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-- KABANOV,__~. Geometric theory of a simple singular variational problem for (n - I)-mdtiple integrals. Trudy Sem.po vekt.i tenz.anal. na.12a23%.268 163. OaRk 16:6) (Cid6iilus of variations) (Integrals, Multipl~) PENZOV, YuYe.; RZHEXHINA, N.F.; COXHMANq A.V.;-KABANQY,N.l.; MONOPLEVA, Yu.K.; LOSIK, M.V.; SPIVAK, M.A.1 ZARETSKAYA, N.V., red. [problamn In vaotbr Alga~ra) Sbornik zadach po vektornol algebro. Saratov, lzd-vo Saratovskogo univ., 1964. 59 p. (MMA 1814) ACF M. M023ii3 Monograph UR/ J7 Ksbanov,~ Nikolay lvanovi~,;?~O','04rov, Boris Ivanovich lonosphilkic obliqu .3-incidenco- backscatter Z rat*no,!hakionnoye zondirovaniye (Vo v ionobfery)'Moscow, lad-ve "Sovetakoye radio", 1965. 112'p. illue.0 Viblio., 4500 copies printed. ~TOPIC TAGS#. radio wave propagation, ionospheric sounding, ioaospheric propagation critical frequency, radar, over the.horizon radar , oblique Incidence backscatter PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: Thisbook is intended for engineers in radio centers, radio specialists dealing wiLh short-wave prop~ajation, and students in. advanced and secondary schools. Some results, of ~ expisrimental investigatibno of the phenomenon of the distant oblkue-incldente backscattering of short radio waves _from__0r, groun and a method of oblique sounding of-the ionosphere using this phenomenon.are covered. Some of the principles as.well as information on the'practical applicatim of this method and the zones of radar visibility (ground-mionosphere.-groun-d) for the 500-1000 and 3000--6000-kto rl3nges and farther are presented. The equipment and antennas used for sounding are described& N. B, Vologhina, N. H;~ KnIM11g Yu. A. Mish - B# Ab -Pggj6tao 9 V E6 I* Ginzb L__ Gmkh2tMj A. P, P, CheMyi~ Bhev, md I. B., Yukovkin vkticipated in writing the book. YL-flemees.- .OF OONIENTS Foreward 3 -Card 113 621,371,333- L- 26400-" . . - f - - -- - - - . 1. -11-- - 1. 1. ;, I., - .- - o , , 1 " . ; ~ Tz : - , ~ -.' ~ ~ ;,ii YABATIC'"I IT- Y. 1 P A 17 -444 KABXNCVY N. M. A 70T96 111011aft M UMOTO N.M. %mAvmmmWvWAWPI---I---- '- N&WISIG CS the flow of organic matter in the Volga River near KuYb.vwhev. 2~m~ 1. 1 ton. car. noo?:95-100 157. (KWA IOM Volga ItIver-Organle matter) USSR/General Biology*. General Hydrobiology. B-6 A s Jour I Rof Bio'1~0 No 160 1958, 71683 Author ; Drachaij S. B,., jabanovs N. 11. Sologub, A. H. ov -EU __ Inst : t-10 s cociety of..Wa alisrs Title t The iafluekied~, of Mderwater Vegetation on the Quality of -Water. Orig Pub : Byuli liosk. o-va is t. pr1rody. Ot d, biol,j 19577 62, No 29 81-99 Abstract ; Laboratory tests and observations of rosor- voirs shoqod that underwater organic substan- 00s, such as soll humatos, herbaceous and tree vegetation impair the quality of tho uater, decrease Hs transparency increase the color and contribute to odor ~!A taste. The charac- teristics are analysed of tho influence on the Card 1 1i2 KA RA Spreding of aquatic vagetablon in IlYastaft Roservoir. Trudv Gidrobiol. ob-va 9:173-182 159. (V:VA 12:9) I.Institut obahchey i kommumllnoy giglyeny Akademii meditsinskikh uauk SSSR. (11yaxIma Reservoir-Presh-water flora) DRACHEV., brpf.; RAMOV, A,~.4.; SKOPINTSEV, B.A.; NABANOV, N.M.; M.T _f7e. .BldhiiICH, S.Vj;' SOSdiffi. I.N.; GOWB]iii.~ *;; BRUX* KOGIIZV.*rT. RUFJ~A' M.A.: KORSH, L.Te.; ANOKHIN.. V.L.;.; BILIKINA, EKjINIKOV, Te.i.. reA.; MtLICHIKOTA, T-A.S.., [Methods of studying water* from the point of view of sanitation] Prienr sanitarnogo isuchentis vodoemov. Pod red. S.M.Drachava. Mookwa. Gos.lsd-vo med.lit-ry, ig6o. 354 p. (MIRA 13:n) (Water-Analysis) KONONOVA, Ye.F.., kand.tekhn.nauk; ABO AIL,.-N.M.-#--Imnd.biologicheakikh rauk; LXSOGORGVA~ IsK.9 mla~dshiy naucMyy ootrudnik Sanitary characteriatio of the deep disabarge of indust*p2 Wote caters into a reservoir. Gig.i o" 25 no.8tl3-18 Arr 160o IMIRA l3sll) 1. lz' Instituta obeho'he'y i kommmallnoy gigiyeny imeni A.H.Sysina AMN SSSR. (WATER~~OLLUTION) DRAGBEVy S,Kap profol VERTMAYA, P.I.j IZNYUROVA, KOLTUNCYVA, A.S.1 BYLINKINA, A.A.j IZKEROVx N.F.y red,,,- BELICIIKDW, Yu6So, Uklr~& redo [Sanitation problams of the supp3,v and utilization of water in and districts]Gigioniaboskia.voproBy khoziaistvenno-pit!evogo vodoonab- sbaniia. 3. vodopollzovaniia v zasushUN7kh raionakh. Moskva, Medgiz, 1961. 206 p. (MBU 14:22) (Water mpp:Ly) KABANOV, N.M. Chemical and sanitary biolog3,,al role of macrophytes in Klyazlma Reservoir. Trudy Oidrobiol. ob-va 11:361-369 161. (MIRA 15.1) 1. Institut obshchey i kommunallnoy gigiyeny Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, Moskva. (KLYAZIMA RESERVOIR--FRESH-WATER FIORA) (WATER_-OXYGEN CONTENT) ~ _ -Uj 'VCROBIIKVA,, R.V.~, GASIT GUBARI, N.A.; KOBSHj, L.79, 4APAW..+-A*1 -IMO X.M.1 DZKQ4AYEV., JI.D.; IVANTSOV., K.F,.; OVEZGVP A.0. Priniball, uchastiyes B,YLINKTUA,, A.A.; YZLAKHOVSKAYA~ X.P.;LISICHKINA, T.I. Hygienic characteristics 6f economical drinking water sources in districts of the Margab Oaoio. Zdrav. Turk, 7 no.5128-32 (41) Wy 163. (KMA, 16:8) (OASIS RMION--DRMIM WATIR) KABANOVp N.M. Some problems of the relationship betvaen invertebrates and bye-rnpbytes in Klyastme, Reservoir, Trudy Gidrohol, ob~-va 14s248-251 163. (MIRA 17W 1. Institut ubahchey i kommunallnoy gigiyeny imeni A.N. Sysina AM SSSRt Moskva. KABANOV, N. N.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- "Some problems in Karateodorils geometric theory of transformations in the variational calculus". Saratov, 1959. 8 pp (Saratov State U im N. G. Chernyshevskiy), 130 copies (KL, No 12, 1959, 125) AVERINp Ivan Vasillyevich; ay ~tjch,- VILL', V.I., insh.) rateenzentj SHRAMUN, I.B., insh., red.; LETKINA, T.L. red. izd-va; KAPLANSKIr, Ye.F., tekbn. red. (Friction welding in the manufacture of tools; from practices of the Sestroretek Tool Manufacturing Plant named tifter Voskov) Svarka treniem v instrumentallmon proizvodstyel iz opyta Sestro- retakogo,instrumentallnogo zavoda imeni Voskova. Moskva,, Mash- gizq 1962.' 72 p. (KM 3.5-12) (Leningrad-Tool and die industry) (Tools-Welding) ZAGRETSKIYV Pavel Pavlovich; KHLRCHENKO, Xonstantin Sizzonovich; KISELEV, B.M., retsensent; ZABAN)V, N.N ed.; CHFAS, .,, r M.A., red. izd-* BLEUNA, I.A.10 tekhn. red. 1. (Technological processes of high-preoision machining] Tekh- nologiia slozhnykh lekallnykh rabot. Moskva, Mashgix, 1963. 166 p. (MIRA 160) (Machine-ohop practice) 15(2) AUTHORS: Zherebin, S. I., Kabanov, N. P. SOV/72-59-3-12/19 TITLE: Practical Use of Tar for the Carburetiort of Generator Gas in Glass lielting.Purnaces (Prakticheskoye primeneniye smoly dlya karbyurataii goneratornogo gaza v fitelclovarennykh pechakh) PERIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, 1959 Nr 3, pp 38-41 (Ussn) Me- 'A ABSTRACT: In 1954 the authors of the present paper with other collaborators of the Gortkovskiy zavod (Gor'kiy Factory) recommended to concentrate the generator gas by products of tar pyrolysis. Tho purpose was to improve the quality of generator gas, to save on fuel and to stabilize thermal conditions. Bitumen is a waste product of peat gasiVication and is nor. suitable for chemical processing. The soheme of the tar introduction may be seen from figure 1. Pro-heated tar is by means of a pump conveyed to the gas genctrators through water- cooled mechanical pulverizers (Fig 2). In the Generators it i3 mixed with the gas thus increasing it's heating coefficient. Control of the pulverizers is done from the working place of the glaas'~elter (Fig 3). Tar is heated in the tank (Pig 4) Card 1/2 and pumped on by moanu of a gear pump of the R"rj-3 type. 'Irv.xUcal U-se of I'ar for the Carbuietiun of SOV/7L'-5(---3-12 '19 i3encralvor Can in Glass :Aultini,- ?urj-.c(--.j Equippin-to and operatirq; onolvo ol' the dcviuc are low. The alle, for the firt' 'imp and was later devico as innt, I in 195~ on im-pi-oved, as iL accuraLoly de.-teribed. in tho ease of tar short,atgu, i t can bo roplaccd 11):,- fuel oil. 'i'hara are 4 figurea. ASSGO'I ~MON: Gorl kovskiy stekol I nyy 7.avod (oor,kiy Gliuls Factory) Card 2/2 BORISOV, B.I.; IGNATOVA, V.A.; KABANOV,_YI.P~; TERMAN, V.B.; SHUMILINA, V.I.; NAZAROVA, N.A.-, OKALINIK, G.N.-, POPOV, M.I. Improving the quality of the surface of sheet glass by electric heating of the air in the chamber under the vertical drawing machinery. Stek. i ker. 19 no.2:11-14 F 162, (MIRA 1513) (Olass furnaces) KABANGJ, I.P. - M Shaped glass J-8 a new effioient building material. Stek. i ker. 22 no.4s23-25 Ap 165. (MA 180) 1. Direktor Borskogo stakollnogo zavoda imeni 14.Gortkogo. KAaU-QL-N2 P. Profile glass is an effective structural material. Prom.stroi, 42 no,2&22-24 165. (MIRA 1824) 1. Direktor Borakogo Btakollnogo zavoda im. M.Gorlkogo. Dr. Technical Sci. "Automatic joint welding by fusing chrome molybdenum pipe," Avtogen. Delo, No. 6, 1949. "Invosti *ga~don -of Automatic Butt Wiieldin--- of PipQ L*.ade of Carbon and Chrom-1:olybd~.-n-,zi .5tecls." Ziesi3 for de'rou cf Cand. Technical ')'ci. Sub 25 Dec 51), Cbntral Sci Rej Inst of Tech- ,-n nology and Llachi e Building Su=arY 71, 4 Sep 52, R~issortations Presented for Daj7reez -;n Science and i~n7c;ineerin-- in 1.70se in 1950. From Vechernyaya 7.'osIL-va. Jan-Doc 1950. KABANOV,,.N.S. UM/Engineering Weldingp Processes ROV 51 *Nitur6 ".Role of- Fusion' Probe ii 'in* Butt- Weldin g9 *'Prof A. S' Gillimn, Dr' Tech Scis TsNIITMASh$ K.'P. 1whennik, Cand Tech Scis VNII ASS, N. S. Kabanovp Cand Tech Sci., TvWIITMASh "Avtogen Delow No U., PP. 11-1,11, Discus es resi2lts of studying fusion process with rapid motion-picture camera and oscillograph.' Establishes bwmation of molten metal bridges and., determiries existence time of each bridge as equal to o.002 see*, as :ir" obiseri~edj cohtidns'coniaiderabU apits'of OD and 002 in atms which factorej combined with sh*p decrease in 0 contentp protect surfaces of molten metal against oxidation, 200T63 GILIMAN, A.B., doktor tekhnichaskikh nauko professor; S3MGNM, N.P., inzhe- nar, ratsenzent; KAMM. H.S., kandidat tekbnichaskikh nauk, redak- tor; POPOVA, S.Mc, - WIM46soMy redaktor. (Teelmoloa of resistance electric weldinotekhnologiia koutaktnoi elaktroevarki., Mosims. Gon.muchno-te&ne Isd-vo muhinostroit, Ut-rr, 190. 324 P; (KM 8:5) (Ilectric welding) VAR& OV, 9-.S-., kandidat teklmichaskikh nauk; SLIPAX, 1.3.,.kandidat tekhnicheakikh 1% naam. Improved technology of butt velding the pipes of a vater sconomixer. [Trudy] T.ONIITXASK 60:174-187 153. (MIRA 6:11) Meatria velding) POLMD/Acoustics. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Pizika, 1957, No 4, 10204 Author : Gellman, A.S.p N.S., Matveyev, A.S. Inst : Not given Title :Ultrasonic Control of Joints Made by Spot Welding. Orig Pub: Zavod. Laboratoriya., 1954, 2U, x15, 562-567 Abstract: No abstract. card : 1/1 1W of bAv- ro-prert,vttym al-I oirl'n y k 14 t ro I ns our 11L 1111, kn. S. EWgo~~ iind JL~A i4lip1lit streftV t,f In welded umun, Natioug a.iii-ilmo 'th Owil cfintitall'tis floll N"Offilw 1~ iNA itild whi'll flivic 1.4 pre- livatilig; 0114.) Tol-vallitiv J 111"1 4 111t.4 -.4 11111 Of"Pt WWI% lind Ill, I 70--~ XAMOV,N.S., kaudidat tekbuicheskikh Dauk ~11~,r-,;.. ': Butt weldIng of electrical silicon steel sheets.*lsv. no.9:23-27 S '55. (MIRA 8:11) 1. TSentrallnyy lauchno-iasledavatel'skiy institut tyashelogo mashinostrayonlya (Iran-silicon alloys--Welding) DBMT, L.B., kandidat tekhnichaskilth nauk, starobir nauchnyy sotrudnik. laventigating the pressure weMing of tubes in protective atmosphere@. Trud7 TSNIITMASK 76:23-42 135. (NMA -9:7) (Pipe. Steel--Welding) BOBRINSKIT, Yurijr Nikolayevioh; SBWBrAY, Nikolajr Petrovich; GULTAYNT, A.Z., Inzbener, rateanzent;_IABAfi2L,,J,& kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, radaktor; GRUBHXVSUTE7~T.~K.OredAktor izdatellstva; -TIKHONOT. A.Ya., tekbuicheskiv redaktor; MATYBYSTA. Ye,S., takhnichookiy redaktor (Arrangement and installation of resistance welding zaabineal Ustroistvo I naladke knotaktnykh evarochnykh mashin. Moskva. Gos. nauehno-tathn. is&-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 143 P- (MISA 10:1) (Blectric welding) GELIMN, A.S., doktor takhaichaskikh nauk. professor; FABA12Y, NIB.t SLIWAX, X.S.; LIKBBDXV, V.I.. kandidet takhnichosicikh na , retsenzent; NMOVA# V.A., nauch"y roAaktor; TIUMV, A.Ya., tekhnicheekty redaktor [Contact butt-welding of Pipes] Kontaktamis stykovata evarkm trub. Pod red. A.B.Gil!mana. Kovkva, Gom.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashino- mtroit. lit-ry, 1957. 231 p. (KIBA 10:8) (Blectric welding) (Pipe, Steel) X&BANOVI N.S., kaud.tekhn,Aauk. Butt welding of thick-Maled, large cross section pipes in a protective atmosphere. Svar. proixvo no.10:1~-? '57, (MIRA 11:1) loWentrallryy nauchno-Iseledovatelleldy Institut tokhnologii I mehinostrcyonlys. (Pipe, Steel-Weliting) (Protective atmospheres) AUTHOR: Kabanov, N.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences 135-12-9/17 TITLEs Resistance Butt Welding of Pipes in Nitro an Medium (Stykovaya evarka trub soprotivleniyam v erede azotal PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodetvo, 1957, # 12, P 30-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The subject experimental automatic welder is devised by TsKIITXASh for welding pipes in shielding gas by a method de- scribed formerly by the author ("Byarochnoye Proizvo6stvoll, 1955t # 4). It features a chamber enclosing the joined pipe ends (Figure 2). Instead of hydrogen (which explodes in pipes) nitro- gen is used, which is fed under high pressure through CUS04 a device shown in Figure 3,and ferrosilicon heated and P20 ~n to 1,00 * The information includes a photograph (Figure 1) 8 , of the welder and a detailed description of its work, as well as the welding parameters. The welder is tested on steel pipes of 32 an diameter and 4 an wall thickness. It eliminates the re- ducing of the pipe bore at the joint, gives high quality welds, and can be utilized as the basis for devising a special pipe' welding machine. There are 5 photographs and I schematical drawing. ASSOCIATION: TsNIITMASh AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 25 (1) SOV/135-59-4-7/18 AUTHOR: Kabanov, N. S.# Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Peculiarities of Butt Welding of Low-Carbon Steel Strip for Subsequent Rolling (Osobennosti stykovoy svarki polos malouglerodistoy stalit podvergayemykh posleduyushchey prokatke) PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 4, pp 25 - 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author participated in a project at the Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) in which the right welding conditions and techno- logy were found for properly joining the ends of 100 - 150 m steel strip coils of 2 or 2-5 mm thickness for further cold rolling in 5-stand rolling mills to 0-3 or 0-5 mm thickness. The article includes general information on the peculiari- ties and conventional welding technology for this purpcse~ Detailed information on the ways found to eliminate the cold working of the butt ends of strip, caused by the compression of butt ends in the joining process is given. Card 1/3 The new method consists of doing the entire compression, SOV'/135-59-4-7/18 Peculiarities of Butt Welding of Low-Carbon Steel Strip for Subsequent Rolling or upsetting 9 under electric current and limiting the value of the upsetting by means of limit stops between the mobile and the immobile plates of the welding machine, cutting off the current for a while after finishing the upsetting. A time relay, and a current relay which gives a pulse to the time relay after the current reaches a definite value as the strip ends come into contact is used. The electric control circuit diagram for this purpose is shown (Fig. 6). Detailed technological recommendations are given. Head of designers group of the TsNIITMASHO B. A. Rysso and engineer A. Ye. Fisher of the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine central laboratory took part in the work. The author re- commends the use of the modernized butt-welding machine "1700" designed by TaNIITMASh, built by,the Elektrostall-W skiy zavod tyazbelogo maBhino-stroyeniya (Electrostall Works of Heavy Machine Construction). It has a hydraulic drive =dd=VB,thme 500-k~a- transformers in a 380V circuit, 85-ton upsetting capacity, 250-ton gripping capability and Card 2/3 welds 2 4.5 mm carbon steel stripes from 500 to 1500 mm 18(5) 25(1;1 SOV/135-59-7-1,0/15 5) AUTHORS: Togos' AeMv, Ryssp 'P*A*p Engineers, lellman, A.S, Doctor of Technical Sciences,Professor, Yabanov, MS., Candidate of TechnicP1 ~",ciences TITLE: Reststance Welding in Steel Sheet Production PERIODNAL: Svarochnoye proizvodst-;o. 1c)59,j4r 71, pp 34-39(TJS!7R) ABSTRACT: i!he experience in introducing resistance butt wel- ding a~ metallurgical plants showed that resistance vielding may produce an essent-ial engineering and economic effect, especially,'when together with a viell adjusted butt vielding machine 9%3me other, bigber re- 'v quirements of vle metnl strip are met. The equipment ftcveloped and the technology of butt-welding of strips which was tested under difficult work conditions of metallurgical plants, is a means for incre!~sing t"he productivity of machinery for cold-rolling qf sheets. Th-is process must find wide-spread application in new rolling-mill shops which are to be constructed in ac- 0 Card- /2 Cordance with the Seven-Year-Plan. Tn table 1 the 1 authors present basic data of TsJTJITMASh butbt welding SOV/135-59-7-10/15 Resistance Welding in Steel Sheet Production machines. Such equipment was developed by TsN7JTt.?,ASh duri.nR the rpst years and was installed at the plants "Zaporozhstall", T-Tagnitogorski, metal- 'Ilekbrostal". $1 Y lurgicheskly kombinat (Vlagnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine). Fig. 2 shows a welding machine 1700 'built by RZTMI used for welding steel strips in a rolling mill, whereby such processes as pickling, tinning, etc. may be performed continously. In table 2 the authors present data for welding low carbon steel strips at welding machines 1600 and 1700. Ther are 2 photographs, 9 diagrams, 2 tables and 1 graph. ASSOCIATION: TsNI1TMkSh Card 212 XUAND"il Sergeyevich; SIJWAKp Sm Shmularlob; GUSEVp S.F.p kmA. k2ollag 8 tek6. n-au"F-pr-eCl-effZWtT SCBOLZVA9 GON., red. izd-va; CEWOVAp ZoIet tekbne rode [Teobnology of resistance butt weldirg] TokbuologilA stykavoi kon- taktuoi evarki. Moskva# Goo., nauabno-tokhn,, izd-vo mashinostroit. 3Lit-ryg 1%1. 249 P-. (MMA 14&6) OKLectric welding) PSM I BOOK EXPLOITATION 807/5623 Kabanov Nikolay Sergeyevich, and Ezra Shmilevich Slepak Tekhnologiya stykovoy kontaktuoy syarki (Resistance Butt-Welding Process) Moscow, Mashgiz., 1961. 249 p. 13#000 copies printed. Reviewer: S. IF. Ousev,, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: G, N. Soboleva; Tech6 E44: Z. I..Chernova; Managing Ed. for Literature on Hot-ProcesBed Metals; S, Ya. Go2ovin., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is Intended for pwess engineers and designers concerned with resistance butt velding. It may also be useful to students specializing in resistance welding at schools of higher education and tekhnikums. COVERACIE: The fundamentals of pressure butt-velding methods are discussed. Data on the resistance butt we"41mg of a great uwaber of products -A of different steel.q are presented. Rec~ndations an made regarding the selection of welding conditions,, electrodes., and equipmeiat. Schematics for design' transformers am also Included. No personalities are mentioned. There exe 68 referencess, all Soviet, CTM-1x KAMM, CHMNICH+ , V.T. Welding in metalvork in the Germar# Federal Republic. (from materials of,& visit by a Soviet delegationj~o metallurgical plants in the German Federal Republic). Avtom. evar. 16 no..4-."4 Ap t63* (Germany, West-Welding) (MIU 16'-4) ~ ;.~ --~ -H 1Z 1 kA. cxi.~~, j IJP~C) JDMMW ACC NRj AP6012281 SOURCE CODEt UR/0125~65/000/011/0031/0037 11~, ~ ~CN ~Aj ffi " qy .4 AUTHOR., Zabanov. N. S. MHOR., X~ ORO; TITLE:- Use of the resistance and flash methods for butt weldipg thin-walled PIRts smau d-lamebir- 1965, 31-37 ,SOURCE,. Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 11, TOPIC TAGS; flash welding, resistance welding, butt welding, weldability, pipe ~ABSTRACT:,. The author studies various methods for eliminating the FeO(CrFe)203 oxide film which forms during butt-welding of pipes made from chrome steels. Specimens 32 am in diameter with walls 5-6.5 m thick made from steels with a Cr'content of up to -11% were butt-welded by various methods: resistance welding, flash welding and weld- ~ing with Hr current. It was found thAt flash welding is satisfactory for joining pipes made from 12Kh2MFSR, ISKMMS d 129 M teels.' The first two types of steel should be welded wiWout prehea ng. Curves ~a given showing the basic para- .meters of the flash and resistance methods as functions of time. Bnnding 'produces slight tears :!m butt joints flash-welded from ISKh2M2FBS steel when upsetting Is re- duced-from 6 to 4 mm and the rate of upsetting is lowered to 25 mm/see or when the flashing time is 25 see. 12KhUV2mr steel was nornalized at 10500C and, UDC: 621.791.06:621.9-462 card 1/2 IZMAILOV, I.M., inzh.; GANI, A.I., inzh.; ZALESOV, Yu.P., inzh.; IVASHINENKO, K.P., inzh.; KARANOV, N.V., inzh. Unaccounted losses of oil ir- using the prepreasirg- continuous extraction system for processing cottonseed. Masl. - zhir. prom. 27 no.8:29-31 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-i3aledovatell- skogo inatituta zhirov (for Ismailov, Gan, Itlesov), 2. Andizhanskiy maelozhirovoy kombinat (for Ivaahinenko, Kabanov). (Cottonseed oil) IVASRIWENKO, K.P., inzh.; KABANOV, N.V., inzh. New equipment and technological methoarffuarantee the succe6s- ful completion of the plan Masl~r .4 isbtr. prom. 27 no.8:35-36 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Andizhanskiy maslozhirovoy kcebinat. (Andizhan--Oil induotties) 1. KASANOVP N. TA, 2. USSR (600) 4. Machinery - Maintenan e and Repair 7. Expediting repair of equipment (from the 'experience of the L. M. Kaganovich State Ball Bearing Plant no. 1). Podshipnik no. 8., 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, japuary -1953. Unclassified ~ . -n - ~f- -1 r OVCEAMVA, A.; DROZHZHINA, 1.-,KABA OV,-N.Ta., konsulltant; 1WICH11- VA, D.. redaktor; KLLIK, L*. -i0 INNOWNNIdy redaktor. [A high atQ Sollshala tool'. Moskva, Profisdat, 1953. 62 p. 1. Nachallnik otdola truda i s&rpl&ty:1-gp GP% in.L.M.lagano- vioba(for Ubanov) 2. Babotnltsa:l-go GosudairstyennogD'pod- shiprilkovogo savocl& in. L.N.Kaganovichs (fo'r Dwcharova.Drozhxh1n&) (Ifficiency, Industrial) (Bearings(Kachinery)) (HLU 7:8) KABANOV,, N.IA. Organizatsiia zarabot=i platyna uchastke mastera (Wage scale for master workmen). Moskva Mashgiz, 1953- 140 P. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessiopb Vol. 7 No. 2 May 1954 KABANOT, N.Ya., professor; SHAPOMMINOT, L.K. Protection of uature and state preserves. Frlrod& 44 no.12:30-36 D 155, (KIMA 9:1) Olational puts and reserves) MOTOV, P.O.;.YNVTIKHIIIV, ?..I. (deceased]; LrASHKO, I.Y., inzhener, retmenzent; BOKOT* AsI., retsonxent; XISMELOV, V.A., retsenzent; WANny- -TA.:- reda or; POPOICY, U.N., redaktor lzdatelletya; UVAROVA, A.F., tokbnloheekly rodaktor [Technical standardization of duplicating and photocopying work] T*khniohookas norstrovants kopirovallufth i systokopirovallrqkh rabot, Moskva, Gos.nmuohno-tekhn. isd-vo washinostroit. lit-ryo 1956. 86 p. (MLRA 9:10) (10opying processes) KABANOV, N-Ya. Socialist competition In the First State Bearing Plant. Mashinostroltell no-4:29-31 A '57. (KWA 10:5) fSociallst competition) (Koscow-Boaring industry) 4,A)v U A/ - (-fw KWAOV, N.Ya. Regulating the establishment of labor norms and wages. Hashino- stroitell no.12:12-15 D 15?. (KIRA 10:12) 1. Nachallulk otdola trade I serabotnoy platy 1 Gosudaretyennogo proyektuogo savoda (I GPZ). (labor productivity) (Veen) OUTAYEV, Georgiy Ivanovich 'LOY. N.Taol LOSET A.G., insh., retsansent; MIKUMV, S.M., inzh., reteenzem, GALIT;07v, A*Doj inzh,, redo; BARYKOVA, G.I.. red.izd-ve; ILIKIND, V.D.. [Sawations for greater efficiency in me* and large-aeries production] Ratsionalipatelia tradovykh protsessov primnitallno k naloviiam massovogo i'krapnoverlinogo prolsvodstva. Isd,2. Podgotovleno I.IA. lalbenovya. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tskhn.izd-vo mehinostrolt.lit-ry, 1958, 126 P. (KIRA.12:3) (IffIciency, Industrial) KABANOT, NikolV Yakovlevieh; ZFZMKO, G.A.. red.; GOLICRIWOVA, A.A., (lbo-Pirst State Bearing Facto-,L7.1 Pervyi gonudarstveAnyi ptd- shipnikovyl savod. Isd-vo VT903 Profisdat, 1958. 121 p. . .. " 1. 1 ~ ~ I I AMIRA 1~:3) 1. Ischal'alk otdola truda I sarplaty 1-go Gosudarat"'nnop pcKIsh1pnIkovogo, savoda (for Kabanov). (Moscow-Bearing induetry) (Wages) (Hours of labor) It NOLOTOK, A.T.; DRITRIYET, A.I.; GORBATZ 0. A.I.; SHAROYAN-SMINGULTAN, G.Pe; KALAMOT.F.Te.; ZRIVOUNHOT, V.A., doktqr takhn.nauki red.; GaUOVMIY* G.1.0 prof,, doktor takhn.sauk. red.; TMIYAKOT. I.Ps. prof*; doktor tokhn.nauk, zed*; ALUSIM, 8,A., dotsent, red.; MALOTi A.L. doteente kand,takhn,nauk, xed,; MMMAMOTp MoKep dotsent# rede;-VOLIGUY, V.S., red.; ULITGOV, A.D.. red.: - -Tim-- nd,j OV. T.T.. red.; KMITONOTg A.D., ".d, IM15120- .1,, red,; IHOR. N.I., red.-.-~OVA, N.M., red. isd-va-, ALI P TOPOO, (Tim norms In Pneral machinery sanufasturing for applying coats of laoqmor; large, sedium, and a=ll scale production] Obahchemshinastroitellays normtlvy vi*mni na lakokrasco" pakryttia; kr aserilms, serlinoe I m1koserlinae preis- vodstvo. Moskva. Goo.nauchno-takhnoisd-vo sashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 83 P. (NIBA 12:6) 1. We"Ov. Viuchne-Issledovatel'skly Institut trade. TGentrall- says byaro prolsyshlennykh nometivov po tradu. 2. Rabotaiki Wale trudovfth normtivov 11auchne-iseledovatel'skogo inretituts traktare- sellkhosmaho (for Molotok, Daltriyev, Gorbstanko, Sharoyan-Sarin- gulyan. Nalakhov). ftintingi Industrial) (Machinery industry) KLUNOV9 N.Ya. ------------ Using consolidated norm for determining the needed ==ber of au#liar.v workers. Maohimstroitell no*8:14,-16 Ig 161 , (KIRA 14M (Bearing industry-"ProduotiorA standards) KABANOV N.Ya.; GORBUNOV, Ye.K., Inzh., retsenzentl XORBDV, M.M.1, retsenzent; GALITSOV, A.D., inzh., red.; SEMENOVAv M.M., red. izd-va; DEMKINA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Establishment of norms and organisation of-work for auxiliary workers in machinery enterprises] Normirovanis i organizataiia truda vapomogatellnykh rabochikh na me- ghinostroitellnykh predprRaWakh. )4oskva Mashgiz, 1963. 149 P. NIRA 16:6) (Machinery industry--Management) KABANOV,' N.Ye. tanicus Bogoriensis in Indonesia. no. 48:112-120 163, (MIRA 17:5) lo Laboratoriya lenovedeniya AN SSSR. KABANOY-, N.Ye. forestation Of RandY soils of the little "dry" Ivers In t h-bral Kamchatka. Jzv. So AN SSSR no.121 Ser. LEL-zed. nauk :-,o.3362-70- 164. (MIRA 18s6) 1. Laboratoriya lasovedeni'Yft Gosudarstvannogo komiteta pri Gooplane SSSR, Hoakv&. MUNOV Naxo's . ..... Bark of the Iarix kurilensis Mayr. as important raw material for the local ~n&strjes of Kamchatka. Rast. res. 1 no.2s266-269 165. (HIM 18:11) 1. Laboratoriya lesovedeniya AN SSSR; Moskovskaya oblast'. KABANOV N.Yee Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev,and his role in the study of plant resources,, 1880- 1 on his 85th birthday and the 65th anniversary of his scientific activities. Rast.ros. 1 nn,3:461-464 165. (MIRA 18z10) 1. Laboratoriya, lesove6eniya AN SSSR, Moslovskaya oblast'. ""plorer IT. K. Arsenyev-Exploror and ."aturalist" lit I Cw~rent Di7ast of the Soviet Press, 'Vol. 1, No. 6, 1949, paoce 49. (In AM Library) TABANOV, Me., doktor biologiahoskikh nauk. ]Preserve* of the Acadssw of Sciences of the U,3,3,14'and of the Academies of OcIences of the union republics (results of a conference by the Com- mission on ?reserves of the Aoadewr of Scienoss of the U.S.S.IL). Vast. W SM 23 no.6:105-108 Je 153. (nu 6:7) (Natural resources) (National parks and reserves) t 1. KABANOV, N.Yo., Prof. 2. u3sH (6oo) 4. Ginseng 7. Chinese ginseng, Priroda 42 no. 5, 1953. 9. t'l2nLhlz List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Unal. N~t WAOY, N.Ye., doktor biologichookikh n4uk. iiud-y- of forest types and Its use in forestry (meeting in Riga). Yest.AN BOSH 24 no.1:102-106 is 034. (UM 7:1) (Riga--loresto and forestry) (Yorest and forestry--Riga) i."3 KABANOV. N.Ye.; DYLIS. N.V. 11 1 ~e V ( ewelf - I , , . M-"""--Aw "Automatic thinning out, stages of reproduotion, and phases of development of tree stands." PaNoTallman. Reviewed by X.E. Kabakov, H.V.Dylis. Bot.zhur. 39 no.1:135-138 J&-P 154. (ML'RA 7:3) (Tallman. P.S.) (Forests and forestry) ORIOV, A.Ya.; KABANOV. N.Ye., professor, redaktor; POZIUMTSKIT, K.L., professor, .__,__'TIASOV, I.M.. redaktor; ALWUS~IMA, T.Y. tskhnlcheskl~r redaktor. [Coniferous forest@ of the AwM-Bureya Interfluvel lhwoizVe lee& Ammyll-Bureinskogo seshdurecbIla. Moskva, Isd-vo Akadewii nauk SSSR. 1955. 206 p. [Microfllu3 (NUA 8: 11) (Khabarovsk Territory--Forests and forestry) - - ~tl - , --~ ~ , t~ . KABA OV,N*Teo Accomplishments of the Institute of Forestry of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in the field of forestry. Botoshurs 40 no.3:469-479 Yq-Je 155. (MLEA 8:10) 1. Institut lee& Akademil asuk SSSR, Moskva (Forests and forestry) -KAUROV, N. Y6. Res=erie-eand conservation of nature, Okhr. prir. i zapov. delo v WSR no.1:105-116 156, ~ (KLRA 9: U) 1. Iromisslya po okhrans priroo Almdenii nauk MR~ (National parks anO, reserves) V, i T r f -~ r- -7 -V-7 T-[-i::~ - -- - - -- - - - - ---- - -- -- SUIrACHZV, 4.'N.; Z'O'N'N, S.V.; MOTOVILOV, G.P.; jPUQ.X.JXe-, otvetstvennyy red.; ORIOV, A.Ya., red.; KASHINA, P.S., (Practical instructions for studying forest types] Metodicheakie ukazaniia k isucheniiu tipov lea&. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1957. 113 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Forests and forestry) MRLMOV, Vran Stopenovick; IARMT-#--W*Ts., otyetetwonay rodaktor; DRDWT V970'", rodaktor~Yiwaterostyal-AIIMIaVA, A.A., tokW- theskly rodaktare LSketeh 6f the developmeat of forestry 11 Russial Ochork ias'Witlia manki o lose v lonall. Moskva, ls4-*o 4W.sauk SSSR, 1957. 266 P. mu 10:4) (Peresto and forestry) IV USSR General Division., History: Classics: Personnel A-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.., No 1., 1958j, NO 72 Author : Kabanov., N.H. Inst : Not Given Title : Academician Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev and His Scientific Activity (On the 75th Anniversary of his Birth) Orig Pub : V sb. Umlevedenil,e. 4- M-,, MGU,, 1957j, 9-25 Abstract : No abstract (See Referat. zh6 Biolq.% 1956, 2M2) Card ZABLVOV. N.T .-- 'Goobotanical map of the D.P. Gorodkov and others. no-3:473-475 Hr 157. U.S.S.R. (scale 1:4.000,000)" by R~vlewsd by V.I. labanov. Bot.xhur. 42 (KLRA 10:5) LInstitut lem AkMemil m-11c SSSR, Moskva. (Phytogeogiapk-Maps) (Isaabinko. M.) (Lavrenko. Te.H.) (LWdchs,m. A.M.) (Rodin, L.Te.) (Rubtsov' N.J.) (Semenov-2*1w-Shanskly. A.M.) (Sochava: V.B. ,-DBA IOV Lactuca ea=tilis A.Baranov, a 7ar Mantern spevies of the genus Inctuca hitherto unknown in the flora of the U.S.S.R. Bot.mat. Gerb. WiW-W '39. (MIU 12-.8) 11-reserve-Lattuce) Rb KABAIIDV. N.Ye. (14ookv&) VMet&tloa on the roofs of Chinese pe&sant houm built In 2ong (Sulteh County, SherAl Province). Sot.shur. 44 noao: 14Wi483 o 159. (KM 13:4) (Wtah 0ounty, chl=--Botazw) -UBANOT, Me. Restoring the origlual association@ of steppe vegetation in the loses region of NDrth China. Blul. NDIP. Otd.biol. 64 no.6tlo9- 115 IF-D 159. (MINA 13:5) (smsi PRoyrims-jum coNmims) - - - ~ MANDY. N.Ye., prof. oda 49 no.5:70-74 -1 . On an Isolated rocky Isle* Prir iV 16o. (MIRA 13:3) (IoM ISUTA (Sea of Okhotsk)-Descript ton) K&BANOV, N.~Te. Some research problems at national preserves in connection with objectives In expanding the national soononW. Okhr.prir.i sapov. delo v GSSR no.4:75-89 '60. (MIRA 13:6) (National parka and reserves) VITVITSKIY, G.N.; KRAVCHONO, D.V. 3 NIKOL'SMA, V.V.; CHICHAGOV, V.P.; KURENTSOV, A.I.: VOROBIYEV, D.P.; LIUROVSKIY, Yu.A.; KARMAINGV, I.N.; PETROV, B.F.; KOLESNIKOV, B.P.;-KABANOV, N.Ye.; DMITRIYEVA, N.G.; RIKETER, G.D., doktor geog.r. neuk., otv. rea.; LADYCHUK, L.P., red. izd-va; DOROIGUNA,, I.N., takh. red. [The Far East; its p4aical pograpbyl Dallnil Vostok; fiziko- geograficheakaia kharaktoriatika. Moskvap 1961. 436 6A 3419) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geografii. 2* Institut geo afii AN SSSR (for Vitvitakiyq Kravchenkos Nikollakqyaj~Chichagovf- 3, Dall- nevostoebmyy filial AN SSM (for Kurentsovs Voroblyev). 4. Poohven- mn institut AN SWR (for Liverovskiyp Karmanav.. Petrov). 5. Bioiogi- chaskiy institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR (for Kolesnikov). 6. In- stitut less. AN SSSR (for Kabanov). 7. TSentrallrqy ilwtitut prognanov (for Dmitriyova). (Soviet Par East--Pbysical geograpby) QV- Nikolay Yfixgma!jMvic SUKACHEV) V.N.x akad., otv. red.; FORTUNAiOV IU I.K.j, red, izd-va; ZIOVICHKOVA.. N.D... tekbn. red.; MAMII,, Te.V.p takhn. red. [In"Loess Province" of North China; outline of flora and vegetation, afforestation] V Lessovoi provintsii Severnogo KiWa; osnovrqe cherty flory i rastitellnosti,, lesorazvedenie. Moskva) Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 290 p. (MM 25:5) (Shansi Province-Plants) (Shansi Province-Afforestation) KABA!njL or biolog.nauk _E.Ye In-the tropical forests of Indonesia* Vesta AN SSSR 32 no,9:104- no S 162 (MIRA 15:9) (indonesia-Rain forests) KRYIDV, Georgiy Vasillyevich; KABANOV# 14je. prof., doktor biolog. nauk., otv,redj DO V.F.., red. izd-va; KASHINA., P-S.# tekbn, red, 4Foroobs of Western Siberia; history of st;id4 a. forest types, zoning,, ways of use, and Improvements] Leoa Zapadnoi Sibiri; istorlia izuebaniia., tipy lesov, ra-ionirovenies puti ispoll- zovaniia I, uluchsheniia, Moakvaj, lzd-vo Akad.nauk SM, 1961. 253 p. (KEU -15:1) (Siberia,, Western-Forests and forestry) Kp.Boov, N.Ye. hatka. Okhr. pri-r. Sib. ."',ome probleme of conservation in Kamc (MMA 17 7 5) 0 i Dal'. Vost. no.1:52-60 "2. I nBMV N Ye II Savanna# in Tunnan Province (China)..Probl, bot. 6:364-374 162. 1 (MIRA 16011 . (Yunnan Province--Pf~iriqm) --M~Oyli-yes, daktor biol* nauk, otv, red*,* ENDEL114) doNef GUSIKOVAt-6.M., [Fordsts ol'Aamobatka ana their sylvioultural I*Ort- anc6l Lasi hatki i ikh lesokhotiaistvannoe Ma- chenie. Evas lzd-vo AN'SSSR, 1963. 370 (HIM 170) PRAVDIN, Leonid Fedorovich, prof.; prof., daktor biol. nauk, otv. red.; KULITIASOV, I.M., ved. red. [S(-,-tch pine; variability, intraspecific systematics, and breeding] Sosna. obyknovennaia,- izmenchivost', vnutrivido- vais. sistematika i selektsiia. Moskva, Naukas 1964. 189 p. (MIRA 17-.9) Y~" MOLCRANOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; KABANOV, N.Ye., doktor biol. nauk,, prof., otv. red. (Scientific foundations of forest management in the oak- dominant woods of the forest steppe) Nauchrqe osnovy vede- niia khoziaistva v dubravakh lesoatepi. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 253 P. (MIRA 17:9) KARANOV R.Ye. Study of the ziature of the Far Fast. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.4 Ser. blol.-med. nauk no.1:154-155 104. (MIRA 17:11) j~ KRYLOV, G.V., doktor biol. naLuk; GRADOBOYEV, N.D.; MIN, B.S.; KmMov.-N.Yes PArlev and bibliograft. IZV. SO AN SSSR nt.8 SM biol.-ned. nauk no.W50-154 164 1811) ED' UTKIN, Anatoliy Ivanovichi KABANOV,-N.Ye.,* otv. red.; HANNIKOVA) I.A... red. --,- - --- [Forests in central Yakutial Less TSentrallnoi lAkutii Moskvas Vaukaj, 1965. 206 p. (MIRA 18:11i KABOOV P.A. pone ral-po)Jcovnik tekhnicheskikh voyak, GarcW Sotaialistlebaskogo Truda Twentieth anniversary of the great viatory of the Saviet people, Transp. stroi, 15 no,5tl-4 VV 165. %MRA 18:7) KABAXOV, P. Go I I Snow retention in the Southeaoterm USSR Samtov, Saratov. oblat. goalzdat,, 1939, 39 P. KAPAMOV., r. Vazhneishle voprosy kapitallnogo vosstanovlenii-a zheleznvkh doror. /The most important ques~.ions of larre scale railroad restoration~7. (Zhel-do7r. transport, 1946, no. It, p. 12-21). Y)LC: HE7. z5 SO: Soviet Transportation and "~ommunicati=2 A Bibliographa Library oil ConGress, Reference Department$ Wasbington, 1952, Unclassified. Aoriculture plant & Animal Industry. Gonservint-, vinter precipitr.tion for combating draught. Saratovakoe ()b1. izd-vgl 1949, MonthlX List Of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. UUNOV., P. 0. OPlanting Timber Belts by the Cluster Method in Southeast USIOR," Agrob-2-til.2, so.6,0 3L949 Inst, Grain Farming of Southeast WM,, Saratow WANOV, P. G. (The planting of trees for field protective s helter belts) (Saratov) Sarato*skbe obi. 'gos. izd-vo,'1950. 39 P. (V pmoshch' sluzhateliam trekhgodich- nykh agratekhnicheskikh 1"arsov m