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December 31, 1967
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R., I
rx i na; --)r n w
WRA 11,338)
AUTHORS: Zainyatnin, Yu. S., Gutnikova, Ye.K., Ivanova, N. 1., 89-12-8129
Safina, 1. N.,
TITLE: Secondary Neutron Spectra Developing in Connection with Neutrons
Passing Through Layers of Various 4aterials(Spektry vtorichnykh
neytronov obrazuyushch*khsya pri prokhozhdenii neytronov cherez
sloi razlichnykh ve8liellestv)
PhAtIULICAL: Atomnaya Energiya, 1957, Vol. 3, Nr 12, PP. 5110-541 (USSIO
ABSTRACT; The T(dn)He4 reaction is used as source of neutrons. The core
photo plates Ilford C-2 and NIKFI "K" are used as neutron detect-
or. (Thickness of layer about loo/O-). The source of neutrons is
surrounded by a spheric layer of the material to be investigated
-thickness "1/3/~-- The photo plates are put up at a distance of
112i~4R (R- exterior radius of the sphere) -E//T
Tile parameter T from the energy distribution F(E)- C.E.e
is given as measure for theVnelastic interqction of 14 MeV neut-
rons with different cores.
The b1bwing values were measured:
Isotope T Isotope T
U6 0,78�-0,8 CU65 0,76+o,o6
Card 1/2 Li7 0,80+0,08 M096 o,65+0,o6
Secondary Veutron Spectra Developping in Connection with N,.-utrona 89-12-8/29
Pas.jing Through Layers of Various Raterials.
Be9 0,7010,07 Cd'12 o,62+o,05
Bil o,75+0,10 Sb122 o,6o+o,o6
C12 o,82+o,oB W184 0,62+o,o8
M924 0,98+0,08 Hg2ol o,60+0,05
A127 1,13�0,08 Pb207 ot73�o,o5
Fe56 0,7o-+o,o7 Bi209 O'qo~+0'08
There are I table, 2 figures and 6 references, 1 of which is
SUBLITTTED; July 2o, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Yt~.:% , ~Infina, I.N. , Gt)tnikovn, fe.K. 8c)-It-11
Pij-'~.,ittccu Ou -itio tile of 11;
%-.)f' Pissionable Material, (Spektry neytronov,
-h --
'11, NLCv ch,~rcn 3101 1.:~1Yaihc-hikhnya venholic3tv)
195,",, Vol. It, lir Ii, -pr. 337-31
1~.. !1 thmu,-41 Lhin )-ayers Of Th
0218 and 'j.11 sc(,ondarrv neutrons are forlmed. The cn-
(ii. !:hese ncutyons is recorded cn photo plates I P11 -d C,' 2r nrj
NiKr,i-K t1irget, which wns bcnbarded
rt, a nelu!Tm sourr. C-.
It thit 'he spp,~tm of mcrond.Ri:i neutrcnm, vihie~h f c nn
i n s, illvcz-,-~Spited , rmsist of tv) compon, ntq , vi~ . f-he
rnd the srallatJon ncutronn.
th~-- w~birs wcrf-- frurid-
Card 1/2
"r I wli -1 h 2cs (-f
Thr-tv-h i, Lrtyi~r of Fionionable Mat--rial
I*C.,3 tt
of )f if th--
0011rcot":d) rucIcus in finrmcntn in
V' ev "'.0"
T02 23 0.06 (:,54 + '_.'.(,5 1,2
- "Z -
0,55 + 0,10
1 , T, +(?,c)8
jj275 0 , 68 4 o.o6 0,40 + 0,05 1,05 -0,n6
U23R C. '!"?+ CX5 .0 + 0 f.'.-5 1 .25 +0.15
r"O .72 + 01 10 0,53 + o,r;6 1,25 +0 08
Pre 6 fli5v"Zrs, 1 tablc, c-ad 7 rcfercnces, 3 cf which rtm
7, 1957
1. 'N&Jtrons--M~~d9t'.r,,i 2. lieu trons--Sources
jyj g/ 2
L 19013-w65__ EWT(1)/F-NC(b)-2/M4.k(h) I Ie b
ACCESSION "11 AP4049047-
AMOR: Xhudyakova, L.N. Gutnikova, Ye. K. Taras6va, L.V.
TITIX: The harv.4 component of the radiation from a puls6d x-ray ti
SOURCE: Zhurnal telchnicheskoy fiziki, v.341,,no.'11. 1964 20,14-4047'
TOPIC TAGS: x-ray omission, x-ray tube, pulsed radiation, hard plhd~on contrib~xtlion-
high energy electron
A13STRACT: The radiation from a pulsed x-ray tube of special desig~n was examin~!d
and the presence of an ultrahard component wis established; 01a quimituta energ~,'Of
this component considerably exceeded the~maximum to be expectt~d on I:tl,.e baoia oi
the applied potential. The design of the x-ray tute 'Is Oescriliad iz-fmora deta~~,l
clsowhero (N.B.Zelonsiciy, I.A.Troshkin and V.A. Tsulwrman,M3 :t;, 140, IW3). ~ I't:, con-4.
sists of a tungsten "needle" anode within and pro,,ecting.5 mr~~behGn4 hollow doni-
cal cathode which terminates in a cylindrical portion. The :elelcitro~6s; are contained
in a 3.5 cm. diameter IS cm.loag glass tubo. The tuba is pmfardd by. a pulso ralls-
former that delivers 350 IN pulses of 1.5 microsee duration. 111he
tial of the working gap is approximately 200 IN. The x-rays wore investigated by
1 19013-65
absorption in lead and by means of the Compton recoil tracIm iii ..thidl; ~:nuel ear mul-I
sions. The absorption measurements were performed-with plastid~,Acintillators and
photomultipliors. A complete absorption curve (up to 4 points).~ ~vas el)Azained at