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()(th Ink L- -ot, itr N y be c o n s e r e d -f r t o ge he -r w i t h A F c A 1 expln4tves. Du r i n g b 1 4 fig 1 rec rs jand spon -,jo re-d %,-,iro r, e. v e r s I~)igh decoratione. KwCL W. OT"I : GOO -KWjTQN,,-Yu.B.; KONDRATIYEV, V,N.; DOROVIK-P)MANOV, A.S.; ZAVARITSKIY, N.V.; FALKOV, M.P.; KHAYKIN, M.S.; SHARVIN, Yu.V. Aleksandr lanifovich Shaltnikov; on his 60th birthday. Unp. fiz. nauk 97 no.1:171-172 S 165. (MIRA 18s9) ::1 USSR/Physics Thermodynamics, criticism FD-5-; Card 1/1 Pub. 153-24/28 Author Kirillin, V. A.*, and Rubinshteyn, Ya. M. Title Concerning an irnorant article on dynamic!~ Periodical Zhur tekh. fiz 24) 929-932 Abstract Claims that Ye. M Xharitonchik's article "Procesves. and cycles with decreasing Zoh~~Mglll"'Rgnificance for natural science and technology" is essentially erroneous and can only conf-ise the ineKperienced reader. This article appeared in the Sbornik trudov po 7emledel'cheskoy mekhanike [Symposium of' work on africultureal mechaninsi, published 1952 under the editorship of Acad. V. A. Zhelepovskiy, of All-Union AcaderrT of Agricultural Sciences imeni V. I. Lenin. Institution Submitted September 18, 1953 CHBIMOVSKIY, Yu.I.; BUZULUKOV, P.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteenzent; KWITONCHIK, Te.K., profesoor. reteenzant; NAPAIKOV. G.I. inzhe~. r'evehRoati; KUZIKOV, N.T., inzhener, redaktor; DUGUA, V.A., tekhnicheekiy redaktor [An aid to tractor drivers; use of tractors in agricultural operational V pomoshch' traktortatu; ispolIzovanie traktorov na a.-kh. rabotakh Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinostrotte lit-ry, 1954. 3;7 P. [Microfilm) (HLRA 8:3) (Tractors) OW C VA IK ) ,~ - M - KIRILLIN, V.A.,- RUBINSHMM, TA.M. On an illiterate article about thermodynamics(mProcessee and cycles of decreasing entropy and their significance in natural sciences and technology.0 I.M.Kharitonchik. Reviewed by V.A.Ki- rillin, IA.M.Rubinahtein).Zhur.tokh.fiz. 24 no.5:929-932 My 154. (Thermodynamics) (KM 7:7) It POLKANOV, Ivan Petrovich; SIRGRM, M.P.. prof., red.; KH&RITONCHIK, Te.M.. prof., rateenzent; DUGINA, H.A., [Theory and analysis of mchine-tractor units] Tsoriia i raschet mashinno-traktornykh agregatov. Pod red. M.P. Sergeova. HoRkya, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinnstroit. lit-ry, 1958. 211 P. (NIR& 12--2) (Agricultural machinery) (Tractors) CHMMOVSKIY, Yuriy Ivanovich; SAYAPIR, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauko retsenzent; -IMAR Qj rHTr._X&.IL. prof., red.; KUZIMOV, H.T., lnzh., red.; YXX1RR_,7.T.__,_fe_khn. red. [The 3-60 and 6-100 tractors; working principle and operation] Traktory 6-80 1 3-100; ustroistvo i ekspluatataiia. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Kookva. GoB.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo ma8hinostroit. lit-ry. 1959. 439 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Tractors) CEMMOVSKIT, Turiy Ivanovich; SIDOROV, Fedor Cleorgiyevich; MIKHEM. Hikolay Zakbarovich; PICHAI. Fedor Ivanovich, lcend.tekha.nauk; ALIKSIM, Georgiy Petrovich: XHAR- TO,NC,.HI1i&JT! - -.- ~.. orof.s;-___ retsensent:1)UGNA, R.A., tskhn.reak (Tractor operator's manual] Posoble traktoristu. Moskva, Go@. nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo meahinostrolt.lit-ryt 1959. 512 P. (KIRA 12:6) (Tractors) KHARITOJICHIK, Te.M. Dissertations. Mekh. i elek. sets. 9911khoz. 17 no.1:56,and 64 '59. (MIRA 12.01) (Bibliography--Agricultural vAchinery) Dissortattono. Hokh. i elok.sotu.nellkhoz. 17 no.3:53 159. (HIRA. 12:8) (Agricultural machinery) I A d" - . I " ~; ,k~ , p ~,l 0 14 -",. 11"I'ARITO!"IT-7T yo~ v at -17 t 11 ~11,) 7,) '70 t V!~ CH&JA40VSKIY, Yuriy Ivanovich; SIDOROV, Yador Cloorgiyavich; KDOIRM. Nikolny Zakharovich; PICHAK. Fedor Ivanovich; ALKKSIM, (;Gorgiy Petrovich; KHARI .-!a -- 99AMN _.M,. prof.. retsenzent; CHMMINOV. Y.M., inzh,. reisenzant; RYABCHENKO, P.G., inzh., retsenzent; KALOSHIN, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; PICHAK, F.I., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; TEMKOV, 11,P,, takhn,red, [Manual for tractor drivers~ Posobie traktorist I I d 2.. parer. i dop. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinc ;roitz.lit-ry. 1960. 592 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Tractors) KHARITOIICHIK,, Ye,M,,,,prof. Improvement of tractor transmissions. 'frukt. i sellkhozzmash. 31 no.10:4-7 0 761. (MIRA 14.-N) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Tractors-Transmission devices) ULIMAN, I.Ye., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, oty. red.; KHAawoux prof., otv. za vyp -,~rinixali uchastiye: LEE=, 9.P., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SERGEYEV, M.P., prof., red.; KUZNETSOVA, A.V., ddktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; MZLAMED, V.I., dots., red.; DEULIN, N.P., dots., red.; SOKOLOV, B.F., dots., red.; ROMALIS, B.L., dots., red.; RASKATOVA, Ye.A., dots., red.; TONN, G.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PANUS, Yu.V., st. prepod., red.; KUBYSHEV, V.A.9 at. prepod., red. [Materials of the Jubilee Scientific Conference or the Chelyabinsk Institute of the Mechanization and Electrifica- tion of Agriculture] Materialy IUbileinoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Cheiiabinsk. Pt.l.(Investigation of the elements of design and the system of agricultural machinery] Issledovanie elementov konstruktsii i sistemy mashin v sellskokhoziaistvennom proiz- vodatve. 1962. 122 p. Pt.2.[Improvement in the design of machinery and the means for prolonging their sevice life) So- vershenstvovanie konstruktsii mashin i puti uvelicheniia ikh dolgovechnooti:. 1962. 118 p. Pt,,3.[New methods for using electric power in mobile units ard technological processes in agriculture] Novye sposoby ispoltzovaniia elektricheskoi energii v mobillnykh agregatakh i tekhnologicheskikh proteessakh,,aellskokhoziaistven- nogo proizvodstva. 1962. 44 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Chelyabinsk. Institut mekhaffrataii i elektrifikatsii sell- skogo khozyaystva. (AiAcultural machinery) (Electricity in agriculture) SPIRIDONOVY K.M., inzh.; KHARITONCHIK, Ye.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Study of the rigidity of the transmission system of a 6-ton class tractor. Trakt.i sellkhozmash. no.8:5-7 Ag 162. (MIRk 15:8) 1. ChelyabJ.nskiy institut makhanizatsii i alektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystya. (Tractors--Transmission devices) KHARITONCHIK, Ye.M...- prof.; KYCHEV, V.N., inzh. Investigating a hydropneumatic starter for tractor diesel enginem, Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.6:9-13 Je 163. (NURA 16:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy institut mokhanizataii i elektrifikatsii sell- skogo I-Jiozyaystva. (Tractors-Starting dqvices) (Diesel engines) CiTED SOURCA: T-r. CheLyub. i&-t&=ekh:lnf i eLektrffik. a. kh., v-;rp. 16. 1963. KFARTIONE"u"i'O. D. "Perfection of flew Machine Tools" Stanki i InsfIrment, 12, No. 6P 1941. Report U-1503, 4 Oct. 1951 MURITONFINW, D. .71., Engineer "Iloning of Steel Cylinders,." Stanki i Instu-rument, 10, No 91 1939, END'S Report U-15C5, 4 Oct 1951. KHARITOWNK0,F.D. ("Practice in the Control of Infectious Discaser" from material received by the editor) 6. Extract: "Dui-ation of Immunity from STI VaccJne in Reindeers" by Science Assistant F.D.KHARITOWNKO (1zhma-Pechora NIVOS). Tho autbov presents the results of testing the duration of irTununity in reindeer in- oculated witb STI vaccine in 1951-1952. Ma.,js inoculiLtions of reindeer with-.- STI vaccine were first carried out in March and June 1%V3 in Izhemskiy Rayon,Yomi ASSR. During this time anizals that wer3 destined for immunity tests were also inoculated. The test animals were givon 1-2-5 and 10 milliliter doses of STI vaccine. Controlled infection of the tBst animals was effected in February and March 1944. The committee observed the presence of a stable imminity 8 and 1-1 months after vaccination day. LIJ