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KO.NOPLYAPTSEV, A.A.; SEMENOV, S.M.; G01IJBI (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. A.G.; KAPATLUYEVA, S.S. Regionalization of the northern slope of the Trans-Ili Alatau and the alluvin]. Ili Depression adjacent to it according to the characteristics of the regime of ground waters. Trudy VSEGINGEO no.10:139-151 164- MITOV,G.; VELICKOV,V.; STEFANOVA,Z.; 1ID40V,N.; KAPRELIAN, G.;PMIAIOTOV, Po On the problem of the effectiveness of live polio vaccine and the eradication of poliomyelitis in Wlgaria. Vauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofiia 43 no"103-37 164 1. Chair of Microbiology and Virology (Directort Prof. Sr. 11ardarov). 1 -1 M KLPM,YAN. N. G., -7-~ At the Sbaumian Leningrad Plant. Neftianik 7 no.3-ltl3-14 N 162. (MIRA 3.6t 6) (Leningrad--Lubrication and lubricants) /~/9-,P )"19 191- P) , 1 85-8-13/18 AUTHOR: Kaprelyan, R_., Test Pilot First Class I. TITLE: Helicopter Mi-l and its Control. Horizontal Fl ht iVertolet Mi~-li upravleniye im- gorizontallny4,goleil ~PERIODICAL: Kryllya Rodiny, 1957, Nr 8 ~ 4-25 (USSR) ,APP. 2 ABSTRACT: The author of the article asserts that flight on a helicopter (under good atmospheric conditions) pre- sents for the pilot the same feeling as the flight in an airplane. However, in the helicopter, the pilot feels lebs the so called "Jolting" than in an airplane. It is explained by the fact that the charge on the aircraft caused by the displacement of air masses affects directly the lifting rotori-and the helicopter's fuselage, which is "suspended" from the rotor is exposed in a consider- ably less degree to the jolting forces of this charge. The helicopter pilot has no difficulty in regard to .visual orientation, because the cockpit assures him good visibility. If the helicopter is well balanced in flight,the trimming force on the control stick and ped- als is insignificant. In a lengthy flight the helicopter pilot does not feel fatigue. Differently than in air- plane, the helicopter In a horizontal flight may have Card 1/8 Helicopter Mi-l and its Control (Cont.) 85-8-13/18 fairly large variety of air speeds. In the helicopter Mi-l speed may vary from 40 lan/h to 170 km/h. Also are possible flights at a smaller speed than 40 koi/h. For instance, the heli- copter flying to dust the fields may operate under the speed of 15-30 km/h, at altitudes of 5-10 m. The author asserts that because of burbling (he had explained the phenomenon in his, previous article in the same periodical) the air speeds of a helicopter in a horizontal flight are limited in a following way: -above the ground: 170 km/h -at the altitude of 1000 m: 165 km/h -at the altitude of 2000 m: 160 lan/h -at the altitude of 3000 m: 150 km/h The author mentions that the burbling occurs in an airplane flight when the air speed is small and the angle of attack of the wing is still increasing. In a helicopter this phenomenon occurs at a high speed. It is caused by the difference in the speed of attacking rotor blade and the speed of the flight, i.e., that the rotor blade meets the air stream with the speed Card 2/8 Helicopter.Mi-1 and its Control (Cont.) 85-8-13/18 reduced in regard to increased speed of the flight. In order to produce the necessary life, the pilot of a helicopter must increase the angle of attack'of the rotor blade, but not beyond the critical angle because it will cause the burbling. The various setting of the angle of attack among the rotor blades depends on the magnitude and direction of the air stream pene- trating through the rotor. In a horizontal flight the angle of attack on the tips of the rotor blades increase more quickly than on the part close to the setting of the blade In a rotor hub. The rotor blades of the helicopter Mi-l has an even de- velopment of the twist, which at the end of the blade attains its maximum magnitude of 4 degrees (S= 40). The burble in a helicopter causes strong vibration and deteriorates the con- trollability of the aircraft to a danger point. If the pilot continues to accelerate the speed the controllability may be lost entirely and then the forced landing may cause a crash of the machine. The burble may be avoided. For this purpose the pilot, by pushing down the collective pitch control lever, and pulling on the control stick, should reduce speed.The burble is also possible if the pilot does not watch the engine revo- Card 3/ 8 85-8-13/18 Helicopter Mi-l and its Control (cont.) lutions which should not fall below 1700 r/min. Decrease of the engine revolutions has the same effect in the helicopter as the loss of an airplane. The best altitude for a lengthy itinerary flight is 800-1000 m and the most convenient speed - 135 - 140 km/h. The throttle corrector should be completely cut off (the pilot should turn it left to the stop point). Lifting .-rotor pitch about 10.5 degrees Engine revolutions - 1800 - 1850 r/miTj~. Keeping above mentioned mode of operation-in flight, the pilot will obtain a range of flight of 385 1cm and duration of flight 2hro 45 min. The maximum duration of flight of 3 hrs 24 min. may be obtained at the altitude of 1000 m, with speed - 90 Ian/min. and thq throttle corrector cut off. Control of the engine and transmission is determined by the following data: temperature of the cylinder heads -'minimum 120 CG, maximum 240 CG., (but not longer than 15 minutes); recommended tempera- tures - 180 -,220 CG. The temperature of the incoming engine oil minimum 40 ca., maximum 85 CG. (but not longer than 15 minutes);'recommended engine oil temperature - 55-65 CO. Gas pressure: 0.15 - 0.30 kg/sq cm. Oil pressure: in the engine: Card 4/ 8 Helicopter Mi-l and its Control (Cont.) 85-8-16/18 5 - 7 kg/sq cm., in the reducer of the engine- 1 - 3 kg/sq cm. in the reducer of the lifting rotor: 2 - 5 i~i~sq cm. Oil tem- perature in the lifting rotor reducer: 35-95 CG. As soon as the pilot has gained the predetermined altitude in a horizontal flight, he establishes the corresponding angle and revolutionsof the lifting rotor by proper movement of the collective pitch control lever and throttle corrector. The magnitude of this angle and the number of revolutions depend on the predetermined ground speed. At the same time, the pilot acting with the lat--,, eral and longitudinal trimming mechanIsm releases correspond- ingly the eff 'orts on the helicopter's controls. According to the character of sliding (to the left or to the,right), which may be unnoticed by the pilot, the position of the small ball in the bank and turn indicator will be changed. By proper use of the controls the pilot keeps the small ball right in the center of the indicator. The sketches of the band and turn in- dicator (Fig. 1-3)"show the positions of the small ball. The' pilot maintains the helicopter in a horizontal flight by check- ing the corresponding instruments: air speed indicator, altim- eter and'variometer. The author cites an example on how to keep the aircraft at the indicated speed. The author recommends that in a lengthy flight under good atmospheric conditions the col- lective pitch control lever should be fixed on the stopping Card 5/8 85-8-13/18 Helicopter Mi-l and its Control (Cont.) notch, thus enabling the pilot to make free his left hand. The position of the pilot in his seat should be such that after 2-3 hours of flight he should not feel any'fatigue. Air navigation safety in a helicopter, as in an airplane is realized by means of: conventional compasses, gyro horizon, radio compass 10 . IRPK-101, and command radio sets.. In order to Increase the !AII speed in a horizontai flight, ~ihich requires more attention , than in an airplane'), the pilot-turnb the handle of the throttle corrector to the right; also this may be obtained by pulling up the collective pitch control lever. The increase of engine revo- lutions will produce a tendency in a helicopter'to climb (and vice versa, decrease of engine power will have a tendency to lower) if the control stick remains in the same position. Con- sequently, in case of change of mode of horizontal flight, the pilot must keep direction by means of pedals and the altitude by proper movement of the control stickicyclic pitch control lever). The mode of operatiori*of the engine Is controlled by the collecti,~e' pitch control lever and throttle corrector. It is important that in a helicopter All the movements of the Card 6/8 85-8-13/18 Helicopter Mi-1 and its Control (Cont.) pilot should be smooth and well coordinated. In the change of mode of flight in an airplane participate: pedals, thrust unit, and,control wheel, whereas in a helicopter is added, one more element: the throttle corrector. Correct stowage plays a sub- stantial role in the balance of the helicopter. In case the . center of gravity is too much to the front, the helicopter may : (pitching nose forward) to such a de- have a tendency to dive gree that pilot will be unable to keep it in a predetermined mode of flight only by menno of the control atick. In oano of rear centering, the helicopter will have a tendency to raise his nose up. The author illustrates both cases with sketches [Fig. 4 and 51. The scope of normal centering for the helicopter Mi-~l may be expressed in the following way: X- center of grav- ity from -0-52 to / 0.160. The horizontal turn of the helicopter should be effected with the bank up to 30 degrees, and at the speed of 100-120 km/h. The pilot of a helicopter cannot visu- alize the bank because the helicopter has no wings, therefore, he must check the bank according to the position of the minia- ture aircraft in gyro horizon. After completion of horizontal flight, the helicopter approaches the landing spot. In spite of the possibility of landing vertically, the helicopter in Card 7/8 Helicopter Mi-l and its Control (Cont.) 85-8-13/18 most cases lands by gliding with the working engine. For heli- copter Mi-l the gliding is permitted at the following indicated speeds, depending on the altitude of flight: 3000 m - 2000 m: 80 to 130 km/h, 2600 m - 1000 m: 70 to 14o kmA, 1000 m - the ground: 40 to 140 Ian/h. The most convenient speed for gliding is 100 km/h. During glid- ing the pilot should check with soecial attention the tempera- ture of the power plant. The cylinder heads should not be cooled below 120 ca. Proper temperature Is kept by opening and closing the engine flaps and oil radiators. The corresponding levers are located on the floor of the cockpit, on the lefthand-side from the pilot's seat. The article contains 5 sketches. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 8/8 AUTHOR: Karrelyan, R2; Test Pilot Is-. C--Iws 85-5&4-19/36 TI=: The Mi-I Helicoptor a%A Its (Vmrmlat MI.-l i upmvleniye im) Landing the Helicopter (Posa&ln vextW-etm) PERIOMCAL: Kryllya, radiny, 1958,, IL- 4, pp 20-22 (U.SSR) A31STRWI: The author describes ia varloas weaw of landAng the Mi-l heli- copter, i.e,., vertt-Acal 1mmUngs, a-',7,0..we -hype lan&ings: landing by aut0r0tation of the rotor, landing iu a limited eirea. He also discusses blind flying in the Mi-l. maere are 6 draviugs. AVAILAM: Library of Congress 1. Helicopters-Perfomance Card 1/1 KAPRELYAN, R., zaSlU2hennyy latchik-ispytatell SSSR The mool powerful and most rapid. Kryl.rod. 13 no.12,15 D 162, (KRA 16t2) (Heli*ppters) KAPRELTAN R . zasluzhennyy latchik-iBpytatell; SOKOLOV, A., letchik-ispytatell Automatic pilot in a helicopter. Av.i kosm. 45 no-4:63-66 AP 163. 1 OaRA 10': 3) (Helicopters) (Automatic pilot (Airplanes)) 85-58-1-8/28 AUTHOR: Test Pilot Ist Class TITLE: Records Made by the Mi-6 Helicopter (Rekordy na vertolete Mi-6) PERIODICAL: Kryl'ya rodiny, 1958,qNr 1, pp 8-9 (USSR) A ABSTRACT: The author reviews the development of Mi- helicopters deisgned by Mikhail Leont'yevich Mil', Doctor of Technical Sciences. The Mi-1 helicopter built in 1948 had 575 hp and was intended for one pilot and two passengers Its maximum speed was 190 km/hr, range 340 km. The Mi-4 helicopter had 1700 hp and carried a crew of two and twelve passengers; maximun speed was 205 im/hr, range 400 km. The Mi-6. the largest helicopter in the world, constructed at an experimental plant under the designer's supervision, is a single-rotor helicopter with two turbo- prop engines, built by P. A. Solov'yev. It carries a crew of 5 for long-range flights and a crew of 3 for short-range Card 1/3 85-58-1-8/28 Records Made by the Mi-6 Helicopter flights. The Mi-6 carries 70 passengers and the length of the cabin measures about 19 m, the heigbt about 3 m. The rotor diameter greatly exceeds that of -,:he Mi-4. The record flight was made by a crew that consisted of the author, as captain, copilot German Vital'yevich Alferov., 23; flight engineer Fedor Semenovich Novikov, and supervising engineer Dmitriy Tikhonovich Matsitskiy, one of the oldest Soviet aeronautical engineers. Other personalities mentioned in connection with flight preparations are: aviation technicians Senin and Shmelev; instrument technicians Stryapushin. and Zimakov, and engineers M. Pivovarov, V. Otdelentsev, V. MakarovY Yu. Yaroshinskiy and B. Sivtso The Mi-6 took off from the airport of the Tsentral'nyy aeroklub imeni V. P. Chkalova (Central Aeroclub imeni V. F. Ch-kalov), loaded with 12,004 kg of sand, a weight equivalent to that of 120 passengers and their luggage. The test was stopped when an altitude of 2432 m was reached; the entire flight lasted 21 minut-es and established two new Card 2/3 85-58-1-8/28 Records Made by the Mi-6 Helicopter world records..The Soviet Mi-6 surpasses the American-made Pyasetskiy helicopter in size, engine power and performance. There are 5 photographs showing: the take-off of the Mi-6; R.I. Kaprelyan (the author) in his cockpit; flig7nt engineer F. S. Novikov, R. 1. Kaprelyan and copilot Master of Sports F. V. Alferov; the Mi-6 and Mi-l helicopters at the USSR Central Airport imeni V. P. ChkalovP and Mikhail Leont'yevLch Mill, the designer. AW.ILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 KAFRELYANj, R.I.; SOKOLaV., A.B. Tanding of a helicopter under conditions of autorotation, of the supporting propeller. Vest.Vozd.Fl. no.6:58-63 -Te 161. (MMA 14;8) (HoUcopters-Piloting) K&F=YAN Tamara 0. I 4 -- [How to protect children from influenza] Kak predokhranit' rebenka ot grippai,,Erevan Aipetrat, 1954. 8 p. (XLRA 10:5) ( LUUZA ~ Y)Z,;, s-5-1c-, Y.APPM�KIY H. Ta , KHOMUTOV, R. H.. EOGDAMIOVA, L. S., SEURIN, Y. B. S. (U-s-s-R-7- "Synthesis ofr(N-Pyrazolyl)-Alanins." Report presented at the 5th International Siochemical Congress, Moscow, 1o-16 August 1961 RU,VANIA Human and Animal Physiology. Nervous System. T-10 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3811 Author Solomon, S - Inat Rumanian Wdical Academy, Iasi Affiliate Title The Phasic States of Reflex Excitability in Spinal Cord Inhibition Due to Action of Ultraviolet Rays Orig Pub :Studil si cercetari stiint. Acad. RPR Fil. lasi Ned,, 1956, 7, No 1, 31-38 Abstract :The summtion phenomaza vere studied by Sechenov's method on 36 frogs. Following ultraviolet radiation, a short excitation of the spinal cord centers was noted that changed over to a state of inhibition. Drop of excitability of the skin receptors and change in functional state of the spinal cord centers are the mechanism that take part in the phasic phenomena (corresponding to the developuent of Parabiosis YrAnifes- tations) K. S - Ratner Card 1/1 KAPRINATOYA, S.: LINK, F. Relation of infusion ratq to minimal letbal doses in biological titration of G-stropbanthin. Brattel. lek. liety 31 no. 11-12:1107- 11,14 1951. (OLML 2311) 1-Of the Third Department of the Yourth Division of the State Health institute (SZU). ms"fffilidzw- ---- - - - - - . f - - I ; I . P I I . I I MARKOV, V.; KAPRIRA, S.; BORODIN. K.; smArinov, N. Advice to young naturalists. IUn. nat. no.8:34-36 Ag '58. (Flowers) (Fishing) (MIRA 11:9) FAGARAZANU, I. [Fagarasauu, I.] (Bukharest); ZgRINIZAN TS, (Bukharest); BMUI. D. (Bukharest); KONSTANTINESKU,-'~S-.~Edi~~ii-iitihtinescu, Tj (Bakharest) Treatment of angina pectoris. lhirurgiia 35 no.10:21-24 0 159. (MIRA 12:12) (ANGINA PWTORIS surgery) KURIYELOV., G.M.; KARAKHANOV, Ya. Effect of different concentrations of molybden= in the environment on content of molybdemm in the blood of frogs. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.1:80-81 162. (MIkA 15:3) 1. Turlaaenskiy goeudarstvamyy meditainskiy institut. (MOLYBDENUM-PMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (FROGS) KAFRIV,WV G.M.; OSIPYAN, Kh.O. Case of adamantinoma of the lower Jaw. Zdrav. Turk. 4 no-4:38 JI- Ag 160. (MM 13:9) L-Is kafedrX gospitallnoy khirargii (sav. prof: I.F. Berezin) Turkmenskogo gosudarstrennogo meditsinskogo instituta im. I.V.Stalina. i rentgenovskop otdeleniya gorodgkoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy go.1 (glav. vrach z-G.V. Bondar') (JAW-TUMORIP) KAMYELOV, G.M. Atypical case of retention and dystopia of the lower wisdom tooth. Stomatologiia 40 no.~:135 Mr-Ap '61, (vilu. it. . 5) 1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgi.1 (zaveduyushchiy - prof. I.F. Barezih) Turkmenskogo meditsinskogo, instituts, imani I.V.Stalina. .. (TMML-ABNORMTIES AND DEFOWITIM) - 1APRIYEI,OV. G.M. Apparatus for the Blngle-stage repositioning-vf %ione'fractures of the log. 34MO tuffi,4wo-0-48-49 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Iz kafedry goopitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - chlm-korrespondent Al*.SSSR prbf. I.F. Berezin) Turkmenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsin- skogo instituta. (LEG-FRACTURE) (ORTHOPEDIC APPARATUS) I KAPRIYELOV, G.M. Foreign body in the region of the tomporomadibular joint. Stomatologila 41 no,409-90 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (sav. - prof. I.F.Berezin) Turkmenskogo meditsi=kogo instituta, (TEMHOWDIBULAR JOINT-FOREIGN BODIES). SOV/1 24-58-11- 1Z907 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 149 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kapriyelov, S. G. TITLE: A Contribution to the Establishment of Criteria Relative to the Seepage Flow Regime (K voprosu ob ustanovlenii kriteriya rezhima fil' tratsii) PERIODICAL: Azerb. neft. kh-vo, 1955, Nr 1, pp 21-22 ABSTRACT: A brief survey is given of expressions, proposed by various authors, for the Reynolds number and the coefficient of resistance applicable to the seepage of liquids and gases in a porous medium. The author attempts to analyze the validity of existing formulas and concludes that they are inadequate. G. K. Mikhaylov Card 1/1 ABDURASHITOV, S.A., professort-]CW JMLOV . -,_:" Hydrmilic losses in drill casings. Trudy A2erb. ind. inst. no*8: 33-41 '54. (Oil well drilling) (mw 9:10) 124-57-1-795D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 1, p 106 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kapriyelov, P-G... TITLE: Investigation of the Upper Limit of Applicability of the Linear Law of Filtration (Issledovaniye verkhncgo predela primenimosti lineynogo zakona filltratsii) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Azerb. industr . in-t (Azerbaydzhan Industrial Institute), Baku, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Azerb. industr. in-t (Azerbaydzhan Industrial Institute), Baku 1. Materials--Hydrodynamic characteristics--Bibliograpby Card 1/1 LMMT. Gyorgy, dr.,; ICAPROUGZAT, Sarolta, dr. -Sexual differences in human leukocytes.and their practical significance. Orve hetIl..96 no.40:1096-1099 2 Oct 55. 1,,A lovarost Janos Korbas Oyermokoextalyanak koslemenye.. (IMOCYTRS sex differences. practical application) (SM CHARACT"TICS sex differences in leukocytes, practical application) (CHFLCKOSOMW sex differences inleukocytes, practical application) LASZLO, Fereric, dr.; KAPROS, Karoly, dr.; ABRANDI, Ehdre, dr. Repeated heart arrest during surgery for pheochromocytoma. 0,-7. hetil. 106 no*30:1419-1420 25 J1165. 1. Szogedi. Orvostudommyi Egyetem., 1. Belklinika (igazgatol I Julesz , Miklosp dr,) es Sabeszeti KlInika (Igazgato: Petri, Gal>--r, dr.), HUNGARY NMIIETH, Andras, Dr, V&RZ, Jozsef, Dr, Gyula, Dr; Medical University of Szegqd, 1. Surgipal Clinic (Szepedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Sebeszeti Klinika). "Results With the Nomoio-Transplantation of the Kidneys." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, No 34, 25 Aug 1963, paCes 1602-1604. Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary] The authors performed the following 71- kidney transplantations on in the neck, 5 in the fossa i-liaca; 23 homoio-transplantations in the fossa iliaca and ? homoio-transplantations in the fossa iliaca combined with X-ray treatment. The results, in accordance with data taken from the medical literature, can be summarized by the statement that homoio-transplantation of the kidney is not a technical but an immune-biological problem. Animals which have under- gone auto-transplantation remained healthy after several years. In the therapy of humans, however, successful homoio-transplantation is of the greatest importance, but, as in the dog experiments, longer survival after this method is impossible without special treatment. Histological tests too, indicate an antigen-antibody reaction as a result of which the host organism rejects the homotransplant within 20-22 days at the latest. In future ex- periments, the inhibition of this reaction will be attempted. In accordance with the cases reported by Dempster, Hamburger and Kuss on humans, the wbole body irradiation of the host, local irradiation of the transplant and simul- 1/2 Cj SHYAWS. D.M.; KAPRD :IY LJA Spectrum analysis of zinc of high purity by mean@ of vacu= subli- mtIon. Eav. lab. 23 n0-11:1309-1313 157* (MIRA l1.-1) 1. Institut "Gipronikell," (Zinc--Spectra) (Sublimation (ftsical sciences)) PROt/ !~r M cine Us M Tularemia, Epidemiology FD-2595 Card 1/1 Pub. 148 - 6/25 Author Kaprov, S. P. Title The water type reservoir of tularemia Periodical Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. 4s 31-33, Apr 1955 Abstract A proposal is made that the type of natural reservoir of tularemia known variously as the mountain-valley type and as the foothill- stream type, according to the practice of naming reservoirs in geographics terms, be called the water type. The role of water contaminated by the excrement and urine of infected water rats and other rodents and of subsequently infected aquatic animals such as mollusks, caddis flies, and frogs is explained. Pasteurella tularensis were isolated from infected sti,:ejams for as long as 225 days. Human infection occurs through use or contact with the infected water. Vaccination of persons living near infected water- ways has proven 100 percent effective. Immunity lasts for as long as five years. The works of six other Soviet scientists in this field are mentioned. No references are cited. Institution Tomsk Scientific-Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums (Direc- tor Cand Med Sci B. G. Trukhmanov) and the Tomsk Medical Institute imeni Molotov (Director - Prof. S. P. Khodkevich)- Submitted December 14, 1955 KkpRovt V.K.' Rural electronic automatic telephone exchange. Vest. sviazi 23 no.90-7 S 163. (MM 16:10) 1. Starshiy inzh. Nauchno-issledovatellskoao instituta gorodskoy 0 i sellskoy telefonnoy svyazi Ninisterstva svyazi SSSR. 0 V V 130-7-13/24 AUTHORS;Kaprovq V.B-,, and Zhidetskiyy D,P, TITLE: Accelerated Schedule for Supplying Hot Metal to the Blooming Mill Soaking Pits. (UBkorennyy grafik podachi goryachego metalla k kolodtsam bluminga) PERIODICAL: Metallurg,-19579 Nr 7, pp'024-26 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The operational research laboratory at the Makeyevka metallurgical works oarried.out an investigation of the process, by which hot ingots from No.1 melting shop were supplied to the blooming mill'. The'new accelerated schedules which were drawn up for killed and rimming steels are shown and discussed. The new schedules also involve revised provisions for the quicker removal of ingots from the casting bay, stripping operations$ the arrival of i3~gots at the pits, traffic control. Under the. new scheme ingots arrive at the soaking pits at 'at lbast 850 C. The changes made in wage rates to correspond with the revised schedules are briefly mentioned and the improvements in trans- port and metal temperature and in blooming-mill productivity are tabulated. There is I table and 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: The Makeyevka Metallurgical Works (Makeevskiy Metallurgi- cheskiy Zav6d) AVAILABLE: Librar of Congress. Card 1/1 KAPROV, V. V. uPROV, V. V. "Metallized wood tubing", Materialy po kom unal. khoz-vu, 1949, Collection 1, P. 34-36. So. U-4393, 19 Ausust 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Irrykh Statey', No. 22, 1949). lamov, V. V. KAPROVJI V. V. "On the problem of the depth of laying the Leningrad gas pipeline", lillaterialy po korx!iunal. khoz-vu, 1949, Collection 2, P. 37-40. SO: U-4393, 19 August 53, (Letopis 122iurnal Inykh Statey', No. 9-2, 1949). GF,'it,'~HTEYE, Boris Grigorlyevich; I-PA71,011 ..-1 1 I , ~, , :",Uldrovich; W- ~~L-j ~41.-S., otv. red. [Automation of processes on the surface of coal mines; a lecture] Avtomatizatsiia protsessov na poverlduiosti ugollnykh shakht; lektsiia. Mov&vaj T:;enti-. in-It, teklni. informats1i ugoilnol provjrshl., 1"46Q. 32' ~,- I-,:ao) LSONOVICH, N.V.; KAPROVA, Yiz.D. -- 4 Extract.lon of proteolytic e=ymes P,^c.m malt shoots, Trudy 73entr. nauzb.-issl. inst. piv., bezalk. i vin. prom. no.10: 130-132 163c (MIRA 17t8) '~v ~.' . I- Y'ATC, - Lan, I. 50th anniversary of the cooperative in Buk. Pt. 2. The Rolnik cooperative until 1939. p. 8 (Rolink Spoldzielca. Vol. 9 (i.e. 10) no. 3j Jnn. 2957. Warszaw, Polond) E-onthly Index of East European Accessions (EKAI) LC. Vol. 7. no. 2, February 1958 nPRMOKI, Vieslav (varozava) Polish-ftechoolarak seminar at the Warsaw University. Cmasop geogr 35 no.W46-Z~l t64 KA~Rqy~~T,._Wieslaw '2Kal,tographisehe Nachrichten." no* Is no*2.o no*3., no-4# 1960. Reviewed by Wieslaw Kaprowskl, Przegl geod. 34 no,12:518-519 D 162. BYGHAWSKI, Tadeusz, mgr inz.; KWPOCBSKI, Waclaw, mgr Liz.; TMOWSKI, St, J., mgr inz.;- KAPRDWSKI Wieslaw Survey of books and periodicals. Przegl good 35 no.10: 439-,V+1 0 163. RAPSA, Oldrich--, For better use of technical literature in practical application of agricultural science. Vestnik GSAZV 8 no.10:581-584 161. 1 1. Ustem vedeekotechnickyeh informaci Ceskomlovenske akademie zeme- delvIWch ved, Praha. (Agriculture) KAPSAI, Oldrich; KEIL, Jaroslav, inz. Scientific technical information, an indivisible part of agricultural researjk and practice. Vestnik CSAZV 9 no.21 104-108 162. -- - - - --- I - - - KAPSAY Oldrich; nIL., Jaroslav.. inz. Cooperatior -f central agencies of scientific and technical in- .- formation on agriculture and forestry of socialist countries. Vestnflc NYzk zemedel 9 no.8:292-298 162. 1. 'Tstav vedeckotechnickych informaci,, Ministerstvo zemedelstvi.. levniho a voiniho hospodarstvi., Praha, KAPSA, Oldrich -.-. - --------- -- For a better use of information on scientific research in agricultural enterprises. Vestnik vy-ek zemedel 9 no.6-.301- 302 162, 1. Ustav vedeckoteohnickych informaci, Ministerstvo zemedelstvi, lesniho a vodniho hospodarstvi. KAPSA, Oldrich The Central Agricultural and Forestry Library extending its service to the agricultural research. Vestnik vyzk zemedel 9 no.11:534-537 162. 1. Ustav vedockotechnickyeh infomaci, Xinisterstvo zemodelstvi, lesniho a vodniho hospodaratvi. KAPSA,, Oldrieh Tecbnical libraries.* a basis fccr estab2ishment of Scientific, 'Teohnica3.,, and Feanomie I'nformation Units in agricultural enterprises. Vest"ust semodel 10 no66/7a261-266- 163. L Ustav vedeckotechnickych informaoi Miniazteratva zemadelstvi., lesniho a vodnibo hospodarstvi, WSEVICH, A.S.; MYSHAKIN, V.K. Device for checking sliding calipers. Izm. tekh. no. 1:11-12 ja 061. (MIRA 14: 1) (Calipers--Testing) XAPSHANINov~v,o, -4 1 ~: i Plow for cutting turf. Transp. strois 7 so-1:30 J& '57 ~MM 10:3) (larthwork) S H I N 0 V, YU PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/5486 Vaesoyuzuoye soresbchamiye, po vnedrenlyu radioaktivoykh Izotopow i yadermykh Uluchenly v narodnoye khozyaystvo SSSR, Rigap 1960, Radioaktivnyye izotopy i yadernyye itluehaniya v narodnom khozyaystye SSSH; trudy soveshchaniya Y 4 tomakh. t. 1: Obahchiyo voprosy primnerd-.--a izotopov, pribory a isiochnikud radloaktivnykh itluchenij, radiatzionnaya kb I mi ya, khizicbe okays i nefteporerabatyvayushchoya proaVahlennost, (Radio- active Isotopes and Nuclear Radiations in the National Economy of the USSR; Tranoactions of the Symposium in 4 Vbl=ee. Y. Ii General Problems in the utilization of rootopes; Inatrumants With Sourclas of Radioactive Radiation; Radiation Chemistry; the Chemical and Petrole=o9ofining Industry) Moscow, Gontoptakhizdat, 1961* 340 p. 4,140 copies -printed. 8ponnoring Agency: Gosudaratvenzyy nauchno-tekbn1cheskil komitet Stiveta. Kinistrar WSR, and Gooudarstvennyy konitet Smta, Ministrov SUR po Ispoll-zovaniyu. atonvoy energii. Ed. (Title pags)t N.A.. Petrov, L.I. Patranko and P.S. Savitskiyj Ede. of tUe Yol.1 L.I. Petrenko, P.S. Savitokly, V.I. Sinitsin, Ts. M. Kolotyrkin, X.P. Syrkas and R.T. Roml-Executive Zda.t Te. S. levina and B. F. Titskayal Tech. Ed.s B.A. MukhIns. 137 Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) S07/5486 PMPCSB: The book is intended for technical peksonnel concerned-vith problemg of application of radioactive isotopes and nuclear radiation in all branches of the Soviet economy. COVERAGE., An All-Union Conference on problems in the introduction of radioactive isotopes and nuclear radiation into the national econoaw of the Soviet Utiion took place in Riga on 12-26 April 1960. The Conference vas sponsored by: the GooudarBtvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheakiy komitet Sovata Yanistrov SM (state Scientific and Technical Cormittee of the Council of Ministers, USSR); 03amoye upravlenile po ispoltzov=iya atomnoy energii pri Sovete Hinistrov SM (main Administration for the Utilization of Atomic Energy of thb Council of Ministersi USSR); Academy of Sciences, WM; Gosplan USSR; Gosudarstvenny7 komitet Sayeta. hinistrov SSSR pD avtomatitataii i mashinostroyenlyu (State Co=oittee of the Council of Ministers, U&M, for Automation and Machine Building) and the Council of Ministers of the Latvian SSR. The transactions of this Conference are published in four volumes. Volume I contains articles on the following subjectst the general pmblems, of the Conference topics; the state and prospects of developmut of radiation chemistry; and results an& prospects of applying radio- active isotopes and nuclear radiation in the petroleum refining and chemical industries. . Problems of desilml and manufacbwIng instrime to vblcb contain sources of radioactive radiation and are used for checking and automation of technological processes an examined, along with pmblew of accident prevention inte ir use. No personalltie !aan mentioned. References accompany so= of the Radioactive Isotopes (Cont.) SOV/5486 Oziran6r., S.N.,,G.A. Gaziyev,, M.I. Yanovskiy., V.S. 1(ornyakov and Yu. I. Kapshanimov. Utilization of P& thim-147 in a Highly- S-en-slifiv-e-ro-n-fi-ation Gas Analyzer ~78 Manoylorv,, V. Ye., Yu. Ta. Loznpvskiy., N.I. Osipdw., Ye. Kh. Gellgren,, and S.F. Den:Lscrw. Installation for Automatic Checking of the Thickness of Polyethylene Film 263 Votlokhin, B.Z., A.Z. DoroGochinskiy, and N.P. Nellnikova. Implementation of -a Radionstric Method for Checking Successive Pumping of Petroleum and Petroleum Products in Main Pipelines 288 Alimarin, I.P., Yu. V. Yakoviev., M.N. S.hulepnikov,, and G.P. Perezhogin. Deterniziation of Small. quantities of Admixtures in Thal.lium, Gallium,, Phosphorus, and Antimony, Using the Method of Radioactiviting Analysis 293. Gorshteyn., G.I. Application of Radioactive Isotopes for Checking the Fractionation of Microimpurities in Developing Methods for Olotaining High-Purity Inorganic Substances 298 a s:td=n7K12 SOURCE AN SSSR. ba-) lt~`, i r-r- -3 di at on ,highly ".1spersed plating lytic crystalline platings oi cerium o4_,cie cm s ~perimental set-up coritained a 1.5 cm2 'Pt-anode rotating a! about 12' stainless steel cathode, and an LP-5 glass electrode for rH recordinF, in ead-1 ex- periment a 50 ml solutioD of CeC13 was used containing 0.(,2 mig Of Ce- /Ml. -following conditions were also constant: electrolysis dui,ation 1 our, mm ':-.~md ten Wma peratum 5510C, Jn a1l cases V40 Tag or.- i6d Ited-on -tbe. opt* a ma, fai -Sta i f; o t e f ~e less steel cathode. In one T U-8 rAllv--A3Ra--i-ARLR3smt9; ;I I Card ?/'! . -~__ ; - ~ .. ~ I -~/ GROMOV, V.V.;- KAPSHANINOV, Yu.1. Production of highly dispersed electrolytic preci'pitates of cerium oxide crystals under the effect of irradiation. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 no-5:1111-1113 F 165. (KIRA 18:2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Submitted July 18, 1964. PODDUBIM.,, I.A., inzh.; KAPSHIN, V.G., inzh.. Installing the main engine of a river ship for carrying dry cargo. Sudostroenie. 26 ho.2:62-.63 (208~ Fab 160. (MIlU 14: 11) (Marine engines) Y-kFSHITSKIY, II.I., inzh. Protective coatings used in the construction of power systems in the U.S.A. Energ. stroi no.39:96-99 164. (MIRA 17:11) Vq S/196/61/007/006/003/008 D299/D301 AUTHORS: Pol.ozhiy, H.M. and Kapshyvyyq 0 0, (Kyylv) TITLE: On solving the axisymmetric problem of the elaetiolty theory for a finite cylinder PERIODICAL: Prykladna mekbanika, v. 7, no. 6, 1961, 616-625 TEXT: Mixed axisymmetric problems are considered. Proceeding ircm the general properties of p-analytic functions it is possible io obtain in closed form the solution to several problems of the type under consideration which were solved earlier by other methods. it is noted that by the method used it is sufficient to expand in. Fourier series in trigonometric functions only. In cylindrical oo- ordinates x, 9, y, the basic formulas of axisymmetric theory are ~ z ---7 21., (W iU) = (k + 1) j(z) + 2x. x + ~7TZ! 00 Card 11/0 S/196-/61/007/006/003-/008 On solving the axJLsymmietric D299/D)01 R~ + i Z' 2 x .6 Udy k L where k -4 3/-' + P RIt, Xds; L Z 'V' =-SxYr)ds L U1x. and W are the components of the displacement,. L smooth contour, X and Y _' the projection-F of -lie stre&ses, b~'Z'~ n n and?(s) .-. arbitrary x-analyti._^~ functions of the ccffip-lex var~1.3ble z. Let L be a horizontal straigbt line. By using the ope-ra-lor '-'1 - S one obtains from formulas (1) (2)~ Card 21k_ S/1 9 61/007/006/003/008 On solving the axisymmetric ... D299YD301 ~u(w - iu) (k + 1), (z) + 2x + 7p 57 - z ) + 7rT 7z (1,a) + i z'~'= 2 x r 757 + Y(z) - T 57 + c (Y) ('-',a) 6x where "P(s) = S_'Cz) = p + iq and LP(z) S-1--Az) are analytic func- ions.'Adding (1,a) and 2,a) one obtains (~Uw + r~'~) + i(zk - ~uu) = (k + 1)r?(z) + c(y) (8) Formula (8) permits determining the boundary values of the harmo- nic function p(x,y) at the sides 1 and 2 of the rectangle in Fig.1, provided the normal displacements and tangential stresses at the cylinder ends are given; the function q(x,y) can be determined if the normal stresses and tangential displacements are given. Four Card 3/K,~- S/198/61/007/006/003/008 On solving the axisymmetric D299/D301 specific axisymmetric problems are considered: 1) The normal dis- placements and tangential stresses are given on the cylinder ends as well as on its lateral surface; in this case one obtains the explicit formulas: c0 ., [a,,'cos p,,z-b,,'(i sin p,,z) I - Y, c,,'(i sh v,,z)- (D W P 4- N S(P (2) -A '(iz) + B, (14) IF (z) =,R + iS Sp (z) [d,,'cos p,z- b( '(1 sin [t,,z)]- c.'(! sh v.z)- n-I (14,a) + -9- Card 4/)E~-" S/19 61/007/006/003/008 On solving the axisymmetric ... D299%301 2) at the end surfaces, the normal displacements and tangential fitresses are given, and at the lateral surface the tangential din- placements and normal stresses. The solution of the first 2 pro- blems considerably simplifies the solution of the following 2 pro- blems: 3) Normal displacements and tangential stresses at the cy- linder ends, normal and 'angential stresses at the lateral sur- face. 4) Normal displacements and tangential stresses at the cylin- der ends, normal and tangential displacements at the lateral sur- face. In a footnote, the authors state that problem 4 has apparent- ly never been solved before. Finally, it is noted that mixed axi- - symmetric problems with other boundary conditions (for the cylinder under consideration) can be solved explicitly by analogy with the above four problems. There are 1 figure and 9 references: 8 So- viet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc (in translation). ASSOCIATION: Kyyivslkyy derzhavnyy unive-esytet (Kyyiv State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: June 25, 1960 Card 5/)~ A d 7" SOU R C F: Ref. zh. Maternatika, Abs. 5B393 A UT IR: Xapshy4 e*, 0, 0, TIT On the arpliralinn of p-anal.ytir flunctions tr) the ~Yin-Rv- oi e -it tin Uxrainian, Russian summary) -.%-:1k Kv*% yivs'k. un-tu, o. 5, '962, Se- VY* 1 76-89 TOI 'LAGS: panalytic function, axis symmetric theory, elasticity TR1 ATION: On the basis of zeneral formulas 0' the iaiviic lunctions w tne conipiex variaoie z = x - y w-,-..- M.. (I r"3 t~jp i~!* 71-, tric ~ic,,tv for a hollo-w finite cylinder is given in clclsei~ Card li L 21 ACN?S1:;1RN NR. AR4041529 series). In relatively simple form (in terms of quadratures' ui i u r7 vi I Q u & 23 1 k.: L) 1'U Ut! r1i S c, a xS -S N, r cyarider SUB CODE: MA ENCL: 00 Card 2/ 2 _.~~~-j-Avk-.[Kapshyvyi., 0.0.) (Kiyev) Using the method of P-analytic fwnctions for the solution of a problem for a laminated cylinder*. Prykl. mekh. 9 no.6:670- 676 163.- (MIRA 16:12) 1. Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. - - -.KkFSHIVYY, AqA* L--------- Use of p-analy-tic functions in solving boundary value problems in axisymme~ric thermoeleasticity theory's Vop. mat. fiz. i teor. funk. no.lt24-34 964. (MIRA-18sZ) BILENK01 D.I.; DENIDOV, V.K.; KOTELKOV, V.N.; NAZVANOV, V,F.; NO.-nVA, V.A.; ORNATSKAYA,, Z.I.IROKAKH, A.G.; SVERDLOVA, . ~ L, G.G.iKIRIYASHKINA, Z.I.,, dots.., red.; A.M.; AEMP VINVINVA, I.A., rW*.' [Textbook for practical studies on the plWsics of semiconductors] Rukovodstvo k prakticheskim zaniatiiam po fizlke poluprovodnikov,- uchebnoe posobie. [Saratov), Saratovskii univ., 1964. 115 A (MIRA 18: 1-1) ACC NR1- AR6022458 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/00.3/M -1129 AUTHOR: ITITLE: Size distribution of droplets*,in a cloud of artificial fog !SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofiz, Abs. 3B194 REF SOURCE: Dokl.-Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva, vyp. 111, ch. 2, 1965 127-34 !TOPIC TAGS: fog, cloud physics TRANSLATION: The paper describes an investigation of size distribution of water drop-1 lets produced with a reflecting atomizer. The droplets are captured on a glass plate I coated with a*1:5 mixture of vaseline and vaseline oil. This proportion permits coagu- lation of the mixture at 15-200C in about 35 to 45 sec. Actual measurements and calcu-1 lations show that the size distribution of water droplets in a cloud of artificial fogi is normal. A. Halkina. SUB CODE: .04 UDC: 551.575.1 L 49-!.Sci-6~ FPF."- A (C) //MIT ".IWIT~M) ---7 RPL WW/'RrA jjp, C7' ACCESSION IKPo AR501~-d34 UB/ Qcf)8/6~. SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 3D100 ATMCS-S Bolotina. E - W. V. T. Kraoa, Ye r"oChkcN- akily !,a V. likina, V. S. ; Sver!qcyv L.14. TIM- Calculation and interpretation of vibrational spectra of molecules of various classes CITED SOURCE: Tr Kamis. po spektroskopii. AV SSSR, vyp. 1, 1,064, I-OC-12-14 TOPIC TAGR! vibrational spectrum, organic molecule, isotopic Frubstitute, farcE field, double bond TPATISLATIOR. A calm)-ation was made of the nornal vibrations, and a cozp'Le-,'~- 1,1- terpretation is presented for the vibrational apectra of 25 zolecW--n.- eyei-o- bir~ane, apiropentane, thipbane, cis-traw-diwetbyldiborane, trinsatbylbar -1~0 -C 7, C C.rd 1/2 L 49780-65 AMNION MR: M5oi22,34 cules are cl&rifle,21. 1r. p&rtlculax, the gtrer4Zth of the C-C doublF, bonz,~, 'F,, upon iruccessiw- of' the H atoog in --thylene b-f F atur-,5, 9U13 CODE: KP, OF MLi 00 2/2 IIfvw% Ice_ ACC IN-Is AP-6001656 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/65/019/006/0977/0978 AUTHOR: Kapshts N_ ORG: None TITLE: On the determination of supplementary conditions between deformatl~on co- ordinates SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 6, 1965, 977-978 T3PIC TAGS: atom, atomic theory, atomic structure ABSTRACT: Reference is made to a work by Z..Cihla and J. Pliva (Collect. Czechool. Chem. Communs'., 26, 190 3$ 1961), in which was derived the general formula linking the natural deformation coordinates, formed by n bonds originated from a single atom. In the present paper the author developes a simplified variation of this for- mula, which can be convenientlyused for the solution of a class of oscillating problems. The expression obtained is sufficient for the determination of additional conditions between deformation constants with'any number of.bonds. Orig. art. has: 6 formulas, SUB CODE: 20 SURN DATE: 25Mar65 ORIG REF: 001 UM REF: 001 Card 1mr 338-49-001-1 and cf, 'Ile I- v i b- d i bt-ji-a ~m ~,,c-u iani-- I'Ll r t 2 39 2.*j.g7 so 165. 13 4- Wr_1n_-XP60l3913 SOURCE CODE: UR/0076/66/040/004/0945/0949 AUTHOR: Kapshtall, V. N. ORG. Saratov Polytechnic 1nstihAg_(Saratovskiy politekhaicheskiy institut) TITLE: Calculation and interpretation of vibration. spectra of diborane compounds. M. 1. 1-dimethyld1borand and tetramethyl diborane SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 40, no. 4, 1966, 945-949 TOPIC TAGS: organoboron compound, borane, vibration spectrum, spectrwn analysis, molecular spectrum n.*j r_ ABSTRACT: Data for 1,1-dimethyldiborane are presented in Table 1, and similar data are given for tetramethyl diborane. Vibrational coordinates are plotted graphically. Characteris- tic frequencies of the molecules in question were identified. The author cono-ludes that the propriety of the selected power coefficients is Indicated by his use of a single system of such coefficients to calculate deutero and alkyl substituted diborane derivatives and obtain adequate- ly reliable results. In conclusion, the author thanks L. M. Sverdlov for constant supervision of the work. Orig. aft. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. UDC: 543.42 ACC NRa AP6013913 ------ Table 1. Caldulation and Interpretation-of 1, I-dim- ethyldiborane (intensities are given in parentheses) r r 71~nAc;3 --f M P4 CD Al Qi ~, 0 U Pg i - I -, .1 ;~ a I , . :Lu 115 10A 2945 13 Hs Q 1197 1212 z A 4: cc--HR'. 2944) 29N (200) 1 Al Qf1tic 1151 260 , 1 2 11631," 27 no I c- 2914 7 A, 11 1126(210) .32 1 - 28 Do all) 1169 1163 1084 106450 -i.' As q C-1 2944 11m) 8 Al 0 C-11 1181,11) 2841 13 A. 1040 - 2 'G i BC11) 18 Do #4 c 981 978 20 Do 1111HI .43 f 130) - EI-11 2523 N94.14476001 22 Di ft-(BG11) 943 OUC. -11 F 912 14A 10 2594 2571 A RM 120 16 Do 672 91 9'. VIR:111, . TO , I . Ot. 124 X. q'(1"11 741 '140 17)7 As 9'(1) W GW) 30 4 -HI 1608 0 As 25 Do 3G3 11 A, 14315 21' Do 14 1441 (130) Is Do 332 17 j?, ..29D 1435 34 A: 1430 6 A YM 3 11CHJ 1 36 ') I= r BCH 133 Jjj= CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 28Deo64/ ORIG REFt 003/ OTIMEF: 006 2/2 L 04757-67 EXT(l" Jjp (c), Atd 14 4_6025962 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021/001/010ii-/6-..1-6,6-1 AUTHOR: shtall, V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of kinematic coefficients and coriolis constants for molecules with cyclic el6ments SOURCE: Optika i spektrookopiya, v. 21, no. 1, 1966, 104-106 TOPIC TAGS: coriolis force, molecular interaction, molecular property, molecular structure, molecular spectrum, complex molecule ABSTRACT: The author compiled tables of coefficients for kinematic interactions A k1 and for the elements of a matrix Cm utilized for calculation of cariolis.interactionlL_ -'kn complex molecules with cyclic elements. The calculations were carried out utiliz- ing the following expressions: C"W1 swill, Here k, Z are the numbers of the natural coordinates, a indicates the atoms common to these coordinates, a..) at, are transformation vectors for shifting of the atoms [card 1/2 UDC: 539.194.001.24 L 04757-67 ACC NRt M6025962 from Cartesian to natural coordinates, c is the inverse atomic mass, q are the unit a a vectors (avx, y, x). The expressions for the elements of the expanded form of thest equations for eleven most common types of interaction of natural coordinates are ta4u lated. Vwre are, however, four additional types of interactions encountered in cock- plex wlecules with cyclic elements, as shown in figure 1,. A a qj b b C b d a. Fig. l -"I~bc 998b Met& f The author derived both the general and the explicit expressions for AkI and for each of the interections shown in figure 1. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 2 tables, 2 SUB CODEt 20/ SUBN DATE: 22N*Y65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001 kh r-.A 2/2 pp- -tA ICA io ;A 140 Z-Q oot A VA 0 t Im 0 VA V- 0 0 o ~k -AO 00,0 ;00, 1 4AO a P ;rk o ~d V 0 Ap CA i? p XP S/138/59/000/011/009/011 A051/AO29 AUTHORS: Gorelik,.B.,M.1 Chelyshev, V. V.; Kapshtyk, V. I. TITLE- Some of the Technical Factors Which Determine the Quality of Calendering \b/ PERIODICALi Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 11, PP. 49-51. TEXT: The problem of determining the optimum degree of polishing re- quired of the surface in calender machine rollers is studied. A method is offered for determining this factor and the effect of the polishing degree on the calendering of the rubber. Several functioning calendering machines in various rubber-producing plants were investigated and certain conclusionVe drawn. The- profilometerKl~ (KV-q) shown in a photograph was used for de- -7 l termining the degree of polishing in the surface of the 0calender rollers (type 740). The measurements were carried out at 25-40 C and the method is given in detail. The optimum value was found to be wjthin the range of the 6-7 class (according toroCT2789-51 (GOST-2789 _;1)\4 for mass-produced rubbers. The polishing degree of the roller surfaces in various plants was highly varied,, i.e., within the range of 5-9th class. The rollers in the Card 1/3 _A6 S/13 59/000/011/009/011 A051YA029 Some of the Technical Factors Which Determine the Quality of Calendering same calender can be of various degrees of polishing. If the degree of polishing is too high, i.e., above the optimiim value, the calendering of the rubber can be impaired, e.g.- the formation of bubbles on the rubber's surface can take place. It was found that the productivity on the four- and five-roller calenders, as compared to that of the three-roller ones is higher by about a factor of two and sometimes three. The four-and five- roller calenders with removable rollers have an advantage over the three- and four-roller calenders with a vertical presentation of the rollersv viz., when the feeding takes place from two sides, the rubber is folded on the calender itself. This helps to produce rubber without bubbles. If the surface is underpolished the resultant calendered rubber is of a low quality, having scratches, creases, etc. This also causes the processed material to stick to the rough surfacel making the work more difficult. Calendering machines with thin-walled rollers have an advantage over those with thick- walled rollers in that they can be used for producing rubber of a greater variety. It is difficult to manufacture rubbers, such as the polychloro- prene type requiring low temperatures, on the thick-walled roller calenders. Card 2/3 S/138/59/000/011/009/011 A051/AO29 Some of the Technical Factors Which Determine the Quality of Calendering G. A. Polivektov and I. S. Kheyfets-took part in the work. There is 1 photograph and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promyshlennosti - (scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry) Card 3/3 GORELIKI B.M.; BUOINAt M.F I WSHTYK, V.I.; RATNER, A.V.; HAYOROVAp AI.S. 1~ Aubber sealing rings. Standartizataiia 25 no.3:49-50 Mr 161. (MIRA .1daukets-Standards) I - L 22115-65 Lv-T (m) I-EwP pc -4 TEN ACCESSION F-R. AF 5,17) 5, 1 TITILEi The affect oil tahe ~malcanizing group and the aoditicm of un:~rys~,,---,-,-A.- t ~lli s at i_of --area ruiDmer from rubber on the t~~ rmtural rubvet TOPIC TA&S. rubber, vul~,anization ABSTRACT T':',,p .nvestlgatel t!-,t- 0~'fect cf ii:', et 6r e 7. 1 ~M~. rubb-sr t,.,-aL ziaz preaomin-ant pvlyqu~f-dt Card 1/3 Mt AP51DO5393 incre na~, e In : ;a t 1 1 c c. ~., -*. For r4bl-er rubber with peroxide vulcanizationOtiie incre-a!~e 1:; le: SS Mnc parameter B increases w~tn Increase in lattice densit;, in rubber -af Le but it rema;.rs practically constant in rubber of the second group. The pattern, observed for unfilled rubber for the affect of lattice density 2 a- a- ad Card 2/3 L 292A-5-65 ACCESSION NRt AP500530 arci .'e;De-aerice c-l' pzr~-Meters cf polyBulfide bonds. Card 313 GORELIK., B.M.; 1UTTIER., A.V.; BUNHINA, M.F.; KAPSHTYK, V.C. Studying the testing butt Joints and rubbers for asbestos cement water pipes* Nauchol rezo 21 no.7.*19-23 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Nauchno-isoledavatellskiy institut rezinavoy promvablennosti. (Water pipes) , (Rubber goods) - IIMHUX-Q., - . enero Revise the system of planning and repair of equipment in grain procurement stations. Muk.-elay.prom. 22 no.6:30 Je '56. (MLRA 9:9) I.Kamenskaya oblastnaya kontora Zagotzerno. (Grain elevators) FAPSHUK P#,O inzhe . _4 A complex system for the manufacture of antibiotics, Muko-eleve prom* 28 no.6:21--U Je 162, (MIM 15:7) 1, Rostovskoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo proyektnogo instituta po proyaktirovaniyu mukbmollnoy promyshlemostio (Antibiotics-Equipment and supplies) -1;e rarty 4n t-he gFeeding up cf the d.~Velcpment -'.e-TLa L _Q; j R.P (AURA 18:8) KAPSHUKOV, Stepan Gp"ilovich; Z&SIAVSKIY, B.Ye., red.; PULYAER, A.I.,red. SOLOKOHIK. R.L., tekbnerede [The struggle of the Bolshevik party for the army during the first World War, 1914 - March 1917] B'or'ba bol'shevitskoi partii za armiiii v period Pervoi Mirovoi voiny, 1914 g. - mart 1917 g.) Moskva, Voen. Izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1957. 162 D. (MIRA 11:2) (Communist Party of the Soviet Union--Party work) (Russia-AraW) KAPSHUKOVP I.I.; UGAYP Ya.A. Asymmetx7 of YKl,2 lines of zinc in its semiconductor compounds with antimony. Fiz. tver. tela 3 no.1:10D-102 ja 161, 1. Voronezhakly gosudaratvennyy universitete WRA 14:3) (Zinc antimonide)