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DIMTROvs SU irrof.;, AIWTABOT.A.;, IZIBVA,V,;, 710HIT'N. Blood' tmusiuspu aut rsanimtlon In ewprye Xhirurgils, Sof I& 13 no.2-,3slOl-M` 160. (Dim U&NUNION) (won misTION) - (svww OPM?Ivm V.; wrmw,B, POPIVPYovt R~;IJ4~ - The-role of autoagglutInIna in erythrocyte sedimentation rate* Much. tr. viesh.-med.1net. Sofiia 42 noAI1-6 163 is Chair of Biology, (Directon prof*R*Popivanov)t'Medical In-. 6titute in-.-Sofias F, DMITROV, St.,. prof. I ANASTASOV# -A.; n=A,, V,; FICHZVg N. Blood transfusion and reanization in'surgery. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.6049-564 160. (Bloom - TRUSFUSION) (RMSC:ETATI(*) . (SURaW aWATM cowl) VASILEV, T. I rLIEVA, V. On.the problem of autoiamune hemolytic anemias. Sayr. mod. 16 no. 0204-215 1 65. 1. Visoh meditsinski Institut, Soflia, Katedra po bolniobna terapiia (rukoyodital - abl.-kor. prof. 1. h0thlev), TAbo- ratoriia, po isonerologiia,, izunokbomatologlia i kruvopreli-rene (save laboratoriiata k.m. Vo IlieTR)* ILIVA-Staneva, kiserka, ~Miied nowing ar:win or barley and wheat* Selsk9stop nauka I no*7/8t 745-750 '62o I.,Komplekena opitna stantaiia v ObraztSev chifM. ILIEW, Hichia, ins.; POPIVMWj Dimitro ins. -Mbasrix methods of supports in development and production work in the Bulgarian coal mines. Prsegl go"rn 18 no.31:606.-612 N 162. UT" A D professor, ARSOW, R, X.4TOSCH34, B, GIFUINO'd, G; Veterina Medical Academy, Department of Epizootology, (chairman: ILIEW, T, professolr, Sofia [original.language version not given]. "Studies on the Contagiousness of Fowl Cholera." Budapest, Acta Veterinaria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricao, Vol XIII, No 1,. 1963, pages 8943. Abstraott (German article, authors' German summary modified] The feeding of UrRs-with Pasteurella culture produces rare alimentary Infection but feeding on birds which died of cholera Is the most dangerous source of infection. Such picking on the cadavers produces a sudden outbreak of cholera on the farm, usually In subacute form, affectin& birds irrespective of their age or con- dition. Infected surrourAings, without presence of cadavers, led to no dis- ease, usually, but to a constant excretion of the pathogen by healthy birds, Spontaneous, individual cases of disease develop later, depending on pre- disposing factors. Fowl cholera is a contagious disease. Alimentary infection, by picking on diseased cadavers produces the disease rapidly; b~y contamination of the environment leads to lastingo latent excretion of the pathogen. Yet the disease is dependent on outside factors and predisposition plays a great role in its development. About half of the references are Eastern European, the rest are Western. HUNOARY PIEW T, professor, ARSOW, R. GIRGINCId, G, JOWTSCHEW, E; Veterinary Medical ._j_ Academy, Department of Epizootology (chairmanj ILIEW, T, professor), Sofia [original language version not given]. "Investigations on the Permanent Excretion of Pasteurellae by Fowl." Budapest, Acta Veterinaria Acadamiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol XIII. No 1, 1963, pages 95-102. Abstraott [German article, authors' German summary modified) An examination, BF-516test on mice, of the mucous secretion of the throat of healthy hens from cholera-infested farms and of healthy hens from cholera-free farms gave the following resultst ho permanent excretor was found on cholera-free -farm the excretion of Pasteurellae by healthy hens from infected farms is rather frequent, the numbers vary with the duration of the contamination, morbidity and the therapeutic and preventive measures employed. Age of the animals has no effect. Natural infection experiments, from picking on dead fowl and from contact with contamination of the surroundings, produced prolonged, excretors which came down with the disease later under the influence of outside factors. Pa3teurella excreton among fowl exorete for long durations, 6 Eastern European, 2 Western references. 2473 1/1 6 ILIEW, T. U111ZO 1-1, ARSOW, R. [Arsovs R.]; DDIOW Iv. (Dimov Iv.] Gbt JOWTSCHEW-, r.. tlovchav, E.11 Domestic m-Amma'a (svinep cattle, sheep) as permanent Pasteurella carriers and hidden sources for pasteurenosia of the poultry. Acts. veter Hung 13 no.2:196~203 163. 1. lebratuhl fur Episootologis (Vorstandi Prof. T. Iliew [Iliev.. Tj der Tierarstlichen Hochechulep Sofia. YUGOSLAVIA/Farm'-A6im&IS SwInef, Abe "Jout I 1958i 10i201 Author Iiijdij Inst Title t The-'Effe'ot~';of:~"Infreted,,Rays'Upon the Develop- mont'bt Pit i~ Orig Pub: v4t6k!n iarh'a 1957 27 No. 11-42'. 363-372 Abstract: Experimental iiradiations~were performed with-; in_fkdk4d",'kAYs (IR)--dn 4-litters-(22 piglets)-~ of'Tur'o" VabdMack-Slovenian-pig breeds. 6e po h 6 te~tb'-took plice:16"unsanitary pigpens T where there was neither sewage nor ventiliation, temperatures were sometimes as low as 40 and relative humidity rose to 94 percent. ~R period of 8 days, irrndiations wore car- ried out with an American IR lamp, given 24 Card 1/2 V4. vzv_. ILIYITSrJ, L# prof* TBMCRYANU# Top (Rumyniya) jog on'the 9:rrect of hypoweral in hypertension, ferap'arihi (mm rillo) (MATRUM ALKALOIDS# there use, Wovaral in hypertension (Rus)) (HYPERMICINt there Teratrw a2kalold hypoveral (Rua)) ILIG E ra Amlynin of causoa of induatrial acoidanto at tho Chdlyabinak Hatallurgiml Ynatory. Zdr~v. -Rou. Fedor. 5 no.5i22-2,4 -My 161. (MI PA 314: 5) 1. Iz travwtologichaskogo otdoleniya (zav. B.Ya.Illig) mediko- nanitarnoy chasti Chelyabinakogo metallurgiches'.cogo savoda (nachallnik O.T.G~rbuz), (CIIELYABINSK-ML-TAL WOIU=--ACCIDI;NTS) JAMCKI, A.: KILIBAMM, W.s ILIJN,_X._. Obs*rvatiom on the blood pressure ch&Ws in chronic exposure to leside Arb.bigre" 6 wol:23-27 1955 1. Centralni higljonskl sawod, &wajovo. Contralul higijenski sayod Beograd I Contrabd t1g1jonski Mayod, Skoptjo (BWOD PRUSM,, Owsiol, off. of chronic exposure to lead(ger)) (LUDO chronic exposure, off* on blood pressure (Ser)) BOOK can 50.2 TS685-14 Atithor tLUk And Noveshint Tor. Full"Titl a] Rio SPARK TULTNUT OF MALS Tftneliteratod Titles 1loWdskrovol. sposob obr4botki metalloy ftblishing DiLts. Originating Agenoyt. Frm a series eatitleds Library of the Aviation Industry Vorker Pablishing Houses State PUblishing House of Datease Industry Date r 1952 Noe pp, t 163 No. of copiess Not given* Ikutorial Staff 3ditorr None Tech& Ed*: None. ;'Edo-in,-Chleft None@ Appraiser s None. Text'Data, Coverages -The first textbook on Us electric spark method of treating metals. The work written for aircraft construction workers includes the followings Cho ls Concise baslo data on electrical engineering* Cho 2z Basle principles of electric spark treatment of -metals* Cho 32 OPOntiOns performed by electric spark xethod~ and classification or electric spark equilmento Cho As High voltage electric spark method. Cho 51 Low voltage electric spark method* Cho 6a Safety precautions for electric spark work. Porposet A textbook for workers in theavlation. industry* Facilitless No* of Russian or Slavic Reforencest 10~ Availables Ubru7 of Congrooss GRI111, Igor' Mikhaylovichl ILIK. Mark Illich: FOBEHZKIN.9 "o - - Nikolay A.Iskseyevich; Tefim Anatollyervi- -SEVUKrSUV ' SHEVCHENKOO V.P., dots., otv, red. (Use of plastics in structural engineering] Stroitelt- nye konstruktaii o primeneniam plasticheakikh mass, [By) 1.14.Grin i dr. Kharikov,, Izd-vo Kharlkovskogo univ 1964. 181 p. (MM 18:ii Bighth =Bjs of sedlool vorlmrs of Kirghtsts. Zdrevlos.Yod. 1 no.'12 )157. (MIU 11:2) (KIRGHIZIA-KI[DICUM) Irrigation - Georgia (Transcaunasta) National construction project In Samgor, Kreetllanlm )0 No, 3, 1952 Monthly List of.Ausslan Accessions .Library oF Congress, July 1952. Unclarsifled. USTINOV, W., dote ZLIIR.-A.-- Am! i MOI Operating the fuel system of D50 diesel engines* Moroflot 19,no,8t 21-23 Ag 159. (MIRL 12M) 1, Moskovski3r InstItut lusbeneror transports, (for Ustluoy), 2, Starshiy inshener nauchno-Issledovatellskoy teployonnoy laboratorit Mostovskogo Instituta Inshenerov sholesnodoroshnogo transporta (for nun). (yoxins diesel anglues) IL' IN, A. "Assault on the blue continent" by S. Aalezov. Reviewed by A. win. -Voen znan. 37 no.8:39 1 161 * (XIRA 14:7) 1 - (Aqualunjg (Aslezov# So) ILI IN, 1. low low-capacity motortrucks. NTO 5 no.3151-52 Mr 163. (KM 16:4) (Notortruoks) ORLOVI D.; IWIN A Strengthening of the cooperation between European countries in the field of transporations Avt#tranap. 39 no.604,-55 Js 161o (KPA 14%7) lo Chlerq sovetskoy dolegatell. n& XX sesoii Komiteta po vmtrero- now transportu'levropMkoy Ekowmicheskoy,Xondeeii Organizateii Ob*yedinqnrTM Jktniyo, .. V, . (United Nations-Commissions) IL (Tranoportaiion., Automotive-International cooperation) J"T'IN A inshe Imeotigating ground pnesurs on look chamber walls, Rech,tramp, 20 no*6:2/s,-27 .,To 161. (MM 14s 6) (14oks (RydrIuUc engineering)) (Earth pressure) MKOVW, A.; WIN, A. Modernizing the engaging gear of power presses Hashinootroitell no.12:15 D 161. iHIM 14:12) .. (Power presses.-Technological innovations) ILITNO A. (UB5PB) (Cherkassy); SOPRUNs N. (UB5YE) (Chorkassy) Shortwave antenna stages, Radio no*4:23 Ap 165. (MIRA 1815) 4 now ix". FINO GAIN. fWarjus JU. a. a. It,) -Wo. 171 u" -Th~ Wom IWOU Mo-* Mord. Zkxr 1940 NO 3 -ZI, 4 . . . , (WhIff nwhoil tons modlAW for obtaining NIIII "IM. - -1 14 IuMd by reaction of hypochlorite with it 2U% A #011 In the prcm1we of slug. Gd-"nmuws 0 f i famot lot"llon. The best temp. of rest" Is &- p, stad 1%4h" &pp. Is odtaW. To nhtalu N,114-14M. - est. Nillo In the (am of acetone-MaIV4 by adding acdone and dift. off with water at 70-100". Ametone-NSH4 Is decoutpd. casily Into ectione and the of NOT b;31 all. T -70% of theory. Thi bet met 4*M Is 00 of two Nj)I#.JIjO Is a&. dmon pn. a# NoT14 oWts.! " Adds. of tul. N&OH to NgHt-HoSOo. under a byer of &k 1 for SMI W. M 3&W Sim a substance conig. 25 i? distr NIH4.11W site Vigo"" subdug, Own to ole.# mW dMg. the Mo. A high-gratic ;;;MIrt 10*Ob talned by dktg. In the plemence Of wit a : A- 06-110% NIHo By dils. 1: 14 railoo sMor I with In coffe*omft amt. of WS"WWO Oki produd to ob. bkh am ft. talood. Diam. to w ives a t 25 a This d b dl d s uce g il. y. I v 0" A i4eld ra eft UN ONAY knvppl!~ Yi 0 lot -jo, :77"Jj fx 'WITH, ",.- ~-Og- tlN - sp Pm-d ld ko Sp, to Wo Ila i+ Ila VAZHUU$ K.Lj IL'INj A.A. We are for the prooent method of keeping recordo, B=. prom, 36 no.n:13 N 461. (MIRA 15 11) 1. Uglegorskiy kOWA=t. (Pa . ~ Avy don"tw - - . PW - VOXRACHKO, Turly Georgiyoviahl MLnWN, Boris Sanuilovich; ILUL- -Andrey Alek androxiabj-SALIVOK, Stepan Al9kseyeviok;F-- F91KOVICH, Bqlds Holseyevich; FIDOROV, Yuriy Viktorovich; CHISTYAKOV, Ivan Pavlovich; OXUNKV, YU.N., podpolkovnik,, .. red.; SOKOLOVA,*.G..F.,, tekhn,-red. .. . - - (Textbook for the seco'na-class milftary driver] Uchabnik voemogo Toditelia vtofogo, klassa. [-By] IU.G.Vokrachko idr. Moskva, Voenisdat, 1963. 376 p. (MIRA l6s6) (Av*wbile drivers) IWIN, A.A. Approxi,mats analysis of electrical miqe circuits as high-fre- quency commnication liness Trudy Inst.gor.dala.Sib.otd.kV HER no.1:224-245 158. (MIRA 12:11) (39lectricity in mining) (Mine communications) X.M.; ILIM, A.A. frequency division matiplexing of a mine power cable eysten for purposes of remote control and comounicationsk Trud~y Inst.Cor. dela BIb,otd,AU SSSR no.22221-231 159- ( PA IND (Blectricity in mining) (Hine communications) (Remote control) WIN, A.A. -, -- High frequency parameters of a contact network. Trudy Inst. gor.dela Sib.otd.Aff SSSR no,2:232-239 159. (MM 13SD (Blectricity In mining) (Mine railroads) Determining the attenuation of high-frequanc7 channels in the overhead contact system of mines. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR n0.7'.35-4 159. (KMA 12:12) lolustitut aTtomatiki i elektrometrii Sibirskogo otdoloniva AN SSSR. (Ilectrio railroads--Wires and wiring) (Mine railroads) AMAMOV, K.K.; ILI IN, A.A Determining partial parameters of the contact network of a mine. Isve Sib. ot& AN SSSR no,9:13-22 159 (MIPA 13;3) lo lovosibirskiy elektrotakhnicheskly institut evyasi I Institut gornogo dels, Sibirskogo, otdaloniya AN SSSR. .-rallroads-Wires and wiring) _~rlq "Odus railroads) ABRAMs I.I.J IIIINs A."A. Primary and secondary parawters of a contact network in e, mineo Isv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no. 11:22-28 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1e Institut gornogo dela, Sibirskooo, otdeleni7a, AN SWR. (" railroads) (Blectric railroads-4ires and wiring) TM IN AW&IJY Afams 'yevich; ZHMOVITSM 0 B.Ya.,, red. I IARIONOV,, G,Ys,,, -e tekbn. z d. [SifurcaW electric power distribution netvorlm as remote control communication clm=lsl Raxv6+.Ylenrqo ailovye eeti kak kanaly sTiazi dlia telemekbanikie Mookup Goso sterge isd-vo, 1961* 103 P* (Biblioteks po'&vtbi&Uks,, no.38) (MIRA 24:11) (Electric power distribution) (Remote control) Mix, A'A, Over-all remote control system for mining operationse Isvjibootd, An SUR no. 2:13,16 161. (MIRA 3.483) 1. Institut gornop dela Bibirskogo otdolehiya An 1WRO No1v 0- sWrsk. (WlMn engineering) (Remote control) KATKOV, Fedor Alskeatdrovich, kand. takhn. naukI POPOV, Alsksay Borisovioh,,l .. nsh.1 AUL A-A P kand. takhn. nauk,, reteensent; KOVALICHUK, A.V., insh., red. izd-va; STAMDUB, T.A., tekhn. red. .[Frequ'ency remote control systems using busy communication channels] ChastotMe-sintwiy teleupravlaniia po saniatym kanalam aviazi. Kiev, Gootekhizdat USSR, 1963. 86 p (MIRA 16;7) (Remote control) (Telephone) F iss ILIINO A.A., kand.tokhn.nauk Transmission of telemechanical signals on GMbS-tnm flexible cables. Gor. sbur. no.12%54-55 D 162o (KIM 1502) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gooplana. UkrSSR. (Kins caminications) SMIRNOV,, Boris Vasillyevichp doktor tekhn, nauk; ILOIN, a 31 A- jp y Afanaolyevich,, kand.Iekhn.,naukj BYKH(YVSKIY, Ya.L.,, kand. -tekhn. naukp retoonzent.-, TIACHERKOp L.N.p inzh,p red,izd- va- STARODUB, T.A*R- tekhn. red. -[Signal transmission using electric distribution networks] Persdacha signalov po raspredelitelInym elaktricheakim so- 'tiam;.oanovy teorii i rascheta. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSRt 1963. 422p. (MIRA 17i1) WIN, Anato3ly Afanaelyevich; FELIPENKO., Viktor Hikolayevich;SHULIN., H. I * fremsenalmy lwzuv-;E. S. retse*mt; BYKHOVSKIY,Ya.L. 2otv. red. [Dispatcher comnloation, using the contact netvork in '~! hdneal Dispetoberskaia avias' po koimtaktnoi seti rudnik~v. Moskva# Nedrap 1964-. 163 p. (MIRA l8s3) KWOVA,N.V -prof .;SOWY 'YJffqT.F.;ARTTWOVA,N,M.g POM,P.G,; TASTROOVA,L&A.; DAMB,V.P.; lMqWA,Y4.X.;TlCDMCNICH,0.1., redaktor;TWCOrM, A.T., akademik, redaktor; MIRONOV,S.I., akadmik, rodaktor;ALITNt M.N., r9daktor;,AXMfflW,G.A., redaktor; TARMSOF,M.I., rodaktor; DNITRIYW,Ye.Ta., redaktor; DOIZOPMMX.N., redaktor; ILIIII.I.AA . redaktor; MNWITW,8h*F., redaktor; MMSSON,D.L., reaaR`orw-,7W VAMN,L.V.. redaktor; PONII,A.Y., rediktor; NOBOVA.I., redaktors, KlSl1JffA,A,A*, takhnichookly redaktor [Recq6t sediments of the Caspian Bea] SorremeWs ovadki Irampliskogo mor~vk-, ,Moskm~-Isd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956. 302 p. OQPA 9:3) 1. Deyetvitellnyychlon AN AsSSR (for Allyev) 2. Chlen-korrespo~dent AN MR. (for Varentsor, Pustovalov) 3* Nachallulk morskogo otryada Aserbaydshanskoy neftyanoy akepediteli SOPS AN SSSR (for Ilenova) (Caspian Be&) PUST"ALOT, LV#, otyetstvarmyr red'.; MTRIM Te.ML'. samsittell ;iai~ red.; MMW. otTetetvonnogo'red.; TOPRITAT, A.T., SoL, akM9WIk,'rsd*i,ALIMff# KeNe, red,; AUMZW# G*A.,, red,j TARIMOff X#LO'rs4oj DMOPMT, NX, reA,j %III,. 0 AsApred.1 NMWrW, Sh,70. red*; XIRCIIIK, gel*. red.; N .;'red. t. PJWAPMES V.P.,- rsd.;,lMIN# A.Y.. red.; ILIIFA, N*So, red. Isdara; NOTICHOTA, N*P*,. takhn. red. 109ology.of the Talysh Mcnintains; papers of'tbe expedition] Voprom,7 geologii T&I"ha; tridy ekspeditsile Noskme 1958. 151 pe (KIM 110) 1. AkM*uiy& nmk SSSIL - Sovet po, izuehenlym prolwoditel One& all. Axerbsydzhanekeya neftyanaya skepeditelya.' 2, Deystvitelinyy chlen Akaidemil muk AxSSR (for Atyev). 3* qh1en-loorrespoindent AgemH ns6-dk 8821 (for Varautsovg Nekhtlyev, Pastovaloy, Aengarten). (Valrh Vlo=taius-osology) ZRABREV, Dmniil Vesillyevich; MWTITIV, Shafayat Yarkhadovich;PUSTOTALOY, L#V*, otv~r9d*.l-,IWITRIYlV, le.7a., samo otvoroda; I A.T.. skadoidk# red, I KIRONOT, O.IP,, almdealk; red,; AL 1=9 MON. .. rsdO; AXDXWT,.G.A., red.;. VAMETBOT, K.I., red., DDWMLOVO-_~ Xal,,-,rod,t OIN,_A,A,g redo; KIRCHINK, K.Fe, redl red.;,FOM. A.T., iedq; P0LXVAp U.N., rea.lxd-va; rASIITJIA, P.O.-, tokhnoredo [Bltwidnology of the Tertiary complex of southeastern Azerbaijan] I bituminologii trotichnogo kompleksa'lugo-.Yostoka.,Asorbaidshanne Noskva#.'Isd-vo.Ak:sdOuauk SM, 1939. 110 pe (KWA 12-,6) 1 Chlen-korrespondent AK AsSSR (for Makhtiyev). 2. Chlen- korkeopondent.A.SSM (for, hot ovalov, Varentsove Kirchink). 3~ Doyst.vitollnyy chlon AN AvS9M (for Aliyev). (Aserb&ijan-~3ltwwn) 14(5) SOV/9-59-2-1/16 z q, 9, AUTHORst Aij, azd_:Le*itskIy, P.I. M* all, TITLEs 'Res ",,Go of~Geological Prospecting for Oil and Gas in 1958 ~(Itogi-~-gpc~;ogoraz-iddo~dhnykh. rabot n& neftl za 1958 g-) PERIODICALs i Hr 2,9', pp 1-5 (USSA) -CreologLy~ f-eiza.'19591, ABSTRACTs 'the'ne . 7~- Ao Cording.,Q Year Plan, oil 'and-gas production in %Ihe- Zoviet Uni:6~ bhall--reaoh _30 jo - L by amount of - ~j a k :240 v;iIjion' ~dna ~6f- oil. -and up, to 150 billion,0"b gas. ' The plan is the:_suaoessful development Lo f oil and 'gab~,pro(duction in 1958.LL General information is given" on now gas and oil strata.opened in 1958 in the following Volga-Ural province; the Pis-Cftoasian region; regiones the L Dneyr-Denoto depression; the Cia-Curpathian flexure; the . Azerbaijan;g'Tarkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Sol for instance-, L t )001000-m from Jarassio deposits reaching a yield of 4 C gas and from Triassic deposits with a yield of 1.1200:0000 per .24 hours was discovered in the Bellsk otratum and a gas fountain was obtained from a depth of 4,750 m on the Apsheron Peninsula in Azerbaijant producing 5OO,OOOm3 of gas and 200 tons of-oondeneate. Inapite of the aforementioned oucadese rd 1/2 series of deficiencies does still exist in geological pr6. L 4177.6 ACC Nat A?Mk%O 008 SOURCS 00081 wom/6378"oo m/m/ NVEM: xxtullm a,'-- ziminst LO Cj K68heleva Go /41 4 ar WYA P --y.-TsvetICOVA a K. ANSIRWOU 11GY61 Polyakov. K. HL. % I avi a ~1- V.1,361yakoVa. 96 6 '11'Im Aa All Pbrosove Be as kjW& P. S. a beat-maittext, 4ekel-bame clame b0, no. VA18 law"weved A;;;a-rmG4%3 t U= WIRM awsmay UnISIN wSauumi h IN, to I tmamkh smakov, no. 15, 2965, 83 TOM TAOM allar, nickel -11, . qW=JMwAtaim1mg xUay. warle"t'isims allars. jinsakfal, 'aialm ellors U-ml-p-,gontalming alloy,- "Pt&igift &UWO cailm-mvitainift allow, lpryllium contaloffig alloys cerium c War V an AMMOf I thi's Aktbw Certificate Introducev a wroughiq Istant, nickel-but &I1cW with in wMial properties and mmlAability!7I Mllor contains IT to 20% chromium.,T12 0--" tunptem, 2---3-f -titmiumi. 1--0 alumium, 0.1% max darbodi .02% mm sulfurs 0.015 max 0 50 Mx :x $Wages MR E NOR %WM and Ov02% mu eirivis-17 J~t-. mfi. 0=1 . W.'irm m"j, 0*"/ moon Ow/ m mi OW/ A"' AW Ir LO ILI IR, A.A. Tables for the determination of normal electric ventricles and the systolic index in electrocardiography in children. Pedintrila, 36 no.7:50-52 JS 158 (MIRA llS7) 1. Is kliniki detskikh bolezuey (sav. - Prof. B.F. Shagan) lirgizokogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. 7.N. Ifurgaziyeva)o (JUCTROGARDIOGRAPHY In child,, tables for daterm, of normal electric systole of ventricles & systolic index (Rus)) ILIINO A. A., Candidate of Wd Soi (dine) __ "rhe cardiovascular system in tuber- culous Meniagitis of children". Alma-Ata, 1959. 28 pp (Dzakb state Ned Itat)v 310 copies (XL., No 20., 1959'. 115), ILIN, A.A.P-kandomed.nauk Catamnestic observations of changes in the cardiovascular system of children with tuberculous meningitis. no.4:96-99 .1610 (KMA 3J,%12) I* Xz kafedry detokAh bolemy (zav* - prof..B.F. Shagan) Kirgizekooo meditainskogo, inatituta, (dir, FJ. Nurgazue"), (MEMGBS.-TUBERCULOSIS) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) IL'INp_A*Ao_ Some data on the clinical aspects, treatment and outcome of 'tuberoulou-a meninjitis in children, gov.zdrav.Kir. no,5tlg-24 S-0 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Iz kafe Idry detskikh bolesney (sav. - prof. B.F.Shagan) Xirgisskogo gosudaretvennogo maditainakogo instituta, .(MENINGES-TUEERCMMIS) ILI 111 A.A. inzh. Experlenie In the use of TSNII-l-A clarifiers in feedwater purification at the Rudenensk Thermal Electric Power Plant. Teploenergetika 12 no.2:77-78 F 165. (14IRA 18:3) 1. Rudnenokaya teplovaya elektroteentrall. Introducing a now technique and expansion of product assortment. Leg.prom. 14 no.9:6-8 2 054. OMPA 7:9) (Hosiery Industry) KRIVESHCHENKO# N*M~# elektronvarshchik (steMoVILip Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi) Letters to the editor, Puts i puts kbos. 3 no.3:47 1& 161. (KCU lo Zaveduyushohiy uchabnoy chasti, takhobkolyp BUDSI-Ambiltlazakhakoy dorogi. (R"3x"ds) SOV/133-58-11-9/25 AUTHORS: ill=,_~.Go and Kononov, B.Z., Engineers TITIZ: Investigation of a Metal Stream Using High-speed Ginephotography (Issledovaniye strui metalla spomoshchlyu x skoros"tnoy lanos yeaki) PERIODICAL: Stalli 1958 01ir Ili pp 994 - 995 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The behaviour of a stream of liquid steel during tapping band teeming was investigated using high-speed a;kne- photography, The type of camera used (Pigure 1) and some details of filming and developing technique are given. The results obta-hed are illustrated. (Figures 2-7). There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATIONS: TsNIICbX and zavod "Krast Oktyabrl" ("Krasnyy'Oktyabrl" WorksF Card 1/1 BUNBMAp,L6 I.; GORSHKOVA.. Z*S.1 GUBZR, L.U.; WIN A.G.; KOZEMOVs, VoKq I PISHCHIKOV - D,P,; TYK&CHINSKIY3, IV.. jo TOSAO; TASLITSKAYA, M.G:p wds; BORISOV# B,L,j teklm, red* (Manufacture of glass inmilators] Proisvodetvo elaktroisoliato- rov iz atekla. Moskyap Gos. nauchno-isol. in-t steklap 1960o 73 pt (MIU 152 1). I& Nachaltnik laboratoriy v/v isolyatorov Vaesoyu=ogo elektro- tokbnichaskoge institute, im, Laninalfor Noshukhov). 2. Naoball- Wk laboratoiij staklovarsaya Goswaretvennogo nauobno-issledo- vatel'skogo institute, stekla (for Tykaebinskly). (Electric insulators and insulation) ILIINI, A,Gog insh, Compressed air IrAtallations to mintain ice-ftee are", Each, transp. 17 no*3:25-26'W 158#' (KML. lit 4) (loo-on river, lakeso *to.) (Hydigulio sUlusering) NOn6tatIOn&'7 motion Of water in a sbort strateb between locks. 52-53 8 '59; NIRA 1312) P. n0.9: 1. To2go-Donskogo ka I& Imeni M.Lenina, aulic ear ing)) an" BUDUKOV, IF.A., Insh., IL'Im, Ap& insh. (g.Stalingrad) Settling of structures on maroporous soils* Gidr. i wel. 12 noe8:31-37 Ag 160. (MM 13s8) (Hydraulic structures) (Soil mechanics) SEMSHIN, V-R., Insh.1 BURGUIF, LT., inzh.; WIN, A.G., lnzh. Systom of air dehuiddification In tanks of the tanker IPsking.n Sudostroenis 26 noo8tl8-22 Ag 060. (KIRA 23:10) (Tack vessels--Corrosion) ILOIN, A.G., inzh.; BUEENKOV, N.A., insh. Comprehensive observations on the deformations of a navigable lack. Izv. vyse uchebe zav,j good. i aerof. no45s47-53 '61. (KUU 150) (Volga-Don Canal-Looks (Bydraulic engineering)) (surveying) 41 ILIINp A.G., inzh. Chemiamt of the water washing the concrete structures of the Lenin Volga-Don navigable canal. Gidr. strol. 33 no.11:34,37 N 162. OaRA 16ti) -,(Volga~-Don,canal-4onaret"orrosion) Ab, ACCESSION Nlh AT4035838 8/2534/6VO00/024/0129/0140 AL MOM Zeakin, 0. M.1 Illint A. Q. TITLE: Hadial burning of trees in the vicinity of the explosion of the Tungus SOMWES AN SSSIts Komitet pa moteoiitam. Meteoritilca, no. 24, 1964. Trudy* Y'Leningrade 29 maya I Desyatoy Hateoritnoy konferenteii iyunya 1962 g., 129- 240 TOPIC TAGS: meteoritep Tvingus meteorite, meteorite explosion f ABSTUCT: Everywhere in the neighborhood of the explosion of the TW4us meteoritep: in an area with a radius of opproximately 20 km from the epicenter, there still remain obvious traces of a forest fire which undoubtedly accompanied the 1908 ex- plosion and vbicb does not show the characteristics of an ordinary forest fire. The reason for the-fire was light radiation from the explosion and the fire develop-' ad simult I ;ver a I age area (with a radius of more than 9 km from the site of the eXP"1eo5u1:n,5 n Places where conditions were favorable for combustion (under- bush9 dry.branch*o, *to.). The light radiation of the explosion also caused the 0 overheating and destruction of the cambium of small larch branches on that side of- th b boa turned toward the 'tooter of the explosion* 7h# direction of damage to !.'Carl 119c ACCESSION Mt: AT403"38 the branches has made It possible'to compute the coordinates of the radiation source with a rather high accuracyg leading to the conclusion that the principal source of radiation was the explosion of a body in the air, The date do not make it possible to estimate the influence of light radiation of the body, in the at- mosphere-before the explosion or determine the configuration of the light source but further collection of data probably would -b=ish an answer to these questioned, The relative locations of the-center of flattening of the forest suggest that the path followed by the body was from southeast to northwest. Precise determination of the path requires that the influence of the wind be taken into account. The centers of radiation and forest flattening are indicated in Fig, I of the Enclosures An estimate of the luminou's energy of the explosion has been.made, but the &e. 4% uracy is very low. "In conclusion the authors wish to thank K, P. Floreneklyl chief of the expedition, and other participantag for their useful advice". Orige arts bast 7 figures &ad 9 tables# ASSOCIATIONt Komitdt p0 mste6ritamf Akademiya nauk SM (Committee on Meteorites, SSSIE Acadenar of Sciences) SMITTEW 00 DATE ACQi 28may64 ENCL.. oi SUB COD]9t AA 140 MW SOVt 008 OTWMt 000 Card W5 *own -01 V r1D-j CO Sketch map of the region of the center of Us Tungus' explosion.. 1. - center of radiation; II - center of 'forest flattening; III- larches vhose branches experienced heat damage; IV - larches used for computation of the co-- 94 ordinates of the radiation source; V - limits of detection of beat damage; VI hutse d/'020?004i/0"1"_, kl_ACC-Wf~ SOURCE CODE: UR1d,'CfYf6_61dd INVENTOR: Berezinskiy, V. I.;.Vollfenzon, M. N.; Zakharov, G. A Win A. G.; -1-2- Pavlova, Ye. A.A,Skachkov,.A*,M&; Shifrin, Ms Sh.; Eydlin,'I. I.;. none TITLE; System for automatic regulailon of the steam-main,6peration of a maritle turbine unit.~ Class 14, Zjodr 187041 SbURCi: prom~shlennyye obr.aztey, tovarnyye'znaki, no. 20, 1966, 41 TAGS: turbine, -steam turbitiap,.engine turb .ins system, marine engine, marine. ingiieering 00-4a-,- -ABSTRACT-.. An Author'.Cqrftfica'td'hawbesn issued for a,system for thai automatic cow- trol of steam-main operation in pa.-rind-eurbitie,'units with steam* takeoffs connected to imits requiring disaimilai p'ressure,,miintain,ed by the use of pressure. regulators, and to the cooled-9team 'circuit. To.provide for. the - regUators' independent, operatiotk and to improve'their. functionini, the'pressure reg .ulators-are connected parallel to,~ *thd cooled.-steam.cir~uit. Orig..a"rt. has-: 1 fijuie. I SUB CODE; -13/ SUBM DAt9i WdW/ Card i/i ILOIN, A.G.,, insh.; GRUSHKO, I.M.0 kand.takhn.nauk Structure of road cement concrete and its strength. Avt,dor.i dor.stroi. no,10441 165. (MIRA 18:n) L --L;: 1A )p All I i I wit 1.11, !lilt 11.14iMI'll a 6 -uabastipi-P MIMTS; U44-p red.;-VUBffWA,. T9M*# redol SVICMKOV# A*190 takhaered. Epraotice in operating tho OUrall digital computixg MUM) Opyt,qkOpjust&t#i:L'tnjfrovoj vychislitellsoi mashiV OUrale" Pod red, KAJimitma. Movkvaj, lod-vo NSovetakoe radios," 3.962. 183 po (KERA 15t5) (Ileatra3do- digital computare) BORSHCH-KOMPANEIETS~ V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; WIN, A.I., inzh. -Determination of strains ina massif of hard rocks by the unloading Method. 1zv. vys. ucheb. save; gore thwe 5 no.10:53-56 '62, (MIRA 15, n) 1. Moskovskly gornyy institute Rekomendovana kafedroy markahey- &rskogo dela i geodexii. (Rocks-Testing) (Strains and stresses) ZI ff~.' It--- VSBR/Forestry - Forest Economy. K-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 2.. 1958,, 5883 Author 1111n, A.I. Inst Title Extensive Cutting of the Mountain Forests of the Northwes, tern Caucasus. Orig Pub Nauchn.-tekhn. abor. tr. po lean. kh-vu Bev. Kavkaza., No 2, 1956, 5-35 .Abstract At the present time it is customary to cut over these fo- rests quite hesvilyj-and the result is that In most cases natural reproductign proceeds unsatisfactorily. Repro- duction in fir forests de pends upon the eVpsition of the slope# The principal species form 42-66% of the trees cut on the northern e'loyes and T-10% of those cut on the southern slopes. In beech forests the new growth on the clearings has appeared in the majority of cases only af- ter the cutting, with only 5-25% of it anticipatory Cardl/2 wSR/Forestry - Forest EconOW. KA Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biole, NO 21 1958; 5883 reproduction. The principal species form an average of 39~ of the anticipatory reproduction but only 12% of the new groyth after cutting. Thus in beech forests the se- condary species predcminate in the reproduction vhich oc- .curs after the cutting. Under Caucasian conditions the group-selection and gmdual cutting methods are recon-w-n- ded. Group-selection cutting is also recommended as a method on slopes steeper than 350 and in types of forests which have poor natural reproduction. 'K USSR 01JECORY Foristry, Iforust ManagamaDt AD5. R&Biol,,, No. 2t 1959P un. 6159 AUTHOR lilln,, A.I. "I FST. JITLE Oondition of Young Oak Forests of Northern Cauca sus and Procedures for Their I-Mprovem;ent. kh-vy Sov. Kavk!~za. VYP. 3. ('RIG. FUB. t Sb, vabot po, 1---sn Mayk,)7), 1958, 6-21 ABS-TUCT I Tn Northern Caucasus forests 33-50A of the tracts were oak and 22.9% were reserves, the basic mass of which was concentrated in Krasnodar- skiy Kray. The age struzture of young oak'for- eots is based on data of the maykopskiy Leskhoz, where the oak occupied 67% of the surfaw. The oak is represented here by three varieties: .summer, winter, and Glartvis. The fellings are examined critically. It is shownthat forest exploitation in the Northern Caucasus is not con- 1/3 MECORY AT-31. JOUR. Mtticl,y No. Zs 1959, M5. 6 159 AUTIM TITLE OUG. PUB. r, c,.~ Cird. d"e ted in a thri-fty oanner, but w1rb Presit waste. Forest seed is chan;;ed by se!7:0-adiaxly varieties aad plantation, brueb. It iG noted that the natural regeneration of "he oak g;;C-m on -lc,-~essfully under the marn 1e of 0-0 for6st. 3 L A It *-.a recoy-,-.i,~,nded cj,~at i-,orr- :)f- I by aeans of' siubstitutln- see+i ror -hoota of oal: -plaatations, by mes3ures co sel!- seeding and. young gro,.,th of tbe 'o~Lk, (9tc. `211he felling nge f*or higb-itrunk oak. plintations is 2/3 No. 2, 1959, xn. 61-59 ~c. JOUR. U'ViA01. A;. WOR TI TLE ORM, MB. ABSU?ACT eal.jablished at 110 - 120 years, arid it' is re- cognized that tnere is' a need for the applica- t-ion of clear-Cuttings with the width of the cleavings 100 m and a 3 - 5-year cycle for ad- joinment. A number of procedures are sugge-stedl improve-I aor the preservation, restoration, and men of forest plantations of Northern Caucas"51 V.I. XAMOT 3/3 CATMORZ-q- Foreatry,,Dendrolog7 INST. MLE: s Se asor-Al 'Dove I opmen t of Woody Shrub Voge- ';aykaoskly batioa in Experimental Forest 01 PULB.~ 8b. rabot po lean. kh-vu 3ev.KRvknza. V.VP. 3. Mark-OPo 19.58, 130-136 l AnTRACT 1: Data.-;pt phenological observations are -,rese')ted ' ' , of a' 6aleLlar'6f st-isonf4l manifes- In thp " ' "el-ions -of t 15 woody shrub species nA ure -for bi&,_- (anaually frem 194Q - 1956). Oharttetevis-i tics of the zieteorological lor T,, riod ai.,e gi-qen. Tiiere Arc, tted in t,-~- b_',-er3 est4 -ates of the diwatiow"-,f the rxeriod from blousoming tu r,,,.-e .-iellovdnl~ of leavec-, from start of flowevirjr, to tlr! of tho fruit (ceed), wid the fruit- d . n. AUTHORt TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 e-, SOV/26-58-12-40/44 ~~andi date of Agricultural Sciences Winter on the Foot Hills of the Caucasus (Zima v predgorl- yakh Kavkaza) Priroda, 1958,1,Nr 12, pp 125 126 .(USSR) Winter in the foothills of the Caucasus differs from winters in moat other regions of the USSR. In December 0the temper- ature is still warm and reaches a maximum of 19 0 In daytime with bright and hot sunshine and intermittent gentle rains. Individual snowfalls may occur with the snow lasting for only 1 or 2 days. Winter weather sets in in the middleo of January. In 1950, the air temperature fell to 24 to 33 C degrees below zero, wMch caused severe damages to the fruit Dlantations. There was a winter lasting 100 days with much snow in 1953 to 1954. This is considered a rare event in Viis region. In 1952 and 1955 the mean monthly winter tem- Peratures were above zero. There was warm wenther during :the Januaries of 19;1, 1953 and 1956 with a maximum air tem- perature of plus 16 C. There were warm Februartes in 1952, 195; and especially 1955 with a mean monthly temperature of 6-4 C although this month Is characterized as the climax of Winter on the Foot Hills of the Caucasus SOV/26-58-12-40/44 winter.0 In February of 1955 the air temperature reached plus 21 C. Warmer weather usually sets in during the second half of March. ASSOCIATION: Severo-Kavkazskaya lesnaya opytnaya stantsiya VNIILM /Maykop (The North-Caucasian Experimental Forest Stction of VNIILM/ Maykop) 30) SOV/26-59-3-45/47 AUTHOR: - Illino A.I., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (Maykop) ------------ TITLEs Spring in'Kuban' PERIODICALs Prirodao i959, Nr 3# pp 126-127 (USSR) 0 ABSTRACTs Describing.spring and its vegetation in Kuban't the author points out that after several alternations of cold and warm temperatures$ spring usually arrives about 14-20 March in this region. During a seven-year period the earliest spring was in 1955, the 1951 spring was very pleasant while spring in 1949 and 1954 was very late, There is 1 table* ASSOCIATIONs Severo-Kavkazakaya lesnaya opytnaya stantsiya MIIX (The North Caucasian Experimental Forest Station MILM) Card 1A VASILIMO' P.V... prof.,, doktor ekon, nauk; PMOHAREVO A.D.; SOIDATCYVq A.G.., kando oellkhoz, nauki MOTOVILOV; G.P.p doktor sellkhoz. nauk; NEVZOROVp-N,V,,, ~do : 0~ 0 na*; WSITSMp K.B..t kind. oelikhos. naukI RODIONOVi A.U $:kand, evilkboxe" nauk: CHARKINA,, A*Pp kand, sellkhoz vauki LUTOMCH, A.A.# kftd.'eeltkhoz, naukI KOZHEV 'MoG. Is.1 ALEKWNV' P.V.j, kand. sellkhoz, nauk; ZORIN, A.V.0 o do $ aspirant; BARANOVs N.Io'skand.'sellkhoz,nauk [deceased); NAUHM, I I.H,, proft doktor`s91')ft* sauk ILII I Uj_J.,~kandaellkhoz, unk; MOISMKOOF.P.0 kand. biol'-*=; I I V.K., prof.# doktor.oall- khoz, nsukj GECHIS lu;?.# ;;8;;;~ vaucbrq7 ootr.; BUTENAS., Yu*P.I: '4i; BUBLIS, K,A.j" aspirant; UIS3Y'SH# AsTaop kaAq kand. sellkhos. ;a seltkhoz. nauk; ZVIMRIS, A.L. kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SUKACHSVs VeNal akad. red.; ZHUXOVI A*B.p prof,# redo; PRAVDIN.% LeFe, prof*# red.1 HAKAROVA,j L.V., redo isd-va; LOBANKOVAp R.Ye., tekhn, redo [Problems of increasing forest productivity in four volumes] Pro- blenq povysheniia produktivwsti leew v chetyrekh tomakh. Moskvap Goslesbumizdat. V01-4-CEconomic prob3,ems.6f increasing forest productivity and accelsfat'ing'ripenIM and cutting ageo]Zkonadobeolde voprosy povysheniis, produktivnosti lesov,, vozraa-'.,y spelosti i vozrasty rubok. 1961. 253 p. (MIRA 15:1) 10 Aka4pmiya nauk SMe Inatitut lesa, 2. Wachallnik Glavnoy Inspektoil po lesnomu khozyaystva i polezashchitnoma lesorazvedeniyu Ministerstva sel'okogo khozysystva SSM (for Ponomarev). (Forests and forestry-Economic aspects) AUTHOR: Illin. Ad..-,Ilngineer. 100-58-2-8/9 TITLE., fiev Machines-and Eguipment Exhibited at the Industrial Fair in Hanover. (Novyye mashiny i oborudovaniye na promyshlennoy yarmarke v Gannovere). PERIODICAL; Kekhanizatsiya Stroitel'stva, 1958, br 2, Pp 28-32. ABSTRACT: A rePort from the Hanover Pair hold in 1957 on various machines for the building industry. There are twelve figures and three tables. ivANOV. Y.Noprof.; WIN. A.I.,Inxh; USTINOV, N.P.;dots; CHMMKOVICH, Y.A.0inibe tIM0,019-4-- - Investigatirig the efficiency of fuel systan parts. Slek. i topl. tiagn 2 no,2:12-15 7 -1580 o4m n:4) (Diesel 1.0comotives--Testing) New design of the plurgar pair for the fuel pwv of D50 diesel loconotiven, Truay MIT A001101100-118 1590 (HIM 13t4) (DIS86% enghe*-Yual systems) )mnd.takhn.nauk; YOROVICHEY, Mikhail Pars- 1174w_~__13" so.novich, inz.h.; RODIONOT9 1,L, red,; KHITROT, 'P.A.$ (Railroad transports tion in the Chinese People's Republic] ZhelaznodoroshnA transport litaiskol Varodnoi Respubliki. Moskva, Goe.trouspabel-dor.Isd-vo, 1959. 161 p. (KM 13:1) (China-Railroads) S/262/62/000/00t/=AIO 1014/1252 AUTHOR: Gizatulfin, R. K. and Il'in, A. 1. Tint: Double regulation of multi-piston fuel pumps PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhumal, S ilovyye Ustanovki. no, 1. 1%2, 70 abstract 42.1.367 (Elektr. i teployozn. tyap, 1960, no. 11-26-27) TEXT: Double regulation of multi-piston fuel pumps, namely according to rated and idling speeds, is proposed with a view to preventing irregular fuel supply to the cylinders at minimum speed. Two variants of the modified drive scheme of the rack of the fuel pump section of the D50 Diesel engine am given, as well as the characteristics of fuel supply obtained.There are 3 figures, [Abstractcr's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 IVANOVI VeHap PrOf-I USTINOV, N.P.j dotoent; ILFIN A I in2b. =!4 Problem concerning the replacewnt of fuel system parto on the MOO diesel iocompti", Elek. i tePl. tiage, 5 no,6:23-24 Jo (MIRA 14t 3:0) (Diesel locomotives-Repairs) IVANOVp V*H,j USTINOV, K.P.; ILIINO A.I. Iweatigating the wear of fuel-pimp parts of the-D-30 diesel eagins and studying measures for improving the perfor-mce of plunger pairs. Treni, Isnazubs nool6t24,-30 162. (HMA 154) .(ftel pumpo-Teoting) AL113t A. I. t insh., I Effect of the inside mwface area of the fuel p=p sleeve on its service life, Trwly MIT no.15108-101 162. (KMA l6s2) (Fuel p=ps-Teeting) - WIN. A.100 insh. -------- I Planning and constructing rock-fill dame with central cores. Bnergokhosesa rube, n0-3136-43 My-Je 160. (XI4 13-17) (Dams) I V !~Tr-7' -vmvx~ " . p ~; - - ,, BOUMV~ A A IAILg'INj A I NOVIMv U.N.; VOMEMSIM, A.H.j, prof., red:I*T L.N. red,; LARIGNOV, G.Yeep''tekbn* red, (Development.of water resourdiis-in.ludia] IspolIzovanie vod- mykh resursov Wii. Fodlabdhohei red. A.N.Vones'anskogoo No- okvap Goo energ. izd-vop 1961. 95 P. (MMA 130) 4ndia-Water resources development) Comm Am ILI V N..A.I. t..kmd.tokhn.n&Ulc teahnological progress-an&-labor produotivity. Zbel.dor.tramp. 46t 3: 5,12 Mr .1.64 (MIRA .170) 1. ?mwstitojf nradesdatelya Nauchno-takhnichoskogg soveta Minisierstva pa6y soobahcheniya.