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KANAY~A, I I Gidra; ccherki po biologli presnovodnykh polopov water polyus) Moskva, lzd-vo Akademii ffmik SSSIII "Literatura"t P. (341)-367. At head of title: Problemy Sovremennoy Nauld". N16 633.2 . Yd (Hydra; essay on the bicio~~.r of fresh 10,52. 370 P. illvs., diagra., tables. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Seriya 111-togi i XANAYBV*,I.I. The qu~etion of %ingle-tentaoled polyps,," Zoologicbeekii Zbmml 32. No.2, 212-214, 153. NwA 6:3) (BioleA 28 no.)t7168 154) KAMYEV, 1. 1. AWF -raityll of cellular matter of the hydra. Zool.zhnir-33 no-1: 26-29 Ja-F '54. (MLRA ?:2) 1. Institut fiziologii im. I.F.Favlova Akademii nank SSSR. (Cells) (Coelenterate.) KAMINY I I. I. Study of neural proceosee In motor reactions in children's hands. FiZiOl.2hur.LM no.1:9-17 Ja-,y g54. WaA 7:2) 1. Laboratoriya vysshey nerynoy deyatel'nosti rebenka Instituta j fiziologii im.I.P.Pavlbva Akadomii nauk BSSR, Leningrad. (Movement, Psychology of) (Hand) (Reflexes) USSR1 General Divinion. History. Classics. Personalities. A-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 2, 1.958, 4616 Author I . I . I La Inst Title Gdethe as a Morphologist Orig Pub Zool. zh., 1955, 34, No 2, 248-258 Abstract A detailed analysis of the work by Goethe (1749-1832) on morphology "Experience from Comparative Osteology: Intermaxilliary Bone of the Upper Jaw Mcists in IMan as in all other Animals,"' written in 1784 (published in 1820) with a preface on the significance of this work in the history of biology. Card 1/1 ff P YE V-, /, /, EXCERPT& MWICA SM.2 V01.9/10 Pby3jology,ete. Oct36 4 753. KANAYEV 1. 1. L06.'~6!` Centr. Nerv. Syst. Activity in Child,. 'L P. Pavlov' Tn'iT--BT15Ny`MoI.. AN SSSR. Leningrad. *Physiology of time esti. mation in children (Russian text) FIZIOL.Z. 1956, 42/4 (341- 347) Tables 3 Children from 9 to 14 yr. were given candies at 3 and 6 min. intervals and were Instructed to signal these time intervalL. There was a significant training trend in the accuracy of timing expressed as percentage of signals given in the 3rd or 6th min. In the first 5 days 32 to 60% of the signals, and after 20 days 56 to 72T# were given in the 3rd min., but even after 40 days of repeata the accuracy did not reach 10016. The timing accuracy for 6 min. intervals was vornewhat poorer than that for the 3 min. Intervals. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. K4UYET, I.I., professor, Camoor in twiss. Pr1roda 45 no-7:101--102 Jl 156. (KM 9:9) (CAN=) I - . 'C I- -I - -# ;~~ je .-V ! , ':7- '-~ - . - . LMYBV, I.I. "Il- - - "Wfou, Great French natnralistfill [in French]. Reviewed by I.I, Kanaev, Top, ist, set. I tokh. no,3.-238 157. (MM Iltl) (Buffon, de, George lAnds Leclerc, 1708-1788)' KANAYNV,-, I.I. (Leningrad) [in German] by A. Bartheluess; 'Evolution; history of its problems and studies 11 (in Germul by W.Zimmormann; and "The science of life; a history of bioli.;gy" [in German] by Th.Balauff. Reviewed by I.I. Kamav. i tekh. no.5.-216 157. 01IRA 11:2) (Biology) XMYNTO I*I*, profseeor (Leningrad), *a- 0' Formtion of twins, Priroda 4,6'no.9rlO3-107 & 157. (MMA 100) (Birth, Hultiple) rANAYBVI 101. .'r ............................. A book on an eminent botanist and pod-N:ogue ("Valerian Viktorovich Polov~flnv, his life and works" by B.B. Ralkov. Reviewed by I.I. Kamov). Priroda 47 to'ltl24-125 A 058. (MIRA ll..-l) (Polovtoov: Valerian Viktorovioh, 1862-1918) (Raikov, 3.3.) KAHATEV, LIP, doktor biol.nmuk Goethe an a natural hietorian. Trady Inst, ist, est, i tekh. 2141-20 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Goothe, Johann Wolfgpng Von, 1749-1R32) RAYKOV, Boris Yevgenlyevich; POLYANSKIY, Yu.I., prof., reteenzent; KAIJAI wI*qwprof., retsenzent; BLYAEFAR, L.Ta., prof., AT,J doktor biolog,nauk, otv.rede; VIEBIW, S.D., red.izd-va; ARONS, R.A., (Russian pre-Darwinian biologisto - evolutionists; materials on tba history of the theory of evolution in Russia] Rueskie biologi - evoliutsioninty do Darvina; materialy k istorii evoliutsionsoi idei v Rossii. Hoskve, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSH. Volo4o lq~,qq 678 p (HIRA 12:10) (Biologists, Rn;sian) (Evolution) JEARAYBVp Ivan Ivanovioh; SMUU~KOV, A.A., prof.,; KRUGLIKOVAg ! . . 9 TOM. Fgd 0 [Twins; studies on problems of multiparityl Bliznetey; ocherki po voprosam mnogoplodiia. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.m3uk SSSR, 19.59. 381 P. (MIRA 12:12) (TWINS) KAWTIV. I.I. (Lanir.4,,rad) "A.0. Novalevskii's lettera to I.I. Me,.-hnikov (1866-190c~-- Reviewed b7 I.I, Kawav. Vop. ist. est. i takla. no.6:208 159. OanA 12:6) (Kovalevskil, Aleksandr Onuf:rievich, 18440-1901) (Machnikov, Illia Illich, 1845-1916) XMTV, I.I. (Ioningrad) "Revue d1bistolre des saiences," vol. 11, no.1, 1958. Reviwed by X. T. Kwmev. Vop.iet.est.i tekh. E,0.9:179-3-80 '60. (MM 13:7) (Riamar, Rang Antoine Parchault, 1683-1757) KAILTEV, I.L. doktor biologicheakikh nauk Goetho AnA Linnanme. Trudy Insteiat-estel tekh. 31:3-16.16o. .. . I . (KM 13:8) (Linne, Carl 'Yon, 1707-1778) (Goethe, Jobanz Wolfgang von, 1749-1832) KARIM, LI., doktor biologic~oskikh nauk Maupertuis as forerunner of Darwin& Trudy Inst, ist, est. i tekh. 4lt29-/+3 161. (KRA 15:2) . (Hapertuio, Pierre UnAn Morcau Do, 1698-3.759) LIJK121A, Tatlyana Arkadlyevna; KMAYEV I.I., -prof., retsenzent; MIKHAYLOV, V.P..' proi., retsenzent;_i&YKOV, B.Ye., prof., otv. red.; KARPEKMA, L.S.. red. izd-va; BOCHEVER, V.T., tekhn. red. [A.P.Protasov, Russian academician of the eighteenth century] A.P.Protasov - russkii akadercik XVIII veka. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 186 p. (NIRA 16:1) (Protasov, Aleksey Protasovich, 1724-1796) MANOLYLENKO, Kseniya Viktorovna (Ryazanskaya); RAYNOV, B.Ye., prof., zasl, deyatell nauki, otv. red.; BAKHTEY-EV, F.Kh., prof., retsenzent; BOBROV, Ye.G., prof., retsenzent;.KANAYEV',J-.-I-J, prof., retsenzent; KONOVALOV, I.N.p prof., retsenzent; BELKINA, M.A., red. izd-va; AREFIYEVA, G.P., tekhn. red. [A.F.Patalin, the outstanding Russian botanist of the 19th century]A.F.Batalin, vydaiushchiisia zusskii botanik XIX veka. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSRJ. 1962. 130 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Batalin, Aleksandr Fedorovich, 184.7-1896) KAIUUV) I.I. (Lemingrad) -- - I - - P.S. Pallas's. paleontological works; on the 150th anniversary of his death, Vop* ist# est. i t44 n06-13:146-148 '62- - WRA 16:5) (NMasp Peter Simon* 1741-1811) KANAY~Y. Tv n--.-I-vano2h; STREMOV, A.A., red. Izd-va; SOROKINA, V.A., I - lexbn. red. - [Lmays on the history of comparati,"i anatomy before Darwrin; dsvelopment of the problem of the morphological type in zo- ology] Ocherki ix istorii sravnitelfrioi anatomli do Darvina; razvitie morfologicheskogo tipa v zoologii. Mosky . Izd-vo AN SSSRq 1963. 297 p# (HI% 16:9) (Morphology (AnimLls)) LUMNA, T,tt'vimit Ai-l(adlyovna;,YUVjAHV, I.I., pruf., retsorizerit; M-jYAZr,-T, G.A., dcktor ist. nauk, retsenzent; UN:W)V, B.Ye., prof., otv. red. Ivan Ivanovich Lepekiiiii. Mosk-va) Nauka2 1965. 202 p. OMIRA 18:9) MANGYIMKO, Xsenlya Viktorovna; BAKHTEYEV, F.Kh., prof., retsenzent;-KANAYEV-1 I.I., prof... retsenzent; KONOVAIDV, I.N., prof., zwnt-~ S., prof. ,, YAKOVLEV, 11 .0 retsenzent; RAYKOV, B.Ye., zasl. de3ratell nauki prof.,otv. red. Nikolai Ivanovich Zheleznov. Moskvaq NaWca, 1965. 203 p. (MIRA 18:12) IKANATW~ I.I. Diffraction grating of the 26" refracting tel4suopa of the Pulkovo Obiervatory. Izv. GAO 23 no.4:130-331 164. (MIDA 17-.9) KHVILIVITSKMA, Mariya. losifovra. Prinimali ucbastiye: LIh'BITSXAYA, I.I.p dots.; KANAYEV~ N.N.; IUNAYEV I.N.; KLD',OV, S.P.., red. I- m (Methodological fundamentals of disabl."Lity evaluation expertise in chronic nontuberculous diseases of the lmgs] Metodicheskie osnoVy ekspertizy trudosposobnosti pri ~:hro- nicheskikh natuberkaleznykh 2,abolevaniiakh legkikh. Lenin- gradp Meditsina, 1964. 150 ;,. (IIIU 17:11) 1. Zaveduyushchaya otdeleniyem funktsional'rWkh metodov Issledovaniya Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta ekspertizy trudosposobnosti 1 organizats1i trada invalidov (for Likhnitskaya). BOBROVNIKOV, P.I.t kandatakhn.naut; DHAYV, I.N., insh. nBuilding machineryw br-.n.. shaginov. Reviewed by P.K, Bobrovni- kov. 1.N. lanaev. Mekh. stroi. 15 no*4:32 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Btdlding machinery) (Shaginov, D&L.) MIMIREV, P.A.p inzh.; MOGILEVSKTY, V.N., inzh.; SABLIN, R.F., inzh.;, -.-kkiGV-f-H*G* p- inzb # Automatic control of the scooping process of a single-bucket loader. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav*; gor, zhur. 6 no.6:154-158 163. (HIRA 16:8) 1. Institut gornogo, dela, Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. ~Mining-machinery-Electric driving) (Automatic control) 11. I lit P1.3 Nil lit ail IVA 4 S S. a g Ilif I a jig, 'all 11glu 1 A Al 'vj~ ~j IFP A 'tit Jim Izig III -i PM lb Li Al IV 3d 5(2) SOI/156-59-2-20/48 AUTHORS; Busev, A. I., '-_KW&y~eXp__ TITLE: The Direct Complexonometric Titration of Indium Using u-(2,4-Dioxyphenylitzo)-pyridi.vie as Indicator (Pryamoye kam- pleksonometricheskoye titrovaniye indiya a ispollzovaniyem a-(2i4-dioksifenilitzo)-piridina v kaohestve indikatora) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiyal 19591 Vr 2, pp 299-301 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The compound mentioned in the title also called 4-(a-pyridyl- azo)--resorain.(PAR) is suggested instead of the indicators of references 2 - 11 for the titration of indium with com- plexon III (disodium .4,alt of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid). A figure shows that the uqxima of the light absorption of the free indicator and its indium compound lie in sufficient- ly long distance in order to so-;"re an exact observation of the color change. Titration taker place at p1l 2.3 - 22-5. A table shows the results of analysee. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 15 references, 3 of which are Soviet, and 2 Czechoslovakian. Card. 1/2 SOV/156-59.-2-20/48 The Direct Complexonometric Titration of Indium Using a-2,4-Dioxyphenyl- azo)-pyridine as Indicator PRESCM BYs Kafadra analitioheokoy khimii Mloskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitata im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Analytical Chemistry, Moscow State University imeni 11. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: October 24t 1958 Card 2/2 BUSBY, A. T. ~~KMATZY' N.A. Calculation of the stability constant of some Indium complexes by the constant variation method from data obtatued by the use of cationites. Yest.Hosk.un.Ser.mat., mekh., astron., fiz., khim. 14 no.1:135-143 '59. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Kafedra amaliticheskoy kbimii Hoskovskogo universiteta. Onillum compounds) t 166i&- T4 !(j 4 M) /BW4 -MFTC/ASD- 4m CgsSiba-Awl. P30 -AC 163/018/005/0575/05~4 #019 S/0075, 5 ATNM.' iv hilA T 10 Ant kno; cortain of its derivatives as alialytical reagents IfOr ce~i* (4 Als~ahd oxiditioln of condensation products of certain aldehydes idth anti etravalent cerium salts S01 CE: Zburn4i tichesk6j Mmii, v. 18, no. 5, 1963, 575-584 '6t6i tr opr 1TQ.1C TA S".' eri= (4), cerium salts, diantipyr.4-4-is opylmethane 'A raviphenylmethane'(12), diantipyril-2, 4,.dihydroxypheny1:me- t tha~6 (16)j' il 3 4 dL!hyd her~rlmethane (15), diantipyrilfurilmathaze r)x 1,191 dUntl~y '0~.heny3x %;tha~ne diantipyrilethyloneziethane (20). M prUip-dianti 1-14henyl-p _(Zl) �TRAM' Theilpositi. ty-hai'been-shown for photometric determinations of s=al :Iam-clufits of ciijum (4)!by n.eanP of "&iantipyrils" in the presence of large ruiounts of b .1 &Llly interfere with cerium determination. A Audy hat been mad~i Of L ~hD A of Ue.:products of photochemical coddation and of thc~j ab- soi~tion '~d ~iime of the products of oxidation with cerium (4) salts Of tipyrino 4nd 6 number of its analogues. it has been shown that diantipy- rUbhonyInbOario an&;triantipyrilmethane interact with cerium (4) salts in a wolar tord 2 b A AC 0 ta APY LV.Ly A of !a*', brms the.structural fonmla p.,,oposed by A. Ye. Poray on J Kothits, Fi! Mnsl jarg ~ and B 'A' Porav-Koshits (Zhurn. obshch. kbimii, I 7 1752, 191M for h i ople'd. On :diabtipyrilpheny1methane oxidation. On the basis or t~'D'Aat&'~: abolitith:'j oimr:ratibs in cerium reactions the molar extinction coeffi- Ci"ts of th' )Aye 4'driaed on.the oxidation of dimethyla-minoantipyrine (2), diarn- i, e~ ti] r ph y" :; &~4'i '(7) and triantipyrilmethane (22) idth cerium (4) salts have p3i il M Oula, 0 wwti -4-isopropylvethane (10), dian-I.-ipyril-4-brompheriirlm,D- be,bn cal pyril . , . ; 1, 1, -, . ,~ - I,-,- -- ,-- . i- - -/ 1 11 %,i - . - A. A In 1, .2 t I- :2 '7~646 Up (C) ACC NRi AP6008068~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/002/0168/5 AUD1011: K=ay*V9`:N1# A "_7 ORG. none TITLE: Use of flf~qe phbumetry for determination of indium in magnesium alloys SOPRCZ: Zavodsk.aya lab'oratoriya, v. 32, no. 2, 1966, 168-169 TOPIC TAGS; flams~photiometry, indium, magnesium alloy, microchemical analysis ABSTRACT: The flome of-an actylene-air mixture shows lines characteriatic for atomic indum. , This ph"''pmenon -was used as the basis for developing a method to use flame pho~tomkry for determining indium in magnesium alloys. The device developed for this analytic method1s-based,'on a ZRM-3 monochromator with changeable quartz and glass optical systeifis. ..Thus 6bservations may be made from 220 to 2000 mo. The photomul- tiplier is an rEU-'19-M.1, A typical.spectrm is shown in the figure. The solutions tulbe analyzed wex~e Wayed into the flame. The actylene pressure was 45 mm H 0, the ai ~ ssurei 6.45 at and the wifti of the spectral slit w&; 0.08 am. It was r pre fo=d that considerable ~~ quantities of magnesium (5 g per 100 ml of solution) reduce the intensity of'riadietion (20 mg) of indium by 8%. This is probably due to the in- crossed density ofthe.6olutions.and impairment of spraying conditions. The effect of.var-lous impurities on the alloys was also studied. Artificially pzvpared mixtures UDC: 543.42 caid 1/2 :1114:1 04! ..-MMMEMMEMMMM W9 I ION I L ACC NNe. AP600.8063 of`!Mg-1n(O.5%)4p(6%) photometrically analyzed. Thallium and lead were introduc- edl~ in the fbm ofidtiO ~add solutions.. 'The experiments showed that the intensity of ~ indi= radiaticin wai:idduaed by 0..2-0.5% by neodymium, praseodymium, lanthanum, yttriumiand lead-in' a *itpporting electrolyte containing large quantities of magnesium. The; adilition. of tbalu%in, arbium:and lutecium increased the intensity of the indium Spectral line by M, M8 and 1,1% respectively. Additions of gallium, zirconium, c8ftiu1A'.'.zbC 161US16-um 4a!*Ve.. The experi- practically no effect on the indium line. nontal results are tabulated. The analysis A takes no longer than 20 aftutes with an f 10.02%. Orig. aft. has: 2 accuracy a Jul figures, 1 table. Spectrum for a sapesiva allay contain#9 0.84% an 4F U6, Out 07t !i~ ORIG Uri 001/ 41~ iwmh~6 Oman SIM! I I M . . . . . . L 3b92b-66 SWT(&)/EWP(j)/1WP(t)/ZT1 IJP(c) RM/JH/JD ACC NR: AP6012214 SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/O32/0o4/o4l3/04l3 AUTHOR: Voloderskayap__R. S.; Kanayevp N. A.; Deravyanko, G. N. ORG: none 4 TITLE: Complexometrio determination of.indium In magnesium alloys SOURCE: Zavodskaya. laborstorlya, v- 32, no, 4. 19661 413 TOPIC TAGS: quantitative analysis, Indium, magnesium containing alloy ABSTRACT: The article describes a complexometric titration method for the rapid determination of indium in magnesium alloys containing zirconium and rare earth elements. Three separate schemes are described for the analysis. Most reliable and accurate results are obtained by the direct titration of indium at a pH of 2-2.5 in the presence of metallic indicators 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-napbthol) andcK -(2, 4- dioxypbonyle-zo)-2-pyridine. Introduction of sodium fluoride into the solution eliminated the effect of zirconium by the formation, under these conditions, of fluoride complexes and complexes of the rare earth elements which fall out in the form o ifficultly soluble fluorides. Comparative experimental results are given in a table, Orig, arte bas: 1 table. SUB CODE: 07j, 1l/ SUBM DATE,.- none/ ORIG REP: 001/ OTH REP: 002 Card I A KARAYEV , N, 11. Contribution to mpthods for ansaying pulmonary gas dL"fusion in hum. ns. F17dol. zhur. 49 no.12:1494-3.496 1) 163. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kliniko-ekspertnyy otdol Ilaucbno-l"ledovatellskogo instituta ekspurtizy trudosposobnonti. i organiimtsli truda invalldov, Lenin- grad. KHVlLIVITSKAYA, 14ariya Iosifovna. Prinimali uchastiye: LIKHNITSKAYA, I.I., dots.;_ N.N.- KANAYEV, I.N.; KLEDV, S.P.0 red. (Methodological fundwrentals of disability evaluation expertise in chrorAc nontuberculous diseases of the lungs] 14etodicheskie osnoVy ekspertizy trudosposobnosti pri khro- nicheskikh ne+,uberkuleznykh zabolevani'Lelch legkikh. Lenin- grad., Meditsina,, 1964. 150 P. (MIM 17: 11) 1. Zaveduyusbchaya otdelentyem funktsionallrqkh metodov issledovaniya Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta ekspertizy trudosposobnosti I organizatsli truda invalidov (for Likhnitskaya). LIKIINITSKAYA, I.I.; PARILOVA, V.A.; TDIESKOV~ BOHASHP ra#F.;,.K I.S.1 TRETIYAKOV) A,F,j FRIDMANI S.Ya. (deceased); RYNKEVICH, V.S. (Methodological fundamentals for usine: functional studies in practical expertise] Hqtodioheakie onnovy ispolizovaniia funktaionallnykh iseledovanii v ekspertnoi praktike. Leningrad, Moditsina, 1965. 228 p. (MIRA 18:12) L SGrB DD A-CC NR'AP6022867-- -7- -.- -) SOURCE CODE: UR/0239/66/052/004/043"/0433 ATITHOR: Kanayev, No No b-RG: Naucbno-isoledovatellskiy institut ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i --Qimitific Researeb 6rganizatsii trude invalidov, Leningrad (S -Institute Q=at- ~or ADDraisal of Work. GGID801ty and D-Q=at al Placement of t Q=at Q=at Q=at Q=at Q=at Q=at 71 Method for determining carbon dioxide in.aly-e.D2-am-nir from the of mixed venous blood CE: Piziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR, V. 52, no. 11, 1966, 431-433 TOPIC TAGS: respiratory system disease, diagnostic instrument, test ietbod, carbon dioxide, gas pressure, experiment animal 0/-00o C7110 C 0,L 4 -r" CA) 2 nM Al. ) POLMO A.) lj-,e~- kBSTRACT: This method is based on the finding that the arteriovenous 10 d 2 difference, at a predetermined ventilatory level, is comparatively 3table and is hardly effected by variations in circulation volume. It iss the advantage over the classic Kbolden-Priestleymetbod in that it ?eqluires no active participation by the patient. Due to the stability )f the arteriovenous PCO 2 difference, calculation of its mean value from the PC02 values of mixed Venous blood will obtain the PC02 of the Card 1/2 1 UDC: 612.12 ~11, , P. cc "The direction of the ruiction cf bromoficatim of by N. P. hanajev (P. ', SO: Jo-urnal of General Cher_jFtry (Zhurnal Obshchei Khdmii) 101,6, Vo)ume lll~, No. 1 AIMAZOV, V.A.; WAYEV, S.V. Agemaglobulinemia in a woman with chronic Ipphadenosis. Probl,gemat. i perel.krovi no.Ut58-60 161. (IMU 15:1) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy terapavticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. S.T. lste=ova) I laningradekogo meditainskogo instituta imeni skad. I.P. Pavlova, (GAIOU GIDBULIN) (LYMMTICS-DISEASES) AMIZOV, V,A.;,~~NA'YEX, S.V.; Bjli-EV, V.I.; VJ. Functional activity of granulocytes In vl.tro. '-'~ed. rad. 8 no.!-1: 20-24 N 163. U-UPA 17.1.2) 1. Iz kafechy. fakulltatskoy terapii (zav. - zas.1,,1z*henny3, dayatell nauki prof. T.S. Istamanova, nauchnyyo rakovoditell- - prof'. T.S. Istmanava 1 starshiy nauchnTy sotrudnik, kand. med. nauk E.I. Shcherban') 111enIng-radskogo meditsinskogo inotituLa imeni alcade- mika I.P. Pavlova, KAITAYIIV, Tolpa. 1, - .,; ~~i, - - ~Lli~lo'IkY' Timayard, IUne nat . no -5:19 my '59. (MM 12:6) 1. Kruzbok o0ovodov-mieburintsev Kuybyahevakog-o dvortea pionerov. (Kiiybyehav--Grapes) KANATIVe V.0 lush, Meahanized motortruok lubrication under rural comditions. Avt, trausp. 36 no.5t7-9 W 158. (KIU 11W, (Not ort rucim-labrioation) I 44~ /V t? ~ :A- t' t~ , il:~" ,U.DiNTSKV./G.B.; LTSITSYN, A.P.: KAKATRV, V.F.: ZINKSVICH, N.L.; GANPA39TSMV, F. I. Design of a piston'core sampler with an MUtOMRtieILllY CA- stabilized piston, Trudy Inst.*ksan. 19:232-237 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Boring machinery) KAKAYEV Y-.., Inzh. Lubricator nozzles and pressure lubricator. Avt.transp. 39 no.6:22-24 Je 161. (14IRA 14:7) (Lubrication and lubricants) TMINTSIV, G.B.; LISITSYN, A.P.-, XAMATIT, V..r.; ZZMWICH. N.I.; GAIMANTSMY, Pis,ion' tube 'with' rigid 'frame for obtaining high quality samples of marine depool~p,._gpmlevedenlo_4t263-266 '57. Mak 1019) (beep- asa-de,posits) (Soientific apparatus and inetrumento) XANAYEV,, V. F,: Doc Agric Sci (dies) -- "Agrotechnical principles of a system e 84. of machinery anI equipment for working the aoil and plantings for the south a U of the TJSSR". Saratov, 1958. W pp (Min Agric ISSR, Leningrad Agric Inst), 1.50 copios (EL, No 1) 1959) 121) KAWAYW, V. F. "fl .... ii~- Using bottom bathometers in oceanographic research. Trudy Inst.okean. 19:164-168 '56. (MMA 10:2) (Bathemeter) SOV/14-57-12-25581 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnall Gedgrafiya, 1957, Nr 12, P 36 (OSSR) AUTHORS: Lisitsyn, A. P., Kanayev, Vs Fe TITLE: Mechanical Analysis of Coarsely Fragmental Material at Sea (Mekhanicheskiy analiz grubooblomochnogo materiala v sudovykh usloviyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta okeanol. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 19, pp 252-261 ABSTRACT., The authors!n6te that iceberg and ice-transported marine deposits are very common in nairigable-ocean waters, that they are found in certain zones, and that they are important in the formation of deposits on the bottom of oceans and seas. Studies of the laws governing the distribution of the coarsely fragmental material found in these deposits have been conducted during the cruises of the vessel ItVitya~" since 1949. Card 1/2 The authors-descftbe the method used to analyze SOV/'14-57-12-25581 Mechanical Analysis of Coarsely Fragmental Material at Sea (Cont.) material collected by the expeditions. This method involves the use of special sieves and a ship-based vibrator for mechanical analysis. The apparatus can process 12 samples per hour. Including the time needed for loading and for removing material from the vibrator, and for weighing the fractions, the apparatus can process four to six samples an hour. A bibliography of seven titles is included. Card. 2/2 N. G. KAWIMEV-, V. F. ("tcad. Sci. USSR) "Submarine Mountains in the KurUe Range A-rea, it paper presented at the 9th Pacific Science Congrdss, Bangkok , Thailand i-3-29 Llov 57 Trans. - Mining Gazette, Vol. 2, No 11, 1957, (Bangkok) A: t