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DO' r ( d Pg-4 TjP 'C
U ii/ 06 4 65 COO CCI/ W3 9 /0%
NIP,- A?5QIj262
LUTHDRt -Khabibuil-A.A. A-.
1--ation of the radnetion principle and tho rsecond mothod of Lyvvj)i-)v
equationa @n JL-mach spacen
!L9 KanWSR. Ttve.,stlyu. Sarlyu fizlko-mtematichesid-k-h nauk, no. 1, 1965.
P" i Sanach space, dif ferential aquatic n, stabi-lity
f r
author (4i;tablishee aruffici,,ant efrditirmq 0 -qtqbi-It7, asppto-tic
for-@ gtanility, inBtabll@ty tn,,g firE-7@ .@f
0 (t, y I
T F (1, Y)
i or nif f ic lentlv mmall values Of 1. [lore 9 iB a Bamoh spece wid for x, y
Cart' V2
A-C f; S& 3 105 HR: A.P5013262
viln 3r R, where R is a givan conotaat, t(t,x,-T) and F(t,x,.r) havG
17 Orig. &-t. haot 23 forvmlai,.
-Y SOVI 003 OTLMt 000
A critical case for differential equations in Banach spaces.
Izv. P11 Kazakh. SSR. Ser. fiz.-.rmt. nauk 3 no. 3:95-101
S-D 165* (IMMA 18:12)
. . I ; --@. -'@ 1@ @.; -@ @1 ..
zl: :, ;,-:?. - .: @ --
1;1 .: !-,@w '. @ - -- @--. . -
. I 11,1@-, -. - :1
AUTHOR: -Khabibullin, B.M.
TITLE: Inelastic Magnetic Scattering of Slow Neutrons on
Metallic Cerium
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye., 1960, voi,lo, No,6,
TEXT: Discussions of magnetic scattering of slow neutrons on
paramagnetics are usually limited to the elastic case (Ref.1,2).
Inelastic magnetic scattering is also possible-. it is accompanied
by transitions of the paramagnetic atoms between various Stark
levels in the crystal field, The present paper describes the use
of the Born approximation in calculation of the differential cross-
section for magnetic inelastic scattering of thermal neutrons on
close-packed metallic cerium. The cross-section is found to
within 0.1 millibarn. The inelastic cross-section is shown to be
of the same order as the cross-section for elastic scattering,
The angular dependence of the inelastic cross-section has the same
symmetry as the crystal field. The paper is entirely theoretical,
There are 5 referencesi all non-Soviet.
Card 1/2
Inelastic Magnetic Scattering of Slow Neutrons on Metallic Cerium V/
ASSOCIATION: Fizika-teklinichesk:Ly Inatitut
Kazanskogo fillala AN SSSR
(Physicotechnical Institute, Kazan Branch AS USSR)
SUBMITTED; June 27, 1960
Card 2/2
;41 9200 B006/BO63
'0?'# , /'019 0
AUTHOR: Khabibull-in, B. M.
TITLEi Inelastic Magnetic ac_&tt_ex_ILg of Slow Neutrons by Phonons
PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i Lreticheakoy fiziki, 196o,
Vol. 39, No. 400), pp. 1027-1030
TEM The present paper deals with inelastic magnetic scattering of
neutronsv which is due to dynamic processes caused by energy exchange
between spin systems and lattice vibrations. Thermal lattice vibrations
change the interaction energy between the atoms of the paramagnetic. These
perturbationB lead to transitions between the levels produced in the
electric field or in the magnetic field of the crystal generated by
exchange interactions. This, in turn, leads to absorption or emission of
phonons of corresponding energies. The various mechanisms of spin-lattice
coupling have been thoroughly studied in the theory of paramagnetic
relaxation in Refs.. 5-7. The author now considers the case in which the
spin system represents the totality of paramagnetic atoms in the electric
field of the crystal, The relationship between spin system and lattice is
Card 1/3
Inelastic Magnetic Scattering of S/056/60/039/004/024/048
Slow Neutrons by Phonons B006/BO63
accomplished by a modulation of the electric field by lattice vibrations,
Under the action of thermal vibrations the atom performs continuous non-
radiative transitions between the Stark levels. On transition from one
Stark level to another, the effective momont of the atom is changed. The
magnetic interaction between atom and neutron thus becomes an oscillating
quantity. Scattering is described by the relation (Ho + HL + Rdl@
where H. is the Hamiltonian describing the steady-state atom
and the free motion of the neutron; HL denotes the spin-lattice, and H.
the magnetic, interaction between atom and neutron. The following formula
is obtained for the inelastic magnetic scattering cross sectionj
q WE
(:@@2 215 _OA2 1A2 4
Po v7R4 ('6E +A(@)4 Iwo dLJS , where W.- toq=,W 'L S
the resonance frequency; V,,, is the density of oscillators having, the
frequency,w,; @(Jj - Wq) - fq is the amount of energy absorbed in two-
phonon scattering7 R denotes the interatomic distance; and v denotes
3 0 r,
Card 2/3
Nuclear magnetic resonance and structure of aqueous solutions of
electrolytes. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.10:2265-2274 0 161.
(MIRA 141ll)
1. Kazanskiy pedagogicheskiy Institut.
(Electrolyte solutions)
loo A
BA()2 a
1@011 13r,13. tel: t4,01% Of CT-
O@ a @.v
of uv@, 6-oc' '(10. VIN O.10t
w Lk 0
'atTj:w@ -!-- At O-ro", v, 0,00
6,1- 'rt-0-011 toAID 110
0T ISI Ij, 0
V&00 , @ @ CT C
61 Oats" @-o
'a-,e -C LI . 01a
COT of V, var"', lit
OT V),
Va -" kv
AUTHOR: Khabibullin, B. M.
TITLE: Effect of apin-phonon interaction on the ma6netic properties
of paramognetics J.I I
PERIODICAL: pizika tverdogo.tolq, V. 4, no. 3, 19U62, 801-805
TLXT-. Through virtual transitions, apin-phonon interaction may change the
energy of the eigenstatea of 'a system by an amount which in accond-order
per.turbation theoretical approximation is
V., (1) Vk", (1) v) a'. W alt 0) b b:;
AE= It
vilere the a's and b's are the production and annihilation operators of
ions and phonono, respectively. The change in energy of the i-th para-
ma,-,netic ion owing to emission and absorption of one virtual phonon is
which quantity iopendo on the number k of Stark levels, or on the
orientation of the magnetic moment of the ion. The exchanae of virtual
,two ions in a paramagnetic crystal is similar to the
phonons between
Card 1/2
-Phonon interaction on tile S/1191/62/004/003/034/045
BffnOt Of npin
lectron-olectron interaction'in a metal which at
The character Of opin low temperatures leads
to superconductivity
-phonon interaction depends
on the specific crystal structure and on tile state Of ions of the
Paramagnetic. Tile above change in energy is eatimated for the P-phase of
laetall@c Ce- At low temperat,irea, 6E.@_ -16601(
0 It in shown that in
crystals consisting Of ions With a dipole moment interaction of the
considered type leadstoacertain orientation of the electric dipole
moments. A. K. 140rocha'i, thanked for remarks
There are'9 references:
3 ';Oviet and 6 non-olO'viOt. The four most recent references to English-
language publications read as follows: Ko Sugihara. Journ. phys. Japan,
11, 1231, 1959; H. D. Muttuck, M. V1. Strandberg. Phys. Rev., j-12, 1204
1960; T. Murrao, T. Matsubara. Prog 13
Atoji. Ph7s. Rev., 121, 661; 1961., -Theor. Phys., 1-8, 215, 1957; Masao,
A"O'IATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut Kazan8kogo'filiala AN
(Phyoiooteohnical Institute Of the Kazan' Branch AS USSR)
SUBIAITTED: Decaluber 2;"'1961
Card 2/2
S/18 62/004/007/014/037
7f,ect 0, spin-spin interaction on ... B102YI3104
.)osition of the interacli-E Particles. Relevant special assumptions are
made and some formulas are stated, withoit derivation, which give the
shape and position of the energy spectrum for the scattered neutrons.
The shift of the scatterino curve is found to be of t@e same orde*r of
mkianitude as the shift caused by relaxation effects.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheokiy institut Kazanskogo filiala. AN SSSR
(Physics Institute of the Kazan!'Branch, AS USSR)
SU1.1ITTED, February 10, 1962
Card 2/2
Bill B104
AUTHOR: Khabibullin,_B. M-.'
TITL:@. Slow neutron scattering by the GPin system of a paramagnetic
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no- 7, 1962, 1977-1979
TEXT : The following Scattering mechanism is investigated V,'hen a neutron
otrikles the nucleus of a paramagnetic atom, the atom i
a shif ted from its
position of equilibrium, which results in a change of the inner crystalline
I This change of V
field Vkr acting on the electron cloud. kr causes in its
tiirn an atomic transition from one Stark level to another. This impact
proceso is described quantum-meohanically as a Collision of a neutron
;vith a nucleus, accompanied by the emission (absorption) of a virtual
Phonon which is absorbed (emitted) by a spin system. The scattering cross
.section is estimated for ouch of the impacts as give rise to a change in
the state of vibration nq and state of spin 0 of the paramagnetic ion-, on
emission of a y-quantum by an excited nucleus of a,paramagnotic.
Card 1/3
XiPL -I.
4Lr -z
Effect of spin-phonon interaction on the mapnetic properties of
paramagnetic substancls. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no-):801-805 '62.
(MIRA 15:4)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR.
(Paramagnetism) (Crystal lattices)
Effect of spin-pbonon interaction in a paramagnetic on the energy
distribution of scattered neutrons. Fiz. tver. tela 4 no.3:587-
593 162. (MIRA 15:4)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSH.
(Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Neutrons--Scattering)
Effect of spin-apin interaction on neutron scattering in a
paramagnetic. Fiz.tver.tela 4 nc).7:1826-1832 J1 062.
(MIFA 16 s6 )
1. Fizicheskly InstItut Kazanskneo filial% AN SSSR.
,Nuclear spin) (Neutrons--Scattering) (MaGnetic materials)
Slcw neutron scattering by the rspin system of a paramagnetic.
Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.7tl977-1979 J1 162. (KRA 16:6)
1. Kazanskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Neutroiii--S&tUbrIng) (Nuclear spin) (Magnetic materials)
A paramagnetic particle counter. Zhur. skep. i teor. fiz.
44 no.2t749-752 F 163. (KmA 16t7)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut Kazanskogo filiala AN SSSR.
1, j, P
1-verdago tela, V. 7, no. 5p 1965,
e n -
U@VFU.Lovua. Trli- qn! 1.11 i
crMER., 008
4 j
F-Frr" c ) /9
FI-4 IJP(c)
A KhabibIJ1,11n, B. M.
The effect of interaction through the phonon field on th,, fnfAnp!t-v r@f
resoneince abcorption
Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 7,
-,)as @he
161 ale's d (fit
Ci_j 1/2 -
ACCESS 1014 NR: APS017300
a ra t ance b,? t e n
',:17-inqkfv ff z,; 6.,- @ro,
'--pin-JaLtIce relaxation times in SDin isy-3to?ma c-,)n'L-%Jn0-np two
types of [mrnmagnetic ions. FIz. tver. teLR 7
28w 0 165. ISAW
1, Kazanskiy f!zi.ko--tekhnIchPskiy inqtlit@it 114
L 26637-66 E'.1T(1)/EzC(k)-2/T/r-VP(k) IJP(c) WGAT
ACC NR; AP5025360 SOURCE COM UR/0181/65/007/010/2894/2897
AUTHOR: Khabibulli@, B. H.-
ORG: Kazan Physical Engineering Xnatitute, AN SS R (Kazanskiy fizika-tekhniches.
kiy institut AN SSSR)
TITLE: On spin-lattice relaxation times in spin-system containing two types of
paramagnetic ions
Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10,1965, 2894-2897
TOPIC TAGS: spin lattice relaxation, paramagnetic ion, phonon, spin systems
corundum chromium, titaniump phonon interaction
ABSTRACT! The effect was investigated of the interaction by a field of phonons
between @aramagnetic ions of different types at spin-lattice relaxation times
being.observed when these times for ions of one'T type were much greater than
the corresponding times for Ions of another type Tl@, T11). In this case it was
indicated that when the values of Zeeman spallation in paramagnetic ions of ode
type or another coincide, the energy transfer process from one type of ion to
another caused by the named interaction, can be effective enough so that the
relaxation times observed for both spin-sy3tems might be determined by shorter
... . .Pard_1/2
ACC NR: AP5025360 0
times o 'f Til Calcualations were conducted for Tj+3 and Cr+3 ion mixtures,Ln
corundum at T 4.20K. Orig. art. has: 1 fig. and 3 equations.
SUB CODE: 20,,(y7 SUBH DATE: O8Mar65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF:' 007
Card 2/2
L 23863-66 FW T /T IJP(c)
-@@c 4-RsA-P6-0--1-3-46'-0-- SOURMCODES UR/0139/66/000/002/0088 /0091
AUTHOR: Kopvillem, U. Kh*j Khabibullin, Bo Ho 0
ORGt kazan PhyaLcotechnIcal Institute (KazaaskLy fiziko-tekhtitcheskly,
TITLEt Hagnetic neutron counter
SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 20 1966, 81-91
TOPIC TAGSi particle counter$ neutron countert magnetic neutron
ABSTRJkCT: Based on numerous studies of Cr+3 in A1203 as the active
medium of mesers and lasers, e magnet'Zc counter is proposed for
recording energy spectra of neutrons and other neutral elementary
particles, eog., neutrinos and antineutrinoa. Operation of the pro---Z,
posed counter is based on the conversion of the kinetic energy of a
particle flux into quanta bw2l - E2 -El of the potential energy of
magnetic particles of the medium in the inner field of the crystal and
on the subsequent count of spontaneously emitted photons of frequency
V21- General theoretical calculations show that by sufficient lowering
of the temperature# any degreb of sensitivity of the counter can be
achieved. Unlike some other similar elementary particle*counteres this[--P-
Card 1
T 91ghl 6
ACC NR: AP6013460
device will react to any Interaction capable of producing particle
transition between levels El and E2- Generally, such an Interaction
depends on the pulse direction of the Impinging particle and, conse-
quently, can serve as an Indicator of the direction of elementary
partLcle fluxes In space* In contrast to counters which utilize
nuclear reactions and require a very high Initial kinetic energy, this
device operates at an Initial energy >, E2.- El a 100K. External noise
has little effect on the operation of the device at high frequencLes..-,
(AE >, 100K). However, In the microwave and rf regions, the sensi-
tLvLty threshold of4,the counter is determined chiefly by this noise.
Both weak Interactions of elementary particles and neutrinos with
energies In the 0.025 ev-1 Mev range can be recorded, OrLge art* has:
8 formulas".. (JR)
SUB COM 20/ SUBM IDA TE i17Mar64/ ORIG REN 010/ OTH REFt Oll
L Card 2 2
ACC NR, AP7003537
AUZHOR: Garif Iyanov, N. S. ; nabibul -lin, B. M..-,; 10iarakhach'yan, E. G. ; Bezzubov, A-1
ORG: Kazan' Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Sciences S3SR (Kazanskiy fiziko-
tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR)
TITIE: Electron paramagnetic resonance in lithium containing impurities of group IIB
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teorcticheskoy fiziki. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu.
Prilozheniye, v- 5, no. 1, 1967, 24-25
TOPIC TAGS: lithium, electron paramagnetic resonance, spin orbit relaxation, spin
orbit interaction) conduction electron, epr spectrum, line width
ABSTRACT: To check whether the main mechanism of spin relaxation is spin-orbit inter
action of the conduction electrons with the impurity atoms, the authors investigated
the effect of small admixtures of Zn, Cd, and Eg on the EPR line width of Li. The
initial material was -59% pure LE-1 lithium (measured relaxation time T, = 9.4 x 10-9
sec). The alloy was prepared in an atmosphere of pure helium and dispersed by ultra-
sound in dehydrated paraffin to an average particle size < 8 P. The measurements wer
made at 9320 Niz and room temperature. it follows from the experimental data that th
peak line width 6H increases linearly with increasing c in the investigated concentra
tion interval. An estimate shows that the spin-orbit interaction of electrons with
the impurity atoms in the metal does not differ in order of magnitude from its value
ACC NR: AP7003537
for the free atom. Consequently, the expected effect of screening the spin-orbit in-
teraction by conduction electrons is nonexistent. The contrary is more likely, that
if the presented estimates are correct the redistribution of the electron density
ne4r the impurity atom leads to an antiscreening effect which apparently has a ten-
dency to grow with inc'reasing Z. The authors thank Professor B. M. Kozyrev for con-
tinuous interest in the work and valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 1 figurep 1 for-
mula, and 1 table.
suBcom 2o/ suBm DATE: 2ooct66/ 'oTH Ru: :oo4
kil Wi
i rv
LP)r@ti-y :,uv,;- J)-.' 1-
.. .. . .... ...
USSR Farm Animalu. Cattle Q-2
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12o62
Author Khabibullin Kh.
Title The Preservation and Shipment of Bull Semen at Low
Temperatures (Sokhraneniye I perevozka semeni bykov
pri nizkikh temperaturakh)
Orig Pub: Molochn. i myasnoye zhivotnovodstvo, 1957, No 5, 39-
Abstract: The technique of the short term preservation of bull
semen at the OOC. temperature, and that of the long
term preservation at low temperatures, is described.
The advantage of these methods over the techniques
used abroad is pointed out.
Card 1/1
Doc Biol Sci (diss) "Biological b8ses and methods of storing
the sperm of bulls and rama at low temperatures." Moscow, 1961.
25 pp; (Ministry of Agriculture RKFSR, Moscow Veterinary Academy);
180 copies; price not given; list of author's works on pp 24-25
(21 entries); (KL, 5-61 sup, 182)
6eing the gas-liquid chromfWgraphy method for studying the various
types of haphthalene. Koks i khim. no-3;44-47 165. (MIRA 16:3)
(Gas chromatography)
KM!I5ULI,1N) Nazin Khayrullovich; KILABI@ULLIN. hrsMd AkImadullovich;
-ved. red.; STAT'Ibs--'ItT-'@
GOMM, S.F., red.; ISAYE A, V.V@$
L.D., tekhn. red.
[Work organization in the construction of oil wells;
practicao of potroleum workers in tho Tatar A.S.S.It.] Orga-
nizatsiia proizvodstva pri -c,oruzh-)nii neftiarykh skvazhin;
opyt neftianikov Tatarskoi ASSR. Hloskva, Gostoptakhdzdpt,
1963. 75 P. (MLIA 17:1)
(Tatar A.S.S.R.-Oil well drilling-Management)
flow method for inveqt'LFat--*r!i, (.4-f
Neft. khon. 42 no.6:58-62 J,- t6-11.
ng w Lh waor fll;:Alln@ tc@ 6,ipth in
Rornanlikino oIJ fien Id. Durenli-- 164.
OKIlk 18: 5)
1. Kontora burt-nipa No,' tro.;@d
ura.--!ki.n,g residue as a d;@I@ressarit for gu6 turbinf@ fue-lo, K-itm.j.
tekh.topl. i imoel -'.r) nr;.).;21-23 Ja 165.
(MIRA 1814)
L 22M-66 aT(m)/T n
ACC NRi AP6012992 SOURCE CODE: UR/0065A5/000/001/0021/0023 I
AUMOR: Syunyayev, Z. I.; Rogacheva, 0. 1.; Khabibullin, R. R.
ORG: none
TITLE: Cracking-residue as a gas turbine fual_pour-point depressant
SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologlya topliv i masel, no. 1, 1965) 21-23
TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine. vanadium. petroleum unl. pour point depressant
A n3TRACT: Data Is presented on the effect of cracking-residue
constituents on the depressant effed't; of gas-turbine fuelkl[GTFI
and also on variation in content of-riechanical Impurities and
vanadium. Used as coking crude in unheated chambers to obtain
GTF was cracking-residue obtained In ther'mal cracking of 38-40%
residues of the mixture of sulfurous petroleum stock (Romashkinag
BavlIna, and Shkapova). It was shown that only asphaltenes have.
a depressant effect with respect to kerosene-gasoline coking
fractions, of all the components of oulfurous cracking-residue*'
Resins and oils In the pure form have no depressant properties
and reduce the effect of oraokine-reoldue asphaltenes If the asphal-
.tene'the GTF-exceeds 0.5%. ..When sulfurous craoking-
residue is'industrially us,-.d as a dej)rassant for kerosene-gaso-
line, it is recommended that the as haltene zontent ble brought to the maxamum
value which can be estimated from Ne residua density. Orig. art. has:
3 figures and 1 table. (JPRSJ
SUB CO : 21 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF., 008 @OTH REF: 001
Sard 171 ate - UD3: 665.521. 66.022.18 536.421.A
l'orfectoing laboratory Instrument-i. 7mHy MisWll' UP nc).6@
178-182 963. (MTRA 1.7t5)
KAIMYKOV, Bergey Some nov i ch; kandidat biologichookikh
nauk, redaktor; GUSIVA, N.P., . re.aaAA ZLOBIN. M.V., tekhnicheehy
[Wild fruits of western Tien Shan] Dikoraotushchie plodovye ispadnogo
Tian'-Shania. Pod red. Sh.A.Khabibullina. Alma-Ata, Kazakhokoe goo.
ird-vo, 1956. 39 P. (HLRA 10:1)
1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom plodovodstva Instituta semledeltya im.
V.P.Villyames Kazakhokogo filiala Veesoyuznoy Akademil sel'oko- nauk im. Lenina (for Khabibullin)
(Tien Shan--Fruit)
USSR/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. M
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 12, 3958, 53811
Author : Khabibullin, Sh.
Title : Some Problems in Increasint,;-Winter Resistance in Stone
Pruit Plants
OriC Pub : So kh. kazaldistana, 1957, Vo 5, 44-47
Abstract : The studies of the Institute of AGriculture shoved that
in the Ahn-Atinskaya Oblast the most favorable zone
for the cultivation of the stone fruit plants is situa-
ted at an altitude of 1200-1400 n above sea level where
hidi quality varieties of plums of the eastern European
and southern ori(An can ba guwn. The followinG plizi
varieties are Lmst resistant tuider the conditions of
the inter..iodiate zouo (800-1100 m above sea level):
Vanota) Yellow Khobty; the most resistant cherry varie-6,.-
ties are: Lubskaya, Lar(,e Shpanka, Ostheim Griot and
Card 1/2
4 0 0 0 6 0 0 e-
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# I
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no mob* daw asibb I" wavskma&& 5 AF-
OW T. KI A. USSR. 36 (No. 41
News Lreirr
in Aso
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JMVIWA (No. 47) (1"0) h AwAm
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UM/AstronmW - Galmudes Sep/Oct 49
Light Absorption
"Distribution of Stellar Density in the High
Galactic Latitudes," Sh. T. Khabullin, Astr Obs
Immini Engellgardt, 10 pp
"Astron Zhur" Vol XXV , No 5
Shows that there is a great increase in stellar
density toward the center but that in the opposite
direction, in the neigbborhood of our sun, density
decreases from the center toward the Galaxy's
periphery. In the cross section perpendicular to
the direction toward th@ galactic center, in the tvo
4m t
mm/Astronmw - Galaxies (Contd) SeP/Oct 49
opposite directions from the sun, there is an
identical distribution of.Stellar densities.
Ass s distribution of stars in directions
toward galactic poles is a result of the sun's
position between twv arms of the Galaxy's spiral-
1-.k ili-&Tj
USSR/Astronomy - Absorption of Light Mar/Apr 50
"Fluctuation In the Numbers of Stars'Reduced to the
Galactic Pole and the Interstellar Absorption of
Light," Sh. T. Khabibullin, Astr Obs imeni Engellgart,
5 pp
"Astr Zhur" Vol XXVII, No 2
Analyzes fluctuation in function Ngoo(m), which des-
ignates number of stars up to given stellar magnitude
m in direction of Galactic pole (900), in connection
with Galactic absorption of Light.
@1' ';!WY
Orienting the fiuld of vision of a cooloRtat with an auxiliury mirror und
determining the placement of itn axis. Uch.zap.Kazan.un. 112 no.1:49-55
'52. (In-RA 6:6)
1. Astronomicheskaya- obeervatoriya iment V.P. Zingellgardta pri Kazaaakom
goexidarstvannow universitete imeni V.I. Ullyanova-Lanina. (Goelostat)
Observations of lunar occultations of stars at the Engellgardt Astronomical Observatory
in 1952. Astron.tsir. No. 132, 1952.
501 Mont List of Russian Accessions) Library of Congress., June 1953, Uncl.
@ I.,
Observations of occultations of stars at the Ingellg&rdt Astrono-
mical Observatory in 1952-193). Astron.tsir. no.142:10-11 S 133.
k (MLRA 7:7)
1 @@@
AM."i 71 i i ". 711 1; 7,H
AID - P-235
Subject USSR/Astronomy
Card 1/2
Author Khabibullin, Sh. T.
Title On a Simple Modifibation of the Process of Treating the
Observations of the Physical Libration of the Moon
Periodical Astron. zhur., v. 31, 2, 171-177, Mr - Ap 1954
The determination of unknown constants of the physical
libration of the moon, observed by Bessel's method, can
be done even with a considerable error made In locating
the zero point of the measured position angles. Such a
possibility appears when the treatment of observations is
made in polar coordinates. In previous methods the treat-
-ment was made in rectangular coordinates, which are not
independent values, because during the observations an
independent measurement of the polar coordinates is
being made. The author bases his paper on heliometric
observations of A. A. Nefed'yev (Kazan University), on
the works of Prof. A. A. Yakovkin, whom the Paris Con-
Astron. zhur v. 31, 2, 171-177,
Mr - Ap 1954: (additional card)
AID - P-235
Card 2/2
ference asked to hasten the results of his study of the
figure and physical libration of the moorP; K. Kozlyel,
and others. The author suggests a photographic method
and states that then an error even of 10 In the location
of the zero point Is small In comparison with the
determination of distances. Formulae. Six references
(after 1949) of which 4 are Russian.
Institution : Astron. Observ. Im. Engellgardt
Submitted : December 16, 1952
- - , , @,.
Deterlmr-ning the parameter 7 of the moon's physieal libration.
Biul. Inst. teor. astron. 6 no.4:255-267 '55.
(MIRA 130)
Analysis of star counts in the dark nebulas using X.B.
Ogorodnikov's method. Uch,zaporaz*une 116 no.1:69-92
'55. (MMA 10':5)
l.Kafedra astronomii,
(Nablulae) (Ogorodnikov, K.E.)
Observations of Abell's comet (1953g) and Schwassmann-Wachmann's
(1954g) at the Enge3lgardt Observatory.
Je,55. (MLRA 8:12)
1. Astronomicheekaya observatoriya imani Engellgardta
Observations of Bal-liarevis comet (1955f) at the Engel'gardt
Astronomical Observatory. AstronItair. no.162:3-4 Ag 155.
(KI.RA 9:5)
1. Astrnomicheakaya observatoriya imeal Ingel'gardta.
W.BIOLLINt Sh. T. : "The physical libration of the moon 9. ( Investi-
gation of the physcial libration of the moon using the photographic method,
and a derivation of the parameter t fr= the Kazan' heliometric observations)." Acad
Sci USSR. Main Astronomical Obser;atory. Leningrad, 1956. (Disseration
for the degx:e-e of Doctor in Pbysicomathematical Sciences@
So: Krdzhnoya Letopis', No 36, 1956. Moscow.
4_1W 5@
Analysis of visual and photographic star counts
Ahe nebula"North America*. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 116
1. Kafedra astronomii.
in the direction of
no-5:63-68 '56,
(MLRA 10:4)
Observation of Schwassmana-Vachmaim's csmet 2(1954g) at the Sagellgardt
Observator7. Astron.fjir. no.167:3 7 156. (KUU 9:9)
I.AstronemicheAcaya observatorlye. Imeni lagallgardta.
(Comets, Schwaosmann-Vachmann's (1948 TII))
Determining the coordinates of sites.on the moon. Uch. zap. kaz. un.
117 no.9:174-176 -'57. (MIRA 13:1)
l.Kazanaki.v gosudaretyanVy universitstAm. V.I. Ullyanova-Lanina.
Astronomicheakaqa observatorlya im. Ingellgardta.
Observntions of Arend-Roland's comet (1956 h) nt the Zngellgnrdt
Obaervatory. Astron.teir. no.184;6 5 157. (MIRA 11:4)
1. AntronomichaskAya observAtoriyA im. EngellgArdta.
YdIABIBULLIII, Shaukat Tainovich (Kazan, State Univ) awarded sci degree
of Doc Physico-Math Soi for the 21 Jun 57 defense of dissertation:
"Physical libration of Moon 9 (research on the physical libration of
the Moon by photographic methods and deduction of parameter f from
Kazan' heliometric observations" at the Council, Main Astron Observa-
tory, AS, USSR; Prot No 11, 10 May 58.
(BMVOI 10-58121)
NOTE: (1) parentheses not closed in title in original; (2) it is not
quite certain that the symbol in the original is intended to
represent the letter f.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 9, P 15 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Khablbullin, Sh.T., Shakirov, K.3.
TITLE: Observations of the Mrkos 1957d Comet at the Astronomical Observatory
Imeni Ehgel'-gardt - _0
PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1958, July 3, Nr 193, pp 4 - 5
ABSTRACT- Thirty-two positions of thecomet are given, determined from the photo-
graphs obtained by the Ya-2@1'camiera (D - 20 cm; F - 100 cm) during August
to September of 1957. The photographs were measured on the KIM-3 apparatus,
the measurements were processed by Terner's method,
Card 1/1
30) SOV/33-35-4-21/25
AUTHORt Khabibullin, Sh.T.
TITLEs On a Unique Solution for the Value of the f Parameter of the
Physical Libration of the Ifoon (Ob odnoznachnom reshenii para-
metra f fizicheskoy librateii luny)
PERIODICALt Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1958, Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 669-671(USSR)
ABSTRACTt The author presents the results of an investigation of the
annual wave a 3 sin g' in the forced libration of the moon in
longitude. The amplitude a 3 can be calculated for a value
< 0.662 of the parameter f from observations carried out in
Kazan@ and Dorpat. The results are compared with those of
other authors. There are 2 tables, and 5 references, 3 of
which are Soviet, 1 Austrian, and 1 English.
ASSOCIATIONtAstronomicheskaya observatoriya im. V.P,Engellgardta (Astrono-
mical Observatory imeni V.P.Engellgardt)
SUBMITTEN May 24, 1957
Card 1/1
Ip 1
--Hig E@
Ag.- @
13'a ts 11 c Z
t107-i 01' t',.':'
71 c`
t 1:latlon o' t@,,- -I.-
it t the A_@ t n rl
X@@IPbIWI-Z-IAI @56. 7-
Vseioyuznaya astrc..,-3tr1chcz:aya 'rcafc.-cnttAya.
Trudy 14-y A:-,trc@-,z;trIc1,ca,:oy ku-ifcx,@-ntoii r-Ty-, 19@j5 g.
(Tranancticnn or the 11;th cZ' the 2eld in Viyev
xny 1953) C 19@0. N-tG 3. =.-."ta Glip inGerted.
1000 cc;:,ica rrintecl.
S;zn-.oring A,,-
cncy: Akcelc-miya nauk Glr-,ro--ya a:;trcnc--icheo-.-,ya cbGcrratorlya
Res?. Ed.: 14. S. Zv-rev, Corr,,zr-cnelln, of Scicncea U--3R; Ed. of
PublIshing Houze: 11. K. Zay,@Llllc; Toch. I;d#: R. A. Z@-:@va.
FURnaE: Thc boo., Is Intendcd for nztronc=c--j and cztror,;7hyoicicts, ;articulrrly
those Interested in =trcmct--Ical r,@zunrc.a.
This publication ;rczentc the Trar=-.ctionr3 of the 14th Aztr=trical
Ccrferencc of the USS-11) hold in Kly;@v 27-@() *:%y 1958. It includen 27 =:@orts
and 55 scientific pa?zra presentcgi at tLc =cating of the Cc--fc---,-nce
Tranractione of the 14th Astrometrical (Cont.) B91/5721
and at the opecial sectional meetings. An contains the resolutions
ado;pfed by the Conference, the COCIP03itiOn Of tile W=,itttes, the agenda, and
th,@ list of :m%rticirants at the Conference. A brief ai=arr in English is
given ftt the and of each article. Referewes follaw individual articles.
Thr Pr,!,j;idi= of the Astrometrical Cc=ltt,,e (CMITM&n 'As Be Zverev), vhich
otiperviced the preparation of "As publ1cetion, expresises thanks to the
m-zbera of the secretariat.- V. M. Vasillyev, 1. 0. Kollchinokly, A. B. One-
girA, And Kh. 1. Potteir.
Adilrmsa by A. A. Mikhaylaq, Chairman of the Artronomical. Council the
Ac&demy of Sciences USSR
Trameactions of the 14th Astrametrical (Cont.) SOY/5721
of the Moon Made at Pulkovo With a Markovitz Camera 385
Khabibullin., Sh. T. One Method for the Redaction of Photographs
f@_@0=06Utained With a Markovitz Camera 395
Ao A., and A. A. Gorynya. The Red-action of Lunar Obser-
vationB to the Baricentric Sphere 398
Go-_jnya, A. A., and V. K. Drofa. Elevations of the Moon's Limb
Determined Frm Photographic Observations 404
Ga-rilov, I. V. The Asymmetry of the Lunar Disk Frcm Photographic
Ult-servatione 409
Rhabibullin, Sh, T. Derivation of Constants of the Physical
Libration of the Moon From Hartvigta Heliometric Observations
at Tartu (Dprpat), According to Koziel's Reduction Data 413
Clard 15/16
,,X@abibx@j in, 81j.. T.
TITLE: Deduction of lunar physical libration const4nts from Gartvig's
heliometric observations at Tartu (Derpt) processed by K. Koziel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, AstronorriYa i Geodeziya, no. 8, 1962, 13,
abstract 8A115 ("Tr. Gorodsk. astron. observ. Kazansk.'un-ta@',
1961, no. 33, 1 - 16, English summary)
TEXT: In 1910, Koziel determined the constants of physical libration of the
Moon using Gartvig's observations performed in 1884 - 1885 at Tartu. Koziel used
the least-square method to determine corrections to the following six unknowns;
three coordinates of crater Moesting A, inclination of the lunar equator, mean
visible radius of the Moon, and parameter f. However, as the function V(f), ex-
pressing physical libration in longitude, is discontinuous, the problem is nece3-
sarily led to two solutions. To eliminate this drawback, it is proposed to deter-
mine by the least-square method corrections to the other system of unknowns, and
to introduce, instead of parameter f, the correction to the amplitude of the max-
imum phygical libration wave a 3' This method yields a un.ique solution. The value
Card 1/2
AUTHOR: 1(habibullin, YzL.M.,. Senior Engineer soYI92-%-6-9130
TITLE: a Thousand Yeters To Be Drilled In a Year (7A lo tys. m. godovoy
PERIODICAL: Neftymaik, 1958._7,Nr 6, pp 11-13 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author states that the structural drilling crew headed by A.I.
Cheplanov managed to win the socialist drilling competition test of the Bashkir
Republic in 1957. This crew drilled 9,090 m. at an average speed of 757 m-
per rig per month, and thus completed its annual assigameant and exceeded it by
85.5 percent. This was achieved in spite of adverse drilling conditions, and
it was largely due to the strenuous efforts of drillers, the coordination of
their work, and the application of advanced drilling methods. The SB-1-900
rig and the U-GR mud pump, driven by the 54 hp. diesel motor were used by
the above-mentioned crew. The upper Quaternary and Tertiary beds were perfor-
ated by No. 8 bits. Thereafter, large cutter bits No. 6 were used to perforate
hard rocks of the Kimgur stage. 2-7/8 inch pipes were used with the No. 6 bits
forming a collar 150 m. long. The 15 m. pipe strings consisted of 6 m. and 3 m.
pipes. Pbr perforation of hard rocks th-. weight on the bit was brought to
2.5 - 3 tons. To shut off caving formations or any sections that had to be pro-
tected, the intermediate directional control 4-in. casing was sunk into the well.
Card 1/2
Ten Thousand Yeters 7b Be Drilled (Cont.) sov/92-58-6-9/3o
The drilling crew used a limited number of casing pipes. The column was lifted by
a rig hoist, but in certain cases a hydraulic lifting Jack was used likewise. One
set of casing pipes sufficed to drill B-10 bore holes. At a certain depth water was
used as drilling fluid instead of mud, the consumption of which was minimized.
For the purpose of economy a part of drilling mud was put into drums and trans-
ported to another drilling site. Assembling and dismantling operations took
much less time than usually. The crew, whose work is described, undertook an
obligation to drill 10,000 m. in 1958. The footage drilled by this crew in January
and 11--bruary 1958 twice exceeded the footage of the corresponding period in 1957.
Therefore, there is good reason to expect that in 1958 the drilling crew in question
will be able to break the 1957 record. In order to increase the drilling speed
the geological and prospecting office may replace the DT-54 diesel motor by the KDM-46
90 hp. diesel motor and install two 11-GH inud pumps at each rig. All these measures
and the use of heavier pipes with bits of a smaller diameter will make it possible
to raise the drilling rate.
ASSOCIATION: Birskaya geologo-poiakovayn kontora (The Birsk Geological and
Prospecting Office)
1. Drilling machines-Perfarmance 2. Personne3,Performance
Card 2/2
M IBULLIN, Ya.M., starshiy inzh. po bureniyu
Drilling slim test holes with coring. Neftianik 7 no.2s6-8 F 162.
(MM l5t2)
I.; Birskaya geologopoiskovaya Icontora tresta Bashvostoknefterazvedka.
(Core drilling)
(Eleastic p-p Bcattering at an energy of 2.8 Bev] Uprugoe rus-
seianie protona na protone pri energii 2,8 Bev. Dubna, ObIledinen-
nyi institut iaderrjykh isaledovanli, 1961. :11 P& (MIRA 14--l-1)
1. Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut All Uzbekskoy SSR (for Aziroi,
Elastic proton-proton scattering at 2.8 Bev.[with su=at7 in
English). Zhur. eksp. i teor. fIz. 42 no.2:431-434 F 162.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadermykh issledovaniy i Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy
institut AN Uzbekskoy SIC-
S/056/62/042/002/020/05 5
B I 08/B 104
AUTHORS. Azimov. S. A., To Ying Hsiehbj Kirillcva., L, F@
F.. M, , Tsyi@anov -, E. N. , Shaf rarova. M - G.
Shakhbazyan, R. A., Yuldashev, A,. A.
TI'ILE: Elastic proton-proton scattering at 2.@3 Bev
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretiche3koy f@z-,k@, v, 42
no.. 2, 1962, 430 - 434
TEXT: Elastic scattering of 2.8-Bev protons from the OlYal (jec, Association
entry) proton synchrotron from protons was studied with th-@, --,i-d 01' 400@A
thick HHOW -6txkN!KF1-BR) photoemulsions. 492 elastic scattering even-4,s
were recorded. The differential cross section for elastic scat:ering in :he
range between 2.5 and 20,50 was 10 - 10.2 mb. The experimer tal data dc
agree with the assumption on small spin intera,-ticn and real part o-f
the ohase shifts. It- vas assumed that the singlet and the tripl-t rluclear
force octent-iRls are different: V -(u -4- j,.,),-rr-, V, ;. el_ . Th,:
calculations made with both the If, matri:c and the optical mcdo.1 ccri3iderin@.;
Card 1/2
Elastic proton-proton scattering... BIOS/B104
Coulomt interaction ihowed that different tcjtaL c@rnoo ha7e, t@l
allowed for in th,, singlet @ind triplet 11taten, Th.* @ 1!1(dri p,,,o*rn
Protcn interaction rndius is 1.06 4 c.,.0 f, K