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FAUXAS. Sandor, dr.; MTHSZ, Laszlo, dr.; PETRAITYI, Gyula, dr. On iodine fluctuation of the thyrold gland. Magy.belorv.arch. 1? no-5:133-135 0 '59. 1. A Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Rgyatem II. sz. Belklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Petranyi Gyula egyetemi tanar) as az WA Atonmagkutato Intezet (Igazgato: dr. Szalay Sandor egyetemi tanar) kozlemanya iTUMOID GIAND funct testa) (IODINE radioactive) VEGH, LNOB; KOCSAR, I'Laslo; MMTESZ, Lueslo; sZ&TAI, Irtre Studies on 1,-mph circulation In the liver with the aid of Isotopes in experimental chronic hepatic diseases. liserletes Orvoutude 11 no.5:490-495 0 159. 1. Debreceni Orvoatidomnyl Xg3retem I. as. BalklinikELja, Norelettani Intezete as MU Atormag@mtato Intezete. (LYMPH) (LIVER DISILSICS exper) VXGH, L.; KOCS&R, L.; IMUSZ, L.; SUTAI, 1. Isotope studies on the lymphatic circulation of the liver in chronic liver lesion. Acta med.hung. 14 no-3:271-277 159. 1. Department of Medicine No.1, and Institute of Pathophysiology, University Medical School of Debrecen, and the Nuclear Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (LYHMTIC SYSTRM physiol.) (LIM DISFASES exper.) KESZAROS, Gyorgy, dr.; BABHIDY., Zndre, dr.; XERTESZ, Laszlo, dr. Data on the technic of ondobronebtal application of colloidal In bronchial carcinoma. Orv.hetil. 101 no.42:1489-1492 16 o 16o. Is Debreceni Oryontudomanyi Xg7etem, Tbc. KlInika, Bronchologiai 082taly. (LUNG NZOPLLWS radiother.) (GOILD radioactive) KERTESZ, Laszlo Observation of '-@;e reaction occurring in the body of a hare L caused by an intravenously administered metallic salt colloid injection. AT014KI kozl 3 no. 1:17-36 161. _@ERTESZ,. @aszlo Ouestions relating to the metabolism of radiciodine with special regard to the state of the dynamic equilibrium of the function of the thyroid gland. ATONKI kozl 3 no. 1: 37-1@2 161, @@VIKV -v- M LAMPX$ L.; MMVECZKr, L.;., @ Z- J- @L Storage of iodine in the ioetal thyroid. Acta physiol. acad, sai. hung. 20 no.4t385-391 161. 1. Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Medical University, Debrecen, Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian AcaSenq of Scienceso Debrecen. (IODINE metab) (*ROID GLAND embryol) ,Y 4 k gt Klt5R'@Z7@; '10 F" V -'0 RK. R '19 LAI-TE, L.; KERTESZ, L.; PETER, F.; 11"EDVECZKY, L. Intrauterine iodine metabolism. Acta phy3iol. hung. 20 no.l: 11-22 161. 1. Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, and Department of Paediatrics, Medical University, Debrecen; Nuclcar Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, (IODINE metabolism) (PREGNANCY metabolism) (THYROID GLAND in pregnancy) (FlITUS metabol-ism) T r on Eu-icai ur!i ,-rs j t! j ICCt 497-502. sum@az7] --he tjcj.,.,j0lky IIsc- can be Zhe au t@t a oo ined by t,, 1 tho,o. jaluaj)j0 'I. radiat-i o,,. method -- ia;,no-tic infor,'-- Gout, tj",ro - I - - - -- GnS Pregnanc@ f,=. 'io; Of' the jn j, c' id n Nrithout 0,-, -6 -,::@ature and mature I - 00sure to h 0 -OnZbinding prot,@in- - - n an the be*navior - , U-L @Ile Plasma @ or' T h e iIfluence of hematocrit anorjali,@, should also be deter- -rthrOcYtes can be corrected for 'CY t'. 'o on tho Thybon-uot efficier-6. 13 ',-.,'estern, y le introduction . ake Of the .un., Of the Adams' C.- @arlian references. PEMI Ferenc,, dr,;_KERTESZ, I482loy dr. The use of the Hamolsky test in pediatrics. Gyermelcgyo- gyaszat 15 no.2:56-59 F164. 1# A Debreaeni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyemekklinikajanak (igazgatot Kulin, laszlo, dr.0 egyetemi tanar), es a @lAgyar TudomanYO8 Akademia Ato=agkutato Intezetenek (igazgato: Snalay, Sandor, dr.p egyetemi tanar) kozlemanye. 10 UMPEjazzlo, KERTESZ, Laszlo, dr,; MONYAR, Janos,, dr. Iodine storage in the thyroid gland of the human fetus. Orv. hetil. 105 no.21:981-983 24 My'64 1. Debreceni Drvostudomnnyi Egyetemp Szuleszeti-liogyo- gyaszati Klinika, MTA, Atommagkutato Intezet. -A-A. Miff-- Mit -AMMO.2 hUNGARY aRTESZ, Laszlo, Clinio of Internal Medicine No 2 (11. sz. Bolklinika) of the thO Rude or dicine (Orvostudomanyl Egyetam), Debrocen. "Significance of Activation Analysis in Medical Science" Budapest, Kiserlotos Orvastudomany, Vol 18, ,3o 6, 1966; pp 62?-634. Abstract, Activation analysis opens up now possibilitiesin the field of nodical isotope research. The essential feature of the doscribid nathod is that the vxparinontal system or a selected aliquot of samo is activatod and. tho isotope formed in it is measured. On the basis of author's cxnorienc4 with iodine acti- vation as well as the data in the literature it is sh@wn that under properly c;olocted experimental conditions the measurement results, roproducibility, automation and sensitivity of the activation analysis fully @atisfy the requirements of a modern medical biological laboratory. 28 x@eferences, mainly Western. Manuscript xeceived 10 Jan 66. Andreas; PETER) Franz; KERTESz MMVECZKY Indislaus. , Ladjslauj3 2Xperiments on the with 1-131. 'Y' 479- JE11EY-' Andreas, jr-; strumiganic action Of flavone dyes epidam. 6 no,2:230-235 162. Studies 1. R79lenisches Institut der medziniBehen UniverBitat und 'nstitUt fur At Wissanschaften omkOrnforachung der Ungarischan Akademia der zu Debrecen. zu Debrecen (VITAMIN P PharmacolOgY) (THYROID GLAuD pharmacology) (10114E metabolism) GYOXTY, L ; BORBILY, L. ORTASZ, H. - SONKRI, T.. With the technical aae istance of E. Serese Phnrmacology of a new sPasmolytic drug. Aota physiol. hung. 15 no.2: 1891-199 1959. 1. Institute of Pharmacology, the Medical University, Budapest. (PAPAVIRUM, related cpdfi. 6,7-dimthw-l-(3,4-dimethoxyphanyl)-isoquinoline pharmacol.) KERTESZ, Miklos Interesting and good method for appropriate feedback control. Radiotachnika 14 no.109 A 164. 1. Budapest V.Keruleti Uttorohaz Radiossakkore. i. . f i - '-*,.) II - + - " ',,0 VIRAG, AntAl (Gyor) I,. - - ---, -1 ..... -1-1- Ilew workin@ methoda In track maintnnance. Vn3@it 32 no,3:@2-23 11 Mr 162. 006000*000040000 707's-a It tal 010 0 0 0 0 6 0 0,0 0 0 9 111 00 q_* -#-_$A-4& 0 0 w -A It it 11 to it Is, ita 0 it " a " A @s M w I, AI L 9 A 1 6 A J & L 0 0 F 4 4 11 0 V J I A I I A4 00 Is. W 11I J, 00 ........ . li'le! 1,0111 fill 00., 34. -"Illlf PCOWMO M list 011w"IftIll SIMI vbf-Ilibill A quarriest. I" I , ri'liq ' L %'.1( 11. Sit. is ift. J'J,. 1PI'l Jill. '%. 1.1 all I Win. 12 fig.) so Ihc fir.4 kf^& Is life ."fell 1w of 4 j, It.-Ildl-le 41AIlk 01,111111111 IW AW1141,11' I'll fill-00%. I'll iriodisral irtmulilli-4w. all-I 4,11 she Wellfthetle),, ot tile 00 J- 00 .31 .@ ..( filix pillp'llf.. 1 itcol hbalt... valflisrAlury drlllbvtf@ usW trial I.P. At, 00 n..Illlrrtl. 1,11rit fillkm@ 141C ofirlectivill .4 kite .11'. lite level off life 11torry sind flip (Weemistalit.ts .,f lite ofirri Wits in Ile ItAlobworol it) ollinissing #be Aolsisie. After 00 lite opwrify %fie Jim. lwriii III,- hriost ,f lhor 1.11 walit, wi,104-1.1hrly. 1110 liptali-Ill I*( file Aillitle _Oki Iviek iiiisoft fir iWirritibied. Gratialin jilvow tile Wife #4 0 0 0 Ills 0 a 0 0 0 a _00 at -.09 Go so A 0 also pri.loictinit if. the hell,40 I,( Vic pil tortslIfi. awl fuelli" lite- rilli-I fit prildlicli-Ill Io tile IVIINIII& .-I tile lpvrl@ 00 'flip itilicts, rolveliNfra imiffs a O"itiviii0l -lewripilioll -4 0 11.1. I.f.-Welb till flow 111 61,10 wilrikillif file of hiriliall(flu. 'go I of I at I LIOGI(Al t I I I Is I "I (I Alsip KATIOn I of till, 0, Ill- *ski u 1v I; K3 . - a T q 6 1 4 Il , "hip epic 1114 IKU it 131 nit K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 06 0 0 4,*, ~'1 04 00 e 0 a** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ill, 0 0 0 7,7r! Mwl- -P- Engineering-geologic exploration of voicanic tuff at Andornaktalya and Nograd- veroce. P.59 EPITOANYAG. (Epitoarryagipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) BUDAPESTj, =GARY Vol. 3-1, no.1/2, Jan./Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East European AccesBions (UAI) LC., VOJ,@- 8, no-7, July 1959 Uncl. F F=EqT@@Z, -P. F'rocessinC synthetic mztl-erials in the @nittir i i try. T t Is 44E. No. 11/12, Nov./rec. 19f5. YAGYAR TLYTILT--CHNIY.A.. TECPNOLOGY EuCaT,,est, Hur.G@iry So: East European Accession, Vol. ff), 1,.c. 5@, May 19",t' BOMAR, Istvan; KAIVIOS, Viktor; MRTESZ, Pal 11 . ....... ...- Knitting machines at the 4th Hannover Fair of Textile Machinery. Pt. 1. "agy textil 16 no. 2:81-90 F 164. 1. "Magyar Textiltachnika" azerkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Karmos). 'ItTESZ, Fal, dr., oklevelps mernok, ap4eteml adjunk-tus; MZNAK, Laszlo, okleveles mernok, tudomanyos munkatar3 Up-to-date strength testing ol' highway matartals. Melyepitestud szemle 11, no. 3jJ24-130 Mr '64. 1. Chair of' Geology, Technical Univeraity of 131ii1ring ani Trannportation, 13i,dapast (fnr Kartesz). 2. I@oad Reacarch In.ititute, Budapest (for Reznak). q UWUESZ@ Pal, dr. '@ " , . @ - . @ - Is the hiodness of rocks a correctly used term? EFitcanyag 15 tio.6:228-.233 Je 163. 1, Epitoipari es Koalekedeal Muszaki Egyetem Asvany- es Foldt4jnj T,Uwzeko. Modern finishing machines in the hosiery industry. Magy textil 15 no.11:527-528 163. KERTFS?', Rudolf 1.) ; Erlm ( lhid-lpe,,.3 t) ; IT.';, Fe to@r (Budapest) Forinn of Innovat.or:), 11ji L lap 17 nui. 5:30-31 16 M:- lij.5, Sore wordr 'q"ut 31 -It@rObile bnrle:7entz:. r,. 0(A 'L:r. nn", j,- 1 7, .0. lb, JiSt Of Fast LijroL,:3an Aco,@nolor,,@, T. 111'easi-Irerent and Instrurrents". P. 1,-. (A,*TO VOTOP, Vol. 7, !,'o. 2C, Oct. Ic"54, PudareSt Funearr) SO: lionthly Lirt of East European Accesc,-ion:-,, (ET.:AL)@ I.C, vc-1. -Tan. 10155, Tncl. FFRTE-37, T. 1951 ( A Fovirosi Gel Reno Korbnz Laboratoriums.) I'Crn Oie s1r. Sr, ( f Blood Replace the Femoglobin and Hematocrit Values."? Hisel, Orvostud, 19-51, 3/4001-302) Abst: Fxc. Iled. 11, Vol. 5, No. 61 Ps 716 KnTESZ, T. The usage of precipitation syphilis test for screening hospital patients. Orv. hetil. 93 no. 8:233-255 24 Feb 1952,, MML 23:3) I* Doctor. 2. Isboratory (Read - Head Physician -- Dro Tivadar Kertess), Metropolitan Ussoki-utca Hospital (Director - Read Phy- sician -- Dr. letvan Hajdsz). KIRTESZ, T.;PAIA)CZY, J.-,TIVAIARINN, K. Practical evaluation of the simple blood serum precipitation test (Mallen reacilon). Or*- hatil- 93 no. 30 874-87? Z? July 1952. (CIML 23:3) 1. Doctors. 2. Iaboratory (Head Physician -- Dr. Tivadar Kertess) of Ussoki-utca Metropolitan Hospital and the Iaboratory (Head Physician -- Dr. Jossef Paloozy) of Tetenyi-ut Hospital. j E:KRTZSZ, Tivadarne, dr.,; KATE, Karoly. dr. P06tcholacYstograPhy pooduoalbuminuria. Ory. hatil. 96 no.19: 522 8 KV 55 1. A Taterwi-uti korhaz laboratorluman (fooryos: Paloczy Jossef dr.) as 1. beloszt&3,vanak (foorvos: Zellner Pal dr.) kozlemerys (Alozaten kozlemany) (ALBUMIMIA, adventitious, postcholacystography) (CHOIaCYSTOGRAPftY, mplioations, albuminuria, a .,atitious) KERTESZ, Tivadarne, dr.; BAJKOR, Jozsef, dr. Experiences with sensitized frog reactions in pathological pregnancies. Orv. hetil. 97 no.hO:1105-1107 30 Sept 56. 1. A Irovarosi Tatenyi-uti Korhaz (igazgato: Zellner. Pal, dr.) Laboratorimanak (foorvos: Palocay, Jossef. dr.) es Ssulo- nobeteg Osstalyanak (foorvoo: Zagon, Andras. dr.) kozlemanye. (PREGNMT TESTS Galli Mainini test in pathol. progn. (Hun)) KERTESZ, ylvadar, r. 1 XREMMER, Tiboi7, vogyaosmarnok; ROTLTER. Lilian 11., -L YERENCZY, Edit, dr. Determination of serum glutanic oxalic acid transaminage in myo- cardial infarct. Orv.hatil. 101 no.45:1596-1599 6 N 160. 1. lovarosi Uzooki u. Korhaz Laboratoriuma. (MYOCARDIAL IVARCT blood) (TRANSAMINASES blood) BALAZS, Marta, dr.; BAFWA, Laszlo, dr.; KERTMZ, Tibor, dr, Lipomatosis of the ileocecal valve. Orv. hetil. 103 no-5:218-220 P 162, 1. Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet, Korbonotani Intezet, Rontgon-Intezet on Sebeszeti Oaztaly, (ILEUM neoplasms) (LIPOMA pathol) BIRO, latvan, dr.; KERTESZ, Tibor, dr. Cured enteritis necrotinans. Orv. hotil. 103 no.Ylsll+59-1460 5 Ag 162, 1. OrvostovAbbkepz6 Intezet, Korbonatani Intgzot 4a Saboszeti Osztdly. (FMERITIS ther) -KERTE-3Z, ZAHUMENSZKY, Elemer, dr. Unusual foreign body in the rectum. Magy. sebesz. 16 no.1:72-74 Mr 163. 1. Az Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet Sebeszeti Oaztalya. (FOREIGN BODY) (RECTUM) (HOMOSEXUALITY) . i > P1 J RUMNIA/Physical Chemistry - Colloid Chemistry, B-1.4 Dinperse Systems Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - Mikaiya, No 2, 195'j, 14033 Author : Kertesz-Wrezan 'ndita Title tN,Positionof Macromalecular Solutions in the System of Colloid Chemistry Orig Pub Rev. cb1m., 1956, 7, No 5, 279-232 Abstract Description of the viewe of a number of Sovietauthors concerniug tlhe fundamental di f ference betwcen nnc .-ole- culnr solutions -- homigonons, ieversible sNsteLr@, are thermodyn3mically equilibrated, aggregatively iitabile and are formed epontanewisly, in the absence of specific otabilizer, and the colloid systems, proper. The author adheres to the opinion that the designation of "colaoids" even in combination. -., "Iyophila") is Incorrect theo- retically and detricantal in practice. I'nc-Lusion of ra- cromolecular solutions arn na colloids is baGQjon a Card 1/2 - 236 - URMZ40RMM, Tudital KLCSO, Mena On the transition mechanism of latices of the copolymer acrylate of ethyl-arcrylic acid in homogenous solutions. Ptae 1-Z.Studia Univ, B-B S. Chem. 8 no.lt57-78 163 1. Olkbes-Elyai* Universit7.. Cluj. ft 14 M 5-NIN -1i IIIN -AM- q allm. 7 Ilk Ir -v LQ 101. ltistrum!ptal checking of ilia atumina c .ontent of clu- v r t i. Vol 1:1(!Il Pj 1, 5, 3 It k slemirablo to ktiow fill, ithIIIIII]a (ool.-tit 411 Cl)"Jiltl eICIfFj ill OrtlOr 10 Olt,44110 0141 jlt1iJV'i 41111 ti., c-[-trol@-tic -414 fiml ilia CC,jjj,ljI"@- 'If If,.! It". I I'J, Lt.- pror-4 (iliasociaLiost vnltngn, runtleclivity. r\phsiltilmii ol'' I. I I., I I I; It'll I) A A %Vfl na to c4tillin I is tho It I It If I -If, 0111, !,1 bl,@at:d,Imits ill filknotIoll CA Is "I o I., topi, I I.S. 0 i-ov. -I I., Inveamill. tile stlitillilin contplit, A IIIIAlli'd ill* I's .......... ow,ll. g ba,iod un tho villical ciirrcnt drimily, wns ilalmmull lit,twit. LA ling a limple, -pid chriking of If... olmilina Wm!,, I, @ell he elt.ily tra in"'I 11) C011,111t. t flel Int-114101 villi-I I I A, u 11 6,1 Ivr,l - tot- making will rotArdillK the ob4orvetlutim Olde 11 1wilk.t. "mitrols flio wi sxiliary clovtmilo ukril ill 1110 jII`UI'I1.,4. cig KERTIJI Jozsef Anodic propertien of aluminium. MagY kem folyoir 67 no.3:97-99 Mr 161. 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomarvegvetem Fizikai-Kamini es Rndiologlai Tanszeke, Budapest. , Lorinc; i , Ft.-jzsef Fuel elements. Pt. 1. Magy kem lap 19 no. 4:189-195 Ap 164. 1. Department of Physicochemistry and Radiology, Lorand Eotvos University, Ndapest (for Kerti). CSORBA, Lorinc; KERTI!.jozsef Fuel elements. Pt. 2. Magy kem lap 19 no.5s240-249 My '64. 1. Accumulator and Dry Battery Factory (for Coorba). 2. Chair of Physicochemistry and Radiology, Lorand Eotvos University, Budapest (for Kerti). M , P, Country : USSR Catc[pry: Soil Scicnce, Mir4ral Fertilizers, ,'.bs Jour: MhDiol., No 14, 1958, no 63o67 ;,uthor : Kort -I _14. P. .4c Inst : 7,oltava :,Gricu!.tuml Institute Title - The Effect of Fertilization .round the Rot--ts on tile Yi,,J.d of Crops OriG Pub: Nauchn. tr Poltavsk. s.-kh. in-t, 10 156-165 ,'.bstract: AccordinU to the results of field tax@ur .-taits carried out in thu Qx7.@@ri;.:Ontal field cvaO. at L-Plucational farra of -Llu@ Pol:;@vxa .1,L;ricultural lnst-.@batu, by which a mxpar-.Lson was ;-ztlo of tbv cffcctivc.,@-i,ss of ferti- lizinG @ircauid thc roots of potatoes a m--Inth before harvest sulorphoophato (PS), Card 1/3 J-29 Country : USSR Cato."Ory: Soil Science. 141nom.1 Fortilizars , Jjur: n=iol, xc 1.4, 3-958, No 63o67 (M), and H3DC@ (D) - the tuber harvest increased in comparison Nrith tile control in the %rct '.'Ocx of 1953 by 29rp' duo to D, by 11.9@.'- duo to 11, and by 8,3@ clue to P (at a concorytration of 1/10); ia 11354 and 1955 (dry years) the tuber hnrvest. inemnsu"' by 11.71,@, on the averac;c, Elvic to PS (1/20) only. ffith irriLA- tion in 1954 the harvest of tubers increased by 36-9(@ due to PS + D, by 34'@ due to D) by 31.5')' due to M, by 27.31,'. due to PS (1/10). In the dry ye--rs, an only twico-.rL,,-.-jc.-,tcd sprinC;kling with lci, ccneentraticns of fertil-.zers vins effective, and In thu Vc:t years a sincelo with fertilizers of -. sezievhat higher ccneontration was onouCp. @rncn 1:c)i-sturc is norml a spr@m1:14-n6 in the flowerillt; ,.c!ricd rnker, Card 2/3 DZHUMAUV, Oraz Maradovich; _WAOV,,.Xn,, kand.biolog.nauk, red.; ATAUV, G., red.; KASPARIYANTS, L.T., tekhred. [Brief Russiau-Turkman dictionary of agricultural terms] Kratkii ruesko-turkmenakii slovarl sellskokhozialstvannykh terminov. Asbkhabad, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Turkmanskoi SSR, 1958. 290 p. (HIRA 13:2) (Agriculture-Dictionaries) (Russian language--Dictionarieo--Turkman) (Turkmen language--Dictionarias--Russian) -EMIKOVAII nt; SILIANOTA, B., student: OSMAIRLINTA. R@, student: 4,,, studs DANALOYA, I., student Distribution of tuberculosis among students of the I.P. Pavlov Madical Academy In Plovdiv. Suvrem. mad., Sofi& 5 no.12:25-30 1954. 1. Iz kruzhoka po ftiziologita (rukovodital: D. Dimitrov) I KlIniks,ta po ftiziatrita pri Keditsinskata akademila IsF. Pavlov (direktor: prof. An. Shopov) (TUBIRCUU)SIS, epidemiology, in Bulgaria, in mad. students) (SCHOOLS, MEDICAL, tuberc. In med. students In Bulgaria) ;,,Y,)., Prof. (Perml) 'l,'rilnza-!tAon.,; of ti.o Selontific HistorimmoJica' Con!'or@-,Yic@, of tho Ura.3 and Siberian Provincos. Trilfly Perm. gwi. inst. 1 43@ 5--l'2 163 (MIR.:. i,?.6'j I AKSHINSKAYA , N.V.; DAVYDOV, V.Ya.; ZHURAVIEV, L.T.; a,'RTOYI"I, Dzheffri40 [Curthoys, Geoffrey); KISELLV, A.V.; KU21NETSOV, B.V.; NIKITO, Yu.S.; RYBINA, V.V. Effedt of hydrothermal treatment in an autoclave on the structure and adsorptive properties of silica gel. Koll. zhur. 26 no.5: 529-537 s-o 64. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Moskovskiy universitet, khimicheskly fakulltet i Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Y-ERTSELLI L.I., and FffZHKIN, V. Ta. "Steam Power StationB ". Goaenergoi7.datp Hascow/ Leningrad , ig4gp 556 pp, 85 ruiules. SO: W-14151 1-1 Oct 1950. KIRTSEU1. L.I., professor; RYMWIN, V.Ta.. dotsent, kandidat takhniobeekikh ,--IIVU'F4YXLIMIIT, S.Ta.. doteput, kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Development of Russian steam-generated electric power plants with high steam parameters. Trudy NXI no.11:8-19 151,. (MLRL 7:11) (Xootric power plants) TJSC.R/ Engineering - Heat utilization ( 3ard 1/1 Pub. 77 - 7/23 Authors : Kerzell-i, L. I., Prof.; and 13elinskiy, S. Ya.,, Cand. Tech. Sci. Title : Modern themo-power plants Periodical : Nauka i Zhizn' 21/10,, 17-19, Oct 1954 Abstract : The question of the waste of heat in the operation of steam turbines is dis- cussed. A description is given of,successful work in affecting economy of fuel by not mrmitting the steam to expand fully in driving the turbine, but after reducing the pressure to two or three atmospheres passina it through a factory to be used in dryers and other devices. Illustrations. Institution Submitted KER LLI,L.I.. professor; TUMANOY.V.Te., kandidat tekhnicheskikh na An electric steam boiler. Nauka i zhizn' 22 no-7:54-55 Jl '55. (Boilers) (KLRA 8:9) FAVIZIIKO,A.S.; YFJDMCV.V.S.; UGOIRETS,I.I.; SMIRI.'(YV,M.S.; CHIZHOV.D.G.; KOGTET,G.I.; BAUSIU,A.F.; VINrER,A.V.; NFJMASOV,A.M.; LAVREI=O, K.D.; KRYIDV,N.A.; KERTSELLI,L.I. Sergei TSalikovich Faerman; obituary. A.S.Pnvlenko aid others. Blek.atn.26 no.10:62 0 155. (MLRA 8:12) (Faer6an, Sergei TSalikovich, d.1955) IZUSM;, XeOnti7 Ivanovich; RYZHKI3. V.Ya; SWUM, S.M.. redaktor; -- - - -'. i 6V' _4*'Ye., teichnichenkly redaktor. [Thermal electric power stations) Teplevye alektricheakie stanteli. Ixd. 2-oe, p6rer. Pod obahchei red. L.I.Kertselli. Konkva. Gen. energ. tsd-vo, 1956. 488 p. (MLRA 0:5) (Blectric power-plants) KFIHTSETLI) L. I. (Professor) Moscow. Emergeticheskiy institut Istori7a energetichesko,-7 tekhniki SSSR v trekh tomakh, t. 1: Teplotekhnika (History of Power Enpineering in the USSR in Three Volumes. v. 1: Heat EngineerIng) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1957. 479 P. 5,00) copies printed. Ed.-Coripiler: Konfederatov, 1. Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Authors: BadylIkes, 1. 3., Doctor of Technical Scienceq Belinsky,, S. Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Gimmellfarb, M. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Kalafati, D. D., Candidate of rechnical Sciences; Kertselli L. I., Professor; Kovalev, A. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Konfe-d-ira'tN, -@.-asp Doctor of Technical Sciences; Lavrov, V. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Lebedev, P. D., Dootcr of Technical Sciences; Lukinskiy, V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences (deceased); Petukhov, S. S.Y Doctor of Technical Sciences; Satanovskiy, A, Ye., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Semenenko, N. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Smellnitskiy, S. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Sokolov, Ye. Ya., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Chistyakov, 5. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Shcheglyayev, A. V., Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Editorial Board of set: Bellhnd, Le D., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Glazunov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Golubtsova, V. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Zolotarev, T. L.j Doctor of Technical Sciences; Izbash, S. V., Doctor of Tec"nnical iciences; Kirillin, V. A., Corresponding Memaber, USSR Academy of Sciences; Konfederatov, I. Ya.p Doctor of Technical Sciences; Margulova, T. Kh., Doctor of Technical Scie.-ces; Meshkov, V, V,, Dcctor of Technical Sciences; Petrov, G. N., Doctor of Tec-nical Sciences; Slrotinskiy, L. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Styrikovich., MI. A., Corresponding Me USSR Academ@r of Scienceg;and Shneyberg, Ya. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ed.: Matveyev, G. A., Doctor of Technical Sciences; Technical Ed.: Medvedev, L. Ya. PURP-39E: The book is intended for technicians in all branches of heat engineering. COVTMGE: This book presents the development of the basic brancher, of heat engineering in t@ie Soviet Union and it is V@e first volume of 3 volumes entitled History of Power Technology in t"he USSR. The first chapter gIves a concise history of the development of heat engineering fron its very beginning to the middle of the 19th Century when the fimdamentals of the theoretical hent enrineerinr were established. A detailed description of the development of heat enfineering In pre-Revolutionary Russia is given in Ch. 2 to 5 and its status before 1917 is described. Tn tlie main part of tze volume, Ch. 6 to 16, tI-e development, of various branches of the Soviet heat engi.neering. is presented. The theoretical funda-mentals of heat engineering, of manufacturing boilers, turbine installations of heat power plants, district heating, heat control, automation of thermal processe4 and cooling techniques are covered extensively, Each chapter is mipplemented i-rit@ a bibliio[-rap@l Tne I book is illustrated with photographs, charts and diagrams, worked out bl., t"', a,ithors of the resnective chanters. At the end of the b-@o',- there Is a chroncloCical list of si[Iiificant events in the development of heat engineering. '4 ]MR SELLI, L.I.; RTZMaN, V.7a.; ALRESANDROV, AA. Investigation of thermea efficiency of electric power plants equipped with high capacity turbine installations of high and superhigh steam parameters. Nauch.dokl.vys.ohkoly ener4g. noo3:109-120 1589 WRL 12:1) 1. Rekomendoyano kafedroy teplovykh elektricheakikh stantsiy Moskovekogo energeticheskogo Instituta. (Alectric power plants) BEMSKIY, Semen Yakawlevich; VEDYAYEV, VLadimir Andreyevich;@-I=Z=t ,kjop- prof. 9 red.; GRIGORIYKVt S.149 prof., red.; VCROff3X,,K,f'.,'-" tekhn. red. [Thermal sections of electric power plants; heat engineerin systems] Teplovaia chast' elektrichookikh stantaii; teploenergetiche@sie uota- novki. Pod red. L.I.Nertselli. Moskvag Gos. energ. Izd-voP 1961. 303 P. (KIM 14 t 6) (Steam power plants) RYZHKINA, V. Ya. , r ed. ; KERTSELLI, L. 1. , red. ; BAKHMOVA, V. N. , red. [Thermal electric-power plant; study charts] Teplovaia elek- trichesknia stantsiia;, uchebnye tablitsy. n.p. Gosenergoiz- datf 1963. 20 fold. plaites in portfolio. (141RA 16:11) (Electric power plants-Tables, diagrams, etc.) P,-r 5 E L L 1, YuL SOV/96-59-4-5/21 AUTHORS: Afanaslyev,A.F., Engineer and ,-Kaxtaat=-,--Yu-L., Engineer TITLE: on Raiain the Efficiency of Existing Industrial Power Stations @K voprosu o povyahenii ekonomichnosti deystvuyushchikh promyshlenn;ykh elektrostantsiy) PERIODICAL*.Teploenergetika, 1959(,Nr 11, pp 27-31 (USSR) PA ABSTRACT: The subject is discussed in relation to an article by V.N.Yui,e,nev published in Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr 4. The improved thermal efficiency that can ren 'il@ from the use of high initial steam. conditions in larp'.6turbo- generators is discussed. Conditions are somewhat different in small turbines where the effect on the internal efficiency of the turbine that results from changes in temperature and pressure must be considered. The relationship between the internal efficiency of a turbine and the amount of steam passed through it is plotted graphically in Fig.l. The advantages of superposing on existing stations new sets with high steam conditions are discussed and it is stated that complex modernization of Card 113 large uneoonomic existing power stations burning expensive SOV/96-59-4-5/21 On Raising the Efficiency Of 2=isting Industrial Power Stations fuel is an important measure of fuel economy. The greatest effect is obtained from modernization when superposed turbines are used with the highest possible steam conditions particularly when the existing turbines can be used for heat supply and the existing medium and low pressure boilers can be usea as reserv for the industrial steam load, taking the peak of this and of the district heating loads. Although the authors are in general agreement with Yurenev, in the light of the discussion so far they raise objection against a number of particular points made by Yurenev. In particular, they do not like his suggestion to use steam pressures of 35 atm in super-position. Steam conditions of 130 atm and 240 atm, which are not considered in the original article, are to be preferred. Yurenev recommends the use of impaired Card 2/3 SOV/96-59-4-5/21 On Raising the Efficiency of Existing Industrial Power Stations vacuum in the old turbines but these authors prefer to use back pressure wherever possible. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 4 references of which 3 are Soviet and. 1 German. I ASSOCIATION: Promenergoproyekt-Tsentroenergoehermet Card 3/3 KIMTSEUI, Tu.L,, inzhe Some problemd in the modernization of electric and air blast planto in ferrous metal plants, 'Trudy NTO chern. met. 20:68-75 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. TSentroenergoohermet. (Metallurgical plants) AFANASIYEV) A.F., inzh.; KERTSELLI Yu.L. inzh. Some problems of electric power supply for small and medium capacity industrial enterprises. Teploenergetika 8 no.11:67-72 N 161. (MIRA 14-.10) 1. Promenergoproyekt i TSentroanargochermet. (Heating from central stations) (Electric power plants) YU.L., inzh. Effectiveness of intermediate beating in baek-pressure turbines. Prom. energ. 18 no.5;23-27 VT 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Steim-turbines) (Electric power plants) KgMEUIO YU.L., inzh. Use of steam-gas systems in industrial thermal electric power plants. Prom. energ. 18 no.12:17-21 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACC NR, AM15828 souRcE coDE.- uR/ov)6/65/000/006/0041./00461"A jkUT11OR: Afanaslyev, A* Fe (Engineer); Kertse2li. Yu. Le (Engineer) ORG: State Industrial Corwdssion for Power and Electrification SSSR (Gosudarstvenw proizvodstvonnyy koinitet po onergetike i olektrifikatsii SSSR); Promenergoproyekb TITLE, Increasing the effectiveness of riddle-power industrial-heating heat-po*rar stations SOMM Toploonargatika, no. 6, 1965, 41-jt6 TOPIC TAGS! eloctric Power plant, ateam boiler, turbine, stean. power plant An antilysis of the quertion of increasing the siugle-unit ower of2 p ;)-It-power sitation equipment in order to reduce capital investment and in- crcuse economy. Three plane are presented, Involving the ucage of T)eak- ,,serve boilers to avoid a cloned reserveG Gituation and allow lo7i ressure P ct,oss-coyniection, rcduction of J@o-,lier DgUegates to one p(-.,r station to reduce irrxertment in unneo where commercial power Is avF111able, w1th or without a 1 (.ull-powcr :)te@itn reaerve to contlime operation of the power operntion in cane . of boller Gbutdovn. D. Is concluded that such stations should be constructed for heat ivinge an well ac when there Is a require.-inent; foil a 1,irge power appli- cation; that the ntimber of turbinen should be reduced to th,@ ittininium at each station; that turbinen of - lese than 50 Div power should not be supplied With ACC NR: AJP6015828 condenuation equipment, an a rule; that peak-recerve boilers 6hou141 be used at-50 Mv_ond higher atations; that low pressure jps-fuel oil boilers to 50-100.1 G Cal/hr capacity should be conatructed at"G*u'ch G'tations fo Increase flext- .bility of operation; that tbe PT-60/75-130-13 power unit with two peak-reserve 1 boilers Ghould be used in many ouch stations; that intermediate heating should be used in this boiler only for a heating steam flow and when the steam can be directed. to intermediate heating with a pressure of about 25 atm.; that gas"@ 'fuel oil type fuel should be set aside for heat-power stations in cities and-.' Induotria I areas. Orig * art., hasis 6 figures aril 2 tables.' rjPRS7 SUB CODE, .10, 13 51113M DATE: none ORIGG RM 009.j OTH P2 Fi 001 FER'T'Si"M.i. Yu.L., lrzii.; KOiffTNIKOV, V.t ., iv--h- Univernal standard r-ojeot of thtj uO.r, bUll@-11!1,1,1 C7 an industrial heat and electric power Flant. EnerLretltk. '13 no.,.',-15-28 Ap 165. OMIRA 18-.Q @,CC NR. A117004589 SOURCE: CODE1 UR/0094/66/000/010/0002/0005 AUTHOR: Yortnelli Yu. L. ORG:, Prom-cnergopreyekt TITLE: Prospects for dovelopment.oc..large industrial heating and electric power stations jt@ Sb0*kdE:-Pr_oP_v'_shlennaya onargoticat no. 10$ 1966, 2-5 TOPIC TAGS: electric power plant, henting engineering ADSTRACT: The growth of heating requirenpints and thnir concentration in rmall ,areas- create" tile conditiona for construction of largo industrial heating heat 'and electric power atationa with unit capacitien UP to 300 iregawatto. Thia increase in power of stations and of units inatalled in atntions wiLl allow construction of highly economical otationa. The new more povarL'ul heat and 'electric pover stationa ahould be coniltnicted on tho block principle without q, which will aimplify the them'11 CirCllltc and fac'-lit ,tranaveroe pipeling 'autqmatic..con@trol Oiig. are.. haal 3-kl-'-- f';MS1 '39#54i ..!k gure and 2 tables, SUB CODE1 10913 SUBM DAT99 none ORIG Ries 003 KERTSELLI, Yu.S.; USITSINA, L.P. Treatment of bronchial tuberculosis wi-Oh cortisone aerosols. Probl. tub. no.4t86-87 64. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Sanatoriy No.71 Vyborg. a a OREL, M.A.; USPFNSYIY, Ya.V-; SHVET:7)OV, V.Ya.; KERTSGUR, V.A. Dressing graphite ores of the Tas-Kazgan deposit. Uch.zap. SAIGIKSa no.10%161-166 163. (MIRA 170) KERTSI-M, D. (Odessa) Thromboembolic disease. Vrach. dalo no.W30-131 A 161. tZA 14:6) (EmBomsm) KERTSMAN) D.A. (Odessa) Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis under polyclinical conditions. Vrach. delo no.61132-134 Je'63- (IMIA 16.9) 1. nliclievskaya rayonnaya bollnitsa. (PAIICREAS-DISEASES) L 1872k_66_.W_VmV_1@dP(J) DSZEM f-AM M. XP 005090 souRcs com uR/0251/65/040/003/0607/0612 AUTHOR: No aydeli, A. I.; Dzh@t @e, K. G.; Brodzeli, M. L; kovadze, L. V.; mayouraozo,.D. P.; Kartsman, 9. L.; ChubaffirTy ORC: none TITL'E: Synthesis and certain photochemical properties of 7-nitro-l19_3'j._3'-trimq- .-Lliyl-spiro-naphthopyran- 2,21-indoline SOURCE: AN Grux9SR. Soobohchentya, v. 40, no. 3, 1965, 607-612 TOPIC TAGS: photoeffect, spiropyran compound, UV irradiation, spectrophotometrys cryogenic effect / 7-nitro-11, V, 3'-trimethyl-spiro-naphthopyron- 2,21-indoline ABSTRACT: On the assumption that the change in color on heating of it, 21, 3'. trimethyl-indoline-o-naphthopyrilo-spiran, a substance synthesized by Wizinger and Weaning in 1940 (Helv. Chem. Acts, v. 23, 1940, 247) is associated with the splitting of the pyran cycle and hence also with a change in internal configuration and re- distribution of bonds in the molecule, and in view of the importance of this problem, the authors synthesized yet another representative of consymmetric spiropyrans. namely, 7-aLtro-l', 3', 31-trimethyl-spira-maphthopyran- 2,21-indoline (yellowish acLcular crystals) through condensatioti of 8 g of Fisher's bass with 8 & of 6-nitto-2. oxy-0-naphtheldehyde (fig. 1) by heating to 601C for I hr, thus obtaining a thermo- ACC'NRt Ap6005090 CH3 O'C-11 ,.,n 0 @-N + no 0-08, Ou CH3 Nol.-A N 0 CH3 Fig. 1. Card 2/3 IT, __ 1. .18726-66 - - - - - NR. AP6005090 chromic compound which, in a ligroin solution, is colorless nt room temperature but acquires a purple color when heated to 100-150%. The photochromic properties of this new spironpyran were investigated in a specially designed cryostat (attachment to an SF-10 spectrophotometer). The investigation was performed in liquid (paraffin oil and a mixture of ethanol and methanol in the mutual ratio of 4:1) and solid (polystyrene-ethyl cellulose) solutions. Findings: ultraviolet irradiation at room temperature does not change the color of solution. A reduction in temperature to -10'C in the liquid solution, however, along with a subsequent brief irradiation with X a 366 up causes the solution to acquire a purple color. A peak in the 580 up region appears in the absorption spectrum, The process is reversibl4 with time. At still lower temperatures (-90 to PIOO*C)# on the other hand, the process becomes irrovorsib- le so long as these temperatures apply. Increasing the temperature instantaneously restores the original pole-yellow color. Origs art* bass 5 figures, 2 formula#. SUB CODEt 03, 07, 20/ SM DAM 06Jul65/ ORIG RM 000/ OTH REFt 007 ,V- 7 , @ : @@q,4 Z KERTSMAN, G.I. (Moskva); LYAKHOV, I.I. (Moskva) Let's lead a persistent struggle for the improvement of the quality of students' knowledge. Fiz. v shkole 21 no-2:53-55 Mr-hp '61. (MIRA 11*18) (Physics--Problems, exercises, etc.) MTSKAR, I.G. Essential oil industr7 in the U.S.S.R. Trud7 Bot.iast.Ser.6 no-7;63-67 159, (MIRA 13:4) 1. Glayparfyumer, Moskva. (Be sencas and 69sential oils) -01 X4 ii BULANOVA, M.K.; IMSMAN, L.,I.; PLISATSXAYA, M.A.; SOXHOR. N.M. Medical and sanitary services for industrial workar6 of Laningrad District in Moscove Zdrav*Ros#Yeder. 1 no.6:11-15 @-@2 157. (ALRA 10:8) 1, Iz sanitarno-epidemiologichookov stantBii Ieningrodskogo rayons Muskvy (MOSCOW-INDUSTRIAL HYGIANS) xgo vm 'g, N@, ui law , alwes 144r,01CM-Z.@u VR71 1.5'@ 0 Ll U i V U I 70M TW t fg -'j- ina-b'-4r OULPut ia ..s-ential LO imprwe hUh ol @ H--, G -2 0 W-1, R =12 f%R , - Ix 4 @. "' VIA 'X _ @61 S I . a it ti If W it M I? if N a i i# a ?5 P V t' u is C u m A 0 C A -P -4 --A J V- f T--A I J A4 #I tf k -00 00 0 M : iffic dop@ S, 0, Cwiirlwaiml It. Va. Krit, mal " 0 9 awn. A 0 -739-'@MrM38)--Tbr film@xc A glywea if, in f4vtxod hy carbohydrate (ceding and to a CreAtAr extent by nars. 00 fictions ittocom inject i-ml. The milat InArkrit vilvet was fill. 0 aill"4, Jillig, anii fin411Y wrvtd in the tim. follimcti hr -00 'l the apter". Tile injection of siltill altmix talilt "fliaby. tiraft, teftung 'W" twi l"1111 it) all all iva- in in 1hrorgans, hearted fit doga fin a awal ifirt. Dildwirs 4 illim I dilm- ti'm 414wq nut 01411giv mo-wiv 1. No tit (11. Ill vt 410.1d"If it i. lowor". while it ii .111',tialitialliv laviril-I ill l1w hillifl. Regaittlesit 4 the ittemawd mti,-Ituli-m 4 mill4t tit im. Imtri, the I sti-felf tif thr 41.1, ra 410 1@, --mv @%t"ll .,i file muscirst arc depicted. S@ A. kAx)jlA to of At 6 &11ALLt,#4KA& JOYINAlt,81 CLAMPKAIM)l It 11 It it n It 1 -1,0 &N41I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 000 Vot fit 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 000 to 000 DUDKIR, H.s,; MTSTUAN, H.Ta. Quantitative detarmination of organic substAncee found in Black Sea seaweeds. Ukr.khtm.shur-17 no.2:217-223 151. OWA 9:9) I.Odaeskiy uchitallskiy institut. (Black seft-Algae) RUSTAMUVP I.G.; KERTIKOV, ih.N., red. (Vegetation of the Tashauz oasis] HastitellnoBtt Tashauz- skogo oazisa. Ashkhabad, Turkmenskii gos. univ., 1963. 66 p. (MIRA 18:3) RUSTAKW I.*G.; KERTIKOVA, Kh.l., red. a the-weatem. Uzboy.] Rastite3.'nost-.m, 7-hnfli.' -chasti- Zapadxiogo.Uzboia. A'Bhkhalhd, 1962. 160P. (Ashkhabad Turkmenskii gosudarstvennyi iiniVorsitat. Uchenye zapiski,,n4p..9: pt.4). (MM 16 t n) -Ca @) @j T U RUMANIA/ Microblology. Microorganisms Pathogenic F-5 to Humana and Animals Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 24266 Author : Keruntu, Tofan Inst : -fT6Y,-jki'v e'n'' -, * , , -- - " Title : New Concepts of Tetanus Treatment. Orig Pub: Med. interna, 1957, 9, No 4, 505-5111 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 @-=@UTSIF-E,-@&; RYABOVA, L-N.; SWHWV, B.A.; SEKRERSTOV, V.I. Effect of trieth&noLuLine and organic dyes on the sensitivity of ammonium chromate gelatin layers. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. I kin. 8 no-4:303-304 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy poligraficheskiy institut i Vaesoyuznyy nauchno- isoledovateliskiy kizofetoinetitut (NIKFI). (Photographic senoitometry) (Ethanol) KWALIDZK,@,'A.D.; POLITOV, A.K. Readers' letters. Unhah. rast. ot vred. i bol. 6 no.91llo 8 '61. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Starshiy agronom Rostoyakogo otryada po.borIve s vreditelyami i boleznyami rasteniy (for Kervalidze). 2. Gorodskaya sanitarno- epidemiologicheakaya staiataiya, Groznyy (for Politov). (Plants, Protection of) , /N AUTHOR FLYUTTO A.A.,XERVALIDZE D-W,,KVAhT5YJ1kVA I.F., Pq @-8-12126 TITLE A Spark Sou3Fc-C--6f-lFult-I-pT6----Charged Ions . t * (Iskrovoy istoohnik mnogozaryadn*kh ionov- Russian). PERIODICAL Atomnayi Energiyi,1957,Vol 8, Nr 3,pp 153-156 'ku.s.s.n.) ),BSTRACT By means of a spark source, which is described in detail, it is possible to obtain multiply charged ion fluxed of high intensity. a ordenser As acurrent io@rce for the formation of the apark 4 I was t l with 1o3 to o nFg 10-7o kVj average spark curren 0 -1 o used. Por sucking off the Ions oondensers with 1o4-1o6nF and 15- 7o W were used. The ions were analyzed by means of a Thompson pa- rabola - mass spectrograph. The following ion currents (not focussed) were obtained3 c+3,c+4,N+3,x+4,0+3,0+ lo to several loo m I N+5to+ loo,(uA to several m. k 0+6 -1 o oetA . Cu+6,CU+7,Ni+6,tti+7 Rlioo id. / By fitting a magnetic foouseing device focussed ion currents (30 kV suction voltage) were obtainedo H+1 10 M, A H+1 I M k ;4 6 m A C C+3 15 m A. Card 1/2 (3 illustrations and 3 Slavic references). SUBMITTED 29.12-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 FI,TTJ-,To, A.A.. IWVALI1)Z3, X.N.- KUMSKHAVA, I.F. A spark source of TIMIUDly-charged Iona, Atom. energ. 3 no-8:153- 156 Ag 137. (IfLRA 10-1) (Electric discharges through gaseb) (Ion beams) Xi A IT THOR') . " PON " PE'i CIDIGAL: l, S, '11i J1, A B wit'i. the ' % t e'-- In the nroue!'t lle:., c)I, I)` @l it@a a@ .1 L!)(Iuctioll pl.rlk.@h f'o" lleaftrl@, I te e rn C) n u ce a 0 - !.,,I! m t in I .0 L V2 @N .I- 0 i c:.'L' L I i (.Ion and ltnc@l!, r@7, n t i.,Ii Vr@om therw;_,t; 1 ,.i 1c, c)!,;i Id- t@;tr 1 and m n za dc I t 'I 0 aV C' N: 1) 0Vat u, L-_ z U:2 r,t Also ,, h e 1. n c j 0 les _)f tt)(JUC L 1011, 1. t_j C 11, U.3 ni, n 1 T lb@,tt,-3",y ot, (,apawP:cq%'- of' spoci.a.1 1 @2;_, tc, n - t"11"! s:1,3te"I tc) a C', 0 1 t al was 50 kv; m, @x ir, 1! - iil.-11:@! ()IC 1 - TT: t, Ion of d Isch;'! 1 nweep, 'J o I _pt6 ob@2,,_ I,,hfD Ful@je Co-,prei,,lor, of Pja--,m@-i I:-,: ,,droEen at, varlou@! res.3 -,l 3 P! - -J ,;c.--:e takeri. in'- PLI"Ital and ax1a;'I '"o the ,p ar a ', u o u r ber, ireopec!, I v e -)I r,@avallel to oh,-Ifn ,.--encral J u I n vIrl ridings , a u!itilorm ax I al miagno el d a I n the charriber. Th i s fleld val-Les .,li t: .: -a a 10 rl. 3 ,I I e c "a I e c t @e cis w'r t@ !",2 ti ckle - pe pen d le --i I a r f, o t. hte o e r, P- V e ,re-,@2 currents are op m3ed to Gr F T i I I n, - e " 1 e 1 (d 1 1 cle, I 1-ie D t t I --,,o,,) 1@; Vuom i-,,,.e vir;Llls of --2 c 1). afr. . z o - olni-O. rr,@@e eclul, b e @3- c b- trie equtllbrii.@m ot' 0 @.-j a e o t' "-@-drowen 17 @ 0 1 G 0 Card 0 So!T e tlall"rle I D of 3@,.!We 0: io C. r. I rl, c e o", _a Q 0 1 @-:3 t,(D 0 il 1) ji tl "ll 1 r"'ie or !-Pn o r pr [Of -,,j C, -2 b e C., s 0 l.." 0 p 1 o a r tl c T r e 3 0 o r: e rn F@ e 12 (2 Ll 04, p "0 u;@," 'au -:; e ol rr,w-ne, C, enve ope 0! - L@ c on uda m 0 or r triotabil Cal-d ii/ ex"@_zt.,Ilnc theor'ez- -,Ic, !,,o@ "rit.0 ae_ 'y Mor 'yn, AL, :51 ;RI7Tifi-:'P ne C C) ot I 115 yt Ulf'. llfll;l'(@py cit, p!IvIc r) r -Hydi-Odyn"11111c, ob,,;evverl rO Ow polne CompVcmmioll of' -.ov G, IV d accolint -t;li(, 1,11(" p1lich Z. lonn,lttoll. Aw,!y:'J.:, ol' pl ot'lln':1 undov collillAlcrin -,tmoni-, w 1 1,11 C .- 13 f ;1irl U 40 one. ctIf! olwevve shock ww'oo v(-Vlc(At@d f'vonn [1 41:.. t, 1, oil of l2w plilf-11 -, j c, c I'lotl 0!, 1) L-,,mo I Ot; . and P, t .7 1 ", t I pre:ient:j ow@ nt' 1"he m, \ I 1..ype tlli-- ALIthOU.'i 4--11.1 "n")LI1@1 'Po ejection of thi,- at, t,hc! )ti:@ llt-i- Crom I,he vc;zl, (ff t,h-@ o!)! Oide rield . Thl:i o(@@,-u v ,0; @,lh,:, i@ Y-It wti:*,(-, ot' j -) 1' 11c.l.netic, erwvi,:,v ( @ th- ext,"telice Ot, :III-11 ;I mit:-110.1c Cleld. Any m--yininctuy li) i-:-d!:t[ reopollothle for of, :"U(,Il -lnn iL I o i") u1) 1 1% 1 1A -,I,, U,@-, Ci @j b e 0 1 lxnkp i. I "D no "3r@t" 0 U i @.l Pt" 1) Ve C, 11 t@,ll T i 1@ -1 ail th@) ru n o t e I.A I z (3 i. 11 C, he Ll C OU, 1 d bC " W-) 'L,7r 2 110013 lfl,@ :.I ur. C) f, C- C I C' 1,-1 C 0 11 U 1"! 0' !'; a i, Itici-cLA:-te of' i I. s r a i r, a c, tI c) j ri 0 e th,il the heiitin:;, of 1:1v! ol, Une pf@c-- L; Lo,". Lit T, 0 C-P %,".2 0 c u on a v c LI: