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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Some peculiarities of USW-signal B111/B209
geneous, the fluctuations at the output of the receiver will differ from
those in free space. This difference is determined by the conditions in
the troposphere and by the reflection coefficient. Next, some results of
experimental studies during 1959 - 60 (Ref. 8: Semenov, A. A., Karpeyev,
G. A. , Radlotekhnika i elektronika, A, vyp. 2, 1959) are given provinK the
fluctuational characteristics of the wave field to be patel-Ohaped when
the structure of the mean field level is also patel-shaped. The studies
lead to the conclusion that in certain cases, when refraction is enhanced,
the amplitude fluctuations in the course of one meaguring process cannot
be regarded as steady. The authors point out that the fluctuations with
nonsteady characteristics reveal a definite seasonal course. A comparison
of the temporal self-correlations of the fluctuations with the spatial
correlations showed that an analysis of the temporal self-correlations only
agrees satisfactorily with the theory of local isotropic turbulence when
during the reception time T of two consecutive signals the inhomogeneities
do not vary but.are transmitted with drift velocity only. Measurements of
the coefficient of the spatial transverse correlations of the amplitude
fluctuations of the received signal resulted in values that are ir agree-
ment with those ascertained by time analysis. There are 4 figures and
Card 3/4
Some peculiarities of TJSW-signal ... B111/B209
14 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra rasVostraneniya radiovoln (Department of Radiowave
SUBMITTED: May 26, 1960 (initially)
May 25, 1961 (after revision)
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: Karpeyev, G.A., Kubasov, P.Ye., Semenov, A.A. and
TITLE: Possibility of employing the phase-meter method
in the investigation of field fluctuations of radio
waves propagating in a turbulent medium
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiotekhnika, v. 4, no. 4, ig6i, 425 - 431
TEXT: It is known that during propagation over routes near
the ground the field at the receiver is determined by the
average characteristics of the medium and the earth surface
as well as their statistical characteristics (Ref. 2 - A.G.
Arenberg - Propagation of decimetre and centimetre waves -
izd-vo Sovetskoye radio, 1957). The presence of statistical
processes leads to the amplitude- and phase-fluctuations of
the waves and these fluctuations are random functions of time
and space coordinates. It can be assumed for the purpose of
analysis that at a point P of the space v the field
(vector or scalar) can be expressed by:
Card 1/6
S/1 4~2.1/96,%j/o o4 /oo4/005/01 8
Possibility of employing .... C-192/E382
-1 1 iY1 (P, t)
> (P, t) E (p, t)e m
E (p, t) :Lk
m m
where the sum extends over all the partial fields ~ m(P, t)
which can be regarded as having arrived at the receiver along
various trajectories; the field E(P, t) Is therefore a
result of multi-ray propagation. A two-antenna interferometer,
shown in Fig. 1, Is used as the receiver; it consists of:
1 - two antennae; 2 - feeder system and 3 - a squaro-detector.
The voltage at the point C of the receiving system can be
expressed by-
3"PM(Pl 1 t)
E (r , t) G (t)E'(P,,t)e +
c ,y_ I m m
i(PM(P29 t)
Card 2/6 M
Possibility of employing E 19,-, / r,3 8 2
where G1M and G2m,.. are the gain coefficients of the two
Y (P, t) = Y'(P, t) + Y where 9 represents the inean
M M Mp m
value of the phase in the antenna aperture,
YMP is the fixed phase-shift during transmission of
the signal from point P to point C of
the feeder system.
The mathematical expectation U0(~) of the amplitude U(r, t)
of the output signal of the square-detector (see Fig. 1) is found
analytically and this expression is employed to determine the
conditions during propagation of ultrashort waves over near-
ground routes extending over tens of kilometres, Under the
assumption that the fluctuations are small two cases(important
in practicd are investigated: 1) the field at the receiver
has only one component (m, n = 1) and 2) the field consists of
two componentsE 0+ Es, such thatE0 has a constant phase and
amplitude, while Es is a random components It is found that for
Card 3/5
Possibility of employing E192/E382
the first case the expectation U 0(i) depends on the invariable
field characteristics as well as the statistical characteristics
of the medium. It is further shown that use of the phase-meter
svstem accentuates the relative fluctuations of the output signal
so that these can be measured and investigated comparatively
easily. Secondly, the method makes possible measuring the space
correlation characteristics of the field fluctuations. In the
case of the field consisting of the two components E 0 and E.
use of the method permits elimination of the constant field
component, which facilitates measurement of the field fluctuations.
The problem was investigated experimentally and it was found that
in the direct-visibility zone the amplitude-phase fluctuations
of the ultrashort waves were so small that there existed practical
difficulties in effecting the measurements. Thus, for example,
during 65 measurement periods conducted between Janun and
March, 1957, in 33 cases the relative fluctuation a,-