL 24:2) 1. Of the Microbiology Department (Head - Prof. N. M. Ovohinnikov) and of'the Byphilology Department (Head - Prof. N. M. Smelov), Cqntral Dermato-'Venersologloal Institute (Director -- Candidate Medical Sciences N. M. Turanov) of the Ministry of Public Health USSR. MAPMV, VI., Akad.; PAMIOTOV. P.. dr. -. IBRITMIOTA, I., dr. Zffect of nourolysins on agglutinogenesis. 1xv. m1krob. inst., Sofia ?:33-38 1956. (IHKM SMMS' effects, nourolytic serum on Protaus agglutinogen form. (Bul)) (ANTIBODIPS. Protous agglutinogen form., off. of nourolytic serum (Bul)) (PIMTXUS VULGA.RI S, aMlutinogen form.. off. of neurolytic serum (Bul)) ZMIN, 19P,; B]rAOHRW, B.S. k 12M, *.Jr. I'-,-,-, - Imp"TO the quality of mmufmaturIM water rheostats. Ilek, I tepl.tiaga 3 no.2144 1 159. (mrnA i2t4) 1. Depo LenIkI, Tonsksqa doroga. (Electric rheostats) IBRISHIMOV, D. '... . . P"- -- i~w C-%b- &,w11414 Widening of indications In pyocyl therapyl therapy of lingas n1gra with pyocyl. StomatolcClim. no,D63 154, (IML 3:7) ("Mat,dissamsef Oblack tongue, ther, 0 Procyl) IF '.'*-*nrzrlsm ti ;~2rmm 21. ans Sonlor 70--sr.-itlan In Ani tne r.:,-Wso Asklial. 7;,4 'Us4ald'w", Ir Avon 17. an! ?."porUas 'hor t~-. 4,:-s Fs- ~T, rtls~:*,* L Z-1 jwca PISTANOV, Tev.; NACHEV, B,; KONSTANTINOV, A.,- IBR15HIMOV, N'. NeurodeimatitiB in cows. Dermato vener Sofia 2 no.2:87-88 163. IBRAMI Tao (Ibrmajer).J.]j DIABACH., M. [Dlabao, M.]; DOLUMAL, 1. (DaIe~j J.jj rMA, B. [Jurga, Bol; FOIAp I. Complex examination of geophysical materials of the Vienna Basin, Prace ust naft. 1807-38 161e IBRM&ER, Ya. [Ibrmajer, J.); DOIJUHAT, I. [Dolezal, J.); MOTTLOVA, L. Evaluation of geophysical materialo in the Flysch, Prace ust naft 18:38-39 161o I- -- , --- -- -- -- - --- --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- -- - IBRIWER. Jaroslay, C.So. The activities of the geophysical department of the Research Institute of the Czechoslovak Oil Wells. Prace ust naft 18:13-14 161. 1. Ustav urcite geofyziky, Brno, -IBMWE-R., Jaroslay; DABROWSKI, A. [translator) Present state and prospective tasks of the Institute of Applied- Geophysics in Czechoslovakia. Przegl geol 3-1 no.3tl62-164 Mr 163. 1. Ustav uzite geofyoiky, Brno (for Ibrmajer). IWARIL, Jaroplav - Gravimetric map of Czechoslovakia on the scale 1:200,000. Vest Ust geol, 38 no-4t2l7-226 Jo 163. IBSHMA-N, Ta.p. (MOMkva) .-"---WRMMWAN MRT- machine for pattern cutting. Shvein.prom. no.60-9 H-D '59- (MIRA 13:4) (Garment cuttingoo-o3quipment and supplies) c OlOgy. GhemOtheraVOutiO "ents' U-7 4 - -- 0106y, TO31io R011"MA PharIMO I 11o 8179 Ref, Zh.-Bioles No 2, 19580 Abs Jour Vasilesou Co. zirr& ho Mot JOIL .Author lust of Deriv&t-11roo of the HydMzide L to 91 Study Path6logioljLl Study of the orpAB A, Gontributi.011 ;,koid* IX, und "11-100661 Title Of Lted with COm`PO raside .footed Animals tral o Acid), BIN (The ~,lyd, from fdi-azOMPyruvi, TB1 (p&ra-aO8tY1q;mLn4 (IsonioOtinoN L. Apid)s StreptOmyOin' pjS (sodium Para" &r of -Isoniooti-M4. thlosemicarb OU8) and obenzaldehyde aminos&IAOY' & op. Romano SOO. Uad.. 19551 7, orig pub Ita Bul. Stijut. jLoad. R NO ;1 597-607. ostract Rabbits infaoted Iwith t-aberculosis Ware subjeoted to Card 1/2 IOHL' 7. N--w-WA~ Polarographlo determination of conteben. Sept 1953, Conk. farm, 2 no,9:308-309 (CIML 25:4) 1. 0k ihe Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Charles University. Prague, I 21,15. ColodmOric dkembattio-a of Coct's".U. V fft~.vtarouej. ch4, R. Eah-c4a Rr,J 1. Z'~kx (Ceskos/. [7j, 20-: 0, J?rj,,cAvnj( 1265, Altr. I;% Os hydrolyed with ITI and the aldrhydIr formed i% r.(-,nJ,!rivA with 2 : 4 dinitro- enythydrnfinn in rrethan-I Th- I-Orucn, 5,4r- =dc alLmlinn with an r,c,"A It ",,)a f soln., and the lnterititycf flip, mina-r-M cnlciir,,tvch develi3pi in mraetired in a co!cHirittrr filt.-A kith a vr-cll filter. For CO:'m of 0! I x 10-1 to 1-2 x 10-f, 11"Tr's law is (ATYC-I. CZECHOSLOVAKU / Chemical Technology* Chemical Products and J-3 Their Application. Pedicinols, Vitamins, Antibiotico Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1958, 5589 Author : Volkova Vero, Icha Frantisek Inst a Not given Title Polarographic Determination of Endiaron Orig Pub i Coskosla-famac., 1956., 5., No 7j, 406-LOB Abstract A method is proposed for polarographic determination of andiarom (I) (mixture of 5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline and 5-chloro-8-hydroxnuinoline) in tablots md salves, at pH above 8. Extraction of I is effected with 2 M solution of Ha, alcohol is added, Mutralization is carried out to Card 1/2 WWWWA9 I.D.) xlerawtbod SW tAO awvpwfta stmV cc uvOr uLw~ M&wVq6jMt.p~9b, m,3#247-M '065- OW4 308U) MANSUROVA, I.D.; RUDNEVA, N.D.; JCHADZHIK, F.s. Use of the polarographio analysis of blloxi serum Rnd liver tissue in hepatologyo Sov. med. 28 no.M22-29 0 16r, (MIh 18,11) 1. Tadzhikekly Inatitut krayovoy meditsiny I%dir.- chlen.. korrespondent AN TulzhikskO7 SSR prof. Kh.Kh. AMN SSSRv ~ushanbe. IWSUROVA, I.D.1 RUDNEVA, N.Dej ICHADZHIX, F.S. PolArographic analysis in the diagnomis of dissamef; of the liver and biliary tract& Aktovopepatereche noJM-95 165,, (MIRA 18113.) Cand Med Sci ICEALOVSKAYA, T. A., PPYSIGIAN Dissertation: "Data on tho Concept of Resunfactor." 15/5/50 Second Moscow State Modica lost imeni W'"I Vecheryaya Moskva . I. V. Stalin Surn 71 ICHALOVSUYA, T.A. , knnd. mad. nauk Rh-incompatibility in seventeen cases of erythroblastoalm fetalls. Top. okh. mat. i dot. 3 no.1:42-45 Ja-Y 159. (KEHL 12:2) 1. Iz kFAfedry sudabnoy meditsirgr (zav. - prof. Y.M. Smoilninov) II Mon- kovakogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni N.I. Pirogova. (BRYTHROBIASTOGIS FETALIS) (RH FACTOR) ICHAIDVSKAYA, T.A. U... Z7", Imumological state of patients with transfusion con~plicatlons. Report No.l. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.5:39..45 My 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. TSentr po izueheniyu i standartizntsii grupp krovi (zav. M.A. Umnova) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologli i parelivaniya krovi (dlr.- doteent A.Ye. Elselev), Youkva. UNNOVA, M.A.1 AGRANENKOp V.A.;..;q~'ALOVSKAYAj_T!A.; PISKUNOVA, T.M.; KAVESHNIKOVA, B.F. - . - Sensitization to Duffy factor (F d) as a camse of blood transfusion complication with 6he developmenT of acute renal failure. Prohl. gemat. i perel. krovi 9 no.5152-55 MT 164. (MIRA 180) 1. TSentrallnyy ordena, Lenina institut gematologli i perelivanlya krovi (dir.- dotsent A,Ye. Kiselev), Moskva. UICOVA, M. A. SAWSEVA, G. S. ; PROWROVSKAYA, G. P. ; PISKUNOV, T. IM. ; ICH,j',W`MKAYA, T. A. PROKOP, 0. "Raspredelenlye razlichnykh fak-torov krovi u naseleniya Moskvj." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. .- ICHLTOVXIN . N.V. Petrography, of the Verkhniy Allakh monzonite-porphyU SUlr'mlcn'mA (southern Verkhoyansk Range), Trudv WAN SSSRoSereGool. no,11:16-29 162. (MIRA' 15:7) (Verkhoyanak Range-Monzonite)(Verkhoyanck Range-Porphyry) ICHETOVKIN, N.V.; SKHOLI, R.L. Mineral waters in the Aldan slope of the eastern Verkhoyansk Range. Trudy Ssv.-Vost.otd.Inst.merzl.AN SSSR no.lil34-138 158. (WRA l6sl2) ICHETOVKIN, N.V. Composition and conditions governing the formation of the Upper-Allakh subvoloanio complex (southern Verkhoyanok Range). Trudy Iab. paloorulk. Kazalcb. goo. un. no.2:117-127 163. (MIRA 17ill) 1. Dallnevostochnoys geologicheokoye upravleniye. WOLOVp St.; ICBEVp K. Perimural branches or the abdominAl aorta, Wauch tr. viash, med. inst, Soflia 42 no.1:85-94 163. 1. PreclBtavena ot pror. d-r Do'Kadanov. (AORTA, ABDCMINAL) (ANATOff) Physiology BULGARIA GALABOV, G., MANOLOV, 8 ICHEV,_K., Regeneration Research Laborstoryt Bulgarian Acad-1my of ScisInces *Changes in the Phosphatese Activity of the SVnal Cord Motonsurons and the Spinal Gan&lion Nerve Calls Following Axotomy 0 Sofia, Doklady Bolgarskoy Akademii Naukp Vol 19, No 6, 19660 pp 551-554 Abstracts (English articla,7 The reaction of the nerve call following axon interruption is rather complicated. Chromatolysis is not the only and in some cases not the first sign of the reactive changes occuring in the injured neuron. The complex of processes occurring after axotomy, whose nature has been recently the subject of intensive studies, is related entirely to the metabolism of the nerve call. Thera areonlyscarce date available regarding theebanges in the alkalina-phosphatese and adonosine-3-phosphatase activities in the motoneurons of the spinal cord after section of the peripheral nerve. Consequently, the authors studied the changes in the a cid-phosphe teas, alkaline- phosphatees, and adenosine-3-phosphatass activities of motoneurons from the cervical spinal cord (6th, 7th, and 8th segments) and the respective spinal 1/2 GAIABOV, G., et &I, Sofia, DOkUdY B019arskoy Akadamil Nauk, Vol 3.9, No 6, :L966 PP 551-554 ganglia after section of the right plexus brachialie in rabbits. The Material was examined on the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8tht 14th, 15th, and 30th day after operatton by Gomori's method for acid and alkaline phoaphatese and by the method of Padivula and Hermann for adenosine-3-phosphatese. *The paper offers a detailed survey of results observed, and the findings, among others, that -so-early as the second day after the operation the acid-phosphatasa activity rises in the motoneurons of the spinal cord and in the nerve calls of the respective spinal ganglia from the operated aide, This increase in enzymatic activity persists unchanged up to the 30th day after the operation. Possible causes of the observed effects are also discussed. There are 11 Western references. (Manuscript received, 4 Mar 66.) 2/2 Altkin. a bacterkl4e Oriwod from AMcitu / C. N.,IcAvvu.SAr.~d', a:,, d).S. Z f facr (Dept, 1111avu. cheM. Ad. 'tra rep. pvpu,',jre Fa. OZ, ~4vA(6(Mg14fifAiw. 2,233-21(HIM).-A new sk fw Aukitt (1) Ira$ dcvistd. c1rk:c1WH'OI1 i~ tirt~l .With JI& + Ifes0i tolurniA) CIIS:"f c1f4M "hich %!w. is Irtated with NaA to furnbJi (CIJ,:ClfCH0,$ (11), whi,71) is Then fractiotwAy diod, at 7F~-n* ami 10 intu. free it frM any 1116cr sulfides. 11 is thm uxlili" with HA (30%) in AcOll to furni-sh 1. Yellow nil, charxlcri'jt~' odkq, stable at ro&n temp., sly I ", drr 0,91975, 9(4~ in 111011, 91cO, CHCI&. C#11s, in.-Y4. in HrO. JtvrAotius J3r In 11~0, acd KMnO,, and detninp. with adds And alkArs, TrrAt- P=t sith Sn -L fiCI fun6he-& CII,:CIICI1,5If~ I- cysteine In HOO MIMI, I C Y-T &UNTRY ! CA22GORIC : %"'Ixmicai Icc!.noIogy.G'.hcn,,.caj 'I Application5,Synittietic band flatural JOUjI. ; 0 193-), -;0. '12253 A C. N.; RI.Ini, A. T 1T U i%ra:~o...'Lacj ISal's 'ict ion Mll,,. PUB. Farmacia (Romin.), 15582 62 No 4, 305-315 B 11 RACT 1. vrcsent.Atian of U~e nn~ist !:;-n~omunt exre.-!.- !7 IT, Z~. "I, dita ..onzerninr~ syntli,esis, pbyic-ii, ct'-L 'A ~:a, of 9 quatevnary ;'Lwmtoniw~ S:~j_LE' .3,Llt~' corJainim, I r, the Ir mole. c ule a ce,I r +-.i-a I ci wiL:'~_ 1'.:)LIO to I.uvi.- bigi.ent activity. Literature daLa on cory,clat'lon betwc-E.n riolecular structure and germicidai uction, ure rcvI(-!,w-ed. ITe meclianism of tt:e acticn and tljf: of tlese are described in gerieral. ORIlogratl.y 4~ C.-ORD! ROMP&SCUp Gh.; PIECEAS, M.; IGHIM, A. Testing the effectiveness of disinfectants f0: unter(wiruBes. Stud, iereet. inrcam-!crobiol. 16 no-3:233-237 165. Study of the actIon rX abietic arid on vaccinia virui. Ibid-i 239-243 14. XCHN ffOontributions to the study of improving the methods of pr=ing trees for the pose of rejuvenations presented in the light of Hichurinist biology." p. 77. rANALLU RC,,IANC#;;SGVIErIGE. SERIA AGRICULTURA~ZOM WIE, Vol. 6, seria a II-as Mo. 209 Apr./June 1952s Bucurestip Rumania.) SO*. Monthly List of East Buropean Accessionst L, C.2 Vol. 2., No. 7., July 1953, Unal. leg Ig, R. 'Ouble measurement of vindfallen treat by the method of the center of gravity (Guldin-Kathissen prooodurs). (To be continued)".p. 400. (RZVISTA PAWRILOR, Vol. 69, no. 9, Sept. 1954. Bucuresti, Rumania). SO: Monthly List of ]!--at Juropean Accessions, (IMAT.), 14, Vol. 4, No. 5. Mav 1955, Usol. BUM" R.- -- *Cubic measurement of windfallen trees by the mpthod of the center of gravity (Guldin-Mathiesen procedure.) III p. 496. (REVISTA PADURUDR, Vol. 69, no. 11, Novo 1954,- Bucurestip Rumanias) SOt MDnthly List of Fast Europesai Accessions, (EEAL)l ILI Vol. 4, No. 5, Wy 1955, Mal. ICHIMf R. Fxperimental verification of Rumanian production tablet! of larch groves In northern Moldavia. P. 530. PEVISTA PADURILOR. (Asociatia Stlintifica a In*inerilor A Technicienilor din Romania 9i al '-lnisterului Agreculturii 0 si Silviculturii) Bucuresti. Vol. 70, no. U, Nov. 1955. So. East European Accessions List Vol. $I NO. 8 Lu,~ ~, t, 1956 ICHIM, R. - MA'ascu, I. Indirect inventory proceedings. P. 524 IREVISTA PADURILOR. (Asociata StUntifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din Ronania zi Ministerul. Agriculturit si Silviculturii) Bumiresti, Rimwnia. Vol. 73, no. 9, Sept. 1958 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. BREBOROWICZ, Henrykj WOJTOWICZ, Jormy; WARENIK,. Allne,L_ZIU--T"~~G~ The weight of infants at birth and the maternal heart volume. Ginek, Polo 36 no,4073-377 Ap 165. Is Z I Kliniki Foloaniotwa i Chorob Kobiecych AN v Poznaniu (Kisrowniki Prof. dr. mad, W, Riohalkiewicz) i z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Posnaniu (Kierovniki prors dr, mod. B. Gladyst). -TCHOW1 V. SIMICI, P.; ICHIM, V, Clinical and therapeutic ipllstones in.the co=on Jubv-SePt 57- (CHOIaMTHUSIS common bile problems in co=,ection with 100 cases of bile dwt. Hamanian M. Rev. I no-3:76-77 1 dact) RUMANTA/Human and Animal Physiology - (Norrial and Pathological). T Blood Blood Transfusion and Blood Substitutes. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1959, 17321 Author : Duvan, S., Crivda, S., Ichin, V., Solomon, M. Inst !, Title Xffectiveness of Intraarterial Transfusion of Oxyge.,,ated Blood Orig Pub Chirurgiya, 1957, 6, ITO 5, 751-756 Abstract In experiments on 3 groups of dogs, oxymetry was performed with the oxymeter of Berg according to the principle of Millican. Artificial enriching of the blood with 02 was performed according to the methods of flikitin, Negovskiy, and Porter, and by means of bubbling. The transfusion of oxygenated blood is not dangerous. The method of Negovskiy gave the beat results. The results of correct- ing decreased oxyhemonetric indexes by means of intratra- cbeal introduction of pure 02 under normal conditions Card 1/2 of respIratory apparatus considerably excel those ob- tained by means of intraurterial transfusion of oxygena- ted blood. -- A.D. Zhuchkova Card 2/2 - 23 - BUJOHELE, Th.;'ICMM& V.;.WMMqWCU, M. Zxpez;imental studies on the physiology of micturition & the emptying of the urinary bladder inpatients vith lesions of the spinal cord: artificial w1aturition through distant electromagnetic lndwtloz6 Rwanian M. Rev. 3 no.1:48-51 Jau-Nar 59. (SPUAL CORD. die. Induction of artif. urination through distant eleotro- -&a-- a- A--% BURGHBLE, Th'4._EAaSjx'Ua*M=CU& M& Physiology of the urinary bladder and of urimtlon; artificial urination induction in subjects of card bladder by remote-controlled electric stimulation. P~robl. ter., 3tcur. 10 no.1:27-39 1959, (URMATION induction in cord bladder by remote-controlled electric at iffalation) (BIARM, die. cord bladder, induction of urination by reeDte-oontrolled electric sti=lation) S/058/62/000/003/042/09L> A061/A101 AUTHORS; Agtrbiceanu, I., Ichimescu, A. TITLE: Studies of H92 absorption spectra in the ultraviolet region PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1962, 14, abstract 3V98 ("Bul. Inst. politchn. Bucure9ti", 1959, v. 21, no. 4, 41 - 48, Rumanian) TME: The formation of H92 spectral absorption bands under given conditions was.investigated in the region.of 2,698 - 2,967 X in the absence of foreign gase's. The wavelengths are listed in full. The mean kinetic energy at 9000K 0.08 ev) Is sufficient to dissociate H92 molecules. [-Abstracter's notei Complete translation] Card 1/1 7D. AGIRBICEM, Ion; ~CHIMWCU, Ar)Lam; VIMSAMU, Ion Trim misoion of thin strata silver under the influence of beat. ComunicaAlo AR 13 nool&23-26 Is, 163. 1. Institutul po2itabnico Bucurogti, laboratorul dq fizica. Cmunicare prezentatE4 de G. Atanasiu,, membru corespobdent al Aoade4ei RJR. ICIEK IN The-enters of carboxylic acids of 2-hydroxyethylamines and their derivatives. Pt.9. Acta chim 8:141-145 162. 1. Department of Organic Chemistry, University, Lodz, and Pharmaceutical Establiahments "Polfa", Lodz. Presented by A. Chrzaszczewska. -4 -W, -1 ilf BONDARENKOP Y410,.,, _~IIOTKIN, 0-4.; KURIMK~ `Yuryllijk: M.".-I Proseril; state P-nd -na!n prospects for davelcping f1ru"t cult-jre and vLtleulture in Lhe Khunt-T-ya-zhev-!rshava aubzona of Trans- carpathia. Geog. zbir. no.Ali145-155 162. 1% rE P A r, ~ i,,) ) GRZYWACZ, T.; ICIEKt A. Absorption spectra of aosine in methyl methacrylate. Bul Ac Fol mat 10 no.7s415-419 162. 1. Department of Physics, Normal School, Gdansk. Prerented by -4.Jablonaki. ICOBI E.; FRENTIU, 0.; POPESCUI C. Natural regeneration of exotic species in the Bazoa Dendrologic Park, p. 255. REVISTA PADURTLOR. (Asociatia Stlintifica a Inginerilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si al Ministerului Agriculturii si Silviculturii) Dicuresti. Vol. 71, no, 4. Apr. 1956 So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 USM/15aclear Physics Nucleons Dec 52 "Scuttering and Absorption of High-Energy Nucleons.," V. I. G. Idan ky, A. L. Lyubimov and B. V. Medvedev "U.sT,--'Khi Fiz Nauk" Vol 48.1 No 4, PP 531-584 Review recent literature and data on the scattering ,1!j and absorption of nucleons, accelerated to several h-mdreds of Mey. Also discuss data on cosmic rays. Review will be contizued in next issue. 86 refer- -nces ire appended, including 10 Soviet (A. Akhiyezer. 242T91- I. Pomeranchuk; D. 1. Blokhintsev; I. Sbrmishkevich; V. Ta. Faynberg, Ye. L. Feynberg; V. I. Golldan kiy; P. A. Cherenkov (1934-1938); 1. Ye. Tamm and I. X. Frank (1940); V. L. Ginzburg (1940); A. A. Sokolov (1940)). 242T97 USSR1Fh= Animals. Cattle Abe Jour: Fef Zhur-Blol., No 17,, 1950, 78697. Author Inat onian Scientific-Research Institute of Agrimature and Melioration. Title Data of.Inventigations of Lines of Bull-Sires of the Estonian Black-Spotted Species. Orig Pub: Teadus3ik-tehn. Wom bUl. Eesti Mnaviljoluse ja Manparanduse TeadubLiku Uurimise Inst.) Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform., Est. zemled. i melior., 1957, No 1, 25-31. Abstract: The most important and widespread lines of sires of the Estonian black-spotted species are the line of Underberg H-2363, to which over Card 1/2 13 IDARAND, V.A. Firing ceramic slabe In multichannel tunnel kilns. Stek. I ker. 18 no,12:28-30 D 161. (MM 16:8) 1, Tallinakly zavod stroitallnoy keramiki. (Ceranico) (Kilns) Dymmiem .'.n tiropApoin ez-.-ret'L-)n in forr-3 of acute gastr,- intestinal diseases fin lnfant!~. Scv.npd. 29 no.4.'25-1,Z9 Ap 165. I.Otdolenlyo patolegil. rannego dot.ekogo vozraela (zav. kand. med.nauk T.S,Sokolova) Instituta (dlz-. - dotsent M.Ya. Studon.Wn) AMN SSSR, Moskva. _ _IDAROV".N.; LISOGOR,, M.M.; YJaM1EV,, A.M.; KOHOWD, V.D.,- . KAf~-IKOVp N.A.; K=L10 F.E.; PETROV,, V.V.., kand. tekhn. nauk., nsuchuyy red.; KHEKHLOVSKAYA, N.S... red.; KARASIKj N.P., tekbn, red, (Manual for the rural motign-picture operator and mechanic] Spravoohnaia kniga sel'skogo kinomakhanika. Moskva., Izd-vo "Sovetskaya Rossiia,w 1961. 448 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Motion-picture theaters-Equipment and supplies) JDASHKINO S.I., kandi tekhn. nauk; IVANOVA,, X.Te.j. inzh.; PROKOPOYEV, V.I., red,; RAZLlMOVSKAYA, T,Ya., red.; DEMIDOVj Ya*F.j, takhn. redo [Co3lection-of-abatracto of research work conducted dur$ng 1960 mW 19611 Sbornik annotatoli nauchno-isoledovatellgkikh rabot zi 19W1961 gg. Pod red. V.I.Prokofleva. Hoskvat 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 170) Is Moscow* Vsesoyuzmyy Dauchno-issledovatellskiy institut po stioitel'Dtvu magiotrallnykh truboprovodovo - - - _t - - - AD G 6-4 0 a 0 0 * Te *-* *4~o us a a lp0 o w 4 o * 1~ 4 11 10 It a it U 0 " 13 4 ~i Is 1% A v u p k L 1 1 v t! f W P re 4 a 1, a L~ -1 L a 0 Q 4 1 v v P -1 1 1 A4 of M It a__;_ 1. A 00 qiar "lZill W Ph 4 AW C". t V. S. 8. k. ksed b *P :~ i SO, c s Wtel bdo w4 . rr A. w4 y g subuw#xv4 is antumnimal liqwv 00 8 J 2H 407% 26MMI IMMW 10 191114k NOW C%Mlt4V'.kM -00 s4tv"alb. urpucamem of Md I&OU L'y 1,0k, 141f W410144114" �qW* ptt*%p is qjCUpWM%* J~ 11 a :-SIR IbAk 4 Mr, I"kb 11AM ill (%wMIWtl%m nwAs willski kW 00 00 a ze of ro Of 00 00 9*0 00 ifoo $00 zoo so* goo 00 Poo so too tIOS, 0011 too It U AV t A a me 0 t w a " 0 0 0 a 0 Sj* 0 0 0 0 0 0 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04000009 040*40,16 0 000 A ?A 11 v It a it 4 [?11 Fratta aijan mitt L 1. IS 0 4 1 V IV --I ~ I 1 4 CC 0 . A so fie 00 sloftem so sbou&W COMMIM of 0 9WW *a 1. 1.1"blion. Colig 00 U. 1.4. S. K.) demnistiost task for me". mommunia liquor Ito' rollic"Itio" -k WAO-Ovm plaost. phowed toll or, yroors. .3, 00 0 0 6 0 6 : 0 : to u a are jq x11 u" w a I, r p tL b 71-g0 .00 AD 0 .00 ittid tCAIL- led CAW". J 41"wo"'It far w ibe efrold $k-- -j 00 see Wool gV* log: 00 U 11 1o of It 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0~ 411 & 00000 : 0 a 0 a If