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COUNTRY : Czachoolo vakia CATEGORY : ch~~Wical Technology. Chemical Products and ThIr ations--Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning ABS.- 3OUR. : ii1o 16 459, i7o. 59514 TITU, ORIG. PUB, F t The Effect of Syntans on the Formation of Precipi. tates in Solutions of Vegetable Tanning Agents and on the Physical Properties of Leather Veda Vyttk v Prumyalu Koz6deln, 3, 63-77 (1958) ~A netho.4 f~or,:the, determination of the precipi- Late,,by filtration, of the solution un4or test af ter _co.ol,ing to zoro degrees is described. Application,oY the,.above-treatment results in an increase. in,the-aize of the.precipitatepar- ticles; the filtration of the solution is con- tinued until compl6te optical transparency is obtained. The method givee good result,-i in the investigatiop at the tendency to precipitate formation in binary and ternary mixtures of CARD., 1/2 Industrial proteins. KABRT, Jan -C= ---------------- The course of mental deterioration in a 14,-year-old girl in inclusion encephalitis. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no.32/33:1021 17 Ag 162. 1. Katedm zdravotniotvi fakulty vaeobeansho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Proseks DzGo. (ENCEPRALITIS'EPIMMO) (WMAL DISORDERS) Kim, Jan Arabic medicine and its effect on the development of medical terminology. Cas. lek.,cesk. 101 no-32/33:1021-1023 17 Ag 162. 1. Katedra zdravotnictvi fakulty vseobsoneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V _Prosek DrSc. (MEDICIii ARABICj (NOMENCLATUPX) UV2- Z-, JUWRTJ WJ.j Docent Dre Czechoslovakia B.rno, Veterindfatv-19 No 1, 19639 pp 25-27 "Pres6nt State and Problems of Peed-Mixing Factories-" CZECHOSLOVAKIA KABRT9 J. Chair of Sanitation of the Faculty of General Medicine (Katedra zdravotnictvi fakulty vseobeeneho lekar- stvi), Prague Prague, Prakticky lekar, No 3, 19639 pp 120-122 "The Beginnings of the Development of Medical Morality in the Middle Ages." aT.2-L Uroslav SURXAME,, (liven Hamas Countr7: Czechocloveltia Academic Dogreest Docentp DVM Affi2iationtl,'eterinaryFeaultyVet. College (Vet. fakults VSZ) Brno Sourcat Praguo, f7l ;rnik CSAZV Veterinarni Medicinay Vol 604), wo 6, Aug 61; pp 6o3-6io Datax "Preventive C -!!entrations of Chlortetracyaline In the Feed and the G-Owth, leveln of Calcium srr3 Phosphorus and Blood Picture in Pigs" . ., . ~ I Iz 1~, I j. C KABRTP Jaroslav, doo. dr.; DOBESj Kiroslav, doo. dr. Biologic increase of carotene content In foods by fermentation. Voter modicina 8 no.L13-22 Ja 163. 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Higher School of Agriculture, Brnoa MAREK, Zdenek, ina,j KABRT, Lubamir, inz. Photometric determination of aluminum in the fifteen per cent ferrosilicon. Hut Usty 16 no.lOs743-745 0 161. 1. Vyxkumnv ustav po, praskovou metalurgiip Sumperk, pracoviste Vestee u Prahy, P4. MIPX.Kp Zo. inzo; WRT, L*#Jnze Fast determination of nitrogen in the silicon nitride. Hut listy 17 no.22-.884-887 D 162, I kumny ustar praskove metalurgie., S=perk., pracoviste Vestee vyz or Marek). 2. Vysoka skola chemicko-technologicka,, Praha (for Kabrt), XABSCH, H. 10-years development of the silicate-chemical industry In the German Democratic Republic. p. 44!~. EPITOANYAG. (Epitoanyagipari Tudomanyos Bygesulet) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 11, no. 12, Dec. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEA.Ij) LC Vol. ftxx#V(-x)6ftx*PVK*?A%L Uncl. 99 no. 2, Feb. 1960 BIUMMMg AsNal kpzd, tokbat anki XLBUXDTG-UUt Lolot insh, Ripating deviaoss Rule ekho' 15 soji41-46 Vf 156, (Km 1116) KAB-.WVS*,CIIY'.I*xf L.i'.t PI-of. Dust re-.roval and ventilation -.t bu-41ding ratorials plantc. OW4, stroi. no.31:89-1(Y7 '61, (MITIA 1/,-*2) (Dast-lic.,roval) (Fiactories- floating and vc-ntilation) (Building materials industry) uvik- -~"q ROTSIKOJI V.K,, kand. takhn. naukj KABUKOVSKAYAO L.N.,, inzh. .1 ~. :1 , w 1.7, - - ~ I Ventilation and air conditioning in textile factorieB. Opyt stroi. no.33:97-122 161. ~MIRA 16t8) KABUKOVSKAYA, L.N red.; GOLOVKINA, A.A., tekbn. red. (Protecting areas from floods and the rise of ground water] Zashchita territorii ot zatopleniis, i podtopleniia. Moskva, Goastroiizdat, 1963. 267 p. (MRA 16:10) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyusnyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inatitut Yodoanabzheniya, kanalizataii, gidrotakhnicheakikh sooruzhe- niy i inzhenernoy gidrogeologii. (Flood control) KABULBEK(YV, A.A. Importance of the vitamin Bl balance in operations of a cleft upper lip and palate in children. Nauch. trudy Kaz. gos. med. irmt. 14:443-444 164. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Kafedra kbirugicheskoy stomatologii (zav, - prof* Ye*Ao Domracheva) Kazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta. KABULBEKOV, A.A., aspirant Pyruvic acid metabolism in children with harelip and cleft palate. Vop. obshchei atom. l7t97-98 '64. (MIRA 18:1.1) s KaUIDV. D.T. 1. -- - ---_ .................- ".rting stock for stone, fruits in Central Asia, no.16:93 153. (MM 7:4) 1. Botanichasidy sad Usbekskogo gondarstremogs universitsta, (Asia. Central-Frait culture) (Pruit oulture-Asia, Central) Orating) MUM USSR CATEDORY Cultivated Plants# Cerealse, M ABS. JMM. % RZhBiol,j V~. 23.1958, Mt. !04619 AUTHM INST. TITLE Large-Kernalled Wheat of Uzbekistan* 0 OMG. Prirods, 1957,hNo, Is 99-100 ABSTRACT From the local wheat in Samarkandakayaoblast', a wheat. form was separated, djstiuguLah*d by very large grain weight of 1000 - 70-72 grwas) vitb the genoral average weight of the kernels from a spike of 4.2 exams. Proauc- ins a Yieid Of 42-48 coutners/ha, the large-kernalled wheat doon not lodges The report points out thek pradaing prospects of the cultivation of the now large-kernalled wheat on irrigated, well tilled landss, !-- 0, N. Chernov "4 f&'t-Z U4LiVZI A/aA Card.- 1/1 KABULOV D,T.; KJ14INOV, M.M.; ISMAILOV, F.I. Isotopes raise the productivity of cotton. Priroda 53 no. 11: 93 64. (KRA 18i1) 1. Samarkandskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet im. Allshera Navoi. KABULOV, D.T.j HURUMOV, Kh.M. Specie's of host lants of the Egyptian broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaoa Pero.~ in Central Asia. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly,- biol. nauki no.2:111-116 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy vymehikh rasteniy Samarkandskogo gosudaretvannago universitets im. A.Navoi. ACL-.-!qSTrW WR~ mr,5=36o UR/0205/65/OD5/002/03--~9/03-)g_ ~~~av D. T.; FA =-[X)vl Ms M., Ismadlav F. 1. AVMR: Ka TZW: The effLm. of small gama-irrudlaZlou doses on grevUi arid SOURCE: Rwlidbiologi7a, V- 5, no. 2j, 1965s 309 TOPIC TAG6: cottm) coed., gmma~-Jrradjati=4 irradiation effect, single radiation dose, grovtb stimastiony plr-at culture AD-STRACT, In experiments conauctea ib 1959-61 seeds of 108-F cotton and bLA,rid Nc, 't-rln o~--m-irradiateed w-Ith single do!,esz !.hr pfi'erts rif irradlation on pmovtt, anL t rt~ r-afed rv-uabe r 0 f b'011 r, ve r j I an 1-:),9 v-. tl!~! -3:)u .7-, ari Icard 1/2 T Accwsiau im; Arr,-oio36c) A&SXIATIOTI: Ssmrk=d9Kiy gouudaretvennyy milversitet im. A. Wavoi 8".ate Uaiv-annitv) suBmr--LT,ED. 15jun63 &RM: 00 SUB CODE: L 5 IM REF SOV: OW MM: 000 7;" ccird 2~.21 AMIROV, A.A.; MATYS, A.N.; KABUIODV, G.A. Sinking the No.8 extradeep exploratorr wall in the Zyrya area* Aserbe neft. khos. 38 no,2:21-25 7 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Apsheron huinsula-Boring) KAB SolubjUty of a fractional power-law solution of the Cauchy problem for a certain class of equations in Banach space kraiLk equal to unity). Izv. AN Uz, SSR. Ser.-fiz,-mato nauk 9 no.6til-19 165, (MIRA 1911) Is Samarkandekly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Navoi. Submitted July 16, 1965. KABUIOV,.R. . One came of the behavior of characteriatico on a plane. Trudy UxCIU no.78-.125-130 158. (NIU 13:6) (Differential equations) KABULOIJ, R. Solvability of the Caueby problem for a class of equations in a Banach space. Ixv.AN Uz.SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat. nauk 9 no,Js5-12 -065. (MRA Igil) 1. Samarkandskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.Navoi. Submitted May 23v 1964. EWI) kkO-2-3-026 SOURCE CODE: UR/0166/66/000/00210015/0020 AUMORI Kabuloy, ORG: Samarkand josuniversitet in. A. Navoi (Smarkandakly Scouniversitst) TITLE: A higher order Cauchy problm in a Banach space SOURCE; AN UzSSR. Izvo Ser fix-matem n, no. 2, 1966, 15-20 TOPIC TAGS: Cauchy probleim, Banach space ABSTRACT: An equation of the fbllowing typo is considered. d4 U dr H 1, a, Aiu,... Amu, g. )4-NH* d i6j dt& where u satisfied the condition UO (i 1 7 1; n>2), (2) dtl and H and H (k varies from 0 to n-1) are analytic operators on the union of their ar- guments wL:& the exception of I--) d' u and dh u dik L 04561-67 --- 11.4 A1WW%F4%7WAW with reipect to which the operators H and H. are linear. Ai and B j (i=l m, jul r) are linear operators an the Banach space B and uY (i=O n-1) are elements of R. Regarding I ilfkt the solution of (1), the following theorem is deduced, where H, is the coeffi- cient of j&~hl in the power series expansion of H, (a, b, a. d, du.Idt) for mznxPz2. 1heorem. If 1 is a regular value of the operator HjUUUU 'and M. 11 H:"r M, k + P + q. +! 0. 00 jjAjjj-PjjjA2jj=Pi, IIB,11=yl, lIB311=12 then the equations (1) and (2) have a single valued analytic solution in a neigbbor- hood of the point tutu. If 1 is the only value of the operator HjUUU" of rank q, a 1 and the condition 0 holds (where am the'only elments of the Joint operator HjVVVU qj), then, given additional conditions, a sultivalued solution is derived. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBN DATE: 2SJun65/ ORIG REF: 004 1/2 NRi 8/BO AUTHOR:I Kabulovo R o2,6 '9 TITLE: Single-valued resolvability or the Cauchy problem~~"roV one class ot nonlinear operator equations in Eanach space SOURCE: Rer. th, Matematikap Abse 8B261 .REP SOURCE: Tr. Samarkandsk. un-tal vup, 151, 1964P 146-152 TOPIC TAGS: Banach spacep Cauchy problem,, nonlinear operator., linear operator,p operator equation ABSTRACT:- The investigation in carried out on an implicit equation dr the following type, ..' - ...- _.- : where H, and du = U, A.U. Amu, ~2) + if, (1, Us He cis ... 0 801). dt H are analytic operators,# t in a complex varl~kble,, operator H, is 'linear with respect to du and Alp Bj are linear operations in Banach space X. Copying a finite-dimenalonal c_nse, the author studies the ramification of the solution to the Cauchy problem, SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATM 00n0'5' CardlA C DBUJA)v IF v ~' Ugine, integral algebraic polynoldiRlg In calculating forces in the plane of a reotaTWular plate. Trudy lust. soor. AN Uv.SSR no.4t 0-78 1.54. (MIRA 1113) (Rastic plates and shells) SOV/124-57-4-4678 Translation from: Referativnyly zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 116 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: The Design of Masonry Walls of Buildings for Forces of Inertia Operating Within the Plane of the Walls (0 raschete kamennykh sten zdaniy na deystviya v ikh ploskostyakh inertsionnykh sil) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta sooruzheniy AN UzSSR,.1955, Nr 6, pp 41-51 ABSTRACT: A presentation of a method of. preliminary design of walls for hori- zontal seismic loads operating in their plane. The total tangential force _T acting on a longitudinal wall which supports a I jad P due to the weight of the overlying floors is determined by the formula T=cLkc, where kc is the seismic coefficient and a a coefficient which varies depending on the dynamic characteristics of the building. The distribution of the total force T among the partitions is proportional to the rigidity of the latter. Apprcpriate tables are presented. N. A. Rostovtsev Card 1/1 SOV/124-57-5-5864 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5,'p 120 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: On Determining the Basic Stress Function in Cases Wherein the Variational Method is Used to Calculate the Various Components of Planar Stresses in a Rectangular Plate (K opredeleniyu osnovnoy funktsii pri raschete komponentov ploskogo napryazhenno8o sostoyaniya pryamougollnoy plastinki variatsionnym metodom) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta sooruzheniy AN UzSSR, Nr 6, pp 52-67, /YSTI, ABSTRACT: The author describes an approximate procedure designed to facili- tate use of the variational method in calculating the planar stresses in a rectangular plate. For different load-distribution patterns along the plate edges and for cases in which the plate is being acted upon by different types of body forces he writes some very apt expressions for the stress function. The boundary conditions are fulfilled. Several examples are examined. N4. A. Rostovtsev Card 1/1 -i:",F~,.'_I;~ 4,"i ht~llw.wl~iliiiic,~,', ~11~1--~-- -,-*, .1 - i I JA ~L - 1- 2 , I L--r, 4 -A I V ~ - i ~ - - " - ;;FTTit~T; -, - -.- - - -.- - !) /!LiKz I '. . . - . . , '. ~r -, !~. j -- V. 124-11-13393 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr- 11, p, 153 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabylov, V. K. ------------ TITLE: To the Investigation of the Action of Seismic Forces on RigidBuildings. (K Issledovanlyu deystviya seysmicheskikh oil na zhestki.Ne sooruzheniya.) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1956,Nr 8,pp43-48. ABSTRACT: The action of seismic shocks on a cantilever beam is studied by the method of characteristics. Analogously the phenomenon of resonance in a cantilever beam is studied for harmonic vibrations of the ground. A. 0. Nazarov Card 1/1 SOV/124-57-7-8206 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, - p 115 (USSR AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: On the Investigation of the Vibration of Beams With the Aid of Integral Equations of the Volterra Type (K issledovaniyu kolebaniya balok s pomoshch'yu integrallnykh uravneniy t1pa VoIlterra) PERIODICAL: Dok]. AN UzSSR, 1956, Nr 11, pp 11-16 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 77, T6ABUWV, V*K* of a bar with variable croon section. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR n0,1:37-41 157, (MIRA 110) 1.1natitut soorusheniy AN UzSSR. Predstavlono akad. AI?'iTzSSR Kh.A. Rakhmatullinymo (Ilastic rods and wires) SOV/124-58-3-3222 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958. Nr 3, p 100 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: Cantilever With a Weighted End (Svobod- nyye kolebanlya konsoli s massoy na kontse) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN UzSSR, Ser. tekhn. n., 1957, Nr 1, pp 75-84 ABSTRACT: The transverse natural vibrations of a cantilever weighted at the end are investigated. Results of the fundamental-frequency mode determination by the transcendental frequency- equation method and the results of an approximation method based or; the reduction ofAkt'- "r M-. mass of the cantilever to its loaded end are compared. This co , parison enables the author to conclude that the reduced-mass method allows the calculation of the fundamental-frequency mode of natural vibrations of a cantilever with a concentrated mass at the end with greater accuracy. Higher-mode frequencies cannot be determined with sufficient accuracy by this method. Formula (3.1) of the paper contains a misprint. Card 1/1 N. A. Kil' chevskiy SOV/124-58-8-9096 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 112 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: On Investigating the Vi--- ation of Beams, Bars, and Shafts With the Aid of an Integral Equation of the Volterra Type ( K issledovaniyu kolebaniya balok, sterzhney i valov s pomoshchlyu integrallnogo uravneniya tipa Vol' terra) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1957, Nr 4, pp 13-19 ABSTRACT- For problems of the longitudinal and transverse (purely shear) vibrations of bars, and for problems of the torsional vibrations of shafts, the author sets up integral equations of the Volterra type wherein integration is performed along the characteristics. In contrast to his preceding paper (Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1957, Nr 3, pp 7-12; also, RZhMekh, 1957, Nr 3, abstract 3454), in the present paper he deals with bars of finite length. V. V. Bolotin Card 1/1 Academician Derodnitsys's, Integra.1 correlations used for studying ela6tr6--piastic long1tvAinal -vibrations of rods with variable crone sectionse Dukle AN Use. SISR nooll:21-15 157- (xm n.-5) LInstitut matematiki t mokhaniki im. V.I. Romanovskago AN UxSSR. Aredstavleno akad. AN UWSSR 1h*A Rakhmatullinym, (Mastic rods and wires) (Kathematical physics) In All 0c MAN .3 aftf- Ilk 2 .1 V .4 A I P I al ; is hi c ft.'s IF21 4-150-Mi dM4 HoTvi 'P.-S-3y 13.- 31p1! P urn I.-Ma mall, .lilt A A I M 4~ 1-5 Ij C; 3 1 ARIA, It all KA BUWV, V. X. Differential and integral equations of elastic-plaxtic vibrations of *high* be&=. Ixv. AN Us. SSReSer.tekh.nauk no.1:49-54 158. (HIU 11:6) I.Institat matemattid I makhaniki Im,. Me Romnoviikogo AN UzSSR. (Girders-Tibration) Study of the vibration of various simple rod systems utilizing Volterra - type integral equations. Dokl. AN Us. SSR no.2:5-10 158, (MIRA 11:5) 1.1netitut soorushenly As USSSR. Predstawleno eked. AN UsSSR Kh.A. Rakhmstullinae (Girders-Vibration) (Integral equations) Designing bottom-clamped plates for the action of local tangential and normal loads. IM AN UzeSSR& Serstakh.nauk no,2-.-33-40 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1-Inatitut matematiki 1. nekhaniki im. V.I. Rmnovskogo AN UzSSR. (Blantic plates and shelle) KJOULOV6 VOK Solving Integral equ4ttons by the Iteration method for the vibration of b&lftncet!-jbs#ms. Isv. AN Ux.SSR. Ser. fix.-mat. .1 nauk no.2:39-50 158 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Inatttut matemattki I mokhantki isant V.I. Romanovskogo (GIrders--Vibration) (Integral oqx~atlons) rABULOV, V.X. Differential and Integral equations for elastic and elastic- plastic vibrations of bows. Izv.AN Us.SSR. Ser.tekh.nauk no.4.t47-57 158. 11: 11) 1. Institut matematlki i aelkhanIkI All UzSSR* (Girders-Vlbratlon) KABUWV, Academician A.A. Dorodmitsyn's integral correlations for the derivation of difference equations applied to a three-dimensional -problem in the dynamic theory of elasticity. Dokl. AN Uz. SSR no.4: 51-55 '58. (MIRA,11-6) I.Institut matematiki i makhaniki im. V.I. Romanovskogo AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR Kh.A. Rak-hmatulinym. Plasticity) KABUMV, V.K. =tudy of elastic~~lastic transverse vibration of beans. Dokl. AN Uz.SSR no.7:41-45 158. (KRA 11:10) 1. InRtitut natematiki i mekbaniki Imeni V.I. Romannvakego AN lTzSSR. Predstavleno almdemikom AN UzSSR Kh.A. Rakhmatullinym. (Blantic rods a nd wires) KABULOV, V. K., Doe Phys-Math Sci (diss) -7 "Some one- and two-dimensional prob- lems in the dynamic theory of elasticity and plasticity". Tashkent, 1959. 12 pp (State Committee on Higher and Inter Spec Educ of the Council of Ministers Uzbek SSR, Central Asia State U im V. I. Lenin), 220 copies (KL, No ii, ig6o, 128) 16(1),24(6) AUTHORs Kabulovj V.K. 50V/166-59-1-1/11 TITLEs Application of the Integral Equations of the Balance Type for the Investigation of Oscillations of Beaus Without Links (Primeneniye int*grallnykh uraynoniy tip& balansa k issioaovaniYu koleb4%alya neraureanykh balok) PMODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSRg Seriya fiziko- matematichookikh nauk, 1959, Nr ll PP 5-16 (USSR) ABSTRALOTt The author considers two triply resp. quadruply supported beams without links being,oharged uniformly continuous between tTo neighboring supportis, while the other parts of the beam reas4a without a charge, The oscillations of the beam are investigated by numerical integration of integral equations for transversal oscillations of high boop with a constant arose seotion, givtn by the author in-L&f;2_7. The results are represented graphically. There are 5 figuresp 1 tablep and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONsInatitut matematiki i mekhaniki AN Uz SSR (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics AS Uz SSR) STMITTEN September 3P 1958 Card 1/1 KABUWV. VA. General equations of the one-dimensional tbeory of the vibration of rods. Izv.AN Uz.S,9R.Ser.tskh.n&uk nool:49-& '59, (MIRA 12:5) 1. Inatitut natemattki im. V.I.Romanovskogo AN UzSSR. (Niaotic rods and wires--Vibration) nBULOV. V. K. or a n~-- . Problem in the syntbeeis of an.applied tbaor7 of O'scil- lating rods. Izv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.tokhonauk no.2:39-47 159, (MIRA 12t7) 1. Institut vatemattki In. T.I.Romanovskogo AN UzSSR. Mastic rode and wires) nBur,ov, v.K. wave, Izv.AN Us.SSR.Ser.tokh,nauk no.3!13-25 159. (MM 1217) 1. Institut matamatiki Im. V,I,ROM"OV"kogo AN UzSSR. (Deformtions Obehanics)) XABUWV, V.I. In developing a theory of the elastic and elastic-plastic vibrations. liv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk no.5-.42-67 159. (MMA 13:3) l.Institut mekhaniki AN UsSSR. (Mastic plates and sholle--Vibrations) KABUIDY, V.K. Differential equations for vibration@ in a rod of the caisson tnm. Doklo AN Us.SSR no.10:20-23 139 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Institut matematiki imeni Vo I. Romnovakogo. Predstavleno akademikom AN UzSSR Kh. A. Rakhiratialllnym.~ (Elastic rods and wires-Vibration&) KABUWT, T.K. Constructing general equations for an applied thsor7 of elastic vibrations of a rod. Dokl,AN Us,SSR no-12:3-7 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut Wtomt1ki in. V.I.Romnovskop AN UzSSR. Predstavleno akad. AN UzSSR Kh.A. IakhmatullIWm. (Ilastic rod@ and wires) I V4 Ell Jill I Derivation of dlftor*ntial equations for the vibrations of eylix4riml sbellse Isv*U UxeM,Sw*tekh,wmkw w-3, U-28 160. (NINA 1317) 1. Institut mateviaWd im. T. I.Romnovskogo AS Us8=9 (21&stla PlAtes &jA shoUs-TOrations) KLBMV, V. K. SsmUn&1rtiOA1 method for investigating stresees and defor- mations In bean beyond the elastic limits and under pure flexures IxvAN Use3SR,S9r.t9kh.wuk no.4:46-32 16o. 1. Institut matematiki AN USSSR. (Girders) S1044J611000100610101019 0111/0222 --AMORt Kabulovp V.K. TITLIs Integral tquaiions of Volterra's type for transversal vibrations of beams PERIODICALs Referativnyy shurnal. Matematika, no.6, 1961, 58, abstract 6B 303 ("Iseled, po mates. analizu i mekhanike v Usbektotane", Tashkent, AN Us SSR, 19601 173-187) TNXTs A system of linear Intogro-differential equations in estalplishod for transversal vibrations of boames The author gives xamAss of such vibrations for which this system in a system of linear Vbltorra!s integral equations of second kind. 14~straetsrls notes Complete translation. Card 1/1 S/16 60/000/003/001/004 AllOYA133 AUTHOR: Kabulov, V. K TITLEt On the derivation of differential equations of vibrations of cylindrical jackets PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii Nauk UzSSR. Beriya tekhnicheakikh nauk, no- 3, 1960, 21-28 TEXT: In a previous article (Ref. 2: Kabulov, V. K., "Izv. AN UzSSR", seriya tekhn. nauk, 1959, no- 5) a number of general equations on the vibra- tion of thin and thick jackets have been derived. The practical applica- tion of these equations is demonstrated for cylindrical jackets in subject paper. There is 1 figure and 2 Soviet-bloo references. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki im. V. I. Romanovskiy AN UzSSR (Institute of Mathematics im. V. I. Roman.ovskiy AS UzSSR) PRESENTED: January 28, 1960 Card 1/1 KABULOV, Vasil Kabulovich kand. tekhn. nauk; ARZHAVYKH., I*So,,'profov- V.N., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P.., tekbn. red. (Integral equationa of the equilibrium tVpe and their applica- tion to the dynsmc design of rods and beams] Integrallrqe uravneniia tipa balansa i ikh primenenie k dinsmicheskomu ruebetu sterabnei i balok, Tasbkeut2 Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSRI 1961. 185 p, (KMA 1514) 2. Zamestitell direktora Institute, matematiki im. V.I.Romanovskogo Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR po, Vychislitellnomu teentru (for Kabulov), 2. Chlen-korrespondent, Akademii nauk Uzbek k0 SSR (for Ar2hanyMMIntegral equations) (Strength of materZ2109~ w 3/167/61/000/003/001/001 D221/D304 AUTHOR: Kabulov,, V. X. TITLE: Design-.of-iudustrial.-and..civil..engiueering-.atructures with-bigh,"speed.,electronic..computers PERIODICAL: Akademiya-.,uauk.UzSSR...,Izvestiye.,-Seriya.tekhniches- kikh. nauk, -.3t.19611-66-70 TEM. a gre,at-amount.-of..computational-work.-...Design-officest-not-equipped with..the..required..facilities,..regard..calculatione-only as an auxiliary aid 1- - while-the design. is.. based-ou,experience-and exist- ing-structures--.,Digital-computers.can be used in-two ways in this..field:-.(&).preparation-,of-tables, of.simple structural.elemeuts;-(b).the use.of.,standard prograns when-the calculations-are.,too-complex-.for..the.effective use of tables.--Examples-of-the-first-application are..the.calculation of.bepms,.slabs..and.-the-determinati6n.of.the,-resonant frequency Card 1/5 S/167161/000/003/001/OOL D221/D304 Design of industrial and civil... of simple structures. In,the case of-the,slab,,the.computation is Tables-produced-for.various-values..of-.the..parometers.involved considerably.simplify.-the..solutiou-of.these.equations. The work of.calculating.the resonant.frequency of-even,the.simplest structural elements (e.g. a cantilever of constant cross-section) is so,great is The VychislitelInyy tsentr (Computiug.Center).of the.AS Tizbek SSR undertook-tbe preparation of.such tables. The design of frames with the,arL example.of the second kind of application. Here-the problem.consists-in..,formulating and solving a canonical.system-.(a system.of-algebraic-,equations). Standard.programs.are prepared.for.specific classes.of-problems. Having introduced the initial data on.the-geometrical and strength characteristics of the frame members, the computations can be completed in a few minutes. When these tables and Card 2/5 S/167/61/000/003/001/001 D221/b3O4 DesiLra of Andustrial.. and. civil... standard.programs-.become.videly-available,-the-.execution of 8tructural-calculations muot be made-obligatory,,,offices, whatever'the-complexity.of-tbe work. Another effect of using time becomes available for the more creative research.problems. I. M." Rabinovich, corresponding member-of the.USSR Academy.of Sciences pointed--out already in 1932-(Ref. l.: K teorii staticheski..ueopredelimykh-.sistem (on the Theory of Non-Definable.Systems).Moscow,.Gostransizdat, 1932) that-two problems.are involved.iu..the~'..streugth.,dnd-.stability cal- culation.of-structures*&-(I)..Determination-of.-.the-stresses.and deformations..uuder-.giveu-external-iufluences,-and:.(2)..Selection,-..the.optimal under.the action.of.external for--es...Almost.all-current.struc-,at.the..first.problem~--Very..Iittle progress-has.,,st..25..years.with-the second problem.,which awaited.the-advent-of-.electronic,computers..for.its Card 3/.5 8/167/61/000/003/001/001 D221/D304 Design,-of-industrial-and.eivil... couclusive-solution..-,.By-evaluatiug..several-proposed-types of,any-given-desiga-problem,-.the.optimaI the calculatiou,.of-statidally-iudetermiuate-framea-in.,,the..elastic- plastic-range.-..Z7Abstracte,ria--note:-The-elastic"plastic range begius-where,,iu the structure,,..and..euds..wliere-the.limit-state-is,.reached-.iu-.the-whole structuri.~7. Investigation.of this-range-is-important,for the limii design-(collapse.method..of ~_de sign) --of -structures.. The main theoretical-.problems..arez-O.alculatiou.-of-the.-first-and.second limit-states,-.-behavl*or-uWer,.repeated-and.moving..load;..determina- tion.of tbe, s af ety - factor; -limit. design.. of -at atic ally Ande terminate structures..?.r.-the.itiportance.of the-elastic-plastic.range,in this, A. Bernshtevn (Ref.,2.:.Predposylki k'i~aschatu,sooruzhetiiy..po-razruaLtayushchim nagruzkam, "Raschet-metallicheskikh.konstruktaii.s uchetom, Card 4/5 A i MIE-ZZ S/167/61/000/003/001/001 D221/D304 Design-..of.-industrial-aud,.civilo,o .plasticheakikh-deformataiiL',.-14oscow.,Leningrad,..Gosstroizdat,..1938). elasticeplastic...osail.Lations..of-structures,-.aualysis.of.,the.carry- .ing-capacity-of-..atructures.-from-the-appearance..of.-the..first fiber ..yield.-to-the.-collapae-of-the..structure.-.-The..general.-theory of the.elastic-plastic-range.,is..already.available,-but-its..applica- .tion -to.. sign- of!.. actual-. structure a. is. f raught..with great couqputational..diff iculties... These -can-be.- resolved. only- with the help-of-bigh-rapeed..cceputers.--At-present.the.Computig Center .g, of.-the..AS.-Uzbek-'SSR-c;perates-with-a "Ural" computer Z Abstracter's note.:.Not described-J. The design,organizations.are invited to suggest-further.suitsible..problems and-to-make use.of-the facilities available...There..aret--2-Sovi*et"bloc referpnces. ASSOGIATION:,..Instit-tit matematiki im. V. 1. RomanovskogEo AN UzSSR (V. 1. ktomanovskiy- hathematical.. Institute AS Uzbek SSR) SUBMITTED: June-.13, 1960 Card 515 ARIYKHODZHAYEV, Saydamin Abrarovich, kands tekhn.naukj, starshiy nauchrWy gotr.; KABULOV V.K. oty. red.; KISELEVA, V.N.j red.; GCROKOVAMI--~'--.0, [Tables for calculating rectangular plates with rectangular holes]Tablitay dlia rascheta priamougollrykh plastinok s priamougollxWm otverstieme Tashkent# Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekskoi SSR, 1962. 131 P. (MIRA 15:9) 1. VychisUtellrVy tsentr Instituta matematiki im. V.I. Romanovskogo Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Arindiodzhayev). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR (for Kabulov) (Elastic plates and sholls-Tables, calcula- tions, etc,) ARZWYItH, Ivan Sem*novichLjKADUlDYt-1-1.4 oty, redo; SOKOLOVA, A.A. red.; GORIKOVAYA,, Z.P.9 (Canonical equations of a rank higber than sero]Kanonicbmakie uravneniia ranga, bolOmbego nulia. Tashka'nt,, Isd-vo Akad. nauk Usbekskoi SSR, 1962. 143 p. (MIRA 16il) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akadenii nauk Usbekskoy SSR (for Kabulov). (Equations) ARZIUWKH, I.S.; ~ ~DULOVI V.K. , V.N.., red.; . otv. red.; KISEISVA. GORIKOVAYA., Z.P.v tekbn. red. [Transformation of wave operators] Obrashchenie volnovykh ope- ratorov. Taabkontl Izd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SSR 1962 162 p. (MIU i5:7) 1, Cblen-korreopondent AkrAemii nauk Uzbeksk SSR (for Kabulov). (Operators (Mathematicis) S/166/62/000/001/002/009 B125/13104 AUTHORs Kabulov, V. K. TITLE: Computational problems of the dynamic theory of seismic stability ' PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no..1, 1962, 11 - 24 TEXT: The calculAtion of seismic loads according to the resistivity avEfmt earthquakes has been put down in the "Normy i pravila stroitellstva v seys- micheskikh rayonakh" (Standards-and rules for constructions in earthquake danger zones) of 1957. The analysis of the appropriate formulas ftirnishes the following three calculation problems for the spectral method of the dynamic theory of seismic stabilityt 1) Determination of the frequencies and shapes of oscillations for elastic systems. The problem is reduced to an analysis of the eigennumbers and eigenfunctions of linenrly self-adjoint.- diffitrential' ~ and integral operators by applying the Hamiltonian prin- ciple. Appropriate programs have been developed in the Vy chielitel'nXy tsentr AN UzSSR (Computer Center of the AS Uzbekskaya BSR~ for the "Ural" Card 1/2_ Computational problems ... S/166/62/000/001/002/009 B125/B104 computer. The theory of oscillations of rods, plates and shells is devel- opod and the equations obtained are transformed into a system of ordinary differential equations. 2) Construction of the spectral curves by means of high-speed computers. 3 Calculations of the harmonics of the oscillations by the spectral method. A general scheme of solution of seismic problems by high-speed computers is given. There are 4 figurea. and 9 Soviet, refer- ences. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut matematiki im. V. I. Romanovskogo AN UzSSR (Institute of Mathematics imeni V, I. Romanovskiy AS U2beks- keys SSR) SUBMITTEDt July 25, 1961 KABU K. --- Problems in the static and dynamic design of arched dams. Izv.AN Uz.SSR.Ser.tekh.nauk 6 no.1:28-37 '62. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut matematiki AN UzSSR. (Dams) 'KA.BULOV)_ otv. red.; SOKOLOVA, A.A., red.; KARABATEVA, Kb.U., tekhn. red. [Problems of computer mathematical Voprosy vychislitelf- noi matematiki. Tashkent, Izd-vo AN Uzb.SSR, 1963. 167 P. (MIRA 16;11) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Tashkent. Inatitut matema- tiki. 2. Chlen-korrospondent AN Uzb.SSR (for Kabulov). (Mathematical physics) KABULOVt V.K. Vibrations of a three-layered shell with a rigid filler. Izv. AN Us. SSRe Sero takh. n&uk 8 no.2t27-36 164* (NIIL" 176) 1, Inotitut mekhaniki s Vychislitollnym tsentrom AN U%SSR.- KABUWV . V. K. ~ . Dynamics calculation of plane frame systems. izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 7 no.lt28-38 163. (MMA 17:6) 1. Vychislitelinyy tsentr Institute matematiki AN UzSSR. MUMBOVO I.M.0 akademik, otv. red.; DZHMALOV, O.B.., za;v-.Ptv. red.; KUVjAM,_YK., zam. otv. red.; LBDUGANIYEV; A.A.j, red,; IBRAGIMOV, IJ,# red,j UBAYDULLAYEV, I.Kh&) red.; KISELEVA, V.N.,, red.. [Application of mathematical methods ~W electronic computers in economic researchl confex~efice materWo] Pri- menenie matematicheskikh metodov i EVM v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniiakh; materialy konferentaii. Tashkent# Izd-vo "Nauka," UzSSR, 1965. 277 p. (MIRA .18:5) 1. Nauchwqa konferentsiya po voprosam primeneniya matema- ticheskikh metodov i EV14 v ekonomicheskikh issledovaniyakh, Tashkentg 1963. 2, Chlen--korreBpondent AN UzbekSSR (for Kabulov). 3. AN UzbekSSR (for Muminov). Y,AEUI,C;V, V.K. - 1- --- ~ - . Illse of computers for volving probloma in thr mechanica of solid modia in Uzb-~kiatan. Tvv. All Scr. ~Ckh. nauk - 8 no. 6: 5-13 164. (11-11;Vl 1F:3) KABULMI, V. K. Problems of calculating the general orosicri cf river.5. 17-v. AN ITZ. &'H, Ser. tekh, nauk 9 no.3:4.7-55 '65. (MITRA 18.28) y tsentr AN ITzSSR. 19 Institut makhanlkJ- I Vychisliteliny KABULOV V.K. Grapho of Moore and Mili, Izv.AX Um.SSR.S~r.tskh.nauk 9 no,5tl7-22 165. (MRA 18s10) 1. Tnatitut makhapiki I V~chislitellrjy tftntr AN UzSSR. ,a V'Kal 10,1VICV, P, Design of ah-uft hoisting cables. Vop. vych. mat. I takh. no.2t,'O-. 56 164, (14THA 18:22) 1, Chlon-korreopondent A UzS2R (fcr Kabulov) KABULaV V.A. - Algorithms to analyze the operation of raJlrm-d stations and switch tracks. Vop, vych. mat. i ~tekb, no.304-79 164. (MIRA 18:9) M5; KABUIDVAj, Rh.R.,.aspirant Treatment of total copoptosis witb the formation of a vaginal enterocele after excision of the uterus* Med. zh, Uzbek, 3t 42-43 163 (MIRA 17t-7) 1. Iz akashersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki ( zav. - prof. G.V. Pbnlkov) pediatricheekogo i sanitarno-gigiyenicheakogo fakul.2- tetov Mashkentskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskogo inatituta. LIVAHOV, K.11. -, DBUMYBVA v? liffect of novocaine on certain changes In the nervous system induced by ionizing radiations [with summary in English]. Med.rAd. 3 no.1:9-26 Ja-F 158. (MIRA :LI:4) (OMBRAGORTIX, effect of radiations, x-ray, total boo, off. of procaine on renctivity in rabbits (Ras) I (ROWGIN RAYS, effects. total body, on cerebral cortex, off. of procains on reactivity in rabbits (Rue) (PROGAIM, effects, an corebrocortical reaction to total body x-irradiation Irk rabbits (Rue) -N Q i~R 9'.1 A 40471 S M-5/62/00WOD2/0041015 1020/1215 AUTHOR: Kaburneyeva, L. 1. TITLE: The effect of hypothalamus and reticular formation orthe midbrainon the clectricalactivi- ty of various cortical layers in radiation sickness PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 2, no. 2, 1962, 234-239 TEXT: Similar work has been done for other paxts of the nervous system. Male rabbits weighing 27004000 g were irradiated .10 r/min, for 33-35 min. The biopotentials were recorded with implanted electrodes. Stimulation wah by 100 cycles/scc ac current. Stimulation of hypothalamus in healthy animals increased the amplitudes in the motor and visual cortex and in most of the other cortical layers. Electi ical stimulation 24 hours after irradiation brought about a normalization in the electrical activity. On the Sth - 7th day of radiation sickness a decrease in the amplitude of bioelectrical oscillations, an increase of slow waves, and an appearance of rhythms resembling the rhythm of cardiac contraction or respiratory rhythm were observed. The stimulation of reticular formation in non-irradiated animals resulted in changes similar to those observed in the thalamus, but stimulation 24 hours after irradiation did not have a nomalizing effect on the cortical biopotentials. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: August 8, 1%I Card 1/1 lilt" Z KABUZEIIKO, S KABUZENKO, S..N.j "The structure of the earth ani certain problems of the nonlinear theory of elastidity." Moscow, 1955. MoscoV Order of Lenin.and Order of Iabor Red Banner State U imeni M. V. Lomonosov. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomatliewatical Sciences.) SO: Knizhm-6 Letppi No. 47p 19 November 1955. Moscow. Theor7 of thermal surface deformations of the earth. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.feofiz. no-3:445-449 Mr '59- (9nU 12:4) 1. Povqlzhekiv lesotekhnicheskiy Inatitut ime Ho Gorikogo, (Ilarth temperature) (Barth-Surface) DOMBRMM., B.Ao; IKARYLBAUTA. Rosh, Materials on the m3gWogy of the respiratory system of ter- restrial vertebrataih,~V,%b. zap. Kazakh. un. 41 0-19161. (MIRA l6x6) (RESPIRATORY =QNS--VS=ERikTW) A. Bee Culture "Ilse of trained bees for increasinrci, honey production". Pchelovo(Istvo, 29, No. 6. 1952. Lo.ntblv List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, 1952. IINCL16LIFILD. "P WA ~, V, ;Tk I Y-~V- P--- awb*~ Ree Culture-Gueen Rearing Bee Breedinf, in our apiary. Pchelovodstvo 29 No. 9, 1952. monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCIASSIFIED - KABYKENOV, F.S. SOMO PathoPhyviologiftl chengeq in olooed cerebrospinal inJury, Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no. 4135-4 161. (KM& 14W 1. Is kafedry fakulltatokpy khimrgii (sav, - professor A.B. Rayz) Kazakh iogo neditainskogo institute, (SKULL-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) KABYLBAYIV, Sh.; RIKMN, V- Protect national property againut f1res. Posh. delo 5 no.2:18 7 '59. (HIRA 12:3) l.Kinistr vnutronnikh del Uzakhokoy SSR. (for Nikulin). 2.Zametitell nachallulke, Upkavlomlym lposharno;r okhrany Ainisterstya, vnutrounikh del Idtovsker MR. (Piro 'Prevention) Sme gewral oonolusions conoerning the researah into the self- ignition of peat. Torf.prom. 40 no.IsU-16 163. . (KM 160) 1, Ryasanovskoys torfyanoye predpriyatiye Mos"Vskogo oblaatnogo soveta narodnop khosMetwas (Peat-Testing)' -XLBTIOV, A. Iabor achievenuts, Mast. ugl. 8 'no.11:21 N 159. (MIRA 13:2) (Kirghisistan--Coal miners) SOV/124-57-3-3454 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 3, p 120 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kabylov, V. K. TITLE: Integral Equations for Longitudinally Oscillating Rods (Integrallnyye uravneniya prodollnykh kolebaniy sterzhney) PERIODICAL: Dokl. AN UzSSR, 1956, Nr 3, pp 7-12 ABSTRACT: The investigation of the oscillation of a straight, elastic rod of variable cross sp'tt.ion is conducted on the basis of the Bernoulli hypothesis. Making use of the momentum-change theorem, the equation of motion Is drawn up in an integral form on the x and t plane. Integration with respect to the characteristic dx =,t a(x)dt results in a Volterra integral equation which is then investikated for the cases of an infinite and semi-infinite rod. V. V. Bolotin Card 1/1 It NOSOMUKHOY, A,* XOYSR. A.* SUMVICHo MI* 2. sm (6oo) 4. NIlk-Auslysts am Imemizatiot Righ titratatle soldity of fresh milk. Nol. prom. 13 No. 11, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionso Library of Congress, 953. Unclassifte( "T 1, .1 "~ , -, I - . I . .-,, , , - ~*~i',~.'-k-* "', Mt,", ~ ft~f -~- ; , - ~- - . I , - F . I . . .. 1 ~ 1. , I -~Al'~N',-, I- -, -.1 -.. , . . -, ~ ", ~~ a ~ ~ -~. -~~ 0, ~,4 - ..N - . I z , " ~-,- ~ " " ,~ " . I ~:, 6 -, i " j. ". . . ,, - X&BYSH, A.X.. dots.; LUBINETS, I.F., student, GRIBOYMAYA, M-P-, student. Three per'cent menthol solution for treating infectious vaginitis in cattle. Voterinariia 34 no.2:23-26 P-157. (MM loril) l.' Troltekiy vaterinarn" 'institut. (Vagina-DI season) (Menthol) (Cattle-Diseasee and paste) PLEKHANOV I B. P. $ ve terinarnyv, vrach; A.-A. p dotseut Feeding cobalt and manganese salts to cattle, Vaterinariia 4-1 no.lM-77 Ja t64. (MIRA 17:3), 1. Troitskiy veterinarn" institut (for Kabysh),