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T I fig botlins el I e It c 'Pil ro s s s 1.4 c t na A r e e a t :a C ? -, 0 1- t. 1: d -1 rig e am Ig t. IR *a 1~ s 13) 1. ~,M".es S G rl.~; The '11AI:r I - a I.,., r. I . it ~L- -A 11 11 1 i let i~t ~Fl "Id V, ~-w ~i4 ~tflrLi 7W I e'rtta-I r-,t-ci3rt ue-- 41 4 C; r..:- r ip mu c s rm q~ a s 'll U 4A I Physic;u) P4. till LU ti- 19 SHEMILPIC) VJI.,- IOFFE 811..L.~ dokt.or fiz..-matem. nauk, otv. (Resonance states of elementary particles) RazonanoWe sostoianiia elementarrWkli chastits. Mosk-vaj, MI SSSR, 1965. 186 p. (MIKA 18:11) M~~! Uml Yll O!n,d th,a prodj~~L4_on j-.)1' jii:; 1 ~p - 1! 1 1 6 vt FI i t h t3 I r prob Ab 11 1.1 t,,y r m I i I al t 1, 1- i p (13- 4 ~rpo t at rs 14 -s 1; h lid wi ntmt; . I : . - I : - - I I . I I' - - 1: , I 11 - 7 - . , . : 4 1 ; 1 , '. , :' , -, If: ~flj whAy -lilld " $ f3 - 17 -f ;.: 11 t I .~ ': . ~-l r 12 i - 1. ..'r :,,~ :,," %.-It. V., memon al; ~I,Vv I !-']( 1. , I ~he fo nesoll at 1.2.` j-o ii nat a ,Lai t ary s lr.~ti e L, (ItaV E!:,, rlme J o~_ ditnee for ex4 pq[td n .9 1 .ap )UALy and A,. SIMMA ?or itacurs_ )Iir 0 )LI! IL t ;q ..N,,*j., X-1 B o::1 )j" v K ~ H , 11 .!, V : ^,~ !,~ i "Uh. Im R wwh~ ... i I'll - '' Im I "I L 140?2=66 EWT(m)/T., 0 SOU= CODE: UR/311 Is ACC.NR: AT6002499 AUTHOR: Gribov, V. N.; Zoffa, D. 16 ORG: none TITLE: Effective distances of high a Victions 4orgy bite it ii SOURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy koinftet. po' Ispollwovapniyu 41 noy~ 1~e#ieri, ~titltLt teareticheskay i eksperi iki. W~lady, n6 i - 35% Mentallnoy fiz toyaniyakh proiskhodit waimodaystviye pri v~sokikh ei.,%~~,~h? i's .7 TOPIC TAGS: plon scattering, proton scattering* scatter!411~ ~e,~tidn, I.Crosla on ~p proton interaction /9, 'ABSTRACT: The authors consider %-P iscaiterin iwan attoi~vii-~, 0~el~ine til c at e A68 tances necessary for elastic and inelastic a itiving; Tb p s section for the pro6Mon of soft quanta in 'a given lnter4khtlom', 4 studiZ111 to nd 1* .- a out whether the scattering amplitude depends on the masses~ i t. th aittared! j cles. Theoret.eal fbmulas are given for:scattering cross tacti-, and'ex 10wedlts:; :am proposed for verification of these formulas. Coincl&0~ beili4q,"n e rtentil 'Card 1/2 a sIP113-mm- Pammm WJIUM' IS CUITOY 31"Iet-L& IIII&CZ90-1 ~y j -qtj#& md fbr quark-quai,)"' 6ca. OLI 4 wltvw~t ~~qtic maj'Aarity. "Ilho V authors ar" deeply p~-stel'113 t'Q V. PI. Gri. anj K. A. Tor -Marti roaYarVTnP ion and valuable advice," ASSOCUTY? Pbdoraoy fiziki Akad4mii UaUk SSSR (DePar e ye Phyttlca, Academy of ScienceSOSIR) J lip ';QOS so 000 F1 I L 20952-66 ~MT(m)/T I. ACCNR: AP6005875 SOURCE COM OT16 UR/0~0? MW AUTHORS: G,riboy, N. Iof fe4 B. L.; Pg me _rand uk ORG: Institute of Theoretical and Experimental:: I liyst'iii'~ 6KIAE ticheskoy I e sperl (Instifut teore mentaPnoy, rizi, Ph.voicotechnical Institute M. ftofaf~l~ ;A' (Fiziko--tekhnicheskly institut Akademli in =uk S 8, 100 1TITLE: What is the range of interaction s a~~ hi'f enoj~glds? -.SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 2- no. 4, F1965'~ 764~77~ TOPIG TAGS: .'strong nuclear-interaction., high OpOrgy,! qteraction~ pion scattering, pion proton-interaction, pr6toil 'cat, en! -i q ;~Irlng argr. ss section iscattering,-.differential cro, 'ABSTRACT: The authors analyze the behavior of:alln~ucll r inter ti n llat4nce In-: S uch as the scattering of pions by,nucleons,:.wh6r,;tW 'which the interaction occurs approaches'zero. iii~isj! rs It t~ati :;the distance can approach zero -in 'different wayb!~ and O'~n fi ~Ilepehding;on the mianner in which the particles approach, andlhat!~ . i'a forwarli smbd?, k QW4 1/3 Hd: L ~20952-66 ACC.NR: AP6005875 tering amplitude may or may not depend on the ,;be, scat ~,el'rz O,tbeor at be particle at high energies. Altbough; n ~rl;;ument8:. 1, ii, I ads advanced in favor of either possibill ty, the t3e:c') id opsibi -~a to highly interesting physical. conclusions, n-d lie NU1;b6,x!s sh )W:, hat i actAh I I i,- W1 th esE it can be.checked experimentally at energie;. i? Va nt accelerators. Specifically, it can bia AscekairWd w-'.~efhe'r or~~ lot the ~at high~ener t scatteringamplitud& gies depends on;the' infRoses lof Scs - - tered particles by studying the differential clri6! M3. lbri ' fo;L, I production of softy quanta accompanying a 1) rie:and iftdr ty b~ f in fact, the emission of soft quanta oc ours. ~Jnaljri' S ATIO t~ emissibh' ot the scattering process, and the crossis6ation 1~i such quanta can be expressed in terms:Of tht:, Sq- tter!: nJ~' amplit~ide'19 lIf experiment shows that the region of:applicabl'il~Lt.Vil~:),I-"'tl)e ukiall Iformulas for this emission of #y quanta.dearbase, 41t ~di Lfiereas.1 ig -jenergy of the incident particle, this prove$ th t: thiq' ~q"-f.P~cti~j ldnglie.- I tudinal distance at which interaction odcur6 at' igl~,~: ie'rgy Abp~,dsesl a$ gre-~ with iwith increasing energy. If the experimental d ddlh)t a the theoretical predictions., then, it~ can be*',ao6b11'AdeA that eithlet, tfie~- i.effective distance for elastic., scatterling o~ t & Alve re Lori for' , j -him -L 21803-66. EWT(m)- DIAAP AP6012190 80u=' )0 1.3/c w 00M., 3/008A iAUTHOR: shteynp~A. none ORG. + TIME: Check on T-4nvariance,.in the 3c e~ ;+,V: + 71 SOURCE: Zhurnal e izi r4 Pi I'm: Y re ksperimentallnoVA teoretichesk4y f ~redi Lei u Prilozheniye., v- 3,, no. 8 1966 P 1~333-~36. TOPIC TAGS:_ parity principlep pion Gams, radidtioni, nO P, emission, probabilit-y~ ABSTRACT: 11be'authors consider a asible 6he-6 Ott Jje~~ *an 'b' 0:0411' !Ct, et Bernstein et al. (Pbys. Rev* Vo 139 B, 1650m IC '1965).. that!! n aal ~ 'tions+of Vrona are -not invariant under time reversaij i tbe.Ta iative jiibn (be- ie4 cay ir - e + v + 7, by observing the polarization of tb;; ttO~. - A tb4 ti6ai analysis of thia decay was presented by olne:of the authoti th"Te, (1061 with A V. G. Vaks,,, ZhL-ZF vv "1 221# y W~is* is 3 e L"l: 1i 1958). A queaft 0 a iT-invariance holds and complex If not: If 100%, ~kou' tiott W~arllance: plarn, the real -and imaginary parts shoulo an'Cl. X. b saaw I P be the pression is derived for the differential and integ3At 10 ..X An ex b~bV_ity let + v + y decay with emission of a plane-p6larized qw*! fa~ghown;tlat ~:~,,Card ACC NRi AP7013699 SOURCE MDEt I)il/036r'/67rGO5j~OU,2/a367/039 AUTHOR: GrIbov, V. N.;-Ioffe, B. L.; Shekhter, V. M. ORG: Physics-Ehgincering Institute Im. A. F. IWO, AN SSSR (Miko-takhnichaskly Institut AN SSSR) ilTLE: Isovector current conservation and relations for~elvctromaanoticI amplitudes SOURCE: Yadernaya Mike, ve 59 no* 29 19679 387-398 TOPIC.TAGSs loptong vector mason, nucleon,, particle scaior, oarticle Interaction, scattering amplitWe, electromagnetic ps"arty, Wron SUB CODE: 20 f atter n6 A7 relatidri b;a'twie~ tfiG amplitildi for", ABSTMCT; and -a leDton pair (or a hypothetical Vector meSon), on aZU01eOn o'conservation of the-vector nucleon vertex is derived, assUMing 4,h I in the strong interactions.. Vhe neaning Of .0urre-,It with isospin by considering Fe~n~ araphs. The suoh an equality is clarified cabibbo-Radicati sum. rule for the electromagnetic charaeveristics~ fev limit if a of hadrons is obtained in the zero momentum trsns& Ithout subtraption.. Pspersion relation with respont to the energy V Card 1/2 - -- - --, --- -, - ACC NRs AP7013699, - - - ---- - - -- - - --, - - -- -.-- U. El. USSR/Medicine Roentgenology FD 218 Card 1/1 Author Gincherman, Ye. Z.; loffe, B. M. Title Roentgenotherapy of thyro-intoxication Periodical Vest. Rent. i Rad. 67-73, Mar/Apr 1954 Abstract Roentgenotherapy is an effective means of treiting thyro-Intoxicition. In a number of cases, the first treatment was effecti.vo.) while in others, as many as four courses of X-ray radiati .on were necessary, depend- ing. on the form of thyro-intoxication. Preliminary treatment with micko- d s of iodine increases the effectiveness of the roentgenotherapy. _ Lo2p Eleven references. Institution Polyclinical Division (Chief --Professor I. B. Khavin) All-Union In;.- stitute of Experimental Endocrinolog3r'(Director'- Pfofessor Ye. A. Vasyukova). rom, B.M.; TMKINA$ T,N.; TAMPA,, TA, Iffect of roentgen Irradiation of the brain an glreemla, on glyw And ao~urla In experimental dfiibetes. Tejjt.rqnt.j. rad. .49 Ja-F 42 '55. XM 8:5) -10 -h Otdola patofisiologli (Bav. Prof. SAUrte4): Tesiq=WWO inmtituta eksper1z*nt&11niW 610dakrinolojii Wr.PV4.yeii.vaiq~~)*i Ormus OMM, experimental. 70ff'.Of X-irratUtion of brain an bloodA urine puggr) (BRAW: - -effect' of radiation$ on. x-ray#. blood & vwjrA'gjC&r in exper..dtibtee) (ROUTOW DAYS, aff' ft brain blo4 & urine sW&r T&I~j&jjong diabete 'Ai 51 - ., mvetz t Y ii:di Aadq, lofby ift I I a .1&4,1 J ~ivaA4! , '' , -.:Id ill 71.%, ot dt-t-'a ~j fIll-L aa .: .!, i " ". -- I I - - t, ~, :11z - 111 ! , rf- - ijtj-rj,,r v,~I . . . rl I I I ~ - I - Cowitry USSR Category: Human and =0. Morpholoa;y (Nornal and Patholoeical) Pathological Iaiatm:W. Abs jour: F=iol., No 2, 15959, No 7644 1~ -uthor : Sokolov, D.D.; loffe, B.M. Inet : - _.dwM-kAw---d Title : On the Problem of Syndrome of Fibrous %raplasia of Bones WIth Enrly Sexual Maturity and Skin Pigmentation Orig Pub.- Probl. endolkr).nol- i gormonoterapii, 1955, No 6, 88-92 Abstract: A description of tvo cases of early saxual~vaturity of girls accaLypanied by rALItiple injurics of skale- tal bones in combination Vith pigraent &pot-*, of the skin. The affection of the bones consistsAn. fibrous dysplasia in irhich the norml osteogancs-iastops at Card 1/2 s-43 Ims. B.M. (Moskva) Pasumorenoentgenography in diagnosis of adrevial -tumors Probleendok i gorm. 2 no-5:90-94 8,60 156a (MMA 9: X2) 1, Is klinicheskogo (save prof o Yeeketasynkova). i Po'llklIalchawop; (zav., - prof. 1.2.lbavip) otaslov U660YUSAO&O t~stit~t* Qlc*P*A6*,U:, tallnov andokrinologil (air. - prof, ToJeTanyukova) (ADPXNAL,GIANDS, neoplasms. diig'e, pneumorenorgentgenograpbF (Us)) I t maditainskikh rank; ZAKHARYOMWA, A.A., Icandidat jA..~and da inskikh nank (Koakva). MeUto Iffact of roontganotherapy of the intermodiob"ophyseal region on. urinary 17-ketosteroida and oorticonteroids in Itsonkb-Cuohing syndrome. Probl. eadok, I gorm, 2 no.6:12-19 N-b 056., (MLVA 10s2) 1. Is kliniki Vaesoyusnogo inatituta eksperizentallnoy andblaino2ogil (dir. Prof. To. A.? Vasyvkov4). (CUSHIIFG STSMOM, therapy, x-ray, off. on urine 17-ketooteroids & adrevAl cortex hormones (Bu)) (MIOTHAWY. in various diseases. Cushing synd..' off, on urlwy 17-katosteroide & Adrolua cortex hormones Dan)) (SM011S. in Urine, 17-keto, off. of x-ray ther. of Cashing synd. (]be)) (ADR&NAL COB= HORNOM. In urine. off. of x-ray ther. of Cushing synd.. (Pasj), 1 711 LUSHNIKOV, Ye.S.; IOFTA, B.H. Role of Tn"tra-peritoneal injection of gas in diagnosing adrenal fumore [with summary in Inglish]. Nksper.kbir. 3 no.1:52-55 Ja-F 058. (KIRA 11:2), 1. Is Gosudare tvannogo nauchno-issledovatellsir 4OU6- ,pgo institute rem,+ logii I radiologii (dire I.O.Isguno") i Vaesoyusnogo instituta, okeperimentalluoy Ondok-rinologit (dire TeOA*Va$yukoVa) (PUNUMOMITOMM, ARTIFICIAL, in vario'us dAe# petropneum eritoneum in cancer of Odrenm:l glands, Mag.; v s lue (Rusl) (ADRUNAL GIAMS, neoplasms diag. value of retropnmuxoperitoneu~t (Run)) q 10 FE x B. M,- SANTOTSK17rx M. I. (MoskvgL) Roentgenographic repreeentation.of the dynamics of restorative changes in the skeleton in byperparatl7roid oatoodystr .qptq following ajtir ery, Probl. endok. i gorm. no.6:82418 161. (M* 3,037 1, Iz kbirurgichookogo otdeleniya kliniki (zav. - pr'of, 0. V.. Nikolayev) Voesoyuznogo instituts. okeperimentallnoy,andokrinoliogii (dir. prof.Te. A.-Vaeyukova) BONES-DISEASES) ELETON-RADIOGRAYPY) M F" PEREPUST, L.A.; IOFF KALININ A,11. Roentgenological data on the state of the adrfi-a! glands in Itsenko-Cushing disease and diencepha-lic s:mdrcolpe pursiling thl, course of Itsonho-C-ushing dir-ease. Probl. tmdok. i garm.. 9 no.~~: 75-80 N-D 163. 1"1-111) 1. Tz rentgenologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. doktor- mad. nauk, M.I. Santotskiy) I khirurgichoskogd otdolenlya (zirv. - prof. O.V.' Nikolayev) Vsesoyuznogo instlwta okspor.".mentillnoy onda- krinologii (dir. prof. Ye.A. Vanyukov). SANTOTSKIY, M. I. . doktor med. nauk; 1OFFE B. M. kand. "Ifd. r1a. A.I., kand. med. nauk Current status of the problem of x-ray diagnoi3is of the adrenal glands under normal and pathological conditions. Vost. rent. I rad, 39 no.l14O-45 Ja-F 164. (M:IRA 18s2) 1. Rentgenovskoye otdolenlye (zav. - doktor m0d. nauk M.I. Santota~iy) Voesoyuznogo institute, okoperimentalinoy endakrinologii, Moskv~. 'R ffl a f I I u Him I! F:11111 I 11til lip 40 04 6 6 6 6 a 0 4 0 _1 _u 0 if Ir u A, lp p 11 -A- I it I if-11P 4-mim IS a - 4 a , , 'A 0- . A t . .L- - -1-4, If I M -l" A*O Go r_r_f7-._ , 7- 00 04"Itill At*. IF Go Infill 00 se, jbf 60 "A fhob XdW 0 Rubm d N*b .00 Ow's V~ia a. T I ISOOOCIA is 00 rim popw (ammi, anumt 0mve), III& "Id", to amm 01"N'tt pmelimi Of .00 tat Opeds6m n .00 w0 M06 Owmifto ii~w ti. appamim m I 16.1 7devid" bw by tive odwr Up.-N. B.1'. i n see 06,3 see 00 see woo V 1161 ;11 too A 94- 60-,StA bill WHISKAL WINAT401'CLAMOICAUG" too I '1111di -046 4-$t Of 1 0 -1 1 1 A01 I A I w a a o w 111 a a a 312 1 "N U 6 AV 00 IF It IF IF 0 49 499 it it ir, i IN MCI 4 14 0 0 0 0 41 * 0 0 0 0 0090 0 t 00 6 0 0 ie 0060 0*00 0 0 0 USSRAffetals Mar Deformation Stresahnalysb 6 2 "The Resistance of Metals to Deformation for De"ormation Rates of 10- to 11)-~ ch Meters/Second, I.," F. F. Vitman, N. A. Zlatin, B. S. Ioffe Leniingrad Phys:Wote' Inst, Acad Sci USSR, 15 pp "Zhur Tekh Fizil Vol XIX, NO Introduces simple new method to study' dependence of deformation ruaistance 6f, netIals on speed of deformation. Gives results of experiments with,lead,:alun-inam,.~ciopper, m ft steel ,, and duraluminum. Proves that., within a wide range, variation in deformation rate cannot be the only relationship betwaen resistatice-to-deformlation and rate. Comparison of dxperimental r;,,sults witdi other daha dioved that mothod is fully justifiable. Submitted 25 Nov 48. PA 38A,9T95 do now d IN- M-, W.. Fl-, I A 1171. 10W1102; AppL Xod"k,* X,4 I^, =116 amw"D~. Aloiew"Id utemum am mkvobswhwmL I. dbft~ W wAackwdow4m. type 0(. . . aftoomi Of= e~ tbgt adeft far fmm lothhewr and vtw4po l1w ww ow: fumn impwWwavot, A gms dftl of smouin im d#Towd to~ Astormwim: b 0 kyom Dnplw wwmt:: obtalaw on Um Id WAS to emmlou tbm mftu w" on'* kay in toWm. A=ni= in . *A t it q so ot womb "a" nkrobadowo t J" on propro Appar'som of ac to tvor;! than that oflatw ANNOW, 31 hi m Is 0t Roma" X ?-;~ .5- . 'I , I : - '. '.. -.1 .. ~ I ---- " . i !.I . . .. I : ,, - ~ . ~ ; ,TI ~ - z ~ d . -- - ~- I - I - "--- -:I~F 11 --- I ~~ ~ i -- - - - - I , ~ : . - ; - -FiF o -Y'l . I ;ri,-~ 1. -, , 11 . -I. - : - ..A . ;!~ ~ , ; rw~ : ; ~ ':, w: 1 L I ~d i I I I I , :ii.- ': .,*: I ~ I : . I : I ~ , : VITMg P.F~, prof. s doktor fis.-mt.nauk,; 107,12, A.F., skadmilk; i6d. t KURPTUKOV, G.V;, hkadesdk, r94,1, M~KOT Sj.~ red.; KONSTANTINOV. B.P., red.-, GLIMU, 1,.A.0 prof. doktdr,takhn. nauk, red.; 9X-A IN, N.A., doktor fLz.'w*4t ummjcl~ "do 11MMOT, ..Y:4'0 doktor tekhn.nauk, red,; nOW, Ya.B..~~prof aoktor takhn.nauk, k&*d,t9khnnaukP'-r*d*~; ATXRIYAN(Wp V.I., red.izd-va; PITZ13M, R.S., E somproblems on the strength of solid bod1*4 00114ection. of articles dedicated to the 80th birthday of NA,%v16nkovjj mulm!';r of the AcadivW of Sciences of the Ukrainian 8*10 takotorys problomq prochnosti twerdogo tal&-, sbornik stst6,1. posviashobstinri VOSOmidesiatiletilu almdem4lm AN USSR N.N.Davidankov:a. Kookya,: 1959. 386 P. (XIAA 12;6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSML~ Z. Chlen-korrespondentAX SM (for Zkmrk6v, Konstantinov). (Strength of mterlals) :ACCESSION NR: AP4029003 8/0126/.04/017/003101435/0439~~-,,.~~-I AUTHOR: Vitmang Fs lye; Ivanovp He Is; loffeg So So -N TITLE: Practure of a rod during the impact of tuo shor t teilsiled stress inip6loei 1 `Vt'SOEMCE: Mika metallow L metallovedenLys, vol. 17, no. 3. 1964 433-439 i-ke. TOPIC TAOS: tensile stress, rod fracture, tensiametric meap~vrem~nt', friabli state The authors made an attempt to fracture a metal~~od bj simultantio4sly loading both ends by means of an explosion. By means of tensiometric. meascremerits were explained the wave amplitude changes after the first collision, reflettion from .,,:the ends of the second collision during which the structure of tbe,tensile impul~es~i~--* cause the fracture of the rod. The paper proves that the methoft used for loaftng 1the sample and recording of parameters of the waves along~the rod make it V~Ossible to measure the strength of materials which approach a brittle stitte. The n4thod used and the equipment are explained in detail. A tensiogr~m of ! the stress in a rod .~f..'.of U10A tempered steel is given. The amplitude measurements of ihe colliding va~vez are given in a table. In conclusion the authors claim that: the aamined awithod. to be useful only in limited cases when the metal is very cloo~ to 421 brittle sitstes This method is therefore inapplicable to.,-a wide range Of plastic: materials N 1/2. ACCESSION NR: AP4029003 this method may be used for a comparative evaluak n of the breaking r4 sistance of tempered steels and to study the Influence of 4 tra~altlon frol'�~~ a *~-atic to a rapidly occurring impulse load of the metal on this characteristic. The idevelopment of methods for measurement of break resietance'in plastic materials'; with impulse loading should he continued for the purpose of limiting,tbe influence oC plastic deformation waves which accompany the propagation 4wd dderease the Oplitude of the running wave, Orig. art. has: 3 figures and I tabl'66 .,!ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheokiy Institut Im. A, Fo toffee AN sm (rnstitute,of 'Technical Physical AN SWR) 4 F -SUBMITTED: ~20H&Y63 DATZ ACqt ;27Apv64 IHCL~ 00 -'.'.:SUB CODEt 003 HL NO REF S(N t MRt 003 J "J F "r j ~j q 4 Card 2/2 22896-65 EWT (m)1E'WP (w) /EWA (d) /,&PR/T/E-%,;P (t)/EWP (b) Pv-4-4 IJP(c) ACCESSION NR., AP5001241 A JTH OR: V itman F. F. PAI I loff~,, B. S TITLE- Rupture strength of ductile. metals au )cc 0 to Pulsed Wadinig SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallicivedeniye, v. 18, no. fi, IOG4, 7171-723 TOPIC TAGS- rupture strength, ductile inetal, steiel strength, Won strenxth. c-~rlpbl- ':I)~ VT3, ailo~i A BSTRACT: The airr, c)f this paper was to supplement the exIsthiq daLIL on tJw rurwre i St-f-t--11 'M qr7'j , w111#11 04a p -ure of failure 4-:1,erv-dd, ete. I ~tjjt4,, at f -4 a -~ I . 1, .,, ;il~ ; ~,; li - II)etl)Wg Ul I IL11a) I LN' .lr~ -11-RIWIA 1- f Alp ~-l :-I IuLtiv~o are mxAnved- Orig- art. haw 12 figurtio ind 1 table-, ASSOCLMON, FIzIko-~?dnieicrnki:y fnstltftt im~ A'F. loffe ANI;SSBRI ~Plh bootec~ .0 3~A A h SUBINUTTED: 20,1,layU IKNCL. 00 SUB CODE. ]AM NO RF, F SOV: 009 OTHER: 017 7 7 I iL.P-11E. IS, -1A t L -AF 0 40 its ,Z-WO- U S'AIF 0 Ul; 4 ; ; ; ; - j I ;j. W. 0-scolts 0-061:0 * 0-01. - Lttteue 0 0 * 0 0 OL-S.., 0 0 1 IN 0 0 a 0 =0 o- ~ to, *!as M It tt'M' M a it a 11 a it Q .2 44~ are I A-44 4.'k 4 00 A 01tacto"a A06 014(wref'" weld -0 0 A 1IF 410A 11 U87. OPTICAL METHOD FOR WIM11NING AMTIC HTDFWCAR WEIR MIXTURM WITH PAPAMM. AND WAYMENIC HiDIMCAMNS. 001 1- B. V. (J. Gen. Chem. U.SS.R. 1946# IM-1134 14 ,ism. V 004 .1, so*'- 19470 a, 2660). N."Caw :t "I', A method for analysis of arcoltia hydroc*Ak otam tot . vith paraffin and naphthenia. materials is prosented~ kxi 46-3 t ti" diq*rsion of light at ?0 ~C# imd D.-HrAs, uhich ~~ o w I different for the different classes of'hydrocarbons ani t1wh, 00-3 linear de"ndence an relative concentration in their %&xtu ' formula used in i P w K(WA.-I ve)s wboro.P to ao6centr~~ion 0 arciuti6,,sixtur*p M101s.the relatii~:dli the ndxtw# of this hydroe"bon vith paraffiac oad 'as tbi V to hydrocarbons, and Wi In ~the a vrago dispersion or the (this vauo is set at 17, 'K 10~ Me vi l6so I tolueno: 1 for m-xy &rat for benzene 6,,29m, for. ~6* 7, , Calibration curves are Iglysn: foi. tho~ Ate retme :tome ts~jr'to suitable fordispersion- usla. xiutva of kio w U-A M., Is lid t ACTAUUMMALLI A14019CLAUVICAMW mad-$ AS: III La at", hei r 1.00 1-00 .0 .0 k3m ures .00 tl~* MA- 600 , 640tially -F 6 iIa" so The f the given sr*oi~n of 1d; ,loss ciasses Wilch !area t.!! ik.o iV Imes xiAtion rs*O "Woo NI I I I IM:6 i 0 9 1 19 0 1 43 a I I V At i j ; ii a ipu I ~ I i 0 IV U 12 oiA 0o 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 a 0 o4juo 4 40, 0 *!~W*** 0 0 : 4 41.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 41 o'0 0 4. 0* 2 0 0:01* 0 0,41 Flo' ~i'llfill 10 16 I - v I V. it 11 a a is u v a 1# a pa it Is;* ii w A# w 6 is a to c q _4k 40- ;Q,ro A4-C 15 1 y -a a.- r. 4 -5 -A.-I.- I# . I P. 4.a j~; i;. m- , i I~,R Jk~JI-4W I I*V .4q all, fev!I1. VOCK(SIVS A.0 #I"tbflf% WA MUCATM OF IMLN= DISFMON TO AM=$ OF mirmineltotto !,.(04"t. Raid. (OW44) Aftdt M, i -00 Sol. U.148.8.t IWAI go Is deflwA by the relstloA4, I ia ~42/430 M20 at an Uw Ott" Imue" at Om waye-l"the that go *4 li ~ the AI