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KADERA, Zdenek., inz. Improvement of the quality of chemical products according to the needs of-national economy. Normalizace 11 no.10: 320-322 0 163. 1. Ministerstvo chemicksho prumyslu, Praha. inz.; RETICKYj aoserp Inv* Education of employees of the Ministry of Chemical Industry in technical standardization. Vormalizace 11 no.]-12357-358 N163. 1. Ministerstvo chemickoho prurq9lu (for Kadera),, 2. Ustav pro normalizaci a meroni (for Reticky) X&DRU., Zdenek,, ins, Important anniversaries, Normalinace 12 no,9&257 3 164, lo Ministz7 of Ghemical Industry, Prague. MERA, Zdenek Establishment of the Permanent Standardisation ComXiSSiOn affiliated vith the Council for Hatual Economic Assistance* Chan prum 13 no.9t476 S 163o ftet!Leffal Determining the locuracy and Conformity J~ T~i~&a:j'dt~andarde on Quality and Testing of Chemical Produata. 476 1. Ministeristvo chemiakeho prumplu. KADERA, Zdenek For batter uee of technical standardization in the chemical induotry in the yeare 1964-10,65, Chem prum 13 no. 12: 645 D 163. 1. Ministerstvo chemickeho prumyslu. KADrRA, Zdanak New legal Instructions on technical standardization. Chem prum 15 no.21ll2-113 F 165. 1. Ministry of Chemical Industry, Prague. .5. HTechnology of earthenware production with special reference to nev production met`:ods.0 Stavivo, Praha, Vol 32, 110 6, June 1954, p. 211 SO: Eastern European Accessions Ust, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress KADI-~'RAMP,K, F. Article conccrnan~; experlwice urith production of ce:.ient pipong ~,,ath lar~-e dia- mett.,rs; a review. p. 21,6. C! m 14 -"T'V NO, Prahri, Vol. 33, no. 7, Jul,,- 1055. S!,,: 'J~~,nthly List of &Ist European Acces5inms, IZ, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1~, Uncl. KOSRK, Miroolav, Mr.:~W 14.~&nt.,JUDr.: TZSARIK, Jiri; WSKOVA, Dagmar lubIbItory factor In blood serum In carcinomatous subjects; variations in hemolysis by saponin In normal and carcinomatous subjects. Cam. lok. cook. 95 no.30:810-816 2o july 56. 1. Internt addelent OUNZ - nomocnice v Pribrami, prodnosta Mr. Frantleek Kaderabok. (HROLTSISO by saposin in normal & carcinomatous subjects (0s)) (SAPONINS, effects, hemolysis In normal & carcinomatous subjects (0s)) (NADPLASKS. blood In, bemolysis by saponins. con W loon with normal blood (0z)) KADERABEK,, Stanislav Pocetnice pro druhy rocnik. Pokusna ucebnice. 1. cast. (Textbook of Kathematics for the Second Grade; an,ExTerimental'Textbook. Vol. 1.) Authors; Stanislav Kaderabek., Julia Zilinkova. Pragues SPN, 1957. 71 p. Bibliograficky katalogm CSR, Cooke Why, No- 36- 15 Oct 57. p. 779. Tit 1(3 o PC *3 Distr., 4E3d RJUIMItel. 1. Stability f solutions proauci-d -bi by altrit Othylauete kstel y ola i1070-70950)(In Rumian).-Ile stability of solos-f ib the . y vitmlysis of MHAN4 by HNG, Jd which the cleavage products e I d I (Whia %CtB'a3 cafWyaoiftahr at e do. of 0 b tkyw!HNOs). It de an the Initial cu. of It f!ozi the ratio (C INNt-HNON. and t p. Oda DINKSTEINY T.; KADZUBEK, V. Syntboses in the field of nitrazines. I.N-acato3qmtbylnLtraminee. Coll Cz Chem 25 no.9t2334-2340 S160, (mm 1019) 1. Inistitut do techlologle pour des fabrioatione non-courantes, Boole Superieure de Chimico-toohnologlas Pardubice. (Inineo) (Acotoly group) (Notbri group) DZUTROO AM-MADW LT f1w MW ?"ho" elve 96U~, 18"It"O 4w ftehmesak-A- ",r rw 9:707. 1~62hlbdsdw nodwddl* ?M6",q awl"L 1b 70 937nth"U In ww am of 11%nale"s ftft 4s or now*&*" Uft1trasifte CZECH03LOVAKIA MWgpAmK,, V; DEMSTRINp J Institute for the Technology of Explosive Substancesp Technical Institute of Chemistry (Institut fur the Technologle der Explosivstoffep Teohnisehe Hochsabule fur Chemie)# Pardubice - (for both) Prague, C 2 jo QL 2zeohgjjRy" Gh2Misal CowmuniMtions, wo 7. Xuly 19 P pp 2915-2927 "Synthesis in the area of nitramine, Part 5S Production of nitrazadio acid by means of nitration of aminonitriless z7f 'k," -/I Aj -vv. -4 RIM, vMc,~ dw I 'S, N."M Z 'R -Fli; Ns V VA WIN 61 T' (lalls 1e PI.In 7 C., liar tro-fit-31ing ide b sur!... KADEMIT,K, FRANTIS'EK "Deskriptivni goometrie. Prahaj Nakl. Ceskoslovenske akademie ved. scriptive geometry. illusl. PA21 (Vol.1 C3d e~L-71954 Praha Czechoslavakla) p.h22-985 (V4*2. &-st e;~Ylql;h' "Praha, Czeelioslavakia) Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LO, Volv 7, No. 8, August 1258 KADEFUMEK, F. Contribution to the liquefaction of gases, P.326 CHM-IICKY PRM-,YSL. (1-'Inisterstvo chemickeho prunwalu) Praha Vol. 5, no. 8, Aug. 1955 East European Accessions List Vol. 5 No. 1 Jan. 1956 -V CZECHOSWVAKIA/General Problems of Pathology. Twors U-4 Lbs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 66031 Author KoBck M., Ynde ahok F.. Tesarik J., Koskova D. Inst Title On the Inhibitory Factor in Serum of Patients wttb Cancer. Differences in Saponin Hamolysis Between Normals and Patients with Vxlij;nant Tumors. Orig Pub Casop. lekaru ceskychp 1956., 95, No 30, 810-816 Abstract Serum from patients with malignant twors suppressed the heriolysis induced by addint; saponin to the blood in 86.0 percent of cases. The scrum of healthy perople suppressed hoijolysis only in 15 percent of cases. This test i:ny be used in the diaanosis of cancer. -- V.M. Shapiro. Card 1/1 V d iM ens Cond 0 va In the presents of imonma e Fr. e v W-105(ts")e.- I . . - 7. mdmw and a is ted for a surfaft Col jct caudensa COMM ed (a e$. Vol. changes, abiMp- Of In the coodensete. beat, and mtaW baluces Pkbuw-- TICROLOOT KAWRATU, nAWIM Plochy sta"'bav-1nusayrate praxe. 2* 9 propracy- *Tam a rossirene Tyd. Pftpravlll Vaclav Ravel a Fmntinok Jkrant. PftjsL, Saki. Ceskoslovinaks, akadesto vod, 1958. 131 p. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Sekee matematickofyolkalat. Veda most z1vot, xv.9) Monthly List of 3kat lhftpoan Accessions (]MAI) LC VOL. 6, No. 2 Nay 1959, tholase KAMRAVEK, F. .................................. ...... . .... .I- *Chemical production technology" by W.Wittenberg. Reviewed by F.Kaderavek. Chem listy 57 no,10slO84 0 163. KADEMVLK, F. Thermoregulatory changes during application of infrared radiation. Fysiat. vestn, 43 no,5:301-309 S 165. 1. Vyzln=y ustav pro fyziatrii, balneologii a klimatologii v Praze (reditel prof. dr. K. Prerovsky). KADERAVEK, Josef Autoii66ile Works National Enterprise, a school of now technology in mechanical engineering. Automobil Cz 8 no.5sZ-3 My 164. 1. Manager of the AutomobiloVO 2&vody National Enterprise. KRIZ, Xojmdr; _!!!!~IRA~, Now information on packing glass coloring. Silikaty 7 fio.3S 215-230 163.- 1. Vyzkumm pracoviste narodalho podniku Obalove a 21sovane sklo, Dubi u Teplic. .For further development of winin maohinery. Uhli 5 n0-3:73-74 Mr 163. 1. Ministerstva, paliv. *of 0 A a f. _JL I JAL A-... afj 00 0. 4,- Vol A 51 :1100 of FrorwWaphy (w fIrms"I Kirplustion of IawA-Awbem XWvL (In Cmli.) VI . Zranik WA Z. Oki d Tphk IMIMI(jim dctvbpcd by Dvxldm fral Atiflits 1h S 51 l U ' il V . . 901 Yopffeandrow vff 101he *64 brutitsoess of worke C r d fmitic tutfxm attvi Th h f adily dolmnk*4 l r rit-tovAp y. by luous Ion 4 crluentili, dors MA appear to be of brittkmm. InclutIn nu- sumw fract owspim Data am fallulatril, Alm-SLA -91ALLMMICAL LITERATIOT MA"WitAyea umm. A= (NY 944 41* u a f, 02 al A tv 't 14 9 a 0 VO *'*I* q go,* 0 -Mmummw~ h A L 1' L t'~, i~, 'v ,.- .I I-) .- . - "I PIYMAVII, Z. I'Mechanim of fracture in cast iron." p. 171 (Ntm-~cke ListY Vol- 8, no. 4, Apr. 1953 Brno.) SO:-14onthly List of East European Accessions, Vol-3, No.2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Unc: tg .7 resisfance of $foal:' o0aw Voth slaminium, and d1unminfam. -9r --- (Hit 01 070, ~ ~~k d ~%- "I 4-iffy, Io53, vnitingx V1,11W M-Phei 60 VtM 3 by I thrcr~ xiirtlxcmls and the imat i -cAZIRM Of the 1:13'em wws aludird. Al mpmycd on V) pilev) ~ckmly Oiffugev into it at tunp, in tIieWLL--I000'ran6e,thc ratecif diffurion not varying greatly willi the strcl winjimsition. Sprayed-on Uyers, retult, in thin cuating3 which practically ditappear into the qtect by dHftisUxu an heating k.- In.) at I IOU'. The I-It r'- SiStAnCe 4>1 Cr AUVIA i-U~t 411111 -CW ly by spraying with At. J. Inox Srrri. 14s-r. n ~-fu KADERAVMS Z. "Examples of Intergramalar Steel Fractures." p. 578, (HUTNIKE LISTY, Vol. 9, No. 10, Oct. 1954, Bmo,, Czechoolovaida) SO: Nonthly List of East European Accessionso (UAL), LG, Vol. 4 No. 51 May 1955, Uncl. 14M* FApjmtjon of th%jhdam of MettAbc Mate&h by j" Use of New Mlawcopk Teging Mcthd&. Erktust9ime Cq tuber den amekyof N=P!Obibem werkslaffes dank Ke Alotaourgo, V. 5. no. 7, elk. (Cam". ;FractvSmph;c studia MkroM*, anpbs. 15 ref. P"1 ONG MR~ Sit OX 5:1,W WV"I KADERAVEK, Zdanek, inz., dr.; VOJTA, Radim, inz. Calculation of ore for a steel furnace charge. Hut listy 16 no.11075-782 N 161. 1. Vitkovicke selosarny Klementa Gottwalda, Ostrava (for Kaderavek). 2. Vyak=ny ustav hutnietvi w1eza,, Praha (for Vojta)., 1're lnfluerj-~e of anneallng In difNrant ori Lbe, abgo--p- tion and dlelsctrI4 losses of pure NaCl !ryatals. ChAhoal fim zhurnal 14 no,,8sAA)8--Ct4 t~4 I. Tnstitul".,~ of Salld ~-tato AiyvtJcsj Czechn3lovak kmiemy :44' Sciences, Yragua 6# Cultmvarnicka 10. KANTUREX~ J.; KUMLOVA,I.) LEBL, M.) SOMNo A4 DPLEJSlp T.9 FaUU. H. TRW, J. Photoluminescence and related phenomena of Naa crystals con- taining Cd and Go, Aketa phys Hung 3./+ no.2 31246,-253 162, 1. 1-natitut fur Technische Physik der Tachechoslavakischen "Ademie der Wissenschaften,, frag,, CSBRe Vorgeleq von G. S2igeti [Gyorgy Ssigetil I -ACCESSION NR: AP3003619 Z/0055/63/013/005/0378/0385 AUTHOR: Kadarka, M. TITLE: Influence of calcium carbonate and hydroxyl anions on dia.lec- tric losses of sodium chloride crystals SOURCE: Chekhoslovatskiy fizichaskiy zhurnal, v. 13, no. 5, 1963, 378-385 TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide crystals. sodium chloride. dieleetric. loss, sodium chloride dielectric losa ABSTRACT; The dielectric losses of NaCl crystals prepared in air by drawing from a malt with a varying concentration Of 1'a2C03 or NaOH admixture were investigated. Comparison of the curves for dielectric losses of the crystals studied shows the temparaturo variation of tan 6 (6 is the loss angle) and the positions of the ralaxation maxima corresponsing to the specimen with C02- or OH- admixtures to be a1- 3 most identical. It is pointed out that, in general, it cannot be assumed that the substance put Into the malt appears in the resultant Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP3003619 crystal. From the.measurements conducted and the experimental re- sults of.other authors it is concluded that the admixture is probably the same in both groups of c.Tystals. The possible explanation sug- gestad by several other authors is that during the drawing of the crystal a considerable part of.tha hydroxide transforms *into the car- bonate owing to C02 present in the air. It in concluded that both anion impurities have a similar influence on the dielectric losses that th C02- group probably plays a part in the formation of the e 3 relaxation maxima in both groups of crystals* Orig, art. has: 6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ust fyziky pevnich'latak CASV,.Pragua (Institute of Solid Stata Physics, CSAV) SUBMITTEDs 17Jul62 DATE ACQt 12Jun63 ENCLt 06 SUB CODE: PH -;:,No R11- SOV S001 OTHER: 007 Cord :V TRUKA, J.; KhDFRKA, M.; DDIRINV A. Electr1c and optical behavior of NaG.11 crysta'b'.,q dopi-I calcium, Pt, 1. Chekhoal fiz shurnal. 14 no.1~63-71 164. 1. Institute of Solid State Physics, Czechoslovak Acftdezv of Sciences, Praha 6. Cukrovarnicka 10. ji. ----.K,k..DFRKA, M. Dielectric losses of hydrolyzed and unhydrolyzed NaCl crystals. Chekhosl fiz zhurnal 14 no.2: U6-120 164. 1. Institute of Solij State Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praha 6,, Cukrovarnicka 10. f :ACCESSION Nftt AP40445,93 210055/64/014/008/0608/0614 AUTHORs - Kaderka#_,!!e IVelicks, TITLE:. The influence of annoalinS in different atmospheres oni the- absorption and dielectric losifti-'of- pare NaCl.crystals ISOURCE: Chokboalovetakiy fiaichepkiy xh~vrnalt ve 14, no* 6, 1964, 1608-(014 :TOPIC TACSt crystal annealingi sodium'chloride single crystal., crystal dielectric. lose, dielectric,'Ioss measurement, crystal energy ;absorption 'ABSTRACT: The influence of annealing in atmospheres of 11CIp C02 :nitrogen, and air on the absorption and dielectric losses of NaCl crystals was studied* The reasons for t'he decrease or disappearance of the absorption band near 1900 A in unannealed hydrolized crystals ..were also determined* The NaCl,-crystals were prepared from the initial ,purified material by pulling from.the melt in a1r6 Platelets a.pproxL- !mately 10 x 10 x 0*5 us in size-weire obtained by cleaving from the iprepared single crystals* Absorption was measured wLth.-i.CF--4 spec- Card 1/3 ACCESSION MR: AP4044595 t ~opho tome te r. Dielectric 'loss -an'* .-J",,t . gle,was measured at a frequency of 103.eps, in the 20-AOOC range, One relaxation maximum (at about 280C) was found for "pure" HaCl 'crystals. The following conclusions were reached: 1) Annealing In in MCI atmosphere causes the disappeari! ance of "free" or ions* as well: as the destruction of forms with an activation energy near 0.17 ev~and the simthtoneoud formation of forms with a lower activation enerky near Oe 83 eve- The latter forms are revealed by measurement of the dielectric losses. 2) Annealing of NaCl crystals in C02 or in air-loads to i decrease in' tle concentra- tion*of "free" Oil tons,, However, the dielectri s a remain un- c 10 a changed. It can thus be,.deduced that. free 'OR- ions do not partici-. pate in thelorms which~cause the'-foir'sation.of relaxation maxima. 3) The fact that annealing in a 'Aitrogen atmosphere_ does not change :.,)either the -absorption or the diaqlactric losses confirms the assumption %,that a reaction between atmosphe'ric C02 and the "free" OR- groups 6ontaLned In the crystal takes..,placee Orige art*' has s 3 figures 'Aced*. Scis ~ASSOCIATIONI~ Institate oi-solid'state Physics I "dsech :Prague 2/3. H " ! - - i , , -Q:--* -, , RASFEWVA, Jaroslava; LUE)MOVA, Ann&. -1., Qjick method of determining the hunidity content of dry baked producta. Listy aLkrovar 79 noon:290-294 V63. 1. PrumyBl trvanliveho pecival, n.p.,, Praha, vyzkumme pra6oviste. ENGELBERTH, 0.; JEZKOVApZ.; BIMA)O.; HAMKjJ.; BENDL.J. TeabnIcka, opol uprace t. MORAVCOVARS. Autoantibodies in Sheeban's syndrome. Can. lek. oesk. 104 no.4t 108 29 ja t65 1. Ill. Intatmi klinika fakulty waobecneho lekarstvi Karlov7 Uni7ersity v Praze (prednosta akademik J. Charrat); Ustav hemato- loi*q a krevni transftza (reditel prof. dr. J, Horejoig DrSc.); 1, porodnioka klinika Unilty vasobeaneho lakarstvi Karlovy Uni ~rsity v Praw (prednosta prof. dr. J. Klaus, 2~Sej a 11 porodaicka klinika fakulty-vaeobacneho lekarstvi Karlov7 Uni- .-raity T Praze (preboata prof. dro J. Inkas, DrSc.) ENGELBERTH, 0.; JEZKOVAO Z.; BLEHAI 0.; MALEK, Jq; BENDLI J,; Technicka spoluprace: MDRAVCOVA, S.; KADERO", 14. Autoantibodies in Sheehan's syndrome. Vnitrni lek. 11 tio.8-.737-741 Ag 165. 1. 111. vnitmi klinika (prednosta akademik J. Charvat), Ustav hematologie a krevni transfuze (reditel prof. MJDr. J. Horejoi, DrSc.), 1. porodnicka klinika (prednosta prof. MDr. J. Klaus, Dr.Sc), H. porodnicka klinika (prednosta prof. HJDr. J. Lukas, Dr.Sc). -M. KADF,SNIKOVO B. Teaching of the progressiVe methods of work, Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.3s 28-29 Mr 165. (WRA l8t7) 1. Nachallnik uchabnogo teekha Novovyatskogo doyAostroitellnogo kombinata, Kirovakaya oblast'. BAVTRUKWICH, A.A.; 1ADDSMIXOT, G-1- Automatic brooldown of coal in storage piles by neftne of 9L pneuratic device. Xoko I kbIU. no.2:58-61 16o. (KM 13:5) 1. Nomkovokly kokaolpaowff savade (Coke Industry-41quilment wA supplies) Y%ADETOVA, Muza Petrovna- OSADA, P.A., red.; OLOEYAGIN, R.B., spets. red.; FIOZ AJFS iA, S.A.t mladshiy red.; CMRASIMRA) YOMSO) tekhn. red. (Planning the development of the material and technological basis of construction] Planirovanie razvitiia materWIno-takhnichaskoi bazy stroitellqtva Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry 1962. 13.0 p. iCobstruction industry) "(MIU 15:3) I .!n N. doe M IX L On a prooeiq of brokeg Unes In n ,IX Mathemtioal Revl' we Ix_ 0", 1 IT "'Mon- 1 ~113 onit 6 Co. Uspehl Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 8. no. I (U), Vol 0 14 No* 9 139-1 (Russian) Ootober 1953 va !1t; ate gives a new proof oegii' rokil's generalization AnalyBis [Uspchl Matem. Nauk 10,-51-S9 (1%4); these Rev. 7,12J v, 7. 1 2j of Riemann's theorem oil conditionally convergent series: t ser The set of sums of rearrangeTents a( a conditimially con- ly Wil- 'i vergent scri6s of vectors in u-spacc is a flat subspace of Ole sixicu. This prool depends on the (0110wiflR result: For eich integer n there to a numlx-r K. such that for tAcli set of N vecti -s rj in Fuclidean is-sliace, all of length 9 1 and ,IILII that Ejs~vrj-(), the indices can be permuted so that foil: 19 k;S N the vectors Ejikrj are all of length not gri-i ter I than K.. At. Al. Day- (UrWiia, Ill.). GOYXV, V.N.. gornyy inshener; YARDVOY. I.M.. inshener; KAHM. R.L. inzhener. Remarks on N.K.Shevchenko's article "On the relationship between gas development and nine pressure.A Reviewed by V.N.Goev, I.N.IArovoi. and M.1.14dets. Ugoll 29 nool.43-45 Ja '54, OMU 7;1) 1. J~~mW (for Yrovoy and Udets). (Mine games) (Shevehanko, N.K.) KAISTS. K. 1. Conditionally convergent series in space C . Usp.mat.nauk 9 no.1:107-109 Ja-F 054. (MLRA 7:2) (series) (Spaces, Oeneralized) XADETS, M. I. KAMTS, F. I. "Topological Nouiva2ence of Some Speces of Panakh.* *(Dissertations for Degrees in Science and Engineering Defended at USV. Higher Efteetional Institutions) Min Higher Education Ukrainian SSR, Khartkov Order of labor Red Banner Stnte U imeni A. M. Gorlkiy, Kharlkovp 1955. SO: &Ambimm ktovis' No. 31P 30 MY 1955. *lPor the Degree of Candidate in Physicomathematical Sciences., SUBJECT USSR/MLTUUTICS/Theory of functions CLRD 1/1 PG - 491 AUTHOR KA3r-C M. I. TITIS Permanently convergent series in a uniformly convex space. PZRIODICIL Uspechi matINauk 11 5, 185-190 (1956) reviewed 1/1957 Lot E - E be the upper bound of the diameturs of that set which is obtained by intersection of the unit sphere with the planes which run along in the distance I- & froid the zero point. The reverse function S - 6 (F- ) is the modulus of convexity. The following theorem is proveds.If x 1+X 2+X3+*.* is a permanently conve ,gent series in a uniformly convex space with the modulus of convexity E ), then OD I IxkN ) < OD' IC 1 68015 V Q SOV/155-58-6-16/36 AUTHORs Kadets, M.I. TITLEt 'On the 1-1-ne--a-r-'Dlmension of the Space \4 (pe-2) PERIODICALs Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheakiye nauki, 1958, Nr 61 Pp 104-107 (USSR) ABSTRACTs Let p>,2 The function f(x) of L Pis said to belong to MrC: L if (4) mes E I f (X) f 11 Card 1/2 Let dim1X denote the linear dimension of the space X. Theorem 1 s If an infinite dimension~i.eubspac e of Lp belongs to MS-9 then it is isomorphic to 1 2 . If the-Banach space X is contained in no mg~j-then it is dimiX > dim1 1p Theorem 2 1 OD If the series fk I f k G Lp is absolutely convergent, K 68015 16 On the Linear Dimension of the Space L p (p