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8/115/60/000/04/032/041 D002/DO06 The "Isotopes" Demonstration Hall-cum-Store there are anorganic. "Naj (Tl)", "CsJ(Tl)", and "KJ (Tl)"j as well as organic, i.e. monocrystals.of anthracenet stilbene, tolant naphthalene with an- thraoene, as well as plastic scintillators on a polyst- styrene base with sointillating additives. The depart- menta of isotopes and radiation sources will mainly supply the organizations developing radioactive equip- ment, and establish contact between the clients and the producing plants. Through the isotopes and ra- diation sources departments orders may be placed for isotopes in standard batches and gamma-radiation sources in ampules (thullium-170, iridium-192, ce- sium-137 cobalt-60, eto); and for ready beta-ray sources In the form of discs or plates (promethium- 14?, thallium-204, strontium;90u+_yttrium-90, cerium- ;.lard 6/8 144 + prasoodymium-144, ruth ni m 106 + rhodium-106, 8/115/60/000/04/032/041 D002/DO06 The "Isotopes" Demonstration Hall-tum-Store etc). The activeness of 8050 beta-sources can be raised to 100 millicurie/em , Trace alpha,, be ta and gamma sources may also be ordered. The depart- ment of protection equipment has containers, iron and lead blockst transportable screens of lead glass, hand manipulators, lift n devicesi special clothing i B_ A tU-4".3neumo-suitt fSh I" respirator, gloves, -rNre-eve . Among latora furniture there is a tory work chamber with one seat, for work with alpha, bet& and gamma preparations. Vacuum down to 20 mm of water column is produced in it for the work time, adit is fitted with exhaust ventilation, a viewing . window, input pipes, drain funnels, a collector for radioactive waste, and gloves. The store will ar- Card 7/8 range exhibitions of special subjects, consultations S/115/60/000/04/032/041 D002/DO06 The "Isotopes" Demonstration Hall-cuu-Store by qualified specialists, and demonstrations of po- pular scientific movie pictures on the nonmilitary U86 of atomic energy, will sell manuals and catalogues, will keep information on latest developments and fo- reign literature on the use of isotopes. Orders are acceptecl only from clients having special permission to zorl- with radioactive materials. lCard 8/8. 3/119160/000/010/014/014 B012[BO63 AUTUORS; limuoh# Engineer, Morkulovo V. Sol Engineer TITLE: A Criterion for the Selection of Shielding Di*phrag2s for t*~&*uro2sh*s by the Method of Attenuation of Bet% Radiation PERIODICAL.- Priborostroyonlyst 1960v No.. 10, pp. 30 - 31 TEXT: When using the method of attenuation of beta radiation for **a- suring the density ofA"_$_X*t is frequently necessary to use shield. I/C Ing diaphragms. As the accuracy of aeasuroment Is reduced by these dia- phragms, It to necessary to reduce their thickness. A corresponding de- crease of the radiation flux leads to an increase of the statistical error in the recording of radiation. These factors are to be tonsidered .for an 0 timum selection of the dimensions of shielding diaphragms. ro'roula to Is written down for the absolute error 4m, in the determine- tion of the gas mass on the radiation path, which to duo to the above- ontioned statistical error (Ref. 1). Then* the condition of strength (2) : ard 1/3 A Criterion for the Selection of Shielding 8/119J60/000/010/014/014 Diaphragms for Measurements by the Method B012/2063 of Attenuation of Beta Radiation is written down# The latter *%pro*&** the relationship between the dis- motor, &I of a round shielding diaphragm and its thickness, h (Rot. 2). After making some assumptions for the purpose of simplifying the prob- lem, the authors derive formula (5) for the absolute error As I In the determination of save as a function of the mass attenuation oooffici- *At go and of the thiakneasi h# of the shielding diaphragm. a and h are Interrelated by the formulas X*xt# the authors determine the values of go and h at which the error bal attains Its minimum. Formulas (6), (6s), LT), and (7a) are obtained# from which It may be seen that the error decrease* with increasing h and with a corresponding door**** of pos h :ndopoo;ro interrelated by formulas (6) and (6a). For an optimum so- lo ti A the parameters of the diaphragm and the source It to nozes- ry to take & as high as possibl according to the conditions of sea- Uarenent, h is deterainod from to:ault (2) and from formula (6). As : the set of Isotopes to very listt*dj formula (6~ocan 'be satisfiod only approximst*lys Tabl* I gives h- and a-valuos for numerous isotopes& The Card 2/3 AUTHORSs TITLEs PERIODICALs 8/076M/034/06/36/040 3015/3061 Mork"ov, Y, $9, 121mufhoVik A* To (Moscow) The ComponentAuslysia of Binary Systems by the Weakening of Z:Radiotion Zhurnal fisiaheskay khlailg 19609 Vol. 34, go. 69 pp. 1373-1376 TZXTs The method of the weakening of I-radistion for the component analysis of 'binary @yet*" has already been used by several researchers (Refs, 1-5)o Various mixtures# emulsions# solutions, and chemical compounds have, been analysed In this way. On the analysis of a chemical compound, each element who** content In to be determined, is considered as one component# and the rest of the compound as the other component. The theory of the method is discussed generally hero. The elucidations are carried out on the basis of -various publication 4&t&# and among other things diagrams (figs) on the dopendones of the name absorption cooffl- olonts on the energy of the gamme-quenta are given for some elements. There are I figure and 8 reftronaess 2 Soviet and 3 American. Card 1/2 ILI WV41_5 P-M ~'~ 2 11 116TAme - 49 - USSR/Radlo - Television Amplifiers "Design of a Complex Corrections $ystep for Television ApplIfIerr,* G. Vo Broudej Dr Tech Selp 1. V., S. Y&# llimushev,, Znginsers,, 10 pp "Rediatekhnika" No 6 1xii-Iii3s Complex, two-induatance hJbh-frftpertcy correction systm, videly used In television amplIflerag from standpoint of Its optinum transient characteristics* Circuit p&romrters are selected on basis of compromise between frequency. 155T102 TISHENKO9 A.M. ',EBEDEV B,M,j !OITERXj M.D.; 4;LV�IP FEDO/tININO A,A.j TEGWCHEV, V.I.j VOLKOVA, I.M., red. [Calculation and design of transistorized pulse systems] Raschat i proaktirovaMe impullorqkh ustrolaty na tran- zistorakh. (BY) A.R. Tishenko I dr. Moskva,, Sovetakoe ra- rio, 1964. 566 Pi (MIRA 17t6) 71 M , , SHEVp P. Ya. C and . Technical Scia; *Neu Yethod of Determining Cptime Parameters for Corrections of Higher Preauencles in Television Amplifiers." Sub 12 Oct 51, Moscow Crder of 14nin Fower Engineering Inst Iment '11. '!. Volotov Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. Wo. 4;!,P, 9 Yay 55 :L-2aw--m Err(L)AWA(h) Pob AOCESSIM 11R AN50MM wo WWMTIM -14 ,~,e T1Ah2BkQa Am goo Lebadeva St 110) awk, M, Oil 911oushav, 9, U.1 FW;rinin&-_ As A.1 Morychav,-7, 1A UI=Ution and design of pals* devicj4ift tran4stors (Raschot i proyettirovanlys ixpul'sny" tstroystv na-tranxistorakh)# Moscow,, Isd--vo 'Sovetsekoys radlo". 196h, 566 p. illus., tdblios UpOOD copies printed. TOPIC TAaSt trAnsistorp mdtivibraterp triggerj, ptdae generator# video wq0fters transistorized key, electronics RMFM AND 0779MICe This book Wesents problow In the calculation *M design of transistorized pulse oquipment-mlUvibratars, triggers, mzwtaoth voltAge :-rinratorsp time delay voltage cot%verteres and pulae video amplifiers. Thp boob-- 1t Inteided for radio engineers concerned with the design of transirtorised radio equipment; it can aloo be useful to students in radio eleCtrln-P-1,~ h1gW OdUGWOVAl in&ti*U*M.& TANZ OF CONTUTS (sbridg0d)l Pbraward 3 card L 52992-6.'~ ACCIMICH WR AM50MOM Cho is Properdes and parmatas of a tmasistwised key - 17 Cho no MativIbrstard - 75 Cho Mo. Triaeft "- 352 Cho 17* sowtooth Yoltap gwWratas 230 Cbs V* Time dour. "It&" Om"rtwe Olft1349 Cho Vle S&WtO*tb 4V4V*Ut pnwatwo - 369 Cho Me Palse- vi4oo amUtS Om BJ b] 4 OPSOW - 00 " F AUTHOR: Klimushov# V,Y&.$ Candidat* of Historical 5ciencoo 5-2-3/32 TITLEt Elimination of Shortcomings in Teaching and Scientifia Activ- Was (Ustranit' nodostatki v uchtbnoy I nsuchnoy doyatell- nosti.) From materials of Bostby Higher Iducational. Inatitu- tionstpo matorlalam rostovskikh vusov) PERIODICALt V*stnik vysshey sbkoly. Feb 1957. 4 2. p 14-18 (USSR) ABSTRAM Card Ro*t4*-n&-Donu Is one of the large centers of vus Institutions. There are..& finivetoity Ind 6 other higher educational Inatt- tutes. Of 153 teachsrs la sociology almost half of them hold a degree. The national economy of the oblast, being greatly varied# the teacher of a higher educational institution has here a.vide field of activity and den play a big role.In the life of the oity and4bblast'. The higher Aducational Institut- ions of Rostov have tons of thousands of students. The author tells of several Attempts to raise the qualifications of the faculties, Thus, f.i., the Professorial Chair of Communist Party History at Rostov University (Doteent F.V. Sexerin, In charge) until recently had only 2 teachers holding a dogr4o, and grade. At the present time 14 out of 18 teachers *'f the chair possess a degree end grade, Among those who obtaln*4 the degree of Candidate are A.K. Prozorov# !,A, Pilipenkoo 5-2-3/32 911sination of Shortcomings in Uaching and Scientific Activities Card 2/3 ,--Z.7. posidovs, and I"1. Sarbukova, Mention 16 also *ad* Of a acientific4ork written by 0.1, Raidorskle in charge:of the Political 160DOMY Chair Of the fi"WS-240 004109 ISSM060 and of a too others., The author than states that passitilities qualifications to sociology at th&_hIgher educational Institutions In Rostov are not being sufficiently usqdl,29 sociology teachers in three such -Institutionk b*24_ no degree* Thotauthor cites a number of cases showing that__. now questions of scientitio-podagogical work or* not 'being discussed# that the teachers do not visit-other teacherst lectures and.d* sot show the exi)ootod seal and Interest in L their WOrk.V6 sutlp~'-sayw pat"the planeispe setentl1w, ressarob, In sociology contain many good intentions but are soidom re'... slised and ate t4sply copied froujoar to year, In Ing the work of teaeborol the author noses a numbor.or thh and the Institutes where they are employed. Reeentlyg the deficiencies discovered In the Rostov higher educational 1~- stitutions were discussed In the Vkrainion Winistry of.Highor Education which issued in order indicating carroctivolmeaspr4te to be taken*" SP,V/3-58-12-40/43 AUTHORt Klimushev, V#Ya., Candidate of Historical Sciences* Docent TITLEt Scientific Journals of the Higher School (Nauchnyyo thurnaly vy8she shkoly) The Historical Sciences ("Istoricheeklys nauki"I PERIODICALt Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958. Nr 12, pp 92-94 (USSR) APSTRACTt A year ago the first numbers of now Journals (series) "Is- vestiya vysahikh uehetnykh tavedenty" and "Nsucbnykh doklmdov vysshey shkoly" were published. The author gives a brief re- view of the journal "Tstorichookiye nauki" (series "Izvestiyo vysshikh uchobnykh zovedenly") of which 3 numbers have been so far issued* The publication to entrusted to the Historical Department of the Moscow University. The editorial staff consists of Acmdemician Y.N# Tikhoalrov, Professor P.A. Zayonchkovskly (responsible editor), and the Professors A.L. Nerochnitakiyo S#A. 31kitin# V.F. 3emInov, A.A. F~4orov- ravydov and otherso Card 1/1 TYULIPANOV9 S.Lt prof.t redol FMROVO A*Vo# profs, rod,l DAMMA, TaXq dots,# red.; GAUBIKHt B.V.g dots.# red.1 IMMSM, V ToAx-dotatt red,l BMAHSXIT# V.A.t red.1 ZDMAq VOWNINA, Rol*# tekbue redo [Tbe Commist Party as the inspirer and organiter of narionwide socialist Competition in the UGS684RO) Koomman4sticbseWs. partiia- Ydokbnovitell i organizator Yeenarodnogo sotsl&listicheakogo sorev- novwdia v SSSR, Moskv*g Goa, isd-vo *Vyeslala sWwIAqv 1961. 30 po (KIRA 24M 14 Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Upravleniye prepoLmliyall obalwhestyerAVkh nauk. (Sooiaust eompatitlon) AUTaORS:Gran-Grzhimaylot a, V., B3adarenko, K. TITLE: An Attach-lant to the JF-4 for Studjin.' Absorption in Crystals (ilriapoi3obleniya k SF-4 dlja isaledovaniya pogloshcheniya kristallov) M-110DICAL: Pribory i tCchnika oksperimenta, 1958, fir 5s pp 83-86 (USSR) ABMACT: A dencri-tion is ,iven or an abbachaont to the JF-4 quartz .r Ib p~iotoolectric spectrophotomater which mal bo used to measure tho absorption of 2olarised light in cryatals in the tempera- ture interval -170 to 50000, as well as the absorption of crystalline powdern on rafloctian. A photoSraph of the attachnent is shown in Fig.l. A schem:itic drawinZ of the attackLient is shown in Fig.2. It consists of a cylindrical boxt 5. which contains a h,31a which late in the be-am of liSht fr:on 'the instrument. The box contains a front coated altrain- iw.i -.,iirror, 6, 70 = in diametpr. Below thia nirror thorn is a plano mirror 8 (7 x 15 =4). Thia In kept in position by uo'ans of tlae.ciamp: 91 l-, and .iracts t;"~-e beam of light onto the specimen which is placed in the eb-:)nita Ca.,,~, 11 whose dia- rantor is 12 mm, This cap Lrxy be rorated in c1le horizontal plane by moans of.the handle 13 The 3aMO handle cin,trols Card 1/2ano~hor cap which c~,intaina a standard uubi;tanco w:Uch can be ~J'07/120-59-5-21/32 Ar Attacltaent to the 30-4 for Studying Abaor,,,tion in CrIstals turned Into the light bean when neconsary. By oeana of the handle 13 the specimen and the st~andard nre in turn placed untl,er the ~Arror, & , The light wlliah in seatta~red by the powder in 11 io interco~~ted bj the syhorical -nirror, 6 0 which Cirocts it onto the photocoll im-at-AiaLoly below XC of t!1e nokterial axe required in each q".erlmon~. In order to lica;3.1re absorption of p3larised in crystals the systa-i is ;-i;dified to include a polarisin,~ pris-i. 1-vovision Lo ,C,)V earr/im %, 3, out exparinents at hij;h and low tea..,,iruturea. T*,,~ra are 3 figures and 4 refererence3, of --mich 3 are Soviit and 1 ia English. AJJ-OV,IATl0X:.Inat1Lut kriatallo 6rafii AN JSSR (1wj'itute of Crystallo- v graphy of t1w, Academjr or Sciancas of the USSR) SuBhtle'TeW: October 9, 1957. J--M 2/2 GRO"MWMO, Iftperaturs, dependence of the vide absorption bwAs in the spectra ot crystals of different structures# colored by IsomoryMc Impurities, Opt* I spoktro 8 no,3t342-352 Mr 160, UIP KLIMMMA,,�.~V.~bova,, H.V.) AboorpUon speatra of oulittituted bonsones. Part 7, Sjmctral Wwacteristlas of sono4*1 bonsoms. Mcref1seshure 6 noo6: 776-780 V-D 161* 4 (KLPA 1695) 1. lutitut fiaik:LAN UkrSSRo Kiyov, (Bon"w-4poctra) KLINWHEVAt G.I.j BRAGINt O.V.1 )aKKAYIANA9 YO.A.1 SAFORMA, I.L. Zffeat of vadleals-substitutes an the absorption spectra of monoalkylbensens arystalso Opt. I spektr. 13 no.102-" JI 163. (KMA IM) (Benzene.-Absorption spectra) AtITWRt Inimi boova, ..... AL TMES Inv6stidation of ffie orystallitatim of &IWUrm2a SOME s UkrayinalkyOr fisrohVOY sbWaslo Y* 19p not 2# 19"t 179-200 TOPM TAGSs bensdI. seriss. bonwl oMta=s&tI=# ;*2ywrp%ww transformUm# grain boundary migr&tion, oroania *MW, &VW2bsmA),~ &W2bmzbI crystal 14 tation. organic arystal growth$ hexy2benzal. thin Wx orgwdA crystalp crystal growth dimotion AMM=s The remats am given of m inv"tigation of the c*vt&I2izatim process of thin 20*ra of A larp gmp of the most wid*M*#A borcoalijam of the bonzol ssAss. These StUdiss resulted fma tko twod to propm thin (one-to-se"ral microns) fibm of these stroftly-ob"tting compoggAs for ultraviolet speatrosaopic stid's # On observW the arystaUization proosee of thoso comomids a numbor of pho mxna were observed& mwh an polymorphous tftm. for=tions. formation of crystals with various doveloped wro a, as v*11 as rearystallisation noar tk* melumlg surf &a* point of tb$ V&StarAGO cal,d 1/2 ACCESSION NRs AM17396 knom in metals as OvUration of the grain boandariesm, Comparison of the experimental conditions and resulu with the dats, in tb4 literAbaro on physico-chemical sbutUs of large vo2=s of &UWlbftzols at 2w temperatures indioates that tho above-wntionad phenomena are due to stroms &rising on the WwWWIss of crystals during their formation. "Th conclusion I express mV deep gratitude to V, Lo RMAG for suppi7ing tho experimental materialj discussing the thosisp and likewise for Us va3=b1s advice and commute during the writing of We paper** Orie. art. has 2 ftgs,, ASSDCTATIDNs BwVftat F1sy#Wq AN URSR (Institute, of PtVA"j, AN VM) SURNI'M I WuU3 DATE kOgi 1WAV64 UCLI 00 SUB CODEt CH. X& W MW SOVS 010 0TMs 004 card 2/2 1K, r-~vT(l )/FAT(m-)/EhP(t UIUL-k-52 ACCESSION Ut AP5011115 UP/0051165/018/00k/0628/0650..-,~ AUMIM Voloshlim V. A.1 abko, A. Daridenko, l. K.; 11imullbefto 0. T.1 oom Y, TTTM Investigation of the 101a*sconelloetrum of crystalline europium heusayj-~ acetormte. I. Im1nescence from t levels SOURC]Ct Optika I spektroskoplya, Yo 180, no. ho-1965, 62"30 TOPIC TAGS o tftiopt ladnesetwe spectrum, luidnoseence center ABSTRAM The authors obtained and analytod in detaU the 1=1 escance qwctre arysta"Ine europlum bencylacetonate In the 500--TOO = band at ZOKI- The lVAIA011- cence vas photographed with a ffpoctrograpb (STFo-1) of high resolution and more sest- sitive pbatogmphic material, which displayed hitherto unnoticed details in the ffpectrum. The Imintgcowt spectra of two benzoylacetonate compounds, prepared by different methods, were identlrAa, except for diffusion of tme lists. This trtques- cles of the obgorrnd lines are tabmUt*d &z0 the vartous transitions rtqoouslbl* for the lines are identified. The number of lines in the "etram Is lazger than Card 1/2 -Z:~VAS NO V L 61672-60 J~ACMVW Us AP5011115' expected Vues accouit is takm or tits mum sputtift of the Is"" am w 'm overlap of transition froml the tvo exalted sloctronia is"Is 5DO am 5% to the 7r 1'. levels, and that allmost each U*Ad of the ",ctr%u is doublet. The do4blet satur* can be attributed to the pmence of two Inalmenctme centers, the detaila of *Lek vill be dealt with to the feemid part of the article. Orig. art. bast 2 figures sjDA 1 table. ASSOCIAT109i gme suwrm i 20J%Ll" MMI 00 M Cowl a? NA R" say Ook 002 21, MENNEN koffie-P, k" KLDMWA9 T.A. &"r- en** in the treatment of mental patients by andazine bWy %motauabo-Isololutopoikbo 35SU9-258 '62- (IMA l6s2) lo Otdolocire shImtrudi (um, otdolakiyou - prof. L.L. RokUb) Gomdaretv ogo nauebao-ionleduratellskogo institute, pefthiatrI14, (MUMATI) (NOTAL ILUMS) KLMUSHRVA, T.A. (Y',Vekvn) sms 'botult syndrcme in p%tlmn*.s wIth ttov pnn~nold for ~l o!:J,*t phrania. Trudy Coil, nxu,)b,&-!sslo trait, r,W!, 4- I-NMIA"w- Ica KLIMSIIFVA, t.A. CUnical chametarletics of tho XAMlnskil-Clsr&mt*ult synlrc" in tho paranold faria of schizollronta, Vop,klin,,, patog i loob, shi2. no&la67-.69 064, WRA 1815) 1. Otdal shizofrenit (zav, -- prof. L.L.Pokhlln) Gosudarstvannogo nauchnc~-issledovatellskogo Institutot yalkhiatrit Minlaterstya adravo0brarmnlya RMSH. v T*Ao Clinical jurchological exardnation of patient, wltl- the paranold form Of achIZOOrenla with the Xnnd Inak H -Cleranboult syndrme. Trudy Gov. nauch.-Ical, Irmt. polkh. 43:117-128 165. (RIPA 18:9) 1. KlInika ah-'zofrenli (zav -,.-oA". L.L.Roklilln) i lAboratorlyn eksperimentallnoy pntopulkhn, 0gilt (7,rIV0dI;)UVhCMY-% I'To Bova bjygaz~nlk) Gomida-c!tvennogo Inat"t'ita palkh-latril, Mookys. '9 XMMOTj Alskmey Kirilloylohl ZMUNOTICX, Osargly Tyachoslavavlah: GOOMMly, TUdimir Ivomwichl IAKO. hodasly AfanassysTich; EUXLWUe, Alskmandr Kildity1onchl BMUM, G.Ts., Yodushchly "d#1 PQIWW# As$## taklmorodo 10se pipslim in Caudal oonstrastion and 9xploltstloid Oesovals wgistraIl Ismadyl stroltollstvo I Pod red. A.K* lortuovs. Moskva# 06sanahno-takhool5dwyo naft, I gorno-toplIvuol lit-rye 1960. 238 p. (MIRA 130) W-I SDROKINt A.I.0 red.1 ALVJANXW, A.V.,, red.; KLDW9W .A.M.,, redej KOFYT1X, VJP., red.; TURKno VAs red.) CMVYAK, L.H.t rod.; S=KIN, A.1.0 redal ZUBARVA Yelow Ivanomp ved. Mal BOLMIK, Cripriy Takovis;;ch, vod# red,j POLOSINA9 A,$,# tekhnered, (TeebrAques used In the gas industry of foreign countries) Uruboshnaia tekbalka. gazovol. promyshlennosti; doklady, Mo- skva, CostoptekhIsdat, 1963. 386 p. (MIRA 27s2) 1. International 0" Congresso 7ths Stockholm. 1961, ~ILIMJSHIN~ A.M.; MIKHAYIDVt M.P. 1nvestigating the, operation of a unit for the low-tonporature separation of natural gas with an Injection of diethvlons glpol. Gat. delo no.1:6-9 f65. (MIRA l8s6) 1. Veenoyuznyy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy Institut prirodnogo gaza. ASUFIYBVAO H.S.$ -XL!14U -1.H.1 -KHISMVj R.D. Using the speciflo resistance of rocks In the testing of mothods for determining the permeability of terrigenous lay-are. Geol. netti i gau 3 no* 542-" My 161* (MIRA 14t4) 1, Tatarskly, nauchnu-ionlodmmteliskiy'raftrLnoy institut, (Rocks-Perwability) WIS. IRM .Saw in xtaJ) cf rY~,4 of produoing horlAOhZ 41MI ~m the o-orgIttihass of the dovfloptat of the V"ll no,43il(ri-119 165, 3o%-- ratplarStAeb !n thr, of U,# basic parmalerv of. r3at-,-Yu~r rw4v tcoarlir.- tfi arpa ~&A*A on a ftudy of horism 1) in uhs bhkap-,vo o.'l floli. 'All,ld.tIM-143 VZRMM p Viktor Turlyevich; PonWYA9 L#Y&,, r*d,;_XLIMU=AWt N~V*g rod,j IWACH# T,,M,t rode ind-val BMIU# AOA-*-#- [Ultrasonic straping of materia2s) Ramernals ulitrasrukovala obrabotka xaterialov, Pod 6babobei red. L.IA.Popiloyao Mo- skva, Ooss nambno-tikba iod-vo mashimstroit. lit-ryp 1961o 65 P. (Bibliotodki elektroMmZ~ i ul'tramakovike, no.6) (MIRA (Ultrasonic vives.-Wustrial applications) (Metalwork) EL IMMHKIN vA. - tokhn. nauk. on the Ntrasurl Cktlabrl* Colleatt" Yam* Sol'. strol, 12 noo2s3O F (MIRA 1112) (Ryllalc Bletriat-Yars buildlr.Ce) -1--nagmano Ko$*g dotatate ksaidat tekhnichaskith wwk. Inors"Ing the vskier-resistanae of apmm. Strol.pron. 31 no,6s43 Jo 133- O= 687) (ftpna) .MUXUBHnNg No$*, dots#nti, kandidat tekbalcheek1kh mmk. ImprepatbS apsm proftots vith hydrophablo imbstancom. Strolsprm 31 no.Ils23 1 153. (WAA 6sl2) (ftems) (Waterproof ing) KLUPAMIN, H.S., kandidat t*khnlchookikh nauk. - Water-resistant gypous, Ilauka I shisn' 21 no.11:30 1 034. (GYPSUS) . (NUIA 7 t 12 ) USSR vl~f so *ow* 0 Room I T9: a. No. 1% w--wj"tr.-x"r- ga~m eem%J (d 04-4) bIrp of L molt 16"A. bwowd ks ow"N b ww 254uy tw%g fro- 46.10 kg~*, to. tat iv t"twilad "W. w 70-4-73 3 to. D. Got XWXUSHKIN, No, kandidat takhnlchosklkh nauk. ~1 ?-" - Increasing the strenob of apsum slag blocks.,1sdql,j konstr. I no.11t3l. X 053. (a" 9--5) (Building 'blocks) k0mmil"t tokhaicheskikh nank. Investigating coarse porous concrete miade with screened crushed bricko Betel shelo-tet* w.10066 0 056. (Km 9: 11) (Concrete) S., kandidat takhnicheskikh sank. C*&A* porous con4rot# *ad* with slog Portland cosent and additlea of apam., Bet. 1 1. shel.-tet. ",?1263. (XLIkA 90) (conerete) 97-57-9-11/17 ADTHORt Klimushkin N 3 (Candidate of Technical Soiences.) TITM ~nor Rai thofTiMh o~,Conoretg of Small Poros a tiles o u ng V Is f b ygum-ttrovya~enlye n melkoporistogo botona do av oy 3 roitel nogo g' 'got, PERIODICALt Beton i Zhelatobetont 19571 Nr.9 pp. 371-372 (USSR),, ABSTRAM B. G. Skramtayev and A. A. Budilov investigated the pro- portios of Oonoroto with small porosity. A mix was pro-, pared oontaini g #0% Watert Portland cement with aoti- vity of 400 kpom # and sand in compliance 3ith GOST norms* The weight of the mix was 1340 kg/m , In additionp lime aggregate graded from 5-40 mm Was added. This mix of stiff consistenoy had a zero slump test. All miX WAS put into forms 150 % 160 x 150 mm and rammed. Whe re- sults of tests are griven in Table 1. Similar Investi t- ions were also carried out by Dallstroy. The test cubCD were made as follows: cement sand groutp in the propor- tion of 1 t 8, was prepared ;Oparately, as well as lime- cand grout in the proportion 1 t 6. These two parts were then mixed together so that the compound had a proportion of I : I t 14 .1 mO of this mix contained 115 ke cement, 90 kg lime, and 1.25 M3 sand. The strengths of the toot cubgs were as follows: mix prepared with ft , sand - 20 coarse sand - Card 1/3 kgloe; mix prepared with 37 k9j. 97-57-9-13117 increasing the Strength of Oonorete of Small Porosity by Additives of Building Gypsum. During the construction of the Kuybyshevsk Meat Combira tests oarried out on congrete ot sma 1 po osity mixed In thq ratio 1 1 1 1 16 (Ooment/lims)sand5 and usin 942kg/mO cement showid oomprespion strengths of 32 fa( om after,28 days. he author's investigations were - carried out with the purpose of increasing the strength of concrete of small porosity by adding semi-hydrate gypsum (0480 H20). in those tests clinker cement with activity of 1~0 k om was used,, manufactured by Khat koy Cement Faotoryp 1~e dough wel Ing 1300 kg/m3 and pon- taining 45% waters local sand Vn compliance with GOST normso and brick aggregate graded from 5-40 mmo. The concrete mix was laid in metal forms 200 x 200 x 200 am# and rammed. The results qf these experiments# given in Table 2# show that when 5A gypsum Is addedt the com- pression strength of concrete with small lity" mixed In proportion 1 1 0*5 : 15 (o9mqnte!ff.Odow8AM), increases during 21 days from 9-18 kgfem ; and that f6r concrete SIXed In the proportion 1 : 3 1 6 w~th.addi' tive of 5A gypsum$ Increases from 32-40 k~jcm - It 1; Card 2/3 thorefore-advisable to use concrete with small porosity 97-57-9-11/17 - Inoreasing the Strength of Concrete of Small Porosity by Additives, of Building Gypsum@ for building wells of farm buildings# and other oon-, struotions where 1drge doposits of sand are to be found, There are 2 Tables. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Concrete-Additives-Mectiveness 2. Gypsum-9ffects Card 3/3 KUNUMIN kando tokhn, nauko Increasing wator roalstanoo of CMuse Strols nto 4 no,12t37 ("un) Cw#torproofing) (NIU Ulu) '47 AMPliml mm XMINOT, ?a, geroy notsiallsticheskogo truda-, KLIX=11, No, kand,tol&n, Dauk, 4 Coarse porous concrete, Sauk& I pored. op. v sellkhos. 8 no-104 Ja 058. (NIRk 12:2) 1.Prodsedatell lmlkhosa *Kmsn" Oktyabril. Ryllskogo rayons. Kuralmy oblastl* (Concrete) V-- -, -- - - - - -- - ---- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - NIK&UTRU, A.Z., prafessorl ILDIUNKOVAi To,,,_r~"kt&r; STSUPAKWA, X.. tekhredaktar Cghmep breadinal Avechkahadoults. Kinsk, Dsisrsh. "d-TO BM (Kuki lotb 1955. 29? P. 2 (Sheep) XLi%,qWHKIN. Ycvgenly Alokneyevicbs vt&rshly Cubla Interpolator for amlog syot*zn ct prograz control of c&Wtw toolas levaymouchebasavj aUktrcrakh, F, no.7sMol-796 165# (HIIIA 180) I, Kafedra slektrIchestlkh mashin I splaratoy Koyb7shevskogo poll- tekhnicheskoga InstitutA,, LTK' ggr-~ BE 11MCHIT, Too, Paolo's housing construction projects In Gorkly. Gor. khos., Kosko 32 noOM-14 NY 138s (NIU U15) lJodiallalt Otdala vo dolsix straitel'stTa I arkhItektury Oorlko"ksgo gorispolkoma. (Oarkly-4partmat house) Chyprty (K 17!;-Lyettyp Onys-rhopohinostrolt. --avoll, SEP Ochyprk). Nprubys-71-p- (P;mtri~ev-,f4ek), 191,9, No 7, C. (;?-'6 Pyetrov. li. A. Iselye.-lov,enlye Covry,,.-.lyennykt Alatonatichyeskikh Stupyenclo-,y~Jl Trf,nrml*rl7,- NATAMNS S.V. &UNZ09 X.F. Photochemical activity of polpwthin dyes In mono- wW Poly- molecular states# Om.nau4hi prikletote I k1ns5 no,6452-453 X-D 160* (XDA 24il) is V0,680yun" 04441aw-issladmtel'skly Itt otoinstitut. (ftotogmphLa wolsions) -A 77777T M w 41M 62/-000/010/031/042 *8108 102 _0 I ii lrMif Lev TITLE-. Coden Sok coincidence circuits ?ZR I OD ICA L. Refere't1vji,7W zhurnal-, 2atematiks, no. W, 1962, 44 - 451 abntrOct IOV220(Stroje n& zpracov. inform., ve 79 1960# 21 ~ -35 1.auazariss. in Czschq -Engs # Fr, j and Gerej TUTA: Thia study ic 40voted to the propertfos of the sequences "A of binary n-didit numbero Ap In ishich two subsequent numbers diffei from each other In only one d16it (propertivs of Gray's codes) and In their coordinate coquencon 'i I s(noquenoss of the Aoordinsto numbers whicii change on transition from lhe I-th to tho*(I+I)-st member of the sequence), 01 hi 1.1 n-Is Cyclic and Intbrually cyclic sequences are diatinguished. A way is shown for their Graphical representation In the form of a convex rectilinear polygon whose vertices are numbered by the Indices I of the menberh of the sequence# and whose sides are numbered by the nuabera hi. ,Card 1/3 5/044j62/000/010/031/042 Coden for relay coincidence circuits BIOG/B102 The ralationshipc between JA -; ,nd hij to woll as the properties of (hj ~ It ire investigated. It I.- rhoun that a cyclic sequence ~A,j has an evon nuMber of memberal and t1lat tbo number of sequences with equal structure ,(aoquences of one type) The concept of normal sequences Is Introduced and their properties are examined. Alsot the concept of Internally symmetric va-,uenco in defined# 1. that of An Internally cyclic sequence whic*a behave.- cyclically for-LI, pairn (1 19'2 )-(2rt2r+2q#i,) without tranddreasing tho property th-at one aoord-I~Ao ch"soo on the transition from the i-th we2bor to the nexts r * 1j29*#..j q In A-const"t number out of the intorval ~1110i max -i~. The coincidence nequencot with, q a 1 are discerned anone, the Internally symmetric sequences. The proporty h2r 0 h2r+" j hVr+1' I ( r j 1/2(1 "x- 1) of the coordinate sequences jhj 1. demonstrated for the coincidence sequences. For n+1 digits, an algorithm for finding all coincidence sequencoe of one type to deduced. 'Reveruiblu pulne dountorc with two inputs are propdoed for a field of ApPlIcaLionj The rosultant state of the counter depends on the Card 2/3 8/044,/62/000/010/031/042 codco for rolaj colticith-tict, circuito ol-.-rov nec In Ow im of I~uluca arriving at tho firat and cocond u j..I,vLri&c%vr'n note-, Complato translationell V Cn rd 313 KAsBARSKlY, KikW1 Stanislavovich; PIKSKIT, losif Yevsayevith) SOKOLDVI Nikolay Vladjairovich; ALKKSVEVl P.M.# Inshol retsenzentj , J~Av-s inab,, rettienzentl YERW.ITSKAYAs YeAs.9 red, [St"ardization &W technology of the marmfacture of marine pipe fittingsl Tipizataiia i tekbnologlia isgo- tovlanits sudovai armatury. Laningrad# SWoatroenlep 1964. 317 pe (MIRA 1812) -111-1 --- - I - ~ -1-1- U,rN, Y.B., kaud. Ukhn. nauki ZAMUMBUXO N.I.j Insh. Values of friction soefficlents for some nowatallic mterials, Ikshinostroonis no.,3409-110 W-Je 163. (NDU l6s7) lo Mmainskly inatitut Insheneroy Yoduago khasysystva, I go RMOO (Nowwt&Wo materials) KLIM9 V.D., k&rA,tokhn. nauk Attgahment to Ow MI-IM mahins for wearing tsats of saterbils. M&shtnostro~niA,*lmb-ljlt89 la-F 165. (MRA 284) KLINAR, VIMdq- Professional odueation of postal, telegrao, WA telapbons workerso M zbor U no,7/alMigg Al 162, 4. Vegetable GardanW, 7. Leqding state fam in the suburban area. Sad I og., No. 1. 1953. 9. Monthly List ofRusstan Accessions, Librnry of,Congrese, 1953, Uncl. SOV/137-S7-1-468 Translation from: Referativnyy thurnal. Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 62 (USSR) AUTHORS- Klinayev, Vo M., Senyavin, M. M. TITLE- Separation of Spectroscopically Pure Cerium From Natural Mixtures by the Extraction Method (Vydeleniye spektrallno chistogo tseriya. iz prirodnykh smesey metodom ekstraktsil) PERIODICAL: V sb.., Primeneniye mechenykh atomov v an&liticheakoy khimit, Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 19S5. pp 118-126 ABSTRACT: The authors studied procedures for the extraction of Ce from natural mixtures of rare-earth elements (RE) containing elements of the .cerium and yttrium subgroups. The distribution factor of the elements and the completeness of Ce extraction were determined radiametric- ally by means of radioactive Isotopes. It is shown that, practically no RE are extracted from hydrochtoric-scid solutions with diethyt ether. which fact affords their easy separation from Fe. Tetravalent Ce is extracted selectively and most completely with diethyl ether from con- centrated NHO3 solutions or from less acid solutions saturated with Li, Al. Mg, Ca, and Cd nitrates. The Ce distribution factor depends Card 1/2 but little on the concentration of the Ce In the aqueous phase. The SOV/137-57-1-468 Separation of Spectroscopically Pure Cerium From Natural Mixtures (cont.) authors advance the hypothesis that Ce passes into the organic phase in the form of H,Z[Ce(NO3)61; this agrees with experimental data. M. S. Card 2/2 Y 1-:! V, V PHASS I BOOK UPWITATION 3OV5747 Vae-Orizz.10ye soveshchaftlye po radklm shaholochnyw olecentem. Ist, ltovoalblrak, 1958. Reditlye shcholochnyyo elementy; sbornik 4okladoy soveshchani:,a PO iotimil, tekhnologti i analltleheakor khlull rc-dkikh ahcholor-mykh elcmcntov, 27-31 Yanv"7& 1958 g. (Rare Alkali 91ments; Col- lootien or Reports or the Conference on the Chemlattr7, Tachnologyp and Analytic*i chmistry or Rare Alkall 31ments, Hold 27:31 Januam 1958) Novosibirsk, XrA-vo Sibirzkogo otd. AN 333R 190. 9) p. 1000 ooples printed. Sponsoring Agencys Akademlya nauk 3M# Sibirskoyo Welenlye. nimiko-motallurgIchonkLy inatlt-utq Reap. Ed. t T. V. Ubolotakly, Candidate of Technical Soleness; "'Onbera of Witorial Boardt A. S. lUkulinakly, Professor, Dootor of T ohnical Soleness, A. T. LogyInankop Candidate of Teahnlasl sclonoas, F. F. Urk*vA, Candidate of Chouleal Sciences; Zd.s V. H. Bushuyevaj Tech# 94#s A. F. Nazurove. C&r4zI'j&j' 17 Rare Alkali Elem*ntsi Collection (Cont.) 30V/~5747 FL-,ArWZ i This book is intended for chemical engineers sn4 tech. nirlans working In netallurgioal and mining operation& and rr;atad cnterprittest COMMEt collection contains reports which deal with the plhyalcal ani analytical ch"-detry of rare alkali elements end their ccripoun43 an4 their reactions with mineral ores and salts. Pctho4a of extraction and mod6rn, analytical teehniquos and equipment are also discussed. Ito personalities are mentioned. Riferences accavpany Individual articles, TABIX OF COMM. t Ura.,Ovp 0. 0. (Pecesteal, V. V. Plyushchav, YU. P. 31m, *vand X. V. Shakhno (Mookovekly inatitut tonkoy khImicheekoy t#kftnologil Ia. (M.14f. ) Loomonosova - Moscow Institute of Fine Tochnology Imeni. X. V. Looxorosovj, High-Temperature Modification of Spod=ws Plyuchchevo Vo T04 (MONOW4 Inatituto of Fin* Chemical T*cl%nology Card 2/5 'Fare Alkali Xlemental Collection (Cont.) SOV/5747 infini lomonomov). Phyfilcoehermleal InvestlZation of the Process or tho Inttraction of Spond=ane with suirates or Alkali Latals 1.5 Mha,,.-irsy. F. 1. and T. F. Fedarov. (Inat1tut metallurCII In. r,nykov All SS.011 - fffio-MAite or XotallurC7 Imeni P,~qkav AS UWRIQ lihormodynamics of the.Vacuum-Themal Method or Obtaining LWAus 25 jelippyoy, V. H. (Gasudarstvennyy Institut rodkikh I 'S'EiG 11natituts, of Rare, and Kinor Metals]. The, Interaction of Lithlum With 111trogen 31 P^trov, Ye S. (Sibirskoys otdoloni7e AN 353A - Siberian Divi- sion of th; AS USSR). Some RelatIonahips In the Interaction of salts or Alkali Metals With Silloa and Alutans and Prop*r- ties o the Products FormAd 43 Ugvlnenko, A, To and Os Do VMsysya Wdlalko-metallurgi. chaskiy Institut Sibirskogo otdoloniya AN SZSR - Institute ;f Chom-leal Metallurgy or the Siberian Departuent of the AcadmW Card 3/5 S/137/6Z/000/004/009/201 A0061AI01 AMER: Klinayev, V. M. M11: Interaction of lithium " nitrogen PatIODICALI Referatlynyy zhurnal, Metallurgiva, no. 4, 1962, 19, abstract U96 (V ob. "Redk. shchalochn. olementy", govosibirsk, Sib, otd. All S=p 1960, 31 - 42) 7M.- The author studied kinetics of LIP formation from Li metal aM gaseous N2 at 250C. The process runs according to the type of autocatalytic reactiont its rate is very low -at the beginning (induction period); it then increases, passes through a maximum, and finally decreases down to zero, The rate of the process Is extremely sensitive to the presence of Impurities In both Li and N2; the effect of Individual Impurities Is quite different. The addition of 0.18 weight % K to U accelerates the process, and addition of 1.13 weight % Mg or 0.53 weight % A Inhibits the saw, Admixtures Of 112 or 0 to N inhibit the reaction; In the presence of 14 vOl- % 02 or 3.5 Vol. If Le reaction of Li formation does practically not take place. In moist N '~ ;~ge reaction Is not P 2 Card 1/2 8/137/6Z/bW/004/009/201. Interaction of lithium am nitrogen IkOO6/AIOI accelerated and in individual cases It is even inhibited. An analysis of experl- nental data shows that the investigated process is associated with the class of topochemical reactions and In satisfactorily described by the gonoralized topo- Rinetic Kolmogorov-Yerofeyev equation. A. Shoynin .ibstracter's notes Complete trassalation) Card 2/2 ILINBEHOP D$ System of computations for the vork of construction oquipme?t, kbkh* strois 20 no#6t26-28 Jo 1630 (KLVA 16 5) I* 01&YW mokhanik kombinata Mdanovatroys (Construction 4quipont) LUND&Op NA. p ordinator Tumors of the kldneyv in chUdhood. 25 no.l2l22&130 D 161. VIAA 15t2) 1. Is 2-y fakulltatakoy khirurgichookoy kliniki, kUnW dotakoy khirurgii n& bass 2-y detskoy somatichaskoy bollnitsy No.2 (glaynyy vraoh VIV Panova) Pmetskogo moditainakogo Inatituta (say. klidkw4 - prof. L.G:&wlyak). SHESH110, L.I., kand. owd. nauk; KLIXBM, N.A. Multiple serous renal *yet# in a nursing infant, Urologii .a no.401-52 163. (KMA 17-110) 1. Is 2-y faWltstskay kh1rurgIchemkoy kllniki I kliniki detskoy khirurgil (say.- prof* LA, Smolyok) Donetskogo meditsinskogo Instituta. ME, XI,INBMG, N.A. Pseudodiverticul= of the urethra in a child. Urclogila no*058-59 163, (MIRA 17t10) 1. 1& fakulftetakay khirurgichaskoy kliniki pedlatrichaskogo i sanitarno-glgiyenichaskogo fakulltstay I kllnlki detakoy khirurgil isay.- prof, L.,Gs Smolyak) Donstakogo moditaInskogo Infitituts, Nos -so so #am ,so seat lot 0042 00411 *00 so& %a 4wo* ---I* 000 004 bag Won* MMUM am j~md I of Of" a OOW dome so vokow 001 Soso 0* 01M 400 Moe !L AWN#, so# too a N""UAI" u"Som see sum Ooo#$" 40 00 Oll feel - - - - 0 A - - - - - - - - - 4'. 0 of , a,* L a a f 1' 1 A 4 to S" PIP, ""Of Al ` now Ast % W RI 110 64p0 M 911111. -1 d to 4*d 0* Mai u N owl 0060a o m NW ISO d asit-Waimme "mom go at at", g spim md A, A44 The VUL TbW V% WL Of 11111= Kim Woo a W W l o bwftg @a NAL mftc abset"0 ee si i o iwr 1101 f. , Swol ad bw so a W 111 ill OW MdL 44 MW 3% fig &W,(A OW bF 0111111111111 "b fill" JMO s hv is "will a OW plot of a MW "Wipuf ~ m a-ft ftrA 4 * wr ----------------- of IF all 41 .8 .0 # 0 $, to. .406W 7 by W R !-09 O 1140t0 Stool M -4 "" SOW Wit *00 ITW. A It . . 1" 0 of "Witom Atli - off -1 2 dw ac W see fatin of Pnoll UrgEN W- , too to lbr so# see soif, -we of 1A FI-1 ALI 0-0 6-4-11-As -00 Ail 1 0 a 9 10 0 2 6 9 4 4 8 N 00 0o410 0 *so::**** e Os :1 040441160 **ease* I 00 -A C.10 00 f sea fee 00,4 oew iAw *so a 40 * a 0 0 a W04:0 7 7w-f 0% 'We* 0*6 see mm a 1 0 Ot 0 a v I r 9 ON 1 0 0000000000000000*9 lop 04 4ASesseeboossoolu FIX K'A-A,AlR,WFM NIMAL~ a- "moot VOL" ALA t - for 00 4 of 41 a. W. fee of f 400 so Off 46 Off 0" ova i -- war ww HINAM sun "Wo" M a4sol ad 400~- .4. FEW 1~' jqbA l lama to 400 **, Vega* so q --- - - n~r~ . j-- , i,:V 1 .1 -- Tr "~?* ~ 1~3,iR VNII-Or !111'---~,-, '.--: KIANC, A"I.T A7. ljvnrl~lvoatt iskor!04.4- oat, Wrr',sk~i vredrost co-reall'a I Uirtminota, Pkeograd, Naucna knjiga, 1055, 250 p. Orpska. adadadja nauka. Fosabna izdanja, knj. 234. lantitlat %a mailloinska istrA21yanjap knj, 2) ODIgostibilityp utilIzatIon, caloric value of cereals wA ls~nm. Fnplish and Gerum sunraries. bib., tables) So: M"MMY t I ST OF WT EMMAIt ACCPSSICSt "AL)t 11t Volt 4t NO. 0,f Sept. 1955 KLBCI LO Calorific value of edible oils and otber fate. P. 1537. (Tabnika, voi, n, no. io, 556. Boograds Yugoslavia) SOt Monthly List of East Saropean Accessions. MAL) W. Vol. 6. go. 7. July 1957. Unclo YUGOSUNVIA KLINC, L. and DJAJA, A. (Affiliation not given.) .......... "Vitamins in the Nutrition of Rural Population of Serbia." Belgrade, Arhiv ta farmaciju, Vol 12, No 6, 1963; pp, 521-523. Abstract t Data from surveys In 142 villages *1 ith 2691 households: vitamins A* Bl, C, PPI-1 and Acarotenes, Generally conditions are adequate except for the seasonal drop of vitamin Cs Cooking losses war* not concideredo Three tables. Iffoot of n1trops and rideldom on the sollts almf2ors. Tostis Latv A no,81127-132 Oro, Nw 1029) 1, latvtjaa PSR Zimteaskadmijao Mikrobiologijas Institute. (Nitroces) (Malsfaction and disinfootants) (soils) Worofurs) NOW UJNCARN,, A. (Riga) Iffect of merouran and IWD on babituationq dynamilast and activity of Asotobacter In the rhisomphere of spring wboat. V*sU* latv &k no,V109-124 161, (SM 1019) 1, 14tviJas M Zlnatau aladmija, Mikrobiologljas Institute., Morouran) (Asotabsoter) (Whsat Ixdiswtbr2thloosxbwy2 dlsulflZ 4 K=ARX A. Xffect of msrauran and TWM an the h&Ut&Uon,, drumles,, and aeuvity of Asotobacter in the rhisoophere of spring wheat@ Tsstls latr sk noeltloq-U4 161, 16 laty1jas M Zinatnu Wmdssdj" Hikrobiologljas InsUtutso' ACC N1j AT6033751 SOURCE COM IV/2541/66/010 [UWWTUMY AVMORS Klincewlext NY 440 (Master ensinser) I Bac"kit tbiSniow (YAster enginter) ORG.' now TITLE: Initial Mults.00 the development of alcroinductore SOURCE: Vorsav. Instytut Tole- L Radlotechnictoye Pracos v. 10l no. 1(34)t 19"t 80-87 TOPIC TACS: olottric Inductance, Photochomistryt vacuum sub limatioN microloductor A!/? I ABSTRACT: Test results of adcroinductore deposited on 10 x 10 x 0.8 M ferrite Plates by photochemical and vacuum evaporation processes are discussed* Each plate has an opening I as in diameter to Its centers The production process is Mousad in Fig, lo AT6033731 PMMn d) - ------ - - ----- C) fig. 1. Stages in the printing of an induction coil an a ferrite plate by the photochosigriphic4l method a -71w plate to covered vith a layer of copper; -copper-coated ferrite b Plato vith superimposed emulsion; c -plate after I irradiation and processing of light-sensitive *Sul- ; 4 -the plate covers #ion vith a xinc-l"d alloyj -the plate after 419-- a solving the remaining awlsionj f -the plate-after the etching of toppetj I ferrite plate; 2 - copper, loyerl 3 - Ught-sansitLvs emalsionj 4 - layer of tinc "do COM 2/3 ACC Nks AT6033751 Calls with conductinj paths 0,2 m wide and with a 0.2 m Interval between the paths 1&is produced by this.method# OrIgs act, best 3 figures and 2 tablea. SL M CDDSs 09/ SON 1DATS1 IlJai66/ OUG We 002/ M Rzfs 003/ SOY RSFs 001 VOYCO"OVA, Oalina 1"nowns Estaichawwao 2,1,31 UUMMO, lot "deg SICKMT, T.0 Evow wass system in the food Industryl reference book) Novi UWTY oplaty tratei v promyslavostl prodmIlCAYM toverivi dovidkovYl posibuyka Xylv, Dershevyd-vo tekbaollt-ry VM9 1960o 133 po (NM 13,12) (Pood industry) (woo Payment systems) N KLINURA., F. "Regulation of the Procedure in Procuring Patents.0 (To be contd.) P. 386 "fulfillment of the Iconomic Fbw In tto Second Quarter of 1953." p. 3E9 (S&jysbni Pruiqalj Vol. 3# no. 17, Sept. 1953t Pram) 80s Monthly LIv& of.tept Turovem Accgooloogg Vol. 3p no. 21 Litrany of Congressp Feb. 1954, Uncl. F11 Mt-RA j F. "Regulation of the Procedure in Procuring Patents." p. 423 (Staygbyl- Pra&slp Vol. 3, no. 28, SePt. 1953t Praha) sot Yonthly Ugt of rast AwovewL Accessions Vol. 39 no. 20 Library of Conaess# Feb. 1954p Uncl. KLINDERA. F. Notes on the activities of the Scientific Technical Society for the Building IndustrY., P. 31e. (Nova Technika) Vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: xC%TMLT INDEX CF LAST EUROMN ACCESSIONS (EM) W, VCL- 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1,95P 0", "M UREFF", UnDMtAlF.t dir* Present problems of the C"aboslarak briok industry and their so2utimo ftsvivo 42 noq2o5l-% 7964 10 outs PlAming oommissim, Pr*pf* r,_L -7-KNA L. t. Zk---ugeli jsme matky ze tdravovedy F-xanllnati~.-n Ir roaers on ~Powlsdge ~lh 6T-hy-g ifii Prakticky Lekar 1947,, 27/3 (55-57) Graphs 2 Starting with the Idea t~.&t the mother In the chief teacher of hygiene, as national (Czechoslovakian) public health authorities endeavoured ton ascertain# by means of a questi--;nnalres, to what extont the average mother was fitted C~7r tt-ls ln-*rtant task,, what was her knowledge of hygiene# and how she applied this kn-wledge Jn every-day life. The literature does not give details of any reth-A for ascertaining the hygienic knowledge of mothers, The Interrrogation was rade rather wide In scope as it was designed to civer all questions of hygienet and t(, titon mothers the imp-rtance ir pore nal hygiene and stimulate their Interest in it, It c-ntained 170 questions divided Jnt~,, nine groupst (1) personalla; (2) perarnal hygiene; (3) housing; ~4) clothing; (5) foodl(6) Infectious d1sessel (7)'hardeningil (8)convalescence; 9) first aid, When this Interrogatlon was ready for execution (1941) all sclentMe activities were forbidden by the occupying power. Hence it was carried out unofficially on a suall gr-up of 518 mothers In a suburb of Prague. The number or cn-pleted forms received was 382 (714 per cant) with .64#960 answers. (1) Pore-.1nallat age of mothers (ranging from 23 to 45 years); saool *ducatIon (good nn the average); number of children (mean 1.75)1 .age of children (one week to 29 years); ec nom-le status (pro- f"salon of fatherl average eeonwic positim. favourable). the fact of the mother being In employment (83 per cent) affected domestic hygiene unfavourably and formed t1m excuse on the part.of mothers for their Inability to give adecutte attentl-,n to hygienic matters on account.of lack of time, (2) the pore-nal hygiene secti-on (45 questions) dealt with bodlly cleanliness; care of akln,, teeth and hair, and reodarity of habits and growth. Caneik-Frague AVIV nation nMEROVA L, X. Zkouseli Jams *&Uy to idra"vedy Report on an oxsod IV im"oUers an 4glons Prakticky Lokar, Prague (Csodwalovaida) 19479 27/0 5 (106-109) So s Medical Microbiology and flygionot Section IVO VOL To 11-6 N DEROVA L, No Zkousell Jame matky so Z&Svovedy To st in hygisno- Prakticky- _,OFFa_gu*JC_zjch"lova)da) 194 T9 27/6 (127-232) Oraphs I Tables I iestionnaires nuaboring %8 and containing 3.70 questions were distributeid among mothers of dertain districts in Prague, Niventy-four per cent were satisfacto- rily answered. The majority were young mothars with elementary schoollAge 706 author found that the greater number of mothers tried to teach their children hygidmi6 habits, They generally did -OAt realits the' danger of contagion from tuber- culosis,, typhoid fiver and other infectious disess", and only 50 per cant Unew how to apply first aid* The questionuires were answered willingly and with great Interest* Blechova-WedecKrolove Sot Medical Microbiology and Wonas Section IV# Vol. Is 01-6 I to new zathods kylv, FrActica Of the saaaably-line construction accordin,--_ Vyd-vo Uad"ll arkhItaktury UAra RSR, 1951. 112 ps (~4- "'1102 7 ) Ti14dll.B8 llin&Mo- A. M. Venvoyer ProfterUou in the Coustruation of Variou lhwo of DWAdImsell Aom or Architoctm of the Vkmlaian SO,, hot of Coustrwtion uslawifict Ilows M (Dismartatlon for DsCm of C&Mi&t* of T*oWo4 801 Kaidmqa 14toPialt go. 23,'Xosdow.. Jmov 1955,p pp. 87-104. MUYVAs O.Wainshanarl MUNSKOTSKIT, X.Sh.,kandidst tekboicheskikh nauk. redMtor; - JANkandidat t0hulcheskikh muk, redaktor; ARMOMIN11r. ri-a-RAWors URNMO.P.Aekbalebeekly redaktor (Provisional specifications for the us* of ceramic facinse on the facMse of buildings] Tresionnys ukasanits, po primenonlin kerautchoskot oblitsovkt dlia fasadow adanti. Kiev, Oos. isd-vo lit-ry po strolt. I arkbit. USSRj 1956. M p. (KLAA 10: I I# Ukraine$ Oosadarswenn" komitst po dsUm strottel'stva I nrkh1tsktw7 (Cer;Mtes) (fteades) V, H.S., prof I kand,teW.nauk: XMYNIT. P.L. kand. tokhn,neukl USPIN, L,A,l kandatekbu,nank Standardization In planning the technology and orgmnisation of uses housing aoustruction, Novev strol.tokh. no.10:5-39 057. (MIRA 10112) (building) r