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~ I .1 . " :11-1,1; ~lr: -~l tt ; - -, -~ j-'. , , - , ! ! I - - I ;, '', - - 0661M W, .I- t , ". q. .1 - -Z I t I i , , - , , ~ I I - I .. ~ - ~ - I I t I , 5 ", 11 1 !! I ~ I I ,.;11, ; I f I,i; - , .... -.- : ", - -F.W- L3EG1lq ~COIWELi, /7f FRbm: Gt44kAfjis s, V io 0 000 AUTHORs TITLEi 80!6! S/108/60/015/04/03/007 B014/BO14 Gutkin, L. S., Member of the Society Some Relations in Optimum Systems for Detecting Si&ruL ~ - 4 )(Con tinued) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No~ 4, pp. 21 - 26 TEXT: This is the second part of an article published in Radiotekhnika, 1960~ Vol. 15, No. 2, which deals with the detection of pulse packets. No coherent relation is assumed to exist between the phases of the pulse packets, whereby some more parameters neglected in the first part, are added. The author first studies the binary detection, and gives formula (36) for the EIN 0 ratio (E - - packet energy). Furthermore, he studies an optimum system of the m-alternative discrimination and detection, and for the analogous ratio E/N 0 he obtains formula (41). Formulas (39) and (41) are used to determine fluctuating signals in both cases under consideration. The following was shown: If the relation E - nZ 1 holds (E1 - energy of a pulse), the required energy increases with increasing n9 which Card 1/2 8 0 "t. 6-L Some Relations in optimum Systems for Detecting 5/108/60/015/04/03/007 Signals (continued) B014/BO14 fact is related to the incoherence of the signals. Reference is made to the part played by the characteristics of the detector. In conclusion, the author thanks Yu. B. Kobzarev, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, for his valuable advice. Some operations which were only outlined in this article, are explained ill de- tail in Appendices 1 and 2. There are I figure and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 4, 1956 q1 Card 2/2 SIFOROV, V.I., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GUTKIN, L.S., doktor ~'~-khn.rauk, ' -'k- -' ' ' prof.; LEBEDFV, V.L., kand.tekhn.nau., datsent Development of radio engineering in the Soviet Union. Trudy 1AEI no.33:243-266 "Do. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Siforov). (Radio) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5952 Gutkin, Lev Solomonovich Teoriya optimallnykh metodov radlopriyema pri fluktuats'Lonnykh pomekhakli (Theory of Optimal Methods of Radio Reception in the Presence of Fluctuation Noise) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1961. 487 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: K. N. Trof1mov; Tech. Ed.: K. P. Voronin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for specialists In the field of radio engineering and in related branches of g-aneral engineering. It may also be useful to students of advanced courses In schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book discusses the theory of optimal methods of re - ception of radio signals against a background of fluctuation noise. According to the author's definition, optimal methods are methods which would secure in one way or another the best reception of Card 1N 0 0 Theory of Opt1mal Methods (Cont.) 1J V/5952 signals in the presence of noise. Basically, the analysis is applicable to radio signAls, although the majority of the methods and results may also be related to other types of signals, such as in wire communications, acoustics., etc. The examined, theory Is of a statistical nature and an understanding of it presupposes a knowledge of the law of probability. Approximately 25% of the ma- terial presented in the book is based on the author's original works (Ch. XVIII, Sections 7-2, 7-3, 11-3, 11-4, etc.). The re- mainder of the book Is based on the compilation and analysis of SovIet and non-Soviet materials. The author thanks A. Ye. Basharinov, Doctcr of Technical Sciences,and Ye. M. Gutkina for their assistance. There me 124 references: 109 Soviet; (in- cluding 15 translations), and 15 English. T~AB F CONTENTS [Abridged]: .w" W ~~ orewordd 3 F Card 2/6 CRJTKjN,__L,Z.; LEDEDEV, V.L.; SIFOA:COV, V.I.; N.Ya., red.; SVESIMIKOV., A.A., tekhn. red. [Hadio receiving devices] Radiopriemnye ustroistva. Pod red. V.I.Siforova. Yoskva, Sovetskoe radio. Pt.l. 1961. 702 p. OaRA 15:7) (Radio--Receivers and reception) 1 1 . GUT KIN , L.S. ; , V- J". j I I ~ J ~ 1 : . 1:',, VASTLIYEV, D.V.; S-VISTOV, iiEl-YAYL-VA, V.V., tokhri. rw!rl. (Radio receiving devices] Radiopriemnye ustro;--,t-la. P-d red. V.I.Siforova. Moskwa, Sovetskoe radio. FL.2. 1%3. Y"''1 p. (m-l".1-~% GUTKINI, L.S. W" Theory of optimum radio reception techniques. Izv. AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.5:84-89 S-0 163. (KLRA 16-.12) 4! 1,I . I Vti tvey V~,:, i'yevf~-h; ~T";', Lcr..; ~jl rO f t,: - '7 rl zon t LY U b T .,',l . , , [Hadio guidance o" missi-los] I Ice tW.' Nosk-va, Izd-vo 11";ovetsklot, ri(Pn,ll ~43 t). ~',,JhA 'I I ACCESSION NR: AP4026144 S/0108/64/0191003/0003/0018 AUTHOR: Gutkin, L. S. (Active'member) TITLE: Potential accuracy of single-channel and nuAtichannel signal-parameter rneter~s SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 19. no. 3, 1964, 3-18 TOPIC TAGS: electric signal, signal parameter, signal pararneter meter, radio direction finder, multichannel radio direction finder i ABSTRACT: Well-known information about signal -parameter measuroments in systematized and generalized-to cover the came of a complex measurement wheziq.,~. -rather than the input-signal parameter A (t), a function A, (t) is to be measured, the'latter being connected with the signal parameter by a linear operational relation A,(t) a D(p) A (t), where p a d/dt is t'he differential operator. Cases of indirect modulation, complex signal mmasursinent, and doppler frequency shift Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4026144 measurement are considered. Automatic target tracking in a conical- scanning system is given as an example of determining the Max accuracy Of UWALeurenant. The effect of signal fluctuation on the max accuracy of its parameters ke also analyzed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 72 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-takhnicheskoye obahchostvo radiotakhniki i elektroavyasi (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineerirg and Electrocommunication) suBmITTED: 06oct6a DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE; EC, -MG NO REF SOVt '005 OTHJM,.- 600 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP40Z9457 AUTHOR:- Gutkin, L. S. (Active member) S/0108/64/019/004/,6019104)27 TITLE: Potential accuracy of single-channel and multichannel signal --parameter meters. Part 2. Multichannel meters SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 19, no. 4, 1964. 19-27 TOPIC TAGS: electric signal, signal parameter, 3ignal parameter rneter, radio direction finder, multichannel radio direction finder I ABSTRACT: The results obtained in Part I of this article (Radiotekhriika, 1964, v. 19, no. 3. pp. 3-18) are generalized to cover the case of multichannel met#--rs where the same measurand parameter is contained in n signals applied together with their noise to the inputs of n channels of the meter. Formulas are developed for the potential accuracy of (a) a Z-channel direction finder with 2 antennas forming an amplitude-type equisignal. zone. (b) a 2-channel johase-type Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP40Z9457 direction finder; and (c) a multichannel direction finder with a phased array. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 39 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnichookoye obahchestvo radiotekliniki i olo)ktroevyazi (Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrocommunication) dUBWTTED: 06oct6z S SUB CODE: rE C DATE ACQ: 30Apr64 NO REF SOV: o06 ENGL; 00 OTHER: 000 Cord Z/Z ~/EW,2 Bl' L!:63201-65 EEQ41EW(d)1EW- I Aid CESSION -NRI* _'AP56 1607 8 UR/O 109/65/ozd/666 16: Z 0063 .396 6ZI 1 A UTHOR: Gufidn, L. S. (Active niember) TITLE,: Real and potential accuracies of direction finding e6irtparkl. Part a cw signals A- ISOURCE* Radiotekhnika, v. 20, no. 6, 1965, 5z-63 TOPIC TAGS: direction finding direction finding accurac)r: i ABSTRACT: A direction finder operating as ;in automatic &iqje-~iiobirdiriate.. trELcking device is considered. Although the analysis refer6 to the conic- i3canning -f system, s I'Vro- system, most results remain applicable to other d (e. to a I cLannel momentary-amplitude -comparison system). The effect of uncertainty (a~t the raceiver) of the initial phase and frequency of a sinusoidal cvr Opal and its amplitude fluctuation upon the d-f accuracy is explored. Itjo provien that, with tf".e initi al ew-signal phase uncertain, the hi-ighest (near ideal curacy can,be ac fAGGESSION NR,.. AP5016078 ko'3tained by using a linear filter that has a special frequencyc rarterist4i.c:anda. jqaadratic detector for isolating the error signal. With both and In, itial hase uulmown, the signal-to-noise ratio is astirriated which answres attainabiliti Ip Cof the maximum accuracy. Finally. formulas are developed for th~e d-f accOxacy h I-when a fluctuating cw signal is received (internal noise in the receiveir). Althoug detect jt:.,ie analysis has been made for a quadratic or, It is assurni!:d that the reowts Ivrill be approximately true in the case of a linear detector.. Orig. art. has: A 0 figures and 80 formulas. iASSOCILATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obahche'stva radIa't4'ikhnJ_kI i, elektr6svy'azi: 'fiScientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and;'jOlect3-ocommiiiiicatio~;a),,- 4MMMITTED, 16Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB G 0_'D E i: DG, NG iNO REP SOV. ~002 OTI-MR, 000 T Card i. o,",966-67 E'.-JT (d ) ACC NR: AP6021919 SOURCE CODE: UR/0108/66/OZI/003/0063/0068 AUTHOR: Gutkin, L. S.-(Active member of the society) ORG: Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electro- communication im. A. S. Popov (Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obahchestya radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi) TITLE* Real and potential accuracies of direction finding compared. Part 2 Pulse signals SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 21, no. 3, 1966, 63-68 TOPIC TAGS: direction finding, direction finder,, ~-Jd-r' dx ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of the author's article printed in "Radio- wkhnika, " 19 6 5 . v. 20 . no. 6. A direction finder automatically tracking its objective is theoretically analyzed; the effect of the incoherence of signAl pulses Cord J/Z UDC* 6ZI. 396 Ccir-; 2,17- ZOROKHOVICH. Aleksandr Yefimovich; KRYLOV, Bergey Kononovich; GUTK I'm P . kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; VARIKA. G. ., ~,-=,Cheskiy radaktor [Principles of electric engineering for locomotive brigades] DBnoVY slaktrotakhniki dlia lokomotivnykh brigod. Moskva. Gos.transp. zhel-dor. Izd-vo. 1957. 453 p. (KLFA 10:2) (Blectric engineering) (Locomotives) GUTKIN, L.Y., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SHTETNBKRG, L.D., inzherter. Repairing locomotive engines on the British railroads. Slek.1 tepl.tinga no.9:45-47 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Great Britain-laocomotives-Repairs) GUTKIN, L.V., kandidat takhnichn3kikh niv*. Now ways of mai-,hining pairs of locomotive wheels without rolling. Zhel.dor.tranap. 39 n0-2:89-90 Jr '57. (MLU 100) (United States--Car wheels) GUTKIN, Iev.Vladimirovich; NDCANOROV, Viktor Aleksandrovich; KOMN, David Borisovich; OZWLOVSKIY, Gh.S., inzh., red.; SIDGROV, X.I., inzh., red.; KHITROV. P.A., tekhn. red. [Repair of electric rolling stock; mechanical part] Remont elektro- podvizhnogo sostava; mekhanichoskaia chast'. Moskva, Goe. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 347 p. OWA 11:7) (Electric railroads--Rolling stock-Maintenance and repair) GUPKIN, L,V,, kand,tekhn.nauk. Basic trends in the growth of railroad electrification in the U. S. A. Blek. i tep]. tiapa 2 no.1:44-45 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:3) (United Staten--Ra4~]Lroads--Electrification) GUTKIN, L.V., kand. takhn.natik; SHLYAKHTO, P.N., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk. Heat calculations for electric railvay motors. Trudy MIIT ne.103: 150-159 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Electric railway motors) .,GUTKIN, L.V., ~znd.tekbn.nauk Now Insulation materiala for the traction antorB. Blek.j tePI-tiaga 3 no.10:46-47 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) Oglectric railway motors) (Electric insulators and Insulation) MASKOV, V.T., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOHAKOV. P.K.. doktor tokhn.nauk; NIKITIN, To.A., inzh.; AK=iOV, K.F., k-and.tekbn.nauk; GUTKIN. L.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; BOBROVA, Te.N., (Thermal processes in electric find diesel locamctivesj Teplo.- kye proteesey teplovozov i eloktrovozov. Moskva, Vaea.izda- tellsko-poligr.ob"edinenie M-V3 pUt6i ooobshoheniia. 1960. V 78 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Diesel locomotivee) (Electric locomotivon) 1-171M-W, A.P., prof., doktor tekJm. nauk; SHUKSTAL', Ya.V., kand, ekon. nauk; WITRIYEV, V.A.f kand. ekon. nauk; Prinimali ucbastiye GUTKIN, L.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; SEVARTS, R.Ya., mladshiy neicbrwi sotr.; GORIVOV, A.V., retsenzent; YUKHALITSEV, Ye.V., prof., retsenzent; GIBSHKAN, A.Ye., prof., retsenzent; RYLEYEV, G.S., inzh., retsenzent; KHACHATUROV, T.S.J. red.; WSIMOV, I.S., rsd.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Efficiency of electric and diesel traction in railroad transports- tion]Effektivnost' elektricheskoi i teplovoznoi tiagi na zholezno- dorozhnom transporte. Pod red. T.S.Khachaturova i A.P.1-likhoeva. Moskva, Gosplanizdat, 1960. 302 p. (MIRA :L6:1',, 1. Nauchxwye sotrudniki Otdela razvitiya tekhnicheskikh aredstv transporta i Otdela raspredeleniya perevozok mezhdu razlicluWmi vidami transporta Instituta kompleksrWkh transportnykh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (for Mikheyev, Shukstall, Dmitriyev). 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Gorinov, Khachaturov). (Electric railroads) (Diesel locomotives) _~_Yladimirovich; NIKANOROV, Viktor Aleks, ndrovi _PPTKW, v 3 (-.h: KOFMI, David Borisovich; TAKOVLEV, D.V., inzh., red.; BOBROVA, Te.H., [Repair of electric trains; electrical section] Remont elektro- podvizhnogo soutava; elektricheakeia chest'. Koskva, Vaes. izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edinenie K-va putei soobahcheniia. 1960. 331 P. (KIRA 13:11) (Electric locomotives--Maintem nee and repair) GUTKITI, L.V., -kand.tekhn.rauk Fuel ce.Us. Elek.i tepl.tiaga 5 no.11.47--/X 11 16L q (Fuel cel1q) (Elettric railroads) GUTKIN, L.V., kand.tekhn.nauk High-speed land traimportation. Elek. i topl. tiap no.6:44-45 je 62. (IMIRA 15:7) (Ground effect machines) GUTKIN, L.V., kand, teklhn,, Linear asynchronous engine for train traction. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 n0.10237-39 0 163. (mrRA 16t3a) S/122/60/000/001/015/()IP, Do 2901~ 25526 A16l/Al3o AUTHORS: Kondashevskiy, V. V.; Chertovskikh, A. N.; - Candidates of Technical Sciences, Docents; Pogorelyy, V. S.; Gutkin, M. A.; - EnEineers TITLE: Part dimension control in grinding process with the use of radio- isotope pickups PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 1, 196o, 67-70 TEXT: The authors have designed and tested a radioactive isotcpe pickup being safe for the machine tool operator and measuring with high accuracy. The pickup design is illustrated (Fig. 1) and Its electric circuit described. The rod (1) of the pickup is moved down by the spring (2). The short horizontal arm of the lever (3) Is inserted into a slot in the rod; a steel gate (4) is fixed on the long(vertical) arm of the lever (3). The ratio of the lever arms is 10-1. Thorium isotope emitting alpha-rays (6) is placed in a container (5) under the gate. A diaphragm (7) with 0.4 x 15 mm slit Is attached above the diaphragm, with the long side parallel to the gate edge, and a Geiger counter (8) over the diaphragm. The closing of the diaphragm, and hence the alpha-radiation intensity, Card 1/5 S/122/6o/ooo/ool/015/018 Part dimension control ... 25526 A16i/Ai3o is controlled by the lever with the gate when the measuring rod moves. The Geiger counter is connected -%to an electric system, and works on mean current. A load resistor and a capacitor form an integrating circuit. The voltage on the load resistor is proportional to the radiation intensity and measured with a cathode voltmeter with a double 648 (6N8) triode, a microamperemeter (for 100 microampere), and a relay. The microamperemeter scale Is graduated in microns, and the changing workplece size Is visible on the scale. The relay switches on a signal lamp and gives stopping command at the moment when the set wDrkplece dimension is reached. The rectifiers feeding the cathode voltmeter and the counter are built of semiconductors; voltage is stabilized with C-FIff (SGIP) stabilivolts. The pickup time constant is controlled by switching over the capacitance in the 6N8 tube grid circuit. The pickup has been tested in grinding smooth and spline shafts on circular grinders. In grinding smooth shafts (Fig.3), the pickup (1) with the counter was placed in the measuring attachment frame (2) so that the measuring tip (3) contacted the rod (4) of the attachment (this rod is suspended on two leaf springs, 5). The helical spring (6) brings the rod (4) into contact with the shaft being ground. The tips (7) and (8) are fixed on the adjustable hanger (9). The travel up and down of the rod (4) is limited with the screw (10) entering a conical indentation on It. The mechanism is protected Card 2/5 9/122/60/000/f)01/015/018 Part dimension control ... 25526 A161/Al3o - . - with two shielding plates (11). The whole device is hinged by the bushing (12)'' on the grinding wheel hood. The grinder was not stopped automatically In tests (the michine is not suitable for it). The pickup installed in the measuring device (Fig. 3) shows the average dimension values, and this is its impprtant advantage, for the hand of a galvanometer connected to it moves evenly, even during strong wobbling of the workpiece and vibration of the machine (conventional dial indicators react to vibration and wobbling). This feature makes radio- isotope pickups very handy in machining spline shafts or 6ther partswith inter- rupted surface. The electric system of the described pickup gives only one command - for stopping the machine, but more commands arle needed freCfUently. Tile authors have developed one giving three commands: 1) Switch-over from:rough-to finish grinding; 2)' Switch-over from finish grinding to walking out; 3) Stop- ping the machine finally. Its galvanometer has two scales - a rough with 0.5 to 2 micron divisions, and an accurate with divisions from 2.5 to 10 micron, switch- over from one to the other is automatic. In comparative laboratory tests the radioisotope pickups proved on par by accuracy with the best Inductive pickups and much more accuraie'than the other. The elect'ric system of the radioisotope pickups is not more complex thtn that of the inductive pickups. and they cost less. Their size can be further reduced. It is concluded that they are suitable Card 3/5 s/122/6o/ooo/6o1/bi5/b18 Part dimension-control ... 25526 A161/A130 for application In automatic grinding process control systems, and rMliolsotope pickups for ahop application are the first In the USSR. The only analbgousr pieLp with alpha-ray source existing abroad is designed for laboratory che9k of 40 Johanson blocks, and its design is different; it had been described In "Elec- tronics", April 1948, 82. There are 6 figures. Fig. 1: Card 4/5 GUTKIN, N. Tho motorcyclo stopo Owallowing dust. 7A rul. 21 no.7123 T1 163. (MIRA 16t8) 1. Nachallnik konstruktorskogo otdela TSentrallnogo konstruktorsko- eksperimentallnogo byuro *6totsiklostroyeniya. (Motorcycles--Engines) 1, GITT'i'lll "IT.G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Timothy Grass 7. Practice of stubble und late summer sowing of red clo,,,er and ttr,)thr, Dokj. Ak.sellkhoz 18 no.11, 1q52. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libral-y of Cojjgrf~ss., April --195', Uncl. USSR/Physics - Electrical Conductivity, Aug 52 Glass "Surface Electrical Conductivity of Glass in a I-rumid Atmosphere," N. G. Gutkin, K. S. Yevstrop'yev, A. Ya. Kuznetsov "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol 22, No 8, PP 1318-1324 Measures surface cond of a number of tech glasses in relation to humidity and temp.. Results showed that surface cond in humid atm rises by a factor of 3- 5. and at const temp the max rise occurs in a hum- idity range of 30 With increasing temp the cond rises, the thermal coeff varying from 2 to 4~. Received 2 Oct 51, 226T98 L 112-2-3222 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p.101 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gutkin, R.A. TITLE: The Problem of Frequency Controlled Automatic E;mergency Load-Shedding (K voprosu ob avtomaticheakoy avariynoy razgi-uzke po chastote) PERIODICAL: Tr. Daltnevost. politeklin. in-ta, 1954, Nr 43, pp. 1019-211 ABSTRACT: The derivation is given of basic equations characterizing the dynamics of frequency change in transient conditions caused by a sudden loss of active power in the power system. It has been demonstrated that automatic emergency unloading by frequency relays alone can, as a result of discor-nection of the preceding load turn, cause the fre- quency to become inadmissably low, but higher than the frequency for the setting of the following load turn. Then unloading ceases. When unloading conditions are favorable, the unloading process may become inadmissibly long. A method of unloading using a zingle frequency relay feeding a pulse to several time relays is recommended to correct these defects. A difference in time relay setting of not more than one second is suitable. This will shorten the whole unloading process and speed up the process of frequency restoration. In case of the emergence of large power deficiencies, it is wise to have an additional frequency relay with a lower setting which would a la?,,d sVauepces simultap ously. A fegd at?ulaV to cutfott s7vetj se ema U jagramoo mt n n a ong with an example f r un'T g I Y tg piopgiva Card 1/1 of ca ations t in e r se me ho ___; ZISLIN, S.G.; KUZNETSKIY, K.D.: GOROKHOVSKIY, D.M.; Q~KINI__�.G. PELYUSHENKO, 0.1.; POPOV, B.N.; YAKUBOVIGH, I.Ye.; PROSVIRNIN, A.D., otv. red.; KNYAZEV, V.V., red.; YUNISOVA, M.I., tekhn. red. Notor vehicles manufactured at the Gorkiy Automobile Plant) Avtom%bili Gor1kovskogo zavoda. Gor'kii, Gor1kovskoe knizh- noe izd-vo, 1963. 390 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Glavnyy konstruktor Gorlkovskogo avtozavoda (for Prosvimin). (Gorkly--Motor vehicles) GUTKIN, S.T.-; SEKKMKO, P.A., inzh., red.; GVIRTS, "I.L., [Design of attachements permitting repeated setting up of lathes for work on a series of Items] Konstruktaii prisposoblenil, dopuskaiushchikh perenaladku na gruppu detalei. Leningrad, 1955. 7 P. (Leningrndskii dom, nauchno-tekhnicheekoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnichaskii listok, no.96(784)) (MIRA 10:12) (Lathes-Attachecents) lffBINSKIY, Dmitriy Alekoeyevich; MOIDZOV, Yuriy Aleksandrovich; GUTKIN, ,S -Grigorlyevich; KOM, B.F., inzh., reteenzent; STRCMA, T.I., red.; UVAROVA, A.F.,, tekbn. red. (Caruretors of the GAZ engines] Karbiuratory dvigatelei GAZ. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 254 p. WIRA 15:7) (Autozoobiles-Engines-Carburetors) uUPKIN, 5. "Universal Quick-actin- Pne,=ratic Fixtures, for- Metai-cuttin,,~, Machine I'Vocir," t, I The Kirov District of Leningmd Strives for Technological Progress; Collection of Articles, Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, l9r. 171pp. This collection of articles describes the progressive experience of the industrial plants of the Kirov district of the city- of IA=Ingr*Ld in the fields of shipbuilding, machine building, instrument-mahing# casting, hydroly-tic and other industries. New annu cturing methods are discussed. 25 ( 5 'j 'S0 7 -- 'if 12" - 15 /27 AUTHOR, Gutkin, S.T. , Enginee,~, TTTLE Group Pneumatic Deviceo for the lMachJning of Fittings (Gruppovyye pnematicheskiye prispoFobleniye. dlya obraboUd. detaley armatury) PERIODICAL, Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 2, pp 25-28 (USSR) ABSTRACTz The author describes several mneumatic de- vices used in the group 1)roductlion of small fittings for Dipelines. N,)lnnovations, no peroonalities and no organizations are mentior-od in the There are 7 sets of diagrni.,io and I photo. Card 1//', SOV/5676 TTATION BOOK EXPLO clences, Docentp ed. Candidate of Technical opyt neXotOry41 14aehininS of Azarovy A otrabotXi detaley ra SrUPPOVFOY t for oro,9". d plants) bleniya d1l 'quipmen Lening'a inteds FrISPOSO Zav0dov of Certain 3,0()0 copies pr tradslcilth 'Merjence lening parts; ', 1960. 254 P. Sciencess 14achine jzdats of Technical [Leningradl Len ) I BulOvsjcjy, Doctor pol,sRsya. ,ic Ed.l. Is A- in. Tech. Ed al F,. Lep .9 1 Scientif .. intended for t('-ehn1jeant5; professor; Be of articles d instrument P I ollection machine an of higher technica ,,jRpOSE -. This c.1,11led Workers in schools e1 d tudents 'in person, e used by S I universal it may also tel~hnl"ms C)f universa j lGed. This education 8 in tile design ' -es are sta Its spPli- principle jIgS and fixtuxidpoint Of Basic ling the star lants- COVERAU~. and groUP-machl' jered from e and instrument P setup# t is als, consi( maehin uipmen eq several Leningrad 'ation in 0 Card of Or 9'f'Oup-Ma SP e Ven r, en, -Ohl cla, Or the 171n PrOces -re 0'Intex-ect e 9144es n _'llcturea'alnIg teat,, 8 Or parts SOV15676: -tfectl are dl arts r4 are , ea. Venes Pre cohat acCordin "Ided a OOcUased acknin, ented er, 'r "."I . ructlons g i"0 O'he . Calcul and certal, leop are n 048 t a tj ons re deal 0 Per., the artJrPes 01. rez Sa Problems op C01V!rjW2"S: encea. cles. Jlgs at-In ' ancl ,g to uttjne "6 and -flictupthececon - POXIeWord Perao,,,,.,t,,. .. a OMJ M1 tror are Pe In - .0 Winn anov Zlca ep ] Ment:tOneq. Vle; oAfeth (Candld Oda Azarov TheIr Of Deal ate Or 'Vap ApplIcagolng or eahnIcal Sclencea S. an tl(yn ouj)-plachulng a 0 0 Card Part OX* A'~J. tkin. Jct4pes, P 213 6~0 O__ 619 -7ctUrea for (;P04 and-PIZ,? 5 52: 27- C, 2.5-Y 4- 0) GUTKIN, semen Timofeyevichp inzh.; SWIANIN, A.V., red.; FREGRR, red.izd-va; BEWGUROVA, I.A.p tekhn. red. (GnIculation of pieumatic drives for machine tool attach- ments] Raschety pnevmaticheskikh silovykh privodov stanoch- nykh prisposoblenii. Leningrad, 196,1. 35 P. (LeninFrndok1i dom n11u0izio-t.ek1hi,jej1at3~-oj PI-OPITIZ111dy. Rvien pered6Vym Opvt=. Soriia: Makhanicheskaia obrabotka, no.17) %MIRA 17:3) ,GgTjr,TjL"wqD Tir~o ye_vIch,_inzh.; SUU4ANIIf?, A.V., inzh., red.; VASIL'YEV, fp. Yu.A..,*-red. izd-va; BEIOGU,-,,OVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Designing attachments for precision; verbatim report of a lecture] Raschety prispoooblonii na tochnost'; stenogramma :lok- tsii. Leningrad, 1962. 36 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Machine tools--Attachments) GUMP S.T. Standardization of the machining of pipe fittings. Mashino- stroitell no.6:32-34 A 163- (K= 16:7) (pipe fittir4s) USSR/Nvclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8706 Author : Demirkhanov, R,.Ao, Guibkin, T.I., Dorokhov, V.V., Rudenko, A.D. Inst 4 Title : Masses of Isotopes H, D, He and C12 Orig Pub : Atom. energiya, 1956, No 2, PI-27 Abstract : A pew exact measurement of the masses of the atogs H,.D, He4 and C12 has been made. The measuremkeuts were car- ried out with a mass spectrograph developed by Pa-dennet with the participation of Eger and the authors of this work. The apparatus has double focusing by means of electric and magnetic fields, effected respectively by cylindrical capacitor and a sector magnet. The iron beam is created by a plasma source with single contrac- tion of the discharge. Recording of the mass spectrum is photographic; "Schumann" plates are used. There Card 1/3 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. C-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, W6 is the possibility of visually observing 'the speq-brum with the aid of an Loh-optical converter. The maximum resolution of the instrument is 100,000 120,000, and the dispersion (roughly calculated) is not less than 2-34 cm percent of relative mass difference. The calibration of the scale of the masses of -aie instru- ment is made using photographs of certain basic lines, namely those of the groups N14't __ N1.4H--- U14 4 . N14H -4 C12at_ C12 1211' 3' 4 3 4 N -- C4 5 and o16 ()lq __ 016 4 '2' The masses of the atoms H, D, fie 1~ and C12 wefe found f:rom photographs of the doublets H2 -- D, D2 D3 /2 C12HII _ 016. The results are:, Card 2/3 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. c-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, 8706 H __ l.ooB142 t 10-6, He4 -- 4.003872 :t4 x 10-6, D -- M14736� 2 x 10-6, and C12 __ 12-003820 -t 5 x 10-6. The data obtained are in agreement with the values deter- mined from the energy balance of the nuclear reactiow. Card 3/3 AUTHOR: DERIMANOVX.A., GUTKIN, V.I., DOROKEOV,V.V. TITLE., The Kass of the HJ--Iso~tP--e-.--(-Massa izatopa. H63, Russiala) 8q-5-10/22 FMIODICAL: Atcamia Energiia, 1957, Vol 2, Nr 5, PP 4,69-470 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT; A mixture of helium isotopes enriched up to 99.5% with 1.183 was used for the spectroscopic mass determination of He3. For measuring R3- He3 and HD-He3 doublets were used. The experimental arrangement and treatment have previously been described (Atomaia Energiia Nr 2, 21, 1956). The result, 3,016970 j 2 was compared with the values obtained by oth,-ir authors from nuclear reactions. The closest agreement is with G.GR'-,'TITS, J. WAREW, Phys.Rev. 92, 1084, 1953- (I Illustration, 2 Tab;es, 8 References). ASSOCIMON: Not given PRESENTED BY. SUBMITTED- 29.12.1956 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 A' TH07-' C)v v TITL- Vn n C t rL?1ODIGAL s-~!!:nal aE-lf: 7 V c I N 6 , r ABSTIFU 1,11, Pap- the r,e, ;, 1t , -L z3 Mas-1 -!3llet7 ~,Ot, ' - z, ranhicaj , r . e a -u: e - ji O j(I c e . e at S f a orfars u- ~ , t t lc , ks ake .:,, The the ' T ze Ldjuntmellt ' of - s ia detacil t e-j rl 16 ~!Sn\ A; 0( , C- IOU r, 3 . ,: atable T'UI-V A ~ i 3 A t ne !. :21,3L S 30P -1',e !Soto- -W, L-,& ~-lje joubler. arid u e III a r tshown i n G. te-bl e, 0 1 L S0 f'lie " .0111 11 .11 edoub I f! t N e _i na'.e t t et ana d-v"a, ~),,s 1 t en i t h i t w, wer-, C") T A hy J, ale u c !i n a O:L e;n I E e 6 I'l t 5W' i '-'I L c-I '.-inea by ~;f -3 - en t ~-pl-,Lratus corfirris the re, ab i I I r.y th e.-i a P,72 T -1 C_7 -L: F 11 L- s 'oorve ~3 er C~ r.4 d i s i s z~ q n t a,!: 1 e ASSOCIATION .ot Give-n. PIUSENTED 13Y SUBMITTED 29.,12~,-996, AVA.IL,VBLE L-ibrary uf Con-rcsi;, Ca-,l 2/2 AUTIHOR: Gutkin, T.I. .1, 1 L TITLE: Errors in the Maso-spectro6ruphlc 1~1e~110k' of I-i'le'.-tsilrinc, the Mass of Isoto-Des 'Oshibki mass-spektro-~.-i:~,-;I'icheskogo fletoda izmereniya mass izotopov) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Telchnika Eksperimonta, 1:157, 110-5, pp. 46 - 51 (USSR). .ARSTRACT: By measurinG the mass of isotopes, one obtains directly the binding energy of nucleons in the nucleus. Hc)wever, in this method, the mass of the isotopes must be determined to an extremely high degree of accuracy. For exam.,ple, in order to determine changes in the bindin[~ energy of nuclei in the re6ion of magic numbers (mass number greater 100) with an accuracy of 5'Yalthe accuracy of mass me a sure i-iient mvt be such that- the ratio bm/m must be of the order of 10- . However, existing measurements lie well outside this fiGure, Dif ferences between the results of mass-spectrographic measurenients indicate the presence of unknown systeriatic errors due to some properties of the ion-optical systems with double focussing. Such focussing is obtained in mass spectrOLraphs by a combination of electrostatic and magnetic cylindrical 1~nses. In order to satisfy the focussing conditions with resiDect to the velocities, uardl/3 the parameters of the ibn-optical systems of mass-spectro~;raphs 120- -10/35 Errors in the Mass-spectrographic Method of Dleaouring the Mass of Isotopes. must be chosen so that the dislarsioirof tl~e electro.static and magnetic lenses are equal. Because of sPace charge effects, such an ideal focussing with respect to velocities is not obtained. This sometimes causes a chanGe in the position and size of the ion-optical image on the screen of the j*qass- spectrograph and therefore also systlematic errors in the mass of the isotopes. The present author has studied the effect of the space charge of the beam on the focussinL~; conditions and the systematic errors in the mass of the isotopes due to this effect. Fig. 1 shows the ion-optical system under consideration (double focussing).The displacement of a line for such a system due to the beam space charge effect is obtained by solving the equation of motion of the ions in the field of the electrostatic and magnetic lenses. An explicit expression is obtained for this shift in terms of the magnitudes of tl-)o fields and the various geometrical parameters involved. It is shown that the beam space charge effect leads not only to a displacement of the cardinal points of the ion optical system, but also 1-jo a change in the dispersion properties of its various sections and thus uard2/3 causes systematic errors. It is shown t;hat the magnitude of -the systematic error is well outsicle the (tuoted accuracy of -i*(5 A U- TT 0 I-j S o v R. A., Jutli!i, T. I., Doro'.hov, V. V. TTT-, E: C 1 i the Region of the 82 Proton &ad 1~,) Neutron Magic Numbers . .. ... v o,--,-: P0 1; L 1. ~L:" 6, 12 L', 113RIODICAL: 1"IlIvIlal 917 92) (USla) ABSTRACT: Ti --7.u tho rs o f t he pvc z-; on t xeport on r'1. :)erl.le'.tal material vli-;Cl ic iii tr~lblo.-. By of a cL ve:;olv~ '00 powor U NOO-30000, do~~eriptt..ion in U! '(-, of t'.1(2 ['otlwaill~; il-lol"opk2". 1.0.-.6: 13b 20,~, 206, '201, ~~iidl 20,11 (T.~Lble 1101'C'ur": 19"'if 11)1), 200, 201, e?O,' lle T'iL~l I i LA Tl 20"' and 205 B-JS~U'tlfl: Bi 209. of Card li3 cwrpariooll !.-lith tll~, of t'10 the Region of the r!2 Proton r-nd .126 Neutron Milgic Numbers 0--., C CU_wu-i~l;, ~-_s e.~. for U Pli 20 4 - C 1 H Pb 206 H,- 199 Cl7H,110, 12' - C141"',902f Hj 204 - C H T1 203 - C H Tl 2---, - C H 16 12' 16 ill lb 13' Bi 209 - C H N The ma--ses for t',,,e v,-_rl~ous 14 13 2* are given up to 6 deciwals, &,t:,~ L_I'iV(M :~;'O uP 'to 3-4 deci.-iials. From mass neasure::icnts V-e nlicloon bond enerjies in the nucleus are calctilated. Tl~e res,,slts obtainQd indicate a olholl struettirt, ~~f t'le with a well-filled, o'ioll of 02 :~-.,nt'ono in,l 126 Tloe difference of 'U~-.e nucleir bond enor,-,*.ir fci, --n evn and odd number of nucleons in t!,,e nucletis smOo+hi-U- Out as the i0 f*ill,:.(] ~11) C.LLI be seen. After the shell is -filled up with 82, and If= 126, the bond enerGy of th--~ next ic hiCher t~~-n t1.1-t of tl,,e nc::,A ~v,)ton. TLe e;!!!v,-1 of ~%Yo bound n(_-.~,Lcons (whicil yield." t1le HC 20A, U is ~-re;~Iter t1lan the encr~;y of ttach!.lent 01, t"vo ,rotons in the ford :.Aion of the Pi) 20ij Card 2/3 tfi-~--nkz Ye.Ye.Ba-roni, T.N.Lebs~,dze, rK. A. '!uclezr 3o d J.n t~-- -oton and 1/56-35-4-13/52 f26 Neutron 1-11-gic Nun'L- SUBMITTED: Kovyrzina and V.M,'Zw,"-.,r& ti;r 4placing the metallographic compounds and the heavy hyclrogert at their diEiposal, and they also express their gratitude to P.S.Brostyuk, g-.1. Dzkuya and G.A.Dorokhova for their practical help. There are 2 figures, 9 tableap and 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. May 17, 1958 Card 3/3 -AUTHORS: Demirkhanov, R. A., Gutkin, T. I., 20-1-L3- -6-141,143 Dorokhov, V. V. V- TITLE: Masses of Lead Isotopes (Massy i--otopov svintsa) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 116, Nr 6, pp. 1103-1104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper reports on the resu of the measuring of itg 207 the masses of load isotopes Pb2o4, Pb 0 1 Pb and Pb2o These measurements were carried out in connection ~-:Lth the determination of the binding energy of the nucleons in a nucleus in the range of the magic numbers 82 and 126 with respect to the protons and with respect to the neutrons, respectively. All this is connected with the necessary exact definition of the mass of the isotope Pb2o8 which is used as base value for the computation of the masses of heavy isotopes with z> 82 K from the data of the nuclear reactions. The measurements were carried out by means of a device dencrib,2d already Card 1/3 earlier by the same authors (ref 1). The dissolvine power .Masses of Lead Isotopes 20-118-6-14/43 of this device amounted in this region to 60,000 - 80,000. In order to increase the accuracy of the measurements the masses of the lead isotopes were determined b~r immediate comparison with the corresponding m ss of hydrocarbon!3 which contain the isotopes H1, C12 and 019. The values obtained he're were controlled by the determination of the mass of the lead isotope from various doublets and by the proluction of lead ions from various compounds. Each value &M of the doublet was determined by treatment of 18-20 mass spectrograms (which w'ere photographed on different plates). The results of the measurements are given in a table. Following is shown by the data of this table! Within the measuring error limits a satisfying "inner" connection exists between the mass vf%lues detected from various doublets. The results found here confirm the absence of systematic measuring faults and the reliability of the data obtained here. Finally the differences between the present measurements and the earlier ones are pointed out Card 2/3 in short. Masses of Lead 18otopes 20-118 -6-14/43 There are 3 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet PRESENTED: September 26, 1957, by L. A. Artsimovich, Member bf the Academy of Sciences /USSR SUBMITTED: July 5, 1957 Card 3/3 210), 2VO 1. V -UT~QHS: Demirkhanov, R. A. , Gutkin, T. I. SOV/56-36-5-62/76 1;orokhov, V. V. .OITLE: The 1-1ass of the Isotope Pu 239 (L,,assa zotopa PU239) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, iir 5, pp 1595-1596 (USSR) ABSTiiACIT: Already in a number of previous papers the authors reported on the mass determinations of lead and uranium isotopes, and they also described the mass-spectrometric devi.ce used for these measurnients (Refs 1 ~ 3, 4). In the present 9, Letter to the Editor" they give a report on measurements carried out with Pu 239 by means of this spectrometer, which has a resolving power of 60,000 - 80,000. Fc-- mass determination double,ts of various organic compounds were used.. which consisted of the already exactly known elements 11, C12 and 0 viz. alizarin (C 14H8 04, M - 240) and perilen (C 20H12 'M - 252). Ion formation occurred in an aro Card 1/3 discharge in helium, the pairs Pu 259 _ organic compound The Mass of the Isotope Pu 239 SOV/56-J-D'-5-62/76 were introduced into the d4-3charge by evaporation f.rom special crucibles. The mass differenoes M of the doublet and the corresponding mass values Of 'LLL ~ are: 239 doublet M&ME] mass of Pu ryil- Fu 239 C 18.448�0-082 2 39.128 922+1)2 14H704 - C19H11 Pu 239 33-447�0-067 239-128695�74 239 Mean value: 239.128784�165 The mass of Pu calculated from nuclear reactions gives 239.128025�155 if a correction of the more accurat-ely known value of Fb 208 is taken into account, and 239-126999�150 if this correction is not taken into account. It is found that the difference of the masSes of PU 239 and U236 calculated according to the authorstdata, when compared with the data obtained from nuclear reaotioni, amounts to only 0.166+o.250 mME, i. e. that it is still within the limits of errors. It is therefore assumed that Card 2/3 the error of -1 mM is due to an inaccurate ~~-value. The Mass of the Isotope Pu 239 SOV/56-36-5-62/76 There are 1 table and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: February 2, 1959 Caxd 3/3 21(8) AU","HORS: Demirkhanov, it. A. , Cutkin, T, -2-16/71 V SOV/20-124 Dorokhov~ V. V. 232 234 235 238 TITLE: The Masses of the Isotopes Th U U and U 232 234 235 238 (Massy izotopov Th U U i U PERIODICAL: Doklady Al:ademii n-,uk SSSR, 101r,')9, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 30-11-303 (USSR) 232 234 235 236 ABSTP=T: Measurement of the masses of Th U U and U made it possible to determine the bindin,-, energy of nucleons in the nuclei *not only of those isotopes but also of manj radioactive isotopes connected with them by the naturally-radioactive series 4n, 4n, + 2 and 4n + 3. The exact masses of theseisotopes have hitherto not been dptermine%Ll by direct nienswroniontz. T1-3 authors determined the masses ot those isotopes by means of an already previously 00f 3) described mass-spectrot',raphical device havin,-1, a resolving power of the order of 6oooo - 70000 - The masses of the isotopes acre determined by diroct comparison with the corre,,:T)ondin7 mass o-1 ortanic com-r-ounds. ThesE~orc,anic comT)ounds contained H .1 9 C and N the masses of which are Card 1/3 known. The Masses of the IsOtopor T11 232 U 2 54, U235 a nd U2 5;j colltl-ol carried cut I(-- 'Gcr~:inin,,~ thc riaso oh' 'U fron the doublo,~ 12 256 12 1 56 "no - mad, C 1 C)I; 1 0-U all- ("loc I "9 -U ij second control -,~-,bhod. Each doublet was ("e",err-ined b,;- the --ilun-tioll 02 1`-- ass (.-,',.ich h,,d bccn photo- ~;:?aphcd On dif, . I %. icsul~z o" measuremento are given t~rC !It, niatosl b:, a table.. '2i.,e m,,t0ses oi Lhe isotope U238, 1-thicl, weredetermined from 2 diffore,,%t doublets, agree ~,,ell aith one another 1'.-ithin the limits o' meajuring errors.. The "mean value" calculated by takiii,- account of weiLht amounts to LI u2,~8=2M.127284 � 35-10 -6 mass units, The mass valuesdeterminedby the present paper are lower than-the corresponding values deternined by nuclear reactions. Also these differences remainwithin the limits of permissible deviations, an excel-tionbein-U formed only by uranium. Card 2,13 The -,lasses of the Isotopes 232 234 235 238 Th U U and U SOV,,120-12,1-2-j6/71 The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baruni and K. A. Kovyrzina for placing heavy hydrogen at their disposal, and they also thard: M. I. Dzkuya, G. A. Dorokhova and P. S. Brostyuk for their active help. ',.'here are 3 tables and 11 references, 6 of ahich are Soviet. IIRE,JE.:iTE;I)- September 26, 10~8, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician SUBMLITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 3/3 -1 -1L S/i2o/60/000/004/01-0/028 E032/Ela4 AUTHORS. Shyuttse, V., Demirldukuov, 1~. A. , Gu t k I 11_~. - Samadashvili. O.A. and Karpenko, I. W, TITLE. A Double Focusing Mass-Spectrograph for the ~!ea-surbment of the Masses of Isotopes PERIODICAL:Pribory I teklinika eksperimenta, 1960, No.4, pp.92-98 TEXT; A description is given of a double-foZLISitlg MaBS spectrograph in which the double focusing condition is obeyed for all mass numbers. The principal ion optical parameters are as follows: ion deflection angle in the eledtric field 31"50', ion deflection angle in the magnetic field 900, radius of curvature in the electric field 51 cm, Owing tq large linear dimensions, high stability of deflecting fields and accurate adjustment, a resolution of 120000 was a---hieved. The corresponding line widths were 1.5 to 2 u~ The disperSlon per 1% of mass was between 0.25 and 2,25 mm. A perituinent magnot is employed so that the same degree of stability is achieved over the whole mass range, The spectrometer is essent3ally of the Mattauch type, as indicated by Fig.1, where 1 is the ion source, 2 is a cylindrical condenser, 3 is the niagriet. 4 is a V~Icuum Card 1/5 S/120 6/000/004/C'10/Q28 E032/E1,14 A Doub:.e Focusing Mass--Spectrograpt, for the Mea stir P-ment of the Masses of Isotopes valve, 5 is the input slit, 6 is a vacuum-tight screen whii.h also serves as the ion current receiver, 7 are slits. 8 is a Faraday cylinder, 9 is a magnetic slit, 10 is in ion--optical (image) converter with a quartz light guide, 11 is the photo- graphic plate holder, 12 are diffusion pumps and 13 is the concrete foundation. The length of the photographic plate is 4oo mm, The input slit is at a distance of 360 mm, from the boundary of the electric field and the distarice between the electric and the magnetic fields is 560 mm. The iori sourze is in the form of a water-cooled gas discharge tube, With an anode voltage of 50 kV and anode--cathode potential difft3rence of 23 kV. the discharge current was 4 to 5 mA, The a -_ c e I _~ r a t ing e I E~,: t r od,~ is earthed and the general arrangement of th, el-_.~trodes ie, indicated in Fig.3. The anode is in the form of a coppe! cylinder with a closed end and a cir-_-ular apcrture &-illed thr,)ugh it. The cathode is in the foym of a steel dis- , having a ~Aiarnel of 0.5 mm in diameter and 8 mm long, rhe fltix of slow -icn-s Card 2/5 57,^-111 S/120/60/000/004/010/u2(l EON/E414 A Double Focusing Ma ss -Spec trograph for the Mea sure me tit of too ~klsses of Isotopes leaving 'this channel is accelerated by a third electrode in the form of a truncated cone and having a 1 fnai diameter aperture. The position of the anode can be varied relative to the cathode. The magnet is such that fields up to 11000 Oe can be produced in a 4 mm gap it is a permanent magnet with Armco-iron poles. The use of a permanent magAet. ensures a high degree of uniformity (A H/H-lo-7). In order to reduce the effect of the fringe field, a special magnetic slit made of high permeaVility material is used (9). AcImowledgments are expressed to E.Goti;uin who took part in the development of the design and to V.F.Moskovskiy iind P.S.Brostyuk for practical assistance. There are 7 figures and 17 refer-ences: I Soviet and 16 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: may 16, 1959 Card 3/5 S/120/60/000/004/0.10/028 E032/E414 A Double Focusing Mass -Spec trowraph for the Measurement of the Masses of Isotopes Card 4/5 Fig.l. :1 .- . ~~. S/120/6'6xft,c)/cO4)'010/02k__ E032/E414 A Double Focusing Mass -Spec trograph for the IN"easi.L-ement of the Masses of Isotopes Ld, -sox$ to Card 515 89257 S/048/61/025/001/023/031 B029 /B063 AUTHORS: Demirkhanov, R. A., 'Gutkin, T. I., Dorokhov, V. V. TITLE: Masses of heavy atome and binding energies of nuclei in the range of 174 -/- M < 239 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 25, no. 1, 1961, 124-129 TEXT: The results of mass-spectrographic measurements of nuclear masses in the range of 1744 M4 239, carried out for a large number of iSOtODes with an accuracy of 1o-7 to 5-1o-7, are presented. The mass spectro-graph with double focusing used for the purpose had a resolutign of 50,000- 80,000. The masses of heavy nuclei were measured b~ the doublet method and with the use of the organic compounds C nHm, Cn c 3HM, CnNmHk0 and CnOmNkHp as standard masses. The question as to whether there is a fine structure in the curve of binding energy in the mass range with A - 200 can only be answered if the accuracy of measurement is improved by one Card 1/10 89257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding S/04a/61/025/001/0;!3/031 B029/BO63 order of magnitude. i.e.. to A MAI 3-10-7, and a discontinuity of -3 Mev in the binding energy can be established with an accuracY of -201,,o' 6 if A M/M ~ 3-10- .The high degree of accuracy with which the dispersion coefficient can now be measured, and the method developed by the authors make it possible to increase the accuracy of measurement in the respective mass range by a factor of 10-50. In many cases, the mass of the isotope was determined from various doublets, i.e., the "inner agreement" was tak- en into account. Table 1 contains the masses of the Re, W, Ta, and lif isotopes and, for comparison, the masses obtained by the mass-spectro- scopic method and nuclear reactions. The masses of Re185V Hf1791 Hf177, and Hf174 were measured for the first time. The mass values of the majority of isotopes measured by the authors are higher than those obtain- ed in Refs. 8 and 9. This is obviously due to the fact that a defective standard mass had been used. A comparison of the present data with similar values obtained by other methods is of particular interest. The results of the present paper are compared in Table 2 with those of other papers. They agree with those published by W. H. Johnson and V. B. Bhahat Card 2/ 10 89257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding ... S/048/61/025/001/023/031 B029/bO63 (Ref. 17) within the limits of error, but differ from the results obtained from nuclear reactions by about the double error. According to what has been said above, the Q values for the reactions Hfl77(y,n)Hfl76 and Hf179(j,n)Hf178 are probably erroneous, or the limits of error in the determination of the q values of these reactions must be increased two or three times. The nuclear masses of 42 stable isotopes measured by the authors were then used to determine E/A as a function of A (per nucleon) within the range 174 4 M ( 210 (cf. Fig.). In addition, the binding energies of 66 radioactive nuclei were calculated. Table 3 contains the binding energies B n of the last neutron and BP of the last proton, and also the pairing energies P n and Pp of the neutrons and pro- tons, respectively, for the Hf, Tav W, and Re isotopes. On the strength of these measurements it is possible to establish some rules concerning nuclear energies. The nucleus has a shell structure, and the shell is completely filled at Z . 82 and N - 126. In the case of nuclei with odd A, the binding energy is always lower than in the case of nuclei with even A. At equal values of Z, the shell structure may be derived also Card 3/10 89257 Masses of heavy atoms and binding ... S/04 61/025/001/023/031 B029YB063 from the mutual behavior of the (Z+l)th proton and the (N+I)th neutron (Z - 82, N - 126). The binding energy of the last neutron or prDton satisfies the law of conservation of parity. The authors thank Ye. Ye. Baroni and his co-workers K. A. Kovyrsina and V. M. Soyfer for several preparations, as well as M. I. Dzkuya and G. A. Dorokhova for assistance. This is the reproduction of a lecture read at the Tenth All-Union Con- ference on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Moscow, January 19-27, 1960. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 21 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 13 non-Soviet- bloc. Card 4/10 DEMIRYJbV40V, R.A.; GUTKIN, T.I.; SAHADASHVILI, O.A.; KARPENHO, I.K. Mass measurements of tin and antimony isotopes. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.7:871-873 Jl 161. (MIRA 1-4:7) (Mass spectrometry) (Tin--Isotopes) (Antimony"Isotopes) U~r~VrW- L 10814-63 Ew(;~)/EW~k)~BDS/EEC(b)-2/ES(w)-2-,-AFFTC/ASD/ESD,!7~/ SSD--Pz--4/1 4 Fi-1 I ACOMION HR: AP3000007 SAM/63/033/005/0544/0549 AUMOR: Demirkhanov, R. A. Gutkin, To I*: Soldstenkov, T. Rp .3 Y1, TIME: Containment of partihIes In a fluted-system with current SOURCE: zhuxnal tekhnicheakoy fizlkl,, v. 3% no. 5, 1963, 544-549 TOPIC TAGS: plasma containment,, fluted tic field*, toroidal drilt ABSTRACT: Drift equations a" used to 4vacrIbe the notion of, a PCItiele in a fluted m tic fteld, with longitudinal current taken into account. T-aylindrical rether 'than a toroidal coordinate system is used, permittilos simplification of the analysis., as drift angle can be considered the some in both toroidal and cylindrical systems, It Is shown that under certain A conditions of current,, magnetic field modulation, end periodicity, resonance particles which lead to Increased losses can be eliminated In a closed. system vith a'fluted magnetic field by a longitudinal current along thou, axis; charge sepaxation and toroidal drift of particles to the valls are thereby pxevented, Card 1/2 ACOMIM MR: AP30MOOT Both high- and low-velocity particles am affected, and the contAining properties of the system are considerably Increased. 113h conclusim the auftore ImWess their thanks to A. G. Kirov for his repeated and usertd djecuosims." OrIg. art. has: 29 equatiouse ASSOCIATICHi Fiziko-tekfinicheakiy institut AN Gruzii2skoy SSR Bukhumi (MME&C-10 technical Institute AN GruzWkoy R) SUBM3=: 2LTmi6P- DILTE AM 'I 24P-63 MICL: 00 SUB CCDEt FH,SD NO MW SOV 1 003 COSER: 000 MCGAAA;-- Card :ACCESSION XR: AP4013412 8/0037/64/'034/002/0266/0268 1~ AUTHOR: Demirkhanov, R.A.; Gutkin, T.I.; Soldatenkov, T.R. TITLE: On the equilibrium of a plasma in a spatially periodic magnotic field ~SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhn.fiz.,v.34, no.2, 1964, 266-268 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, magnetic field, periodic magnetic field, plasma equilibrium '~.,megnetohydrodynamics, pinch, linear pinch, resonance particles :ABSTRACT: A solution of the magnetohydrodynamic equations is obtained which des- Cribes an equilibrium state of a plasma filament in aspatially periodic magnetic field. Such a solution is considered to be of interest because it has x*cently been shown that the resonance particles that occur in these systems can be removed by means ol a longitudinal current (R.A.Demirkhanov, T.I.Gutkin, T.R.Soldp-tcnkov,ZhTF, 33,544,1963). The solution.was obtained with the aid of an equntion derived by R. LUst and A.SchAter (Zo.Astrophys.38,190,1955) and under the assumption that ~both the current and the pressure gradient are proportional to the magnetic flux. For a i;ertain value of the longitudinal current, the periodicity of the magnetic field in. the solution obtained disappears, and the solution reduces to that for a linear Card 1/2 ,-'ACG=I0R M AA01AM .!pinch. When the longitudinal current vanishes, the solution reduces to cne jiven ;by Lust and Schluter (1oc&c1t*)- 14 formulas* !ASSOCIATION; none SUBMITTED: 3lJan63. DATE ACQ: 26F*b64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH -NR REY BOV: 003 MXR: 001 2/2 Card ACCESSION NR: AP4020571 S/0057/64/034/00:3/0448/0453 AIMHOR: Berezin,Yu.A.; Gutkin,T.I.; Lozovskiy,S.N.; Soldatenkov,T.R. TITLE: Interaction of a plasma with high frequency fields in the presence of a constant uniform magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.3, 1964, 448-453 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma In alternating field, extraordinary wave, plasma in mi- crowave field, skin effect ABSTRACT: The interaction of an axially symmetric plasma in a uniform longitudinal na-netic field with an axially symmetric high frequency electromagnetic field is discussed theoretically. The high frequency field is assumed to consist of a longi- tudinal magnetic field and a transverse electric field (extraordinary wave). The case of a longitudinal high frequency electric field and an azimuthal magnetic field has been previously discussed by others (II.A.Boat, S.A.Self and R.D.R.Shersby-Harvie6 j.Elec.Cantr.,5,435,1958; E.S.Woibel,lbid.5,435,1958). The motion of the ions and cloctrons is saparated into a rapid component having the frequency of the applied alternating liald and the slow component that remains after averaging over a period Card 1/3 ACC.NR: AP4020571 of the alternating field. The system is described by the two-fluid hydrodynamic equations and Maxwell's equations. Longitudinal and transverse temperatures and pressures are diLl~nguished. In the "zeroth approximation", quasineutrality is as- sumed and the non-1 ''near hydrodynamic terms, the-pressure gradients, and the Lorentz forces due to the magn..~tic component of the variable field are neglected. To these zeroth approximation --juations is adjoined the sum of the "first approximation" eq- uation3 of motion averaged over a pericKI of the high frequency field. From the re- sulting equations the partele velocities and two of the three components of the al- ternating field are eliminated. Two differential equations are thus obtained for the plasma density and the azimuthal electric field as functions of the dista:nce from the symmetry axis. These equations were integrated numerically for several values of the parameters, and some of the results are presented graphically. There are two resonant frequencies. For sufficiently dense plasmas these frequencies are approxi- mately the Langmuir frequency and the geometric mean of the ion and electron Larmor frequencies. When the frequency of the applied field is larger than the mean Larmor frequency, the plasma density increases and the alternating field decre-ases with ap- proach to the symmetry axis. The mathematical simplification that results when the skin penetration depth is small compared with the radius of the plasmi filament is, discussed briefly. When the applied frequency is smaller than the jagan Larmor Card 2/3 `-CC.Wj1. AP4020571 frequency, the extrac)-rdinary wave penetrates the plasma. In this case the azimuthal electric field amplitude is an oscillatory function of distance from the axis, and the plasma density increases, with supurposed oscillatinns, as the distance from the axis is increased. The criterion for the validity of the approximations employed is that tho aloctron volocity be small comptirod with the product of the frequency of 'Lho applied field and a characteristic length which may be either the skin penctra- tion depth or the wavelength. "In conclusion the authors express their atitude to R.A.Demirkhanov for his interest in the work and for discussions." 20 formulas and 4 figures. ASSCCIATION: none SUB14ITTED: 3lJan63 SUB CODE: PH Card 3/3 DITE ACQ: 3111ar64 MR REF SOV:'003 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 MKOIJULIVaKiyy 1.11 inzh,,, GIJTKIN, V., inzh.; SAVCHENKO, A., inzh, Rnsiatance of the base circuit. Radio no,.7:41-45 JI i63. (IlaRA 1-5;7) (TranBistors) GUTKTN, V.. student IV kursa. (Moskva) In vivo deto!rwinntion of chromatophil subntnnre of the nerve cellos Arkh.pFkt. 18 no.2:113-115 156 01M 11:10) 1e Is nauchnogo kruzhka knfedry patologicheakoy anntomiJ. I Moskovskogo ordena Loninn meditainakogo InRtitutn imani I.M. Sechenna. (NERVES, anatomy nnd histology, chromotophil substance, vitnl determ. (Rue))) SOV/112-59-24-49887 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Elekt-.-otekhnika, 1959, Nr 24, p 98 (USSR) AUTHOR: Gutkin, V.G. TITLE: Electroerosional Rough and Finishing Maethining of Metals PERIODICAL: V sb.: Elektr. i ultrazvuk. metody obrabotki materialov. Lenin- grad, Lenizdat, 1958, pp 65 - 98 ABSTRACT: A series of machinesokfor rough and finishing electrospark machining is described. As a power source for high productive and rough machining a welding convertor PS-100 is used, which is connected to electrodes through a valve. This power source is used in a universal broaching installation IP-1 and in a broaching machine EIP-1 for broaching narrow slots 1 x 3 x 28 mm and holes of 3.2 mmi in diameter in flat Nichrome resistors. Electric and kinematic diagrams of machines are supplied. The automatic control of the electrode-tool feed is achieved by a system of polarized relays which operate at corresponding relations between work Card 1A current and voltage on electrodes. The necessary operatione-1 SOV/112-59-24-it9887 Electroerosional, Rough and Finishing Ma6hining of Metals conditions of the servomotor of regulator are secured by switching over the relay contacts. The electric circuit diagram of EP-5M Installation for broaching spray bores in nozzles and sprayers of diesels is given. A capacitor circuit serves as a power source. To eliminate -the conicity of the sprayer bore the electrode enters the inner cavity until it contacts the inside opposite cavity wall. The travel of electrode is limited by a system of con- secutively operating relays. Installations for marking parts of the UK-1 and UK-2 -types are described. Alternating current of 220 volts issupplied to electrodes of UK-1 and direct current of 36 volts to electrodes of UK-2. The efficiency of installations is 4,000 - 14,000 marks per shift. A method of applying drawings and inscriptions to metal is described. The frequency of discharges is controlled by a photocell on which falls the light reflected by the copied image. The image scanning is achieved by deflection of the photocell and wire over the scan. The kinematic and electric diagrams of a letter-printing apparatus designed for marking parts with complex marks are given. A motion along a certain trajectory is imparted to th,:.~ electrode-tool. 'The discharge circuit is connected to electrodes through an interrupter, oon- Card 2/3 SOV/112-59-24-49887 Ele~ftroerosional Rough and Finishing MaChining of Metals sislElipg of a rotating brush and a fixed collector. DependIng on -the combi- nation of segment connections a certain mark is reproduced on the part. A combination of collector segment connections Is achieved by means of a relay sir_-uit, Impressing ordinall zrambers on the parts :~an be performed with s-oe:dal au-tomatic counters. Aj.,K, Card 3/3 VALITICIV, P Wrazhid fAukhamed-Zakirovich; red. GUTKIN, _Y. CNew dovices fcr Uie of the tni, of met,al-11C and nonmetallic coatinlgsl 7-1'.u;~;e C.11.% Kontr~-,'!4a j, GITTKIN, V*I* Eii~ct of pancreatectomy on acetylcholine sTnthesis in the nervous tissue of frogs. Fiziol. zhur. 49 no.8:990-993 Ag '63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii I-go Neditsinskogo insti- tuta imeni Pavlova, Leningrad. GOLIDINA, B.G.; GUTIKIN, V.S.; KEYUCHKOVA, G.S.; SAVCHENKO, YeX. Pathological anatomical data on the use of suturing apparatus from the Research Institute for Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instruments in the clinic. Trudy NIIEKHAI no.5:55-64 161. MRA 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut eksperimentallnoy khirurgai- cheskoy apparatury i Instrumertov. (SUTURES) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) GUTKIN, V.S. '', E~tlons following experimental surgery ustng artificial Comp L. L blood circulation. Eksp. khir. i anest. 8 no.5-87-90 S-D 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Patomorfologicheakaya laboratoriya (-,av.-kand. med. nauk B.G. Golldina) meditsinskogo otdela (zav.- prof. A.M. Geselevich) Nauchno-issledovatell-skogo instituta eksperimentallnoy khirurgichoskoy apparatury i Anotrumentov (direktor M.G. Anantyev) Ministerstva Wravookhraneniya SSSR. GLADKOVSKIY, A.K.; GUTKIN, Ye.S. Again on the age of igneous rocks of the central region of the Turgai Gates. Dokl.AH SSSR 96 no.1:147-149 My '54. (NLRA 7:5) 1. Urallskiy gosudaretvannyy universitat im. A.H.Gorikago. Prodstayleno akademikom I.S.Shatakim. (Turgai Gates-Rocks, Igneous) (Rocks, Igneous-Turgai Gates) USSR/ Geology Turgelsk plain Card 1/1 Pub- 46 - 9/21 Authors I Glodkovskiy,IA. K., and Gutkin, Ye. S. Title t Volcanic rocks of the central part of the Turgaisk plain Nriodical t Izv. Arl SSSR. Ser. geol. 1. 10.5-113, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract I In the article the author evaluates the data from the Btudy of volcanic rocks of the Turgaisk plain and their weatherea crusts. Am-)nB the effusive rocks by their chemico-mineral cojiposition the author distin- guishes paleobasolts, paleobasaltine porphyrites and microporphyrites, dolerites and even liparitic porphyrites. On the basis of the study of Triassic-Jurassic continental deposits containint, the rubble of the erupted rocks, conclusions are drawn about the Paleo%oic rather than the Mesozoic era of the effusive rocks of the central part of the Turray plain. Eight USSR references (l9j4-1952)- Illustrations; drawings; tables. Institution t ..... Submitted : August-24. 1953 AUTHOR: Cutkin, Ye.S.Yand Antropov, B.G. 132-12-9/12 TITLE: About Measures to Be Taken Against Well Deviation at Shot Drill- ing (K voprosu o merakh bor'by s iskrivleniyom skvazhin pri drobovom burenii) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1957, # 129 P 56-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To overcome well deviation at shot drilling, the Cheremukhovo Geologic Prospecting Team conducted experiments at north Ural bauxite deposits. By changing the direction of rotation, the angles of deviation were reduced and drilling efficiency in- creased. The article contains a'.table showing comparative data of drilling operations in two and one directions. There are 2 diagrams, 1 table and 3 references, all Slavic (Russian). ASSOCIATION: North Ural Bauxite Expedition (Saverourallskaya boksitovaya ekspeditsiya). AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 1/1 GUTKIN. Ye.S. Dickite in Severourallsk bauxiteg. Zap. Voes. min. ob-va 87 no-5-.614-617 *,1.18. (MIRA 12:1) (SeverouralOok-Bauxite) (Severourallsk--Dickite) ATAYEV, A. Ya. ; GIP. K IN, Ye. S. Bauxite potential of the Devonian oodimonts in bho Northern Urals Fwith summary in English]. Sov. geol. 3 no.10:73-80 0'60. ((MIRA 111:10) 1. Severotirallskaya boksitovaya ekspeditsiya. (Ural Mountains-Bauxita)