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VOROMIN, A.N. Device for glazing ceramic pipes. Stek. i ker. 18 no.12:31-32 D, 163.. (MM 26:8) 1, Reahitskiy zavad keramicheakikh trub. (Flipe, clay) 4. " LIVOV, M.; EAIAYKOV~ X., Cut-of-town session of-the Commission on Drilling held in the city of Krasnodar, Neft. khoz. 39 no.5:64-67 Mly 161. (MIRA 11+:9) (Oil wel.1 drilling) LEVINk, Z.M.; KALMYKOV, N.I. I Friction looses in rolling guides. Stan.i instr. 33 no.1:15-17 Ja 162, (MIU 15:2) (Friction) J-1110841 U" .11-1 A.-I , .f, &Na .1# ;gal IN$ 0.41. Nil POM111(l APOJ rNOW01 "Pit .-- --. 1-3 oil, .00 ,b fit 1.00 00, -06 --- Twnty 6~4211 Of Soviet chenkal ludwu7, 00 A "GAVY laul -00 ' . chem. I.J. (t7 s. s. 0 -100 : 0 ~ 66 oo'r II :00 .00 acool 0 0 0 g X40 t3 00 . 111111411 z 0111PAILOst (LAMI)CATION : a WAIJUJIGICAL . i bib t 3 u hV I w st Of a a it Of a It "to AI IF IN -3 aa 2 t IK4 v t K ta to 0 It T44 41140 00 0.0 00 00006 000 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 00 0 : 0 a 0 411,41 0 0 6040 00 KAIMIYEOV, ; ~ I-, , . ., " , .,;. Folurz~d.-,-m ma-chiao. a ever. prom. no.2;6-..2 Ap.-Jr! 165~ (MT;~ 18,:61 -k i "I? ~ : A j~ v'!I. ~ KAUffKOV,B.N.- VATSBEYN.S.A.; BAYTIR,I.A., redaktor; SHPAK,Te.G., tekhni- WA"Wamik" "?;daktor [Economics of the socialist chemical industry] Ekouom'Lka sotsialisti- cheakol khImicheskoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd- ve khim.lit-ry, 1955. 302 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Chemical industries) S/048/62/026/005/022/022 3, P ~40 B108/B102 AUT11011; Kalmykov, N. N. TIrfI%LE.* Use of the Kolmogorov-Dmitriyev method in calculating nuclear cascades PZIRIODICAL: Akadeniya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya, Scriya fizicheskaya, v. 206, no, 5, 1962, 692 - 696 TEXTt The method of A. N. Kolmogorov and N. A. Dmitriyev (Dokl. AN SSSR, 56, 7 (1947)) is used to study fluctuations in the number and energy flux of nuclear-active particles in extensive atmospheric showers. A nuclear cascade is regarded as a uniform process, in rhich decay is ignored. The method consists in finding the probability of finding a specific set'of particles at a definite depth owing to primary particles of a specific type. For this purpose it suffices to find the averaged characteristics of the relevant elementary events. There are 1 figure and 1 table. Card 1/1 EW M IC- -j47 4 1 C SOUIM% =I;*. UR/OMBA-5/029/00DAM2/1705 Ch AIIWOR: ~~Alkov, i R.N. ORG none 'TM1 S OjkloulAttibaij of t* fluiltuationmi In the development of oasoade shower* by a TI. etb6d of Lolnozom~ v*: /Repiiit All-MgL 0 0 okC*nfez~tnqq_on Cos!!iR Ra b ice held at Apa- tit :24-01 Alwat 1934/ SCURM.: 'AN OSSR4 lzv~ estlyiao Serlya'fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 9, 1955,,1702-1705 MPIC ThGS: prinarvicosmC6're. , secondary cosmic ray, extensive air shower, nucleon iriteriatiph, inVU0110 iftt-Praction pion ABSTRAM The authors heiviil:amployed the method of branching stochastic processes (A.M~~!Dlaog:orov arld 44AJiiit'i1yev, D-OkI. AN SSSR, 56, 7, 1948) to calculate the aver- age vklue~ irA Alspe'ra'lozk *i depths in an extensive air mhower initiated Iby a different 1015 vv primary,ton of the fluxes of electrons, nuclear-active particles, and ener- gy in: the. nualetu-Sictive component. The basic equations of the method are presented InA the tildAnItpies I& soliring them are not discussed In detail. Calculotlons were mrfoiwed'tor oil;" 4iff6iont made'13 of the initiating elementary Interaction event. It wms asatne4 tblv* u's theory swat ,but pion production proceeds acoording to lainda anti tbnt the Interution nean free path of U)Pth nucleons and pions in 80 g/cm2. The b~qrd ... ... jj: IN-11111-1 Nil -1111UM ACC NR, !4P50241638;:' several: kuterjm)ticim:"el~ dif for with respect to the number and nature of the very high: ene.rZy 1~ It wits found that the paxticle number fluctuations, even at ranximillm Mower deo0opment, considerably exceed the Poisson fluctuations and that' they are, due'tM-bah*v1or -of the Wtiating nucleon, the behavior of the second- aries ccintributIng 6nly 4. few percent to the fluctuations. 7he fluctuation at sea lov. Cl of the.~ number at' 'high iantrgy nuons was also calculated. 7he fluctuation of the number of, muoris was. much"Jeso than that of either the electron or the nviclear-ritive Component, but; It. nii1texceedod tb~e Poisson fluctuation. Orig. axt h(iss 12 foraulas and ~2 t*bleg.: ,Sun:' WDS iNP/ wi.]AWS '00/ ORIG Tm.?% 00V OM WWI 000 COM KALMTMV, N.N. 'A2rther improvement of methods for planning and paying for givological'w6rka Razvad.i okh.nedr 21 no.6:58 N-D '55. (MLRA 9t12) (Boring) (wagon) KA.WYov, llilLQ.IAW-NiltnlayeviLh;-14ALIKOVp Ivan Aleksandrovich; .I- LESETSKIY, V.A., red.; ISAYEVA, V.V., ved. red.; VOROBIYEVAp L.V.) tekhn. red. [Drilling equipment used in the U.S.A.] Burovoe oborudovanie., primeniaemoo v SShk. 1~oskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry) 1962. 244 p. (YiM 150) (United States-Oil well drilling rigs) MMYKOVS-A-A~. .- ...... ..- Testing eonditions of bigh speed flotation at the uZolotusbimkayam ore dressing plant. TSvet.met. 35 no.8:13-16 Ag 162, (MIRA 15:8) (Flotation-Testing) Trz U.; f6r i o lie ~l 0t m mi Fig.: 1 !0 EnO 3.0,914ZO o I jir~.Jj 11,11 HIJI KAI24YKOV, N.T. -------- :--- Volcanic pipes in the Minudnek intermontane trough Izv.AN SWR. Ser.geol. 28 no.2s" F *63. WRA 16:2) L Voesoyuznyy nauchno-looledovateltok;7 inatitut p Oyezoopticheakogo minerallnogo ayrlya, Moskva. (0hulym-Tenisey I*wland-Basalt) v SAZONOT, A*];*,,, inzb., otvotstvem~7 red.; TILITIN, 4.K., iuzh., red.; BRIKINk, A.As, inzh., red.; red.; KMIEDTA, A.L, iuzh., red.; GALKNOV# IIGO, i=h., red.; SM'KPM, A919, red. isd-vat, SHKLYAR, S.Ya., tekhn. red. [Rules for organization and safe operation of gas producer stations operated on pevtj Fravila ustroistva i bezopainol ekspluatats'il torfiwWkh gazopueratorrqkh stantsii, Moskm, Ugletakhizdat, 1957. 34 P. (HIM 11:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) lComitet po nadzorm za bezopaorqm redenlysm rabot r pronVehlonnostl i gornowu nadso'ru, (peat) (Gas producers) imam, lZmakul 19 1~. ykl~ DECFASED 63/3 (1902) it 7 o K f ~,,Lj 107-"3/62 AUTHOR: Kalmykovi 0.0 (068100), Instruotor of the ROSTOV Provincial statiob---d-f-Y-oung Technicians TITLEt Useful.Undertaking (Polezroys nachinaniye) PERIODICALs Radiot,1957, # 8, p 14, col 2-3 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The number of schoolboys who become ultra-short "-,Ye soateurs- and thinumber of school ultra-short wave radio stations in- arefteei in towns and in rural districts. The ROSTOV Provincial Board of Public Instruction granted 4,000 'ftibles'.for purchasing the required radio parts-for 20 sots of ultro-short way* radio stations. In cooperation with the ROSTOV "DOSAAF11 radio club a cheap and handy transceiver was designed for stable communioatlon at a distance of 30-40 km, operating at 38-40 mc/a with an output of 5 wattad Amateurs may build this receiver themselves. The young technicians of the ROSTOV. NOVOCHERKABSEO AZOV and P%U_000 Stations manufactured five ultra-short wave radio sets Card jf2 KA U MH GV I P. In the Correspondence Faculty. Rech. transp. 24 no.6:!,7 165. (I,IIY,A 18:8) i. Zamesti,teil dekam Volgogradskogo fakulli.eta zancliriogo obucheniya Gorlknvskogo instituti, ln-,heriorov vorinogo tramporta. SHUMMIN, Z,; SIITAM, V6; SHLEYMOVICH, S.; WffNOV,_.P.; RALITSEVICH, V.; FYATENKOV, V.,* POTEMIN, I.) SOKRATCk,"YU0* There are all conditions for building strong and good eleva- tors. Muk.-srlev,~ prom. 2cyno.8:i8-19 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Zamestitell upravIya7usbcbeko trestom TSentroeleva- t;mellstroy (for Shtam). 2. Nachaltnik sektora organiza- tsii stroitellnykh rabot Gosudarstvennogo instituta Prom- zemoproyekt (for Ralitsevich). 3. Starshiy inzh. TSentrall- nogo konstruktorskogo byaro tresta Spetselevatormellmontazh (for Potemin). 4. Zamestitell nachallnika proizvodetvenno- tekhnicheskogo, otdeleniya tresta Petropavlovskelevatormell- stroy (for Sokratov). KULIYEVI, R.P.; !!~~Wp P.:0 ,~- kutomtic,oil-recovery measuring device. Azerb. neft. khoz. 42 na.lala-43 Ja 163, (MIRA 16t10) (Remote control) (Liquid level indicators) APANAMEVp A,P.j ANUCHINO Y.G.; VINOGRADOVp X.V.y- GARANINA, M.M.; GnMCYVICH, M.H.; DUEROVSM, Ye.P.; YEVSTIGMEV) A.A.; IOKHVIN., M R.j KUNKOV, -LH*; MWGEL'p LTS.; IA=p I.G.; MkYEVSKUp ...1mr, -S.,.; HIZHERITSKIY.. G.S.; NOVIKOV, M.I.; XVMtM# F:m O.V.$ PCHELKINA,, I.A.; RAZUM07p V.S.j ROZENBIZUMI I.M.; SMOVs B.P.; SX"PNIK,, T.I.; SAVVINp Te.S.; SHOTRINA.. V.P.; TEMPHUA, N.S.-, FILICHAKOVj N.I.; E31RAPUNOVA, Ye,L,; URMWICH, G.B.; URITWp P.Pq SHIU)V# CA,; SIUKOVI A6P,j KIRIILOV, LAI red.; ARKOCH, M90op (Regulations on the construction of minicipal telephone network lines] Fravils. po stroitellstva lineixWkh sooruzhenii gorodskikh teleformykh setei. 2.izd. Moskva, Sviazlizdat,, 1962. 53-1 P. (KM 15: 5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo avyazi. Glavnoye npravleniye Impitallnogo stroitelistva. (Telephone lines) KAuNfaw, P,F., in.-,h,; (;',IAYKA, V,V,, Four-roller polit3hing machine. Der. prom. 14 no.4-.27 Ap 165. (MIPI 180) 1. Saratovskiy mebollnyy kombinat. KALMYKOIIR P.Pl, gornyy Inz-h, Rotary flurnace for heating bits. Gor. zhur. no.9t66-68 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) -- - -.- -- - - -- 11 .1 . mwwl' Z. S.; YAIRIFkOV' P. V. Grain Elevator-a Technological regitlations for the construction of grain elevators. Biul. stroi. tekh., 9, no. 14, 1952. 9. Monthl LIst of Russian Accessions, Library of Congr,.~ss, November 1952 IM, Uncl. KAUAYKQY,-EjL r 11ad -oyjah;-WGYLOVAj G.V.p red.; GOLUBKOVAp L.A.., t _Jpir tekbn, red, (Organization and mechanization of the construction of elevators] Organizatsiia i imkhanizataiia, stroitellstva elevatorov. Moskvap Izd-vo tekhn.i ekon.lit-ry po voprosam kh2eboproduktovy 1961. 155 p. (MIU 14:22) (Grain elevators) (Concrete construction) KAU~E4 YM017101 , - . ...... RALITSEVICH, V.A.; KHOROSKY, I.S.; SHLE S.A.; SHUKHW, Z.S.; ARIELI, E.I. (Building reinforced concrete structures In sliding forms] Vozvedenie zhelezobetonnykh sooruzhenii v skollziashebei opalubke. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 306 p. (MIRA 18:12) FT ;i a ~ 11 191 1 A T. I ! 1. '. a M3 up p -,p- '4' 11 it a 14 .. - 0 4 , A- 7t - ~* 1 .40 Mod, F, 1 7, a. 11, I-ee ' ( f kh l i txts- rk4 !oM common 41AIA *0 the Ovirm. o Ralu V y AVAU&bk V"ciable paurc". Pint iseedles contain aixMit b flaws "isiuch tillamin C " Is contained in Ignions. 71W. 1 mast t8cctive exta. tattliod b that in wbkh the needles I r an rimel In cold wattr, tbta pattkuLitted mechanically f t ld 4 d 3 W l citi . o. at 7 water ( w or I % co ) gave on y dil AC01126%; K%1dlQ$fUr2-3U11A-- -*9 With Is" water, la"4 I, 14W kin. with c'44 W.I., &= .00 gavv 80% relailve extit, need of the ffoct k. the, thati Ornplis M1101 telmh to e(Mille the e Ivene" Ut .0* the v%tri" partbodis. Uw of muMple (34) "tri, In- see cireawa this ykW by 52-100%. Richest In vilsittla C we L** Plitt Nberhin cedar fir and larch Needles 1-2 yrs. old i h l b iV U 7 d l i4Z c r need ou d not e stored tt es s tab e we over 3-4daya 6 thesusamer or 10-12 days in coal weather. go The "quiremerstis of masi we s&tWW by list ext. of 20 is. coo of needles !a the winter and 40 1. In the sumnser. Hiln. Insist be dom within 0.3 hr., preferably with 3 pans water th fil d th h l Th l i d I dl e m it. tere o an es. t roug c to isart nee z0 the Ina Is funber isquftsed to rtmove residual liquor. 'IM bitter tams can be dkgWKJ by PiM of preftrAbly lk! h i 49 0 1 ou not be kept over 1-2 days, ot at c. The tills. s s 5 days. The usual Italy treft and pwY plants 00* (spinach, dovtr, 41faUsk, D"tk) can be used as the vitamin sowtv in surnmer months, the tztn. process b the same f l di d as used ne nee tt for roost ellswient proce ure. or p l ( R ff . oso apo ~ tie 9. I'M.- 171 "1% , 4. Ask Jul U OK Or torwo WWI 31f 1W 9 a 01 0 0 lip 9 Io, 0 0 .0 W 00 *1* 0 Cs 0 0 0 *06 0 0 0 41 0 ol * go -J, 10. 0 .0 k!9 0 0 0 0 0 0g0 0 go e.009 o o 0 A AMW V& ., & & a S 4W 0 V W 3-MjWAj&'jft1 71 'MIUM W u 9 a 17 a Aup, W! %p W, I -A-, i QUA. 0 0 it .-go in bt "WMMM*a 0' IVA VA'" i~7~N.- ,tows p. 1 7. an heated In a bealef with see tie wrwml tit. ouufl,v*" Gil. blab-bolli jVtc- 0011MIldly. 147 pieptine, c"tvs fA is ur*d OU jxj 6 litelit"its- roe b-Ig. mon mily bmIlt, 1b~ to the beak" lind weighed k Is welshed in the smPle IA added and tbt WbO burrmr. b conducted Milt 0 In. I eskingo !.T g4",, W.,. b., a 11.0 1. dri,n 14r. It 140* (3* ~. giv" the wt. of 1110 Itat. tin. -1 The ustal ying an.] Is roe 'rhe ~Wm-vdufg Is tntwv mpid than oven-& uluge dependable. with'Way t'IsNhicible resiults. -00 G. M. vto tsoo it- 04-4 twoo 41110h0 Nit Oftv -U' n '14 ;B11 Is n 0 0 &V It it It 000 0010 0 04 '06 KILL. M-O7, P. Ye. "Nonis for the Chomical Composition of Dria-ing V'ater,ll Gir. i San.., No.2, 1948 IKALRUOT, P.Ye.; KROTKOV, Fedor Grigorlyovich, red. 11 1 [Methods of research iA hygiene] Matody gigionichBokikh lealedovanil, Moakvag Medgiz, 1932. 450 p. (MIRA 13M (PMIC Im R RICSFUCH) KATXYIOV P.Ye. . -, -Ir-". Determination of protein in food. Gigisna L Sanit. '53, No.4,, 34-40. (CA 47 no.21111580 153) (mLRA 6:4) 1. S.M. Kirov Military-Mod. Acad. KAIMMOV, P.Te,,- TIMNIN. F.T., Laninvad Physiological standars of water consumption during considerable emposure to beat. Fiziol. zhur. 41 no.4:547-553 JI-Ag 155. (WATER, (MLRA 8:10) requiromeni, off. of heat) (HEAT, effects, on water requirements) KkLMYKO'F, ?.Ye.,professor.; GOLUBEV, T.I. Ajainopeptide. a protein preparation for parenteral feeding, Sov. med. 20 no.3:66-69 Mr. 156 (mimA 9:6) 1. Iz Voyenno-mecUtsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. (IMPUSICNS, PARENTERAL, protein prop. for parenteral feeding (Rua)) (PROTRINS, prop. for parenteral feeding (Rue)) 17(9) SOV/1?7-58-5-28/30 AUTHOR: Kalmykov, P.Ye., Colonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: The Book "Gigiyena pitaniya" (Hygiene of Nutrition) (0 knige "Gigiyena pitaniya") PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 57 pp 92-93 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a review of the second edition of a 451-page book "Gigiyena pitaniya" (Hygiene of Nutrition) by A.V Reysler, edited and supplemented by K.S. Fetrov;kiy Z_Ref 1 7, published by the Medgiz Pub- lishing House in 1957. There is I Soviet reference. Card 1/1 SOV/177-58-11-13/50 AUTHOR: KalTykov, P.Ye..-Polonel of the Medical Corps, Pro- f-essor-, TITLE: InvestigatiDn of Prepared Food With the Application of the Device "Razmellohitell tkaney" (Pulverizer of Tissues) PERIODIOAL: Voyeano-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 19q8, Nr 11, pp 45 - 47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ExpArimental workshops attached to the Institut fi- ziblogii imeni A.A. Bogomolltsa (Institute of Physio- logy im. A.A. Bogomolets) turn out a device called "Pulverizer of tissues" for pulverizing and mixing food which has to be chemically investigated. The device (Figure 1) consists of a 1-liter-glass with a cover. In the lower part of the glass a double- curved knife is fastened to an axle running through the bottom. The knife is quickly rotated by an elec- tric motor and pulverizes and mixes the content of Card 112 the glass. The velocity of rotations is adjustable YAXOTJWKO# Vladimir Alsksondrovich; XALMOV, P.Ye., red,; RULEVA, MA., tokhn,red, (Kethods for the sanitary inspeotion of see water@] Ketody somitarnoi otoonki moskikh Yod. Ixd.2., ispr. i dop, Lenin- gradq Oossind-vo med.lit-ry Kedgis, Laningr. otd-r4,e, 1959. 179 P. (fta water.-Pollution) (MIRA 13i1) KALHYKOV, Porfiriy Tevdokimovich, profo; BEMOV, A.I., red.; KHAHASH, I----I-I A!i "j, - "; at te . roc -11" (Methods for the study of the hygienic aspects of clothing] Mtody gigioniohookogo iseledovaniia gdezhdy. Leningrad, Gos. izd-vo mea.lit-ry, Leningr','otd-nie, 1960. 14o p. (KIRA 13:10) '(Glothing and dress) (Textile fabrioe-Testing) Kkwy!n~,Pje. d?ktor mod.naukj, prof-p- BT,,KATCVP A.I., StIldy oik the thermal properties of ready-to-wear clothing L, on a model device. Gig. i san. 26 no.9:414,4 S 161. ('ER', 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey i voyennoy gigiyeny Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena Lonina 4kademii imeni SA Kirova. (CLOTHING-TESTIFG) r (Leningraq Present s tus of the iproblem of'varm clothing. Gig. i san. 26 no. I 1 14 161. (JURA 14: 11) (CLOTHINop COLD WEATHER) YALV.YKOV.t P. Ye..,_prof. (Uningrad) What i,n wear today, Zdorovie 8 no,7'-28-29 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:7) (CLOTHING AND DRESS) KAIMEOVY S. let's Lake into consideration the special chHr-acteristies of various branches of industry. Prof.-tekh. obr, 22 no.1:25-26 Ja 165, (MIRA 18t4) KAUIPHOV, 3, I.F.t's make fuller use of the jossibilities of courses for the improvement of qualifications. IFrof.-tekh. abr. 22 no.6-28-29 jo ~6-5. (MIRA 18:7) T - ullal -0V, -- ..1. L ]ULl".Ylly lwl. i.. I , " J Tartain probleias on the reaction of vegetable crops to the mountain climate," Trudy Eazal~h, s.-kh. in-ta, issue 1, 194S (on cover: 10,49), P. 31-5PI - Dibliog: 15 items SO: IJ-52/,O, 17, Dec. 53, (Laill-opis 1,21au-nal Inyhh 5tate: "0. ~5, 19,19). XAIZIYKCV, S. A. KalrVkov, S. A. - "Ccobined grovine of plants as a method of pest control," Truc~y Kazakh. in-ta, Vol I, Issue 1, 1949, (on cover: 1949), p. 75-76 SO: U-52W, 17, Dec. 53, (Latopis 'Zhuxmal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949). K.ALMYKOV, 3,A. 25108 KAUTMOV) S.A. Gornoye Semenovodstuo Kartofelya. Vestnik Akad. Nauk Kazakh SSR, 1949, No. 3, S. 72-76.- Rezyume Na Kazakh. Y?, - Bibliogr: 5 Nam SO: Latopis', No 33, 1949 V . S. A. 28L,22 Uluchshitl) podgotovku".iklmdrov v slikolal-h ftu. I~vo~;kttyEt prom-ntv. No 8, S. 9-1c) - B. Tyokstilbriaya proWshlyoiinostl~. Tri-!cotvzhnaya. Fromyshlyennoctb. Volyalbno- voylochpoye proi7. vodstvo SO: LFTOPIS lqc. 34 KAmmov, S. Kazakhstwn - Apple Wild apple forests of southern Kazakhstan. Lea khoz. No. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 195"', UNCLASSIFIED. NALMOT S A ~-Mmwmmk Improve the technical training of qualified workers. Leg.prom. 14 no.12:5-7 D 154. (MMA 8:2) (.Technical education) BLYUMBEIMP V,A.,. inzh,,s KAlIfYY(JV. ',.A,y Inzi), Power engineering approach to the 6l.utly of eaulIzent dr-ving prcee8mem using, an eleatric currento Ele~troteklmika 36 no.3.Os62-64 0 t65- (mm 18 t 10) 1, -"D 0.2 ng(' ACC NR'AP6016720 SOURCE COM UR/0057/66/036/006/0981/0987 Aumm lpat2n V-Ai- Kalmykov.- B'Q'_ -7 ,ORG; ?4y~icotcchnlcal Institute im. A.F.Ioffo An SSSR Leningrad (Fiziko- toklinichoskiy institut AN SSSR) !TITLE; Application of t1bf diagnostic techniques to the in-eestigation of the s.tructure lof shock waves TSOURCE. Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v, 36, no. 6,1966, 981-987 iTOPIC TAGS: plasma diagnostics, uhf, microwave, plasma shock wave, shock wave Istructure, electron density, argon %T#OC* W19VP 1CC0A_r r 4i7r _tjqt1P VE.4od ~ABSTRAM The authors have employed a microwave interferometer to measure the jelectron density distribution in a shock front. The shock waves were produced in a ;4 cm diazeter quartz tube containing argon at approximately 0.01 mm Hg by discharging 50 kV 12 microfarad capacitor through a two-turn conical winding at one end of the tube. Electrode erosion was avoided only by employing high grade steel for the 1winding and carefully preparing its surface. The apparatus was baked out and was puri 1 6 Ified by repeated discharges, after each of which it was pumped down to 10- mm Hg. An up to 14 kOe transverse magnetic field, uniform within 3% over the 10 cm long working Iregion, was provided by discharging a 5 kV 1.05 microtarad capacitor through two irectangular.windings. 7be velocity of the shock front was derived from the cutoff L 41002-66 ACC NRs timos of two parallel microwave booms 4 cm apart that crossed the shock tube at right anglos to its axis. The 8 mm, wavelength microwave interferometer was located midway between the two microwave beams employed to measure the shock wave velocity. The trans;-- l Imitting and receiving antennas wore identical; each consisted of a horn and a 7 cm 'diametar hyperbolic double convex paraffin lens that focused the beam onto the axis Of the shock tube. The local lengths of the two surfaces of each lens were 4 and 12.5 cm,; Irespectively. The electron density was calculated from the phase shift of the trans- mitted beam. The resolving power of the interforomoter in the axial direction was idetermined by moving a 3 cm, diameter metal cylinder through the shock tube and observing ithe chnnge with the position of the cylinder of the intensity of the transmitted beam; Ithe resolution was found to be approximately I cm. In deriving the electron density from the interferometer data it was assumed that the electron density was constant in ia coordinate system moving with the shock front and could be represented by 7a trape- Izoidal distribution fuuction. The velocity of the shock front Was about 10 cm/sec at 10.045 mm Hg; the velocity increased slightly with increasing voltage on the capacitor land decreased somewhat8with increasing strength of the transverse magnetic field. The ivelocity was nearly 10 cm/sec at 0.064 mm Hg, but the reproducibility was poor. The width of the shoe front, defin as the distance in which the maximum electron density, ~2 Yq cm-3 iincreased from 40 to 1.7 x 10 increased rapidly with increasing velocity of ;~the shock wave, and under some conditions it was as great as 20 cm. The observed 'velocity dependence of the shock front width is in conflict vith the findings of H.Petschek and S,Byron. (Ann. Phyo., 11 270, 1957).and H.Blackman and B,,Niblett (The 2/3 r - - ,, ACC NR: AP6018720 Plasma in a Magnetic Field, a Symposium on Magnetohydrodynamics, Stanford University Press, 1958), but It is pointed out that the Mach numbers, which in the present work ranged from 140 to 800, wore different in the other experiments. The width of the shock front decreased somewhat with increasing transverse magnetic field strength, but the width was definitely not limited by the electron Larmor radius, It is concluded that further experiments are desirable to elimin3te the necessity for the arbitrary assumption of a trapezoidal electron density distribution, and that the microwave interforomoter is a useful tool for measuring rapidly changing electron densities with a spatial resolution in the neighborhood of 1 cm. Orig. art. hast 2 formulas and 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SURM DATE: 02Jul65 ORIG, RM 008 OTH REF: 005 Card 3/3-~D K N BOGMIJtVSKLY, AlaksaDdr Ruvimovich-, ANDRSINY, Lev Sergeyevich; SHAPOSH- IIIKDV, Sergey Stalrheyevich; SOSMV. 0.0.. gorW insbener, retsenzent; TIXMNDV, II.V., kandidat tekbiAcbeskikh nauk, reteenzent-, KkTAYKOT, S.G.. redaktor; TBZWKOVA, M.L.. redaktor; ATTOPUFIGEI, M.K.7-t-eMr- Meskly redaktor. loperator of a scraper winch; textbook for Instracting workers in production technology) Maahiniat skrepernol lebadki; i ucbebnoe posoble dlia protsvodetvenno-takhnicheakogo obueboniia rabachikh. Moskva, Goo.' muchno-tekha.tid-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii. 1955. 196 (MLRA 8:11) (Winches) 30 It IRINIIII 11119 HIM 111i III . ..... "'.- ........... BEKTITROV. A.Bj-, KALNMV, S.I. Preparation of fused phosphates from Karatau phosphorite and antralthanito. Trudy inst.lchim.nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 1:42-51 '57. Nia 11,11) (Kara-Tau--Phospbates) (Kara-Tau--Bloedite) .. . .... PHASZ I DO0K MWIT)r2olox WY/2648 Akadealya nauk Kaza3ftskay SM. Institut 3&AAIchO8kIX% -w', r\ Trudy, too It PUlko4thinachasidya I Iseledcran. 13% khladeheakogo "Ply& Kazzalmstana (transaction* of the Inst--t=te of Chemical 3eleocaw, X&za;& SSR Academy of Sol*=**, Vol It PhrsZ'- t-.4 0005*zdaLl and Technological studies or chweicai Raw Xaterials of tualftstan) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN Uzakttskay 541M, 195T. 94 xr- rate Blip Inserted. 900 copLas printed. Zd.jTItla page): A.D. Bekturavp AcadeLilcisnp Kazakh M Academy of lances; Zd. (Inside book)% V.V. Alsksandrlyvkly; Tach. Zd.z P.P. Alferov. PUAPWXs This book Is intended for chemical ape* lallsts. -engineers, Ij and researcher* In tbe field or chemical produeZion. CCVBPA=t The book to a collectlod of article* dealing wlts~ the ral- lawIngs I chemical comiposition. and hydrochealcal. natuxv or water sources of CWLI~Adyr sulfate deposits; conditions for the reduc- tion of rusod phosphatqa from JrArsmusu Phcs;aorites; probltsa in the alkali method of processing borsto or*; and phrelcoeb*m1cal studlom In the solubility of systens which contain borax, sodlt:2 carbonatep and sodium bicarbonate. one article dincuisto the pro- ductlon of "thermophosphatea" (phosphate rertiliz&" Prvpsi~,ed with- out the One or sulfuric sold). The collection Includes work an the investigation or a method of separating pboaphorus rrlym van- diust in cation exchangn ~eslns. Xo personalities xxv meatlm#d. References are given at the end of each article. Nekturov, A.B., and 4j,.j-XAL%Xk:%y~ Productlan or Fused Phos- PhAtef From Xaratau Phospnorito and Astrakhanlts 42 bektumv, A.B., and V.X. Antonqva. The Decospooltion of Erlm- boraolto and Hydroboraclie Or*i--Fy Sodium Sulfide Solution* 52 Antoaova, V.I., and A.B. Bakturoy. The Decomposition of As- ebarite and Ascharlte Oran by sodium Sulfide Solutions 60 Antonovpa V.1_ and,X.K. Polyntseys. Solubility Isothems Of that. Quaternary 3ystels 11A2D40T_-W8HC03-Xa2C03-H2O at 25 and 50% 71 ladushkinao L.A.p and Te.A_ Trukhlnn~ SepAratlan of VanAdIltz Frols Thosph*Y-447-ln Cation 1xchAn&* Resin& 86 AVAnABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 12 4-;l BEKTUROV, A.B.; POKROVSKAYA, Yu.A.;...- W~l S.I. Hffeot of various impurities on the extent of the decomposition of phosphorites. Izv. AN Kazakh. S-SR Ser. khim. no. 2:21-28 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Phosphorites) KADMOV, -0. S. 25739 YJAM-cliKOV, S. S. Tsennyy Soi-t Gretskogo Orekhe ( Ideal). Sad i ogorod, 19/48 3 110. 71 s. 76 SO: Latopis I Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Mosecu, 1948. KArtVA1,101j, S. :13'. KALMYXOV, S. ,-. Almond Green almond trees of Kazakhstan, an unutilised reserve of natural wealth. Les. khoz. 5 No. 2, 1952. ~bnth y_Li t of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. LUICIASSIFIED. ;1:91141JUVIr till MEifr~I 2. USSR (6(X)) 4. Wei-nut Kazakhstan 7. Spot plantings of English walnut in Kazakhstan. Les.khoz. 5 no.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January j953. Unclassified. 1. XMIMOV, 91 S. 2. USSR (600) 4, Plum - Kazakhstan 7. Wild myrobalan plum in the forest of Kazakhstan. Les. knoz. 6 No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Ruscian Accessions, Library of Congress, April _ 1953, Uncl. KAIMULOV, S. S. --v1R1A5R1tFW-R v e It -`.'s ~ Hybridization of the walnut and the pecan. no.132:45-49 154. (Pecan) (Walnut) liv.AN Kazakh.-SSR (MLRA 70) AJ I K_ -I Ser IDUILIN, Sh.A., kandidat b-Lologicheakikh Pt MO %r P.. redaktor; ZLOBIN, M.V., takhnicbeskiy redaktor [Wild fruits of western Tien Shan] Dikorastushchie plodovya vapadnoga Tian'-Shania. Pod red. Sh.A.Khabibullina. Alma-Ata, Kazakhokoe gos. izd-vo, 1956- 39 P- (HLRA 10:1) lo UveduyushoMy otdolom plodovodetvai Instituta zemledeltya im. V.P.Villyamsa Kazakhokogo filiala Vaesoruznojr Akademil 99119L-o- khozyaystvennykh nauk Im. Lenina (for Khabibullin) (Tien Shan--Fruit) t( i /0 US5R/Cultivated Plants. Fruits. Berries. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 51 1958, 20498. Author : Inst :The Agricultural Institute of the Kazakh Affiliate of VASKhRi [-&l-Union Academj of Agricultuml Sciences im. V.1- tenini. Title :Now Nut Flant.~Species in South Kazakhstan. (Novyye vidy Orekhcp1,odnykhxasteniy v Yuzhnom Kazakhstane). Orig Pub: Tr- In-ta zemledeliya Kazakhsk. fil. VASWIL) 1956, 5, 75-84- Abstract: At 'the7.B.;o1standykakoye TesUng Field nut trees have been introduced during the course of a number of years; the bitter~ut (JU0=a corcUformis Max)~ the black valnut (J - ni'gm' L.), the Manchurian nut (J. mushurica Max), Siebold's.nut (I. Sieboldiana Max), the sk&Ustyy (I. Card : 1/2 Card : 2/2 m USSR/Cultivat.ed ?1ants- Fruits. Berries. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 20465. Author : 3A&~ ~ov . Inst :The Institute -for Agriculture of Kazakhstan, affiliate of tbe~All-Union dmadevw of Agricultural Sciences im. V-I- Lenin.,. Title The Wild Fruit of South Kazakhstan. (Dikorastusbchiye plodo- vyye Yuzhaogo Kazakhstana). Orig Pub: Tr- In-ta zemledeliya Kazakhst. fil. VASXhNIL, 1956, 5, 176-291. Abstract: In South Kazakbstan 23 species ofwild arboreal fruits and 18 varieties of fruit and berry bushes. The Bostan- dykskiy and Tyullkubasokiy thickets are described in great detail from the natural history point of view. The vild fruit specieu an characterized accordIng to pro- Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. M Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 1958, 53806 Author : Kovalev, M., Knlnykov, SS. Inst : - . ..... -_ Title : on the OriGin of the Cultivated Pears of Central Asia orig Pub : Tr. po prikl. botan., genet. i selcktsii, 1957, 30, 140 3, 211-218 Abstract : In the old focal points of pear cultures, datinf; badk Gone 3-4 thousand years, the authors established the existence of six Voups of cultivated and semi-wild 1ra- rieties: Doldiara pear and its cultivated seedlinr~s, Bokhara pear mixed with Sogdia, Sogdia pear (Naslivat type) and its seedlings, Central Asiatic and its sedd- lings, Central Asiatic mixed with the Bokhara. In younger focal points of pear culture, the European va- rieties - western and eastern - are also found. In the mountainous BostanCykskiy Rayon, the authors discovered Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivatcd Plants - Fruits. Derries. Abs JOur Ref Zhur Diol., I-To 12., 1958, 53806 at all altitude Of 700-2000 r.,l a llniquc, apparently hybrid form of Bokhara pear with serrated leaves on tile yolulg -shoots and Partially narrow-lanecolate leaves on the pe- dicles. Fifty seedlings obtained from the seeds of tllis pear produced a great variety of types with regard to the Shape of the crown., the heidit of growth and particu- larly with regard to the fDrMs of leaves (5 types), ran- ing from coarsely serrate to entire, ovate and lancedla t.~ leaves te - These species and their hybrids represent valua- blo Selection naterial for raisijig forms Suitable for cul- turc ill the )lot and arid Conditions of Central Asia. S.1. Petyayov Care, 2/2 - 117 - SABIROV, M.K. Quick-bearing walnuts. Friroda 49 no.11:115 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut sadovodstva, vinogradarstva i vinodeliya im. akad. R.R.Shredera, Bostandykelcoye oipytnoye pole. (Walnut) K&IMYKOVj B.S.; SABIROVI M.K. Chinese dates of Bostandykskiy District. Uzb. biol. zh&, no,Z: 36-57 161. (KM 140) .(BOSTANDYKSKIY DDSTRICT-TUSUBE (PUNT)) KAU4YKOVj S.S. Results of the introduction of trees end shrubs in the ijountaing of the western Tien Shan. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.45:7-16 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Bostandykakoye opytnoye po instituta sailpvodstva i vinogradarstva imendi R.R. 8 ra, (Tien Shan.-Plant introduction) (Tien Shan--Woody plants) NAUMOV S~S..,I-kand.biolog.navlc, Ryta-id of apple and quince. Priroda 51 no.2.121-122 F ~62. (MM 15-.2).. 1. Bostandykakoye %T6vvw-pole (Tashkentskaya oblasts), - (Apple breeding) -- (Quince) KAII.MOVAp S.S. Excitation of a plasma wave guide by a coaxial line. Mr. Fiz. zhur. 9 no.2016-218 Ft64 (MIM 17 27) 1. Kharlkavskiy gosudarstvemyy universitetv imeni GorIkogo. WffYKOV, X.V., doteent. Removal of wred spots" (a micrococcal growth) from intestines. Sbor. trud. Khar'. vet. Inst. 22:130-152 154. (MLRA 9:12) 'i 1. Kafedra vetsanekspertity, Kharl~ovskogo veterinarnogo inatituta. (Bacberia) (Packing-house'products) (Milk serum) ---- ------ USSR Fam Animals. Dormstic Fowls. Abs J ur :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72196 Author :Kalmikov, K.V., Fishelev Title ia Raising of Duoklings. ~ Ok Orig Pub Sots. Tvarinnitstvo, 1956, No 12, 18-20 Abstraot No abstraot. U-10 Card 63 - a,--,UM2--jw ZUBKOVA, R. I., FEDOROVA, N. I. "Tests of Mass Vaccination Against Q Fever." Proceedings of Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gamaleys 1954-56. Division of Rickettsiosis, Zdrodovskiy, P. F., Active Member of Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Professor, head, Inst. Epidem and Microbiol im. Gemaleys AMS USSR. SO: Sum 1186, 11 Jon 57. MKOVA, R.I.; FADOBOYA, Ibcparionce in mass vaccination against favor. Report no.I.:Capacity' of 41 f ever vaccine to produm rimettrz q -Jand Immunity. 2hur.mikrobiol. eipjd. I immun. 97.-,nq.?:94-27 Jjy 156. -(XLRA-9:9) la, Is Institute apidexiologil I mikrobiologit imeni N.Y.Gamelei An SSSR. MXR, prev, and control vacc. & capacity of vaccine to produce reactivity immun.) (VACCINIS AND VACCINATION favor vace. & capacity of vaccine to produce reactivity immun.) UTAKOVA, R.I.; YZOROYA, V.I.; UINTIOV, 4.L. Result of mass vaccination against Q favors Report no.2: late recults of vaccinatioi. Zhur.mitrobiolsopid. L Immuno 27 no-11: 18-20 N 156. (MLRA 10-1) 1. Is Inatituta epidealolog~i I mikrobiologit imeni N.F.Gamelai AMR SSSR. (Q MAR, prevention and control. Taco. In Russia (RUM yj.LMOV 9 T Cand. of Vet. Sci., PUSHKAREVA, V. I. 2- 1- L!~$ %IA:Fi-tariLnosis ~of the newborn calves." sot Vet. 28.(-1) 19~lp 43 ----- -- - ---------- KAMIXUl S. T.'j OARLOV) F. T KAII.IYXOV. S. T., ORLOV, F. T. GASTROENTERISIS IlSintomitsin" treatment for acute gastroenteric illnesses in newborn calves. Veterinariia 29 No. 9, 1952, Scie~tific Production Lab. for the IMLE141L Aj,:ainst Diseases of the _-xImL'. of I lqf~'ricalt'tral AniTIMls, E-ii-iistry of the Sovkhozes, Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952 UNCIASSIFIED. Em~ IFY!77777~ m T, /PhAMIA001.9d, Tokoology. Oardiovasoular Agents :713 Jour iReferat Zh,-Biol., No 1, 1958, 3494 Author iK&L*Aykov, S,T, Inst 3 Not given; Title iTh'e-Zffoot of Camphor.on the Heart Orig Pub Tr. mosk..Vet..&kad#, 1955, 9, 62-68 U-6 Abstract iIn experiments on an isolated rabbit's heart, camphor, in oo:aoentrations of lilO,000 and ls25,OOO, weakened oardiao oontraotions; a subsequent washing off resulted in an increased systole. Camphor .1 minutes after perfusion in a ltl million dilution, caused a 1.5 fold decrease in 91ystole and diastole without affecting the rhythm 2 minutes after washing off there was a 2 fold increase compared to the original state, in systolic oontractions.and diastolic re- Card 1/3 DUBROTIN, G.D.; BELYAYLPV, X.G.; ORIDVA, Z.V.;,KAIXUOV, S.T.; SERGMVA, T.Ya. PUSHKAREVA, V. I. Unrafined biomyoin in stockbreeding. Vaterinarila 36 no.12:55-58 D 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Fauchno-proizvodetvannaya laboratorlya po bor'be a bolstn"mi molodnyaka ssll9kokhozysyztvennvkh zhivotnykh Miniaterstva sellskogo khozyaystva RS-FSR. (Aursom3rain) (Stock and siockbreeding) KALMYROVt S.T., k&nd. vater. nauk; BELYAYEV, M.G., kand. biol. nauk Quantitative detemination of urea in foods and water. Veteri- narila 42 no.12:61-62 D 165. (MIRA 19.-l) 1. Nauchno-proizvodetvennaya laboratoriya po borlbe a boleznyami molodnyaka sellskokhozyaystvannykh zhivotnykh Ministerstva sel'Bkogo khozyaystva RSFSR. kand.arkhitaktury New club on the "Lenin Collective farm." Sell.stroi. 9 no.1:22-23 Ja-F 154. (MM& 13:2) (Borisovo (Moscow Provinco)--Glubhouses) L' mv~ V, 0 AID P - 4917 Subject USSR/Electronics Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 1/17 Author ; Kal k V Minister of the Radio Engineering Industry, Title : The radio engineering industry in the 6th Five-Year Plan Periodical : Radio, 7, 3-5, Jl 1956 Abstract : The author presents a program of development of the radio engineering industry in the period between 1956 and 1960. He gives details of production in radio and television receivers and in new and improved components. Of in- terest is the relatively small actual production and use of transistors and the very modest program of future de- velopment in that field. Photographs and charts. Institution : None Submitted : No date SOV/107-59--3-4/52 The Importance of Radio Electronics In the future, color TV sets are to be produced whose prices may be compared with those of black-and-white receivers. Scientific research institutes work on the development of stereophonic phonographs and tape recorders and it is to be expected that stereophonic reproduction methods will find wide-spread appli- cation. Electronic computer engineering is another field with a great future. Without the help of com- puters it is impossible to solve the tasks of complex automation of industrial pruduction processes. Card 2/2 KAfIlYKOV, V, A, ; AGEYEV, Ya. -~ VA'- 1 Dt"Lj4,, e. ;, -- .1 - I 5'-~ ~ ~ s 7=~ lhc rmoaler-trxi i:: Pl' 3PC'-", 2 eS Of ft' :'I " ~- '-'- " """' . ~. - : ~ .t I - - ("'-w 18.-.-L) - iorn.,meto - no.12:5-9 1. lkmingradAiy pc-hLekhn~(~hpskAy -;rirtllt-~,to KALMYKOV~ V..A,; SVESHKOV, Yu,V. Dielectric constant and the specific resistance of certain slag systems in steel smelting. Trudy LPI no.253:41-48 165- (MIRA 18:8) sl!Ig tbo -r measuring 31 C,,,k!.y jpntngr,a KAI.I-IYKOV, V.A.; AGEYEV) P.yu. 1- ~ ". -1- :i; - Gas penetrability and the sorption properties of slags. 1z7. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.5:29-33 165. (MIRA 18:5) UMANSKIYS K.G.; KAUTYKOV, V.G. Chair for treatnent Of PAiOnts with poliomyelitis. Pediatriia no.10:7042 161. (MIRA 140) ,1 IskUnichealcogo otdoleniya (zavo - profs Ye6No Bartashevioh) iLatltuta po izucbeniyu polimiyelita 9M SSSR (dir. - ablen- kartespondent AGI SSSR (dir. - cblen.-korrespondent AMN SRSR prof. R.P. Chumakov) na ban 2-7 k1iricheskoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy (glavkvy vrach A.M. Pylltsuva). (PMIMMITIS) (ORTHOFEDIC APPARAT9S) -A IVOIENSKIY, L.V., knnd.tekhn.nauk; KALMYKOV~, V G tekhn.nAuk. Rew ty-po railrond cnro for f-ra-nopurting open-pit mine products. Vest. TSHII MPS 16 no.8:58-59 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Railroads--Cars) e KAIMOIT, Y.G., kawl. tektm. UaUk. 4*~ Conference 0u flecreasing cost of intraplant railroad traffic. Mul. MUM uo.3:8~-85 158. (mm 1125) (Railroads, Industrial--Cost of Operation) KAIPYK aauk --I EqUiPPing gondola care with shields in the transportation of -~ hot sinter. Verit. TSNII MPS no. 5:55-56 Ji '58- (MIRA 11:8) (Railroade-Frelght cars-Fittings) I- KAIXYKOV, V.G. -,"!..;"":, Gondola cars for hauling hct sinter. Blul. MINIM :n0-7:32-34 t58. (MIRA 11:6) l.Vsesoyuznyy teentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut Ministerstva putey ooobshchaniva. (Railroads--Freight cars) (Ore handling) UIMA I A I - Self-unloading freight car with 110-120-ton capacity. Bful.tekh.- ekon.informa no*6:61-6z %60. (141U 13:~) (Railroads-Preight cara) KALMOV, V. G. Special gondola dump car. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-10:53-c:4 16o. (MIU 13:10) (Railroads-Freight cars) KAI&MYKOVI V.G., kand.tekdin.nauk; LITOMENKOp Ye.P., inzh. Test results of the new self-emptying dump car. Vest.TSNII 4" 20 no-4:48-51 161. (MIRA 14:7) (RAilroada-Freight cars) kand.tekhn.nauk New special care for industrial railroads. Zhel. dor. transp. 43 no. 7:76-79 J1 161. (Railroads-Freight cars) -(MM 24:7) /40, KALMOV, V.G., kand.takhn.rauk now-freight car for the transportatiozfiof hot Binter. Vest.- TSKII NP8 21 no.8:53-54 162, (MIM 16:1) (RAlroads-Freight cars) (Material hand3ing) A -at W SAVONICHEV, G.V.; FIGTJROVSKIY, I.A.; KAIIMYKOV, V.I.; BYKOV, V.V. Conveyor-production line system of manufacturing and treating high-quality dishes. Stek. i ker. 18 ho.7:15-18 ji 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Gusev--Glas~ware) KALMYKOVP V.P., kwid. arkbitektury Reconstrua~. ~-', ~.the interior of the motion-pictitre theater "Rodinit." Gor,khoz.Md6k." 37 nb.lOs56 0 .163. (KRA 11:2)