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SOTHIKOV, Bergey Kuz 'mich#,_AMAT44, ~ A.M., red.; VOROVIN, X.P., [Long-range television reception] Svorkhdallnii priem tele- videniia. Izd.2., parer. i dop, Kookva, Gos.onerg.izd-ro, 1960. 94 p. (Hassovaia radiobibliotaka, no.372). NIRA 13:11) (Television-Receivers and reception) . ...... . ....... SMOYLOT, Goorgiy Pavlovich; KAHATRYA, A.H., red.; BORUNDT, N.I.,, (Repair of television scanning devices] Remant razvertyvalunhchikh ustroistv tolovisorove Kookva# Got.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 102 p. (Massovaia radiobibliotaka. no.377) (mmA 14:4) (Televi sion--,%pa iri ag) POPOV, Potr ALaknsndrovlc)i; MORG, A.I., red.; B!+ TINY, F.I., red.; BIBILYAM, V.A., red.; YANEYNY, Y.I., red., G."INISILN, Yo.N., red.; =IIGIT, I.S., red,,. XfjNAYWA, A.M., red.-, KRENKNIt', H.T., red.; KULIKOTSKIY., A.A., red.; SHIRROY, A.D., red.; TARASOV. V.I.. red.; SILIKSHIM, Y.I., red.; KULIKOVSKIY. A.A., red.; TARIONOT, Me., tekhn, red. [Dasiga of audio froquenoy transistor amplifiers] Rnsobat transistornykh usilitelei xvukovoi chnstoty. Moskva, Gog. enarg. ltd-vo, 1960. 103 P. (Wascrvaya radiobiblioteks, no-378) (MIRA 14:5) (Transistor amplifiers) KMIAYBVA, A.M.; YJADOVSHCHIKOV, V.D.; FAYN, MA. Operational reliability of television sets. Tekh.kino I. telev. 4 D046:65-70 Je '60, (IGRA 13:7) (Television--Receivers and reception) EAMYLI'A, Adf.~_Juh. Means for improving operational characteristics of a receiving television network. Voet. eviazi 20 no,4:21-22 Ap 160. (MIRA 13--7) (Television-Recelvere and receptions) SAMOYLOV, Goorgiy Pavlovich;.0-9-E-Y-A-0-A.M.), rod.; TAWASOV, F.Lp red.; VORONIN, X.P., teklm. red. (Maintenance,of a television receiver] Ukhod za telavizorom. Pod obshchei red. A.M.Kanaevoi. Moakvd$ Gos, energ. izd-vo,, 1961. 37 p. (Maosovaia radiobiblioteka, no.389) (MIRA 15:3) (Tolovision-Receivers and reception) KANAYETA, A.M. The goverrmient attaches much importance to industrial safety and safety engineering at the-commurtication enterprill es. Vest. sviazi 21 no.5:21-23 My 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1, Sakretarl TSentrallnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov WrAr,i,, rabochikh avtomobillnogo transports. i shosseynykh dorog. (Teleicommunication-Safety measures) ILUAYEVA, AM. For a now rise in tradr-,iudon work. Vest. sviazi 22 noe1*4 Ja W.. (IaRt- 14!1,2) 1. Selcretarl TSentrallnogo komitata profsoyuza rabotnikov avyaz-t, rabochikh aV4,1,transporta i shosseynkh dorog. (Thleconnunication---Employees) KANAYEVA, A, I#L movement for commwilut labor among the teleccam=i- cation workers. Vest. sviazi 23 iao.4822-23 Ap 163. (MIM :16:4) 1. Sek:retarl TSentrallnogo komiteta professionallnogo soyuss. rabotnikov avyazi, rabochikh avtomobil~nogo transporta i shoxs*yWkh dorog. (Telecommini oation-Employee s) AFANASIYEV, P.V.; KANAYbVA. A.M. -- For well organized work in telecommunication enterprises. Vest. sviazi 23 no.7:7-9 J1 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1, Ministr svyazi BSSR (for Aranas'yev). 2. Sekretarl TSentrall- nogo komiteta professionallnogo soyuza rabotnikov svyazi, rabo- chikh avtomobillnogo transports, i shosseynykh dorog (for Kanaye- va). KANAYEVA, A.M. Encourage communist labor competitions in telecommunication enterprisem. Vast. sviazi 24 no.7:1-2 J1 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Sakretar' TSentrallnogo kamitets, professiotiallnogo soyuza rabotnikov avyazi) rabochikh avtotransporta i shossaynykh dorog. KANAYEVA, A.M. ....... :-,i- Use overy means to dionliniziato the word practices of tho urfIcIfInt.Ny experts. Vest. sviazi 25 no.3:12-13 Mr 165,, (~JTJ FA 18:5) 1. Sakr- tar' TSentrallnogo komiteta professional Inogo soyuza rabotn'kov ovyazi, rabochikh avtotransporta i. shosseynykh dorog. Y"XEVAP Se-Fe P anpirant, -L-*--- Gluosamin content in the blood serum and its reaction with dip4nylamine as indices of the activitj of the rheumat c ocesso Sov.zed. 25 no.ls42-47 J1 161. % 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry fakulitatskoy terApii (zav. - prof. G.D.Zalesskiy) Novooibirskogo me4tsinskogo instituta. (DIPHLNYLAMNE) (GLUCOSAMIN) (RHEUM&TIC HWT DISFASE) 1101,030y) Boriv Alekoeyevich; K01AYLIVA I.I.. red. (Graphic analytic problorno in vumoyinL!~I,-,-IsAGtnC- graficheskie raboty po geoviezij. '. izd. perer. i dop. I'loslyn) Vysshaia shkola, l,)(,4. 195 P. (MIRA 17:9) UUYEVA, I.P. -- ----- ]Diurnal variations in the food of percarina, (Perearina demidoffi maeotica Kuia.).in the Sea of Azov. 156. (MLHA 10: 3) 1. Veasovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy !institut morzkogo rybnogo khozyaystva. I okeanografile (Azov, Sea of-Perch) 60 " I-, KANAYPA, I. P. Cand BIOI 801, -- (dies) "Feeding of perkarimw~~ of the m*6n industrial fidi of the.~ea of Azojr." Mos, 1957, 12 pp 21 cm (M*o Technological Inat of Fish industry and &ononW Im A. I. Mikoyan), 100 copies (KL, 24-47, 117) -24- KANAYF,VAP I.P. First results of the Soviet planktololgical research in the ktlantic Ocean carried out in accordance with the IGY-IGC pro am. TRUDY VNIRO 46:201-214 162. FMIRA 15:10) (Atlantio Ocean-Plankton) .- KANAXEVA.,..-~-,hk- .- Average weight of Copepoda in tbe Central and North Atlantic, Norwegian and Greenland seao. TRUDY VNIRO 46:253-266 162. (MMA 15**10) (Atlantic Ocean-Copepoda) (Norwegian Sea-,Copopoda) (Greenland Sea-Copepoda) WAYEVA, I.P. - -A~- 0-f-I.- .1 11=1-"' Alk~'Acteris ties of the distribution of plankton in the Atlantic Ocean. Okeanologiia 3 no.,Ss1061-1064 163. OMMA 17:4) 1. Vassoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellekUy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanologii. lIkIIIIIIII IFIRI Illidilli Illill 1111 IIIIIJ11H 111) ild IIN'13" ~Vll-'~rl"IMM-.., ,'I ~R~P311.11 ktflj;~,T. .Itatit?e d I s trlb~ 'Aim of p7ankton in the Atlar-fla Oeean. Trudy VITIM 57:333-~43 165. (IEIRA 18-6) USSR / General and Special Zoology. Ins'ects. P AbB Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3) 1958, 11744 Author Kana4va I. Ya, Inst No f _g 've n- Title The Use of Paradichlorobf..-nzene Against Larvae of the Cabbage Fly. Orig Pub: Tr. Mold. ovoshche-kartof. orosit. st. Kishinev, Gosizdat Moldavii, 1956, 341-344. Abstract: The dusting of the roots of cabbage sprouts with DDT and later the adding of Hexachlorane to the plants in the summer and during the egg-laying of the fly prevented the development of the larvae in large numbers, but the action of hexachlorane on larvae already present in the plants was not sufficiently effective. Paradichlorobenzene (PDB) had a favorable effect in destroying these larvae. Card 1/2 USSR General and Special Zoology. Insects. P ;bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 11744 Abstract: When 5 g and 10 g of a mixture of PDB with sand was added to the plant there were on fifty plants in three days five and one live larva correspond- ingly, while the control plants had 29 larvae. In another experiment when 5 9 of the mixture was added to the plants the number of plants damaged by the Insects in two weeks was 0.7%, while in the control plants it was 3.1%. The mixture in doses higher than 5 g had a harmful effect on the plants. The adding of PDB increased the cabbage yield in the first collections by 24% and the gross yield by 10%. Card 21 3(8) SOV/9-59-2-12/16 AUTHORS: Mileshina, A.G.., 'Safonova, G.I., and Ranayeva, N.A. TITLE: The Effect of the 14ineralol;ioal Composition of Rocks on the Percolating Oil (Ifliyaniye mineralogicheskogo sostava pored na fil'tXUYU3hchu,,rusya cherez nikh neft') PERIODICAL: Geologiya nofti i gaza, 10.501,3,Nr 20 PP 55-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of the mineralogical composition of rocks on oil penetration was, ulready atudied b.., P.P. Avdusin, V.P. Batu- rin, M.A. Tsvetkova and other3. The effect of the mineralo- gical componition of rocks on the compo3ition of percolated oil was examined by experiments in laboratory conditions -aith the use of artiVicial mineral mixtures. The experimento are de~,cribod and reaulto obtained are given in tables pre3enting data on the quantitativo content and compusition of oil sorp- tion determined ly the method of luminescence analysis (V.N. Florovskaya); data on elementary and combined analyses of oil filtero and 6;roup composition of oil fraction (N.A. Kanayeva); and data on struotural group anclysee of the naphthene-paraf- fin and the aromatic group of hydrocarbons. It was stated Card 1/2 that the mineralogical composition of rocks had an eff",t on SOV/9-59-2-12/16 The Effect of the Mineralogictil Composition of Rocks on the Percolating Oil the redistribution of hydrocarbon groups of oil pericI:-,*;---, through the rocks. Clay minerals in the rocka reflv number of carlon atoms in the rings of the oil fii.t reduced al 'so llao percentage of rin.-s in the moleculic napht3,- - 11 hydroo.-irbon group. The c,,.rbon content J-n the par,i,;~i. side-ohains increased simultaneously. The samie rebrularity was observed In aromatic hydrocarbons;. Addition of minerals to quartz sand contributed to the aasorption of non-hydrocarbon oil components. There are 2 sets of graphs and 5 tabloo. ASSOCIATIOM VNIGNI Card 2/2 KBAYEVA,, H.A. (Teningra,i, r-34,, Bol'shoy prospekt., d.8/4, k7.40) Selection of thet anesthesia method :In operations on newborn infants. Tost.ldilr, 89 no.Uz70-P,4 V 162,, (MIRA 1612) 1. Iz kafedry kliirargii detakogo vometa (zav. - prof. G.A. Bairov) Ianingradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinakogo inatituta - (rektor - kand.viedtonauk Ye.P. Semenoval. (PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA) UNATUA, T., kandidat takhoichstkikh nsuk. Road visibility at nj.ght with headlIghtm. Art.tranep. 32 no.6: 29-30 JO 054. (KM 7.19 ) (Automobilse-Lighting) GAK, B.N.; GATAIWV) N.S.; Prinimala vcbastiya Accelerated dvy.'Ing of bathroom fixtures. Stek. i ker. 16 no.7: 20-24 JI 161. (MIRA 14'.'7) 1 f 1. Rachalliii1c ftiksperimentallnogo uchastka Lobnenskogo zavoda stroitellnoy keramiki for Kanayeva). (Cermaics) ~Bathrooms--Equipment and supplies) FLE.SI'J')Vj K.M.; HIROUIER-1, P.M... daktor voyennyl-b r1rauk, dayntel I nauk RUSH general-Im tenant voysk svyazi, red.; red. (Control anti ::orumnicationsl Upravlonle i oviazl. Mmskva, Voenizdat, 19(:J~.. 130 p. (14DA 17:12) 107-12-42/46 ADTHOR: !~!njyovskly (Kubaohi village, Dagestan'ASSR) L.1 TITLE: Repairing tho Thermoelectric Piles (Ustraneniye neisprevnostey termogenerator6v) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1955,NrU, p. 56 bottom (LISSR) ABSTRACT: Suggestions -for soldering of broken el.ements in the pile, for Isolating the pile froai the lamp glass, and for extending the flue twice In length. (Abstractorts note: In nonelectrified rural areas Soviet amateurs use the thermoelectric pile as a source of electricity for their mall-current consumption radio receivers. The pile is heated by an ordinary kerosene lamp widely used in Soviet Russia for illumination. Special types of piles are manufactured by Sciviet industry for this purpose.) The autho:r discueses the defects often occurring with the TrK-3 type piles. AVAILABLE: Library Df Congress Card 1/1 1.).OV/109-3-9-11/20 The "l)'Lorap Of PL,:!80,cJ HavinG a FluctuatiriLi- Ainpli~ude by Eqs.(3). Eq.(16) checked ex-porimentally by photo- C-ra-,Aaing Ule 0SCil1Or13M-!-,hic dii>,.-,la z of noise voltafres. -Y The resi,,,ltin, 0scillo-rams were used to determine the instantone,ous values of the noise at time intervals Altogether 150 points were measured and A was equal to 2.5 x 10-'~- see.- The resLiltin- correlaL-ion function ir, sho,mi in Pi-.2. The papor contairs 2 figures, * 0 1 1 table arld 1 Soviet; Veference. SURUITTED: Uarch. IGS 195?. Cm,d 2/2 BECAREVIC, A.; HUDNIK-PLLTNIK, T.; MISIN, V.; JANKOVAC, J.; KANAZIR, D.; SIMIC, M,,; BISTIG, G. Labeling nuoloic acids with isotopesand their use. Prim. radioaktiv. iZOtOps' 9! nD.3180-83 D 161. '(DNA) (PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPES). K D. and ouvAROVIC., h. "App:Ucation of Radioactl'.wl Isotopes in PLTysiology" p. 241 (.AIUUV BTO-1-Osr-TH NAUKA, Vol.- 3) No- 3/4, November, 1951, Beograd, Yugoslavia). SO ; M lonthly Ust *f -Baut European Accessions, Library of Conr?res!,, Vol. 2. No. -tober, !-"5 ;, Uiclassified I'La distribution du radio ph oaph ore ?3-) cbez les rats. L'ouservation comparative chez les animauy avfjc la tineur primairo, chez les hYpophysectomises et chez les r.-,,ts de con"role" SO: fieci~ail de Travaux, Do K~11 'qstitut Do llechernh,~s Sur La Structure lie La 31,11aLiere Vol. 2, Belgrade, Janvier 1q!)3 Klsl'~171?., D D. Kanazir et M. Erreim. Tonem, tin Adonouilie TrIphosphate (ATP) ae -F _q2l-i apres Irradiation UV Bloghide-a At 131m1hy2lu -ArxIL, vol 11, pp 451-4qp, 1951. D. D Kanazir. Accumulation d'acide itki-midylique chez E' 12Li B aprex irradiation U V. Bipchimlej pt B~Qpbxqiga Arja , vol 13, pp .589-590, 1954. KANAZIR, D D Kanazir, et 11% Errera. Metabolisme dos acides nucleiques chez H, goli B Apres irradiation ultraviolette. B~ocljjm~c,,n et JRA.ophvj;jc; k t, , vol lls, pp 621-6A, - . 1954. KANAZIl" 1). D Kanazir. Accumulation do deso):y6uanosino chez. -E: (,j~ B apres irradiation ultrav16lette. Riochiplica 21 Bj2phvgjga Acla, Vol. 15, RID 59?-593, 1954. I - - - .~ I 'k I - ;, I' .- ! , 'u, A--I **., ~-f. D. KANAZIR. Effets de Virradiation ultra-violotte sur lo metabolisme de llacide T deaoVrll'vonucleique d". scherichia coli B. &2~e Internationiales de PhysjgLoLic, vol Ull, pp 299-300, 1954. K~IIAZIIT~, D. D Kanazir. Illetabolisme de Vadenosine triphosphate chez "Escherichia coli B" apres irradiation par les rayons ultra-violets. Arg,2.1-Ires internationales de P~wsiolopie, vol LYII, im 565-566, 1.954. - I, 7 ,. "N j i- . II) D Kanazir et M. Errera. Action des rayons U V sur ilacide adenosine-trinhosphorique des spermatozides de prenouille. Biochimica et Bigi)hYsIca Aet.a, vol 16, pp 190,-202, 1955 BECARUIC9 Alakeandar Dq JANKOVICp Vera D.; KMAZIR, Dugmxp; RISTIC, Gordan& S. The fate of the liver highly polymerized-labelled deoxyribonucleic acid injected into the X-irradiated rats. Bul Inst Nucl 10:145-147 )L- $60. (FEAI 10:5) 1. ymatitute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich" Laboratory of Radlobiologys (Liver) (DeoVribonucleic acid) (X rays) (Paymers and polymerization) (Radioisotopes) (Phosphorus) KCSTIC, Lj,; CECURp Os; KANAZIRp D, Ultraviolet radiation and its effect on the viability of mammitlian. calls and the metabolism of nucleic acids. Bul List Nual 11t209-217 161, 1. Inatituto of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich," Department of Hadiobiology, Vinca. 2. Mmber of the Editori&l Board., "Bulletin of the Institute of Nuclear Sciences 'Boris Kidrich'" (for Kanazir). GLISINS Vladimir R.; HUDNIK-PLEVNIK, Tamara; SIMIC, Marta M.; KAHAZIR Dusan T. Some changes in the physicochemical. properties of deoxyribo- nucleic acid isolated from Salmonella Typhimurium. irradiateP by the ultraviolet and gamma rays. Bul Inst Nucl 1.1:21944 161, i 1. Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich," Department of Radiobiology, Vinca. GLISIN., Vladizdr R.j SIMIC., Marta M.; KA1QkZI11, Dusan T. Isolation of DILk (deaox-yribonualeic acid) from Salmonella Typhimurium. with the aid of streptomycin. Bul Inst Mucl ll.,229-23i 161. 1. Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrichl," Department of Radiobiology, Vinca. BECAREVICO A.; JAMOVIC, V.; PETROVIC, S.; KANAZIR, D.; JOVICKI, G. The metabolism of liver and spleen nucleic acids of lethally irradiated rats treated with homologous deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from non- irradiated rate. Bul Inst Nual 13 no-4135-41 D 162. 1. Departneat of Radiobiology of the Boris Kidrich Institute of Nuclear Sciencesp Beograd-Vinca. PANTIC, Vq BOGDANOVIC, NO; ~ ~NAZIRI %,; BECAREVIC, A,..; JOVICKI, G. Effoct-of the higblp~polyWized deabiWibonucleie acid of the Uver-on the survival of lethally irradiated rats. Cytologi:qal study on the organs of theAigestive -tract.. Bul mw Youg 7 nQ,,1/2:12 F-Ap 162,~, L. Instit-ut 11B., Kidrio,,* Vincal and Fizioloski institUt Veteiinara,kog fakultetay Beograclo GLISIX, V.; SDaC, M.; KANAZIR, D. Metabolism of nucleinic acids in Salmonella typhimwium by mans of formate44. Bul ac Youg 7 no..!/2:13 F-Ap '62. l.- Institut 11B. Kidric," Vinea, Beograd. HUDNIX-PLEV141K) T.; KANAZIR, D. Structural changes in desoxyribonucleinic acid after UV irradation in Salmonella typhimurium. Bul so Youg 7 noOV2-.14 F-Ap 162. 1. Institut, "B. Kidric..* Vinea., Beograd. ~ * ; JOVICKI, G. SECAREVIC, A.; JAIMOVIC, V.; PETROVIC, S.;_Pk'AZTR,D- Metabolio changes in the nucleinic acids of some organs irradiated lethaUy in rats treated with highly-polymerIzed deaccKyribomaleinic acid of the liver of nonLrradiated rats. Bul se Youg 7 no.1/2:14 F-Ap 162. 1. Inotitut uB. Kidric," Vinca, Beograd. DJCRDJEVIut 0.; KA1MIR, D. The affect of native wild-type deoxyribonualoic acid on the frequency of back-mutation (reversion) induced by X-rays in a thymine and uraoil-requiring mutant of F.. Coli (Z. Coli 15 T-U-). Bul Inst Nuol 14 no.l-.43-51 Ja 163. 1. Department of Radiobiology of theBoris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences. DJORWEVIC 0. ; KOSTIC, ., 0 Recovery effect produced by isologous native deoxyribonucleic acid in UV irradiated L-strain cells. Bul Inst Nucl 14 no, 23 59-65 Ap 163. 1. Department of Radiobiology, Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd-~inca. ;KTRILLOVA, L.F.; NIKITIN, V.A.; PANTUYEV, V.S.- SVIRIDOVp VA.~ STRIPIOV, Ldi.~ WCHATURYAN,' M.N.; KHRISTOV, L.G. , SH.6ANOVA, M,G. KORErl, Z.; ROB,L.3 DAWAITOV t S.;. ZLATEVA, A.-, MATANW, Z.; YCRDANOV, V. [Iordanov,V.); -U=Hgj~_j)3,4 MARKOV, Pq TODOROV, T.- CHERNEV, Kh.; DALKHAZHAV, N,; TUVDFIIDORZHt: PO Elastio,pp and pi-scattering at small angles In tba energy range 2 10 Bev. IAd. fiz. I no.3s533-539 Mr 165. (AURA 18s 5) 1. Ob"'Y01wnyy inatitut. yadornykh issledw4anly. 2. Vysahoye tekhnichaskoya~uchilisheho, Praga (for Korbel, Rob). 3. Fizichaskiy institut Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk, S--fiya (for Dex7anov. Ziateva, Zlatanov, Yordanov, Kanazirski, Harkov, Todorov, Chernev). 4. Institut khimii I fizikl, Ular-Bator, Mong,,)-L*aukF.-ya Narodna,(a Respublika (for DalkhazMv, Tuvdendorzh). Acassioh, NR: ATW17777 B/2503/63/011/01-/0101/0104 AuTHOR: Matanov, Z. M,; Kanazirski, Kh. M.; Markov) P. K.; Khristov, L. G. TITLE: Elastic scattering of protoi2s by deuterons at small, angles at 6.2 GeV SOURCE: B"lgaraka Akademiya na Naukite. Fizicheski institut. Izvestiya na Fizicheskiya institut a ANEB (News of the Institute of Physics and the Atomic Energy Scientific Research Foundation), v. 11, no. 1-2, 1963, lol-lo4 TOPIC TAGS: scattering, elastic scattering, proton, deuteron,, synchrophasotron photoemulsion ABSTRACT: The photoemulsion method was used to investigate elastic p-d scattering at 6.2 GeV. A stack, 9 ca in diameter and 2 cm thick, consisting of 29 emulsion layers of the N101-M type saturated with heavy water, waij irradiated bythe internal proton beam of the 01ral fUnited Nuclear Research 3:nstitute,7 synchrophasot' ron at Dubna. The incident beam was perpendicular to the inuface of the layers, and had an average density (4-13 :t o.o8)-io5 protons per sq. cm,% The scanning., tbe, measurements avA identification of instaaces of elastic scatteringvere performed according to the methodology described by V. B. Lyubimwi-, ?. K. Markav, E, No Tsyganov) Chzhen Pu-in and Mo 0, Sbafranova (ZhETF, 3't0. 911), 1959). A total of 3.40 Card J/ Lp AME'ssiw NR: AT4olTrTT instances of elastic scati;ering vere found. The differential cross section obtained is shown in Table. 1 and Figure 1 of the Enclosure. The croils section of elastic p-d scattering in the angUar interval 1.50--7-50 a.m.s. was found to be 0- ;(8-41 + 0.73) mb/sterad. Me scraezing coefficient of deuteron va f d to be e s oun Th7 authors cordially thank the Directorate of OrIal f0bedineniya institut za.yadreni izsledvaaiya; Uaited NucIA-ar Research Institute7 for the irradiation andchemical treatment of the photoe=lsion stack, and M. G. Shafranova. J!or assistance rendered in the work." Orig. art, has: 4 figures, 1 table.- ASSOCIATION: none SUBMUMD: 00 DAM AM: 04MAr64 MM-. 02 NO MW SOV: 003 OTM: 001 SPB COIS: PH Card ACCESSION NR: AP404~553 S/0056/64/046/006/1564/1966 AUTHORS- Zlatanov, Z. M.-, Kh. M.; Mincheva, L. D.; Khristov, L. G.' TITUE: Elastic proton deuteron scattering at 6.2 GeV SOURCE: Zh. eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 6, 1964, 1964-1966 TOPIC TAGS: proton scattering, deuteron bombardment, heavy water, nuclear emulsion, elastic scattering, reaction energy ABSTRACT: With an aim at increasing the statistical accuracy of earlier work (Z. M. Zlatanov, Kh. M. Kanazirski, P. K. Markov, L. G. lChristov, Izv. Piz. instituta.ANEB, v. 11, 101, 196J) the authors used a-pellicle stack of 29 type NIKFI-B or emulsion of initial thickness 400p, three pellicl*es of which were impregnated with heavy water and the remainder with ordinary Water. The stack was irxadiat-~ ed by the internal proton beam of the OIYaI proton,g;ynchrotron per- Card, 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042553 pendicular to the emulsion plane. A total of 20.16 cm 2' was area- scanned at a magnification of 630 x. Altogether 267*cases of elastic pp scattering were obtained. The differential cross section values are given for the c.m.s. range 2--9.50. The value obtained for the elastic scattering is a e1 12.6 + 1 .4 mb, and for th.e effective. 13 radius of pd interaction'R (2.0 + 0.1) x 10 Cm. Orig*. art. .has: 2 formulas, 1 figure, and tw 'o tables. "The authors are.grate- ful to the OIYaI management for cooperation and to M. G. Shafranov and. P. K. Markov for help with the' work." ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinenny*y'institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 3ODec63 DATE ACQ: ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: NP NR REF SOV: 004 OTHER;# 004 Cord 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4042553 ENCLOSUREt 01 Scanning efficiency e , number n of elastic scattering pd events, and differential scatter-Ing cross seotion or. q. it, rvwl n 89 0,90�0,n3 359�41 10.1 f1,90�0,11:1 186 � --)I) 53 0,89�0,(1't 704-10 7,~-0,5 Irv (1,87:L0,07 22 T-- G >0,5 7 The same for PP'scatter in- OC. it. if., 1110 it do!dfl, Ai6qcnwjma dajdn,.Oit~cmepnO It) 2,5 6 0 0 0 0 11 4 0:7 31), 11. 9 M'8�5 Card 3/3 f A r \I MCIONOV, S.; KAWIRSKI, P. Microgranular metsetases of chorionic aphitheliomk into the lu two years after abortion. Suvremmad., Sofia no.60-94-97 153, 1. Iz Sanatorium Iskrets pri SGNSDT (gl.lakar: S. Simeonov) (LUNGS. neoplasms, ch~rionic spithelioma, metastatic, 2 yigars after abortion) (ABORTION, chorionic spitheltoma metastases to 1,xW 2 years after abortion) TSANU, B.; MMISTOV, St,; KWZIRSKI, P. . Bronchospirometry; methods. Izv. Mikrob. inet., Nofia no.8:407-432 195?. 1. Sanatorium za grudobolni iskrets na agnedt gl. lekar: D-r S. Simeonov. (USPIRATION, funct. tests bronahoopirometry, technic & diag. value (Bul)) TSAREV, B.; MMISTOV# St.; MHAZIRSKI, P,- Advantages and died5antages of bronchospirometry. Suvrem. med., Sofia 8 no.8:64-70 1957. 1. Iz rmnatoriuma I skrets na SGUS. G1. Lekar: S. Simeonov. (RWPIRATIOIT, funct. tests bronchospirometry, evaluation) XMZIRSKI, P.; MISTOV, St.; STMV, Or. On inflammatory lesions of the middle pulmonary lobe., Sofia no.11:42-50 159. Us sanatorium "Iskretis' pri BGNS. G1,1ekar: Iord. Popov. (ATXMTABIS) TSANEV, B.; KAWIRSXI, P.; STANEV, Khr. Arterial hypoxemia and ventilation inoufficiency in pulmonar7 diseases. Suvrem med*, Sofia no.lOt7l-76 160. 1. Iz Sanatorium Iskrets na SGNS (Glaven lekar I.Popov) (LUNG DISEASES) (ANaIA etiol) KANAZIRSKI, F. Morphological characteristics pulmonary tuberculosis in antibacterial therapy. (Data on pulmonary resection). Suvrem mad., Sofia no.4/5: 3-17 161. 1. Iz Sanatoriuma Iakrets na Sofiiskiia gradski naroden suvet. (Glavon lakar lordan Popov.) (TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY pathol) KANAZIRSKI., Peturl D34CHEV, V.; LEVCHEVA, V. Anticoagulant prevention of pootoperative tbrombcs-embolic complica- tions. Suvrem mad., Sofia no-4/5:87-95 161. 1. Iz Banatoriuma Iskrets na Sofiiakia gradski naxoden suvet. (01. lakar 1. Popov) SURGEM OPER&TIVE compl) ANTICOAGULAM ther) ~ (THROMOMMOLISM prev & control) KANAZIRSKI, F. Stut-c*:tbe respiration after Dhvsical effort in pulmonar7 resection. Khirurgilw, Sofia 14 no.2/3159-1360. 1. Sanatorium Iskrets. (NMONECTOMY) kRESPIRATION) KAIIAZIRSKI, P.,- TSAM, B.; BACFIVAROV, L. I Changes in the residual air volume following the use of bron- chodilators, Probl, tuberk. 41 no.4M-81 163 (MIRA 17:2 ) 1. Tz pro-Livotubarkuleznogo sanatoriya 11skrets" (gla-niyy vrach Y.Popov) 1 1- polikl:'Lniki Kolarovskogo rayona. (glav- nyy vrach K.WlinovTp Sofiya,, Bolgariya. MfW, B.:,_~! ~AZIM4&_ Significance of residual air determination for the detection of certain types of respiratory insufficiency in pu1monary tuber- culosis. Probl. tuberk. 41 no.082-4V+ 163 (MM 17:2) 1. 1wprotivotuberkuleznogo sanatori7a "Iskrets* (glavnyy vrach Y.Popov),, Sofiya,, Bolgariya. KANAZIRSKI, Fl.; 113ANEV, B.; GEORGIEV,, G. Carbon mcnoxide diffusion capscity of the lung. Suvr. mod. (SoMa) 36 no.10t614-619 165. 1. SGNS, Sanatorium "Iskretis"'(glaven lekar 1. Popov). UNPAT, G. G. Therapy of dacryocyatits by the endonaeal method. Yest.otorino- lar 12 no.2:35-37 Mr-kp 150. (GM 19.12) 1. Of Zaku Military Hospital. .1-11-00 ROOM .-H-1-i KAMYO G*G* 1%-0121gag"O"Ut Dmoryoc7storbinostonVac a therspeutic method in ffq)purative dacryocyfti- tie, Testoofto.33 no#109-40 Ja-P 154, OM 711 1. Is glasnoyAliniki (direktor - professor U.S.19asabeyli) AserbaydzhaA- skogo moditainskogo hatituta. (laoryial XUIBAY, G.Gvj dotsont (Boku) old" ~. to"" Eye Affecti,ong in contngioull dioemoose Fallet. i alcush. 23 no.8:26-31 Ag'58 (11YE-DISEASES) (HIRA 11:8) RANUT, G.G., dots. Variants of the fossa eacal lachrimalis. Azerb. med. zhur. no.2: 75-77 F '59. (MM 32:3) Iv Is Vcwfe4v normlluoy amtomii Omv. - malushonVy doystell nAuki procf. X. A. Mlaklehiyev) Aterb&ydahansko,go gonudaretyannop weditain- skogo instituta In. N. Narimanova. (IA,CRIMLL ORGANS) KANBAY, G.24.j_-4otseut Iffect of ionizing radiation on the eye. no.12: 64-66 D 159. (MMA 13:4) (RAIDTATION--PHYSIOLOGICAL 3MOT) Ogym) MUM KANBAYI G.G., dotsent (Baku) What subprofessional medical personnel must know'about the n1inical aspects and diaMoois of trachoma.- Felld. i akush. 26 no.7:21-25 J1 161. (CONJUNCTIVITIS, GWUIAR) IMIRA 14:7) WPAY) G.' G.' ~Asst. Prof.) "Changes of Fundus Oculi in Canine Distempbr." Veterinarip) Vol. 38, no. 6, 1961. p. 46 Kanbay, G. G. - Azerbaijan Medical Institute imeni N. Narimanov. - KMBAYJ GaAot --- dotsont (Baku) Effect of radiant enorgy on the refractive media of the eye and problems of its protection. Vest.oft. no.6341-48 161. (MIRA 14:12) I(EXE.-AGCOMODATION AND REMOTIDN) (R&DIATION....PHISIOLOGICAL KFMO KANBAT, G teent mw 'Change in the ooular fundus in canine distemper. Veterirtariia 38 no.6s40-47 Je 161. (KRA 16:6) 1. Averbaydshanakiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiv institut, imeni W.Narimanova. (Distemper) -KANBAY-t. Pathology of irradiation cataracts,, 42 no.1333-38 Ja 1659 (MIRA 18:5) RANBATp G.G.p doteent Pathohintological changes in the ODrneA under the influence of radiAtion, Averb, wd. shur, 41 no.8tlO-14 Ag 064. (MIRA 18ill) 1. 11 Aserbaydshaniskoy nauohno-isisledovateltakoy sonitarno- khWoheskoy laboratorli (SAV, - pDlkovnik mod. isluzhby A,A, Rsayev), Subsitted January 14, 1963. iZANBAY,_Kh,G,# k&nd, mod. nauk; GUSEYNCV, A.G., kand. ned. nauk Use of neuroplegic substances 4n local anesthesia during obstetric-gynoool.ogical. surgery. A.zerb. mod. zhtir. 42 no.91 56-59 S 165. (MM 18: 11) 1, Is otdola skusherstva i ginekologii (rukovoditell - kand. med. nauk Kh.G, Kanbsy)., Nauchno-lBsledovatellskogo instituta okbrany materinstva i detstva imeri Krupskoy Ministerstva zdravookhrananiya AzerbSSR 'dir. - kand. med. nauk K.Ya. Faradz-hova; naucbnyy konsul'tant - prof. R.N. Guseynov). Subirdtted Ootober 30p 3.964. LOGINOT* A.A.t LANUTs D.G. ..................., 3ffect of stimulation of the fetus on the blood sugar level in the mother In cases of experimental crantocerebral injury and asphyxia of the fetus, DokLAN Azerb.SSR 16 no.4:407-410 160. (XIRA 13:7) 1. Nauchno-Iseledovatellskly Institut okhrazW materinstva i detstva Minsdrava AzerSSR. Predetavleno akade AN AzerSSR. Karayevym, (FATUS-I)ISIA 5) (BWOD SUGAR) ASADOV$ G.Z., kand. mod. naukj KARAM, I.S.; HANBAY) Kh.G.; ABASOT. AJ. Primary achinoooccosin of the mesentery proper simulating cystoma of the right ovary. 4msh. i gin. 39 no.3%125 MY-J:163 (MIRA 17 t2) 1. 1z otdele materinstva (rukovoditell G.Z. Asadov) Nauchno - issle,dovatel.takogo infititute, okhrany materinstva i mladenchostva (direktor - zasluzheni-yy vrach K. Ya. Faradzhayeva) Awrbaydzhan- skoy SSR.- KANBLY, Kh.G. Effect of =bilical ligation on the mother. Iz'v. AN Azerb. SSR. 129-133 161. (MQILICUS) (CMOHYDRATE METAEOLISM) carWhydrate metabolism in Ser., biol. i med, nauk no* ell: (NIRA 15'93) influarice of the arrest of fetui (.-ircula;.-Jun on the mother's carbohydrate metabolism depending on its Initial state. lov.Ah' Azerb. SSI,'R. Ser.blol, 1. med.nauk no. 12:109-115 16-1. (),41RA 1715) J00 V#NOJ! v,jjr~f* "'Wr. GUSEY III GV A, N prof WUBAZY L.2-0, iris tree tomy I., clwcal, exivitT"I.P.1tal ph,7E~o-1cg.1cal. and exparimerl.tal morphologle--al o-Ndles] SAh-r-6neW.e Men- s trual Inop tsikla posle m! umet, ktorn i k..lJ iv: ~:lkoskoe morfologicheskao gov., lzd-vop 1965,, .129 po (I. I -Y lu a E" ~ 12 D'~ 1:J11'r I y ~,7 0"1 Poland Aicrobiology. General Microbiology. Abe Jour: Referat.U.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 3553.) Author : Lazovskip It,; Kanaelarozyk, L. Title : A method of Qd-a-11tative and Quantitative Deter- mination,,of the Biological and Mechanical Sus- perded Matter in the Air and a Description of the Apparatus Orig Pubs Polski tygod. lekar., 1956, 11, No. 9,, 413-415 Abstract: Described is the apparatus for determining the microorganisms and mechanically suspended matter In the air, and also for research tests air samples for gaseous Impurities in the air. It is being used for field experiments after an Oaptation of its weight and size. The use of a filter for disinfecting the air made possible C ard IA Z Most. Matki i Dziecka v Wmz. KANUIRK p F. Chemi-groundvrood, p, 3.03, F-e. Impregnation of trees. P. 305. (Drvna Industrija., Vol. 7. no. 6/8, June/Aug. 1950'. lueoslavla) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, Jully 1957. Uncl. SOV/91-59-11--13/27 AUTHOR: Kan has,_V22#.,_F4ngineer TITLE* A Simple, Multisignal Remote Signalization System PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 11, pp 19-22 ABSTRACT: The author describes a simpleg multisignal remote sig- nalization system which he designed for communication between a control room and a power substation. This signalization system is in operation since September 1959 and worked 90 times wit6ut an- failure. The sig- nals are transmitted to a single lamp in the control room over a .7 km long telephone line which serves si- multaneously for telephone communication between the control room and the substation. Tho remote signaliza- tion system reports the condition of 20 objects sub- sequently. The signal lamp in the control room will burn evenly for about I sea when the, objoot to bo (jon- brolled In In order. The light will blink for I isee at 0.4 sec intervals if this object is defective. The Card 1/2 signals are transmitted by a relay system and a step SOV/91-59-11-13/27 A Simple, Multisignal Remote Signalization System. switch, as used in a telephone exchange. The odd-num- bered contact plates are connected to the relays of the objects to be controlled. The plates with even numbers were not used, thus 1 see intervals are created between the signals. Since contact plates Nr 4'0'-51 were not used, a 12 see interval is created ati the en~d of each signal sequence. The step switch needs about 50 seconds for one rotation. When the signal light in the control room goes on, the operator muet wait until the first sequence is over. During the second (or any subsequent) sequence the operator counts the sequential number of signal pulses and records the number of the blinking signal. Using a-table, lie can determine which object has become defective. This procedure -41.astsabcut,l.'~ minute and is a disadvantage of the mothod, However, this system is about 220-30 times cheaper than the VRT- 53, since no special equipment is required, There are Card 2/2 4 circuit diagrams. KANCH&VELI, A.L. New materials on *lower tuffites*'in the Shrosha-Nn-ula belt.. Soob. AN Cftz SSR 33 no.3:591-595 Mr 164 (MrRA 17t8) I Il I IV] 11W711i trilill H rl li III I h jl,~ m 111111111 it 1~ I I 1~ I I ii 11! 1: 1' :!~rjj YAICHAVELI -A. L. lamprophyric cross vein from the ChIRtur quartz-jorphyry formation. Soob. ~N Gruz. SSR 36 no.1:115-118 0 164. (MIRA 18:3) - KANKNATal, G. It Dissertation: "The Cultivation of Laurus NobMs in. the USSR." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of BotarW, Acal Sci Georgian MR, 26 Jim 54. (Zarya Vostolca, ThIlisi, 16 Jun 54) 90, SDI 318, 23 Doe 1954 t wil IN Mill: KANCHAVNLI, G.I. .1miAlvation of leurno nobilis andprocuremant of bay leaves In the U.S.S.Rol Kulltura blagoroclnogo lavra I zagotovki lavrovogo lista v 838R. Moskva, TSentrosoiuz, 1957. 96 p. (MIRA 11:5) (Bay (Tree)) too A 0 og 00 & go 1 so IPW I's 00 00600000000*010 M IV It, 1. !-01' f- Ott 4f,4 4 4 Ivoluat6li of the fidton 0t going lwiddfs upon Mail- KANndadle 'And Bi0i. .1651r~!44 ZI, ;!3s M447)~- -The authut% wac satisfied v6d& (it, 1-11t~ It ;J~iftg c4ras~ UU. chlociflat'll time. ..11,1 kitchtis JI a~ .00 -tv I'M fluclivr. 1'. 1c all 0. s t a si 1ALI.V*CKAL WRO&UN19 CLASIOPKATCH U N~ if 00 Is 0 41 #0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lw a 0 *To, ie f 0 0 0 **.*see 00 401-0 "Al 0 .00 0 fj Ah- I I v 0 111 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 At a 0 e 0 0 0 0 s_" Kfiso 21017 Kancliaveli, Gel., i Tietner,, M.K,,* MaterialI7 po izuch(.-niya Fenologii ki Yjalmaipetinis v. nekotorftl raponall: gr=Inakoy SSR Bbntlletin' (Nauch-iisaled. in-t malyarii i ined parazitologii Im Virsaladze) No. 1, 1.948j,o. 5-12-Na. gruz yaz--Rezvume Na. Rus Yaz-- Bibliogr 6 Nazv. SO: LETOPIS ZHURMAL STATEff- Vol. 28,Moslma, 19/+9 KAM'J'HAVELI. G. 10 - Kanchavelij G. 1, - "On the organization of the fight against malaria dissemination In the village medical sector",, Byulletan' (Hauch.-issled. in-t malyarii i med.. parazitologii im, Virsaladze)x No. 2v 1.948p p. 63-68p (In Georgian, resime in Runsian). SO: U-411j 19 August 53, (Letopia 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 21, 1949). KANCHAVELI, Georgiy Iosifovich (Georgian Agricultural Inst)., Academic Degree of Doctor of Biological Scioncee, based on his defense, 26 September 1955, in the Council of Tbilisi State Inst imeni StAl-in, of his dissertation entitled: "Malarial mosquitoes in Georgia and ways of efficiently c6mbating them." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Scie'noes SO: Decisions of VAKP List no. 24, 26 Nov 55, Byulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 20, Oct 57, Moscows pp 22-24, Uncl. JPRS/NY-471 TOO KA11CHAVELI G. I. Pbsnology of anopbelas macullpennis In Georglik during the ammer and fall. Ned.paras. k paras. bol.24 no,2:160-170 Ap-je 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Is entomolgicbeskago otdola Institute. malyarii I m3ditsinakoy parasitologil iment prof. Virealadze Minieterstya sdravookhra- nonlya Griminskoy SSSR (dir. instituts, - dotsant G.M.Haruasbvili, xxv. otdolon, doteent G.I. Kimcbavell) h2ophelas maculipontis, distribution In Russia) AUTHOR'. Gilyarov, k. S., Doctor of Aolovical 3:tiences. 3o-:L-3'5/39 'rITiw,. Theoretical andl Practical ',iork Carried 'ut by i~ntomologist~'s (Teore- ticheskiye i praktichesk-iyv raboty ento;,ologov). AIIUAon t;ntoinologica!Cbrdwence"',ic-tsoyLVnoye entomologic4etskoye. PF.RIODICAL! Vestnik ,iN 335H, 1~58, Vol. 28, mr 1, -!,. 129-13o (USSR). ABST"M By invitstion of th,_ Georgia 'Apartmert oj*;' the All-Ibim Entomologi- cal Scciety n conference -look place if, Tbillissi from (,,(,t.(,,ber 4; to Pit ber 9 1Q>,t waLen was attended b.~ more than 5oo deiegittes of tile ;ntire countxy. The program contained ~ eports on General questions of entomology as well as such dealing -ith entomological rvoblems of the Transcaucasus district. The follo-!'.ng reports were heard; 1) iL. A. Shtakelfbere: On the achievi:ionfA of general entonAogy as D. IM. Shteynberg; well as on tn results of morphological. in- sect researc, in the USSF. 2) L. P. Kalandadze: On the resultv, ;bta5ned by Georgia ~-,ntotnolo- gists . 3) G. 1. Mancheveli; On the result: obtained by tho investigation of blood-su6 ig midgets. Card 4) G. Ka. Bey-Biyenkol (Leningiad': On various aspects of the for-