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GRZYWACZEWSKI, ZI, mgre, inze Launching of the floating dock for the Stettin ship repair yard. Bud okimtowe Warszawa 6 no.12:375 161. I* Redaktor dzialowy miesiscmika. "Badownictwo Okratovo*. (StattiD--Docks) .. ! 1 1 , , , f ;!;! 610,r- it LTIN 1 11,11 11,~. 101, , - 1 1 1 1 ; 1!7, , GRZYWA04DISKI, Zbigniewt mgr,jinz, .,.1 The outlook for technical progress in the shipbuilding industry. Przegj. techn 81 no.17:10-11 160. GRZYWACZEWSKI,, Zbigniew, mgr.inz. Ton years of activity of the Commission of Marine Welfare and Safety. Bud okretowe Warszawa 7 no.8s252-255 Ag 162. 1. Pzewodniczacy Ckretowej Komiaji Bytowej i Ochrony Pracy, Gdansk. GRZYWACZEWSKI, Zbigniew, mgr.inz. (Gdansk) A floating dock af 5500 t. for the Ship Repair Yard in Szczecin. Bud okretowe Warszawa 7 no.81255-258 Ag 162. GRZ'YWACZEWSKI, Zbigniew, mgr inz, Conference of the Food and Agriculture organization of the Unitp,4 'Nations In- DkeWS on the stability of fishing vessels. Btid okr*towe-,,VaIrvwwa 8 no.12407-408 D163. GPZ'f4ACZEWSKI, Zbigniev, mg.- in*-'* Problsm of protection against Pre bnzards of vessela and shipyatds, Bud okretove Varazava 9 no.:LOL351-354 164 1. Marine Institutev Gdansk. ;.;: I - I? RUDZINSKI, Jerzy, mgr inz.; GRZYWACZEWSKI, Zblpn!Fiw, mgi* inz., BORYSIEWICZ, Tadausz Now books. Bud okratowe Warszawa 9 no.12i"7-U,9 D 164. GRZYWACZEWSKI, Zbignlew, agr Inz. I -- Present state and shortcomings of the classiflcaticn of ships~ Bud okretowe Warszawa 10 no.3.-103-105 Mr 165. 1. Nartne Institute, Gdansk. !~'~ - 4111111~-i --)' ta,) 3Ai tu-) miccued M/S Batory. flarzy techn 18 no-4:3-6 Ap 165. R- I- Y. K . -A I M ,,R--YWAK, A. Testirg the driving machinery for belt conveyers. Biuletyn. p. 9 No. 11, Vol. 11, Nov. 1955. FRZEGLO GORNICZY. Stalinogrod. Poland SOURCE. East Suropean Accessions List (FMAL) LC VOL. 5, No. 6 June 1956 i IIAI "! 'I I ['' I '- GRZYWO.p A.; SZYjA, S. "Equipment for starting mine conveyers." P. 53 (Przeglad Gorniczy) Vol. 12, no. 2, Feb. 1956 Katowice, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 GRMJ~F, A. E LO-574 speed controller for automatization of belt conveyers. 1,uletyn Emh. P. 7 (Przeglad Gornicty. Vol. 12, no. 7/8, July/Aiig. 1956. ~atowice. Poland) Monthly Index of East Eurepean Accessions (EE-AI) LC. Vol. 7, na. 2, February 1958 G,TZZr-,Y Y , A . Automatization of belt conveyers. p. 287 (PrzeClad Gcrniczy. Vol. 12, no. 7/8., J1,lY/Aur,- 199- Katowice, Poland) Eonthly Index of East European Accessions (M.I) I.C. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1,058 A; SZ;JA, '~;. 1~ The influence of electric feeders on the output of electric motors in mints. P - 194. PI'ZEGLAD GORUICZY. Katowice, Poland, Vol. 5, no- 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E-EAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. SZYJA., Stanislaw, mgr... inz.; GRZYWAK, Andrzej, dr.,, inz. Problems connected vith mining electrical driven and feeding transformers. Prze9l gorn 17. PWISupples Biuletyn Zakl KowtWO.Hech PW 9 no, I': U-12 0 GRZYWAX luylrzo I Modern system of remotely contro.Iled mining machinery, Wiadom goru 12 no.6:199-202 Je '161, GRMTAK, J. GRZYWAK,, J. Technical progress In the mechanization of assemblage by means of electric machines. p. 14. BUDMICTWO PRZEFn.'LM. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 4, No. 11, Nov. 1955 SOURCE: But European Accessions List (EM) LC Vol. 5., No. 6. June 1956 GRZf,-M,-',, J. Technical prorress in the mechanization of electi-lu . (-Pr, be contd. ) P. B (1,11inigterstwo o) '14,a-4isava -F o1. 5, no. 1, Jan. ll-.),6 So. East Earopean Acccssic~ro List lrol. 5, '110. 9 scuto-3-r - 17 , , -G-RZY'vi'AK # J. "Gold welding of copper rails with aluminum rails." P. 154 (Gospodarka Cieplna, Energetyka Przemyslowa) Vol. r, rv). 4, Julyl Aug. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vc-1. ", no. , e -4 v April 1958 GRZYie,'AK, jerzy, mgr inz. Cold bonding Cu-Al contacts. Rudy 4 ."i . A. metale 10 1 - ". GRZZYWAK, Tara.4.4 Inheritance of the direct dimenslon3 of the faers ante morpholcgica'14. facial index in the light; of the Frets -:~tncapt, Prace zool noA43-53 163 [publ. 1641. 1. Institute of Anthrop.logy of the Jalliallonlan I Krakow. Head, prof. dr Eugenia Stolyhwo, GRZYWINSKI, Leezek Mass invasion of humans by Bdellonyssus bacoti Hirst. Wiadomosci parazyt., Waroz. 2 no.4:231-233 1956. 1. Z Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniczej we Wroclawlu. (MITES, liporqssus bacoti, infestation of humans (Pol)) GRZYWINSKI, Leszek (Wroclaw) Internal parasites in fur animals in the western territories. Wiadomosci parazyt., Warez. 2 no-5 SuPP1:155-156 1956. 1. Katedra Parasytologil I Chorob 1*,szyjrqch WSR. (PARASITIC DISMASMS. epidemio Out in fur animals In Poland lPol)) GRZYWINS u,~ek Correlation between intestiml invasion and infection in fowl. Wiadomosci parazyt., Warez. 4 no.5-6;591; ITigl. tranal. 592 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Parasytologli i Chorob Inwazy4nych WSR w Warozawle. (SALMOIUWA DOWTIONS, experimental, gallinaram, relation to ascariatis in chickens (Poi)) (kSGARIASIS, experimentalI relation to Salmonella gallinarm infect. in chicke (Pol)) GRMINSKI,I*szak Attempted application of a sicro-procipitation reaction with Maria of the type Strongylua. Viadonosoi parazyt..Warsz.6 no.1:27-29 160, (STRCNGYIQIDIMIS dift. ) GRZYWINSKI, Leszek Correlation between the experimental inteatinal invasion and infection in poultr7. Acta parasit 8 no*8/2O;z55--277 Je 860,, (NW 9;11) 1. Katedra Parazytologii i Chorob Dwazyjnych W.S.R. Wroclaw. (Poultry) GRZYWINSKI, Leszek Parasitological analysis of fecalia from excavations. Wiad. parazy-t. 8 no.5:543-548 162. 1. Natedra Parazytologii i Chorob Inwazyjnych WSR, Wroclaw. (ARCHEOLOGY) MECES) (PARASITIC DISEAS~S) GRZY*,,,-,N.:?.-J ,T p. er ter; 4 t 8 GRZYWINS~!,-Lewzek; BOCHDAL W, Roman Experimental toxoplasmosis in dogs. Wiad. parazyt. 10 no-4: 381-382 164 1. Katedra Parazytologii I Chorob Inwazyjnych I Katedra Epizootiologii Wyzszej Szkoly Rolniczej, Wroclaw. GRZYNINSKI, Leszek; BOCIMAIZK, Rom= Experimental toxoplasmosis of cats. Viad. paraw y-L. 11 no - 5: 453-465 1 65. 1. Katedra Parazytologii i Chorob inzawynych i Katedra Epiz& otiologii Wyszhej Szkoly Rolniczej, Wroclaw. POTIUTD/Uaenical Technology. Chemical Products and 9jicir ,',Pplication. Lcat'-)cr. Fur. Gelatine. Tanning Mater-ials. Industrial Proteina. 6054, ~,bs Jour: Ref 7,hur-Khim., Ho 2., 1959Y ..uthor Grzywinski, Wlodzinicrz. Inst Title i~rtificial F cc Layer of Polyamides on Clirqi.,,c, Vegetable and Su-I.fochloride Tanned Hide Shreds. Parts I end II. Orig Pub: Przegl. skovzany, 1956, 11, iTo 6. Diul. 3--ib. koloryst., 1-4; No 12, Diul. lab. kolorYst-, 5-8. ,`1stract: 1. Experinents of usiii[; -polyanides (stilon / translitern- -7 ...... ) for dressin- shreds of hides tion from Russian t, by applying an artificial face to tho-ra are described. T'L-,c metilod of -mocUficlation of stilon by tlie -Introduction of a-Moxymet-iyl 6roups into it by the -action of alcohol Card 1/3 180 POL~M/Cfherdcal TechnoloGy. Claci- cal I.-Iroducts [L-id Tho-ir 11-35 Application. Lnat',Cr. Fur. Gelatine. Tna:,irv-, M?~-terialo. Didustrial Protolnu. -bs Jour: Ref Zhur-10iim. " ., .,.o 2, 1)59, G954 solution of C.72P ()%I the palyrcr dissolved fertaic acid is preseiy~cd. ILI--tc. adhesive praDer~:'-es of films are quite sa'u-is-LI'Letory for their applicc,--ion L(-~ the wni)olishcd surfr.-.ce of sl0rods, but not Lo -C.,Q pol.Ashed Pig 1cither, cs-,?uc' in its areas of texture. ;~ StJ-1011 fill! crea'Ges wuiratca coloriiiL; y. ~ssibi li- ties to produce color slicdes to ordor, as -.iell ~~s c,. liij-i gloss. - H. TI. 03c method nf -appi-ictiti-jil ali nrtji,:jc-;al T-1ce layor ~;f mcclified stil-in tr, chrorae, veLctable ezd stilfochicride ,;an:,,e1 hide shrecis i's described. A p7-ysicn-1-noebailical Study showed tiiat tlie shrods obtained possessed an in- 2/3 PO-1:-WD./Clionic-ol Teclh-irlloay. C11orical Products ad-xl rKleir 'H-35 l'-PPlication. Leather. Fur. Golatinc. TaruiinS Ma,tevials. Industrinl Proteins. A',bs Jour.- I Llef Zhur-Main., Wo 2, 1959, 61054. creased taisilc strcn6,tjj as compnrcd to slhratls withc'ut FMY -nrtifici--l fcce layer and a greater s-r,,,-.bility dry a~,,.d wet *-.^ 'etion than ~;rod.n side leather. - j - Vat,;d:C,1-.C. On r d 3/3 181 ~RZYWINSKI, W. Artificial surface layers on the splits tanned by the chrome.9 vegetable, and sl,l-fo- chloride methods. Pt.2. Biuletyn Lab. P.5 (PRZE(RAD SKORZANY, Vol. 11., V.- lrj, *Dec. 1956., Lodzo Poland) SO: Mon" List Of EaSt European Accessions (EEAL) TC, Vol. 6, No. 9,, Sept. 1957, Uncl. DuM from cement kiW as A iaw :tu- Roa=Andrzeitwxki=Crzy*iijcnVtq,oxdKaz~ J I 'Kr N1ikW Ak G6i 6 d k P P 0 L - . m a z oland). -, 3 ( a 10. r itneqI-Mopwo4its 11 0). 7$4WJR65).-The- dust front ce-7 into TKOoti(Jt=be~tlilxWdh-(,tlyo4LK~ - orosa mlxcdK&WP1vrh jyzer of for redavery of Xr s its a It into mitttrlil f 4 Pr per 10 T Ktt~(h j6d A! WO . ~ I Ifif p4 Icsof a V . - ;C ilk I fi 1 = M *O, SM, WRI UtO t , )Mj tt nest 1W O my ~ puticlet, which ex dry flota- it be bbiabied hy a fuethad 41 Haiti XAIO. vAn't KAIOj! ie lcoolied out In ";autoeUve. itlor romolon wit h M-Ylefihl KAM'soid A4 : 0i, IC I !duit Is rticoyttod by the wd method. then t his slwq~ ~dmtitecl and the aq. soln. eoncd; till RSO4 (of 7 0% purity);; ~ciystallixei; the thick sluirry Is then returned for mixing ' cement ran, materhils, The authdrs found fluit most . ! of the dust originates front the cold ctaI ofithe rotuy kiln i beccat3e It Is not hilly calcined. Whwi the w mattikls' contained 0.92~ thb. clitilivy, Lontaldid ani.v 0~,61% Kto KO in clinker. 'is dektcritius anywa ) Thtm, approx, 'i ' -1 fK a d l i P l l sremove w w t tt ust. As it 1to o n ' . "Ment Is aprox., 4,000,000 ton/year, the &in i W V.30 re- movedwith ustandw 14 OW t At 1800 s 1850' KO (which Is formed b~ rlb t. 61 It- Compi:10 sublinies to tolder'parts of the k9 nwhire I cama- 'blitti with, COs. Kht 3%, and H30 tomI ng part. of dust: "particles. A cement mill, which might deci (e.g, by Polish potent a remo de to recoytr X~ veii 01 X livat clinker) may enn M as a MW material voleank tufts wbich Filipowke.. Poli contain and. - KjO OAT,, 810, 02.51, AWj , H 64 ll VC 03 am% tc F d ~ J . - . . en e - , e 1 2 7 ?0062Y, 1 2 un GRZYWNOWICZ, Jan, inz. --------- Purification of waste gases from burning kilns for Portland clinker. Cement vapno gips 16/26 no.8/9:251-256 161. 1. Katedm Gospodarki Cieplnej Akademii Gornieso-Hutnicsej, Krakov. (Clinker brick) GRMO-DABROVSKI, Wlktor ..... I .. .. i'9QWAW,U. - Polish legal and related bibliograptW for 1951. I sad.. Warawwa, 6:197-209 1955. (BrBLIOGRAPHr medicolegal In Poland) GRZYWO-DABROWSKI, Wiktor; JUNDZILL, Ya7sty-na Polish neurological, neurosurgical and psychiatric literaturo published in 1961. Neurol. neurochir. paychiat. pol. 13 no-3: "0-459 163. (NEUROLOGY) (NEUROSURGERX) (PSYCHIATRY) (BIBLIOGRAPHY) HUNGARY/Analysis of Orjpnic Sutstances. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khj11ftiya) Tjo 6., 1957., 19711- 11 Author Erzsebet Gsaszar, Otto Szucs. Title RaDii 1-lethod of Detection of Barbiturates at Fatal Poisoning with Them. G-3 Orig Pub Kiserl. orvostud., 1956., 8; No 4, 426-428 Abstract Me adipose tissue Is melted in a water bath and the barbiturates are extracted with alkali, The obtained alkaline solution 1:3 treated wiLh chloroform and applied to strips of filter paper moistened with i.;:') co(No 3)2 solution. The leper strips are dried and developEad in ammonia gas. The senoivity of the method is about 10)~ the results are well reprcducible. Card 1/1 21 GSCHWINDT, Andras I .1 Transistor receiver for 2 meters. Radiotechnika 15 no.1:23- 25 Ja 165. GSC _ -- , inze Utilization of ash in road contruction, Siln dop4va 11 n0.95:14-15 my 63. ~ I 1. Vyskumay uotaT stavebaietTap 1kratislavae I GSCHWENDT, Ivarl, Mz, Hydrothe-va conditions of roadbeds. Inz atavbv 12 no.9: 396-399 8 164. 1. Research Institute of Engineering Construction, B~atlslava. GSCHWINDT,-,A-n.dr , QM4-filter for the reception of telegraphic signals. Radiotechnika 13 noo4:2,35 Ap '63o FERENCZ, Csaba; GSCffWIIIDT, Andras Designing tuned transistor amplifiers. Radiotechnika 14 no.10: 362-364 0 164. GSZHWINDT, Andras Transistor receiver for 2 meters. P,,. I. Radiotechnika. 14 no.12:466-467 D 164e OAWADT, Andran Transistor oscIllators. Pt.l. Radiotechnika 15 no.6:212-213 Je 't 5. " 3 ~ '." f -. i1i lj~ ~'i I A., .- : I i.7~ ;;-1- ; liA '~ '41i.) .0 ~rnn5i3to-r oscillators. F t, . --' . F!.diotechnikri 15 rlr),'7:"~,7-2r8 ii. !65. -- GSELMAN'. _JmrZ Work of the Posta, Telegraph, and Telephone Inspectorate in the first year after its reorganization. PTT zbor 16 no.400-83 0 162. j DUBININ, V.B.; QSMLINIXOVA. M.1.; RAZNATOVSZIT. I.M. ftllllkl-llll~~W,111'1~1~~ Discovery of the skin site. Dermstaphogoides Scheremetewsi*i Bogtanov, 1864 in some human skin diseases [with summary In English] BlUI.KOlP Otcloblole 61 noe3-.43-50 Ny-Je 156. (MU 9: n) (KITES) (SKIN--DISIABIS) GWWFWWA, H.-,GSOD104, B.;HOLOGA, U.;SKAMOWSKI, T.;SZCZIKPBKI. 0. " Iffect of stimulating substances with special reference to dibasol after subsiding of &cut@ symptoms. Pediat. polska 27 no. 7:835-N4 July 1952. (CLKL 22!4) 1. Of the Pediatric Clinic (Read--Prof. K. Jonscher, M. D.) of Pos- nan Medical AcadeaW and of Poznan Municipal Pediatric Hospital (Dir- ector--M. Szenic. M. D.) and of Poznan Raglor*l Infectious Hospital (Director--O. Szcsepskl, M. D.). GSODAM, B.,.._ Psychological analysis of behavior in children in hospitals. Pediat. polska 28 no.3:312-320 Mar 1933. (GIML 24:5) 1. Of Poznan Regional Infectious Hospital (Director--O. Szczepski, M.D.; Scientific Director--Prof. K. Jonscher, M.D.). !!: 1j.". ;t~FAI IF lj:-~ IL'i -:7 - ".1 1 1 1 . I : 7 i.."; "... I , - , - , ~ . - 1~ ~- , , 7 , -*J -, , " ~ - . I ~ ~. .-1- -1. ---; ~., . I . . . ; 1) . . , ; . I . , i - . . . "Flow and ztrsir. birefrineence of soluftions Inni .,*(-,I's oi- I " ~, I a poper presented at the .~tll on the cl-'emistry 0,161 n-zlns of illid". pol-~%---jcrsj. 28, Jun-2 Feb 57, 7-,esearcia Inzt- Che~'- D-3,00C-4,395 GSPAN' J. "Conamption Of Energy In Traffic"s P- 158- (Nova Proizvodnja, Vol. 4, no. 2, Apr., 1953, Ljubljar.&) FAat-Burap"u-, Vol. 2. No. 9. -- SO: Month List of/Xnxdm Accessions,/Library of Congress, September 1953, Uncl. GSF.~,*-!, J. TECHNOLOGY GSPAX, J. Diesel engines in railroads. p. 9 Vol. 14, no. 12, Dec. 1958 ~Ionthly List of East European Accessions (7'PAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass ADAMSKI, Rafal; GSTIRNEH Fritz Content of astringeat substances in tamio rav materlals and th,)ir tinctures. Acta pol. pham. 10 Qp.4:531*,b*"' 162. 1. Z Instytutu-Farrnacoutyczne o w Bow Kierow4k., Prof. dr F. Gstirner. (TANNDIS) fGHEMISTRY, PHAIMCEUTMAL) HUNGAM/Chemistry of High Molecular Substances. Abe Jour: Beferat. Zhurnal Khiaiyap No 21, 1958,, 728o6. It Author Z.- Gsuros, L. Geezy, M. Groazmanns K. Juhazz. Inst Title 11heological Study of Macromolecular Substances. 1. Corzparison of Properties of Printer's Starch and rrala:tin Roller Masses Based on Their Theological Behavior. Orig Pub: Period. polytechn.., 1, No 2, 105-129- Abstract: The theological properties of printer's roller masses based on starch and gelatin were studied. The measurements were carried out with a Heppler consistometer. The highest and the lowest points of the flow curve, the viscosity and the elasticity of used me,sees were determined. Their theological Card 1/3 MMGM/Chemistry of High Molecular Substances. Abs Jour: %ferat. Zhurnal Mdaiya, No 21, 1958, 72806. classification was carried out. The flow curves of both the substances follow the equation (Herschel, Bulkley, Kolloid-Z.0 1926.o 39,, 2~1) with the value of n less than 1 in the came of gelatin and am Uzn I In the case of starch. The consistency of gelatin muses changes more with the temperature chan a than the consistency of starch mmoses. The connection of the apparent viscosity of muses with the shearing stress was Investigated, and the pbeno~on of dilatancy was establIshed in the came of starch muses. The dependence of elastic pro- perties or these maues on the twqperature was also studied. It was found that starch muses are harder than the gelatin ones. The starch muses have wo plasto-elastie properties at temperatures below and visco-elastic properties at temperatures above Card 2/3 ~,JLAK'-', L. K. GLAKE, L. K. (Assistant LIvov Veterinaro-Zootechn-4cal inst-Itute.) Jn pathological anatoaV of infectious catarrh of the respiratory tracts in cattle. So: Veterinariya; 30; 11; November 1953; Uncle TABCON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0:6 0 - - 'A GUARARI, E,V., inzh. Water pump gland seals of high-speed diesel engines. Energomashinostroenie 7 no.1:38-40 Ap 161. (MMA 14:7) (Marine diesel engines) GUARMATHY, Ferenc, Postoperative mortality during 12 years (1943-1955). YOU- sebassat 10 no.2-3:191-206 Apr-June 57. 1. A Janos lorhas Urologinai Sebessfit Oestalyana koslemew* Foorvos: Noeskay Aural dr. (UROGIM ITAL SYSTO, surg. postop. mortal. I,Fhm)) MMORI/Atomic and le s - Physica of the Molecule D-2 Abe JoUr : Referat Zhur Fizika., No 1, 1958, 680 Author : Gaspar, R. Koltay - Guarmati, B. last : Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Hungary. Title Nev Investigation of the H 4 molecule-Ion. 4L Orig Pub Acta phys. Aced. sci. hung., 1957, 7, No 1; 175-179 Abstract The author proposes to consider the problem of the mole- cule-ion HI , using the eigenfunctions with variable center. The calculations are made with eigenfunctions of the Heitler-London type (Finkelstein B.N., Mordwitz Me, Z. Physik, 48, 118) 1928) and of the James type (Jams H-M-, Journal of Chemical PhYsice, 3) % 1935)- The Hamiltonian is H-..--- -(1/2) -11rk +1/R. The exchange integral for three centers Card 1/2 14~. , vr. ; T'ZODO.IXGU, .A.vzaos in of pericarctial c .--.tic formtIong. int. , Bimur. 9 rw.j-. 667--A5 :4RY 57. 1. Luarnre efectualr. la 6ervicinl. P3edicnl I sl :;ervielui radiolople al SpItalului milita cantral , ducaresti. (MIU'LAUN. cysts (,iffer. diar. i~ cnqe remrts) GUASK, A.A. Moscow btate U imeni Ivi J. Lomonosov. IMechanics and !~iathematics Fac~-,lty GUASK, A.A.: "On the history of development of the theory of the best approximation of functions." Moscow btate U imeni M.V. Lomonosov. Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in PI-* sic omathematical Sciences) SO; Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 20, 1956- S/181J62/004/006/039/051 B108/B138 AUTHOR: TITLE: Angular energy distribution of secondary electrons in secondary electron emission PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telat v- 49 no* 6p 1962y 1632-1635 TEXT: The transfer of medium-energy electrons (,u 100 ev) is investigated theoretically, assuming that the energy losses of the secondary electrons are due to Rutherford scattering. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained if the behavior of the secondary electrons inside the metal is considered as a cascade process (wide angle and bick scattering). There are 2 figures. A ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTED: June 20, 1961 (initially) February 21, 1962 (after revision) Card 1/1 ACCESSION NRt AR4014773 8/0050/63/000/012/HO41/HO41 SOURCEs RM Fizika, Abs. 12Zh275_;_,---~-- AUTHORs Guba, A. 1. TITLE% Concerning the energy-Angle distribution of secondary elec- trons in secondary electron emission CITED SOURCE: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-t, v. 77, 11962, 37-44 TOPIC TAGS: electron emission, secondary electron emission, cas- cade electron emission, electron emission from metal, spherical har- monics, Mellin transform, internal secondary electron-distribution,. external secondary electron distribution TRANSLATION: A modified theory is presented'for the secondary cas- cade of electrons produced by initially excited secondary electrons (SE) of 100 eV energy. Themethod of spherical harmonics with use Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4014773 of Mellin transforms yields a solution for the Boltzmann' kinetic equation, in which the Streitwolf excitation function and the Ruther- ford scattering cross section of the SE are taken. The solution is obtained for an infinite medium, and the zeroth and second spher- ical harmonics of the distribution function are obtained. It is shown that the internal and external SE energy-angle distribution obtained with the new scattering function agrees with the experi- mental data:the internal SE are distributed almost isotropically in the 1-40 ev region, while the external energy-angle distribution of these electrons satisfies the cosine law with only slight devia- tions where the electrons leave the metal at large angles. A. 09- troukhov. DATE ACQ: 243an64 SUB CODEs PH ENCL: 00 C"d 2/2 ,:f~L A. " , i nzr.. 1-11 T.,~, F ~ IN. ,--. '-., I rtz 1) . ; I ~'. 1 .2, Pa,;k ~uttU4,r with luw-prc~;sure raygen. T-77ir. 12~36-37 1) 163 . (milth 1829) .1 . NlkoLayevskiy eudo2troltel tny-.r 'awod Im. 1. '*.*.Nosen-kr,. inzh.; VE',TUIUIGV, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Mechanized center for the processing of freight documents. Zhe4 dor.tranap.41+ no.3:89-90 Mr 162. 04MA 150) (Brucel-les--Railroads--Statioii service) - GUBA, A,N,, , inz~i. Single-.unit 4000 h.p. diesel locomotive with hydraulic transmission,' Eleki tepl. tiaga. 5 no.12:42-43 D 161, (HIRA 15:1) (Diesel locomotives) (Oil hydraulic machinery) GUBA, A.N.. inzh. Rail-road equipment at the French National Exhibition in Moscow. Zhel..--dor.transp. 43 no.9:76-.79 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) (France-Railroads-Squipment) (Moscow-Exhibitions) 'I, ALIBOKHA V.P.; -,_ GUBA, Ma.; ZELENOV, A.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOKOSMIKOV, G.A. Noncontact gas-air ratio controller in the soaking pits of a blooming. Biul.tekh.-eko-.Inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. 16 no.8sX~-12 163. (KRA 16:10) GUBA, Bela Standardization results In makin tools for qd2d pmesure chamber castimg. AnommeaOsaiks. 2 no-5:157-1-99 My '63. 1. GAN7, Arammerogyare ........ ........ Ad I.. 1 000 1 0 0 0 0 -a %7"1 ff z- - - is III I If 14 is AS V a A 4 It 11 ! ,10 W rV A I L--k . - a I A j _A -00 0011, 00109011111 ARO -40ftilt,ft -44t- ip 0: A - I` 14 i 4 h l A 00 00 3),- ttil, II ) t ninjocle % owri little aciivitv 44 r& (19 1 Atyartyl, C.A. 40, "11) In file fi"I 15 mill. Id ;-00 o P.O. cit".. Afterwards tile activity r4hk ImphIly. " I -00 "Ith Sbowilli rigIrm4weast nIu%ck twhand Sinlitally. 1 hm' Illn Arlivit 120% Wi o4n values Qft r m 1-00 *0 . . r we v y y 004, of froll-mumck- ext. liestut it ith a tert) tic suit muituied *00 I unchangtilafterwarib. " .00 of* !I AmWijdFV1 "rind"Imi luse very tillickly, trachillit IW" V Olt roo : Thli might explisin tile racy olut"n. behaved sinfilluly. tt-in,-sl dif- bilit hriv o,311t of m t Abo th lfi t i =00 0 od 0 . a e v w s s yu y lemi activity were ummsturd in mAn.*. of visfilais, KCI t re 0 Coms. with MA without Whin. or c God arid. Nish KCI tionem. had the -an- effrets as adm.- oo 00W sinettiphowbode mrM. I.e., tirat csptbk of dislottriating actinnyoAln. The less actin the actomyosin contained, the k-.s KCI *a- nctfled for the ditsoms. The uicuurv- '00 d liment ol activity eil twtitillyesills ni low actift collitirts I, t d a vant39-nN at to- KCI caucus. and at 14mci pit vabiti- The KCI emcil'. at which tile actnfuy'~tn di-ociates with - )SOO Imt atienosinctrilthcKplIttric acid plotted agairitt the activi- tit-i of actonnytKin Kive a straight line, Istvin FillAy -00 'woo !J00 Igoe Zj ASS.SLA m4YALLUNSICAL UTIFOAT0111 CtASSOKATON goo sjg., 311.111. ------- too., ".I.* WOO 1414410 .17 o"V 409 814111100t: IIIIS111 ON ~. All 0o' U 16 AT 00 is V" x i -a is za ii a 4111 a a a I OF 111 9 a 0 1 a V I 04111600iO00000:000060 II ~l : : 1 1 000000000000000000:0 : : g A 0 & 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0-: 00060r 0000'66000'ooi~ OO IV W: 4 it It it s4 is 11, It to f a m It; 11 It III too It & It b it L. it At 15 A I A-L 1 6 IN I L L It. 11 it Y. r - L-M A OP M4j-- A- .-I-. -L.. I it i Jk. ~E f I - .4 ~, - I A t I -.. .-it a-I -00 :_00 14 Kitructim of uky" Ir. .00 "dirt low. I t "("Niv. --suirl /Irant. 3, 111 s Rttll~ 4 Tilill'it 11113-ch. wit I halt --lit,. Kivv .4 6rotic iii,tivity. 'rh Inflicillit: %fir lilt vallic. vill isfill .,ill r '4 ififitirffee (h" allu"llit &fill wilvity "? the jolorpil. Th., -00 vitiliml rabbit itm-'W low I ) lilt), at W with 'I v,4~. ~.j " I 1 '00 0: li'lII 4it-fitiOlliflit (of (1. 1.1 It K Ith't,ophate 1,11111cor 4 Ill I IVA lit' A Af NO $I%"; -J Al", weivitv. 11114 400 mi. ford 'Iff'o, to lJort-41 it.. 4-1 r.111, i;Oo COO sell cgo Jos* too life ILA -t?ALLt1RSICAL LITEXATWIE CL&INFIC&I'loo .111,01 am Lit out askill mt, W memo 3's VIM It, j, (I a too I w u .4 to I%!; too, to, I$ op At It it a 0 of III a if at Iw IN I jot 00 ! ! : :10 * o 0 0 : : 0 0 0 a * so 0 0 : : VII o OL 000000 90 00 0 a 0 0: alk. 0 gooo 09 fit. 1 'j ter. 1 00 0 411111,11111 000 000 0 a 0 0 0 0 e* 0 t f 0; If U 11 U IS 4 it is o 1 2, - 1 91 so is 31 Jj At m a m it a 0 ik~ 'i If ti a v If r Q_JL J j.j7L 0 fj: JL A 00 vitcrt4i,es ' go vlawly of Mirada. it. C.111 11. It. straill'. ft - XW "- ' d %di 1*0 es Imit. Me . C . At I , nung. 3, 49 -. Vi i W l f d 00 ) ~ - scos ims o ty va ( f"Yom", eld. 11"fifffly, %ecin vi he anommakm owing in Imlnerity of fWMer MY11-4ti Twitim-mmid. mytv4to waii usAA tij ilietaitt re. W 1 H mw t 11 ,1V IIrw A ty Ana% Itivasittell At tit "%. Vic v " .It "Al L" KCI "W411. bUff"I I)y veirmal -Arv t ate tit 1-11 V* 11W % little% OlItAintAl StIA1W that 111A, vi~-ty .4 --in A, 00 ari %lot an-Atalmis; valtim of dil. sikins. wvrr fnrjm1ffp,,;)aI it) 13 a *11ALLURGICA11. LITE*4ft*t CLAIIWK&TOR A, Jkv 90 off pc,,,Mdt Brit** man ttu too vo fee .... .. ....... was 0.0 ask PAS Sunda walwotdow1w. 0.0 0 0 0 0 91, 244-7 Institute of Biochemistry, University of Budapest Nature of Myosin Nature 1947. 159/4032 (194) Myosin is a complex Mtem of substances, although it behaves as a homogeneous substance on.reerystallization. It consists of a skeleton to which numeraw protein-like substances. known as 1protinst are aasorbed. Those protins are involved in various reactions of myosin and have been named accordingly. They can be removed from the skeletal substance which appears to denature. On re-adsorption of the protins reactivation occurs. Not only does this skeletal substance adsorb protins. but also different anions, cations. aden(,ilne triphosphate and other sukstances. Only the full system Is capable of enzymic react-.-on and contraction, each part being by. itself InactIle. Finch - 31rmingbam Section II Vol 1.1 Jan.-Jun. 48 No. 1--~ it, A A L. I A M 4 CA d The rededUproprillas of fibrimcen. jr9ups Is fts III of fibrinnopots. 1), IL Llorolitul. njul ... NllihAlyi. Uwal- J. mile of litoginagm. Filwitiften ckpited ottoottoo,41 rnomU by axMiting apnts which wrely w diad any SH gmilos pretient or after a i chinnotivitoplornante. It the Ion. If Sit Croon j As tn make detectiom fly chein. invollookk it lortAL&MV havv Ito roar at Al fit the o-hotthilt Is a 4, lift I, t . ~ 4 1 to ralle of SH ly. EJjMjv PATv-,Td. j. _ Ct"I in 40411S. after trftt- ild hAve inti- atment with were so law, matill1r. They ioredure. 21 call Floudy cog .900 'z U09 oioo'oii~ to-osA... 441'"0, -v Jag VII'll"oot, u a A* to L& An I, a v 1. 43 .3 Pop it at ~244 Wilmot 1411tt 111011141W 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 go!** 6606006 0 0 o * 0 0 0 0 .0 0 10 o * Is Is 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00,00 0000000 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 The food Go 1110114110 im as F actle. Ferenc Gulss (Bloo- i dwin. Inv . IN-61-0. Kloblotrof Qrrpjf#-#a'3-mQ-xv E M" CC C,A, 40, M.13M. Ritbif wa .~ 1;tiucril. t-At'l. *III) Jots KVI-plot-ph.olor fillorti. Ilter stoli't vulowance washerl with dised. water. filteml thimoth cWt.. suspentled in 0 Vale. of 0.4% NallCOs. let stand at ramsen 1.1 Memo cloth, morommot "Voirmflaht , '" in, isqwndord its An equal vul. of wetone. Meted h. sn",entlind again Im III min. in 40 "110411 vOl- off moreltvir. and filtered through ckRh. Aetin sain. vatd. frown drif Inuicleto with Ilist.l. water contained 7 MS./ml. ptlatpular aclin, After molds. of KC1, Kik, or Ki. the qual. Saw toirtfrincence awl whcomi V wow deld- both goilly and 3o min. &her adcla. of tbr balimim Both Imeh, -nce and viscomily dinsimislied wills increasing balide ingt (Imorn..; the effers was strongest in the m.mence of iodide. 'rhe inv"tillat"I Wida in 0A At cown. Polvinwimovol &Cliff; .hen applied in higher caucus., fartim was fflectompol. When the halidor tails were renwoftcl hr diairtiv, at-'in 1-verni it16 form" jriivity. except after whiu. of ifirlifir. wb- thr rhanKor mra- irrrvertible. 1111vin Finkly . :. , I - ; ;I I, M::% ~, I W- 41,11 1~, Metwoot at the sulfloydryl groups of IYU . &CUts. a" door 01114 (Ih.wh,111, I,S,t.. Ifull,sloorl,t). -i, .i.1. 1-.1-6 I10,11-The bromacrtoptsemone methoool shcloon that 17.0- I, onyot-in and 30 fox. actin contain I mole Sit prootopi, fir jlmq. of broma(vtopherione hommd by I E. myt"its. t"'. 111V-dW "I It- took C A: I. VOW-fil: Ott ih mist . TA: 1 .0. iv-bc 4,11tt mki - 1.5: 1 1) Ito the lottoorner of A rP. morowls: cutt istial.211: 1.0 buded. were. reap.. O"iv. to 67. VA, 4 1. .5.-'-,.andA6miIJirr4oWvSH. Upwfornialiontolactamyll- to Sit arntips orKmilly dimppetor. torberess in the prewrove of IT Ow Mf Ittmiln inefraw in scuorrivein. livattovatment *mI Irres its $11 so"MP.- 1, Finily I The Casuidbis 4W eigboyewilm In the Ffe"Me of ad*"- Sixedl @@Its" a Uc 111J.. N4141W.'a. Ilunink .1 , ~ , M (111:01) Ado- Md Fmij 'ex Itt ~ 1111yushl 111vied. fiegul kry.t. 4117~ilt Wab 114.1 1110tti, tly '1,14 11(e. *bscilipleneepbatt (1) lea A mh cemicil. At which A lipt. v%a% fornerd %tit% 1. WImen dialyard muwk ext. was edded. -k Pitt. wis tortmd wilb adcuosiewitiph(nitatc, This Orcl i% caus,rd by A thre-A-bib protein traistAut to acidswul ligx- lated Ify the (gnawing pm,as. rrrsh muscirs of rabbit Witter itiltecul, %uWtn4kd he me equal anit. of water, mim.1, starrd at 0' for 12 his., filtravol through litern Cloth, millfi- fuSrd, thr Witilil adjusettl at 0' to PH 1.0 witiscusted ' 11CI litutralixt! with 9011. the 110. mntrifugrd, thr ck-jr NO miuml a( 0' with An (juickly t~ntrituiird. "Citv.O." '11 k"CU1114119ni, the HqUill A11% %Ltd. with 901itt (N'fI4)rSO,, ths' Plet. errutoved by Cientrifugires. mul the thpict satit. to VVO ith I sbmM a plef. appear. it must Wer I;y cetreffifflitiaS. The liquid is adju.4ed to pil 4A with 1 .1 Y 11C1 what stirring. The pp'. obtaim.11 run1jill, Or active *- bet, nor m . cf)[Iii-A ing of it Chro- Moproterin showing abs"ion t=%. tit OHM') nipand axi- ditabic frvrfAmy In Alk, P111. Istvin Finily F I I p, r. ! 4va I-!;,! - In . - . I ; f 'If ILom MI" ;:,-'Invostiguthin of the, alluctute, of $01116 Awous j;ii0telas bY elUCtr0d MitioScOlie, I reme ' IL(flung. Acild. A31 Uketfolt-microsetilik juveitian"Oll tit fibroin 3hOWCtl 116 t CC$ Of Ptdotlkik)`m tit ~rbttitt StrUCtUM P. . when no staluill fied D es oued for stuhting wti~: stic id Zd' phie m.t.'d to PH 5 with ;Photun an , g nectlati: bufftr), (I , uvin 1. nutuse. V70) M. and pkhloto~ I :J 0tag. n in 4tAtntd with 11 l 0 m) i1 . k Me . , ym ( or 11 i willar stkuourv, thelditance of mriation Pattcru rafiting litiWden IW aild 300 A. *:Staiidng with I d ktrutiu,' ' '17he latter when . was unsuccessful for in 00,321, y stained with 11 .or M striaiion witli distances-of showed about 120 A.- Noic of the staining d :3nent oned wmt r b,.I,. irr.""'nt suitable to detect: structural detalli of vvith 261illon reaptiV41iowed bead uccklace4ike stiuctarti withdistancescif-"D40A. . These data 00tifirIn that n1j'Onij, keraflu,,aud fibroin consist of globular Timpoments;. ThisT. i f fi c h structure is hit stle o brous proteins in genctul. eter r , ': ~ , : ! ! -- ; 5 :~ - I I i I t , : f I I , t I I I : I ! : I ; I i i . . ~ I T. I I I GURA, F..;KAROLYHAZI. H. "W*MW*VMNW*Vv Blectronoptic studies of the structure of certain fibrous proteins. Acta physiol. hung. 3 no.2:311-316 1952. (GLKL 24:3) 1. Of the Ilectron-Microscopy Iaboratory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. BALOGH, G.;GUBA, F. Korphological changes of Nqcobacterium tuberculosis caused by p- acetylamiAobensaldehyde-thiosemicarbasons (thyomicid). Acta physiol. hung. 3 no.2:L459_463 1952. (CLKL 24;3) 1. Of the Pulmonary Diseases Clinic of Budapest University and of the Electron-Kicroseopy laboratory of the Hungarian AcadevV. of Sciences. 1- ! ~:. : 1;1 ~'I - 1 11 il I ;II I II II .~- .! BAIDGE, G.;GUBA, F. Filectronoptic studies of division In Vacobacterium tuberculosime Act& physiol. hung. 3 no.2:465-467 1952. (CLKL 24:3) 1, Of the PUmonarylDiseases Clinic of Badapest University and of the Blectrou-Nicroseopy laboratory of the HWarian Acadeapt of Sciences. Certain electronmicrWeepicobserva-Vip c aftiail* uscle fibrils. Ferenc Cuba and Endre'Birh (Ifung. AlRd. Sci., Budapest). Agroklmia Is Talajlam 2, Prolonged exin. of isolated fibrils of the froicv; muscle of rabbits and rats showed stnictureless thin membranes, ronfirming the existence of a membrane sustoundina Ow individual myofibrils. Shorter P-xtn. indicated faint A-disks without any visible stru~turvs cortrsponding with Z-nes. - brRn" which. in relation to the noncollagrnons A-substaw. di.molve more readily. ?4nembranes mem thus to fie., buill (A ""t nouctAlagehrmn matevial. The Mr. 8 t ave!!E! W 0.06N KWIC 119tvin Erijv" -a$ (',',T7',A ~F . Gu~a,_ F.-; Erdos, T. "Electron4ficroseopic Investialations of Ram Spermatozop..'t u. 59- fActa P'i-,,,SioloFica. Supplement to V. 4, 1953, Budapest) Tonthl Aq_AcCeS310nS. Vol 3 4 SO: I List of Eastj~~,op lo 6 Library of Congress, Jun 54, Uncl. (IUBA, F. C.A: hun,ar~ I with 'E. and ~-.. PUNCOR L. Eotvos Univ., budap;~St "Eaectmn-mlcroscopo control of envelope tbick-nos-s in adscrpLion phenomens." Aral. Chim. ficta P, 261-73 (1953) (in Gennar). HAJOSI, Gyorg7; VADASZ. J.; GMA, F. Blectron microscopical studies on cell cultures with modified preparative technic* Act& morph, hung. 4 noa4:.545-549 1954. 1. Blektronenuftrookopische Abtellung des Institute* fur Meastechnic und Instrumentenkunde (Letter F.Guba) der Ungarischen Akadente der Viesenschaften und Institut fur'Bintologis ujA Imbryologi* (Torstand Prof. le Toro) der Wedisinischen Universita,t, %dapent. (INDANUM, culture tissue culture, el*ctron microscopy) (MICROSCOPY, MM20N of Indanoeba t1sous culture on collodion membrane) GUBA F., M46S51 G. and SZIVFSSY X. Elektronenmikrosk. Lab., Ungarische Akad. der Wissensch., Budapest. *Die elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchung der Protofibrillen des quergestrelften Muskels. Electron microscopy of the protofibrils of striated muscle ACTA PHYSIOL. AGAD. SCIMT. HUNG. (Budapest) 1954P 5/suPPl- (17-18) C, SO: EWTA YEDICA, SECTIO14 II VOL. 7 NO. 11 GARAT. K.; GUBA. F. The reversible change of adenosinstriphosphate after radiations. Acta. physiol. hung. 5 no.3-4:393-3" 1954. 1. Agrochoulaches Forachungsinatitut, Budapest, und Blochtsisches Institut der Modivinischen Universitat, Budapest. (lingagangen an 14. Jamwr 1953) (AUW.MMROPIIOSPUn Mecomposition, *ff.of ultrasonic & ultraviolet xuUations) (ULTBASONICS. off. OATJP decomposition) (UIMTIOLIR RATO, off. OMP decomposition) BAUMANN, M.; BLICM. T.; GUBA, F. Polymerization of actin. Acta pl"iol. hung. Suppl. no.6:70-71 1954. 1. Blektrommikroskopische Abtellung des Institute fur Instrumenten- und Keestechnik der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest. (MUSCIA PRMINS actin, po2ymrlsation) GUBA, F. Renort of metal resenrch comni-eted at the 13ect-on if 'Mectron Microscones of the Tnstitute of Measurement Technivue and Tnstni-ents if the Hungarian Academy )f 3ciences; also, remarks by P. rsnkan an,, o~"hers. n. 347 Vol. 16, no. 2/4, 1955 KOZLaMNYBI SOURCE: Mnthly list of Fast 21iroueen Accessions, (FEAL), 1,03, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1956 GUBA, F.; IiAJ(;33I, GY. Submicroscopic cell membrane of Ersdamoeba blaLtao Butschli. In German. p. 279. ACTA BIOLOGICA. (Magyar TudowvVos Akademia) Budapest. Vol. 6. no- 3/4, 1956. SOURCE: East European kcce531ons List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 1, No. 12, December 19560