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- I -- - I QU-23-67 EWT d)LE@U(M)IEI ;1Vp(w),/EV1P(t)LETI JjP (c) jD/EM JkZC NR.- - AP6024389 SOURCE CODE: 1R/0424A6/boo/bo2/oo44/oo53 AUTIJORs; (Yerevan); n!qch-a-LrVan, A. A. (Yerevan) ORG: 1aajjtUt9_Qf &tLjQXMt nq @Iecb mOkhaniki AN Armyanskoy SSR) _-1L --qncsj-M-Amm!q-n- M- (Institut matematiki J TITT1Y,: Basic equations of the t)leory-of ela @Z for materials resisting both extension and compression a,- @ --Is t LC-i /< --iq SOURCE: Inzhonornyy zhurnal. Mckhanfka tverdogo tela, no. 2, 1966, 44-53 TOPIC TIM: olnqtic theory, Hookos Law, stross analyalso riatorial d0folmiatIon, material strength ABSTRACT: An attempt is macle to derive tho blsic cquations and relationships of Lho theory Of elasticity for materials resisting, both extonsion and Compression. It In noted that the modulus Of Oln3ticity may differ for the sEvne material In cumpression and in tension and that tho Poisson coefficients for oacil case nmy also differ, A Cartesian coordinate systen in used to state the problem. For e-winple, the stress equilibrium condition is given as Card ACC NRt 0jr.X -P :+ rX:. rIir0 + + T!/-,.z + y + T", + Z AP6024189 and X, Y, Z are global force @11 are nolmal and tangential strossesp ition of e remaining tation of those equilibrium conditions allows th where C-i, -ik given in defin components. CYC"c Pormu ... Additional equations arO lysis of 0 written in @ Law is applied to tile ana conditions to b relationships* jjooke'@Ont is studied for the case of com- deformation and geometric n of the elem Deflections are analyzed element, and the doforvatiO naile tertiary stress~ e derivedv and the a volume s and for tO LamS equations ar pressi incipal stresGO systom. The inuitY leading epr ed coordinate n of the strain cont is found* eronco to a rotat from consideratio in rOfV iodulus ons stems sion for the shear r art4 solution for these equati aytic expres r in +,Orsiono Orig nships. An an hollow cylinde to the 3eltram relatiO The analysis is also extended to the case of a has: 65 equations and 2 figures- ogD,..65/ ORIG REF1 '4 SUB CoMs 3.3-1 12p 20/ SUBM DAIS: Z/Z 4-@---@ ACC NRs SUB CODE: AP7002693 im- given in another form *by using the Green and Castigliano formulas. I 't is also indicated how it is possible to prove the validity of the . Clapeyron theorem, the Lagrange and Castigliano equations in variations for the discussed "bi-modular" materials.. Orig. art. has: 29 formu- 20/ SUBM DATE: 27jun66/ oRio RF.P: 004/ 1) C r; co o.3 13 o 1-)",-137 N 16.3 1;3, 1 nalc,@i prof. f:@ tuft. KIIACIIATRYPII, A.A., kand. med. nauk So-called pricholedochal lymphadenitis. Azerb. med. zhur. 41 no.207-42 F 164 (MIIRA 18:1) 1. Iz kafedry gospitaltnoy khirurgii (zav. - chlen-korrespandent AN Armyanskoy SSR, zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. I. Kh. Gevorkyan) Yerevanskogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - dotsf--.t B.S. Ogmiesyan). KHACHATRUN, A. B. 272Y'. KH.;.ChAf.,.YA!1-, A. B. Infekt9lunnyy ostry-i Gevatit kozlyat. Veterin Ariya, 1A), lio. ;@, S. @5-54. 30: Letopls' Zhurnal'nykh statey, Val. .76, 1949 Tranalation "Infections Acute H"titis of loung Goata," Armenian Sci. Rea* Vet. Inst. USSR/Diseases of Farm Animals. Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Fungi R-1 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958P No 31065 Author : Ayrapetyan, V.01, Khachatryan A.e - Inst : - Title On the Diagnosis of Experimental Tularemia of Sheep Intra Vitam, @3 Orig Pub Veterinariya, 1956,,,No 11, 34-38 Abstract Experiments showed that the mechanical application of the methods of intravital diagnosis of tularemia in man, to farm animals, is unfounded. The agglutination titer of the sheep serum increased sharply during the first days fallowing in- fection with tularemia, and attained up to 1;1,600 ellminst- tion of the bacteria of tularemia (BT) from the organism of sheep,the agglutination titer of serum decreases, beginning with l5th-30th day following the infection. The titer over 1* 200 with admultaneous rapid onset (0-5 min.) 'of blood-drop agglutination reaction points out the presence of BT in the organism. The combination of both techniques for effecting Card 112 a@a USSR/Diso@@ses of Fari,,i iinirn,-11s, R-1 by Virusus al'16 Rickuttsiac- Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Biol.j No 207 195(C', c,,2699 %.ut-hor Ayraputyan, V. I ns t Arricnian SciQ11tific Rosoarch Institut," for Anioal Husbandry and VQtorinary Scicnco- Titlo concontrated Erythrocyte-Glycorin Vaccine for IntrRcutanuous Vaccination of SI-Illnc@ Against PlaguO. Orig Pub : Byul. niuchno-tclchn. inforn. !-@.rn. n.-i- in-ta zhivotnovodstva J vot,,.;rinariij 19577 No 17 52-56 Abstract : Th(. vaccinu is pruparod froni tho blood cry- throcytos of rLnimals having plaguc. vithout at c proliminary lysiS in distilled vi, r. Thu Card 1/3 14 YFPI" A Sac rulAte 11palth Feb 59 17 Vol 5P 427. DURATION OF PRESERVATION OF INFECTIVE AGENT OF TULARAEMIA IN FROZEN CARCASSES (Russian lext) - Alrapetyan V G.. ' K Vhn tkA turyan A_,_IL- and Pogosyan A. A. Erevan - ZILMIKAOB E15 . I INTNTUNO1310L. 1957, 6 (21-25) Tables 2 Shrep were Infected a. c. with Bact. tularense. Twelve hours after injection the lemperiture rose to 42*C. ; on the 2nd-3rd day the snperficial lymph nodes enl2rg- ed. On the 10th day the symptoms disappeared. Sheep were destroyed on the 7th. l2th, l3th, 30th day and 2, 3. 4 and 5 months after infection and blood, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lung, kidney. muscle and skin were injected s.c, intowhite mice. Every carcass was separately preset"ied In a cold storage. Once In 15 (lays samples were taken from carcasses and injected Into mice, It was established that- on the 7th day after infection nearly all organs of t" sheep were infectious, but aubsequently the bacteria disappeared. In the frozen carcasses Bact. tularense were found in muscles for 60-75 days, in the organs up to 120 days and In the skin for 15 days. Chakhava - Moscow (IV, 17) AYRAnTYAN, V.G.; KHACHATFLYAN B Spreading of the tularemia microbe in the organism of the sheep. Izv. AN Arm. BSR. Biol. i sellkhoz, nauki 10 no.10:99-102 0 157. (MIRA 10t12) 1. Institut zhivotnovodstva i veterinirii Ministeretva sel'skogo khozyayetTa ArmSSR. (Sheep-Diaeases and pests) (Tularemia) ,sYil@,-ATYAY, V.G., KHAGHATIJi@19', A.B.; ?(XA)SYAII. A.A. Prolon urellti tularensis in frozou r--arcass. Zhur -m1krobiolople . i i wun. 28 no.6:21-25 J0, '5 '1 - (XIRA 10'10) 1. Iz Armyanskogo ra-,-::~:ao-isel.odovateillskogo veto rin!f rr,o- P,) in.ytitilts. OKSTEUMIL";i TUIA:i:JN1S. survival in frozen mnat (Rua)) @MMT, microhLolopy, Pasteurelln tularencis. survival after freezit-V (Rjs)@ AMWETYANq V.G.j 4aUM194RHp A.B-,- Susceptibility of baby rt@bits to the virus of swine plague. Vop. virus 5 no.4i484,481 Je-Ag .160, (MIRA l4a) 1. Armyanskiy naue'hno-ioaledo4atel'skiy institut, zhivotnovodstva i veterinarlip Yerevane (SWINE PIAGUE) AYRAPETYAN, V.G., doktor vetporinarnykh nmuk;___~,IIACHATFiYANy--A-,Ri-ktind.- vetnrinarnykh nauk, MA'MIROSYAN, G.G., starshiy lebornnt Studying virus vaccine against chicken cholera from Bl strain for mass immunization of chicken. Trudy Arm. nauch.-issl. inst.- zhiv. i vet. 4%239-245 160. 01IRA 15:5) (Chicken cholera) (Immunity) AYRAPE'rYAN, V.G., prof.; KHACHATRYAN, A.B., kand. veterin. nauk; WtA%MN., G.K. Characteristics of the virus of hoig cholera grown In tissue cultures. Veterinariia 40 no.10:29-30 0163. 041RA 17:5) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut zhivotnovodstva I veterinarii. 541' ARAFETY1,14, V.'j.; EIIACHATRYAN., A.B., A.A. B-@ological properties ef soaf., viruaes cultivated in t-asue culwre. fzv. AN Arm. SSR. B---ol. nj!xuki 1? no.5%139-50 Pq 164. MMA 17-9) KRACHATRYAN, A.B.; POGOSYAN, A.A.1 MARTIROSYAN, G.G. Irounobiological chaiacteriatics of the virus of N'evcast-1,3 disease grown in tioaue culture. Veterinariia-41 no-4:25-27 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhivotnovodstva i veterinarii. MiCILIT21',"', A. G. StriVerviravlyaywhchip sistemy (Flow regulator 3y-;tjITM, @,,) V. A. Shamyan i :1. G. Khachatryan. Mos)-va, Sellkhozgiz, 127 p. ill-us., diw-rs., tables. 1953. SO: N/5 623-321 .35 'IP KIIACHATRYAN, Aram Gevorkovich Dissertntion: Regular pattern of alluvial movement and methods Of d,@,q:Yqnirjg *. sattling tanks for irrigati6h systems Daurre@.,: Affili,-,.tion: Dof,:;nsa Diito, Plnco, Cortification Dato: Sourco: Doc Tech Q.cI fn-ot indicatcq7 13 Dee 55, Council of the Sci Res Inst of Hydra-ulic Engineuring and Improvoment 26 May 56 BMVO 4/57 G. Dur.- Eni7. "Carrying P(Y,;er of a Flcm and the Uynamics of Silt @@edirrenfatlon in a Settling Basin) ti papei- prPsented at the Third Tntornational Congress on IrrILT,.atIon and Drainagg, San Francisco, 29 Apr-4 May 1957 G-3)8OOjO2O UIACHATRYAN, Aram Gavorkovich, doktor toklin.nauk; WILOVA, V.P.p rod*; PEV"ZIM, G.I.,; ZUBRILINA. Z.P., [Sedimentation tanks in irrigation systems) Otatoiniki na orositell- njvkh aistemakh. Houkva, Goa. izd-vo nellkhos. lit-r7, 1957. 341 P- (Sedimentation and dopoettion) (MIRA 11:4) (Irrigation canals and flumes) MCHATHrAll, A.G., doktor tekhnonauk capacity of streams and eedimentat Ion dynamics of settling tanks. Trudy VNIIGiM 323141-152 159, (MIRL 13:8) (Irrigation canals and flumes) KHACHATRYAN A G,,, doktor tekhn.nauk; ABALIYANTS, S.Kh., prof. (g.Tashkent); Ch.G., inzh. (g.Baku) Calculating the sedimentation in irrigation settling basins; concerning F.Sh.Mukhamedzhanov's article. Gidr. i mel. 16 no.3t57-62 Mr 164. (MIRA 170.4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellskiy institut gidrotekhniki i meliorataii im. Kostyakova (for Khachatryan). GABRIYELYAN, G.K.; KBACHATRYANg A.Ga Showers in the Ararat Plain as a factor in the formation of mudflowe. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Nauki o zem. 7 no.105-40 164. (MIRA l7t6) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudaratvennyy univeraitet i Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy aluzhby prI Sovete Ydnistrov Arqranakoy 53R. 27 0-66 EWP(k)/EVfT(M)/T/EWP(O)/EWP(w)/EIVP(t)/ETI IJP(c) JD. a_ XC NR- AP-6005800 SOURCE CODE: UR/0137/65/000/010/6036/6036 3 2- AUTHOR: Khachatryan, A. 0. TITLE: Produc:ti n methods and phyq:Ldal and mechanical properties of copper powder SOURCI: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya,, Abs,, IOG254 W SOURCE: Sbe Poroshk. metallurgiya i metalloobrabotka. Yerevan, 1965, 154-163 TOPIC TAGS: metal powder, copper,, copper powder, powder metal production, powder metal property ABSTRACT: Characteristics are. given of the basic industrial methods for obtaining Cu powders (grinding in vortex mills, pulveri- zation, reduction of oxides, electrolysis, and hydrogen reduction of ammonia solutions). Physical and chemical properties of Cu powders, technological processes for obtaining the productsj and certain of their properties are briefly described. Bibliography of 8 titles. A. Epik. [Translation of abstract) (NT] SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: none/ __MV,-66q.3-4q2:6-.2i, 62 7'm m KHACHATRYAN, A. L. Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Use of calcium fertilizers in vineyards of the Araratskaya Plain." Yerevang 1961. 23 Pp; (Committee of the Council of Ministers Armenian SSR for Higher and Second- ary Specialist Education, Armenian Agr Inst); 150 copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of text (10 entries); (KLI 7-61 sup, 253) GAKBARYAN,, G.S.S, kand.oallskokhoz.nauk; KRACHATRYAN, A.L. nauchnyy sotrudnik Paso - -ii;7m;A Foliar nutrition and grapevine diseases. Zhashch.rast.ot vred. i bol. 4 no.4s28 Jl-Ag 959. (MIRA .16:5) (AmenleArapasZisease and eat reaistance) (Plants-Nutrition3 IF IT -A mlRld%m*tEbzmP@=A I ma@ UA KRACHATRYO., A.L..; KHIZANTSYAN, S.M. Effect of potash fertilizers on the quality of raisins. Kons. i ov.prom. 18 no.9t22-23 S 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovat.31'3kiy Institnt vinogradarstva, vinodeliya i plodovodstva. (Raisins) (Grapes--Fertilizers and manures) "7777777 777777-7- KHACHA7RYANY A.L.; AZIZYAN, L.G. Effect of potassium fortilizars on the crop, quality and keeping quality of grapes. Kona. i ov-prom. 19 no.1:29-31 A 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Armyanskiy nauchno-issledovatellpkiy institut vinogradarstImo',vi- nodeliya i plodovodstva. KHACPATRYAN, A. M. 34204. Zubovrachevanlye v Anteni! po Amirdovlatu. Lxv Y..J fryly sektora istorli arm. meditsiny i biolo,di (Akad. nauk Am SSR), *.'o. 2. 1949, s- 393-200.-- b arm* yazo-Rezyme no ruso yn,,.* S S 0: KnIzImaya Letopis' No. 6, 1955 YEFIMOV, P.L.; MIACWRYAN. A-14- Accuracy of determining the direction and velocity of winds at different altitudes by the "Wacbitn" radlothoodolite. Trudy TSAO no.31:BI-9? '59- (44IRA 12--9) (Winds) (Hadio meteoroloj;y) (Tiloodoliteo) r7' 4 e 11,4 /"Ov 4 /V AID P - 627 Subject : USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 31/35 Author Khachatryan, A. S. and several others Title Professor A. Ya. Ter-Khachaturov. To His 70th Birthday and 45 years of Engineering and Educational Activity. (Current News). Periodical E,lektricheetvo, 8, 90, Ag 1954 Abstract A short biographical sketch and description of scientific activity is given. Institution Not given Submitted No date VAZHNOV, Aleksandr Hikolayevich; YXGIAZAROT, I.V., redaktor;.&5Lq&TRYAHL A.S.. redaktor izdatell stva; KAPIANYAN. M.A.. tekhnicheak-iy redak,,,.7 [Multiannual mean flow of rivers of tho Armenian S.S.R. and the annual mean stream] Sradnit mnogoletnit stok rek Armianskol SSR i ego vnutri- godovoe raspredeleaia. Irevan. Izd--ro Arkademii nauk Armlauskoi SSR, 1956. 154 p,- (HLRk 10:1) (Armenia--Rivera) DAWYAN, Bagram Arsenlyevich; DARIINTAN, G.S.otvatetvannyy radaktor; ., . ATRTAN 0 A 0 S. , ALLAKHVIMD'Y'AN.G.O.,otvetetvannyy redpktqr; WH n_ _ si ."; i0h otvatstvannyy rodaktor; AZIZBEXTAN,, L'A.tokh iAi*kI-y-';'!*d r [Silk industry'in Armenia; a brief accouRtj Sholkovaia prouWahlennost' Armianskot SSR;, kratkii @cherk. Irevan, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Arg ''ianskoi SSR, 1956. 162 p. (MIRA 10:5) (Armonia-Silk Manufacture) MARTMITAN, A.O., prof., red - KHACHATRTAN, A.B., red.; AMBEKTAN, L.A., tekhn. re4. (Restoration of the national eccnomy of the Armenian S.S.R.; papers and documents for 1921-19281 Voestanovienie narodnogo khosiaistya Armianskot SSR; saterialy i dokumenty sa 1921-1928 gg. Pod red. A.O.Karukh1az4'.'iErevan, Isd-vo AN Armianskoi SSR, 1958. 511 P. WRI 1202) I.-Armenian S.S.R. Glavnoys arlchivnoys upravlaniye. (Armenia-3conomic conditions) 2,1(5) SOV/56-35-5-37/56 AUTHORS Ter-Mikayelyan, M. L., Khttchatryan,- B. V. On tIje Limits of Applicabil.ity of Tar,,-,et Parameters (0 f-Irnnitsakh primanimooti mei;oda pritaellnykh parametrov) 'ERIODMAL: Zlitirnal eksperimentallnoy ", teoret4cheskoy fiziki, 1?58, Vol 31, Nr 5, pp 1287-1209 (USSR) Al-I-STPACT When investiguting, radiation pro,@asses both the uOual per- turbation theory and the m-Ahod of target parameters (pritsellnyy parametr) are employed. H. IT.0berall (Yuberall) (Ref 1) expressed the opinion that the method of targret para- meters furnishes results of insufficient accuracy. The authors of thi@ paper compare the results obtained by this method. First, bremsetrahlun,,, on an alom is inveotigatod. For.this purpose the bremsatrahlung cross st!ction is written down ae- cordin,g to Ueberall,and the corresponding cross section de- tj termined by the target parameter method is written down. The formula obtained by the method of target pa 5ameters agrees with the exact formula only in the ranpe % /,/, 1 . (The meaning of q.L has apparently been defined in the efore- mentioned earlier paper by Ueberall). This corresponds to Card 113 periols of time (pritsellnoye rasutoyaniye) which are greater SOV/56-35-5-37/56 -On the Limils of Applicability of Targe'; Parameters titan ti/mc. An analogous investigation is possible also for the formation of pairs. The authors then deal with the radiation and formation of pairs in periolic structures. The formulae applying in tMs cane differ from 'lie cor- responding formitlae for a Ein!,le atom by a factor which takes the interference phenomena in radiation and formation of paire in an atomic chain into account. The analogous formulae can also easily be determined by the method of target parameters. Also in this case a factor is added to the formulae for a single atom. The authors Of this paper express the opinion that the formulae derived by thc. target parameter method are in full agreement with those derived by Ueberall. 2, similar investigation can aloo be carried out for collisions between charged particles and the electrons of the atomic shell (ionizution losses). There are 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. A390CIATIOTT: Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Card 2/3 (Yerevan State University) KHACHATRYAN, B.V. Radiation from an oscillator moving in an inhomogeneous medium. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 6 no-5004-909 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. hP,i 0 4 9 2 0 5 E,/ V- V 1-,@ /'& 4 Kaiachatryan, B. V. Radation%pectrum due to periodic raotion in a periodicaLly- inhomogeneous medium "N lzvestiya. Seriya nat,--heskikh na,11:, v . ro 19 6 4, 10 3 - 10 7 S: osc; llal@-or motion, emission spect-rum, inhomogeneous periodic structure A.3S-- PACT in an earlier paper (Izirestiya vy*ssh. uch. zav., Radio- v. 6, 1963, 904) the author derived t-e spectrur. for unifcrm -;n o:: an oscillator 4n a medium with a sinx.:soidally varying in this pane: the cal-c-ulazioFs are repeate: -Lodic c ver, ly per Medl-um, start-n(@ a.-. .:!Xi@@esElor (Izv. AN Card 1 /2 1634B-65 AP4D 9205 no. 2, 1961, 103) for the vector potential in an inhom-ogeneous medium. The firial expression for the spectrum is similar to that obtained -i:, `.,, --,arlier paper, and the two spoctra are ide,-tIcal wl.,.en t1hte of the oscillator is parallel to that of the periodicity o@ trie inhomogeneity of the medium. "in conclusion, I thank B. M. Bolotovskiv and M. L. Ter-Mikayelyan for discussions." Orig. art. :0--nuias. Yerevanskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet 'Yerevan M, .;-,@.versity) NO: L@T II T t SUB CODE: EM OTHER: 000 Cord 2/2 ACCESSION MR: AP4028951 S/0057/64/034/004/0637/0644 AMORi Khachatryan, D.V. TITLE% Radiation of cylindrical electron bunches in an inhomogeneous medium SOURCE: Zhurnal takhnichookoy fitiki, v.34, no.4, 1964, 637-644 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic waves, inhomogeneous medium radiationv -bunched electron' beam radiation A13STMCT: The radiation is calculated of a sequence of identical charged cylinders moving uniformly on the z axis of a roctarg;ular coordinate system x y z in a medium in which the dielectric constant is a periodic function of z. The calculations were undertaken because of the possible application of a bunched electron beam in an in- homogeneous medium to microwave generation. The radiation is calculated twice: once in what the author calls a "quasiclassical approximation" in vhidh the wavelengthis assumed to be short com@nred with the period of variation of the dielectric constant and once by a perturbation method in which this condition need not be assumed.. fAb- stracter's note: Both calculations of course are entirely classical-.7 Both calcula- tions start with a straightforward expansion of the current in a Fourier integral Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4028951 vin z - vt (v is the velocity, and t is the time) and a Fourier-Dessel integral In the cylindrical coordinate-r (x2 + Y2)1/2. In each case an approximate solution .of Maxwell's equations is written without explanation, and the reader is raferred ,to a paper of M.L.Ter-Mikayelyan (Izv.AN Arm.SSR,Ser.fiz.-mat.nauk 14,103,1961). For the case of a single small moving charged cylinder, the formulas obtained for ,the intensity and distribution of the rqdiation reduce to those previously given by. Ter-Mikayelyan (loc.cit.) for the radiation of La point charge. When there are many moving cylinders, the spectrum of the radiation is discrete, The frequencies radia- ted are harmonics of the frequency with whichl successive cylinders pass a fixed point in space, and the relative line widths are of the order of the reciprocal of the number of cylinders. The effect of random fluctuations of the lengths and se- parations of the cylinders is calculated. If the fluctuations are large, the line spectrum is smeared into a "thermal backgro-ind". If the fluctuations are Mall, the: lines are broadened asymmotrically. "In conclusion I oxpross my gratitudo to M.L. I Ter-Mikayelyan for suggesting the problem and :Cor his constant interest in tho work, and to H.M.L .aziyev fog discussions." 48 formulas and 1 table. Card 2/3 i:IACCEs3joH NRI AP402og5l I SUBMITTO: Yer\evansk'y g"U'"a'venny*y unlVort;ltDt f 20A(aY@3 (yer'Dvan StatO Univeralty) sun CCORS PH LkATE ACQI 28APrG4 ENCLI 00 MR IMF 8bvs 004 OMER, 000 Clard-I 3/3 -,KHACIIATRYAN, B.V.; EUAKYAN, S.S. Radiation from a charge in an Inhomogeneous medium. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 17 no,5:.U"7-129 .164. (MIRA 17:12) 1, Yorevanakiy gosudaretvannyy universitat I Fizicheskiy institut Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. -A nf' r@Fj i li,!- I onn pi !t !,,ora tD ri v -i v:'. tr.,-,;L d AN Arm. SSR. 18 1. (lb"yedineinnya radlal,alonnaya 4P @(,-vcvaiir,kop Y@@%Ilx P. Ya.; KHACHATURYAN, E.A. Interrelationship of ore and nonmetallic minerals in the Akhtala and Sham1ug deposits. Tzv. AN &m.M Nauki o zem. 17 no.6:29-36 164 (MIRA IW) 1. Institut geologil Drallskogo rillala AN SSSR I Tnatitut goologicheskikh nauk AN &nSM Altatto and patzitn in orom if thn laftin dnpotdt. Doi-I.AX Arm. SGR 26 no.1:177-180 158. (MIR& 1,2:10) 1. Institut goologichnskikh nauk AN ArwTmiskov SSR. Produtavlona I.'."~n4k'fyaann'rmer,ion--Altaitel@ (Kafan region-Petzite) XHACHATRTAH, N.A. State of the mwoma of vffer reitpiratory patho In acute experimental radiation sickness. Izv.AS Arm.SM.Biol. I sellkhos.nauki 11 no.11:91-97 X '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Sektor radiobiologii AN ArmSSR. (RLDIATION SICMSS) (MUCOUS M3CMBRkn) (RESPIRATORT MGM) M SAGATELYAN, E A.;'KHACHATRYAII@ E.A., o-tv. red.; VARTANESOVA, A.A.., -va. Suffol-p-les tekhn. red. red izd I [Miijeralogy of lead and antimoiV ores of the Azatek deposit in the Armenian S.S.R.) Ilineralogiia svintsavo-surlmiazqkh rud Azatekskogo mostorozhdeniia Anaianskoi SSR. Erevan, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Armianskoi SSR, 19619 2.19 pe (1113RA 15: 1) (Azatek region (Armenian S.S.R.))--Lead ores) (Azatek region (Armenian S.S.R.))-Aztimoxq ores) NASTEVICH, G.S.;, KHACHATRYAU,.-F.-- Sodium metasilieate. Tokst.prom. 20 no.6:82 Ag '60. (Bleaching agents) (Sodliza silicates) (MIRA 13:9) VOROBITZV, r.; KHACHATH "."W"a'Paw. G., inzhener. Specialization of enterprises. Strol. mat.. idsel. i konstr. 2 no. 7:9-12 JI 156. KRA 9:10) 1. Direktor Moskovskago zavada shlakablokov No. 21 (for Voroblyev). (Moscow-Rainforcmd concrete conatruction) KHACHATRIAN, G. A. Khachatrian, G. X. and Kirakoeyan., A* V. "Virus Diseases of Potatoes in Armenia.," Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Armianskoi SSR, vol. 3, 1950s pp. 33-334. 20 Fx4 SO: SIRA S. 19-53t 15 DHC 1953 KEELCHATRUN, G.A. The stolbur wilt of potatoes inArmenia and its tram'omission by grafting. Izv.AK Arm.MM.Biol.j sellkhos.nauki. 3 no.M1113-1120 '50. (MAL 9:8) 1. Inotitut fitopatologii i zoologii Akademii nail Arm.SSR. (Armenia-Potatoes-Diseasse and pests) 1. KIRAKOSYAN, A.V., KC-CHARYAN, T.P., KHACHATRYAN, G.A. 2. USSR (600) 7. "Virous Diaeanes of Sanamoll, M1krobiolog. Sbornik Akad. Nauk Am. SSR (MLero-Biology -@jmposium of the Acad Sci Amenian SSR), 110 51 1950, pp 1-15- 121. 9. JUkroklyl2glya, Vol XXI, Issue 1, Moscow, Jan-F`lb 1952, pp 121-132, Unclassified. t T GEVORGYAH, Te.A.; KHACHATRYAN, G.A. Effect of the locatinn of the bolls on the plant on some quantitative and qualitative indexes of raw cotton [in Armenian with sumnary in Russian). Izv.AV Arm'. SSR.Biol. i sellkhoso nauki 10 no.2:57-66 F '57. (MMA 10;4) (Cotton) KHACRATRYAN, G. Some problema in the development of the electric equipment industry in Armenia. Prom.Arm. 4 no.2-8-10 F 161. (MIRA 14-6) 1. Armyanskiy filial Veasoyutnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo itwtituta elektromekhaniki. (Armenia--Electric, industries) KIIACIIATRYAN, G. Potentiallties for increasing labor productivity in the Armenian shoo industry. FromArm, 4 n.o.5t27-30 Yq 160. (MIRA 1418) A 1. Upravleniye legkoy promyshlennosti Sovnarkhoza Armyanskoy SSR. (Armeaia--Shpo industry) HACHATRYAN, G. Analysis of production and economic operations of the Shoe factory No.i. Prom.Arm. 4 no.8:15-20 Ag '61. 041RA 14:8) 1. Normativno-issledovatel'skaya laboratoriya, promyshlennosti Sovnarkhoza ArrV-anskoy SSR. (Erivan---V@oe indlistry) Upravleniye legkoy V M .-,pIACHAaYAlf,-,G. New wage systems in the Armenian shoe industry# PromoArmo 5 no*5:52- 56 my 162. (MIRA 15.7) 1. Normativno-isoledovateltakaya laboratoriya Kambolino-sukonnogo kombinata Upravieniya legkoy promysUennosti Sovnarkhoza Armyanskoy SSR* (Armenia-Wages--Moe industry) KMCHATRYAN G. . kand.okonomicheskikh muk Specialization of the electric equipment industry in Armenia. Prom.- Am. 5 no.6:13-15 Je 162o (MIRA 15:7) 1. Armyanskiv filial Voesoyuzncgo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta elektromakhaniki. (Lmenia-Electric equipment industry) GICISAI;IYA11, V.O.; KIIACHATRYAN', G.G. Si.-,ilarlty of the effect of low temperature and gibbere.311in on plants. Izv. All Arm. SSR. Blol. naiiki 17 no.12:3-11 D I(J+. OMIRA 18:3) 1. Ilauchno-issledovatel'skly institut 2emledellya Mininterstva proizvodstva i zagotovok vaI'skokhozyaystvennykh produktov 1, ru,.S81t. Country : USSR H Categoryt Cultivated Plants. Grains. .'.ba Jour: RZhBiol.# No 22, 1958, No 100254 ..uthor i jauhfi@r@@ Inst : -'.rmonian Sci. Res. Inst. of ..griculture Title : of the Emergence of StiSmae In Corn. OrI,% Pub: Byul. nauahno-tokhn. inform. .rm. n.-i. in-t zomled., 1957j No 2, 14-15 ..bstract: In plants with removed tassels, stigmae appear 4-9 days earlier than In the control. Stigmae of the ears, the first ones from the top, appear 6-9 earlier than In the control; in the second ears - 4-7 days earlier. Card 1/2 M-34 KHACHATIM11, G.G. Effect of the removal of panicles on the growth and develop- ment of corn. Izv. All Arm.SSR.Biol.nauki 19 no.10:35-42 0 165. (.MIRA 18:12) OGANESYLN, A.K.; KRACHATRYAN, G.M. increase in the production of polyvinyl acetate amdsion. Promoenerge 16 no*5&14 Yq l6l. (Vinyl acetate) (KMA 140) Absorption of glucose and pyruvic Acid b7 the brain and muscle tissues during food and conditionad food excitations and internal inhibition. Ixv.AN Arm.SSR.Biel I mellkhoz.nauki 9 ne.11:13-26 H'56. (Kw 10:1) 1. Kafedra. biokhinii Terevanskego meditsinckage instituta, (GLUCOSE) (PrRUVIC ACM) (BRAIN) (KUSCIM) r /-7 t.1 61-- - 1)- K'HACHATUPYATI, G. S. Doe Cand fled Sci -- (dids) "-lort. ical regu- lation of the@conte@tk 40 glucose and pyrQr@.:@qemic acidlin blood durinl- alimentary hyperglycemia,," Yerevan, 1957. 41 7Dp 21 cm. (Yerevan 3tate 11"Iedical Inst. Depaixtment of Biochemistry), 200 copies (KL, 21-57, 107) -122- y"y /V :USSp .//ffuman and Animal Physioloir Thal 11orvou, SYStOrl- T W Aba Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol-, 110 36854. Luthor Khachatryan, G.S. Ins t Titlc A@sorption of Glucoso and ryruvic Acid by tho Brain and 11,usclo Tissuo and tj-.o Blood Flow VolocitY jr. tho Brain undcr Coniltions of, :Mm,ntnry, and @.llnont_cry- Conditional stimulation and Intornal Inhibition. Orig Pub: izv. AN Arm SSF, Biol. J s--kh. n. 1957, lo, No 6, 25-2-6. Abstract: Tho volocity of tho blood flow in the brain in dogs and the inton3ity of absorption by tho brain and muscla tissuo of gluccoo and pyruvic acid incroasod during alimontary (sugar fooding) alimentary-condi- Card 1/2 7 KILCHATRY1,14, Ir. S. (USSRI) "Chnnfre5 in Some''5pects of Carbohydrate Metalboli-3rn in the Brain ,lurin-- its 'Pirious Functional St-rtes." Report presented at the 5th lnt@rnational Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, lo-i6 Au@, 19`1 BU14YATYANS G.Kjj.;-KIIAUILAThY.AII G-#S. - -2--_ Hexokinase activity and concentration of individual glycogen fractions in the brain tissue during conditionod alimentary hyperglycemia and conditioned inhibition. Vop. biokhim. 1:101-117 '(D. OULA 14-12) 1. Departmnnt of Biochemistry Medical InBtitute Erevan. (GLYCOGEN) (BItAIII) (11EXOKIEL) KHACHATRYAN, G.S. Glucose and pyruvate eb3orption and lactate secretion by the brain after insulin arLA conditioned insulin stimulatior and in amytal-induced sleep. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. nauki 15 no.5151- 62 My 162, (MIRA 17s6) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Yerevantikogo moditsinskogo instituta. /itI KHACHAI!jX@@, Absorption of glucose, pyruvate and lactate by muscle tissue during insulin, conditioned insulin stimulation and avWtal sleep. Trudy no.11349-58 160. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimil (zav. kafedroy- akademik AN Arnyaskoy SSR G.Kh.)Junyatyan) Yerevanskogo meditsinsko o instituta. (ROULIN) (AI43BARBITAL5 (MLGCLE) (AiLowrioN (PHYsicLoGY).) (CONDITIONED RESPOUSE) UUCHATRUNV G.S. Changes-in the activity of gluoofew&phosph&te da4dragpneols "A 6-phosphogluconic in the brain in its various functional states. Vop.bioleM-, 2j7-146 161. (MIRL 15M) 1, Department of-Riochamiatry, Modical, nstitut-, Erevan* Glucose PhosphatAi dehydrogenase) Mosphogluconic dohydrogenass) (Brain) KHACHATRYAN, G.S. Content of galactolipids In the brain of white rats in various functional states of the brain. Vop. med. khim. 8 no.3:26(@-263 M@je 162, (MIRA 15t7) 1. Chair of Biochemistry, State Medical School, grevan. (Ewf)@ (LIPIDS) $ Kd,kCHATRY,-21, I.K. School year has started in an organized manner. Takst.Drom.14 no-1:55 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Direktor Yerevanskogo tekhnikuma legkoy promyshlennosti. (Textile schools) SUBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Theory of functions CARD 1/2 PG -567 AUTHOR CHACATRJAN 100. TITLE On a parameter representation and some extremal properties of entire functions of several variables. PERIODICAL Izvestija Akad, Nauk Armj-.nak,SSR 2,L 99 3-14 (1956) reviewed 2/1957 00 a Let f(Zl,z IM zn zm be an entire function. Let Mf(rjjr2) 2) n1ml 1 2 n, M,- 0 max if(Z,PZ,)I. Let W be the class of those entire functions which I z1 1mr1 1 2 1z21 agr2 satisfy the conditions 1. a constant depending on f, af1r + C r M f(,l pr 2)< 0-0 r13:@Oq r2;00p c being +00 +OD 2. f f lf(XIIX2) 12 dx 1dx24+004 -00 -OD Then the following theorem is valids the class W 6162 is identical with the r\v1f)c"P,TRYAN I,(), CARD 1/3 PG -672 BRITHE111TICS/ThSorY of approximations X T.O. sUBJNCT jAN X.M.0 CHLOATRJJ AUTHOR NRB oFtte---f-uj;:@tjon system J,, njin the complex ,;so imation. TITLN On the COMPleten r domain for a weighted quadratic aPP OX P3Rjo3)jCA,L Doklady Akad Nauk 110, 914-917 (1956) reviewed 4/1957 Let the sequence of positive numbers JQ tiatisfy the condition An+1- n Then for r -.pooholde (Malliavinp Acts, Math. 23L 3-4 (1955)), 2: >@l < .9 log r + C, - -::5 2 h 'An 4r admit the representation Let the function P(r) which is defined on (0,+00) for r f @L Ut dt P(r) M P(l) + t he angle I arg z 0( < cc@ where W (t) f +00 for t 1@ +oo . Let A(c 1 for - oo et < m --nd tIn 9_1(t) -4 0 for Itl -> m , is den,:)ted by C 0 , V@e set of all the --olyr m 0. ',he author o..ials is assumed not to be dense everywhere in C derives a necessary and sufficient condition for 9, under which the set 0 ,3f zall the polynomials is dense everywhere in a certain Bubspace C* C C condition reads Bup If(z)I ;-- sup ip(t)l IM Z r/ 0, -.,.here is t e se-@ of all the polynomials P(t) with Ilp(t)(, - i) k< 1, and vilwre n Ca@,d 1/2 S102 62/145/004/006/024 Jei@rrhed approximation of zero-order ... B112YB102 4.@; the set of all the zero-order inte&ral functions f(t) with 1 and f(t)(t_i)_1 1 N 9- 0 for co . Two explicit for y are derived. T Oj tj tu- matematiki i mekhaniki nauk Ar.-,SSIR (Institute of and @.aechanica of t*he Academy of Sciences ArSSi) .@@arch 12, 1962, by S. N. Bernshteyn, 'Academician z3 U 3. T `2 ---'D Febr,4ary 20, 1962 Car,_4 2/2 KHACHATRYAN, 1.0. Weighed approximation of zero-order integral functions by polyLomials on the real axis. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no-4:744-747 Ag 162. (MM 15:7) 1. Institut matematiki, i makhaniki All Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom S.N.Bernshtaynom. (Functions, Entir;2) by 4" LEVIN, B.Ya.; KIIACHATRYAN 1.0. atenijion of a Wierler-Paly theo-rem to functlor.,i Of pr-?"--' integral order and normal type in a half-plano. Drik]. AN Arm. SSR 41 no.1:3-9 165. Is..8) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitet im. Institut matumatiki I mekhaniki AN AnnSSR. Suhpitt-u'd 15, 1965. KHAMIATUk"10 1.0. Representation of meromorphic I'LuictiDns of Infirite order in a half-plane. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Ser.fiz.-mat. nauk 18 no.2*15-25 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Inst"tut matematiki I mekhaniki AN A-rmyanskoy SSR. KliACHATIRYAN, Kh. A. Khachatr 11) yan, Kh. A. -- "Investigation of coil Deformations in PlowinE on Hillsides." Min Higher Education USSR. Amenian agricultural Inst. Yerevan, 1955. (Disseration For the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopist, No. 11, 1956) pp 103-114 KHACHATRYAN, K. M. 496 KAZARYAN, M. K. i KHACHATRYAN, K. M. Perekrestnyy i uzkoryadnyy posev zernovykh kulltur. Yerev_=, A ypetrat, 1954. 24 s. so skhem.- 19 sm. 3.000 ekz. 25 k.- Na k=. yaz.- J54-550217 633.1: 631.531.23 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis, Vol. 10 19!15 f T AU I -ly TARAYAN, V.M.; OVSEPYAN, Ye.N.;_@H@AJIATM14@. . Composition of the rhodanidd complex of rhenium. Report No.3- Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 33 no.4;169-171 '0. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Armyanskoy SSR (for Tarayan). (Rhenium compounds) MACFATRY.0, Levon (Armenian SSR; a story of the so-ren-year plan) Armianrkaia SSR; rasskaz o semiletke. Mockvaj F-roftekhizdat, 196o. o p. (MIRA 14:11) (Armenia-Economic p3licy) V2@ USSR/Isotopes. Ab3 Jour Referat Zhur Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 18417 Author V.F. Oreshko, L.D. KhachatryzLi,M.D. Kozlova. Title Synthesis of f@ @ite M@arlced @wfFh-Isotope s35. Orig Pub Zh. neorgan. khimii, 1956, 1, No 4, 838-840 Abstract A mixture of active S and powdered Fe io hgatud in a test tube until the reaction Fe + S*-4 FcS* starts; after cool-ing the melt is ground, and 3 to 5 g of the powaer react 2 hours with vapors of inactive S in the atmosphere of dry N at 600 to 6500 prodticing FeS2 The activity yield is 69.1 to 78-1@ of pyrite, the chemical yield is 78.6 to 83-8%, the pyrite content in the product is 96 to 98%. B-7 Card 1/1 - 138 - L 5 E-NT(jn)/EPF(c)/EfIP(j Pr--4/Pr-4 Ull ACCESSION NR: AP5017--K54 UW0298/64/017/01VO063/0068 AUVHOR: Fkutw7an, V. (1, 1 KMchAtryan, L. Le Variations of hexukinane act'rity in the organ of @&,-ite rats dixrIng ch-loro- prene poisoning SOUIRC-2- AT; AmSISR. l%vtwtij&. Hiologicheski3e naukit r. ).7, no. 11, 190@. 63-CZ TOPIC '"SAGSt. erp#riment anim'-f twdeology, animl pbyaialogy, blochemisrj.7 A@,siract: To discovcr the effect of chlonaprene an hexok%nose activity, 30 adult white rats of both sexes, weighing from 150 to 270 rrans, were pois3ned aimosphere (8mg/liter) for tvo hours ever , day for ` 50-1 50 @4 ro@, Ina gr actf,.,Lty was measured in hoangenates of -,fie ofaLn, em-an@y, !-,kin Pceording to the cottiod of Cm Long. rhe ue@-ta d,-@m,-13traLa 1 an t o :! h I o K op r e,ie iv i L v of the hexok'nase ot t he t L- orr ,3 i t )r we q r P d u r e d 80% in t !,.. g iK n-) 7 --," L .' ! , M p . @ , e . :.-rr, in. and 50. Lv@ Ln tk,@% neart . i,r--ig. a-,t. nav ina na ASSCCIA71M.- TerevanakiT zeateln&il titat (Yerevan Radical I Utu-.e) 6uBKi7l-F.D: 29jul64 ENCL., DO buB cg@ M:F SOV 1 008 OTHM: 020 ITPRS 777 KHACHATRYAN V L.S,.,;. RAIITENSIITEIN, Ya. 1. Comparative study of bacteriophagen of Bacillue corous-tImrin- gionsis group cultures. Mroblol.ogiia 32 no.5.1813-818 S-0163 (MIU 17:2) 1. Institut mikroblologii MI SSSII J. InAitut m1kroblologil III ArmSSR, RATITIENSHTEY11, Ya.l.; MISYUREVA, H.G.; MACHATRYAll L.S. -- - I Lysogenicity of Bac. corcus var. Gallerlw,@ cultures and tho charac- teristics of phages contained In them. M'Lkrobi-loglLia 33 no.6-980- 986 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN S5-3R, Moskovskiy zallod bakt.-.rlallnykh preparatov i Institut mikrobiologii All Arrayanskay SSR. r c t,, yr@ i r nr- t ve r c-,- -i,; c e 84 A[' r,5- -7--ri.11cvskogo '-kwl I IA k Fry@tdl LO- fit @@r] k R-FACIMMIll M. K. DECEASED ic,64 C 0 164 KRACHATRYAN, Kkrtich Kenukovich rb= Onnovy topografii. Zravan, Izd-vo Pogra Brovanskogo univ. 1938. 385 P. Lln Armenian] (MIRA 32:2) (Topography) ,KUCHATRYAN, M.M. Practice in the territorial differentiation of the geographical medium using correlative coefficients. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Geol.i geog.nauki 15 no.6:49-57 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Yerevanskiy gosudaratvennyy uaiverBitet. (Physical gaography) KHACHATRYAN., M.,11., kand. mod. nauk Some changes in the function of the blood circulation apparatus in patients with chronic nonspecific lung diseases working iu machine manufacturing enterprises. Azerb. zed. zhur. 41 no.11: 63-68 N 164. (RIRA l8t12) 1. Iz terapovticheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - G.M. Oganesyan) Yere- vanskogo &-go madobuyadineniya (glavnyy vrach M.R. Khachatryan), Submitted April 10p 1964. KHACHATRYAN, M.S. . Spinach diseases in the anburban zone of grivan. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. I aellkhoz. nauki 9 no.12:111-115 D 156. (MLRA 10-2) 1. Institut zemledaliva Hinisterstva sellskogo khozyaystveL ArrVanskoy SSR. (Erivan-Spinach-Dismases and pasta) Cc@-": I? Y rJUS R CAT@GCFF-T Plant Dlt;uaaes. 11tLnto. BF,. jOUP. iAUT11GR !IIIST. TI-LE I @PJG. PUD. 1 1UcT,n.jx,r UPT - 1A FZh!3iol.p No. 3, 1959, "In. 11270 0 Khacha@qaa M. S. _ z.,J@-- Researoh IrstItuto of 1griailture. A TeSt of Now Praparntion3 Against Ascoohyta Bli; of Pea (Gicer arietinum). i Byul. n-tuohno-teklin. inform. Am. n.-i. in-t zemledauya 1957p No. 3, 35-36 Along with granosan, forcialin -nd AM, thare were tested the tetramethylthiuramdisulphide ('CMTD) and hoxachloro- benzene (HOD). A dry tivatmeat with the fun.gicides Was perfoned immediately bel.'ore Uie gowing. The extent of the Infection was considorably reduced as the result of the treatment with TVITD which secured a yield in the amount of 15.0 centners/lia. The, seeds in the control di, not germinate at all. -5- K.HACHATRYA,N1A-j.S... Some problems of "- biology and dynamics of am blight caused by Ascochyt-- Ral-lei in the Armenian S.S.R. k A.N Arm. SSR Bi016 nauki 15 no.512',--.,,J My 162* (MIRA 1@:Q 1, Institut vinodeliyao vinogradiLrotva I plodovodstva Ministerstva sel'skogo khozyaystva Armyanskoy SSR. EILACMTRYAN, M.R. Oxygen therapy in chronic nonspecific lung diseases. "hur. eksp. i klin. med. 5 no.2:54-59 165. 19: 1) KIIAGHATRYAN, H.T. Through the taiga and across the mountains. Transp.stroi. 14 no.l2tl2-IJ4- D 164. (MIRA 19rl) WDUOYAN, A.L.: AWYMI, A.A.,,J11ACHATRYAN, N.D. Benzofuran derIvativea.VReport To.2: Synthesis of aminoethers of various l)-nlkoxymntl;yl-2-banzo-)furancarbnxylic acids. 1,-v. Ali Arm.Sbll. Khim.nauki 11 no,3:193-200 '58. (MIRA 11:11) (Ethnro) (Benzofurancarboxylic acid) I A1@103EAN' PL.A.; 11.Kh. . . - -, z - -1 Derivatives of benzofl;ran. Part ll:Synthesis of some amines and e@;.h@lenediamines @oataining a 2--methyl-5-1,'nethoxyb,--nzofur,-- radical. Izv. All Arm. @SR.Khirrnauki 17 no, 2:212-219 1( (MIRA 17:6) 1. Instititt tonkoy org-aniche-koy khlmli Ali Armyan!3koy S-SEF". MZHOYAN, A.L.; AROYAN, A.A.; KHACHATIVIAN, N.Kh- Derivatives of furan* Report lb*26: Synthesis of some amino esters of 5-(OC -allxxyethyl)-fiL,7an-2-carboxylic acids. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Khim.nauki 14 no.4:37'7-385 :61. (14IRA 14: 10) L Institut tonkoy organicheskoy kh-Imii All Armyanskoy SSR. (Purandicarboxylic acid)