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/ L AUTHOR: Kolesova, L.S. 25-8-8/42 TITLEi Agricola Electro-Duster (Agrikola Elaktrod4ster) PERIODICAL: Nauka i Zhiznl, 1957, # 8, p 16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Recently, the British company "Agricola Limited" completed the construction of a new machine called "Agricola Electro- Duster", which represents considerable progress in the ex- termination of vermin. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress I Card l/. -W-0, oaf b 4 1 6 7 1 1 V~ it 0 tt 4, It, ff it It It I it, rx- P. Ro Mr, a it L. a ho r- E r I '-- =' e~ 0 4- &A *--a *00 1.9 ~-4fjk 66A of r Li 02 7 7: < *W, Lo c *0 a. J. J. B, '06 00 4 Cat* zoo -kill iV ZA U BAT "a IT .'adc wa few efeaceac ON 4114 0 0 O'.014k 41 0 0 0 : : r, JA c Is I A, a S-1, TI T A, 0, (KOU44 $Aww~ IM C 4117- so sailuaw. A am 1% %WWO 0 0 tor 10"*9~t"W!~ 009 .04 00 see - W"F- ~ Ei. too* ri 00 IICAUJ "so CINT tat us AV 10 a a p I Od 0 21 0 1 it u$a I RAN 0 AFL- lot 041 0 4 e * 0 4 0 0 9 0 ft -5kafLaffigm evil eQG a � 9 % 0 a wwwvw_ -:" b~ - 6 _4*4 Lq VIO .- -- __ - L_ F. 12 to w a t,-,V,f V zf~* fI a 4 1 6 1 1 A .101HII Raw* bit I 4 y A eo , Z lt ld ul t 00 . d, a co o f ftufm 41 W&W "k P (11. 8.8, W) 4. Od 1(to and 4 (Vw (Im. I h e 00 ttarc nt"at" Irdh*wta*.(kmch tk"A was detd. 00 8 ad duch Can No at Pb uV MS.. Ithik ewtabresic "m6al C4 Tb 06 t Wilb AI(Ouh Poo. Iamb we"MattatmCOM(Optuawand whent" H141MA" L* 1 oo 00 $ t 00 0 low too 410.1L4 94TAL&MCAL LITCOOWC CLASMICASOCS '00 Ma t I IONVIV -to Woo QGC - u e a An A s 4 So a 0 1 V sosa it 'M~ to " " 0' Ka 4 Ina, 00000000 9 9 IPA r.. 10 ~Y, CA. sw Al% of thk Itable timmer, -cd UMALn, M. Sisunat!yj give tht MKIC =,A SYnthssid and 91tv-dY of 2-Phowlinda-lione-1.3. Zhur.ab.khin. 26 i10-3:760.462 Mr 1.56. (MM 9:8) 1. Leningradakiy khimiko-faruatsevtichookly institut. UndwAione) - - A,? .-) of 20m;.~ Zt~ I-Tre r4l. 17b, all oi wWch w AttTes Cl uotiximxr-A -_n4 Ala 9. 9- CMOT CU, A*s "y pxv, inct bl~ F;wo yieme--A -shaitliv were obtameft: a M. LYASHENKOp V.D. (deceased]; KOLESOVA, M.D.; ALEKSANDR, Kh.L.; SHERMZIEVA, V.A. Sulfur-containing derivatives of purines and pyrimidines. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.8:2752-2751)' Ag 164. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsev-ticheskiy institut. KOIESOVA, N.B.; 1,11RAVICH-ALEKSANDR, Kh.L. Alkaline decomposition of some disulfides. Zhur. ob. khiui. 34 no.10: 3515 0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Leningradskiy khimiko-farmatsevticheikiy institut. KOLBSOVA. M.G.. inzh-0 Improvements In the standard H-2023-55. Sellkhozmeshina no.7:30-32 ii 15?. (HMA 1,1:1) (Agricultural machinery--Construction) - and TAI-d-,.SGIT 1. 1. (Candidates of Veterimar-J, Sc-*---nccc;, Sarato-v KOLESG%TA T 'Z-0-6vdtex-Inat7-.Tbstitute) and KOLESOV A. M. (Professor) "Concerning the probLarr, of dispepsia in calve~~. 11 'Ietcrinariya, Vol.. 38, 11-Jo. 12, December 19,61, P. 46. KOLESOVA 0. (Leningrad) Five hundred grafted teeth. Hauka i zhiznl 29 no.5:82-83 Yq 162. - (MM 15 2 3-1) (Therapeutics,, Dental) KOLSSOVA, 0. Water from malting ice and snow. flauka i zhiznt '110 no.303 Mr 163a (KRA-1615) (Waterr-Physiological effect) KOLESOVAY 0. Chemical weeding of a forest, flauka i zbiznl 30 no.916-7 S 163, (MIRA 16tlO) s6TAI Work of the Central Lab orOgry, Kh1g:0. I kond. prom. 1 no.5:35-36 97 '57. (Confectionery) (MM lOs6Y ,Count.ry USSR: OATEEGORY~ *1 A35. JOUR. Jo... 1959'# V0. 10397 AUTHOR Kolesova, 0. F. I I i S-1 1 11 &~'6~ The Manifestation of Thigmot&xts, Methods of. Attachme3A and'Light Reactions it,, Acdca Larvae ORIG, M. "ItoxIcaled With DDT Dust 5b. vkuchn. tr. Ivartovek, mecl. In-ta, 1957, No 1,7 441-444 A BB TPA CIT 1P.- ~GAes larVae ititoxicated N11,41i DDT dust.?.., (:hxage In the thig pmtaxts occura. A'ftf!ra brief contdct(l lio.5 minates) WIth the Poison, a.. congiderable- number of %h-e Larvae vlatch are on 4thC 3arface do vot~attach fliemselvei to the 311Tft-c-C filln of matcr but.rathcr to -the walls of - the vesmel c3-.::to.plaAts.tloatin,,, in it~ Afterwards, maily of- the larvae:remain in the depth of Vue watq~-r-and-on the bottom of cou.tainey. After a mor eprol6nge&eontw,:t with,the BDT dwit the reactilln Of.thiRmotaxts Is,also tatensified but not linviediately; rather, after 15-'(-'0 mluu+es. KOIn, OVA. 0.P. Changes In respiratory processes of Aedes larvae following M)T poisoning. Re&.paraso I paroks.bol. 27 no-1:99-100 A-F. 158- (HIRA 11:4) 1. 1r. kafedry obahahey biologii Ivanovskogo gosudarotvennogo moditainakogo Institute* (HOSQUITOES) KOISSOVA, O.r. ~b t of MR d;wto on the function of the oral orgnns In Aades larvae [with aummar7 In English], Hede'parnz, i paraz.bol. 27 n0-3:3104-348 14-Jo 15 8 (MIRA 11-0 le 1r, kafedry obahchey biologii hanovskago meditainakogo inatituta, (dir. inatituta Ya*K. Romanov, zav. knfedroy R.T. Khelevin). (DDP, effects, .on Aedes larvne oral organs (Rus)) (Kosqumms' Aedes, off. of DDP on oral organs in lnrvae (Rua)) KOLVESOVA, 0, F,: ~Ttster BiOl Sci (diss) -- IlTh5 effect of DDT dust on the pre- It Imago state of development of Aedes mosquitoes". Ivanovol 19,J159. 13 PP (Acad med Sai TJSSR), -?0O copier, (KL, No 17, 19590 107) KOLESOVA 0,F, Effect of DDT on the lavas of Asdes. K po=.fauny i flory.lvan. obl. no.1:5Z-56 161. (MRA 15:7) (DDT (Insecticide)) (14--squitoes-Extermination) KOLESOVA, 0. 1. (Eng.), KOSMAN, M. S. (Dr. Physical and Mathematical Sci.) "Photoresistors Made of PbQ" (USO of Semiconductme In Instruwat Kaking; Wamactims of a Cwfereuce) Y49cew, Usabiz, 1958e 258 p, KOLESOVAp 0. 1., Candidate Pbvs-Wth Sci (diss) -- '*rhe photoelectric properties of-lead oxide". Leningrad,, M9-- TPP (Min Educ PSM, Leningrad State PadagogicA Inst im A. 1. Gertsen., Chair of Gemeral vws),, 150 copies (KL, No 24v 1959 IZ) 1-9 61 -2CA7 7 Lm KOLMVA- WS, Photoelectric properties of almo oxide, Ubh*zap.PedJmst.G*, 207171-80,161, (HIRA 16t5) Nov orodskV gosudarstvonVy pad& ogichaskiy institut. Vhot~*iectricity) Izinc CY-Ide) SOV/70-4-1-10/26 AUTHORS: Fesenko, Ye.G. and Kolesova, R.V, TITLE.- Optical Investigation of'Singlel Crystals of Lead Titanate (Opti.cheskoye 14.ssledovaniye monokristallov titanata svintsa) PERIODICAL% Kristallograftya, 1-959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 62-64 *2 plates (USSR) ABSTRACT: 0 PbTiO3 undergoes phase transitions at 490 and-100 C" r,ryst~ila were obtained by slow cooling from solution in lead metaborate and showed the forms ftl00j, fllOt and J1111. Their sizes were 0.03 to 0.7 mm. The ewin' planes were (011.) and (101) but the domain pattern characteristic of BaTiO was not found. PbTiO_ 3 -3 is optically negative and the R.I.s varies slightly'from crystal to crystal. The birefringegee rises from 0.01 at room temperature to 02 at 400 and then falls The transition point-is steeply ~o zero at 470 482 +.3 G. Attempts were made to obtain single-domain cryJals by annealing at up to 1 000 C for 2 days. Out of more than 300 crystals only one became a "oll-domain Cardl/3 SOV/70-4-1-10/26 Optical Investigation ot Single Crystals of 1.6ad Titanate and one -or two "a-ell domains. For fixing the 482 00 transition a cinecamera 4tted to a microscope was used. At a heating rate of 2-4 C pbr minute the transition took 0.1 - 0.4 sec; in all casesAt was faster than for %Tio 3' In an electric field PbTiO, 3 behaves similarly to BaTiO3 but for changing the direction of the c-axis higher fields are needed. T8 begin to change the c- directions of the domains,90 a field of 14-17 kV/cm is needed and for completion of the changes fields so stron.3_ that they destroy the crystal are required. Increasing the temperature simplifies the domain structure but s*le-domain crystals 1could still not be obtained, A field of 10.5 kV/cm applied to a single-domain crystal produced wedges at 45"' to the field cutting through the crystal. The domain boundaries could be moved but two domains were the least that could be obtained. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 15 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 8 English 2 Swiss, 1 Japanese and 1 international. Card2/3 SOV/70-4-1-10/26 Optical Investigation of Single Crystals of Lead.Titanate ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gos. universitet (Rostov- Zna-Dmu State University) SUBMITTED: December ?, 1958 FESENKO, Ye.G.; KOLESOVA, R,V. Interpretation of-X-ray-photographe of the.rotation of twinned tetragonal, crystals. Kristallograftia 6 no.2.-265-267 Mr-Ap 161, (MIRA 14:9) 1. Hostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Radiography) (Ferroelectric substances--Optical properties) [7 7~~ L aa?-43-66 w(M)/T ACCESSION NR: AP6005421 SOURCE CODE: UR/0289165/000100310057[0063 AUTHOR: V92'khin. V. V,: Fonomarev, Ye. I.; Llvovich B. I.; Kolesova, S, A. ORG: Perm Polytechnic Institute (Fermskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) TITLF: The use of freezing for the coagulation of weak colloidal solutions and .!anulacion of inorganic sorbents ~iOURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheakikh nauk, TIQ. 3, L965, 57-63 TOPIC TAGS: inorganic chemistr-y, sorption, absorption coefficient, solution prc,ppit,y, freezing, chemical precipitation C7 ~ The authors investigated the possibilit, of the use of freezing during ~!,ation of elements without a- cQ11tcLaL -f--= wea& a3 WeIL as the effect of freezing on the density, filtering capacity, and the sorption prop- ertipq of coagulants of inorganic substances. Some results ):- ea.- .,e,- worK are );ether with new experimental data in oro-~r zlo pro.;1~ie an o,,~erall con- rtle possibilities of the freezing nhetriod. 'hr- ~s _,escribed :t. is show-n that by means of freezing a-J tr,awing it is possible to ~:ard 1/2 UDC: 541.18.047 L 22243-66 ACCESSION NR: AP6005421 separate metal tons as. hydroxides from solutions with concentrations of preeipi- tant up to 10-5 g-ion/lLter, and to reduce their content in the solution to a ,oi',sL,'~urable degree at concentrations tip to 10-6 g-ion/IiLer. The freezing of the also promotes a more complete separation of k-ilem~,al compounds with solubility. The dehydration and the densification at inorganic pre- c,pitants by freezing does not lead to the desorption of radioactive isotopes I absorbed by the Inorganic precipitant5 fr--T-. solution. The socpLion 'h P n4 a! --oagulanti) a.-e a.,:, t(iaL ,:-Ie vallje5 :~U 7".11.1'i'-11:'17 of a S;-~~- 2,---a.; oetore ano after freezing. ine ireezin~ ano subsequt~nt thawing -o ssL,)'e to obtain coagulants of -1:'.-f-'5 ~ -I ~: -, t nu 1 a rI o r -..n red-icing the-'r -sr-Lj. -iE PLeClPiLaLes way be recommended for use as sorbents in coiunm chromatography, Orig. 4:1, ",as: 2 figures and 4 tables, SUB ODDE- 07 / SUBM MrEt. none / ORIG REF. 019 / OTH REF- 009 Card 2/2 nat LARYUKIIINA, G.; KOLESOVA). V.; GEGICHKORIt A.; TSVETKOVA, A.; GIDU, Ye., agronom' dbli-, L. P .-616, P agronom; SYCHEV, V., Inzh. Low-volume spraying of orchards. Zashch. rast. ot vred, I bol. 10 no.8;25-27 165. (MIRA 18=11).) 1. Zaveduy-imhChaya laboratoriyey Pushkinskoy, Stantsii, P/o Pravdinakly, Moskovskoy obla3ti (for LaryukhIna). 2. Starshiy agronom-entomolog Pushkinskoy mashincsvytatell- noy stantsii, p/o Pravdinskiy, Moskovskoy oblast: (for Kolesova). 3. Starshiy agronom-ekonomiat Puahkinakoy mashinolapytatellnoy stantaii, p/o 'Allravdinakiy, Moskovskay cblast ffor Gegichkori). 4. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey ispytanlya yadokhimikatov MmIdavskoy autshinoispy-tatellnoy stantsii (for TSvetkova). 5. Foldavskaya mashinoispytateltnaya stantalya (for Gidu, Dryaginao Sychev). N 0 SO V A-1-4. GROSS, Ye.F.; KOIRSOVA. V.A. Ra=n spectr& of two-component silicate Classes. Shur. Viz. Mdu. 26, 1673-80 152. (MM 6:1) (CA 4? no-13:6254 153) 1. leningndskir goandaretvanr*7 universitet. , klw,,.n "tata d 4ame -. E 1~ a, -.11A 0 14 kn'i! -'T '. P+ &-). " . I C.A. 47. 07-11.-. ;; - ti-.- * j, -~4 KOLESOVA, T.A*; TUKHARMYA, Ye.T.-, ANDRWZV, D.S. Combination scattering apectre. of some allanes. Izv. Aff SSSR. Otd.khim. nauk. uo.2:294-297 Mr-Ap 153- (xLR& 6:5) 1. Institut khImii sillkatoy Akademil-wwk SSSR. (SlIanes) (4ectran analysis) KOLEWVA, V. A. Dissertaticn: *Ditfused Light'MW Itho' Structure'of (9-ass-Like Substances.* Cand Phys-%th Sci, lx~~id S+ate Uo Lm%ingrad,, 1954. (Referativnyy &=nal-JiLtd7a, Moscow, 96 Ilt Jun 54) SO: SM 318, 23 Dee 1954 FD 414 USSR/Phyzics Oscillatory spectra Card 1/1 Author : Kolesova, V. A. Title : A Discussion: Contribution to the problem on the interpretatior,of the oscillatory spectra of silicates and silicate glasses Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, l24-1,07,. Jan 1954 Abstract : States that in the study of the spectra of such.complex substances a.- crystalline silicates,and silicate Classes the most difficult problem is their interpretation. Claims that there exists at present no theory which can interpret these spectra with sufficient reliability. Gives 14 references (3 Soviet) that-attempt to treat this problem. Asserts that the interpretation of~silicatesl spectra by me~tns of the four characteristic frequencies of a tetrahedral molecule contradicts ex- ,perimental data! Institution Institute of the Chemistry of.Silicates. Acad Sci USSR V. A. ; -)r I Y!~ 3. A '~ L ffu s n s -.0., r a Pz , S.j . f% -3 i,:)TI 9 TV! 2- Y 1, 7- n !-.xant: )ca a - pnenyl- ace' zj 5 wt re A frt-uency oi v e- n ~i wixem.Lutry or 3111cates, Leningrad Stibmitted 24- ------- Lj 0 CA - USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application Silicates. Glass. Ceramics., Binders, 1-9 Abet journel: Rererat zhur - m2imiya., No 2.. .1957.. 5166 Author: Gross, Ye. F.i;Koleseval A. Institution: Academy of: Sciences.USSR Title: Ham =ect and Structure a Vitreous Bodies Original Publication: Sb. Stroyenlye steklaP.M.-L.,-All SSSR, 1955, 56-61 Abstract: Data are presented ccucerning changein frequencies and intensities of Raman spectra on alteration of _ ccmposition of glasr. ",i-6) (quaitzo SO- d1um silicate and potassium- silicate). On the basie~'~of anticoinc.1- dences of vibration spectra.of crystalline quartz and.vitreous silica the conclusion Is drawn that, apparently,, network of vitreous silica cannot be be a faulty lattice of crystalline quartz. From investigations of. vitreous, silica by other methods (for instance, density measurements, x-ray diffraction analysis), and also on taking into accept the invariable separation of cbristobalite crystals on Card -1/2 USMV02emlcal Tecbnology. Memical Products and their Appl1cation. J-12 Mwa - Ceramics - Building Materials Abs Joux: Referat 2h.-Kh.,, No 8, 1957, 97615 Author V.A. Kblesova- Last Title Answe~r ~nmkaya. Orig Pub: vSb: Stroyeniye stekla., M--L-x AN SM, 1955, 326-327.' Abstract: Considerations repxding the fact that the wsertion of V.A. Florinsk%~u concerning the presence of soditm bisilicate in glass vith 33-3% of Naz~D is not substantiated are brought forward. See BZbDim, 1957, 519, 5169 ana 5182. Caxd V PRIKHOT'Ko, A-F- 24(T) ~3 MASS I BOOF MWITATICH 207/1365 av'spho a PQ ApIktro2kapil. t. It 10'.Viya (Papere of the loth All-'Adon = Malderance an Swtrosoop7. Vol.. is miscuiar srActftscopy) (Llvovl Icd-va t1vovskos3 univ-ta, 195T. 499 P. 4 000 ~sa;tlos 9 tQ4. (Soorless It$& nlychM Xb1r:Wk. T". rin Additioma Sponsorin; Agettal: AkagUlYMk rAUk SM. K04dG6171 00 spektroaicopiti rd.t 4uar, S.L.1 Tech. Zd.t Sarar4uk, T.Y.1 Witarial Z"rdj tac-Anterg G.S. AeadulcdLa (F44p. E4., Deceased). r4parant, U.S., Doatar of k;Si;;l Ald YAUI.-StiCAl SCieACOO, Fabelinsklyf I.L,=tor of ftsical and KithamaUcel Scienceso JF21w1kfiat,, A.. t*r of pblexcal "d Kamezatical Saiames. Kartl%OU, V.G.. CoMI'date of Techalcal Sciences, FWyakly, S.R., C=Udatq or ftsiaAl ard Kat'son-Atical Sciences. 92UGinkir, L.K., CarAidate or Pbj*!W a:-A YAtt-ArAtioal Sciences. Ydllyar--huk, T.3., CarAidate of r1qa1,:&I &ad W~Isee:atloaj Soi4aqat; tW filaubemno A. Ye., C&sAldst* of ftsical and Mthesmatical VI-me'. C., =,r;rQM-it1=a Speatra or Double-a grAate (RU9416 and SM* OL76tallim ftaggat4g 442L FAI't4OT. A.A., TO. W. r4gkVitl". ad T.K. Tittgvgkir# StuAr of tbA Isatogo Effeat &-A VerMeation of, rnframd 44eWs of Noract TrifluarLds MItUT, A.A.,,Ye. W. lbskwitlua, and T.K. Tatavakly. O=tlt&t&V* AMA1741S or Borm Uotor-44 br YAWS of Taframd Spe-al-ma of H4m TrICIttorides 4TI YAX't"Vo CA.* V4. T44 3UxYsJ=v, $ad T.K. Tat4vakly. SUOY af 114OU-= Speitra, and laotople Ute4t Im 34M Qm4m cosuatims NaItt*vs A.M., T.q. Vtwkuw, ad VJL Tattv&My. Study of cleatrats speatro w uotwis "fees I* 3- Qqv- comoo-As 41 C&rd WAO fita4w. op" d uptittuui mA sLm,7 LjA the 2aDQ-Vrjt.=,-; ~Xl. 1 .10: 1 -24~, IM I 01 Th fit t~!mItaigill W-wiz!a 124 -lita gsixu -,, , ~ 1 (01. TUX 6 ). 742( Wo n uem MIN I); --l' TIA-:Ilr.~ PONT, A.A. KOLESOVA. V.A.*-?WIR~WA, Yu. 1. Studies-in'the field-of conju tad systems. Plart 78t Raman spectra and reactivity of-vivyl4aptyleps hydrocarbons. Zhur. ob. khIm. no,8,. 2Q81-208?.Ag.l3?*..- 1. Ieningradskiy tek"ologichq lay institut imeni Lensoveta. wuytenyue) AUTHORS: Toronkovy X. G.f Kolesova, V. A., 62-11-10/29 Zgonnik, V. N.. TITIXt Big- (Trialkylailyl) Phosphinates (Bis-(trialkilsilil) PERIODICAM Izvestiya AN SSSR,10tdolenie Kbimicheakikh 11auk, 19571 Ir 110 pps 1363-107- (USSR) ABSTRACTs Methods for.the synthesis of bis-(trialkylsiljvl)- phosphinates prsviouelly~unknown' by'means of reaction of the phosphorous-eoid with:trialkylahlorosilanee or trialkyl- kozysilanes.were elaborated hereand thespectra of their oombination'dispersion were investigated. In the.spootrum ofthe bin-(trialkylailyl)-ather of the phosphorous acid a series of,frequ4noies in the area of 50 - 1050 oz 0 - - in which occur deformation oscillations R P - 0 (reference 6-10), was ascertained. But in this area are also the, ,falonos-osaillations 0-0. The frequency of about $50 om -1 which is-aharacteristical for trinethylphosphate (OR 0),P a 0 but lacking in the triethylphosphate spectrum Card 1/2 (reference 10)# was here only observed in the spectra of CZEMCSWVAKIA/Physical Chenistry. Molemde. Chenical Bond. Abs Jour; Ref , Z-hur-12W5 110: 131.,1958, -42294, Author Kolesova V. A., Voronkov M. G. Inst.;i - - I :~ .1- Title Faman Spectra of Alkyl-Trichlorosilanes and Alpha- omega-tis-(I.nrichlorosilyl)-Alkanes. Orig Pub: 5b. chekhoal. khim- rabOtt,1957,:22,:Ho.',A, 851-661V Chera. listyp 1957, - 51.9 -666, Abstract; Investigation of-Raran spectra ofI4 alkyl-, eyelo- tilkyl-;, phehyl-tridhlorosilanes band. alpha-ome(Sa- bia-(trich.'Lo-rosilyl)-alkaniBa-'(1).- -Freqt~encies in the - - cm t ~jregion 6f~162-180 - 0 - ~ and 225 on are . attri - buted'-tb-degenerated--deformtion vibration of SiCl at 40 -and. 565 % cm- to - sy=etrical and degene- Card 1/2 5(5) AUTHORS: Kukharskaya, E. V., Andreyev, D. Not SOV/62-58-11-16/26 TITLE: the Interaction of Trimethylsilylmethyl Magnesium Chloride with Estdrs-(O Vzaimodeyst*ii trimetilaililmetilmagn'iykhlorida so slozhnymi efirami) PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRt Otdelaniye khimioheskikh nauk, 19589 Nr 1,1g pP 1372-1375 (USSR) LBSTRACTs In the present p*per th?. authors investigated the interaction of trimothylsilylmethyl.magnesium chloride with ethyl a6etatet- ethyl-n-butyrate,and ethyl_iqobVtyrate. It was found that the reactioq with the two asn'tioned first takes place normally in the.4ire9tion`of,the formation of tertiary alcohols. It is, however# Aloo apoompanied by a IS-Aeoay, by a cleaving-of'f of a radical!(UH-4)'33i-from. the newly formea tertiary al6ohol due to th, rujulie of the Si-C'-binding. ThLs fact, how'ever, was not stirpribing.A number of scientists had observed-' already edrl .ior''that in thIa ease of organosilicic /3-alcohols Oafe 3 and 6) as well as in the case of 12-acids (Refs 3,5), of ketones! '(Ref 4), and of esters (Ref 7) a rupture of Card 1/2 Si-0 bindings takes place under the .action of electrophilic On the rnteraction of Trj .nethyleilylmothyl Magnesium sov/62-58-11_i6/26 Chloride With Esters and nuoledphiiia, a' -'a. In the case of an experiment with ,gen-. ethyl 130~utyrate tertiary aloohol.or olefin could not be separated,' The branqhed structure of the acid apparently re,prosent*d-'P-o~Laiderable,steric hinderances which obstructed the cours4 of the r6iotion. If orgahosilicic alcohols containkng" a.hydroxylgraup at the-.13.!oarbon atom are dehydrate& unsaturated klicon carbid4a with a double bond in the A.-!_04ition form. There ate 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSbCIkTrONt Institut khimii,silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute-of Silicate Chemistry of the-Academy of Sciences)USSR) SUBMITTEDs March 20, 1957 Card 2/2 AVT2= f1riboul., X. 3l. TITO t 3.rd AII-OXIM DoXfOresse es, the Vitreous stale PJM1021CALS 220WA A 1960, ST 1. it 43-46 (0332) AW"OU TAI UAL AU-Valims Comfereact, as the Tiusns Si4se See %4" 1A mit wasocz x4lzSI b, The last 8121ka... lisle f the chmalstry of lkwabaska.-S OU1101.001'" 1Z.21, t. 1. cbmaleal goalol'T la4fts A. 2. r1nAsl.x.T) mad Goolodwaftamm" "llchaskir lastilal 1-31 2. .1. Taril.Ts (state OSUMI Imatliate Insul a. Z. Tayllow). 1=4 than =13 x9powu @a SILO gtrueturs of glass, lawasIlgallou ej%22*48 of U10 TIU*mw alatea US atob"laa of wIlLrIfloatica arA pbjsia*ox--, a" 1tvaLumal ps" rolls of glass*@ verm dell"r*I. the MO Spamatt SW AmAmmalaLam, A. A. 1,910daw. Yazd-=*2&1 layean-,-~z* swalwas, ma "walta agixter"AG the $US* strwoAnz. Rare &I OR Is% mus,01189- Asadamilelon A. A. ItbadsT Tm2:*Z1.4 am Use emod swumallm at Optical asihods, To. A. ?ors,7-Zc*hI3w on %a. 4MI'mUm methods 1. 2, Tevalt"Sojoy *a g3n.rAl pro'blvsm "2- a" 2"Partles at flags$$. the 2X2 ~zz,~!aasd ==eSsublea of 446 Vitreous stales 1. cut 1/4 -Globle" rommallarls"S fan fteumm at conformItion at the Timfl." -a s . T. -examms AM a rolzaper-1 MW7 Of A-- a- ~--. *JrAftral so r&a r "he Glass :41112s.. T%. 31.4 movIve prodamed, 9 "Paris OR LATiolliptioa T6021sa of 2*110 "A duk STOUSAIRS at the 3144AAMIGA, Of TliriflSationg A, T. -On The rrollax at the Yorm$la4 of US Crystall.ln. =rMt-fto 212"&$s ISIA-1 . K. It 928&U42 am 09 $&mature or oh -- sow I 1~x i 0. A. Ualu , Ps-.1; =4 fS~~Ix- -OA the struat"a of &I And 0. A. Towim. Msmodrusialo Pro *riles of Ils Zilloato tyatow,s 2~0 - Va-07---WD~ mad C&O -. A2203 - A910'.1 a.-!. 3~!nsn*T, 001 Sma vu~monr.1 llkVttiQA%l*A-j X. T, at 11tw1floausam. At the 4th maoling. 11 reprU Zaun vIAN ;.ra"q43 of US g2sam struature and optical I.AvesilgAtlan aalb.402 T, j2tEL--X&r_- -Xafrarol lefloollon 3ppotra, of Z.41~2 2 . alt. miad TLaIr Relations to The Giruaturs-S Sul Ametal-tamm Dleverstom, of M,~ht and Us 21rQ3;;3.rm C Zone ,za of she TAIX.ita-1 Zj,.Ot.-4 af -1--laela R&S as 1 1. 1. Cobols, r.p"1.4 on ib3 "rx of Card 2/11 Us plas"GaUg Ustita% As imax (lastium of rArsiza As rs--) %ith Ragusa of A- Simi 1. Worts r*Dn*d on ,,U7 4.6 Us &vsw-unam dispersions T. Us MUSa" StroOti" and 11b* propartl,s of the frIsUllifts !~rtaj 6. IL Irabovskm am T. P. c"realsimal raparled 9.1 aI-uo%=AL lamstigptj~s of 2404- AM 111suathborAlf glasses wlth the all -: infrared A. The Q~sxtlsatlwv R.latl.z of as 1 4 ise ftdarlx a" Tzro 4r as I& a age `1 Mits and A. 6. AIGk:Uwvs -SUstronograpble tmto -0a the Otzmature ai A ~041%2-40ftn- SlUms,10 cloam %a4 to 3:44urLAg ThomaL Troatatat'i 1. 0. f_ A,RT~C~xcv~ S. A, vajobvIllo, oauvolural nx- -!A4tLTpTv j. life poetallom or taa ~"Isflmvlmn f-T1;%-Tl0j1kI* Light In 2*41". barow-"~&I# flamses'- At ths 51b 1444 in,, ropwim Asal% sltb Iss, S&Sa,jl4pjlqj, res"to of 9144moo. A~ A. APR" "a assms ya-.94. 'Boron and Alvaob.roft AnSOJaY Of tbs r"POT- TSIDAtI.4 3tam. Uoo of 2111mato 93"206*1 To. 2. "Immit. "OR t7ascos, .;.VISA berm Of AIMIANO, 0,04 DIC92 14 5004 Class***$ 0- 7- Zbdsa*v T as U."t"41 O&Sneg Is, bQrQa-,AlISjo glaoo*sl 14. A. rorAr-TA111114 Sad S. p. Xhamwv roportod, an ease awatrOT&C4101 STSVI-Ske sozearaing atrisolare at boxes-6111600 III&astffi wit tbtlz ?#zoos prod ,s8 .10 A. and, I- &- AA4r*jsv. labota- An as asmassro of comalas alasses.. 04 15 rsports &1 CqV3;, card SOV/51-6-1-7/36 AUViOR: Kolesova, V*A-. TITLE,. The Irf rarei Ab%,.crpb4.oa 6 per-tia of Sili ~-E'ktaa Containing AL and of Certain Crystalline Aluminaten (Infrakrasnyyo spektry pogloshchenly-n- silikatov, soderrhash;,!Lkh Al, I nakotorykh kristallichovkAirz alyvmizatcr) WRIODIVAL - Optila i Spoktroskotiya, IOS9, Vol 6, Nr 1, pp 3F.-44 (USSR) ABSTRALT: The infrared absorption speetra of 13 crystals were studied la the ranSe 410-1330 The cr7vtaL,~ vereks e-or.-adum MAT,,, Ilium &a oxids Ga~,03, hydray-lillits sodi--= NaA10 albits N;[A 91, 1 pel, rjrtior~!wia g[-Ajsnzqp, law,,Its KEAM20610 napheline Na W, -kyanito (dial, 17A 'hZv) A.12,30., t(-spodumeno WAI-13'20611 .g-sptd-umftme M[A.13-14FJ~ iado and grosf;uiarito C&SAI LU04U. .1 2 The *ipactra.were obtaiaGd on a VIM-M75 sposetwonater with e. HMOI Priam arA an TZP-10 ispaitrcmetor with a KHr prikin. Samples were In +J2* ro= L 01 -bLuz=jArent diak; z,3nsisting of compressad powder of KBr and abomt 0,115% of ths autstar.--a studlad. For some suk4tanco,~ samples wore preparod ia the form of zusp6xiaions in paraffin oil. It was found that tho -,~Vectra obtaiued on solid samplez and on samples In the fo= of card 1/3 a-a17-pow1cn.-3 were, identical, tut in all cases, exceptAI205, tho SOV/51-6-1-7/50 The Infrare-, Abverption Spa~;tra of Silicatea Containing Al,aad of Cartaia Crystalline Abcminate,,~ ab,3or-t~vu rsa~., wo-.5 dearer whon R(Aid ownplas were used. The r ab-sorption fpatT-Tep obtalzsd art givon ia Figs 1-3, and the positions of atsorption imxima are. givan in Tablis '. Fig 1 giv4ss the at6orption ,ipo,tra of -orurvitw (c-,urvo IF) . Eallium vrlde (2), hydrargillite (3) ;T-ol-A-= aluminati, (4.). "1 elves the 8pactra of the folloidng alrits (t:cavs, I) qxrltw,~Ias* 1,21, laucits (3). nerhall.a4l kt-yarit* fl-srud=eaa (%*). Fig 3 gives the spectra of al~alnkl.m ailli-atcm.- (cur7e D, jade (2) and grossularits, (5). it va~, fcmA t1hat i-a ihe qactra of aliminates and allaminosilicateik whoso ot;(~-!f,tzi.mrs contairz Al atlw izx the part, there is a band In the Card ;?/3 SOV/51-6-1-7/30 The infrared Absorption, S pectra, of Silicates CoatainingAl,and of Cortokin crystalline Alwainatea region 7ZO-780 cm-1- which may be due to vibrations of th9,kl--O~IbovA&- The author thanim I.S. Lileyev and M. Shirokova, for supply o2. G&203 ar4 WaLI-1102 aam?les and hh.8. 111kc-gosyan for supply of other minerals. N.V. Relov aud la.F. GrQ35 for their advice. llhar6 are 2 tables, 3 fipms and Lj reforowea, 5 of vhi,.,h are 8oviet, 7 English, 5 Uarman and 1 tranalation. SUEMLCTED: Fabr~iary ?P, 1961~ card ;5/3 SOV/51-7-2-25/54 ADTHORZ K-,,13Gova V.A. and Ryahn, Ya. I. TITIZ: Infra-r3d 2.bsorption .0nactrum of Hydrargillits Al(OH)3-(Infrakrasnyy sooktr no,rloshchenlya gidr9rgillita (USSR) Opti 9,m I spaktroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, Hr 2, pp 261-263 T: The authors recorded infrared absorption spectra of synthetic and natur-al hydrargillite i'41(OH)3 ani its d autaro -analogue Al(OD)3 in the frequency region 420-3700 cm-1. AI(OD)3 was prepared by areaction of NaA102 vith heavy ma-car, D20 at 800G. The final product-was ideatifiW by X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The spectra were recorded by means or an apectroFraph with an LiF:priram (.11700-2000 a V11Z-M instrument vith an NaG1 prism (2000-700 and an ISP-14b, iwtmmont vith a KBr prism (700-420 cm-1). Samples were in the form of aisics made of a mixture of the studied substance with potassivon bromide or, ).:i-t~Lo-foxxa of suspension. The recorded spectra are shoim In a figurai on p:262. Three ba-zids at 1620, 958 and. 914- cm-1 observed in the 4%1(OH)3'P, pectrum disappear In the spactrum.of AI(OD)s (OXCOIDt for an inflection at 720 cm"1),' these bands are due to defori,tatioaal vibrations b(OH'). The presence of these deformational Card 1/2 Infrared ,.bsorg bion &'psctrum of Hydrargillite A10103 SOV51-7-2-23/34 1xinds indicFAos t'nqt the AU-0 bond in hydrargillits has partly covalent ii-.'kturo. This confims Koleaova's earlier suggeutlon (Ref 4). The ride and intense band at 802 cia-1 in the .11(01.1.).3 spectrum is due to vi~roaticras of %(Al--JH) type; the corresponding band In the Al(OD).3 spectrum occurs at 775 cm-1. The ride Al(OH),3 band at 743 cm-l disappears on deutoration and it is tentativel ascribed to 40H) vibrations. .~.t 3617, 3520, 3428 and 3380 cmLl V(OH) bands were observed in the .11,1(0H)3 s-doctrum; the corresponding Al(OD)3 bands ware at 2672, 2602, 2558, 2543 and 2505 cm -1 Ethe'.3428 cm-1 band of Al(OH)3 splits into two co-muonents at 2558 and 2548, cm-1 In Al(ODO. There are I ft&ura and 7 raferencea, I of which is Soviet, I translation from English ii-ito ,,uasian, 3 Znglish and 2 Garman. SUBMITTLID: February 3, 1959 lard 2/2 MM I 'MD01 UPWITATION SOV/41B6 Stra"mSys V*&.-4h*stva I (Structure of Matter and Soactrascopy) Moscow, US-" 0 333R. 1960. 113 P. ZMt& sUp inserted. 2.3W copies print4d. VA.t X. V. &stAkhov. Prorossor; Tech. FA.t T. P. rol*revs. PMMSXI This collection CC &rtlclss is Inia0dod for physicists a" C)wml$ts interested in MV40trOgooVic methods of research On the structure at moleaulas and related problents. COVEMNs The articles contained in thla colledtlon wart taken rimm the editorial riles or the zhurnal rizienexkor ILhImal C.Tdarnsl of Physical Chagastry) and a" concerned Vith 8>metroscoplo meth4dm In research an the structure or 00146410s, the bydrogin bond, Isotopic effects, problems In SAV%StmehanlStry, the structure of aqueous solutions of 610atrelytem. and -the chamintry of Complex compounas. Refer- *nee$ Individum4. articles,... The &uthzr thanka the following for havWS pLrtielpattd in datorw4nim the denslb7 of daularoaOmpovind3z V. 0. Oolov, P. X. Nikolayev, V. 1. ?Waho"avyy, Yo. Z. Zhur- av.4w. V. X. Mu:rz1A,And L. 3. ZhilkIn. He thanks A. 1. Brodakly for his discussion of the rq*,Utm. v and W. D. Aj.!,tjbuj!r [147vocherkmewkiy volt Polrttch:114 InstItNA). Problais cr.Cr4L:qw In th# Stzvctur* of Fulyethylena at UX*njlC)n 69 and NC. jt;or11kty 3t4t* L .I tot"t"S Y IaCtOP'%MrXrf*G% On the V11*0111ty 73 and Y_V Yed6nka jn;v%*tI_ tion.or aurraee7 wnszon or Liqui d 1. Sur Tension of, ML XM&d-UIV~X. Syst#lt coordination squilibris ~of Nickel Ions in PW - 3102 aystem olasses A. tz"titut knimll. 9111kat'ov (Xnstltuto or j0gag silicates)). Structure of 3"'Imene Olass 93 V. 1. Averlyanov IS thanked for having plotted the Curves for 0. aml p- spodumans " for the arystalllzati*n product of, sVOdV.1*n* glass. K. t physic~ah*mIcal instituto lxoni L. U. Karpov) . w- ;1% 01 -33 X-3100tron DIV-4gnotle 3usceptibility 0: Certain )(alteglas C-ntaining the 3li-PlAmber Carbon RIng Vith the Ald of tt* Pyet Zlectrons P~Ivl 1 96 The author thanks 1. H. KLlaon*v&y& Lnl 13. Yo. S=cs%dov for the M=4riema calcula*10fts. wvl T's. H. Olr*7&novlL- N. Manov. for their suZ&cStIOnz.' UMOY tyeva [rm&tjtut o m__Q'_TL_sn'l K. H 14 bah!h*Y I worz&n1Cn*Sbwy ~n= (Instituto *r (knoral and 11sarganla Chemistry Imeni U. S. rurnakov)l. Tq"ratur* Dw;~nlenc* or Coordl"UCO 21~nbera of Alkali XCA;.n. 9, ;~_11rAVak1v lz3tltut L-3- X. Kirov& !VT!. Ur3a p l3rt~ hale: L'stituto X. Kirov, Sirr~llov3k)j! ftm of aurflc~.~%n3lon U*th*m. a LVAILADI.St Llltr~~r of ConzrO33 JA/d"/Cc Ca.'I 10-20-60 ~Oat~jaalyu, 31, t"llu-,rad, 1959. v~c4c,,---znO,,O ~OvVA~;Chanlyft 1Aft.2nzTr-d, 16-20 nwfabryl Iq59 (Vitmoir SLdt~; Tr-~-tionA or t4e 71,lrl 411-UMICI Can- fercr.ce an the Vltrco,~ State, Held in 1959) KUCO4, IzS-vo AN =11, 156D. 5~4 r. J:rrAtb slip Inzer-ed. 3.~e.W coplec prtntcd- (Series: Its. Tmdy) Sponsoring A6encleA: Institut khimii allikAlov nauk !!3=111. Vaeoqy'=ncjc khWchc&kayv obahcheatva Imeni D.I. Headeleyeva and Goauda"t-nnyy Ordena. Lenin& optichezicly Inetitut i%enl a.1. Editorial 11001-d: A.I. hvau,~tlnlk, V.P. Barzaknvakly, N.A. Boxharodow, Q.r. botylntla, VX.Vargib. A.a. Vluov. K.9. Yev.trcp'~,av, A.A. Ubd", R.A., V.3. Holch"ovj R.L. Myuller, Te.A. Foray-twhita, C~-Admna, N.A. Toropov, V.A. FlorlnskAya, A.K. Tuthkin4; Ed. of Publlhine H*=t: I.V. Buy.rov; Tech. Ed.: T.T. Dochaver. FURiOSZ -. This book to Intended for rostarebera In the acterce and techaolozy of classes. COVEWL. The book cantalva the reports and dize"alma of the Third All-~Unlm Com%forence an the Vitreous State, held in temsn,~md On ffo~lor 16-19, 29~59. They deal with the aethcdz en4 moults a' stuiyInz the structure of g1saress the rolstlen betvtcn the structure end Properties, of glassea~ the nature of the chmical bond and Clue structure, and the cryntalloch=1stry of glass. Fued allies, mechanism of Yltriftestion, optical Vropertloo and glut structure, and the electrical proportles of rUs". arm also discussed, OL zi=ber of tJ,o ro- , Ports deal with the dependence of gImse properties an Composition, the tinting of Classes and radlatton efrecta# and aechmIcsl. technIcal, and h=lc.1 proper- ties or Classes. Other papers treat Class *=Iconluetora WA ends borodill"te gInAZAA. The Conference was attended by more than 3-00 dtltezt&s frm Soviet and r."t Ctrzan scientific org4altatloas. Ammtv the puttelpcota In the dlacummicat Vero N.Y. 301=1n, It. V. XuvahlnAkly, 1u.A. Gutty, V.P. try*mlshaikoy, Ya. I*. Gotl1b, D.P. Meledloy-rotrnayza, G.P. klkl%ayj~j S.M. Petrov, A.H. IA%ortv, D.I. Larino A.Y. Shatllov, X.T. ?Iojhcbl=kly, A.Ta. XUZZatts101, t.V. D0jtynrcv--, G.V, by~ga;novsk.ya, A.A. Kolmov, X.R. Dkorcy&kmv, P.Is. Hotta, E.K. Keller, 7B.A. Kux;matoovo V.P. 70-d=Y0 H.S. Shevele"ch, Z.G. PIALIcar* 904 O.S. 11olebanam. The final memal of the Comforcure, was addressed by ?xafvzAo7 I.I. rAttyzarolokiy, lonored Scientist end lrq;lncer, Doctor of Ttcz-Acal. Sclencez. The folLAring InAtitutes were cited for their tontribitim to the develor=nt of glaza science and tcChAOIO~,7: 004UIAr4tVernXy Cyticht4hir Inatit3t (State Optical r,otItUt4)j ItstitQt Wzii GiIlkf.%cv AN -.SSR (Inztlt~te or Silicate Cbami.try, A3 =B), Fistcheskly Inxtlt-t An S=. (Physics Institute, AS USSI.R), 1'1zik*-ttkhoIchc*kiy lwtlt.t AN S-1111 jFby~Jct-hnl,&I Institute A~' tMSH), Instjtt flxjkj All Mlin , Kliat (Institute of tbyGica, Acajn:~r a: Scleaces, relo"skAya SSR, Minsk), 161=1-Ort of F~Vicftl Che=iAtrY of S-Itc&t*z Of tat loutitnt obahCher I noorgani. chebkoy L'Aall AN I!SSR~ X14ak (Iaz~Wtute caf Central and lr~gajjlc Ch=jstry, Acad-y of 3clenet. Paloruss"Ya wii' 11laok), lastitut nsCk=OIekuIyn=ykh soyedineuly a of Hie& Volccalzr CoOpoundo, A3 USSR), Go--~Uratyem. AXY InAtitut steklA (St&te I"tltmtp for Glass), Goaud, -trewyy loBtltut Sisk. ICW0IOk:ns (State Institute for Gl"s riberz), GocudArstrennyy Inatitut tlcktrote~h- Filchesko,ZO stetla (Stute Inetitute for t1totrical Glass), SibIrskly fl2lkc. technIcheskiy' InAtit,itp Tmzk (Sitcrlas ftyalcotcel~nical Institute, Tam*k),I.n1nSrt?L. WX 900dmt'-~~.7 -i-"itet (1,emingral. State University), Xosikavskly khi=lka- tekh.010'sicbo.kly I-stitat (Nooco, Institute of C~m-lcmt Tec!zw1cgy),L4-nInaradakI 'Y t4khnola;itheakly in4titut in. Lt"~eta (lAnInip-ad Tecbnolo.;Ical Institat Iment lansovet), belorasskly politc):hnl-.cokjy institut Minsk (tolor"slam ralyttc,"hic, Minsk), Novocherkea4kly Volt teLlml efteckly lnctlt,- (Norccherknack rolytectulic jmtlt~te), aid Svvrdlc~.kly Roli-eklmichetkly Institut (Sverdlovsk tol4Uthnl~ Institute). The Conference sy~ore3 by t.~~ Institute of Silicate laic askayt Chmintry AS UZBF1 (Acting Director - A 5. GotIlb), Us Vats-yu1noya Wil h vbzhehcrtv0 SO. D.1. 14c.del.yem (All-Untan Cr.-ical Society I ... 1 0.7. * wd tho Goaularstrennyy orlena. Lcnlnm ortichesk.1y Inatit-e. ixtal 0.1. va.~llvm (St,t. "Order or Iratitule 144-1 S-Z- The 15 re.olutims. Of the Conference lncjtuv~ reca-etastitos to orgmlze a Center for the cf coordin.ttzr the red,Arch m glass, to Publish a T" paria,lical unipr the title "riijkA I kt~Lzlrm (tbyvJca and Che.2-stry or Glass), md to join the International C0=1ttte On Olma. The Coarerme. thanks A.A. t4btittv, A-lealclan, ;mTeBocr, and ChAI~An of tt~o OrennzzAtion of Cc- mitt-rei Te.A. Fcray-Nol-hlt.. tvctor or ftylot "4 )!&th&"tlcA, mcautr of %.'I* Dranall.Vtonal Ca=ittoc; W-R.L. Doctor of Ch-iil Science*. Faber or the Dre.alt.ticast Ca-ittee. T1;& eAl"rial board tl~~JA G-M- liartz.-,ty, N.V. L.7. Dmkl-. D.P. Dob;srhia, S.K. D-Irwo, V.A. loft., and Ft.ftmncts wt-pan7 1.4t,14aal reports. Vitr.cun Stat, (cont.) Zsrtenev. r.M. Xt~hunl-'. Pt:., ttr-L-cA Vitrirtc%tim 147 D!.C~Alon 153 Optical a.d St-twe of Cl-o.. Florltak&ya, VA., &%d R.s. ro zt-king, Stu~y Cf Gl- Cryntmlli%ttiai frod~ct. or "e raa--102 sy,t,~ l'Y thL 514ctroccarllc 1-ttheA 157 r1orinaLayu, V.A. Int-ral S;vctra a.- Sotm-Sillmte -=~aej ArA Their POlztIca to Sti"14.a IT7- Alekvcyav~ X.C. StuI7 of 01"s CrybtallizatIm Prolzets of tr,& lf.~~=2 Sy~t~ by ta~ X-R.y DIM4~ti- H&tho4 194 bobo,lch, U.S.. mi T.P. Tal,~, cmbloatiol Se...U.Sg Of Lir--t (IU=m Spectra] and Stmcture o~ S~ SiLlem Glazw" 10 W"ova 'V.A. Study ~f the St~t 're or xUall A1=11amillcate classes Try TLeir infrared AbaorTtlm Sp~ct-a -03 Card 91*22 vitreous otatv (Cmt.) D-6035 and. V.v. K-Un, Ye.P., V.V. Gbukbo-rWwisov T.A. Sidarow, I. C"-.jajnw. 'Witij7~i1en Skttmwi! Strktct~- Or cia-roroaz oxides I- Cj7jt~allino and Vjtrc~0 St4.Cl !1dOrOV,_T.A. Moletul%r Gtmttc~ and Proyaml es of Cryntanimt Q4mrts 213 treWhovakikh, a~m., "A V.r. Caerexl.lnov. Stair or the Of t&Ad b~-La'ind X.-Ont,th 11c"t. 01-a,n Vitb tim Aid Of WY.3,ed 5;4-t-os-o,,7 219 TI"ovj A.G. Q~tlt&ttve Correlation Or "t Oa-Otreld &m1DisorIczvd Phase# 1. al"s 222 Zaz4yk'y-tA, C.O.. ned A.G. kl.k"yev. Electron Dir:ractim study of Vitiv&l. Biltes And Le" Silicate 01 .. e- Zolyadla, A.Z. Anc-11- Cedtt~r-m+; f Llaht In CLi. 230 Utr*oum St.-~ (Ccrt.) Andreya~, N.j., v.j. 4..13 jI.A. On th r I'- optical In. Boas 2- 234 D14,qaglon 253 of My"ler, R.L. EDC~t~r ~f Chratcal Sclenn"J. pt~,~jjjty of C~tic" tL.0 D-ame of DIA.0-intic'. 'r jtl-r rm,js As a J~tj,, of L.,. je,-Atm CMI-11tim Or 01.~s 245 kr* 0110va V-X-* V-1. sad LX.. MactrIcal Cmdjet-svIty or 01A..e* in zle~, stf,.,j~ij~ Y.1,Ctri, F1.1". 4"d rwvul~~ of cizass Str~tUre 251 Uly-k.ya, L.M. St.1y cr k1,,. ity of Gle,v_ t7 t, methol of 20773 S/051/61/010/003/007/010 E032/E514 AUTHORt Koles.ova, V4 A. TITLE., Infrared Absorption Spectra of Synthetic Alkali and Alkali-Metal Aluminates PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroakopiya, 1961, Vol.10, No.3, pp.414-417 TEXT: The present author has synthetized the following mono- aluminates: LiA102, KA102, RbAl02, CaA'204 and BaA'204 . All the compounds were identified from known spacings (F. Hummel, B.Sastry, D. Wotring, Ref-5 and "Alphabeticial and numerical indexes of x-ray diffraction patterns'l, Ref.6). The crystal lattice of mono- aluminates of sodium, potassium and barium is formed by A104 tetrahedra joined by common oxygen atoms. The continuous distri- bution of these tetrahedra forms the three-dimensional structure analogous to the spatial distribution of atoms in the cristobalite and tridymite structure M F. Barth, Ref-7; S. Wallmark, A.Westgrem, Ref.8; M. J, Buerger, Ref.9 and M. W. Dougill, Ref.10). The Al-O distances are 1.66 A in KA10 (Ref-7), between 1.68 and 1.82 A in CaA1204 and 1.79 A in BaA1284. It follows that the Card 1A 20773 Infrared Absorption Spectra*.* s/o5i/61/010/003/007/010 E032/E514 dimensions of the A104 tetrahedra in general exceed the dimensions of the SiO4 tetrahedra (the Si-O distance is 1.60 1). The infrared spectra shown in the figure were obtained with a vacuum spectrometer (814 kiG-M8, VIKS-M3) with an NaCl prism and an t4Ch-jLj-G (ISP-14b) spectrometer with a KBr prism. The specimens wore in the-form of transparent discs compressed from a mixture of the substance under investigation and KBr or in the form of suspensions in paraffin oil. The results obtained are shown in the figure and the frequencies are given in Table 2. The frequencies (in im-1) marked with asterisks are unresolved maxima on the sloping parts of bands. There are I figure, 2 tables.and.11 references: 4 Soviet and 7 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 10, 1960 Card 2/4 sA9216210'031006100210041-., /b307 AMIORS: Kolesova, V.A. and Ryskin Ya. 1. TITLE: Infrared absorption spectra of diaspore Ct-A100H :boehmite _T-A100H and Ga00H PERIODICAL: Zhurnal strukturno khimii, v. 3, no. 6,, ~902j Y 680-.684 TM: -Specimens. of iciatural-and synthetic diaspore, GA00H1 boehmite and deuteroboebmi,te were studied in the spectral region 420-4000 cm-1. The comparatively high values found for the & (OR) freeplencies and the,presence of moderately stable hydrogen bonds in the lattice of diaspore and GaO0H suggest that the Al-0 and Ga-0 ond in these crystals are largely covalent, as is the A1-0 bond s- ':'1'3 se c7' '"se-i-l-lations of these bonds corresporLd ~bahds At ~_-fj~C ne for boelvnite,.. and 64 0 c1h -for- _n_thi___Case V wetkftt7~tbe 'v (OH) f re quencies vary th.-time . and de end -substantial w' bord M w-hi'ch--this__ compoundds-pr9pared. The OH... 10 qy~--be Card 1/2. S/062/62/000/011/017/021 B117/B101 AUTHOR: Koleaova V. A. TITLX: Spectroscopic criterion for the,coordination of aluminum in anion skeletons PERIODICAL; Akademiya nauk SSSR. - Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimichaskikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 2082-2084 TEXT: It is shown that within the range 760-780 am the infrared absorption spectra of aluminum oxides and aluminum hydroxides with a crystal lattice composed of A10 tetrahedra dis~lay-a characteristic band, 6 corresponding to the vibration frequencies 9.1' the Al-O bond, while in the infrared absorption spectra of alkali and e.arth-alkali metal aluminates with a crystal lattice composed of A10 4 tetrahedra this band appears between 800 and 900 am- 1. The'polymorphic transformation accompanied by a complete rearrangement of the lattice and by a change in the coordination number of aluminum in,.relation to oxygen was examined using LiAlO The 2* low-temperature modification of LiAlO (1-LiAlO was obtained from an Card 1/2 S/062 62/000/011/017/021 Spectroscopic criterion for the... B110101 equimolecular mixture of Li 2co3 and a-Al 2 03kept at 6000C. At a.temperature of 6500c.this modification begins to Dass over into the well-known high- temperature form h-LiAlO 2 and at 7800b the change is complete. Above 10000C 'a large quantity of the spinel LiAl 50a forms, in addition to h-LiAlO 2 which has a tetragonal crystal lattice. Rearrangement of the lattice was also observed in the i6frared absorption spectra of the two modifications of LiAlO 2' As in the 4,7,ase of corundum and aluminum hydroxides, the band corresponding to the vibration frequencies of the Al-O bond in I-LiAlO was found at 7060 am-', which confirms the octahedral 2 structure of this lattice. In the case of h-LiAlO 2 the corresponding band was fourid between 800 and 0,00 am which is another proof that its lattice has a tetrahedral structure. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii sil--katov im. 1. V. Grebenshchikova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry imeni I.V.Grebenshchikov of the Academy of Sciences USSRY SUBIMITTF,D; June 15, 1962 Card 2/2 5/062/63/000/001/020/025, AUTHOR: Aolesova, V_- A. TITLE. Study of synthetic and natural eucryptite PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk 33BR.. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh.- nauk, no. 1, 1965, 187 - 190 TEX T In connection with studies of the conditions under which glasses are formed in the system La 20 - Al 20 - SiO 2' the following eucryptites were compared: natural eucryptite, synthetic ~.,i.-eucryptite obtained by treating a glass of-the composition 25 moWL La 0 25 mole,,'o Al 039 50 molOof sio o 229a . 2 2 With water vduor at 350 C and'130 kF,/cm 9 nd(3-eucryptite obtained from. J-eucryptite by heating at 950 0C or by crystallizing a glass of s*toichio-:' metric composition, at 900-960 0C. The x-ray patterns and the IR spe . ctra-in. the range 400-1300 cm-t were studied, and N and N were determined. p 19 Results: NP - 1.570, Ng . 1.684 for natural eue.ryptite, and Np 1-57-1~,~'. Ng - 1.585 foraynthetic oL-eucr ptite. The x-ray patterns of the two Card 1/2 Mg S/0~2/63/000/001/020/025 Study of synthetic ... Bioi'/~186 S' hgreed. The weak-796 substance 0 cm band of nzitural eucryptite is probab- ly due to'i6ipurities. Forll-I'l-ucryptite N was 1.520 and N 1.531, the 9 P center of the band in the range 900-1000 cm was.,shifted toward higher frequencien as compared with thetA-modification,~ 'Thin auggects that t~e,:, (~_r,4odification hao a higharld-bgreo of' polymorizd,tion of the anion 3koloton structure. There are 2figurps. The mon't importadt English-lanevage referencou are; C. S. X"r1but, Amer. Mineralogist, 471 557 (1962); R. G. Milkey, Amer. Mineralogist, 45.,990 (1960). ASSOCIATION:- institut khimii silikatov im. 1.'V. Grebenshchikova Akademi i -naak SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry imeni I. V. Grebenshchikov,of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: Augrust 24, 1962, Co-ed 2/2 I ~ ~, Fil :.ACCESSIOH RR: AT4019285 S/0000/63/003/00110053/0066 AUTHOR: Kalininat ~A. M.1 Filipovich, V.-N.,; 1. A. TITLE: Crystal;Uation-praduces-vt lithittisilicate glass SOURCE-.- Simpoziun po, ateklachraznamu-sootoyaniyu. Leniqgrad, 1962. Stekloobraz-- noye sostoya6iye, vy*p- 1:_ Katalialrov6nn'&-ya-kristallizateLya stekla .(Vitreous'. state, no. 1: Catalyztnig crystallization of glass). -Trudy* simpoifuitis 4d 3 ho~~-Iq Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 53-66 TOPIC TAGS: glass, silicate, lithium, glass crystallization, spectroscopy,,absorp-,. tion spectrum AiSTRACT: The crystallization of glass of the U20-4i02system was Lnvestigated and the auccession of crystalline phases was found to depend on the composition of the crystallizing glass and its thermal treatment. Thermograms of glass are plotted and the problem of the existence of solid silica solutions in lithium disilicate tall ization products of glass of high silica content is discussed. The investi " Lon va-scarried-out-4y_. X.ray t-tke; I ods as g&t _N)q8;rqa hie and m, croscapic math well as by means of infrared absorption spectra. Card 1/2 T 00389_66 E4,P(e)/EffT(zD)/W(i)/EWb) sr-r-ESSTON NP- AT5013392' IjR/GWO,"65/(-,OQ/000/C) 13410 IA 2 AUTI~C,~~ A Kolesova V . , TTTLFr ffie Crystal tinii of certain aluminosi. and gallosilicate ~ I;t Institut khImli silikatov. riirIrt1)rnvvp y Nauka, - ' i - ;i rrvs~ ! i za tion, .11ass Rtnu-- a ri~i rn, 7.4 t i 1,3 S;e Sf t 7 7 r e Ar~iri tree Ai 3tims are in an anionic framework and hove the coordination ve to oxygen. The effect of heat .4~ _ - 3_~- -'r-V W F- .ric i: tnese glasses ano convert k1 rrow- "Itz ar~; t t~~p cationic 24f 2 card L OOW-M ACCESSION NRz AT5013392 atate. Hydrothermal, treatment of eucryptite and spodumene glass causer, the of the anionic network and a partial or comolete formation of ~T-thoGi I i Cate. From glasses of the jalloeucrvDtite and gallospodumene -inionic frame- s"icates with a low degree of polymerization rf Lhe ~ -)btalned by the rmal as well as hydrothermal treatment; -:)a I I oeuc r-yp- -qalloeucryptite are obtained from galloaucryptite 71ass, and, -gallo- is obtained from gallospodumen glax, nThe author thanks A . T -3oA~oia, -I., A. Bondartr and Kh. S, Nikogosyan for carrying out the microsopic analysis of the samples.m Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMI'rM- 2IDec64 NO REF SOV: 005 ENCLz 00 GTMR 005 SUB CODE: MT Card 444 KOLESOVAP V..k. Wrared absorpt',on spectera Of Lour-alkali &n-d allcali-freO alwdnosllAcate glaases, Izv. AN MGM. Neorg. mat. 1 no.33 442-445 mr l65. 18t6) 1. InWtilt silikatov Immeni Grebonshohikova AN SS_QR. KOIIESOW. v .I lnfrared alxityrptlon spectra of magreigitm-cont, a J~ silic t. g c L!~x, AN SSSR. H,)Org. mat. 1, llo.*11~*COO,102~5 N 1`5. (MIRA 18:12) I Institut khiffll silikatnir imeni I.V, G re bons helilkova AN SSSR. "whimit-ted ri-me 5, lc)b,),, PULOVKIN, I.M.- KOLFSOVA V I F and its application to the interpretation unction S(9 r d 6A of magnetic anomawlGeamag. i aer. 1 no.5:807-819 S-0 161. (MIRA 15. :1) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, lonosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR, Leningradskoye otdeleniye. (Magnetic anomalies) PUDOVKINV Using geometrical forms of zero isolines in interweting magnetic anomalleg. Geomag. i aerel no.6:965-980 N-D '61. OIBA 15:2) 1. Institut zemnogo magnstizmas, ionosfery i rasprostraneniva radiovoln AN SSM., Leningradskoye otdeloniye. (Magnetic anomalies) PUDOVIKINP I.M.; KOLESOVA,, V.I. Applicability of the S(Oth) fUnction to AT anomalies. Geomag.. L aer, 4 no,51928-937 S-0 164. (MIRA 1711l) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizmas ionoefory i rasprostraneniya radio- voln AN SSSR,, Leningradekoye otdeleniye. KOISSUIA, V. V. Xolesova, V. V. "Polytechnic training in botany lectures In the fifth and sixth classes of the intermediate school." Min ",ducation. Mkoscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst. Moscow, 1956. (Disser-tation for the Degree of Candidate in Pedapogical Scidnce) So: Khizhna~va letopisl., ITO. 25$ 1556 K)DLZ5OVA,-Y--T#------ Increasing the durability of ingot molds for centrifugal casting of pipes* Litoproizve no*7:38 Je 160. (MMA 13:7) (Ingot molds) (Centrifugal casting) DIDYK9 B.S.; KOZENKOt A.V.; TSIN, M.R.; ZATULO VSKIY, S.S.; Prinimali uchastlye: SHIYAN, V.G.; KHOKHLOV, P.L.; OLEYNIK, L.S.; SIIEHYAKOVA, L.V. Hot crack in.tubes of nodular cast iron and ways to avoid them. Nauch. trudy Inst. lit. proizv..AN UASR 11:70-79 162. WRA 15:9) (Pipe, Cast iron-Defects) (Centrifugal casting) KOTZBOVA, Ye. For exemplary retail service. Sov. profsoiusy 7 no.6:11-12 Ifr :6) 159. (14IRA 12. 1.Zaveduyushchaya produktavym magazinom No.1 sela Sychovka, Altayakogo kraya. (SychovkEL-4[a tail trade) red.; TITOVA, V.A.,* ,~OLESOVA, Yej.; VLADISLAVLEV, S.V.,, prof.. zed*; ZORMAp V.A.# tekhn. red. [Mathematical processing of the results of measurements] Matematichaskaia obrabotka rezul'tatov izmerenii. Moskvas Rosvuzizdato 1963. 125 P. WIRA 17:4) USSR/Mathe-w-tids Functions,, _-implicit FD-1408- Carc Pub. 47 - 516 Author : Kolesova, Ye. V. Title : Theory of implicit functions Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, ser. mat., Vol 18, 461-476, sep-oct 1954 Abstract : This article investigates the character of the single-valued solution of the system of equations Fs(xl.. _...,xm..yj.*...'Yn) : 01 (S : 1, - - .,P) in the case when F. is defined in a Euclidean space of dimensionality m + n, and is continuous in it. There are four theorems in the work, along with lemma and notes. The article was presented by Academician M. A. Lavrentlyev. Institution Submitted July 4, 1953 ANTSUTA., Ya.B., arkhit.; KMLWV, N.P., arkhit'; Ku2bSTSOV,, V.V., arkhit.;-: SLOTIKTSEVA~ M.N., arkbit.; IYATIN, S.G.,, inzb. Prinlra2l uchastiyes CHUMIKO I R.G., arkhit.1 NOMIGHp Ya,,Ya,, arkbit,; GLAZKOV, F.I. at* takhnlk; GOIMOV* G.I.j iuzh,; SAMSONOVA, TJ.q inzh.j KOLWOVA, at. takhnik.-. - MAKAROVA,, T.H..., +,eldmi k SHMATv H.S. x 'Effi. -I SEMOVA, G.V., in202.; PIATUNINS IYu.g.~,.gr , inal. ; VOLINOVA., T.F.9 tekbnik; SOLDVIYEVI M.I., inzho KOREV, Il$ takhallc- (Two-apartment house with tuo-room apartments; standard plan l-lQ2-51 i Dvukhkvartirr7i zhiloi dom, kvartiry v dve ko=aty; tipovoi proekt 1-102-5. MOskva, Allbom 1. 1960. 27 p. (MIRA 24slO) 1. Moscow. TSentrallvyy institut tipovykh proyektov. (Apartment houses-Designs and plans), CWXjjOSL40VAKIA KOLESTAR, D Wpaa-twent ofOccupational Disoasos, INculty of Medicine, Komenskeho University (Klinika chorob z pavolania Lek. fal4L. Univerzity Komenskeho), Bratislava Bratislava, Bratislavske lekarske li No 2, January 1966, pp 6943 "Effects of mean lethal doses of ionizing radiation on por- phyrinuria in experimental animals. Part 1: Porphyrinuria in white rats after a single whole-body irradiation with 600 r of x-rays." NEISS, Bela, dr.; SW*, Sandor, dr.; KOLEESZAR, Gyu*, dr. EG'0 changes in epidemic ker atcoonjunotivitis in childhood. Gyermekeyogyanat 14 no.6:172-174 Je 163. 1. Hajdi~-Bihar Magvei Tanacs Korhaz Szemeszeti Oaztalya es a Megyei Tanace Szivgondosso ratozete.' (KMTOCOWUNCTIVITIS) (MMROCARDIOGRAPLry) (MYOGARDITIS) (VIFUS DISKASks) Therapy HUNGARY Ir, MOLMAR, Lot Dr, JUHASZ, L., Dr, TATRAI, K., Dr, MRO K, r Lot -Bihar Megyo Council Hospital (chief physician in charge of the. ward-. MOVIAR, Lajos, Dr) (Hajdu-Bihar Megyel Tanacs Korhaza). Treatment of Viral Inflammation of the Cornea by UV Irradiation." Budapest, Orvosi Retilap, Vol 107, No 32, 7 Aug 66, pages 1518-1519. Abstract: [Authors, Hungarian summary] The lise of UV irradiation in the treatment of superficial and deep processes of the cornea caused by the herpes virus is described on the basis of 21 cases. The treatment led to healing within an average of 1).9 days in the case of superficial processes and within 24.5 days in the case of more deep seated ones, 9 Eastern European, 6 Western references. 1/1 KOLESZAR, Gy.;- IAZARO J. Effect of light on eosinophil count in strabism. Acta paedlat, 6 nos2t2ll-220 .165. 1. Department of Ophthalmology and Laboratory,, County Hospital, Debrecen. Submitted February 19, 1965. SIKAY; Atti2a-, dr.; KOLMAR; dr, Ola radiological eba-n- ps bobs 0- qonjj~nctf;k- tie im: no.6:32-7-3j~ -9 '630-"l'"''--.~- 11 De~mceui Oveautadomrqi ggyetamlontg.enklipA&L (mb. vezato: Jona Gabor dr. egyetj ddeens) as Hajdu-Uhar tnlig7ei Tana6s Korhas (ig. Manyi--Gaza cit.) Szemazati'losztal7anak (vaze-: MoInar Lajos dre) kozlemat7m (KERATOCONJUCTIVITIS) (EPIDMICLOGY) (THORACIC RADIOGRAM) (FEMOTTIA, VIRAL) MES, Bela, dr.; SALLAI, Sandor, dr.; Kqq4Z4, _Gyula., dr. ECG changes in epidemic keratoconjunctiVitis in childhood. Gyermekgyogyaszat 1/, ho.6:172-7:kU Je 163. 1. Hajdu-Bihar Mogy9i Tanacs Korhaz Szemeszeti Osztalya es a Magyei Tanacs Szivgondozo Intdzete. (KERATOCONJUNCTIVITIS) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH T7% Y/ (MYOCARDITIS) (VIRUS DISEASES) Z.-& ICOTATA, rrantleek, As. Drd VO~C=sare=ns act =on I~nfunctional disorder of the uterus. Cesk. gyn. 19 no.4:231-235 J~m~ 54* 1, Z For. gyn, klina.Y.Floni; predn. prof. KUDr- VIMWr Hikulftso (MAIMA SNOTION indle. in functo disord. of uterus In labor) (LAEM. ccivueationg uterus funct. disord., Indto. for cesarean nection) K0L&TA.,-,Yrsata,p. dr. Ago A contraction ring, an unusual complication of uterus function during labor, Oask. Mme 19-23 no,,6:402-409 Nov 54. 1, Z por. g7n. klin. v Plznl, prednosta prof. Kudr. VI.Mikolas (LABOR. complications contraction rivg). MLSTA, Frantleek, Mr.; Spoluprace: At., SAM, Karel, MUDr. Significance of changes In the fundus ocnli In eclampsia, In hypertension, and in kidney diseases in pregnancy. Gesk. gyn. 19 no.5:324-328 Sept 55. 1. Ocni klinika,v FlznI, prodnoota prof. Mr. Pqtbolf Knobloch. Z por. an. kliniky v Plzni. Prednosta prof. Mr. Vladimir Mikolas. (PRWMLXCY, complications, hypertension & kidney dis.. fundus oculi in) fundus in eclampsia, hypertension & kidney dis. in pregn.~ (ECLAMPSIA, manifestations, Nndus oculi) (HYPERTENSION, in pregnancy, fundus oculi in) (KIDNLYS, diseases, in pragn., fundus oculi in) KOLITA, Yrantisek Causes of high maternal mortality In frequent premature separation of normally situated placenta Caek.gyns 20 no*2:10&115 Kar 55- 1. -Z por. -Zyn.- k-UnlIq v FUni, preduosta prof WDr Vladimir Mikolas. (PLACWTA, voraption. cauabig maternal aortal.) (VITAL STATISTICS, maternal mortal. caused br ab-uptio of placenta) TOMSI, Frantise1c, As,, KUDr,; IDLN7&k Freatisek, Mr, Coarctation of aorta and pregrancy, Ceske gyne 21 no,5:352-356 Sept 56. 1. Kline chore znitr., predaosta prof'* XMr. Karel 2obek - Pore gyn. klin. v Plzni, prednosta, prof. KUDre- Vladmir Kikolas. (COARCTATION OF AORTA, in pregnancy anagement of delivery with cesarean section, case report (Cs)) (CESARM SECTION. case report in coarctation of aorta (Cs)) A. ezpezi,,,~nental reBevoch on adwatul -~jaeuiaoniz.. -j SEpt J;?. j:,yn. '-Ainika, pradnosta proff. A '11-1,nd4mir Milolst, 1~:~~nv# -adaosta prof. Dr Je.,,,-ef nO.. in i-~d. & child 2ongor KOLETAs Frantleek Prevention and therapy of intra-uterine fetal hypoxia with chlor- promazine. Cask. gym. 26 (401 n0.7&490-495 Ag#61,. .1. G7n. por, klin. le.k. fak, KU v Pimi, prednosta prof. MUDr* Vladimi Mikolas.* (ASPHYXIA MONATORUM prev control) (CHLORPROMAMIS ther) KOLETA, Frantisek Effect of chlorpromazine an intrauterine fetal aspiration in materual hypoxia in the rabbit. Cask. gyn. 26[40] no.10:754,.758 D 161. 1. Pyn. por. k-Unika.lek. fak.-RU v Fizni, prednosta prof, MUDr. Vladimir Hikolas. (ANOXIA in pragn) (OHLORPROFAZINF- pbarmacol) (FETUS pharrAcol) STEME~A, Z.K.; KOTASEK, A.; THNKA, V.; GAZAREK, F.; POKOMY, J.; FOLETIA-, F. Asphyxia and perinatal mortality (inteiatal and intranatal). Cesk. gynek. 29 no.6:48c,-1*92 Ag 164. KOLETAq F. intrapartum protection of the fetus by regulation of functional changes in the mother and fetus. Cask. gynek. 29 no.615O3- 508 Ag 164. 1. Gyn-por, klin. lek. fak. Karlovy University v Plzni (prednosta prof. dr. V. Mikolae). KOUTIUN, N. F. Problem of the Genesis of Loess Rocks in the Foothills of M- iii Ala-Tau. Izv. U! Kaz. SM, ser. geol., 121, No 16, 1953, 34-39 The loess rocks in the northern foothills oil Zaili Ala-Tau posses various origins: fluvial-glacial, alluvial, proluvial, deluvial, or ~---eolinn. The fluvial-glacial and neollan loess"s cover gre,!t areas in conparison with the others. (IRMOOol, 110 1) 1954) SO: '~"-31128~ 3.1 Jan 55