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MATINS N. Cand Tech Sci (diss) *'Me effect of hydrogen at high temperatures and,pressures an the mechanical properties of steel." Leningrad., 1960, 15,pp,,(A3.1-Uhion Sci Res Institute of Petrochemistry- VMI Neftekhim) (KL, 45-60, 125) 26051 Iq/1 j7/6.'/000/007/068/072 A060,/A!61 AM-HORS. G1 ikman, 11. A. -reodoroulob, V. F. Kolgatl.n, N. N. I Daryabina, Medidnias.1 propei 4.1as at room t..Aiiperature o~ Armao i.-on ex,.d certain steels hydrugenatsdat hIgh tempereWres PEKODICAL-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallur~glya. no. 7, 1961, 6, abstract 7133 (in the colleetion: .'f(himiya sera- I azotorgan. soedinr-anly, zcderzhashehykhsya,v neftyakh i neftoproduktaWh it. .3, Ufa, 11960, 431-438) IM.In "Lhe influence of tiydrogen was Investiga-ted upon Armao 4ror. wit .L. L. J. th composition, in %)t - o,o3, si 0.,_q, Mr. 0125, St, 20 a-, 400 4nd 41,ZOOC - C 0.23, 8i 0.34, Mh 0.47, t~r 0. 15, Ni, 0. 15 and or, alloy steels X-125t4CP (Kh--,TRC-) - C 0.17, Si 0.22, Mn 0.64, Cr 13.5, V 0.2. W 0.86, Mo 0.46, 'LL849T (Im*.8i~qT) c 0.12, S 1 0. 74, IMIn 1. 15, Cr 117.25, Ni !0.35, -T-f 0.4~- and 45r,8103 (45,rji&uz'j C 0.45, 81 0.53, Mn 17.8, Aq 3.17.. Besides. 6 pe Cr steell with additional traces of V, W, Mo and 'Nrb (X6,BM(tjGfKr6VMFB'J) was investigated. Almost- Ln, all Iff saturated specimens of Armao Iron eand St.20 the 6. (flow surfase) is absent at tenglon. C a:,d GLIMW,, "i VoP*; KMUTIN R,R.; DEFIXABMO V.I. 14ng-4uration strength of owe steals in the testing of tubular diWalmena under internal pressure of h7drogen at high temperatweso Khimesera".-i azotorgesoedaodov neftel nefteprods 3j4,39~-450 .'60* (Mk 146) 1. TaosoymMy mauabno-issledovatel'skiy institut n9fte1ddm1cbaP.,1,L-4kb Protsessovo- (Steal-Testing) (Elydrogan) -,--KOWATjffO N,N,~ VANSHENKER, V.R.,- TEOWROVICH,, V.P.; DERYABINA, V.I. Device for recording streas-deformatiou for attachment to the F-5 universal machine. ZavJAb. 27 no.5:a6-617 161. (MIM 34:5) 1. Tessoyuzn" rauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut neftekhWaheakikh protessov. (Testing machines) S/IB4/62/000/003/001/004 0040/D113 AUTHORS: Deryabina, V.I., Engineer; Candidate of Technical Sciences; and Teodorovich, V.P., Candidate of Chemical Sciences TITLE: The effect of hydrogen on the long-term strength of steel tubes PERIODICAL: Khimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no.3, 1962, 22-26 TEXr: Heated tubular specimens of iron and 10 steel grades were tested for 1,000 and 10,000 hrs under a 47-780 kgf/cm2 stress produced by hydrogen pumped into specimens at different pressure. Tests were conducted in view of hydrogen embrittlement of chemical and petroleum-processing equipment and insufficient data on the combined effect of stresses and hydrogen. The test results are illustrated and described. The long-term strength dropped 70-85% in iron and steel 20 at 400 and 45000, 30-60% at 6000C in 30Y%MA(30ML%fA)) 12XMT (12KbHF)j H M I Wa) I A 3 0 M (P (Kh3VMF) and X 6 8 M96 (Kh6VHFB) medium-al-loy s teels, but much less in A 12 BM q) (Khl2WW)) i r 18.X 8T (IG18Kh8T) and I X 18 H 9 T(lnl8N9T) high-alloy steels. Tfie detrimental effect of hydrogen on.all the stidied steels Card 1/2 The effect of hydrogen ... S/184/62/000/003/001/004 D04Q/D113 increased as the test time increased. The fracture was intercrystallifie and brittle when the strength was strongly affected by inner hydrogen pressure; I ~ 4C gradual "loosening of the grain boundaries was visible under a microscope* Tests with nitrogen resulted in stretched metal grains and intercrystalline cracks. The Khl2WW, IGIMST and lKhl8N9T steels had intercrystalline fractures and micro- and macroscopic deformation in tests with both hydrogen and nitrogen* It is expected that the effect an thesesteels will be greater during longer tests. There are 10 figures and 3 tables., MOROZ, L.S.; KOWATIN, N.H.; TEODOROVICH, V.P.; DERYABINA, V.I. Effect of hydrogen an the mchMical properties of nickel and copper. Fiz. met. i mataUovad. 16 no.5:737-74-2 N 163. (MIRA 17t2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauc4no-isaledovatellskiy institut neftakhimichea- k1kh protsessov. :' GLIKMAN, L.A.; DERYABINA, V.I.- KOLGATIN 1-1 N.; BYTENSKIY, I.A.; TEODOROIFICH V.P.; TEFLOV, N.S. Effect of the gas-saturated layer an the strength and plasticity prop- erties of titanium alloys. Titan i ego splavy no-OlOtI16-130 163. (14IRA 17e1) Accmsm im. AT4007033 812598/63/000/010/0116/0130 AUJIJOR: Glikman, L.X; Deryabina, V.I.; Kolgatin, N.N.; By*tenakiy, TA.; Teodorovich, V.P.; Teplov, N.S. TITLZ: Effect of gas:-saturated layer on the strength and ductility characterLs- tics ~of titanium alloys SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Titan L yego splavy*, no. 10, 1963. Issledovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 116-130 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy strength, titanium alloy ductility, VT-14 titanium alloy, VT-3-1 titanium alloy, VT-8 titanium alloy, gas saturated layer, titanium alloy RACT4 Contamination of titanium by air and its effect on strength and due- tility was investigated following exposure of five alloys: VT-14 (Ti-Al-Ho-V), VT-3-1 (Ti-Al-Mo-Cr), VT-8 Cli-Al-Mo) and Experimentat Alloy No. 1 (4.95 Al, 2.18 V, 3.50 Sn, balance Ti), at 800-IIOOC for 0.5 to 4 hours, Microscopic examLta- tion showed that in air, above an*O concentration of 5%, oxygen diffuses into 2 Ti and a superficial alpha-Ti phase forms which is tharacterized by increased hardness and reduced ductility. The strength of the specimens, however,'Was Cardj/2 ACCESSION 1R.: AT4007033 f markedly reduced. Thus, at 1100C, yield point and strength decreased 40-60t, notch toughness decreased 70-807., and ductility dropped to zero in about 4 hours. At BOOC, on the other handt there was little change. All alloy spec. imens investigated exhibited high notch sensitivity in both static and dy-namic tests, especially those saturated at 80OC* The original mechanical properties could be restored by removal of the gae-contaminated surfaces. Orig art. bast 7 tables and 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii AN SSSa (Metallurgical Institute AN SSSR) SUB=ED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63. ENCL: 00 UB CODE.- MH 003 S -K0 REF SOVt. OTHER: 001 Clord 2/2 TEODOROVICH, V.P.I,-IMLGATIN,~N.N.;.DERYABINA, V.I. Results'of an examination of the metal parts of a catalytio reform-Ing apparatus, . Mash. i neft. obor. no.3tl5-20 164. (MIRA 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isslMovatel'skiy inatitut neftekhimicheakikh protsessov. AR50191415 i!fi zj f pr.7 t5enat `)r) 2 Aif -00 500 i nainar-j( Ile, - a t j-, -and si gm Of Vvo !,f,~ by 5 15 atid elde I ( 7 Liy~ I- den- W ~lt TP ~,IPFT C P )4 1 t I /"W: 1'-31A c -- I S/W V, L, A.; Deryabira, r F." :~lrovt-h, 'V. P. en -ngth yd',- g at ~i:-,d' hie~ pressures V. ztrength testinc. E., e IS 3 U 1- 0 me tal me .1 d iq~ A t i gri kg/cffl') wid -nclot~ure) cc,--)Sist.9 cf -a heated V ve (5) for the lntrcd-uc';cn Z~Ls. Cn e end of the e a h., i t h e C --IS12D7a nu t, 6 &n:~, a t ti. e r e nd i s -:~)nverltianal device for me as Lu- i. ng tens f, str-ngth ~F-5, 114-8p , or wal "v r , e r - c o c . L e d 10- L,: leL , ) rrd2 (2) are the snecirpen (1) in the 'enl~-I-ELI.urt, co", the specimen v'lh ~,hpmn,-nunles%. Orla. Art. h ar a Gd~ A id 0 L 20 3 '~'Ile E;,)YuznYY anuchno-is s le-dovatel sk'Y t.., t ek~,,,-mi cho,,kikb 4 i on SQientifiC Resep-r-h Tnat tut-2 0 C L Ol A.Tl', 'RRSS 3254 TEODOROVIGHp V.P.p kand. khim. nauk; KOWATI.,N NoN., kand. tekhn. nAuk; deryabina, V.L, inzh. Examining catalytic reforming apparatus. KhAm. I neft. mashinostr. no.8:33-37 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:12) L'- 007'al-67 EWT (my/T/F-W.P't ~/ETI lip(c) JD ACC NR; ~N) ddi-1*031 /600C~/6~5 O'M/0014: A.P6025819 3CURCS 4 AUTHGR& Kol of tochnical Sclances)i Zec4 gating N. N. (Guididate qrqv~qh, V, P, (CAndi- date of 7e--doal 9~1`enc-es) ; Daryabina, V. L. JEngr ON-) t now TITIZI Effect of hydro&en on clad steels Z SO;-ICE i Ddniohaakoye 1 naltyanoye mashinostroyerdye, no. 5, 1966, 12-14 -AL'S I hydrogen, metal- cladding, irtainless zt,~e' v A. '7' k3571RAOrl itn~rogen corro#on was studied on tubular specimens of 20 --arbon steel clad --ii- hin .~rith jrvhOLIP Ntainless steel, and on flat gDecimens oq St._3+oKhl3 and -7~1-qd steels. 11kydrogen wav forced IaLa Lhe tubular dojim~~ff up to a pres--~ j --guru of jcgj=2~j and after being sealed$ the "cimans were kept for 4500 hr at 530 9% rhe flat specimens were kept in an autoolave at the same k7drofven pmssnre for 4000 hr and for 1000 hr at 5301C. Li the t~~bular spi~,cimans, a oressure of 5.6 -a~; found to arise between the two layers. Clad 20 5teel did riot. show any cozr?- 3 1 the flat specimens, the base layer of St. 3 showed consideraUs corrosio4 -,but the base layer of i2M steel did not. It is concluded that 12M+lKhl8N9T clad.7 'steel with a proper ratio of the thicknesses of the base and clad layers can be used" for building tquipment employed In processes of hydrodesulfurization and oata3,vtIo rtr- Card Niz, AP6025819 formIng of petroleum products at proaaUres of hydrigen-cont-aining eulfur up to 50 *,cg/=2 and taVaraturea up to 530 OC. Crig. art -hamt -Xigursa and I -UUI~~ ACC NIh id6i3-i-CWJ~,1 iGURCE CjD%: ~ild3141~61000ift2lddill(W26 AUTHOR: , Teodorovich, V., P. (Candidate of chemical sciences); Aqlp~*q,_V. (Candidate of technical sciendes); Deryabina, V. T. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: The effect of hydrogen on the mechanical porperties of metals at high teaperature and pressure SOURCE: Khimicheskoye L-neftyanoye mashinastroyeniye, no. 12, 1966, 21-26 TOPIC TAGS: wMalp hydrogenation, steel, Iron, nickel, copper, aluminum, low alloy steel, ahm&mkam stainless steel , chromium steel, ch*aakwa, manganese &ta4vA"s steel, h---'-- al property, high pressure m ABSTRACT: Specimens of 20, 12Kh2HPT, 15Kh2MF, Kh3VMF, Kh6VM, Khl2VMF, Khl8N9, lG18Kh8T, 45G18Yu3, 35Gl2Kh8T, 4Khl2N8GHFB steel, comma ri cal -grade iron, nickelocqvt sM aluminam have bow Wacad for the effect of hydro3en on their machanical properties. - it was found that at 400-450C, hydrogen decreases the strength and ductility of 20 steel and iron, particularly during the firbt '60 hr. Annealing partially restores the ductility. Hydrogen at 500C and 50 kg/cm.~ pressure in 1000 hr caused. decatburization lossened grain boundaries and decreased the yield and tenalle strengths by 32Z. the elongation by 54%. the'reduction of area by 72%2 and the notch, toughness by 92%. Card 112 M.- 669.1.M~fil2oS&16-11 ACC NRa AP 70012 32 There was no decarburization at 400 or 350c, and subsequently vacuum annealing completely -restored the mechanical properties, with. the, exception of notch tou&ess. l5Kh2MF and IL2Kh2HFT steels tested under 500'kg/cm2 300 and 450C for 1000, 3000 and 10,000 hr did not show any changes in their structure or mechanical prop ties. The amount of hydrogen absorbed by these steels did not exceed 12 CU/100 g. The other steels, an the basis of results obtained by tests at 600C under 700 kg/cm2 pressure, can be divided Into two groups. The first group includes Khl2VMF, 1GlEKh8T and Kh6VMFB steels in which hydrogen caused a decrease of mechanical pr6perties, particularly of *elongation and notch toughness. However, .vacuum annealing at 600C completely re;tored the mechanical properties to the original level. The second group of-alloy'steels included 35G12Kh8T and 45GISYu3 austenitic steels, and Kh3VMF perlitic steel, whose mechanical properties are reduced by hydrogen and are not restored -by vacuum annealing. It is believed that this is caused by thp action of methene fb=ed' by the reaction of absorbed hydrogen with carbon. 'The mechanical properties of nickel and copper, which were exposed to hydrogen at 700 kg/ctt? pressure and at 600C for 100 and 250 hr. dropped and their structure was.effected by loosening of the grain boundaries. . Aluminum properties and structure-vers not affected by exposures up to 250 hr to hydrogen under 700 kg/cm2 preisure at.300C. Orig. arti hast. 8 figures ano 4 tables. JTDJ SUB.OODE: 111 SUBH D= tioue/'CRIG REF: 001/ ATD PREss: 5110 - Cord 2/2 KOLIGMT. A.M. Duration of the inmbation period in the development of fall-.. spawning chum salmon egga incubated on frames and in the ground. Izv. TINRO 489207-209 162. (MIRA 16-24) (Fish culture) (Chum salmon) KOLIGAYETp A.K.; NOMA, A.P. Incubation of the,f~11-spaOning eggs of Amur chum salmon in the ground. Tzv. TIURO 48t209-210 162. (MIPA 16:4) (Teploye, 1-41w region-Chum salmon) (Fish culture) KMtGAYET, A.M. Tannin as a means of protecting the membrane of the eggs of faU-spa=Ing abum salmon. Izv. TIHROI 48:2lo-212 162. (MM& 16:4) Teploys Lake region-Chun salmon) Tannins) (Fish culture) ~ KOLtOATEVt A.H. L Survival of a a Of the AMW fail_srmmlmg (Oncor chug efi* 'n e conditions keta (Wala= nfr.A-utumislis Berg) depending ont -fand;jthe vay tfi6y-are 4-46hed,by water. Vop.ikht. 2 no.4:742- 745 162., (HIM 16t2) 1# Amurskoye otdoleniya Tilftakeanskogo nauchno-looledavatell- skego Instituta rytnogo thoVaystva i okeanografii (TDMO).. lbabarovsk. (Amur River-4almon) (Fish cUture) KOLIGAYEV. A.M. Premature transit-ion to active feeding of the yotmg of fall- spawning chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta, infr. automnalis Derg.) and its consequences as studied under hatchtery conditions. Top. ikht. 3 no.3;561-562 163. OaRA 16.-10) 1. Amurskoye otdelenlye Tikhookeanskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta, rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanogrufii - TINRO, Khabarovsk. (Teplovka River--Chum salmon) (Teplovka River--Fish culture) KOLGINA, A-.N. I . Certain experiments In seismic modeling.of faults and contacts characteristic for-the' bkrainian- cry*stalliua shiaid. TrMW rust. geol. rauk AN VM. Bar. geofiz. no.''W87-192 158. (MM 11:6) 1. lustitut geologicheakikh nauk AS UM - (Ukralue-Geology, Structiml) (Geological modeling) (Seismic waves) AUTHOR: Kolgina# A.N. SOV-21-58-4-17/29 TITLE: Experiments on Applying High-Frequency Seismic Prospecting to the Study of Vertical Contacts between Pegmatite and Granite (Opyty primeneniya vysokochastotnoy seysmorazved- ki s tsellya izuehaniya vertikallnykh kontaktov mezhdu pegmatitami i granitami) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 4, .PP 426-429 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Geophysical prospecting for pegmatite bodies carried out intthe Volodarsk-Volynsk region by the gravitational,_ magnetometric and electrometric methods, so far has yielded no positive results. The reason for this is that ' consider- able similarities exist between many properties of pegma- tites and enclosing crystalline rocks. Velocities of pro- pagation of longitudinal waves in pegmatites and enclosing granites are also very close. Therefore, the Institute of Geological Sciences of the AS UkrSSR has developed a new method of high-frequency seismic prospecting based on dynamic peculiarities of seismic recording. The dif- ference in the shape of seismograms obta-ined in pegmatitea and granites is explained by the author as a difference in their granular structure. This method was employed for Card 1/2 outlining a pegmatite body and the results were compared SOV-21-58-4-17/29 Experiments on Applying High-Frequency Seismic Prospecting to the Study of Vertical Contacts between Pegmatite and Granite with the data of drilling, which showed a satisfactory agreement. This indicates that the method of high-fre- quency seismic prospecting may be successfully applied in establishing the contacts between pegmatites and gra- nites, and may be of a particular value in cases of "blind" pegmatite bodies (having no contact with sedimentary de- posits but enclosed by granites) in which other methads fail completely. There are 2 seismograms and 1 diagram. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Goo-, logical Sciences of the.A5 UkrSSR) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, V.G. Bondarchuk SUBMITTED: July 24, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Geophysical pro 'specting--USSR 2. Seismic waves--Applications 3. Pegmatite--Availability Card 2/2 KOLGIMA. A-14-.[Kolhina. A.H.] SGiOmic Inve8tI9BtIonS of the contact zone betvaen acidic and basic rocks In the vicinitY of Volodarok-Volynakiy GeoI1.zhur. 18 no.6:17-27 158.' NMA 12: 1) (Volodarok-Volyn9kty region--Proqactin&-Geophysical methods) (Setenic Waves) KOLGINA, L P Litologiya soderzhashchikh neft' otlozheniy v nizhneX otdele kamennougolinoy sistemy nizhnego povolzhlya (Lithology of deposits containing petroleum in the Lower Carboniferous of the lower volga valley) Moskom, Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1952. 84 p. illus I diagrs., map, tables. "Literaturall! P. 80- (81) IAt head of title! akaderLtya Nauk SSSR. Institut Nefti. SO 3 811/5 622-52 .K8 KOLGINA, L.P. Petrographic characteristics of sandstones in the Mesozoic layer of the Ural region of the western Siberian lowland. Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no-5:941-944 7 154. (MI2A 7:2) 1. Predstavleno akademikom S.I.Mironovym. (Siberia, Western--Sandstone) (Sandstone--Siberia, Western) ZOLGINA, L.P. Lithology of sandstones of the Korkino serles In the central part of the Chollablinsk graben. Dokl.AX SSSR 95 no.2-.371-374 Wr 034. (KMA 7:3) (Challablask-Petrology) (Petrology-Challabinak) KOLGINA, L. P. Granulometric Composition of the Sandy and Siltstone Rocks of the Lower Carboniferous In the Southern Park of the Russian Platform The author describes the conglomerates, gravelites, sands, sand- stones, and siltstones of the lower Carboniferous In the central and lower regions along the Volga, in the zone of the Archedinsk-Donets Upheavals, and in the Donets Basin. The granulometry is given In histograms. Among the sandstones the author distinguishes quartz and quartz-feldspar varie- ties with calcite cement of polkilite structure. He establishes that in the profile section of the deposits of the Lower Carboniferous the best collectors of petroleum are the sandy rocks of the lower part of the coal- bearing strata In the regions along the Volga, lying on eroded surface or carbonate rocks of the Turney strata. WhGeol. No. 5, 1955) Tr- I -ta Nefti- AN SSSR, 3, !954, 149-156 SO.' Sum. No. 744, 8 Dee 55 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific .Abstracts (17) KOWINA, L.P. Characteristics of the lithological composition and reservoir properties of rocks of Paleo2oic and Mesozoic deposits in the 3iberian pladmont of the'Ural Mountains. Trudy rnst.nefti 7:71-87 156, (WRA 10:1) (Ural Wount4in ion-Gsolog7. StrRtigraph1c) KCLOINA, L.P.; MIYBV, L.G.; VMIKINTAYA, R.A* Composition and texture of co,lUctors In the Bare,--ovo lower Cretaceous* Geol neftl 2 no*4;29-35 Ap 1588 (MIRA 1135) - (best Siberian Plain-'Petroleun geology) (West * Siberian Plain-Gas, Hatural-kology) KOLGIVA. L.P. Ic composition and reservoir properties of Triassic- Jimacie sand rocks an4 aleurites In the Chelyabinsk greben. Trady Inat.neftl 9.101-132 058. (HIM 12:4) (Chelyabinsk Province--Rocks, Sedlmentax7) some data on the ,Petrograpby and structure of Faleovoic sandstones and ailtstonea on the eastern slopa of the Urals a and the taus,-Ural region. Trudy last. geol. i razrab. gor, ~iskop. 1:260,264-:160a NIU 14:1) (Ural Ifountain region-Rocks. Sedimentary) MAI ~4 INN -9. W I KOWIMA, L.P.; (RITW, L.G. Bitumen inclusione in Triassic-Jurassic sediments of the Chelyabinsk garben. Trudy last. geol. I rasrab. gor iskop. 1:277-281 160. NMA i4a) (Chelyabinsk B~stn--Bitumena--Geology) ,-KOWIFA, L.P.; ORIYN, L.G. Microscopic stud~r of 'bituminous rocks in the lower Mesozoic section of the Chelyabinsk grabon. Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no-3:673-676 JI 16o. (14IRA UrO 1. Inatitut geologii i rambotki goryuch1kh iskopayel7kh Akademil nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Trofimukomo (Chelyabinsk Provinae-Bitumen) vnA.,--MMVq Leonid Grigorlyevich; RABIKHANUKAYEVAI 4RtjA-FaTId: Yelizaveta Semiiovna,- CMMIIMV, Oleg Anatollyevich; CEMPIKOV, K.R., otv. red.; MSMA,, Ye.G*v red. izd-va; R(ZWIGVv G.N.0 tekbn. red. (Lithol6gy-and-distriWtibh characteristics of reservoir rocks of the Jurassic and lower Creta:debus of the West Siberian Plain] Litologiia j zakonomarnosti rii=i giahchbidia- porod-kollektorov v otlozheniiakh Wry i nizhnego mela Zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmnnosti. Moskvaq Izd-VO Akad. nauk SSSRv 1961. 123 p. (MIRA 24:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondeut AN SSER (for Chepikov). (West Siberian Plain-Petrology) KOBYZEV, S.S., inzh.; KOLINA, M.G. Using the "Kraiderman" leader in sinkingan, inclined shaft. Shakht. ntroi. 7 no,,701 JI 163. (HIRA 16:10) IOL a V FIDOROV, T.S.; KOLGINA, V. Synthesis of pyramidon from 4-formylaminoantipyrine. Had. prom. 13 no.5:39-41 9y 159. (KM 12:7) 1, Toesovuzrqy nauchno-lealedovatellakiy khimlko-farmtaevtlahe9kSy institut Imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (ANIHOPTAINA) (AUTIPT-RAT-MRM) KOLI GIWIIKO, 1. 1. (Moskva) --- Advice to agricultural workers on skin care. Ked.seetre 16 no.8: 14-17 Ag 157. (HMA 10:12) (SKIII--OAU AND MUNN) ASTAVATSATtMOV, JLP., d6ts., KOLIOMMKO. I. I. Treatment of acne rosacea. 22 no.4:36~40 Ap 158 (MMA 11:7) 0 1. 1z knfedry kzhnykh i venerichaskikh zaboleveniy (zav. .- prof. A.I. Kartamyahav) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovnulya vrachey (dir. V,P. Labodeva) i vrachebno-koemetichookoy lechenitsy Hosgoridra- votdola (dir. M.G. Poliknrpova. znv. lachebnoy chastlyu - prof. D.1. (ROSAMA, ther. I dinthermoccagulation (Run)) (DIATHMW, diathermocongulation in acne rosacea (Rua)) ASTVATSATMWT.. X.R., dotseut; KOLIGU.MWO.1 I.I. Therapy of vasmdar nevi by eleetrocoagulation and Ruckr-my therapy. %.vmedd 24 no,9&74-79 S 160, QPA 13M) I* Iz kafedry kozbnykh i venericheakikh bolesney (Zav.~--! Prof. A.r, iartEmyabev) TSeutraltnogo instituta usovershenstrovaniya vrachey (dir, H.D* lCovrigiza) i Trachabno-kosmatiche*oy lachf3b- nitsy (dir. 161. lloltguneao) Mbsgorzdravotdela.. (srjdi--Tblwp.�) (Mwwa) (IRAYS-THERAPBUTIC: USE) I-KOLIGM-IEMMr-lnna-lvano=a,.-=r,b-ko=et-olog; ZAMSEMAYEVAP I-M-t red.izd-va; RAMOVAv A,Sv tekbnored* [Care for the ddn, of the handso feet* and for the nails; manual for manicurists] Mchod sa kozhei ruks nog i za nog- tiamij posobie dlia manikiursh, Maskvas, Izd-vo Vvd7a, kommano khoz. RSMI 1961. 85 p. (MBA 34:6) (Foot-Care and bygione) (Manimring) KOLIGUMK09 now cream containing vitav4 F. Zdora!tle 7 :31 Ja 163.o rHld. 13c22) (COMaTus I (VITAHIM-F) TOMASHKOVA,' Yana. (Tomaskova$ Jazia],, doktor,, FAVLOVA, T.[translator]; KOLIMNENKO red.; ZAH7SHLYAYEVA,, I.M., red. izd-va; KWOM,.F.M.j tekhn. red. [Beauty and health]Krasota i zdorovle. Moskva, lzd-vo M-va korm-un. kboz. FSFSR, 1962. 86 p. (KRA 15:12) (BEAUTY,., PERSOVAL) ASTVATSATUROV, K.R.;,DRANOVSFAYA, L.A.; ~ ~LIGUN~ENKO, ~I.I.; MADAYEVA, F.I.; RYZHKOVA.. Ye.I.,- TRIVUS, L.M. Treatment of an acne-forin eruption. 26 no.7:103-109 Jl 162. (KMA 15:U) 1. Iz kl,~niki kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney (zav. - prof. A.I.Kartamyshev) Mentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i vrachebno-kosmeticheskoy lechebnitsy (glavnyy vrach IJ KolIgunenko, zav. nauchno-lechebaoy chastlyu - prof. D.I. Las;) Maskovskago gorodskog otdela zdravookhraneniya. (ACNE) ZHDAKOV, V.M., profO; ALEKSANDROV, B.; VARIM, I.Ye., vrach; SHCHERBATYUK, SIN., vrach (Kiyov)j ARKADIYEVA, R.I., vrach; KOLIGUNENKO, I.I., vrach-kosmetolog ------------------ Health hints. Zdorov's 8 no.1000-31 0 162. (mm 15tio) (HYGIENE) ASTLTATSATUWI, K.R*; ~%IGIWEFIKO, I.r. -------- l.------!-_.,,._ I Treatment of seborrhea, sicca and oleosa of the face (hygiene- of the ekin of the face)6 Sovet. med. 26 no.5tlAI-146 MY163 (MM 1721) 1. Iz Moskovskoy vrachebno-kosmeticheskoy lachebnitsy (glav- nyy vrach I.L.KolIgunenko) Moskovskogo gorodskogo otdela zdravookhraueniya. - KOLGUSHK.jtI,__Ao, polk-ovnik Trip of unparallcled difficulty, Voon, nans 41 nc.9:3-4 S 965. ~MIRA 18:10) ~8" 'dine P-N is nyt, and ~P: -rn7l MOM 81-1 0. C i na qu eo us AFANASIY-VVA, L.A., propodavatell-biolog (Chelyabinsk). IPMUSW yunnat (Chelyabinsk); VOBSHCHIIFA, S., yunnat (CheljrabinskY.---~ Effect of sowing time on the quality of spring wheat seeds. Aj;robI*j6QGii& nej: 143-144 MY-Je 156. (an 9:9) (%iaat) (Sowing PROKOPM. Jaroslav; KOWOVA, Iva Nxperienoe with lymphatic system x-ray eramination in clinIcal practice. Gesk. rentg." 13 no.1:1-7 Fab 59, .I.Radiologloka klinika Iff, prednosta prof. dr. V. Svab. J. P., radiolog. .klinika IM. Praha 2. Ul. u nemocnice 2. (URPHATIC SYSTM. radiography technic & clin. value (Gs)) SAGERY 0.; OINM, I.,-,DIMITRIU, R.; KOLIA, A. Conditioned salivary reactions in bilaterally decorticated animals. Rev. sci. mad. 5 no.1/2:05-98 160. L Corresponding member of the R.P.R. (for Sager) (REFLEX, CONDITIONED ex"r) (CEWRAL CORTEX pb7siol) M OZECHOSLOVIPIKIA. IML.IA?,IDR P.; SOVA, Z.; YOMKOVA, A.; Chair of Physiology of Dome3tlic Animals, Colloge of ArXiculture (Katedra Fysiologie Hos-odars-1-cych Zvirat, VSZ), Prague. 110n the Doterm-iritttioli of Oblique Sedimentatio-a of Erythrocytes of Cattle in Tes" I b .11 U Pu as Prarue, Ceskoslovenska Fysiolor:ie, Vol 15, No 5, Sep 66v P 380 Abstract: Erythrocyte sedimentation of cattle is very slow; Unc nutiiors describe Lheir method of obliVe sedimentation, which allows reading the sedimentation values after 20 and 60 minutes, and evaluating these by means of a comparative chart. The method was verified on samples taken from 658 head of cattle. The residue in the test %tube may be used for tile determination of hematocrits, No references. Submitted at 3 Days of Physiolog7 of Domestic Animals at Liblice, 9 Dee 65, 86 - KOLIR A&,,_z'xoote1dm%ik*1 In remunerating labor take the butterfat percentage of milk into consideration.- fauka i peredoopey sellkhozo 7 xto.607-58 (14MA 10:7), 1. Xo1khoz Jaenj LenjnA, Ryshkanekogo rayovA. Koldavskor SSR. (Dairying) Nages)- A KOLIBPBA, A. P.'-' Throat Diseases Combined administration of a sodium salicylate, urotropin, and autohemotherapy in acute angina. Vest. oto-rin. 14 No. 3. 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Octob9r, 1952 Uncl. KOLIBABA.--A*- Nose-Surgery Method of alloplasty. Vest. oto-rin. 14, Not 49 1952* 'Hovember, 1952 N 9, Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, llff, Uncl. 1 2 4 4* Local Anesthesia 7* Intramural anesthesia of the laryax, Vest, oto-rin. 14 nb. 6 1952, 9o Moathly List of RuaslfA Accespions. Library of Congress, Karch 1953. Unclassified, MYLOVSKIY, Ya.Z. starshly nauchnyy sotrudaik; LSTIM, R.L. starshiy naachayy sotrudaik; KOLTHAPA, A.P.* kandidat meditsinskikh nauk, direktor. Changes in the cochleopapillary reflex In animals under differingiafluences on the central and peripheral nervous system. Vest.oto-ria. 15 n6.5:6-12 5-0 WRA 6.,11) 1. riziologicheskaya labaratorlya Ukrainakogo usuchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta bolesuayukha, gorla I nosa. 2. Surdologichaskoye otdoleniya Ukrainakogo nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo, instituta bolezney ukha, gorla I acea. 3..Ukrainakiy nauchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut bolezuey-ukha. gorla I nos& (for Kolibaba). (Reflexes) (Nervous system) TRUTHEVA, T.I. KOLIBABA, A.P., starrhiy nauchW sotradut1c, direktor. Cases of foreign bodies in the larn7x. Vest.oto-rin. 15 no.5:76-7? S-0 t53. (HLRA 6:11) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchnowlsoledovatellskiy inatitut bolesney Wkha, gorla I noca. (jury=--jore4p bodl ea) KOLIBABA, A.P. Scientific session of the Ukrainj&n Scientific Rs~sarch Institute of 2&r, Nose and Throat Diseases (Kharkov). Test. oto-rin. 16 ao.41 93 Jl- 154i (NM 7:8) ~UXIMI-OTORRINOLARY9001my) (oToRmommoLoGy-umm) KOLISABA. A.P.. dotsent. Intramural wwocalne block of the larynx In the treatnent of pl~onasthenla. Yest.oto-rin 17 no.4:27-29 JI-Ag 155.(KLRA 8:10) 1. iz- Ukrainskogo natchno-IssledovatelOskogo instituta bolesupy ukha, gorla I nom (1har'kov) (SPMH DISORDIM . phonmethenta. ther. laryaggeal procalne, block) (PROGAINS, therap'Outte use, phonasthenla. larytigehl block) (ANESTUSIA, EMMORAL, in various diseases procalne laryngeal block In phonaothania) -MICA Sec.1 0 r-10 SePt5-f 1 Vol.10 -0, Gt.-Rhino-Larynr E~Lc :-R-Pri M -K X 8/1 A, 1742. KOLIBABA A. P. and ARDELYAN E. L. Kharkov. * D i a g n o s i s of a c u t e '-otitis media t rely born children (Russian text) in prema u VESTN.OTO-R11XO-LARD1Qt. 1957, 3(19-24) The diagnosis of acute middle otiti~ in prematurely born children is difficult. as even when all the symptoms of the disease are taken into account it is faulty in 50% of cases. The most reliable method of diagnosis is a bilateral antropuncture which may be used at the same time for introducing antibiotics in the antrum. If a shortened needle Is used antropuncture is a safe procedure presenting no diffi- culties under any conditions. MEN KOLIBABA, A.P., dote.; GERASHGHENKO, I.F. Vnteomas of the paranseal olnuses. Trach.delo no,,10:1029-1031 0 157. (MIRL 10:12) 1. Klinika bolezney ukha, gorla i noes (zav. - dots. A.P.Kolibaba) Blorikovskogo maclitsinakogo stoma tologicheakogo institute i Kharl- kovokaya gorodskaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa ukha, gorla i noes No.30. (NOSK, ACCESSCRY SINUSES OF--TUMQRS) Pl- d, f, KOLIBABA, A.P., dotsent; ARDILYAN, Ye.L., kand.ned.nauk Diagnosis of acute otitis media in premature infants (with summa ry In Suglish]. Vest.oto-rizi. 19 no'.3:19-24 Kr-Je 157. (RIERA 10:10) 1. Is Ukrainskogo nauchno-Looledovateliskago instituts boleznay ukhei, gorla I nosa I kursa IMboleanay Coto-laringologichaskikh bolesnayl- ~harlkovskogo neditainakago stonatologichdakogo institute. (OTITIS KRDIA, in inf. and child diag, in premature Ingo) (II&AMs MKATURI, dis. otitia media in premature inf., diag.) KOLIBABA. A.P. in maMory, of professor.Abram I .lkhailovic), Yateuxon- Ve~qt - oto --rin' 20 nb,-4:lz3-i24 JI-Ag 158 (Ml;i 11:7)* 1, PredseUtell pravlenlyn Khartkovskogo nauchno moditsinskogo obshchostva otorinolarin,-ologov. (RATARZON, ABRAK turaArLovio, 1894-1958) -KOLIBABA, :,- A.P. -T'! ., t~7 I... . I ~., In memory of professor Lev lazarevich Frumin. Yest.oto.-rin. 20 no.4:124-125 R-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:7) le Predeadatell pravlanlya lharOkovskago meditsinakogo obshchestva, otorinolaringologov, - I (FRUHIM, Lff LAZAMIGH, 1901-1958) KOLIBOA, A.P. , datsent Cantennial of the Kharlkov,Scientifio Medical Sv,,iety. Zhur. u-,h., nos.i garobo'L*22 no.645-70' N-W62. (MUU 1637) (UMOT-4SDICAL SOCIETIM) KOLIBABA, V.L. New development in mine planning* Gore zhur* nool:20-23 Ta, '64.1. WM 170) 1. Direktor Urallskogo gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovani- yu razrabotki radnykh mostorozhdeniy. GORNOVOY, H.A- gornyy inth4-, BORISOVO S.S., gornyy inzh.; KOLIBABA, V,,Ll: ORLO'V:*V.S. Improving the breaking method in the Gora Blagodat' Mine. Gor. zhur. no-11:73-74 N 961. (MIRA 15:Z) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy goriio-metallurgicheskiy tekhnikum (for Gornovoy, Borisov) , 2. Nizhne-Tag.-'%l'skiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (for Kolibaba, Orlov). (Sverdlovsk Province--Boring) (Blasting) DANCM, P.S., kard.tekhn.nauk; KOLIBABA, V.L., gornyy inzh.; HREZGIN, A.S., gornyy inzh. Boring and blasting o?erations in the Yestyuninskoye Mine. Vzryv. delo no.48/4:38-44 61. (MW 1~:2) 1. Vysokogorskoye rudoupravleniye. 2. Ural'skiy filial AN SSSR (for Danchev)o (Yestyuninakeye region--Blasting) (Boring) VERIGIN. F.; KOLIBABCHU,A.,nauchvy7 sotmdntk,; MICHKOVSKIT, L. ,;Xoer,,e,rr ce of combiaad units in transporting sugar beets. Avt. tra nap .36 noe 7:10-11 A 156. (MIRA U-.8) 1. Uprawlyayushchiy Vinnitakim oblavtotrestam(for Verigin). 2. Nauchno-isaledevatellskiy inatitut,Ukrdortrans (for Kolibebebuk). 3. Koman4ir Jfalinovs~coy avtoroty (for Hichkovskly). (Sugar beets-Farvesting) (Transportation. Automotive) LUTSKER, G., KOL Gentralized frel6t haulage in diatrict areas. Avt. transp. 36 no.11: i~_10 X 158. (HUM 11:11.) 1. Ukraitwkiy doroshno-trqnpporbW-Iumchno- lea lectovateVskly institut. (TrVLneportation, Automotive) MONASTTYRSKIY, F.I.: M)LIBABOW starshiy nauchnyy ootradnik Centralized dispatching service for railroad users. Zhel. dbr. transp. 40 no-9:70 S 158. (14IRA IMO)~ 1. Nachallnik stantati Delay& TSerkov' Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi (for7 ~bnastyrakiy). 2. Ukrdortm~nsnll (for Kblibabchuk). (Railroads--Train dispatching)' I KOUBM AA-411- ,qw"- v - ~ -1- Rare case e,,f strangulating Intestinal obstruction. Khtrurgila. no.4:81--82 Ap 155. (HLRA 8:91 (IRPMORS-OBSTRUCTION) I KOLIMWMX, 14. P. "A Sliding Support Fbr Treatment of Broken Spine by Stretching,." Voyenno-Med. Zhur-, No. LI-j- P. 91-P 1955. KOLIBABORUX, H.P., kapitan mediteinakoy sluzhby Using 62M clamps in plastic surgery of skull defects. Toeno- med.zhur. no.10:760 056. (MLRA 10:3) (SURGICAL INSM[UHMS AND APPARATUS) (Mur ~l . ~ , -ii" -z, , -.1 , p Ii-,, - 1 :" - ..a-~', ; : , m ! ;i , : . , z ~~ :, : . ~;, i ~ KriLIBABSKI,-S. "Results of Measurements of the Leaning of Chimney Shafts-" P. 154, - __ - __ __ - -(PRZEGLND GLODEZYM, Vol.10; No. 5g May 1954. Warnawa, Poland.) SO. Monthly List of Fast European Wassions, (EEAL), W, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. A KOLITIAMIU, zj. Less office work more fielo work.- P. 49 (FR7FGLAD GFOIE-ZYJITY) Poland, Vol. 13, 'so. 2, Fec. 1957 SQ: 11onthly In6ex of European Accessions (iTTI) Vol. 6, No. 11, November 1957 I&ITAId . --, --- - R&DZM'VSKAYA, L. (RadziievOkap Lv.J; MOKIYUKOp B. (Mokiienko$, B*J; - 90UMS0112 L. [Kolybanov, L. This is what Lenin dreamed about. Znan. ta pratsia no*l+:7 An An- (MIRA 14-.12) MAJOR, I.; MOVECKY, J.; KMIPM, E- Relation of the laterality of alpha-rhythm to hemispheric do- minance. Cook, psychiat. no,,61 no,6078-383 D 1 65. 1. Psychiatricka klinika Lekarokej fakulty University P.J. Safarika, Kosice. At-~- NK: AP6032878 SOURCE CODE: CZ1Oo83A51,rW10061Q37810383 AUTHOR: Major,-J,-~-Mayor, I.; Medvecky.. J.--Medvetskiy, I.; Kolibas, E.-Kolibash, E. OPL: Psychiatric-'Clinic,, Medical Faculty,_UPJS,.Kosice (Psychiatricka klinika lekarsk fakulty UPJS) -2~~ 101 16 TITLE: Rel-6ion between the Taterality of the alpha-rhythm and hemisphere dominance SOURCE: 'Ceskoslovenska psy~chiatrie, no. 6, 1965, 378-383 TOPIC TAGS: EEG, braip, injury ABSTRACT: 955 routine'recordings of EEG in patients without an organic lesion showed 40 cases of outspoken 4ssymetry of the alpha-rhythm. In these patients the ectoderm--- mesenchym relation on ~he ocular ft-indus was examined to determine the genotypically dp'minant hemisphere. There is a significant relation between the amplitude of the imposed rhythms and the dominant hemisphere. On the dominant side the amplitude of ? ~!n imposed rhythms is lower. Orig. art. has. 3 figures. (Based on authorst Eng. ~bst-] 1JPRS: 34,1613 ,SUB CODE: 06 SUIDI DATE: none CRIG REF: 003 OTH REF: 009 mjs KOLIBAYN, V.A. Triangulation work In bigh altitude regions, Geod.1 kart. no.10:50-54 D 156. (MWA 1012) (Triangulation) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 191159, Nr. Q,, pp 16-19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the current year# the Sredneaziatskoye AGP (Soviet Central Asia Aerogeodetic Service) uses Bergstrandle geodimeter of the'IIASH_2A-type~ Hr 121 foriaenauring "he triangulation lines of departure* The. brigade of Engineer F. P. Guseva was entrustcd with1his work. She took part in the meaburements carried out in 1958 at t h4 T 'HITGAiK under the direction of P. Ye. Lazanov, a Scientific Collaborator of the TsYTIC."01, (Ref 1 on p 16, fo8t- note). This Brigadewill measure 18 triangulation : Soviet,ce!,ntral Asia in 1959. It,, order to judge the work of the geodimete'r, it is planned-to ellr-rY "ut 7 control measurements on bases which were previoualy surveyod by means ofAnvar: W~Vop,,Vrom 10"Y 0 0 Akly Of 6%1~kTtAPO W-Vil. imtVoydd and 2 _dolltrol zarrloa oil tll~, bunhak basin of lot ordor (in thc. T%-,uuklnatalya Tl~o dint*hution of tho taoks amont, the 10 -i,,ia-mboro of the .1-iriga3e., Card 1/2 and the physica-geographical co!Aditions of the i-egion, are E: -Oasstl~. --ont of the Lines of Departure by Means 30V/6-59-9-2,'~I' of Geodimeter. pointed out. The performance of the surveys is described in brief) and the resulta are-linted,in three tables. The latter, show ahigh accuracy in the work with the geodimeter.'- There are 1 figure, tables, and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 KO.LIBAYEV, V,A. Use of Bergstrand's geodimeter in 1960, Good, i hart. no.7: 15-17 Jl 161, (MIRA 14:7) (Geodimeter) KOLIUYEV2 V.A. Diep2acement of geodetic points in the region of the ABbkhabad earthquake of 1948, Cloode i kart, no 5:8,10 My 162. (MM 15:7) (Ashkhabad-Earthquake., 1948i(Turkmenistan-Survey1mg) XOZHEVNIKOV, N.P.; DIrAKOV, G.S.; KCSnEVO A.P.; EDIJBAYEV,, V.A*- Methodology of performing a stereotopographic survey at a 1:25,,000 scale in desert and san4y regions6 rtqod*i ketrt., no 4s 36-40 Ap t62. (KIRA 15:i~) .(Aerial photogra=etry) KOLIBAYZVAI R.S., inah. Balloon braking on doubling winders. 22 no*6t49 ,le 162. IMIRA 160) 1. Byuro tekhnicheskoy informateii Kirovskcgo takstillnogo kombinata. (Winding machines) C H aad XoHbW M On somt, m iiul. F-ma. sum- ar i ve a a a -tt^.-e1 16. ri if (av b) :"bu n ~cv her, f, de~nrsa F' I'Mote on the Presentation of Stracture by Eeans of Subsets." P. 79, (JAW1116, Vol. /~, Ho. 2, 1954, Bratislava, '.Ozechoslovakia) SO: Y!onthLy List of East Europenn Accessions, LC, Vol. 4- No. 1: May 1955 Uncl. V, k C-~ / 1~ Z) - ~~ kg , , - ";, I 1//K,ol!War Ullan. On the relaoina -'betwvm- in lalg= P- -. - .,_ , 1, ~ ", I z 1 I 5 N is It %;"f) t t spectivelIv, and a ont- !- vo,) Nill d KOLIBIARI M. Characterization of lattices by means of ternary operation. p.10. MATEKATICKO-FYZIKAlfiY CASOPIS. (Sovenska akademis vied) Bratislava. Vol. 6, 10 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (SEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956 KOLIBIAR. M. On metric multiple latticeo, Pt, 2, Acta r nat Univ Coin 7 no.12t6oll.9-637 163. 1. Katedra matematiky, Univerzita Komenskeho, Bratislava, Smeralova 2,