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50Y BOY/62-59-4-3/42 AUTHORSt Klimovaj V. 1.# Zabrodins, K. S. TITLEs simultaneous Viarodsternination of Carbont Hydrogen, and Nitro- gen in Nitro Compounds (Odnovromennoye m1kroopredeleniye ugleroda, vodoroda I &sots v nitrosoyedinaniyakh) PE RIODICALs, Isvestiya Akadexii nauk SSSR. Otdelsniya kht-micheskikh nauk, 19590 Rr 41 PP 582-505 OJSSA) ABSTRACTs The methods described in publications for the simultaneous de- termination of carbon# hydrogen, and nitrogen in organic aos- pounds are based on the combustion of the substance up to carbonio &old# water# and elemental nitrogen. The method sug- gested in the present paper consists in burning the substance to be investigated during evaporation in an oxygen stream on platinum4 Carbonio aoidp water, and nitrogen dioxid*# which are formed, are quantitatively absorbed by suitable absorbers and the percentage contents of Ct H# 9 are calculated fron the weight Increase of the absorbers. In thin method the mod* of combustion is of decisive Importance. A combustion with pre- ceding pyrolysis as is employed in the deteraination of C ani 9 Card 1/3 is not suitable because it reduces the nitrogen dioxide yield SOY/62-59-4-3/42 Simultaneous Viorodstormination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Nitro Compounds and Involves the formation of a considerable amount of slocontal nitrogen. To avoid pyrolysis the evaporation must be slow. The rato, of the oxygen stream to.of high Importance. The optitiva rate is 5-8 milliliters per Minute (Table 1). Nitrogen dioxide Is collected by manganese dioxide (Rot 8)j as well as by silica gel Impregnated with s10.02 V X 2Cr207 solution in sulphuric sold (specific gravity 1.84) (Rot 9). The latter han the ad- vantage of absorbing large amounts of nitrogen oxides for an equal length of layer. A certain amount may be retained by the condensation water at the Inlet end of the anhydron-filled ab- sorption apparatus. This leads to inaccurate re oulto. 10sr this reason the anhydron-filled apparatus to heated to 75-85 at this point, The tsmperatur8 of the apparatus filled with anhydron must be lose than 100 (got 10). During the analysis of halo14- containing nitro compounds a silver gauze roll is also place4 1-n the combustion tub#4 During the combustlon of nitro compounds containing no haloid only a platinum gauze roil 15 on lone to placed in the zone of the elongated furnace. Carbonic acid is Card 2/3 absorbed by ascarite and water by anhydron. A scheme of the in- SOY/62-59-4-3/42 Simultaneous Microdatermination of Carbon# Hydrogen, and Sitrogen in 11tro Compounds stallation for the simultaneous nicrodotermination of C, go N in nitro compounds having the composition Cl Hp Il 01 Cl# Dr is shown in the figure. Analysis results are given in table 2. There are I figurej 2 tables# and 10 references, ) of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut organichoskoy khiaii in. X. D. Z*Iinskogo Akadeaii nauk SSOR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskly of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTEDt July 16, 1957 Card 3/3 (2) AUT9013: Klimovap V. A.g Morkulaval Yt. N. SOY/62-59-5-4/40 TITLE; On the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogeng and Halogens (Ob odnoyromennom oprodelonii ugloroda, Yodoreda I galoidov) PERIODICAL: 1zvestiyiAk&domii nauk BSSR. Otdileniye khtmichook1kh nauk, 1959, Yr 5, pp 781 - 7e6 (usn) ABSTRACT: In the simultaneous determination of carbon, hydrogen, and ha- logona# halogens were so far determined in a quartz tubs liftol with silver foil or a silver grid (absorption of the halogen by silver) (Refs 20), Thor* was# however, always an error up to � 0*6~%, The error was attribu+od to the heavy.quarts ap;*- ratus. which rendered the weighing inaccurate, Moreover, the authors noticed that the silver halide being formed aelts al- the applied temperatures of 500-5500 and effects the quartz of the apparatus* They attributed a part of the error of the determination of the halogen to this fact. In order to prevent a contact between silver halide and quartz and to re- duce the weight,of the absorption apparatus metal shuttles had Card 1/3 been used already by others (Donatedt (Ref 4) and others (Ref On the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, BOT/62-59-5-4/40 and Halogens 5)). The authors used platinum shuttles lined with silver toil. The measuring error observed with this method was only t 0.* The determination values obtained are summarised In tables I and 2. However, also this method shows some deficiencies. The authors.dooided to precipitate the silver used in the absor;- tion of the halogens electrolytically In the shuttles and to work at lower temperatures (410-4400). This method showed good results and could also be used in the simultaneous deteraina- tion of four different el*m*nts#.9*g, of silicon and boron- -organic compounds, Corresponding data are shown In table 3. Tho exporimental part shows the scheme for obtalning the sloc- trolytical silver precipitate in-fiCure i# the devioes for the simultaneous and express determination of the elezents rmauti=- ed in figures 2 and 3. There are 3 figurest 3 tablos, and 7 referencest 4 of wh1oh are Soviet. Card 2/3 On the Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, 901/62-54-5-.40/st-WO and Halogens ASSOCIATION: Institut organiaheskoy khtmit I=. 1. D. Zelinskog,.) AL%dou'411 nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chenistrj Ineni W. D. Zvlinskty of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: july 161 1959 Card 3/3 R M, te-MON W .00 -, I ON PF'~ T 50) AUTHORS# Xlimova, V. A.# Zabrodinal K. S. ----------- T1TLEs Microdetermination of the Keto Group With the Oxitating Uethod (91kroopredeleniye keto-gruppy netodom okstairovanlye) PERIODICALs layeatiya. kkademii nauk SSSR. Otdolerlye khiLlchtskikh nauk, 1959# Nr 7, PP 1343 - 1345 (USSR) ANT11kCTs A previous paper (Ref i) had revealed that the formition of oxiiies with hydrochloric hydrox;11 azine may be :~.sde use of for the-microdeteraination of the curbonyl group; it takes + oH.Hcl -4 ac(-vogA +u8 place by the follovinj reactions 3COR , , 2 +92O+HC1. This reaction is very quick and takes place at room temperature, Heating to required for coupoqnds of the type CH-CO-CHk or -%C-CO-CH~. Under the con4itiona i4ei,tionea an investigation visa carried out here to determine tht carbonyl group in ketones, eater& of ketonic acid ard also in diketones which permit oximation. The analytic data are coapiltd in a table. The determination course to deacribed. It vita found that when using 0.3 normal sol4tion of hydrochloric hydroril Card 1/2 amine# the accuracy of.the determination :aethod is higher as Licrodoternii,sition of the Kcto Groop With the Oxim-atizig Uethod coapared with the utilization of 0.5 n-oolution. The following, formula vas applied for the couputation of the 'I-contert of CO with the potentio-actric titrations 4'40-jroop- Vicv~ Dre i t,,O~t avd I 160oviet, ASSOCIATIONs Inatitut ori?,anich~.cloy khi:-.ti i=. N. 1L. Z-Airskego Akadcuii nuak SSSR ( Institute of OrjRnic Ch,!-Astry Ir-ciA 11. D. Zell"- kil of the Acud-LcV of Scien:e3, UIL a SUUITTEDs Jan.Aarj, 14, 1959 ca.e. 2/2 5.5200 77093 3011/62-59-12-37/43 AUTHORS: Klimova, V Mkhina, 0. K. TITLE: Brief Communications'. Simultaneous Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur and Halogens PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk. Otdelenlye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 12) pp 2248-2250 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 'Organic compounds containing sulfur and halogens can be analyzed by Korshun and Shevelevals method (Zh. anal. khImil, 1952, Vol 7, p 1011) giving the content or c, H, and the sum or halogen and sulfur. The authors es- tablished that cobaltic oxide at 400-5000 absorbs, solelyp sulfur oxides but not halogen. They also developed a method foil simultaneous determination of carban, hydrogen, sulfur) and halogen. The method conslato of pyrolytic decomposition of the investigated compounds (5-6 mg sample) in high-velocity oxygen flow. The combustion products are absorbed separately: sulfur oxides by Card 112 Co203 halogen by electrolytically precipitated silver Brief Communications. Simultaneous 77093 Detei-minatillon,or Carbon~ Hydrogenj Sulfur SOV/62-59-12-37/43 and Halogens (at 140200); water and,C02, as u3ual, by anhydrone and ascarltej respectively. The amount of sulfur Is de- termined by treating cobaltic oxide with walter, leaving it overnightj filtering, and t1trating the filtrate with Ba(NO3)2 In the usual manner. The presence of phosphorus and silicon do not hinder the analysis, and their content can be determined fror, the amunt of ashes obtained, usingliuartz and asbestos analysis of 2-(8-chloronaphthy ethyl sulfone. Other compounds also gave satisfactory results. There are 2 figures; 1 table; and 7 references, 1 Austr1anj 1 German, 5 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: 11, D. Zelinskiy Institute or Organic Chemistry, Acaderry of Sciences USSR (Institut organicheskoy khinili Imeni No Do Zelinskogo Akademil nauk SSSR) S!jBM1r1'4-1ED: May 8, 1959 Card 212 14 -lilt w At LI I S1 5W AUTHORSt Mayranovskiy, So Got Faynzillbsrg# 507/20-125-2-0/64 A# A.t flovikovt So Be, KlImovat V. A, TITM On the Influence of Negative Groups on the slectroahemioal Reduction of the Bond ;arbon - Halogen in Organic Compounds (0 vliyanii otritsatollnykh grupp n& sloktrokbimicheskoy* voestanovloniye svy&2i ugl*rod galoid Y organicheskikh sqy*din*aIy&kh)- The Polarographic Behavior of Halido-nitroalkanes (Polyarograficheskoye povedeniyo galoidnitroalkanov) PERIODICAW Doklady Akadsoll nauk MR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 2t Vp 351-353 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The present paper deals with the influence exeraisedby the nitro groups in Ot-position on the easiness of the electrochemical reduction of the carbon-halide bond. Even-though the nitro group itself Is sasily.polarographicalljv reduced, Its presence (as the experiment shows) facilitates the electrochemical breaking of the C-H&I bond to such an extent that the wave corresponding to its reduction becomes a ways of the reduction of the nitro group. The investigation was carried Card 1/4 out by means of.the recording polarograph of the TsL& on the influence of Regative Groups on the BOY/20-125-2.5i/64 Electrochemical Reduction of the Bond Carbon . Halogen in Organic Compounds, The Polarographic behavior of Halide-nitroalkanse Card 2/4 XnerAochermet (ftat* All-union Trust for the Design# Planningo Assembly and Adjustment of Power Installations and Control- and Measuring Instruments of the Ministry of Ferrous Ustallurgyo USSR)# Measures for increasing measuring accuracy are discussed in short. A comparison between the polarograme of the halogenized nitro-compounds and the waves of the analogous nitroproduats containing no halide shows that the first way* of nitrobalid* alkanes corresponds to the reduction of the C-Hal bond. This in prfved by the independence of 21/2 of the first wave of the pH of the solutions The second wave# which corresponds to the reduction of the nitro Broupt shifts with increasing pH of the solution towards negative potentials. The experimental data corresponding to the reduction of the C-Hal bond are given in a table. In irreducible processes (including the electrochemical reduction of the bond carbon - halide) the potential of the sealways Is only an approximated criterion On the Influence of Vagative Groups on the SOY/20-125-2-31/64 Electrochemical Reduction of -the Bond Carbon Halogen in Organic Compounds. The Polarographic behavior of Halide-nitroalkause ASSOCIATIONs Card 3/4 of the easiness of the reduction of the C-Hal-bond. The existence of a nitro group in ck-position facilitates the reduction of the carbon - halide bond considerablyt and the influence exercised by the nitro groups also inoreasesoMMInores,se of their number, As expected, bromides are reduced more easily than the corresponding chlorides. Of the iodides only Lodotrinitromethane was investigated, Interest is caused by the variation of Vis pmdzt CK. naof the number n,4 of electrons participating in the potential-determining stage of the process and the conversion coeffioisat4in some substances in which the polarity of the C-Nal-bond variewo The influence exercised by the structure of.tho investigated substance upon ota of their waves will be a investigated In the course of a future investigation. There are I table and 10 rofsrenoost 6 of which are Soviet. Institut organioheskoy khixii is. N. D. Zelinskogo kkadeaii nauk 8SSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. On the Influence of Negative Group@ an the -lOV/20-125-2-31/64 Electrochemical Reduction of the Bond Carbon Halogen in Organic Compounds, The Polarographic Behavior of Halide-nitroalkames Zolinakiy of the Academy of Scienoos# USSR) PRESSYTEDt November 10# 19500 by A. N. Frunkla, Academician SUBMITTED# November lOg 1956 Card 4/4 ILLIHOU, V.A. 3 TIULIAO N.D, Potontionstrie slarotttration of halides In orpalo como- pounds followizW their sinerall"tion* ftar.amlekbino 25 no-38339-341 Yv'-J* 160. (MMA 1327) L 14,Zeliull Institute of Organto Chomistryt Acadomw of Ulance~, U48.8,109 Rosem (broulne-An"Yele) (IoUn*--AnmVmis) (Chlorl"-AnMysis) 8106 601000101010071018 6 0 B015YB064 AUTHORSi Mayranovskiyj -0 j Belikov, V, Usp Korchemnayal Too.-BOA Klimova, V* A,, and Novikov, So So TITLE: Tautomerism of gitro-compound Information 2e Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetics of Tautomeric Conversions of Phonyl Sitro-methaaj_ .I PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR* Otdoloniye khimichesk1kh nauk, 1960# Not 10i ppo 1787-1795 TUT: In a previous investigation (Ref* 1), the polarographic activity of the aoi-form of phenyl nitro-methane was determined. The present paper describes the technique applied and gives the experimental data obtained. The polarographic behavior of the sci- and nitroforms of phanyl nitro-methane was Investigated, i.**gthe kinetics of the transformation of the aci-form into the nitro-form at PH 1-4, the nitro-form into the anion at PH 7-10t and the anion Into the nitro-form at PH 4-6. Moreover, the dissociation oonstants of the aci- and nitro-forms were Card 113 84854 Tautomeries of Nitro-compounds* Information 2 3/062J60/000/010/007/018 Polarographic Investigation of the KInstios oi B015/D064 Tautomoric Conversion* of Phonyl Nitro-motbane polarographically and potentiomotrically determined. The experiments were conducted in an optical polarographt and the current was measured with an t1-91'-"(M-91) microammeter. The potential of the dropping oleo a chocked with an AM voltmeter, and 4aterainod with -4) potentiometer. TSs ex oriments were carried out at 2510.11~C using various buffer solutions, and the PH was determined with glass electrodes and An-5 (LP-5) or 417-59 (LP-59) potentiometers. The potentials of the half. waves at PH 1,15 are 8 1/2 0 '0,52 v for the nitro-form and 1 1/2 ' 'o.66 v for the aci-form. Investigations of the dissociation kinetics showed that the ionisatIon of phonyl nitro-mothane In buffer solutions can be doscribol by an equation of the first order. The ionization rate was investigated in the presence of various bases. The rate of transformation of the acl- form into the nitro-form was found to follow the equation of a reaction of the first order throughout the PH range investigated. Investigations an the recombination kinetics of phonyl nitro-methane showed that at PH 4-5 the dissociation of the aol-form and the recombination of the nitro-form take place simultaneously. The values for the dissociation Card 2/3 ~Tautomerlsm of Nitro-compounds. Information 2; 5/06 60/000/010/007/018 .Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetics o B015YB064 Tautomeric Conversions of Phanyl Nitro-methane constants of the ael. and nitro-forms under the action of bases and acids 'were computed with the help of Br8nstedla equation (Tables 112). The authors thank D. 04 Knorr* for advio*#.There are 11 figures, 2 tabl*st and 5 references; 4 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimli Im. N. D. Zelinskogo Ak&demii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic ChovistEl Imeal 9. Do Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) A-I it"s 5-4 I HI 23 IfiliM E. !? 11 I AP Bil. 3 , I r. 5 1 1: 0,A s ;tag it - Ill o1 aw 11 All as fill '11 sill, till It It .14 6 PRO WOMM WWTITIT, A.P., 0tv're d' I ALD=N, I.P. red.; GMIXAlp V.I., r9do; ]Mn(OA- LA..*. rod*: VAMOV, A.P.o red@; JLUZKNMO LISP red.; XJFM. N.V., red.: PCMYMU. 2.1o, rvdo; Rt=l=o To*Og rod.; TAWROXX# T.L.p red.1 TMXZMN# A.M., red.; SMMMIN. YXo rodol U.N., rod.t MGKU01r, X.S.. [Conforanoo on orgaula onalystal . Smshchanto po orpolobookom anallzu. losloy dokladov. Xoskvao ltd-vo Xoskuniv., 196le 170 pe (MIRA 14:4) 1. Soveshohonlyo po oripnlchosk*xu anallsu. 1961. (Chemistry. Anslytioal-Congress,es) (ftionistrys Orpr4o-Conemoses) XLIMOVAO.!jAj. ANISIMOVAt O.F. Volumetric analysis coopletion in the microdetermination of carbon and bydrogen after the decomposition of organic substances by their combustion In an oiWpn stream. Izv.AX SM.Otd. Ibis. nauk no.11i 2088-2090 N 661. (KIM 14111) 1. Inatitut arganicheskoykhtall. In. NoMelinskogo AN SM. (Carbon.-Analysts) (Hydrogen. -Analysis) KLIMVA, V.A.; ZAMDINAs I.S. Microdsternination of metboxy and OthOJW V-OuPs- Xxv. AX SM Otd.khim.nauk no-12:2Z34-2235 D 162. (XIRA 14ill) 1. Institut organichoskay khinii in. ii.D.Zolinskoso AN 3M, (Itho3W group) (MlthO)W POUP) ANTIPOVA# T.A. Goff a Um Is in a rapid ozya n now under Degradation Of organic is. Zhurouma.khig- 16 Conditiono Of Nicrcslsmnt&ry a"'Y'a (KMA U 16) no.31343-347 X744 161o 1, 1, D, Zolinsky Institut of organic Chemigtryp Academy of Sciences of the tj#SoR* 9 Moseove Dompounds) (organic 4 KLINOVA, V.A.1 ANTIMAt T.A. Ylash oomtwUov in VW aicrodetondnation of carbon and hydropn 14 a rapid flov of oxygo * Mure awl. khis. 16 no, 4465-468 JI-46 #61, (WA 24s?) 1. N.D. Zeliwkiy Institute of Organic Cbealstryp Aca&xq of scienceo U.S.S.1top Moscow* (Carbm-~ix) (Hydropn-Amlysim) (O:qpn) ~A ~i_ANTIPOVA, T.A.s WMNA, G.K. Simultaneous determination of carbon, hydrogen, and halogens or sulfur by "flash combustionwe Itv, AN SSSR Otd.ktIx.nauk n*.ltl9-22 Ja 162. (KIRA 15W 1. Institut organiabeskoy khisdi in. N.D.Zelinakop M SM. (Carbon--Amaysis) (Hydrogen--Analysis) (Halogens) !`Q, I F "W" WIN ~11 M4 ,~JLIMVA, V.A.: KKRKUIDVA, U.N. Preparation of finely dispersed silver for the microchenical analy- Is of elements. Zhur.anal.khim. 1? no.W42 J&-F '62. (KW 1.V 2) N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of *lances U8S'iS4R## Moscow* (Chemistry, Analytical) (Silver) MEMO ILDIOU, V.I.j EMMITSKMO Ye.G.S MI)MM,, G.K. Determiution of olnents In tungston sulfide catalysts. 1". AN MR OtdAhimanauk no,8#1520-15U Ag 160. (KIPA 15 1, Imstitut organiobaskoy Ithimil in. N.D.ZelInskogo AN SM. (Caul"te, Nmst*n) ZIMVA, Mena MatVarma tdomm 1; SHIBALOVAt Ll" lv"ovna; SMMMVAL9 Valentina Pavlovna; DIkUT,, Eafirl 4arkoym; GAIERTS to Audr*Y IT novloh; IONDRATOYEVAt Zinalds Sergeyeml ILDOVI, LA"-I", rateensent; POPILOV, L.Ya,t naucbr4Y red.; VASIL119VA, N.M., red.1 TSAL, Mop takhn, red, (Seavater corrosion of copper allayslMorskala korroziia wA- nykh splavoy. Leningrad,, sudprougis, 1963. 84 p. .(MIRA 16j2) (Copper anoys-Corrosion) -VITALIXA# M*D*; VPMA# V.At Simultaneous determination of germamun and halogens In organic compounds. ZhuroanalAhimo 17 no,9tllO3-UOS D 162, (KMA 16s2) 1. N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Cosmistryp Academy of, sciences# U68686B.9 Moscovs (Oormanivao-Anslysis) (WO600) (organic Compoub") ILWYAS V. Aq VITALMj M. D. Use of a cation exabanger In Me detendsation of fluorl" by thorimb4s titration In ampo=400 Isr. AN SM Otd. kbla. sauk so.1212UJC-221A D 162, --TKnti 16t1) 1, Institut orsedebeskor W-li In. 5. D. Zellaskogo AN MM nuorime-Awlysim) 8illow organic compowWw) i w'"m !.~ -ge OR lur STROMSKATA X,P*j SKMX)VA# T.I*; KLDWAI V.A.; WXTIOJVVA, L.I.; Sh&YATHROVA, M*A#l ALvTWIg"Ir.Wr,-rukoYodIt*l# raboty. Effect of wtal inclusions on the properties of alumimm foundry alloys. Alium. splavy no.105-72 163, (MIRA 16sll) "NiOlKivAt G.F.; _Y,.Aj ~O C ulonetrio microdetermInstlon of hydrogen In orgin!c -41" Fxl6l. corT.owide. Zhur. anal. khts. 18 no.3.412 (M:RA 17 1 5'~ . It Inatitut oreanicheakoy kh-'%!l Ament. N.D. Zloellnskcgo AN SSSR, Moskva. I A01 VITALINA, X#D# Quantitative determination of gormnium In organogermaium empounds. Zhuraanal,khim. 19 no,lOtl254-1257 164# (MIRA 17M) L XoDtZo2lns)q Institute of Organic Chemistry# U.S.S.R. Acadevq of Sciences, Moscow, MR LIVOVP A.M.; XLIHDVA$ V.A.; PALIY, A. i. Now varlant of the micromethod for water detera-ination by Vacher's reagents Zhur, anal, khim. 19 no.,11:13fk-1371 164. (MIIIRA 18:2) 1. Inatitut organicheakoy Wall Imeni Zelinskogo AN SSSR. Moskva. A jj i NA , f cf alkoxy grovp~ .'Orplnlc At. sl"P 18: ,I- ILI j~LIIHDVA.. ZABRODINA, WA.S.; SHITIXOVA, N.L. Mirodotermination or alkoxyl groups in oulfonle sclei eaters. lzv AN SSSR. Ser, khImo ao.7slUS-US9 165. (MRA 18;7): 1. Inatitut organichaskoy khWi i-. N.D.Zalinskogo, AN MR. L, 44- ACC NRs AT602"16 AUTHORS KLimv&,j V. A. ORG t none SO= Cots I 31 P-1 TITLES Study or the corrosion, resistance of YM L12a If SOURCSt Alywdniyeroe "Uvy# no. 4, 1?(A. Zharoprochwe i vysokoproohM" splavy (Host resistant and higb-strongth &Uoys)g 70-77 tipe'e as.. 0 AJ .0 "15 M Corroa,Ajr A&L4P, TOPIC TAGS$ laluminum ancyt on resistdoe / VAD23 alunintzm anoyv D16 alind- num alloy ABSTRACTS In a study of the Influence of various tpohnologloal factors an the corro- sion of alwAnum jjj:WAI~Itha alloys VAM3 and D16 -1quenchod and &god for 16 hr at I 12 hr at 1900C respectively,, were compared. The corrosion resistance ofunclad VAM3 is comparable to that of unclad D16. VAM in the artificially aged state (I 16 hr) does not show any tendency toward Intercrystalline corrosion or corrosion orso ing urAor stress. A rise in the tmqwrature of the quenching water within the 20-100V- range does not decrease the corrosion resistance of VAM3. Additional heating in the 10-100 hr range at 150-2000C does not lower the corrosion resistance of artificially aged VAD23. Work hardening in the 1-8$ range decreases the corrosion resistance of quenched VAM3; subsequent artificial aging raises it almost up to the level of the work-hardened material. Aluninum cladding oes not provide for a complete electroc Card 1/2 1~ - - --- iACC NRj AT6024916 ical protsotion of VAD23 &U07 in a 3% N&Cl solution. No elsotroohomi"l proUction wbatsoe"r Is observed in 0.01% X&M* Ortgo at, has 1 5 figures, SUB CODRI 1l/ SUMM DAT21 n*m/ *M RVI 001/ OTH Wo 003 RMLISKIT, J.A.j BVRIM.111A, R.I.; 30VAKOVAR T.M.; Rapid detemini'Man or ow number or cA,-bm and hlvlrogen SUMS in the moleculas or gastouo -ccupomda. Dokl. AN SSSR 199 no*4: 861-S64 D 164 (M.2.4 1811) 1. Fkrsdstavleno akademikcm M.-I. Xnbs!~-br.!~Om* KLIMOVAj V. I - KLiwv&o V* I* KOSIPWISOn OfthO piwolology of conditioned motor roflexes, Uperl. ments on rabbits and guinea pigsto Trudty Voroneshak. mod. in-tas Vol. Ilys 19460 P. ~ 39-42 - SOs U-2688p latopis, Zhurnallaykh Statey, No* 1,, 1949 KLIMVA, V - I. iaiwva,, V. 1* OReflexts in the orestizing of frogs during limminal snd sublinA A stimulipm Trudy Voronitsbake m6de in-tap Vale XIVj 1948# pa 77-60 Sot U-2888p Lotopis ZhurnallrWkh Statsy# go. 1j, 1949 X 9 W.4-11T Contract apeement, is the best method to ensure the supply of raw products to st6gar factories* Sakhe promo 35 nof 5s3-7 My 161. " (XM 2,4t5) (Sugar industry) KLIMMA 9 V. 1. Effect of a CiAnged function state of the higher sections of, the central nervous oyatom an the dmlopr*nt of malignant tumarn in rata, Trudy Inst, vym, nerv, delat., Ser. patofitiol. no.9:9/.,-98 061. (ML 84) RA 15 (0001TIONSD I HXMRSE) (CMICER) RATM, L.M.11LIMOVA, 'Proatuest of duo4oul fistmWo xRr-4r 19530 lost. khir.,, Kooky& t3 no.2826-28 (CUM 24:3) L N6kool'or"ta- Istow. WOW ind-Wkritical Ollolo of #word- I - Ilavok Madioal tustitate Alt""ormti-k 0 EMOVA T lo Weatment of duodenal fistual after roseation of the staukaL T*st.khln. 94 no*348-75 W 960. (KnU 23s22) (or n I'll I )(OMMUYIDIBUBU) USSR/Farm A..~ GeAw-ral, Proble-3. Abs Jour : ~tv - Biolo, 11o -` , -", , .,s ~1.1,30'1 llt7:1,ka.ta, A.T., Author : V,11*j Lcvtro:c~, fi*'~Op Inst ',c -iA Heat and Title Irlic 0-iroteno ConUntl 4A o: "h,~ Bir:(bina A Pub : .1;';. 5-tuu~. rabot. Mosl ~~cl. i;i-t raynsn. ;Y,,* Dc 5 1958, tYP- Atittvict : ;J10 a),,c.-ac~ts c3rd 1/1 KL.IMDVA, VA. - Dump truck with a *?ZA4 loader. Sakh.prom. 38 no.3s42-43 mr 64. (KIPLA MA.) 1. Adygey-skly sakharnyy zavode *Thr) '117-,Acal I-Isp~ ct gM Therapy of CertAin Trj-,O..,j ol* 'Ite '-)Alorratiins by Fqrr". nt Ad Justrnnt Apparatuses, 0 Cani Y-d ';ct. thar lk~m i-lical Inst, Kharlkav, 1954. Ml, 1-70 7, Feb 55) SO: SIM. 1404 631, 24 Aur, 55 - Survq of Scientific aml "iech-leal ~l aim -tat ions ,nled at VISR Highor '!Aucational Institutions (14) ZLIMVA* Y,P,t k1kad.usdaumaki MM=O L.W.0 kand,mod,sank Arahod prosthesis In paradeateels, Pftbl.stow. 406U364 138. (OUNS-DISUM) (MOPM PROSMSIS) (NlU 13 KLIMDVAP V.S.1 KATORZHNOVI, N.D.) X.UMAVTSEYt G.1.1 EIEMAS"OV, A.V. Rapid method for the simultaneous det"rolination of. the wxwmr am moisture content of polyeaprolsotam. Khia.volok no.6t64-65 163o (MIRA 17M 1. VassoyuvW nauahno-losledovatellskLy Institut iskusstvannogo Vo- loknae smzmawg mitiaimaul-VOw- yoree"tIM the str"aflw of the BoUya Ri"r, Troo TSV u0#2051 im-l" 1600 1(KMA 3Asl) (B*Lqa Rtwer (B&sbkirl&)-WdroUa) SAPOZHNIYOV# V.I.-I KLIMOVA, V.V4 ------------- Five-day streamflow forecasts for the Aragya River at the village of Zhinvani in spring and sumer. Trudy TSIP no-113:60-70 161. (KERA 14sq) (Aragva River--Hydrology) SAPOZFSIKOV, Forecast of a ten-you Innov of water to the Norsk Hydro- electric Pbwer &AUM cc th~,Vakbah Riv*ro Ind n003-343-12 164 17 t8) KLMOTA. To.: SMSMM. T.: MAMMA. TO. Our onerleace In the pmduatloa of raw-smaked smsa&. Nis$. Ind, WO 24 mo*5:57-38 9$3. (MLRA 6:12) 1. 2-y kolUmay savo4 Loulagradskov wasokoubloate. (Sousages) ~`IPK ITS MPT-f WN-U BaUSM, A.1 ILDOVAq To* SinW4 led method of --twfaottwing'rawasoind Sausage. JUM.W. S= 33 w,2sU 0620 ()DA 13s5) 1. ldbaavqy "vod No.2 4 ad-',oco arwokombinata. ages) %VJWA--re Insho Rachinso fo owsobol bultivation. I!mkto I sellkho=asb. 31 no,U;:31 11 061. (HIM 14 12) 2. VssivorasW nauchno.-Inslodmteltakiy lutitut oellskokhotyayst"amp muWaostroyardyas Supr beets) trlwltuml machinory) KLIPMA, Ye.A., Inth. Pachinery for orchards and vineyards. Trakt. i sel'khotmash. 31 D 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1- Voesoyu%rWy nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut sel'skokhotyaystven- nogo mashinostroyenlya. (fruit culture) (Agricultural machinery) (Viticulture) The UXP-06 rook picker and houlor, Trakt. I sallkhosumb. 32 zo#202-33 Y 162,, l5s2) (Agricultural machinery) XLIMNA$ TO.A.9 insh, girotary garden cultivator. Trakt.1 "llkhosmemb. 32 w #4 42 Ap 062 s (KMA 1394) Is Voomoyusqy mma1mo.-issledovatelfskiy institut selfskokbo- sMetvennogo mashiwstroyeniya. (Cultivators) 7777 TFMIMM=1417 JUMAN YO*A* c I~s AAP-0 3 NMikronl Pulsatory aerosol apparatus. Trakt. I sellkhosmeab,, 33 no,ltW33 Za 163. (KMA 1613) 1, VessoyusM nauchno-issledovatel'skly Last1tut sol'skokbotyart"nnogO mashinostroyVAY&O (Spraying and dusting equipunt) !I + If KOCHENENK09 D#Vo, kraW , eel 'xkokhoz#nauk;-.PIMVA, TOOA.) Insho Sprayer for vineyards and orchards wanted on a wall-mise cravlor 00~wo Zashobs.rastoot vred, I bole f no*4254 JLAg 159. '!t3pnoring and dusting equipmnt) (WA 16 o 5) ARBUZOVI YuAol KLIMVp YoAoi KU340VA, TsvIo Dime onthesis vith glyw~Uc aoid esters. Doklo AN SWR 342 zo*2041-343 ja t62* (MIRA 15t2) 1, Kookovskly gosuda"tvomqy univirsitst ims H.VoLommosavas Prodstayleno akadenikon A*T*,Arbusaype olorift) olrowlic add) i ARDMOV, YUA, j XLDWAj TOJ* .................... Condensation of glyoWUs &W eaters vith 30tawso Zhvr.obokhis, 32 uo.Ut3676-3681 N 162o (KMA 15 U) le Maskoveldy govowstive=VY universitqt imani M,V, Lmonosone C -66 Eg(i) GDJ L 44 V7 -qW Atcws -id-6028288 BOUM ODrg.- UP/000o/64/000/m/0066/0075 AIMM bonchkovskMa, T. V.; Kltwv4.--Yq. 1-i Hishina, R. LtYlk1tin, V. 0. ORG: nme TITIZ: The problem or hent.transfer in the lower layer of the stwepheiv SOURM: AN SOB. Inatitut Prikladnoy MLWUA. Issledoyanlya teploobnens Y atmosfere invesET-ga-tion tmosphere). Mbecow, ZW-vo a of heat exchange In the a Hauka, 1964, 66-75 TOPIC TAW: m1crometeoroloFy, surface boundary layer, stmoopheric turbulence, radTAMO~~avl-, LopwamtsZ9, wind ispead. 13np-~LA, )7%444,~3 -,,~ Q^ t- o t4,.---t4 "o ABSITRA'T: The results of an analysis of neteorolJgic&l obaervations'rwds! to investigatta convective heat exchange In the surf-Ace boundmry laycr of tMe atmosphere are pre3ented. Ilie observations were condu,~t,~--d in the guff.Ter of 1960 in a level rie4 covered with uniform vegetation in the Kuban' Uteppr, or-en. Tpn-pA~rntures and u1nd speeds were mensured at three levels in thi bottom nix-m-tqr layer of the atmosphere a-, were the soil terq)eratures at several depthr, and the charanteristics or rWation heqt exchange. The Informntion obtmined was used to calculate *,he mrWnitude of the' hemit flux In the soil (by the MaIn Geeophyuical. Obnervatorj r4.-thod) and the vertic~.l turbulent bent flux In the atmosphere (by the Kazrinakly and 1knin otthod). A Geriej of grapha vnj constructed which Illustrate the prepence of correlative relationabipp card between individuai cjiarii~.- =,-r boundary ItVer of the atmoophere. Such quantitien 9z wind speed, wind-speed Sradl4nt lapse rate, radIntion balance, heat flux in tho soil, turbiaent hent flux, the I Richardson number$ etc., are compared. Pie conclusion!i are of a descriptive natur*. Rol BUS CODE: 04 SUBM DATEJ 24jun64/ om; ftEn oo4.~ A 212 bl&P ,77 -2~1-7 7 Ask PER F 7 KLWV4 Y*#N*; AUMUMt 0.0. 5=0 features Of the.derelopme;ij of radiation lesions In dop lmder the ahrmle affect of *vu, Nedrd. 5 no.3s3-7 160* (S=W"M--nOTOM) (RAMATION BIOMM) I (KM l3sl2) KLDVVA 9 Ye. N. Effsot of uranl= totrafluoride on the higher nervow ti ity of dogs, Udiobiologila I nojo399-406.06ls ra ,10) (UWIM FUWIM) (CETZBPAL CORM) ALEKBRIVAO.O.G.) ELIMMAI-Toolf.; KDRCHWIVO D.I.; PET VICH, I.K. Initial manifestatiw of injuries in dogs exposed to daily administratim of ar;o. Mod.rad. 6 no*8W-4 Ag 161o (MRA 3AsS) (STROMIUM-ISOTOM) (RAMATION SICEM) FIB, W-1 7- , "1 1, YILATOTO X.Ye. I %W"DTA,-- Iniminato ohortoordage In the working out &ad de"lopment of orgau- Isational and toohnolWeal Planning In bakeries. Xhlob. I korA, pron. I no.l2s26-29 D OV. (MM 1111) 1. TooloyUsayr %Roohuyy lustitut plehohevoy prowqsbleunosti. (Bakers and bakeries) N1, m Oil m COUNTRY ub w. CATWM t Cultivot*4 Plants* Forago.Crops. AM JOUR* t RMW141 No's 23 190? 116# 104724 AUTHOR Y**, 3, M~' IFSTO Xnatitute at Pers, University TITLE The Influence of Spraying with solutions or xicrosismsts on the Seed Frodu4tion of Alfalfa. GR;0. MD. I 1%v4 Eatestv.-nauchn. In-to pri Forasks its-to, lq~?, IJ,, No. 1$ '43 -48 ABSTRACT Expol!1monts vers' arri4d out 16 1953 *n4 19!A at Troltakly Training Bud Uperizeitul Forestry of Pors' University. WrIng the blossoming of alfalfa. it was s;ray*a with &al- utions of adcroelomnts in the concentration of from 0.01 U 0*19. the boat results were obtalnea from the spraying& with solutions Of Hot cu, me, a "a 04 which inersa&W the y1ola of alfalfa asoas by 40-86 kilogruA or by 33-82% in comparison with the control, The weight of the *W*jots ma&x of the plants Increased on ma average by 191. to 19541 Cards 112 67 KLWVA,, Yu. V. Rheologic propai4se of kaolin &W its AbPersion, am* prom* 36 no.6sl5-16 Ag '61. (WA uts) L Moskoyskly final Vaosolusnop mudno-Losledontellskoso instituta b-mashnoy prommIhIspnotio (papor) fg~ LIKH(NMY, Vladislay Tadoushavich; YEMOV, Al9koandr Varfolomeyevich; WHOVA, lu.N.j, red. tManufacture of coated paper] Prolsvodstvo melovannol bu- mAgi. Moskva# lad-vo OL499nais, proWshlonnost', 1964. 649 p, (Y.IFA 17-5) DANITSv P.1 XLDOVAj Z. Etransistorl 4e ------------ - . Man studies insootso Nauka i thisn' 28 no.12tU-?3 D 161. (KM l5s2) (Itntomological research) BZM$Kty, a. t. I KLtN3yA Z.1. P"009513W COWU II&DW by I"rA Of br&olyviso Oldrollsol levok,filsoproso 1) uoojj?~wjo 060o (MU 1313) to NiLuohna-toolodootellskly liketitat gidrollonW I oullfitm- owtovoy propblessasti, (thboldstan-4otton) (EydroUsts) A BEUMICTO 3.1.1 XLDOVAO Z.Ko; SHPUVTOVAp M.Yo,j CMMFMMN,, I-It. Rapid contImous invonion of pentose by&olp&Uoo Oldroliss i Isookhim, pr=o 14 no.7t25-27 161* (MIPAusn) 1, Nauchno-issledoystellskly inotitut g1drollmoy i adifitno- Is-drtmoy PIVvem"Mostl (for Dolsnlkiy, KUMTS, Bhptmtm)O 2, Forgandkiy g1drolismy UYM (for Chollolotikl2in Pentoses) igydro2ysis) WN, 7777FMM- 3'16 1100010011005A0-, /0 0 A 104~~l 27 A(MiORS: Bogdanava, M.D., Ye"reyev, N.M., KlImova, Z.11. TITU.- Characteristics of.the Ionosphere at Ashkhabad In Januai-I 1960 FERIMICAL; Ak3domlya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fUlko-tekhniches. kikh, khimicheakikh I geologichaskikh nauk, no. 1, 1961, 74 - 76 TM: The article discusses the vertical sounding or the Ionosphere ceojp- lei with the registration of altitudInal frequency characteristics carried out In the automatic 11 panoramic Ionosphere stationAO,' (AIS) at Ashkhabad in Janua. ry 1960. ~bstrallter's notet ALI( ,(A1$) not defined.) Some results or these Ob- servatIons are shown In Table 1, others were published by the IZMIR AN S3SR (In- stitute of Space Sound Recording of the Academy of Sciences USSR), In "Kosmiches- kiye d!Lnnyy", February 1960, no. 2 (48), 23. It is interesting to comparie t-he observed meridian values of the critical frequencies of layer P2 with fore'asts and 1959 observations, The deviations of f o P 2 values from f^,recasts we chiefly decreasing, sometimes 33%1 as sh-awn in column ~t o P2 of Table 1. A comparlsor. or observation date in January 1960 t,) that In Jan~iarj 195F) reveilt lvwer critical frequencles.of the P2 layer in 1960 (columns -t 0 P~2 1959). Card 1/5 27116 S/165/6 1,AM/00 1/005A07 Chara,~teriztios of the Ionosphere A104/Ai27 Tho considerable decroase of solar activity was reflooted also In tht of cther Ionotphers lejers. IA;ters 9 and P2 showed Identical daytime deortase (6 - 7%) of I o Es. The occurrence of sporadic layer E Increased to 44 1- Januarl IS~60 as cmpsred to 35% In January 1959. (columv-3 1 a M 1959). ".'"he Ionospheric perturbanae in Jaimary 1960 had Increased In comparison to January 1959. The resulting number or perturbed hours & A f o P2 :,p, 2D% In 1960 was 98, I.e. 62 negative and 36 positival In 1959 there were only 81 perturted hours, I.e. 46 negative and 35 positive, In January 1959 a positive perturbon--e with 35% maximum deviation value at. a total maxim= deviation of 37% was "Ofrd- ed. In addition to the zorpiling of data on wnthly perturbance charazterlst!cs, efforts were made to establish the dates of calmest days, I.e. free ionospheri: and/or mapstio parturbanoes. In Ashkhabad such days were January 3D ond 31, 1960. Nh-proflloa calculated according to Kel'so'a method by taking Into atc,=t the Influence of the magnetic field are shown In PIgurs 1. It should be noted that this Influence effects only negligible corrections in Ashkhabad latitules. The above calculations are based an a number of assumptionst the electr-'.~nlc concentration of the Ionosphere increases steadily with altitude; altitudes or frequencies below tl,.e lower limit of Instruments within a range or o . o.6 x: harA a value of 100 In pt-r 204 hours &M from 0.6 M~ to f min. Mc were subjeCt Card 2/5 27116 S/165/61/000/'001/005/007 Charaoteriatica of the Ionosphere A104/AI27 to linear Increase law. The obtained Hh-prof1le leads to the conclusion that the main energy used ror the ionitation or wo Ionosphere was concentrated at atmospheric altitudes or 200 - 300 km. illehest altitudes were observed before midnight. DnIly altitude variations or the Ith-prome are Inadequately expres-' Bod. 17here wore three mInImumn, two of which occur at F2 2 - 3 hours after am- rise or sunset, the third to oriented symetrIcally towaMs either of these be- rore nunrlso. niare to A table, I r1gum tind 4 Soviet-bloc references. A.SSOCIATIOH: P121ko-tekhnichookly Inistitut AH TurkAenskoy 3311 (Physical Tochni- cal Institute of the AcadmW of' Sciences Turkmenskaya SUMITMI July 7.. 10 Cn m 3/5 S/169/61/000/012/086/089 D228/D305 AUTHORS: Yerofeyev, N. M.# Klimova, Z. N., and Stepanova# M. B. - ILITLE: Characteristics of the ionosphere above Ashkhabad in February 1960 PERIODICAL., Referativnyy shurnal, Goofitika, no. 12, 1961t 25, abstract 120200 tlzv. AN TurkmSSR. Ser. fit.-tekbnog khim, I gaol. n.# 19619 no. 29 100~103) TEXT: The results are given for the processing of the obser- vations of the ionospheric station at Ashkhabad in February 1960 and for their comparison with the forecast and observations of February 1959. LThe values of fe2 observed in Pebruary 1960 were below the forecast values (by up to 27%), the greatest de- viations being observed In the night and morning hours. In Card 1/2 3/169/61/000/012/086/089 Characteristics of the... D228/D305 February 1960, the magnitudes of fOP2 were lower than in Feb- ruary 1959. The percentage appearance for 9 fell from 44% a in February 1959 to 30%. The.ionoopheric disturbances of Pebru- ary 1960 are described. The degree of disturbance in February diminished in comparison with January 1960 and February 1959. The quietest day in respect of the magneto-ionospheric activity (24/1 was distinguished, and Nh-profiles were calculated for it. ~Abstracterlo note: Complete translation,-7 Card 212 BERMJMS M.1 WWMq X.M.1 EMMAt_Z.N.1 STIPANMA# M.B. Characteristics of the Ionosphere over Ashk habad in Hu-ch 1960* Isv#AN TurkoMaSerefiss-tekhej khia.i goolnauk no,302-95 161. (=A 14 s7) 1, Ylsiko-tokhnicheskiy institut AN Turkmanskoy SSR. (Ionosphere) KLD4UVi GURW UVA,, V - 1. (Leningrad) Study of some problems of the pbysiology.of the nervous systam in laboratories of the Hungarian People's Republic. Fisiol. &bur. 47 no.I2s15IO-I!a3 D 161. (VIAA15ji) (HUHG#JtY--MXOLjCGY) M 4, W, XIJMA-GHEFWOVAp Vold Inhibiting and stlullating influences of the oentral norrous system an oardiao aoUvity sad respiration in birds. Fisiol. sh - 47 no,6021-728 is 161, WRi 1511) 1, From the Department of Comparative Physiology and Pathology Institute of Runriontal Medicine. CHLORPIOW10), (MMOUS SYSTENJ AUTONOMIC) BnMOVO D.A.; AN70MO O.A.; IM p V.1.1 KOWTAp Ye.Ae; SMZAM# T.P.; Mwiffif-M0,10 4 Comparative and physiological features of the effect of &nine- %its on the regulation of cardiovascular activity* ritioe shur. 48 no.8t953-959 Agt62. (MMA 160 L Prom the lAboratory for Comparative Physiology and Pathology# Imtitute of ftperimental Medicine Winerads I (CARDIOVASOJUR SYSTEM) tGUMOMMi r.LI%VA41wRK&1"4)VA, Vold MiChaftilme of the central sffeit3 of tf,p veputtive r*ryv-.;-v syltem on cardiac sativity, T:Iiidy In-at. klit. I ok"r. k&H. AN Gvzt.- A.MR 8t525-527 1,67 ""TPA t~7.7,~j Insti-tut sksperimentaltnoy *sditsiny AMN 555R. Uningrad, AWROPOV, G.A.; UIMDVA-CHMASOVA, !.I.; KOR?MVA, Ye,A.j SHLYAM, T.P.1 TAKOVOW, M.I. Comparative physiological characteristics of the erfect of aminazine an the regulation of cardiovascular activity. Trudy Inst. klin. i sksper. kard. AN Gruz. SM 81533-535 163. (MMA 170) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitalinoy fiziologii. L MIN" 92 :'ACCRSSXO* XRt AP017393, VR/0239/65/051/60/478VO 612.17MMWA 1AUTHORt 16 too, ;Tl=t Significance of''tbe:dIsnoophalon and "Osenoophalon in (;central IMbitory moh&Msxs of heart activity SOURCHt Vilaialcal6heekly shurnal WSRp vo 510 two. 7o 19651 M-792 ~TOPIO TAOSs experiment anintil brain reflex sativity# Aar isleatrophysioloiffp -oardlovas;'U sys;om# blood pressure _h' #Ad ABSTRACT: In 611perinstitts on cats the effects of the dienes !the messnophalon on,p0asympathetio inhibition of heart act 1were determined by-,vagqs~nsrve excitability before and after:o itrio istimulation (10-15 sea) of various nuclei of these br&Jp,aroas* Three groups of cate in a narcotic state (urethane 1 gfkg) were ..investigated under the following oonditiones control,, chronic I(partial AnJnrof the brain4reas)r and &cuts Iserious bilateral e ;injur7 of tfie aft aro").; In the control and chronic experinentap animals received olootrlo~~ stlwidl tbrough Implanted bip*]Aw sleotrodo ~Gsp and in the aouts experiment Panopolar electrodes were used to ~C wd 1/3 L 2685-66 JAMMSTON-IRI A"017391'. o0 stimulate the vague- nor" k -square pulse generator oduced the' i9leatrio stimuli'of 1,msoo:duration with -varying amplitudes and 'frequencies# The ozoitability of the bulbar centers of the vagus nerve and cardiovascular -system were determined by the depressor Wfoot and pales rate. Blood pressure neasured by a mercury Mmanomoter i _9 respiratory movementsp and In some oases-SSG data were 'rooorded on moving-ploturcfilm.' Findings show that different parts- Ing the of the dionoophalon..snd'~:mo"stino6lpW*n participate In reg4at ifunotional state -of vara'sympathstio'1nnervation of the bear-to %der touts ex;peeimental 4Anditionsp the, effects of the dioncephalon -and fmosenoophalon oit renex-vultability. of the vagus nerve were largely ~dotermlned the paramters- or electric stimlis Moptimal , . ~parsmeters 3.thess stindi,1or the.-thalaws wA hypo alanu are; not the same 0 The central inhibitory offoots-of the vague rArve on the ;heart and blood pr4sou"Airt iiat confined to the central bulbar 21Ww "but extend to the perilteral chollnergio fibers as won* Orli* art* I=$ figures* ASSOCUTIONS Otd*l Araynitolinoy fisioloall I - paj~ologllj Ustitub ,eksperimentaltmy moditsIV AW NO# LOWInvad (Bransh of Comewrat 1 213; ~ , 1: % .,r . . " -. - i,~:KIWRTMAT f4a` 1A ~jgMffATCHPAAMAA..V.1. Central wohadow of tonia aotivity of the vagus nor" acaordift to eloatroplWalological data. Fisiol, shur, 50 no.dilOOR-1016 Ag 164. (XMA 18M) 1. Laboratorlya aravnitellnoy fisiologil I patol"if Institute eksperimentallmoy mditoirq AM WO, Leningrad. ACC NR, SOU= COM I 16Y0 AMIORt Vasileva)dX, No NoS Klinm-Cherlmsovs,Vo let OFLG: Institute of Experimntal yadjoira. AM S&M. laninpad (Iftstittit'Asprinno, tallnoy 5UV AM Wonj TrrMi Struotural and fturtional IntorrelAUonships between excitation wd Inhibitiot in the o norms Mtsz,,'. =MCE1 Fisiologichaskiy %bzi%1 $SM. v# 51, no* 4# 1965# 424-430 TOPIC TAOSt central nervous systeno oat, neuron, neurophyvlologY ABSTRAM in expertments'with cats, Individual motor neurons of the spinal cord vers stimulated electrically by applyinS the microolectrode technique, At current froquencles & 300 cycles excitation postaynaptic potentials were suppressed entirely and only Inhibition postsynaptic potentials were observed* Th.another series of experiments* also conducted on catso the response of a thin bundle of no vagi fibers upon bipolar stimulation of medial divisions of the brain stem (=dial nuclei of the thalanust central grey matter around the aqueduct of sylvius) was studiedo it was established that within.the motor nucleus of the,vagus.nerve motor neurons differed In .regard to their functional characteristics as for as stimulation and Inhi- bition of dischargoo,synchronous with inhalation (inspiration) and exhalation,! Catd M 6126822-3- '~(axpiration) was concerneds At sufficiently high frequencies (>200 cyclosi-' of the currant appliedo neurons stimulating inspiration were Inhibiteds %All* nourans Inhibiting Inspiration ware. activatedo rrequencies Is. 2W cycl" were optinA for expirations s4ills those in the range from 30 to 100-200 cycles had an optimum of feet in stimulating inspiration* It was established In earlier work done by other investigators that two types of fiber are 1prosent in the vsGus nerve# Is*.* fibars, that transmit afferent tepulass ',stimulating Inspiration and fibars that transmit afferent impulses stimulos, I tAng expirations Both series of experiments Indicated that there are functional differences between activating and Inhibiting systame entering Into the composition of the coordinating mchanissis,of nerve activity and t4At these systems must be structurally _~Isti.nato- Origs.. art6 hast 4 figures* rJPP47 WD COWs 06 SUnt DATSj 2909o63 MM Uri ~Ow OM WWI 0" 2 R wjpq R