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KIRNOSO D.P.; KOLESNIKOV,-Yu.A.; KOGAN, L.A. Instrument determination of engineering spectra. Trudy Inst, fiz. Zem. 28 Vop. inzh. seism. no.8:104-116 t63. (MIRA 16-11) KOLLISITIKOV, Yu.A.; SOLI-)V*Y'-Vo V.N. Apparatus for t1le (1181tizing of oeiamogTarm. with aut~),-.atic recording of numbers on punch cards and paper tapa. Trudy Inut. fiz. zeni. no.35-12-21 164. (,Mzj~ 17% 12 Yu.A.; HEW, ~*.V.; S~.-'LQVIY~~V, 1J.". I 1.9ci.,3ion, U-' Trudy Innt. fiz. 766 -XCC NR. AT6myrP f7nfl,s.: TTR '4/rx"O/m/0012/0021- MITHOR: Vol-Snikov ru. A.; S*lovlyav, V. It. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth imo O.Yu. Shmidt, A-H SSSR (Institut Miki zermli AN SSSR) T 77: -%plparafus fnr irciphnrinry snisnot~rrtms with m-ibers pllnch,~d on cards or printao 0TFQ35, 0'.',IF0142 A.; 'Q';.Qy 1,19y. 4 N. :;-'i;'.A"tUte of voics of the Mrth im. O.Yu Shmidt. AX S&O (Institut fiEiki Fn timr S53R. Institut flziki zemli. Trudy, no- 35, 1964, 141-142 i Topic 7,V~: tlminF: dowice~ transistoriznd circlAt, gaivanomter -:.icr,~ption and schematic are given for two variatiOIE: of a -mple_ precise, transistorized timer (clock), adequate for use ;ri -e-o.'d,,ng of _z3P:;';'-'C ~'vQnts under field conditic)ns. 'Ihl" on agate bcar~ngs and ,nt., m 'ror galva-, prings. iaboratory condi',,,ons, Iritl accuracy of the first 1,2sa thar. 0. 005%, and the second, 0. 00,%, w'' -en the 'empera-. r surroundings varied no more than 2 - 4',1o. Schematics for t;rner agate-bearing galvanometer and for mirror plvanometer are art.. has: 2 IIIGures. rF'S3-, v. no. D~ / 3UBM DATZ: none Cara 1/1 k C R. 5 corresponding to a Maxwell body and a Kelvin body. calculations of core properties Discrepancies in the theoretical obtained from frequency variations of the coefficie of reflection and the phase shifts in the reflected waves are believed to indica that the real conditions of seismic ntq te -wave reflection at the core boundary differ from the reflection conditions at the boundary taken in the Computations of ideal media. The author thanks G. s Pod"yapol'skiy, Ye. F. Savarenskiy, and N. V. Orig. art. has: 8 fig' ures. Golubeva. fDMI SUB CODE: 0 18/ SUBM DATE: IOSep65/ ORIG REF: 004/ Card 3039---" EWTW GW ACC NRo AP6029665' SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/66/000/008/0022!00 5 AUTHOR: Balakina L. M.; Vvedenskaya, A. V.; Kolesnikov, Yu. A. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences SSSR (Institut fizi Zemli,Akademiya nauk SSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the outer boundary of the earth's core by means of spectral analysis of seismic waves SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Fizika Zemli, no. 8, 1966, 22-35 TOPIC TAGS: seUmic wave e"t*-e=% 5 ABSTRACT: The lituV/ and pphasEpectra of incident and reflected tranqv_erse waves were used in the investigation of the outer boundary ot' the earth's core.'~rRecords from the Moskva, Irkutsk, and Kabansk seismic stations $Obtained with Golitsyn instru- ments were used. The amplitude and phase spectra of the seismic waves were deter- mined with the aid of a computer. From these spectra the frequency dependence of the coefficients of reflection and the.phase shifts in the waves reflected from the core boqpdary were determined. The state of the matter at the outer boundary of the core was estimated by comparing these dependencies with the theoretical values computed for the case of a boundary between elastic and elastic-viscous media. The theoreti- cal values ofthe coefficie,.-ts of reflection and the phase shifts in the reflected waves were computed for two possible elastic-viscous states of the mat ter 'in the core Card * 1/2 550,1414550.31 IA Cand Med Sci (diss) "Anylolytic activit'y of blood, intestinal fluid, and.urine in some experimental disorders of- --the-function- of-- the-- pahcrewif,,--intestines---- and --- ki-dneys-,-"--- Simfe-rb- 18 pp; (Krvmskiy State Medical Inst im I. V. Stalin); 200 copieb-I price not given; (KL, 17-60, 169) tzsg Intamn and Ailiml phys to16& (uor&al-atul pathological). T-t General Problem. Abe Jotw Ref Zhur -BlologlyaPNO 13, 1958, No- 59962 Author Zolesnikay,_Yu. M. Inst Crim-ed-n-TMcal - histitute' - Title Changes in tho. 'it4lolytic" Activity of Blood -Intestinal Juico, Urina and Saliva. FOU(*ing Ligation or the Ducts Of the Pancreas and'-Afte--'itd Removal Orij3 Pub Tr. Krywk. mad. in-tj 1957s 17, 107-U8 Abstract In six dogs with ndtiplo fistulas the mWlolytic activity (AA) of the blood van dotorminod by the Ergellgardt and G=huk method, and the activity of the inteatinal juice, urine and saliva by'tho Woh1gamth zathod. After ligatvre of the min pancreatic duct, a short-lived increase in the AA of the Intestinal juice and the blood occurred. With tho Ligation of all the pancreatic ducts Card 1/2 P., Calla Led wSai-Oi-F-,s) "Ou thc, biolo-i ti 4 Y Offoct of mAngmnesa. (Experipicii'Vil and ctudl4s).Il Khnrlh-ov, 1958 16 pp (Lan of' Jloaltj ThSSII. 1-h-Irlizov 21untc (,,d TIIC _eC ,t)t 175 coz-i (hT ,1,45-56, 152) KOLESNIKOV, Yu.P. (Voronezh, Studencheskaya ul. d.1, kv.28) Abstracts of articles received by the oditors. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.11:73-74 N 163. WIRA 17: 10) 1. Iz otdeleniya travmatologii i ortopedii (rukovoditell - doteent D.G. Yegorov) gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki Voronezhakogo meditsingkogo instituta i oblastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (zav. klinikoy i glavnyy vrach - prof, V.P. Radushkevich). KOLESNIKOVO_X Use of hyaluronidase in the treatuant of supracondyloid fractures of the humerus in children. Vest. khir. no.10:98-99 164. (MA 19:1) 1. Iz otdeleniya travmatologii i ortopedii (rukovoditall - dotsent 1) T. Yegorov) gospitallnoy khirurgicheakoy kliniki Voronezhakogo meditsinskogo instituta i oblastnoy klinicheakoy bollnitsy (zav. klinikoy i glavnyy vrach - prof. V.P. Radushkevich), Voronezh. KOLESNIKOV, Yu.P., kand. mod. naWk Treatment of lymphogranulamatosis with dopan and degranol. Sov. mod. 28 no.1:116-119 Ja 165. (MRA 18:5) 1. Gospitaltnaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. A.S. Voronov) Donetskogo meditsinskogo Instituta na baza TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy- bollnitsy (glavnvy vrach V.D.Bayda). . KOLESNIKOV, Y).,.V*, IWitan I-go ranga Some categories of naval tactics. fwbra sbor. 47 no.11:19-24 N 163. (MM 16:11) KM,vSNIKOV, Yuole* The bGE-1 remote depth man meter. Priborostroonia no-5 a6 Ify 162. (M=ometer) (MA 150) KOLESHIKOV.Z.S. Application of intravenous novocalne blocks. Xhirargita 32 n0-3: 73-76 Mr 1560 9:7.) 1. 1z Staro-Bashevskoy rayonnoy boMitey (glavnyy vrach Z.S. Thaleenikov) (PROCAM. amethesia and analgesia, ~ Intmveaous (Rus)) (AMESTRISIA, REGIONAL, in various diseases, procaine blocki Intravenous (Rue)) (PROCAM. 'therapeutic use. nerve block, intravenous (Rue)) AFL-1012977 '5LI/00 10909 LevDu -arev combustion of '~-OZVXV- Dok, Lady, v. 154 , no. 19611, ~)07 T k, r corabust i on rate , Smokeless P- ATi t -h~,;Ad burn at an upsteacly ritk, w~.--:-, j- ;-w of neat from the fraseous e E) J~, T E"';r 12, P Zelt'dovich's theary on,5 ~w-';~r it nr 7' w- - n. P r-~ k 1. me kh, i te khn. C-ise ~-n -z!& be cDmpleted in a period i4hi-LI, -~--~ment of the heatei layers at th-, r WAI!-, he ill be greater or 1--~ss tlhan :-i rat ed4~pen -nF n di in the heat flux coming t,, Frimp. the. in the gasaous phase whirl. f the re is an instant aneous jz~ 'Ll P e unst eady comb"st ion ra t e a t p P i ?t -ne pressun, drops sharply from tr~ pi PI) r~jt- ~f increase in Pve-,-.:Ar- lental- 145 -m MA 44~- ~,F4012977 ;i [)Gvder with surfece j in a semi c I V havin.F an aperture Q pressur-e change In the chairl-,er is f qp = u Apl~ kin ;ensity of the powder, is the c!xpl-r~5*1'I.F 13 r .4der gasc-s. go cr~efficient for the po, T",3 + u u X, S Vp L i rate is obtained sett-`ng p0waer and o r. k ust = Ap S tG PS ind (3) 'at P=p gives Ull st V(, S t !,A,-=ky be determined from 2) or (4 ---v ine *~x- Ated that a thick heated layer s t-l. i- --i~ wnl~n Com- 31 atraospheric presz-,ure. An APU012977 ~~r increasing pressure conditions. T' :Ictt~a! prr~!;surc was half --ved by the calculatiow. Pea:- d,iraIIi--.--, great,-r ill solr,~--- :~Xperl- Ii h;2 calculated duration. These are appar--ntlv --nplete combuqtion of the powder .9urfack, it -ressure. The St fer this experizzrmnt was 1.23, figures, 4 I wjr~~-- -77 I-Inslitut khimicheskoy f izik-', Aka,,Iem: C-S Aca!Lem njij P ~7 - _y Sciences W.A OTHER C, 21(7) SOV/89-7-3-16/29 AUTHORS: Sakharov, V. K., KolesrikovZSvinfArellp V- I-, flazarenko, V~ A~, Zabidarovp Ye. I. 198 TITLE: The Angular Distribution of the Radiation of Au Scattered in Air Above Ground PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3v pp 266-267 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From a - 10,000 c Au 198- source, which was located 1~5 m and 2.5 m above t'he ground, the total intensity of radiation in distances of up to 600 m from the source as well as the angular distribution of radiation in distances of 150, 250 and,400 mm from the source was measured. The total intensity was measured by means of a Geiger counter described in reference 1j in which the multiple scattered I-quanta with energies of between 120 and 410 kev were recorded with the same sensitivity. Radia- tion with energies of between 60 and 120 kev were measured by means of a somewhat more sensitive counter,, y-quanta with energies below 50 kev were not recorded. Angular distribution was measured by means of a detector consisting of 4 counters connected in series, which was placed behind a thick lead disk (diameter 21 cm) in such a manner that the centers of this disk and of the detector were in one line with the center of Card 1/2 the source. The following measuring results are graphically 198SOVi89-7-3-16129 The Angular Distribution of the Radiation of Au Scattered in Air Above Ground given: Dependence of the absorption coefficient and of the in- tensity of the non-scattere4 radiation on the distance between the source and the detector. Angular distribution of the seat.- tered radiation. By placing source and detector near the ground, the radiation intensity at large distances becomes about twice as small as in homogeneous air. If the distance between source and the ground is increasedq this difference becomes smaller and attains only the 1-5-fold and a height of about 25 m at the same distances as before. This is in agreement with the predictions made by reference 4- With respect to angular distribution it may be said that, from distances of 150 m on- ward, it practically undergoes no further change. The results obtained may be used in order more easily to calculate y-shields, The problem was raised by 0. 1. Leypunskly. V. A. Rogachkovq V. A. Shabashov and V. N. Rodionov assisted in working with the strong y-preparation. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: February 18, 1959 Card 2/2 2(5) AUTHORS: Sakharov, V. H.9 SOV/20-124-2-20/71 Nazarenko, V. A., Zabidarov, Ye. 1. TITLE: The Areal Distribution of Earth Ejected by Subterranean Explosions (Rasprodeleniye na mestnosti 'grunta, vybrasyvayemogo pri podzemnykh vzryvakh) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19599 Vol 1241 Nr 20 PP 314-317 (USSR) ABST11ACT: The Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics, AS USSR) collect *ed experimental material concerning the distance of ejection of various portions of earth ejected by an explosion. The material is in many respects of some interest. When carrying out such experiments, it is necessary first to divide the area of ground before the explosion takes place within range of the crater to be formed into sections, and after the explosion the manner in which the ~-fragments of earth are distributed over the said area must be determined. Various parts of the area were marked by means of radioactive indicators. Before the explosion 50-60 ampoules Card 1/3 containing I millicurie Sb 124 were introduced into the soil The Areal Distribution of Earth Ejected by Subterranean Explosions Card 2/3 SOV/20-124-2-20/71 through narrow cracks. 20 of such explosions vicro carried out in this manner with from 10 kg, to 10 t anzinnonite Yr U6 at various depths both in loess and in loam. Further, 1COO tons of ammonite .1ir 6 -.,,,ero exploded in a depth of 40 m- The characteristic results given by 2 dia,-,rans permit the folloring conclusions to be drawn: 1) TIe direction into %,ihich each particle of earth is ejected leads, when traced back in the opposite direction, throu,,-.;h the center of the explosion. The direction in which that part of the ground which is located immediately above the charge is ejected is indefinite.2) The distance covered by each ejected part of the earth is determined by its position rith respect to the charge and variest with conditions otherwise being unchanged, within the margin of t 30~- 3) The dependence of the distance of flight from the position of the respective part of the ground before the explosion is shown by a nomogram. The smaller the angle between the radius and the axis of the crater, the farther will the earth be thrown. This dependence izi coLuniiented upon in detail by the authors. These regularities are qualitatively the same with all explosions of charges of different strength. The maximum distance covered by the oJected earth increases only The Areal Distribution of Earth SOV/20-124-2-20/71 Ejected by Subterranean Explosions slightly with an-increase of the charge. With conditions otherwise remaiping unchaAged this distance decreases with an increase of the depth w of the charge at the rate of 1/w4 All this holds for explosions in loess, and for powerful explosions in loam, but not for rreak explosions (10-100 ka) in solid loams. In the latter case no permanent regularities were found. Finally, the authors thank M. A-. Sadovskiy, Corresponding Memberg AS USSR, for bringing up the problem, and V. N. Rodionov for his collaboration in organizing the above described work as well as for discussing the results. V. A. Rogachkov and V. A. Shabashev are gratefully mentioned as having rendered practical assistance, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 18, 1958, by V. 11. Yondratlyev, Academician SU-BYMITTED: September 15, 1958 Card 3/3 LEYFUNSKIT9 O*Is; KOL&9NIKOV-SVINAREV,, V.I,; MMMOV, V.N. . Unsteady rate of powder burning. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 n0,4: 907-909 F 14. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut khimichaskol Aziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademi- kom Ya. B. Zelldovichem. VILICHEK, M.; KOLESNIKOVA, A.; SHnEYERSOM, R. Use of lambs as an additional source of meat. Mias. ind. SSSR 33 no.4:27-28 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tashkentskiy opornyy punkt Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta myasnoy promyshlennosti. KOLBSNIKOVA9 A.A. Cand Agr Sci (diss) "Comparative effectiveness of tiiie fattening of large-horned cattle on rations with va*i-446 combinationl~~of cotton ViOM6 fodders.11 MOB,1957. 15 pp 22 cm. (All-Union Sci Res Inst of Animal Husbandry). 110 co-pies. (KL, 23-57, 115) ~ I - 1 -. -~-Ri KOLESIMIKOVA, A.A.? kand. sellskokhoz. nauk Using the wastes of cotton processing Industries for the fattening of.young cattle. Trudy VNJIAP no-15,04 163. (MMA 117: 5) KOLEMIKOVA, A.A.; KOSTYUK; N.G.; CHMIOMUROVA, V.M.; SHCHEGOLEV, I.P., red. . Op (Gelendzhik and its surroundings] Gelerdzhik i ego okre- stnosti. Krasnodar, KraBnodarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1964. 78 p. (MIRA 18:1) KOLESMIKOVA,A.P., kandidat sel'akokhozyaystvennyV-h nauk Northern apricots. Prirodn 44 no.10:94-96 0155. (HMA 8:12) 1. Hauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut plodovodstva imeul I.V. Hichurina, Hichurinak (Apricot) - -------- ---- - m KOLESNIKQY&,1.9*, kand. sel'skokhoz. nauk Variations of sour cherry varieties. Agrobiologiia no.6:849-854 14-D 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Plodoio-7agodnaya opytnaya stantsiya, g. Orel. MASHBITS, Ya.G.; KOLEMIKOVA, A.G., red.; KW"TnISM, D.Lo, red. tokstal LUMOVO red. (Cuba; 1:1 500 0001 Kuba; 1:1 500 000. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry., 1962. Text. 1962. 16 p. (K[RA 15:6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlaniye geodezii i kartagrafii. (Cuba--Maps) KOLISNINOTA, A. 1. A case from the practice. Osilintrila 39 nool:72-73lia-Y ,56. WA loa) 1. 12 URkliniki-(zav. - prof. 1.14.Sendullskiy) MONIKI t detakoy kliniki '(sav. - profe M.IhOlevskly) KOVIKI. (NASAL GATITY, foreign bodlea extraction) (FORRIGII BODINS nasal cavity, piece of Taetal pipe, extraction) KOL~311,,`IKOVA, A. KOLEO-NIIKOVA, A. L. "On treatin-- diseases of thfn onLic-m!,.rw(~ apparatis of th!! ey,! with tissu-! '.1itrafly in conjunction vith retrobulbar inj,3c'rions of atropine and strychihint", Trudy Smol. :.7os. mcd. in-ta, Vol. 11, 1948, p. 290-94. 30: U-4393, 19 Au.~ust 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey', "0. 22), lq:~q). KOLF,SNIK07A, A. H. ~-- I Some chemical changes in alunina gneiRsoo in contacts with mica- bearing pegmatite veins. Izv.Kar.j Kol.fil.All SSSR no.5:49-61 158- (IMA 12:9) 1. Noblagorskaya,g3o]-ogo-razvedochnaya partlya. (Gnei a (Pogpatite) KOLESKIKOVA, A.R. Structural characteristics of lower Carboniferous terrigenoun sediments in the Volga Valley portion'of Saratov Province. Trudy VITIGNI no.20:60-72 159. (HIEA 13:6) (Saratov Province-Geology, Stratigraphic) -, KOLFSNIKWL,_A.N___ Studying torrigenous sedimentsof the Lower CarboniferouB in the Volga Vdlley portion of Saratov Province. Uch.zap. SGU 70 8345 160. (MIRA 150) (Saratov Province-Petroleum geology) S/056/62/042/003/007/049 0 0 B104/B102 AUTHORS; Kormer, S. B.p Funtikov, A. 1,9 Urlin, V. D. Kolesnikova,A.Y. j TITLE: Dynamic compression of porous metals and the equation of state with variable specific heat at high temperaturea PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 42, no, 3t 1962, 686 - 702 TEXT: The dynamic compression of Al, Cu Pb, and Ni with relative '/Q where Q. 0 density densities between m a 1 and m a 4 (M - Qc oof of the compact material, Q density of the porous material) was studied in 00 12 _ 9.1012 2. the pressure range of 0-7*10 dynee/om A polyempirical inter-. polated equation of state is developed which takes account of the specific heat variations and the density and temperature dependence of the Gru"neleen coefficient (P)+Z(P, T P P. (P) + "I + z (p, T) pR (T + g (P) P -I ChL~11_ (14) 0 (P) ~b + z (p. T) 3 )r E =E. (p) + ' .2 R (r T) + In ell 0 (P) T + zz (p', T) M0 b Card 113 S/056/62/042/003/007/049 Dynamic compression of... B100102 The equations of state of Mie-Grdneisen, and the equation of state with the electronic specific heat components, are special cases of (14), (15)- Solid metals and metal vapors can be described by these equations of state. The shock adiabats calculated for metals of different densities are in good agreement with experimental-data. The gas pressure and the lattice energy can be determined from-the equation of state by a limiting process. The electronic analog of the Grdneisen coefficient is found for. Cu and Ni, and estimated for Pb'and Al. Symbols used in the equations; is the Graneisen coefficient# P(Q) the electronic specific capacity# z a IRT/C29 where 1 is a quantity to be determined experimentally. X X. K. Krupnikov, B. N. Ledenevv L. V. AlItshuler, A. A. Bakanoval R. F. Trunin, V. N. Zharkov, V. A. Kalinin, and X. N. Kalitkin are mentioned. S. V. Yezhkov, G. M. Yesing and V. I. Yefremov are thanked for assisting with experiments# v4u. A. Glagolova and L. T. Popova for assisting with calculations, L. V. AlItshuler, L. A. Bakanova, X. K. Krupnikov, and R. F. Trunin for discussions, and Ya. B. Zelldovich,~ V. P. Kopyshev, Yu. P. Rayzerv and K. A. Semendyayev for consultations. There are 11 figures, 5 tables$ and 22 referenceat 15 Soviet and 'I non- Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications Card 2/3 B/056/62/042/003/007/049 Dynamic compression ofo.. B104/BI02 read as followas R. G. McQueent S. P. Marsh, J.-Appl. Phys.,. 1, 1253# 1960; J. S. Dugdale, D. X. McDonald, Phys# Rev*# 22f 832f 19531 J. J. Gilvarry, Phys* Rev., 2-6, 934, 944; 22, 550, 1955; Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 37ed Chemical Rubber publishing Co. Cleveland, 1955 - 1956. SUBUITTEDt August 10~ 1961 Card 3/3 N,AY,RDVA, L.A.; CHERWI-:YE11, T.t KOL7-'!IIKMrA A N Nir,rono corpounds of platinum and the reaction of bivalent platinum compounds with nitric amid. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.12:2828-283O D 465. WIRA 1901) 1. Tnstitut olmhchey i neorganicheskuy khim-IJ AN %SR Ameni Kurnakova, COU-NTRY % UiSit if C;,TZGORY : Oultivateil Fruits. Berrias.Vut -3.Ta st. i-P.S.- JOVIt :I-e-f Zhur --BiologL'ya, Mo. 1 , 19-59, No . 185-2 Dyuzhav, P Ttt ST ~riticulturs Cxnd vine -MaMcf-n't TITLE .3t;Atj), oE Trans"or-atic)" a-ad Utilization al Phoaphorud Uerttlizer-d (Supe;L~phosohzta) by rito % va-S Ir, o1, I r-, PUB.: Plyrl. npucluim-t3khri.iiiform. 141.-1 . !,n-% ,nrogzadsr3tva i vinodcliya, 29V., No~'~02-36 The ~:-ate ;)jC plant tpt;-,tcr-~ of r' from P I-ke with P,72 wiLh dii'ftraat sall mcifiLvavs cordi- tiO-13 UaS 3tVdiRd at ~-'Irj SCtOIIU'fiC P9J'-IaI'-Co institute al, viticulture anl 10e55-1956, The PC Wa3 mpp.U"4c. t'.) -, J ; 0 3 01' a t a don-Lh o!: ugw iy, the "nrw of p IVIlld solution (1.20 concaz'rvtJ,.,)n) In the ova:-y growth stage anti becaap fixel in mhootn &nJ ur-par tier of IoAvia ad verly v& tfi6fom~th etay, while increazed P3-' cont;nt *Relation tu Applicettlou Tlmum and Netkinde T 1W Ref Z111,W -riol giya, No. grg N~ T I TJ, OrIa. ABSTRACT waS Maintained throug'Isaut t1ja ent-`rc w).%ctation reriodi P32 began to appeac in thi Lorrical c,mLIY ntts,