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EXCERPTA MEDICA See Vol 12/9 General Path. SePt 59 2515. CHANGES OF NUCLEIC ACIDS IN THE LIVER OF HATS IN CANCERO- GENESIS DUE TO 4-DIMETIIYLA.%IINOAZOBENZENE - Ober die Verin- derungen der Nucleinsikuren in der Leber von Itatten bei der Cancerogenese durch 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzol4 Had io Y- A. A. Biochem. Inst., Med. 165 'o Z.KHERSFORSCH. 8@ I Fak., Sofia 4 tF61 RIT raphs 2 Illus. 4 During the first phase of carcinogenests (45-50 days after the beginning of the treatment), RNA decrea&es. while DNA Increases. The low level of RNA is due both to the presence of degenerative changes in liver cells and to the poverty of this acid in the rapidly growing cholangloepithelial cells. In a 2nd stage (95-100 days) RNA increases togtther with DNA. In hepatoma and in cholangioma cells the content of RNA In higher than In normal liver cells, when the values are expressed In terms of dry weight. Both histochemical and biochemical techniques were used. Dianzani - Cagliari (V, 16) KHADZHIOLOV, D.Kh. (S@fiia); KHADZHIOLOV, A.A. (Sofiia) Contribution to the morphologic metabolism of the lipide. I. Charges in the lipid content of tbo suprarenal oortex of rate In liver cancero- genesis caused by 4-dimethylaminoazobenzone. Isv.Inst.morf.MN 3:15r- 164 159. (nAI 9:.5) (LIPIDES) (AMMIAL GLMS) (LTVM) (DIRITHYLPMaMAZOAMILTN3) KHADZHIOWV A A.---MCHEVA, IS- Zxperimental liver cancer produced with 4-dimetbylaminoazobenzene. IV. Biochemical studies on cbanges in nuclaic acids during carcino- genesis. Nauch. tr. visah. mad. inst. Sofia 39 no.1:295-295 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. B. Koichev, zav. Katedrata. po biokhimiia. (NUCLEIC ACID metab) (LIVER NEOPLASMS metab) (CARCINOGENS) KHADZHIOLOV, A. A. Fbiperimental liver cancer produced with 4-dimetbylaminoazobenzone. flauch. tr. viash. mad. inst. Sofia 39 no.1:297-303 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. d-r B. Koichav, zav. Katedrata po biokhimiia. (LIVER NEOPLASMS metab) (CARCINOGENS) UZUNOV, G.; IORDANOV, B.IKHA@HIOLOV, A. A. Effect of the blood serum from schizophrenic patients on tissue respiration. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. Inst. Sofia 39 no.6:75-80 '60. 1. Predatavena ot prof. G. Uzunov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po psikhiatriia, dots. S. Bozhinov, rukovoditel na Katedrata po nevrologiia, i prof. B. Koichev, rukovoditel na Katedrata po biokhimiia. (SCHIZOPHRENIA blood) (TISSUE METABOLISM) 7 @y , ) ,N" X, .0: , L- rrr L@ L/V r! J? HADJIOLOV, A.A. (Khadzhiolovy A. A.); DANCHWA, K. 1. Mononuclootide composition of cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid from homologous normal and tumor tissues. Doklady BAN 14 no.7:719-722 161. 1. Department of Biochemistry, Higher Medical Institute, Sofib,. Submitted by Academician A. I. Hadjiolov [Khadzhiolov, A. I.]. (PROTOPLASM) (TLq40RS) (BIOLOGY) @ KHADZHIOLOTv A.A. - I - . 1- 1..... .- Effect of ribonucleotidee and ribonucleiq acids on the respiration of years. Biokhimiia 26 no. 1;132-141 J4-F 161, (MIRA 14.2) 1. Department of Biochemistry, Higher Me4ical Institute, Sofiap Bulgaria. (YEAST) (RESPIRATION) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) NIKOWVP T.K.; KIL4,DZ.HIOLOV. A.A. Agar@gel eloctrophoretic study of soluable cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins. of the liver and transplanted hepatoma of rate. Biokhimiia 26 no.3t5?3-539 My-Je 161., (MIRA 14: 6) 1. Department of Biochemistry, Righer Medical Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. (PROTEINS) (ELECTROPHOREZIS) (TUMORS) HADVIOLOV, A.A.; NBEVA, M.D. Induced formation of tryptophan pyrrolase in experimental cancero- genesis of the liver caused by 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene. Dokl. A14 SSSH 240 no.4:946-949 0 '61. O.'allul 14:9) 1. Vysshiy meditsiriskiy Institut, Sofiya, Bolrariya. Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Oparinym. (CARCHOGENS) (TUWMAN PER01MASE) TSANEV, R., KHADZHIOLOV, A.A. The Fifth Internatione-1 Congress of Biochemistry. Spisanie BAN 6 no.4t62-40 161. KRADZHIOLOV, A. A. Cellular control. viechanisms and cancer. Spisanie BAN 8 no, 4: 45-50 163. ::.1 1 i ,,': . '. I , , I . .;.. ; - . -., ,- - v , 1, . i 1. L I 1 .1 ^ ntudba ari 13oneraso. I I- , -Aha(i t*o-,- tile doterminaticn cf tile OnZV L' IC W-LiVity. Sl=. - ! IP.1 U. @ ".: j. U',ofa) 1.5 no.4:25-32 I KHAT)NIOLOV, A.A.; MAKEDOIN"j-KIP Methods for determinini morlonucleotide c(impsition c.f ribo- nucleic acIds. Izv biokhim BAN 2:31-37 164. 1. Central Laboratcry of Biochemistry of' the B@Ilgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia. 2. Chair of Blocl-@,ndstry at the HIP-her Medical InsLitute, Sofia (for Angelo,) VULCHEVA-, KRAWHIOLOV Fractionation of free itucitto tides frcim i-.c arunrior lobe of bovine hypophyflis. 17v biokhim BAN 2:3')-@6 164. 1. Con tra I LA I jr),-.@ tc ry f 14! f7, tlo ijul,,.iLrihri Academy of r,,. 1%to C ha w! e s J n 1, tio ma n o nu c'. - . '. I r,e c f; mio.; i t I -) ri of th A r 1' bo nuc lei c acirl fr-,zn @-Pilul:-- fraO."'onn c;f rat 'LJver vmdr-. -the tiction of hydrocortlicne. Pv hi(lh!m 2:77-86 164. 1. Central of Bloc.;-nnistry ef thn Acarleqr of Sciiqnces, 2. rhair of Biccho."Intry at -'he 144,.her MedicIll Inotitutc-, .'-,.)fia (for Allelcv). KHADZIODIOV, A.A.; DABEVA, M.D. inditced for7mtior ' '.-Yptophan pyrrolaije in experimental liver @; -icerogenesis pv tv 3'-MethYl-4--jimet~,Yla,.iinoazo-benzone. :zv biokbim BAN 2,,99-113 164. 1. Central Labcrator7 of Btochemistri of the BuL7arl-on Academy of Sciences) Sofia. KHOZHIOLA:& A.A. (Sof Iya) Intracellular lipoprotein membranes and carcinogenesis. Usp. sovr. blol. 60 no.2015-237 S-0 165. (MM AM) 1. TSentrallnaya biokhimicheskaya laboratoriya Bolgarskoy Akademii netuk, DASKALOV, Khr., akad.; STOEV, Kunlo; WY;DANOV, Vasil, St. n. Butr.; KHRISTOV, YAtodi, nt. n. sutr.;-M&DZHI0L01I Asen A nt. naucb3n sutrudnik; DECREV, Georgl, ml. n. flutr'.; Georgi, prof.; PENKOV, Boian, ml. n. autr.; POPOV, Rwren Science on the ofi@nsive for progreas. Nauka I tekli'miadeM 15 no.7/8t6-10, 56-57 JTI-Ag 163. 1. Zam. predsedatel ni A'T (',,r Dnskalov). 2. Glaven nauchen sekretar na ASN tfor ',l-; -y'). 1. Nauchen sekretar nn ASN (for Bogdanov). 4. Institut za mekhanizatsila na selskogo stapanstvo (for Khristov). 5.'-JDirektor na Instituta po neorgOicheska i obshta khimiin pri BAN (for Bliznakov). 6. Predsedatel-ha@Komisiiata za nauka i tekhnichaski progres pri TsK nn DKMS (for Popov). APIA B CKHOORY Ge-aeral Blolor y- -)0. nt. Didi-virillal TXV0I0P'MCrlt# C ALkS. J094. t Not 2, 1959Y 110o' .5037 ., I,. D.; Ponov, I,,- AUTROR I IgiaLIZ111010V9 j. 1. T)juiovp -ly 0 YET. Acal-10i. anrl Hjj3@n J_ TITLE The Problern, of ,.je)rpjo[',anesi3 , I r a the Limign In tho !:-nbi@yogenecls of lilarl. 1!,,v. In-ta norfol. 311C. Alli ni,, 7 P 3IMACT CARDt CATWORY ,ADS. ujogEros!.3 1,,jr1orona-s or -co. n jung!j worr., invof7tigatcO. Tha vialj-,ht (--f I'mr (I-mblon abnut tllfj 7;b -ionth, 'In,, 1, (1j,f),,,ing- nnrl, -Ulio b Por. C, JIJA .1 troll ru3.r)lr:ll.'ory cq@J-- b . vii t r"Alic 0110 a j. I (I 11r) r I)r0e0s!;()'s one,,,. 10@t to pnou. ,,ei Inoz fol.,riation of JOUR. : R'ZhBiol., No. 1959- KnDZHIOLOV, A. I. Analysis of luminescence of tissue and fluids In the human and animal organism* Izv. mod. inst., Sofia-1133,64,1951.(CLML-21:3) 1. Morphology Section (HeFA - Corresponding Menber A. KKndzhiolow) of the Inst4.tute of Uperimental Medicine of tho Academy of Sciences (Director -- Acrdemician D. Orakhovats) and the Department of Hietology arA Embryology of V. Chervenkov Medicia Academy (Read -- A. Khndzhiolov). MUMHIOLOV, A. I., CHAKIROV, E. L., DOKOV, V. K. Now method of impregnation with bismuth nitrate.Izv. med. inst. Sofia 1:65-70 1951. (CLM1 21:3) 1. Morpholol.,r Section (Head -Correeponding Member A. Khadzhiolov) of the Institute of gxperimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences (Direc"-,or - Academician D. Orakhovats) and the Departnent of Histelogy and Imbryology of V. Chervenkov Medical Academy (Hand -- A. Khadzhiolov). KHADZHIOIDV, A. I. KATAIDZHIBY, A. T., BOICHEVA, 1. A. Microscopic method in the determination of erythrocyte sedimen- tation time. Izv. nod. inst., Sofia 1:136-142 1951. (GIAL 21:3) 1. Morpholog3r Section (Head --Corresponding Member A. Khadzhiolov) of the Institute of Zxperimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences (Director - Academician T%. Orakhovats) and the Department of Histology and Imbryologr,of V. Chervenkov Medical Academy (Head -- A. Khadzhiolov). KHADZHIOLOV, A. I., DAMOVA, V. D.. POPOV, 11. 1. Hemopoiaois lunge of the human embryo. Izv. med. inst., Sofia 1:143-150 1951. (CINL 21:3) 1. Morphology Section (Head - Corresponding Member A. Ehndzhiolov) of the Institute of Uperimental Medicine of the Academy of Sciences (Director -- Academician D. Or&khovats) and the Department of Hist- ology and Embryoloff of V. Chervenkov Medical Academy (Head Ao Khadzhiolov). 1. KIIADZHICLOV, A. 1. 2. USSR (600) 4. Bu'lgaria - Science 7. Science in the service of construction projects in New Bulgaria. Nauka i zhiznl no. 10, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congresso Janjg= -1953. Unclassified. 1. MkOVIOLOV, A. I., Acid. 2. uiml (6oo) 4. Science - Bulgarla 7. Development of science In the People's Democracy of B-alguria, Priroda, 41, No. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Yebruary -1953. Unclassifted. HAWIOLO", A.; DOKOT. V.K.: TICHUARM7. E.L. Study on innervation of cerebral capillaries. Acts, morph*6 hung. 4 no.4:525-529 1954. 1. Academia Bulgare des Sciences, Institut de morphologia, Sofia (Directeur Prof. A.I.Hadkioloff) (BRAIN, blood supply capillaries, Innary.) (CAPILLARIES cerebral. Innery.) - BOZMH]37, G. I. i DOKOV, V-K.-, KALAMHIBY, A.T. ,T 0 MorpholW of vitelline globules. Dokl&cl7 Bolg. akad. nauk 6 no.2t 45-47 Apr-june 53 1. Inatitut morfologii Bolgarakc7 Aka&emll nauk. (IHLRTO, vitallina globules in pigeon agg) UIADZHIOLOY, As., akad. Life$ and activities of academician prof. Dr. Vladimir Harkov. Izv. mikrob.inst., Sofia'5:15-25 1954. (BIOGRAPHIESO Markov, Vladimir) UWIOL(XPP, A.& BOHAW33V,, G.; DOrOV, T.; TCHAICARO". N. Xorphological and histochamical stwly of lipids in yolk globules. Doklad.v BoIg. akad. nauk 7 no.1.49-51 Jan-Mar 54. (IGG TOIX. metabolism, lipide, determ.) (LIPIDS, determination, in egg. yolk) ffAWIOW-Fi, A.: DOMY. V.: MAKAMV. E. (Preannted on 29. VIII. 19541 Ox the possibility of applying bismuth salts in neurohistological technique. Daklady Bo1g.akad.nauk 7 no.2:57-59 Apr-Sept 154. (NERVES, staining with bismuth salts) (STAINS AND STAINING, of nerves. with bismuth salts) (13 1 SMUTH, salts, staining nf nerves) Card 1/1 Pub. i2_4 - 6/26 Authors Khadzhiolov, A.p Academician, SecretarT of the Bulgarian AcadenW of Sciencell Title Developnent, of science in the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria Periodical Vest. AN SSSR Up 44-51., r)ec,1954 Abstract A historical review of the develoTxwnt of science in Bulgaria in the pre- and post revolutionary eras, is presented. The influence of Soviet friend- ship and that of the Bulgarian ComTrunist, Party, on the development of science, is emphasized. Institution : Submitted : 0 KIUDZHILOV. A.I.: BOICHOV, B, A Professor d-r Georgi Boiadshiev. Kbirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.3: 193-195 1955. (0 B I TUARI F.9, Boiadzhiev, Georgi D.) (BIOGRAPHIES, Boiadzhiev, Georgi D. Bibliog.) 0 KWZHIL40V, A.I., akademik; MI11CHIN, I.Kh. Reactive modifications in the lungs following intratracheal administration of vegetable nil. Khirargiia, Sofia 8 no-3: 247-253 1955. 1. Visah. meditsinski Institut V. Chervenkov-Sofiia katedra po khintologiia I embriologita. Zav.katedrata; akademik A.I. Khadzhilov. (LUNGS. physiology, off. of oile, intratracheal admin. In animals) (OIL, effects, on lungs, intratracheal admin. in animals) ctir; -0 KHKDZHIOLOV, ASEN SCIENCE KHADZHIOLOV;, ASEN. Uchabnik po khistologiia i nikroakopska aj 3. prer. izd. S*fiia, Meditaina i fizkizltura, 1958. 608 p. DNLM Not in MC Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI)LC, Vol. 8, NC may 1959, Uncl KMZHIOWV, Assn Ivanov, akad., 1903 (Sofila) Development and achievement of the Institute of Morpholcg7, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Izv.lnet.morf.BAN 3:3-30 159. NFAI 9:5) 1. Zavezhdasht, Katedra po khistologlia i embriologita pri Visshiia meditsinski institut, SoMa. Direktor, Institut po morfologiia pri Bulgarskata akademiia na naukits, Sofila. (BUIGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES) (MOMOLOGY) -,KH.ADZHIOLOV, Assn Ivanov, akad., 1903 (Sofiia) Contribution to the theory of histology. III. Methodological signifi- cance of the biology of tissues and organs. Izv.Inst.morf.B" 3:31- 40 '59. WAI 9:5) 1. Zavezhdasht, Utedra po khistologiia i embriologlia, pri Vieshiia, meditsinski institut, Sofiia. Direktor, Institut po morfologiia, pri Balgarskata akademila na nankite, Soflia. (HISTOLOGT) (TISSUBS) KWZHIOLOV, Assn Ivanov, akad., 1903 (Softia); ATSZV, S. (Soflia); BOZDUGANOT, A0 Contribution to radiohistolog7 I. Coll and tiesu3 alterations in some organs under the action of gamma radiation of radioactive cobalt. Izv.Inst.morf.BAN 3:43-54 '59. (12AI 90) 1. Zavezhdasht, latedra po khistologiia i embriologiia pri Vieshiia meditsinski institut, Sofiia. Direktor, Institut po morfologiia pri Bulgarskata akademlia na naukite, Sofiia (for Khadshiolov). (HISTOLOGY) (TISSUES) (GAMMA RYAS) (RLDIOISOTOPBS) (COBALT) (CELLS) .A-M-ZHI0WT.-Ave,n-@mnqv,_�kt -(Safiia)-. POPOV, N.I. (Sofiia)-, 1903 DAMOVA, X.D9 FMOV, P.E. (Some.) Contribution to the biology of the nerve tissue and the nervous system. 1. Morphogenesis of the brain hemisphere of the buman fetus, Ixv.1nst.morf.B.AN 3:55-73 159. (1UI 9:5) 1. Zaveabdasht, 11atedra po khistologiia i embriologiia pri Visshiis, meditsinski inst1tut. Direttor Institut po morfologite. pri Bulgarskata akiLdemiia na naukite, Sofiia, (for Kha'dzhiola7), (MUS) (NERVOUS SYSTIM) (HOMOGENISIS) (BRAIN) KHADZHIOLOVI Asen Ivanov, akad. (Softia) All-Unkon Conference on the Histor7 of Natural Science and Technolo Spisanie BAN no.4176-86 159. (EEAI 9:11f, (Science) (Bulgarians in Russia) _KHADZHIOLOV, Asen, akad. (Sofiia) Conference of Morphologists in Bulgaria. Spisanie BAN 5 no-2s68_75 ,6o. (EW 9211) (Bulgaria--Morphology) KHADZHIOL2!t AW., akad* - N-wm@ - Institute of the Department of Medicine of the German Acadery of Sciences. Spisanis BAN 5 no.404-91 160. (EUI 10: 5) (Garmargrp Eastern-M24icine) LI YANI,[Li Yen) (Kitayokaya Narodnaya Respublika); OLISHEVSKIY# Ye.# profo (Pollsha); MARIGg G.j profe (Germau kAya Demokraticheoluqa Respublika); (Bolgariya) History of science In the people's democracies. Yi Yan and -)thers. tekh. no.lOtl72-176 160. (MI Rk 1/,,: 3) (Cominist countries-science) KLADZRIOLOV, A. 1. akad. Condition and objectives of the morphologic sciences in tho People's Republic of Bulgaria; a general report presented at the Conference of Morphologists of the Pe9ple'a Republic of Bulgaria, November 24, 1959. Izv Inst morf BAII 4:5-39 161. f 1. Predsedatel na Orcanizatsionniia komitet i director na InBtituta po morfolojiia. pri Bulgarskata akademila na naukite. (MORPHOLOGY) -EMHIOLOV, A. I. --l ... Histochemiotr7 and morphologio metabolism of lipidee in animal and human tissues and organiamB. Izv Inst morf BAN 4:83-95 161. (HISTOCHEMISTRY) (MORPHOLOGr) (LIPID METABOLISM) (TISSUES) Q Z1. v vi KHADZHIOLOV, A. I., akad. The tenth anniversary of the magazine "Priroda;" 1952-1961. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 1:3-7 Ja-F 162. 1. Chlen na redahtsionnata kolegiia J glaven redaktor, "Priroda." K . History of the Bulgarian Literary and Scientific Societj and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 1869-1944. tekh@ no.12:200-206 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Bulgaria--Scientific societiec) MMHIOLOV, A.I., akad. symponium on cellular biologyp held at Instanbul October 2-6, 1961. Spisanie BAN 7 no.1/2:100-105 162. - KHADZHI:OLCfV, A.I., akad. program of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R., and great strides in natural sciences. Priroda Bulg 10 no.60-5 161. 1. Chlen na. Redaktsionnata kO giia i glaven redaktorj, "Priroda". KMAnZHTOLOVO Asen Iqy akad. Contribution to the theoretical histOP97, Ft, 4, Izv Inot morf UN no,5:23-0 162. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren uredniks, mlzveatiia na Inotituta po morfoligoiialme K!YiDZP,IoLfJV . A.-I.,. akad. 33th InternatJonal Congress on Astronautics; Varna,, September 23-29p 1962. Priroda Bulg 11 no. 6,*8F- 94 11-1) 16). 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i glaven r(daktor, "Priroda". 7 KHADZILICLOV, Asen I.; BCEV, Petur Anthroplogical studies in the Iasi Branchp Rumanian Academy@ Izv Inst morf BAN no,,6:103-105 t626 1. Chlen na, Radaktsionnata lcoleglia i otgovoren redaktor Olzvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia" (for Khadzhiolcv KHADZHIOILV, Aeon I.; 14111CHEV, I. Kh. Histochemistry and morphological metabolism of lipides. Pt. 1. Izv Inst morf BAN 8 5-23 163. 1. Chlen na Rodaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor,, "Izvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia" (for Khadzhiolov). KHADMIOLOV, Asen I. Theoretical histology, Pt. 5. Izv Inat morf BAN 7 5-36 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktaionnata kolegiia i otgovoren radaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia". KIIADZIIIOLAOV, Asen I.; DAMOVA, N. D.; POPOV, N. I.; FLTKOV, 1'. E. Biology of the nervous tissue and system. Pt. 2. Izv inst morf BAN 7 37-59 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktaionnata kolegiia igj@govoren redaktor, "Izvestiia na Inatituta po morfelo ia" (for Khadzhiolov). KHADZI]IOILV, Asen I.; DAIMOVA, N. Histogenesis of sexual tissug and its ovopoietic organoids In the ovary of a newborn human. Izv Inst morf BAN 8 25-38 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia" (for Khadzhiolov). KHADZH1OWVJ, Assn L; DOEV, Petur Institute of Experimental Morphology of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi. Izv Inst morf BAN 8 113-117 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia i otgovoren redaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituts. po morfologiia" (for Khadzhiolov). 2. Sekretar i chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia, "Izvestiia na Instituta po morfologiia" @for Boev)e lie MARKM71 Wl. [14arkov,,Vl.) (deceased]; KUWIOLCV, A.I. [4hk#bjolov.,A*1.j; OBRETENOVAI K.; KALAIWIEV, V. (KalaidzhicvvV.1; KIHAIL67A, Aa ' [Milhailova, A.) On the serological and cellular-tissue changes during the infections and in im=izatori processes caused by Salmonella typhi murium. Doklady BAN 16 no.7t769-772 163. KHADMIOLOV, Asen, akad. Fifth International Symposium of Histologists in Sofia. Spisanie BAN 8 no. 4: 85-101 163. 1. Chairman of the 5th International Symposium of Histologists in Sofia. KHADZHIOLOV., Assn I. "Anatomic atlas of the humain body' by [Prof.] F. Kis and [Prof.) J. Szentagotay. RAvieved by A. I. Khadzhiolov. Izv Inst morf BAI! 8 . 119-123 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktoionnata kolegiia i otgovoren radaktor, "Izvestiia na Instituta, po morfologiia". KIIADZHIOLOV, A.I., akademik Fifth International Symposium of histologists. Nauch zhivot 7 no. 1:15-16 Ja-Mr 164. xjQi)ililOl0V) A.16, akad. Twenty-fi.fth anniveraary of the Hungarian Stata G&ncer Research Instituto. Priroda bulg 13 no.31.123 My-Je 164. : -, -. ", . ; - - 1 , -.,. - . - - @-- @'i .1 @ -, - - 1@ "',- -. - - N D . -1 ..@i .0 pq l