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KOU,',%N~ J. Long-distance short-wave communications. p. 296 SDELCMIA'I TE"IfIRIFIKA (Ia-nistrestvo strojirenstvi), Vol. No. 10, Oct. 1956 Praha, Czechoslovakja I SOU7'E: East European List (EEAL) Library of r, k"ongress, Vol. 6, No 1, January 1957 KOUW2 J. TICHNOUOY PeriodicaL SDEWVACI TECHNIKA, Vol. 6,, no. 11. Nov, 1958. KOLMAN, J. The noise index; basic conaiderationap thermal noise, p, 418* Monthly List of Mot European AAcession (EW) LC,, Vol. 8, no. 3 March 1959 Unclass. L~J3761-67 -RIP(j) ACC NRI AT6029410 P(C) BBAG SOURCE CODE: CZ/2503/66/000/012/0211/0216 AUTHOR: Kolman, J. - Kolm aii, Ya. ORG: Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, PEagu~. TITLE: Some characteristics of the ferrite core memory SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Vyzkumny ustav matematickych stro' ju. Stroje na zpracovani informaci, no. 12, 1966, 211-216 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, ferrite core memory, computer/EPOS 1 computer A13STRACT: The basic parameters are described of a ferrite core memory in which each core is threaded with only two perpendicular wires. The ferrite core memory ' operates ae, a component part of the first model of the EPOS I computer with electror tubes. The memory was developed with a capacity of 1000 wnrds/f-5 bits of thirteen. de-cadic digits in the code '12 out of 5" [Kolman, Kristoufek, Vysin: A ferrite core memory of the computer EPOS, 1. Information Processing Ma6hines, No. 11, Prague 1965]. An analysis is made of some features of the ferrite core memory on the basis of experimental data accumulated during several years of its operation. A C.rd 1/2 - C.,d. 2/2-~ SKORPIL, V.; KOLMAN, JO: Haaaurement of the speed of conduction of peripheral nerveir in eltnical ,conditions. Cesk. neur. 24- no-3:161-165 Vq 161. 1. Neurochirurgicks. klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Frase, prednosta prof. MUDr. Z. Kunc Fyziatricke oddeleni Ustredni vojenske nemoonice v Praze, prednosta MUDr. V. Staotny. (PERIPHUn NZRVW dis) L 346V=~~ Ewr W lip(c) ACC NR& AP6025879 076-6-76W-TO(T2-/0-036/003 SOURCE CODE: CM008 AUTHOR: Kolmanj Jarosl&4 (Enginser) ORGt Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, Prague (Vyzkumny ustav mtematickych-str~oju TITLE: Pulse excitation of ferrite toroide with a rectangular hysteresio loop SOURCE: Automatizace, no,, 20 19669 36-39 TOPIC TAGSs hysteresis loop, electric resistance, electronic circuit ABSTRACT: The article,preeents.-I.Vo\simple methods of determining the equivalent resistance of rectangular hysteresis 'Aoou materials during inversion from the. of view of circuit technique@ Orige art. has: 7 A~ee and 5 formLlm. CJPF--S: 35,3251 SUB CODE: 09 SUN DAT91 now ORIG OF 1 007 &N NW: 002 OTH REFs 002 .4W 1 .. I - . . II e, - :, UM 621.316.5a 62-63 . 11 - L~ r CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Virology- Viruses of I-Ian and Animal E Viruses of Transmission Infections Abs Jourt Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 210 1958~ 94864 Author : Havlik, 0. . _!dolman, J. Inst :Not given Title :Evidence of the Presence of Antibodies Against Tick Encephalitis Virus in Several Bats Orig Pub: Zh. gigieny, epidemiol mikxobiol., i immunol. (Chekhosl.), 1957, 19 i0, 21 204-206 Abst-det: No abstract. Card 1/1 ~W- MVLIK, Otto; KOIMV, Jan The antibodies against the virus of the tick-borns #ncephalitis In certain bats. J. HY9. NPidgm., Praha 1 no.2t231-233 i957. 1. Institute of Spidmioloa and Niarobiology, Prague. (INOWULITIS, IPMUC, im*ml. antibodies against viv~ma of tick-bome encephalitis In bats (BATS, din., encephalitis, tick-borne. antibodies a6minst viruA) CZEC-POSLOVAU M /Virology - Viruses of Man anaAnimals. Viruses of E Transmittable Infections. Abs -Tour : Ref Zhur Diol., No 6~ 1959, 23801 Author ; Havlik, 0 Kolmon, Jej Lim, D. Inst Title Appearance of.Acarid-Bite Enc'ephalitis in Wild Birds Orie Pub Zh. gigiyenyj epidemiole mikrobiol. i immolbrs. (Chekhosl),. .10 No ~,_315_j22 Abstract 338 specimens of birds of 51 ape ciea f'rom the foci-is of acarid-bite encephalitis in Central Czechoslovakia and from two reGions in FAatern and Westerai Czechoslovakia, where no disease was noted, were examined. Fir virus neutraliz4tion-reaction, an infusion of heart tisaue in buffer physiological solution vas utilized. Of 151 ex- perimenta,.a positive result was obtained in 44 cases. Virus-neutraliiing antibodies vere deternincil in 23 bird species, among them in species on which Acarides were Card 1/2 10 RA Zke'O.; KOIMN, J.X*; gN, D. The incidence.of tick-borne encephalitis in wild birds. J. ~jgo Spidem., Praha 1 no,.4:367-376 1957. 1. Institute of Bpidemiology and gicrobiology, Prague. (INCIMLITIS. XPIMMIC. epidemiology@ tick-borne, in wild birds in Czech.) (BIFM , diseasest tick-borne epidon. encephalitis in wild birds in Czach.) -11 .. 6 N -F) N - M HLVL?K",) Gtto,~KOIXM, Jan. Me Detection of antibodies against tick-borne encephalitis in certain domestic bats..Cask. spides6 mikrob. imun. 6 no.4:242-244 July,~7. 1. Ustav apidemiologle a mikrobiologie v Praze, red. prof. Pr rarel lek;460 no a PWAtis antibodies (Gs)) (INCIEPRLUTIS. APIMIC, immmology. tick-borne encephalitis antibodies In bats (Gs)) KOLW.N, J.M. " " -- Simple semi-autamat.1a pipet apparatus. Gas. lak. cook. 97 A0.34:1083- 1084 22 Aug 58. 19.Ustav epidexiologle a m1krobiologle v Praze, prednosta prof, Dr, K. Ras)a. - (CHWICAL AMLYSM, appar. & instruments simple semi-automtic pipet appar. 02)) MALKOVA,D.; -Role of the~regional lymphatic system of the immxized mouse in penetration of the tick-borme 4neephalitis viruis into the blood stream. Acts. virol (Rraha) [Engl] 8 no.1:10-13 Ja'64- le Institui,4 of Parasitolo&* Caschoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. KOU4AN, J.M.: MAIKOVA, D.; NEMEG;A.; SMETANA;A.; HAJKOVA,Z.; HIM,J. .I The isolation of the Tk&7n& virus from the mosquito Aedes.V'exam* in southern Moravia. J. byg. epidem. (Praba) 8 no.-3t380-386 164 1. 3hatitute of Paras Itologys, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences# Prague. Yugoslavia 030) scit3nce Preliminary report on the resultri of geological tracing u:i the lower course of the Crna Reka River and the region between Arzen. and Caliste, in i'-Iacedonia. p. 27. Trudovi., no. 2. 1951. East European AccesAons List. Library of Congress Vol. 2, nos. 1&2, j&i.-Feb. 1953. LNICLASSIFIED KOLIMAN ON. Comparing currents computed by Oe dynamic method with instrumental observations. Trudy AANii 21o:,-64-167 61. (MIRA 14:11) (ocean currents) KOL-MAN, ON. Boring of the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and the Mohole Project. Okcanologiia I no.6:110) 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Boring) (Mohole project) I WIN KOLIMAN, O.V. Underwater radioactivity spectrum (from "Nature," vol.188, no.4747 1960). Okeanologiia 2 no.1:190 '62. (MIRA 15:0 (Water) (Radioactivity) Inflatable ship for submarim reaearch. Okeanologila 2 00.3; 571-572 '162o (Oceanographic research) KOLIMAN; O.V. Oc9skographic survey of the Pacific Ocean conducted by the U,S, Coast and Geodetic Survey (from "Military EngineerqO Inos. 350, 353' 1961; "Science News Letter,* no.15, 1961). Okeanol iia 2 no-5,946-947 162. IMIRA l51ll) (Pacific Ocean-Ooeanography) KOLIMAN, O.V. Voyageof the American submarine "Sea Dragon" in the Arctic Ocean. Okeanologila 2 no.6.*.M5-11-17 162. (IMU 17:2) KOLIMAN, O.V. Training courses an oce"graphy organized by the United Nations Edu- cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Okeanologiia 3 no.lil84 163. Oceanwraphic conferences in Latin America. M4*4844a5 QMIA 7s2) KOLIMAN, O.V. Oceanographic studies conducted in the Arrtic Basin on American atomic ffu+rines. Okeanologiia. 3 no,2056-362 063. (MM 16t4) (Arctic regions.-Oceanograpby) (United States-4tomic submarines). KOLIMAN, 0,V. Oceanography in Japanw Okeanologila 3 n0.32559-564 063. (MIU l6t8) (Japan--Oceanographic reoearch) Oceanographio expeditions in the Arctic in 1961 conducteda by the Hydrographic Office of the Department of the Navy of the UwS*Aa Okemologila 3 n0,3&564 163. (XFRA 160) ("tio.regions) Survey of the Pacific Ocean by,the U.S, Coast and Geodetic Survey. Okeanologiia 3 no.4z'754-757 163. Find.'of a new chain of submarine volcanoes. 7p-, (MIRA 1011) KOLIMAN, O.V. Navigation of Canadian Coast Guard ships in the Are,-ic. Okeanologiia 4 no.1:188 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1 - I KO L I MA NIq O.V. New unit for underwater drillb,9, Okear',1,1. ~~a 4 no 21361 564. 0 qJt - - "Phyzical climatology of the Antaret.-Ic plateaun by P.C.Dalrymple. 0 Reviewed by 0.1 Kol Iman. Meteor. I gidrol. no. 6:51-52 Je ~ " 5. (MIRA 18-5) . I KOU4AN, Romuald, doc. dr inze Massification of length and angle measuring fiquiPment- POmiaz7 10 no.8038-3421! J1164 1. A38OCiation of Polish Kerhanica-I Migineers and Tecbniciangrt Warsaw. KOLmii, homuald, doe. d-- inz. Method of speedy determination of the surface roughness number. Mechanik 37 no.6022-325 Je 164- le Military Technical Co3legejo Warsaw* 0- ~T KOUIAN R. An exhibition of Carl Zeiss products. P# 31. (MECHANIt. PRINd. Vol. 30, no. .1. Jan. 1957) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl. N-onthl-, List of E2st European A-7cgssion-9 (E7~?,D, Lc, 'Vol. 9: no. 2, .Feb. 195 Uncl* 9. ~ I KOUIAN, S.; KOLMANOVA, R, Ch the problem of selecting pupils for special schoois. Cask. pad. 20 no.32tlIO8-1110 D 1 65 1. Sko2ni zdraLvotni aluzba Obhodniho ustavu narodniho zdravi Usti nad Orlici a Zvlastni skola internatni v Pardubicich. mum, S. "Czechoslovak Aviation Day", P- 409, (KIRIDIA VIASTI, Vol. 4, No. 18, Aug. 1054, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO; 11onthly List of East Eurorcait Accessions, (EFAL), LC) Vol. 4j No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. KOLMAN, S. Kaliopenic nophropathy in prima7 aldooteronism. Cent-. pediat. IS no.1:62-65 Ja 163. 1. Det3ke oddeleni O*esni nemoordee v Paraubiciah, prednosta doe. dr. J. kngol. (HrPERALWSTERONISM) (POTASSIUM DEFICIENGr) (KIWEY DISEASES) KOIM, Samuel; HUB, Itiloolav; - RUZKOVA, Sona Familial occurrmes of phosphatase deficiency. Cesk. pediat. 17 no-5/6'-518-527 Je 162. I. Detake oddeleni okresni nemocnice v Pardubicich, prednosta doc. dr. J. Ringel Patologiokoanatomicke oddeleni okreani nomocnice v Pardubicich, prednosta dr. M. Hub. (PRospHATAss deric) (ABNOIDMITIES genetics) SUMP K.; SLAVIKOVA, V.; KOLMM, Z. Metabolism of folic acid. VI.Preparation of intermediary astimeta- bolites of folib acid. Coll Cz Chem 25'no.7*.1929-1937 Jl 160. (EM 10:9) 1. Laboratory for?mtels Metabolism and Synthesis, and Institute of, Hasmatology and Blood Transfusion, Prague. (701t0 a:id) NOLMANS S. Prevention of re4poss of rheumatic feTer in ohildren. Ceik. pediat. 17,non:.IM3...1017 N 162. 10 DOWN oddeleni. okromi nem'oonice v Pardubicich, prednosta MUDr. J. 21nak. (RHEMATIC M Arief report-on the state of innovation during the first half of 1963 in Vesspren County. Ujit lap 15 no.*17:12 .10 5 .96j. I..Szakezervezeti Negysi Tanace ujitasi eloadoja. KOL-4911-TVANTOV,- E. "Kinzmatic and Power Analysis'of Tablet-Making Machines." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 20 Apr 50, Moscow Inst of Chemica2 Machine Building. Summary 71, 4.Sep 52, Dissertations Presented Lor De~ree ja Science and Engineeri]= Mose in 1950. Fr Vechernvaya Moskva. Jan-Dec 1950. 9M IUDI~i, V. A.; KOLIMAIN, YE. YK. Compressors Problems concerning the precision of the mechanism of a compressor., Trudy Mosk. inst. khim. mash., No. 2, 1950. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April --195X, Uncl. 2 SUW, Miloslavj MICHALEC, Castmir; HESTAN, Jan; KOLMAN, Zdenek ----------- Experience with the isolation of unsaturated glycerides and their characteristics in the human serum. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.22:696-698 2 Jo 161. 1. Angiologicka..lab~rstor:fakulty~vasobeensho 19karstwi KU vProses reditel prof. dr. B. Prusik. laborator pro setaboUezus bilkovin a proteosyntezu. fakulty vaeobsoneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, reditel prof. dr. J. Horejoi. (PATS,:MiSATURATED blood) MICHAISC9 C~; SULC, M.; NESTAN, J.; KOWAN, Z.; TICHOVA, M. Comparative chromatographic studies on the content of unsaturated triglycerideo in various oils and 'fats. Cas.lek.cask 100 n0.29/303 909-912 14 JI, 161. 1. Iaborator, pro prot6OBpt62U a metabolismus bilkovin fakalty vasobeenabo lekarstvi KU v Praze, reditel prof. dr. J. Ho"'wil Laborator angiologicka fakulty vooobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, reditel prof. dr,6 B. Prusik. (LIPIDS chen) E.E., kand. tekhr. ri,ik L~m p -Li, - --v I br t, , calculation of Inertial plarit!t:~ .,? - D11'.'I" i neft .--Lqic mashilnostr. no-4:11-13 0 ~L-4-. (HITIP. 1,11.12) ~6~11,U%N-1VANOV.-'Ti.' Y.::.; SHKLOVSKAYA,'~R. A. Cams Analytic and graphic method of.shaping a-cam with a flat pushti-. Trudy Aosk.inst,khim mash., No. 2, 1950. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 62765 st #190 SOV/184-59-5-14/17 AUTHOR: .... Kol'mara-Ivanov. E-E., Candidate of Technical Sciences ... ................. TITLE: Some Pf%oblems of Voiumetric Dosing of Presspowders PMODICAL: Xhimichdsko'ye mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr. 5, pp~* 42-44 (usn) ABSTRACTS The-artiold deals with anexperimental investigation into two Problims ,of 'volumetric dosing 'of P~resspowders a) ther minimum time' required for dosing a' given aisount of powder ifito the.die of 'atablet compressing machini' k4iepiiig-the weight within given't~lerances;and ' ce'of'the poi~der.level in the charging funnel on the b) the lnfluen~ dosing process, It gravity feed of the powder is-dsed,- The 'axperiments were carried out with a charging funnel (Figtire 2) whoi6 dimapsi6ne were identioal with those of the DDS-2 rotary tablet c3n.,nreissing machine. Exchangeable diaphragm with*holet of different diametev's can be used inAe funneli The outlet'opening is closed by a slide. The K_*18_2 presspowder was used, having an angle of repose oflrv~ 4ooc. The i ' th,~ou discharge (Q) of the powder gh the outlet was.ifiveBtigated for different diameters of the opening and for different powder levels In the funnel.. The 'fikst series -of experiments was madA to establish the relation lof., the weig)A 0)'of the powder,.passing through,the Card 1/,3 outlet openi:ng, on the' time (t) during which the slide was opein-8 82785 sov/184-59-5-i4/17 Some Problems of Volumetric Dozing of Presspowders Card 2/3 Q - G / t g/sec.The diameter (d) of the outlet opening was 10 mm, the height (h),ofthe powder in the.f=el was 400 mm, wh-4le t was 5, 10, 15,~ 2D and 25 see. The graph-, Figure 4, represents the mean arithmet.:2 values of G from 10 measurements for each t value. It shows that there Is an obvious linear relation between G and t. The second series of experLments was made fcr determining Q whent h 3oo, 4oo, 500, 600 mm; d - 10, 15, 2o, 25, N, 3- 4o mm. t 10 see for d =,10_2D mm, and t 5 see for d = 2~10_flm'. "Per each vtr.,Iue of h and d, 10 measurements were made for determining the weight of the paNder passing through tha outlet opening within t seconds. -The experimental values of Q for each variation of d and h are shown in a graph, FiSure 5. The experiment!, p7ove -ttat h does not effect Q. Consequently, the pressure in the plane of the outlet opening Is determined firzt of all by the friction between the powder particles. A similar phenomenon is observed in deep bunkers (Ref. 1-3) The dependence of Q_ on d ^an be expressed by the formula Q - Z~ -5, where a - 1. 74 AA ~-fo ( /t - coeff ic lie + of discherge;.r - volumetric weight of tne powder; k - I S I + sin?. - pressure transfer ccef f Icient; and f. = tgP. internal friction coeffioient of the material. When processing the 82785 Some Problems of Volumetric Dosing of Presspowders sov/24-59-5-14/17 experimental results by the method of least squares a is equal to 6.1. The value of.the volumetria weight of -the powdc~- under the experimental conditions was whl~h was used'for determining the coefficient of dtnharge for a round opening with sharp edges,4 = 0.776. The experlmental results'can serve as a basis-for determining the miriimum,dozing time and may be used.for plotting.-an ace-urate cyclogram of the dosing mectfanism 'Of a , tablet'compreassing machine, There are 2 diWams, 3 graphs and 4 Soviet references. Card YUDIN; V.A.; KOVIA&DINOV, EX. Stiiaying -the dynaml*Cs of piston compressors in connection w!,,,-- their Intensirleation. Trudy MIMM 24%3-11211 162. (Min 3, KOLIMAN..;IVAMV E.E. .Some problems of the mechanics of cam and rotary pelleters. Trudy MIKM 24t58-1.7 162. (MM 180) PETROKAS, L.V.1 KOLIMAN-IVANOVgE.E.; KOROVKIN, V.A. - - ~ - I Experimental development of the system of an automatic mechanical press for the manufacture! of plastic goods. Trudy MIKHM 2440- 57 162. (MIRA 180) Ol tila problm of or--Ioatftg papIla for apeoial ochoolve Cauli, pod* -.V2. no.224110SPMO D.1 65 %6lr.1-9&uvo%nl olusba CbhodMho uctavu raro&iho udmvi Usti nad OrlAcl a Zvlutni ukola Int*rratni v llalAlbdAlCh* 6- 2A - ott, 44 UW65 10M -6,,!~o '1T8 71, 1, 'TITL --a -rara ems 44 Z Lid a-42- I b % en nyx --zna 0v I-Aloi By h ' 1, b r-cra- ft Ji we. t jrAkV 7 e 'eon*rb I tea P--tlu =pmeii Y T $y4: AM -,tea tingi,~.z__,' ra; -b~- ake fioii':~C-IirtC dfid 'Ls~ mg, L;- _lion r.6 ays elle On, mr aft 4ht e! s e :un A I --l-.2truated o ..t~.- ri ti on 't:lie" b, -of-- _0 rt a-:- an -a rcritlt-kiftetic-energy a: mulat or and usta out -~-,:'AiL6Lt precision. e d 'd C- eJ- W, IjJ qN- Own: W u S4~ 777 ht pr Coli ected to simulated-param-, eter transducers and-they-generate e NP., W-4 00-'---_~::t~---.~" SUB .~tz -'. t -g-ATA rl :-REP, 777= E6 ZF.2 KOIX&NOVICH, L.Ya.0 inzh. Control of zero-9squence voltage cLrcults. Elek. sta. 36 no.9: 80-91 S 165. (HM I -A 19) KOUIAWTICH TasD. (Hookwa) Transition to a seven-hour vorking day and regulation of employee and vorker vages. Shvein.prom. no.2:1-5 Mr-4p 160. (Clothing industry) (Hoere of labor) (Wages) (MIRA 13: 11) K(jll..-ANOVSKIY. lzraill Illich; IZATW14SKIY, N.S.., red. [Production of sodium bicarbonate] Proizvodstvo dvu- uglekislogo natrJia; bikarbonata. Moskvay 1964. p. (~GHA 17-M . 0 24667 S/081/61/000/009/014/015 B101/B205 AUTHORS: Ying Sheng-k-ang, Pravednikovp A~ N.9 Kolmansong A. Be TITLE: Investigation of y-irradiated vinyl polymers by means-of electron paramagnetic resonance PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 99 19619 645, abstract 9P85 (9R85)("Huahsileh HsUehpao, Acta chim. sinicatt, 196o, 26,no.3, 164-i6a) TEXT: On radiolysis of polyvinyl chloride (I) and polynitrile acrylic acid, the concentration of free radicals determined by means of epr decreases with rising temperature. (Irradiation was performed below vitrification temperature). The yield of free radicals obtained by radiolysis of (I) ia higher than that obtained by radiolysis of polyethylene, whereas the yield of oross links is lower. The authors believe that electrons produced by radiolysis of (I) can be captured by polymer molecules. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation-3 Card 1/1 00-0 0 0 0 0 111-4111-10 a-* 0 0 0 o00-0 61866CO060069 1 4 1 f f I I r 1, it 11 14 Is '4 U tip It A Ila nipin 317,63LRII a_ "A li VC PC, U 41 Q 4) M a tip a C.! A laf;; of die fivinctortleflit lot me detemmation of .0 dw concestatio" of M, 1. Ktilau4n)-all, Lab. 11rabo. J1.1. S. S. -00 filing. tif Witit were limit for the Prelin. 44 3111 .00 Very -00 itimilar vithics witire obtaivied with felivral tioutostic Itess- The following teftsdometer rnififinrt liere tone Victim. -00 at Word frolis 0.5. IAI, 2A). 3J). 4.0. 5AW and 41.11"~ "I' file Witte Priplow, f~p.' 17-:4 10.41. 24.4.7. '_N.11. 32.0. .00 :41.3And,10). ThiiLlable can [it- tiwd for th-letu. lit It., woo vtpolls. of other liclitones. aml lor the tivin. of flat- 1% pione vottivnt In yr&O autolynkim if a correction inot cumdtiap: zoo Ll 1.5 rA-Ak- JivI*kxvs til the (Ttfuctmurtct) i, coo I hill. 64 tilt AINIAT'sat" with ifillil. WaArt tip Awlaill 11; forte piAns. rictioltrA a cocit-444stj of not lume thali 1.1 - WP I KVIO diVWCMI.. VIM.1 AlIttil)'SAIM Cl"ItAill t31 III M1. % of astpiou N per 1% (it jir~i4Tm. Glir!wn,finx oto the.11sla. o0 A tiocri 20-34.) mg. Ore tol amino X and aniolyst% Nt 1.5--2.0 klay,j produresIS-4t1mg. %vo(ammoN per I' o(Imptoor. Ilvdiolysis of protchii by (fig"ibm enquics li'roilucci stich At line turticks that their wAtu. apipt-ich tha-c Of kin. tal- me WI see htid~. kapid erfiscitittictric dettit. of file pTpti ll V~ry itnixicu"It. for the PvcPti. of uIltritive owdiA. ~V. K. licrul 24TALLURGICAL UtTILA1141 CLutVICAVION a ""to A~ too 0101,1p .1.1 -1 C., 1 4oo u s 11 10 a T-i V IF to ty It 044 GIA pill "net I IA'- -1 -1 o m v I q a 4111111111111111 0 00 a 0040000.0 0969 0 6 ZO 0 0 0 660060406 0 - . 6 0 0 * 0-0 0 0 0 C * a 46 0 : a : : KOWNYAN, S Re Method for accurate determination of the composition and phase equilibrium parameters of a binary bydr9carbon mixture vith one of the comp6aanto containing hozolog admixtures. Trudy Azerb. Ind. Inst. n9.16:102-118 (KM U:9) (.4drocarbens) (Phase rule and equilibrium) Phase equilibrium apparatus for binary hydrocarbon systogs, as, pro", 11001:43-116 Js 158. . (HIM 1112) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Chemical apparatus) (Hydrocarbons) KOLMANYAlf, S.R. Phase equilibrium In bIzwr7 system of hydrocarbons. Izv. i-vo. ucheb. zav.; neft' I gas noo 3:97-107 138. 1 (MIRA 11;7) 1. A2erbaydzhanski.- industrial'W institut im. N. Azizbekova. (Yrdrocarbon's) (Phase rule and equilibrium) KOIMIYAN., S. R., Candidate Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigatior of the phase equilibrium of birai-I systems of hydrocarbons in the critical range., on the example of propane --n-heptane ". Baku, 1959* 15 pp (Min Higher Ednc USZ, Azerb order of Labor Red Banner Industrial Inst im M. Azizbekov), 150 CoPies (IKL,No 20, 1959, lip) KOLI~WAII, S.R. Method for determining critical pressures and temperatures in binar7 e7stems of lighl normal paraffins. Izv.vys.uchebazavo; neft' i gas 2 no.12:119-126 159. (MIRA 13.'5) 1. Azerbaydz't -neki:- inatitut ne'Lti i khimii imeni M. Azizbekova. (Paraffins) POKROVSKIr K.V.; KOIXANYAN, S.R. Calaa1ating gas-and condenzate reserves in condensate gas fileds. Inv. vys. ucheb. sav.; neft'.i gas 3 no.9:51-57 1600 (MIR& 14:4) 1. Azerb"dzhanskiy institut nefti I khimii imeni M.Azizbekova. (Condensate oil wells) POKFOVSKIY, K.V.; ~ORRNYAN, S.R.; DOILOV, A.S. Method for calculating gas and condensate potentials of condermate ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 3 no 10:69-73 160. gas fields. 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Tajik-istan - Cotton Growing Cotton plants set out separately in the,rows. Kholpkovodstvo Ho. 6, 1951. 14onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Corq.;ress June 1953. Uli-CL. WIMLAV9 A.; j2j!!aL.!j.,,MEMUT., J.; WMCO J.; SLAM, J.B., prof. Report on the 4th International Congress on Acoustics in Copenhagen, August 21-28., 1962.-- Slaboproudy obsor 2/+ no.3tl83-185 Mr 163, 1, Katedra fysikyj Mektroteohnicka fakulta, Ceske ke uced technicke Praha (for Slavik). 2. Vyzkumrq uota uk e, obiazove a7 reprod4teni teahnik~-, Praha (for Kolter) . 341 Stata- vyzkwmy ustav tepolne teohniky, Praha (for-Nemec). IKOUMI, F.; TICHY# J. . I I Theoretical determination of absorptive properties of perforated porous material, p. 9 Ceskoslovenska vedecka technika spoleenoat pro zdavotni techn1ku a vzduchotechnika, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 4.. 1959. 1 4-4 '77 L- Y-- "Ir SOO -1 i r VW t 1 No 9 . . . . . ~ Imo 71. .at f .4113 pl: ."i -mn agur ad L, -d An kr - Ew~~ ul th. tt:rj-,s. Tht insm u, zlistrA r-r jot~r i-n. ummunn rnf-vla cr. u-11 ~n of 3 fm-n fhc diziptcg maierWs. &ueb zia catton -~Gol Dr clott "reL dwtrieu; R s.smi~~cz 7 ~7 ri -,', :77 77:77 :7 -0 KOIMO Folus inset 00640 KisatW of the International Orpnivation for Standardisation (130) in Selsinkis &2abopo* obsor 22 no.12073-776 D 161. . 1, Vyskmy ustav svWcov p obramove a reprodukoimi tachnikyp Praba. (IntArnational Orpnivation for Standardisation) M4-- pLW,R, _~el~ ~,inz., C.Sc.-j TICHYP Jiri, inz., dr., C.Sc. Dependence of the acoustical absorption coefficient on the parameters of gouged soft wood fibre plates with a smooth hard surface. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.7.-389-396 J11 '62. 1. Vy skumny ustav zvukove, obrazove a reprodukcni techrdky (for Kolmer). 2. Katedra fysiky fakulty elektrotechnickao Ceake vysoke uceni technicke (for Tichy). ~ OVER,, Felixq inz. Second conferenes an aeoutics organized by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sdences. Slaboproudy obsor 23 no.9:544-546 S 162* 1 m 77F~ pLMER, Felix- KRNAK, Milan; TICHY, Jiri j Investigation and realization of properties required from the Czechoslovak reverberation chambers to obtain the optimm *,lue of acoustio absorptivity. Slaboproudy obsor 24 no-3:139-W Mr -163. l.'Vyskumny ustav avukove, obrazove a reprodx*oni techniky, (for Kdmer and-Krnak).~2. Katedra, fyzikv fakulty alektrote bkeg ,*A"vyioke uceni techrAcke., Praha (for Tichj). KOLMER., Felix, inz., CSc* Meeting of the International Organization for,Standardiza- tion TS/P 59 (ISO/'IC 108) Mechanical Shook ahd Vibration. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.ils682-684 W63. FOLMER, Fal-ir., inz., z Ildrd Acoust.1c Conference of tl?"Ie Acoustic Commi3sion of the A %Izechoslnvak Acadety of Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.12,732-734 0163. JANUSM, Ivo, inz. CSc.; KOLMER, FelIx, inz. CSc. Development of acoustics in Czechoslovakia in the five- year per-iod of the activity of the Acoustic Commission of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Slaboproudy obzor 25 no*9;505-508 S 164- 1. Acoustic Commission of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencesp Prague. KOLK-,Rp Felix, inz. CSc. Third Congress of the International Society for Noise Con'trol. Slah-oproudy t,,~uv 125 no.10:623-624 0 164. 1 m Ail CWSIM NR: AP5023912- 23Uar64 00 SUB CODF.: G? boo OTHER: JPRs OW N9: pap 9cwt L 21367-66- ACC NR3 AP6010920 SOURC IF. CODE. CZ/0039/65/02 6/0321/0330 AUTHOR: Kolmer, Felix (Enghwer; Candidate of sciences) ORG:--Research Institate of Audio,-Video and-Reproduction T hn 1 Pi~ ague R, ogy (VyzkwW ustav, zvukove, TITLE: Determination of the acoustical conditions for sound recording ina I I - orp, . _ - __ __ - - - ___ - -- -three-channel-stere SOURCE: Slaboproudy, obior, v----,26,-,-"no- ~-~-.6. 321-~330 -TOPIC ad a r TAGS: ousti e6ording-i,..test acoustics ABSTRACT: The article describes the results of psychophysical and physical tests to deter-mine the influence of the: position. of the microphone and the distance of the sound source on the precision of localization. The optimum recording conditions. in a three-cfLm-al stereophonic pystem were verified by disturbing the recorded word with noise and spoken words. Conclusions were drawn from about 89,000 tests. Orige art. hass 12 figures and 1 tables EJERS]. SUMDAM: 2314ar65 SUB. CODE: Oq# 20 ORIG REF: 006 OrR REF: 002 SOV REF; 001 UDCr 621-1 LA 4a zt~- ~ M7 S-T ON If R: AP5019-226- 056/65/04qloi0i/Ol 35 /014 rme 4z lj~ b&.---U- ...... i&--- - &h Absorg a-L- _e e-B rpt- :.--c a laid - t ~~m Al n6yj,-t-e6i4t",l lea k!-- !TOPIC TAGS: P-buorption,'dbuor-p-tioa-coefficient, high nressure. s' liock vaye hock uza; &;died r A rnn~irk-rqilrr. :~f thr db5u-Ttlon The fte z-ree ei-e ctrons and molyility, are deditced from: [e .2p f'fi eat, j~z ab.7, q and-froi ~atjim Mal -1 21- 7 --7