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Spectrall method for determining microinpurities in galilum
arBenide wIth their preocneentration. Zhur. anal. kh-'m.
18 no.3039-3141 Mx'63. (MIRA 17~5)
1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imenA Kuybysheva.
v c& ps vas kround in an atdte mor-uar
"y' r~v~
. - -,. - .. - -, ,- -,-I.. ~ . - -, " .7:;~ 7i 7 ~ , - I ~.- I III -- -
-- I i Mryhlu nnne-ontrntad nrzanic acids aild Lnc-xeaser>
. , -. '' ~:~ ~ :, .. , ;t ~,;; f. ~ * ~~ ~ - ~:, - .1
-,""k -. .:! 7 -; ~~ , , 1 - i
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bui5mi 1 FLD: F-NUI.- rM7
Extraction of zinc and Co(II) -thio--yanate complexes with isoamy!
alcohol. !zv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. 7 no.6s891-897
164. (MIRA 18--5)
1, Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Kuybysheva, kafedra
analiticheskoy khimii.
------- I- - - - V. I . . I I
I - i - - - ~ e -- " , A ~ -, , , . 7 1. i~ P, I" El I fl z ~7 ~ " i
I ;~-i;l -4-n
frw r
j 4, ~g
ti v
t A u 1 1, It -u n"PTY - 1 7n Y,
,. Ior,-3xchange dynamioa of some hoary metal lone on tI poly-
I; styrene oation exzhanger K14-2. Koll. zhur. 26 no.69730-733
11-D 164 (1,11RA 28.-1)
1. FUhimicheskly takullts'; Tomskoga universite;&.
Chemical spectral method for determining impurities in pure
arsenic. Zav. lab. 30 no.1:40 164. IiU 17:01)
1. Tomakiy gosudarstvemyy univeraitet.
L 01281-w66-
Y, Y /, oz~-
~AUTHOR: Katayev, G. A.; Fresnov, V. A. (Professor); Lyuze, L. L.; Batuyeva, Ye. N.11
fice s h -a v-6- on - the electr cal an
ITLV! The effect which various subsia 144 cy V1 lys Ical
1properties of the surface of germanium
SOURCE - vX, ~r
nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiva p0 fizike poluprovodni-i
tnyye yavle_nTY_a_T._1'omsk. 1962. PorverrhnosItnyye
kov (poverkhnostnyye i honta3c on-
,taktnyye yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface and contact phetinmena in semiconduc-
Aors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskopo un'v.--, 1964, V-46
TOPIC TAGS: germanium semiconductor' surface property, crystal surface, molecular
interaction, semiconductor research
:ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to e-xplain the physicochemical nature of phenomena
,which take place during interaction of the natural surface of germanlum with a chem-
~ical medium. The following effects are taken into consideration: 1. Interaction
with the germanium surface atoms, which causes a radical change in the surface due
to the formation of a new surface compound (sulfide, nitride, etc.). 2. Interac-
tion of adsorbed molecules with germanium surface atoms due to various forces
lCard 113
L o1281_66
!(physical and chemical adsorption). This may cause cb-anges in the parameters of the,
,surface states as well as the appearance of new levels. These phenomena are com-
:pletely reversible in the case of physical adsorption. 3. Interaction of adsorbed
molecules with molecules of water, oxygen and hydrated oxide in the oxide layer and
at the gemanium--oxide interface by various mechanisms. It is found that the inter-
:action of various substances with germanium causes a change in the surface charge.
The negative charge of an etched surface is usually reduced by chemical treatment,
and sometimes even changes sign. The effect of various substanzes on the germanium
surface is a change in the parameters of the "fast" states. A change is noted in
the recombination velocity, which at times may be cansiderable. There is a sharp
reduction in recombination velocity as a result of qlainone treatmert. Various sub-
,stances are specific in their effect on the "fast" states. This effect cannot be
interpreted on the basis of electrostatic interactions alone. The adsorption pro-
cess is reversible in many cases (nitrobenzene, chlorobenzene, etc.). Chemical
treatments are discussed In which redox system take part (e. g. quinone-hydroqui-
none). It was found that quinone is very effective In reducing reccmbination by
elivInating the acceptor level. Mater causes large leakage currents due to the H304
ion in the monomolecular water layer (the "relay-race" effect). The mechanism of
the effect of various aubatancps on the "fast" state is not clear on several pointa.
Card 2/3
L 01281-a,
Further theoretical and expetlinwAbl studies are nee'Aed Iti 'this direction. Orig.
iart. has: 6 formulaso
NO REF SOVt 012 ()THE# I Cm
L 01285-66 IFT(l)/g~j,.T'n, !J'
-JiVr'-S~ IAT 74 e7
ACCESSION MR: 7A-50204 10 -1
51 0000/64/000/000/0065!007R
AUTHOR:- Lyuze., L. L.; Battuyeva, Ye. N.; Katayev, G. A.~_Presnov, V. A. (ProfessA
TITLE: The effect which the adsorption of various substances has on the surface
properties of germanium
;SOURCE:,~~Mezhvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po fizih-c Doluprovod-
-_.Ioimk., 196Z ;pPoverkhnostnyye i
:n h vl~
_~p.!1verkhnostnyve i kantaRtnyye
kontaktnyye yavl~enTya v poluprovodnikakh (Surface drd contact phenomena in semicon-
ductors). Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomsk ge_univ., Ii964. 65-7G
OPIC TAGS: crystal surface, surface property, adsorption, germianium,
esearch, electron recombination
ABSTRACT: The authors study the adsorption of chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene,
droxyquinoline and phthalic anhydride with regard to its effect Dn the density and,
energy configuration of recaimbination levels in germanium. Treatment ir chiorc!;,en-
zene aves the highest increase in negative surface charge. The recommbinati,-)P.
fnr 41s 'vne of treatment showed no maximum, which makes it diffic,::t
as to the vropt'rtl~3s of -,hf, -ecombination Centers.
L 012115-66
initrobenzene is of interest since the nitro group is often an active radical in -Lac.-
~quer coatings. This type of treatment reduces the negative surface ChdrRe Wrlic,,-. --ID-
ppars af7'er etching. When the treated specimen is aged in air, the suzrfac~l pcl-en-
tial increases to the former value characteristic for the etched surface. re a '-T.;e n t
in 9-hydrox-yquinoline causes a sharp increase in positivc surface charge. ! t wa -
irnpDssil,le to make any conclusions about the structure of surface cenrel-s d~--~I- ~~IiS
type o4: Ireatment. Treatment in phthalic anhydride a1sc. incrPases lhe
Cac~-~ Dotential. Thus nearly all cases adsorption of the substances is acco-mpa-
nie~l bv a reductiozi -L. negative surface charge, especially in the case of o-bydroxy-'
quinoline. This is explained by the displacement of adsorbed oxygen From, the oxiae
layer and for the case with o-hydroxyquinoline, by direct participation of elec-
trons in the nitrogen atom in the volu-me with the conduction band;
which causes positive surface charging. Adsorpt1on causes a reduction in the maxi-
TwAm surfacp recombination velocity, which is due to a "hange In the capture cr,-,so
'0 11
section fcn tlie Larriers. Adsorption of nitrobPrizendland chlorobenzene -JG reversi-
ble 17~ -)F nitrobenzene adsorption, 1,, located above the center tile
'Card 2/4_
At11.1EE9i5HiM6: ATS020451
'forbidden zone are shifted upward. The concentration of groups of levels located
below the center of the forbidden zone increases during adsorption and returns to
the original value during aging in air (as a result of desorption). It --*s assumed
that the effects observed in adsorption of chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene and phthallc
anay,1-31- -re due largely to electro5tatic adsorption in the field ot the. defect re-
SDOnsible for recombination. Polarization and dispersion effects are apparcntly iri-
Dortan;.- in chlorobenzene adsorption, while the ~ipolo moment is an impi?rtant- fac~Dr
in adsorption of nitrobenzene. Adsorption of -hvdr-cj),.vquin~-1Ank- i~ --C(711TITP-111i~,i
deaper interactions, including the formation of bond6 of the type
A nitrogen atom which has an unshaped pair takes part in this reaction. The experi.-
mental effects are due to this phenomenon. Orig. art. has: 9 fivures.
'Card 3/4
Card .4/4
L 0,112-87--66 VP(c) 1t.T /G S
AUTHOR: (Prof es*
_~yjze_L L a, Ye. 14. Presnov, V. A
-TITLE: Investigation of the surface properties of 9~ ~__MiUT and germanium devices
~treated inlquinone -~,7
SOURCE: P!'f(i ezbvuzovskaya nauchno-tekhnichesk~r ntsiva P0 fizike poluprovod-
ia konfere
1962:g POVerkbTKYStn~'Ye i
1likov poverkhnost-xjyXS_i konta t . e avleniY-a2
;kontaktr.yye yavleniya Y po1u.Drpvcw_1rikakh Surface and contact phenomena ip semicon-
~ductors). Tomsk, Arzd-tvo Tomskogo univ-_.,_1964, 79-86 1
-''ice, adsorption, surface property, crystal
,TOPIC TAGS: germ-nium, semiconductor dev
isurface, quinone,-semipondLctor.-mstar-ch- <
~ABS'TRACT: The quinone-hydro~ruinone redox pair is studied with regard to its effect
.on the structure of fast states, since a change in surface recombination velocity
may be caused not only by a change in surface potentlal, but also by a change in the
density, and in the energy terms of the "fast states." In making the measurements,
use was made of the f ield effect with a strong sinus,Didal signal conibined with sta-
tionary photoconductivity. The frequency of the transverse field was 20-30 cps.
L 01287-66
~ACCESSSION NIZ' - AT50204~_2_
IStationary photoconductivity was calibrated by the rcduction in photoconductivity in
the absence of a transverse field. The dielectric was a sheet of mica 20-30 V thick.
Me specimens were made with n-germanium having resistivities of 32, 44 anf 20 P.-cm
,and lifetimes of 200, 150 and 300 vsec respectively. P-5 germanium devices were
'treated along with the gemnanium samples. The reverse curren-L of the collector, the.
Ivolume component of the reverse current, and the effective lifetifne of the minority 1
,carriers were measured, Before treatment in quinone, the devices and germanium sam-
ples were etched in peroxide, washed several times in water, dried for -hrep. hours
in a drying cabinet, and aged for two days in air in room conditions to stabilize
,the oxidized surface of the germanium. Quinone treatment and drying were done at
room temperature. Concentration of alcohol solutions was 0.5 M, concentration of
aqueous solutions was 0.05-0.1 M. The devices and germanium specimens were held 1r
solution for 0.5 hour. The surface potential for the etched samples corresponds to
,minimum conductivity. After treatment in qui-none, the charge of the etched surface
becoines more positive. It was impossible to measure the maximum surrace recombIna-
tion as a function of the surface potential ir the etched specimens, therefore it is
difficult to determine the energy configuration of fast surface states. The recom-
bination surface states in the etched samples are above the center of the forbidden
zone. For the treated surface, the maximum surf-ace recombination velocity is at a
L 01287-66
~ACCESSIONI NR:: AT502_04'52______
Megative surface potential, and the basic contribution to recombination is from the
group of levels below the center of the tone. It was found that quinone treatment
strongly reduces the volume component of the reverse current. Freshly prepared qui-
none solutions (both alcohol and aqueous) were not as effective as solutions aged at
room temperature or heated. This is due to the formation of hydroquinone and hy-
droxyquinone, which have acid properties. Thus a quinone-hydroquinone system acts
on the germanium surface. it is apparently this redox pair which is chiefly respon-
sible for the germanium surface charge. Adsorption of quinone is ac=npanied by a
reduction in negative surface charge. This is explained by the desorption of oxy-
gen, which is chiefly responsible for coarge in the slow states. Orig. art. has:
'2 figures, I table, 2 for-mulas.
'NO REP SOV: 005 GTHER: 002
Germanium ferrocyanide. Zhur.neorg.kh1m. 10 no.8tl953-1954
Ag 165. (MIRA 19cl)
1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.V.Kuybysheva,
kafedra anal-iticheskoy khimii. Submitted January 7, 1965.
ACC 4N,Z; AiN602.9~)06 SOURCE CODE,: ' UR102751661000100MBOOIB003
Lyuze, L. L.; Batuy
ova, Ye. N.; Katayev, G-_A-; Prqp~ov V. A-
TIT--E: Effect of adsorption of certain substances on the surfacel~ropartiea of
SOUROCE; Ref. zh. Elektronika. i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 2B22
= SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn. i kontaktn. yavleniya v polup~ovodnikakh. Tomsk,
Toms iy 0
-k- _Liji-t, 1914, 65-78-
TOPIC TAGS: Cormanium, adsorption, chlorobenzene, nitrobenzene, phthalic anhydride,
p.n.otoconductivity, chemical reaction
The effect of adsorption by chlorobenzen nitrobenzene~ o-hydroxyquini)-
ABSTRACT: ~ A t, -, I
line, and phthalic anhydride, on the densfii-and energy state of recombination
level's for Ge was investigated. Strips of Ge were kept in solution at 98*C for
two hours, and then in a thermostatically controlled oven at 98*C for two hours,
for the chlorobenzene and nitrobenzene processing. The quinone and the o-hydroxy-
quinoline were dissolved in.alcohol prior to processing. During processing the
s-jocimens were kiapt in an alcohol solution for two hours at 78*v' and dried in a
thermostat-ically controlled oven at 780C. Fusion was used in the phthalic anhydride
processing. 'Ahe field effect and recombination were measured by the drop in
Card 1/ 2 UDC: 539.293:546.289:541.183
L 09223-67
ACC NR-. 'All
photoconductivity. In virtually all instances adsorption of the substances is
accompanied by a reduction in "he negative surface charge, and the reduction is
particularly great for o-shydroxyquinoline. Change and recombination levels were
bested. Zhe adsorptions of nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene are reversible. The
I adsorptions of nitrobenzene and chlorobenzene are reversible. K. [Translation
1 of abstract]
L 09224-67 EwPI
ACC NRt AR6019907
'(M)/EWP(t)zff1 ijp(e) IUI/JD
SOURCE CODE: 'UR/0275/66/000/002/~003/BO03
AUTHOR: Presnov, V. A.; Katayev, G.,A.; Lyuze, L. L.
TITLE: Study of the effect of film'forming substances on the electrical and physical
properties of a germanium-surface
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Melctronika i yeye primeneniye, Abe. 2B21
REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn.1 kontaktn. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh. Tomsk, Tom-
skiy un-t, 1964, 47-58.
TOPIC TAGS: germanium, surface film, film forming substance, paint, electric field,
photoconductivity PRoPe-if r
ABSTRACT: The work was conducted in an effort to adcertain the posuibilition of
stabilizing the,,Burface 9f Go using film forming substances. The effects of glum-,
taNt drying oil, and rosin were considered. The effect of
enamel, V-111q2R~jer,15
the field on a large sine signal and stationary photoconductivity were used for
measuraments. I, V. [Translation of abotractj
Card lA)qqq__
UDCs .539.293:546.289
'W(MVEW(WEri lip(c) j)). ~ -_
AUTHOR: Katayev, G. A.; Otmakhov, I. I.;Presnov, V. A.- 31
TITLE: Stabilization of parameters for germanium Y n junctions in a shell-loss
SOURCE: Ref.Zh. Elelctronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 2B395
REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn. i kontaktn. yavleniya v polup;rovodnikakh, Tomsk,
Tomskiy un-t, 1964, 17o-176.
TOPIC TAGS: pn junAion, germanium semiconductor, semiconducting film
ABSTRACT: One of the methods for protecting germanium p-n junctions with film form-
ing substances of organic origin, and subsequent additional processing, is re:j~wad_
Processing is done by the diffusion of-low molecular and albuminous substance
which results in a reduction in the number of structural- defects in the film.1 0*
p-5 germanium devices were used in the experiments. Devices protected in this man-
ner withstood tropical moisture testa well. Has tables containing the results of
tests of devices, the surfaces of which were processed in various waya. V. Yo.
[Translation of abstract]
SUB CODE: ~20, 09
C.rd lA)i,&,
M)Gt 621-382.002-76:546.289
B36 K. P ~ ~4A
Volumstric magustostriction, of iron-mickel-ebromium and iron-
cobalt-ebromium alloys. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.mat.,mokh.,Astron.,
fi2.,khim.11 no-1:73-78 '56. (MIRA 10:12)
1. Xafedra obahchey fisiki dlya biologo-pochvennogo i drugikh
fakul'tetov Moskovskogo universiteta.
(Magnetostriction) (Iron-nickel-chromium alloys)
(Iron-cobalt-chromium alloys)
AUTHOR: Katayev, G. I- SOV/32-24-10-35/70
TITU: Apparatus for a More Accurate Determination of "he Temperature
Dependence on the Elasticity Modulus and the Decrement of
Attenuation (Ustanovka dlya i-.mereniya temperaturnoy zzavisimosti
moduley uprugosti i dekrerenta zatukhanlya s povyshennoy
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Nr 10, pp 1258-1261 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The apparatus mentioned in the title was devised under the super-
vision-~-of the kafedra akustiki fizicheskogo fakulfteta ILIGTJ
(Chair of Acoustics of the Physical Faculty of Moscow State
University)by,,V*P.Sizov. It makes possible the measurement of
especially small variations in the functions mentioned in the
title caused by various factors (temperature, thermal treatment,
magnetic fields etc.). The increased precision of measurement
is achieved by the use of an autooscillation excitation of the
sample. It takes place at the same frequency with a quartz
generator being used for calculating the frequency, besides 'he
conversion devices (Ref 1). The present scheme differs from that
given in publications in that it is more simple, and that a
Card 1/3 modification of the measuring interval may therefore take place.
Apparatus for a More Accurate Determination of the Temperature Dependence on
the Elasticity Modulus and the Decrement of Attenuation
From the description of the apparatusjit may be seen that a
conversion. device type Jul with a conversion concef-
ficient of 1000 was used. The caloulation of the Yung modjius
of the cylindrical sample was carried out according to a
formula given in another paper (Ref 2). To make the oscillations
easier and to decrease the frequency~ metal cylinders may be
fastened to the end of the sample (Ref 4)- The effect of these
metal cylinders on the oscillation frequency can be calculated
according to the manual by Ananlyev (Ref 5). A calculation of
the measuring error of the absolute value of the Yung modi-lus
shows that the main error is to be found in the inaccurate
determination of the linear dimensions, especially of the
diameter d of the sample. The functions obtained, E (ela3ticity
modulus) and P (temperature coefficient of the modulus),
versus the temperature within the range 19-1500 for Elinvar
(36% Ni, I e. Cr and 521% Fe) are given in a graph. The experiment-
al points are located on the curve almost without any soat-
tering. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are
Card 2/3
SO V/3 2-24-10-31 5/70;
Apparatus for a More Accurate Determination of the Temperature Dependence c-1.
the Elasticity Modulus and the Decrement of Attenuation
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lorn-onosova
(Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
Card 3/3
Internal friction anomliao and modulus of elanticity In
ferroixgnstic materials near the Curie point. Zhur.ekep.i teor.
fis. 37 no.4:938-943 0 159- (MR& 13;5)
1. MoBkovskiy gosudarstvenn7ty universitet.
Ferromagnetic anomaly of the Youngto and Shear Modulus. Fiz, met.
i metalloved 11 no,3:375-381 Mr 161. (MIRA 14-3)
1. Fi2icheskiy fakulltet Mookogniogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
(Iron-nickel alloys-Magnetio properties)
Species of rust fungi of Turkmenistan. Izv. Turk. fil. AN SSSR, No. 2, 1949
fw".'~c * PRA4'S+-'kl A.~.l TNJ6AAM Y., A.S.
9'. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nnywnhar-1955,2 Uncl.
1. Kk;-7A--r-V, 1. A.
2. 11--SSR (600)
?. "S.-mut Fanl~i of the 'Turkmen SSB (S-appli~mcntary 1~,ta on the ST.ecies
Izvestlyn Turkm. Filiala Akad. Nauk SSSR of the 'Iurlcne- Affiliate, Ac,,lcl
Sci USSR), .110 5, 1950, i-ij) 90-93.
Vol XXI, issue 1, Ploccow, Jvn-Feb 19~2, ri) Unclassified.
2. USSR (600)
"Rust Fun~:l of Tuylmenistan (Supplementary~ linte-ials Dr, tht:~ S--Ccir- ~o--
Izvertiya Turlcm. Filiala Akad. Nauk SSSR !N'ews of the
Sni uss-R), l"o 1, 1,951, pp
Vol X-Xl, issuc 1 "OSCOI,', J -F b 19-
2. ussR (6oo)
4- Uredineae
7. New species of rust fungus, Bot. mat. Otd. spor. rast., 8, 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl.
Die-eases of ornamental plants in Kishinev and measures for
their control. Uch* zap. Kish. un. 13:209-217 '54. (MLRA 9s1O)
(Kishinev--Plants, Ornamental--Diseases and pests)
Rhizootonia solani Kuhn as a stimulator of the growth of Briglish oak
seedlings and the development of mycorrhyza on their roots.
Kikrobialogiia 24 no.6:700-7o4 n-D 155 (MLItA 9-4)
1. Kinhinevskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet.
OKIAMIKOV, V.P.e; YAYLIYASINp I.L.;~~~~Smvxaf Yubso
Investigating heavy cool-tar products of semicoking, a new Idnd of
binders* Rhim.i tekh.topl.i masel 5 no-10:26-31 o 16o.
(MIRA 13'- 10)
'.Coke industry-41-producto) (jb~jquets ()Vel))
RATAYEV,_I.G.; IVANUSHKO; N.D., red.; BELYAYEVA, V.V., tekhn. red.
[Electromagnetic shock waves] Udarnye elektroniagnitnye
volny. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sovetskoe radio," 1963. 150 P.
(MIRA 16;7)
(Electromagnetic waves)
T.ATAYKV, I.G. (Gor'kiy)
Electromagnetic shock-4~8 a. Priroda 52 no.7slO4-105 TI 163.
(MIRA 16.-S)
(Blectromagnetic waves)
KATAYEX, 1. 1.
"On the Efficiency of Gearings With I-lovable Wheel Axes." Sub 25 Jun 51,
Moscow Order of lenin Aviation Inst ireni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
Dissertations presented for science and mglneering depTees in
Moscow during 1951.
SO: Sum. No. 48.0, 9 Ylay 55
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 8, p 14 (USSR)
AUTHOR':" Katayev, 1. 1.
T IT LE: Consideration of the Friction in the Center Bearings of Simple
Satellite Transmissions (Uchet treniya v tsentrall nykh pod-
shipnikakh prostykh satellitnykh peredach)
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. dinamiki i dinam. prochnosti. Nr 4. Riga.
AN LatvSSR, 1956, pp 141-164
ABSTRACT: An examination of the friction lossesiin the center bearings of
simple satellite gears at constant angular velocities of all shb:fta.
Conditions, relative to the train value obtaining with the drive -'
gear arrested, in which simple differentials can function under the
conditions prescribed are derived. Formulas are adduced for the
evaluation of the efficiency of simple satellite transmissions.
S. G. Kislitskiy
Card 1/1
"Rrskim and Blookim In 81nple Plawtary Transmism1cm. P.
Voprosy dinamiki I pmcbnosti (Problems of Dynardos and Sixength), RI&L, Izd-vo
Alm Iatv4skoy Em, 19.w, 17ft . (SbornAk statey, Ipst. mashinovedeniya, AN Lat 80,
VP - 5)
The book is a collection of ton research papers, prepamd by =mbera of
Acad. Soi. let SSR, Latvian State University wA the Riga Red-Bannar Higber Military
School for Aeronautical Engineering Im. K. R. Voroshilov.
KATAIEV M.A. inzh,
ShChf)Y-D ballwt cleaner wed for the reconditioning of the roadbed.
Fat'l putskhoz, 5~ w*4:3,6-19 Ap 161* (IMU 14;7)
1. Nachallnik otdeja Zlatoustovskogo otdeleniya luzhno-Ura:Llskoy
dorogis . (Railroads-Traok)
Mechanization of labor ammming operations in slag ballast-
ing. Pat' i put. khox 8 nQ.1:12-13 164. (MIRA 17:2)
ii;: ,
1. Nachaltnik otdela pu%U. *Wiy i sooruzheniy Zlatoustov-
okogo otdoleniya Yuzhno-Urallskoy dorogi,
XMIATIV, H1, Impitan,
v-r-~ Replacement for the output motor, Voen, sviaz.
(Radio measurements)
16 no.2t46 IF 158.
(MIRA 110)
f ~ -, ~ ., I , t V, r'), N -
USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their 1-29
Application Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents,
Technical Proteins.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 33114
Author : Kovtunovich, S.Ds, Katayev, N.A.
Title : The Causes of Low Tanning Coefficients of Yuft.
Orig Pub : Legkaya prom-at', 1954,NNO 12, 36
Abstract : Some leather factories which produce yuft do not attain
the te-ning coefficient (TC) of not less than 37%, which
is required by GOST 485-52. The causes which lead to
the law TC obtained at these plants are discussed. 1)
shaving is carried out not after chrome-treatment but
after vegetable tanning, after fat-liquoring or with a
dry semi'-finished product (which also lowers the fat
content of the leather); 2) chrome-treated dehaired
hides, used in vegetable tanning, have a pH above 5.0,
Card 1/2
USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 1-29
Application - Leather. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Agents.
Technical Proteins.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 9, 1957, 33114
which slows down the binding of the tannins during vege-
table tanning; 3) tanning is effected with a sulfitized
extract, vhich also slows down the binding of the tannins.
Card 2/2
Effect of ultrasound on the adsorption of iodine from the flow of
aq,ieous and alcohol solutions. Zhur.fiz.khim. 37 no.7.-1593-1594
J1 163. (MIRA 17-.2)
1. Taganrogskiy radiotekhnicheskiy institut.
USSR/General and Special Zoology - Insects. P.
Abs jour : Hof Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 306Z2
Author : ~atayay, O.A.
Title : A Review of the Sanitary Condition of the Lisin Forest
Aggregate for 1787-1955.
orig Pub : Tre Lonigrad. lesotekhn. akad., 1956, vyp. 73, 49-58-
Abstract : In examining archive materials, instances of do ge to
forests and in 1833, by pestiferous insects were uncovered.
The Organisation of training in forestry in 1834 secured
the attraction of specialists from the Institute of Fores-
try for the control of the pests. During the period 1841-
1851 mass propagation of the pine saw fly Diprion pini was
observed; control of the saw fly consisted in crushing
their larvae. The first Russan entomological office was
established in the Lisin Forestry in 1859; it carried on
practical studies with the aid of instructors and students
Card 1/2
USSR/General and Special Zoology - Insects. P.
Abs JOur Ref Zhur - Biol., NO 7., 1958) 30622
Of the Institute of Forestry; lectures in entomology
were given there since 1828, The following prophylactic
measures were worked out in connection with an outbread
Of the typograph beetle (IPs tYPOgraphica) in 1860:
burning of the bark, the branches and the residue from
cutting the trees and removal of the damaged trees.
Planting of "catching" trees began in IM on the advice
of 1.7a. Shevyrev. In 1922 the forestry was transferred
to the supervision of the Institute of Forestry and con-
vertod into a scientific-exParimental forest kolkhoz for
siCentific and educational work.
Card 2/2
U83R / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects. P
ChemicalMeans for the Oontrol of Harmful In-
sects and Acarids.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1956, 59206.
Author : Katayev, 0. A.
Inst : IM-e-M-e-Enngrad Lcademy of industrial Forestry.
Title : The Utilization of a DDT Preparation for the
Control of Insect-Miners.
Crig Pub: Tr. Leningr. lesotechn. akad., 1957, vyp. 81,
oh. 3) 55-60.
Abstract: A 2016 concentrate of mineral-oil DDT emulsion in
different concentrations (according to the prep-
aration) was used. Spraying elm trees with a
31o emulsion destroyed 86% of the larvae of the
elm mining sawfly in 24 hours. Vlo and 6% emul-
sions were tested on caterpillars of the first-
Card 1/3
USSR / General and Specialized Zoology, Insects, P
Chemical I-loans for the Control of Harmful In-
sects and koarids.
Abs Jouri Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 59206.
Abstract: generation lilac moth by a single treatcient (T);
.on the second generation, a twofold T was used
(after three days). The cater~)illarsl iniortality
rate was taken into consideration on the third
day. Their destruction,on the lan~ariav. lilac
trees of all varieties was lower than o4 the com-
mon lilac. The mortality rate from the 6% emul-
sion was higher, in all cases, than from the
3% emulsion. The second generation caterpil-
lars showed greater resistance to the DDT emul-
sion than the first generation. The two-fold
T increased the destruction of the caterDillars
up to 901/t. An aerosol of 7% DJT1 kerosen-e solu-
tion destroyed only l5wit of the caterpillars. A
Card 2/3
KATAYEvt Olex Aleksandrovich; ZHURAM, I.I., prof., retsenzent;
SELISHCHENSKAYA, A.A., retsenzent; DhIgNTIYEV, V.I., dots.,
otv. red.; FILONENKO, K.D., red.; URITSKAYA,-A.D., tekhn.
red. - i
(Principles of zoology] Oanovy zoologii; uchobnoe posobis dlia
studentov lesokhosialetvennogo fakullteta. Leningrad, Voes.
zaochnyi lesdtekhn. iri~~. 1962. 48 p. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Assistent kqfedry entomologii Lesotekhnicheskoy akademii
im. S.M.Kirova (for Selishchanakaya).
I K 'AIMY,-Y.,-kapitan
Reconnaissance reportsare delivered in time. Voen. vest. 42
no.8z104-105 19 162. (Radio, Military) (MIRA 15-7)
'1152 .3
LIB. HAS: V. 1
SAW, Ta. V.; KATAYBY, S.F. (Khabarovsk)
Orthodontic treatment as a preliminary stage in dental prosthesis.
Stomatologiia 38 no.2:47-50 Ap '59. (HIRA. 12:7)
KATAWP S* and others. ---
Televidenie Z-Television_~. Mosvaj Gos. izd-vo po voFrosam radio Z-1935-7. 85 p.
S04 Soviet Transportation and Cowunications, A Bibliographv, Library of Congress,
Reference Department, Washinton, 1952, Unclassified.
KATAYEV, S. I. - ascis ted V. S. SAIvIOYLOV
"Design of a Saw-Tooth Current Oscillator," Radiotekhnika, No 3, 1947-
Moscow Institute of Commmications Engineers (MIIS)
YAY' 48
Television - 'Apparitmi:
Television -.Transmitters
The Contribution of Soviet Soleatists 16 the De-
relopment of Television," Prof S. I. Katayer, 4 pp
Ohdio" No
Disoasses the development of eloGtron-beam systems
ani the use of video tubed, the tranamitter,system
In,televisior., the principles of colored-television
tri4mamIssion and reoep~ion, and other details of
.-television systeme.
Katayev, S. L defended his Doctor's dissertation in the Moscow Electrical
Engineering Institute of Communications, USSR, 12 April 1951, for the
academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Dissertation: "Problem of Obtaining Electric Pulses of Arbitrar., Forn".
Resume: Katayev investigated the possibility of using the nonlinearit.; of
voltampere characteristics of different elements in an electric circuit.
It was demonstrated that graphite and carbon (karbovidnyy) resistors can
be used only in the simpl;st cases, while ferromagnetic elements havt more
general properties. Kateyev described an original method for generating
a given voltage wave form with the help of a ferromagnetic system as well
as a method for using a frequancy modulated exciter. He investigated the
elementary p-~ilse forms necessary to produce the resultant wave form. The
results of the research, which show the feasibility of replacing the given
wave with a fragmentary broken wave which can be created from elementary
trapezoidal and triangulv pulses, can be used not only for the apparatus
described in the dissertation but also for other types. Katayev desetibed
and investigated an original apparatus (an equivalent circuit of a long-
distance communication line) based on the analo,,ly with electromagnetic'
induction phenomena in long-distance electric power transmission lines. On
thii basis of this concept., different variants of the apparatus were developed
for obtaining a generator of ak controllable wave form.. and the theory
behind them was set forth, Katayev solved the provlem of generating pulses
of the given form by setting up zapacities by the given law along an artificial
Official Opponentst Profs* S. E. Khaykin (Doctor of Physicomathematical
Sciences) Yus Bo Kobzarevand L. I. Gutenmakher (Doctors of Technical
Sos Elektrichestvo, No* 7, Moscow, August 1953, pp 87-92 (W/298U, 16 Apr 5h)
TA- . SHKENAZT, V.0., radaktor; FRIDKIN, A.M., tekhnicheakir
[impulse generators for television scanning) Generatory impullsov
televizionnoi razvertki. Moskva. Goo. energ. izd-vo, 1951 271 P.
[Microfilm) (MLRA 10:1)
(Televistob) (Oscillators, Blectron-tube)
KATATI V. S.1., daktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor.
(Reoent probless in television] Sevromeamys problou7 televideuiia. Moskva.
Isd-vo wSuanie, ". 1953~ 23 p. (KLU 6:12)
Mosco-Y - Television
Moscow televises. Nauka i zhizn' 20, No. 2, 1953.
14onthly List of Russian Accession , Library of Congress, J= 1953. Unclassified.
KATAYEV) S. 1. (A/14 of the Society M. S. IUNMAN)
"Coupling between Wave Guide Systems through the Apertures in Side Walls,"
Radiotakhn:Uza, 1954, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Mar-Apr)
The coupling between wave guides through the apertures in a norma] side wall
is considered. The length of the apertures is assumed to be small in comparison
with the wavelength. Equivalent systems for various foiTm of simple ana combined
couplings are substantiated. Hints are given for calculating parameters of equiva-
lent systems. The survey is based on considerations arising from the theory of
lines, generalized for standard wave guide systems.
ZWORYKIN, Vladimir Kosma,; KATIYV, S.I.,red.
[Television; the electronics of image transmission in color
and monochrome] Televidenie-, YoproBy slaktroniki v peredache
tsvetnogo i monokhiomnogo isobrazbenil. Moskva, Izd-yo
inoatrannoi lit-ry, 1956 779 P- illus. col. plate 27 cm.
[Translated from the Engi ishl. (MIRA 11:11)
AUTHOR KATAYLY S.I.,Prof.,41egular Member of the Society for
TITLE WE 1 ~ec r~ceiesoopyll.
("Blaktricheakaya toleskopiya" -Russian)
. Hadiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, F 9
Ir 7vPP 3
ABSTRACT Abridged text ot the lecture hold in May 1957 on tho occasion of the
fiftieth anniversary of the invention of the first electronic tele-
vision set by Boris L-vovich Rozing. This invention has the Rus3ian
patent number 18076, 19o7/191o and the German Reichs-Patent has the
number 20932o froz the years 1907/19o9. At first a survey of the
stage of research at that time is given and the fact is mentioned
that then it was attempted to solve the problem of image development
In a mechanical way. Rozing was the first to show the way of a non-
mechanical development of the image and to solve the problem in this
direction, Instead of seeking a method for shifting the optical beam
in a non-mechanical manner, he shifted the source of light itself
in a.non-mechanical way, that is in the Braun tube. The tube itself
did not yet solve the problem, for at that time there did not yet
exist a modulation of the electronic beam. Rozing constructed a simp-
le device which connisted of three additional electrodes -two de-
fleoting plates and an additional dliaphragm, - by means of which the
deflection of the beam oould be modulated. This supplement was enough
to make an apparatus for television reception out of the physical ap-
paratus. The method of modulation of the eloatron beam was later on,
Oard 1/2 in 19319 with some improvement used by the German scientist 1.".Ardanne
7M SOV/19-59-4-80/317
AUTHORS: Tetellbaum, S.I., and K
TITLE: A Radio Receiver for Radar Installations
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 4, p 20 (USSR)
Class 21a 48 Nr 118188 (324102 of 21 May 1943).
A radio receiv
with automatic sensitivity control
for use in pulse-type radar installations. The
sensitivity of subject receiver corresponds with
the time period passed from the moment of sending
the -oulse from the transmitter, thus securing simul-
taneous control of reception force of signals re-
flected from near and distant objects. In order
to avoid the blocking of the receiver, the pulses
are fed to the reactance tube in the heterodyne
Card 1/1
8(5) SOV/19-59-5-101/~"J8
AUTHOR: Katayev, S.I.
TITLE: A Transistorized Sawtooth Current Generator
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 5~ p 26 (USSR)
ABSTR,kCT: Class 21al , 32 -540 Nr. 118427 (589494 of 8 January
The generator makes use of the reactive energ-,y of the
alternate charging and discharging of a capacitor.
To achieve an even change of current and reduce the
power needed, the generator includes two circuits,
connected through a capacitance and an inductance,
each composed of a capacitance, inductance and
diodes all switched in in series, as well as a
,urrent in one circuit and a transis-tor
source of c
in the othei,, forming in the transformer windings
an alternately magnetizing and deinagnetizing magnetic.
current pulsat-' '.ng according to the sawtoothed law by
Card 1/2 the periodic discharging of the capacitor coupling
A Transistorized Sawtooth Current Generator
through the triode and its charging through the
Card 2/2
Card 1/1
Tetellbaum, S.I., and Katayev, S.I.
A Method for Short-Period Chan'g!"Wrtf.,'~ the Sensiti-
vity of Superheterodyne Receivers at Radar Stations
Byulletenl izobreteniy, 1959, Nr 4, p 20 (USSR)
class 2le ' 48 65 Nr 118187 (324099 of 21 May 1943).
In this method, the short-period changes of receiver
sensitivity is obtained by the use of pulse-frequency
modulation of the heterodyne.
BOGATOT, Geralld Borisovich~-PTATV, S.I., red,; TORONW, K.P., takhnred.
[How the Image of the other side of the moon was obtained] Kak bylo
poluchano ixobranhania obratnoi storony luny. Moskva, GoevenerGe
izd-vo, 1960. 62 P. (Massovaia radlobiblioteka, no.385).
(NMA 14:3)
(Lunar prpbes) (Noon-Photographs, maps, etc.)
HD=, A.L., akademik, glavnn red#.; BURM, G.D.. red.; VOWPXRT, A.R.,
red.; GCP&CH, I.Ye., red.; GUTA4EkjDM. L.I., prof., rod.;
GRCDIW* I.I., red.; MNMTXOV* N.B., red.: ZHEMIN, L.A.#
red.; red.; NNYWAN. H.S.. red.; SI)FOROV, V.I.,
red.; CHISTYAK07, N.I., red.; GESSEN, L.V., red.izd-va;
[One Inindredth anniversary of the birth of A.S.Popov-, Jubilee
session) 100 let so dnia rozhdaniia A.S.Popova; iubileiuaia
sessiia. Moskva. Izd-vo Aked.nauk SSSR, 1960. 312 p.
(min 14:1)
1. Nouchno-takhnichaskoya obshchestvo radiotakhniki i elaktroavyazi.
(Information theory)
Some potential- directions in the development of television broad-
casting techniques. Tekh.kino i telev. 4 no.6:1-8 Je 160,
(MIRA 1):7)
(Television broadcasting)
ConBideration of the effect of interference on the derivation
of a silhouetted signal rear projection. Radiotekhnika 16
no.10:38-43 0 161. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Doystvitellnoye chleny Nauchno-tekhaicheskogo oDshchestva
radiotekh,nild i elektroavyazi imeni Fopova.
2- 4, 14-
Experimental electronic rear projection system in the Moscow
Television Center. Vest. sviazi 22 no.5:3-6 FV 162.
(MIRA 150)
1. Sotrudniki kafedry televideniya Moskovskogo elektrotekhni-
cheskogo instituta svyazi.
(Moscow-Television staticns--Electronic equipment)
KATAYFV, S.I., prof.; KONSTANTINI~',Xll, L.I., inzh.
Increasing the quallty, of synchronization In long-distunze
televislon transmission. Vest. svis2i 124, no.50 Mv 164.
(MTRA 17-16':
L 02403-67 94T (d) /F~S-2 OD
'C NRi
AT6022318 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/000/0022/0025
AUTHOR:_,Katayev, S. I.J.Makoveyev, V. G.; Smirnov, V. V.; Dymnich, E. V. R111
ORG: None
TITLE: Experimental converter of television signal standards
SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya nauchnaya sessiya, poovyaslichennaya Dnyu radio, 22d, 1(966.
Sektsiya tblevidein'i~a-. Moscow', 1966,' 22-25
TOPIC TAGS: signal to noise ratio, TV converter, TV equipment, TV sy6tein, vidicon
tube, video signal
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss the various problems involved in exchange of tele-
vision programs due to the existence of four incompatible television signal stand-
ards. A brief description is given of an experimental converter developed by the
television department of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communicationo
in 1964-1965. This device converts a television signal from a.system with a
line frequency of 625 per second at 50 frames per second to a signal with 525 lines
per second at 60 frames per second and vice versa. The basic unit in the converterl
is a device for rephotographing the image containing an optically interconnected
kinescope and transmitting tube which operate in different scanning systems.
L 02403-67
ACC NR, A%022318
Since the transmitting tube in the camera used for the original photography is re-
sponsible for most of the distortions which appear in the converted image, par-
ticular attention is given to the requirements for this tube. Some of the ape-
cific requirements for this component are uniformity in the amplitude of the
video signal on the working section of the target, proper transmission of infor-
mation on the black level in the image and a target time constant of about 40 msec.
This time lag in the transmitting tube reduces the amplitude of low frequency
spurious modulation of the output signal, improves the signal to noise ratio and
increases line "beat-frequency". It was found that vidicon tubes give the best
results. The best lens for the intermediate optical system is the OKS1-50. The
reproduction unit uses the 23 IK6I kinescope which gives a peak brightness of the
order of 500-600 nit at an accelerating -voltage of 25 kv. The size ratio of
image conversion is 1:1. Provision is made for both automatic and manual.suppres-
sion of spurious low-frequency modulation of the output signal at 1cps, The
converter also contains input and output signal channels, a monitor for
suppression of specific distortions and synchrogenerators for both standards.
The output image has 7-8 differentiable gradations when there are 9 differen-
tiable gradations in the input.image. The signal to noise ratio at the output
is 31 db for an input ratio of 27 db, i. e. a gain of 4 db. There is practi-
cally no flicker in the output image due to spurious modulation. Magnetic
shielding of various units is used to eliminate the effect of a-c background
from the 50 cpp bower supply, _01.1.9.,Art. has.,,l table.
~jq~UB CODE: 091:' SUM, DATIF
r. AMar66
The rc-Intion of mechanical drnwing to the practical work off
stuaentv in industry. Politekli.obuch. no.5:44-51 Ag '57. (MLRA 10:9)
i, ?repodavatel' chercheniya sredney shkoly g. Rigi.
(MecbsnicAl drawiag-Study and teaching)
KATAYEV, V.P., kand.tekbnonauk
glectromacbanical Integrator for renote moasuremont nf con.
sumption* Izvsvys,ucheb.zav.; prib. no-3:15-20 '59-
(MIRA 13:4)
1. Taganrogskiy radiotelcbnicbeekiv institut. Raj-,omandovana kafedroy
elektricbeekikh ismareniy I masbin.
Methods for Jacketing vinyl plastic pipes. Suggested b7 V-F-
Kataiev. Rate.i isobr.predl.v stroi. no.13.172-74 159.
NITIA 13:6)
1, Pervourallskoye montashnoye upravlani7o tresta Vontokmatallurg-
montazh Hinisterstva stroitel stva RSFSR.
(Pipe. Plastic)
1, 3 ~S6 D295/D303
AUTHOR: Katayev. V_*R_
"OITLE: The design of the ring demodulator using semiconduc-
Izvestiya vysshil.-h uchobnylh zavede-iy. Priboro-
stroye-aiye, V. 5, no. 4, 1962, 22-27
MICT: The deGign procedure suggested enables the'parameters
of the well-known phase-sensitive demodulator configuration to be
calculated simply and to an accuracy sufficient in practice, to -1ve
not only specified sensitivity but also to meet a9sigirned stability
"equirements over a given temperature range, 'The value of the for-
ward incremental resistance of the diode is obtained from eKperimient,
I The method is illustrated by a iiumerical
but no graphs are involved.
example. There are 2 figures and 1 table.
-I.SSOCLVION: Taganrovskiy radio tekhniches,11dy institut, (Radio
Engineering Institute, Taganrog)
SUBMITTED: September 13 1961 Card 1/1
Design of a semiconductor-diode ring demodulator. Izv.vf-s.uch~3b.-
zav.; prib. 5 no.4:22-27 162. (MMA 15:9)
1. Taganrogskiy radiotekbnicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana
kafedroy elektroizmeritellnoy tekhniki.
(Modulation (Electronics))
0 - . P 'S &T.
Moscow--Apartment Houses
Experience in decorating apartment houses. Diul. stroi. tekh. 9 No. 16, 1952
�. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 19-Ln Uncl.