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20-6-31/42 Recent Vertical Motion of the Shores of the Far East Seaz, of wtion have boon observed. By the differences of the height of the old shore quays the authors conclude that the velocity of the relative sinking of the Western-Kamchatka shore exceed that one of the Eastern part of the Chukot-Peninsula by the 3 - to 4 -fold. The definition of absolute velocities just is impossible because of the deficioncy of proofs. There are 3 figures, and 12 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION., Institute for oceanology AN USSR (Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR)o PRESENTED: June 12, 1957, by A. A. Grigorlyev) Academician. SUBMITTEDt June 11, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 SOV-26-58-3-21//51 AUTHORs Kaplin, P.A., Candidate of Geographical Sciences TITLE: The Retreat of the Glaciers of Novaya Zemlya (Otstupleniye lednikov Novoy Zemli) PERIODICAL: Priroda. 1956r 3, pp 88-90 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Accordi ng to P.A. Shumskiy, 22,600 square km of ice covers the interior of Novaya Zemlya. This ice shield sends forth glacier tongues through the valleys and into the sea thus filling in deep bays of the fjord type. A comparison of the coast contour lines of Novaya Zemlya in 1933 and 1952 shows that in 1933 there were hardly any fjords in the northwest part of the island as was stated by A.A. Kurayev. In 1952, the author found out that several fjords were laid bare by the retreat of glacier. Thus the Inostrantsev Glacier had retreated 8 km within 19 years which equals to a mean re- treat speed of 420 m a year. By 1955 it had gone back by 2 more km. Brown Glacier retreated 5 km in the past 19 years, as did the glacier falling into the Nordenshelld Bay. All these glaciers produce icebergs. They do not ex- ceed 10 to 16 m in height above sea surface and 25 to 30 Card 112 m beneath. M.M. Yermolayev states that the lower face ~sf The Retreat of the Glaciers of Novaya Zemlya SOV-26-58-3-21/5-1 the glaciers is below the present sea level in a 15 km wide zone. He and P.A. Shumskiy suggest that a strait under the ice shield divides the island along a line leading from Chayev Bay to Blagopoluchiye Bay. The retreat of the glaci- ers corresponds to the general warming of Arctic temperature, especially of the coastal waters, together with a decrease of glaciation in these w4ters. On the other hand, the area of Shokallskiy Glacier in Russkaya Gavan' has remained un- changed since 1933. These and other glaciation phenomena are being studied at present on Novaya Zemlya as part of the IGY. There is 1 photograph, 2 charts and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii AN SSSR-Moskva (institute of Oceanology of the AS USSR-Moscow) 1. Glaciers--USSR Card 2/2 UPLIN. -P.A. Zvolution of the shore line In fjord regions. Trud7 Okean.kow. 4: 54-65 159. (mrRA 13:4) l.HookoTakly sudaretvenmvy universitst., f7aJords) ~ (Shore lines) KAPLIN, P.A. ~ - Origin of fjords and the fjord coasts in the U.S.S.R. Vop. geog. no.46:204-220 '59. Mu 12-12) (Fjords) KAPLT11i P. A. "The Fiord Seashores of the USSR." report to be subnitted for the Intl. Geographical Union, 10th Generall Assembly and 19th Intl. Geographical Congress) Stockholm,Sweden,, 6-13 August 196o. KOSHEMUSKIT, D.I., red.; LVMZHE:OVSKATA, Te.A., red.; PLATONOV, G.V., red.; SOLOVITEV, A.I., red.; KHAIN, V.Te., red.;, red.; CHISTTAKOVA, K.S., (Philosophical problem of natural science] Filosofskie voproBy astestvoznaniia. Moskva. Izd-vo Hosk,univ. Vol.3. [Geological and geographical sciences] Goologo-geograficheskie nauki. 1960. 468 p. (M.IRA 13:10) .(Geology) (Geography) FUME I BOOK EXPLOITATIOI: SOV/5331 International Geological Congress, 216to Copenhagen, 1960. Morskaya geologlys. (narino Geology) Ynecow, Izd-vo PI; SSS11, 1960. 205 p. 2,500 copies printed. tScricat Doklady eovctoklkh geolo&ovp problemR 201 F. Sditorlal Boardt P. L. Bezrakov, Heap. Ed.; A. V. ZhivaCo, V . Zenkovich and 0. B. Udintsev; Ed. of Publishing Bousos V. S. Sheyrasan; Tech. Ed. i V. "ov. PURPOSES This *Oook Is InLended for geologists and oceanographers, COVERAM The book contains IB articles representing the reports given by Soviet geoloelsto at the 22at. International Geological Congress. Individutl articles deal iMth the bottom topography. sadinentation, and tectonics of oce=3 (Wtztern Pacific and Southern Indian)s an well as the ge4=*rphcloSr and tectonics of the Black and Caspian Seen. and Soviet eactoro of the Baltic. An Mngllah r6zumJ accompanies each article. No yer5onAlltles N N., 1. . FAY"111t. , 0. B. Udintmov. I B. JI" N- ~ b of nnoy. ReFM% lax_ 1. Rc?rcf: eyeva, An d r_:. LN11 %d ~ . us von igitiona or too Rex Crust Under 3 . r~ Boas and Oceans 35 alMle Kh X Stratirrephy of Sedl--.=,:. end the ftleol:eograpby p 11 it i ' r fa r . tern Pacific and the Par Y-n-3tern Seas of the UWR Accox d lne to aea-Bottom Pore-1-Ifers 59 Lis M Halt. Formation of Sediments in the Southern It T&M a and Indian Oceans a ? a and ln 69 _MpAR&A~X~ X_ and N. A. Be ov. Bottom Sedimentation Con- dMans In ihe Arctic Ocean -?-. and Ta. P. Reprechnov. Bottom GeezorpholoMr l and Tectonic Pilot, ems of the Black Sen 94 Solo ev V F., L S Winkovn, and a. v. Agapov&. Reller and - 21 Recent Floor st;Jt= 4 105 Gershanovich D Ye Recent Shelf Deposits in the marginal e ie Nt%ia 116 ,E.enovs, X. V. The 1-toologr of the Barents Sea -123 Ocrahkova, T. 1. Sediments in the Norwegian Sea 332 -n- V. Study of the Diageneeis or Some Max-ine "ca M . . 140 Zonkovlch V P., 0. X. Leont,yev, and ye. x ' _ 1 7 h ' 81117 A o WsU-aUr6`-T-5-a6=5lncjel N; o~ i~ ilte T33 ~ cv i th o 1 . Development of the Coastal Zone or Soviet Seas 154 Rbu)atov, N. A., V. Lj_A Id rev and V. P ZoLnkovich. Some _ Ve-%Va_W-Un-S-e&Lme-n Z "trc&mn ong Shoi7as .164 Budanor, V X o A. SJsnin. and V. S. radvedev. Recent verilo I Movements of-3-e-&37[6-r`-e-J-TW the ffbv%-5V'VAtvn- 175 ; t ov .140r' ' , Types and Formation of Lagoons on Recent . r. . s 188 card-%^ POPOV, B.A.; IONIN, A.$.; WLIN,tF.A. Concerning R.IA.Knapals critical notes on analytical Investigation of the formation of marine terraces. Biul. Okean. kom. no-5:79-86 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut okeanoloGii AN SSSR. (Seashore) (Knape, R.IA.) KAPLIN, P.A., kand.geograf.nauk, nauchoyy sotrudnik Submarine goologigto. Tekh.mol. 28 no.8-22 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut okeanologil AN SSSR. (Aving, Submarine) (Submarine 9'eology) KAPLIN, P.A.; IONIN, A.S. Methods for geological and geomorrhological undervater exploration. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. Z5 no.11:105-112 N 160. (MIU 13:3-1) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Submarine geology) HAPLIU, P.A. Exploration of the tops of submarine canyons by divers. Okeanologiia 1 no.6:1034-1038 '61. (MJRA 15:1) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. (Black Sea--Submarine topography) - KULINp P4,.; NEVESSKIYS Ye.N. Height of Quaternary marine terraces of Sudakakaya Bay. Trudv Okean. kom. 8s60-61+ .161. (MIRA 1415) 1, Institut okeanologii.AN SSSR. (Sudakskaya Bay-Terraoes (Geology)) I I ---- t~.e~~~,,j7:---~-4,'-,~ti--7~-~f-~---;Ltci!gl~,l~AFZ= ~ , . . KAPLIN, P.A.; BOLDYREV# V.Le Joint Polish-Soviet exploration of the Baltic Coast in 1958. Trudy Okean.kom. 8t245-250 161. (MIRA 14-5) 1. Institut okeanologii-AN SSSR. (Baltia'Sea-Coasts) S1519 61/000/009/001/001 HOOOXOO0 AUTHORS: Kaplin, P. A.$. and A. S. lonin TITLE: Some coastal relief features of the Kurile-Kamchatka region ln.relation.tO tsunami problems SOURCE: Akademiya niauk SSSR,' Soviet po seismologii. Byulleten'. ~Problemy tsunamf, no* 9, 1961, 14-88 TEXT: The Karile-Kamdbatka,areap which lies parallel to a line of epicenters known to cause tsunamis., is sohematized and regionalized on the basia of available literature according to its susceptibility to tsunamis, The severity of a tsunami in a given coastal area de- pends not only on intensity of the quake causing the tounamix para- meters of the initial-wavej and distance from the expioenterr but also on submarine and surface coastal relief characteristics and configuration of the shoreline. Tsunami wave height at the coast depends specifically on 1) exposure of coast linep 2) surface features and bottom relief of embayments (fiords,, craters., etc*)# 3) pre- Card 1/3 S15191611000100910011ool HOOO/HOOO coast, suffer the heaviest destruction from tsunamis. Shoal water offshore increases the destructive effect still further. The,de- structive effect on abrasion-denuded coastline is directly related to the distance the shallow.'abrasion terrace extends-dut'izito the water'and to the presence or absence of low abraded or,agoeLded terraces bordering the coastal shelf. A shallow abraded terrace ex- tending a sufficient distance offshore irill dissipate tsunami waves so that they will not reach the brow of the low terrace. Volcanic coastlines and abrasion-denuded coastlines having a-high coastal. terrace are almost entirely safe from danger*of tsunami destruction., while the shores of crater bays and narrow-mouth bays of the Avachinskaya bay type are not subject to the effects of tsunamisi. There are three figures, including the map. There are 2 English- language references., which read as follows: linamura., A.,, "Theor- etical and applied seismology"p Maruzenj Tok7op 1937; Shepard, F. Pop 0. A. Macdonald, and D. C. Cox, "The tsunami of April 1, 1946",, Bull. of the Scripps Univ. of Calif. Press, v. 5,. no. 6. 1950. Card 3/3 IONIN, A.S.; KAPLIN, P.A.; MEDVEDEV, V.S. Classification of global coast types (as applied to maps of the pbysicogeographical atlas of the world). Trudy Okean.kom. 12: 94-108 '61. (KIRA 15:1) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. (coasts) IONIN, A.S.; KAPLIN, P.A.; MEDVEDEV, V.S. Some results of regional investigations of seashores in the Soviet Union. Trudy Inst. okean. 48:3-33 161. (MIRA 15:1) (coasts) KAPLIN, P.A_,, kand.geograficheakikh nauk The earth's fjords. Priroda 50 no.6:82-85 Je t6l. (ND-A 14:5) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Fjo:tds) KAPLIN, Pavel Alekseyevich; ZE24KOVICH, V.P., otv. red.; TIO0141ROV, . .. re . i -va; POIYAKOVA, T.V., tekhn. red. (Fjorded coasts of the Soviet Union] Fiordovye poberezhIia So- vetskogo Soiuza. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 187 p. (MDU 15:7) (Fjords) GIAZOVSKAYA, M.A.p prof.., red.; RAKITNIKOV, A.E... dots., red.; KAPLIV, P.A., red.; EEIYAKCYVA, Ye.V., red. izd-va; LAZAREVA----. ,, L.V . tekhn. red. [Nature and agriculture in the Volga-Akhtuba Flood Plain and Volga Delta] Priroda i sellskoe khoziaistvo Volgo- Akhtubinskoi dolimy i dellty Volgi; trudy. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1962. 1+48 D. (1,URA 15:4) 1. Prikas~lyskaya ekVifttutya. (Volga-Akhtuba Flood Plain-AgricultUre) (Volga Delta-Agriculture) UELUL,2AV&L-A1akaOYAIIrJ4 ZENKOVICH, V.P., prof., nauchnyy red.; DESHKOV, S.I., red.; RAKITIN, I.T.., tekhn. rsd.~--- Pod---~naisa goologiia. (Submarine geology] vo Pod nauchn. red. V.P.Zenkovie.ha. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znania," 1963. 45 P. (Novoe v zhizi4i, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia: Geologiia i geografiia, no 9) (MIRA 16:5) iSubmarine geology) IONIN~ A.S.; KAPLINo P.Aat -,MEDVEDEV. v.s. I - - Submarino goomorphologieal studies in the U.S.S.R. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5s Geog. 18 no-3:17-23 My-Je 163. (MM 16:6) 1. Institut okeanologii, AN SSSR. (Submarine topography) KA,PLIN,l P. A. Submarine Investigations in the Near-shore Zone of the Seas report submitted for the 13th General Assembly IUGG, (Oceanography) Berkeley, California, 19-31 Aug 63 IONINP A.S.; KAPL-IF.J-Y,-A-; MEDVEDEV, V.S. O.K. Leontlevls book OPundamentals of seashore geomorphology." Okeanologila 3 no.5t946-948 163. (MMA 16:11) E F-4. Some charac te-.J 3 tics of the formation of lagoong, Ckeanologii-P 4 nodi290-234 164. (MIRA -17.- 5) 1. Inatitut, okeanologii AN SiSR. ZERROVIGH; V.P.; KU'LIU, P.A. OUbruarine geomorphological explorations on the Dalmatian seashore. .d Izv. Ali SSSR. Ser. goog. no-3:18-34 Ify-Je t65. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Institut okeanologii. AN SSSR. AFANASIYEV, N.A.;_&kP_LM_P,.L; ORGIN, S.F.; PIGOLEV, S.V.; PROKOPPYEVI P.S.; AVRUSHCHENKO, R.A., red. izd-va; LELYUKHIN, A.A., tekhn. red. [Textbook for the training of volunteer fire brigades of industrial enterprises) Posobie po P'D'dgotovke dobrovoll- nykh pozharnykh druzhin promys4ennykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Izd-vo M-ya kommun.khoz.RSFSR, 1959. 232 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Firemen-Education and training) (Factories-Fires and fire prevention) PEREUMN9 Vaevoloa Vasillyevich; Prinimali uchastiye: SOPOVAp A.V.,- MUM, O.M.; ZONIS, B.S.; ZOBACBEVA, M.M.; KVITKOv S.M.; BASKOV9 Yu.V.; KAP- 49-1-s-.1-01 POLYANSKAYA9 A.S.; PADVA? G.D.; ZONISp S.A. 9 red.; F%%Mq T*Asg tekbno red* [Unsaturated nitro compounds] Nepredellnye nitrosoedineniia. Lenin- graa, Goa. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo Win. 2-it-rys 1961. 335 p.- WMA 34-7) (Nitro compounds) KAPIaN, S., p:)lkovnik, kand.istoricheskikh nauk Irreconoila~dlity to the enemies of communism. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil, 3 no.19:"-48 0 1629 (MIRA 15:9) (World politics) (United States-Military policy) L 4745M6 "T riJ Aff-W -AP60__3o6'_2_____ 5 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/ol6/ol2l/0121 INVENTOR: Kaplin, V. F..; Dragun, A. S. ORG: 1411-3 TITLE: Air filter for internal combustion engines. Class h6, No. 185151 /announced by Melitopoll Engine Elant (Melitopollskiy motornyy ZaVod)7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, pron7shlennyye cbraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 121 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, air filter,'Wit'4~+X-1 pf- AB3TRACT: Thir, Author Certificate introduces an air-filter for internal combustion engines, consjzting of a cylindrical housing which contains a central suction pipe, an oil bath,\\sediment collector, a filtering element and an outlet. To produce cleaner air at all rates of engine operation, an oil collector with a spring-supporte movable diaphragm and an outlet are installed in the upper part of the oil bath, forming uniforn-sized channels with the suction pipe and variable-sized channels with the diaphragm. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [SAI SUB CODE: 21, 13/ SUBM DATE: 26Apr65 Card 1/1 Y I I kt I-. n, ; , v J . ; 1 1 V ~ *r . ! , . -1 KA ~.-' 'A A N., 'i 2 V '. 1. u ;~~ rg; , . -a State Prese:Tr-. Okhr. 11). 1 Vos-'- no .1 ~ 4 97-192 162. (11 -F I , ik .1 ? ~ 5'1 XmIN, V.S. Resote results of straptowycin therapy of tuberculous meningitis in children. Pealatrita. no.5i61-63 154. (MM ?tl2) 1. Iz kafedry detakikh bolezuey (say. prof. P.I.Pichugin [deceased]) Molotovskogo ae-ditsinsk.ago instituta, i detakoy klinichmakoi bolinitay leuinik*o rqyoWgtV,,*loto-v& (gl&YW vracb. H..LPo&ergiu&) 02UPTON" use, in child.) T AL,._'In inf4Lq$ and child. KAPLIN -.V,N. Studies on the phagocytic reaction of leukocytes and its humoral stimulation by the introduction of tuberculosis antigens. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 58 no.7:63-66 J1 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy fiziologii (zav. - dotsent R.B. TSynkalovskiy) Permskogo meditsinskogo instituta. Submitted July 23, 1963. KAPLIN,_V. P.,,_ POWNEOV, V. N.) and JHA13UN1N, A. S. "On the Possibility of Automatic 3aparation of Potato Tubers From Lumps of Soil in Potato Harvesting Machines" paper presented at the All-Union Seminar on the Application of Radioactive Isotopes in Measurements and Instrument Building, Frunze (Kirgiz ;SR), June 1961) So: Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 111, No 5, Nov 61, pp 468-470 KAPLIN, V.S., inzh. Electric beating of precast reinforced concrete. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.3:115-118 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Precast concrete--Curing) 50) AUTHORS: Kaplin, V. T., Datsko, V. G. SOIT/62-59-9-26/40 TITLE: Extraction of Indophenol From Aqueous Solutions by Means of Organic Solvents PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii'nauk SSSR. Otdoleniye k-himicheskikh nnuk, 1959) hrr 9) pp 1673-1674 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Hitherto, it was not possible to extract indophenol dyes, formed by sodium hypobromite and ammonium salts in the presence of phenol, with organic solvents. However, this would be of importance for the determination of ammonium nitrogen. For this reason the authors investigated a considerable number of organic solvents as possible mediums for the extraction of indophenol dyeE from the highly basic aqueous solutions in which the phenolate - hypobromite reaction takes place. Only n6gative results were obtained in these tests. On acidifying the basic solutions, extraction with these solvents became possible. The following solvents were investigated: Ethi'. ether, acetoacetic acid esterg methyl ethyl ketonet diohloroethaneg n-butyl-, isobutyl-, isoamyl alcohol, and chloroform. The optimum conditions determined for Card 1/2 n-butyl alcohol are described (Table 1). Chloroform enables Extraction of Indophenol From Aqueous Solutions by SOV/62-59-9-28/40 Means of Organic Solvents maximum extraction in a wider pH range than butyl alcohol. The only disadvantage of the chloroform method :~s the somewhat weak color oT the solution. Data conaerning the investigation of the optical density in dependence of the ammonia concentration are given in table 2. There are 2 tables and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Hydroohemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1959 Card 2/2 5(2) BOV/62-59-9-3/40 AUTHORS: Kaplin, V. T. Semenov A. D. , Datsko, V. G. TITLE: Trial to Combustion Rapidly the Organic Substance in Detecting Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Natural Waters PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheBkikh nauk, 1959, Nr 9, pp 1526-1528 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To accelerate the combustion of organic substances in natural water by applying sulfuric acid, which may last up to 130 hours, the authors used potassium chlorate with good success. The time necessary for the detection was reduced to 1 - 1.5 hours, but the method made necessary an additional treatment of the water 16 to eliminate the influence of the oxidant residues on the re- sult of analysis. The additional treatment is especially ne- cessary for the detection of nitrogen. For phosphorus detection it is the followingt 100 ml of sample, 2 ml of sulfuric acid ane 1 ml of 5% potassium chlorate solution are boiled until the appearance of SO 2 smoke, subsequently a return-flow cooler is attached and boiling goes on for another hour. All organic com- Card 1/2 pounds are completely destroyed in the course of this process. sov/62-59-9-3/40 Trial to Combustion Rapidly the Organic Substance in Detecting Phosphorus and Nitrogen in Natural Waters The excess potassium chlorate is decomposed by sodium sulfite and continued boiling, the SO 2 is then evaporated and the pre- cipitate is investigated for phosphorus by the conventional method. Table I lists the analysis results of water from Don and Volga, the Tsimlyanskoye reservoir, the AzVT Sea and the Taganrog Bay. For detecting nitrogen the reagents had to be very precisely measured-in. Otherwise the decomposition process is the same. Table 2 shows the results. There are 2 tables and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR (Hydrochemical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 8, 1958 Card 2/2 DATSKO, Y.G.; KAPLIN, V.T. - ~! Using the pheno - hypobromits reaction for ammonia determining the latter in natural waters. Gidrokhim.mat. 29:230-237 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Gidrokhimichaskiy institut Akademli nauk SSSR. Novochorkasak. (Water--Analysis) (Ammonia) KAPLIN, V. T., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Use of extraction in the deter- mination of volatile phenols, organic and ammoniacal nitrogen in reser- voirs clogged with drainage waters." Novocherkassk, 1960. 15 PP; (Acad- emy of Sciences USSR, Fydrochemical Inst); number of copies not given; free; list of author's work on pp 14-15 (11 entries); (KL, 2?-60, 140) JOLIN, T.T. -, JOINEO, N.G.. - r Rapid method of determining ammonium ions in the waste water from the zanufacturs of by-product coking plants* Koko i khin. no.5:49-50 160. (KIRL 1397) 1. Gidrokbisichaskiy institut AN SSSR. Owage-Analysts) (Ammonlus mate) (Coke indu8t'7-BI-IMOdcvAs) .KLPLIN, V.T"-starshiy laborant; FESENKO, N.G., starshiy nauchnyt sotrudnik, ImndirIn kbiznicheSkikh neuk Quantitative determination of phenols in natural reservoirs when their content is-0.001 'mg. pe r liter and higher. Gi i san. 25 no.8:41-43 Ag '60. WRL 13:11- Z. Iz Gidrokhimicheskogo instituta.AN USSR. (p ~ -(WkTER-4NALYSIS) HENOIS) -KAPLIN, V.T.; DATSKOI V.G. Method of fa&t determination of organic nitrogen in natural waters. Gidrokhim. mat. 31:197-203 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR, g. Novocherkassk. (Water--Analysis) (Nitrogen) KAPLIN, V.T. Determination of ammonium ions in colored and turbid natural waters. Gidrokbim. mat. 32:148-152 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Novocherkassk. (Water-An&lysig) .1 (Amonia) BABESHKINA, Z.M.; KAPLIN,,V.T.; FESENKO, N.G. Colorimetriv determination of phenols in water. Gidrokhim. mat. 35:207-217 163. (XM 16:7) 1. Gidrokhimicheskiy institut, Novocherkaosk. (Water--Composition) (Phenols) I :~19 Ghar: f acter of the waier pnilutirn of' !:h; Volol-r ,Athin ~7aratov Provinco undur flood conJI'L.Loriq. Gifivokh1m. mat. 37%144-147 1 ()4 . I'i, 4) log-Lchc5koy slvizhby pi-I 'ovr-I-L! 3 KAPLIN, V.V.; USHATYRI, V.H. Testing high-voltage current limiters for arresters on an oscillat- ing circuit. Slektrichestyo 8:74-75 Ag 157. (K[J?A 100) (LIghtiiing protection). RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; PBVMOV, GG. k, KOLIN, Yu.A. Reactions of diphenylmercur7 with benzene. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.2:342-345 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Naucbno-iseledovatellskiy institut kbimli pri Gorlkovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im.N.I.Lobachevskogo. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Razuvayev). (Mercury) (Benzene) RAZLTVAYEVY G.A.; PETUKHOV, G.G.; 2~TN, Yu.A.; DRUZHKOV, O.N. Reactions of organomercury and organolead compotmds studied by the isotopic and mass-spectrometric method. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.5% 1122-1.125 0 163. (PaRA 16:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Razuvayev). RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; PETUKHOV, G.G.; KAPLIN Yu.A.; KUDRYAVTSEV, L.F. Decomposition of diphenylmercury in cyclohexane and cyclohexene. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.2:371-3?3 N '61- WfLa 14.11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii pri Gor'kovskom gosudarstvennom universitete im. N.I.Lobacbevskogo. (Mercury) (Cyclobexane) (Cyclohexene) RAZUVAIEV, G.A.; MITROFANOVA, Ye.V.; HAPLIN, Yu.A. Exchange reaction between triphenylaluminum and benzene. Zhur.ob,,khim. 32 no,10:3453 0 162. (MIRA 15:3.1) (Alilminum) (Benzene) RAZUVAYEV.0 G.A.; PETUKHOV, G.G.; KAPLIN, Yu.A.,-. Reactions of tetraphenyllead and hexaphenyldil4umbane with benzene. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.7.-2394-2397 Jl '63. (MIRA 16:8) (Lead) (Benzene) RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; KAPLIN, Yu.A.; MITROFANOVA, Ye.V. Reactions of phenyl compounds of III group elements with benzene. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8%1489-1491 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimii Gorlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. .,.; YARTSEVAq i.m.j KHODDS, A.D.; ESTRIN, B.M.; GORGIMp T.B.j KRASNOVA# V.r #MVITSA#~ T.Z.; 4MPLINLAaL- Characteriotics Of ths POStepidemic period of influenza A2. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i 4-mim. 31 no. 10:65-71 0 160. (MIRA 13:12) li,lz Dnepropetrovskogo instituta epidemiologiii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny imeni Gamalei i Dnepropetrovooy gorodskoy sanitarno- opideniologicheakoy, stantaii. (INFLUENZA) GANCMMI, F.F.,; GIRBACHEVSKIY, A.F., zaeluzhannyy vrach USSR, red.; KAPLINA, A.V., zaaluzhennyy vrach USSR, red.; KRASHOMOVINS, V,N,,, re ~.-, zesluzhennyy vrach USSR, Ted.; KHOLOPTSEVA, Z.I., red.; SHEZRIN, M.I., red.; KMYCHIK, P.H., (Research articles by physicians of Zhitomir Province, Ukrainian S.S.R.] Baughnys trudy vrachei 2hitomirskoi oblastl Ukrainskoi SSR. Zhitomir, 1959. 255 p. (mm 14:2) 1. Zhitomirskly oblastnoy otdol 2dravookhrananiya. 2. Zaveduyushchiy 2hitomirskim oblzdarvotdelom (for Ganchell). 3. Zhitomirskaya oblastnaya bollnitsa (for GarbachevBkiy, Kaplina. Krasnomovets, Pavsha). (MEDICINE) KOZHOV* M.M.; IMBOMINAp L.A., KAPLINA,_QjS CHERENKOTIA, V.I. , _.A; SHAPOVALOVA, I.M.; Littoral and sublittoral benthos of Lake Baikal along the southeastern shore. Gidrobiol. shur. 1 no.4:3-11 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Baykallskaya biologicheakaya stantsiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. UPLIFA. G.T. kandidat sell skokhozyaystvannyich nauk, redaktdr; GUSNU, N.P., -7wdeftor; ZLOBIN, M.Y., tekhnicheskiy rodaktor (Kazakhetan vegetable grower.'s manual] Agrotakhnicheskiy spravochnik evoshchevoda latakhatana. Alma-Ata, Zasakhokoe goo. izd-vo, 1956. 331 P. (MLRI 9:10) (Kazakhotan-ftetable gardening) CHURIN, Kb.D., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, dots.,- VASILIYEV, B.M., dots.; BELOV, A.I., kand. ekon. nauk; ASHIRYAYEV, SM., dots.; TSYPKIN, G.I... kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KAPLINA, G.T., dots.; ANDRONOV, I.G., dots.; VASILIYEV, V.T.-,-XORDION-,A.K.,; MAKAIROV, A.P., nauchnyy sotr.; ZHIZNEVSKIY, F.V.,, red.; MDSIYASH, S.P., red.; KRINITSKIY, V.A.9 red.; NAGIBIN, P., tekl2n. red. [Economics of Kazakhstan agriculture]Ekonomika sellskogo kho- ziaistva Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata, Kazeellkhozgiz, 1962. 325 P. (Kazakhstan-Agriculture-Economic aspects) (MIFL( 16:3) --,r SRAKHOV, A.A.,-_!~~NA, G.T.; YUSUPOV, M. Presoving irradiation of seeds by pulsed concentrated light. Agrobiologiia no.2.-274-280 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18s11) 1. Inatitut, fiziologii rasteniy AN SSSR, Mos"ra, i Kazakhskiy sellskokbozyaystvennyy institut, Alma-Ata. ZAGORYANSKIY,, A.; KA Fiftieth anniversary of "Pravda." Mest.prom.i khud.promys. 3 no.5:8-9 My 162. (MMA 15:6) 1. Redaktor gazety IOU obrazteovoye obeluzliivaniye" (for Kaplina). (Newspapers) KATSNELISOV, A.B., prof.; VOINOV, I.V.; KAPLINA, X.P. Studies on the etiology ard pathogenesis of herpetic diseases of the eye. Vest.oft. no.3t6l-67 My-Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) le Kafedra glaznykh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.B. Katsnellson) i kafedra mikrobiologii (zav. - dcktor med.nauk L#Ya. Ebert) Cheb.mbinskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (EYE--DISEASHS AND DEFECTS) (IOWES) ZHDANOVICH, Ye.S.; CILMARLTA, I.B.; BAULDTA, G.A.; NAELII-d'LJ"J~ Improved method for producing nicodin. Vied. prom. 16 no.3:25 Itr 162. O-URA 15: 5) 1. Vsesoyum3rj nauchno-issledovatel'skiy vitaminnyy institut. ' (NICOTINIC ACID) RAZUVAYEV, G.A.; MITROPANOVA, Ye.V.; PETUKHOV, G.G.;_MPLINA, R.V. Oxidation of tripbenyDauminum. Zhur-ob.khim. 32 no.10:A54 0 162 (MM 15:11) (AlF---4-1-) .(Radicals (Chemistry)) (Oxidation) Unin, T.N. - .. - --.- - , 160r. tain charac~terlstler of the erosion of coasts consisting of permnently frozen rocks. Trudy Okean.kom. 4:113-117 '59. (MIRA 13:4) I.Institut serslotovedentra AT SSSR. (Arctic regions-Beach erosion) EAPL Characteristics of transportation processes on slopes in permafrost regions. Vop, googe no.46:1~5-198 '59. (MIRA 12:12) (Frozen ground) (Irosion) UPLINA,.T.-V. _ - Certain-forms of frost cracking In northeastern rogions of the UA.S.R. TrudLy Inst,marsloAN SBSR 16,30-35 160. (MIRA 13:4) (Russia, Worthern--Fro%an ground) ZHIGAYM, L.A. I UPLIKA, T.Y. Solifluctional forms of relief in the northoaut of the U.S.8,R. Trudy Inst.marvLAN SSSR 16t46-59 160. (KM 13:4) (Anadyr RRnge"-Solifluction) KAPLINA, T. N. Cand Geog Soi -- "Effect of cryogenic factors upon the I processes of development of slopese" MDS, 196W (Aaad Sci USSR. Inst of A Geog). (KL, 4-61, 188) -87- KAFLINA, Tatlyana Nikolayevna; KOREYSHA, 11.11.j, otv, red. (Cryogenic slope processes' Kriogeraqe sklonovye protsessy. Moskva, Naukat 1965. 294 P. (MIRA 18:9) 0 T SOV/68-59-4-20/23 AUTHOR: Kaplina, Ye. G. TITLE: In the laboratory of the Moscow Coke-Gas Works ( Vlaboratorii Moskovskogo Koksogazovogo Zavoda) PERIODICAL; Koks i lKhimiya, 1959, !%Tr 4, pp 60-61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recent development work carried out by the works laboratory is outlined. 1) The technolo&7 of production of colloidal sulphur was developed and introduced into normal operation. Sulphur paste from vacuo-filters of the arsenical-soda sulphur purification plant is diluted in a mixer with water to a concentration of 25% and passed into a centrifuge of intermittent action, where it is washed with technical vrater and then with a solution of alkali sulphide. 2) Production of cyclopentadiene - by distilling residues left after the removal of sulphur disulphide. 3) A number of schemes of operating ammonia-lime Dlant were tested. It was found that by maintaining tfie reactor and settling tank under pressure a more complete decomposition of ammonia salts and settling of gypsum. Card 1/2 can be obtained. 4) The efficiency of alkali washing SOV/68-59-4-20/23 In the Iaboratory of the Moscow Coke-Gas Works of raw benzole was tested with satisfactory results and a scheme for continuous alkali washing of raw benzole was proposed (no details). Card 2/2 SOV/68-59-5-13/25 AUTHORS: Kaplina, Ye.G., Kolodyazhnyyj I.V. and Nagornyy7 G.K. TITLE: perience in the Operation of an Ammonia-Lime Plant with an External Reactor (Opyt raboty ammiachno-izvestkovogo otdeleniya s vynosnym reaktorom) PERIODICAL; Koks i khimiya, 1959, Nr 51 PP 34-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Difficulties encountered in operating the ammonia-lime plant with an external reactor and settling tank and their solution are described. The main difficulty was the precipitation of calcium sulphate in the second distillation column. To prevent this the temperature in the reactor and settling tank was increased (by 2-3 00 above the temperature in the column) by increasing the pressure under which they were operating. In addition the outlet of the mixture of liquor and lime from the reactor into the settling tank was made from the upper part of the reactor (Fig )+) which maintained a constant Card 1/2 level of the mixture in the reactor and secured a sov/68-59-5-13/25 Experience in the Operation of an Ammonla-Ume Plant with an External Reactor higher degree of decomposition of combined ammonia salts. There are 1+ figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Koksogazovyy zavod (Moscow Coke-Gas Works) Card 2/2 LEVIKOV, P.M.; KqLINA, Ye.G_..-_POLANUYER, O.G. Coke-chemical dicyclopentadiene. Koks i khim. no.11:43-47 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Moskovskiy koksogazovyy zavod. (Dicyc'lopentadiene) (Coke industry--By-products) LEBEDEVA, G.N.; BURMSTRENKO, L.A.; KOLODYAZHNYY, I.V.; -POLANUYER, O.GO; KULIK,'I.P. Recovery of pure Ammonium sulfate in case of processes using Glover acid. Koks i kUm. no.9:42-45 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Vostochnyy uglekhimicheskiy institut Cfor Lebedeva, Burmistrenko), 2. MoskovskiyAtpIcsogazovyy zavod (for Kolodyazhnyy, Kaplina, Polanuyer, Kulik)~. (.Ammonium sulfate) (Coke industry-Equipment and supplies) I.API,T'TjIk) Z.- 2VT22 USSR/Medicine Gas Gangrene Feb 53 "Modifiability of B. perfringens," L.A. ChernaA Z.I. Kaplina, L.G. Kovtunovich, LIvov Inst of Epidemiol and Microbiol "Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol, i Inmin iol" No 2, PP 76-78 By modifying the carbohydrate nutrition, stable variants of avirulent and atoxic strains of B. perfringens were obtained. 246r22 GHUNATA, L.A.; BAHOM"INA. U.N.; KAPLIKA, Z-I- Effect of antitoxic serum in experimental tetanus. Zhur,mikrobiol. opid.i immun. no.8:53-58 Ag 154. Mu 7:9) 1. Is Llvovskogo institute, epideetologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyony. (TETANUS. experimental. off. of,imxuue serum) (IKKUNZ SZRUKS, effects$ on exper. tetanus) 17(2) sov/16-59-6-34/46 AUTHORS: Chernaya, L.A., Shablovskaya, Ye.A., Kovtunovich, L.G. and Kaplina, Z.I, TITLE. The Variation of Clostridium Perfringens. II. The Variation of Clostridium perfringens During Prolonged Existence in the Body With Experimental Dormant Gas Gangrene Infection, Author's Summary. PERIODICAL: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii, 1959, Nr 6, pp 127-128 (USSR) A13STRACT: A study was made of the variation of Clostridium perfringens in the conditions of a dormant gas gangrene infection. The foci of the dormant infection were created in guinea pigs and white mice by adid ni stering the corresponding microbes in lanoline. At regular intervals bacteria were isolated and tested-for variation. The tests revealed three types of bacterium: 1) typical-bacteria in the S form; 2) bacteria with changed cultural, morphological and tinctorial properties and 3) bacteria with very pronounced changes in their properties (in extreme cases their virulency and toxigenicity could not be restored even by repeated passages in animals). In the first month 75% of the strains isolated were of Type I. In the 4-6th month 31.8% were of type III and only 8.9 - 10.9% of Card 1/2 Type I. In the 7-12th month 47.8% of the strains were of Type III. Poly- sov/16-59-6-34/46 The Variation of Clostridium Perfringens. 11. The Variation of Clostridium Perfringens During Prolonged Existence in the Body With Experimental Dormant Gas Gangrene Infection. Author's Summary. infection in conjunction with Staphylococci or Salmonella paratyphi C and D led to more pronounced and frequent variation than monoinfection with ClQstridium perfringens alone (72.6% compared to 42.2%). No changes in the antigen structure of the varied strains was noted, although their agglutination reaction titer was one step higher than that of the original Clostridium perfringens serum. The tests showed, then, that prolonged existence of Clostridium perfringens in the body during dormant gas gangrene infection led to a weakening of all the bacterium's properties, but particularly its virulency and toxigenicity. In most cases, however, pathogenicity could be restored by passages through animals. ASSOCIATION: L'vovskly institut epidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny (L'vov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene) SUBMITTED: February 10J. 1958 Card 2/2 KAPLINSKAL19 A.I., assistent Treatment of slowly developli* forms of rheumatic polyarthritis vith ultraviolet combi.Wation with oalicylates. Sboro' trud. Kursk. goo. mod. inst. .no.138391-395 158- (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kliniki propedertiki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.A. Cherkasakiy) Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainakogo instituta. (ARTHRITIS) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-TBERAPEUTIC USE) (SALICYIATES) AF GALtPERIN. V.X..- KAPLINSKATA. B.Z.; PAIMA, R.S.; ULITSKIY, L.I. -------- Trends In the development of gas supply.and distribution In Siberia. Gaa.pron. 4 no-5:20-26 My '59. (AIRA 12:7) (Siberia--Gas distribution) GOLITSMAN, M.I.; FROLOV, V.V.-, PINUS, H.Z., red.; RAPLINSKAYA, L.B., red.; DROZHZHIITA, L.P., [Structural-characteristico*of the atmosphere over the Arctic; results oi the Flying Meterological Observatory]~ Strukturn7e kahrakteristiki atmosfery nad Arktikoi; rezulltaty rabot letaiushchei me taro logicheakoi observatoriie Leningrad, Izd-vo n)brslmi Transport,n 1960, 147 P. (Leningrad. Arkticheakii nauchno-iBsledovatellskii insi,itut. Trudy. no.238)- '(MIRA 14:1) (Arctic regions--Meteorology-Observations) MAKSIMOV, I.V., prof., doktor geograf.nauk, red.; KApLjNsKAY&p L.G.9 red.; KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., [Materials of the Soviet Antarctic Upedition, 1955- 1 MsterialY Sovetskoi antarktichookol ekspediteii, 1955- . Leningrad, Izd-vo OMorskoi transport.0 Vol .5. Second sea expedition of the diesel-electric ship "Ob',* 1956-1957; general description and scientific results] Vtoraia morsksia ekopeditaiia na dle "ObIt" 1956-1957 g9.; obahchee opisanie i nauchnye resulltaty. rod red. I.Y.Maksimovs. 1959- 175 P. (mMA 14:2) 1. Sovetskaya ontarkticheskayc ekspeditaiva, 1955- . 2. Rukovo- ditell Vtoroy morskoy antarktichaskoy ekspeditaiyey na d/e "Ob's (for Maksimov). (Antarctic regions-Russian exploration) DOWANOV, L.V., kand.geograf*uauk, red.; XAPLINSLAYA, L.G., red.; DROMMINA, L,P.o ISecond C?Utinental Axpedition of 1956-1958; observation materials] Vtoraia kontinentelinais ekspeditaiis 1956-1958 gg.; materiely nabliudenii. Pod red. L.V.Dolganova. Leningrad, Izd-vo *Korskoi transport,Q 1960. 600 1). (Sovetakaia antarktichaskaia ekspeditsiia, no.13). (KIRA 13:9) 1. Leningrad. Arkticheskiy i antarkticheekiy nauchno-issledova- tel'skiyiinstitut. , (Antarctic regions--Ketoorology--Observations) ISBEDEV., Vladivir Livovichp kand, geogr. nauk; OMREKIN,, Mikhail Yemellyanovich., kand. geogr. nauki red.; TOISTIKOV, Yevgeniy Ivanovich, kahd. geogr. nauk, rind.; KAFLINSKAYA', L.G., red.; KOTIZAEGU~ O.L. tekhn, red. [Transactions of the Soviet Antarctic ExpeditionlTnady Sovet- skoy antarktichesko ekspeditsiijLeningrad, Izd-vo q1orskoi transport** V01.161Tbird continental expedition, 1957-1959; general description and scientific remlt$)Trettia kontinen- taltnaia eksp6ditsiia,,1957-1959 gg; obshchee opisanie i naucbnye rezu1sia#. Pod red. M.E.Ostrekina i E.I.Tolstiko- va. 1962. 327 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Sovetskaya:antarkticbeskaya ekspeditsiyat 1955-. 2. Vachall- nil, Tret'M kontinentallnoy ekspeditaiip 1955- (for Tolstikov). (Antarctic regiona-GeoplTsical research) DRALKIN, A.G., red.; KAPLINSKAYA, L.G., red.;.KOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., ...... (Tran:actiong the Soviet Antarctic Expedition) Trudy Sovet koi antarkticheskoy ekspigitaii,.1955. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport." Vol.26.(Fourth Continental Expedition, 1958-1960) Chetvertaia kontinentallnaia ekspe- ditelia, 1958-1960 gg.; obahchee opisanie i nauchnye re- zul'taty. 1963. 258 p. (MRA 16:9) 1. Sovetskaya antarkticheakaya ekspeditBiya, 1955-. (Antarctic regions-Rusaian exploration) IMPLINSKAYA, M.Yu., inzh. - ------ ---- ------- Choice of the neutral conductor in lighting networks- with fluorescent and DRL-type lamps. Svetotelvhnika 8 no-5:24 My 162. (11-11PLA 15; 6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut po, prcyaktiravaniyu predpriyatiy elektropromyshlennosti. (Electric petworks) (Fluorescent li&ting) LEYSHMANY M.B.; BALASHOV, M.Ye.; AFANASIYEV, A.S.; MIKHELEV, V,M.; TAKHVANOV, G.I.; SHKHALAKHOV, Yu.Sh.; SANNIKOV, Yu.I.; SLAVIN, A.A.; BEYRAKH, Z.Ya.; KAPLINSKIY B.I.; ORLOV, O.A.; PEVZNER, V.V.; VALOV, 0,V.; KIFYY-EV, V.V. Inventions. Avtom. i prib. no.3:76-77 ji-s 164. (MIRA 18:3) L 07866-67 Etri k ACC NRi AT6021731 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66~j60'0000/0009/0095 MTHORt Y-aplinakiy, B. 1. none LX: "Kristall" combined automatic control system AN SSSR. Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. Pnevmoavtomatika (Pneumatic tion). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 89-95 C TAGS: automatic control,system, hydraulic device, hydraulic equipment, rol, pneumatic device, automatic pneumatic control, electric motor ABSTRACT: Three versions of an industrial automatic control system were designed to satisfy the demand for simplq electrohydraulic, 1 11 pR~Y~a~~.c, and electromccha- nical reliable controllers.0,The block diagrams of these systems are shown in figure'r. Electrical signals from transducers I are fed into the measuring system 2 of the tran- sistor amplifier. The amplifier generates either de output or ac output. Feedback 10 and command signals 3 are summed at the input of the amplifier with transducer signals and an error signal is generated. The output voltage of amplifier 4, through control selector 5 (which permits remote operation from the remote control 6) actuates electro- hydraulic converter 7, the magnetic amplifier 8, or electropneumatic converter 9. In electrohydraulic system A and electromechanical system B, position feedba&.- is derived Card 1/3 L 07886-67 ACC NRi AT6021731 rom the hydraulic servomotor 11, or the contactless prime mover 12 whereas in electro- neumatic system C, the feedback is proportional to the air pressure at the output of he electropneumatic converter 9. The dotted lines indicate the structural units In hese systems. Transistorized amplifiers are designed to accept multiple inputs from he linear variable differential transformers and resistance and themocouple therno- eters. in the electropneumatic system, a two-phase servomotor responds to the ac er- or-signal from the amplifier, and ac'tuates a servovalve. The valve regulates the out- ut air-pressure. A pressure transducer in the output line provides feedback ac sig- al through a linear variable differential transformer. A pair of differentially con- ected electromagnets actuate a servovalve in the electrohydraulic system in response o the dc error signals. Water pressure is increased or decreased in the for-ward or ack portion of the hydraulic cylinde 11which causes the piston to move accordingly. A ifferential pressure transducer actuates the cores of a linear variable differential ransformer, generating.a position feedback signal. In the electromechanical system, magnetic amplifier is used to drive a two-phase power servomotor. The author con- ends that the "Kristall" system Is simpler, superior in performance and reliability, nd cheaper than the e3tisting modular logic systems* Orig. art. has: 6 figures. co, ~L 07666-67 ACC NR, AT6021731 A) (B) Fig. 1. .4 .4 4 .4 displacement 2 MC dc amp PC 3 l .,2 #C sac amp '-water v , dd amp 4 y 4 y SIR 4 J 5 6 5 flv electric current 9- 'y V 7 SM -pH.. 0 #H-WC VC M1,11 2 21 SUB CODEv 09,13,14/ SUBM DATE: 03Feb66 Card 3/3 lo '17 1. 0i; -0-i M~- UM S/114/61/000/004/004/006 E194/E435 AUTHORS. Pisarenko, G.S., Corresponding Member AS UkrSSR, Troshchenko, V.T., Candidate of Technical Sciencesi Kaplinskiy, L.A., Engineer and Gryaznov, J3,A.., Engineer TITLE: An Investigation of th'e Fatigue Strength of Steel IX13 (lKhl3) In Variable Bending With Static Tension PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyeniye, 1961, No.4, pp.29-31 TEXT: Analysis of turbine blade breakages shows that they are mostly due to fatigue. In most laboratory fatigue tests certain factors are not allowed for, including the presence under service conditions of appreciable tensile stresses due to centrifugal force. The present work describes an investigation of the influence on the fatigue strength of steel lKhl3 in bending of a constant tensile stress which imitated the influence of centrifugal force. The tests were carried out at temperatures of 100 and 400*C on steel lKhl3 with different kinds of heat treatment. The specimen geometry is shown in Fig.l. The heat treatment and the mechanical properties of the material is shown in table 1, where the second column gives the heat treatment Card 1/9 S/114/61/000/oo4/004/006 An Investigation of the Fatigue ... E19VE435 conditions, the third column the test temperature and the last column gives the hardness. In each case the first stage of heat treatment is hardening for 1000*C at 2 hours and the different kinds of tempering are: (1) at 4200C for two hours; (2) at 7200C for two hours and'(3) at 76o"c for two hours. The tests were made on a fatigue machine type,14Y (NU) with a device for the application of static tension. The equipment was calibrated with two resistance strain gauges and graphs were plotted of the relationship between the bending stress in the specimen and the applied load for several values of static stress. The frequency of load application was 50 els. The specimen iras heated by a resistance furnace. The instrumentation is briefly described. For the various heat treatments described above, Table 2 gives the test temperature and the tensile stresses (mean stresses over the cycle in kg/mm2X The test results are plotted in Fig.2 and 3: Fig.2 corresponding to heat treatment conditions (1), curves (a) at 100*C and (b) at 400OC; Fig.3 to tests at 100*C on (a) heat treatment conditions (2) and (b) heat treatment conditions (3). Table 3 gives the fatigue limits found for the various materials. Card 2/9 S/114/61/000/004/004/006 An Investigation of the Fatigua E194/E435 The results are best presented in the form of graphs in coordinates of the mean stress in the cycle and the amplitude value of the fatigue limit. A diagram of this kind is plotted in Fig.4 for test results at 1000C. The numbers on the curves correspond to the different heat treatments, The test results show that the mean stress of a cycle within the range of investigation has no influence on the fatigue limit in bending of stbel IKhl3 when the tempering temperature is low and the yield point and ultimate strength are high. On the other hand, for the same steel deeply tempered to be of lower strength and*greater plasticity, the fatigue limit is greatly reduced by increasing the maximum stress. In the absence of static loading the ratio of the fatigue limit to the ultimate strength for steel lKhl3 is constant and does not depend on the heat treatment or test temperature, being 0.40 to 0.42. No appreciable difference was found between the fatigue limits of steel lKh13 at temperatures of .100 and 4oo,2c. The work of M.F.Sichikov, Z.D.Vishnevetskiy and: D.L.Ginberg (Ref.1) is discussed and the following main conclusions are drawn. The application of appreciable constant Card 3/9 S/114/61/000/004/004/006 An Investigation of the Fatigue ... E194/E435 tensile stresses (UP to 35 k-g/MM2) during variable bending does not reduce the fatigue limit of specimens of the first batch of steel lKhl3 of high strength characteristics, For example, for this batch the maximum stress corresponding to the fatigue limit is 80 kg/mm2 which is 96% of the yield point at 100*C. No reduction in the fatigue limit was found for this batch of specimens at a temperature of 400*C. On the other hand, tests on samples of the same steel which had been tempered at a higher temperature to ensure greater plasticity though lower strength (second and third batches) revealed considerable reduction of fatigue limit (by 24%) during investigations with static stress. These results, combined with other published work, show that there is no single relationship between the strength of steels and their sensitivity to the mean stress-of the cycle. The- fatigue limit of steels of high ultimate strength often does not depend on the mean stress of the cycle and vice versa. The results may be understood if one takes into account the appreciable irreversible energy dispersion in the material which occurs in steel lKhl3 tempered at a high temperature. M.A.Voropayev (Ref.9), Card 4/9 An Investigation of th-o 77,xtj_, L A.W.Cochardt (Ref.10), I.A.0ding (Ref.11), D.I.Golldtsev (Ref.12) am~t N.V.Novilcov (IMSS AS UlzrSSR) are mentioned for their contributions in this field. There are Ii figures, 4 tables and 12 references: 9 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. Fig.l. Card 519 S/114/61/000/004/004/006 An Investigation of.the Fatigue ... E194/E435 tPo 40- VKrIme 49. 55 30 45 20 35 65 40 45 .20 M-10, f fp Qof 4f 1 10 S crijpm I I . li, 6.-D vm 55 6-0 3, 7. -.2 5; 13r --i m go/ 41 aot 0j f f3 Fig.2. Fig-3. Card 6/ 9