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- . i ...... .- . - F~ --- I::-;- --: , T : -Tr . I . . lm - I . , I I '~VA . , A fill 1, P L 2091-66-- EWA(k)IFBDIEW (1) /EEG (k) -2/ (n)-2/W(m)/EPA( )-2/T/EWP(1~)/ A(h)/-.-:., ETC BW w WA -2, SCTB/IJP(c)-. WG/ Voo56, "A ACCESSION NR: AP50249oi UR/0382/65/000/003/005 533 t 9. o1: 621,43T8 k1 i. AUTHORi 'Gudzenko, L. III' olesnik2v, V. N.,1 Sobolev, M.~ N.; SWMi n, L,' TITLE: Use of highly ionized plasma for fabrication of a laser n SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika$ o. 3, 1965, 54-56 TOPIC TAGS: plasms~, laser, plasma laser, magnetohydrodvnamics,, energy, conversion ABSTRACT: 'The sudden cooling of the free electrons of a highly ionized low*-temper `15 ture plasma (a condition. necessary for the attainment of laser action in such.a me dium) is discussed. Two methods are proposed: cooling the walls of the contain r,: and the use of heavy particles (ions andneutril. atoms 6f the plasma)'to cool th: A free electrons. The second method is discussed in debail. in utilizing he avy par itic-les for cooling,,two conditions must be satisfied, 1) The electronic~temper e-..I, at must be significantly greater than the temiperature of the heavy particles (T e T) The temperature Te must be close to the temperature of the almost totally sin gl;~ --fionized gas, and the temperatures,T, to the final cooling temperature of free elec-~, trons; and 2)-the specific heat.6f the electiods must be s igni tic antly smaller' F than that of the heavy particles-(Ce n 3 where N complete number of (free, and bou~df electrons per cm um~~Ne - density of fre electrons, Nn - density of electrons woth principal quantum n n. A(n,m)d and t ' A (n)dt are the spontaneous transition probabilities. radiative and recombinative, to Card 1/2 L L) i 2- 2 6-- --~6 6 ACC NR: AP5024902 level n, during time dt; Y(n,m) corresponds to non-radiative transitions n m, and B(n) - to collision ionization and recombination. Three stages of - plasma collapse. or relaxation are discussed% 1) highly ionized plasma with llinsti~nteneoualyll cooled elec. trons 2) substantially ioaized plasma with a "stationary downflov, from overpopuliLted levels and 3) weakly ionized plasma. The second stage is investigated quantitatively, using the results of computer-calculated population pixameters 4quatlons (1); and upper-half-levels electron distribution N n - (2); and the negative absorptiot .coefficient (3). An evaluation of shows sufficient amplification to expect feasi. 5 2 -bility of laser activity (lasing) fof stages one and two. It is also proposed that, plasma lasing may occur in stellar atmospheres where -large distances enhanci the ampli fication effect. Authors thank An T. Matachun for assistance in numerical computationt and A.M. Prachorov. I.1,--Sobelman and NiN. Soboley for numerous discussions.~Origart, has I table, 3-formulas. 2nj I )3n exp(Ell Nn- n2N 2 -(2) A (n nt) (3) e ~T) SUB COU.- 20. SUBM DATEI lQAug64/ ORM:Rff: 603 OTH REF. 006 I;,! D, ytl So iri~~ ract,~r Is L1,33 ef the ~,-haz3p oC 11~z r a at.; v! hSt -On. zhur. .13 no. 1:113-123 Ja-F 1~-6 (MIFA 101 , 2 1. FizicN-skiy Instittit imeni P.N. Labodeva AN SSSR i Gosu- da-stvemryy astronomicheskiy Ilistltut lineril Shtemberga. Suln ~ tted May 8, 1965. kcC Ng-l-AR6017241 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058165/000/012/DO38/DO38 AUTHOR: G udzenko, 4 I.;Shelepin, 4 A. ORG: none TITIZ: Possible role of induced radiation in the solar atmosphere SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 12D317 1 REF SOURCE: Tr. -Komis. po, spektrookopii. AN SSS!~, t. 3, vyp. 1, 1964, 295- TOPTC TAGS: ionized plasma, radiation, solar atmosphere ABSTRACT: Induced radiation in a highly ionii ed Olasma has been investipited when the short collision times permit the plasma to cool rapidly by kinetic temperatures so that a strong inversion population arises. Conditions at low densities and the possible connection of induced radiation in free space with phenomena in the solar atmosphere are considered. [Translation of abstract) INT] SUB CODE: 201 i, 448oo-66 EWTM/EEC (k) -2/_T/_--.0(k) IJP(c) WGI'.-AIIAT ~'ACC NR: AP6031264 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/009/1622/164'5 AUTHOR: Gordiyets, B. F.; Gudzenko, L. I.; Shelepin, L. A. ORG' Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSRr_ .TITLE: The cooling of the free electrons of a plasma PSOURCE: Zhuraal. tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 9, 1966, 1622-1625 UV !TOPIC TAGS: plasma laser, im:::=~-Y laser, laser, population inversion 'ABSTRACT-1 The pres4lnt paper is a continuation of/. four earlier papers by two of the lauthors (Gudzenko and Shelepin), who showed thatl~_Lnser -action was possible at optical, 'infrared, and ultraviolet frequencies when electrons of a highly ionized plasma with 014_1016 c -3 !densities of I m were rapidly cooled from 20,000 to 1000K. They now Itheoretically consider the cooling rates as a function of elastic collisions of free 'electrons with ions and neutral atoms and as a recombination of electrons at the icylinder walls. Their considerations are based on an electron model repeatedly heated!, and cooled by a pulsed electric field. The rapidly heated electrons generate a highly lionized, low-temperature plasma when the fieLd is suddenly removed or the free elec- trons are cooled_by collision of hot electrons with heavy cold atoms or ambipolar ,diffusion for 10 8-10-7 sec. Population inversion results which is sufficient to iachieve laser action. The study indicates Lhe feasibility of developing a pulsed ICard 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L 448oo-66 ACC NR- AP6031264 0 Plasma laser in which simultaneous modulation of the heating electric field and the 4longitudinal magnetic field cause a highly ioni,zed plasma during the heating cycle. lorig. art. has: 6 formulas. [YKI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28,-Iay65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 007/ ATD PRESS: 5080 ACC NRt AP6036054 SOURCE --CODE-~.--UR/0050-/66-/05f/004/1115-/.LU9 I AUT11'011: Gudzenko,_4~. I., Filippq~yA~_P.i Shelepin L. A. ORG: Phys Institute im....?, Nt.~bedevL AcaqSr of S~~ Fizicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Rapidly recombining plasma jets SOURCE; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V, 51, no. 4, 1966, nl5_ 1119 TOPIC TAGS: plasmoid. ionized plasma, plasma decayo plasma jet, adiabatic process,._ ABSTRACT: The authors consider a plas aAet containing atoms or ions vith several' discrete levels, the populations of which are much smaller than those given by the Saha formula for a given free-electron density and temperature. They show that a plasma jet of this kind can be used to obtain a relatively dense gas stream with un- populated lower levels. This is done by making use of the rapid recombination that takes place when the plasma is initially highly ionized and the temperature of the free electrons is abruptly reduced, In this case the populations in the lover levels cannot follow the transitions of the electrons to the upper discrete levels and the resultant nonequilibrium situation (if the free electrons are cooled rapidly enough) can lead to population inversion, thus making it possible to use this gas in a laser C.rd 1/2 ACC NR: AP6036054 configuration. This calls for cooling the plasma within a time 10-7 10-0 see from 5 x 103 to 103 K at a free-electron density 1014 -- 3 x 1015 cm-3. In the case of an unmagnetized plasma, analysis shows that, in view of the difficulty of three- dimensional expansion into vacuum under laboratory conditions, any practical utiliza- tion of adiabatic cooling for the purpose of producing a large amount of hydrogen with a nonequilibrium population inversion in the atomic levels is hardly realizable. In the case of a magnetized plasma, it is shown that by freezing-in a strong magnetic field in the plasma it in possible to increase greatly the initial plasmLt prousure and thus intensify the cooling accompanying the expansion into vacuum. However, the re- quired: rapid displacement of a strong magnetic field still makes such a procedure dif- ficult. A proposed means of overcoming the difficulty is to produce a device in which a high-velocity magnetized jet of fully ionized hydrogen is introduced into a vacu= with a magnetic field that falls off with distance. Theoretical estimates of the initial-plasma density required for this purpose and possible means of accomplishing a sufficiently rapid decrease of the magnetic field are discussed. The authors thank nt I, tq and S. So V. S. Komellkoy M. I. Pergame , PJko Serevitinoy for a discussion. Orig. art. has, 5 formulas, SUB CODE: 20/ StMM DATE: o5mar66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OM REFs 001/ ATD PRESS: 5106 Card ACC NRI AP7000056 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0115/0117 AUTHOR: Gordiyets, B. F. (Moscow); Gudzenko, L. 1. (Moscow); Shelepin, L. A. (Moscow) !ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev, AN SSSR (Fizichenkiy inatitut AN SSSR) :TITLE: Ainplification of radiation during the decay of extremely ionized plasma SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy makhaniki i tekhnicheakoy fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 115-117 !TOPIC TAGS: plasma decay, ionized plasma, plasma electromagnetic wave, plasma Iradiation iABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the possibility of amplifying electromagnetic iradiation at frequencies of the atomic spectrum in plasma undergoing pulse recombina- i Ition. Since the rapid decay of plasma causes an inversion in level population, it is Isinpler to analyze the population distribution over discrete levels in ions of decaylas [plasma in which the majority of heavy particles are bare atomic nuclei of one of the :elements (H+, He++, Li++, etc.). In addition to investigating the relaxation of Ihydrogen-like ions, an analysis is also auide of the population In atoms of alkali ,metals or alkali-like ions during the decay of their plasma. Numerical data are used iin an evaluation of the amplifying properties of the decaying plasma of a chemical element with the atomic number Z. It-is shown that at comparatively high densities of !free electrons N there is a region of optimum temperatures at which the absolute I e linversion acquires the maximum value. Rapidly decaying plasma, which results in in- ACC NR. AP7000056 version of the level population, can also be obtained by other methods. e.g., by isothermal compression. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 1 figure. [WA-71] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: lGjun66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 0031 ACC NR. AR6028773 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/006/0065/0065 iAUTHOR: Cudzenko L. I., Medvedeva, N. A.; Chertoprud, V. Ye. !TITLE: Latitudinal distribution of the solar 'cyclic activity SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.497 REF SOURCE: Astron. tsirkulyai, no. 342, okt. 16, 1965, 1-4 TOM TAGS: sun, sunspot, sunspot cycle ABSTRACT: Tables of the distribution of sunspots with respect to latitude and phase are computed from Greenwich sunspot catalogs for seven 11-year cycles of the solar activity. An analysis of the tables has shown that insignificant differences exist in-distributions for the northern and'eouthern~ hemispheres. Summary tables of the distributions of relative frequency of `occurrenc& of sunspot groups are given. [Translation of abstract] Bibliography of 10 titles. V. Ch. SUB CODE: 03 UDC: 523.745 GUDZENKO, L.V. , i , - Control of the boiling process of massecuite. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 4 no.8:125-128 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Sugar manufacture) GUAENYO) P. N. "Value of Rectoromanoscopy for Bacillary Dysentary in Children,," Pediatriya, No,3) 1948* Clinic of Children's Diseases and Chair of Microbiology GUDZMO, P.N. Practical aspects of provocation methods in chronic dysentery. Pedintrita, Moskva no.2:39-41$ Mr-Ap 150. (CUM 19:2) 1. Of the Clinic for Children's Diseases (Head -- Prof. A.N.Yedoro- vich). Chernovitsy Medical Institute. GMMO, P.H., dotsent Irrors In diagnosing tuberculous meningitis in children. Pediatrila (KLRA 8:10) n').3:47-51 4v-Je '55. 1. Is klInIkI detskik1h bolesney ( 4.N.Vodorovlch) Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (dir.dateent X.B. Manlkovskiy) na bass Oblastupy detakoy bol'nitsy (glavTWy vrach H.V.Popova) (TUBPACULOSIS, MXMNGIAL, in Infant and child diag.orrors) i' I II - GUDZENKO, P.N. [Hadzenko, P.N.), dots. Relapse and ecacerbations of tuberculous meningitis in children treated with streptomycin. Pod., akash. i gin. 19 no.2:10-12 157. (MIRA 13-1) 1. Ilintim detskikh bolezney (zav. - dots. P.N. Oudzenko) Cherno- Yetskogo meditainskogo inatituta (dir. - dots. N.M. Kovalev) na baze Oblastuoy detskoy bollnitey (glavu" vrach - N.V. PoDova). (KENMICS-TUMOULOSIS) (STRIM)MIN) GUDZEHKO, P.N., dotannt Involvement of the centrnl nervous nyntem by tuberculous procnoses following infent ion of exiiertmentftl nnimAls throu& the phnryngeal ring, Probl,tub. 36 no.5401-108 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is Inatituta pediatr1i ANN SSSR Wir. - chlen-korrespondent ANY SSSR prof. O.D. gpkolovam-Ponomn revs. nAnchny rukovoditell prof. I.V. Mabler t knfedry peMatrii (sav. - dots. P.N. ftdxqnko) Chernovitskogo meditsinskogo instituts (dir. - dots. M.N. Kovslev). (BRAIN, pathology, exper. tuberc. Inducod by intraphnryngeal admin. of organisc Ohm)) (TUBERCULOSIS. e-nerimental. brRin psthol. in tubarc. induced by IntraphAr:rngera ndmine of pnthogens (Rul)) GUDZENKO, P. N. , Doc Med Sci -- (diss) "Froblews of pathogenet~is and clinical aspect of tubercular meningitis in children." Chern- ovtsy, 1960. 27 pp; (Kiev Order of Labor Red Banner Nedical inst im Academician A. A. BoSomollts); 300 copies; price not given; list of works of author'at end of text (11 entries); (KL, 19-60, 137) I Z ; 1 4 1: , I i ~ ; ~ 'T Z ~ ~ I j . I I ~ I I S I I" I I I I ~ I I ~ ; : I I I . I . . , . . : , QxUDZENKO, P,N,; KASIX09 Yu.S. Uperimental tubermaonio of the cerwical 17mph nodes In guinea pigm. Nobl.tub. 38 no.1#89-95 160. (MIRA 13 slO) (LMORMCS-TUBWMUMIS) GUID"'.Ei TF. CP P . N. I pro Lu"i'Al Eit, A. A. SupplemenLary electrucnrdic~i7.raphia Indice-c characl'~A-Izing_ the ftmcrAcnal state of thta myceardlum in children. Scv.llled. 28 no.741(.--20 J1 165. (IMIRA 38.8) 1. Klinika detsk~kh bol.~-zpey (zav. - prof. P.N.Gudzenko) Chernovit-zzk(,gc medil.sinakogo 4,istituta na baze Oblastnoy klini- cheskoy detskoy (g,avn)-y vmr-h M.V.Popova). GUDZFdIKO Panteleymon Petrovich [Hudzenko, P.P.1; ZAGORSKIT, P.S. tZahorBl4i, P-T.3 ka' XCVIKOVA, G.O.CNOV-ikOTe, H.0.1, red.izd-va; AKSHNOV. G.G. [Aksenov H.11.1 [Working class of the Ukraine in the atrui%le for the socialist nationalization of industry] Robitnychyi klas Ukrainy r borot'bi za sotainlistychnu netRionalizataiiu promyslovosti. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Aked. nauk URSR. 1957. 46 p. OMIRA 11:5) (Ukraine-Revolution. 1917-1921) (Ukraine-Industries) PALlADIN, O.V., red.; SEMENENK0. M.P.. akademik. red., SHCHIRBAN' . 0.H., skademik. red.; GHEDENKO. B.V. [Hniedenko, B.Y.1, akademikjed.; DELIkARSKIY, Yu.K. [Delimeralkyi, W.K.1, akadeinik. red.; KAVWZSXIY. R.Ye. [Favets1kyi, RJ1.1. akademik. red.; KHPMOV, K.K. [1hrienov, K.K.] almdemik. red.; KGROID, O.S.. kand.ekon.nauk. red.; GUWAUQ,_, F,,Pj_tHudzenko. P.P.),, red.; SHIKAN, V.L., red. Izd-va; HAKHLINA, M.P., (Development of science ia the Ukraine during the past 40 years] Rozvytok- hauky v Ukrainsikii-RSR za 40 rolwiv. IrYiv. 1957. 529 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Akademiya nauk MO. Kiyev.(for Semenenko. Shcherban'. Gnedeako. Delimarskiy, Kavetskiy, Khrenov) (Ukraine---Science) GUDZENKO. V.I. Chemistry of 1.4-dihydroantbraquinone. Part 1: Nitration of 1.4-dihydroahthraquinons. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no*2:618-621 F 162. (MIM 15:2) 1. Rubezhanskiy fULial Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta arganicheskikh poluproduktov i kraslulay. (Anthraquinow) (Nitration) __GU X V.1 Chemistry of 1,4,dihydroxyanthraquinone. Part 2: Reaction of 104,dihydroxy-l-mthylanthraquinone vith nitric acid. Zhur.ob.khiTn. 33 no.3:940-943 Mr 163, (MIRA 16-3) 1. Rubezhanskiy filial ,Bauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta organicheskikh poluproduktay i krasiteley. (quinisarin) (Nitric acid) GUDZENKO, V.I. Chemidtry of 1,,"ihydroxyanthraquinone. Part 3: Chlorination of 1#4-dihydroxyanthraquinomee Zhur-obokhim. 33 no-4:1314-1319 kp 163. (MIRL 16;5) N 1,~,. Rubashom kiy filial Nauchno-issledovatells*o instituta. organiche- sk,Uh poluproduktoy i krasiteley. (Quinizarin) (Chlorination) GUD'/,F.NKO, V. 1. Chemistry of 1,4-dihydroanthraquinone. Part 4: Ch'oripAtion I of 1.4-dihydro-l-motliylanthraquinone. Zhur. org. khim. 1 no.9:1653-1658 S 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Rubezhanskiy filial Nauchm-issledavateliskogo institute organicheskikh poluproduktav i krasiteley. Submitted July 30, 1964. FILIMONOVA, M.M.; IEVIIZKIY, M.I.; _GUDZENKO, M.D. PolaroLrraphic detormination of carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, anj methylenze chloride in hydrochloric acid. Zav.1ab. 28 no,4:/,Z4,--/*26 162-. (MBU 15: 5) (Chlorofom) (Carbon tetrachloride) (Math, (Folarography) ACC NR: IV6030171 ___ SOURCE CODE: UR/0209/66/000/011/0036/0042 A AUT11OR: Cudzev, N. (Colonel', Candidate of technical sciences); Lavrik, G. (Colonel*, Doctor of military sciences); Perepelitskiy, S. (Engineer; Colonel; Candidati; of technical sciences); Sokolkip, N. (Engineer; Major; Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Planning operations in aviation headquarters SOURCE: Aviatsiya i kosmonavtika, no. 11, 1966, 36-42 TOPIC TAGS: job analysis, argani=tti= operations research, PERT, economic planning, industrial management, air force organization ABSTRAC`r: A method of preparing a functional plan of operations is described in detail. It is said that the flow diagrams and outlines currently being prepared by commanders and officers at aviation headquarters have certain shortcomings, such as poor estimation of the time required for each operation, lack of coordination be'- tween sections, and no visual means for timely detection and elimination" of potential It C~fficulties.' Many of these problems can be eliminated by adapting methods nz network planning and management (SPU), which are widely used in the national economy. In this case the planned process is broken down into individual tasks. Each task- is performed in phases which are called events and are designated, bv the resultant term, such as "aircraft fueled," "decision made." Conseque'atly, each event expresses some important moment in the realization of the planned action. Card 1/2 ACC NR: ,T6036171 rvents are logically related to each other by means of tasks which actually transform one event into another. The task or operation means a working process which utilizes time and materials; "fictional work" means either a rest period or an enforced waiting period, which takes time but does not produce. On the basis of this terminol- ogy, flow charts of such planning are presented and methods of computation for determining the time allotment for each task are given. It is said that such graphic! plans can be prepared well ahead of time nbt only for such stationary processes as actions during alert, preparation for second flight mission, retraining of a flight crew, etc, but also for such highly dynamic processes as the organization of activities during training under various circumstances. Experience with this type I of planning should result in the preparation of standard plans which are periodicallys; revised, and in the capability for estimating work capacity and anticipating difficulties in certain cases. SUB CODE: 05,,12, 01/ SUBM DATE: none sov/86-58-7-19/38 AUTHOR: Gudzev, N. T., Lt Col, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: On the Lateral Bombing Error Caused by Incorrect Adjustment of Radar Bombsight (0 bokovoy osbibke bombometaniya iz-za nepravillnoy yustirovki-rddiolokat- sionnogo pritsela) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 7, pp 39-41 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article contains an answer to a request submitted by an officer who wanted a theoretical evaluation of the amount of lateral bombing error under wind and windless conditions when the radar bombsight is not properly adjusted. Card 1/1 IEVINSKIY, M.I.; FILDIONOVA, M.M.; GUDZENKO, Zh.D. Polarographic determination of chloroform and methylene chloride present simultaneously In hydrochloric acid. Zav.lab. 27 no.5:546- 548 161, (MIRA 14:5) (Chloroform) (Methane) - ; - , , -- - - ! " I I I ~ I j. I I i I I - ; t , I . ; ! ! ! i GUEZZY1 T.A.. doroshayy m4ter. Introduce factory sarklog of tie beams. Put' I put,khos. no.6:44 Je 157. (KERA 10:7) (R,i ilroada-Ties) I . . I . ~ I !. ~ : 2 ;~ T ; ; ", 2 1 , , I . I I , f ; I , I I I - : I , BOBROVSKAYA, G.D., (Kiyar); GUDZITATAYA G.A (Kiyev) Ymndus ocull In bypertanalon. Trach.dolo no.l.-17-21 160. (Nm 13W 1. Kafedra nervnykh bolosuey (sav. - doyetyltellay cblen ANN SSSR. B.N. Whallwwokly) 11yovskogo soditainskogo Instituta. (m) (HrpzrmsioN) (',UIYZHABII)Zl"p G.K. Upper Gretxeous w-dimenti of' the contral Mergrelipi syncline. Trudy GPI [Gruz,.] no.2:13-25 163. (KRA 17:9) r,JL,.:iiABII)ZF, G.K. v ~ - ~ I I ~ ~ . .9 Gharacterdstil(--q of dialectical mfi~,eriulJ!im In certain geological phenomena. Tru6y GPI [Gruz.] no.2027-130 163. (YIRA 17:9) GUDZHABIDU, G.Sh. Examining prelimirary filters designed for the detection of holulaft eggs. Ned. paras. I paraz. bol. no.2:172-174 Ay--Je 854. (AM 7:8) 1. Is aektora epleemiologil lustituta wayarll, med1telaskay Pamt- tologil I gellmlatologil Ministerstya sdravookhrasenlya SSSR (dlr. institute, prof. P.G.Seriglyev) (HMIMS9 *filters for detection of 9W) GUDZHABIDZEt G. Sh. LMNSON, Ts.D.; OUDZHABIDZI, G.Sh. Annual meeting of th* All-Union Society of Relulnthologists; activitiet of the medical section. Ned, paras. t par&$ bol. no.2: 188-190 Ap-je 851L. iKLIA 7:8) (HMIIMOLOGY--SOCIVIIS) -s Z_,) _Z H Z> 2 z:: I LIMS HEU17 "On the Question of Testing Dust in the Air for the Ova of Helminths", by G.Sh. Gudzhabidze Meditsins',:aya- Farazitolog'iya i Parazitarnyye Loi.2zivi, No 2, March-April, 1957, PP 195-19b. Helminths"ova may be carried into the air with the dust from the con- taminatod C-xo,,md by wind or traffic,ate. The appearance of i;uch ova In the air may lead to an epidemic. 'The author, therefore, demands preven- tivo meastires and a great deal of attention for the protection of the surroundings from contamination by ova of helminths. A new method cf testinE dust in the air for ova of helminths is sug- gested by the UU-thor: The dust is drawn by suction into the hydrojet pump of the vacuum cleaner Tnicpr" throuCh a piece of moistened mate- ri-j-1 or a provisional plankton filter, placed on the table of Goldman's funnel, The ova of Ascaris from the contaminated &Tound then sattle oil the filters which are placed at a distance of 15-100 cm from the ground. Of of le t`v GUDZHABIDZE, G.Sh.; PREOBRAMENSKUYA, T.P. Affect of actinouTestes, fungi, and bacteria. isolated from soils Irrigated with aevage, on Asearte enum eggs. Med.paraz. i paraz.bol. 28 no.4t4OO-405 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. 1% Institute, mlyarii. ineditsinakoy pRra2itologil I gellmintolog1l Ministeretva 2dravookhranentya SSSR (dir. instituta - prof. F.G. Serglyev) I Institute. antibiottkoy Akademli moditsinskikh nauk SSSR (dlr. institute. - Prof. S.D. Thdintsev). (ASMIS) (SBUGM microbiology) (ACTIROMYCICS) GUDZHABIDZIC, G.Sh. Axperimental observations on the development and survival of Ascarin lumbricoldes eggs In soil Irrigated by sewage. Ned.paraz.1 param. bol. 37 no.5:578-583 3-0 159. (MIRA l3t4) 1. Iz gallmintologichaskago otdola Instituts. moditsinskoy parasito- logil I tropicheskoy meditsiny lueni Te.I. Nartsinovskogo Kinist"r- stva sdravookhraneniya SSSR (direktor instituta - prof. P.0. SergiYev, zavedtVushchly otdolom - prof. V.P. Pbd"yapollnkaya). (ASCARIS) (SOIL uIcrobiol.) (SAWAGIC) OUDMIDZI, Nbelminthization of precipitates in mewage da.-Ing thermophIL fer- mentation. Mad.paraz.i paraz.bol. 37 no.5-.61:7-6'18 S-0 159. (MM 13:4) 1. 1z gellmiutologlohookogo otdola Iuatituta maditsinskoy pira2ito- logil I tropichaskoy meditsiny imeni Te.I. 1krtsinovskogo Minister- stva zdravookhranenija SSSR (direktor bistituta - prof. P.0. Sargiyev, zaveduyushchty otdolom - prof, T.P. Pod"yapollekaya). (SEWAGN microbial.) (ASMIS) GUDZHABIDZE, G. Sh., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Effect of agricultural fields under irrigation on the propagation of ascar-idos-is ilL the -:os- cow oblast and the development of sanitary and hygienic measures." Moscow, 1960. 15 pp; (All-Union Inst of Helminthology im Actidelitician K. I. Skryabin); number of copies not given; price not given; (KL, 27-60, 159) L 22117-66 OR(1)/D]T(m)/EEG(k)-2/T/EWP(t)/L-WP(k) , IM(c) W,",/JD ACC NR: Ap6oo4917 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/001/0051/0054 AUTHORS: Andronikashvili,.. E. L.; Oudzhabidzp, G. Y.; Tsak4dze,imht~S ORG: Institute of Physics Academy f Sciences Gp2rgian SSSR (Instifu_e'_MW1 Akademli na Gruzinskoy SSR); TbiliH State- 60 J UnIlvers y (Thilisskiy gosudarstvennyy universit t.T 13 21 TITLE: Relaxation of the Onsager-Feynman vortices when rotating .helium II Is heated above the phase-transition temperature SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy,fiziki, N. 50, no. 1, 1966, 51-54 TOPIC TAGS: liquid belium ~!riti-! quantum liquid, vortex, rotatiou, cal point, relaxation process, temperature dependence ABSTRACT: The decay of vortex lines in the superfluid component of rotating helium II, which occurs upon transition to helium.I, was inve3tigated by the oscillating disc method. Although it was ex- pected from theoretical considerations that the v6rtex damping would appear at the phase transition temperature, the experiments.bave Card 1/~ L 22117-66 ACC NR: AP6004917 shown that the damping of the disc remains unchanged in character for a prolonged time interval even above this temperature, provided the phase transition takes place in a rotational state. It is de- duced therefore that the decay of the vortex filaments in the form of a three-component relaxation pr6cess. In the,first, the damping of the disc oscillations remains unchanged meaning that the Vortex pattern characteristic of helium II remains the same in hellum I. The vortices then become detached from the disc surface and the damping becomes even lower than expected for hiallum I under _-_~.the given conditions. Finally, during the third stage of relaxation,; theexpected damping stable value is gradually attained. Pr incipal attention was paid to the duration of the first stage minutes whose dependence on the velocity of rotation, temperature and degreel of roughness of the disc is discussed. It is suggested that.the prolonged existence of the vortices in helium I and their sulLsequent decay may be due to some decrease in the rate of motion of the liquid inside the vortex, too small to-be meaBured...,.T- authors thank Yu. G. Mamaladze for interesting discussions of the results. _9U r Orig. art. has: L bs.and 5 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 06Aug65/. 'ORIG REP: 006/ 9TH REP: 002 Card L 22118-66 'PI-IT(1)/rI/T(m)/EEC(k)-2/T/gfP(t)/EWP(k) IJP(c), ."iG/JD ACC NR: Ap6oo4918 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/001/0055/005 AUTHOM Gudzhabidzea Tsakadze, Dzh. S. (Tbilisskiy gosudarstvenn ORG: Tbilisi State Univers~ty yy universitet); Institute of'Phyf3ics, Academy of SciencessGeorgian SSR (Institut fiziki Akademli nauk Gruzinskoy SSR) TITLE: Relaxation process related to temperature changes in rot-ating helium II ~j SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 1~0' no. I., :L966, 55-57 TOPIC TAGS: liquid helium, quantum liquid, temperature dependence i. vortex, rotation, liquid property, relaxation process ABSTRACT: This is a companion to the preceding paper in the same i source (ZhETF v. 50, 51, 1966; Accession AP6004917), and is: d6voted!--: to the processes connected with the change in the elastic-plastic properties of rotating helium II, occurring when the temperature of the liquid changes. In particular, the paper is devoted to,tbe, re-- suits of the measurement (for both cooling and hea*ting) of the Card 1/2 L 22118-66 ACC NR: Ap6oo4gi8 c damping of axial oscillations of a rough disc which take place about! the disc axis and are concentric with the rotation of the liquid. The apparatus and the measurement procedure were described in detaill earlier (ZbETF v. 46, 1, 1964).- Unlike the results of similar measurements under conditions of phase transformation in rotating liquid, no stage during which the initial damping is completely conserved has been observed, and the change in damping begins Sim- ultaneously with the instant of the temperature change, The resultsi, are compared with those of the companion paper and:it is suggested., that the possible reason for the discrepancy is that the vortices oscillate much more intensely whan their slippingagainst the disc is minimal,- as is the case in the present experiments. TheAuthors thank E. L. Andronikashvili for suggesting the topic and a dis- cu3sion of the resiilts, and Yu. G. Mamaladze for fruitful discussiicmi Orig. art. has: 2 figures SUB CODE: 20/ _SUBM &M o6Aug65/- ORIG REF-VO04t OTH REIF: 001 -Card _-2/2-16 K GUDZHLBIDZE, G.Ye* Neccomian facies sedirasnts in Megreliya and Racha and some problems of their stratigraphy. Izv.Geol.ob-va Gruz. 2 no.1:5-14 162. (MIRA 17:3) U Urper r.rptaceous sedizent.9 of Lhe comp.ex of Avk~:,L Soob. AN Grin. SSR 29 no.2:165-171 Ag 162. '%MIRA 18:3) 1. Geologicheskoye upravlenlye pri Sovete Mirdst-rov Gruz-lr3koy SSR. .133ubmitted June 29, 1961. ANDRONIKASHVILI, E. L. ; GUDZHABIDZE, (.,. V. ; D. S. "Relaxation of Onsager-Feynman's Vortices at Heating of Rotating Ifellum II above T.,N. " report submitted for 9th Intl Conf on Low Temperature Physics, Columbus, Ohio, 31 Aug-4 sep 64. Inst of Physics, AS GSSR, Thilisi. ANDRONIKASHVILI, E.L.; BABLID~7E, R.A.; ._j 0 (Tbilisi) _QYjZE"?Z, G.V.; PSAKADZE, D." "Experimental study of generation and disappearance of vortices at a phase transition from a quantum liquid Into a classical one and vice versa". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanicst Moscow, 29 January - 5 February 1964 GUIP ~',IIART I -) d" M - "', - terials on tnvent --ring thj fquna of Sarcophqi,,Jrl'-;- " F! I .: I, R, Ma Sarcophagidae) in Georgia. Soob. AN Gruz. 333P. 1-1 zm. '--,Al-684 Mr '65. 0 (MIRA 18% 5) - GUDZH-ABIDZE, M.G. New species of ileteronychia kobachidzel Gudjabidze, sp. nov. (Diptera, Sarcophagidae) from Georgia. Soob. V! Gruz. SSSR 38 no.1:183-185 Ap 165. (MIHA 18:U) 1. Institut zoologii AN GnizSSR. Submitted Dec. ii,, 1964. r~ m i f J.1tt".t-known speoies of flesh flieti(Dipterap -Sarcuphagidac) .~.n '41i9 fauna of the U.S.S.R. frm Georgia. S;;ob. AN Gruz. SSR 39 no.lsl79-L82 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. ln.-,titut zoollogii A:X C--uz3SR. -S-ohnitted February !,, 1965, 1959.1 JOX IFOR Birkaya , AW . , , , lt i i 5 INST. -zu - c : -t, an I .. , 1 j L E , . i '"A. of ICA PUP ul. n.- 2y . OIlt-ific Ito jCI L Of io'.naarln~ art %,I ~ :3 tlae 1,116-fAcal c1 by Meal he 0 L~ rwas/ha ef"e'tid t~'e _ Lsg k 0 75 tc 3-L") El:'L. from a4" Ul e 13 toe r3i. 0 tile t.*csaF;e~ a tne r."'.LrIt des, 'JIe ,AIJT' HC,E ;0RIG. PIR. dezt, !-,-tion and tlie ~Ioptb of t~ie hijui7 -to the roots. 'The cereal weads (barnyun'4 --,-r-..;u etc.), not wa- i toi-loving., were !,,~atroyad to the t~ ctent of ;:>,i+% 'by the apra.v.l.r:t with di-~:16_omluroa at tL-) rato of ra,-uP,.,j of rxte v~x- rAjarmits- were c,-jrroboratedl 3.-, tne flill-saLle tentiag in 1956 daria chomLcul cLenr-Inlil Of t110 !Z:li:'lU.LJ l2n~,Itl f 50 0 the h-)rbicidc 2,4~-j u~ i.4c rate i' 3 idlogrtaxi th Ag" N. ' N. z;okolov CA ED 2/2 md U,,~ ---ct C~-Itv 'I J.,u,- -'3,;f Niur -- Bi I., If, III~;t Goorda-I sci,.:nt-if Ic ;,arch Iantitet-, I:c L-~ad Rcclc-n:Ltio.-L Titlo E;,pori;-ciat~~l of ftlurbicid,2s t,: Cxjwths ill C )JCIIJI~ No 4, Pifo C-2.dr3t2khn. i 1957, Mw Gcor3 :7~ii fic Msc:,.rch. Lwt!.tull,~ F, and L-md RccL.Lntiali clj7.ancd djrjanL[;,: -Ath tio f-Alowilv: pmpr,.r~Aiorm: 2,14-1) (1) in o1' .1.-6 hg/hn; 2 !,-D but-I utli,~;r (11) i,,,. &-loco of 0.~ ---I) (11-1) In dososs ;f T-- % ,-,-nd lcnfc,~~. ~a Prcroar-.ti,ais wcz%) -u::fncc , ao rst txi-; , oplicd by :, . 'prayinc (-- ~)3: tw-i ~-.Pplicati,ns), ~uld th,.: Vaird ow w.-,.f7 I-Ar---,~ucz.,d i-n tha soil, i:1 additi4"a 't". the sprayiag. Two -rr.wh,~cA C:ttt ill )f thun, _r 1/2 -,d i lt~1C Ruf Zhur BiAll; 39629 W-11 411-%wc-_- -ld-ztr ~S~~ ucuz) .-d --nrigold D (Diduns) wr_~s ~%cti )n ta'~' On rIU;.-1 --.;icl scd~,,u n-,jt-~'cjd ca tulc 14th d,-Ijr. Ti~~ 2yst~a~, If the bur rjud diod almy :-~ '_'--caith sjlnyii,-,- a-Id I! 11"A _v) offoct r"a b-.raY-zd m-lft -3~l"g'-'jjy (P'-.5- p-~lu:.:) Eld,~r (~;-~:.,.bwun) w!-.tQr ~pQjppcr f,-,ct,2d but did n3t* ~:urioh. Tie opti,"al Of 1 iS 3 F:):.- a singla rpr-11-_; I.I., tho liost dosQ ir, 1.5 1:3/11~ 30luiv.-.1011-0 I h'-/h!'. !~'-Jf I 'mul of 0.0- of II dicot1~710doll- ous. Polmmzy,~ nillot did n-AL su_;`Cc!:~ i,mch. '11-1c iatr:)duction L~' t1w ;Di'- ,-,'L ~t d,)se ~~)f 40 ')f III W.-S the :..'St offectivC (67.1 --ourcent of its pL-xitr; wovo dc7,troyed)- The sr,__:c dooo s-,)rnyod ,a tho surf~~co_ c-.usoc~ thu CL03tructiun .3f 84.9 porcont T.'f t1w 1)1,llts. B-%rny-ml :.,.i!lL't and Pol-j"ony; ;;hich rooistcd tD 1 ::~*nLl II, worc %l_iost (85 per- Cl.:: 2/2 cent) d,~sur st oyed by III. -- L.D. Stolux BIRKAYA, A.F., kand.takhn.nauk; GUDZHABIDZE, N.I., mladshJ.y nauchnr( sotrudn:Lk ---- Using herbicides in controlling the filling of canals with aquatic vegetation in Colohis. Biul.VNIICHiSK no.2:181-189 157. (MIM 150) (Colchis-L-rigat.ion canals and flunes) (Herbicides) (Aquatic weed control) GUDZHABIDZE, N.I. Moisture regime of drained, heavy, turf-gley soils with various land-improvement measures. Trudy Gruz NIIGiM no.21:241-246 1.60. (iGRA 10: 1) (Soil moisture) (Land -4mprovGment) GUMIABIDZE, Sh.I.; LYUBCHENKO. S.D.; MARMYSHEVA, V.V, Uning Soviet oil of chenopodium for the control of helminthiasia. Ked.paraz. i paraz.bol. no.4:346-351 JI-Ag '53. (MLPA 6-9) (Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) GUDUABIDZE, Sh. I.; LYUBCHENKO, S.D. Role of composting of organic wastes in the control of ank7lostc- miasis and ascariasis. Mod.parau,i paras,bol, 37 no.5076-578 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz parazitologichoskogo otdeleniyu (hidwitskuy ot,4yeditentoy bol?nitsy ( lavnyy vrAch M.B. Ounlya). 1HO01VORM INFXCTION prov. & control) (ASCARIASIS prev. & control) (RICYUSI DISPOSAL) (',U 1), i " i IA 1T.Ir -1 1 ) i V. Territorial d1stribution of' the population of* volkhida. Soob. AN Grim. SSR 1#0 no.12":343-350 ki 165. (IMLV. 19: 1) 0 44 41 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 ') 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a -6 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 t I e. 1 4 1 V 11 it 0 M 1$ 4 1) to I' I Jda 16VAIn all um So a k It a 0 4& 41 'j -1 0 f." r. j I L_ JLjL IF Q. A J~ I V I ni- L. #A 0 0 U 1 1 1 ..11.0 coot.$. 00 00 Ft E 1) 4 00 00 00 00 ir~ i-00 00 00 mi~ Tm4M* '14NOWN" is 60 c*sb W dw 00 8 Yu. A. Xbrodwshimilmw mad B. 1. 00401414- -00 kkift. ruodw rotlift 4. 4W Vat 106).-Tbr -0* 00 dull Milk 4111 An TkviW' d"k-it rich in HMWTO. Sol 04 ar mktowa* tw dmak! br cbmmiftd mcurAind to POW- -00 96.1 XnWWC =W cbm. fram" with The 'liplid"W* VUUP- 600 0e a ~'fbey were forawd Iftim abo amew. at dmaigm. -d =4141 000 Whef 1"r plants. A. A. 00.3 00. 904 ZOO 99 sloe 641 LIVIO.jUat CLOWK.M. oz. 00 Woo 00 .0 i-v. fm t I a fm 0 a 9 4 0 0 0, 0' 0" o o 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 0 a 0.0 0 * 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~90 0 0;0 j q a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,- - , h, ~ ~ -: i;I. I I . , - t, ;, 'I- I KHNTAGUROV, A.I.; GUDZIDOZIIIANI, B.I. 4z - -1 Work practices using hydraulic filling in TIcIbuli Coal Trust mines. Trudy Inst. met. t gor. dela AN Gruz. SSR 2:197-215 049.(KIRA llrl) (TkIbulI--Fqdrau1ic mining) 57-d-11340 Translation from: fieferarivnyy zhurnal, Geolot~,,i,ya, 1'~57, Nr 8, PP 175-176 (USSR) AUTHOR: -9 TITLE: Properties of TkibUli Goals as Related to Their Petrographic Composition (Vzaimosvyaz' petrografi- cheskogo sostava tkibullskikh ugley s ikh obogati- mostlyu i khimiko-tekhnolo-icheskimi svoystvami) C PERIODICAL: Tr. Labor. geol. uglya. AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 6, pp 268- 278 ABSTRACT: The Tkibuli deposit and its explored area--the Shaorskaya ploshchad' (areak-conLain gas-producing coals with a low ability to clinker. These coals are of three types:sed-:1ustrous clarain-type, semi'dUll durain-type, and dull liptobiolithic. Investigations have established that the basic chemical and techno- Card 1/2 logical properties (ash content, yield of light Properties of Tkibuli Goals (Cont.) 15-57-8-11340 fractions, etc.) vary with the petrographic composition and the stratigraphic position of the strata. Clarain-type coals exhibit tte a-' reatest indices of earichnient and of coking ability. Card 2/2 Ye. G. Martynov TAVADZ.3, F.U.. oty. red.; AGLADZB. R.I.. red.; ARCHYADZE. Sh.R.. red.; VACE01ADZE. U.D., red.; GVURSUNI, G.G.. red.; GUDZ~BTAXZ, P.I., red*; WHANE IDZZ. A.I.. red.; DZOTSENUME. G.S.. red.; DUHMrSH]&z',-'--- S.V., red.; INTSKHOTILI, N.N., red.; MIKELAME I S r:,d;; RUBINSHTETN. M.N.. red.; TVALOMILIDZE, A.A., re :, L; I d [ioc ad TSIT,SISHVILI. G.T.. red.; SHINGELITA, P.G.. red.; YBODOTITIN, K.K., red. izd-va.; GUSEVA, A.?., tokha. rod. (Natural resources of the Georgian S.S.R.] Prirodqye resuray Grusinskoi SSR. Moskva. Vol. 1.[Metalliforouo minerals] Xetallicheski* poleznye iskopasmys. 1958. 230 p. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Akademiya nsuk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovot po izue'noniyu proizvoditeltnykh ail. 2. Chlon-korrospondent AN Grus. SSR (for Tavadso). (Goorgia--Ore deposits) TANI, B.I., red,; KADZHAYA, Ye.A., red.isd-va; TODUA, A.R., (Problems In the developmont of the coal Industry of the Georgian SO] Askotorye voprosy rasvitita ugollnol pro- Wahlennosti Grasinskol SSR, Tbilisi. Isd-vo Akad.nauk Grazinskol SM, 1960. 239 p. (KIRA 14-.4) 1. Akademiya nauk Grazinskoy SO. Tiflis. Sovet po Isuchemiyu prolsvoditollnyM oil, (Georgia--Coal mines and mining) GTJDZI,,EDZHIAIII B I . CFICHUA, B.K.; PETROVSKIY, G D.; RVITIANI, G.A.; M.V.; AVALISHVILI, E.Ye. tdoc eased]; VITRZIASHVILI, T.M.; SHCHMAKOV, D.I.,,; ARCH-VADr_,, Sh.R., red.; BOGOISUBOVA, L.I., red.; VALITS, 1-.E.,. red.; TAVADZE, F.N., red.; YABLOKOV, V.S., red.; FEVZNER, G.Ye., red.izd-va; MAKUNZYe.V., tekbn. red. (Coal atlas of the Caucasus] Atlas uglei Kavkaza. By B.I.Oudzhedahiani i dr. lioskva., Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1961. 167 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovet po izucheniyu proiz- voditelInykh sil. (Caucasus-Coal geology) CHIKBEIJDZE, S.S.; TAVADZE, F.U., akadernik.. ctv. red; AGLADZE, R.I., red.; ARCHVADZE, Sh.11.~ red,,; VACHRADZE, N.D,,p red.; GVELISIANI, G.G... red.; GUDZEEDZHIANI, 11-10 red.- DZHA14EIJDZE, A.I., red:~j DZOTSff.IIDZE, G.S., roil. RMI;HIDZE, S.V., red.; KLITSKHOVELI,, X.N., ;4U red.; MIKELADZE, I S., red.; RUBINSHTEYN, M.M., red.; TVALCHRFIIDZE, A.A., red.[deceaseZ TSITSISHVILI, G.V., red.; SMMGEI"IYA, P.G.j red.; FEDOT'YEVp LK p red.izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N.p tekhn, red, [Natural resources of the Gegrgian S.S.R.] Prirodrqe resurBy Gru- zinskoi SSR. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SM. Vol.3. [Mineral water] Minerallrge vody. 1961. .1438 pe (MIRA 14:12) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Tiflis. Sovet po izucheniyu pro- izvoditellmykh sil. 2o Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Tavadze). (Georgia--Mineral water) BETEUTIN, A.G., Llav. red. fdocoaacdj; AVALIANI, G.A., r-ed.; IRAUN, G.A.,, red.; red.; DZIDZIGURI, A.A... red.; DOLID2E, D.P., red. KERESELIDZE, K.G., red. (Chiatura manganese deposit] Chiaturskoe mestorozhdenie margantsa. Moskva, Izd-vo "lledra," 1964. 243 p. (14IRA 17:6) 1. Georgia. Geologicheskoye upravleniye. GUDZRE-'V, 1. Coloring of GlaFs Articles through Cemomtati.n. LEKA PFtCMISHLE-TIOST (Light, Indubtry) 4:27:April 55 Bulgaria /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramicii. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31516 Author : 0udzhev Iv. Title : Colored Faience Tile Orig Pub: Leka promishlenost, 1956, 5, No 9, 23-25 Abstract: To produce colored tile the coloring agents are usually added only to opaque glaze. As opacity imparting agents are used either ZrSiOv or SnO. As a substitute for these materials, which are In short supply, A12% in the form of calcined kaolin can be incorporated in the glaze Al-103 prevents running of the glaze and the tiles can be fired in vertical position. Best results Card 1A Bulgaria /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-12 and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics. Binders. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 31516 were obtained on firing the tiles in furnaces with a stable, neutral or slightly oxidizing atmosphere. On firing under other conditions It is difficult to attain a good color and a uniform tint of the tile. C ard 2A BULGARIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H and Their Applications; Ceramics. Glass. Binding Haterialsi Concretei - Ceramics. Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 195 , 2ol8o Author : B"charov, Sv., Gudzhev, Iv., Yelinov, K. Inst : - Title : Improvement of the Physico-mechanical Properties of Faience Covered Tiles. Orig Pub : Leka promishlenost, 1957, 61 No 3t 19-22 Abstract : No abstract. Card : 1/1 BUMMIL/Cher-ica-1 1,"Leclinology. CherAcal Prcducts and Their F-13 kpplication. Cera%rdcs. Glass. Dinding M-nterials. Concrete. Abs Jour: Ref Mur-Miim., No 2, 1959, 5525. j.afthor Gudzhov, Iv.; B"clivarov, Sv.; Velinov, K. Inst Title Preparation of Soue Kinds of Colored Covering Glazes. Orig Pub: Lelm protds'ile:iost, 1957, 6, 11o 8, 20-23. Abstract: Covering glazes of various colors were prepared uti- lizing local Bulgarian raw raterials. The frit for black and ivory glazes does not contain tl-c, unavailable tin oxide. The burping of tiles covered wit'.i such glazes can be carried out in ordinary funirices. 8 re- cipes of glazes of ucvcn colors are presojitod. - V. Byzhikov. Card Vi BULGARIA Chemical Technology. Ch-mical Products -tnd h Their Abs Jour- 'Jef Zhur-Khtmiya, 1959P Dio 4.9 JZ597 Author : Gudzhevy IV*; Sochvarov.9 Sv. Inst : Not--giV-en-W-- elain Tile. Title : 7.`!hite Glaze Cover for Porc Orig Pub- Lekc. rpromishlcnost,, 1958.9 7j, No 2) ZO-22. Abstract: It is noted in vrrking ,jith Bulgarian glaze which colltairls .9ZO3 that SnOZ does not provide the necessary damping and frequently causes coloring, tile intensity cf which depends on the content of Sn()Z, ~dmixtureS and gaseous atmosphere of the furnace. The d3fect can be eliminzted by the fusio~i of SnOZ with kaolin (K). The A1203 which is contained in X increeses the covering capacity Card 1/2 BULGARIA / C1h-i,.,,-Lc I T-2chn,Aogy. Chemical ~Products and' H Their 'A-pplications. Glass. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1959, Fo 4, 12597. Abstract- and whiteness of the glaze. Several compositions were investigati---d which T-Tere obtained by the darrD- i nq th 6bZ SnO (D) method indicated: No I - wi Z' No Z - with 56'*j' SnO,,, No 3 - with 507. Snu), and 10% ZnO Z* D of the type describcd has a spinel struc- ture. 41-Adition of D comprises 10 weighed parts per 100, weighed oarts of frit; In addition, to 100 q of or,~pared glaze 5 weighed parts of SnO., The Whiteness of the porcelain tiles on the basis of thL' Proposed D exceeds tne whiteness of Czechoslo- valzian and German tiles with a higher conteat of SnO, Card 2/2 51 BUCHVAROV, S.; GUDZHEV, Iv. Production of fine household procelain. Khim i Industriia 23 no.6: 168-170 161. IVANOVAp El.; BANKOV., St.; GUDZHM,,V.; POPOV.R. Intervertabra.1 disk herniations and their conserrative treatment. 14 no.3-lt5l-58 163. GUDZHEVA, V. Apropos of balneotherapy of neurasthenic neuroses. Suvr. med. 14 no.9:28-33 163- (BALNEOWGY) (NEURASTHENIA) KIRCHEVAJ, S.; TVANOVA, Ye.; TODOROV, T.; MKHAYLOV, St ; GUDZHEVA, V.; POPOVI R.; PErRUNOV, V.; ILIMA, P. (Bolgaria; Effect of nivallne electrophoresis in some liseases of the nervoup system. Vop.kur., fisloter.i lech.fis.imllt. 28*-30 163. (MIRA 1634) 1. rz Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo Instituta karortologii i fizioterapii v Sofii - Oveha Kupel (dir. - doteent K.Kirchev). (NERVOUS SYSTEM-DISEASES) (ELEC17ROPHORESIS) (GAIANTRAMINE) LAPTEVA, N.N.' ~, GULZHI',n"V2 R.A. [deceased,~ BONDARENKO, M.F.; SHUL'GIIIA, I.L. -- - I Freparative fractionation of blood proteins bf the method of continuous electrophoresis in the EFP-2 apparatus. Vop. med. khim. 9 no.1;84-89 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 17:6) -1. Kafedra patofiziologii T-Sentrallnogo instituts. usovershen- atvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. GUDZIO, S. "For a correct water-management policy in Poland." P. 557 (Gospodarka Wodna) Vol. 17, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 GNBZDILOY, Y.G., polkovaik meditainskoy aluzhby; GUDZIT, X K 01kovnik peditsinakoy sluzhby; KAZANSKIY. A.A., po-IrMvarf-44 Hon skoy zluzhby-. RYABOT. K.P., polkovatir meditsiaskoy sluzhby Incyclopedic dictionary of military medicine (conclusion). Toen.- med. shur. no.5:46-55 01 150. (KM 9:9) (KOICINZ. MUJMY--DICTIOURIM) KONOIJKOV, Arkadiy Pedorovich; VOVCHENKO, G.D., prof.,; BIWI- SHTM, S.B., prof.. red.; VILENSKIY, D.G., 'Drof., red.; GoRuffn, D.I.. prof.i red.;.GUDZIT, N.K..-prof.i red.;.7.ATOI;- CHKOVaIT,.F.A., prof., red.; ZSCHIKITAN, S.V.. prof., red.; POLTANSKIT, F.Ta., prof.. red.; RTBVIKOV, N.A., prof., red.; SKAZKIN, S.D., akademik. red.; SCLOVIYU. A.N., doteent, red.; ZATTSEVA, K.G., red.; G3MGII'BVA. G.I., Petr Ivanovich Strakhov. Moskva, Izd-vo Hook.univ., 1959. 91 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Strakhov. Petr Ivanovich, 1757-1813) LUSHIN, Leonid Vadimovich; VOVCHlNKO, G.D., prof.,; BERESHTEYN, S.B.# prof,, red.; VILENSKIT, D.G., prof., red.; GORUM, D.I., prof., red.; GUZIT,.N.X.. prof.. red.; ZATONCHKOVSXIT, P.1.1, prof., red.; 13CHEXIYAN, S.F., prof., red.; KILINIKOVA, K.P., kand.nauk, red.; POLYANSKIT, 7.Ta., prof., red.; RYBNIKOV, K.A., prof., red.; SLAZXIN, S.D.. akademik, red.; SCLOVIYZV. A.N.. dotsent, red.; ZATTSIVA, K.G.. red.; (WORGIYUA, G.I., Sergei Ivant-vich Vavilov. Moskva, Izd-vo Moak.univ.. 1960. 101 p. (Zamechatellnye uchenye Moskovskogo universiteta, no.24). (MIRA 13:6) (Vavilov, Sergai Ivanovich, 1891--1951) RDEZOVf Nil Petrovich ; VOVCHENKOp G.D.~ prn~f.~ oty. red.j- CORDEIW,, D.Lp prof.p red.; VILLIISKIY, D.G.f prof., red.; BERNSHTEYW, S.B., prof.t red.; CAJDZIY, N.K.g prof.p red.j ZAYONCHXOVSKIY, P.A.0 prof.p red.1 XECHEI(iYAN' ".-.-y--prof., red.j MELINIKOVAp K.P.v kand. geologo- mineralog. naukv red.; POLYANSW 9 F.Ya.p prof.'# red.; RYBNIKOVy K.A., prof.9 red.; SKAZXINv S.D.v akad., red.; SOLOVIYEVp A.Lp dots.p red.; KOROBTSOVAg N.A., red.; MASLEKNIKOVA, T.A.t tekhn. red. [Vladimir Vasillevich Gemmerling] Vladimir Vasillevich Gemmerling. Moskva, :Ezd-vo Moak. univ., 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 34--7) (Gemerling, Vladimir Vaaillevich, 1880-1954) EAKHVALOV, Sargey Tladimirovieb: VOTCHINKO, G.D., prof.,; BIRNSETITN, S.B., prof., red.; VILINSKIT, D.G., prof., red, [deceased]; GCRMSTIT, D.I., prof., red.; GUIZIT, N'Kq', prof., red.; ZATONCHKOVSKIT, P.A., prof., red.; KWHIKTAX, S.F., prof., red.; XMINIXOTA, K.P., kand.nauk, red.; POLTANSIrIT, F.Ta., prof., red.; RYBNIKOW, K.A., prof., red.; SKAZKIN, S.D., akademik, red.; SOLOVIYU, A.N., dotsent, red.; GOLIMMOG. G.S., red.: GMGITMA, G.I., Nil Alakeandrovich Glagolev. Koskya, Izd-vo Hook.univ., 1961. 29 p. (Zamechatellnys uchenye Nookovskogo universiteta, no.28). (MIRA 14:12) (Glagolev, Nil Aleksandrovich, 1888-1945) (Nomography (Mathematics)) (Geometry, Projective) GUD7,KO;, I.A. , "emik; VOLKOV, G. 1. , Inzh. International Congress and Exhibition ca Farm Mechanization in Paris, Mekh. i elek, sots* oelikhoze 19 no.4,-59-64 1619 VIUM W-11) 1. Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya selfskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina. (Par-is-4gricultural exhibitions) (Farm mechanization--Congresses) GOZON, N.I. The MG2S-type double-sided planing marhine. Biul.tekh.-eknn. inform. no.12:34-35 '58. (MM 11:12) (Planing machines) GUDZOIT, 11. 1. The ShOT tenoning and one-way facing machine. Binl.tekh.-ekon. inform. no.5:47-48 '59. (HIRL 12:8) (Woodworking machinery) GODIK. Tu.S.; GUDZON, N.I. New machines for machining parquet boards. Dor. prom. 8 no-7:9-10 ii 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Woodworking machinery) GUDZON, 11.1. The EB-8223 and PARK-6 -type double-olded trimming naws. Biul. takh.-okon.inform. no.8:34-36 '59. (14IU 13:1) (saws) GUDZON, N. I. The ShO-lGiLl one-way tenon-cutting machine. Biul.tekh.- skon.inform. no.2:25-27 160. (MIRA 13s6) (Wood6forking machinery)