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, : , , T, 7 , , _ , . ; 0 P j r j f t BABAYEVI, M.N.; GUBSKIY, V.G. Wire made of scrap metals. Mashinostroitell no.6.*19 -Te 161. (Scrap metals) (Wire drawinj) (MIU 14:6) GUBSKIY, V.I. - Effect of posterior pituitary hormones on the sti.ML,laterl t~~Yroid gland. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 56 no.9:107-111 S 163. (~11&k 17:10) 1. 1z kafedry gistologii (zav. - prof. B.V. Aleshin) KharlkLuvskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Predstavlena deystviteilnyl chlenoni M-T SSSR A.V. Lebedinskim. rjXYLOcin On the reqr f thYrO:i~i OPM Biul- ekip. b1ol. I ood. r,'! (NIRA -1-8:3) 1. KaCedra gistologii (zav. - prof. B.V. Ales' ~n) Fhav'kovskovo meditsinskojo instituta. Submitted April 18, 1C)h.13. N.M.; VILENSKIY, L.I.; GORBUNOV, N.G.; UUSXIY, Y.N.; GURVICH, K.D.; LATYSM, Yu.K.; LEVOIRIN, L.I.; LITSKITS, T.G.; LOGI- NOVA, M.K.; LURIYE, D.A.; LYARMM, G.D.; HIROWINICBENKO, G.K.; MOGILXVSKIT, B.Ya.; NMOISKIY, H.I.; ORLSAIMIY, Ya.P.; SA- VITSKIT, A.B.; SINKA, S.F.; SURKOV, G.Z.; WWGULI, B.P.; SIMIN, V.P.; DOMOY. T9.76., red.izd-va: MINITSKIY. R.Ta., red.i2d-va; ZAH&HOVSKIT, L.S., [Mechanization and automntion in the machinery industry] Hekhanl- 20tSUR i RVtoWtiZatSita V stankostroonii. KharIkov, Kharlkovekoe obl.izd-vo. 1958. 119 p. (NEU 13:2) 1. lhnrkov. Institut "Giprostanok.1 2. Direktor institute "Gipro- stanok' (for Orleanskiy). (Machinery industry--Technological innovations) (Automtion) USSR/Zooparasitoloa - Helminths. G. Abs Jour : Ref '.2iur - Biol., Do 15, 1958, 67500 Author : Gubskiy, V.0. Inst : Odessa University. Title : Wild Ducks as Spreaders of Helminths. Orig Pub : Nauchn. yezhegodnik. Odessk. un-t, 1956, Odessa, 1957, 2L-9-250- Abstract : On the lower Dnester in 1952-1956 138 ducks of 10 species were cpenedo Ligula colombi was found in the gr(--y licron, grebe, and the grey-checked ducker; Digrarma interrupta -- in the vey heron, the black-cropped loon, smew and the orn; Posthodiplostomm -- in the Cq:cy heron and nigh heron; Diplosto"in spathaccum -- in the orn and the black kitteo The orn and snew serve as the basic spreaders of liaulae anong the fish of the lower Dnester; they are numerous and Card 1/1 severely infested. USSR/Zooparacitolo.c~y - Helminthsi G. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol,) Zjo 15, 1~58, 67510 Author Gubskiy, V.0. Inst Odessa University. Title Folicollesis of the Lower Nester Coof. Orig Pub Nauchn. yezhegodnik Odessk. un-t, 1956, Odessa, 1957, 250-251, Abstract In 1953-1955 when 11 GPCcies of ducks were investiGated, It was noticed that the coots were to a significant extent infested with the probiscis worm Folicollis anatis (as much as 53% in some water bodies); of the representatives of the Anserifomcs order, the probiscis worm is found in isolated cases only in the Mallard. The great den3ity of water the wood-louse (an intermediate host), and a number of hYdrOlOgic factors accour-.,. for the lakes of the Vil'kha Card 1/1 rayon bcinf~ a conter of folicollesis. USSR/Diseases of Farn Anir .p.16. Diseases Caused by Helminths. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 15.. 1958Y 69499. Author : Savchi.1k, M. Q - Inst ; Gubski - V-1-Parlotiy, A. :Odessa DralA Of the--S-OAety for the Advancemnt Of Political and Scientific Knowledge. Title :The Fight Against Diseases of Ducks. Orig Pub: Byul. 9il'skOG0sP- inform. 0des'k. vid. Tovaristva po poshirennyu polit. i nauk. znan,, 1957, 1, 13-15. Abstract: A description of hystrichosis, the biological cycle of the developuent of its causative agent (Hystrichis tricolor), and measures for controlline this disease, are given. Card : 1/1 R USSR / Zooparasitology - Holminths. G-2 Abe Joxw Rof Zhvx - Biol.., No 18, 1958, No. 81709 Author Inst Odessa Unive Title Data on Holminthofauna of Birds in the Hunting Industr7 of tho Lowor Dnestr Orig Pub Prated, Odoak un-tu, Gore biole no, Tre 0doesk. un-ta, sore biole n:, 1957P 147, No 81 171-179 Abstract In diaeocting birds of 7 SPOCIes In 1952-1955 (grey goose., mallard, shoveller., pochard, bald-ooot), 36 helainth spoolos were found (20 tromtodo specios, 10 cestodoq 4 nematode and 2 skroben species). Of 23 holminths ecumn to domestic fcvl., 9 species vere especially dangerous. A list of parasitos by hosts is given* Card 1/1 9 SAVCHUK, M.P., prof.; GUBSIKIY, V.S. [Hubs'k7i, V-S-1, assist"t Measures for controlling hystriebosis in domestic ducks. Na dopom.sill.hosp.ta vyr. no-5:3-6 158. (mIRk 13:3) 1. Kafedra zoologit bezposvonochr7kh Odeaskogo gooudar- stvannogo universitata. 2. Ghlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Savchuk). (Ducks--Diseases and posts) (Nomatoda) : !, I 1 1; I :It :: SAVU'HUKY N.A. [SavchWc, !.Il.j, prof*- -GULUKI'~, V.S. L11.'U"),-,'A'..rir 3KSHVLI, L.Ye. [Bashevli, L.fu.j Distribution of the lancet-shaped fluke (Dicrocoolium lanceattmi) in the districts of Odessa Province near thG Danube and Dniester Rivero. Pratsi Od. Un. 152- Ser. biol. nauk no.12:13.-15 t62. (It'111A 17-9) 1. Chlon-korreapozident All RrSSR (for ~.~avchu1c). GUBSKIY, V.S.(Hubs'4y-i, V.S.1 lielraintlis of wild pigeons. Pratsi Od. Un. 152 Ser. biol. nauk no.12: 63-67 162. (IMU 17:9) - I T Some :,haracterist-Ics !If the opiz~~:~-,y of -foct,anj-mcntlh .kaRA -816) vnterlinarffa 42 no.5g4,-.46 MY "5. 41 ~~~ I ~111 ~ 1. flru~TNIINI V. ~L'. " . U7,3't (600) I,- ') L 4. ---bilk Manufacture 7. 3hrinkproof finish for fabrics from artificial silk. Tekst. prom. 12 no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. :.. I! Cr V Wav, V. L_ ROGOViL. I.V.; DUBROVSKATA, &.I.; GUBTRIN, V.L.; KORCHAGIN, M.T., retsenzent; GUSIVA, Ye.K.,'cftdaktbr-y0AblKINA. S.K.. tekhni- cheski redaktor. (Silk finishing] Otdelka shelkovykh tkansi. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. Isd-vo Ministerstva prosyshleanykh toverov shirokogo potroblenila SSSR, 1954. 55 p. (MI-RA 7:12) (Silk manufarture and trade3 GUBYRINA, A-A. Diagnosis of inflamiatory diseases and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 56 no.3z248-252 #56 (MLRA 9:7) 1. Kafedra nevrologii (zav.-prof. F.A. PbyemVy) GorIkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni S.M. 11rova. (13RAIN, dissames. inflam. din. of posterior cranial foes& (Rus)) M&IN, neoplasms. posterior cranial fossa (Rus)) GUBYRIIIA 4, ~a -. Cavernous sinus syndrome in cerebral diseases of various etiolo". Zhur.neyr. i psikh. Supplement:10-11 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Xafedra nevrologii (zov. - prof. F.A.Poyemnyy) Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.Kirova). (BRAIN--DISUSES) (GAMNOUS SINUS-DISEAUS) GUBYRINA. A.A. vmmmwom~ Clinical aspects of tumors of the medulla oblongeta Lwith summary in French). ZhuLr.nevr.t psikh. 57 no.4:483-487 657. (XLRA 10:7) lb Kafedra nevrologit (sav. - prof. F.A.PoyswW) Gorlkovskogo meditsinskcgo institute Iment S.K.Kirova. (BRAIN UOPIASM. ones reports. medulla oblongets (Rua)) GUBYRINA, A.A. Cavernous sinus syndrome in brain diseases of varying etiology. Vop.dia i patoinorf.nerv,zab. no.2:73-79 159. (MIRA 15:8) IBRAIN,DISEASES) (CAVERNOUS SINUS--DISEASES) GUBYRINA, A.A. Clinical aspects of inflammatory diseases in the region of the fourth ventricle and acme problems in the differentlai diagnosis of tumors. Vop.diag.i patomorf.nerv.zab. no.2.,96-104 '59. (MIRA 15:8) (BRAIN-DISEASES) (WAGNOSIS, DIFFFRENTIAL) ,;3.. GUBYRINA, A.A. Dislocation syndromes in Inflammatory diseases of the brain. Vop. diag.i patomorf,.nerv.zab. no.2tlO5-112 159. (MIFA 15:8) (ERAIN-DISEASES) GUBYRINA. A.A. Hypertension s3mdrome In inflammatory diseases of the medulla oblongata. Vop.diag.i patomorf.nerv.zab. no.2:126-134 159. (MIRA 15%8) (MEDULIA OIMONGATA-DISEASES) (HYPERTENSION) GUBYRINA, A.A. Clinical aspects of optic chiasmic arachnoiditis. Vop.diag.i patomorf.nerv.zab. no.2:139-146 159. MU 15:8) (MENINGITIS) (OPTIC CHIASM--DISEASES) 4 ~ , ;:-! !! .11 It q I'! I ~- , 1 11: -1 11 1 . I I , GUBYRINA, A.A. Dislooation syndromes in inflammatory diseases of the brain. Zhur. nevr. i paikh. 60 no,3s286-291 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. F.A.Poyemnyy) GorIkorv- skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.UrorweL. (BIIAIN-DISEASES) . I , F W, 9: -1. :-.1 ~);-; I '. I ~i ! I V i I I I ! I . I : ; ! : - ANASTASOVY M.; KAF7ANDZIEV, D.; GUCEV S - 11 L.L Unilateral polycystic kidney. God. zborn. med. fak. Skol,`6 ": 269-272 164. 1. ffirurska klinika mediciviskogr faku2teta ii Skop1ju (Jlrektor: prof. d-r. BogoBav Dragojavic). GUCCLOVA, T.; VRTIS, J.; ANTAL, J. Effect of muscular work on blood coagulation changes In the dog. Activ. nerv. suP- 4 no.2:174-175 162. 1. Fyziologielcy ustav Lekarskej fakulty University Komenskeho, v Bratislave. (EMTION pbysiol) (BLOOD COAGULATION physiol) ; : : . ! , I ~ . j ! 1 9, ~ 1. ~ ; , ~f' ;!I q .. , I , , I ! ; . 1 . , I , . . I ~ ~ I I ARSOV, Dimitar, prof., dr; HRISOHO, Dimitar, doe., dr; GUGEVA, Boginja, dr Hygroton in the treatment of edematous conditions. Mad. glas. 16 no.2: 92-95 F 162. 1. Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Skopju (Upravnik: prof. dr D. Arsov) (DIURETICS ther) (ED124A ther) 1 . GUCEIJO Y. A. 2. us6ii (6oo) 4- Swine 7. Leading hop raiser of the Stalin Colloctivo Farm, oots. zhiv., 15, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, -1953, Uncl. 8(6) SOV/ 112 -59 -1-527 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektratekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 68-69 (USSR) AUTHOR: Guchas, TITLE: Operating Experience With Rural Power Systems PERIODICAL: Tr. nauchno-tekhn. soveshchaniya po vopr. primeneniya elektr. energii v s. kh. L. , 1956, pp 16-22 ABSTRACT: Operating experience with rural hydroelectric stations of the Oblast Lensel'energo Office showed that both the installed -equipment utilization factor and the utilization factor (?) are within 0. 15 -0. 25 at isolated hydroelectric stations. In most cases, the kwh cost is prohibitive. Power interruptions during repairs are inevitable. The small capacity of an individual station did not permit using 25-30-kw motors on a round-log gang saw. The Gatchina power system was begun in 1948, when two 100 -kw hydroelectric stations on the Oredezh River were put in parallel operation. In 1950, four hydroelectric stations on the same river were connected in parallel and were interconnected Card 1/2 SOV! 112-59 -1-527 Operating Experience With Rural Power Systems with the Lenenergo power system. By 1955, the installed capacity at the Oredezh stations reached 700 kw. Energy production sharply increased, and the kwh cost decreased. An annual table of kwh production is presented. The kwh cost fell from 80. 6 kopeks in 1947 down to 31. 8 kopeks in 1954. The river -discharge utilization factor and the station installed -equipment utilization factor have both considerably increased. Permanent voltage and frequency in the networks are ensured, an is service continuity. A dispatcher's communicating system is organized. Blueprints for automating the hydro- electric stations are being prepared. The Ivan-Gorod power system was created in 1952 of three stations on different rivers of the Kingisepp rayon. In 1953, 6 rural stations aggregating 1,800 kw were connected in parallel. A table of kwh production from 1948 (74.4 kwh) to 1954 (3,212.6 kwh) is presented. The average annual cost of kwh was reduced from 50.4 kopeks in 1951 to 42,6 kopeks in 1954. A dispatcher's service was organized. Adoption of complex automation is in sight. Two more power systems are planned for the immediate future. Card ZIZ P. L. G. BEWUS, I.F. jBilous. I.Y.], red.; BOGDANOV, O.P. LBohdanov, O.F.], red.; WCH4... I.T.-CHuchek, I.Y.], red.; XARCHEN10, I.K., red.; SIROTI, V.I., red.; STZPANOT, T.K., red.; MCWW, O.K., red.; FISINKO, I.K., red.; SWCHANSKIY, Sh. LSluchanalkyi, Sh.l. tekhred. [Tbs economy of Chernovtsy Provisce;.--statisVIcal colb3ctibs] * Narodae hospodarstvo Chernivetalkoi oblasti; statystychayi sbirayk. Cheraivtsi. 1959. 171 p. NIRA 13:6) 1. Chersovtoy (Province) Oblastuoys statiaticheskoys upravleniye. (Chernovtoy Province-Mcosonic couditions) GUCI;EK, T.S.; ZEINLYAUSIWA, V.G.; KkCAVAYEV, EAMFA, Al.; M- ITSOIJ, IYULMETA, V.P.; OWUCIEV, V.V., otv. red.; K01VILITSEVA, A.A., red. izd,-va; GGIUBI, S.P., tekhn. red. [BibliograplW of the Yakut A.S.S.R., 1931-19591 Bibliografiia IAkuts1coi ASSR, 1931--1959. Moskva, lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol.2. [Vatural features, resouces., and national econoqrl Pri- rodnye usloviia, resursy i narodnoe khoziaistvo. 1962. 254 p. (14IILk 15:7) 1. Akademiya naWc SSSR. Sektor seti spetsiallnykh bibliotek. 2. Nauchnaya biblioteka Soveta po izucheniyu proizvoditell- nykh sil Akademii nauk ~,Mll (for Guchek, Zemlyanskaya, Sytina Tyulyn-yeva). 3. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Karavayev),41. Yakutskaya respublikanskaya bibliotelca im. A.S. Push'Aina kfor Sentsov). (BibliograplW-Yaku tia) GUCIIEK. Yu.L. Nuchak.. TIT.T.,) Ferfusion apparatus for experimntal studies. Flziol,zhur. [Ukr.) 13. no.4:552-554 Jl-Ag 165. (KRA 18:10) 1. I(iypvskiy nauchno-iseledovatellakly institut eksperimentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkologii, Fiyev. MOSIYENKO, V.S.; GUCHEK, Yu.L. Perfusion technique for the pelvic organn and poaVrior extremities In an experiment. Pat. fiziol. i eksp. terap. 8 no.5:84-86 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy terapii raka Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy I klinicheakoy onkolofili (direktor - devstvitellnyy chlen AN SSSR R.Ye.Kavetskiy), Kiyev. Submitted July 25, 1963. BAIRYSHNIKOV, I.F.;:t~GITCJIETLI , I. Ways for the additional recovery of precious -t-ls in non- ferrous metal ore dressing plants. TP-,-+. met. 37 no.llv23-28 N 64. (MIRA 1-8:4) KRAVETS, G., inzh.; MEKHANICH, V.; ASTASTIEV, A.,- GUCHINSKIY, A., mekhanik . Pneumatic conveying of waste at the Orenburg Flonr Mill No.l. M*.- olev. prom. 28 no.8125 Ag 162. (MIRA M2) 1. Orenburgskaya mellnitsa No.l. I I t ;' I C 1 i, ~. C'~ A., TracLnrz: o t a r z RepairinG cylinder heads of tractor motors. HIS 13, Vf~. 1, 1,63 Monthlv List - o-f-Russian Accessions, Library of C--,nFress June 19-53. '2"'; 1 C L . "". ,i. a-r,: A. A. "on an es tima'~e of ei,anfiv~ I s;,rcs tei:;F. of cu.-ved bi I (it ev, 11 Sb-)~idk ttrudov (Kiyevsk. lnzh.- stroit. in-Q, l'-.ue 6, lq-~',, P. "1-i1 SO; U-11850, 16 Jurie 53, (letopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey, No- 5, 1949)- GUCHOK' n. M. Comparative pharmacological characteristics of phenatine and nothylphenatine. Farm. i toks. 18 no-5:17-23 S-0 '55. (MLRA 91.11) 1. Kafedra farmakologit, farmatoll I farmakognosit (nach. doktor meditsinskikh nank, prof. S. Ta. P~;-buzov) Voyanno- meditainskoy akadentl bent S.M.Kirova. (NICOTINIC ACID, derivatives, J& k-methylphenethyl ) -ni cot I namide & N-(AdCrd1m&thyl- phonothyl)-nicotinamide, eff. on blood pressure. comparison) (BLOOD PHNSSURE, effect of drugs on, same) GUCHOKI? M. BpxiiY3111;IKOV; I. 1. 11 MuMill, Yo . j`~. , 111~d -~. Y,1 . "The Pharmacology of Certain Nei) Stimulators of the NlerVOU5 System and Means of Using ThemJn Medical Practices," from the book Theses of the Reports of the Scientific Session of thw- Military Medical Academy im. S. M. Kirov, ftzisy Dokladov Nauchnoy Sessi, Leningrad, 1956, 29 Oct- 2 N~w. YUGOSIAVIA/Nuclear 1-tysics - Installations and Instruments. MethodG C-2 of 14caourement and Reacarch Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1959, No 220 Author Gucic Jovan Inst = Title Electron Gun for Ionic Source of Electromagnetic Isotopic Separator at the Institute "Boris Kidrice" Orig Pub : Tehnika, 1958, 13, No 3, Elektrotchnika, T" No 3. W-46 Abstract : Description of the results of the investioation of an ion Sun with oscillating electron beam for the ion source of an electromagnetic isotope separator. The investigations were carried out in the absence of plasma, for the purpose of establishing the optimum operating conditions of the gun. For this purpose the following parameters were varied: distance between the cathode and the anode, diameter of the helix of the cathode and the diameter of the opening in the anode, filament current, current in the reflecting electrode, Card 1/2 5 GUCICP P. Counting systems of even spatial sensitivity. Arh. hig. rpda. 14093-198 163. Spentrum analyzers with proportional counters. Ibil.t223-240 1. Institut za medicinska istrazivanja i medicinu rada, Zagreb. I .. -1 11-I .-I- I-.I GUCIK, S~efan The horizon of detrital limestones from Biroza in the Pr"Wel Car- pathians and its significance for the stratigraphy of the Upper Cre- taceous and Paleocene in the Skole nappe. Kwartalnik geol. 5 no.3: 669-683 161. 1. Karpacka Stacja Insty~tutu Geologic2nego. GUCIK, Stefan Geological structure of the border of the furrow between Prualmik and Ujkowice. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4:794-795 162. 1. Karpacka Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologieny, Warm-ora. GUCIKY Stefan Profile of the Lower Cretaceous from Belwin in the Carpathians near Przemyel. Kwartalnik geol 7 no.2:257-268 163. 1. Instytut Geologiczny, Karpacka Stacja Terenows., Krakow. D., rir.-. ~)" `*s TT , D., dr.; Gu(~INSGIII, Marla, dr. Jklimentarry texinfection caused by Salmonella. Mici-clo-lo-loggia (aicur.) 9 no.4:301-306 Jl-Ag 164 1. Lucrare efectuata :hl laborator-ul do bacteriologie din In- spectia de stat pentru igiena si protectia muncii, Fagaras. 6 j U OP- piuchar^st, ratlirn (0acFrmph7-7eO109j 30rl-98)i Val' 3, FO 2An T=poslng HIstorloal Tront IM the LIf-j Of the Rt=anl&'% P-OP144" [collectivization), ;p)-6. 2. 'The Orig-In or th, Earth and the tvablems of Sbructure and Composition, S. U. Doctor or Phygical and Mathematical 3cl-mcofi ~C,&-tcr In stlinte Pi&ico-YAtArlatice): *G-1gora Cot~tlcoscu and *s Pir-ot lhL~Anian 040109ell Fap~r,'Viotoi MIMOV and Vasile VDIDGA, Bucharest: PP L6-;Ig. - - 'Thez-t-tlcal OomlderRilons o= tba Sublect 0,' G-0- mrrulogri . Alex Nu -Pa3earchar (Corcator) Buetarost; trialls :iA"ary; -,p 20-28. *The DeTtlopment of Povar and t1w Crepalon cf the Cnltar7 Power Slate= In the t:SW,l I.S. QF~Rt-cl Re somber (coreator) q Mobarestj Englien M PP 29-36. 6. 'Goo=rpbologloal Obsgrvitlons at RIpa Aosis,* V- 7_E*. 7AS, Buchorestt English -Im 171 ru 37-39- 7. 'Inpressions from a Trip in the USSR,' Prof a, T3l=w--=C11,BuCharefit; ?p 40-41.- S.,"'Through lRaL Reglune-School lex:urlioru," Prof CnIv 2=ZP--,!F7 XMI: Pp 44-52. .L-7 for #-"% rMtemillonx, C. !"Lmn. I t%cnrslon, MSCV, l"dIng Profes "or Prof enor Frantsm) -V-p 32157. 10. *School Sx.-ursions In Punodoara Regime,* Prof Luals VUrZV, Orastla; pp $7-65. 11. 'Iti"ral and school sxtursions In YarecaLres Pagluns " Prof YArIA WCAC=, Bala Mare; pp 65-7 1. 12. "Ohe -conomic and Social-Cultural DaTslormnt of RPR,.": PP 72-73. o3cuth-ldost Arrioat" ch. DRAsU$ taoturor (!actor) and 1/2 HORNY, Jiri; GUCKO, Rudolf, inz. GilcuIaticm of the average value of a time aer1eq. Prace mzda 12 rio.3sI09-114 MrI64 1. State witge comnission. GUCMAN, Wieslaw, mgr inz. Iffective attenuation of teletransmiBsion transformers. ?race Inst teletechn 6 no.2,sl9-56 162. - 1. Kierownik Pracowni, Panstwowe Zaklady Toletranamisyjne, Warszawa. N*,.. I TO CATODCRY ABS. Jotm, RMIMOS N*9 5 19608 No. 17382 j_Gu-,wa, 1. and Szczurowaka, J. "T I o -t,~ i v 6-n- On the Occurrence of Migmatitcc in the Carpe o aRIG Mi t Kwart Geol, 2, No 2, 278-286, 40'2-463 t'ia'58) AYSTRACT t So-called 'exotic' migmatite blocks, products of 1 the contact metALmorphisrn of clay sandstones at relatively shallow depths, in the B-hezin district have been studied. Data obtairie~! from chemiral ar-d qualitative spectral. analyses of the mitmlati,-e given. The sitages of successive che,ii~:al moui firation. are described. G. Vorob'yev GUIC-M!,011, V,---eslaw, mgr inz, The mismatch i~~ocjfflntent and tne problem of cooP~rat-ing devices Jn a telptran3misslon s ys tam. Frace inst telsti-,chn 8 ro.4:19- 42 164- i. State Teletransm-'Lssion ~jorks, Subnitted U'uly 21, 10,,64. GUCWA,-I.;-PELCZAR, A.; WIESER, T. Variscites from Wisnlowka (Holy Cross Mta.). Bul geolog PAN 8 no.1: 37-43 '60. 1. Laboratory of Geoebamixtry, and Petrograpby-, (Gracow) Carpatblan Field Station, Geological Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. Presented b7 A. Bolevski. (Variscite) -A _'Ll-, . ...... Avon Nlare3 COILItry: Poland Academic Degrees: Mag-ister Affiliation: Undersecretary (Podselcretarz Stanu) in the Ministry of Agricul- ture (Ministerstwo Rolnictwa) Source tfarsaw-1-Ted v(,,vna Wnterynaryjna, Vol XVII, No 79 July 1961, PP 385-J"C7. DAtlts"Tekalta and Aims of the Voterinary Service In Poland at the Present Time." GFO 981643 Study of agamic few6h U. Pereve DuUm. Sz. [.n re N (I c I I. A I a a 8 r A, Wool. %1020W-[! 101V K Y G3M`pe-e4-cWnv reacdous between P* labeled K &W Et, Tr. Bu. plmwtbyi 3-pbeny*Wyl, and 4-pbeaylbutyl Ito- didts a ei fZ;;Q by delm. of the sp. activity ol'the all.: iodide, C;oacas. of org. iodide were 0.2 mole/l. &W of KI, 0.105 mok/l.. in &w. ak. WAR. The adda. cd awline to the udit. inhibited isotope exchange; this was attributed to remion with the ors. radW rmtttlug r "Ittingo(the- lotline atosit froca.the structurt. Desorpti,31.4.1 the org. 10. dides from red P and active C was studied with a differential manometer and a comMer. Graphs (A the data showed that: there was a const. value of activation energy for a gJvcn 3ur- face at a given temp. On the surface of red P there were at least 3 adsorption zones of different bests of adsorption. At ,he highest energy-level, there was rupture of the C-1 baud, the liberated Iodine atout forming P iodides with The sdurb- cut. At lift Intermediate energy-level, the C-1 rupt%;ft still occurred with the iodine atom moving to the lowest: energy level, tit which the C-I bond remained stable and an atkyl iodide polymer fortned and inhibited sp. activity of the; adsorbent. Desorption from active C also started from zones of min. adsorption beat but sp. activities fluctuated considerably and desorption was reversible. An abs. alc.~ solu. of the org. iodides was shaken with a known amt. of active C for a few days until adsorption equil. was attained, the adsorbent filtered off and mixed with ale. soln. of KI.- measuring- the increase of Fu activity of the solit. The extent of isotope exchange between org. iodides adsorbed on CandRIwasthesame. With red P. however. noexchange w as observed. Chern. reaction took place during adwrp- tion on red'P. Relevant kinetic data were tabulated andi shown graphically. J. S. L:l mit A d~ ' 20. A study of Sko fularaction btlZoon vapours of &I lldl a . and carbon suffsals by Unsafe avtfijj2RjmmMmdj6r 0 A 1. A Magyar T.Jwlny. W. lm.". Os Ilytimak X&Ivnenysi, VvL 11, U51), Nil, 1. pp, 5 figs., 3 taw. Tim diwo lotion ofuthyl. iwopyl unif butyl inditIL-a olmorbetl Q111 o i activitted c"Wit wa3 htud"I " a fmictioss Of tinio at : v tdous twulwratoma. 11w kisintic otpation of the doburptiun, k). a.Livati- A.Crgi . ..... I am distribution Illoction4 Corte. "lioguJitig to tJwm were Jurivod from Ow detmclitimi diagrarno. 'Lit" natilro Of the interaction botvoon H~ iixlktcm and th" surfAco of ctrboji was ;,svesogotini ity owimp, or tho infrron. tial joutolm LociallNue. Tho revults of tho vxjxrijjmngs IkwAi to the michisim tbat uittivr tho colulitiolI4 emplayod iho alkyl ;-did- ro 14.y.i..Ily deortwil On t1m carbon and tho w6ortwd Mohmulex rearrango On tilo "urrom,. DIstri by khw& W L. Guezi &M &-_~Yuawbs Aced. Src- I.I. C., of d"WrPagm of Rd. ftil. Md il;l adwdmd by, wtive C mW examd. sit wmioto temp. YSM *-- I-. 1/1 dm curva obuiad, do kbdk @"aim so zzim. wdvad= em6ft of aw do poop% anew dku"" "em EOW-~ Use of the differential isokojqjnojhW for studying the interaction between vaporf-aTWyl iodicle and surface of. red phosphorus. 1,Djw4, 1. Kende, and D_C&I (Hun- garian Acad. Sci.--Ir -- -Phys. axd Chem. Solids MapeV. 10, 326-32(1950).-Tlie effect of Increasing the no. of C atorns In alkyl Iodides in the catalytic processes occurrinz ,on red P was investigated. The rates of desorption, energy distribution, and related quantities were detd. With 11", the differential isotope method was used to dct. the type of, interaction between the adsorbent and P. Cheraisorption; resulting in splitting off of I atoms occurs. M. Honig C Z/ S' 27. U" of the M(WASUAll 121010116 UC1111119119 12 StUdYing the - alky, Imadill"'land the'surlsicto 11"ll"Wimm between vapeourraef a told phespbsocull I. U to a 07T.-Ir-ots d c lu. A - Wilippor otstdWilia"' Kilticiosiobvi. Val. 11, 1069, No. 1. pl). zq-4 1, A I figm., 4 still. kinsitic diagrumn Or dimu f ti m l l Th -2 ~' 9 o ull o e 1y . willupy rp UA ft.holosyl I'mikied fruilk tilt) milirfaco Of tell phumphurtin wine it"ea at 40, 00 anti 100* 0. nm ordto uOry(m, dixtributioll jklActlow of doloorption In 10"To of "llorgy Posit iletivatilin, onorgies.or the doilorption pirocomeit wort) caloadnWA From thi kilitio data. Tho diffi,orwithd 6oloilli t"Ililiqua W'w applidd in 9110 fit'214' of Out hitilmatian (if ulkyl iudidt!% %kitil the surbsets of red phosphorum vniplaying midismic.Livu jodisso INUIWU. Tito MSUHA Of th" hh"W thUt rMI P11114. pho has a SUrf"m luill w1m)rption procrolso.'j. ' r lit A ) l W d 11 7 ) A ' v) m, 41`6 '~'Mpnl 'y c al lemishing bt p 7111$w~ Out cledvAge of tilt! C'-I )1,110, a it,., .11itt'i itilliol,, P P I GAL., Dezso; KF21DE, Imre; DUTKA, Ferenc; GUCZI, Laszlo Application of radioactive isotopes in the examnation of the mechanism of some oxidation reactions. Pt. 1. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 7:249-252 Jl 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Adademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete Izotop Laboratoriuma, Budapest. I.. ~ I - I - 1: F - . ". . , GAL, Dezso; DUTKA, Ferenc; GIjGZI, Laszlo; KENDE, Imre Application of radioactive isotopes in the examination of the mechanism of some oxidation reactions. Pt. 2. Magy kem folyoir 65 no. 8:294-298 Ag 159. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemia-L Kutato Intezete Izotop Laboratoriuma, Budapest. IJ. F Diatr: hF,2c(j1) ect of th decompod ott a jm:S Of IWCa MA tb E ff co t f th tam afature o e "N .fmvjjjkLQ T MV ll Ah m n stehn B R ~ - a w 39 ti, ag .1 the Th Z11 ' e , 1e j3rjteM:'; "Os on Ahe m :hrgc temp. of'deco-pn. Of tj with the help of i d t dl d i . s u e vm exp , thermal awlyda. - The d - pa; Ice the m3oW ratios of MSMH~:Ma of 38:10 Ile 1 1 red giww et fomd to be W d 8 w an . , ' i . Al, visa BERAK, Jozef, M.; GUCZALSKI Romuald- WOJCIK, Jorsy; ZALWEIRT, Stefun I y Upgrading of Polish made bentonite by acid treatment. Przem chem 39 mo.9:573-575 S 160. 1. Zaklad Naukowo-Badawazy, Zaklady Chemiczne, Oswiecim. BERAK, Jozef, drAnz.; .~,UC~A )K Romuald, mVr.; 'WO4)'(,IK, Ji-rzv, rrrr.; _~! '' '1, .1 ZANWERT, Stofan, mgr. Bentonites. Wiad ellem 14 ro.11:693-716 N 160. 1. Kierownik Laboratorium Syntezy Moromerow, Zaklad Yaukowo- Badawczv, Zaklady Chemii Organicznej, Oswiecim (for Berak)o 2. Starsi inAyniero-wie Laboratorium Syntezy Mortomerow, Zaklad Naukowo-Badawczy, Zeklady Chemii Organicznej, Cswiecim (for Guczalski and WoJoik) 3. Kierownik Pracowni Baclan Strukturalnych, Laboratorium Syntezy Monomerow, Zaklady Chemii Organicznejp Oswiecim. (for Zalwert). 3 7 314 P/014/62/'041/002f"001/001 D2_04/D303 AUTHORSg Berakv J6zefg M., Guezalskig Romualdg W6jcikg Jerzy, and Zalwertg StefaK---~~ TITLE: Synthesis of butadiene from emhyl alcohol, I, Mechan.- ismg thermodynamics and catalysts PERIODICAL: Frzemysl chemicznyq v. 41, no. 2, 1962, 80 -- 84 TEXT: A brief historical accountg based on Soviet and Western work iz~ first civen of the Leoedev aingle-stage procees for the synthe- sis of butadiene: 2C 2H 50H ---*C 4H6 + H2 + 2H2'0 (Eq,, 1). stressing the importance of the choice of catal 'yst on the yield. Earlier stu- dies of the compiex mechaniam of this reaction are then described,, acca~ting the conclusions of Gorin k1lef. 11~ Trudy "vNIISK, 1, 5r 1948,. The first stage is thought to be the dehydrogenation~ CH~ V OH ----p CH L f The 2 1 - CHO + H 2 (Eq. 2), followed by condensatien of a--etaldehyde; 2CH", - CHO ---~~[CH CHOH - CH 3 - 2 - CHO OH3 - CH Card 1/'~ 1 _' 14 P/011 41'~>2,1'041 10021001 In, 0 5ynthesl.s of butadiene from ethyl 1)204/D303 Off - CEO -- H,O (Eq~ 3). The 0 = U group in crotonaldehydc- 1's then e hydrogenated with H2 removed from -the ethanol-. CH 3 '-' CH = vH - CHO + CH CH,OH -4 CH CH = CH - CH OH - CH - CHO (Eq, 4 Final Ly, 3 - 3 - 2 3 dehydratiCn and isomerism yields butadiene, CH.,, - CH = CH CH2 OH -411 201 ~. CH2 1= CH - CH = CH 2 (E41, 13).. The present authors, -oii,ri- bl.2--tion consists of calculating equilibrium constants (K c;r Bqs. 1 5, for 300,- 400, 500~- 600, 700, 800 and 10000K. Xpl'to'r Eqs' 1 2 were -.alculated by the met-hod 'of Ulich (Ref. 35L Y1, Karape- tyans, Khimicheskaya termodinamika Miomical Thermodynamics'!, 1949), from the heats of react-lon and entropy change3 at 29,T'V Kp's for Eq. 3 - 5 were computed by th-e me-%,hod of Bremner and Th,- mas (Ref. 3b-, Trane, Par. Soo, 44, 230~ 1948), from the tnermod:jna- Mic potentials, The values are tabulated~, the author3 staTinC the choice of the optimum tempera-ture for the process would ~'--cnd on kinetic factors. In the remainder of -the arii,:1e the avth~rs re- view the work (lone outside the USSR, conoerned with the -Cataly3l.S~ it, is concluded that the best choice would be MgO aricIA SiO, "1*.he Ca-rd 2/3 3 1-1?_;j-. P/'(Jl 4/62/04-11/002/001/00-~l Synthesis of butadiene from ethyl D204/'D,3C"2 exact properties depending on the method of preparation and on ad- ditiveso A high activity catalyst, B-4, developed at the Zaklad na-(Zkovo-badawczy ZCh Obwiocim (Scientifi.,~ Research Institute of the Chemical Works 06wigcim) will be described in Pt. II of this work. There are 1 figure. 1 taole and 57 references: 37 Soviet-b-Loc and 20 non-.Soviet.-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the Engllsh- language publications read as follows; J. Bremner and G. Thomas, Trans. Far- Soc., 44, 2309 1948), H. Jones, E. Staniy and B. Cors-~n. J0 Am. Che'r2, Soc~. 719 18229 1949; B.B. Uarson. H.E. Jones, C~B,, Welling, J A Hinc'kley and E.W. Stanly, Ind. En*g. Chem., 42, 359, L/ 1950; G.S. VILAI-cby, Synthetic Rubber, New York, '1954. ASSOCIATION: Zaklad naukovo-badawcyz ZCb 06wipcim (Scientific Re- search Insiitute of the Chemical Works, Obwie..cim) Card 3/3 EMIK, Jozef )Z.; GUGZA.LSKI,, Romuald; WOJCIK, Jerzy; ZAINERT, St tefan Synthesis of butadiene from ethyl &!-,ohol. II.: Investigation of the activity of the B-4 catalyst. Przem chem 41 no*3.-130-133 Mr 162. 1. Zaklad Naukowo-Badawczy ZCh Cswienim BERAK, Jozef M.; GUCUISKI, Romuald; WOJCIK, Jerzy Synthesis of butadienie from ethyl alcohol. Pt. 3. Influence of b~atonite,upon the juality of the catalyzer. Frzem ahem 41 no-4:190-191 Ap 62. 1. Zaklad Ilaukawo-Badawesy Zakladow Chemicznych, Oswiecim. EMIK, Jozef 11.;~ ;-U-.;ZAL02'1d.,. ':JC,70IKl Jerzy Synthesis of butadiene fram ethyl alcohol. Ft- 4- Influence of Sio2upon the decomposition temperature of inagnesimn bydroxide. Przem ch6m 41 no.5s271-274. my 162. ~ i I I BERAK, Jozef M,j GUGZALSKI, Ramuald; WOJCIK, Jerzy A new basis of testing the activity of butadiene catalysts. Przem chem 41 no.63300-302 Je 162. 1. Zaklad Naukowo-Badawcxy, Zaklady Chamicane, Oswiecim. BERAK, Josef, X.; GUGZALSKI, Ramuald; WOJCIK, Jerzy Influence of carbonate upon the properties of the Mg(OH)2-SiO2 system. Prseis chum 41 no.73380-382 JI 162. 1. Zaklad Naukowo-Badawazy, Zaklady Chemicane, Oswiecim. BERAK, Tozef M.; GUCMSKI, Romuald; WOJCIK, Jerzy; ZALWERT, Stefan --------- Cation exchange and thermal treatment and their influence upon the rehydration property of montmorillonite from Kielce. Przem ches 41 no.12:692-695 D 162. 1. Laboratorium Kat&3.izv Zakladu Naukowo-Badavezego, Zaklady Chexicxne, Oswiecim. GUCZI, lasslo; LMS, Istvan Use of radioactive Isotopes in the food industry as well as food- industry research. Elelm ipar 16 no.8s240-243 Ag v62. 1e Orssagos Atownergia Bisottmag Isotop Intazet es Koaponti Elelmizzoripari Nutato Inteset. S 1 1 % stud the fomation of NatS in oxidit. r' Isotopic data to y o~ of Mer IR 2 , ca t c L. Cucil ant id SC proa atic H 0 di w d as stu and H 8 e in the COX in liquid phase at 50 F F, with regard tt, th,~ presence of complexon A' agd ol formation of sulfide and its further oxidn., employing Nars The oxidn. reaction Is a branching chain ~ labeled with S33. ;I , reaction. I of its chief chains being formed by the forms [ tion of NaS and its further oxidn. Friedrich RpsNWA- ~,QUCZI, Laszlo (Budapest); GALO Dezsq, a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusa (Szeged) InvestigaWn of the oxidation mechanism of riarcaptoacetic acid by means of ---IS isotop. I. The role of sulfide in oxidation. KOK tud kdzl:-XTA i4 no.4:399-409 160. (EUI 10: 3) 1. Kozponti Eleniazeripari Kutato Intezet, Radiologiai Oastaly, Budapest es Szegedl TudomwMegyetex, Kozponti Izotop Laboratorium. (Mercaptoacetic acid) (Sulfur) (Radioisotopes) (Sulfides) (Thiocarbonic acid) (Carbon dioxide) (Glutathione) (Cystsine) GUCZI, Laszlo (Budapest); GAL, Dezso, a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusa '--(-gz-e-ged) Investigallon of the oxidation mechanism of mercaRtoacetic acid by means of J-)S isotope. II. Catalytic effect of Fe.;+ ions on the oxidation. Kiiv,tud. k%a--MTA 14 no-4..411-4zo 6o. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Kozponti Elelmi3zeripari Kutato Intezetq Radiologiai Osztaly, Budapest es Szegedi Tudmanyegyetem, Kozponti Izotop Laboratorium. (Sulfur) (Nereaptoacetic acid) (Radioisotopes) (Catalysts) (Iron) (Ions) (Complex ccupounds) (Sulfides) GUCZI, Laszlo Investigation of the mechanism of the effect of chemical pro- tection at the radiolysis of aqueous solutions. Magy kem folyoir 67 no.2:212-216 My 161. 1. Kospontl Elelmisseripari Kutato Intezet Radiologiai Csztaly, Budapest. .YjZI , Laqzlo* TETENYI, Pal, a kemiai tudomanyok kand.~datusa G ,The effect of radioactive radiation on the ads#ptive and cataly-tic properties of the solids. Kem tud kozl MTA 18 no-4:595-601 162. 1. Orazagos Atomenergia Bizottsag Izotop Intezete, Budapest. lo; SCHACHTIEF, Klara (Mrs) TETENYI, PalY dr.; BABERNICS, Lajos; GUCZI, Lasz - Effect of the method of preparation on the adsorptive and catalytic properties of nickel. Pt.l. Acts. chimica Hung 40 no.4:387-396 164. 1. National Atomic Energy Commission, Institute of Isotopes, Budapest, XII., Konkoly-Thege ut. Effect or ~he method of' prept~rrcL~,~f,.T: on tli~~ fi~jzn '-rT- re anj cataly'L.J.c properties of nir-kel.. Acti, c-l-dirin-a .::;ng 41 no.4:-",83-399 104. 1. liotituteoC 1.9citopes oC ti~~ corn-miroicn, Budapest. ABSTRACT: ~~dooqtion -of - 13Ydr6ge-41 *SeI'i4vOoti&,tod on, ten t~ pare - n ia-y~d in tho tolopbi, tui6 ra6, talyst~pre' A i dif foreit. of vorreUtiuo,.:bitiebn Mw6cturiug::*ithod aud;~~iaiv ~6vitlor ~ito~ the, catalytid-activit,* the material was in a.relation ~0" 6E, nkk4l K iti 30cPO- 6f6 6'-', 6.biser~014.i~d~ rogen ad rblag, GUTIIII~ L. [0.1,~zy, 1.1,; GAL. D. 1, !1135 tracer stlviy of the me,::htmIam nf oxidation of mercaptoacelic acl.d. Par, 1. 21mr. fiz. kbini. 36 no.6,.115()-!J.57 Jel~Z (MIRA 1'7.-"7) 1. V-entralln-yy nauchr,c.-!sslffVvatel'skJy institut P-.shchovoy proMblennost!) Vengriya I Uri.1-~rsr,.iRet v Segede, Vengriya, GUCZY, L.; VEPES, S.; 110MIANIN, P. Examinatim of the medium effect at the alxaltne bydrolysis or majonicaeld- monoethylester-K-salt. p. 32. (Magyer Kemial Folyoirat, Vol. 63, No. 1, Jan 1957, Budavest, Hungary) SO: Month%v List of East Europpan Accessions (FEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. i Keram..? -Equipmtnt wa-ilmially 41-ign.1 to hatulle Aral Sea sulfate of nonunifonn quality. Any vafia. tion in either wateror %utnlamr content of the sulfatei.adjuste4l hyd6tribution to.Usection%ol ahop1wr.from where it i, (ell to a 11dwr litultratiotm it z K. VOLYNKIN, Yu. M.; ANTIPOV, V V. ; GUDAY V. A.; NIKITIN, M. D. ; SAKSONOV, P. P. "The biological evaluation of radiation conditions on the path between the earth and the moon." report presented at the 15th Intl ABtronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. V CJ IR"',~lli , Yu."". Radlataun protection chirim, thp f',Itriit -,I' sovii-t "Vostoic" spacf~ ships. Padl(l,biologlin 4 VOLYWKIN, ANTLIPOVp V-V-~- GUDA, V.A.1 NIKITIN,. M.D. SAKSONOV.- P.P. p --- 0 Biological evaluation of radiation conditions on refute from the earth to the moon. Probl. kosm. blol. 4zlZ17-138 165. (M:..,R-A 1,9,~q) !ACCESSION NRI AP4039714 8/0203/64/004/003/0344/0345' 'AUTHORS Voly*nkin, Yu, Me; Perin, V. V.; Antipov, To Vol q%kd.s,,Vs_A.4 'Dobrov, No No; MikitLn. He Do; Saksonovt Po P. ~TITLEt Radiation safety measures during flights by Soviet cossionsutsi fin Vostok space ships SOURCEt Radiobiologiya, ve 4, nos 3m 1964.-344-348 TOPIC TAGS: manned space fl ght. Vostok, cosmic rediationj galactic !radiation, radiation dosimetry, telemetry# radiobiology ~,ABSTRACT; Radiation safety measures for cosmonauts in the Vostok ;serid-a~have-involved measurements of the integral doses within cabins, ;conducting biological dosimetric probes of cosmic radiation, and the ,use oi antiradiation pharmaceuticals during emergency situations. ,The -results of radiobiological investigations conducted during the 'Vostok flights agree with those of other physical probes and indicate ! :that the radiation hazards to be encountered during short space fligbtx are minimal# Clinical examinations of cosmonauts following Vostok flights showed no deleterious effects of cosmic radiation* Card 1/1 ,~ACCESSION NRI AP4039714 ~ASSOCIATIONt none ISUBMITTEDt 29Dec63 SUB CODE PH, LS' Card DATE ACQI 19Jun64 NO REP SOVI 008 ENCLt 00 OTHERt 000 .L 2437o-66 FSS-2/EWT(1)/EWT(&)/EEC(k)-2/F(IC/EWA(h) SCTS TT/DDj'G4 ACC NR, A, 16003848 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/6,5/004,/000/0127/02',78 .IUTHOR-. Volynkin, Yu. M; Antipov, V. Guda, Vi A,; N~Ikitin, M., P.; N laksonov. P. P. ORG: Department of Bioloelcal.Sciences, Agademy of �Piengas UP (AN 3SSR. Otdaleniye biologicheskikb nauk) ?ITLE.- Biological evaluation of for. eartb to moon 'li 9 -hi NY SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otkoleni-ye biologicbeskikki nauk# Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii, v- 4, 19650 127-138 TOPIC TAGS: bioastronaDties, space radiation, solar.flare, irradiation 3osimetry, radiation shielding ABSTRACT: The physica.1 characteristics and maximum permissible biological doses of the basic types of cosmic radiation are considered. Radiation doses for primary cosmic radiation from natvral and artificial belts with a radiation shield of 1 to 2 g/cM2 should riot exceed 10 rem lor a two week flight around the moon. In of an emergency return irom an altitude of 75,000 km by the least favorable trajectory, the maximum d se would probably be about 20 rem and a radiation shield of I to 2 g/=2 would still provide adequate radiation protectio.n for crew Card 112 L 2437o-66 ACC NR' AT6003848 .nembers. Proton radiation of solar flares represents a real threat to the health and lives of astronauts. To protect astronauts from solar flares of the t~fpe witnessed Aug. 22,.1959, the radiation'shield may be increased to 3 ~/cm . However, the problem of protection.a.gainst solar flares of the type witnessed july 10, 1959 and February 23, 1956 cannot be solved technically at this time. The safety of the astronaut can also be increased with the use of solar flare forecasts. Present forecasting methods predict the appearance of solar flares 2 to , d in advance witb 75~% accuracy., Improved forecasting methods should be accompanied by the development of new types of forecasting instruments. Increasing body resistance to proton radiation of solar flares with the use, of various pharmaceutical cbemical preparations appears promising. Orig, art, has: 2 tables, SUB CODE: 06/ -SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 0211 OTH REF: 020 COM 212- Academic Degrees: Enf--,~1neer Affiliation: ~':e ne r al Dircetorate of GeotoroE.,-,ra-.),iy and of t'nc To r:- 1. to rys Organizat-ion. of t"ne iNinisstry of Agriculture (Direc-,U-JF- Generala Goo tona f-ra-(',I&a si aOrganizarii Teritoriului , ",inintrul U, cult ri I-Iource: Bucharest Iievista de Geocle-zie si Orrrmii,,-ireq Toritoriuluil 11 191 - i i;o 2 7 oil pp 39-46. Data: "Rational 1,"ethods of Parcelling Celculations." ON 901643 KAHTVELISHVILI, Yuriy Lavrentlyevich;_ggDP_ZF,,.GeQrgiy.,.Iosifovich; KIKFADZE, Nodar Aleksandrovich: KIPIANI, Tornike Terentlyevich; SUTIDZE, Liana Nikolayowa; BEZHANOV, Tigran Vladimirovich [Principles of designing machinery for earthwork] [Oanovy pro- ektirovaniia mashin dlia zemliarqkh rabot. Tbilisi, Gos.izd- vo "TSodna"] 1964. 236 p. (In Georgian] (MIRA 17-.4) ; . "'! t: ; I - t ~ : i " . I !.! : ': - . ! i 1'~i:l I "~- - 1 i I n. ~.~ . ~ ; ;,-,. L' . .~' ` - CI I IF:', k . I ~:% 1 , . PONOMM, I.F., prof., doktor khim. nauk; UNLITSKAYA, R.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GUUKOVA, K.K., insh. Replacement of asbestos by slag vool in the manufacturing of asbestos cement products. Trudy NPI 27'-143-P145 '56. (KIRA 10:12) 1, Kafedra takhnologil teementa Novocherkasekogo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Asbestos cement) (Kineral vooly tr I AI i Is .11 1 1 _!., starshiy nauchnyy no~rudnlk; ORLOV, V.; AGAFONOVA, Z.; GUDAKQYA, TOLMACHEVA, 0., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Timely disinf-ntion of seed. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.1:15-17 65. (MIRA 180) 1. Direktor Kurskoy sel'skokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stants1i (for Orlov). 2. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey Kurshoy sellskokhozyaystven- noy opytnoy stanteii (for Agafonova). 3. Kurskaya sellskokhozyaystven- naya opytnaya stantsiya (for Gudakova, Tolmacheva). GMAKOVSMA, M. M. ZAYKOp N.N. "Penetration of Labeled,, IR cIllin Into the L)re and Its Distribution in the Eye's Tissues and Mbdia . it the book !~~ia~ncein ~the T of RadioqgUve Isotopes iS_!kdic -w R. Ye. KAVETSM and I.T. SHEVCHEMM, published be the - I Gosmedfzdat Publishing House of the UKRAINIAN BE, KIEV 1955, represents medical transactions of a conference held in KIEV fro2 18-20 January 1954. So: U00235 4F 0 0 0 0 0 sm, I I Is 11 m Is It 11 6 0 A 1.24 a JOB Avall loll U13 w4 14 v a Is a &I 9i 41 a a _e A I IL A I I . v --L-A- IA. A M 0 It 46 a 0 A t J.' toy A 0 0 Gfu,lU-vol anti 00 Iig. Ra. IA- N#& 36. 3-8(19W~. Npues t XWW.. GW., art. 11 1"1 179 4) Thii tie - A Me. 0 0 ic! ;;~ #4 6vljkvlmr4-jurm"k- to By totally finvic" awl 00 000 P . &W' extu ov" tviff q. kill. in (be wairfh"I larow"'ll it. ftb said Stralwavit rivns. 11w -c t4 OxIfilwil fit , oxitlizalf far -l w 0 so at 1111C bu"*Wl lo y celtaist I , of" have bir" found, but Ibc depill4it appears likely to : jolow thir numal cillenvivr ImAyselfidic owlifiencr 44 0 Timstatraimcwmim. TIlw euntent of frk-I&I in bath) iilft,.illwfl~ vmiv, (14"11 0.2, 2167.o( I'll And 0-1 Al"5% 41.11. of is!- a -00 00 ) -3 r-O 0 coo go* goo 00 itso o , roo i-00 11190 ,Alf COO t . A [ - %414.0 L. 0.. am alljol "a' V U 1,,, .0 t ft 0 0 a 0 : 0 0 .~;T i0 tam/Geology Sep 1947 Ore Deposits "Geology and Lodes of Dzhez1mzg&n," G. G. Oudalin, 5 pp "Gornyy Zhurnal" No 9 This region is geologically similar to Central AfricaP as determined by V. Lindgren. Ores In this region shov high iron and copper sulphide concentration. Kinerals are in folloving percentage@-. sulphur, 50~; Iron, 47$; and copper, 3~. 1! L r~ ,,:o,n~:)hy and Re,,-,uirements of industry as to the quality of mineral raw materials. fiandbook for geologists--:-',osicva, Gos. i-,,d-vo geolo-icheskoi lit-ry Komiteta po delam geollgii pri SNIK SSISR, No. 25, Copoer, 1947. i..)nthly List of dussian Acccessi~m:;, Library ~,I' ~;uji,tress, kj~~Loberj)_-,', Llxlass~L~ -Ad.