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GODERIDZISHVILI, 0. 1. "The Role of Certain Species of Fresh-Water Mollusks in the Eqizootiology of Fascioliasis in Leningradskaya Oblast and Testing of Mineral Fertilizers on Them." Cand Vet Sci, Leningrad Inat for the Advanced Training of Veterinary Physicisms.. Leningrad,, 1953. (RZhBiol,, No 1,, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sm. No. 556,, 24 jun 55 CHUBABRIYA, I.T.; GODERDZISHVILI, G.I. Role of filarias In the atioloa of the "Xhutill' diumame. Soob. AN Gru%.SSR 17 no.5:443-450 136. WaA 9:9) 1.Gruzinaki7 nanchno-issledovatel'skiy veterinarnyv Iiintitut Tbilisi. Predstavlano akademikom F.A.Zayteavyn. (Georgia-Cattle-Diseases) (Goorgia-Filaria and filariasis) U38R/Discases of Farm Animls. Diseases Caused by HaLndnths - Abs Jcur: Ref Zhur-Diol-, No 15, 1958, 69488. Author Goderdzi - Ii- n- T-- Inst an Scientific Research Institute of tmiml Husbandry and Veterinary Medine. Title On the ]Results of the Trial of Lead Arseimte in Thysaniesiosis. Z Fringed Tapewom Infection_7 Orig Pub: Dyul- nauchno-tekhn. inform. Gruz. n--i- In-ta zhivotncyvodstva i vet., 1957, No 2, 18-21. Abstract: lead arsenate (LA), tried out on 60 sheep natu- raU,v infested with Thysanosom, in a dose of 0 .7 9. per head taken internally after 16-18 hour fasting, was effective in 94 of cases. 1A exerts a deadly action on sexually irmture Thysanosom and is non-toxic in the indicated dose. LA was subsequently Card 1/2 21 USSR/Diseases of Faria Animals. Diseases C-iused by He3jAnths. B fibs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 15, 1958, 69488. tried, vith good reoults, in the treatnent of fringed tapeworn infection in widespread industrial application to 1,312 sheep. Card : 2/2 CHUBABRIYA, I.T. ; GODERIZISHVILI. G. I., katirl.votFirin.nauk Use of tin arsanate in Moniezia infection and th7eurunsoniosia in sheep. Vetorimriia 36 no.10:34-35 0 159. ( KIRA 13:1) 1. Gruninakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Inatitut zhivotnovod- stva i vmtmrln&rll. (Tin ar3onate) (Tapeworms) (Shoop-Disonsme and posts) XURASHVILI, B.Te., otv. red.; BARATASHVILI, T.A., red.; GODEIWZIQ- red.; CA)t!DAFfZP,, G.N., red.; LTIAVi-'I.Ya., r ed.; ZENAYSHVILI, P., red.; KAMLOV, N.G., red.; CHUBABRIYA, I.T., red.; AULIANI, N.M., red. izd-va; BOKE RIT A, E.N., tekhn. red. [Mnterials of the Scientific Session of Halminthologists of the Transcaucasian Republics on Problems of Helminthofauna and Control of Helminthiasis In Man, Fam Ani%als and Plants] Materialy Nauchnoi sessii gellmintologov respublik Zakavkazlia po voprosam gellmintofauny i bor'by s gellminto- zami cheloveka, sellskokhoziaistvennykh zhivotnykh I raste- nii, Tiflis, 1961. Tbilisi, Izd-vo AN Grus.SSR, 1963. 220 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Nauchnaya sessiya gellmintologov respublik Zakavkazlya po voprosam gellmintofauny i bor'by s gellmintozami chelo- veka, sel'skokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh i ranteniy, Tiflis, 1961. (Transcaucasia-lialminthology) r~.I. Effect of aturvation diet of varinu~ ~-jratlon rr, -mf, F,rfactiveneaa of tin arsenate in sheep Amradud witi-, myzinr,,,,~zw, ~ % Gruz. SO)R 31 no. 2:425-431 Ag '63, NCIRA 17:7) GODERDZISHVILI, T. M. Cand Mod Sol -- (diss) "On the problem 9f d 'mm4Fs of certain biochemical indicators dur6ft the treatment orPldwfs bit-'-the-stanash- snd-the-duedeam under conditions of the tUkwd' sanitarim." Tbilisi, 1959 28 pp (Tbilisi State Red Inst), 2D0 copies (KL, 62-69,125) .119- ri C, r. "j, r tk - 7 T 'I- ))I - BIIIGR~l I , . ; i,~ I . . . ,e ., .1 ., . .1 1- BU'l.',!!!,'-'-'HIjTTjl 14.Y. Chanr,e,, in som- inrl:--ev cj~.' t1,,, bl,-,-.~i in cirnna-,y perfuFlon. r---ucy ';rrt. , killn. vHr. i gwm.,-it, !,!,! Gna:~. ~':~;R 11:21-241 '(~3. --7.-8) ';;, !:'!;*I i !-I, ` M. , AL , r. - : - Y .'. , . . . -. ' "~ ' A : :: ~: -; :If 0 '~,: 1,,I GL ;I :. I : ! I !' ' V- f. ' N anir~vlllr. 'Anidy pk~*-,-. i kl!~r. I , ;3 (;-i.:-;. t. M :. - I S~'*R .. ?. 3 1 GM~,W- bj~-,.,j-jemical indice," Of 4,",E bl.''.!A '') traliny ."i Gru . arimi).q. Trjdy ins 1. ekop. i , ~ I n. f.r. r. , 47tim,i t . , , I z g I .,,,r R 1-1 1 ;219-222 16' . (I m 1 r, ." I , 7 -- 6 1, GODES, Abram Borisovich; KIJZN-ETSOII, V.V., red.; SHCHEDi(INA, N.L., - tekhn. red. [Forms of production ties araong collective faxr-a] FoM mozMolkhoz- nykh proizvodf;tvennykh sviazei. I:oskvnp Goniurizdatp 1962. 212 p. 01IRA 15t6) (Collective forms-Interfarm cooporation) SAVIWV, O.A., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nau azhener. Usiug vibration drills in boring artesian wells. Stroi.prou.34 u#.6; 13-16 Je 156. (Boring) (MA 919) GODES, A.G., inshemer. Zfficient mthods for underwater blasting work. Strol.prom.34 as-7: 8-11 JI 156o (Blasting, Submarine) (MMA 9:9) GODES, Imman OV -'b;,SAVjNOT,O.A., kandidat taklinichmskikb nauk, t OTWMRG. A.S., redaktor izdntel's%T&; FULIUMA, re Te.A., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. (Nov techiques used in underigro* constructions] Novoe Y protsvodstys glubinnykh rabot. Leningrad, Gas.isd-vo lit-4y po storIt. I arkhit. 1957. 61 p. (W-VA 10.-5) 1. Glavnyy inthener Leningradskogo upravleniya, trmsts Gidrospetestroy. (for Godes). (Hydraulic engineering) (Pile driving) ANDONOYEV, V.L.; BAUM, V.A.; BAUHGARTAN. N.K.; BM'"'IN, V.D., BIRYUKOV, I.K.; BIRTMOV, S.M.: B14UIB, S.I.; BCROVOT, G.A.; BULZV# M.Z,; BUWOV, N.A.; V3RTSAYZIR, B.A.; VOVK, G.M.; VORM, B.A.; VDSHCHININ, A,P,; GAIAXTIONOV, V.D., kand. tekhn. nouk; GWIN, U.N.; GILIDIMUT. Ya.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GINZBUIG, N.M.; GLIBOV, P.S.;-QQWQjj.J.G.; GOWMW, T.N.; GRZHIB, B.T.; GINMY, L.Y., kand. o.-kh, GRaDMSKAYA, I.Ya.; DANILOY, A.G.; DMITRITIV, I.G.; DMITRIYAKO. In.D.; DOBWKHOTOV. D.D.; DUBININO L.G.; DUNMOV, KD.; ZHOLIK, A.P.; ZXQWICH. D.K.; ZINAM, Te.T.; ZIUSKOV, S.V.; ZMRIK, K.K.1 KAWOV, I.P.; KNYAZW, S.N.; KaLMOXV. N.M.; XONAWITSICIT. V.?.: KOSEMO, V.P.; KOMISTOW. D.V.: KOSTROV, IJ.; KOTLLUMIT. D*X*; KRIVSKIY. M.N.; KUZNIVSOV. A.7a.; IAGARIKOV, N.I.; IALWY, V.G.1 LIKHACIW, V.P.; IAWNOV. P.I.; NATSMIGH, X.F.; M3LINICHMMO. K.I.; XE=IdffIGH, I.R.; MIKHAYIoDT# A.V., kard. tekhm. nauk; MUSIYWA, R.N.; X&TANSON, A.V.; NIXITrN. N.V.; OM, I.S.: OGULINIK, G.R.; OSIPOY, A,D.; OSIM, N.A,; FAMT, V,I.; PIRYSHKIN, G.A., prof.; POYAMOTA, Ye.T.-, RLPOFORT, Ta.D.; (W. N.P.: RWANOV, M.P., kand. biol, nauk; ROCH31GOV, A.G.; HIJBINCHIK. A.M,; RYBCMWSKIY, V.S.; SADCHIKOV, A.V.: SZMMSOW, V.A.; SIMMO, P.M.; SINUTSWA, V.T.: SITAROVA. M.N.; SOSNOVIXOT. K.S.: STAVITSICITj Te.A.; STMTAROT. B.P. [deceased]: SUDZrWVSKIT. A.O.; STRTSOTA6 Te.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; FILIPMIY, Y.P.; UUTLMINO A.D.; TSIS113VSKIY, P.M.; CIWWASOV, N.L.- CHIMSM. A.A.; CHUSOVITIN, N.A.; SMWOPAL, A.O.; SHAKHM, P.A.; SHISIWO, G.A.; SHCHIRBIU, I.N.; 3WILI, Y.F.; YAKOBSON, A.G.; TAMOV, P.A., ARMIMALISKrY, (Continued on next oard) ANDONIYHV. V.L.... (continued) Card 2. Ye.A., reteenzent, rod.; AKHUTIN, A.H., retsenzent, red.; BAI&2107i YU.S., retsenzent, r-3d.; RARLRANCV, V.A., retso=ent, red.; RATUIM, P.D., reteenzent, red.; BORODIN, P.V., kand. takhn. nauk, reteement, red.; VAWTSKIY, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsonzent. red.; GRIGORIYXV, V.M., kand. teklin. nank, retsenzent, red.; GUBIN, H,Y.. reteenzent, red.; GUDAYIIV, I,N,, retsenzent, rod.; YWIMOLOT, A*tm, kand. tekhn. nauk, reteenzent, red.; KARAULOV, B.F., retsmazent, red.; KELITSKIY, S.N.. doktor tekhn. nauk, retno=OUt, red.: LIM. V.V., retsenzent, red.; IIJKIN, V.V., rotsensenh, red.; WSKIN, Z.D., retsermee., red.; MATRIROSOV, A.Kh., retsenzent, red.; N3N]ZLBTJff, D.M., ratoenzent, red.; KOULI, M.P., doktor teldin. nauk, retoenzent, red.; (IB OV, S.S., retsenzent, red.; PBMSIUMI, P.N., reteenzent, red.; POLTAKOV. L.H.. reteenzent, red.; RUMTAIVSN, A.M., retsenzent, red.; RYABORIKOV. Ye.I., reteenzent, red.; SUSMCIV, N.G., retseu- zent, red.; TAXAMAYIV, F.F., reteonzent, red.; TARANOVSKIY. S.V., prof., doktor teldin. nauk, reteenzent, red.; TIZDZLI, R.R.. retsen- zent. red.; Y=ROV, Te.M., retoenzent, red.; SHWYAKOV. M.N., retsenzent, red.; SHMAXOT, M.I., retsenzent, red.; ZIIUK, S.Ta. [deceased]. akademik, glarnyy red.; YAJSSO. G.A., kand. tekhn. nank. red.; FILIMONOV, N.A., red.; VOIJCOV, L.N., red.; GRISILIN, M.N., red.; ZmIff, V.D., prof., doktor tokhn. uauk, red.; KOSTROV, IoNe, red.; LIKHAGH17. V.P., red.; KOVIDIV, V.M., kand. tekhn.-nank, red.: MWIAYWV, A.V., kand. tekhn, muk, red.; PNTROV, G.D., red.; HAZIN, NIVI, red.; SOBOLBV# V.P., red.; YMINGA, B.P., red.; FRZI OYA, (Continized on next oard) ANDOWYEV, V.L.... (continued) Card 3. Ye.F., red.; TSYPLAXOT, T.D. Cdeceaaedl, red.; KOWLINOV, P.N., tekhn. red.; GWMIN, Te.H., tekhn. red.; XACEMOVSKIY, N.V., teeln. red. [Volga-Don; technical account of the construction of the V.I. lenin Volga-Don Navigation Ganall, the TSimlyansk Wdroelectric Center, and irrigation system] Volgo-Don; takhnicheakii otchat o stroltell- stye Volgo-Donskego sudokhodnogo kawls. imenl V.I. Unina, TSi*- lianskogo gidrouzla i orositellnykh sooruzhen1j, 1949-1952; v piati tomakh. Moskva, Goo. energ. izd-yo. Vol.l. [General structural descriptions] Gbshchee opisanio Booruzhenii. Glav. red. S.I.A. 2huk. Red. toma M.M. Grishin. 19-57- 319 P. Tol.2. [Organization of con- struction. Specialized operations in hydraulic onginnering] Orga- nizatsiia stroitcllstvn. Spetsiallnve gidrotakhtnicheakie raboty. (Govitinued on ne:Lt carti) AMNIYBV, V.L.... (continued) Card 4. Glav. red. S.1A. Zhuk. Red. toma I.N. Kootrov. 1958. 319 p. (MIRA 11:9) 1. lbassia (1923- - U.S.S.R.) Wniaterotvo olektrostantsii. DYmro tekhnicheekogo otcheta o stroltalletvo Volgo-Dona. 2. Chlen-kor- respondent A3mdemii nauk SSSR (for Akhutin). 3. Daystvitellnn chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arMittektury SSSR (for Grishin, Razin). (Volga Don Chnal-Hydraulie engineering) GODESO X.G. inxh. I - Using tamped concrete piles. Stroi. prom, 36 no. 7:11-13 J1 158. (MIRA 111-8) (Piling(MV1.1 a ineering) (Foundational GOIXS, B.G. (Leningrad) Using reinforced concrete sewage pipes in constrmcting pile foudar- tions. Oene funds I makh. gruns 2 noo6117-18 160s (KIRA 13$12) (Pipe, Concrete) (Piling (Civil nginsorins)) GQP_~S, E=anuil Gri ortyevich; J.11110V , N.A_ rod.., SIIILLBIO,, V,,A., rea. 1.A,, tokhn. rod. [overall mechanization of preparatory operations in the build- ing development of residential blockq]Komplokonaia rokhaniza.. tsiia rabot nulevogo tsikla pri zastrolke zhily-kh Ivartalov. Pod obshchei red. ;.A~Smlrnova. Leningrad, Lo-ningrAor, na- uchno-tekhn.propagandy, 1961. 37 p. (Bibliotechka stroitelin po komplekanoi mekhanizatsii i avtoiratizatsii stroitel'stvat no.10) (MINA 15;1') (Earthwork) (Foundations) GODES--~E.G,, inzh.; SHASHKOV, S.A.., kand. tekhn. nauk; BAIN, V.A., Inhi.; SOROKO., P.P., kand. tekhn. naukj, retuenzent; LISITMN, B.V., inzb., retsenzent; BESPALOV, I.V.j, inzh.,, naucbnyy red.; MOVA, Ye.m., red. izd-va; VORONKSK&TA, L.V.p tdcbno redo (Reinforcing river banks near factory grounds]Ukroplenia beregov rek na zavodskikh territoriiakh; proizvodetyermyi opyt. Lenin- grad, Goa, izd-vo lit-ry po otroit.,, arkhit. i stroit. materialam 1961. 134 P. (Hydraulic engineering) (14IRA 14:10~ .PODES Ermf'a= Gri oi-yevich; YMFOV, V.V., kand. telihn. naiik, j n c reCT! au C, A.S., red. izd-va; PULIKINA, Ye./t., tekhr.. red. [Construction of intakes]Opyt stroitel'stva vodozaborrwkh so- ruzhenji. Leningrad, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 1E',9 p. 7 (MIRA 3-5: 12) (Intakes (Hydraulic engineering)) I ,aOLES, Emmanuil Ijri[-:or'ycvich; LEM1011YO, Y%.V., red.; FHE"M, D.P., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L., tekbn. red. (Now i:.ethods for the sinking of coffers] Novyo sposoby po- zheniia opuskrykh kolodtsev. Leningrad, 1963. 22 p. Leningrndskii dom nauchno-tekladcheskoi propurvndy. OIXLen r peredovym oF:tom. Seriia: Stroitellnoe proizvod.,;tvo, no.8) (MLIA 17:1) (Wells) ABELEV, Yu.11-11., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; AbELEV, M.Yu., -4nz-.; BAKFOLDIN~ B.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; bEtEZAPITSEV, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk) prof.; VYALOV, S.S.p doktor tekhn. nauk; GODES, E.G.0 inzh.; GORBBOV-POSADOV, 1--I.j, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; DAU,.ATOV, B.I.0 doktor teklm. naukp prof.; DOKUCRAYEV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KRUTOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KSENOFONTOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; MARIUPOLISKIY, G.M., kand. teklul. nauk; F1ORAJE!ZUL,11.1i., inzh.; PEALEY, Ye.M.p inzh.; SAVIVOV, O.A., doictor tekhn. nauk; SIDOHOV, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; %1ORODINSKIT, N.,., kand. tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, N.M., doktor tekhr).nauk; Fl.~DKB, A.Ya., inzh.; SHASHKOV, S.A.# kand. tokhn.nauk; P'EYKOV, M.L., inzh.; YAROSHENKO, V.A., kand.tokhn.ruiuk, [~ieceased]; KIIALIZEV, Ye.P.p kand. tekhn. nauk.0, (Mariual for the designing of industrial plants, apartment houses, and public buildings and structures; foundations] Spravochnik proektirovshchika pron3xshlennykh, zhilykh i obshchestvenriykh zdanii i sooruzhenii; osnovaniin i funda- menty. Leningradt Stroiizdat, 1964. 268 p. (NIU 18:1) DateeWcalloa of granasAn in Itralu and gna:i 11 SSR L. F. Romysh nad 0. Ya, Godes Ulydomsm. "t., Alor the daccition of Kmucamn,wijO a, 4kmAN. ambt lw4ddt stud ;botetritzide im timin Lotalet, Thc~ owthod cgm Attect as mdl ma-0.11 -( Ili: attd'k hi4ill c~ a vadde yvJlow~lrangc emn3slim C'.0.111jill , W flip lu Wire, ffll~ 1IRM, OSTAPENYA, P.V., GOW11S, O.Ya. 2ffect of different doses of benzene hexachlorido upon organoleptic properties of vegetables. Vop.pit.13 no.2:46-47 Mr-AP 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Is Belorummkogo sanitarnogo Instituta (Minsk), (Hensene hexachloride) (Vegetables) L 3". Card 1/1 Pub. 141 - 11/19 Author Romysh, L. F.; Godes, G. Ya. Title Concerning the standard method of laboratory testing of bread Periodical : vop. pit... 38-38, Jul/Aua 1955 Abstract : The present standard method of testing bread samples for moisture content does not yield sufficiently reproducible results. Moiuture figures ob- tained at one laboratory are not always in agreement with those obtained at another laboratory, nor are they always identical when determined at the same laboratory by different technicians. The dimensions of the dry- ing dishes should be standardized to a further degree and specified whether they are made of glass or alluminum. Asks that laboratory tech- nicians publish ~fieir views on shortcomings of standard methods of bread testing. No references. Institution Belo-Russian Sci-Res Sanitary Inst, Minsk Submitted . . . . . . . . . . . . H, I oxlc eo~ct d ihv~ ~rekmtroq, Hit Mnit. 0 -YA--Po~ and L, E. ~ouiyr&' Z! ~ 1 83-5( 6 prosy MiWiya symptotus of the pulmmilla (VoInIth2c, 1 f1-1 LWy temp.) follow a ti-Aden P"rlod o /1 if &ad ImvTem4 I ma urine of the patients Wore foulso r 1 protcla (O.Ur-1.05 g 108 I the I -A J and urft I 7 no. ita the btrxd was 14WO, PRO3,41-0matmic. dja ~g plethora or the. ~orlcx and gmy smbnfucc ilf h6h, 1 14, na-ative changes of the hwji jud 11%,,w-:ti ta tungi, dep 9a vpute nephrills, aml Wan hal eflic. M 11 1,111C IIAlf !I 4P 11A J~jw lu Iji YOMTSH. L.F.; PATENT, R.L. Some data on the iodine content of local food pToducts In the MMI areas of the White Russian S.S.R. and problems in the prevention of goiter. ZdraT.Belor- 5 nn.1!47-" in 160. (MIRA, 13s5) 1. Iz otdela giglyeny pitanlya Belorusekogo nauchno-imeledovatelO- skogo sanitarno-glgiyanicheskogo instituta (direttor ?*T. Ostapeuya)e (IODINN) (GOITU) 'U~ ROMYSH) ~..F.; F.7,; G.*)".':,-.")j Gl"fri. lod 1 ne content in f cod rrod-.41-t t.-, c! I i-;! I j,; r: ill n rejr icons of the White 'Russian S.,'-!.Ro wish varli.,us rates of endemic gciter. Vop. pi~. 23 no.l~',5-,-5" Ja-F '64. (Mli-RA 1-:8) 1. Iz otdela gigiyerxy ;.;Ltanlya (viv. -- kiind. n~f:d. na-ak L.F. Rc,mysh) Beloru3skogo &anitarno-rigiyerii:,~.,c.-Ikopt-., in.,-Ututa, Minsk. - , ! . . I ; , ; r* 2, i f , , , , A I A , . , V I I - I t. I i I . I ( , ,, 61 - I , I . ~ I . - - , : ~ , , ;. - r f ! , t I ': t . ". r - , . I , r ~ :, 't % i is , , : ~ I ; 1 '. I , ,, " . : , . I . I ~ ; . : I I . . - : - . ; ~ ; . , " . / - C I ' I : !-' ! ; A L L " - I ! 1't I ?!r N I i . . '- . i ;. : r I !. , t, ~ I", I r; T'l -! , , ?; ;, , "- I " :~* I. ; : . ~ * ~: 1. .. I , ; 1~ f I m T,,--:;r; t -. A~ , - t t ; -L ) , - %:,- i - , . , ~- ;; I, Y-A- t ~~. ~:,/ j " r 11, t, " y - ~ ccf~~wc, 1- GOIRS, I. FALIKOVSKAYA. L. ~ -- -- $~ SOKOWV. T.; Liquidate water losses in domestic water pipe systems. Zhil.-kon. khos. 4 no.2:16-17 154. (MA 735) (Water pipes) GOIZS, I.G. Control of water lealtage 1n apartment buildinga. Gor.khoz.)(osk. 28 no.12:25-26 D 154. (MLRh 8-3) 1. StarshLy nauc-%W sotrudnik Akadewti kommunallnogo khosyaystva Imeni I.D.Paidilora. (Koncow-Water conservation) GODES) __ LG., kand. tekhn. naukj FAL'KONSHAYA, L.Ar ktind. tekhn. __ --- ne6k; BOLOTINA, A,V.,,. red. izd-va; K09,10MI, 7.M,p taklm. red. I tUsing equipment developed by other branches of the national economy for temporary water aupply] lspollzQ-vanle tekhrdki na- rodnogo khoziaistva d1la vromennogo vodosnabzheniia. 14oslcva,, Izd-vo M-va kon=un. khoz. RSFSR. 1961.. 46 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya ko=unallnogo khozyaystva. (Water.-supply engineering) ORLOVSKIY, Z.A., kand. tekhn. nauk. red.; GODES, I.G., kamd. tekhn. nauk, red., NESOV, V.D., lnzb.t red.; LUKITANoV, V.I., kand. arkh., red.; STRASBNYKH, V.P., red.izd-va; KLIMVA, G.D., red.izd-va; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red.; MAUMOVA, I.D., tekhn. red. (Construction specifications and regalatiQmj Stroitellmys normy I pravila. Moskva, Gosetroiizdat. Pt.2. See.G. ch.6.(Soverage standards for design (SNIP ii-G6-62)) Kanalizataiin normy pro- ektirovaniia (SNIP II-G.6-62) 1962. 72 p. Pt.2. See.M. ch.l. [General plans of Industrial enterprises; standards for design (SNIP II-M.1-62)] Generallnye plany promyshlennykh prodpriiatii; normy proektirovanita (SNIP II-M,1-62) 1962. 54. P. MIR&A-3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Goaudaretvaanyy kontital PO Om stroitel'stva. 2. Gosudaretvennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSPL po delam stroitellstva (for Orlovskiy, Nesov). 3. Akademiya kom- munallnogo khozyayatva RSFSR (for Godes). 4. Hauchno-issledovatell- skiy inatitut gradoatroitelletva Akademii stroitellstva i arkhi- tektur7 SSSR (for Luklyanov). (Sewerage-Standards) (Industrial planta-Design and construction) GODE5, I.G., kAnci. tekhn. naukl, red.; K(-IGA.?%, A..S., kard. L~!khr- - -.-, ixuk, red. (hegulations concerning the supply lines and sewernge ekspluatataii vodoprovodov Stroilzdat, 1965. 306 p. technical operetion of water systems) Pravila tekhnicheakoi i kanalizatsii. Moskva, (Kli-ul 18:6) 1. Russia (1917- R-II.F.S.H.) UpreLvIeniye vodoprovodno- kanalizatsionnogo khozyaystva. 0 00 0 sisfo e L *0 0 0 0 411 Ill 0 0 a 0 0 a @1* 0 a * 4 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 f 16 .1 At )I N L, ') . k A A :o L 41 -L-4 -&-,A 0 K OD U,. I fAlmanniuml Falstrie. - Mr(V 15. -, 1-4 -.-, 1. V. -I(,-, (;utill (Zhisr. Whit. At-6. It" ,.I of.hvin- Ifflawan). 71W -11111rurtlAill Is I%dv .4111 llwlAI-v,r"I kbri, An. . fit, lummilw. J., f-111 I'MI's I., to wiltil.,1114V low(Allit"I I,%- rl"Itt, fle' C 44 t "'Is 4"'.1404A (d lips I 1l 1,.11tailling VAl g 0-411 111111 1'.-' 9 1 1""'%- 4"""' " n,., milld it volulp, 4 Will Its) fil.'symp., all'.11tifig tittle 4 7A filill. r,4,1-m vwidinwr lirtkav- W a -UM" 60 k 111'AnIII&A -ill, " llpl~l Loi's lsiqwr, And m.-flisig Ille 1111,101111 Ill 1.11- ishi'll to shelf -41-d are The r-4 Ill Ali Isigh %M(opt. 1. till" 1 "' '1111)" g1lat"' 'Al r1 -rlw .,I -ts iml (~Iph- . sw l4w fssvtmr~bly wells A~isnl-lnislljlfAdunA IMAIIII-Im Al" )"t"" tlw 1`1" it; 4 911141lur dilm bt-init I I &A largr as "Wul, 1'.'" sib .1, 11"1 .".4 N. SO Stir -'l,, lAfw. Ill- With 11 le "Mm. roe 00 1 *0 DITALLOUKAL LITIMAT6111 CLA%%IFK&Tltft use 11, 00 3 It ir is 'It 0 Ka Wu Kuts f(x is it .0 6, Al I A o 0 T o 0 so 4 0 0 0 o , , 0 0 0 0 * m GODES, Ya. Flffectivc organ of streetcar operators. &dl.-kom. khoz. 13 no.5:6 My 163. (KiRA 16%) 1. Redaktor inxiogotirazhnoy gazaty "lanb4,t,:vadakiy triulvay." (laningrad--Strootcari3-Pariodicals) 1. .f703-17", Ye.-7. 2. ussp, (6o0) 4. Acids 7. Conversirn coefficient in determininp titrable acidity, V-;n.SSIl 13 no. 5, 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APIM 1953. Unclassified. .. .4, 1. "Influenco of i9obar curvaturc-5 o-i tk,,e inturis-iti, of prtlciritirltion~;." I K!:II)i,,GLLGIIA 1 Sofila, Mraria.. ',k). 6, Ylonthl~; Ii5t of '.--,1JHCHA!i A(XIMICS (hUI), D,, Vol. PI, ','L~. 7, Ju' 1 Vriclal- ~v -': SUMAME 2, en N Countryt t3ul-;aria Academic Degmess not giv.on AMU&Uans not t;iven ScuMI Sof Lit, Kid0volotdya i tleteorologiyat No 41 1961, pp 61-64 Date$ "Notes on the Article "Atmospheric Macrostorm formations.11 Authors: KI --I) DW Nikola ~~ZIJIGV, Rumen oft "164) BOZHKOV, Rq__,~?DKVI N. A brief review on investigating the earth atmosphere with artificial satelliteg. Khidro i meteorolog no-3130-35 161. I BOZHKOV, Humen Some comment on the article NOn formation of a microvortex in the atmosphere". Xhidro i meteorolog n0-4:61-64 161. -,-GODEV., N.; BOZHKGV, R. Some remarks on tbo article "Modification of the baryfield in the atmosphere.," Khidro J motqorolojr-I!!q6",P-$4 161. BOZHKOV) R.; GODEV, N. Tornado of May 293 1961 in the Rhcdope Mountains. Prirodda Bulg 11 no. 1:80-86 Ja-F 62. GOIEVI-Nikola; BGZHKOV,, Rumen Testing acme graphic methods for veather f=ecnatop &W adapting them for use in Bulgaria. Khidro i mete=:)Iog no.1:18-23 163. Z-Wwury.vp V*I*j G!"'DEVO !1,00 AmAwl eabom of a format tr a two-lnvl moftl of the atmosplare an the buois of tho so2uUca of to wmpletd aptam of lWdrotherva*numic oquationas 7*wty 14ITS" no*6125m 32 165o (MIRA 18,32) _ACC_7qW7_RM24832 UR/3118/65/0(XVOM/0025/0032, AUTHOR: Zakhariev, Vj.;.Godey, N.G. tsentr), ORG: World meteorological center (wrovoy meteorologLeheakty \'Y' 4,6 < TITLE: Numerical approach to MIAO-r-ological j~tgnosis with a two layer armospheire model on the basis of a solution of the full system of hydrodynamic equations SOURCE: Mirovoy meteorologicheskiy tsentr. Trudy, no, 6, 1965. Voprosy gidrodinaui- cheskogo kratkosrochnogo prognoza pogody I mezometeoralogii (Problems in hydrodymmic short-range weather forecasting and mesometeorology), 25-32 TOPIC TAGS: weather forecasting, hydrodynamic theory, I meteorology, atmospheric geopotential, computer calculation, atmos]pherc model ABSTRACT: A two level meteorological short term prognostic model has been constructed on the basis Of a quasistatic atmosphere with adiabatic processes, " a plant surface of the Earth. The model utilizes the full system of hydrodynamic equations correspon- ding to these assumptions, which can be considered as a hydrothermodynamic system of equations. Nith the notations: p - pressurej P - sea level standard pressure: - geopotential; x,y,t - East and Nort and vertical axes; t - timel u, v,(4 - wind velocity component$; T - temperature; 1 - Coriolis parametr, R - Gas constant; g - acc. of gravityl y - dry adiabatic grad., 46 ACC NRs AT5024832 0. standard vertical temperature gradientj TC - average air temperature - the system of hydrothermodynamic equations can be written down follows: daw = 00 OU2 + dav + do - IV Ut + -,Fx- -a,-. -jx- wherei dau. 7r,:- di ex + 7y + Wy + lu d. an av =0 0 + Y-) a (I -E) or or our ft? Rrt (TA - 7) + V - 0 (4'L + -a;-.+ W with the initial conditions given by; to + U where 1:0 (2) W==o A two-level atmosphere was chosen for the de opment of computational methodology, at 500 and 1000 millibars, Accordingky, :011 x1/2 .1 , Application of the me- thod of integral relationships along the ~ertici'l coorlate, together with the two equations of the initial conditions yiefie 7 simplified equations; 3 VWtional. equa- tions accrue from the equations of notion and beat inflow at the Stound. After some ACC NRt AT5024832 . . Oz rearrangements, a closed Aystem of 10 equations was obtained for the ten prtdicted va, riables (0 IUOVIW , and T - at levels #1 and #2). The systeA was rewritten im finite differences and programmed for digital computation in a computer, using a 22 x 26 net of 572 points with a 300 km. step. The initial wind fields wr-re t Aen in the geostro- phic, approximation; the non-linear members were smoothed at i?ach stitp. The developmen tal computer runs indicated a need for some modifications to increase stability of the computation process. More specifically, certain eigenvalmes (those of the mm ma- trices stemming from the m- level vertical dimension of the ittmosp1here, with nz?, In the present case, Abstractor) entering directly or indirectly Into the lo final equa- tions had to be considered as variable geographical parameters and computed for seve- ral subregions; this process was, however, automated as a computer subroutine. Compa- rison of actual and predicted -,eopotential maps shows that weather evolution and the character of basic pressure patterns 4ro gqrqctly predicted. Authors expresS thinks to I.A. Kibelo member-correspondent of the A.N., SSSR, for hits interest in the prog- ress of this work, and to I.V, Trostnikov, for his contribution to computer pxogran- ming. The *rig. art. has 6 figures and 10 equation system fortlul". SUB ODDE: o4 SUMM DATE: 00/...65 ORIG REF3 006 OTH RM 000 Cwd M3 f2S _/F _CG ow 7 ACC NR& AT3024836 U01116/6 )6 $2/00,56 AMNORi Godev, M.G~. ORG: World meteorolozical ceziter (Miravoy meteorologiches.My tsentr) TITLE: A 3tady of orographic precipitation with the aid of a l"ear theory of flow about the irregularities of the Earth's surface SOURCE: Mirovoy meteorologocheskiy tsentro Trudy, no. 6, 1965. Voprosy gidr~dinaxi_ cheskogo kratkosrochnogo prognoza pogody i mezometeorologii (Problems in hydiodynmic short-range weather forecasting and menometeorology), 52-56 70PIC TAGS: weather forecastiag, rain, atmospheric circulation,, atmospheric model, computer calculation ABSTRACT; Terrain obstacles deform the air flo tj reating ancilUry ascending and descending currents. Expressions for calculating these vertical currents were develo- ped'on the basis of a simplified two-layer hydrothermodynamic nodelo suitable for, computer processing. The point of departure was the vertical currents equation due to Kibel, formulated in detail elsewhere (Xibel, I.A., D.A.N4p SSSR, v. 100, rw,2* 1955), namely: 1, + X d2 d2w at of dx2 -dy-2 + wr) Gr + D2 (W"T + W UWI None ACC NRs Here WwPwI;q - density, wl vertical velocity component, H characteristic height, L - ~haracterfstic length, dry adiabatic gradient, &M 7 H3: L X= Y== L Constructing the two-layer approximation to (1), the second order p4rtial derivatives were replaced by finite differences and the vertical velocities at the Plerltver~sur- -face, W = W W corresponding to y--yj, - by the expression V a. (X) Cos Z=1/2 J) AW With *these and other similar presentationN the vertical components'Of"Velloc:fif'are found.-to be given by the expression of the form. 4 cos COS P qn=or=t -1 +2 rAe f e-1l(z-xl)+l, r dx' - 12, ell X') sin X2 (X X1 t' 1XI, 'r dX' when D'!>01 q A region arptind Sophia, Bulgaria was chosen for compCtir-p~6Cii'aTzij*4- The mountains Card 2/3 ACC NRs AT5024836 13! -were represented by paraboloids of rotation, The whole model was processed on A digi- tal computer of the World meteorological center. The results show th t ip3pite of can. siderable simplifications introduced in the model, it is possible tMiAn the main futurts of the precipitation events. The zones of maximum and minimun precipitation were also computed and plotted; they occur in spots elongated along the direction of the wind. Actual and predicted (calculated) zone patterns look quite similar. Author thanks I.A. Kibeb- member-correspondentp A*N90 S,S*S*Ro, and Zeytuayan and N.A. FeNt~va fo ibeir attention evidenced with respect to tho present work. Orig. art. has; 2 fig*, 14 formulas. 3uB ooDE: 0 SUBM DATEs 'rt4T%X, ORIG REFs 004 OTH REPs 001 Card 3/3 Ins, LRYINA, Antonins Andr3yevna,; DITACHKOT, Aleksey Klkhaylovich; GHALXHMITASP L.F., red.; GOIMYCHIK. GA -., red.; SH NXOVA, T.A.. [Automt1c loon (AT2-120-ShL) for silk weaving) Avtomsticheakit sholkotkatakil stanok A22-120-ShL. Moskva, Gom.nauchno-ttkhn. iad-vo lit-ry o legkol promrshl., 1959. 81 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Loom (Rtlk) GODIC, Vlantimir Treatment of dundenal ulcer In Vrnjacks Banja. Red. glasn. 10 no. 10:198-404 Oct 56. 1. Institut s& nedIcinsku hidrologiju I klimatologiju Kedicinskog fak-ulteta u Beogradu (upravaik; M. Neekovic). (Pr6PTIC ULCER, ther. balneother. (BALNEOLOGY, in various din. peptic ulcer (Sar)) GODIC, Vlastimir; RADIC, Mthajlo Treatment of diabetes mellitus at Yrnjacka Banja baths. Srpski arh. celolc. lek. 84 no.1:67-73 Jan 56. 1. Institut za medicinsku h1drologiju I kllmatologlju Redicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Milutin Reekovic. (DIABWBS MSLLITUS. ther. balneol. (Ser)) (BALNI)WGY, in various die. diabetes mellitus, Vrnjacka Banj& batbe (Ser)) RADIC, Mthajlo; GODIC, Vlastimir; CVETKOVIC, Miodrag Immediate effect of naturally carbon dioxide baths and of the drinking of mineral water Sneznik in Yrnjacka Banja on glycomia of diabetics. Srpoki orb. colok. lek. 84 no.2:199-2D3 Yeb 56. 1. Institut za madicinsku hidrologiju I klimatologiju Nedicinskog fakulteta n Beogradu. Upravnik; prof. dr. Milutin Itookovic. (BLOOD SUGAR, in various die. diabetes mellitus. off. of carbon dioxide bath & mineral water (Ser)) (DIABETES 1111LITUS. blood in blood sugar, off. of carbon dioxide bath & mineral water (Ser)) (BALIMIDGT, carbon dioxide bath, off. on blood sugar in diabetes mellitus, with mineral water (Ser)) (NIMCIAL WATER, off. on blood sugar in diabetes mollitus, with carbon dioxide bath (Ser)) GODIC, Vlastielay; SKFMVIC, Djordjina; PETKOVIG, DragoIjub Effect of warm ninoral water from Yrnjacka Banja on the excitability of the parasympathetic nervous system of dog. SrPski arb. calok. lek. 84 no-9:998-1003 Sai)t 56. 1. Institut za madicinsku hidrologiju I klimatologiju Med. fak-ultata u Baogradu, Upravnik: prof. dr. Milutin Neakovic. Fiziolooki Institut Had. fakultata u Baogradu; Uprevnik: prof. dr. Milutin Neskovic. (PARASPAPATMIC NERVOUS STSTM, physiol. excitability, off. of warm mineral water in log (Ser)) (MI NM4L WATER, off. on excitability of parasympathetic US of dog (Ger)) 7 'j RJODIC, M1haj1o, Dr.; GODIC, Vlastimir. dr. Conditions following infectious hepatitis and Its tber&p7 in Vrnjacka Banja. Ked. glasn. 11 no.16-18 Jan 57. 1. Inatitut z& modicinaku hidrologiju t klimstalogiju Modicinskog fakulteta u Bengradu (Upravnik: prof. dr. N. Ifeekovic). (HAPATITIS, INFBCTIOUS, ther. Vrnjacka Banja bathe (Ser)) (BALIMWGY, in war. dim. Yrnjacaka Banja bathe in infect. hepatitis (Ser)) SUROVIC. Djordjina; GODIC, Vlastimir IMMM-0 MMINW-, %xperimental study of the effect of mineral wator nt Yrnjacka Banja (Znesnik) on isolated intestines of cat. Srps". arh. colok. lek. 85 no.1:57-62 Jan 57. 1. Fiziolooki institut Madicinakog fakultets u3mogrado Upravnik: prof. dr. Milutin Neekovic. Institut to nodicinsku k1drologiju I kltmatologiju Redicinakog fakultnta u Beagredu Uprawnik: Milutin Neskovic. (MI NIMAL WATM, of f . Traj cks Be a mineral water on tsolgtod intestines of c:t (So (11"IF'STIns, off. of Vrnjacka Banja mineral water on isolateil intestines of cat (Ser)) GODIC. Vlastirlar; RUIC,I Hihajlo Affect of mineral waters of VftJacku Banja on choloreois, SrpekI arh. colok. lek. 83 no.5.,532-338 Nor 57. 1, Institut sa Hedicinsku hidrologiJu i klimatolog1ju Modicinskog fakulte$a. Vpravuik: Milutin Nookovice (BILI, choloretto off. of Yrnjaoka Banjo mineral waters (Sor)) (NDngPAL VAT=, off. cholerotIc of V!mjaoka Banjo mineral waters (Ser)) SAVICEVIC, Miomir; STANKOVIC Milos; STiVKOVIC, Ranko; GODIC, Vlastimir .9 --------------- Effect of mineral water and climate in BanjeVa spa on health In chronic lead poisoning. Srpski arh. celok, Isk. 88 no.6:655-664 Je 160. 1. Higijenski institut Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradil. Upravnik: prof. dr Riomir Savicavic. (LEAD POISONING ther) (BALNEOLOGY) DANILOVIC, Vojislav; BOJANIC, Milan; RADOVANOVIC, Lavir; GODIC, vlastimirl, dr., doc.; RADIC, Mihajlo Imediate results of balneo-climatic factors in Soko-Spa in bronchial asthma. Srpski arh. celoko lek, 89 no-3:295-303 Mr 161. 1. Balneo-klimatoloski Institut NR Srbija u Beogradu. Direktor.' doc. dr Vla8timir Godic. Interna klinika B Madleinskog fakulteta Univerzitsta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr Radivoje Berovic. (ASTHMA ther) (BALNEOLOGr) RADIC, Rihailo; GODIC, Vlaatlmir; RADOVAEOVIC, lazar; BOJANICIM--Ilan Contribution to the study on radio-,emanotherapy and results of combined balneo- and climatic therapy in Sokobanja. Srpski arch. celok. lek. 91 no.11%1033-1040 N163 1. Balneo-klimatoloski institut SR Srbije u Ekiograduldl.rek- tor: docedr, Vlastimir God1c. *0 arch. celol,. lek. no-3:291--~()9 mr r0' t'A': Ir. Vhis~dmlr (,cdicli; GODICH, V.I.; LUT-HE110, I.Ye. Ropresentation of a unitary operator as the product cf two involutionB. Usp. mat. nauk 20 no.6:64-65 N-D 1~5. (MIFA 18:12) 1. Subadtted Feb. 27, 1965. CO-41J,41klil tRCNOV', A.A.'; GODIK,.A.N.; SHTILIMAN, Te.r.; ANMYXV. 0.Y., redaktor; 4- - GALAXTIONOTW,--?V.T., takhnichookiy redaktor [Highway bridges and culverts with water gate@) Shliusnre meaty traby na avtomobillnykh dorogakh. Moskva, lzd-vo derozhno-takhn. lit-ry, 1952. 138 P. CHicrofilml (MIRA 7:10) (Bridges) (CUverts) (D&ms) Uroit,-,l ~:tvo :7:o3 sm,ill hlrit-a- n,-A Yo. 1. Shtllt:r-n. Moo,,-va, "Litcratura": SO: N/5 671.21 .D7 i true,, ---- 7e:; tv!-h fro.-. I-)r'.'Il -at rt'll ;, by) A. A. Brwry'-, A. D