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C-i'. - -I k - .- --w t I I 1. - _1~ (I) ca . ;=-,-j~1'6028327 SOURCE CON: Uli/0040/GG/C)30/004/0'/Llii/O'/~ij AUITEOR: Kharlamoval Ye. I. (Donetsk) 0-;,3: nono -,'ITLE: Reducing the problem concerning the motion'of a heavy solid body containing a stationary point to a single equation. A new particular solution of this problem SOU"RCE: Prikladnaya matematika i mckhanika, v. 30, no. 4, 1966, 704-788 TOPIC TAGS; two body problem, gyroscope motion equation, gravitation effect fors from, tile The solution of the problem proposed by the author dif thir- .tccr. C-xistin- solutions in that the center of mass is in the principal plane rather. n on the principal axis and the integrals in this solution are nonlinear. It is as-, Gu:,-,cd that one of the special coordinate axes coincides with the principal axis which makes it possible to reduce the problem to one relatively simple equation. '17he new pzurticular solution of the problem is obtained on the basis of this equation. The solu-, .ioa contains eight independent parameters: a,al.b. ~, ~1, rip &os CLU of vhich a, al, and b are components of the gyration tensor along special axes; X and .Al are components of the gyrostatic moment which is constant with respect to the body; Card 1/2 L 037-39-67 ACC N,1, AP6028327 the modulus of the invariant space vector which indicates the direction of gravi- ty; Eu is defined by an analytical expression; and au is used to determine the posi- ,tion, of the body in space based on kinematic equations proposed by the author in an ,earlier paper. Orig. art. has: 29 formulas. SUB CODE: 12,20/ SUBH DATE: 130at65/ ORIG REF: Oll/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 The Rolling of a Ball on an Inclined Plane ~,011140-22-4-11126 the basic equations from the theorem of momentum and from the theorem of torsional momentum. Under consideration of the rolling conditions three of the unknowns can be eliminated so that there'remain three equations for three unknowns. It can be seen from the general equations that the center of gravity of the ball moves uniformly accelerated, where this acceleration depends on the initial orientation of the main axes of inertia of the ball. The purely formal analogy existing between the equations of the author and the equations of Chaplygin can be utilized for a direct transmission of Chaplygin's results to the motion considered here# To a geometric iiterpretation given by Chaplygin of the motion of a rolling ball on a horizontal plane one can give a new interpretation corresponding to the rolling of a ball with with an elliptic ellipsoid of inertia on an inclined plane. The clearness of this interpretation, however, is not very great. There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: March 20, 1958 Card 2/2 MARTALOV Pr Ya. I., -an,~ Phya-1--tth Sci-(disc) gertain problemB of A$ dynanicn of a colid body." !'os, 1958. 6 pp ("os Order oi' Lenin and Order of Inbor Ead Banner Str~te U i,-.i -.V. Lomonoaov), 120 conies KL, 30-5 8, 12 2) XHARIAMOYA, Ye. 1. Motion of a solid body around a fixed point in a central Newtonian field of forces. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.6:7-17 '59. (MIRA 12:12) I.Institut gidrodinamiki Sibirokogo otdalaniva AN SSSR. (Mechanics) KHARI-AM07A Ya.l. Uew solution to thu problfnn o! r-tion In a fjold of force of a body having caviti6s ti2ltA witt, ltquij, PrAl. IN SSSR 157 no.3,-549.-550 J! '64,, 17:7) 1 1. Novosihirskly gc,-qudarstvcnnyv --Lrifv-~-:-,2.t.-~-t. wid.-ml.k.= P.Ya. Knchinoy, L 00276-66 EWT(d) IJP(C)I. ACCMSION NRs AP5021306 UR/004065/029/004/0 iirUii AU-IROFII KhexIamovar Yee I* (Novosibirsk) TITLEs Solutions of problem on' mation of a body having a fixed point SOURCEs Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika# Y. 29, no* 49 19659 T33-737 TOPIC TAGS iA 4 If 4 ABSTRAM The author considers A-dP j- where Olte2qe~ in a unit vector from the fixed point to the body's center, and r is the produc of the body's weight with the distance between the center of mas3 and the point of support. These equatiuaa govern the motion of a solid body with a fixed point in a homogeneous gravitational field. The autitor finds certain particular solutions of these equations under certain conditions on the mass di3tribution and initial conditions* She also finds five solutions of a related aystem which have as limiting cases known particular solutions or generalizations of these partiwalar solutions. Orig. art. hast 29 formulas* ASSOCIATIONs none ,Card 1/2 Mw- ~L 00276-66 ACCEssioN 14R: AP5021306 SUB CODEt Itz MA RIM 00 SUBMITTEDs 23gar65 140 REP SOVI 007 omints 005 tj Card SOV/79-29-6-45/72 50) V. G-, KharlamOvat Ye, N* AUTHORSt Vasil'Yevi licylate Marked With Thermal Decarboxylation of Methyl Acetyl Sa atsetilealitailatat TITLE$ C14 (Termich?lkoye dekarboksilirovaniye metil mechennogo C ) FERIojaCkLi Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, V01 29, Nr 6, pp 1973 - 1982 (IUSSR) carboxylic acids has been in- The decarboxYlation reaction Of the ions a number of LBSTRACTs stigated in detail- R. R. Br,*n (Ref 1) ment place over the for- ve ctions take proofs for the fact that these rea mation of the anion or the dipolar ion; RC02H HCO2 R- + CO 2 RCODH eRCO 2 -~ RH + Co2 (2) I,+ + RCO- --)o HR + C02 (3) 2 n in undissociated form is the ple of a decOmPOsitiO al decarboxylatiOn The only exam naya kiBlota) .The therm same stabi- meoitOl acid (mezitoY ~Omplicated. Both bonds show the of the asters is more C the basis of thisoreti- Card 1/3 lity with respect to their cleavabilitY- On With C?4 Therma Decarboxylation of NethYl Acetyl Salicylate Marked BOV/79-29-6-45/72 cal considerations the authors used a method described already earlier for the investigation of the kinetics and the mechanism of tha decarboxylation of methyl acetyl salicylate (-A.M.C.) with the C14 marked in the acetate group (scheme (6) and (7)) 1. e. at 280, 300 and 3200. The application of the iactope made poseible a separate determination of the rates of the simultaneous develop- ment of carbon dioxide from both carboxXI groups of this compound. The separation of Co 2 from the methyl carboxyl group takes place autocatalytically. The initial noncatalytic reaction takes place with the activation energy 44 Cal/kol. The autocatalytic stage occurs with the activatidn energy 38 Cal/Mol between AMC and the product of the first reaction. The curves computed on the basis of these conditions correspond to th~, experiment. A chain-, radioal-, and ionic mechanism is not possible. The separation of &0 2 from the acetoxy group takes place in two stagess at the beginning acetic anhydride forms from 2 molecules AMC which in the second stage decomposes into Co and acetone. This reaction is inhibited bytthe decomposition proiucts of jjAC. The difference of the acti- Card 2X3 va ion energy of the two reactions (_1.8 Cal./kol) was computed Thermal Decarboxylation of Methyl Acotyl Salicylate Marked SOV/79-29-6-45/72 With c14 from the ratio of the constants of the initial velocities of &0 and CO 2~ This difference is mainly due to the difference in the 2 degree of conjugation of the two carboxyl groups with the aryl and methyl group of the molecule AMC ( 2 curve diagrams). Thero are 3 figures and 21 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova (Scientific Physicochemical Research Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTEDs April 15, 1956 Card 3/3 81730 B/020/60/133/01/42/070 B000007 019 AUTHORSa V TITLE4 investigation of the Strength of C-O Bonds by Isotopic Exchange PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960~ vol. 133~ No- 19 pp. 152 - 154 TEXTs The authors investigated the relative st'rengths of C-0 bonds in ethers and asters by means of the exchange of C14. As a relative measure of strength an exchange yield was selected,,which was attained after a certain time. The experimental conditions were chosen in such a manner that the yield did not exceed 20 - 40 %, so that its values approximate- ly corresponded to the rate constants. Equimolar mixtures, in which one component was tagged with C14, were heated in ampoules. In the first two experimental series determination of the radioactivity absorbed by the non-tagged cemponent was carried out qualitatively by measuring radio- activity, but in the third, it was carried out quantitatively by Card 1/3 Investigation of the Strength of by Isotopic Exchange C-0 Poride 81730 1/010/60/133/01/42/070 B004/BO07 determining the C14 content. In series I reactions of velltigateA. Neither P-nitrophenol, P-creeol eth. ethers were in- vi ether entered into e P--'hlorophenolp P-diethoxybenzene nor tagged with C14 0 xchange reaction with sulphuric ether the at 300 C and with the experiment lasting 20 h. Only in "Be Of phenstole was a slight excha out with phenGtolej In series 2 qualita (P-nitrophenol) and CYIQ observed. Experlme~nts carried acid tive investigations wer -ethanol also showed no reactiola. e Oa 8, esters, acid anhydrides and ketones (T 1e 1) 'A mixtures of enter into reaction with acid anh rri,d out ab - Ketones did not C H C00C H + C H C14 ydrides, For series 3 the system 6 5 6 5 6 5 OOH was seleotodv and both the exchange of C14 a, also, in parallel 8xperimenta, with C H CO 0 H the exchange of 0 were 'nvestigated. C14 18 18 was combusted to 6 5 18 the pulses Of BaC140 is CO 2 and determined by measuring determined by means 3' 0 was combusted to C018 and the latter was measurements were ca Of a 9.% 2 rri2-~' ~303'011 1303)-tYpe mass spectrometer (these exchange of C14 Out by M. V. Tikhomirov). Tile authors found an equalling 41.5 %, and of 018 Card 213 equalling 21 A* Therefore, 27906 S/079/61/031/010/006/010 5bloo D243/D304 AUTHORS; Nazarova, L.M., Kharla!pmo qv e. j., Aleksandrova, G. Ye., and El't-eY6`v`a, Ye. B. TITLE: Interaction of benzole with phenyl derivatives of elements in Group IV of the Periodic Table and of their molecular composition by methods using tagged atoms PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obehchey khimii, v. 31, no. 10, 1961, 3308-3311 TEXT: The report was to fill a gap in literature and investigate further the 1:1 molecular combination of triphenylmethane and benzole described previously by AnschlUtz (Ref. 2: Lieb. Ann., 235, 208 (1886)). The combustion of the molecular compounds and benzole for activity analysis was effected by the method of moist oxidation with a Van Slayk-Pollkh mixture, the carbon monoxide being absorbed by a saturated solution of barium hydrate which was later filtered, washed and dried. Activity measurements were Card 1/3 Interaction of benzole ... 279o6 S/079,/61/031/010/006/010 D24-3/D304 taken over five minute periods, alternating with background mea- surements; At least five readings were taken with each specimen* Exchan~e experiments with benzole were done in glass ampoules. 3(C6H 5 4 (where ) = Sn, Si, Pb) was placed in a dry ampoule and benzole added in a molar ratio of 1:15. The ampoule was sealed under nitrogen and heated at 1500 until complete solution of 3(C6H 5)4* After cooling the ampoule was opened, and excess benzole removed by a current of nitrogen. The dry remainder was left for some days in a fume cupboard and then removed to a desiccator for storage. Conclusions: 1) Tetraphenylsilicon, tetraphenyltin and tetraphenylead form stable molecula't compounds with benzole which have a general formula () (C6H 5)4)7 ' C6H69 whilst triphenylme- thane forms a highlY unstable 1:2 molecular compound with benzole. 2) A method of determining the molecular compositions of these compounds using tagged C14 atom was suggested. There are 3 tables and 2 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sviet-bloc. Card 2/3 27906 S/07 61/031/010/006/010 Interaction of benzole so. D243YD304 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: September 24, 1960 Card 3/3 11,1ICHEVA, Z.F.;_.YJIARLAMOVA, Ye.N.;~4LOVOFJIOTOVA, N.A. Spectr-acopIc study of the complex formed lor natoral rubber with titanium tetrachloride. Dokl. AN SSSR 164 no.3:581- 583 S 165. (MA 18:9) 1. FIziko-khImicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Karpova. SuInitted March 13, 1965. L 33067-66 At-u- NH& Al 24159 5WRCE CODE: UR/0020/65/164/003/0581/0583 '-? AUTHOR: Illicheva, Z. F.; Kharlamova, Ye. N. Slovokhotova, N. A. ORG: Physical Chemistry Institute im. L. Ya. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut) C, TITLE: Spectroscopic investigations of a complex1of natural rubbexJ'-'141th titaniLm tetrachloride SOURCE: All SSSR. Dokladyo v. 164, no. :3, 1965, 581-583 TOPIC TAGS: i3poctroacopy, natural rubbor, titanium compoundp cyclization, apoctro- photometer, ir spectrum, chloride ABSTRACT: It is known that under the effect of titnnitum tetrachloride cycli- tntion of rubbers taken place. The present study van undertaken to elucidate the, nature of the Intermediate products In this process. Natural rubber (HR) was used for the investigations, treated vith boiling acetone for 24 hours, and then reprecipitated with methanol from a benzene solution. For measurement of infrared spectra a XR film 0.004 cm thick vas prepared from benzene solution in the center of a KBr disc. After careful drying of the film under high vacuum.. several drops of T'C14 were deposited on It. The brigbt-orange product then 'formed van covered vith a second KBr disco after which its Infrared spectrum was.; immediately measured on a UR-10 epectrophotoneters All the operations with TIC14' .and the filling of cuvottes were carried out in a hermetic chamber in dry argon.. Infrared.spectra of the MR ~ TiClh system differed substantially rrom Card 1/2 L 33067-66 ACC NR: AP6024159 ~tbe ope'ctra of the original rubber and re TIC14. In the system, a new intense ,bond oppeared in the region of 1530 cd- at the some time, the 1665 cm-1 ab- ,sorption bandp corresponding to the valency oscillations of the M bond In the original HR disappeared. Evidently, 9 135 cm-1 shift of this band into the longai wave region occurredp along with an Increase in its Intensity. An intense absorption band with a maximum in the 445 millinicron region vau ~observed in the electronic spectrum of the system RR ~ TiC14; a band in this :region woo also observed In the electronic spectrum of the ir-complexes of idiphenylethylene and its dimer vith SnC14. These facts indicate that In the re- taction of ZiR with TIC14, a it -complex is Initially produced. Evidently, due to :the formation of this complex disappearance of the 3040 cm-1 band of the valency cocillations of the CH bond In the -C=CH- group Is observedp along with a shift 6H3 !in the 640 cm7l absorption band of the deformational oscUlatior. of this bond in Lth. 820 - 810 ca-l.region.1' This paper was presented by Academician V. A. Kargin on 1j Mar" _1965- Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [JPRS] SUB CODE: 11,07-J,20/ SUBM DATE: 20F665. / ORIG MF: 002 / OTH REF: 005 ..J Card 2/2 A - SENIKIN, T.M.; KRARLAMDVA9. Z.14.!A inzh. .Improvement in railroad yard operatton on the basis of using advanced labor methods. Zhel, dor. transp. 40 no*12:63-65 D '58. Wn 12:3) 1.11achallnik stantaii Nadezhdinak.-Sortirovochnyy (for Son'kin). 2.Otdeleniye stantaii Hadezhdinak-Sortirovochnyy (for Kharlamova). (Railroads-Tards) 16 (1), 10 (2) AT2!1OR: Kharla=va, Ye. I. ----------- TITLE: A Special Caoa of tho slu,chay inteGriruyemo3ti lie 71-~-l 1/r.1 PERIODICAL: Do'r:lady Akademii ntatk SSSR, 1911, Vc,] 1,11~. Nr (USSR) ABSTRACT: Fur the p--.~rposa of m-ttin,- up thv of of heavy) solid body ro--ml an. Jr.,mobilo (if b.,ly h~iL; c,avittes ,,.,hirh aro filled wLth an .*,Jeal It ir, sufficijnt to th,~ cocffici~,-Pts k:f -,oz the doublu ki-.ql.,tic of the holy ar-1 the If at thL, mom--~nt at ,,,hirh tl,.e a-.7t ti-on -,'.c th- "i- quia wLs not in motion, It io 1y 8,af-taloi~ of tha axes Oxyz ril~--411-y with thc- (in the origin of coortinates is at 0,r.- +I),, to write down this quadz-ati-, form as foll--.w~,: A-- -2?,'- 2. tor of the ty f, Cr Here (.P,q,r) denote the vcc f the body. The quantities A,B,C in the casn of t!--- -r1llod with a liqi,.-~d natisfy tho in?l,,i,.,1'4,,y 13. Card 1/2 c-Xpression ie writt-~m dcvm f,-)-- the kinutic ~f V-0 1~~Ijjd A Sr~ecial Case of the Euler-Poisson Equation SOV/20-12r,-5-1 1161 for the case of an ellipsoidal cavity, aft--r which the herefron resulting expressions for A,B,C are writton drwn. if the conte.:: of mass of the body does not coinnido with the point, the motion of the system defined above is deacribed by t~e a.llor- Po.4s3cn equations: A d" + (C-B)qr Adl) dt B !L+ (A-C)rp C dr + (B-C)pcL= Q(y,,T-xcT') dt dt d - dy' rr - q.3" I,- _ j -,= I Pr -rri If Here Q denoteo the iveiGht of the -,iven mecjhanical syotem, and (X o9yo 1z0) - its center of the unit vector in the direction of them gravitational force. Several solutions of these equations are known. The author further m,3nti,:)ns U parti- cular solution of this equation, but tho for-mulao !7annot be wxlt- ten do-an here because they are tc,--, -)11.iminnus. Thcra- arg I S,-r.Let references. PRESENTED: December 15, 1958, by T. I. Artrb-~Ii~vsi-.Jy, SUBMITTED: July 9, 19513 Card 2/2 , Yast rotation of a solid body around a stationary point with the oxintance of it northolotiomic bond. Vnnt. 14,jmk. tin. Smr. mat. %ekh, astron., fiz., khim. 12 no. 6:25-34 157. (MIILA 11:10) (Mechanics) KHARLA14P ID I, G. P. Hormonal method of stimulating birth of twins in beef cattln. Zhivotnovodatvo 21 nc..6:56-58 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) (Hormones, Box) (Beef--Cattle breeding) (Birth, Wltiple) BOYKO, Dmitriy Fedorovich; Geor&jy..Pavl'ovJch; SOBACHIK, A.P.0 spetered.; GORNIK, M.1r., red,; PXCHENKIII, I.Y., [Introduce the SZhK preparation more widely] Shire vnedriett preparat SZhK. Moakvv, 1960. 11 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moscow. Vystavka dostizheniy nBrodnogo khozyaystva SSSR. Pavillon *Gvtsevodetvo.0 (Hormones) (Stock and stockbreeding) L 33226-66 EW?(m)/EWP(J)/F,~P(t)/ETI IjF(c) JDABIRY1 ACC NRt AP6024589 SOURCE CODE: UR/0314A6/000/003/000( 5 AUTHOR: Kharlampiyev, I. G. (Engineer); Kuwy-ukov, A. N. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Intercrystalline corrosion of pipeline parts in urea production SOURCE: Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1966, 45-46 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion, pipeline, urea ABSTMCT: *Observation of the condition of high-pressuro pipelines in uroa .production at the Lisichansk Chemical Combine have shown that intensified 1corrosion of individual pFaio can occur in t o uroa molt line the molten ullca. entering the pipelines from the synthesis coliunn at a t perature of 2000 C and t* pressure of 200 k&/cm2. To conqwfct the examin Ono, a T-Joint .was removed from the pipolinej made of the alLpol Khl7Nl3M3T1l'and acoupling (Dy = 80 mm)p made of the steel OKhl7NIL6M3T,\ In use for about four years was' ai-~o removed. No traco of corrosion was 2[itocted in the couplingp and ito j Innor 3urface was smooth and glistening. The inner surface of the T-Joint ,io-qover lookod as if it had been sprinkled with miAal powderp which could-be removed from the surface o.nly with difficulty. Crig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. [JPRS.- 35,7281 SUB CODE: 13 / SUBM DATEt none Card 1/1 "~2L) UDC: 620.193.4.#621-643.4 SOV / 137- 58- 12-252 12 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 11):;8, N- 121, p 167 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kha rlarnpi vev, 1. G - TITLE- Distribution of Manganes(- Among ?he Phases of Low-carbon Steek Which Exhibit Differcrit Susceplibilov to Cold Bi-ttleness (Raspre- delenwe margantsa mezhdu fazami maiouplerodisivkh staley, imeyushchil,ch razlICIIIII-IYU sk!onnost k ~hladtiolonikosti) PERIODICAL- Tr. Vast. -Sib. fit. AN SSSR, 1q;;7, Nr 6, pp 41-46 1 ABSTRACT: A study was made of Ihe relat onsbip between Mr. content in the carbide phase and the critical brittleness terriperature bv determining ak I rt!- silience! in the temperature range of +20 to -60aC and by the chemi- ca) analysis of carbide precipilates separated from specimens of industrial smelting of St 3, St 4: and St 20 sleels which had been an- nealed, normalized, and quenched wiTli tompering at terriperatures ranging between 300 and 720c). ',I ,vas vtilabhshed 1hat the Mn content in the carbides increases w 'th an increase of the tempering tempera- ture,with subsequent decrease in the criticil brittleness temperature. T. F. Card 1/1 it it It to is to a a Po is it, to 0 to .4 0. a "t It a..1, At$ 4~1.1 /j #0 Oil j f 00 , Netructivio b1dMirastiou of goviot producer Mr. A. V. ' 1` 0 1 1 f A '114) , 4* 0 ani . H. Kharkitismvich. Kite. I vorrokp, !_*0 00 5 1*11,4vioducirr lay obtaiMA 1= 00 1 1oorcKloch"41t Peost. cmtg. C 7504, It 0.33, 00 2-fig. 0 + 5 12W, ash OW, Iffo 2.VJ, carbrildt 2.9. - Ott 00 4! courboxylic, oriols 1.0, lobtrattto Nom. 1witfitad arid *jj,., 7.1%, was bytiveltrosted at an initial prritoutv of im aim. 00 60 , of MA, hftx% + Ali(),. Cry(P. + NJ + Cu. A44 N l 00 'r J. iftvy P.-At, wrrr rn ych-4 h + with tba dd f If f 040 j a a. o more a ter rmwvnl of the fraction to. * . bekm2NU . Ayitidotupto45%ofp*Aint-andkrios"w 1 fr1l cti b o " east e obtained by hydruvoisthig at 42"1 , 11110da 20-60MM,in 11sorpresorrievol MrA-h + AJA + NJ 00 0~ . The product owtalaq very outiall iamtir. of 8 fit adtfa. to a** 3% Phniols, vbkb art easily removed with cattoic. ii~ mmor-futri yki& wwa alfrotiat kleni"I for all The ragalyrit , lbutigh vim. w(garouts tiaclsing was obotorvied for the tats. Of Zats evott.'111A. NJ PUMUGIC11 the fUFMA(kift 01 it". l f *0 i fincivit o pberocols sod "M parallins before hydrovius- p 0 lim 4M ew ctvv better results. MIKks proorricKes Me ;;I 00 bydragirsissticits at C#11.4mtol- compols. of tar. The ovow active phessal-roducing catalysts afte pfo% + AIA and ' 0 M 400 a v + ASA + NJ. Ga"ine lo. 40--110 , after the "00 rwwv&l of pbetiols and bafti, had do 0.7974, 1 no. andecontainedUMS%S. 10410 firq cif &Imtwfg. (ohfioine,l are tothulated A A. It. 100 00 e(TALL606SE&A. o.111S.101 CLA SSIPICATIG (00 : t1o 0 tic. At, 00 s A, *3 11 to .1 j# go it of it R T If Am to or it ot 34 0 it t " 11 IF if M I* IF 14 111 a i IF 12 24 to 06 " x to N it W of M a M L? Or it a 4 91 Id Or@ 00 L01L.t 111141 ILL& a r a a A I W lit A I A AA 0 LC W 12 b 1 4 a-f-s s, 0 ~qo Tho "veto" at two Stber fuuut 1A COMM11144 f6dW W C041. L Va. P,At,w-kif and A. It. ! so 0 J1. 1. 1- 1. 14.1 9. 11 I I 1 KhIukmM1; ~oooo;j 1 ' f . of n. ro Al j4 I "A A. 10, KV0 ) ( -406 T114, pcvwiKv cif thio PIN" 8 to w4. provqd hy file CJIJ Roorthitol lit. C. A - JO, 4147') oind.vnfirmord toy ,4o- of fation o(the thin orther 8 with 0.1 N KNIn0ii to vulfintate tfw af)ovv nowthM. The opplicability v=2= 00 00 S', lrtled,m tarnpirIt .1 rual treated with t . 0 c dix1fole the amt. 4,1 S at 12&.01' f4w 1, 3, 4 and .11 in. .00 go Picting the firolitzent Isip evAtold'" rof 11.11 **- 'j-4 -J rs with2he' N "A N v 11te I tal thits treated w4t, broored 1 thro 90 00 . o ao low 2 hit. each time. (a remove rit'vait and attv'ruclocif S' 1,efmc the detn. of thio ether S. Twenty references. 00 so 0: A A. ' ob goo go .00 .0e A10.11.4 017ALLUOGKAL W1941foost C',A%SWKAIIGN -a - - 11 to JLS a It 1. ew a a a I w 64 5 a 4 3 it I . 41 0 0 * 4~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 0 so 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 9~41 ob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 ej 0~~' K MUSP't i~t G.D. Dissertation: "Multipurpose Use of Higher Phenols of Coal Tar." Card Tech Soil Ural Polytechnic Inst, Sverdlovsk, 1953. T (Referativnyv Zhurnal, Khtmiya, Mosco-4, No. 16, ,~,g 54) SO: SITMI 393, 28 k'eb 1955 GOTTRAN, M.Y.; KHARIAMPOVICH, G.D. Ghemicid utilisntion of coal tar. Koka i 156. (MLRA 10a) 1. Umllskiy politekhichaskiv institut imeni S.H. Kirov&. ,(Coml tar) H 1~ GOFTMAN, N.V.; RAUKAS, M-14-; MLARLARPOVICH, G.D. Means for improving the technology of naphthalene production- Koko i khIm. no.4:45-47 157. (KMA 101-5) 1. Urallskir politekhnIch6skiy institut in. S.M. Kirov&. (Kaphthalons) po t/1 C ff USSR/Chemical. Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. IndustrIal organic Synthesis Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2157 Author Goftman, M.V., Kharlampovich, G.D..-- Inst Title Study of Antioxidant Properties of Higher Phenois. Orig -%b Zh- prikl. khim-Li, 1957, 30, No 3, 439-446 Abstract A study was made of the antioxidant action of higher phe- nols. Alpha-naphthol (I) and beta-naphthol (II) were used as comparison standards. Paraffin was subjected to oxidation. The objects of study were: phenoll o-cresol, phenol-cresol fraction, xylenol fraction, polyalkylphenol fraction, 1. 11, waste products of the recovery of I or II, methyl naphthols, dimethyl naphthols, p-phenyl 5henol, methyl phenyl phenols, heavy phenols (boiling above 33,00) in an amount of 0-05-0-1%. The content of peroxides was determined. The study was based upon the well-known Card 1/3 ()J?,IJ sg Pei' concerning this question vere arriVed at in the present Card 2,13 ;, -i ~ - , -- - -: ~ , - , ,, I - - , -. I _i -7.r ,-t -, , - - i - , - I I - I I - I GoJTMa, M.V.;-.=ARLUMICH,..G.D. New technological arrangement for th6 processing of tar. T~rudy Ural. politakh. Inst, noo'59:-5-13 157. (xiR& ntO (Tar) (Distillation) j, ,)-P -~ I.) v,i - " I , ., ;- , 'C", - I )r2 ~ I ~, "~ . .; KHARLuMVICH, G.D. GI - 0 Studying higher phencle from coal tar. Trud7 Ural. politekh, Inst, no;59tl4-36 1570 (Tar acids-Analysis) (KIBA UtO )(,T,; KIFARUMPOTI SepAmt JM pure *4 -naphtb.olp t~ -naphtbal, p-phanylphenol md 4urenol out of phemols from coal tar. Trucly Ural. Politekh. inst, n '59 07 o. -" '57- (Tar aoids) (MIR& l114) WRUMVICH, G.D., referent a) (from wDas Gas- uud Coke chemical plant in DurgaPur (Indi Wasserfach," 98 no.47 1957. (MIRA 11:6) l.Urallskiy politakhnicheakiy institut im. S.M. Kirovs. (Durgapur, India--Coke industry) A , . *i 6'. b", L AUTHORS: Goftman, M.V.,and Kharlampovich, G.D. 68-1-15/22 TITLE: Modern Trends in the Utilization of Naphthalene (Sovremennye tendentsii v ispolIzovanii naftalina) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, No.1, PP- 53 - 56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a survey of literature (mainly Western) on the utilization of naphthalene for the production of phthalic anhydride and other chemicals. Methods and raw waterialo used for the production of phthalic anhydride are briefly outlined. It is considered that under present trends of increasing demand. for naphthalene, the production of phthalic anhydride from naphthalene fraction would be the most economical. It is stated in the editorial note that the expediency of erecting phthalic anhydride plants on coke oven works requires further confirmation. There are 2 tables and 11 references, 4 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Urals Polytechnical Institute im. S.M. Kirov. (Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.M. Kirova) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 KHAIUA.MVICH, G~Do, referent. I%w British by-product coke plant (from "Coke and Gas," 19 no*216 1957). Reviewed by G,D, Kharlampovich, Koko i khim. no.It6l_62 158. (MM 11#2) 1. Urallskiy politakhnichookiy inotitut. (Great Britain--Coke induatry) AUTHOR: - Kharlwapovfc~i, Gr, D, 6:;- ~8 - 7 -14/27 TITLE On tha c1loice of th'-, Moot Economictil Methods of Purifizarion of Col-le ov-r Ga:7 fro:.-, Sulphide (K voprosu o vyber-3 naiboicyc- el"ono:uielinyhI, nietodov ochistki kok~ovogo 6azla ot oerovodoroda) PBRIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 19r1`11", Ili, ~, pp 4IS-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT Ou tho basio" of a comp,,:trif;o-1 of the -.o,,As of clen~ld_nc, M3 - I 1000 of col o ovr..n F,,-, by tlii,~ WIMAO PO'_~I~ 11 Rrid arsenical methods,Tabla 1, and. am.iicniacol ir,-Ithcd~ Table 4, under operating; cond-4-11-lionS of the !daL-eyavj0!L arid Zaporozhya Coke Ov~an Worlcc-,5 da':a c7n si:ailar coi;ts iia West Germa_-(y and -.hz! Costa of _--ulphur and 3ulphijric acid in various cour:~-rie~!, tl-ie a2d tecluiio-A advanta.,es of -the ove L~nn~ cle--nin, systoms rre diccussed. lt 1-3 concl,,Acd tha-i-l vacuc-car~,_onate nor arsenical of _,as cleanini~ liave deciding advanta co and I.-_Iie c%o_*-_- or. loc-1 conlitiorks. From -'-.he poiat of v-'L--,%, of i~nd o f operation thO to '112. not u-,ed ot/her riv"thuel-, t, wl i-, Card 1/2 in Ruz~_]_u tll_~ f_;UiA101' 68-5/8-7-14/27 1, )f on tho Problc:~i of the h of Purif ication of Col-,P- Oven Gas f trials of thj-,- iiiettiod S-I'lould "bo out in ordi~r to obtain zhe nE~ce2s~.ry dl~-ta aria, L ~ie eI o L inC project:~ olf of plants in order tc, the--,, ,j t*a~~--- method. There arc 4. tables, mid ~-) r.-!fc-ren,~cs. cji' are Soviet, 5 Goviian., I Er.LLIJ-~, ASSOCIATTON: Ural' skiy poliral'.~h-nichecki- y --' i-;,-! L i t. U. t (Ural PolytechnicLl 1. Coal gas--F~:.rificatinn -2. Hyd-ro.ry:.~n sulfide .... Separatio-n 3. Coal gas--..Ccf-,ts Card 2/2 SOV/68-.58-12-12/25 AUTHORS: Khariampc~vIch,,q.D.., and Ogneval A.K. TITLEt An Improvement in the Technology of Processing Coal Tar Phenols (Usovershenstvovaniye tekhnologii pererabotk.J. kamennougollnykh fenolov) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Nr 12, pp 41-1+5 (USSR) ABSTRACTS The composition of residues left after the distillation of phenols fvom Eastern coking works was investigated. The residues were redistilled under vacuo (5-10mm) U.) to a temperature of 1800C (equivalent to 305--3100C unde.r normal prossure). The composition of distillate was further investigated by rectification (Tables 1-3). rho composition of raw phenols and those obtained from the residues was compared (Table 4). It was found that: 1) coal tar phenols~ particularly higher phenols undergo considerable ohanges during heating, namely the yield of phenolic pitch increases while the content of lower nhen-Dis decreases and their composition changes* 2) The composition of phanols and primarily the presence of phenolic pitch, i a components boiling above 3050C, has, Card 1/3 a deciding influence on the decomposition of phanols. 3) The degree of decompos.-ition depends more on the SOV/68-58..12-12/25 An Improvement in the Teichnology of Processing Coal Tar Phenols duration of hetating than on the temperaturo (within a range of 170-2300C, Table 5). 4) A considerable amount of valuable high boiling phenols, primarily naphthols, were found in the residues, Thus if the phenolic pitch can be separated before the distillation of phenols and the duration of their heating decreased, then the y1eld of the residues could be also decreased and in addition the residues would contain a higher proportion of naphthols and their homologues, For the above reasons flash evaporation of aqueous raw phen3ls with a short heating time was tested (Tables 6,7). It was found that by heating to 190-2000 (100--150mm hg) a complete separation of phenols can be obtained and due to a short heating tirae (10-40 Min) the degree of transformation of phenols Is low. Card '2/3 SOV/68-58-12-12/25 An Improvement in the Technology of Procossing Coal for Phenols On the above basis an optimum scheme for serration and rectification of phenols is proposed (Fig 2 . There are 2 figures, 6 tables and 6 references, a:.1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Urals Poly- technical Institute) Card 3/3 SOV/68-59-5-11/25 AUTHORS: r1ampavJzhG.D., and Kagasov, V.M. TITLE: Separate Recovery of Ammonia and Pyridine Bases from Coke Oven Gas (Razdellnoye ulavlivaniye ammiaka i piridiriovyk1i osnovaniy iz koksovogo gaza) PERIODICAL: Koks I khimiyal 1959, Nr 57 PP 30-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to Increase the recovery of pyridine bases, which under present practice does not exceed 7019, a separate recovery of ammonia and pyridine is suggested. To prove the validity of the suggested method the influence of ammonia sulphate additions to acid pyridine sulphate, and to pyridine sulphate on the stability of respective pyridine sulphates (Figs 1 and 2 respectively) and the influence of the content of pyridine sulpbate in a mixture of acid and medium pyridine sulphates (Fig were investigated. The results obtained Indicated that acid pyridine sulphate is very stable in aqueous sol.utions7 even solutions containing 200-26o g/litre of pyridine in the form of acid sulphate do not practically evolve pyridine at 70-80 OC. The stability of the medium Card 1/2 sulphate is low. The process of separate recovery -,an be carried out as followst after the passage of the sov/68-59-5-11/25 Separate Recovery of Ammonia and Pyridine Bases from Coke Oven Gas saturator, the purified gas containing only 0.03-0-13 t&3 of ammonia is passed into a small scrubber 4-5 plates) with a circulating solution of acid pyridine sulphate. Part of the solution is led out in the neut;,aliser. In this way the amount of solution passed into the neutraliser decreases 20-25 times, the amount of steam-ammonia mixture used for the decomposition of pyridine sulphate decreases 4-5 times and the amount of solution returning to the saturator from the pyridine plant decreases 10-15 times. It is stated in the Card 2/2 editorial note that the proposed scheme -requires additional studies. There are 3 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATIONS: Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) and Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Works) AUThOR Candidate of Ter~hnical Sciences T IT Lil, Perspectives and Directions in the Develo-oment of the Production of Phthalic..Aiihyd ride in the C;king Ind-,ustl-j P.L,'--,~IODICAL: Koks i khimi~a, 1959, Nr Q,, pp, 36 - 41 (USSR) ABSTRAICIT:11he above problem is di-s-cussed on the basis of literature data. It is pointed ouU that -!.-ho production of plithalle anhydride by oxidation of riapbthalene fraction (instead of crystalline napthaleno. which i,,; at prez-ant used in the USSR) will increase Lhe alrailabilit-,, of raw inate3~ial and docre~,se the cost of the product. BimultLancously, it will be possible to produce cheaper anh7dride and anthra- 9~.Iinone. From econol-;lic nsiderations 1~1.--14-. -,-Or -th--lic i ~ s - -oil anhydride siiould be -oui'Ll.- at larp coldng works (trans-ort, lari.-p scale plants, cneap steam and [-jas for heutin,~). No diffiCLIltiCS sliould Tk~ ,,ric-untered in the o--ddl3.tion of waphthalene fraction and a concentration of the research organi Sat ions on this probleir, is advocated. ure are 4 f iLure, 2 4 tables and 20 roference s , of whi;~h Cald 'L/- 10 are Soviet, 4 EnGlIsh, 2 Japanese. 1 French, 1 German and 1 Poliksh. A&,OC-,ATIOI[-. Urallskiy polite khniche ski-y institut (Urals Polytec.h- I nical, Institute) 5(3) 5GV/aO-'2-4-x6/47 AUTHORS - Kharlampovich, G,D., Goftman, M,V,, Raukas, hl,M. and Huslyanova, N.D. TITLEt Antiseptic Properties of the Components of Coal Tar (AntiseDticheskllye svoystva komponentov kamennougollnoy smoly) PERIODICkL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, PP 905-909 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The antiseptic action of individual components of the coal-tar oil have not been sufficiently studied thus far. Therefore the authors undertook an investigation of the action of various coal-tar oils and their in- dividual components, separated from these oils, on wood-destructive funCi of the Conlophora cerebella and Merulius dome3ticua species. The results of the experiments are shown in tables and in graphs where fi- gures of the loss of weight, ascribed to the destructive action of the fungi, are given. Conclusions drawn by the authors are as follows: 1. Phenols are more effective anticeptic3 than bases and neutral com- pounds, the effectiveness of the latter two is approximately the same; 2. The alkylation raises the antiseptic activitj of phenola; 3. Naphthols and their homologs are better anticeptics than phenol deTivativen; 4. The activity of compounds with a condensed system of benzene rings is higher Card than that cf compo-ands vith disconnected benzene rings; 5. Compounds Anti3eptic Properties of the Componento of Coal Tar IS 0 V/.81),,32-4-71,6/47 containine the imino-Grou,-.- are a nutritive medium for the fungi, acce- 'erating their growth. hloreccr;er, it cao establiihed that a definite ~L maximum of activity erists for all the groups of coal components, and the values of The temperatures of these peaks are given. It was also found out that 4,-,oxicity of impregnating oils did not drop when phenols ware removed from them, provided that the phenol content was les'_ 10~; hcwaver, with increasing content of phenols above 10% the toxicity of coal-ter oils increases. Therefore, coal-tar oils with phe-nol 3ontent higher than 101/1, are especially effective anticeptics~ There are 3 graphs, 2 tables and 3 references, I of which is Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATIM Urallskiy politekhnicheskly inst'.tut imeni S.hl.Kirova (U.-al Polytech- nical. InGtitute imeni S.M.Kirov) SUBMITTEDt October 4, 1957 Card 212 XURUMPOVICH, G.D.; GOPTXAS, X.Y.; RUS'YANOVA, N.D. New method of recovering ammonia from coke-oven gle. KoksA khim. no.4:34-39 160. OURL 13:6) 1. Urallskiy politekhinichookiy institut. (Ammonia) (Coke-oven gas) XLGASOV, V.M.; KHOLOPTSEV, 1.P.; NWIROVSKIT, M.Kh.; UKUT, Y.G.; IMARLAMPOVICH, G.D., kand.tekhn.nauk Separate recovery of ammonia and pyridine bases from coko-cven gas. Koko i khtm. no.6-32-35 160. (KIM 13 -',?) 1. Chelyabinskiy metallargichaskiy savod (for all except Khar- lampovich). 2. Urallskiy politakhnicheskiy Institut (forKhar- lampovich). (Coke-oven gas) (Ammonia) (Phyridine bases) KIIARLAMVICH, G.D.,-~ZVZKOT, V.N,, inzh., reteenzent; MIK&310VA, M.A., - inzh., nauchnyy red.; KUTMKOU, G.M., Doal chemicals as raw mterials for the production cf polymers] Xhimicheskie produkty koksovenita - syrte dlia proizvodstva poli- marov. Sverdlovsk, TSentrallnoe biuro tekhn.informatsii, 195q. 24 p. (MIRA 14-.4) 1. Ruesia (1917- R.B.F.S.R.) Sverdlovskiy ekonomichenKy admi- nietrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khoryayntva. (Coke induatry--By-products) (Polyrars) KIIARLAMPOVICHO G.D.1 AKSENOVA., T.F. Production of plasticizers substituting for cresyl phosphate, based on xylenols and high boiling phenols from coal tar. Koks J. khim. no. 5146-49 161. (MM, 14:4) 1. Ural'skiy politaklinicheskiy institut. (Plasticizers) (Coal tar) (Tolyl phosphate) GOFTMAX, H-V- I prof.; KHARLAPPOVICH, G.D.; RUSIYANOVA, N.D. Ways of utilizing coke-gas ammonia. Zhur. VKHO 5 no.1:38-42 160. (Ammonia) (Coke-oven gas) (MIRA 14W S/068/62/000/001/002/002 E071/E435 AUTHORS,, Ruslyanova, N D., Kharlampovich, G.D., Belyayeva, G.;,, GE-f-tman, TITLE. Oxidation of anthracene-phenanthrene fraction with the production of anthraquinone, phthalic and maleic qnhydrides PERIODICAL: Koks i khimiya, no.1, 1962, 47-52 TEXT. The process of oxidation of the above fraction in the air- vapour phase over a vanadium-potassium-sulphate-silica gel catalyst (K-26) used in the industrial oxidation of naphthalene V/ was investigated on a laboratory scale. The starting fraction was obtained by rectification of raw anthracene fraction with a column equivalent to 25 theoretical plates. The yield of the fraction was about 50% on raw anthracene. About 80% of anthracene and 75 to 80% of phenanthrene were concentrated in this fraction; mean compositiont anthracene 40 to 45%, phenanthrene - 35 to 40% and carbazole 10 to 15%. The oxidation of pure anthracene and phenanthrene takes place under the following identical conditions: temperature 370*C, contact time 2~3 to 2.4 seconds, load on the catalyst 25 to 30 g/litre hr. Card 1/Ac- s/o68/62/000/001/002/002 Oxidation of anthracene- E071/E435 Whereupon from anthracene, anthraquinone is obtained with a yield of 60% and from phenanthrene 54% of phthalic and 13.3% of maleic anhydrides, On shortening the contact time, the oxidation is incomplete and among the products of oxidation of phenanthrene lactone of 2--oxydiphenyl-21 carbonic acid is formed. The oxidation of anthracene-phenanthrene fraction &-t 3700C and contact t1me of 2.3 to 2.4 seconds leads to its complete combustion, Only on shortening the contact time to 2 see was a yield obtained which was equal to that obtained from pure products at a contact time of 2.4 see, However, there are substantial differences in the conditions of oxidation of phenanthrene: J-) the reaction products contained lactone, which on oxidation of pure phenanthrene appears only at a contact time of I sec; 2) there was a decrease in che combustion of phenanthrene and the total yield of its oxidation products increased to 90% (72% acid products and 18% lactone). On shortening the conta,;t time to 1,36 see, a similar phenomenon was observed for anthracene, due to a decrease in the degree of complete* combustion the yield of anthraquinone increases to 81%). On further shortening of the contact time to 1:06 sec, the yield of Card S/068/62/000/001/002/002 Oxidation of anthracene- E071/E435 anthraquinone increased to 84% but simultaneously the yield of anhydrides decreased, An increase in the load on the catalyst from 50 to 66 g/litre hr has a positive influence on the process, Optimum conditions at 370*C were: 1.36 sec contact time and' 66 g/litre hr load on the catalyst. The composition of the mixture (proportion of anthracene to phenanthrene and'the content of carbazole) also has a considerable influence on the process (Table 3). In the experiments the oxidation products - anthraquinone, lactone and a part of the phthalic anhydride (about 20%) - were caught in the air condenser, the remaining products in water. The separation of the reaction products presented no difficulties. Anthraquinone was purified by washing with hot water to remove phthalic anhydride, with a 20% alkali to remove lactone and then sublimated. The pure product had a melting temperature of 286 to 2870C, The aqueous solution of phthalic and maleic acids was evaporated in vacuo and anhydrides redistilled, These can be used as a mixture or separated on the basis of the difference in their solubility in water, It is considered that under industrial conditions, the condensation of the oxidation products should be done in two Card- 3/.6-.3-- S/068/62/000/001/002/002 Oxidation of anthracene- E071/E435 stages; single-stage scrubbing would be difficult due to a high density of the product pulp (a high concentration of anthraquinone). The first stage scriibbing should be done in a Venturi scrubber with a water spray as the cooling medium, It is concluded that the oxidation of antliracene-phenanthrene fraction containing approximately equal proportions of anthracene and phenanthrene and a mininium amount of carbazole would be advantageous on an industrial scale, There are 5 figures, 5 tables and 4 references.~ 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc, The reference to an English language publication reads as follows; Ref.l! Kinneu, C,R,, Pinkus, I. Ind. Eing, Chem, 1951, 43, no.12, 2880~ ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute) Card 4/45 - Oxidation of anthracene- Table 3. S/068/62/000/001/002/002 E071/E435 Is raw material 2. contact time, sec 3. lc)ad*on catalysts 9/litre hr 4. Yield at the theoretical 5. anthraquinone 6. lactone 7. Phthalic anhydride 8o maleic anhydride 9- 55% dnthracene, 35% phenanthrene and 10196 carbazole 10. 45% anthracene, 40% phenanthrens and 15% carbazole. V Card GOFTMAIN, M.V.; KHARLAMPOVICH, G.D.; RAUJKAS, M.M.; RUSIYPIICIVA, N.D. Ant, septic properties of the products of noal. tar. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no-94t90-102 160. WRA 15t6) (Coal tar) (Antiseptics) RUSOUNOVA, N.D.; MELINIKOVA, V.I.; GGRDEMA,, Z.K.; i uchastiyo: MIROMOV, V.L, laborant; YAKAROVA, Z.A,q laborant; KUDRYASHMA, 4.1., student; TATARUIN, G.P., student; SELMKIT# G*Ae, student; ILICHENKO, P.P., student; MMKOVSKIKH,, V.V.p studentl I M E M 9 X9*I*j student Studying the nev method of amonia receovery in an experimental ir4ustrial installation. Koko i khim. no.204-38 162. (HIRA 15:3) 1. Urall Okiy politakhnicbeekiy institute (Coke-Oven gas) (Amonia) RUSIYANOVA, N.D.; KHARLAMPOVICH, G-.-D.; BELYAYZVA, G.F. Oxidation of the anthracene-phenanthrone fraction production of anthraquinone, phthalic and imalaic KinJ kat. 3 no.2t289-291 Mr-Ap 162. 1. Urallskiy politakhnichaskiy in5titut. (Anthracene) (AnthraquLnone) (Phthalic anhydride) (Malsic anhfdride) for the anhydrides. (KRA 15:11) IZVIN, I.S.; IqVJUAWOVICH,, _G...D,... flew typos of binding material for the brJ.quo-.ting of fuel. Ugol' 37 no.9:48-52 S 162a (MIRA 15:9) 1. Urallskly politekhnicheakiy institut im. S.M. Kirova. (Briquets (Fuel)) (Coal tar) BOAKOV, N.G.; KHARLAMPOVICH, G.D. Ammonia vapor pressure over aqueous solutions of Ammonium orthophos- phate. Zhur.prikl.khim. 37 no.1:36-41 JA 164. (KRA 17:2) 1. Ural'skiy politakhnicheskiy institut imeni Kirova. KHARLAMPOVICHP G.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; KAGASOV, V.M. Di ~trenko, O.D. Goritskaia and M.D. Shapiro's article "Efficie t utilization of ammonia from the tar liquor in the production of pyridine bases." Koks i khim. no.10:62 "' 3. (MRA 16til) 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Kharlampovich). 2. Karagandinskly metallurgicheskiy zivod (for Kagasov). KUDRYASHOVA R.I.; KHARLAMPOVICH, G.D.; DEGTYAK-VA, V.F. .9 Conductometric methol of analysis of solutions of ammonium honphates and sulfates, Zav,lab. 29 no.12sl/,29-11-30 163# ~MIRA 172 1) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicesk-iv institut 1. Urallskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo naUohno-isslacbovatel'okogo kiii-miko-farm..trevtiolieskogo inatitutao KHARLAMPOVICH, G.D.; KUDRYASHOVA, R,l. Recovery and separation of,pyridine bases in the produefion of diammonium phosphate. Koki i khim. nc.2:31-35 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Urallskiy politekhniohjdkiy institut. 1) 1 1,~, gase,i hydr..jgan sulfAa) of ain,:~Ww,4 -,r.h-)ph,,)g;pYiatetj. Zhur.prikl. 38 3 165. (MIRA :18-.a1) p. Ure k,y inslt.iL, t, imenj Klrova. ACC NRI AT7OOhO79 SOURCE CODE: UR/3244/66/ooo/004/0069/0071 AUTHOR: Kharlampovich, G.D.; Golltsova, L.F, ORG: Urals Polytechnic Institute (Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Preparation of stabilizers for plaatics, rynthetic resins, and petroleum products using methylnaphthalenes'derived from coal tar SOURCE: Dnepropetrovsk. Khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy inot-Itut. KhimicheBkaya tekhnologiya, no. 4. 19669 69-Tl TOPIC TAG-* naphthalene, rubber stabilizer, chemical stabilizer, stabilizer additive, antioxidant additive ABSTRACT. 1-methyl-2-naphthol, 1-methyl-4-naphthol, and 1-methyl-8-naphthol were prepared and their antioxidative properties were studied to determine the possibility of the use of these coal tar derivatives as readily available .stabilizers of aviation fuels, lubricants, resins, prlymersq and food :products. The antioxidative activity of the methyinaphthols along with ;naphthols and flexzone were studied by measuring the induction period in air oxidation of paraffin at 170 t OAC with an air consumption rate of 6 ml/g-min. The induction period was determined by iodometriq... _ 'Eitration of the peroxides formed. The-results foLa 0.1% concentration of the additives are given in the table. The induction period decreased ACC NRi ATT004OT9 Table 1. Induction period of the oxidation of paraffin with additions of methylraphthols Induction Additive period, min Without an additivia. 22 6-Naphthol . . . . . . 214 a-Naphthol . . . . . . 520 Flexzone . . . . . . . 802 1-Methyl-2-naphtliol't . 420 1-Methyl-4-naphthol... 796 1-Methyl-8-naphthol. 942 considerably b~tdecreasing the additive concentration to 0.05%. The .effectiveness of the inhibitor decreased with increasing temperature. ,Thus, the methyl substituted naphthols are more effective as oxidation than naphthols, and are more active than some patented antioxi-, dants of the substituted amine type, produced abroad. [PSI SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH HEF: oo6! ATD PRESS: 5114 Card PIP - - AMO % 004 "94k I o3aft, 0 v I C iol D- I u /I, ~kv .. oor ka..'4)AV m