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KOMI, K. T. Kolin,, K. T. -- "Comparative Analysis of S"erz2l Systems of mhrea-Dimensional Color Television." Min Conaudcations USSR,, Leningrad Blactrical Engi- neerring Inst, imeni Professor He'A. Bonch-Bruyevich,, Leningrad,, 1955 (Dissertation fbr~-Degree of- Cartdidate in Teobnical- 3ciences.) - SOi Knizhnaya Letopia's No, 23j Moscows Jun 55P PP 87-104 KOLIN AT~, kand.tekhn.naak; WM ONUA V.Ye. inzh. Certain practical problems concarning the use of binocular dis- placement mixing of colors in industrial television. Trudy LEIS no.2d%,-193 157. 1525) (Color television) (Industrial television) AWITOV, Yu.V.; VEWKIN, N.S.; ZEMMI, B.G.; 2LOTNIKOV, S.A.; ,IQQ!i~K.T.; KOMUTOY&Ts A.G.; M=NKO. Yu.G.; CWOLIKO& V.V.; TARAUE125. D.A.; SEEKAKOV, P,V.q red*; V=GRZN=# lolot red.; KARABILOVA, S,F.,, [Televisiani general aoursal Televidenia; obahchil kurs. Pod red. P.T.Shmakove. Moskva. Goe.izd-vo 'Lit-ry po vopronam sviazi. i radio. 1960. 391 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Television) --KOLM- LT., kend.tekhn.naukj LISOGURSMYt V.I. , inzh.; ZOTIOV, P.I.) inzh. ,Closed-circuit television system for the centralized control of the operation of boilers. Elek. sta. 31 n0.8115-24 Ag 160. WIRA 14:9) (Boilers) (Industrial television) .Aassi..ft cation of mine sweepers and vnedianical idne swoeper equipment. P. 319. OLZiNILK, Vol- 4j no- 3) -;Aay Jun~, 1954, Split, Yu,,-osl;avia) &;j: nonthly list of East Eurorean Ace-essions, (MIL), L'--', Vol. 4, no. 1 Jan. 1955, Uncl. 'm ~KWN~ 1.41'8-31~PoUeveles Irerlok.- Tveat--'ng drinking vater with ozone. Vixuai ko2'I no. 4-.,,4J4 -4- 69 163o 2.1 Section Chief, Division of Hydraulic Engineering, GIvI-I Engineering Designing Enterprise, Budapest. KOLIN, Laszlo; SATORHELYI, Tamas,, Df~siguing aspects of large-size Xron-and manganese removal inptallations,".. HidrojdgidI.,.,.)~p7-1 :",I~no.9083-395 :S 164. 9ny 1, Division,of Hydroteohnology,-Givil Engineering Designing Enterprise,..Ministx7 of,Build,ing, Budapest. KOLINY No. stari3hiy inzhoner Raising'sunkanilop-~ In enterprises of the Padosh lmd)erihi -center* Re ch.tranap. 20 no.,6-.33-34 Je 161o (KERA 14f6) L Byuro tekhnicheskoy,informataii Karallskogo sovnarkhozae (Pudozh-Lumbering) 3-58-4-32/34 AUTHORt Norkin, U.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Kolin V ' Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Spetstai, G. D .;-!inn ~ria;ov, A.P., Chashchin, I.P.1 Bogma, A.S. TITLEt Bibliography (Bibliografiya) A Guide for Practical Exercises (Rukovodstvo k prakticheakim zanyatiyam) FERIODICAW Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, # 4, pp 9192 (USSR) ABSTRACTi Thie ie a roviow of a book (published by Gookhimizdattl957) "Quide for Practical Exercises in the Laboratory of Processea Apparatuses of Chemical Technology") which was compiled by PoG. Romankov, L.F* Dmitriyenkop B.N. Lepilin, A.A. Hoskov, I.Ye. Ovechkin, N.V. Ozerovap I.S. Pavlushenkof N.B. Rashkove- kaya, V.N; Sokolov, N.I. Taganov and P.Ya. Yablonakiyt workers of the Chair of Processes and Apparatuses of Chemical Techno- logy, Leningradskly tekhaologicheakiy institut imeni Lensoveta (Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet) ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M. Kirova (.Tomsk- Polytechnic Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 1/1 Nore confidenceo P. 169, (Zeleznicar) flo. 7, July 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index bf East European Aces3ions (EEAI) Vol. 6. No. 11 November 1957 (;2,EC,[OSLOVAKIA KOLINI V 1,21). U adeke of p-,itliologic-id knatomy O'UNZ Mtolo -i k0 M t0 oddeleni OUIIZ)O~'Mlada-Boleslav Prague Nnitrni,.lekarstvi No', ill 1963- .-Ilklig-71123 PP "Bicuspid, Aortic, Valve --and -Dissecting Aneurysm of-the Ascendin,, Aorta.11 OKHRIMI&O, I.S.; KOLIN, V~L. Ube of the FIC-3 Instrujwnt for hardness evaluation and study of the hardening proce3a in lacquer coating, Lakokras.matei ikh Prime no.2:48-52 162. (MMA 15:5) 1. Leningradakiy tekhnologicheski inatitut imeni Lensoveta. (Pritective coatings-Tes= (Heasuring instruments) ANSWO KLIMA, Josef; KOLIN,_ Vojtec Endobronchial hamartoma. Cesk. rentganol. 15 no-4;263-265 161. 1. Rentgenologicke oddeleni OUNZ-111. Boleslav, prednosta MUDr. J.Klima Patolo-ickoanatomioke oddeleni OUNZ-M. Boleslav, prednosts. ITUDr. 0 V.Kolin. (BRONCIII neoplasms) (HMOTOMA caseireports) NUN, rojteoh Papillary tamor of the mitral valr IhItmi lek. 11 no.6t 599-603 J*165, 1. Patologicko-anatomicke oddelani Obvodniho ustavu narodniho zcl-rav:L v MI.Boleslayi (Prednostas MUDr. Vojtech Kolin). N TIN, Ia. S. r"Il 0 ,,--,f,"ctjve iiotilos for Ilaintermanco Chacks on the In.-n-a--itioll or Generator - I E. Windings," FAck. Stan., I'llo. 1, !949. U~~i--,,Zlsotrielty - Itme"atica~, To.-Aing Of "Irlir 53 nak 4~tls no 34, pj~- 3-40 'Ite-Tz ATIr nrtite,~t3 on row-ative -te~tltj& Of 1=7-11AUCO COWT th-S f vels-otim e6 "A za,'Aagea for olde mWABA-3 (L-11tr U14 .,I. Eozymv); it ote--ed-up VWtu" ( L~'-lgn G. U-4 'Ur-4yellt E:-:1 C-Mwr,-qtcv ~Aator 'WinAugm (Ye, C.. ','tab 'ma ti); tei;t m- gener-Amm ulth ftatifted w4tago Yo. "'h Cie C-" imtvwCwt4 *a a gromp "t.-h ecat*o-c-1 rmto v%-&-olane tlviro t -"o SZ4=WcUcn Ln w-n6lualpf; bre.~k~!-,mo v? -lea 1. KOLTII, YA.S. USS. 2 . R (600) 4. Dynamos - Testing 7. Using rectified voltage in testing the insulation of generators, Elek.sta. 24 no. 3, 1953* 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, AKUL .1953, Uncl. AW P - 3256 Subject WSR/Slectricity Card 1/2 PUb. 27 - 11/25 Authors a Karamzin, A. P. #Ya. S. Kolino A. M. Miarinovo and L. M. Rauzinq Engs. Title : Experience with putting transfor re into service without preliminary drying out Periodical t 316ktriohestvot 9s 60--621, 8 1955 Abstract t The authors discuss an article by A. 1. Ashryatov NFutting trans- formers into serive without preliminea7 drying out" (This jourmilp Sept. 1955j, pp. "-54) and operational circular 3/9 of the Ministry of Slectrie Power Stations. They maintain that A. K. Ashryatov's criticism of the circular is not confirmed by their own operational experience. Since 1951 thay have applied in one of the povw systems the methods recommended by the circular and have introduced into serive fifteen nO-kv.. 7.5- to 31.5-thousand kw power trans- formers wJth most satisfactory results. The authors discuss Elektriobestvop 9v 6Q-629 5 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - U/25 AID P - 3256 critically some of Asbryatov's statements on: 1) local and surface moisture of transformer insulation in connection with their storing and transportimp 2) existing criteria of estimating the degree of moisture; and 3) the coordination of methods of testing to be made at the factory ivzd at the place of assembly. Institution i Main Administration of Ural Plover Systems (Glavuralonergo) Submitted : My 1.4,9 1955 Whill . 10 inzhener. Operation of generators with grounded stator windings. Ilek.sta. 27 no.5:38-41 Ky 156. WBA 9:8) (Electric generators) 4043, SOME FROUI-ENM Thp preukit roqtt~w teAt cossit-.ts Aj NUal CD 1.6 OnIC-9 Mt~d vnltag~. rbW -j,na "Agam roamyo ta9t C0.9319113 -Ii lilllixt~ all i:0 be carried outwitA Me vci!t,-~p immtaed test with Voltage eWal to 2V,,jam 19 Irsliflit. -t T-ie z,,i* generaLor, W Raran"s its &Cmrd=m widl the el:zAblialhod ip""IN jt!.- generator Is asourned to t-C tlo - 120 defeeLlve element !s removed after ita I.- ~ejt Vjf~j the augmted Inelpa.sed voltage, the :ile Z,-A, 1.0-1 i:), - ~fi ~, and mrov. q rotor Immi-anciq (. 1-1 - factor in rotor performaktite, Me test omjri ii-o ::i,? . o, and Clezn. M w BLIHOVA, V-11.,- DRMIDOV. A.A*.- JMLLUY a,J,L,MAY.USHKIf1. Ya.G..- MYZIH, L.K.: PERHYAKOV. N.P.; POMnW, A.Io; BOROVIK, Z.G.; YRFREHOY, I.A.; KOPAYGCRODSKIY. A.B.; MARMOT, A.M.: NEMOROSHKOVA, 0.1.; FMOVSKIT, A.F.; RCHANOVSKrY. A.A.; RASSADNIKOV, Ye.I., red.; SAVELOYEV, V.I., red,; FRIDKIN, A.M., tekhn.rede Ellectric power in the Urals during the pact 40 years] Rnergetilm Urals za 40 let, Hoakvat Gos. energ. irti-vo, 1958. 141 p. (MIRA 11-5) (Ural Mountain region-Blectric power) KOLIN. U.S., inzh. Drying of large electric machin as by the use of direct.current, Ilek. atao 31 3:82-84.Kr 160. (14IPA 13:6 (Moctric. mchiuer3~-Drying) K(ILTE, Ya.S.-, inzh4- cvontive tc:~;tinC. Loirintem, repair of the s tator L, -Mc~); ndinG-s td--a W1 genex#4Wk~r Ele'c.3ta. 32 no.";:V-U, S 161. (ilix, volo) (Electric generatomn.,11aintonance and repair) S/061/62/0-0/013/002/054 B158/B144 AUTHORS% Belyustin, A. V., Kolina, A. V., Stepanovat N. .3. TITLE- Crystallization of.spheres in the presence of im.purities PEMODICAL: Refcrativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 13, 1962, 43 44, abstract 1'3B250 (3b. -'Ro3t kristallov. v. 311. MI., All S53R, 1961, 152 - 155) TEXT: The effect of impurities on the form and quality of cr~rstals Erow- inC on crystalline spheres from solutions was studied. Teets were carried out on crystallization of spheres of alumopotassiur.-alum and Rochelle -ialt. Spheres of 10-15 mm dia. were suspended in the solution; thus it was noted which faces appeared in the presence of ce.-'tain impur4 ties. liaOlfl dnd KOH impurit-ies'result in the best development of all faces of Rochelle salt and imprIove their quality; Al (50 ) has a similar effect 2 4 3 on alum.. in other cases, impurities have a selective effectt H so 2 4 ea~uses a %,,eakening in the (2211 faces of alum, and faces 2111 become larger. One and the same impurity can have the same effect on all faces Card 1/2 8/081/62/000/013/002/054 Crystallization of spheres B156/B144 at lo-r concentrations, but a selective effect at high concentrations: at 100'~~ excess of Al (60 )in the alum solution$ faces 21,j develop notice- 2 4 3 -- - - - - - -, - I ably more actively, while faces i221J are suppressed. The selective effect of an impurity or combination of impurities can spread to the whole ran(,e of orientations and the growth of a rounded surface possible. The method of crystallizing spheres explains hovi an impurity affects the development and quality of a large number of faces, and enables a more thorough study oi the general and-selective effect of impurities. Im- purities that aubstantially affect the process of crvotal growth have a rel,%tively weak effect on the complex of faces appearing on a*sphero. Some imDurities retard deposition of a substance on considerable sections of the sphere's surface and alter its character*in such a way t1hat the corre~panding sections remain.transparent. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA HORAIC, F.; KOLINA,, J.;.THOMESOVA, 0.; Chair of Organic Technology, Paculty o?T70-m-TC366111~Technology, Slovak Technical University (Ka-, tedra Organicke Technologie CharnIcko-Technologicke Fak-aty Slo- venske Vysoke Skoly Technicke), Bratislava; Institute for Re- search, Production and Application of Radioactive Isotopes (Ustav pro Vyzkum, Vyrobu a Vyuziti.Radioisotopu), Prague, "Sulfur Derivatives of 6-Azathymine. III. Synthesis of Labelled 2-Thio-6-Azathymine and a Simplified Method of its Preparation." Praguo,.Cesllcoslovonska Parmacie,, Vol 15, No 5, Jun 66, pp 254-255 Abstract ZA-uth'ors' English summgry nodified_7: 2-thio-6-azathymine- --h-75 and 2-thio-6-azathymine_S3 were prepared for use in the study of goitromenio activity. In the preparation of the S35 containing substance it was noticed that the rate of exchange of S in the non-active substance for S35 is consistent with a paeudoiaonomolecular reaction. 2 Figures, 4 Western, 3 Czech references. (Manuscript received 23 Aug 65). 50 a3mr4i JOA; STHM) Ian; x0bulAs jogef Photographic properties of 03rantma dyan I. IzUdaaolem car'000yanillee- Cb81a Prum. 32 no.7-.348-350 J3. 162. L Fotochoma n.p.,, VYZkUWV ustav f0tograficks chemie,, Blansko. BYLEROVSKIY S. I. inzb# P-19424-- 6irking a abaft 2267o3 m,'dddp in 24.5'monthi3 (from tgTbe South African Hining and EnTine6ring Sournalp't no, 3594, 1961)o Shakht, strde 6 no.5:29-30 MY 162. (MIU. 15:7) (South Africav Union of-Shaft sinkirg) A', DYMOVSKIYj S.I., inzh.1 KOq.NA, M. G. Shaft sinking record at the Buffelsfontein Hine (Republic of South Aftica, (fran "Mning Journal,," Nos, 6607 and 6608, 1962 -and *The Sbutvh African Mining and EngineeringJournalim no. 3609, 1962). Shakht. stroi. 6 no,7:27-28 J1 162* (IIIRA 15:7) (South Africas, Republic of-Shaft sinking) S.S.. KOIJ KORNILOV, inzh.; KOBYZEIr, .4%,'A, M,Ct., inzil, Mining-equipment abroad. Ugol' ljlkv~ 7 no-10:53-54 0 163. (MIRA 17:4) -ACC -NR& _M7001581 -SOMICH CODE: UR/0421/66/000/006/0152/0156 AWHORS: Bashkint V. A. 03G: none TIT",': The laminar boundary layer on ellipsoids of re*olution SOMM: ANI SSSR. Izvestiya. Mekhanika zhidkoati i ~azaf no. 6t 1966# 152-156 TOPIC TAGSi Isminar boundary layer# ideal gasp compressible gas, critical point# enthalpy, Prandtl numberp friction, temperature coefficient ABSTIUCT.- Thin paper gives the results from a theoretical study of the laminar boundary layer on ellipsoids of revolution overflown by a sunersonic stream of ideal. Gas at a zero angle of attack. A wide range of characteristic uarameters ie useds 11 OD = 3-10, 6 - b/a - 0-5--4, and H., - 0-05--0-75- The flow of a compressible gas in a laminar axisymmetAc boundary layer is dencribed by the eyatem ru) + 4-( () rv) . 0 Y Q-U + evou due 0 (~, au P~u ax + W eeae - W T Card I ACC NR~ AP7001587 lpu~ 1-1 + Pv?Jq__+ + (P - 1)~-U]j ax by ay I P ZY ay where x and y are physical coordinates directed along and normal to the generatrix of the body; r is the cross-sectional radius of the axisymetric body; u and v are components of the velocity vector.and are parallel to the coordinate axes x and y# respectively; /4 is the dynamic viscosity coefficient; () is the density of the gas; H is the total enthalpy of the gas; and P is the Prandtl number. The subscript e refers to the external limit of the boundary-layer; wl to the surface of the body, Generalized parabolic coordinates are introduced for the solution. The effect of various parameters on the nature of the variation in the friction streau along the generatrix is ahom in theform,,,_ (see Pig. 1), It is found that when tho'coefficient of ellipticity 2.0v the maximum or the local heat flux occuralin the vicinity of the leading critical point; when a' 2.0, it is shifted downstrean froa the critical pointe Card 2/3 ACC NRt U7001587 1 0 41 4 ~ . P g. I ji~i'-' ' ~% of body on e of e shape distribution of friction atreas for U0. and JI 1w " 0-05 Orig. art. has! 4 formulas and 5 graphs* SUB CODE: 20/ SM DATE s 02,Tun66/ ORIG Wo 001/ OM RUt W6 1- Car KOLINEK$ 14. Deirelopment, of pm~ips for concrete p. 267, (INZENYRSKE STAVBY., Vol. 3.. no. 8: Aug. 1954, Praha) 601 Monthly List of East European Accesslon,(EM), W,, Vol. 4, NO, Lis NOV. 1955s Uhcl. i KOLINEK inz. Development of bydraulic dredgers. Strojirenstvi 12 n0.7:547- 551 Jl 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav stav3bnich a keramickych stroju., Brno. KC,L=, Milos,inz. Hydrostatic drove of vehicles used in building industries. Inz stavby 9 no,91Suppl.,97-96 3 161. 1. Prerovske-strojiri7s nap.p-TyzkAmny ustav stavabnich a keramickyah strojit v,Brne. 9/262/63/000/003/W6/006 Unger pump e - rl m oi? r ~ : -- ~- 2 *I ~ .- 'on, I . ~-,- -,, , tic A . - ~. :, - I:.,- --.: -".. 7 . I ~-, : - , - . ~ , a - I .. - . . w --.- -l" KOLI.!WKO, V,Oa -6ftammonia, and synthdpis of protein in pure cultures of Mitroso"monas europea. Doklady Aid. mik SSSR 92 no.2:429-440 11 Sept 1953o (OLML 25:4) 1. Presented by Aaademiclan A. 1. Cp=iu 30 June 1953. 2. Inat.itmwe of OceanoloQrq A,,6admy of Sciences USSR. PV k, ),6- J;KOLIM, B;XVICZRA, J., Function of the venereal diseases control consultation center* Cask. darn. 25 no.7-8:.256-262 JWL3r 1950. (CIML 20:1) 1. Venereological. Institute of the Central National Committee in Pragm. KOLINICIMIKO A. kapitan Close to the interests of aoldiers. Kamm. Vooruzb. Sl~- no.21t57-- 61 N '63. (19RA 17:1) I., podpolkovnik; KOLINICHENKO, AGO kapitan GELMRYAt Kcmm. V00rush- Instruetor of the POlitlOO-1 section of a tulit (MIRA 16:5) Sil 3 no.8t6o-65 AP 163. (pussia,--Armad force a--POUtical activity) KOLINUCHENKO, G. 7084. ShMEENK0. T-i KOLTAICHMO. G. Otchety klubov pered trudy.-shchimisya- (Is opy-ta Ale.Psandrovskogo sellskogo kluba Bogodukh- ovskog,o rayona). Kharlkov, I3,1-vo Kni&.noy palaty LGSR, 1954. 8 s. lgsm,. (kharlk. obl. upr. kulltury. Obl. metod, kabinst kullt. prosvet, rabot4. 720 ekz.,Bespl. --Sost, ukazaW v vyp. dan. -- Na ukr. yoz. ---F55-2238/ 374.28(-22)(47.714T Knizbnaya Letopis' No. 6. 1955 HAYSKIT, I.N., prof essor,- redaktor; ZHMOV'-VMZHNIKOV, N.Y., redaktor; (10SUT, _ redaktor; YOROUTSOVA, K.A., redaktor; KOSYAKOT, ~ P.M. rqdaktor;, L A. '~01, 0 1,,A.-. redaktdr;.SACHKOV, T.I., redaktor; 2,1JEMOTA, a a las iy redaktor (Problems of the tmmunoloV" of normal anct malignant tiesual Toprosy immunologii mormalInykh I. zlokachestveanykh tkanei. Pod obshchei red. I.M.Kaiskogo. Moskva, Goo. iz&-vo med. lit-ry. 1956. 294 p. (MIRA'9:10) 1. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. rastituttekspertmentall- not b1ologii. (IMMUNITY) IgdEWISZ-WOJXLRCWSXL,T.;. BORKOWSKI, M. T.;, SOL10KA,B. On total cholesterol the plasma in children with rheumatic disease treated by means of hormones.;. Pediat-opolalm 35 n0-3: 291-300 Mr 16o. I Z Il Kliniki Chorob Dzieci A.M. w Warssawis, Kisrownik: P;of. dr mod. H.,Miohlaowics, Usitepea Klerownika 111niki: prof. dr mod. T. lawenfiss-WojnArewsks. (REWMTIC Yz',V= blood) (GHOIMTXROL blood) (ADREMA CCRTEX HOMM thor.) (CORTICOTRWIN ther.) M3MMLIM, A.; XMINSM. I.; IUBMAOTA. Ta., sotrudnIL, Iffect of potassium Iona on am7lase and lipase synthesis In slices of pl.gson pancreas. Blokbialia. 24 no,6tlO4l-lW V~-D 159, (mv~A 13:5) 1. Laboratory for Cellular Metab6lism, Biological rustitute, Czeehoalmk Academy of Sciences. Prague. (POTASSM pharmacol (PAMMS : metab. (AMUM matab. (LIFAUS metab. P KOLIN5KA, S.IgnifIcance of somtio innervation on collagen level in the mu-scle. Cask. f7siol. 7 no-3:223-224 May 58. L KlinicTuR laborator pro vyzkum poliomyelitidy fak- detakeho 1eka--stvI ;~U, Praha. (MUSOLM, ph.,rsiol. eff. of denervation on collagen level (Cz)) (GOLIAGM, eff. of denervation on muse. content (Cz)) DAIEZELLIR, A.;KOLMKA, J.;FOWZMOVA, J. Iffect of Potassiun ions on amylaeo and lipase synthesis In pigeon pancreas sections. Cook. fyslol. 9 no.1:22-23 Ja 60. WILKOS7,WSKIp Edwardy KOLINSKA, Pkria; U17SZLrC]IT-SMrNSKA, yanina GlYcOProtein components and ser=ucoids in the blood lger= in rhoumatio favor in children. PoL arch. mad. wewn. 33 533-539 163. 1. Z I KU4ki Fbdiatr7dzne-' AM w Warazavis Kierownik: prof. Ij dr mod. R. Aaranski. GIZGOPROTRINS) (BLOOD PROTEINS) OOD SUrAR) (ROUMATIC FEM) M .IMUCIOPROTHINS) WILKOSZEWSKI, Edward; KOLTNSKAF Maria;- UNSZLICHT-SOWIMA, Janina Seromucoid and carbohydrate components of serum glycoproteins in rheumatic favor in children. Reumatologia (Warez.) 1 no.2slO9-115 16). 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Dzieci kkademii Medyoznej w Warszawie (Kisrovnik Kltnil(ij prof. dr mod. R. Baranski). 9"M MIUM M AM M 2 W, wzr W~ KBIRSKI, L# kpt.,mgr. Activities of the Ist airborne division oVar Warsaw. Wojsk przegl 15 no.10:60-69 0161. Alctivitles of the let airborne division in the region of JiMonve and Legiotowo. Wojak przegl 15 no.11:73-81 N 16L KOLINSKIp J., kapiten, mgr. Activities of the lot airborne division in the region of the Warka- Magnuszew bridgehead and Fraga. Wojsk przegl 15 no.9:44-50 S 161. HACH, V; KVITAI V; KOLfNSKft J. Czechoslovakia Lbbiva, Doln3" NIScholupy, pear Prague - (for all) Prague, Colleclioja of Cze2hosloya Qemi2a Qo=unicatign No 4, 19639 PP 855-861 "Antimicrobe Active Derivates of p-Dichkoracetamido- benzoia Ao-id.111 NODZJSZKO. Eugenlusz; EDLESKA. Karla; NUCMSKA, Iradmiera; TATCO, Jan- - - - ------------ Behavior of aldosterone in patients with chronic circulator7 failure Polskle vewn. 28 noo'4:547-552 1958; le Z III Kliniki Chorob Wcnmetrznych AA* w Warazaviee Xlercimiki, Rliniki, prof*' dr mad. J. Wegierke. Adres sutora: Warszawa$ Ceski, 6 11r- 111nika Chorob Wewnetra4ch. (ALDOSTMORE. In urine in congestive heart failure (Pol)) (CONGESTM RMT ?ArLUFM, urine in aldosterone (Pol)) KODWS".10, 3ugeniusz; NOLYSSNA, 14tria; KUCMSKA, Xazlmiera; TMIF, Jan Aldosterone in patients with chronic circulatory insufficiency. Polski tygod. lak.'14 no.5:193-196 2 Feb 59. 1. (2,111 11iniki Chorob Wewn. k.1L w Warazawis. kierownik: prof. dr med. S. radejszko) Wmrssawa. u1. Novogrodka 59. 111 Klinilm Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. . (CARDIOVASCUTAR DISFASES9 urine in aldosterone in chronic circ. insuff. (Pol)) (AIMOSTIRONS, in urine in chronic circ. insuff. (Pol)) MWISZ-WOJYAR=Ug Teofilal BORKOWSK19 Varian T.; K0LMU*--K&-xU- Behavior of total cholesterol level in children with rheumatio.diseaffol.- treated with hormones. Feumatologis Polalm no.3sI17-118 160,* L Z II RUM Pediatrycznoj AM w Varazavie Kisrownik: prof., dr medt Mleczyflav Michalowics Zatatepea kisrowalkat prof. dr wd. Tooffla OMIMMOL blood) AERSNAL CORTEX HOEMONM ther) RLMMTIG Leis tber) LEW=S7r-WOJNARWKA, KOLINSU, M.; ZAOHSKA, B. Slectrophorstic studies an serum and urine proteins In children with naphrotic syndromes. Pediat polska 36 no.3:241-250 161 ~1. z ir Kliniki Pad1&trj**znej A.M. v Va"aawie Kierowniks prof dr mod, T. Levenfiss-Wojnarovska I % Zakladu Pediatril, Studium Doakonalenia Lakmrsy A.M. Nierownik: prof. dr mad. T. Lewenfisz-W*jnarcwvk%. (IWHROTIC SYNDROW in inf & child) (BLOOD PROTMS) KOLINSKI. R. Kolinskip R. On the productions of the reaction of 1-nitropropane with fomaldehyde and ethylendiamine. In English. P. 493. IlMEMATYKA Vol. 3, No. 9, 1955 Warszawa, Poland SOURCE: EFAL LC$ Vol- 5s 110- 10 Oct- 1956 Poland/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Tbalr ApplIcation Industrial organic,aynthesis., 1-14 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 5675 Author; Kolinski, R. A. Institution: ne Title: Current Methods of Indugtrial Synthesis of Phenol QriginSl 34 '-No 6 2(6--n0 Publication: Przem. cbem. 19.55Y Abstract: Description and comparison of phenol production methods: by sulfona- tion of C6H6 and subseque-nt, alkali fusion; by chlorination of C6#6 and hydro3,vsis of C H4,C1 under pressure; by the Raschig method, and e by the method consn;~ in cleavage of cumene 'peroxide. 11 produc- tion flow sheeteare included. Bibliograpby, 17 references. Card 1/1 in 20A M- r qUAFT-h,; J 1-1i ?~w 41 ck5;~ M111,01-i-I-V ; ~,P n'i Zimmry d; CA, 51, -:-pu:te with C1440 i'Clij,"pi, W 9 JV c-1 0.5 d,-,,qradf~ Lyl,u J;f, t5 J f !r7% Rq: t11 50 cul - W) L";, 1i ~, WR 6, V Prd th~ mixt. kk7rt -1i 1;1. 0 1 tX; Lk C I tiw W= CM AM Ft oil 41 ad II'Ll".1y t-, pod - L 1 41 rLdt TV I. bm". &Ulu. IV r-,. 10, F.10in (he aq. layer t;u~r- wai obrainex! 0 L g Y e ~i rZ, A~I POLAND/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Xhim., No. 4, 1959, 11879 Author Jones J., Kolinski R. Piotrowska H., Urbanski T. Inst None. Title The Aliphatic Nitro Compounds. XXVIII. Deriva- tives of 175-diazobicyclo-C3,3,3_7-undicane from 1-nitropropaneg Formaldehyde and Ammonia. Orig Pub: Roczn. chem., 19V, 31, No. is 101-108 Abstract: 2-nitro-2-ethylpropanediol-10 M in the presence (fan excess aqueous solution of NH at a temperature of 250, produces 3,7 10 t i Rro- 1_ r 3,7910-triethy'l-195-diazobicyclo n50 undicane (II) and 5-nitro-5-ethylhexahya_ro- pyrimidine. The hydrolysis of II by alcoholic HC1 leads to 317-dinitro-3,7-diethyldiazoeyelo- Card 1/3 9 POLAND/Organic Chemistry. Oynthetic Organic Chemistry G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur Xhim., No. 1+t 19599 11879 octane - C (no, YCH URCH MOPI CPHq)CH2NEI:Ii2 2INMR-02 ;I i h air),',wh c --on. a n9 th I repirdauces The excess Of a 10 16 transferred fro; NKL t I into 1119- 0"2: le or I and 1 mole.of 25% re 3 .4ays 'at about 20P.~ The tar ~H3 a left for is separated-, -'disiolved.lin 'alcohol and. left -for s6veral d w1pek4, - II L- ohiced (Yi6ltl~ 1-0-~30%- 7':, -XiSo meltingrp-dint 107.-~ 0 the mononitroso derlw'. vativdWs.meilUhj,_`p6 nt S,1014030 (from alco- h6l) The _X iltr4te~, which- is treated 'with alcohoU6',MCi'_ is' deparated:1001 several days), fro , 1, -1 1 - ~I - m some_ hydrochlorld eii-.of III- (6eltilig pointo 167 .. I 4680)- :th6_-basi6 6ateirial (metting point 63-64P:).1- thk i~bho-R4h4oluolsulphonyl~ derivative melting pOintj'-'_+l3&l40o:'(frbm alcohol) - ~"Th hydrochloride of 117 (melting point, I i'-lI+P_ decomp.) is hydrolyzed by water to I. The con- densation of I with 25% NH3 at about 1000 leads Card 2/3 P o 1 a G-1 CATZGORY Orga:ilc - Chen is I, ry AB3. JOUR. : AZ:ihim.j -*%o. 24 10,30, io. 11,64Y AUTHOR : Ko.--L'Lnskl~ R.; T'. TITLE of 16.1,phatic On. L)'ereochemiistr- Of L i. 0,:jjl'~. PUF c; AMTRACT i'o.-,. r~orxchlorid,,:s (N.C) Vb S (7:ij 1"'. is lis d ue t 0 L-A,.e pre sl~: bc,nd Cl. co.-i-1.1-1-me a S pe. C r,.Cl!S*.--'l.(.:.--.s Of malr?rlitu~~E-. of L .1 WE aS irl 4-_...n ...a t J.- 0 j:3 C I lb, s ll!:~ 0-Vfz: o hr, r, a cyc --o-oc, ~, nt 14-.a.5 f -'ria of :i r t.-, j 5 and L'f I ;.-)m A. 1. .. I so S.Low t1.(, T:.C:, t~clA' C t r ie 3 j'/ 7 ro-1, ~ 5-d i-azainicYclo- (ii), cons'sting Gi~ two -o--Uincd -rlnos --.:' 175-dlazac~;-10- oct:,.n(-., has the .!,Cr,.p Of 11 snectz,~.;jj. P 1 C it T ~~;' G 0 A13S. JOUR. RZKhim., No. 1959, NO. UT H 0 R ORIC1. are. A3S.TRACT I and UISO 31 T,; -1 la 'Lc 2UrriCU 01;44-0 0.1 MClU n 6*5 00 S, a L -h I 4 01; 1 r 0 Ls solved- :1 alc 0i - f~llzl I v,.I. p duct is o4' f or 1-3 d,&,[ s .,,Aixtun; of la I b, -'s :3 -. - 1, . *-i(;, CA, of less sloitib.1-c t tind 0.5~x Tal E'~ 1.c:ated at.ubc-L-t JUGot ~LS T)r t~- V rejortod, (sc;E~ 3 of t C'f I` to '213 131. Leningrad. Universitst PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4583 Voprosy teorii stroyeniya org=ichaskikh soyedineniy (Problems in the Theory or the Structure of Organic Compounds) LLeningrad3 1960. 239 P. Errata slip inserted. 3t725 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencys Leningradskiy ordena Lenina GosudarstvannYY universitet im. A.A. Zhdanova. Resp. Ed.*. T.A* Favorskaya; Ed., V.D. Piastro; Tech. Ed.: S.D. Vodolagina. PURPOSEs This collection of articles is intended for chemists and organic chemists. COVERAGE& The collection is concerned withthe scientific legacy of.A.Ye. Favorskiy, and includes discussions of his theoretical views and thei.r*.eiblution in con- nection with the development of theoretical organic chemis+.4,. The articles re- view problems on the structure, reactivity and transformations of various classes of organic compoundst unsaturated acyclic and cyclic hydrocarbons$ saturated and unsaturated alcohols, glycols and carbonyl compounds. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany each article. Problems in the Theo ry of the Structure (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTSs From the Editors SOV14583 Danilov, S.N. Evolution 5 ReactiOns and Present Of Aeloo Favorakiy's Ideas on the Course of Chemical -Day Understanding of t M.,hansms of 'av.'.a' Reactions he Zakharovaq A-I. Development of A.Ye. Favorskiy,e 7 Work on syn- thesis and Conversions Of Acetylene Hydrocarbons and Their Halogen verivatives 52 Domniny N.Aq.R.Ch. Kolin d V.A. Cherkasova. Development of Favorski.vis ~~-r-kpgzl_ftn ...'n the iield of POlYmethylene cycles Lebedeva, A.I. Development of A.Ye. Favorskiyes Ideas on the Synthesis of 68 Terpc-nes and Related Compounds by the Soviet School of Chemists n Ya ovskaya, L.A.v and Vnoid Compounds R016 Of A.Ye. Favorskiy's Research on 126 the Synthesis Of Isopre F. Kuoherov. 135 XOLIN'SMY, R. Ch., Cand Chem Sci (diss) "Problem of the extent of completion in the formation of a seven-membered ring with allenic or acetylenic linkages." Leningrad, 1960. 13 pp; (Leningrad Order of Lenin State Univ im A. A. Zhdanov); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 22-60, 132) 5.361o 77399 SOV/79-30-1-6o/78 AUTHORS: Domnin, N. A., Kolinskiy, R. Ch. TITLE: investigations of Polymethylene Rings. XXXIII. Concerning the Reaction Between Dibenzosuberane-6,7- dione and Hydrazine PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 196o, Vol 30, Nr 1, pp 270-275 (USSR) ABSTRAM This is a continuation of investigations of poly- methylene rings. A short review of the previous work In this field is given. Synthesis of dibenzo~- suberane-6$7-dione (I) is described. ',-rL) was ob- tained previously by J. Rigaudy and L. Nedelec (C. r.1 236) 1287, 1953) but the condtions of reaction were not given. The authors of this article describe the preparation of (I) as follows: 0.05 M solution of SeO2in aqueous acetic acid was added (dropwise in-1.5 hour) to the boiling mixture of Card 1A dibenzosuberone-6 and glacial acetic acid, then investigations of Polymebh~lene Rings. 77399 XXXIII. SOVIT9-30-1-60r,8 boiled for 8 hours and left overnight. After filtering, concentrating, and cooling, yellow crystals of M (36%), mp 162-1640, were obtained. An alcoholic or acetic acid solution of (1) reacts with propanolle solution of hydrazine hydrate to form monohydrazone (11) (65%), mp 131-1320. H-te" 0 N A & NO N=M An attemptto prepare a dihydrazo-ne of (I P according Card 2/4 to J. van Alpen (Rec. trav. chim., 54., 443J 1935), lead to the formation of d1hydropyrazine (IV) of (I) Mp lnvestigati=3 of Polyinothylene R1nc7,,. 77399 SOV/791-30-1-UO/76 130-1330 (from alcohol). The latter is not ch-an-ed by the action of hydrazine. (II) and (III) were obtained for the first tiine. \H C~Ird 3/4 Ml It was,found that (II) does not react with an ether solution of diazomethane, does not give a positive test for enolic hydroxyl, and is insoluble in a3kalij thi:3 tllsDroveB the oxIstence of Its tautomeric follin (II~), a3 was first assumed. As an explanation of the chemical propert'Le3 of (II), the authors suggested that It has a syn-hydrazonic structure. This suggestion Is confirmed ~y the Inve-otigations of Polymethylene Rinps. 77399 XX71111. 30V/79-30-1 aimilarities of the p2opertics of (II) and )9 -mono- hydrazone of carnphorqulnorv! (111) . Syli-conf iguration of the latter was es~ablJshed by Ilan-Ching Yuan and Kou-Chirqy Hua (J. Chinese Cheni. S00., 7, 76, 19LIO). Inability of (1) to Cormadihydrazone indicates that molecule has a chelate structure. A crystalline compound with mp 245-2470 was obtained unexpectedly by the reaction between (1) and dimethy1hydrazine. Apparently it iz a product of condensation of (I), but it requires further study. There are 12 references, I U.S., I U.K., I Swl8s, 1 Fvench, I Chinese, I Datch, b Soviet. The U.S. and U.K. references are: A. T. Blomquist a. others, J. Ain. Chem. SOC., 73, 5510 (1951); E. Oe Barry Barnett- a. others, J. Chem. Soc., 1927, 504. ASSOCIATIO11i Toeninvrad State Univeroity ~D t~Lenincradskiy gosudar3tvennyy univerfite SUDIP14"54ED: December 30, 1958 Card 7 5.36io 7 8ItS2 SOVY9_ ~0 _j- 16/69 AUTHORS C I I. TITLE: InVestli3;at-100 jjjjj~-,), XXXIV. Invest Igat 1011 ot, the Spectra of Diben- zosuberane_6,'( Monohydra7ojie, and Ber,~,,Al Monohydr.,IV01110 PERIODICALi Zhurnal obahchey ldiiwii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 3, PP 799-805 WSSIO ABSTRACTx The -tilt raviolet spectra of the compounds Investigated are shown In Table 1. The infrared spectra of the game compomuds in C11-vi 3 are shown In Table 2. On the basis of the obtaiiied spectra it was established that the dibeti-;-ocul)et,,,,tie-6,7-dione monohydrazone can exist in the form of a by(.1razone and does not have any tautomeric properties. The cis-configuration of dibenzosuberane-6,7-d lone raonohydrazone Was Con- firmed by Its infrared spectrum. and anticonfiguration Card 1/!~ was suggented for Iiberizo~-,ut)e~,-atie-6,(-dione monooxime. inve,stigation of' the Polymethylene Hlngs-. xxxiv sov/79-,,~o-3-i6/69 chif't of' the absoroLion band of the keto group Me 1. in monohydrazones was explained by its stereochemistry and the po.,;s1ble exl3tence aV a chelate ring. There are 3 figureo; 2 tables; and 17 referencea j 5.3oviet, 4 U,K., It U.S., 2 German, 1, Diitch-, 1, Canadian. The The 5 U.S. and U.K. refct-enceg ave, Rasmun s Sena, R. S., et, al., coll., J. Am- Clieul. Soc., '(1, 1068 (194c,!); * Cromwell N 11 , et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc , 71, , *1 T1. J. Ai , 1;eonard, N. J., et al., 19) 3337 69 Chein. Soc -, 77, - 5078 (10,55); Hadzi, D., J. Chem. Soc., 1956, 214'3; Leonard, N, J., et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 71, 21997. (1-9119) - ASSOCIATIONt Leningrad Stlate University (Leningradskiy gosudarst- vennyy universitet) SUBMITTED: December 30., 1958 :Car d 1, im& of' compounris 24.5 :1.84 C G 11.11 c Cj HS 011 95 5 ~ 2 4.0 11 2 7.5 4.3f) 14ZNN NNH., c6ifsoi-c.c.'"r. IN IN I I N011 (lfj -9 1,q) 2.4 C ard SOV/' Table 2 ktit f.'N IL A 0 11) (v 1) Nil ".3if) 33W 1393 "Ffa~' H I ~;' v 32,14i ,)It 3140 to .'m 3196 'Avlw-'~. '3190 1620 164 7 zl , o.- V 3200 SeOA 0 .(1607) - . - 1665 4D f 0,04 vou, 1607 1 G )20 t 674) (D-C= .) 47 !.T F, C= N f 5'j 3 15 "65 . 1565 -J573 -1522 1522 15SO (D C 4 r 01", ~4CAK 1492 t492 51 W mralull- avd /4 Kc ~ UM2 1 3/079/60/030/006/009/012/XX to ( 0 B001/W66 AUTHORS- Douinin, N. A., Isakova, S. A, and Kolingkiy, R. C TITLE: Investigations in the.Field of lolymethylene Rings. XXXV. Synthesis of Dihydrazonesiof Cyclohexanedione-1,2 and Hexanedione-2,3 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii., 1960, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp, 2480-2484 TEXT: The purpose of the present work was to synthesize the dihydrazone of cyalohexanedione (I) which had been characterized incompletely by N. A. Domnin and N. S. Glebovskaya (Ref. 1). For comparison, also the synthesis of the acyclic dihydrazone of hexanedi-one-2,3 (II) was performed. IN CH NH2 / i~ - C C -NNH CH C- C CH - CH CH 2 1 2 3 11 2 2 3 ~2 - C -NNH2 NNH2 (11) C\ CH2 C , ard 1/4 Investigations in the Field of Foly- methylene Rings. XXXV. Synthesis of Dihydrazones of Cyclohexanedione-1,2 and Hexanedione-2,3 85712 S/079/60/030/008/009/012/XX B001/B066 The modification of the conditions of synthesis described in Ref. I proved to be ineffective, When adding hydrazine to cyclohexanedioae-1,2, the reaction product was always an orange oil which did not crystallize. Only after a storage of several months a small number of crystals were formed which, after separation from the oil and reorystallization, were identified to be the dihydrazone of the ketazine of cyclohexanedione-1,2 (III). Only in one case a large dihydrazone (I) crystal separated out (Ref. 1). Compound (III) is probably formed according to scheme 1. The cyclohexe-ne- dione-1,2 (IV) has an enol form (Ref, 2). As the other intermediateg could not be separated, their structural formulas are only hypothetical. The formation of dihydrazone (I) seems little likely under these conditions; all the more since it could be separated in one experiment only. In view of these facts, the authors changed the order in which the reagents are added., and obtained good dihydrazone (1) yields. 'At was difficultly crystallized from the reaction mass which represented a supersaturated solution of M in alcohol, water, and hydrazine. Dihydrazone (1) is easily soluble in Card 2/4 0") 7 lid Investigations in the Field of Polymethylene 3/079/60/030/008/009/012/XX Rings. XXXV. Synthesis of Dihydrazones of BOO1/BO66 Cyclohexanedione-1,2 and Hexanedione-2,3 these solvents, so that no crystals could form. Crystallization was only induced by inoculation and by recrystallization from benzene, The di- hydrazone structure was confirmed by ultimate analysis and determination of the molecular weight. It was not possible to prove the presence of a C ~-N double bond by spectrum analysis of dihydrazone (I), as its intensity in the infrared spectrum is low; but a primary amino group and the absence of a keto group were confirmed in this way. The dihydrazone of hexane- dione-2,3 (II) was synthesized by the method of Ref, 3 to compare its. properties with those of dihydrazone (I)i and to see whether steric hindrances were the cause of the difficult synthesis of the latter. The investigation showed that in the formation of both dihydrazones, (I) and (II), no steric hindrances are observed. This fact was already confirmed when studying the models of these compounds. There are 8 references; 6 Soviet, 1 Italian, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) Card 3/4 85712 Investigations in the Field of Polymethylene 3/07 60/030/008/009/012/XX Rings. XXXV. Synthesis of Dihydrazones of BOOlYBO66 Cyclohexanedione-1,2 and Hexanedione-2,3 SUBMITTED: July 27, 1959 Card 4/4 ~71 S/079/61/031/006/001/005 D223/D305 AUTHORS: Domnin, N.A. and ~olinskiy, R.Ch. TITLE: On the question of the possibility of existence,of a seven-membered ring with the triple bond-cycloheptene PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimiiv'v. 31, no. 61 1961, 1799- 1605 TEXT:- In 1936 ~ it was. shown that an attempt to introduce a trip16 bond, into a seven-membered'ring resulted in the formation of hydrocarQon with'an allene bond inaseven-membered ring, i.e., cycloheptadiene 41,2 (Ref 1: A.Ye.. Favorskiy,.M.F. Shostakov- skiy, N.A. Domnih~ ZhOKh, 6, 720 (1936)), and not as expected cycloheptene. Th~ formation of cycloheptadiene - 1.2 was explain- ed by the isomeiib transformation at the moment of formation of Qycloheptene ' tei its inability for longer existence. While it has been establ sled that cyclic polymethylenes with triple bond are able to existiin 8-membered and higher rings, the same has dibcovered for remained to be 7-membered rings. The authors' Card -1/7 222di S/07 61/031/006/001/00 D223%305 On the question of the po6sibility of existence of a seven-membered ring with the trip le bond-cyclohep tene previous work (i;k-5: ZhOKhj 309-.270, 799 (1960).)l as' well as the current article investigai6-thi.s.,problem, especially the study of the reaction of hydrazine with cy;:IoheptIa.d.iene 1. 2 0 0 This reaction depending on the conditions under yvhich the reaction takes place, gives different products: dihydrazon cycloheptadiene - 1,F 2 NNII dihydrazon monoketoziAe cycloheptadine 2 1-.2 "IN"" !112NN NNF12. N, and resin which is probably the'result of ketazine polymerization. The best method of preparing dihydrazone (II),is addition of dike- tone (I) to the cooled alcoholic solution (to 0 C) of hydrazine. The important part of the method consists in excess of hydrazine. After removing the solvent the reaction mixture is left to crystallize over several weeks;.. if on the other hand a Card 2/7 22201 07 961/031/006/001/003 D223/D30.5 On the question of,the p9ssibility of existence of a seve-n-member- ed rinf -vyith the triple. bond--cycloheptene ~7,rystal of dihyrazone (11). -is added, the crystallization is com- plete in a'day. The. structure of dihydrazone (H) was confirmed by its chemical behavior. In the presence of a sulphuric acid J_ solution of 2.4 -dinitrophenylhydrazin.e.(Ref. 9: R. Shraytier, R. Flyuson, Sistematicheskiy Itachestvonnyy analiz-organicheskilch soyedinaniy (The systematic qualitative analysis oE crganic com- pounds), M., 173 (1950)). dihydrazon (II) hydrolyzes into bis' (2.4-dinitrop~enylhydrazone) cyclopentadioiie - 1.2 (IV) and hydrazine sulphate. This reaction is 6 usei.'ul way of dctcn-Aning, the nature of different hydrazones since. it does give detone and hydrazine. Th4 structure of ketazine (III) was established by the analysis ot inkra-red spectrum, The pressure of NH2-grou') (frequency- 337.1, 330.5, 3266 cm-,l)was detected and the absence of C=O groups he absence-of absorption m-aximum in the region 1900-1500 cm- t ReClIction with sulphuric acid solution of02.4 i - liy -dinitropheny drazine, after heating, yieled bis (2.4 -dinitro- cycloheptadion -1.2 NN11C6 YNO..)i I IV). Card 3/7 NN11C,113(N0.2)2 22201 3/079/61/031/00 6/001/06 'D223/D305 On the question of the possibility of existence of a seven-member- ed rinrf with the tri'le bond-cycloheptene p and hydrazine sulphate. The ketazine (111) with icric acid forTs hydrazine picrate and with benzoylchloride ~Schotten-Jauman) N,N1 -dibenzoylliydrazine. C6H.5CON11IN11COC05 (V) Test consideration of the space structure of cycloheptadion -1.2 has shown that it alternates in chair and boat f orm.. . The 7-member- ed ring appears mobileso that the carbonyl group plane as a re- sult of- dipole repulsiotr forms an .angle of about 90-1000. Such repuls-5-on acts against the bonding of carbony! groups and hence, in the reacti6n ii-ith..4ydrazine t.he'y behave as free carbonyl absence of groups.. Test considerations have.sho~-m the . space bar- riers in a diketone (I) 'and dihydrazonc' (II) molecule. The water formed during reaction in cases of exp9riments with benzene and toluene was removed from the reaction me6-ium in the form-of azeo- trope with the solvent.' In the case of experiments carried out in ether the C ard 4/7 22201 S/07 61/031/006/001/005 D223YD305 On the question of the possibility-of existence of a seven-membered ring with the triple bond-cycloheptene water'was combined by addition to the reaction mixture of calcined MgSO . The-course of oxidhtion was followed by measuring the re- movei water, the evolved nitrogen and, hence, the percentage comp- osition of nitrogen in the product of reaction determined. The last method proved very reliable. The oxidation of dihydrazone (II) (7Z gms)' was also carried out in ether, in a autoL;lave at 130-150 C. The oxidation was found to be incomplefe - the re.sidu- al resin contained 13% of nitrogeng Immediately after distilla- tion the infra-red spectrum was taken in the region of 2000 cm 1 (LiF prism). The product from the trap after removing traces of, ether showed a maximum absorption in'the region of 1921-1925 cm- which corresponds to the allene bond. The liquid fraction showed absorption in the region of 2241 and 2218 em-1 which according to literature corresponds to the acetylene bond. Beside these the 1 infr4-red spectr F, showed the presVnce of bonds at aboiit 1740 am- (000H)q 1718 cm- (C = 0)9 1640 am--L (C = C). All fractiors decolor- Card 5/7 22201 3/079/61/031/006/001/005 D223/11305 On the question of the possibility of existence of a seven-membered ring with the triple bond-cycloheptene ized the bromine solution in OC1. and darkened on storage. In l1quJd frActionsthe presence of 'ketones was detected (by their reaction with 2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazine) and bis (2,'4-dinitro- phenylhydrazone) cycloheptadione-1.2 (IV) and 2.4-dinitroghenyl- hydrazone subarate. The fractions boiling between 60-100 C. (0-5 mm) were checked-for the presence of cycloheptadiene-1.3 by maieic W ydride but Do bonding occurred. The fraction boiling at 100-130 0 and 135-160 0 (0.5 mm) were found to be solubie in hydro- chloric acid which indicaies the presence of dihydrazone polymeriz- ation products. Chemical investigation has shown that dihydrazone oxidation takes place when using benzene and toluene solvent, ' The corresponding cycloheptene couid not be separated and estab- lished the presence of polimerization products and formation of organic mercury compounds. Card 6/7 S/079/61/031/006/001/005 D223/D305- On the question of the possibility of existence of a aeven-membered ring with the triple bond-cycloheptene There are 13 references, 6 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as followei A.T. Blomquist, J.Am. Chem. Soc., 73, 5510 (1951); V. Prelog, Helv. Chim Actat 35 1598 (1952); F.F. Blicke, J. A,, Chem, Soc', 74, 2924 U952); J.W. Cook, J. Chem. Socol 1952, 4416. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (State University of Leningrad) SUBMITTED: June 6, 1960 Card 7/7 DOMNIN, N.A.; OBESHCHAIDVA.. Polymethylene rings. Part 37.- Transformations of polyhalo- substituted cyclopent=e. Zhur.ob.khim, 31 no.8:2768-2773 Ag 161. (KIRA 14: 8) 1, Icningradakiygosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.L. Zhdanova. (Cyclopentane) C Z 1,1 i, 1 ~ A-Abcwle6 aud their WiluAtir4i in the. ,,)iu,, f - 'j 'r.I-;lf,K$ ;Lc~vn,r .'#z Ah~-! vlhe~i"-e h.14,1ey 1, :t9t, f", vibc3tvt bojpi~~ ( ~rr disttuvii The m.,!, ii!!, '-tw1mg of Ic-ather jr rubl~,r t;; ;),A~. !.;o t rhe wl)ICN-l io. !Iii- .., - tl*,I~vr t~P j, -up-y,k-r, w ~ t KOLINSKY, A. Synthetic rubber as an excellent raw material for viodern shoe adhesives. P.14 (Kozarstvi, Vol-7, no. 1 Jan 1957) Praha SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6 no. 7. July 1957. Uncl. KOLINSKY, A. Binding met2ls. P. 305. (Strojirenstvi, Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monibly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aus 1-~57. Uncl. t081/62/000/024 02 B1170186 b. AUTHORSs Xolfnskl, Josofj Viesnort Ivo TITLEz ..Method of producingaminoam-4de resins PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 24 (11) 1962, 875 -876 abstract 24P457 .(Pat- 6SSH 98573, February 150 1961) - TEXTt Reaction produots of.polvepoxy resins and polyamines condense with organic or inorganic dibas io.or polybasic acids or their derivatives at 100 - 2500C. The amine'numbor of the obtainable aminoamide rosins has be 100 - 700. These resins are liquid or semiliquid transparent sub- la i stances, easily solub a the usual solvents. They are used for ha--d- ening polyepoxy resins.'.. Varnishes so produced are ther4ally stable, do not become yellowq and show excellent gloss and adhesion. Examplet 300 g butyl ester of epoxidized soy oleic acids (4-8 ~- epoxy oxygen/ is heated with 150 g commerdial diethylene triamine (1) to 60 - 700C within' 30 - 40 min. After daloulating the viscosity (800 - 1000 op at 2000), 80 g dimethyl terephthalate is added with stirring. The mixture is then.~, heated to 160 - 1750C with the methanol being distilled off, then kept another 30 - 50 min at this temperature until an amine number of 240.- Card..1/2--- UJJLT R, A..; UHLIR(PIA, J. KOLINSKY, J.,- RUZICKA, V.; PASEK, J. Tlerruodynamtc~ "alysis of dehydrating 11.130propaMl t,:~ P-,OrjYlene. Gh6m r-i-xa jA ro.9.47C-,173 S 164. 1. Aoso,-Aatlon of I~hemieal ftnd biletallti gjerAj Produ,--tion National Entnrprlqe~ U,,ti nad Uibova (for 11.1ill1r, Uhilro-kia and Kclinuky). 2. jljjq~er S(-,ho,~j c)f C~,pm.jciaj Teohnol.r-,gy, Prague Ruzicka and Pasek~ja Ad(LbItumino vAdaacc I Preputtkn of gatup baitic l1ruliv-A. C^aj.pil ef.&Ao l7k"i", d. C.A. 42. 10.14ki-11w of 11h. 4aming ktwwn ethets" W IvIkmI.J (I't rittik), Vh. W 114-IG!'jim 14a11, tit, 133'), (110 Slh 141 1 , ill, Ill 15-5- (110 all. 1 157-11"); -C &1R (110 sit. 131-~ lim4yl. the I Lan at -104ad MAk oidlqt ath to add at 11"'livA. )). 1111"44. V. 14, LWY 41. J NtIO-1,10, U J $ ;Almvi- dw It, 113" (mm w1, 4 doll q ilk", t" vt .14.1% vt'l Addil, fit& Antihimauflitv OubdUrttils' - basic ull othats. atalkyl ethul's. and 014tkyl thiWOW91. W ). o. J11. k, J. Cd4x lidis CmrAo,lov. - (.'k,rrn. Commuml. Is. aad :utdm. llk~ d VMI U-40" (pikizzle. in. IZ5*). kW:AjmfrjW '-(rl -4)dh . hi-IINI .11 1 -Plmij) l--4 I-$ 167-8, (110 slit. its. 160-9 ; for 1&111, 01. 1.11.3 ; ffulk. iNhdf. it, Hr '* C&Ar ' e at. 123-A-. O.Mt3 -0.018i ~I`Nffased'Ti It N lICl.kivesdiht4s4)dryI i'ttker, Aud 2-(I+pp~er' )dAj '4 (11). till 81.1% "Lau Ukt'l W.44 vit 'Ftq.l (it tu qt - Ctaki Ixt4c. which vvis- detlaul.1 by tic ting (A& gIve I erillme. h. 1(13-5* U. '.It t4h-utiam A~-CtVNIO. (Phl- C11) .. ... I., W. tirz M~ a by-prectuct tit the P"pn. of I I'y I.-ming 111k, N., dviiie.fil It with M.ClIt'lin tylvi1r." OMM, A.;KOLINM JIMLCOGROVA, L. tir-71.111= ~41 I ~ Statistical study on incidence of eczema and other skin diseafles In out-patients and in-patiouts at the First Dermatological Clinic of the Charles University, 1945,-50. Cook. dorm. 28 no.5:196-198 May 1953. (CLML 24:5? 1. Of the lint Bermato-Tenereological Clinic (Head-Prof. 9. Gavalowski, M. D. ) of Charles University, Pra4gae. KOLINSKYO- -Jlri, 10th Congreso of the CzechoalovalyrAan Commmist Party and future problems in the field of pharmacyo Gesks farme 3 noo7t225 Sept 54o (PRAMOY In Czech.)