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GAIAKTIOITO'V., P.A., kand, takhn. nauk; DRIBIN, L.F. Inveatigating technological processes and solutions of simultaneous jet degreasing and pickling. Trakt. i sallkhosmash. no.4:41-45 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:5) 1.Nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut Traktorosellkhozmah. (Metals--Pinishing) (Metals--Pickling) C' (Halaktidionao, E.H.] ii-nder the influence 162. 110.4-- Z0 (MT RA 17:8) GAUKTIONOV S.G. [Halaktsienau, S.H.] ----------~ Nature of the affect of chlorides on potato plants. Vestsi AN BSSR Swi%,biial. nav. no.108-41163. (KTRA 16:9) (Pi"Ts., EFFECTIVE CHLORIDES ON) (POTATOES) ACC NRt AP6026472 SOURCE CODE: UR/0423/66/000/004/0017/0019- AUTHOR: Kandilov, G. K.; Galaktionovp S. P. ORG: Baku Electric Machine Building Plant (Bakinakiy elektrbmashinostroitel'nyy zavod) TITLE: Use of fiberglass micanite tape as a substitute for micaceous tape in the chassis insulation of high-voltage electric motors SGURGEt Z& tQkhnicheskiy progress, no, 4, 1966, 17-19 TOPIC TAGS; mica, electric motor, insulating material, electric insulation, fiber- glz,ss, expoxy plastic ABSTRACT: The authors note that for a wide variety of reasons (excessively high costs, short supply of material, manufacturing difficulties and high percentage of manually performed production operations, and non-,miformity.of finished output), the micaceous (pinched) insulation presently used in high-voltage electricmotors cannot be regarded as a satisfactory solution to this technological problem. The present pajer discusses new micanite insulation tape materials developed at the Electrical En3ineering Institute im. V. 1. Lenin (Elektroteknicheskiy institut). The new mate- rials, produced from unused mica tailings, cost 1/3 to 1/4 the price of conventional mica insulation and have been found to be superior to the latter in a number of para-!- meters. The lack of technological experience has thus far impeded industrial utili- Card 1/2 UDC: 621.313.333:621.3.027.3:621.315.61 IACC NR: AP6026472 zation of the new micanite materials. The development of a production process for iifiberglass micanite insulation tape with an epoxy-poly ester lac and adhesive compoundi icovering layer is described. This insulation, production of which has been begun at the "Elektroslyudinit" Plant (zavod "Elektroslyudinit"), is to be employed as a total isubstitute for micaceous insulation for 6000-volt stator windings. The many tech- i nological and economic advantages of the new materials are briefly discussed. Further 1 research for improved characteristics is recommended. Orig. art. has: 1 table. SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE; none/ ORIG REF; 003 'A 1401), 15 SOV/32-25-1-41/51 AUTHORS: Shelyubskiy, V. I., Galaktionov, S. S., Kukarkin, G. A. k--------------------- TITLE: Machine for Testing the Bending, and Determining the Young Modulus of Glass (Pribor dlya ispytaniya na izgib i opredeleniya modulya Yunga stekla) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 1, PP 114-116 ('USSR) ABSTRACT: The limit of the bending strength and the )tung modulus of glass are usually tested on metal testing machines (Ref 1) or on simple laboratory apparatus (Ref 2). No equal increase in stress can be adjusted there, which fact decreases the measuring accuracy, as the strength of glass considerably depends on the rate of the.increase in stress (Ref 3). An apparatus was con- structed which records automatically the magnitude of the de- struction stress and makes possible a determination of the maximum deformatioh, The operation principle of the apparatus (Fig) is that a motor (by way of a worm screw) on a lever of a supporting girder displaces the stress while the other arm exerts a certain pressure upon the sample from below; thus, the sample is pressed against a suppoit fixed above the sample. The Card 1/2 position of this support can be adjusted and the support itself SOV/32-25-1-41/51 Machine for Testing the Bending, and Determining theYoung Modulus of Glass is connected with an electric contact which automatically records the stress in the case of the destruction of the sample.. The magnitude of the stress is calculated according to the equation (1). The meal3uring accuracy depends on the production of the sample and is about 2-3%. There are 1 figure and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvenn~yy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektro.- vakuumnogo stekla (State Scientific Research Institute of Electro-Vacuum Glass) Card 2/2 L 26401-66 EV1T(m)/EWP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD ACC NRI AP6013070 SOUICE CCIDE: UrVO048/66/030/004/0637/0643 AMTiOR: Bundel'.A.A.; Vishnvakcv.A.V ;_Ga1ak;t4Qa*vij% qj!ketskAX#.,H.I_; Zhukov.G.V.; Kamenskaya,S.A.; Kreytser,K.A Oranovskaya,T.V ChashchinN.A. ORG: None TITLE: On the effect of the preparation conditions on the format ion of traps in US and ZnO base phosphors and the Influence of preclecomposition phenomena in s Iolid solIu- 2.0 in ZnS on their luminescence /R-eport, Fourteenth Conference on~Lumines- tions 94-Qu cence Wld in Riga,16-23 Septe er 19657 SOUME: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 637-643 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, crystal phosphor, zinc sulfide, current-carrier,"),0400W ABSTRACT: Introduction of new experimental methods has increased rather than duced 'incq the disagreement among different; investigators regarding the structure of- , 'Ifide luminophors. On the basis of previous investigations of glow curves and tho:polarity of the photocurrent carriers the authors showed that for the mos It.part the discrepan- cies are due to inadequate control of the synthesis conditions, i.e., that the phos- phors studied by different grouris differed as regards structure owing to uninten- tional variations of the preparation conditions. Experiments show, for example'Ithat truly self-activated ZnS exhibits only one glow curve peak,,but that it the compound Card 1/2 L 26491-66 ACC NRi AP6013070 is exposed to rxygen, even at laii pressure, during heating a second glow-curvis peak appears and this is accompanied by change in the polarity of the photocurrent: carriers (from n to p). Various experiments were carried out with pure, self-activated and impurity-activated ZnS and ZnO (including surface oxidized specimens) and several series of glow curves are reproduced. Data on the polarity of the current carriers in photoconductivity are also adduced. The curves and data demonstrate theefficte-of the synthesis conditions. A series of-phosphors was prepared by heating different mixtures of ZnS with Cu2S Without flux at 1000"C' followed by reheating with quar5tz powder (to prevent caking) in sealed tubes at 10500. These ZnS:Cu phosphora*wOre* studied immediately after preparation, after various heat treatments and after storage for some months at 200. Theirattributes differed considerably. again indicating the importance of synthesis and otherconditions. It is pointed out that.understanding of the peculiarities of the complicated chemical system constit4ted,by copper-activated zinc sulfide luminophors requires further thorough investigation of thG,ZnS-Cu2S--wCu system. Orig. art. has: 1 formula.and 6 figures. SUB CCDE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OQ/ ORIG REF: 008/ am REF: 008 L C rd 2/2 OV 14 111 W'AW11 11.1911 [1 MEN= ACC NRs AP6007072 UR/0047/66/0$6/002/0250/0257 AUTHOR: jGalaktionov,S,V,; FilimonovG.F, ORG: none TITLE: Influence of backward radiation on the amplification of signals in a'weakly modulated onp-dimensional electron beant 07 SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy ftzlki, v. 36, no. 2, 1968, 250-257 TOPIC TAGS: traveling wave amplifier, traveling wave interaction, electron beam:i backward wave amplifier, ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the theory of thetraveling wave amelif ier with parti- cular reference to the influence of backward traveling waves. The treatment is based on linearized equations previously given by L.A.Voynshteyn (Radiatekhnika i. elekt.ron- ika, 2, No. 7, 883, 1957). It is shown that a backward wave is always present and, although the maximum amplitude cot the backward wave is always small compared~with that of the forward wave, the presence of the backward wave limits the increase of the useful gain that can be achieved by increasing the length of:the electron be .am. The saturation of the useful gain (as a function of the beam length) is not due*o redistribution of energy between the forward and backward waves; it is suggested that the saturation is due to the fact that useful gain takes place only in the terminal -Card 1/2 UDC: 538.1566 "V. 1112 m ~I'lit,ti~-liftip4i~lviipm%it~~W.,Mt-~l,--~r4tfK,i~~p- nfu. 41 /9- Z AUTHORS: Veresbchagft L. F. Se I,- A,. A. TITIE: The Indicator r ~j Pump (Indikatornq,!.,, sverkhvysokogo PERIODICAL: Pribory JL T e -r-,, E'.- ~7 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Diagrams froi,.-i laboratory machirie vviLtIt 000 flow of 15 litres/11-lour. Tt, SSSR plimp, type M-7/6 000 in havur- The K-38 '7 is for the compressiori L rate of about 4 toris/lv-,1~1 i:, A -r model, Tlie ,:,acchines the K-1?7 is at -the were made in 1943 3 blit V.'. Tli e 0" irlii i-n :1 ia. -3, n d pressure transduce,r, 1.:3 Q xe d t o the 8 mm long, with an wall of the obtura-vrr n a -u'r P A U 17 outside the preqs~ife ce, as a tempera- ture com-oensator. 0 11 of pickoff cylinder and F -i-, and comper, circuit of Lhe uardl/4 sator are arms of a Tl 1r 1 F, P _'D _11 - -1 )13 'The Indicator Diagram of a and fed via a oscillograph type are f ed from an oscillatcr -,ic '0 c T- r if an instrument 3TC-25,-7 Y When used vii th i, ble dia. of 7 mm increases the -Tlo'. For the smaller pump Litt e ~~,a I e -pp mentary volume to aboli-7, A es shed --h a na,.,--c,-: (0.2 L-Ln) did that the use of su f not reflect on the i 0 the pickoffs were linear up tc :A "LL'. F 1:~ :-,how the means adopted to t-Le i; and K-6,. respectively. Piston 1"l-' ~i wi-t-Iiin 0.1 mm; top-dead----z-entre wci!.~ in X-38~ Fig. 6 shows part of an ',:n`~en c n'K Com- t~ t:! 1:1-~ Ile ijjt;O~ !I pressing a 1:1 mixture i nd vessel of capacit -m I," -r: K 115 c~.,ripressing :i - -- i e *.. In water into a reservoir this case marked ir origin has not been establisl~--.ed z: 8 s t he K-6 uard2/4 results re-plot-ted in t,h~~ c. -f: 77 P The Indicator Diacpraz, o f a Sa-~ diagram. Also super-csed j U - c-'!' j- thermal and pol-tropic. oper CX" ed by collaboration with 'V.V. R,Ip-'~. Z~ of the fundwriental d,0,-.':, -1 s 0 J! 11cwinc,, comments may be made on I t: ti, i f~ io open the pressure valve ~00 -'.00 ~'::i --:r-e;atg!r tLan the pressure on the otlic--r exo i a i n. by the variations in den-:.~.,,- tightness of fi-.of at wound 2 000 atia. ',-irtiest pressure, near top-dead-,--e-.~,. -1 Li portions of the dia'- fluid is very v4scous. but does so while t-he t~: -T-'7 j. thus wasting some olC 7N L;-, no -1: be at bottom-dead-centno. incomplete fillin,- of pressures as 90 curves do not agree very Ulf that the Dump took 0-12' sc- piezometer from wh-~ uard3./4 -.-! The Indicator Diar.rram of A 18 sec. The calcuir ation of the cylinder --tnd Dlotted as indicatc)." di,li 0'' because of the lowe e COO diagram starts soo-n al' L- -0 atin. diagram is dela ed tr D L time, the ,,iston F n t show the diffe, T explained by the fact 10 --t- while the oil Dump 'n the individual d i a U-;,.- -i m on be higher than in othc-L, ii., e is concerned, the A:~' J, at 3 000 atm. and t'k-.e. figures and 3 Slavic. reff-, fi-SSOCIATION: Super-hij~li P--essurt- A-Sc. USSR, (Laboratoriva I S R) A! SS SUBMITTED: March 8, AVAIIABLE: Library :)f uard 4/4 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L. F., Semerchan, A. A.~ Filler, F. 57-11-26/33 Gulaktionov, V. A., TITLE: The Role of the Receiver at the Flow of a Watcr Plux at Superso- nic Velocity (Ziiacheniye resivera pri istechenii vodyanoy strui sverkhzvukovoy skozosti) ,IIERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhn. Fiz., 1957, Vol. 27, IIr 11, pp. 2640-2646,(USSR) ABSTRACT; Here a theoretical computation Df the depenaence of the pressure- pulsation-smoothing degree in the receiver on the capacity of at pressure produotion in thia recoiver by means of a hydraulic ultra- high-pressure compressor was carried out. The influence of the re- ceiver-capacity (contents) on the pressure-pulsation-smoothing de- gree in the receiver is investigated by experiment, The results of the computation were compared with those of the experiment with re- gard to the pressure-puleation-smoothing degree of the water in the receiver and it was ascertained that the theoretical computa- tion in spite of a number of simplifying assumptions shows a satis- fyin*onformity with the data of the experiments. On account of the results of the experiments the water jet, which flows out of a 5-6 liter receiver at supersonic velocity, may be looked upon as well smoothed with regard to the impulse-pressures and consequently also with regard to the impulse-velocities.There are 5 figures, 2 tab- les and 3 Slavic references. s/l2o/6o/ooo/oo4/Ol3/028 0. Tplo E073/E435 AUTHORS: Vereshchagin, L.F., Galaktionov, V.A., and Popov, V.V. TITLE. On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Pressures up to O,lM atm at Temperatures up to 200'-C PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No.4, pp.io6-"1o9 TEXT.* The possibility of obtaining very high pressures is of considerable interest from the point of view of producing new materials (synthetic diamonds and borazon) and also from the point of view of geophysical and geochemical investigations, It is anticipated that in the near future, metallurgical investigations will be made at very high pressures and temperatures since the effect of pressure on the displacement of the equilibrium cur-Ves of the diagram of state may be considerable, H,T,H-,)Il. (Rev. Scient. Instrum., 1958, 12.9, No.4, 267 - Ref.1) devised an interesting tetrahedral press in which the pressure is transmitted to the specimen by means of a plasti-- solid body without additionally introducing an element in the liquid pk'iase. The size of the pressure zhamber is also larger than that of the design developed by Bridgman. The authors were Intereated in Investigating the possibility of obtainIng high pregsures by thi-;, Card 1/16 87X4 S/120/60/000/004/013/0-e_8 E073/E435 On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Preisures up to O.lMatm at Temperatures up to 200 nC method and also the obstfticle.,: inlr,:oived In intrea:iing further the pressure and the temperature in equipment of this type. For this purpose, an equipment consisting of four hydraulic- p.resser, arranged in the apices of a tetrahedron was designed and tested. The- pistons with end pieces, as shown in Fig.l., -compress a plastI.I.: solid body in the form of a tetrahedron with sides of about 10 mm. The photograph (Fig.1) shows iups (a) whiCh, if suitably arranged,-K. effect the compression of the plastic solid body in the form of a tetrahedron, The same figure shows a tetrahadron from pyrophyllite in various stages of preparation of the containerffb)- initial tetrahedron during fitting of the container; (B) substance under, investigation which serve)s simultaneously as -the heating element). The container is intended for housing the material to be investigated and also serves as a electric heating element. The electrical circuit- for heat;ng lie container consists of tups which are insxxla~ed from the body and a container in the form of a metallic tube with Metalli,_ Card 2/6 6 7.3r 1 4 S/120/60/000/004/013/028 E073/E435 On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Pressures up to O.lMatm at Temperatures up to 200% strips are welded to the covers which pass from the pyrophyllite tetrahedron along its edges and are in conta--t with the tup.s. The high current density for a voltage of a few V is obtained by using two-stage stepdown transformers. The temperature is evaluated from the fusion points of certain metals that are placed inio the high- pressure zone. Fig.2 shows a photograph of the apparatus, TheF force coupling between the hydraulic rylinders zan have various forms. In the given case, the cylinders are 'Linked by columns which are in tension when the specimen is in ~_,ompresslon. The large diameter of the columns is due to the desirability of reducing the stresses in order to eliminate any changes in the direction of the axes of the cylinders during the pro-cess of compression. To ensure initial convergence of the-, ::ylinder axes strictly in the centre of the tetrahedron, the lingth of the columns 1 tan be varied by means of regulating nuts 2, located on both sides of the flanges 3, on which the cylinders 4 of ths hydraulic presses are fixed, To observe the deviation from the Card 3/6 S/12o/6o/ooo/oo4/0l3/028 E073/E435 On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Pressures up to 0.1 Matm at Temperatures up to 200~-C correct position of the axes of the -_,ylinder, the tups are substituted during the calibration by rods with sharp tips. The ends of the rods should converge into one point and the angles between the rods should be equal. In spite of the very careful initial adjustment of the cylinders and of the tups, there were short-circuits in the heating circuit, indicating thm at large Y pressures (exceeding 50000 atm) the position of the tups differs from the initial one. Strain-gauge measurements showed that the tensile stresses in the individual ~~olumns may differ very greatly (by a factor of up to 2) and this is attributed to disturbances in the symmetry of the compression of the pyrophyllite tetrahedr-on, To localize the moments arising in the ease of nonsymmetric loading in the press the tups can be prevented from shifting by using pull rods, which apparently has been done In the design of Holl, It was established that inside the pyrophyllite tetrahedron the pressure increases linearly with increasing forces in the hydraulic cylinders until such time as tha Card 4/6 8737,', 3/120/60/000/004/0 E073/E435 On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Pressures tip to O.lM atm at Temperatures up to 200% thickness of the pyrophyllite film at the side faces of the tups is reduced to hundredths and thousandths of a nuii. After that, a further increase in the force of the hydraulic presses does not result in an increase of the pressure of the specimen since the tups transmit the pressure to each other without compressing the pyrophyllite in the centre. The pressure which could be recorded in an equipment of such a type was 70000 to 80000 atm. It was established that the principle of Holl is correct. However, its practical realization leads to numerous difficulties which are analysed in this paper. There are 3 figures and 3 references: I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR (Institute of High-Pressure Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 5/6 8 S/120/0/40oo/oWolVo28 E073/E435 On a Tetrahedral Holl Press for Producing Pre.-~sures up to O.lMatin at Temperatures up to 2000C to 1'1~ P.c. i. nauGonee cYL9ecTDC't"UC AMM, yeTanonuit. a - mHowhim, 6 - mexoA. 11LIft TeTpa3AP B "POttecce monmwa moit- TeftiMpa, 6-HOUTC1111CPAIIII IICCRCAYe- moro DenjCcTiia; oit me - aneitTponarpcna- TUM111A DROICHT Card 6/6 PuC. 2. 06111101 1311;jTC,'PaIAPII'IeCK0r0 nPORMCa- Honounw, 2 - peryinipommue raftKii, - ~.aamtw, 4 - rimpau.11111-101c BPeccbl S/020/60/132/05/24/069 B014/B125 AUTHORS: Vereshohagin, L. F., Galaktionov, V. A., Semerchan, A. A Slesarev, V. N. TITLE: A Hi -pressure and High-t Apparatus With Conic Dies PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1960, Vol. 132, No. 5, PP- 1059 - 1061 TEXT: The diagram of the apparatus described here is shown in Fig. 1. The two 1,12nically pointed diepliroduce the high pressure in the cylin- drical working area of a matrix. The matrix is pressed into protective rings to prevent its deformation. Fig. 2 gives a total view; Fig- 3 shows the matrix with the dies. The working area has a final diameter of 11 mm, and a height of 25 mm. The dependence of the temperature in the middle of the working area on the output of the heater in graphi- cally represented in Fig- 4. Studies at pressures of 60-709000 kg/OM 2 are being carried out on the apparatus at presentq at which tempera- Card 1/2 A A High-pressure and High-temperature Apparatus 51020V6011321051241069 With Conic Dies B014/B125 tures up to 20000C are reached. By means of this apparatus it could be determined that Armoo iron which was melted at a pressure of T09000 atm and exposed at 20000C was unusually hard after slow cooling. This ef- fect must be more closely investigated. There are 4 figures and 3 ref- erences: 1 Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Tna+i+"+& fnr R4gh Prannisre Physion of the Academy of Sciencen of the USSR) PRESENTED: March 11, 1960, by G. V. Kurdyumov, Academician SUBMITTED: March 1, 1960 Card 2/2 GALAKTIONOV, V.A. Induction heating of die-casting molds. Prom. energ. 16 no.4:4-6 Ap 161. (,',MIA 11~:q) (Induction-heating) (Die casting) S/030/62/000/007/004/004 1007/1207. -AUTHOR: Galaktionov, V.A. Candidate for Technical Sciences TITLE: High-pressure-research apparatus PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSR. Vestnik. no. 71 1962, 73-76 TEXT; This is a brief review,on recent results obtained both in the USSR and abroad, in the design and construction of, new high-pressure equipment. For pressure's up to 1000 kg,/CM29 Soviet industry produces in series the H)KP (N%hR) type pump.- For pressures ranging from 12060 to 15000 kg/cm2, the Soviet scientist L.P. Vereshchagin developed a continuous-operating hydroco~ipressor. The works of foreign scientists, F.V. Bridgeman, Card 1/2 -s~/-03C)/6L,)000/007/004,"004'-.' 1007/1207 High-pressure :~es'earch. E. Lloyd, England, and P.R. Boyd, on high-pressure research and- equipment are described, and the design of a new appartus for pressures up to 170,000 kg/cm2' developed by Vereshchagin is out- lined. 'With this apprn-cus, Vnreshchagin and co -%Yorkers developed a new structural modification Of Si02, Sermed Stipoverit, charac- fjerized by a much higher density than the natural mineral. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 C A L', 11, T YC NO V , V . A- . Forests and Forestry - Study and Teaching Conference of the forestry department of Tomsk Universit," Les. khoz. 5, No. 7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September -100M Unclassified. GAUKTIONOV, V. D. Kanal VolgaDon. L The VolgaDon Canalj. Hosk7a, Vodnyi transport, 1939. 54 p. illus., maps. DLC: HEI;66.V6G3 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliw-rUhX. Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassifiedg AKHUTIN, A.K., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, professor, inshener-polkovnik; KADIR, YA.M., rediaktor; GAL&UINOV, V.D., redaktor; KAJACHZV, S.G., takhnicheakiy redaktor. [Transformation of the rivers of the U.S.S.R.] Proobrazovanle rek SSSR. Moskva, Voennoe isd-vo, Voennogo Ministerstva Sotuss, M, 1950. 88 p. [Microfilm] (KLPA 8:1) (Rivers) GAIAKTIONOV, V. F. I'Vulga-Don Canal", a pamphlet in the German language prepared by V. B. Galaktiono-~-., Chi6f Geologist on the canal; printed in moscow, 1953. Cont,ains a pictorial account of information relevant to the canal construction, the equ"Liment used in the construction, the type ships using the canal, the power station of Minlyamskaya, the lock systen, used on t1le canal, and the operation thereof. k fully automatic concrete factory is mentioned., a turbo generator manufactured for the power plant in the Elektrosila plant in Leningrad and a group of Len.ngrad scientists experimenting in a Lenl.nrrad factory in the laboratoiy for high voltage current technique for long distance lines. D 1~- IN 1-5-Y ~) -13 ,qf )-. 5 Y GALAKTIONOV, V. D. Volgo-Donskoi kanal. , no. 2 (12) L The Volga-Don Canal. (Sovetskii Soiuz, 1951 p. 5-8, t1lus., map), To be put in operation in spring of L952. The same article is also given in the English edition of the periodical. DLC: Slavic unclass. SO: Soviet Transj2ortation and Communications, A Bibuoaaphy. Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington. 1952, Unclassified. GALAKTINOV, Vaailiy Dmitriyovich. ..... . [Roi~.te to the ocean; the Lenin Volga,-Don Navigation Canal] Doroga. na okean; o Volgo-Donskom sudokhodnom kanale imeni V.I.Lanina. Moladaia gvardita, 1952. 78 p. (Microfilm] (Volga-Don Canal) (MLRA 7:11) GAIAKTIC'NOV, -VSILIY Dr"ITRIYEEVICH. The V. I. Lenin Vol,- -Don _'.1-tip;Ing Canal. a House., 105.1 37 p. illus. 2 EU C'C-S FU I a ~bscov, For itm Llan. ag b ishin. 429N15 7r6.122 .G1 GAUKTIONOV, V.D., kandidat geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk. 09 From the Northern Donsts River to the Donets Basin. Hauka i zhizn' 22 no.1:4-6 J& 155. (HLBA 8:2) (Donets Basin-Gawas) GALUUIONCV,V.D., kandidat e;eologo-mineralogiche3kikh nauk I--------- On the Volga, at Stalingrad. Nauka i zhizn' 22 no-7:4-6 Jl 155. (MLRA 8:9) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) lira" lilt Ituflagni kWN'YLT, T.L.; BAUM, V.A.; EAUKGARTXU, N.K.; BRUZIN, V.D.; BIRYUK07, I.K.; BIR7MOV, S.K.; BUKHIN, S.I.;,BOROVOT, G.A.; BULW, K.Z.; BURAKOV, N.A.; V3RTSAYZAR, B.A,; VOVK, G.K.; VCWVJ, B.A.; VOSHCHININ. A,P.; Imnd. tekhn. nauk; GAWIN, Te.K.; GILIDMIAT, Tai.ll., kand. tekhn. muk; GIYZBUM, K..K.; GLIBOT, P.S.; GODIS. N.G.; GOWACHW, T.N.; GRZHIB, B.T.; G1131M)V, LoYe, lmd, a,-I&a mank; . I.Ta.; DARILOV. A.G.; DKITRIYU. I.G.; DKITRIYXWO, Tul ; DOHMMOV, D.M.; DUBININO L.O.; DUNDUKOW, K.D.; ZHOLIK. A.P.; ZIMMICH. DJ,; ZIXWW, 764T.; ZIMASKOV, S.T,; ZUBRIK, K.M.; KA OV, 1.7.; KlffAZXV. S.N.; KUWAY117, N.M.; KOVARIVSKIT. T.T.; KOSMO, V.P.; KOMISTOW. D.V.; KOSTROV, I.N.; KOTLYARSUY, D.M.; KRIVSKIY, M.N.; ICUZHWSOV. A.Ya.; LAGARIKOV. N.I.; IOAWV, T.G.-, LI131ACHU, V.P.; LOONOV, P.I.; KATSKATIGH, K.k.; XHLllTXM=O, K.I.; )WMLITICH, I.R.; HIOAYIOV, A.V.. kand. takhn. nauk; MUSIYWA. R.N.; NATANSOX, ~J.; NIKITIN. K.V.; OM, I.S.; OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIPOV, A.D.; OSIMg N.A,; PJM(rr, V.I.; FMSMIN, G.A., prof.; PlYAW&A, Yej.; HAMPUT, Ta.D.; RUIVY, N.P.; ROZANOV, M.P., Imnd. biol. pauk; ROCIUMV, A.G.; RUB331CHIK. A.M.: RIBMEUSKIT, V.S.; SADCHIKOV, A.V.; UMISTSOV, V.A.; SIMMO. P.M.; SINYATSUTA, V.T.; SITAROVA. M.N ; SXNOVIKOT. K.S.; MVITSKIY. Ye.A.; STOLUROV, B.P. [deceasedj; SUDZILOVSKIT, A.O.; SUTSOVA, Te.D.. kand. takhn. nank; FILIPFSKIY. T.P.; KHALTURIN, A.D.; TSISHWSKIY. P.M.; CHEREASOV, M.l.; CHEWSHN. A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SHMOPAL, A.O.; SH901M, P.A.; SHISMIO, G.A.; SHCHMM, I.S.; AWAL'. 7.F.; UKOBSON, A.G.; TAKUB07, P.A., AMKHMJLISKIY, (Continued on next oard) ANDON YH7, V. L.... (contimled) Card 2. Ye.A., retsenzent, red.; AKHIJTIN, A.H., reteenzent, red., RITA U. S. , reteenzeni, red.; BARLBANOV, V.A., retsenzent, red.; BATUM, Y P.D.: retsenzent, red.'-, BORODIN, P.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent, red.; VALUTEKIY, I.I., kaud, tekhn.*uauk, retsenzeut, red.; GRMMI7HV..V-M-. 'kand. tekhn. Uauk, reteenzent, red.; GUBIN, N.Y., retoonzent, red.; GUDAYIff. I.I., retsonsent, red.; YMOLOT. A.L. Imind. toldm. nauk, reteenzent, red.; KARAUlOV, B.F., rietsenzent, red'; KRITSKIY,'S.11., doktor tokhn' mauk, retoeinzent, red.; LICIN. V.V.: retsenzent, red.; LIUKIN, V.V.' retsen2ent' red.; WSKIN. Z.D.. reteenzee., red.; XkTRIROSOT, A.Kh., retsenzent, red.; MENIWAY117, D.M.0 retsenzent, red.; 9023LI, M.P., doktor tekhn. uauk, retsenzent, red.; aBRMOV, S.S., retsenzent,' red.; PBMSIEWI, P.N., retsenzent, red.; POLTAKOV, L.M.. reiteenzent, re'd.; RUMYANTSIIV. A.M., retsonzent, red.- RYABCHIKOV, Ye.I., retBensent, red.; ST&SWOV, N.G., reteen- sent: red ; TAXANVIV, P.P., retsenzent, red.; TAM30VSKIY. S.V I prof', do~;or tekhn. naiak,'retaenzent, rod.: TT77M 1, R.R.. ret;en- sent: red.; PADORW, Ye.M., retsenzent, red.; SHWYAKOV, M.N., retsenzent, red.; SHM&KOV, X.I., retsenzeut, red.; ZHUK, S.Ta. [deceased], akademik,'glavnyy red.; RUSSO, G.A., Imud. tokhn. nauk, red ; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOIKOV, L.W., red.; GRISHIT, M.K., red.; i~aill, V,D,, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KOSTROV, I.N., red.; LIKHACHW, V.P., red.; MEDV3DEV, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk. red.; MIOAYWY. A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk. red.; FATROV. G.D., red.; RAZIN, N.V., red.; SOBOLEV, V.P., red.; FMIGIR, B.P., red.; FRZYGOM. (Continued on next card) ANDONOYEV, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Ye.F., red.; TSYPLAKOV, V.D. [deceased], red.; KORA3LINOV. P.N., tekhn. red.; GIMIN, Ye.M., tekhn. rail.; KAGHIEWSM, N.V., tekhn. red. [Volga-Don; technical accoi~nt of the construction of the V.I. Ienin Volga-Don Navigation Canal, the TSimlyansk Wdroelectric Center, and irrigation systems] Volgo-Don; teldinicheskii otchet o stroitell- stve Volgo-Donske-go sudokbodnogo kama:La imeni V.I. Unina, TSim- lianekogo gidroutla i orositellnykh eooruzhenii, 1919-1952; V Piati tomakh. Moskva, Cos. energ. lzd-vo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Gbohchee opisanie soomshenii. Glav. red. S.I&. Zhuk. Red. toms M.M. Grishin. 1957. 319 P. Vol.2. [Organization of con- struction. SPOCiELliZed operations in hydraulic enginoering] Orga~ nizatsiia, stroitellstm'n. Spetsiallnye gidrotakhnicheskie raboty. (Gent1m.,ed on next card) ANDONIM, V.L.... (contimied) Card 4. Glav. red. S.IA., Zhuk. Red. toma I.H. Kostrov. 1958. 319 P. I OGHA 11:9) 1. Rwaia (1923-- - U.S.S.R.) Ministerstva olektrostantaii. Dymro, tekhnichookogo otcheta o stroitellet-re Tolgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent Mmdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Daystvitellzv7' chlen Akademii t3troitelletva i arkhitektnry SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Tol,,m,a Don Canal-Hydraulic engineering) KOGAN, Yakov Llvovicht kand.geol.-mineral.naukj q&LUTIONOV9 V.D.9 kand.geol.- mineral.naukt nauchnyy red,,; MARIYANSKXY, YO*S.,, inzh.p retsenzent; DMUKOVp M.D.9 b3shri reteensentj WV]ffSKIY, Ye.S.j, insh., retsenzent; DVOUINg L.M. 9 tekbn,,red. [Unit for performing shear tests on BoUsl Ustanovka dlin ispytanii 6MMtbT Zia advig. Moskva,, 1959. 29, p. (Mu~cow. Vgeg*juzqyj proektno- iWakatel.lskii i rianobno-iseledovatel.liskU institut 961droproaktu imeni S.IA.Zhuk. 1ekbuicbeokoe soobshcheniev no.6). WMA 13312) ($oil neohanics) (f6sting-machlnes) FEDOROV, L.T., kand.tekhn.neuk; LEONTIYEVSKIYO B.B.; GILIMBUT, Ya.D.,; KORENISTOV, D.Y.; ROSSINSKIr, K.I., kand.tekhn. nauk; KUZIMIN, I.A., kand.takhn.nauk; K011DUTSKAYA, A.A., inzh.; IiISAR-KUKHAKEDOVA, G.N., inzh.; FANOVA, G.M., iiazh.; ROZONSTVKNSKIT, G.L.. insh.; SIMIKOLENOV, A.S., iuzh.; TSMVSKIT, S.V., inzh.; ZEUKOVA. K.F., inzh.; GRISHIN, M.K., retsenzent; KRITSKIT, S.N., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; MMCMI , M.P. , doktor te1dxn.naukg red.; DATARICKa- T.D., kand.geol.-min.nauk, red.; ZAVALISfIN, I.S., inah.. red.; KALTSM, N.A., in2h., red.; KLMAYLOV, A.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; PSTROV, G.D., inzh., red.; RAPOPORT, Ta.D., red.; RUSSO. G.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, glavnyy red.; WASTITANOV, V.L. inzh., red.; TITOV, S.V., in2h., red.; TISTROVA, O.N.. red.; LARIONOV, G.Te., [Hydrology and water economy of the Volga-Don] Gidrologiia i vodnoe knoziaistvo Volgo-Dons. Pod red. S.N.Kritskogo i M.F.Mankelia, Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo, 1960. 146 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyasnyy proyektao-izynkatel'skly i nauchno-isaledo- vatellskiy institut *Gidroproyekt" inxini S.Ta.Zhuk. 2. Deystvitell- nyy chlen Akademii stroitellstva i arlihitnktury SSSR (for Grishin). (Don River--WBter resources development) GALAXTIONOV, V.D., kand.geol.-miner.nauk Alluvium as foundation for hydraulic structures. Trudy Gidroproekta 3:7-62 16o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Otdel inzhenernoy geologil Vsesoyuznogo proyektuo-isynkatelf- skogo i nauchno-isoledovatellskogo institute. PGidroproyekto imeni S.Ya.Zhuka. (Soil mechanics) (Alluvium) (fVdraulic engineering) GALAXTIONOVO V.-D. W; Improve economic indices. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 10 no.l: 1 _20 V90. (NIRA 13:5) 1. Direktor elektrovatl, geXurgulle (Kurgan--Blectric power distribution) GALAKTIONOV, V., inzh.; SERGEYEV, N., inzh. New type of dredger for the Amu Darya. Rech. tranop. 22 no.2: 29-31 F 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Amu Darya River-Dredging machlnery) r, I. L 23411-66 EWT (d)/EWP (c)/EWP iv)/T/E-,d P (k)/ET- P (1 )/ETC (m)-6 ACC N1. AP6004141 SOM= CODE: UR/0125/66/000/001/0069/0072 AUTHOR: Baran, To. S.; Calaktionov, V. 1. ORG: Mosrentgan Plant TITLE: Vray *!2aratua for detecting flaws In welded joints SOURCM. 4vtoodiftbaskaya. avarka, no. I' i966," 69-72. 1OPIC TAGS:. z~ray detection, x ray apparstuss flawidetecti6n, ste4ill aluftinulh~' 10taliurgic tbstin_g'~machine/ !!UP-k x ray, flow detector Lb ~O luTiL Ile two types of portable industrial x-o'rsy apparatus, the Am. a authors descK RUP-120- and the RUP-200-5 urrently,manufactured by the Mosrentgen Moac W. XA qu p"p t Plant ----- F_ thei 10,gthe 'ay 0/ I as we I as their new, improved versions liUP-156- RUP-15 9 01300-10*Fand the RUP-400-5, whose oerial production at this plant ia~scheduled to begin in 1966. Apparatus of this kind Is designed for the radioscopic examination of'rel- atively inaccessible areas of weldments and structural eleme~is in shops, hangfre, shipyards and an construction siftes as'well an under field conditions in the presence of an ambient air temperature of from -10 to +35*C and relative humidity of up to 80%. The various designs of this apparatus generally have in Icommon the following parts: 1. X-ray and transformer unit represented by an oil-filled tank containing a Card 1/2 UDC-. 658.58:620.179. I JillM USSP"Iraectricity FD-1115 card i/1 Pub. 41-9/13 Author : Stekol'nikov, I. S., and Galaktionov, V. I., Moscow Title : A study of the characteristics of a long spark, III. Channel stage of spark in the "rod -- rod on surface" gap. Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 5, 105-118, May 1954 Abstract : Presents results of systematic study of Yarious parameters of the channel stage of a spark discharge in a "rod -- rod on plane gap from 100 to 400 cm long. Examines speed of the leader heads at the moment of their approach by using electrooptical shutter. Reveals transitional stage from leader to main channel by means of oscillo- grams of current which are synchronous with photos of the leaders. Photographs, diagrams, graphs. Three references. Institution : Submitted : April 19. 1954 ~x n t- R < Vk C), ~ C, kjj V - 1 , SMOLINIXOT. 1.S.; GALLITIONOT, T,1, I Reatrio potentl#ls In long-~pan cables struck bjv lightning and the selection of minisium Ustances between the sv~ppor- t1mg cable and the aeadmating wire. Isv. Al BMU Ott. tskh. nank no. 9*'-O-~34,5 054. (KMA M) (11160trIC lines-Overhead)(Lightning) RAMZES, B.Ya.; NISNEVICH, bf.-L.; GAL (T_TOffD3E,_Y_T_, inzh., retsenzent; BOGOSLOVSKIY, V.A., inzh., nauchn. red.; KOMAROVSKAYA, L.A., tokhn. red. [Quality control of crushed stone, gravel, and sand for build- ing work) Kontroll kachestva shchebnia graviia i peska dlia stroitelinykh rabot. Moskva, Gosstrojjzdat, 1963. 191 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Sand and gravel industry-Quality control) (Stone, qrushed) GAIAKTIONOV, V.I., inzh. Causes of increased vater requirement of mortars and concretes containing fine sand, BetA zhel.-bet. 9 no.5%224 My 163. (MIRA 16:6) (mortar) (Concrete) BEREZIN, D.V., inzh.; GAULKTIO~'103~./..I., inzh. Influence of the forms of agg--Rgates upon the strength of concretes and mortars. Stroi.. mat. 9 no,7:15-17 J1 163. (MM 16:11) BARAN., Ye.3,; GALAKTIONOV, V.I. .- ... -- - I - ~ 11 X-ray units for industrial flaw dot-action. Gos.nnuch.-issl.inst.nauch. i tekh,inform. (Noneestructive testinfr) (X-Rays-r-iidustrial applications) Biul-tekh.-ekon. inform. 16 no-5:24-28163. (MIRA 16:7) ANT1PASHINY N.M,, inzh.; GALAKTIONOV, V.I., inzh.; YESHCHENKO, T.I., inzh.; YAKUNICREV, V.I., inzh.; YAKONYUK, N.S., inzh.; LENEKHOV., V.N., kand. tekhn. nauk Preparation of fine natural sand. Stroi. mat. 10 no.l; 25-26 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:5) KURCHENKO, L.N.;. GAIAKTIONOV, Ye.A. . ............ Helmint6 of.Wdrine x1odents in some districts of Sverdlovsk Pr'ovince. Uch.zatjUrGU no.31:96-107 !59. (MIM 14:5) verdlovsk Province-Wormap Intestinaland, parasitic) (Paranites-Roaentia) UJAKTIONOV, Yu.I. Analyzing static stability of complex power systems. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 18 no* 2:16-25 165. (M,IRA 18:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektro- energetiki. Submitted Septemb,--r 19, 1964. L 10654-63, EWT(m)/BDS--ESD-3--R~j ACCESSION NR: AP3001217 S/0078/63/008/906/1395/13'99~ AUTHOR: Galaktionov, Yu. P.; Arstakhov,L.V.. TITLEt Spectrophotome!rr~iaM udy of.: samarilun (III) -and e~ropl !'(III with diethylenetriaminepentaacatic acid SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii,'v. 8, no. 6, 1963, 1305-1-399, TOPIC TAGS: triv4ent Sm, Eu, spectrophotometry, acidulation-constant instability constant ABSTRACT: The.complexing of'trivalent.Sm and'Eu in aqueous solu~~ons~wiWdi6thy- studied- comp'.10kes are'Nmed: lenetriamine pent-aacetic acid was . the follo" ~il Me sub 2 X sup + (PH 0.9-1.3); Me H X sup.1 (only for Sm ;, and Me I sup ~r (PH 1.3-1.9). Acidulation and instability constants were determined for the'd'omplexes. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 1 table, 6 equations. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnol:o0i im. M,iV. Ldmono-, sova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology) susaTTED: 3ooot62 DATE ACQD: o1ju163 ENCL: 00 Card ----------------------------- GALAKTIONOVY Yu.P.; ASTARBOV, K.V. Spectrophotometry of the complexes of rare-earth elements with diethy:Lenetriaminspentaacetic acid. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.11:2493-2497 N 163. Spectrophotometr7 of the complexes in the system neodymium (111) - hexamethylonediaminetetraacetic acid - acetic acid water. Ibid..62498-2506 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy teklinologii imeni Lomonosova. 1iI',N*,,,;9Fif4 MrSHIRM 11.11. ?11111 W.F.WfIf U11 19i 411 HAR-1:141 F1 11 1111MMIMM IMUM1111fiVifiYujillgil L 169?2~&3 EWT(M)/BDS ESD-3 RM S/076 lie" 71! 7 /153/037/004/012,1029:. AUTHM Galaktionov, Yu. P. p, Lidin, Re A., ~.Astakhov,~ K'. V.: 3TM75TF-a7pic investigation of'~omplex formatin at,ween europlum TITLE: Po n b and ethylenediaminetetraacetic 'acid PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy.khimii, V_,37, No. 4, 1963) 829L_834!: TEXT: The reaction of the complex formation of europium and eu#opium. (II) with ethylenediaminetetraaceti---acid in an acid medium'(pH 4.0),is studied polarographically. The-half-wave:reduction potential of th6 com-olex Eu~(Iil) Y_: is found to be -0.975 volts (Sat. cal. el.). The non-stability Constant of:the complex Eu (III) Y- (pKLfir)r ~ 17.03) which is obtained::polarographically with the help of Schwarzenbach s method is valid for 20 degrees and an.ionic strength-, ofAt = 0.1 (Li2SO4). The polarographic diffusion constants of hArated eur6pium~ (III) and europium (II) ions are equal respectively to 6.0 10-:6- and 8.9.~ '10-6 5.1 cm2 - see-1. -71he instability constant of the complex of diValen 't europium with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid is determined for the first'.time. 1ts value~:at 20 degrees and an ionic strength ofAL = 0.1 (Li2SO4) is found to be 1.32 - 10-12: and pKEU(II)y2- = 11.88, There are 4 tables and 1 graph. The most, important Eaglish-language reference reads as follows: E. J. Wbeelwright):F., H..Spedding,, Card 1/2 A=_RR_%TV6003643 SOURCE CODE: UR/0078/65/0101010/2386/2389 3,5 AUTHOR: ,Galaktion2n Yu. P.; Astakhov, K, V.; Zhirnova.L N. Me ORG: Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technol~AX;im.iMp V, Lom 6no4ov. (Moskovskiy inatitut tonkolr kh1m cheakoy FWKG_odogrfr~ TITLE: Complexing of neodrmium.(III) with ethyXentdiaminetetraucetic acid in aqueous solutions ky khimii, v. 10, no... 10.' 19650 2386-2388 -SOURCE: Zburnal neorganichesk TOPIC TAGS: comElex olecii-lev neodymium compound,'I specIt.rophotometric analysis ABSTRACT: Complexing between Nd3* and EDTA was studied~, with an' sr-~ spectrophotometer, and the pH was measured with:aiLP-'5.8'potentio'meter with glass and calomel-electrodes. From the absorptioi spectra' -b..f neo- dymium perchlorate in the presence and absence of;EDTAJ and also!fr6m a study of the absorption spectra of a series of4olutions with:a co'n-. stW ratio of NO to EDTA b ,ut changing pH values~,, concluded',tha," NO forms a complex of a Single composition with EDTA. The for'iiation of this complelElstarts at jpH 1.2 and ends at pH 2.:4. Between pH:2.4, and pH 10, no change was observed in the optical d.ensiiy in the'series UDC: 546.657~.*. 541.49 1/2 Card ACC NRs AP6003643 of solutions (PH values above 10 were not used). The maximum on them diagram of the isomolar series (at PH 3.5) shows that a~complex of 1';l composition is formed. On the basis of these data~ the-reaction 'of com. plex formation at PH 1.2-2.4 i's represented by,the..'generial.equation + nH+. me++ He-my' Mello-m-%y" where n was found to have two values: n 2 (pH 1:!2-16:0)'and n 3 (PH 1.8-2.4). Considering the predominant forms of;~disiociationbf EDTA in those PH intervals, the complex formationjo represented a follows: Met.+ + HtY UeH:Y+ + 2H+ (PH 1,2-t,B) and' (la M(13+ + 113y- - Mey- + 311+ .(pit 1,8-2,4). Acidolysis constants were calculated for reactions.'U*a)~and (lb)' 'an& dissociation constants were determined for the complexesformed hy tbese,' reactions. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: ~23Jan65/ ORIG REF~:. 004/ OTH..REF.-J!0:03 2 C /2 ard L 45576-66 EWT m)/EWP(j)j/EV1P WETI IJP(4-) JD/JG/RM AP6027189 18V ACC NR, SOURCE CODES UR/0078166/olf/666 i81V '-AUTHORS Galaktionavp Yu. P.; Astakhoyp K. V ORGI Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical TechnologX im. K. V. Lmnonavoy (Moskovskiy Ir stitut tonk*7 kh1zich9skoy tokhnologii) TITIS& CoWlexing of samarium (111) and europium (III).with acetic acid In aqueous solution . . All SOURCES Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimiig v. 119-n6. 89 19661 1813-1816 TOPIC TAGS1 samarlum compoundp wwropium compoundp acetic acid ABSTRACT9 The complexing of Sm3+and Eu3+ ions with acetic acid (me) in aqueous solu- tion was studied spectrophotometric,-Ily in order to determine the composition of th*- acetate complexes formed at a constant MeNc ratio as a function of the PH. It was, found that at an HAc concentration of 0.1 mole/l (9~9/cHm = 1:33)j, at least three , COMDlexesla" formed in the solutions 149A02+, M9Ac2 , and XeAc3(for both samarium and europium). The limits of PH values atwhich the complexe's predominate were found: MeAcz+ predominates in the PH range of 3.5-3.8 (for Sm) and 3-3.7 (for Eu); M9Ao2+' at 3-8-4-3 (Sm) and 3.7-3 .9 (Ea); M*Ac I at PH > 4.3 (for Sm) and > 3.9 (for EV). The acidolysis and dissociation constan a of these complexes were determined. Orig. art. 2 has$ 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE$ 07/ SUBM DAT91 1,10A64/ ORIG REFS 0051 OTH REFS 005 UDC1 547.2921165.9-3 .29vi66. ,ard J- SOURCE CODE: tM/3138/65/000/3NT3 AUTHOR: Bayatyan, G. L,; Galaktionov, yu. V.; Zeltdovich., 0. Ya.; Landeberg, L. -,G ORG: &yatyanj institute of Physics GX1AE, Yerevan (Institat fiziki GUM, Yerevan) T=LE: Iarge scintillation counters and couaters for operation in magnetic fields SOURCE: USS. Gosudsistvennyy konit'et po, ispol I zov"iyu atomnoy energii. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady,,no. 373, 1965- Bol'shiye stsintillyatsionwn.e schetchiki i schetchiki dlya, raboty v magnitnykh polyakh, 1-16 TOPIC TAGS: scintillation counter photomaltiplier,.,mapetic field, light wave ABSTRACT: Large scintillating counters aad long light guides are essential for work-- in the area of strong magnetic fields. The authors have tested a variety of such counters in their experiments. The counters differed in shape and size of the crystals and length of light guides. In the case of each counter the authors de- termined the dependence of its effectiveness on the voltage of the photomultiplier and, in some cases,, on the area of Dassage of particles through the scintillator. Measurements vere conducted by studyLag cosmic rays and - .a beam gei~erated by the ITEF accelerator under high load conditions.' The signals from the counters entered the high-speed coincidence cirtuits. The resolution period of the circuits ACC NR, AT6oo16_oo was 10-15 n see. From the outputs of these circuits the standard signals proceeded-tc a slow coincidence circuit, which had a resolution of 10-7 see. and an effectiveness of 100%.. The experiments were conducted with large dimension counters).counters operating in strong magnetic fields,-and counters with magnetic field compensation. Measurements of the arnplitude-slectrum of signals from the multipliers, taken with the magnetic field turned on and offp have shown that the activati6a of ihe magnetic field results only in an insignificant, shift of the spectrum toward lower amplitudes OY 15- 20%). The authors thank V. A. I~Yubimova for her useful evaluations and Yu. V, Devyatikh, E. A. Strellnikov, ard V. D. Tarasova for their participation in the measurements. Orig. art. ]um: I formula, 2 tablesj, and 7 figuxess SO CODIC: 18.' SM DATS: 26,Aj265/ ORIG MW: 003/ OM MW: 000 Card 2/2 85706 BOo6/BO70 AUTHORS: Allkhan A~l I., Galaktionov Yu. V..,_Gorodko7, Yu. V..; _ __ L_2v.Z__ i - - X24,iseyev, G. P.,, Ly-ubimov, V. A. TITLE: Measurement of the Chirality of the p-.Meac-L PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperlmentallnoy i taoreticheakoy fi.z-,kj, 1960, Vol. 36, No. 61 pp. 1918 - '4920 TEXT: The muon chirality was measured by thR authors Df the present "Letter to the Editcr" by a method described in Ref.l. The method is based on the measurement of the scattering zross ssotions of polarized muons from polarized electrons. This cross se,~tion dependa -;n the mutual - of f I orientation he spins of the ocIliding particles. An ~-ndependent mea surement of the number of 5 showers was made ` ~,h-.~ showers being released by cosmic muons in magnetized iron and consisting of two or more par- ticles. The experimental arrangement is shown in a Fig. and described in the text. About 500 muons pass through the apparatis every minute, one or two of these produce showers with m=~-3. Up to now 116~000 showers with m~t3 have been recorded. The energies of the shower-producing muons were S/056/60/038/006/049/049/XX Card 1/3 85706 Measurement of the Chirali';y of the g--Meson 5/05 6o/o3a/006/049/049/XX B006YB070 between 3 and 6.5 Bev. The following results were obtained from the. ex... periments: For p4 mesons, -the difference in the number of showers for two different directions of the current in thr- winding of the #-,riangle (Fig,) gives the effect, a+ ~ -007 1 0-41F (s - (N,_'_N_)AN,.N.')); for ~- mesons, a - +0.82 + 0.42. For boM:k signs of the sharges of the mu,on the effect. ig given by s, = 0.58 v 0.29. Thc- value for a 5()% poiar--za-, tion of the muon is 0.6. The sign of the effe,-t corresponds tr, weak V-A interaction, (according to -which the spin of the muon is diretoted opposile to its momenium), that is, to a left-hand c~hirality of th v meson. The probability for the effe-;~; to be zero or negafiv,~ 1v ~~--10 2. The experi- ments are being continued to improve the statistL..,.al. 6.couracy. There are 1 figure and 2 Soviet referen,,-es. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskuy i eksper'Amentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute. of Theoretical and Ex2erimental Physi3s of the Academy of Sciences USSR SUBMITTED: April 29, !960 Card 2/3 S/05 6o/o3a/oo6/049/C,1!,,/~.",,. B006YB070 Legend to the Fig.: I, II, III - hodoscope counters for the determination of the muon trajectories; S - counter series for shower recording; A - iron -0~-oke of the permanent magnet for the determination of the sign of the muons ftbm, their deviation in the magnetic field; iron core of the electro- magnet with triangular cross 6ection in which the muo'ns produce showers; the field in- duced in B attains 14,4bo gauss. L 45992-66 EWT11)/EWT(M)/T Ijp(c) WN 1 XZC _NR: AP6030128 SOURCE CODE; UR1012016610007004100 AUTHOR: Bayatyan, G. L.; Galaktiq!~gy,_Tik, V.; Zeltdovich, 0. Ya.; Landsberg, L. 0. ORG_: [Bayatyan] Institute of Physics GKAE, Yerevan (I stitut fiziki GKAE); Institute of Theoretical and ~bcperimental Physics GKAE, Moscow (Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki GKAE) TITLE: Large scintillation counters t%nd counters intended for operation in magnetic fields SWRCE; Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 56-59 TOPIC TAGS:scintillation counter, particle counter ABSTRACT: The results are reported of testing (a) large (up to 700 x 350 x 15 mm) scintillation counters with one photomultiplier and (b) long-lightguide counters capable of operating in strong magnetic fields.'The large counters with 190--250-mml* lightpipes were illuminated by a gamma~ beam from CS.137; the irregularity of light collection was found to be 40~ or less. The effect of the scintillation-crystal shape on the efficiency of paxticle recording was also explored. In the second type: of counters, the ambient magnetic field was eliminated by either a compensating magnetic field derived from a special solenoid or by using lightguides long enough (1500--1800 mm) for locating the photomultiplier in a (50--100-oe) region perzmitti4 Card 1/2 UDC: 939.1.074.3 L 45992-66 ACC NR: AP6030128 application of magnetostatic shields. In one case of magnetic compensation, the counter operated with an efficiency of 0.997. "In conclusion, the authors wish thank V. A. Lyubimov for usefxLl discussions and graduate students Yu. V. Devyaty- Ye. -A. Strelinikov, and V. D. Tarasov for their part in measuremenUs_.11 Orig. art.- has: 4 figures, I formula, and 2 tables. JQ_ 71 - SUB CODE - / 9 SUBM DATE: 12Aug65 ORIG REF: 004 ATD PRESS,: ~6'8-7 Card 212 pb L 65207-65 o l ~7- ~SUBMITTED: 02JUnSS NO REP--Sov:z .000 fl : ; jj is i~b rk r4. . 14439-66 EWT(K)/i zjp(,O) NR: AT6002501 SOURCE CODE: UR/3238/65/000/372/0001/0008i, .AUTHOR: GalAtionowL Yu. V.; lanftbe!j, Le G.; Pyubimovq V.~ ORG: none TITLE: Efficiency of scintillction counters in registration of neutrons with a momentum of several bev/c SOURCE: USSRi Gosudaretvemyy.komitat polspollzovaniyu atemnoy *nergii. Instwit 1 teoreticheskoy i eksperimental"noy hzLki. Dokledy, no. 3~2:,: 1965~1* Issledoviniiye~ ? I effektivnosti registratsii neyltronoy a impullsom*neskollko Bev/c stsintillystsioiny-'. mi schetchikazi, 1-8 TOPIC.TAGS: scintillation cow2ter, neutron detector, pion scattering, neutri6n scattering ABSTRACT: The authors studied the efficiency-of scintillation counters for regis- tration of neutrons. The neutrons were produced by plon-neutron,scatterinj 'at angles of 120-1800 from a target of heavy or ordinary water located within icylin- drical spark chamber. The counter signal produced by forward scattered neutrons was Card 1/2 L 14439-66 .0 NR: AT6002501 cc A recorded on an oscillogr~ph while the chamber was simultaneously p .hotographed. The: efficiency of neutron registration was determined by using the photographs to, 'Sort' out backward scattering events. Two-types of scintillation counters were studied. In the first type) a block of scintillating plastic was used for registration of neutrons. The scintillator had a thickness of 280 mm on the path of the neutron. Neutrons were recorded at angles of 1120 from the axis of the~counter. The effi- ciency of,this type of counter vA-as found to be 0.5810.07 for a neutron moment um of. 2.1 bev using data for a heavy vater target. The second type of neutron recorder was made up of three thin (15 mm) scintillation counters with~iron plates 6 cm:thick. in front of each of them. A separate photomultiplier was used for 'scanning each scintillation counter. This type of counter has an efficiency of 0.51 1 0.061for a neutron momentum of 3.0 bev/c. -The authors are grateful to~G.- A.. aty , 0. Ya. Zelldovich and H. N. Luzhetskiy for assistance with the asurements. We are also grateful to M. Ya. Balats for discussing a nimeer of ideas in S:etting up the experiment. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 3 tables. SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 21Ju165/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH~REF: 00V Card 2/2 L 30993-66 -v.1-71(M)/T ACC NR: AT6002498 SOURCE CODE: UR/3138/65/000/350/001/0012 AUTHOR: Alikhanov, A. I.; B~Xatyan, G. L.; Brakhman.-E. V. P.; -; Eliseev, G.- Galaktionov, Yu. V.; Landsbe!j, L. G.; Lyubimov, V. A.; Sidorov, L. V.; Zeldovich, O.-Td-.-; Yetch, F. ORG: none TITLE: w - meson-neutron elastic backward scattering at 1.4-4.0 bev/c SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki. Doklady, no. 350, 1965. Pi sup minus- meson-neutron elastic backward scattering at 1.4-4.0 Bev/c, 1-12 TOPIC TAGS: pion scattering, neutron scattering, elastic scattering, scattering cross section, angular distribution, spark chamber ABSTRACT: The auth?~j study the elastic backward acalle)Z Wreaction w + n 4 w + n I in the 1.38-4.05 bev/c range. A spark chamber %=--~ used with photographic and neu- tron counter registration. The experimental installation was highly efficient in Card 1/2 t 30993-66 ACC NR: AT6002498 recording y-quantum from n0-decays, and the admixture of inelastic events w- + n -* 7r- + n + Xwo+- in the 1700 cases of the elastic backward scattering reactions which were selected for study was no more than 2%. The solid angles for these cases were measured and the absolute cross sections were determined. Tables are given showing the cross section an = cy D20 - 'H2 0 and R = OH20/OD2 0 as functions of energy. The total error in calculation of these cross sections due to necessary corrections for pion-pion and pion-neutron scattering in the ambient medium, electronic efficiency, beam com- Eosition and the shielding effect of nucleons in the deuterium was 25%. Data for an and scan> as functions of energy show some irregularity in the 2-3 bev region which may be due to resonance. Measurements of angular distribution for pion-neu- tron scattering show a minimum in the 162-1800 region. The momentum transfer func- tion is used as a basis for calculating the width of this minimum. A comparison of the experimental data obtained in this paper with those in the literature shows that the cross section duldo is approximately inversely proportional to energy when the momentum transfer is constant. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 00/ ORIG REF:* 000/ OTH REF: 009 Card 2/2 GBKALGV) KJoy kand, aellvkokhoz~ nauk, GALAKTIONOVA, A.A. ........ . .I;, - Dosage and methods for the admixture of mineral components In the commercial production of peat-mineral-ammonim ferti- liters. Trudy VNIITP no.18338-54 161. (MIRA 17t 1) 1- couvaRx U15SH CATEGORY Cultivated Plants. M Grains. Leg=e3. Tropinal Cereals. APS, JOLM. Kh9iol.,- Vo, 31 1959, No. 10917 AUT'iOR rv.LlAtionova' A- M. 73T. L-istituto of the South TITLE On the SelectIon of the Varieties azd Hybrids of Corn. ORIG. PLM. S. kh. Povolzhtya, 1958, No- 4, 47-49. RE T PA G Racalts of t~ia trial (1955 1956) of oorici varieties and by- brLds of lo-ml mncl southern origla on the fialds of the Scientific Rd-s3aroh Agrioulturza Institute of the South- sast, Ponzenskaya, Kuybyshavakaya, agriaultural experiwnt- al station, and Kinaltskaya m"L Kamyshinska~-- breeding stations. With rasp-eat to the yield of drf weight corn, the first plaaaa in the nort.4ezu and northwestern oblasts were taken by the faat,-~buring varietieit VM-OnOxhakaya 76 9-nd hybrid Bazsaah-L*skiy (32-49 centnars/ha). In the aanlrall oblasts of the zone, hIgh yields (-19 centners/ha) were obtAdned from the mid-season and late maturing Vari- CARD: 1/2 CATI-r-iop,y A Bc. , TOLR 1959, 'To. 1.09.1-1 AUTHOR TITL-z ORT0. PUT3. A B S T 9 ACT aties Md bybrid" auko'rizlsk'y 1) V':R 42j, Minn8acta 13; in the "Ore 80'ztherly region, fxVM KmmodarskVa 1/49. I.- F. Kh'76tova CARD: 2/2 . .... .........- GALAKTIONOVA, A. M. How to obtain high yields of millet Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1954. 30 p. .-1 i!f!;:Fv :-it ;It, 1"i ~ Z!I- 'I I I ~ I - - ~ 4" ~ - , , . .1 .."1, 11 ;11- 4 IF:11: ! -, - - GALAXTIONIOVA, A.1% 3534, GALAKTIONOVA, A.M. KukurU2a V Povolzhlo. Saratov, En 12d., 1954 32s. a ill. 20am. 2,0009kz. 40k--(54-57334) P 633.15 (47.8) SO: Knizhnaya Latopial, Vol. 3, 1955 , ~1 It 11 41 i -1,1 ..; -I i: i i ;.; - SHPICHINETSKIY, Ye.S.; ROGELIBERG, I.L.; LUZENBMG, A.A.; GOLOMOLZINA, Yu.A. AGAFONOV, A.K.; Frinimali uchautiye. MOROV, V.M.; GALAKTIONOVA, GjA.~GAVRILOVA, N.G.; SAMSONOV) I.Pq KOPEM~ V.P. Investigating th, ftrkeniW of Alckol Strips during SMWIM1490 Trudy Giprotsvetmetobrabotka no.20:125-135 161. MIRA 15-.2) (Niekel--Heat treatment) (Annealing of metals) RAZENILOVA, N.T-I, GALAKTIONOVA, G.F. Concerning the form of gal21um occurrence in the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits. Geokhimiia no.1:90-92 162. (MIRA 15:2) -f 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokbimii redkikh elemento,W.AN SSSR9 Moskva. (Gallium) (Sulfides) 1 i ; : ! F .. i R 1 ! ~ -1 11 , .'LIUI I- I I ; I ! I :~ I . RAZENKOVA, N.I.; GALAKTIONOVA, G.F. Experimental study of the mode of occurrence of thellium in the oxidation zone of sulfide deposits. Trudy IMME no.18:5-19 163. (MJRA 16.12) ACC NR: A71005344 SOURCE' CODE: UR/0131/67/rjO9/Gc)l/()I:19/0183 AUT Rubinshteyn, B. Ye.; Galaktionova, G. M. OFU; none TITLE: Ferromagnetic resonance in single crystals of bismuth-calcium iron-vanadium garnet SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 9, no.' 1, 1967, 17~-183 TOPIC TAGS: garnet, ferrite, ferromagnetic resonance, line width, line broadening, magnetic anisotropy, crystal lattice structure ABSTRACT: To check on the results previou-sly obtained by one of the authors (Rubin- shteyn, F-L-i v. 6, 3538, 1964) that when the Fe3+ Ions are replaced by V-9+ i ons in a garnet their anisotropy constant decreases and the single-ion model is applicable, the authors measured the ferromagnetic-resonance line width, the effective g-factor, and the anisotropy constant for the garnet B13-_,xCap-xFes-.xVxO,2 with 1.13 < x < 1.46. F"Ine sirgle crystal growing (by A. G. Titova and R. A. Petrov) is described els-ewhere ,(Izv.._A,'; SSSR, neorganicheskiye materialy, in press). The value of x, determined from thellattice parameter, was 1.,13, 1.22, 1.26, 1.35, 1.37, and 1.40". The measure- qqats '--were made on polished spheres of -0.5 mm diameter in a TE,og cavity at 9228 MHz. The-results are presented in the form of plots of the line width Ld the anisotropic constants against the composition and of the effective g-factor and of the an.J1sotrojrj constant against the temperature. Trhe anisotropy is shown to exhibit a weak deper.- A,(;!Z NR- A F,7005344 dence on the composition, and the reason for this is briefly explzLined. 7he I.-Ine width increases with decreasing x, as a result of the fact that the garnet a-p roaches 1! ... -P the compensation point. Me g-factor decreases little on approaching the compensa- tion point. The authors also calculate the anisotropy constant, assuming a sirgle- ion.'model, and find good agreement between the calculated and the experimental values. The authors thank- A. G. Gurevich for a discussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 4 figuies, 4 formulas, and 1 table. suB mD~: 2o/ suBm DATE: i4am66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 009 2/2 OZOLIN, L.T.,.,QALAKTIONOVA, K.N. Ways of inc. "ing iron recovery and concentrates at the Olenogorsk Plant. 1 580 (019nogorsk-Ore dressing) (Iron improving the Obog. rud 3 ores) quality of n0,2:17-23 (MIRA Ilill) SHORSHER, I.N.; GAJAKTIONOVA, K.N. Flotation of 3 no-5:3-9 iron ores vitb '58. (Flotation) i cation collectors. (Iron ores) Obog.rud (MI]RA 12:5) IT; . H TITKOV, N.P.; BOGDANOVA, Z.S.; GALAKTIONOVA, K.N.; KOOVA, M.D.; LAKOTA, B.M.; OZOLIN, L.T.; Prinimali, uchastiyet CHRKOVA, K.I.; ASHITKOV, Yu.R.; SMIRNOV; Ye..A.; PLATUNOV, A.A.; GALICH, V.M.; PATKOVSKAYA, N.A.; VLODAVSKIY, I.Kh.; GORLOVSKIY, S.I. Outlook for introducing the flotation of ferrous metal ores. Gor. zhur. no.9s57-62 S 162. (HIRA 15-.9) 1, VseBoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut makhanicheakoy obrabotki poleanykh lakopayenWkh, Leningrad. (Flotation) (Iron ores) (~knganese ores) it 11 VII MIS MY 111300 it r 9 .1 1 1., v Y~ v _mjs CC. w Ilf-A-4 A-1_1 _j _r_ At 4ta.04: _I_jL_A I I ie 11 J '4VCt%u15 A.0 ..Uptaills w. _41 Moir of llydrollm in the PrAterta of FoArniallow of it 04 Flakeo. (In Rumian ) N. A. CAlktiolovi. larillya - : moo Akideriall Natik SSSR (B Itain At adritty of id th'- Sciences of the USSIU. Section o Technical Sciences. f zoo 01 Nov. 1949. p. 16M 11774. 400 Dt-scrilm-s a wries Of CXlk-Funt-uti imide III cbrify thr f If l i f I d t h f CIO 0 %latus o , in sliv it, ro e ormat on o un e it t ILikes. lit-suits indicate that unrichusent of the int-tal zoo 0e Willi 11, 4~wntialls' changt, its diaracteroti": it i n a silver-ullpite infor and lm~vjurs rv~i%tjnt 14) a uir no* t t l tonosion unch-r normal conditions. Nictli4xi of inves- E KID 114.1n) va'utull folita"r. 1, ig~ktwu. using .1 high-fr" 6wribed. D.4t.t we tabumcd and diart,41. 11 irl. 1 qo Con Sol Res Ins t of Fe""'y t l mg as 4 a p Min of Metallurgical Ind USM . moo tie* S L A RIETALLURWAL LITIERATUNI CLAIISIFICATION led-, -7- 131 Cw 041 lit wb U is to is I r v 0 An I I It rw 0 A N I w 111 9 A] it 3-_ Im cp of a 0 10,0069 Kit 111tt KRU It Ot 0 Ole 0 go* *** 0 41 000 *00 00 900000000000000000,0 USSR/ Chemistry. - Physical- chemistz7 Card i/I Pub'' 22 - 19/40 Authors Galaktionova, N.A. Title Effect of hydrogen on-the properties of &U63"1 Periodical Dok,, AN sSSR 99/3s 411-413t ~ov .1954 As Abstract The possibility of absorbing the hydrogen by cast F*4i-n illoys~,* and the effect of the hydrogen on the properties of theli5tal: were investigoods Analyses, rads by the mathod of hot extraction in vacuums shoved that cast magnetic-solid alloys in solid state.are charaoterized ty conaiderabI4 fluctuations in the hydrogen content and that the Moults of H,4eter~ined- by the absolute value, exceed the'normally defined H-amounts Inisteel. An analysis of a greater number of samples showed that the Fe-Ni-Al alloy die- played a great inclination toward H-absorption.~. The effect of H an the lattice of the investigated alloy was found to be anal,agous to its effect on the lattice of alpha-iron of alloyed steel. :Pour U,SSR refereoces'(1946 - 1949).. Table; graphs. Insti,tution Presented by Academician N.T. Gudtoovv May 5. 1954 7 USSR/Solid State Physice Systems, E-.4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12., 1956, 34667 Author; Galaktionova, N. A.,, Nikiahova, F. B. Institution: None Title: Effect- of Titanium on the Structure of Iron-Cobalt~Aluminum Alloys Original Periodical: Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniye, 1955, 1, No 3, 506-509 Abstract: An investigation was made of the structure of the alnico-5 type alloys with addition of Ti (0.8 - 5%) after hardening (cooling from a temperature of 123000 in a magnetic field at the critical speed), in high-coercive state, and after tempering for an hour at 850o. The investigation methods used were metallography, electron diffraction, X-rays, dilatometry, and the change in the magnetic proper- ties. The added Ti contributes to a breakdown of the )%2 phase, increases the amount of the iron-rich P phase, and lowers the degree of dispersion of the latter. In the absence of Ti, specimens in the high-coercivity state display a broadening of the lines in the X-ray diffraction patterns. In the 0 Ti alloy one observes a resolu- tion of the doublet, a considerable increase in the period of the P phase lattice, and no change in the lattice period of the /52 phase. A treatment of the obtained experiinental results is given. / OR/ - 1 - 18(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3086 Galaktionova Nadezhda Andreyevna Vodorod v metallakh (Hydrogen in Metals) Moscowq Metallurgizdat, 1959. 255 p. Errata slip inserted, 3,200 copies printed. Reviewer: V. I. Yavoyskiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: M. A. Maurakh; Ed. of Publishing House: Ye. V. Dokukina; Tech. Ed.: A. I. Karasev. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel in industrial plants and scientific research institutes. It may also be useful to students taking advanced courses in metallurgy at schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The author discusses the interaction of hydrogen with metals and certain nonmetals, Including adsorption,diffusion, solution, and chemical reaction. Attention is also given to the effect of hydrogen on the electrical, magnetic, mechanical, and corrosion properties of metals and alloys and on the develop- ment of specific defects. No personalities are mentioned. There are 499 references: 97 Soviet, 250 English, 118 German, 21 French Card 115 Hydrogen in Metals SOV/3086 5 Japanese, 2 Dutc)i, 2 Swiss, 1 Swedish, I Czech, 1 Italian, and 1 Chinese. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Ch. I. Basic Physicochemical Properties of Hydrogen 3 Ch. II. Interaction of Hydrogen With Other Elements 11 Some basic assumptions of the theory of chemical bonding 11 Adsorption 17 Diffusion 23 Solution 28 Chemical reaction 47 Ch. III. Hydrogen-Metal Systems 59 Group I of the periodic table 59 Lithium subgroup (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) 59 Copper subgroup (Cu, Ag, Au 64 Card 2/5 Hydrogen in Metals Group II Of the periodic table Beryllium subgroup (Be, Mj, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra) Zine subgroup (Zn, Cd, Hg Group III of the periodic table Scandium subgroup (Se, Pr, Nd, Sm Gd) Boron subgroup (B, Al, Ga, In, Ta~ Group IV of the periodic table Titanium subgroup (Ti, Zr, Hf, TO Carbon subgroup (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) Group V of the periodic table Vanadium subgroup (V, Nb, Ta) Nitrogen subgroup (N, P, As, Sb, Bi) Group VI of the periodic table Chromium subgroup (Cr, Mo, W, U) Oxygen subgroup 0, S, Se, Te, Po) SOV/3086 72 72 80 81 81 86 96 96 ill 120 120 127 133 133 144 Card 3/5