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c,:;nduct tti., tonic field exorc'Lne3. rt. 2. 2119 GEWWIIA W 37KCLE. (Mni3tarstuo Oavitstyj Tavirzystivo Vol. 9, no, 5# lept,/(t't. 1756 Idursaw, ?cland SGURCZ-S 54--st ?U;upoan List (VAL) Mrary Df Ccngrs:;.-,, 10101. 6, !4'a. 1, january 1957 xUXAS M. Signiftowee of Us posterior long aillM arteries for nutrition of the aftwi, lbst*~ft& mool&21-23 #62* (HnA 15%11) (MA 15in) lafearg %-A--&L-",4j*atslnskoCo Wallteta larlova KUYAo Me Cauterlsation of the eys vith U00experimental studo. Cook. oftal 19 mo.6097-= 1163 I* Xatedra ocniho lakarstyl lakanke fake IV r Rradai Kralov*j Yodoual prof, dr, M,Xliaa, Su*z: imt P"MLICA-4169 OW MmIfy, "V1117D V-7 -M VTTT.",TrT 0' 1EIR111 VA,". A '!'TrW kn TM V-- ~ --7T W "R!1 T 7~4 7 -FT k In = x1m. Val 2. 11o. 5. May 19~1,. Ti tle# coutpotmd Cast of BT-MACS. Author& L*Mge j ; JILUS, It IF,* 130 3,ub Is et FUMI CATION ON FOMMIM 133U= ST 719 IrT r-19 TRY 07 IUCHINZ UMMACTME AND TM (F 71TV YFTkLLUMTCa 137MT" AYD ORE KIMM. Val 2. go. 5, May 1954. i -t1@ t Casting of Aluninum Allayz by Ma&ns Of a Pouring Ladle With Two Lips. Lutharo 19 IN -.&Alw' VAL, Vol 4, NO. 6, :me 1955 KLIMA, Milan. promovany,biolog The worphogenests Of the &'Fian sternum. ?race CSAV Brno 34 n*.5:151-194 162 1. Laborator pro vyskum obratlovcut Ceskoslovensica &Wants ved, Brno. Lidickn 79. KLIKA, M. S1gnIf loance of the cerebral cortex In the origla of squlnt, 404 of th# 7 no, 6AU417 NOT, 1951a (CIXL 2113) U Of the Second Sys 021alo of Charles UnIverelty, Prague (Read-Prof. Jo lurso X. D.)* I KLIKA, H. Anterior ocular sopents In sommouls, burns* Cook. ofthe 8 no. 200-89 Mar 1952. (CLIG 2W) 1. Of the Second lye Clinic (Readm-Prof. Js lurs, X. D.) of Charles Untyarsity# ftopes 4 KLMIKA, LIKLIMI 14, . . ~ - - Conservative therapr of ocular burns with ron1col, Cook, ofth. 8 no.21123-W gar 1952. (CLIG 2212) I* Of the SeemA JVe Clinte (Itood-Profe J. Kars, M. D.) of Charles Universityl Props* KLIVA. Milos 011siml &a& morpMl*gia&l &speats of Deuder-Dock-Sebaumnn diso"o. Cosk.ofth. 11 se.4-5:276-283 1955. 2 Ho ocal idinliq tarlovy wtimatty v Fmo, praduost& wadmIk JOKU"s (SAM row m &speats) Considerations on myopia, Cook, ofth- 12 se.4t276-283 Aug 1, Z 11, ocal klialky 0 v ham Predwess. sweelk JO Kars* (XTOFIA (CII) !Itsrgical treatment of nrochtasinatic prachnolditim, c^%-:,jj#:ntsd by luenreeration of tho lntrAcsu&llrulsr sogmts of tho tmtle nerves, Cook, oftho 11 no.4:252-260 Ang 57. .1" rent A nextrachiritrdelcq Illnlkm vIA Je We IF., Preenvts "rof, Illya a "rof. Dr. tt Potr. WfAm"ID. al. Prachtith, *~r*cblanratic, with IneArcoration of IntraennaltculAr w"nents of optic noryc~, mwig, (Cl)) Opm, dir. Inearepration of WrAeAnallnUr ~*go-"te in Vr#OhtA'Imtla orachnitla, surf, (Cs)) Trypoin in ophthalmology. Cook. fYolol. 14 no.4:272-282 Aug 1, Ocul kiluilm VIA Js By* P, v Itradal Kralove# produosta prof. WJDr. KlIM# (TRININ, ther. use eye disoo statist* (02)) (NA DISAMO tber, tr.ypsln# statist. (05)) ILIXA. ma W., - &~J- Amoto results of surgery of retinal dotachUnt. Cook. oftL 15 no*61 441-444 D 059 1. It. ocni kliniks 19 v, prodnosta akadmik Jaromir 1hrs, (IMPAL DM3W ours, ) KLIMk, Milos IWASSERUMOTA, VlAsts ~ I.- - -------.-- safety measwes In cataract extraction. Cook. ofth. 16 A0.2193- . 98 Kr 060 2. Ooni klinika lokerske takulty Urlovy universitV v Rrsdcl tra- love6 prednosts pftf. Ole. Milo* Klim (CAUMOT 19TUOTION) ILD(At_ Milos IJAHAYA, Riseft State of the anterior sagma*$ of the vitreous body fol2ovixg cataract sitraction. Cask, ofthe 16 no,2:121-125 kr,160 1, Utedra ocniho Iskarstvi 11 El y gradel Kralove. preftosts, prof. XUDr. Mae Illm. OAUUft IKOACTION) UM BM) M TICIO. Jaroslwv- IMM. Milos: ZCUBU. lAtedr Anesthesia in ophthaloologtoal surgery. coskofthm Aoa:35-3a Anostestologtake addoloal, prodnosta MUDr. Joroslay Vocko, ocal kliniks, prodnost& prof, XUDr, Milos Illma, IlUn - faWtal XLIYAj, Kilo tl.;.'(NA Veral PAOCHAM, Zdanek; Jd.%Alip Josof Disorders of vision in exponalvo lesions of the chiasmtic region. Sbarn. ved. pro*. Isk. fak. F-arlov. univ. (Brad I-a:1) 4 no.2#.n9-137 161. 1. Ocni klinika edno OAtw pts, prof. MUDr. M. Mims. Er NEW moo Assmo) (BRUN UOPIASIMS physiol.) MOO Awt XLIXA. Annual leave of persons receiving old age pension who engage In work. Prue xM& 10 no-3:136-138 Xr 162. ON-- IN OJU N The eyesight and the automobile. Cook. of tel. 18 no.ls54,-U Ja 1620 2. latedr& ocni1m ImIcarstvi lakarske fakulty K&AM university v Ilmdai Kralove dn ta rof. Mr. Woe I]'=. (iHAJ fAUTMM=) R, RVISMIRMINV�R-01, IF MI-SIM p KLD(A H. Ideological situation In Casoboo2onkian ophthalmology. Cesk. oftal. IS no.3021-325 9 162. (OPMAIROLM) (POLITICS) XLD(Aoff. Some observations on the stintion of visual funation In app- licants for driver mcaninationse Cook. oftal 20 no.21140-142 Hr'64. lo latedra ocniho lakarstvi lak. fakulty KU v RWcI Kralove vedoucis prof,dr. M*Xllmo KEMU M.; YMOS, Aloothelia in a" rdlgery, Rothl, chir. 43 no.6139l-N7 .4164 1. Otmi klinika lakarske fakulty KV rlovy universitylr Rra& X3 i-m ci Kralo" (pro&ostais prof* dr, Me age.) AmestesUlogicks ibo sdravl oddib1mi al I Etr&Jsk7 u8taw na&rrOft v Bradel Xralo" KLIMA, M.1 SKOtAL, L. Surgical therapy of advanced forms of glaucoma. Cask. oftal. 20 no.6#"3-W I '(A. 1. Katedra, o6nibo lakarstyl lekersite fakulty torlovy university v Hradoi Kralove, (vedoual prof* dr. M. Klima). KLIMA, Milos, dr. URAT leave of persons receiving Insurance benefits, Prace made 13 no,201-9$ P 165. mat rhysics - Xnatallat1w-a and Ustruwants. C. Abs JbUr 3 -list 1hur _'Pit"Wo 300 ?F IM 14?02 Author t Xlim, Richard Inst I Wifii& Instituto Ibr V&m= JaWronles hign . CzechoslavWds Title t Ma" Olft in a Synchrotron Aecalerator Wift IwLUW Accelerating allt Orls Pub : Ceskoolo casop. fyo.p 1958s 8A So ho WO-475 Abstract tard i/2 : The theory or phase shifts In a synchronous cyclic aftelo- rator Isgiven for the came vhen the particle Is acte& up= wt only by the accelerating compeent of the high frequency field# but also by a component that do the trajectory of the particle# For an accelerator with a constant period, and vith a constant wSoetic fleldp 10 Z/037/60/000/005/046/056 2192/9382 AUTHOR: Ilfwa, TITM Dam sea Oscillations In a Circular %ing of A larator*ith a Generalized Field V PIRIODICALt ~oskoxlovsnskyo casopis pro fyxiku, 1960, No* 5, Ps 485 TM:, A spontaneous increase in the amplitude of the slow, tranavorso-phase oscillations leads to the losses of particles at the walls of a vacuum chambers A number of attemps have boon mad* by various authors~in order to obtain an additional attenuation of the phase oscillations; these are based on a suitable spatial distribution of the hiSh-trequency field in the interaction space. This work is concerned with the evaluation of the above attempts. An equation for the ph '6: oscillations is derived on the basis of linearized equati:n of motion for the particles which vibrate in a generalized high-r- frequency field in a synchrotron havinS a weak focusing. It is shown that for an arbitrary spatial distribution of the high- frequency field the additional attenuation In null* Card 1/2 Z/037/60/000/003/046/056 9192/9382 0&=PinS Of Phase Oscillations In a Circular Accelerator with a Generalized Field .0 '0 ASSOCIATIONt Ustay Vakuove elektroniky Cv3AVj Praha JIAMtitut-*.rOr jacuum Slectronics of the Ca" 2/2 7-)t055/62/012/012/002/0014 D256/D308 AW110M. Datlovt Ja# Bohneek, V., Jalcubka, K.0 Klima. Ro CA Vana, J. Tr.rLC: Orbital electron accelerator. with ring wmmguide V2:.!UODICAL: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, v. 12, no* 12# 1962t 894-910 A small model of a weak-focusing electron synchrotron with a betatron injection stage has been built and testedo The work was conducted to inveatigate the practical feasibility of synchronous - acceleration of relativistic particles in a smooth ring-shaped wave- guide without any decelerating structure in the presence of a strong radial component of the 1117 field. The feasibility of su--h a system has been predicted theoretically by It. laima in a paper dealing with phase motions in orbital accelerators with waveguidea (Ccechoei. J. Phyo., v. 10 B 1960t 136), where it was shown that the radial compon- lield should not excessively increase the amplitude of ent of the IIF f the radial phase oscillations, This theory was applied to the design Card 1/3 I P.M.M. 01' Wo, Z/0.55/62/012/012/OOP/004 Orbital electron oat D256/D308 -of the model, and a "still mode of excitation of the rectangular ring waveguide wan chosen. j* existing magnet of an experimental synchrotron woo adopted by fitting it -rith flat pole-places made of sheet disco from a core 9f a 15 HeV betatron. it tunable pulsed magat notron working in the 100 Vc/s band was employed as a source of the ILI' power; ito capacity was 40 - 50 164 in a 100 ~& sec pulse , the out- put being oupplied to the resonator via a waveguide power divider* fte excitation of the magnet circuit was synchronized using 50 -0/8 mains frequency; the modulator of the HP oscillator was controlled by a peak transformer connected in series with the coils of the mag- net. The electrons were pro-accelerated in the betatron mode up to an energy of 1 YhV, and were then picked up by the partial travelling wave at a radius of 4 cm. The energy gain in the HF acceleration was limited by the magnet excitation system and the final energy did not exceed 1.5 MoV. but thin was sufficient for the purpose of testing the principle of the arrangevent. The tests were carried out by ob- servine the following signals on the screen of a car. oscilloscope: the magnetron pulse and its shifts, p-M-ray signal from a scintilla- 'tion detector and the,coherent radiation of the harmonics of the main Card 2/3 Z/055 62,/012/012/002/004. Orbital electron D25V/300' accolora,ing frequency. The determined charac teris ties of thb orator included: the trajectories of constant orbLtal frequencyg. tw radii of the-trojectorie4'9 the amplitude of betatron oscillations and the amplitude of the radial scatter of the equilibrium orbitse The rasulto proved the poasibility, of accelerating chamed particles in the ;-reactwe of. a strong radial component of HY f i~-Ia and it Was shosin that the phase motion of particles in an accelerator with a ring, wavaguide in aimilar to the motion in a conventional, 0Y in agreement with tho theoretical predictions. There are 7 figures, A330CI.V1011: Institut vakuumnoy elektroniki Chsw. Praga (I=ti- tuto of Vacuum1ilactronicag Oxechoslovsk AS,'Prspe). SUM-117M.D: 11ovember 30* 1961 Card 3/3 Z/035/63/013/001/093/01 2010^420- AUTHORSt TATLZj ofloscillations of particlai in a g 0 periodia structure PERIODICALI Cssehoslovsk JournAl of Physics, Section Be V"13~, noolt 1963,1,14-22 TEXTI The article in A~pofkttnuation or Fort' I of the study b* the same. authors Usechi. Ji,Phys.. B 11 (19161)f 307). A,study, In- made of the linedr -theory,of- the damping of vibrations of, particles In a goooral'slectromagnetia field, forming a periodia structure from the poiqt.,-Of,vi*w or deriving thi damping oxpononts of the vibrationsb, 'In the first approximation the, damping exponents are'Siven by moons of the coefficients of We Floquet solution of a syst*m-with zero damping. 'The-ferw-iloe derived ptrmit*the detorminotion of the plaftes~of 4scillation, (in phase space). Damping due to radiation is mainly determined by the radiation reaction forces and the rarm of the guiding and focusingfields. The presence of an oxterdal olectromagnetid- I - field whieb in relatively week in comparison with the guiding field has little,eftects When -considering soporAto particles? rd 1/2 The damoins of' dsoillations too 9010/9420 the field due 46 portiales is' considered' to' be Identical with aft.oxt&~Kol field. 11once it Is-expeated that this field will Mly have, -A significant effect when It In comparab Is ta,strangth with the guiding and'foeusing fields& ASSOCIAT2091 U*etav valmovd sl*fktroniky 6SAV9 'Prah'a (Institute of Vacuum tlectronicas C200oflovak AS$ Prague SUMUTTSD i JanuA"ry, i94 1962 CWUfd 2/2 U,D(As Ro ----------- la tka bowdarlam of =Uon In mpetic trapot Cbekbool f1s shw-ul 13 nosSAII-622 163, L t1stav vakuM elaktroteohnI17# Ceskoslo"naks skadents "do Nab&, I KLIMA R. notion of a partials in a magnstlo trap with a secondary slootromagnstio field, Chekhool. fis shurnal 13 no.10016-724 163& 1. Ustay vakuove *2ektrotechniky,, Ceskoolovenska akedemis v*d Pram. L 24381-66 WO/T _ ACC )(R: AP60ii,564, I/ /0501/003fcbg bf/I W 7 60 AUTHOR: X1 4. 'Onat none VITLE: Iffective:potahtia, rbiolo' b -motion -ina high fro MY quo . 'field ;SOURM Zhurnal eksperiven, tilinoy :1 teoreticheskoy fitikip V# no. 3, 1966 807-808 .. ....._ ~,I. -F, MOPTO TA08s.- ah&rged-'0artLdl6,_P&rticle motion, electric fielk magnetic field, plaamb.-phailg6d parkicle ~ABSTRACT: The autho 4reaen a e t generalIX-Inif t c rtain results apmd a - ' ': : T~ . .,oxpreosions.- Ivoently, deriv d .by m0lous workers kfor example.,.J~ ' , : 6 f b i . Nuol. rus ftichmann, r6s* or, the a"ragedf on q, 19 5) 8x-, ., 'Perienced'b cha Ped , l 1 oartidles'4n inhomoigensous high frequency. 4nd Vd-- bbta o fi magnetostat dat in t 6 ' he-integrals of motion of the ' --as rticles ipa in as generk :form, the possible., the author derived 4eneral expression fbr~th6,4ffectlve high-frequency potentiallof C m a '. ~- ~.~ - .1 vo utiori , i'_ KLIMA, S. Further prospects of staWardisation, pa 125* TEXM. (Ministerstvo'lehk-oho prwwys2u) Prahav Csechoolovakis. Vol. 1hp no. lig April 1959. Monthly List of East Aropean Accessions (EW) Wp Vol, 8# No* 11P November 1959. Uncle XLD(A p Stwdolav OTypificatioup an inpwtant tool of t*cW*al disciplineg by Josef Kabak mid othem Reviewed by Stanislav Muse Zklar a keramd" 12 no.8460 Aff 162, 0 ~~P I I i XLDIA St&AW&v AVANdardimUou of contaizors in ths Gerun Dmooratto Fapubllo. Maiialiuas n no.203-56 F 163. 1. KiMstorstvoIfpQuvbG4 oww~u 0 Pro" . Caqaez standardisation of contaimrs in UA OervAn Demoerstio R*pubLIla. Naar a brasU 13 no-2s.U 11 163a ILDfAt Stanislav Nw publications on production rationall2atione War a keraml 13 no,nilmort 1163. M m I KLDIAp Stanislav 1 . I PlAMary me;,-w9 of the Toohnical CoWetim' on Threads of 01"s Containaw and SUMrs of tb* Intonational Orpmi- sation for. AtmdardImUcco Sklar a kereaU 14 no.208-39 F 064 lo Hinisterstro spotelnibo proplup ft'Sup KLD4A I Stwallay -- Enterprise standardization in the cOnfmor goods industry. Normalizace 12 n0# 31 63-67 mr 64, I I, Ministry of Cwumer Goods Industryp Praguse ltar. oliv Doveloprant arA trenda r' lan.4-Ardl zat. Ion In Ute con-sumer F!-06s InAustry, Hormqltzace 1', 01,4. I 27 C-om!.nar for stamidrdleat-for of ttm c:q3',lr,*p roqis tndumtry. lbid,i AAe6-1.8". I-* VInistry if ~azimvmr Ctt,,,,t Irduntry, 'Pvtrm. XLIMj ManislAv Two now books on technical stsindsrdization In the consmer goods Indiistry, Normalizace 12 no#llt3l6-)17 N 164, 1, Ministry or. Consumr Goods Industry, Pragua. 8118TKA, Bedricho Mrs JIVA Task of the Industrial health servico in provention of injuries* PraoovrA Isk. 6 noo5s265-267 13 Oct 54o (nms"Ut MIM I to Czech*$ health servo in prov. of inj,) (VDM= AO ISMIX30 prevention and control Indust. health serve in Czech,) STBSTXA# Bedrich, Dde., MUDr.t nIXA# To"#, XUDro Collootion of data for ths analysis of occupational accidents. Pmant Isko 8 no#51341-349 Oct 56. (ACCI. VMUSMAL, statistics, MWCIR, J.: DOUIUL, J.1 JAGIAO I.; UNICKYO B.; KLIMA FAMLI J, Sneolal health facilities for workers. C*sk. sdmvot. 6 no.9:511-527 Sept ONDUMUL HYOIM special health facilities for indut. vorkers (Gs)) 111YA, Towns, Drp; SIMMA, Bedrloh, Dre Aeoldeal pad disease statistics In Laftstrial districts of Ow l2afto Wille Realth Industrial Administration. Pmeorni lek. U nool-209-20 ftb 59. 1. ZUNZ BOW Iladno a lakarsks, fakulta b7glenialm KU. (00CM110"L MUSIN, statist* (ACOIMMO Inus"JALO statist. same) KLJXAp Tom* The incidence of suffocating larrWtr6eM0brOnchit1s in Uw postmorten materialAn the Prague ComtY during tin Period Of 1953-1960 and Its mrpbologloal appsaranos. Cook. pediat. 17 no&3/68 423-427 A 162* 1. Xatedra patologlake &natools a m1krobialogle fakultY detsksbo lskR"tvj University Karlovy v -Fre"t "douel doe. MUDr. D. Demso"S (LAMOITIS in w & child) KLIMA, V., MUDr. First aid equipment for underground mines. Uhli 7 no.4tl37 165. XMMAI Vllemj Ins.s drtp doktor tachnickyah ved Synchronous saddles, of asynchronous squIrrol-cage motors; their formation and methods of suppression, El tech obsor 52 no.9s 475-05 S 163- 1, Statni vyskumny ustay allnoproude alektrotachniky. XIJM, Vratislav A aam& of UPW syndrome folloving acuts poisming witb carbon monwdds. Prao. lak. 34 ima.6i292-293 Ag 162. 1. Zavodmi sdravortn1oke stredisko OUNZ Madnop reditol OUNZ Mr. et phmr, 20 Novotny. (WOL" PUIDM WHITZ $MGM) (CAM MMMIDE POISONING) ZLIYA,-V&c]Ar,-bs. HLAVA Xarel,- Irs-# C. Se. The reatIn? (,f Sth Ocimdesion of the Organization for Railuey Adsisis- trations Cooperstion. Zel dop tecb 10 no. 1128-29. 162 rMa. T,; um" J-1 MAU=# 16 &u-M of lusbar vaUbml lesions In em worksbeps of the V.?Jmin factory In Rme Comko nowdo 27 no.J.&WA-266 J11" lo Neurologiako oddelmal SM Un ESsrodal uster nwv&l- bo Sbayl SWMY vatib Wing) v 11=1 Is dro TALlm) a Ortopedicke oddelval (v"otuds dr~ J!=, a um"logiom oMalmat ("dattair dra Zol"Isat ") MM (Ymtaky ustav agrodnibir sdrw1)* a a a v 9 lp *4 A mv""Oli 00 ML .06 MOW$& Owl 10K A no h C04* -cmwd*A mAmm am do 04 ndftw vqbw of okmwAm to 2. aw r/. .00 00 -igloo a do at of ~Waftft 0 09 to kVW #AdW bimwWA" -sodom- W-M All 6 a =a* Wd" ad ro ;* I i ~%.w =.5 00,1 6w 000 ON$* Ift do oldhw "dMo Odo )b bwd 40 a "Obomm dt do saw me do e6mat Amw of qW owk so fee* stamods owed~ uft*4p6 00" 00 dmoddW 00 On I $o# L V. 1. be* too Sow SAW as or- -3- V-8 to @d$ atilragat lie, ~16 0 *0*00000*0*040400**O*A*00****004000**O*O* a p a 0 A a so a 1"I'll-irtmbli 94 &__14L So *o"felvt e-W c 7~*~"-,uuftau 1 Oullm 0*6 . I - - fadda *oil -4AAW of# so 0 0 as *At* Vow W" " !1!~! ago 1917LQ 400 %dam VMS =mw *so fee 00 000 40 too as* ban am" W#A*L L P. 11- use Ir, Oll Si 014W ocessom too NOR 04 Iii 4 -19 'S 0 S a ol ;IV-11,114 06 *0 loo ll o"I. I -ii- 0 1 a fS i ii a % a 6 0 6 0 6 a 0 a 0 0 4 71410 0 * 0 0*10 * *So** of # L 0 0#1* Go* 00 1~ ILLILI'l. A A A So's *0 is Ard WA" AM& XMUO MVIL 9 &L'te .0 rw faaeum md.0 a um 010A 40 MWLW 008 to VdIs W dl"- -Ilk~ of L ft$ **$* MUSW* Im -- IV-NWW "led 16 001 at ma- *IV* &&I. to Ou"O" #$DWSW in tho smature &0 IM a* illp of 00 Uttw rousuve 0*0 it* aw stsuir a I# 704.7sto ~ ULU** mur i&so tow dines Of's a se"al aml, Us, ous"tor Wye &*aa eastme is OtbWOW few dIT1401 -iota -1 -I& #US *Wftlo" P"t basuls" In as tmu New #L, ..irrsuo of Usto ttv 4ift4essts is VVIGUO ad satuduasur StAroual, 40 so-woW @an suds apse" bl*W."m 60 tuosel aw". Is the smatw Is'as O"Usaw operated Ob" tw "an or vUf* U6.41"a o%lm oft be empleddire*tU to the drivift ade, Uo matwe to bou" AM bmm a "IftWed JOIS16 ft* a - OW did matar oft In "Sip" ma smuer O*Mkwdd tus required In WO eassatla"I anatt"W" U"Utw 1" I" i , - L sit W".~ "44 0 L 1~041 J M U a W a al*' *0 **got 040 *see* 0 0 0 6 0f A* *- -S' Itt-0 9.410 0 0040 418~010 10, 0*006 0*0*000,0 - * *L'o 0_f 0 "11 a 00 Ov AM hlalW SVWAU7 -~W(144jmwas am be Obtalmode Special go mIt*$ at eau Labli"Yaoss *sows, ad 00 N at "laula" oftsum# OPW O I T 06 AMO W im #ptom is d"albod is e0apered A 00 00 oojW*Aj4j)Ad d1004 404VIO &I". & NOW Ot ObWt# SW 00 so dls&jms " voU so 4*UIW woos a"Uoul drmdr4o of so 00 gonwata md motor we $boms. 110 00 00, of 00 66 *0 06 O's, of 90 OR 0 0 0 0 0 Is Is 0 Ot:: 40040*0 Afo* . 0 Wo~f 0; to 0 0 IN 0 0 00 0 0 041,*0 4[ 1:441t, 00OUM a 9 0 4p 0 a L 4 0 __ ft1'!.j,J_!!!_xi1_ "A.1-01.1-nA.1 ,*" AS116-010 1 6" IMP W,^#I 0-t Oslo "W811411 JIVA10 0 144 VK I.S_#9 00 Ono 00 "1 Oft" &Z , w = son! v *soup 111"-me *99" M.."M. SON" 09 -a" 41011111111111111 ~;~Pwft imp 111111111141111 so: a =w"" 0 mraw"41111111 111 Im 0 p pmwfm 0 Q= ma *we a sell, q semi" am *W0040 pwpw p mw Pmo 00 so "Ofto v Iqpmp Annum 84 PW GO 11111111110 09 IF rw am" p WO p PW Now* ^00 Al Pq RA04 W so "a mom A*Wmm gim p" vwv 44 q as 111111"m j Is' -,a A4 pft*mW q Muo AMpMM~ 90 Ilion Su vwv" an mop" Now" WA mom" pm NOR *Avg p p"" P" of 0mam. Imm "won so me %N0 on too Or p W" MM4 %MOM *Sol 1 too jig 1 0".46 ire* TFS OF my** ir".141 all I 1 00, lot a,,- M., VFTT T1 1146 mprm m M C LIA L fit L-L"ZOLIN A 4 u L'~L 4 . M4 00 009. Am no On" of a 040* 116wks foolod fa - .00 o 00 "WMAMW. t o m 4N0 h" if# rf 00 004 sub a e4 w MON * him s see i O ft "pow "N"t is "ON"" "d k as* 00 ovd is Oo sod o ovwd by tow - NJ b? see Ag Fw *"W w 1 , , Ow an&" du "W N 4*ftw*ic *0 ft fton **aft WWAW# &WOM OW my$* of O 4 w PS- - n! Y, "F" TLA!.. toles 661 *6*4 Wrow JR AF V 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 4ArA* sou now of Im b6wn now. V40 swum VM19 is 000'. MA SWAA mot b 49 0 6WAM ai do am a# woo". no *as 6 davle ad.ya - ,#A,_ d bowl fie-oaftio - ~ - IOWA" Neq"w at 106lum to. i m i "0k O"Immo of Oft 0"00 bon la Im famwom WA NO bWk O"ll ft in Powd 0 l- I h no "W" 6 doomw md A* 6 wwm*w *m do Ewa I* *At $909 hwavais. WNW I* bdw $WIN KNOM OW #A GVA"k#M dwA Aw owftd %==** f o he wel MA L 1. SAMA KLIMI V, Theot7 of stator-fed thretv.-phass connutator motors with series capacitors in the rotor circuits. p, 3?0 Fj_w_% CKY OMM no. 11, Now. 1953 Val. 44 ftoohoolovalda Soumes EAST EUROPEAN LLM Vol. no, ? July 1956 KLM, V Oorges' diagram of magnetmotive force. p*9* WMAYTECHNIKs Pragues Vol* Us not Is Jan. 1956. Soi Monthly List of East European Accessiones (LEAL), W, Vol. No, 6 June 1956, Unclo KLD(A$ V. Econow in the consumption of electricity In electric an welding; dismastane Pe 600 w;xTwTmmx vol n, no. 29 Feb. 1956 Cteemalovikia SOMIs EM Vol. 5s no# 79 July 1956 Ilectritioation of railroads vith singl"hoss "lugs of industrial frequency. p, 172. UM ICBM. (Hinisterst" strojirenstwi) Pr&M. VoL Ur no. 50 may 1956. Source I Em LC '010 5t X0.6 10 oct. 1956 Mast V. Control of voltage in testing shops and laboratories. p. 231. RMTXYMMM. (Ministerstva, strojirenstvi) 'Praha. Val. nt go. 7, July 1956. Sourcel IM ID Vol. I I is*. 10 Oct. 1956 KLIFA, V. Notes on the electrMcation of railroads in using alternatinr. current cf norrrl Industrial frequency. P. 77 (Zeleinieni Technikp. Vol. 5., no. 3j 11ar. 1957s Imaj, Czarhoslovekla) Monthly Index of East European Accestions (EUI) LC. Vol. 7p no. 21 Februent 190 mnat V. More regardIng slactrIc traotlon on French railmda, P. 224 (Zeletnieni TacWks) Vale 5, No, 9# Sept* 2957, Crechooloyakis -M KLIKAp V. KLD(Ap V. Diagwrolon welding transformerse p. 249 Vol. 12, no* lo Jan. 1957 ELUTROTECHNIX TSMSotm CzachoslovAkia Sot Zast &wop"n Accession,, Vol. 6, No. 5, Kay 1957 I . - "0 _.i . I " - C , ''. k, -- ,,-. , I I ;, - ~, ~ r~I J~n, . : ,,. _; :, .,'.z KLLVA. V. Asynchronous generators, P. 4. (T-LEKTRM M,'IK) (Prahas Czechoslovakia) Vol. 13, no. 1, Jan, 1958 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (SW) 1Z Vol. 7. 140. 51 MaY 1938 ---- -xm Y.- dre - . . 0- v- 'A NAspohnnou notar dri"all by lasslo Kovau. Roviomd b7 T. XIIM# 12 tech obsw U no#lOs559 0 162.. V. (Chokhoolovatokaya Sotolalletichosksys, RespubUka) Comparison of Yarious types of frog-log windings with a simple loop-winding* Ilaktroolla no.2204.36 163. (KMA 17 11) X=O, Tilex.. ins* dreg, Ma# won..,. Slat leakap of a acmutator armatm% due to the chaw of coll pitch &M brush spulft, 91 tech a" 24 no.7s*-422 163. 19 Vadoud "dooky pk&a*vtdkq Statai vpk=ny ustav ailnoyraWo" elaktroteohnOlp Bmaboyloos ZMW.2 77 'ACCOMM 4 WOW of Solana" ~~~s nun fluw~ bm"WO ' awhb" with akw4M sUU 21UXS Add tOMM in A!!!djA SOMM W. dWw, 44 _W Ofte p no* - p I Ofts 01 .06 , , 7 -TAM 0100W10 TMC 4 4~~ Dkuthar 0 MAQSS"~&" fte ' 9 The artJL*ILO:. show s that *-betw*44 rat coneentrie We of the sAme lonath w4th'.skewed slots ' fordo$ propo~rvioftal -to %he ___(t&u 'K ; Xqad. &rises -The, mix 2 t 1 . 4W L of are t of t 1 2. - _d clinatLon of the stater "tei, 0 s: raispso 4, AMUL lit t V ~y t -0 axis Of "a .10 + the autor a thell ad I's roto are skewed by *U*iaimo.,*Aoou-at;ii.~Oi~i4site daroetzeumv. so Ip f - V "M: IC2- iw that It I* ~e is t1w skewyLg If only- me f;*vt lo skow*d j, the "Ifkk., Irfre Ls- Cart 1/2 . ', __.ACT v~t 't Al Aa .4 W*~ To 102 AMCBSICK ou APYAN36. ASDOCIA21CNI M ZA OvAcnmt 00 UM 001'. X9 M wvi . ie '1 7 4 A% OIT; Card I olw6q- lot. p TO T -T!6=. f-id-NA-AP6028005 Swilct CODS, WOW/65/000/000540558 =110its Klima, Was (Engineer; Doctorj Doctor of sciences; Prague) ORO sstate Research Institute of Heavy-current Engineeringp Bechavice in PragueQ (Statni vskumnr ultay silnoproude alektrotedmiky) TITLEs Symetrical components as coefficients of Fourier series of pulse functions SOMat SlektrotechaidW casoosp no., 9p 19(6s 540-558 TOPIC TAGSs rourler sorlosp i4erpolation, triganometryp vector# complex number, electric engineering# electronic engineering ABSTRAM It is proved that the symestrical cospongnts of a finite or infinite number of quantities (real, complex# or vectors),, as introducW by Fortescue In reality trigonometric interpolation lAgrange-Bassel.-CAuft polynow,, ar*,in fact Ch coaffitiOnA of Fourier stri s of said quantities in it complex form# The.rourier series of a discrete number: We) is 0 some a. C'Id where 1 iA*sA Arbitrary ionterval In vhich at the points X (1/m) (k - O.a number of m values (1/0)y are acting; kk k Mo a to A Whole numberl ind J(x - x Is a Dirac func- tion Actinr. at the point Xt %* "ComponentV vitn an uneven distribution of pulses in ;41 interval 1 aro derived and several interesting examples of applications are given, Thii paper was pr*T sented b7 F. ftavasnik. Orl , art his 10 figures and 14 formulas. &80d on authorle Eng. abaijL7 IjPMs 3400 SUB COM Q9,, 12/ SUM4 DAM 10Apr65/0VdG AM 010/tOV Ws 001/ M Wt ojS I card I~A zc~ , '' lbrk done by a eftod brigade of finishing workars.11ransp, strol. 8 no.nt5-6 9 156. (XMA IN 1) I (Ddlding) -ix I 2A427 Ewt(lyT--- - - - - ---- ---- - - - .--- ~--AC &' -1 - AYTHORj 1801stovskan aLiovalin o. L.U4 I i jjgL Md.; IARIUAr KI'llh(MAL, L.V. Mech4nispi of dqttr.4-j%tl!-n c,( thr CIcstrIA-lum pprf,-!rren3 toxln. Zhur, ftlkrtihio..,, sT,A, I tw-u. 40 ro,IG.-110-1 19, 0 063, (M.RA l7f6) 1. It InstitutA #p1det0(%!rgl~ ". m1krobizIce.11 inen! Gamilel AMN o.,Tfid -.L, - -?,-- - -7 ~t ~r, ~!7 ILLUIONOTAt A#,, Garay Note Wis ticheskoco Truds, brigadir mlyarov xql~ Prorcroore (*&*.nl) One met work with people all the time# gov.profoolusr 7 n0-15131-32 As 059. (MM 12 132) ,(By"an-ftinting, Industrial) MMJj A. SteelW,~J. Resistant A. Xno StankI I Instru- ment.iNo 12,# Doc p 2.3- Deflector blades of low and bi& pressure gas turbine units r=Anu- tured bjy the Leningrad Metals PIsnt am made of beat resistant austen steele Machining the Variable profiles of these bla4es in 4=4 VI le cutters especlaW developed by the Central Scientific Research titute Of 110avy Machine adiding The poor machlialm lities of austenitie steels led to the design Of cutters With & 11041- To forward angle. Recommended by TAXIITXASbp after =V tests, are ters with a forward angle of 10-W. and a rear angle of 12.160, Dravinst shoving the design details of,the profile cuttersp turbine :-i, a templates and template holftr,, are presented. A detailed descrIp- on of the design steps and operation of the cutters is presented, e of these special cutter* IS not,restrlct*d to turbine bla4lem alone" I o 1-5 NY KLIXLMN# A*A., lusbacar. was"- mmoo Form autters used In moblaing tarbins bladeso Mashimstrolsoll 00.3133-36 KF 1570 1013) (Killing mohims) (DWss) "Diffusing CaPacit.,,, of Galvanic Baths and t*,,.e SU=ture of Catlw~!a Deposits.* Cand. Chem Scis Kazan' CherAlcotechnological Inato Kazan's 195h. (KL, No 121 YAr 55) Sot Sm. Lo 670# 29 Sept 55 - Survey of Scientlfic and leclImical Dissertations Defended at U3,11 llit;her Educational Institutions., (15) KLIKANHIN T,S. fosting the ID-2 ImIs Sborastope podonoAsU-6? 053. (Leveling) (NUtk 9%6) 2. MR (600) Tomatoes 7. Practice of le,,ders in gmving Idgh ~ylslda of tomatoes. Vast. sell khos. No. 10# 1952. 9. Monthly List of bstian Accessions, Librar 1953. Unclassified. y of Congress, Febnvu7