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GUTKHEN, B.I., inzh. Earth-working and cutting machinery. Transp. stroi. 12 no.6:31-34 je 162. - NERA 15:6) - (Excavating machinery) K. 66179 SOV/146-58-5-2/24 AUTHORS: Vyatskiy, A.Ya., Candidate of Physical Mathematical Sciences, Docent, Gutkin, A.A., Engineer, and Makhov, A,F., Assistant TITLE: Germanium Phototriode PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Priborostroy- eniye, 1958, Nr 5, pp 11-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article gives preliminary results of tests on flat germanium phototriodes. They are examined for their sensitivity. Qualities of voltage and amperage under varying lighting are also taken into consideration. Zh.I. Alferov, B.M. Konovalenko, S.M. Ryvkin, V.M. Tuchkevich, and A.I. Uvarov have done extensive 6stu- dies in the field of flat hermanium phototriodes. Figure 1 shows the lighting layout of the germanium phototriode. Figure 3 shows statical volt-ampere characteristics of the phototriode under varying light- ing. (1 - no light; 2 - lighting of 25 lux; 3 - lighting of 44 lux; 4 - lighting of 57 lux; 5 - light- Card 1/2 ing of 80 lux, and 6 - lighting of 124 lux). Figure , 66179 Germanium Phototriode SOV/146-58-5-2/24 3 illustrates the distribution of sensitivity on the lighted surface of the phototriode. Finally, the au- thors investigate measurement of sensitivity in con- nection with the location of the lighted spot on the surface of the phototriode. There aTe 2 graphs, 1 layout and 2 Soviet sources. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics) [Al Card 2/2 VELIKOREMKIY, D.A.; LORIYE, K.M.; FIDICEL-, I.I.; GRIGORCIM, Yu.-.- BERGER, L.Kh.; 'XTROBINAP V.V,y--KIIATU.-*;ENKO, V.P.; 11, SHCH-EIMMV, A.71.) student V kursa; OBERE-1-CHELMKO, la.V.,; 111KITI111, A.V.; MKILIOUDOVA, S.N.; KUSMARTSINA, L.V., assiatent; KUZIIETSOV, V.A., ITINOVA TI.A., assistent; BONDAM-NKO ,Ya.D. (g. Fastov); dotsent; KUKh KURTASOVA, L.V. (g. Fastov); MdHIKH, V.V.; CIIURAKOVA, A.Ye.; BABICH, M.M.; KNININ, K.P.; PAVWV, S.S.; SHEUTYAKOV, L.V., kand. med.nauk; IGNATIYEVA, O.M.; MYGEIRMUMR, G.A.; GUTKIN, A.A.; POLYKOVSKIY, T.S. I-- Resumes. 25 no.11:147-152 N 161. NIRA 15: 15) 1. Iz Instituta grudnoy khirurgii ANZ-1 SSSR (for Velikoretskiy, Loriye, Finkel'). 2. Iz bollnitsy No-3 Gorlovki Stalinskoy oblasti (for Grigorchuk). 3. Iz Tyumenskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (for Bergor, Utrobina)- 4. Iz Karatasskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Yuzhno-Kazaklistanqkoy oblasti (for Miarchenko). 5. Iz Gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova (for 14eshcheryakov). 6. Iz kliniki propedevticheskoy terapii Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy imeni Kalinina (for Oberemehenko). 7. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy terapii Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo institUtIL (for Nikitin, I-luk-hoyedava). 8. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii KisUnvoskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Kusmartseva). (Continued on next card) V--LIKORETSKIY, D.A.--(continued) Card 2. 9. Iz akushersko-ginekologicheskoy kliniki Stalinskogo meditsin5kogo instituta na baze bollnitsy imeni Kalinina (for l,,uznetsov, KiLklibinova). 10 Iz g ospitallnoy terapevticheslcoy,kliniki Ivhevolcogo meditsinskoro instituta (for Pevchikh., Churakova). 11. Iz Nosovskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Chernigovskoy oblasti (for Babichl. 12. 1z Vyborgskoy mezh,rayonnoy boltnitsy (for Pavlov). 13. Iz I-y gorodskoy bollnitsy Tyumcni (for Ignatlyeva). 14. Iz 2-y infektsionnoy bollnitsy g. Zaporozhlya (for Zeygermakher). 15. Iz infektsionnogo i prozektorskogo otdoleniy Petrozavodskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (for Gutkin, Polykovskiy). (IEDICINF,--ABSTRAGTS) SOV/ 13 7- 5 8 -1) - 19 7-1 2 Translation from-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 228 (USSR) AUTHORS: Makhov, A.F.', Gutkin, A.A. TITLE: Investigation of the Retardation of Electrons of Be and Ge by the Method of Secondary Emission (Issledovanive tormozheniya elektronov v Be i Ge~ metodom vtorichnoy emissii'l PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Fizika, 1958, Nr 1, pp 113- 119 ABSTRACT: Results are adduced of an investigation of the secondary emission (SE) of thin films of Be, applied in a vacuum on a Ni base (I) and of thin films of Ge applied on Be (11). The coef- ficient of SE was determined for energies of primary electrons (PE) E, ranging from 100 to 4000 ev. It was discovered that for I the a- f(En) curves have a minimum, the appearance of which can be explained by a large portion of the fast electrons emitted by the base when it is reached by the PE beam. From the rela- tionships (T = f(En) for I and a- f( E) 0 being the thickness of the Be layer) at various energies of the PE beam for 11, the laws governing the retardation of electrons with energies from 1 to 3.5 ev were obtained. It is established that the law for the re- Card 1/1 tardation for I and II has the form of d - El.4. R. 0. 11AM 2. Germanium filnLg 3. Secondary emission 4, Elec --Energy y c'; 7 A UTH'O R S TITLE: 3 7 9), 15 S/ 1 8YO62/004/005/043/05 5 3101 Z 108 Giatkin, S.. A., and Nasledov, D. N. The dependence of the long-wave limit of the photo-effect in p-n Junctions of GaAs on the electric field P-1IODICAL. Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 1360 - 1363 T _~-'XT ;T~,e variation of the photocurrent from GaAs crystals under the action of a strong electric field was inves~,igated. The long-wa7e edge of the spectral characteristic was determined for a Ga.;.s phozo-diode with 1 .p-n 4unction. Results: (") in the photon-energy range of 1.39 - 1.415 J ev, t~,e spectral characteristic is parallel to the curve for the absorp- tion coefficient k - f(hw) (cf. T. S. "Gass. J. Appl. Phys., 76, 2136, 1961) in the absence of an electric field. (2) '."'hen less than 1.39 ev, the spectral characteristics for various voltages in the back direction begin to diverge. Hence, k becomes a function of the field 1 +%'~-/2 stren-th. It was found that I kdx when k,~ - - - - gatur~e Ct surdiauff,~-- p V-a -u, n co-n-Am- ir;, ~ro th, - r;-- - f ~vtt -pe - - ii'd le t . ; la - . f:--corrim, un &tklange-d'trn-&,trd-,-i-bi-nbr6 & p7- U~' 'Itcr", - prep ~ I vajx--ur. I Lin A Vaikitiir r4qiiiH; 1e m% uC 4tf v& c ~Iropro e la -du -indlange est ompo- -~-- 'a- mol&.i I a-ctIion leg gaz - C S 'L u es Eans , CC IL VO& Vt vaj)eur i-I"n 1;fljL vr,;~Iramzlaflam; svcvwz~~;" Lines Sur lea autres; chaque particule du sizcond gaz c t montm que, Duuc ccrwiites de la d. M6 (At la forr-.16-- douric paire de mo!ftules en interaction., amis satis vapor, less temics do Ill seco~gfc appro-di-natibil , action Sur le reate des molkules, etc. Ii particule du namo it prenialre app r(--Nim;i6aa. devwir comprabteq & vi!lix de I gaz c--t cornpo-Ma de r-moldcules en interaction mais saps It Otudie IC rolo dei Oxw4 Ct no'n influence Eur les autres. Pour Aaacun de ce3 g ,az oil (10131w, deux 111"'Elindes pow. ~abndcr I I ~;Jrlmc dci ct,lt-4 It. gan 6nergic fib.-Q. .-t l'biergic libre de la vap,,-ur, ainsi que 1e " la vapeur, Vul-I!.maiOgII(I A Mle Wlirst-li Ut unc -11:tr~ .1 -):1 I nembre des mol&ules de c1laque g-a-, sont calcuIC-es par 1.- - I de Freak-ti. If montri~ tmalement (-iuc, --n-1,11- 01-itNt'- - ' condil.ion de minimum d'kergie fibre dans un m6hrige l 60" de Baild paraiSio(IL illl[InOtAWOS. if. KweIrm-do Sourco; i~:a'uhem,; tical Revi;ews, Vol 12, No. r 7' H.1 -A USSR/Physics Flow Card 1/1 Pub. 41 3/15 Author : Volarovich, M. P. and Gutkin, A. M., Moscow Title : Some questions on the theory of plastic flow Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 9, 37-42, Sep 55 Abstract : The article was originally presented at the conference on the theory of elasticity, the theory of plasticity and theoretical structural mechanics held at the Institute of Mechanics Acad Sci USSR on 25 De- cember 1954. Presents mathematical solution of two cases of plastic flow. Relates flow to linear, conical and spherical motion. Lists series of theoretical conclusions for cases studied. Formulae, dia- gram. Fifteen references, 10 1)SSR. Institution: Submitted : June 8, 1955 -------- -- - TG u 1 847. Gullatt A. M, M*jfoo of 43 4.idilf't'l W gap 11, 6~1 Rot. zh. Y44 1516, Pi~. .13a soluion Cf t1ho.proMem 6f tt*iion 41 a cap bctvetn two r*ja:iaj; cla-arlat Conts Lm:llg It ~qmjllvx qdr.; By tc-1Cgr$:tjCQ Of t74C SlfjZ6 4Vfr.;aIj6dj~ of, III t moihura in Sphinim teoijilimtes 3!% waa ob'1:44n~d for &a cAse 'whell the iNsiplaccr-'L-it com-51the OC-L, rqit%l~~buuvn% ILL Cancs.- 2i,j ti 7;1 mil f4 I in ~a r whfa 0 i3 the pulse ve odty of murional mmenc. R i1s; the~pftionof uh:! gx;'fiLkd ickaidin 'o; placcr~eac~ it is the Pf"Cli: ris~olhy. "A 2 ox licit 2 angles. A zimlEur eTlat4n was al~mived fcr 4 al C&se wllcn*~ 44i. placcmcm doeg itcl: CoTer dit whole CrIlWo betw"m we~co i5- 11, i4ca of:efwic d6um-acd. w~ui;lhat iticiiii is ILss thaA ft. ~i A Lh dtlr~' IC 4,11s ft$_-JM d! the 1 C medhmi fi ling, the~skoce bempeal i opherical sudzxce, I m iwiffmii tatutit, A co-V W. its JiW8 bri a, rv ~- , (y ~L En tics'. MkItict) E . A ~is ~-P-,Tad On a di-tv is ~t -R i-- tHeIr, imd di-V Li rol~atrd v, ith thez t',U-,v ci'va."S at a d6tanz& >- fim-.) tile lui:i ~mj r the mor,.- ~:aij 'If 4 1, t;,)t V-~ni Snz-L' Ls rnrfiT,11~ 4 by :j; :yz - t, . 6, L.4 73 le, f, ~n tMPOrt P-Gnted A t t 27 Jon he 'at A"-'-UmtcA COmg"a- of Thcom-zes. and Applied rec 0 160 am.,c4, . -), OR A 1 (I" !'U"Al ttk'w`.r4m~414=1 l V l r lea . b tba." af aoa s:1 ab.11A nth mo ~ ad Guntrmic 421mis twra~. (s"u)s sclutim of aaa,"."M rvjaa~ r -a 4 n ~ u - aa-f a - - .1.1a,1117 -11rou sam. In u ,-v ',a m.. A. A- ~'.41 ..... am m. P1- flm at ""OW44111A ju.t&. 73. a. ft a wtlas At 'lawel'~Iaatl' VW WW-m --u-P4. M-,rt. A A=- 1. P-61- I- 7%. &-U ef 411- t. le-441"I P-bl- 75.~ Ob s p ust-latim -r rl= c ..u" IQ Vaa' -1- n : 76. ka.. -B-* D.-I.Paant at A =7 a- r-" alth - at th. -to... -c e-LL- = . 77. s- of b-14 c It--uualt7. 76." 1. tra propsatlm af 2~jltadlaaZ ". A .utm 71. 4 LWU W. A. L-1-till. (&-alA9f-4)' ft-U-2 A"d 9: b j. ;; . ;=,'crwegLAa W the, LamM at Ma tW.!We4 l so. GjAmbla"Nea th-eY -r mz"ti- S. 2. Geu- Ut 2h. 0-7 Of rw" de--u- t at "-Vap . .1..Ud -dU. 2. 2. 644"t"t 01.7 .1 0.1" Lv-), ow-1,p-mt ar AM Uw7 of thl. (Aaaa-1 4 L~lat4a lA%adft%&- C UO c Qj cu-1 f cv4 .14.Lta, . . - o. a-14 ptanai-ta. e tia- m a. L. -A awaaa.... at :~ ~W cf . ,UL4 t- . . o. --Aary .-racts L. -azaa, gi I -%La ( tr.%A~ f-e. an~ 17. 1- T ftalk ' a Tyre An dy-".4 ~-- u W. =1bll- ~ Cae "St4* moa-Al~~l SoAtLAUG 4e ~lJ"LS r. .1aatA-Pl..U. daraeaa~ at BY- a, IOW-). Plata. -4 tw. ' 4r1- ef --be -l" -t go. A. A, a'2- Waa-~ - xcali ! , r- u1s. = r-olxu 9-1. tzrwvaa~. c-1 a.-ISA at Ual. ~-A- ~u- at Gu,ei- (N-). 1b. :-'.I . .4 a- P.U-taa Litsm (L%-1 q -Vst~ ac sa, duatie L~r- 14. A. 4-%L. (Lantncr"h AV... -V.ti- 1. --t Val-, Wf- (Th all, Waal at ka., .1-- A. L tLon &WISA of atUl"W7 rL91dlt7 Aa4e' t-QLw ac keu- plu-lla ef ad t- 1.4h 116$4 a-- a. auto- (I-L-4-1, a 463.4t" v. * Aeoa.Mu- S. A. L- (l-UraJ)- ft. WAST Lt. --14ht -4 F-a-a It, at- U. L.1. at Ma -4'. am k ~r aal~all 14'1:-', - annll t VOLAROVICH, M.P.,-,_ U KIN JLM -. Compression of a, viscoelastic disperse system In the Torm of a rectangular bar.' Koll, Shur, 22 no. 5:543-545 s-o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Nalininskly torfyanoy institut. (Colloids) 82317 4~zoa SIOB916010081061191021 II-1/00 Boo6 Bo63 AUTHORSs Kondashevakiv, V. V.0 Chertovskikh, A. N., PoRorelXX. V. S., Q]&tkin, 1. A, TITLE: The Use of the Alpha Radiatio0of Radioactive Isotopes in Instruments for the Control of the Dimensions of Work- pieces During Their Vr~_n PERIODICALt Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 576-578 TEXTs The authors have developed a new method for the automatic control of the size of workpieces that are being ground. This method has a high degree of accuracy, and has been tested by the authors under laboratory and industrial conditibns. It is based on the dependence of the number of particles reaching a counter upon the area of the cross section of the workpiece penetrated by them. Fig. 1 shows the circuit diagram of the primary element (radioizotopnyy datchik)p which is -then described. An end- window counter of the type MCT-17 (MST-17) is used. When the instrument is adjusted for a certain size of the piece to be ground, the grindiz4r process is automatically interrupted as soon as this size is attained. Card 1/2 P-Ir 82317 The Use of the ~Llpha Radiation of Radioactive k/089/60/006/06/19/021 Isotopes in Instruments for the Control of j3oo6/Bo63 the Dimensions of Workpieces During Their Grinding A thorium isotope is used as alpha source. A photograph of the whole in- strument is shown in Fig. 3- It was first tested in a laboratory, and then introduced in the "Sibzavod" at Omsk. One command proved to be in- sufficient in many cases. The feeler shown in Fig- 3 can transmit three commands to the machinet 1) one command for the change from rough to fine machining as soon as the dimension of the workpiece exceeds the final size by 30 - 60 microns; 2) one command for etopping the fine machining as soon as the dimension exceeds the final dimension by 10 - 15/,-; machin- ing is continued when the feed of the grinding wheel has been switched off; 3) a signal for the quick removal of the grinding 1.,iheel as soon as the workpiece has attained its final size. The individual stages of this process are indicated by the lighting of three different lamps (1,20 in Fig- 3) on the instrument. Accordingly, the instrument has two dials (rough and fine) indicating the amount to be removed. The change from the "rough" to the "fine" dial also takes place automatically. There are 3 figures and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 3/069/60/022/005/004/011 Boll';/BO64 AUTHOR: Gutkin, A-. &L, TITLE: Spiral Motion of a Cylinder in a Visco-plastic Disperse System PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol, 22, No~ 5, PP- 569-572 TEXT: The author has already reported on a theoretical investigation of the spiral flow of visco-plastid~disperse systems (Ref. 1) at the 1-y Vsesoyuznyy s"yezd po mekhanike (YiLst All-Union Conference on Mechanics) in 1560. Since this flow with double shearing is important for rheologi measurements, the author discusses a flow of this kind assuming that the motion is caused by a long round cylinder of radius a, and that is the visco-plastic medium unlimited, It is further assumed that no gliding takes place between the cylinder surface and the medium in which it is immersed. Proceeding from the Ilenki-Il'yushin equation (Ref. 2), the velocity distribution in the visco-plastic medium, caused by the spiral motion of the cylinder, is determined. The relatiGnship bptween torque axial force (acting upon the cylinder), and velocity components of the spiral motion of the cylinder is determined. A method i,_- sugc~ested f:)-, ~he Card 1/2 Spiral Motion of a Cylinder in a Visco-plastic S/'069/(.0/022/005/004/011 Disperse System B015/BO64 experimental determination of the limiting shearing stres3 and the plastic viscosity from the measured values of spiral motion of the cylinder in the visco-plastic disperse system Is illustrated by two examples. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) SUBMITTED: February 25, 1960 Card 2/2 8 4 2 7 00 s/o69/60/022/005/005/011 P4,41 00 fig BO1j/Bo64 AUTHOR: Gutkin, A. M. TITLE: The Flow of a Visco-plasti6 DJ_!,,perse System on a Rotating U Disk PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 22, No., 5, PP. 573-575 TEXT: The most simple method of studying the behavior of visco--plastic consistent lubricantj~\in rotating friction units is to examine the flow of a lubricant ot, a revolving disk, This prcblem has already been inves- tigated (Ref. 1); since, however, wrong t1heoretical assumptions had been made the results were also incorrect, In the present paper, first the case is investigated where a thin layer h of the lubricant is applied to the disk which is caused to rotate so quickly that the thickness of the lubricant layer does not change before a certain speed &) has been reached. In the following it is shown that the 11-itin-g shearing stress TO of the lubricant can be expressed by the following equation: 2 To (j r(l-zo) (7) (Q = density of the lubricant, co = angular velocty, Card 1/2 84275 The Flow of a Visco-plastic Disperse System on S/069/60/022/005/0105/011 a Rotating Disk B015/B064 r = radius of thecylinder) wherefrom the value for zc may be calculated. This leads the equation for the amount of lubricant passing through the cylinder surface of radius r: 1Kj'r2 -r02 To ) (13). in the second approximation, the 34 -~ ) (51 - 2 Qw r QC0 r h 2 2 T following relation can be written down: 1 = h (5QW h -Li -0 )t 25Q26)4h5 3-9 2 r + 6p2 (17), where plastic viscosity of the lubricant, t = time, and 1 = thickness of the lubricant layer. If equation (17) is introduced into (13) instead of 1, the lubricant consumption can be determinel as a function of time if the values of t are not tco high. There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) SUBMITTED: February 25, 196o Card 2/2 S/020/60/!34/005/008/023 B019/BO60 AUTHOR, Gutkin, A,. M~ TITLE. The Flow of a Viscoplastic Medium Between Rotating Disks PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 5,, pp.- 1048 - 1050 TEXT: The parallel rotating disks are supposed to be rigid and coarse, and the distance between the two disks to be smaller than their linear dimensions. Since the medium between the disks is relatively low, the following relations can be wri-4ten in first approximation after equilibrium is establiahed, -aplar + aT laz + QW 21. - 0 (6) 8P/az - 0 (7), From these rz 2 relations, the equation T rz ' (dp/dr - Qcj r)z C (8) io obtained for the shearing stress, and thence, in turn, vr . --(z.h) + ~L(dp/dr 2 2 2 QCJ r)(Z,h ) (10).. Next, the following relation is obtained for the output Qi Card 1/3 The Flow of a Viscoplastic Medium Between S/020/60/134/005/008/023 Rotating Disks B019/B060 Q = Orv z + 4TEr h ~v dz . An r QLO2r - dp/dr)(h 3"73) 4 't (z 2 _h2 0 0 ~ r 0 2 0 0 z TT Finally, two special cases are examined. In the first one, two massive disks are considered to be approaching at the small velocity U., while in the second case, a viscoplastic medium is supposed to be stead-,ly added between the disks- The differential equation dp/ Q(2r - 3x 0/2h - 3~,Q/Orh,3 (20), and, by integration p - :4a 2 _ R2 + ~A-l R 3~1 1 - P2 2 4nh 3- a + 7h O~(R - a) (21), are obtained. Here, p Iis the pressure at r .. a (a being the aperture diameter, through which there enters the viscoplastic medium); and P2 is the pressure at :, - R N, V Ryabin (Ref.. 11) iE! mentioned. There is 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONi Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Institute of Power Engineering) Card 2/3 84825 The Plow of a Visc~oplastic Medium Between S //020/60/134/005/008/023 Rotating Disks B0119/BO60 PRESENTED: May 25, 10601 by Yu. N., Rabotnov, Academician SUBMITTEDi May 17, 196o Card 3/3 , - GUTKIN A.M ; NOVODVORSKAYA, Ye.M.; GRIDASOVA, L., red. izd-va; OVA, L.L., tekhn. red. (Methods for conducting exercises in physics (in institutes of higher education); methodologJaal manual for teachers in tekhnical colleges]Metodika provedeniia uprazhneii. pa fizike No vtuze); metodicheskoe posobie dlia prepodavatelei vysshikh tekhnicheskikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Moskva,, Gos.izd-vo "Vashaia shkola." Pt.l. [Mechanics and molecular physics] Me- khanika i molekuliarnaia f12ika, 1961. 174 p. (MIRA -15:1) (Physics-Study and teaching) 20017 S/069/61/023/001/002/009 B020/BO56 AUTHOR: Gutkin, A. M. TITLE: Extrusion o'L a viscoplastic medium between sliding plane- parallel walls PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 23, no. 1, 1961, 20-24 TEXT: The problem of the flow of a viscoplastic Shvedov-Bingham medium in a plane capillary under the action of -oressure,.which acts in one direc--' ti;n, as well as of the tangential stress is dealt with, which acts in DerDendicular direction. The axis is orientated perpendicular to the walls (Fig.). The flow per unit length of the capillary tube is a 2(v x + vdx) -(2/3p) (dp/dz) (a3_xl)',z, a ya_~+ L2 x (dp/dz) 2 1 x Q/I(dp/dz)l + QT2 2 1n ra(ldp/dzl) 1 dp./dz Card 116 20017 S/069/61/023/001/002/009.1 Extrusion of a viscoplastic ... B020/BO56 VIT2+a2 2 + (jdp/dzj) X G +1119 1?) (15), (where U denotes tangential stress, 9 - the limiting tensile stress) which is correct only when -t~ -Z- 9. When ['." 9, the width of the elastic zone vanishes and for the flow through the unit length of the capillary tube, relation (16) holds. 2a' djo Oa + a a- + + in Q 311 dz IL Id, I- I dz dz (dP dz dz (16)' The velocity vy is obtained from equation dv dx - -VILL - Q/ 2 2 2 y/ "t"j/ 1+(x 1-C ) (dp/dz) (12), if it is assumed that the left layer of liquid of the capillary tube is immobile, i.e., Vy9.O; with x--a Card 2/6 20017 S/069/61/023/001/002/009 Extrusion of a viscoplastic ... B020/BO56 P) + dz (x +a) Cie In p pa + I/-. d L _JL 't + a' dz dz and with -a 4 x 4 '-x c(a-2x, +x) 1.6 1 + + J,2 (.,.I Lp+ -Ct--L. X2 In 7, d2 dz dz)l (18) -; (_.Id ,, LPI - LO + Ldp' )0 '+" L1, zj El +1 %~dz.. r dz d: zj dz The velocity of the right liquid layer for given quantities dp/dz and 'C'is given by Card 3/6 20017 s/o6g/61/023/001/002/009 Extrusion of a viscoDlastic 3020/B056 2t: (a -it) -7 P 't2 (~P_ 7 x~ L'~'j ++ r7p. 2"' In Ld, dz 1 dz dz In the absence of the elasti 0 zonep i.e.,, if t' >, 0, With X-09 equation d 'V2 +as (!LP dr 2-to &ft* In (20) P. dz is obtained for the velocity of the right:liquid layer from (19). From this it follows that for a viscoplastic disperse systemt in contrast to a truly viscous liquidp both components of the flow velocity tensoT depend uDon the amount of both flow-effecting stresses. ' Finally, it is said that the eouations obtained in the present paper hold also for the case of extrusion of a disperse system in a narrow clearance between two coaxial Card 4/6 20017 S1069161 /023/001/002/009 Extrusion of a viscoDlastic ... B020056 cylinders, one of which rotates. An exceDtion exists only if the tangential stress Zapplied to any cylinder differs ;nly little from the limii"-ing tensile stress 9, and if also the pressure gradient is small,i.e., if the conditions I I 19 - ZVO I dp/dz 1 /9 z~- I are satisfied. In this case, the inequality of tensile stress on the surface of the inner and outer cylinder acquires decisive importance. Within the entire remaining region of tensile stresses, the flow 9 through a narrow clearance between two cylinders of radii R 1and R 2 and height L may be calculated from (15) and (16). For this purpose, 9 may be multiplied'in the equations (15) and (16) by -5(R I+R 2) , and instead of a (R -R /2) (21 instead of M/ (R +R L (22), and 2 1 1 2) --~~2)/ dp/dz) at . Z4,9..(23) and x - 0 must be substituted at X -G - , I T 0. The angular velocity of the inner cylinder may be calculated from theequations (19) and (20), if v is divided by R-1/2(R 1+R 2) , and is substituted from equations (21)-(23). G. V. Vinogradov*, V. P. Pavlov, Card 5/6 20017 Extrusion of a viscopla8tic ... B020056 and A. A. Mamakov are mentioned. Professor 11. P. Volarovich and Profes- sor G. V. Vinogradov are thanked. There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut, Kafedra fiziki (Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Chair of Physics) SUWIITTED: December 19, 1959 Card 616 5/069/61/023/001/002/009 LOMIZE, G.M. Lt GUTKI14--A.,-~. ; ZHUKOV, N.V. Measurement of the conditionally instantiuleous modulus of - elasticity, in tenacious soils. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:61-66 Je 162. (NIFLA 15:12) 1. Energeti-cheskiy-Inatitut, Moskva. (Elasticity) (Soil research) S/069/62/024/001/001/GO.-" BI 191BI 01 AUTHOR: Gutkin, A. M. TITLE: Slow compression of a viscoplastic disperse system PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, v. 24, no. 1, 1962, 8 - 10 TEXT: The slow flow of a viscoplastic disperse system between two coarse, rigid, parallel plates in the form of a band or disc was studied. For the band-shaped system, the force F acting during compression of the plates per unit length, of the band is: 2 4 1/2 3 3 F = 2bp0 4 'rob /a + (4/5)(~U' ,/a ) ) + 4 ~Ub /9 a (2a a thickness of the system; 2b = breadth), for the disc-shaped system: F - nR2p + n0t /2a + (27t/7)('qU-t'R7/2a4)1/2 + n,.tUR4/12a3 0 0 0 (R - radius). The relationship between the acting force and the velocity U at which the compressed plates are approaching is expressed by equation Card 1/3, S106916210241001,V~11003 Slow compression of a viscoplastic ... B119/BI01 (F - 2bpo - 2bp, (9) k , a U 25 52 TIM for the band-shaped, and*by equation 11W LR 49a (F - nRzpa (13) U (F-ARtpo- 2?_~ 2n%q-[OR7 I,2R&ro for the disc-shaped system. The lateral press-are coefficient depends on the shape of the system and on the value of the lateral pressure. I = p OAPO + -C0b/2a) for the band-shaped system , and x - po/(po + ZOR/2a) for the disc-shaped system. There are 1 fiEure and 2 Soviet r,:fqrences. Card 2/3 VOLAROVICH., M.P.; GUTKIN, A.M. Calculating ultimate shearing stress in suspensions with particles having a rigid dipole mment. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.4:896-897 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanoy institut. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. (Colloids-Dipole moments) (Strains and stresses) - I-f LOMIZE) G.M.; GUTKIN, A.M.~ ZHUKOV, N.V. Study of the rheological properties of plastic clays. Ozn., fwid i mekh grun. 5 no.2:1-4 '63, (M13A 160) (Clay~--Testjng) GLITKIN., A.M.,(Moscow): "On unsteady and quasi-steady flows of a visco-plastic medium." report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. I , i'~ : !': :,. ( .: ~;~ - _f . -F ~~I, ~ :, . J., _~~; I- . . I -t .. i ~ 1~ _. I VOIAROVICH, M. P.; A. ~1. (Noscow) I "The flow of a visco-plastic medium under combined stresses" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress an Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 1964. GUTKIN, A.M. Extrusion of a viscoplastic disperse mass between Ghding plane- parallel walls. Koll. zhur. 23 no.1:20-24 Ja-F 161. k4URA 17.-2) VOLAROVICH, M.P.; GUTKIN, A.M. Flow of viscoplasoc disperse sysiems in the clearance between two coaxial tubes. Kofl.zhur. 25 no.6i642-645 N-D 163. (MIRA 17d) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanoy instituto~kafedra fiziki i 14oskovskiy ener- geticheskiy institut, k&fedra fiziki. CUTKRI, Abrwn Markovich, dots., FEWIROVA, Irl art Petrov7jr-, dlo's.; - ".-. - Val-TITK,-TMna AloRwindrovnap dotli.) r,f-,d. [Errors in physical measurements] Pogreahnosti pri fiziche- skikh izmereniiakh. Moskva, Energ. in-t, 19(-V,. 28 p. (1,11,U 18 -. 5) GUTKIII, A.S.; SlILYAPRIKOVA, A.G. New methods for housing construction; practicey of the Obukhovo Combine. Bet.i zhel.-bet. no.4:148-152 Ap 6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Obukhovskogo, kombinsta (for Outkin). 2. Glevnyy M tekhnolog Obukhovskogo kombinata (for Shlyapnikova). (Leningrad--?Tecast concrete construction) 1VkNOV, A.Ya., prof.,; AGRANOVSKIY, Z.M., prof., red.; ANDREYEVA-GALANINA, Ye.TS., prof., red.; ANICHKOV, S.V., prof., red.; BABAYANTS, R.A., prof., red.; BASHENIN, V.A., prof., red.; AUTK14y-A-*~., prof~, red.; KAMYSHANOV, A.F., dotsent, red.; - KLIONSKIY, Ye.Ye., prof., red.; RYSS, S.M.'y prof., red.; SMIRNOV, A.V., prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, iced.; TIKHOVJROV, P.Ye.p prof., red.; CHISTOVICH, G.N., prof., red. [Now informative material on the methodology for sanitation of the environment, and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment,of some diseases; results of research at the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene to assist in the practice of public health] Novye informatsionnye material po metodike ozdorovleniia Yneshnei sredy, preduprezhdeniiu, diagnostike i lecheniiu nekotorykh zabolevanii;'rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovanii LSGMI v pomoshch' praktike zdravookhraneniia. Leningrad, 1961. 105 p. (Leningrad. Sanitarno-gigienicheskii meditsinskii institut. Trudy, vol.73). (MIRA 17:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Anichkov). 2. Chleny- korrespondenty AMN SSSR (for Babayants, Ryss). GUTKPIT, A.Ya, 23587 ANALIZ NOM-1, FROYeKTIROVANIYa DETSKIKh SADOV I TIPOVYXh PROYeKTOV K NIM V GIGlYellIIChESc!,'OM CITNSUNII. GIGlYeNA SANITARIYa, 1949, No. 7, C. 38-44. SO: ISTOPISI NO. 319 191+9. G71ITSBERG, A.S, arichtektor; GUT!:! urofesser, d0-tor medit:.;lukilch nali?. An efficieat design must be worked ou'. for the new scl4ools. Gor. khoz,Mosk. 25 no.6;23-24 je '51, (Schao'L.'Iousea) GUUTIT'IN, A, YA, Gigienicheskie osnovy Dlanirov'Ki, stroitellstva I sanitarno-tekiinicheskogo oborudovaniia Shkoly jrincjples of hygiene in the planning and building of schools and their equipmenji/. Leningrad, Medgiz, 1952. 208 p. (Trudy Leningr. san.-gigien. med. in-ta) SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 1954. GUTKIN, A.Ya. Problem of school hygiene in the framework of city sanitary inspection. Gig. sanit., Moskva no-3:42-47 Mar 1953. (GIML 24:3) nACHKOWXAYA, N.G. [author]; GUTTKIN, A- Lreviewer]. OMucation of children with poor ey.esight.* H.G.Krachkovskaia, Reviewed by A.0titkin. Gig.i man. no.7:62-63 J1 '53- (KLHA 6*'7) (Children, Abnormal and backward) (Defective eight in children) 0[rachkovakaia. N.G.) GUTKIN, A.Ya., professor. 7., .1 ;,., V, ~ - . . . -ies of sanitation in the planning of buildings for general Prinaip schools. Trudy WGKI 14:162-176 153. (PMU 7:9 ) (School hygiene) SubJect USSR/Medicine AID P - 2902 Card 1/1 Pub. 37 - 19/20 - Author Gutkin, A. Ya. Title Review Tf sy'mposium "Problems of School Hygiene". Proceedings of the Scientific Research Institute of Physical Training and School Hygiene, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, RSFSR, 1953, No. 51, 336 p. Periodical Gig. i san., 9, 60-62, S 1955 Abstract A favorable review of the nine articles by five authors contained in the above symposium. Institution : None Submitted : No date GUTKIN,A,Xa~~-q--profi~ - SGMI 36:89-99 156. Teaching a course in school hygiene. Trudy L (MIU 14:1) (SCHOOL HYGIEU--STUDY AND TUCHING) GUTKIN, A.Ya. Research work of the Leningrad Sanitary Hygiene and Medical Institute in the field of child and adolescent hygiene. Tnuiy LSVAII 31:5-10 '56. (MIRA 12:8) 1. lafedra shkol'noy gigiyeny Laningradakogo sanitarno- gigiyanichoskogo meditsinakogo institute. (zav. kafedroy - Prof. A-Ya.Gutkin). (SCHOOL WA<H, research in Russia (Rue)) GUTKIN Hygienic princiPles and controversial problems In school planning during the past 20 years. 1935-54. Trudy L&MI 31:11-30 156. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Kafedra shkollnoy gigiyeny Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyeniche- akogo neditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. A.Ya.Gatkin). (SCHOOL M.'ALTH, hyg. aspects of school planning (Rue .I (I., ( /, A /,k /-/~ ,/"; , I GUtXIN, A,Ya., prof. Nindemic goiter among schoolchildren in Costa Rica. Gig. i san. 22 ao.11:100-101 N '57- (MIRA 11:1) (COSTA RICA--GOITAR) GUTKIN. A.Ys., p rof . Some peculiarities and tasks in the hygiene of children and adolescents. Gig. i aan. 23 no.1:27-32 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz Leaingradskogo sanitarno-gigiyonicheakogo meditainakogo institute . (CHILD WILVARN in Russia) GTJTKIN., A.Yaprof. Planning, construction and equipment of schooln abroad; review of literature. Gig. & san. 23 no.3:63-69 Mr 158. (MI]RA 11:4) 1. Is kafedry gigiyeny detey I podroatkoy Leningradshrogo sanitarno- giglyenicheakogo zeditainskogo institutri. (SCHOOLS planning, construction A equipment, review) GUTKI N, A.Ya., prof. (Leningrad) Role of G.V. Xhlopin in the organization of Public Health Sanitary- Hygiene Research Institute in Leningrad. Gig. i san. 23 no-7:85-87 J1 '58. (mrRA 12:1) (SANITATION contribution of G.V. Xhlopin (Rua)) (HYGLUE same) (BIOGRAPHIMS Milopin, G.V. (Rua)) GTJTKIN, A.Ya., prof . Now illumination standards* Gig. i san. 23 no-8:50-52 A 158 fMIRA 11:9) 1, Is loningradskogo sanitarno-eigiyanichaskogo meditsinskogo inatitimta; (IL'LUKMTION, standards (Rus)) GUTUN, A.Ya., prof . (IMIEGIUM) Construction of childrenla institutions in the German Democratic Republic. Gig. I. san. 23 no-9:56-59 5158 (11*.rRA 11:11) (CH im WELFAIM, in Germwjy (Rus)) GuTKiN, A. "Bibliography of Russian disertations on pedintrics,children's infections, the history of pediatrics and the organization of pediatric public health during the past 150 years (1804-1954) by V.S. Vail' . Reviewed by A. Gutk-in. PedintrUft 36 no.6:95 Je '58 (MIRA 11:6), (PEDIATRICS) GUTKrK, A.Ya. Child hygiene as basis for the prevention of senescence [with summar7 in English]. Trudy LSGMI 44:z46-265 158 (HIRA 11: 12) 1, Needra gigiyeny detey- i podrostkov Leningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyenic-heskoko moditainskogo instituta (zav. kafedrc7 - profs* A. Ya. Gutkin). (HYGME child h7g. as basis for rotardation of sensescowe (Rua)) (AGIKGI Sme (Rug)) L:iT, .-t ___ ~, * - . - - i: __., - -.. , J. I - "i'lodern Ratus and 'fasks of of C'-didren ard Ado-'escents." report submitted at the 13th All-Union ConiTre3s of Hy,gieniz5ts, Epidezu'ologist5 and Infectiordsts, 1959. t!-,,e l3ti, r,f GUTKIV, Abram rakovlevich- MYILIH S.Ta., red.; RULLTA, H.S., I (Hygiene in the polytechnical training of schoolboys] Gigiena politekhnicheakogo obuchenila shkol'nikov. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, Leningr.otd-nle, 1959. 154 p. (KIRA 13:3) (VOCATIONAL FMCATION-HYGIANIC ASPECTS) (SCHOCL RTGIMM) AGGY,YEV, P.K., prof.; A1flJRLrYNVA-GALAJTINA, Ye.TS., prof.; BASffitndlli, V,A., prof.; BEITMOISOIT, M.Ye., doktor med.nmik.; Vv.SUGORODTSgVA, V.D., -prof.; GESSEN, A.I., dotsent; GUTIKIU, A.Tii., prof.; ZHDANOV, D.A., prof., laiireat Stalinskoy premiii~, ZRAMUSKIY, V.F. , prof.; KLIONSKIY, Ye.Ye., prof.; 140NASTYRSKAYA, B.I., prof.; MOSEVIII, I.A., prof.; MMHNIK, L.S.,; PETROV-14-tISLAKOV, K.A., prof.; RUBINOV, I.S., prof.; RYSS, S.M., prof.; SMIIINOV, A.Y., prof., 2asluzheiinyy dayatell nauki; TD210MIROV, P.Ye., prof.; TROITSKAYA, A.D., prof.; UDINTSEV, G.N., prof.; UFLYARD, Yu.H., prof.; FEWROV, V.K., prof.; KHILOV, K.L., prof., zaaluzhannyy dayntell nauki; VADKOVSKAYA, Yu.V., prof.; KARMIAK, M.S., prof.; PMOV, M.A.,; POSTNIKOVA, V.M.,; RAPOPORT, K.A., kand.biolo-g.nmik; ROZENT11L, K.A.. prof.; YAM- LEVICH, Ye.I.,; LYUDKOVSKAYA, N.I., [Book on health] Kniga o zdorovIe. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo mea.lit-ry, Madggiz, 1959. 446 p. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii toeditsirir3kikh nauk SSSR (for Zhanov, Udintsev). 2. Leningradakiy sanitarno-gigiyeniche3kiy m-e- ditsinskiy institut (for all, except Vadkovskaya, )b3rshak, Petrov, Postaikova. Rapoport, Rozentul, Yankelevich# Lyudkovskaya). (HYGIIRM) qUTKINP-A-X&-y-- prof.; GLAUER, G.A.; NIKOLAYIN, A.N., PFEMAMENS-KAYA, N.N.; RODIIIA, A.P. Physical grovth of school children in Kirovsk (Arctic region). Gig.i san. 25 no.8:23-27 Ag 160. (MIIU 13: 11) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny detey i podrostkov Leningradskogo san1tarno- gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (COLD-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (KIROVSK-XHILDREN-GROWTH) GUTKIN, A.Ya., prof. Preliminary data on some hygienic principles in designing boarding schools. Gig. i san. 26 no.7:45-51 Jl 161. (14IRA 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny detey i podrostkov Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (SCHOOLHOUSES) GUTKINt A.Ya.2 prof, I Resea~c-ii on chi34 and adolescent hygiene in the coming years, Gig. i san. no. 10:89-91 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1, Iz kafedry gigiyemy detey i. podrostkov Leningradekogo eanitamo- gigiyenicheskogo maditainskogo instituta. (SCHOOL HYGIENE) GUTKIflj, A.Ya.., prof. Topic outline of scientific research carried out b7 young hygienistks of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene. Biul. Uch. med. sov. 2 no.6:30-32 N-D 161. 0"di'Lk 15: 1.) (PUBLIC HEALTH jL,;SZARGH) GUTKIN, A.Ya., prof. (Leningrad) 1- - ------- By various ways towards one goal. Zdorovle 8 no.8:10-11 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (CPILDPIN-CARE AND HYGIENE) ,_____~UTKIN, A.Ya., prof.; RODINA, A.P., dotsent Hygienic aspects of teaching. Zdorovle 8 no.12:16-17 D 162. (MIRA 1611) (TEACHING.ffGIENIC ASPECTS) GUTKIN, A.Ya., prof. Hygiene of the training process and problems of raising the working capacity of schoolchildren. Vrach.delo, no.3:115-319 Mr 163. (IMIRA 16:4) 1. Kafedra gigiyony detey i podroetkov (zav. - prof. k.Ya.Gutkin) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo peditsinakogo institute.. (SCHOOL HYGIENE) GUTLIN,.,-4-~41~j pro-t- C4rrent tasko a the school physician. Vop.okb. mat. i det. 8 no.2-.84-67 F163. 0,11RA 16:' 1. Iz kafedry gigiyeny detey i podroatkov (zav. - prof. A. Ya. Gutkin) leningradskogo sanitarno-gigi nichesko-o meditsinsko- Ye go instituta. (SCHOOL PHYSICIAIZ) GUTKINY A. TA., prof. Hygiene for ohLldren rd adoTescents aa a baois tor prolonginIf the average life span of the population. Gig. -L san. 28 no.6s -76-82 J063 (MIRA 1724) 1. rz kafedry glgiyeny detay i podrogitkoT Loning-radrkogo sanitsxno-~Igiyenicheskogo meditainskogo instiI-Llta.