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P M-SOV, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; GOLID, 13.V., doktor tekhn. nmk, retsenzent; IVPIIOV, Yu.B..,,hand. talchn. nauk, red.; TIAMID-ISON, V.A.., red. izd-va; TIR~AIIUV, A,,Ya., tekhn. red. [Automatic motor-vehicle clutchos]Avtomaticheskic stueple- niia avtonobilei. Mo9kva, Mashgiz, 1961. 277 1). (MIRA 15:10) (Motor vollicles--Transmission devices) Automatic) BOGOLYUBOV, Sergey Konstantinovich; V0121OV, Aleksp-ndr Vasillyevich; OSADCHEAKO, V.A.p inzh., reteenzent;.~YgiO.V,,.,.,Xui3.j.,kazO.,, teklm,-.- nauk, red.; BYSTRITSKAYA, V.V., red. izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F.p telchn. red. (Course in technical drawing] Kurs tekhnicheskogo cherchonxia. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 358 P. (MIRA 1!5: 6) (Mechanical drawing) T'~ T ue, -(:v A' flIN,4if "LUMMLIH LLI muzlm.. W Ltt. I 1. C-! iI S/19 62/000/002/063/096 D271YD301 AUT I MR: Kozlovskiy, K. N. arid TITLE: Oscillator with delay and inertial self-bias PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhUrnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-7-159p (Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1961, no. 34, 120-137) TEXT: Stability of harmonic oscillations is studied in an oscilla- tor with delayed feedback and inertial self-bias. Conditions are derived in which the oelf-bias can be regarded a3 having practical- ly no inertia. The possibility is analytically proved arid experimen- tally confirmed of emergence of asynchronous bi-harmonic oscilla- tions in an oscillator with delay and inertial self-bias. Pulse operation of such oscillator is considered; in pulse operation, the oscillator generates short radio pulses with a repetition period very close to the delay time of the feedback loop. 5 references. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation--7 Card 1/1 33126 S/ I. o:i/tl,., /m lo/ok)2/o(12/oo:~ 11&t 11 116V //4 9L EcI32/mq 14 14, :L I O-b ( A UTH 0 11 ~i Shishkov, A,G, , C.Irldidato of' -4cjence-, Tvan-r, Y~i,D, Emvineor and fijildkov, V.NJ Vmgri.neer (Moscow) J, t p I,!., 1,n instrim-,rit for the oscillogra tIlli C III V it SII 1-0111 Oll t. 0 1:' 111 V ,ji" F i Z,1 t i0n citt-ve of' t'erromnfp et. c 11,~RTODICXL~ Elvictrichestvo, no-2, 11f)62, 68-7-1 11 K, V1, Th e i m I, o r t a it c e o f th v dy na in i c. run e I I e t -i A a t i () it r it rv e i it !4ttj(Hv-A c)V the pr-rierties or' fer-romayne(ics is tioitltvd out. Th i S curve ts alpf'itiod as the geontetri~CZ'rl I(jClIS 0" tllq~ erld 11411tir.-I of' the h v s I (-, I - v , i -, I on vis o b r ~, i It (!0 wi tit ~A morto t on i c a L I v i nc rei 1, i WX a! Ill) I i I lidt. of' it Svirlmotri en] it I t e rim 0 rig mag it (v t i v I i v 1A Ex i .4 1 1 nqz 111r. t bods, t-or StIvivi ng mag tit, t: i za ti-oil curves o t' I'vy-t-mmi %~riv. t i c q are said to constimt, a great deal- of time. Oscilloyl-ophic methods on tht- other hand arp more convenient. I- the pro.-tellt till- ,iiithors descrihe )it n1marattis whi.el cantreccerd oscilli) gr-;NTihiua1-I%r a t'arntiv of' svininetric livst.vresis tooris which are, obt,link-(i witil ill) amoLitude modul-ated -4ijIkISoj(Jjt Mj%gn('jIvring Cul,rtmir block diagram ot' the device i..-; shown in Fig-1. J'he umsivi oscill.1tor I Ca r f-I I 33126 it iris t i'vimeti t Cot- the S/ Ko -11", 14 It 1? - o i da I vt) I I at~, at 3oo eTis 01 1%'41 11 i,g v III 1 0 Lile mod I I ].,I to I, It whi ell al so T-*,Cf. i vop I ~_'5 clis %-1i I tt~rf~ s i i~ ti ! I -, -o in t h e os c i I I;I t c, v *2 I'll t li e m o d I I i it n %4fotrv the Sit() -I's q i trilo I i .; aul p I i t I'lle truldil ka t oil -Ind t ii e o t -I on v o I v elit Iwiv bf. V;j T. i O'd (I 10( 11141d oj 1114, I" o I s :1 1 1,~Ios Covillf-t, whose twimill-V i .4 (-011rid-C t 1,11 1 ti pis '-;I I1 11 it ca pa v. 1 tanc i- Dij -,-4 c I r'cll i f I imit-d I v. lmo cn,, I c. mi I n i/ i mr c 111- t-s-tl t i..5 I-egli I n I- d b v Vo i I ; ~1, 01-tritrvs :- C I.o !~ -1r Iit tic ed ..I v I-() it s- s -v otio ;I rv -i I'i (o i-m r- v f It w i Vv I i ri t ri ;, rii I T~oiw it III r it Iit it -rl ,ro Ihe I it tio t I v. I n ~r cm-t-en I rn e ; IKit t -tI In :-troo- 1oi- -r,iht, 11 v I 1 11 Lr I, I-cil I t Ths- rim vite t I. z in trcI i'vvi I I fit- I wto- :I 1 s ror i I i cI i t)rnvi des I it t~~ tio v i /ori i ~i I i, I ,i, I it III n- 0) A Jotiwfe-hefrini osc i I j ntri-anil i -~ it s cd t tw ni-t-itic v Iinti r1) t I I s I 1) -1 111;f !. " boil t It o " C 1-0 e 11 A 0 th4f t I IW L' 11,1 1A C I " I 1 6-V-& I' f -- o v no n i I h t, f- otwia t-od h V %'I' I I ;j V I't) SIit e(* I WtI --;)V w, ti, p ~ rer i moll s i - fed throlikOl %ri ilit eqT*;i I ()I, I it t1i :,vt :jnjj Ij 'I o ti f I e it n t (i i ~_~ vert I ca I n I it t v s n f t lie Os C o.W r. t ti it I I ; I :imi I v t) vmin v t i- I c It vs t e r P -4 1 onps I prif-, r--: oil th i- I Ca t-d 2 WWII 33126 An instrument for the ... S/109/62/000/002/00-2/002 In order to prodiice the dynimic magnetization curve, the apparatus includes a mx1se-shaping circuit whith controls the brightness of tlio CM benm. ~. Those pulsem are prodijeed 1'rom the 9,00 eps lc 'r C _ U~ (I to signal. and are fed into a phase reversing litig I bi 11 1 q-to shift tile pulses by up to 1800 relative to tile extremal point oil tile magnetization current curve. From the ohase -iiiifter the signal is fed into a circuit which produces sharp pulses at twice tile frequency. These pulses pass through a and amplifier and are applied to tile modulating el-ectrode of the CHO tube, thereby producing brightness modulation. rhe errors of measuremonts along the vertical anti horizontal. Chlknnels 11ro' of tile order of 9-,"1. G. S. Veksler is mentioned for his contributions in this field (E'lektrichestvo, 1962, No.10). There are I figures. SUBMITTLD: September 10, 1961 Ca r d j! RABINOVICH, A.R.; IVANOV, Yu,D. Semiautomatic machine for making investment patterns for precisicn casting. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos,.nauch.-I.9oL.inst.tiaucki.i tekh.inform. no.3%20-22 '62. (MIRA 15i!i) (Precision casting-Equipment and supplies) RABINOVIGH., A.R.; IVAHOV, Yu.D. Equipment for tba continuous preparation of It rmiate-like, pattern material. Litaproizve noe4t8-9 Ap 163, WRA 164) (Patternmaking) IVANOV. Tu.D.: TRUSOVA. V.A. ~-"---dbuble-twloting machine. Takst. prom. 7.8 no.13.-39-40 A-g '58. (MIFLA 21; 10) (Spinning mchinery) Sj,~01;.-)V, IV,,IiOVj Yu.D. mMif, 111,ShB-2 rewinding rachine. Mule tnkhn.-okorA. inf,*Irm. ro.s:"0-57 58, (mrlb" 1,.L:lc)) (R-30,19 (Textilo nachinory)) IVANOV, Yu.D., inzh.; TSEYTLIN, S.L. Mechanization of labor-consuming production procaoses at tho "Krasnaia Krutillshchitsa" Silk Factory. Makh. i avtom. proizv., 15 no. 5:23-25 My 161o (14MA 14:5) (Silk manufacture-Technological innovations) ACIC NR- AR6015995 SOURCE CODE: UR/0271/65/000/012/AO23/AO23 AUTHOR:. Yagodkin, 1. A.; TITLE: Functional devices using pneumatic elements SOURCE: kef. zh. Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitel'naya tekhnika, Abs. 12A163 REF SOURCE: Sb. tr. Leningr. mekhan. in-ta, no. 41, 1964, 65-68 TOPIC TAGS: pneumatic control, logic element ABSTRACT: The following principles of constructing functiotial systems on the basis o pneumatic elements are stressed: l)-the principle of force compensation, 2) the use of low-pressure regions, and 3) the application of wire and spherical elements. A circuit of the resolving angle is presented in which a diaphragm element is used. On .of the practical applications of this circuit is the comparison of two quantities, e.g., a force, either given or varied according to a program, which acts on the dia- phragm, and a pressure which must be in an evacuated reservoir. The circuit operates both on the-principle of pressure comparison and vacuum comparison. The operation of a comparison element is described which can be used in excess pressure and vacuum control. [Translation of abstract) 4 illustrations. V. L. SUB CODE: 13 Card EWIT(m) L 14477-66 .777 J~CC NR, A AIC) 11, 700 SOURCE CODE.- Uli/0367/()5/()(),?/()06/01.)'~)'/ID,9771 Tvanov, Yu. F. Rumer, 1. A. Ili,,: j it AlLul-i! of Mophynics, Llini~UX of Hygiene, SSSR (Institut bIoRzikI mInIG- t-i-:;tva .-,dravooldiraneniYa SSSR) 132 Coeft'icienf.r of internal conversion of r,~rtaln nuclear trnnsitionn in Xe Yadoviviya f.171ka. v. 2, no. 6, 1965, 9711-97'r -771 1.507dfj.~, ~TPJC~7,eomicr-CA'.q Axetion, conversion electron npectrum, phol.ool."tronl, PiAa n1lectr0rcoRy') mol.ecular InteraclJon, Caimnti. LvansiLlon/ =ftgneti= npectro- 1110,or Ao:;'ITACT., The aut,hors have determined the coetTicienix of J11ternal. converlion for in XcI.IP with the 111d or it procedure that Y.RN-Ifla directly MIC absollito value of the coefficient, by measuring, vrIth a mmqiefAc spect,rompter tho number ()[' conversion elecLronr; and the number of phoLoclectrons knoehed out fro"i it calibratled tarf.;eL, using the same radioactive soure(,, for both. 'Me spectra of the convcr.,;ion clectrons and photoelectron,; were Invest3j:,rtLed with the aid of a double- foviu--iii:1 0 r-pectrometer described by the authors ear).jrw (magnetic spectrometer BPP-31 In- Y-kiiiiiiji, i-zmereniy radioaktivnyldi prepni,rvi.ov (I'echniquPs of mennin-ement of radio- active compounds), Gosatomlzdat, 1962). Pie nitclear trannitlorit; Investigated had enen.-I-s 523, 6301 667.8, 772.9, and 954.5 kev. Ibe photoelectron spectrum wan in- vent, Irj using a platinum target of thickness 6 and 11 q4/cm?', calibrated againc C"rd L 3.1477-bb -ACC NR' A116014700 -y t-ayr, From A098 and Cr,137. The relative IntensItier, of 1hese -y transitions in wev- del,ermined. The muLtipolarities of the 523, 63o, ()67.'8, and 772.9 kov are i6entified us M-- and that or the 154.5 transitions it; Identified Rs El. Mis aE,,reer, j. th Lhr level scheme proposed by Hamilton and Boyd (Bull. Amer. IIIYG. Soc. v. 5), 465, 3900. 111c level-3 corresponditig, to the different transitions are identified. The parities of the leveli 1()63.7 and 2070.9 itre found to be poaltive and that of thel 2395.2 level negative. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 bibles. SUB CODE: 20/ SUB14 DATE: 3omai,65/ ORIG REF: 003/ O'Bi REF: 007 Card 2/2 IVAINOV, Yu.F, ; PTI"il-'IR , ---.A.; BUKAtfi , A. Ya. Internal convernion A-'-,ec-trrnZ In Tral-32. lz,t, AN :~'~SSR- !l,-r. 11-A.z. 29 r14TF rio.1:157-258 Ja 165. 1, x t.;j 18:2) 33616 8102 62/000/002/001/002 60 -3crcla D299YD304 AUTHORS: Sokolov, V. A. and Ivanovj__Kq.!_j,'.., Scierillific Assool- ates, Academy of Sci-ences, USSR ,-- TITLE: Starship calling Earth. Super-long distance communi,~ta.- tion with a spaceship PERIODICAL: Nauka i zhizn', no. 2, 1962, 13-19 TEXT: The authors discuss the difficulties of long-distance com- munications in space, dictated by the immense distances involved and the background of radio-frequency emission from the stars. Space is least filled with radio waves with a length measured in tens of centimeters. Radio communication should, -therefore, be ba- sed on this wavelength. Directional antennas of the parabolic re- flector type should be used. An antenna of this type was installed oil the automatic interplanetary station launched in the direction of Venus. :For radio communication between Venus/Miars and Earth the radio waves must be concentrated into the tightest possible beam. The greater the relation of the antenna's mirror area to the wave- Card 1/4 33616 S102 62/000/002/001/002 Starship calling Earth. D299YD304 length used, the tighter will be the beam. It would, therefore, be advisable to work on wavelengths in the millimeter band. A further possibility is optical transmission of information. Solar radiation could be collected by a mirror on the spacecraft and used to sema- phore messages back to Earth. Communications systems of this type capable of transmitting information over 15,000,000 km have been built and tested. Instead of natural sunlight, plasma can also be used as a light source. Here most of the usable energy is in tb'a ultra-violet band and since the Earth's atmosphere absorbe much of the ultra-violet light, the receiving station would have to be out- side this atmosphere. With this system, communication is possible over a distance equal to several diameters of the solar system. In clcudless weather communication with Mare would be possible dir- ectly from the Earth's surface. The authors then describe the the.-, ory underlying light generatorag a promising meano of i3pace commwii- cation. Theoretical work on light generators has been carried out by 11. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov. A description of the firs-t light generator, the "laser" (light amplification by stimulated emigsion of radiation"), which underwent successful te.11ts in Amer,.-a Card 2// 4 336.16 3/025/62/000/002/001/002 Starship calling Earth~ D299/1)304 in late 1960, is given. This particular laser used ruby with ar. ad- mixture of chrome as a light generator and amplifter, Lasers have also been built of calcium fluoride with an admixture of uranium or samarium. With a laser using potassium vapors at low pressure it is intended to create a light beam with a width of some ten... thousandths of a degree. In -the near future it io intended to cre- ate a bealn with a width of only a few hundred-thousandths of a de- gree. Due to the absence of moisture and du3t particles in space - factors which scatter light - lasers would not have to be parti- ~~ularly powerful. Por flights to Mars und Venus the whole space communications apparatus would be of pocket size and could be.pow-, ered from the sun by a collector system, A beam of red light from a ruby laser could be trained on an artificial satellite and the considerable light pressure from this beam used to correct. its or- bit. Ruby lasers can also be used as light amplifiera. When il2.u-. mi.nated with green light from a special lamp the chrome ions will eventually assume a stable medium energy level. Subsequent illu- mination with weak red light will cause an instan-taneous red flash of greatly enhanced brilliance. Astronomers could use this for atu- Card 3/4 3-,616 3/02 5/62/000/002/001/002 Starship callint, Earth, D299/D304 U dying virtually dark stars and distant galaxies. Laser,-, can be used a~s light locators of immense revolving power. At distances of 3,000 1-m they oan dis-riminate between objects only 30 meters apart. Vt a range of 160,000 km the distance to a spaceship 6 meters in dia- meter can be measured with an accuracy of up to 1,6 km. The problem of imposing an information signal on the radiation of a laser ha8 not yet been solved. Nor can scientists as yet control the laser's radiation frequency, although in 1961 a system of temperature con- trol. wao tried out. It was found that increasing the temperature of the laser from -1800 to + 2100C changed the wa,~elength from 6,9714 to 69953 k. A study is being made of the prospects for us-ing various solid and gaseous mater 4als as lasers, The use of X-rays and gamma-rays for spaoe communication is al2o be,.ng studied. W-Lth communication of this sort ordinary ionlization chamber$ or radia.- tion counters could be used as receivers. Optical space commun4ca- tion would require special relay stations en the moon or on artifi- cial Earth satellites. These relay statione could maintain conti- nuous c-ommunication with the spacecraft. by lasers and with the Earth on normal radio wavelengths. There are 8 figure,S-,, Card 414 j V P Al 0 F. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION S011/6333 Bochkarev, V. V., ed. Tekhnika izmereniye radioaktivnykh preparatov; abornik statey (Tech- niques for the Measuremeut of Radioactive Preparatiolia; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1962. 4600 copies printed. Eds.: A. M. SmIrnova and M. A. Smirnov; Tech. Ed.s S. M. Popova. PURPOSE: This book in intended for specialists in nuclear instru- mentation. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of articles on recent developwnts in 1)'measurement of the activity and 2) analysis o; the composi- tion of emissions of radioactive preparations.1 The methodology and apparatus used in theae atudies'are desoribeo In detail. References are given at the end of each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card 1/10 I T Techniques for the Measurement (Cont.) SOV/6333 Turkin, A. D. Measurement of the Concentration of P-Mmitting Gases and the Determination of Their Isotopic Compoa;ltjon by Means of Spherical Ionization Chambers 134 Lavrenchik, V. N. Measurement of the Y- and P-Activity of Aerosols 139 Ivanov K. N. Shlyagin, and P. N. Feoktistov. &ig- tic P- and y-Spectrometed! - 156 Ivanov, Yu. F., I A. Rumer, and K. N. Shlyagin. Magnetic Spec- trometer BPP-3 168 Bazhenov, B. A., Yu. M. Golubev, K. X. Shlyagin, P. N. Fi~oktistov, and G. V. Yakovlev. Scintillation With a Multichannel Analyzer and a Unit for the Automatic Plotting of Spectra 182 Bazhenov, V. A., Yu. M. Golubev, and K. N. Shlyagin. Scintilla- tion Spectrometer Counter WithrAl owance for Dead-Time Effect 202 Card 4/5 ,.Zi) IFIC A r H zu~i-lTI V, i r z Lch I a ra A" W3 I thril-MA] r~atrtrcm f lual. The rlld!lAC:-- - 4 -.- - f4 t -4 =--,- 1~ I 'l- I RIF A : : o t T -i - - - -i. :!,i: FT',;--17TjT~,,:- i NN;,- Vt PRIKHODIKO. I.F.; FIDIK, V.P.; IVA;OV, Yu.G. Wear-resietant materials for the manufacture of roller bearings for the equipment of rolling mill fittings. Met4Lllurg 5 no.8:27-31 Ag 160. (MIRA 1327) 1. VsesoyuzrVy nauchno-issledovatellsldy institut metalloobrabotki i mashinostroyoniya. (Rolling mills) (Roller bearings) It. FEDIN, V.P.; IVANOV, Yu.G. Guide unit on aoritinuoas billet mills. Matal-larg 8 no.,5:23-27 Ify 163 - (MMA 16M 1. VBOBoyuznyy nauchno-iBaledovatellokly i proygltno-konotruk- torskiT institut meta3-lurgichoskogo mashinostrapiniya. (Rolling mills--Equipment and supplies) IVAKOV, Yu. G. Ili-incipal featurag of motallogeny in the Rhanka are d1strict. Soob. DVFAN SSSR no-10:51-62 159. (141RA 13: 11) 1. Ptimorskoye goologicheakoye upravleniye. (Maritime Territou--Ore depoolts) IMOV, Yu. G. (reader) and TOMASHUNAS, Z. B. "The Khanka*kiY Ore Region in Southern Primorlye" report presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geology and Metallurgy of the Pacific Ocean Ore Belt, Vladivostok, 2 October 1960 So: Geologiya Rudnykh Hestorozhdeniy, No. 1, 1961, pages 119-1211 s i 6,:~ 1*100/002/06 7/127 D2 3,,"D -5 YXTHOR: Ivanov. Yu. G. TITLE: On the application of' spectrophot(niietric, ourveyinge methods in prospecting for fluorite deposii-s PERIODIC1L: Referativnyy zharnal, Geofizika, no. 2, 1963, 1), ab- stract 2D56 (Inform. ab. Primorski geal. upr. 41. upr. geol. i okhrany nedr pri Sov. 111in. RSFSR, 1.9151, no. 2, 87-88) TEXT: Experimental spectrophotome trio atudies weru iarr-ied out in the western regions of Primorskiy territory, on an a.*1.r0,Ldy explored fluorite deposit. Samples were taken at 20 m in.tervals, from a depth of 0.5 m, along 2 profiles extending tr;a::).j3ve:n3ely acrous the length of an orebody. The results obtained sh olir that eveni in th4: presence of clayey deluvial layers up to 5 m thick, 1-1hc. ande!.rlying orebody defines a very clear specirophotoriel:ric, anain!Lly, the over- LL-11 nature of which is independent of the dept,1-3 fron which the Isamples are coliectt:d. This confirms the poasibili 1q, of' usinj2j, or- Card 1 /,? ~T~ :Irv! 1:.';:C-~~1111-11k;' NTI 11MA 1;11 T!M14; III KIM I M011"U11 4 INJI 1, $/'I 69/6'V00-0/002/067/1127; On the application of ... D263/D.3i:17 dinary metallometric surveying methoda, with correspondirLg SUILtEtUe me-'.I-.,ods of ashing the samples, in the prospectirig ft ),7 flL10ri*;0 de- 'Is. /-.A-bstracter's note: Complal~e tranLilati,:)j:,'. ;7' pots, 1, 6 1, ~ k, Card 2/2 POLLER, V.P., inzh.; IVANOV, Yu.G., inzh. Engineering geophysics in investigations. Transp. stroi. 12 no.8:32-34 Ag 162. (KRA 15:9) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) (Railroad engineoring) IVANOII, Ya.G.; LEVASHEV, G.B. Ancient gold-bearing conglomerateB in the Maritime Territory. Sov. geol. 6 no.11;139-11~0 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Primorskoye geologicheskaye iqjr~~-ctleniye. Vi e --it*k-.,shL-; of *he 'uuit te-c-Lon*,cj of -varj,;t~s E E Of th--~ ':.'aritima. T-n-itory. Sov. IVANGV, Yu.G., inzli.; LOZOVSK.IY, L.A., inzh. Investigation of bogs by the radio compounding arki diroction finding method. Transp. stroi. 15 no.11:38-39 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) IVAMV, Yu.I. Improve the organization of laebing and towing rafts. Racb.tranap. 18 no.6:15-17 Je '596 (MIRA 32-.9) 1. Inzbener Kamakogo parokhod8tva. (T-anber-Transportation) I q. ~ : ! F- :1:7: ,~ IVANOV, Yu.I. (Leningyrad) Combined action of antibiotics of the tetracycline serienand of staphylophage on the resistance of staphylococcus to antibiotics. Kaz. mod. zhur. no. 2:113 Mr-Ap 161,, OURA 14.4) (ANTIBIOTICS) (BACTIMIOPHAGE) (BACTILRIAt FATECT OF DRUGS ON) (STAPHYLOCOCCUS) TVANOV, YU. I. 36119 Sushka gidrotorfa v KosyKh reshatk&Kh. Torf. prom-ist', 1949. No. 11, s. 14-15. SO: Latopial Zhrunall r7kh Statay, No. 49, 1949 IVANOV, Yu. I. IVANOV, Yu. I. -- "Mining, Peat in Upland Deposits Subject to Landslides." Min Higher Education USSR. Moscow Peat Inst. Moscow, 1955. (Disserta- tion for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.) SO: Knizbnaya jetopis', No. 4. Moscow, 19,r,6 -- - -------- IVANOV, Yu.I. The TPSh-1 peat screw grader. Biul.tekh.-alcon.inforn. no.8: 12-14 159. (MUM 13: 1) (Peat machinery) IVANOV, Yu.I., kand.tokhn.laauk TPSh-1 nachine for the profiling of milled pnat bogs, 'Zorf,prono 36 no-3:9-12 '59- OIIRA 12:7) 1. Filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogn instituta torfyanny promyshlnnnosti. (Peat machinery) --------- T-11 - ----- IF-77 IVANOV, YU.I. - -... - The DNK-l interchangeable equipment for the, elPaMtors Biul.tekh.--ekon.inform. n0.2:42-44 160. (MIRA 13:6) (3bwavating machinery) : t k ! IVP11O -J~~~ nd. tekhn. nauk; KOIDIUSEM, V.I., red.; DDRIDJOV, 11J.) tekhn. red. [Temporary instructions for the operation of the hTSh-2 machine for alcaning peat block drainage ditcheal Vremewnitia imistruk- tsiia po ekspluatatsii mashiny KPSb-2 po prochisth Irartovyleii kanav. Moskvay Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1959. 29 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuznyy natichno-issledovatellakiy inatitut torfyanoy promyshlennosti. (Peat machinery) FANMATOV, N.S,,~ kand. tekhn. nauk; F01MMESTOVp V.V.,; 1,11KIYANOV, A.D.; GAVRILOV, A.S.; MAYEVSULYA.. K.T.; MALKOV, L.M.; FaIllip V.K.; KOLOTUMIKIE') V.I... red.; IA;UOT,'OV2 Me., tekhn. red. (Ilew equipment and technology of peat-bog preparation and the winning of granulated peat) Novaia tokhnika i teklmologiia bolotno.. podgotovitellnykh rabot i dobychi granulix-ovimr.,ogo tarfa. MosIma, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. 86 p. (1,0A 1512) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoyuzn,,;y nauchno-issledovatel'ski], inatitut tor- fyanoy pronqshlermosti. Direktor filiala Wesoyumogo nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta torfyanoy protVsblem,sti (for Pankratov). (Peat bogs) (Peat machinery) IVANOV, Yu.I.; PAKWURNYY, B.A. 411h Effect of cortisone and prednizone on water distribution ir the body. Probl. endok. I gorm. 11 n0-5:71-74 4113-0 165, (141RA 19: 1) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. Ye.B. Borlihin) Altayskogo meditsinskogo instituta, Barnaul. Submitted Deceii.ber 20, 1964. ACC NRi AP7005058 SOURCE CODE: UR /0031 ~6 61c, IM/010, /00 53/oc 6j. AUTHOR: Omarov, T. B.; Ivanov, Yu. I. :ORG: None iTITLE: On intermediate motion in celestial mechanics of bodies of ve-riable mass SOURCE: AN KasSSR. Vestnik, no. 10, 1966, 53-61 TOPIC TAGS; celestial mechanics, variable mass system, motion equation, orbit cM1- culation ABSTRACT: Aperiodic motion of two bodies is considered where mass is a function of Itine. A system of equations is given for rates of change 4 'n the ele=ents of an oscu.- Ilating orbit and it is shown that the transformed values of therse osculating elezents ~may be interpreted as disturbed Kepler elements oil the representative ::otion d:r GM~ F, r3 where F 1 d,if d'7 Card- 1/3 ACC NR: 'AP70050513 .Particular attention is given to intermediate motion described by the equation d2 r a (t) dr r3 dt ifor which the actual motion maj be interpreted either as aperiodic motion along 11 conic section about a center with mass 14(t) disturbed by the tangential force I dAf + a [ ~ Id lor as aperiodic motion along a conic section about a center with mass ji(t) with per- :turbation by the central force F2 G -19 r3 Lere kt) - M(tO)exP(-2f a(t)dt) to Igiving two different systems of osculating elements. Various methods are described !for representing the solution of the initial equation of intermediate motion for dy- Inazaic problems in the form of osculating aperiodic motions along a conic section. The 2/3 ACC NR, AP7005058 results are applied to equations of planetary motion and a system. of differential equp,-~, tions is given defining the osculating elements of planetary orbits vith regard to the effect of continuous loss of solar mass. Orig. art. has: 84 formulas. SUB CODE: 03/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF: 08/ OTH REF: 01 Card 3/3 I 11 7 ; ; 11 !, . , I . . . I I i ...I "III 111 -1 . I I i - : p I : " ~~ ......f., ; I ~ I A 1., ! ; i : : - .. I ; I- i ; I ; i i 1 t, i I;! i . 1 ;. I . I :. ; p ; 1 .; i I . ! . . i : !: I A i:1-11A PAIIA TIT:A; I f i I V Subject USSR/Electricity AID P-1297 Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 21/30 Author : Ivanov, Yu. I., Eng. Title : N. N. Krachkovskiyls article: "Interconnection diagrams of h droelectric ower stations" (Elektrichestvo, #11, 1953~ (Discussions Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 1, 76- 78, Ja 1955 Abstract : The author discusses at length the above article and criticizes some of the diagrams. He presents his own solutions. Four diagrams. Institution : Ukrainian Branch of GIDROENERGOPROYEK.T Submitted : No date JVANOV, YLJ- L 4aM--~ k;_'4~ ~' ~~- ~ AID P - 1518 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 26 - 14/36 Author Shestopalov, V. I., Eng. Title Discussion of the article "Electrical connection diagrams for hydroelectric power stations" by D. A. Bashlay and Yu. 1. Ivanov (Elek. sta., 1954, No.2) Periodical Elek. sta., 3, 42-43, Mr 1955 Abstract The author is of the opinion that the diagram for the supply of the station's own power needs as presented by the authors of the article discussed are very seldom used at the present time. It requires large costs for the equipment of the step-down 220 1 110/6 kv transformer and is costly in operation. The author proposes different solutions of the problem. Three connection diagrams Institution: Ministry of Construction of Electric Power Stations Submitted No date IVANOV, Yu.1. Generalized problem of two Immovable centers. Vent. Moak. tin. Ser. 3s Fiz., astron. 20 no.lt26-33 Ja-F 165. (KIRA 18t,-,i' 1. Kafedra nebesnoy mekhaniki i gravimetril Moskovskogo universitat;~. IVANOV Yl..l. 1.,f'fF,,ct of cor I i.,3on;~- arid pradn' sone or! wxkter--w--i a nd the -enal. "unctlior in dof!s. Probl. endok. i 11 Im. 1:9,- 1. Kafedra farn~ik,)ICL7ii ::,-,v, .- proc. Y~:.Ei. "'y5kogo IVANOV, Yu.I.; PAKjj,'.ftJT-'jj'YY, B.A. Methodology for simultaneous determining of the volume of extra - and intracellular flutd, in the body of -rats. Biul. eksp. biol. i red. 59 no-4:123-125 Ap 165. (MIPA 18: 5) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. Ye.B. Berkhin).Altayskogo meditsinskogo in3tituta, Barnaul. 11T I 'II RUSIKOO Yu,A. [Rus1koy IU.0.1; (IVANOV9 Yu.K. Using methyl mothacrylate for preparationD of microacoyic analysis Geol. zhur. 20 no. 5:97-98 160. WRA 14:1) ~Methacrylic acid) (Microscopy) ,~ k . I - 9 ABEELEV, Yu.M.; DOWDYSH, A.M.; IVANIOV~ Yu,.K.; KP,.JTOV, 'V.I.; V-:~-- PANKIN, G.N. Experience in correcting the tilt of a largE-panel 1-480-P series apartment house after the sagging of the foundation. Osn., fund. I mekh. grun. '/ 110-3:23-25 165. (MITU 18:6) :~ 11 P r 1; " " , : , ~113-1--; ", NOV -.., , K . ... k,'- , ; . it. L ~,j .. ~ - ~ . , . 1; 1 VA, Y -- - I " -.11 -0. - : - --, ~ ~ Otudy of uranium rfdnerals in solid !Atum,:~nn s.;ng Microscopy. Geo". zhur. 25 no,'3:tlO-Ll4 10~~ ! ~~ i -!- :. 'A ~~ " J I I 1. in.Btitur, geologichosk1kh nauk AN ....... (1114 1 gull! I I I i ifill IIN*J 1 a IN 1 L ACC 14R, Ap6o29037 1301,HiCil, COPE: 1NVENTOR: Ivanov, Yu. K.; Ryazanov, Ye. M. ORG: none TITLE: Method of preventing an erratic arc. Clasn, 21, No. 1838~ds SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. lit, 1966, 53-51, TOPIC TAPS: are welding, metal welding, inert Gas welding ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of preventing an erratic arc in welding of thin articles 6where the distance between clamps is equal to the iridth-, of the weld. To improve the quality of welds, the clamps, which are made out of material with a resistivity lower than that of the welded material, are covered with a 40-120-P coat of material with a resistivity several timmes higher than that of the welded material. In a modification of the above method, the clamps are made entirely of a material with a resistivity several times higher than that of the material welded. [TD1 i SUB COIE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: 27jan6Y* ATD PRESS! 5066 5'1-.,20-4-14/39 AUTHORS: Ivanov, Yu. J,~t_,Ryvkin, S. M. TIT~Es The Formation of Current Oscillations in Germanium Samples in an Electric and Longitudinal Magnetic Field (Vozniknoveniye kolobaniy toka v obrazteakh germaniya, pomes6bennykh v elektricheskoye i prodollnoye magnitnoye pole) PERIODICAL-3 Zhurnal Tekhnicheakoy Fiziki) 1950, Vol- 28, Ur 4, PP-774-775 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors determined current fluctuations in some germanium- -samples through *hich a direct current passed and which were placed in a constant magne tic longitudinal field (magnetic field parallel to the current). Under certain conditions the forming fluctuations had a shape near to the ainosoidal line with a frequency of 10 -- 15 kilocycles per second. The fluctuation character depends on quite a number of circum- stances. Thus fluctuations only formed at a current through the sample different fiom zero and increased according to amplitude and frequency vrith an increase in current. Ana- Card 1/3 logous dependences were also observed on the magnitude of the 57-.28-4-14/39 The Formation of Current Oscillations in Germanium Samples in an Electric and Longitudinal Magnetic Field magnetic field. In spite of zinc-contacto the voltampere characteristics in the investigated samples differed from a linear one. The fluctuations formed in one as well as the other current direction were more marked when 'the direction of current correspond to the lower resistance of the sample. Fluctuations only occurred in the case of an exact agree- ment of the direction of the magnetic field with the axis Qf the sample. An intensitve illumination of -the samples led to an interruption of the fluctuations. A certain drop in temperature in the samples, however, led to an increase of their amplitude and frequency. An etching of the samples ir hydrogen peroxide promoted the formation and the stability of the fluctuations. An increase or decrease of the ampli- tude of fluctuation connected with any change of the experi- mental conditions in all cases led to the corresponding in- crease or decrease respectively of the f1equency of fluctua- tions" There are 3 figures and 1 reference, 1 of which is Sovie;. Card 2/3 HA 57-28-4-14/39 The Formation of Current Oscillations in Germanium Samples in an Electric and Longitudinal Magnetio Field ASSOCIATION: Lenin.gradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut All SSSR (Leningrad Physical-Technical Institute,,AS US5R) SUBMITTED: December 14, 1957 Card 3/3 .11 ~Fffi 5119~PIINTR 13 240h 04(ist AUTHORSs TITLE~- 67390 SOV/101 -1 -9-8/31 Rvvkip~ S-, M., Ivanov, Yu._L., Grinberg, A. A,, tiovikov, Z.R~p Potekhina, N. A New Longitudinal My~~etoptriet ion Lffoctland :,pplic- ation to the Determination of the Ratio Betreen thp ~;()r- centrations of Heavy and Light Holes PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959~ Vol 1, Nr 9, pp 1372 - 1~575 ~U33R) ABSTRACT- When investigating the diffusion of the nonequilibrium carriei in the magnetic field, the appearance of electrical fields is usually studied (e.g, the photomagnetic Kikoin-floskoy efinct). The present paper offers the results obtained from in investisr- ation of the concentration distribution of the minority carrier in the magnetic field, and in particular., the reoults of qn investigation of the longitudinal magnotostriction effect in the longitudinal magnetic _fields A plane-p.-arallel semicon- ductor plate was arranged perpendicularly to a homogenoua magnetic fields On the plate, a point light probe exactly faced a point collector. The in 'iected nonequilibrium carriers diffused through the plate and the collector determined the Card 0 concentration of the minority carrier. The concentration 67390 A New-Longitudl.ial, Magnetostriction Effect and Its' SOV/181-1-9-8/31 Application to the-Determination of the Ratic, ijetween the Coneentrations of Heavy and Light Holes J recorded thereby increased with H. Figure 1 shows.a schematic repreie'ptation of the measuring arrangement, alescription of which is given. Theoretically, one obtains for the concentration of thb injected carrier on the z-axis Z/l D. (H Z) g A.12 H29D z 177 , where ij is the eleotron-hole pair production rate,.1D the diffusion length, Dn the electron diffusion coefficient. Figure 2 Rhows the result obtained by an attempt of experimentally verifying this formula for electron injection into hole-type germanium. The beat agree- ment is obtained with a microscopic drift mobility of the electrons It, 0 ,3650 cm 2/v.aeb. When investigating the hole n diffusion in n-tXpe ermanium) a considerable 4ivergence between theory and expertment is observed, whioh, however, Card 2/3 can be explained when taking into account the existence of 167390 A New Longitudinal Magnetostriotion Effect and Its SOV/181-1-9-8/31 Application to the Determination of the Ratio Between the Concentrations of Heavy and Light Holes SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 heavy and light holes. The theoretical curve drawn for tliis case nicely deacribes the experimental results. The r-on- centration ratio between heavy and light holes is d~.duced from measuring results as being 57; this value approaches the result (50-0) obtained by an other way (-Ief 1). There are 2 figures and 2 references. March 7, 1959 7 T S1181160W41041051034 A 77,0 B002/B063 AUTHORS: R, A I Ivanovq Yu. boy Ukin, S. M Grinberg, A. Novikov, S. R.9 P-5-fekMinat No D 6 TITLE: Investigation of the Diffusion of Minority Carriers in a Majoetio Field -ki PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, PP- 575-590 TEXT: The distribution of the concentration of minority carriers intro- duced into a magnetic field by "point" injection was theoretically and experimentally studied. A light spot was focused onto a germanium sheet cut out of a single crystal. The occurring emf was meanured by means-of an AB -9 (LV-9) tube voltmeter. The setup is schematically represented in Fig.. 1. Thus, the longitudinal magnetostriction effect (Fig. 5) was measur- ed on p-type and n-type germanium, ')~uoh measurements may be umed to do- termine such semiconductor parameters as the microscopic drift mobility of carriers and the concentration ratio between carriers of equal sign but different effective mass. The concentration ratio between light and heavy holes in germanium was about 2 per cent. Mention is made of VY, Card 1/2 i;Y6 81947 Investigation of the Diffusion of Minority S/181/60/002/04/05/034 Carriers in a Magnetic Field B002/BO63 I. K. Kikoin, Nookov, and Pikas. There are 7figures andIS references: 7 Soviet, I Americanv 9 British, and I French. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tokhniobeskly institut AN 83SR (Leningrad Physiootechnioal Institute of the AS USSR SUBMITTED: July 24, 1959 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: T IT L:,, 38,909 . S/181/62/004/006/015/051 B125/BlOij 1vanov Yu. L., and Ryv*.!i-.1, S. M. Optical charj-,e exchange of impurity centers and kinetics or . impurity photoconduction PERIODICAL: Fizik-, tlerdogo tela, v. 4, no. 6, 19.62, 1482-1491 1 TEXT; The kinetics of photoconduction in direct and reverse char-e exchanC,e through the C-zone has been inveatigated experimentally, and results have been interpreted qualitatively. The examined five groups of n-type germanium specimens with copper introduced by diffusion comprised. almost all possible stages of compensation. The illumination of group I specimens (all Cu,centers having a triple negative charge) and of group V gives rise to electron exchange between a single level (level III for group I, and level Il for group V) and the corresponding zone. The relaxation curves then contain only one "A'ast" component. if specimens of groups II and III (containing triply and doubly charged centers) are irradiated with 0.43 ev>h,,->0.26 ev, both Blow and fast relaxation appeara. Under irradiation with 0.49 ()v :,k,7',`0-0 Ov, the Card 1/3 TTT S/18 62/004/006/015/051 Optical charge exchange of impurity ... B 12 5X1 Oil relaxation curve slopes dovin [,ontly owini, to a1iargo exchange of tile Cu centers. The irradiation of III (all centers having-double negative charge) with 0.49 ev h-.;- ' 0.45 ev causes reverse charge exchang ge which m ay change the rate of Generation and, to a lesser deg-ree, also 1he lifetime. In the irradiation of jroup IV specimens (containing sinaly and.doubly charged centers) with 0.45 ev>h,,~,0.32 ev as well an in the-short-wave,. range, there appears a "fast" component. Theoretically possible slow processes are not observed. After illumination of a group III specim-eni:".". with 0.,19 ev > h,- ' 0.45 ev, electrons from levels II and III &re transferred to the C-zone. '-!he intensity of this reverse process ("flashing") increases with projressin.- filling of level III with electrons. A steady state sets in after a certain time. Hence, the amplitude of this "reverse flashing" (characterizing the concentration of triply char6ed non- equilibrium centers) tends toward a limiting value if preliminary illumination has been -3rotracted for a sufficiently long time. The more intense the illumination, the more quickly this limiting value is attained. There are 6 figures. The most important English-language reference is: J. Lambe, C. C. Klick. Phys. Rev., 96', 909, 1955. Card 2/3 S/lel/62/004/006/015/051 Optical char."Ie exchange of impurity ... B125/BlOil ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut im. A. F. Joffe AN SSSH, Leningra'd (Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. T. Joffe AS USSR, Leningrad) 5IJ:31.'jITTB'D; January 22, 1962 VII-I Card 3/3 39967 511811621004100810361041 B108/13102 If. t2 70 1) AUTi"011: Ivanov, Yu. L. TITLE: The capture cross sections for photons an& electrons on the third copper level in germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. a, 1962, 2274 - 2276 TEAT- Copper impuriti'g-a in germanium have three acceptor levels in the forbidden band. The photon and electron capture cross sections of the third- of these levels which is 0.26 ev below the bottom of the conduction band were determined from impurity photoconduction'.-,~ measurements in.the range 77 1'50OKs qm 1, where n is the electron concontration in 0 10 the conduction band, m is the electron concentration on the levels in the 0 dark, q is the photon capture cross section, and I is the number of light quanta per second falling UDon 1 cm2. The electron lifetime decreases exponentially as temperature increases which is related to an increase in Card 112 S/1 al/62/004/006/036/041 The capture cross sections ... B 108/13102 20 2, This 10711 capture cross section, which at 770K is about 0.8-10- cm, value is attributed to the repulsive Coulomb field of the doubly chareed cop:)er centers. There are 2 figures and 1 table. ASjOCIATIONt Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inatitut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSM Lenin- grad (Physicoteohnical Institute imeni A. F. 1~ffe AS USSR- Leningrad) SUBMITTEDt April 26, 1962 Card.2/2 -L:4 1k, B 10 2/111 Eq: (5) A V? H OR T ITLZ t Temperature dependence of the a-ctivatiov- onerq.,! ol., tile lieeow~ and third levele of copper and gorm.,iniuai naloDICAL; Fizika tverdogo teln, v. 5, no. 4, 196~, 1217 -- 1218 TEXTt The temperature dependenoe of the position of the thfrd. and. soioond levels in the forbidden band was determined by tvio (1) The leveh D,DaitiOn St OOK was determined by measurirC., the Ball w`fect. Tn thiji the electron ooncentrat~on in the -,onduction band ii-ari detertalned. from the relation n - A, exp (-./Pk)exp(-A:-; 0/ f~kT) ivl%en the t~-inponttuxe dependeme oil' the forbidde-n band width ia zi-en by 4E . AF, + aT, B being the gap width at OOK and a the temperature coefficient of the loval nhint. r2) Thcllang~ wave edge of phococonductivity due to optioul ax,A~ni.!ion of' 1:1arriers 1'ra, the lcrvcl invf3atijated into the band wau determinod. 0,111no (Iri:,ups of imiaples we;-e invegtignted: Thode of tho first group hind at ID K th,]U, lower lovol +C-.O.l ev) completely filled with electrors an.-.1 the ot'ne:t j)artiallj.. (~~ 7 1 card 1/2 F-T.17 ,5/18 1/6 5/005/004/045/0,17 Temperat ure dependence of the act ival ion. . . ;I I 02/B Those of the other group had two lower lavela comp I et a I.,,f f 1. 1. 1 ed IL rd anoth or F, a r t I a 1 ' :( .For the tv+O. 52 ev the temperature snifl; d wL eri.-A. tied frou the phr,to,.:oriductivity red edge shift was obtained as -5- "1 - io-4 ev/,, from 'Ghe 0 Hall affect -6.9-10 4 av/deg uaa obtained. Tor the in, 2(wel 9his value was determined from the Ho-11 ef,'ect and viaE 1 10 Ilv/de~g. The activation energies for the two copper levelia in Ge nox-ii; 0 K A E 0 0.320 0.216o 0.518 0.2, 8 0.280 0,220 500 0.260 0.100 There aro 2 fibpires and 1 table. ASSGC'D,'T10N: inal"itiit i0. A.- V', "fol"') 1A il~'-,; i(, L(Inin- -rad '~Ys icotechnical Ins-1 it ut I A SU3 Y 11' L", 7, 191S2 IVANCV, Yu.L.; RYVKIN, S.M. V ~Xwwl m I~r Phototlectret affect in silicon. Fiz. tvar. tale 5 no.12:3541-3544 D 163o (MIRA 17s2) 1. Fiziko-takhnicheskiy institut imeni. A.F.1offm AN SSSR, Leningrad. i I , . !:- ~ (~Ilb, . : ! I [.:; i 'i i : i 1; 1 1~ 1 : " 6 : : il ~ , ~~ ~ r ~- : , , ~l , ; . Ir I : 1 1 1 ; Ir'. ;~: . ill ~::], i .. i 'i :: I ~~ ::,. ;!; I - ! i . . I . ,I : ; ,. ~'t I.: ; , ~ i.! : I i:: 1 .1 .;.i IH~. ~i. I i . ! ! : E . - i I !I I I 1 7 . I I: d IH ~i :. I I I I ~ Hit! !111 11 1 1 IvOlovi YU.T... Paiiative re-f;mbination on linear dlsaof::ati-,-jn:3 Ln germanium. FLZ. tver. tela 7 no.3,-788-,792 Mr 165. (MIRA 18.14) 1. Fiziko-tekhtninhesk-ty institut. imeni AN SSSR, imnirigrad. _UANOV, YU-L.; YUHNETMI, A.V. Radiative recombinations in Si and Ge related to radiat-lan defects. Fiz. tvar. tela 6 no.1293-703-3701, D 104 (MIRAL 18:2) 1. Fiziko-tekhmicheskiy inatltu!, imeni loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. Rr -- - 7 -- - -- - P-~ - eip- i- f, vmll - =1e - 1!~,i ~ ~ , 1 1 . , I ~'. ~, -- . 11 - --a - ~Ll I VA. . , I vla.~ I I .. , , SALISHCHNV, K.A.; GEDYMIN, A.V.; ITANOV, Ta.M.. redaktor [Cartography. Supplements: cartographic projections aod maps] Kartografila. Ilrilozhentia: Xartograficheskie proaktaii i karty. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1955. 100 P. (KLRA 9,7) (Cartograpby) [Microfilm] CHIZEMOD. I.M.; ZIE?IIROVSKIY, A.Sh.; GLUKHOV. D.Ya. i IYANOT, Yu.M. The first compensated mercury rectifying converter of the alunin= plant and results of its testing. Izv. KPI 26:139-169 '57. (mIRA 11:6) 1.1afedra, teoretichookikh oenov elektrotekhniki Kiyovskogo politakh- nicheskogo instituta. (Mercury-em rectifturs-Teeting) ~Plr:- IR IN 0 ft rr ell 1 4~r q a IL 115 ir 3/1211/6i/boo/bo8/042/642 AG)O1/AlO1 AUTHOR: Ivanov, Yu. M. TITLE: Estimate of polymer material strength as a function of load duration and temperature PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, no. 8, 1961, 66-67, abstract SV569 (V sb. "Vopr. primeneniya dereva I plast. mass v str-ve". Moscow, Gosstroyizdat, 1960, 5-18 ) TEXT: The author analyzes experimental data of S. N. Zhurkov on deteftining temperature-time relations of strength in plastics'(see, e.g. Zhurkov, S. N., Vestn. AN SSSR, 1957, no. 11, 78-82; RZhMekh, 1958, no. 11, 13126). He notes, in particular, that temporary dependences of strength in semi-logaritbmical. coordinates, 6- Igt, represent straight lines crossing at one point with coordl- nates 6o - a. The slope angle of these lines to the abscisija axis Z depends on temperature. It is shown that In coordinates 6 tg c4 (a + Jgt), experimental points obtained at different temperatures Ile In a single sl;raigbt line which is named by the author the summary straight line of strength. The ooncept of Holloman, J. H., and Jaffe, L. D. Trans. Amer. Inst, Mining and Metallurg. Card 1/2 'J 1; I ~-A ~-tu C) Ll 9 . ILI 0 It I/ f AUTHOR Ivanovq Yu.---.~'~. TIT LE: ',Ilethods of interpretirl.- results of lonu- life tests or, polymeric substances PERIODM~11; Zavodskuya iaboratoriyal v, 271 no. 4, a55-458 TEXT. T1-1- -uthor has shown by the example of polystyrene 'rhat the parametz~x relation T(O + log t) = K = const (2) is little suited ior the ex-trapola- tion of long life strength of polymers in a wido. range oi t empe rat Lire o and duratiai,s of the action of forces. lie also found that V. I. Nikitin's method dizouoised belovi (for heatproof steels) (Ref- 7) is noL ap-plinable to polymc.~.~~, exhibiting,- a nonlinear dependence of tan o( on T in aw-, -", e, temperatuve ranfre. -he author suggests a metl~od of "tolal" itraight lines, vil--Iul. iu based upon the collection of the straijhi, lineJ 0" a bundle to a single l1ne. S. 11. Zhurkov (ReC. 6) 'na!3 toe". col,cerned -xith a better defin-.".-ion -):C tho aj),)Iivalbilify Of fovML11,L al'-~ :Lt for iiitorpret iu;- pub! -inhed exporimorital dati ue ionj J,ife strungth of polyotyvene. It may be '-'eer. fron. S, Zh-urkovlo Card 1/8 Methods cf interpreting results ... B103/13201 diacram (71,;. that the uoints for the temporaturo -19,10C ztro L-%Aftod u e not on tne poi-iib.le cant inua- I'ar to tI"; Since the,,,e points r tion of 1.1i,.; par~~meter curve 'that would pass through ti-,e points of hi.~Lar temperaturo:j, the author concludes that relation (2) io not applicat.le ,lo this cuou. He further stresses the fact that, tl,,L, pointzi in the diagram of 1, which correspond to a constlant temperature, lie on a straight -jIne. 111"orefore, no curve appears in the coordi-netes K (o beir,,;,- the stress), but, a curved strip made of sociions of a ,:~rail-11L line for T ~ const . For this and other reasons, the applinability of formula (2) is 6reatly linited. The author, therefore, beses on the formula by L. 71. Zhurkov (Ref. 1) to write: t = t 0exp(U, - ya/kT) (1), where t is t-he timesuar untuil breakdown, T is the aboollate 'cemperature, U0 is tht- c-i,ergetic constant of the breaking zllrocon."', k. is -!'-:! -Iloltzmann constant, t() and y are constants. Fig. 3 b shown, i~ dii.Lj-ram for qluminum in coocdinates T log t; T (mot"1011 by V. I Ukitiii, !'Xr- 7) Thin dia6ram consists of parallel StriLiLrilt line:; 1,01, 01 1'*':~:I t rac 11 or I s Card 2/8 M57 S/032/61/027/004/016/028 Methods of interpreting results ... B103/B201 note: Ti anti aiare not explained in the text], which are inclined toward the axis T under an angle, whose tangent - C. In the diagram for polystyrene (Fig- 3 a) these straight lines converge instead cf being parallel. Furthermore, the author has based on work by S. 11. Zhurkov and co-workers (Refs. 1, 6, and 8) constructed the diagram tan a - f(T) (Fig. 4) for polystyrene (1), celluloid (2) organic glass (3), alloy of aluminum + 4-6% tin (4), platinum (5), and aluminum (6). This diagram shows the nonlinearity of the dependence of tan a on T Tor polystyrene. The author bases on all these data to state that V. I. Nikitin's method is not applicable to the abovementioned polymers. Ile suggests an inter- pretation method based on data by S. N Zhurkov: the experimental points in the coordinates 6; log t are arranged onto straight lines for T i The equation const, which constitute a bundle converging to one pole. for this bundle reads, according to Fig. 2: a tan a(a + log t) (3), where 6 and a - log t are the pole coordina?os. After equating 0 0 the right-hand part of equation (3) with J, the straight lines of the bundle are collected to one line, which the author calls "total" straight Card 3/8 21157 S/032/61/027/004/0106/028 Methods of interpreting results B103/B201 lines and which corresponds to equation ae, - (Y 1~ (4). Fig- 5 presents such a straight line for polystyrene. The autlior ha~i submitted a report on the method of constructing these straight lines to the All-Union meeting on theoretical and applied mechanics (section for rheology) on January 27 - February 3, 1960 in Moscow. There are 5 figures and 9 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. References: S. N. Zhurkov (Ref. 1: Vestnik AN SSSR, 11, 76, -1957); S. N. Zhurkov, B. N. Narzullayev (Ref. 6: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, XXIIII no. 10, 1935; V. I. Nikitin (Ref- 7: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, xxv, 12, 1959); S. 11. Zhurkov, T. P. Sanfirova (Ref. 8: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, XXVIII, no. 81 1958). The 2 ref*rencas to Engliah- language publications read as follows: F. R. Larson, j. Miller, Trans. ASTiM, 74,no. 5 (1952); S. Goldfain, Proc. ASTM, 54, 1344 (1954). ASSOCIATIOU: Teentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut stroitelinykh konstruktsiy (Central Scientific Research Institute of Structural Parts) Card 4/8 DAMOV. V.N.; L&RIONOT, V.V.; - IVANOT, Tutm. Using radioisotopes for studying reservoir pro.parties of rocks, Trudy MRI no.15:260-265 155. ()CLHA 9: 3) (RMiolootopee--luduatrialo:~plications) (Oil well logging, Radiati PANFILOVA NQ , A.L., kand. tekhn.nauk, at. nauchn. sotr.; TVA yp..T M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; STRASH14TH, V.P., redA-z*d-" Ya; MIKHEYEVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Instructions for protecting reeds and reed products from decay) Instruktsiia p9 zashchite kamysha i izdelii iz nago ot gnieniia. Moskva,lGosstroiizdat, 1962. 29 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Akademiya stroitalletya i arkhitektury SSSIL Institut stroitellnykh konstruktsii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Ivanov). (Reed products) FREYMUNDT, Ye.N., dots.; KORENEVSKAYA, N.N., dots.; ILICM:NKO, SAMOYLOVA, A.A., dots.;GUROV, G.M., dots.; IW~QV, Tia. ZAYTSEVAP N.V., dots.;EYDELIMAN, M.R., red.; KODIIKOV, L.A., red.; PONOMAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Balance of the gro" national product of a Union Republic; problems in the theory and methodology of its preparation] Balans obshcheatvannogo produkta soiuznoi rppubliki; vop- rosy teorii i metodiki sostavleniia. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 326 p. (MIIL4 16:4) 1. Moscow. Ekonomiko-Btatioticheekly institut. (Gross national product) "I'MASHOVO IVANOV, Yu.M. Effect of palladium on the corrosion resistance of tittiniuro. Zashch. met. 2 no.1:32-37 Ja-F 166. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellakly i I)royektnyy instJtut redkometallichaskoy promyshlennontl AN SSSR i Inatitut fizicheakoy khimil AN SS"311. Submittad 11-VAy 23~ 1965. IYANDY. Tu.K.; KUZNIK, B.I.; RAMILITICH, L~18. Affeet of penicillin on the coagalability of blood. Gov.mad. 19 no.6:35-38 Ja '55. (XIMA 8:9) 1. :Is kafedry nortmillnoy f1stologli (sav.-prof.Te. Mvanitskly- Vamilanko) Saratovskogo mditolnskogo inatituts. (PIKEGILL111, effects, on blood coagulation) (BWO 00AGULATION, effect of drugs on, penicillin) TU