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7: A GALCZYNSKI. Franciazek, inz. .C - -------- Technology of rolling bare with holes for mining drillso Wiad hut 15 no.9:2'14-276 S ;15941 -U uq324--Or ACC -WR,___kP7000232_ SOURCE CODE: PO/0099/66/040/002/03411//00334422 AARTCU, T. and GALDECK1. J,,,, of-tie Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Polytechnic Institute-Vatedra Cheoii Nieorganicznej Folitechniki), CrystAl S~~=ture of Rubidium 11eptachlorodiantimonite RbSb2Cl7'H20 and Rubidium Heptachlorodibismuthi!.e Rb]3i2Cl7'H2011 i 4rsaw, V61 40., N5 2P 1966, pp 341-342. .&A The crystals of RbSb2C:L7-H20 and the isotypic HbB12C17'H20 &b .Lt,r Wr~ondblinic. The unit cells contain 4 molecules. No piezoelectric effect was observed. The space group ia C& - P21/c. The structure of them heptachlorodibismuthate was deterudned using common and differential two- dimensional Patterson eynthesee ant. two-dimensionalelectron density pro- jections.-T~e_ authors thank Professor E. Jozefowicz for encouraging interest. LJ-PRS: 36,OOZ7 TOPIC TAGS: rabldi"m compound, organoantimony compound, organoblsmuth compound, electron density, crystallograph SUB CODE: 20,07 / SUBM DATE: 04 ~ov 65 / ORIG REF: 002 / OTH REF: 001 K H Car"i 2 POLAND/Physical Chemistry - Crystals Referat Mir .. Kh1miya, No 2) 1957~ 3566 Galdecki Zdzitilaw structure or1M3,vj Roczn. chem., 1956., 30, No 11 355-357 Roentgenograrlhic determination was inade of the structure of KAs406I-(Y-'L-2M203). ftrometers of hexagonal latti(-,,,,: an 5-:27 a 15 7 .. 7A,Z = 1, Ph. gr. C6jrrnm. Coordinates of atoms (dct~rmined by plotting the syntheses of Patter- son and FouriBr):- I at IWOOO; As at 4(h) 1/13 2/3 O~215; K at l(b) 00 L/2; 0 at 6(1) 1/2 0 0.32 . Structure is stratified wish an alternation of the ~ollowiag layers perpenaicularLy to the c axis: 1-2As-30-K-30-2As-I..., Interatomic dLstavices (in A): As-31(I-12As) 3.62 As-30(0-12As) 1.8,; As-3As (in layer) 3.047 &,Aj S/081/62/000/012/004/065 B166[B101 AUTHORSs Bartezak, Tadeusz, GaIdecki, Zdzisfaw TITLE: Crystalline struc-;ure of compounds of alkaline metal.halides with halides of t:rivalent antimony and bismuth. I. The elementary cell a.,id space group of.K(BiBr4)-H20 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 12, 1962, 34, abstract 12B213 (Zesz. nauk. Politechn.16dzk., no. 36, 1961, 11 - 13) TEXT; The crystals o t K(BiBr )-H 0 were syntheaized, analyzed chemically 4 2 and subjected to X-raj examination (Laue, rotation and /%Cu-K methods). Parameters of rhombio lattioes a B-79, b 12-76 1 c 22:70 Aq Z - 16, Q(measured) 4-48, Q(caloulated-),4-55, groups Pnan. ~Abstracterls note: Complete translations Card 1/1 GALDECKI, 9.; JCIZEFGWICZ. E. Crystal structure of iododiarsenite KAs analogous compoundn. -.-!a chim. 9i5-24 164. 406, and some I 1. Department of lnorgan~r Chomistry of the Lodz Teohnical University, Submitted 1962. ERDEY-GRUZ, Tibor, prof., dr. (Budapest, MI., Puskin u.11-13); IEVAY, Jozsef, dr. (Budapest, VIII., Puskin u. 11-13); GAIDI, Am& (Miss) (3udapest, VIII., hiskin u-11-13) Effect of a sinusoid%l current on electrode processes. Pt.15. Acta chiniica Jung 38 no-4:325-365 163. 1. Lehrstuhl hir Phy3ikalische Clienie und Mdiologie der Lorand Eotvos Univer3itat, Budapest, und Forschungsgruppe fur Elektrochemie der Ungarischen Akademie der Vissenschaften, Budapest. 2. Mitglied, Redaktionskollegiuni, "Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Ilungaricae" (for Erdey-Gruz). ERDY-GRIJZ, Tibor; DEVAY, Jozi:af; SZEGEDI, Robert; GAILIP Anna Effect of sinusoidal current on electrode processes.Pt-15. 21agy kem folyoir 69 no.7:296-311 J1 163. 1. Zotvos Lorand Tudmianyagyetem Fizikai-Kami&i as Radiologiai Tanszekep Budapest; Kektrokemiai Akademiai Kutato Csoport. 2. "Magrar Kemiai Fol:roirattt felelos s-.erkesztoj(,- (for '-.rdey- Gruz). HUNGARY PENTEK, Laszlo, Dr, GALDI, Zoltan, Dr; Heves Megye Council Hospital, IT. Surgical Ward (chief'T~~CTMCM, XOTO, Bela, Dr) and I. Neurological- Psychiatric Ward (chief physician: GSEKEY, Laszlo, Dr) (Heves Megyei Tanacs Korhaza, II. Sebeszeti Osztaly es I. Ideg-Elmeosztaly), Eger. hAlcoholism Among Patient! Who Underwent Gastric Resection." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 11, 12 Mar 67, pages 503-504. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian su=ary] The problem of alcoholism among patients who underwent gastric resection earlier is discussed. On the basis of the authors' observations and literature data, it is concluded that a number of patients who undergo gastric resection will become alcoholic later. The causes of this are discussed and the current practice is criti- cized that patients are advised after resection to consume alcohol (light wine). 2 Hungarian, 13 We3tern references. Psychiati-j HUNGARY r,ALDI, Zoltan, Dr; Reves Megye Council Hospital, I. Psychiatric Ward (chief physicia-n CSEKEIY, Laszlo, Dr) (Heves ~1,egyei Tanacs Korhaz, I. Elmeo5ztaly). 11 Application of the open Door Principle in the Service of Rehabilitation." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 43, 23 oct 66, pages 2029-2030. Abstract: [Author's Hun~rarian summary modified] The realization of the open door principle, at the psychintric ward of the hospital, is described in detail. The atmosphere of tile entire ward became more friendly, cheerful and free. A large number of the patients turned to the realities of life from their autism. In the author's opini)n. application of the open door principle pro- vides favorable conditions for the recovery of psychotic patients and, there- fore, its widespread application is recommended. 7 Hungarian, I Western references. GALDIDOV, I.G. 4687. Ptitsevodetvo-Dokhodnays Otrail (Iolkhoz ( Proletarsk-aya Fobeda) Topkinskogo Rayona) Kemerovo, Kn. Izd. 1954. 12 S 14 gm.(Upr. S-kh. Propaga ndy. BODNEVAS, A., red.; VISHOMIRSHS, R.[Vioomirski~;, H.11 red.; GAL-IDIIMIE, 0.[Galdikiene, 0.11 red.; MIATULIS, Yu. TMatulis, J.1, red.: PETRAUSKASI V., red.; KARWALIS,V. (Karvelis, V.1, tekim. red. (Theory and practice of bright electroplating] Teoriia i praktika blestiashchikh gallvanopokrytii; osnovnye raa- terialy. Vilnius, (,6s.izd-vo polit. i nauchn. lit-ry Litovskoi SSR, 1963. 366 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Vsesoyuznoye sovoshchaniye po teorii i praktike ble- styashchikh gallvant)pokrytiy, Vilnius, 1962. SOV/l 37-- 59-2-45 38 Translation from: Referativnyy z*iurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, p M (USSR) AUTHORS: Gat'dikene, 0. K., Matulis, Yu. Yu- TITLE: On the Character of Variations of Cathode, Polarization of Copper Caused by Certain Crganic Additives (0 kharaktere izmeneniy kitcci-- noy polyarizatsii m(:di pod vliyanivem nekotorykii organicheskikh dobavok) PERIODICAL: Tr. AN LitSSR, 1958, Vol B 2 (14)- pp 71-73 ABSTRACT: The authors investigited the rate and character of the change in the cathode polarization in the electrolytic deposition of Cu from a solution of sulfate in relation to the cathode cd and the type of organic additi-;e (OA) used. Aliphati: alcohols from the bUtyl to the nonyl and aromatic acids (anthranylic, salicylic, and m-benzoic) were used as OA. The cathode potentials were measured by the compensation -oscillographic method. OA of amyl, lieptyl, and octyl alcohols cause a passivation (P) of the cathode in the absence of curvet-it owing to the adsorption of OA on the cathode. The P effect increases with the lengthening of the carbon chain of the alcohol, the increase in cathode cd, and the length Card 1/2 of the.interruption of the electrolysis. The rate of adsorption of these SOVII 37- 59 --2-45 38 On the Character of Variations o' Cathode, Polarization of Copper Caused (cort-1, OA is limited by the adhesion of :heir molecules to the surface of the cathode, and not by diffusion processes. OA of aromatic acids cause no cathode P in the absence of a current, but quite to the con:rary depassivate it; however, the%- do increase the P with an increase in cathode cd. The difference in the behavior of aromatic acids and aliphatic alcohols is eKplained by the difference of the electrolytic prop-- erties of the OH and GOOH radicals. Whereas the OH radical of the alcohol is repelled by electrons, the COOH radical of the acid is attracted by them. Bibliog- raphy: 24 references. N. K, Card 2/2 GAMIKENE, O.K. [Galdikw".I.-MOLCHADSKIS, A.M. [MoIcadskis,A.Ij -Yu- '-T --------M-A-fU--Ln, Yu. LXatulia,J. Concerning the application of cupric ammonium electrolyte. Liet ak darbai B no.2:139-143 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Institut kbimil i kbinicheakoy tekhnologii Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR (Electrolytes) (Copper sulfate) (Ammonium sulfate) S/137/62/000/002/109/11 A06OIA101 AUTHORS: Bodnevas, A. I, Gakilene, 0. K. atulis, Yu. Yu. TITLE: On the application oV oscillographic methods in the study of cathodic processes during electrodeposition of metals PERIODICALg Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no.. 2, 19062, 89, abstract 21612 ("Tr.. AN LitSSR", 1961, B 2(25), 199 - 212, Lithuanian summary) . TM. A short description I 's given of certain auxiliary apparatus and at- Iyachments to mechanical and elect:,Onic oscillographs, designed at, the lnstitute for Chemistry and Chemical Techno';ogy of the Academy of Sciences of -thf~ Lithuanian SSR. They have been successfully applied in the course of the last few years to the,study of the mechanism of 2athodic processes occurring during electro- depositioii of metals. Authors' summary [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 rr i 12 f,(: i~L '7.. t Ti n L17, "I In PC s A N tj; r. 'r_ NORKUS, P.K.; GALfDIKENE, O.K. [Galdikiene, 0.1 Determination of boric acid in nickel plating electrolytes. Trudy AN Lit. SSR. Ser, B. no. 40-6 165 (MIRA 19:2) 1. Institut khimii i Ichimicheskoy tekhnologii AN Litovskoy SSR6 Submitted May 15, 1965. NORKUS) P.?,.; GALIDIUNE, 0,K. [GUldikiene, 0.1 Determination of borl(: acid in a niclcel-plaLirw bath. Zav.-lab, 31 no.10:11051-1.192 165. (RIRA 19: 1) u 1. Ire titut khimii i Lhimichaskoy tE;khnologii Xkl Ll 'ovskov SSR. 30090-66 SYT (1 GN ACC NR, AP6010061 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/66/000/003/0015/0023' r AUTHOR: Yolarovich, M. P. -,.S lWldii N Ye - Levykin, A. 1. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Instit~t'fiziki Zemli, Akademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the velocities of LQngWkdjnALWaLyej9. in igneous and metamorphic rock specimens at pressures up to 20,000 kg/cm2 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizil:a Zemli, no. 3, 1966, 15-23 TOPIC.TAGS: rock)** longitudinal waves :rock forming aineral ABSTRACT: It is now obvious that Li the interpretation of data of seismology and deep seismic sounding, it Is necessary to know the physical properties of rocks under the thermo- dynamic conditions existing in the depths of the earth. Heretofore, however, measurements have been made of the velocities of elastic waves in rock specimens under pressures of only 2 4, 000-10, 000 kg cm , which correaponds to a depth of 15-40 km. However, since much greater depths shaild be stu(~-, it is interesting to investigate the physical and mechanical parameters of igneous and metamorphic rocks, primarily the velocities of longitudinal waves, at pressures above 10, 000 kg/cm 2. The present authors describe a high-pressure press Card' 1/3 UDC: 552.1:534.092 L 30090-66 ACC NRt AP6010061 02r used to test rock samples employing high-pressure chambers up to 14, 000 and 20, 000 kg/cm (Fig. 1) An analysis of the experimental data showed that the values of the velocities of the 1 - Rubber lining; 2 and 3 - [unidentif ied] 4 - piezoceramic cells (piston type); 5 - cones; 6 - two pistons; 7 - rock sample; 8 - lead casing 9 - shut-off rings; 10 - high-pressure chamber; 11 - support ring. Toward press Fig. I.- Diagram of high-pressure - press longitudinal waves at high pressuren (about 6, 000 kg/cra 2) are determined primarily by the mineral composition of the rocks, which is particularly evIdent in the caseofrodz ccntainirg pla-I &clase. However, the nattzeof the chanW In w-beitie s Wthpremire, especially at first., depends to a considerable degree or, the structural features of the rock. A sharply defined I change in the velocities in r-lore porous rocks, i.e., granites, In the region of ini tW Card 2/3 ACC NRI AP6010061 pressures may be explained by the cloning of the pores and fissures and increased grain-contact areas. A flzther insigUicant I=ease in velocity is. apparently related to the compactionof the latticeinrocks composed of microcline.*-Thistfinding agrees with the data on the measurement of longitudinal wave velocities under pressure in the crystals of microcline.. Orig. art. ha.3: 7 figures. coal SUB CODE: 08 SUBM DATE: ATD PRESS: 12Sep64 / ORIG REF: Oll OTH REF: 002 3/3 GALIGUZOV, N-S., kand,tekhnsuiLuk; TYUUNOV, V-N-, inzh, Monitor with centrifigal. action used In the Chertinskil Central Coal Preparation PL&A. Obog. I brik.ugl. no-10:54-55 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Kuznetsk Basin-C"L preparation plants-Squipment and supplies) GALDIIJ, A. (1-,.Biysk, Altaysicoeo kraya) Doeu the union card present sufficient proof to qualify for an old-age penBion. Sov.profsoiuzy 16 no.6:57 Mr 160. (141N, 13:3) (Old-ago--Panslonn) /soil Science - Physical ind Chcraical 11'roperties of Soll. J-3 USSR Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.) No 5) 1.958, 20058 Author : Gal LUR.G.B. - Inst : Penzenskiy Agricultural Institute. Title : The Macrostructure of Leached Chernozem Soils in Penzens- kaya Oblast'. Orig Pub : Sb, tr. Penzensk. s.-kh. in-ta, 1956, vyp. 1, 117-126 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 - 13 - GALIDIN, G.B. Comparative study of the charac teri.,j ties of tho movement of qoil moisture in leached Chernozem soils on virgin lands and under various farm crops in Penza Piovince. Pochvovedenie no.10:64-73 0 163. (MIRA 16-12) 1. Penzenskiy sellskolhozyaystvennyy institut. 1 . (t i% I-, D T ',' * ! . V. 2. U33R (600) 4. Combine .s (Agricultural Machinery) 7- Combine Earvester for Crops. SOV. Zootekh, '11, io. 6, 1952, Vsesoyuzn-y ' ,, Instit,.it Makhanizatsii sel-i- ., ~liiic'ino-Issl--,,-:ovatelisici, s1cogro Khozvaystva 9- Monthl List of Russian Accessi3ns, Library of Congress, .,kur3'1,1,qt 1)52 r4Y6Y,--4uncl. IVANOV, A... SEWINOVICH L., GALDI _R.V. Harvesting Machinery Complete mechanization of fodder harvesting work. MTS 12 n,,!. 5. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions., Library of Congress, &u1mat 1952 IP Unclassified. - A* 1. r-ALDTII, II.V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Agricultural'Machinery 7. Over-all mechanization in silaze ireparation, Dost.sellkhoz. no- 5, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRTL 1953. Unclassified. G.I., d6ktor te khn.nauic, prof.; GALDIN, M.V. inzh.; DEMIN, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZYABIfj*f, V.A., -Wa-n-T-.t-plMni~nuk: KAPLUNOV, I.I.M., inzh.; KASHHKOV, L.Ya., inzh., KOROM, V.F., kqnd.tekhn.nauk; MUSNOV, V.S.; KULIK, Wye., kAnd.tekhn.nnuk; MAXAROV, A.P., inzh.; NOVIKOV, G.I.,; NOSKOV, B.G., inzh.; OLMEV, V.A.,; OSTANKOV, V.P., inzh.; PMICHIKHM, A.Y., inzh.; POKRVALEMSKIY, V.P., kaiid.takhn.nauk; SOLAMMOVICH, L.P., kand. tekhn.nauk; SMIRNOV, V.1'., Icand.tekhn.nauk; URVACM;V, P.N., kand. tel~hn.nauk; FADEYEV, N.Y., inzh.; FATEYEV, Ye.M.; UYUKOV, V.L., red.; VESKOVI. Ye.I., [Reference book on the trechanization of stock farming] SDravochnnia knign -ao mekhanizatsii 2hivotnovodstva. Moskva, Gos.imi-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 678 P. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vaesoyuznov akndemii sel'skokhozyAystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Krasnov, Fateyev). (Farm equi3ment) (Stock and stockbreeding) AFAIIAWYXVIA,i~.L., kand.biol.ruiuk-, BAYXRTUYEV, A.A.. kand.sellskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk; BALICHUGOV, A.V., kandoeelfskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; BJUA)ZOOVA, N.A., agrc-nom; BBIA)ZOROY, A.T., kand.s~llsko1rhozyaygtvea- nykh nauk; MAKSIMS11KO, V.P., agronom; BARITIKOV, V-V-j doktor sellsko- khozyaystvennykh usuk; BOOORYAGKOV, S.T.. kand.seliskokhozyayetven- nykh nauk; VOLTURTS. C.S., agronom; BODROV, M.S., kamd.sellskokhozyay~ stvennykh oauk; BOGOSIAVSKIY. V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; KHRUPPA, I.P., kLqnd.tekhn.uauk; VERNER, A.R.. doktor biol.nauk; VOZBUTSKAYA. A.Ye., kand.sellskokhozyayBtvannykh nauk-, VOINOV, P.A., kand.sellskokhozyay- stvetmykh neuk; VYSOKOS, G.P., kaid.biol.natik;,.qAIP_IN._M.V., inzhener- mekhanik; GERASIMOV. S.A.. kand.t ikhn.nauk; GOR5HxN1ff-,--K-.F.. doktor sollskokhozyaystvennykh ne uk- YELHIEV A-V., Inzliener-makharik; G121ASUVICH, S.V.. makianik fdecesedi; ZHARIKOVA, L.D.. kand.sellsko- khazya.vstvenrqkh nauk; UNGAIDY, I.S., kand.takhn.nauk; ZIMINA, Ye.A., agronom; BARANOV, V.V-, kand.tekh!t.nauk; PAVLOV, V.D.; IVAHOV, V.K., ke nd. sell skokhozyaystviinnykh nauk,, XAPIAN. S.M., ka nd. sell skrokhozymy- stvenrVkh nauk; KA.TIN-1ARTSEV, kand.se1lskokhoZyayBtveanykh nauk; KOPTRIN, V.I., doktor sell a'f:okhozyayst vennvkh naak; KOCHERGIN. A.Ye., kand.sellskok-ho.,tyayst.vannyi~:h nauk; KOZHHVNIKOV, A.R.. kand. sell skokhozyaystvennykii nauk; KWilETSOV, 1.11., kand. sell skokhoryay- stvaimykh nauk; IAMBIN, A.Z.. dok! or biol.nauk; LOW' YNV, S. L, kand.sellskokhozyaystvt)iiri.vkh nauk-~ KAYBWODA, H.M., kand.sel'sko- khozyaystve.WUi nsuk; MAKAROVA, k-.I., kand. sel' skokho2yaystvennykh nauk; MINIKOV, G.A.. inzhener-, '~HDANOV, B.A., k-and.sellskokhozyay- stvenrqkh nauk-, MIKHAY1,914KO. M.A.,. kind.sellekokhozyaystvennykh neuk; MAGILEVTSEVA, N.A., kard.sellskok1'o%yaystvenmy1-h nauk; (Gottinued on next card) AFAIIASIYBYA, A.L.... (continued) Card 2. IIIKIFQROV, ?-Yo., ka nd sell skakhozvaystvennykh nauk; IfERASHEY, N.I., lasovod; PJMVUSHIIIA. A.H., agronom; PIoMHIKOV, H.A.. kand.biol.asuk, L.G.; kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; PAVLOV, Y.D., kand.tekhn. nauk; MUTSKOVA, M.G., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; GURCHFMO. V.S., agronom; POPOVA, G.I., kand. se1lskokh02jV8y8tVennykn noUk'. PORTYANKO. A.F.. agrortom-, RUCHKIII, V.N.. prof.-, RUSHKOVSKIY, T.V., agronom; SAVITSKIY. M.S., ks nd. sell I skokhoEynystveanykh nauk; BOLDIB, D.T.. agronom; NESTE-RCVA, A.V., sgronom; SIRAFIKOVICH, L.B.. Irancl. takhn.nouk; SHIRNOV, 1.11., ksnd.iiellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; SMWRYAIEXAYA, P.I., kand.teikhn.nmuk; TOKHTUTXV, A.V-, kard. sellsko- khozyaystvann.7kh nauk; FALIKO, O.B., Iznh.; FNDYUSHIIT, A.V., doktor biol.nauk; SHEVLYAGIII, A.I., kan4.sellskokhozysystvennykh nauk; TUFXROV' V.A., kand. sell skokhozyays tvennykh nauk; YAKETEIJFELID, P.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk; SIDINNOVSKIY, A.A., red.; GORIKOVA. Z-D., [Handbook for Siberian agricultuxtats] Spravochnais kniga agronoma Sibiri. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo se'.Ikhoz. lit-ry. Vol.l. 1957. 964 P. (Siberia--4griculture .) (MIRA 11:2) GALDIN, Mikhail Vladimirovich - - [Operatirg silage barvesterti Nkspiuatlatsiia silosouboroebrqkb kombainov. Moskva, Ocs. iscl-vo selkhoz lit-ry, 1958. 172 P. (Harvesting machinery) (MIA 12:1) GALDIN, Mikhail Vladimirovich ---- -------------- I-spect'ni combinf9tO Syntoiallnye kombainy. MOBV-.Va, GOS. iZd-70 selkhoz lit-ry. 1958. 149 p. OIRA 12:1) (Conbines (Agricultural machinery)) PBRCHIOIN, Abram Vladimirovich, inzh.; KRASNOV, V.S.; KASMOV, L.Ta., inzh.; NOVIKOV, G.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; MAKAROV, A.P., inzh.; QMIN K V inzh.; XORCLICV, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; FATITIV, Te--.)(., doktor tekhn.itauk; PADETIV, R.N., inzh.; ROZIN. K.A., red.; GURRICH, U.N., Nechanization of hesvy work on livestock farms] Mekhanizataiia trudoemkikh rabot na zhivotnovodcheskikh fermakh. lzd,4,, ispr, i dop. Moskva, Gos.iad-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry. 1959. 447 P. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Chlon-korresponden-; Vaesoyuznoy akademii sallskokhozyaystven- nykh nauk im8ni V.I.Lunina (for Krasnov). (Stock and stockbreuding) (Farm mechanization) BELOZERTSEV, A.G., kande ekonom. nauk; WIR,11,V44 IRODOV, A.V.; KAPLAN, S.M.;KOI&YSEEV, P.P.; PAVWV, P.V., rdeceasedj; KRIETOV, V.L., red.; GREBTSOV, P.P., red.; PEUMM, V.I., tekhn. red. [Over-all mechanization of the growing and harvesting of corn] Kom- pleksnaia mekt-nizatsiia vozdelvvaniia i uborki kukuruzy. By A.G. Belozertsev i dr. Moskva, Gos. izd-To sellkhoz. lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 335 P. (MIRA 14:11) (Corn (Maize)) (Agricultural machinery) GALDIT, Mikhail Vladimirovich; ZAGORSKIY, G., red.; YAKOIFLEVA, Ye. Y [How to make the best -ise of transportation in harvesting] Kak luchshe ispol'zovat' t7ansport na uborke. 1-~oskva, Mosk. rabo- chii, 1961. 15 P- (MIRA 15:7) (C)rn (Maize))--Harvesting) -GAI,DD,', H .; KOBYIvAKOV, L.I.I.; tELIVIKOV, DEYEVA, V.1-1., tekhn. rod. [Specialized con;bines] 3petsiallnye kombainy. i dop. Moskva, Sellkh)zizdat, 1962. 255 p. (Combines (AgrIcultural machinery)) Izd.2., pered. (MIRA 15:11) GALDIN, Mikhail Vasillyevich; .4;HPOLYANSKIY, Vadim Llvovich; IN, I.P., nauchn. red.; SIDIXT, N.A., red. (Ensilage harvester] Vilosouborochnye kombai ~. Moskva, IV Proftekhizda~, 1963. 84 P. '(MIRA 17:4) GALD114 y [-I ikhaj I V I ad i LT. i ru A.Cji~ oombiriesl Sp~ toial Iri-ye kombainy. izdb3.j i dop. Moskva., lzd-vc, sellklioz. lit-rv, ?hurrialov i pla- katov, 1963. 374 p. (MIPUA 17:4" KRASNOV, V.S.; KASHEKOV, L.Ya.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; NOVIKOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MAKAROV, A.P.p kand. tekhn. nauk; .; KOROIEV, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; PERCHIMM, A~.V.# :Lnzh.; FADEM, N.N., inzb.; ROZIN, M.A., red.; DLPI*A, V.M.# tekhn. red. (mechanization of production processes on livestock farms] Mekhanizatsiia proizvodstvenrqkh protsessov na zhivotno- vodcheskikh femakh. Izd.5., ispr. i dop. Moskva., Sell- khozizdat, 1963. 1,78 p. (MIM 17: 2) 1. Chlen-korrespordent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokho- 2Waystvennykh naul-imeni V.I. Lenina (for Krasnov). HILLS. 11. Sherbon; G&Wn N 're.ftrawlatorl: FIR. A.T.. dok-tor geologo- ninoralogicheallig" 71'redaktor: VAF. T&A. redmildor; SLUWA- Uff, V.I., tokWcbedd)- redaktor. [Outllne of structural Asoleff; trano2mted from 2v4lsh] Ocberkl strukturnot gedlogU. ftrewod a aftlllskago N.A. Galdivia. Pad red A.T. Peks, Mosicia, Isd-vo Inostrannot Ilt-ry. 1954. 173 P. (NLRk 8:91 (Geoloff, Structural) 4r7AX,D1A1, )V, k- SMIRNOV, V.I., redaktor; DIAMPTSKAYA, V.K., redaktor; TSUKERMAN, A.M., redaktor; VITOVSKAYA, I.V- [translator)- GALDIN N.Y&.-L trans lat or]; GOTKAN, Ya.D. [translatori; KOWSTANTINO~.~. ~.ran~latorl; GERASI- MOVA, Ye.S., tekhniches,;ciy redaktor. [Geochemical methods of'prospecting for ore deposits; collection of articles] Geokhimichookie metody poiskov rudnykh mestorozIndenii; abornik statei. Perevod a angliiskogo i nemetskogo I.V.Vitovskoi, N.I.Galdina, IA.D.Gotmana i M.M.Konstantinova. Moskva, Izd-vo laostrannoi lit-ry, 1954. 582 P. [Miarofilml 006RA 8: 1 (Geochemical prospecting) G:4IPI~Wp' ranslator] DR-IBO, T.M., [translator KAWSMI, B.A. AJ rtran*ilatorl KRASHENIMUKOV, V.A., [translator] FRUMKTXA, R.M. [translator]; SOKOIJDV, G.A., redaktor; ZNAMUSKAYA, V.K., redaktor-, IL'YIN, B.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor. [World Iron ore deposits; collection of articles] Zhelexorudnye mentorozhdontia mira; abornik statei. Perevod a angliiskogo. frantsuzakogo I ispanskogo N.N.Galdina, I dr. Pod.Red. 1 9 predislovism G.A.Sokolova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry. Vol-1, 1955. 492 p. (Microfilal (MLRA 9:1) LInternational Geological Congress. 19th, Alglerl. 1952. (Iron ores) SOKOLOV,G.A., red&ktorS'GALDiN. N.Ye., [trans lator4i Ciro% ore deposits of the world: a collection of articles. Translated from the Inglish, French and SpanishJ Zheleznorudnye mestoroshenita mira; sbornik statei. Perevod a angliilkogo , frantsuzekogo i ispen- skogo N.S.Galdina. Pod red. i s predi.~L. G.A.Ookoloya. Moskva, IzdL- vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1955. 2 v- maps- (part fold) 27 p. NLRA 10:5) 1. International Geological Congress, 19th. Algiers, 1952. (Iron ores) GALDIN, N. Te. Cand Geol-Min Sci, -- (diss) "Structural pwll~ 4P Characteristics of the BelousovAFoftat16n in,,<aY." Mos,, 19571. 32 pp 20 cm. (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of #0o Geologyrof NVEZYM Ore Deposits, Petrography.9 Uineraloq, and Geochemistry), 150 copies (KL, 18-579 94) - 13, - SUBJECTi USSR/Geology 1-1-4-6/23 AUTHOR-. Galdin, N Ye. TITLEi "Structural of th, Lelousw Deposits in the AltaT Mountains" (Struktuz-nyye osobennosti Belousovskogo mestorozh- deniya na JJ1ta.,,,?N I PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akaiemil Nauk SSSR" , Seriyg Geologicheskaya, 1957, #4, pp 66-83, (USSR). ABSTRACT: All rock formations of the examined Area,secording to the o-Di- nion of the author, were subjected to intense wherping, and mineralization started with the deposition of pyrite and vein minerals in crev-7cee. The research was conducted at a section of the Irtysh contortion zone, adjacent to the Belousov deposits with the object to establish the location of mineralization. The Irtyah wharping zone consisted, from bottom to top, of the following i66yerst 1) Stratut of gneiss rocks and crystalline slates. 2) Contact hornstone layers. 3) Stratum of calcareous chlorite slates. 4) Wneral bearing stratum-5) Porphyrous for- mation. The mineral baaring stratum consists of a variety of rocks, mainly of siliceous sandy slates, porphyroids and carbon- Card 1/3 like slates, all of which had been subjected to complex and 11-4_6/2~1, TITLEt "Structural Peculiarities of the Belousiv Deposits in the Altay Mountains" (Strukturnyye osobennosti Belousovskogo mestor,;-~h- deniya na Altaye) Vzolonged deformation processes. Based on conducted research, the following circumstances have prevailed at the forming of ore deposits: 1) Deformation of mountainous rocks by side pressure. 2) Dynamo-metamorphism of rocks changing coarse structured rocks into fine granules. 3) The characteristic feature of side pressure*is manifest-ed in the Bet relation ex- isting between the extension of the cross sectional axis and the longitudinal axis of the fold. 4) Side pressure oh various rocks produced different results depending on the location of the rocks with respect to the gneiss straiuum. Thus, the form- ing of the geological strata of the studied section of the Irtysh Wharping zone has been determined by the following 3 ba- sic processes: 1) Forming of a thick rock strata in the central section -fol- lowing the eruption of granite magma and sub�equent metamor- phosis at high temperatures. 2) The stratum of granite and cryutalline slate was subjected to intense dynametamorphosis under side pressure, 3) The presence of a shallow crystalline Card 2/3 foundation hindered the free movement by the acting forces in TITLEt "Structural Peculiarities of the Beloueov Dpposits in the Altay Mountains" (Strukturnyye osobennosti Belousovskogo mesto- ro2hdoniya ne Altaye). vertical direction, and facilitated movement in the horizonttl plans. At present, 2 mineral layers, the Eastern and the West- ern, are being exploited. Prospecting has located additional mineral bearing formations at lower levels. The mineral layers are ribbon-shaped, the relation of the vertical length to the horizontal course being 1t20 and moreo Analogous conditicne for the forming of deposits may be assumed at other areas of the Altay and the Ural mountains. The article contains 1 Map, 4 photographs, and 4 figures. The bibliography lists 4 references, of which 2 are Slavic (Russian) ISSOCIATION: Geologic Institute of Metal Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moskva. PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTED: November 15, 1956 AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress, Card 3/3 n-ISSARTS, A. (Cissarz, Arnold], Prof., doktor;--GAPIN,, N.Te. (translator]; '-' '6VLjit SMIEffOV, V.I., red.; ZHAMENSKATA, Y.K., red.; I A, N. A. . tekhn.rad. (Mineral deposits in Yugoslavia] POle2nyO iskopaemye IUgoelavii. Pod red. i a predisl. VJ.Smirnova. Moskva, Ixd-vo inostr.lit-ry. 1958. 238 p. [Translated from the German) (MIRA 12:5) (Yugoslavia-Hines and mineral resources) GALDIN, N.Ye. [translator]; AZHGIREY, G.D., red.; POPOV, G.K., dotsent, elchn -IROKMOVICH, G.P.. red.; SOKOLOVA, T.V., t red.; 10VLEVA, N.A.. [Problems in structural geology] Voprosy strukturnoi &cologii. Pod red. i a predial.G.D.Azhgireia. Moskva, Izd-vo ino3tr. lit-ry, 1958. 260 p. (MIRA 12:8) I (Geology. Structural) VITOVSKAYA, I.V..Ctranslator]^GALDIN-.N-la...Ctranalator], X:RASFPIINNIKOV, V.A.,[translator], KHARUYICH, D.S.,[translatorl,; SCKGWV, GJ., red.; K"EV. A.D., red.; ROMANOVICH, G.P., red.; SMIWIOVA, N.I.. tekhn. red. [Studies an ore deoosits; collection of articles] Problemy rudnyk*n mestorozbdenii; abornik 3tat8t. S. ~~redisl. G.A.Sokolova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry. 1958. 495 p- (MIRA li:ll) (Ore deposits) ,~C~~IN) N.Yeo Structural conditions governing the sedimentation Yarabash pyrite deposits. Sov. geolo 4 no.8:58-70 1. Institut -fi~Ud Zemli AN SSSR. AKarabash region--Pyrites) A of ores in the Ag 061, (MERA 16:7) VOLAROVICH, M.P.; GALDIN, N.Ye.; GUSEV, K.F. Geological, mineralogical, and X-ray study of quartz tectonites. Zap.Vses.min.ob-va 90 no.6:660-672 '61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR, Moskva. (Quartz) (TectonitO VOIAROVICH, M.P.; GALDIN, N.Ye. -,A- Mechanism of the deformation and orientation of quartz in tect)nites. Dokl. AN SSSR 140 no.6:1304-1306 0 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN. Shubnikovym. Nuartz c-ystals) GALDIN N.Ye. Str4atural ebaracteristics of barite aggregates in the pyrite ore4 of thq lblousovka deposit. Geol.rad.mestoroxh. no,5-34- " A-0 162. Nig 15:12) 1. Irstitut fiziki T*mli AV SSSR, Moskva. (Altai Mountains-1hrite) (Altai lfountains-F~rites) VOLAROVICH, M.P.; GALDIN, N.Ye.; GUSEV. K.F. X-ray study of quartz deformations in tectonites. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zem. no.23:60-79 162. (MIRA 16:11) :ACCESSICN NE: AF4034536 8/0020/64/155/005/1058/1061 :AUMOR: Afaaaslyev, Go Do (Correspodding member); Volarovichj, M. P.; Bayak., Ye. 14 ;GFOCIIns No Yes J'TITIE: Investigation of velocities of elastic waves in ultrabasic rocks of the Monchegorsk pluton under high (allaided) pressure ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 155, no. 5, 1964', 1058-lo6i ITOPIC TAGS: elastic wave velocity, seismic research, transversal wave velocity.. !longitudinal wave velocity, rock age, geology,, geopbysics, high pressure, ylut=, 'Monchegorak pluton, tectonics JABSTRACT: In preparation for the ccming geological-geopbysical (deep sciamic probing) of the Baltic shield, the authors have'lavestigated. the velocity of elastic waves in ultrabasic rocks of the Monchegorak pluton located in the central j ,part of the Kolg Peninsula. The age of this rock (by the radioactive A-K method) iis about 3 x 107 years. The velocity of both lonAltudinal. and transverse waves 'iwas detexmined under pressures up to 4,000 kgm/cm~!. The velocity of the dinal waves averaged frm 7000 to 8000 m/sea, and that of the transverse waves Card ACCESSION NR. AP4034538 about 3000 to 4000 M/sec, at the maximal appkied pressures. Rocks with microcracks show the greatest increase of velocity with increasedpressure. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Zemli im. 0. Yu. Shmidta Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Physic's of the Earth. Academy of Sciences SSSR) Institut'geologii rudny*kh mestorozhdeniy pptrografii, mineralogiid geokldinii, Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Geology. of Ore Deposits Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Academy-of Sciences, SSSR) SUEMTTED: Pljnn& I DME AN: WdA ENCL: 00 , ISUB CODE: -ES NO REF SO11: 011 'd 2/2 _7 VOLAI~OVI(',jj, I . I BilytIF, ye.j.; ... GALDIN, N.Ye. Effect of high pressure on the elastic properties of rock samples collected along the outhne of the area of deep seismic sounding in northern Karelia. Izv. AN JSSR. Fiz. zem. no-1:109-115 '65. (111-14. 18: 5) 1. institut fiziki llenii AN S31;R. L 9433-66 EWT(l) OW ACC NR: AF5025074 SOURCE COIDEs UR/Oj87/65/ODO/009/0001/60.12 AUTHORS; Trunin, Re,_Fq; Gon'shak2M V. I Simakov, G. V.; N Ye.: ORG% none TITLEt A study of rocks under the action of the high pressures and temperatures of shook compression SOURCE: AN SSSR* Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, mo, 9. 1965, l!-22 TOPIC TAGS: geophysical research, geophysics, earth science., earth crust,, seismology., pETgo" Cy ABSTRACT: A discussion of the results obtained in an experimental Itudy of the shock compressibility of alkaline 'Eind ultra-alkaline rocks under various pressures is presented. The theoretical sequence of transitions in the stru-,ture af~the earth's mantle (see A. E. Ringwood. Mineralogical Constitution of the Deep Mantle, J. Geoph. Res., 6-1. No. 10j 1962) -io- discussed in some detail. Eleven i alkaline and ultra-alkaline rocks (mineral groups of mapesium.: plagioclase', titano-magnotite, chromite., biotite,, arxi serpentine) were used as test specimens. ard C - -1/3--- .--UDC 550-31453949. i L 9433-66 ACC NR: AP5025074 A table showing the mineral content and density of the rock,specimens'is inoludodo The method of determining the'd~a=ic compresalldlitq Pt the a%*344=0 i~ based upon tho measurement of the, kinewatic parameters or shack Wayest the velocity of propagation of the wave D and the mass velocity of motion of the substance beyond the front U. These quantities are related to pressure ac.avrding to P PODO" and to the degree of compression acaordihg to P D PO D F7 ~V;A- 'where is the initial density and (0 is the density-beyond the shock front,*~ The experimental technique of measu:ving the dynamic compressibility follows~the, method of reflection (L. V. AlItsbular, E. K. Krupnikov., and M. 1. Vrazhnik-~ Dinamichaskaya szhimayemost" metallov pri davleniyakh ot 400 000 do 4 000 000 atmosfer. Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiz., 34, vyp. 4., 1958). The experimental results are tabulated a-&A 11raphs showing the variation of D va U are presented, The results were studied in order to compare groupings of the experimental data in an effort to match the P curvo characteristic of the earthe"The authors L 9433-66 Acc im: A?5o25o74 conclude with some deductions of the consistency and~uniformitylof the H and D layers of the earth's mantle. Orig. art. has: .6 figures, 3 tables, and 3 quations. SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DAM O9Mar65/ ORIG RLWI 016/ OTH RE.Ft 01 9 OALDPIA, "Investigation of the Effect of Certain Fhysio-chemical Factors on the Froperties of F:1p,ctrica1l,;-_Fj)qed 7'111]ite Refractories." Thesis for degree of Cand Technical Sci Sub 27 Jun 50, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Glass, tiLstry of the Construction terials Tndus~ry USSR I k, Z Summar-i- 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Tresented for Degree.-; in Science and Fmgineering i Moscow in 1950. From Vechernyaya ~'oskva, "'tin-Dec 1950. IV[ u ~;4 1 wj~ 03 1$ Ail Llk; on all xwoo 4 r owA I L p -a- 111iLLI-A-AIL-111-1 A lit 4.0 ow C4115411 00 A 16 *"WIN 00 W& )_jj, own S. A, Fitt,". LKNO". SAlklif i K&Ysim., 11131' 1M111.;-:MVA1uMlWnI1 41 00 tj t-s'"Ut"M up lit HUM. m.* with an optical flit, 008 (cwntiAl dilatortirter, y"jowlic, kmm b,4ft V,,d %IUMIArd. '1114 POMIPAN arr kniomb will .00 00 Iwarlicelly coil"le with (We mw*w. M"llinvowuls of Villa, wMI with Ixtrowailhic In"Millmiste aw 4pecific gravity Ile. Ivirminatio"i;; Ma" with x %Mj* itnilwhy of 2.48 showed a see to -hw1i AllalMetirit r9ret in the beirml Mi' to *)DOC, (0~ - a. =00 M AhowT4I a tPlAtIA). *Mk Down wish a 6wille Usirity of V to IMI (k m). . Or~%Mqbwllp I'lit rurvir for rkwo-had shwft nmMft was womb, Thevilimu.jh4- 000 *oil of firron mul0b the it a tilim inco&" in tkw cwwoc", I# Z eou r%P4M%iQo above 01P.,whieb Is relitted pmbWy to tbw uplivar- too ance of danserlim strownsimal the cnwk* of mullite btucLq ;it 'x 00 AW to MN?'C. during thl: I"Ifes up of almourselflult fur"Am~~ 2 so* Fired corundum refraciorim showled no marked chasw% In co- - C09 efficknit Of clipsuLsion. but the shoolste values werit atnitmt twkv a** all high w4 thow of sme M&Mdork~. Sketch" of the dila- to"Irtr? air Kilval. "24" 5 sl~.- .... .. t RMI, OA 04V it, U it a. 0 o 0 s USSR/Enginsering" - Refractories, Dee 51 Properties "Influence of Chemical Composition on the Proper- ties of Electrically Fused Mullite Eefractory Material," N. M. Galdina, All-Union Sci Res Glass Inst "Cgneupory" So 12, pp 540-548 Exptl melts of mullite refractories revealed that increase in content of Fe2o 3, T102, C&~D~ or R 0in initial'rav materials bas nFig effect'6n- itruc Uri and compn of refractory product: Decreases vol vty incressf-s -Dorosity, considerably intensifies eifftct 19ft2o USSR/Engineering - Refractories, Dec 51 rropertles (Contd) of molten chem. reagents and lavers softening point under load. Introduction of ZrO2 partiallycom- pensates for this harmful effect. Presents several photomicrographs. 19ft2o RVACMIM, 1340. INS Is No -WA1p!!A%WqxirYv 26v 5409 19%)e A hSO, Contest of flu=* such an ft2O,.I, T102, W, R20, In the raw Saterials has a detrimintal offset an the structure &M n6wralogical gap. of *lectrofund wALUIte refrestorles. This Is show In the fonatim of a glassy stm-eture, shells, sod rores. The sMt1= of Mb to the wallits batch partly ecapensate6 for the detAwtal effect of f1tows tpressat in the mount of e.6%). ?he varl- atIons In the 4ohm.and aim-slogica.1 cosps. of the eleatrow. fused wA221te refractories aorrespond U the variations in their properties. For lustmee, an Inavass of flwm lowers the buft density, Incroases porosity, 1- derably Intmalfleg the reactivity with the fused chmiadv~acd low#rs the refrazterlsess under lms* (8 figs., 7 tables), YAddWaaal data on the effect of rtflutorlev Rd Ma appear- 14 t 5 once of liedl Vid Mot 1 1411, N.M Q%ldinte 1 . L 9 7177 11 d. &A. Afet O Pis. a , 11 avitel. [gil. 6, 2Z .9, li th t e t s, Afjtral. 6A4r.i`AA1T11. d b ters )i the ed f f t d h f s an ortna wa o se e o t 0 C03" a.,u Ulm of a Whiss Sueltlar tanvin the Nficberon Plant are The Meets werv confined primarily to the mul- lite Halvir of the timliat section of the furnace. Plt., tha studied rdructory were placid ut the botlata of fireclay -Ai, :cruelblesandeovered with Thecmi~bles NO en, th -heated to WO' and thus kept for 3 hmi then rapidly cooled to 1000-1100*4al thuxkevt ftirO ha After Cooling, the Crucibles Ivem bro4en in IWf and in Z~h were " clunted the seeds and the blisters. Zircoa-mullite brick of ark-5my color gave off moxt tit the soWs vaid blisters Into T:,- -the, vass;~,. Light-graj zircon-mullite gave off less. lm. white zirccammulllte prAtictif from inix free of C~: ed, -Itou* I - Ote. dilli6t4ticti. ThermitL~mltllite and u s te-c d r ctorij.,s pTodsiccd mice or: very- q , little:of Ott defects. "Reduction pomfucts, siAch as.ferro- 5 v, cub des Cituse of reeds and blisten in the glass mass. bf. Hosch GALDIN4, W.M. Journal of Applied CherniEtry March 1954 Industrial Inorganic Chemistry REM a,_ is a 0. . 8; JIM. Camps. cerami". M"COM. 1635, 1933. 307A).-Tljrcc laburattity and one industrial specinints of multite tWn of the latter: Si% 22-S& M`3 ZrO, 3-31, AIA 0,3-28. %[go 0-4. GLO t-10, and K~6+'Na'o 1.09%) Zen lint,cl in a C roistw6s4urnaca for 3-5 hr. at 1450'-soaked at this teinp. (ur3 hr., and droplied intea bath of cold water.. By4vienching, it was possible to retain the structure cot. pending to that, of clectrofusett toullite products while in service in a glass tank (- 14.50'). Thin sLctlaris of these and corresponding untre4tecl sped- nictis were investigated. It was found that mullite with 1-"% of fluxes. when heated to 1430'. waked for 3 hr.; and then quencbed. dots not shout any structural changes in i:nmparison with slowly- cotAcil specinictis.'whcrcits mullita with a flux content of >6% treated in the %.,into way shous.nn incecaw In glass content and disappearance ttf acceswicy inintrak; this suggests that liquid is formed in the inuffites with >61,1 of fluxes and this In turn would which viln-m-natiwl ~;trv ita, I--ti l.,ih,I is &-mribed. Inter- ference by --t1wr invtals (Pipciallv Zn) is discusqml. Imr. CraAm. Ry--;. Amm K ~Vl - C" ah. vv jr Improved A. A. Lia 'an 1% ;v a. &MY-TVAUM To-. -Tests were made I . . 1~0953). in glass-melting furnaces of ZrOmutlite rerructorits contx. (a) not over 5.43% fluxes and (b) 6.48%. Stability of (a) was 20-30% higher and the corrosion more uniform. B. Z. Kam ich SOLOMIN, H.V.,dolctor takha.nauk,prof.; G&MINk, H.H.,kand.tekhn.nauk Improving the composition and technology in proparing electri- cally melted zirconia mullite. Trudy VNIIStekla. no.33:42-64 '53- (MIRA 12:1) (Refractory materials--Testing) (Zirconia) (Mullite) WI Ir N."w"mwil 0 nil, " l1r, ~~ -it" Ili 111IM1,3TAlk. mulligo anti Atreow Q1 elet Aim rz allt 4 atui fri(W pruduced 513":c1illuis of cl---ctx i ly Ll;ni mr-ILtic. rdF; et I ics flvix Nv st4dietj. e li ij em 'ap: .1 1 The viialni ' ~frcck of 4y ml~' to illovon. life n al Wth file alullit d-Od tho file CAD CO tli:ri:j.qe4 the It of t4e I 11mills 'I't 14u1 llm~'(Tcct tho uO. P.411 to indicute'that Clio fit dcotrJ4 avmr~ h:Li a vjtfff~ilig effea. A116% f".1ken to ij)jikate Pic abiljt)~ at t)pe oxides tit 0- 40 14 emiti 3.64 to 8.23% inCrOL50i file 9 thl., mullitk wpboii, I r vl!~--,,Arfl~~C~at I, I i~-, I tl!PE~ I I I It pi I r", iV III V 111,991H I W Hdal I loll 011011IF101,121t HUI dFlillml I teltill-I.- --*qmlFIlv1 I I n A Ali M; ; -~!. ~ MR- Mn , rim sti- ~1 ~ , . -,!~ ~ ~- W I ]; 'r - V."i , da Till w~~w Inr, NL. V lodat R5 %W, i~!, I i 4ebM it' hil th e 12 tT 33, 4ni 0i 10, SOLOMIN, N.V., doktor tak'nnicbeakikh nauk, profassor: GALDIIiA, N.m.; SULKHANOV, M.B.; LODOCHKIN, P.A. Manufacture and Industrial testlDg of "bakor." Stsk. I ker. 13 no.9:9-14 S 156. (MiaA, 9.-1o) .;q (Refractory materials) USSR/Chemical Technolog3, - Chemical Products and Their Application. Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62329 Author: Solomin., N. V., Galdina, N. M. Institution: None Title: Investigation of the Corrosion of Refractories by Glass Melts Original Periodical: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta stekla., 1956, No 36, 43-50 Abstract: Tests were carried out on the resistance to glass melts of a number of refractories according to the method developed by the authors. In the tests use was made of ordinary window glass and glass of eutectoc type, of the system CaO-MgO-Al2O3-5iO2 containing 3_10% Na20, chamotte., thermitocorundum, zirconomullite, bacor, quartz, etc. It was found that fused quartz is the moBt stable refractory on exposure to low-alkali, high alumina glass melts containing large aniounts of alkaline-earth oxides. This is due to the forma- tion of a viscous protective film of silica at the surface of the refractory as a re3ult of interaction with the glass melt. Card 1/1 SOLOMIN, N.V., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; GALDINA, N.M., ~mnd. takhn. nauk. Magnesia-zircon-mullits, electrically fused refractories for glase furnaces. Trudy VNIIftekla no.37:36-43 157. (KIM 11.-I) (Refractory materials) (Glass ftu-nacesY S/072/62/000/004/002/002 B105/3101 AUTHORS: Galdina N,X., Yanovskiy, Yu. S., Kuznetsova, N. G., iiTa ~zan, Y1. A. TITLE: Bakor-33, a new highly stable refractory obtained by electric smelting for glass ash furnaces PMRIODICAL: Steklo i keramika, nc. 4, 1962, 15 - 16 TEX3: Highly stable baddeleyite-corundium refractories were studied in the laboratoriya ogneuporov, Institut stekla (Laboratory for Refractories, Institute 3f Glass). Chemical composition, microstructure, volume and sDecific wei-hts, apparent porosity, thermal expansion, deformation under load at high temperatures, and stability were determined and compal!ed with those of standard window -lass. In 1959 - 1960, Bakor-33 blocks cf 6oo - 400 , 250 and 6oo - 0300 - 250 mm were manufactured in the Yerevanskiy___ mullito-steklotarnyy zavod Armyanskogo sovnarkhoza (Yerevan 1,',ullite-Glass- tank-'isorks of the ArLiyanskiy sovna-khoz). The manufacture of Bakor-33 glass blocks is being improved on in the Saratovskiy zavod tekhnicheskogo stekla (5aratov 'aorks for Technical Glass). Laboratory tests revealed Card 1/2 3/072/62/000/004/002/002 Bakor-33, a new highly stable... B105/B101 t,hat the use of Bakor-33 -sould: (1) increase the life of glass melting furnaces to 36 - 48 months (cf. with mullite 11 - 15 months and with Bakor- 20, 20 - 25 months); (2) increase the melting temperature from 1450 - 14700C to 1550 - 1600OC; (3) reduce the scrap quota. At the same time the .-lass quality is improved and the furnace capacity increased. In 1961, series production of Bakor-33 began in the Yerevan Mull ite-Glass tank 'l,orks. The quality of Bakor-33 products would be improved by the use of 3-phase arc melting furnaces, better design and composition of the molds, establishment of a-department for treating the diatomite, mechanization and automation of the production. The following data are given for Bakor- 33: 13.28 - 15-75 Si02; o.16 - ix6 % T '02 27-53 - 32.6 ~ Zr02; it8.0 - 52-44 ~4 Al 203; 0.31 - 0.83 % Fe 20 3; 0 0.60 % Ugo; 1.40 - 1-77~P.'CaO: 1--42-;-1-7Q/aNa?K 20; ~''91-5''72% fluxes;'specificlgravity 3-74-5-0,94M3 i corrosion rate (in the level of the fused glass) 0.24 - 0-35 mm per 24 hre. There are 4 figures and 3 tables. Card 2/2 B/061/62/000/02J-/065/120 B180/B144 AUTHORS; Demishev, G. K., Butovioh, L. N., Kalbasnikova, A. I., Galdina, N. b:. TITLEi Co 60 gamma ray detection of internal defectn in certain electrically fused refractories durin6 manufacture i PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal'. Dimiyal-no. 23, 1962, 489t abstract 23K375 (Steklo. Byul. Gos. n.-i. in-ta stekla, no. 4 (113), 1961, 15-24) TEXT: The article describes.amethod for the systematic quality control of electrically produced refractories. Flaws and bther cav ties are detec- tod by means of hard gamma-radiation from t~e isotope C30, using a wide beam and.X-ray photography. Experimental work indicates -the'possibility of usint; this "gamma-rayll flaw detection on r~~fractories of the "bakor-3311 type. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation.7 Card 1/1 S/13IJ62/000/010/001/003 DIOI/BI66 AITV70RS: Galdina, N. rol., Yanovskiy, Yu. S. TTTLE: Melting of zirconium-contai-ning refractory materials in a three-phase are furnace !IERIDDICAL: Ogneupory, no. 10, 1962, 440 - 444 T IrXT :To increase the melting capacity of -the zirconium-containing refractory material Bakor-33, a three-phase arc furnace was used instead of the usual a-c furnaces at the pilot plant of the Seratovskiy zavod tekhnicheakogo stekla (Saratov Plant of Technical Glass). A AC-0-5 (DS-0-5) steel furnace was converted for this purpose. Technical data for the furnace as rebuilt are: 3 transformers with a total Output Of 570 kvap secondary voltage 58 - 168.3 v and maxi 'mum amnerage_3000 a; cubic capacity of the furnace 0310 liters; volume of melt flowing out at maximum working inclination(30 ) 190 liters; diameter of melting chamber 1230 mm; diameter of graphitized electrodes 150 mm; electrode spacing 500 mm; lift of electrodes 1000 mm; mean lifting velocity of electrodes 1.0 mm/min; maximum inclination of furnace 40 0; tilting by 400 takes 40 - 45 seci Card 1/3 3/131/62/000/010/001/003 Melting of zirconium-containing... B101/W6 melting time of a Bakor-33 charge 1.5 - 2.0 hrs; veiEht of furnace 11 tons. Bakor-33 %as meltei from iniustrial alumina, from zircon containing no iron, and from industrial ZrO,,, -Xith, admixtures, at 1750 - 1800 C. Principal components of Bakor-33: 12.43% Si02' 33.257' Zr02, 51-46'"' A1,0 3' I ~` 1-1 'felting procecded perfectly at a mains voltage of 178 v and a phase amperage of 1,050 a, with the electrodes immersed 50 -70 mm. The output was higher than from the a-c furnace. The 500-kg furnace delivered more than 300 kg of melt per hour. In the named plant, series production of refractory material from Bakor-33 war: begun in 1962. An experimental batch from the three-phase furnace -howed a lower carbon content than the product from the a-c furnace, witth chemical composition and physical properties similar to those of the Corhart Zac product of the French firm named Electrorefracteur. Tests of the resistance of the products to molten -lass (20-12 hrs holding 1490 - 16000C) showed a loss of 0.31-0.60 mm/day at the level of the glass melt, and 0.10-0.28 mm/day below that level. At the authors' own institute, its Saratov-branch, and the named plant work is proceeding vith a view to further improvements such as an increase in density, better surface quality, and a more perfect casting process. There are figures and 3 tables. Card 2/3 S/131/62/000/010/001/003 Melting of zirconium-containing... B101/B166 ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstverinyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy 'institut stekla (State Scientific Reseerrah Institute of Glassi) Card 3/3 .IGALDINA, N.M.; DERI, Atilla [Dgri, A.] Manufacture and service of "korvishit". a corundum refractory material, in Hungary. Stek. i ker. 19 no.6:41-44 -Te 162. (KRA 15 s 7) (Hungary-Refractory materials) GAIDIXA, N.M.; YANOVSKIY, Yu.S.; KUZNETSOVA, N.G.; BABOZHAITLAN, M.A. Bakor-33 is a new highly resistant electronmelted refractory for glass furnaces. Stek.i ker. 19 no-4:15-18 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Refractory materials--Testing) (Glass fnrnaces) ',I,'TSjI&V) I _ D-` - G.,K.; BUPOVIGH, L.16Y.; KOLRASN1KOV.,I, , Galundgraphic control of internal defccts in -'usi--- refrac-.ories. Ogneupory 27 no.6-.288-29A 162. (MILU, 15,- 5) 1. Gosudarstvemiyy nambno-issledovatal'skiy inotitut stekla. (Garama --mys-Industrial applications) (Roi)mctory materials.-Dafects) GALDINA, N.M.; YANOVSI',i)[, Yu.S. Fusion of zirconium bearing refractories in a three-phase electric arc furnace. Ogneupory 27 no.10:440-444 162. (MIRA 15-9) 1. Gosudarstvenryy nauchno-isslodovatellskiy Institut stakla. (Refractory materials) ZALIZIPLAK, D, V, ; G MAEVSKIY, Ye.R.; MELIEK; FD-U-", M.Ya.; SHCHEK-OTIHINA, N.M. Studying the performance of verious refractories in the glass tank furnaces of the Gomell glass factory. Stek.i ker. 19 no.9:4-7 S 162. (MIRA 15:9) . (Glass furnaces) (Refractory materials--Testing) GALD-INAJ, N.M.; YANOVSKIY, YU.S. Improving foundry molds for electrocast--mfractories. Ogneupory 28 n0.2: -V- 163i - (Kill-IL-2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-inaledovateltakiy inBtitut stekla. (Mlding (Founding)) ACCESSION NR: AR4033711 S/0081/64/000/003/MO14/MO14 SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Khimiya, Abs. 3M98 AUTHOR: 'Galdina, N. M.; Rublevskiy, Zh. P.; Shatova. N. P.; Yanovskiy, Yu. S.; Izosenkova' A. V.; Shchekotikhina, N. M. TITLE: Improving the technology of production of electromolten, zirconium-con- taining, refractory materials for glass furnaces CITED SOURCE: Steklo. Inform. materialy* Gos. n.-i. in-.ta stekla, no. 2 (119), 1963, 55-62 TOPIC TAGS: glass manufacture, glass furnace construction, glass furnace material, refractory material, zirconium containing refractory material, arc furnace ABSTRACT: In order to raise the output, improve thesquality of the melt and effect a more economical utilization of heat in the process of melting high-stability refractory materials, a three-phase arc furnace has been installed in the testing facility of the Saratovskiy zavod tekhnicheskogo stekla (Saratov technical glass works). The electrical specifications of the furnace are given. Under the opera- ting conditions indicated, the melt output of the 500 k9 furnace is 300 kg/hr. Ba,kor,)l was molten in the three-phase arc furnace and pieces were cast in the Cara ACCESSION NR: AR4033711 form of 600 x 400 x 250 mm standard wall bars as well as draw plates and profile parts for burner ducts of glass furnaces (arch stones, "teeth" and "heels"). The average chemical composition and physical properties are given for bakor 33 glass bars whose characteristics are superior to those of bars made by the Yerevan works and not inferior to the best modern, foreign, fused refractory material, "Korkhart TsAW1. Thus, in some tests, the glass strength of bakor 33 samples ceeded that of the "Korkhart TsAKI material and was higher than that-of the bakor 33 and bakor 20 produced at the Yerevan works. DATE ACQ,. O2Apr64 SUB CODE: MA ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 BEREZP-NOY A.I.; BIRODSKIY, Yu.A.; BRONSHTEIE, Z.I.; K.L.; GALDINA, D.F.; GLMIAN, B.A.; GD.~ZBUEG, D.B..; GUT-OP, Y.G.; GURLTICH- L.R.; DAUVALITER, A.E.; TEGOROVA, L.S.; KOTLIA11, A.Ye .; KUZYAK, V.A.; MAKAROV, A.V.; POLIYAK , V.V.; POPOVA, E.M.; PIRYAPISIDUKOV, V.P.; SEETY-URTIi, G.G.; SILIVESTROVICH, S.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; SOLOMD1, Ii.V.: TU-'JMI, B.S.; TYRACPIUSKIY, I.D.; SHIGAIEVA, V.F.; SHLAIII, i.B.; ELIKIIqD, G.A.Ldeceased]; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., zasl. deyatell nauld i tekhniki RSFSR, doktor tekhr.. nauk, prof., red.; GO'L"OZOVA, II.A., red.izd-va; KOILUOVSKAYA, L.A., tekbn. red. [Handbook on glass manufacture] Spravochnik po proizvodstvu stekla. [By] A.I.Berezhnoi i dr. Pod red. I.I.Kitaigorodskogo i S.I.Sillvestrovicha. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Vol.2. 1963. 815 P. (YURA 16:12) (Glass manufacture) r e --'r a,! H Y- Service life of 3-1 --nJ Kcr:-hart -sak --2frs glass furnaces . OFraw.pory 10 nov F I st 1. Gosudarstvennyy institul, stekla (for Galdina, Shatova' 2. Gome I I skiv stakol I nyy zavod ( for 7,n vaiyuk- , Vel I ndk , Flrc- GA LDII NA kana, Lekhn. ruiuk; RIUEVSKH, 1,P., ---JI -'i . .11, A.A., inzh... ROGOVOY, M. L, Directioml. solidification as a uiethod of Lnu. ,,ving thp propel-ties of fused and Cast refractories. Stek. ;- ker. 22 no.12:16-19 D 165. (MIRA 1P:12)f 1. Gasuda-rstvennyy nauchno-issledava Lei I ski y im.:Litut stekla (for GaIdina, Rublevskly, Verlotskiy). ?. &Moi3kov,5kJ.y inzhenelno- stroiteilnyy im-titut imeni Kuybysheva O'nr Fvi~rvoy), FAVORSKAYA, T.A.; TOMTOPYATOV, G.M.-: GALIDING) M.R. S~~- Synthesis and study of the transformations of acetylenic o/,-glycols. Part 9: Molecular rearrangements observed in - the reactions of 3,4-dimethyl-l-hexyne-3,4-diol with hydrochloric acid. Zhur. ob. khim. 35 no.4:593-597 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Leniingradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. GAUKOV9 ji.A., eoktor biol*nauk The m.-ture's storeroo= !3ha.U become richer. IUn. mt. no.12~2-3 D 160. WURA 2-4~3) 1. CbIen prezidiuma Vscrossiyskogo obshchestva sodeystviya okhrane prixody i ozeleneuiyu naselennykh punktov. (Natural resources) GALDKOV, V.S.; KALIKO, Yu.A. Machine for testing the enduranee of cement materials sabjected to bending. Zav.lab 26 no.10:1177-1179 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Kharlkovski7 avtomobilluo-dorozhnyy institut. (Cement--Testing)