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KONMACHUK, V.Yu., kand.gool.-min.nauk ~Gsion of '11bili-Departsiont of Chemical and Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Geol. zhur. 17 no.4:88-90 157. (mru 11:4) (Geology-Congresses) KOMUCHUKO T. TU. Danalty of solle crust rocks of the Tolhynian gabbro-labradorlte mselvee Ifto Insto geol. nauk AN VM. Ser.' geofts. no.2tl?3-175 0580 (NM 11:6) is Institut polodaheskikh imk Al USSR. (T~MwMa-lockpi, Crystalllne and mtamorphic) AUTHOR: Kondrachuk, V.Yu. SOV-21-58-4-18/29 TITLE: On the Regularities of Changes in the Weight per Unit Vol- ume of Rocks in Their Weathering Profile (0 zakonomernosti izmeneniya ob''yemnogo vesa gornykh porod v profile ikh vyvetrivaniya) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 4, PP 430-433 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations by B.B. Polinov, I.I. Gizburg and others have established typical weathering profiles which develop in magmatic and metamorphic rocks. The commonly used characteristics of these profiles are mineralogical on the one hand and chemical on the other. Howeverg these characteristics are not sufficient, for physical charac- teristics are of importance for engineering investigations. 0 Pa er b B -M Mikhaylov fRef. f and V.Yu Kondrachuk ef sy2deal; with these problems. The author studied R ' ? the ancient weathering crust of the Volyn' gabbro-labra- dorite massif and some other parts of the Ukrainian cry- stalline shield and established a certain regularity of the changes in the volumetric weight of the skeletal part ( i.e., completely dehydrated specimens) of the rocks for Card 112 the kaolin profile of weathering: this weight decreases SOV-21-58-4-18/29 On the Regula rities of Changes in the Weight per Unit Volume of Rocks in Their Weathering Profile successively along the 3cross section of the c 5ust upwards, from 2.7 and 3.05 9/cm to 1.26 and 1.45 9/cm on the zone of complete kaolinization. The curves of changes in the volumetric weight well reflect the non-uniformity of the course of chemical weathering and structural changes of the rocks. The data obtained indicate enormous dimensions of erosional losses in the processes of formation and trans- formation ot the weathering crust which escaped previous quantitative estimates. There is 1 set of graphs and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut goologicheakikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geo- logical Sciences of the AS UkrSSPI) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, V.G. Bondarchuk SUBMTTTED: July 20, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti-~ tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Rock--Decomposition 2. Rock--Meteorological effects Card 2/2 3. Rock-Properties 4. Geology--USSR SOV-21-58-8-16/27 AUTHORS: Dondarchuk, V.G., Member of the AS UkrSSR, KzxuLraDbjjk., V.Yu., Krutikhovskaya, Z.A.f Lebidev, T.S.9 Mikhaylovat N.P., Wn~d Sollogub, V.B. . . TITLE: Hypsometric Chart of the Surface of the Precambrian Foundation of the UkrSSR and Some Adjacent Areas (Skhema gipsometrii poverkhnosti dokembriyskogo fundamenta USSR i nekotorykh sopredellnykh territoriy) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1958, Nr 8, pp 863-866 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The old charts of the Precambrian foundation within the Ukraine compiled by A.D. Arkhangel'skiy (Ref. 1) and other-investigators, of which the most detailed is the chart by E.E. Fotiadi (Ref. 15) are mostly obsolete and do not correspond to the present level of the geologico-geophysical knowledge of the Ukraine terri- tory. Making use of charts compiled by F.A. Rudenko, G.M. Kozlovskaya, V.T. Syabryay, X.M. Vnrava, R.I. Andreyeva for individual regions and based on the results of electrosurveys by V.I. Klushin, gravimetric investigations by S.I. Subotin and prospecting drilling, in 1957 the authors compiled a hypso- Card 1/2 metric chart of the surface of the Precambrian crystalline SOV-21-58-8-16/27 Elypsometric Chart of the Surface of the Precambrian Foundation of the Ukrz^)SR and Some Adjacent Areas foundation of the Ukrainian SSR and certain adjacent.-areas on a scale of 1 : 750,000, The contemporary surface of the Pre- cambrian foundation has a peculiarly disjointed relief which In its fundamental features accords with the features of the tectonic structure of the areas considered. There is I geological chart and 16 Soviet referenfes. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR (Institute of Geo- logical Sciences of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: March 18, 1956 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration, 1. Geology--USSR 2. Geophysics--USSR Card 2/2 KOVAIZNKO, D.N.; KOITMAC4 .4j. u,,,.FKondrachuk. V.IU] K4 r *)Db%M Z~ -- Session of the learned council of the Institute of GeologIcal Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.. devoted to the 40th anniversary ef the establishment of the Soviet regime in the Ukraine. Geol. zhur. 18 no,1:106-107 158. (MMA 11:5) (Kiev-Geology-Congresnes) 110=ACMMI V. Th. -, - - --6-.------'---- - x.,- At the spring meeting of the Department of Chemistryand Geology of the Acadexpr of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Geol.'shur. 18 noo4:122-123 158, (MIU 12: 1) (Chowdstry) (Geology) - BONDARCHUK, V.G.; SOLLOGUB, V.B.; KONDR&CHUK, V.Yu.-. ERMIKHOVSKAYA, Z.A.; LIMCM. T.S.; Surface relief of the pro-Cambrian crystalline foundation In the Ukrainian and Noldavian SeS.R. Gov.geol. 2 no.1:41-55 J& '59. .(MIRA i-2:4) I* Institut goologicheskikh nauk AN USSR. (Ukraine--Geology, structural) (Koldayie-Geology, Structural) BABINETS A.Ye.; BELEVTSEV, Ya.N.; BONDARCHUK, V.G.; KOITDRACffuK, V.Yu.; .9 POVARENNYKH, A.S.; MEMMKO, N.P.; SKURIDIN, . I.,, TKACHUK, L.G. In memory of Ser ei Petrovich Radionov. Zap. Ukr. otd. Min. ob-va (no-11:173-178 162. (MIRA 16:8) BUCIIIINSKAYA, N.I. [Buchynslkaq N.1.1; KONDR-ACHUK V.Yu. Find of neladonite in the weathering surface uf Ko.oqt^nl granitese Dop, AN URSR 110,913-2'L1$--12.18 165, (MIRA 18:9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN UkrSSR, -MONDRATSMY, Ye. (Kondracki, E.j (Pol'skaya PhYnicogeographleal re onalization geog. no.1:32-37 Ja-F.165- Narodnaya Respublika) cf Polalici. Izv. AN STSR Sor. (14TRA 19-2) KONDRACKI, J. OA geomorphological map of Poland". P- 55 (Prseglad Geograficany. Polish Geographi- cal Review, Vol. 23, 1950/-51, Urssawa) To 1. 3, 116. 3 SO: Monthly JlAa AL JUI Jhn2W Acglsolous./Library of Congress, March 1954, Uncl. TONDIAICKI, J. "Subject and tasks of Fhysical geograp-~.,.- in t`e lig'It of t-e discussion in Izvestiia Vsesoiuznogo Geograficlieskogo Obschest-,-a. -. 3.fl ( =IMMADI GIELGRAFICZ1.1-Y. FOLIS':~ GE-0-MIRAP-MAL RIDIDEM1.1 Vol. 24, no. 4, 1?5-2, Wnrszava, Poland.) SO: East Fm-orean L. G. Vol. 2, 11o. 12, Dec.1053- XOINM-kji:~ -9 J. "Development and Organization of Limnologic Investigation in Poland.ff P; 3 (RIZEGIAD G30GRAFICZIT,. FOLIS172 GEOGRAI-laC.A.L REVIE-d, 7o--. 26, No 2, 19.54, Varszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, MAI ), LC, Vol- 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954. Uncl. XONDILA,C,~I, J. 11L. Skibniewski and Z. Mikulski's '&drolor-ia Wielkich Jezior Mazwrskich (Hydrology of the Great Masuripm lakes); a Book Review." P. 167, (PRZEGLA.D GVEOGRAFICZITY. POLISH GEOGRkPHIM REVIlrd, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1954, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EMPLL), LC, Vol- 3* No. 12, Dec. 1954, Unnl. IV KON'DRACKI. J. "Recearch Station of the Geographical Institute of the Polish Academy of Scier;ces in Mikolajki.11 F~ 194, (PRZEGIAD GECGxtFICZIiY. POLISH GEOGRAPHICAL RNYIFil. Vol. 26. No. 2, 1954, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly LIst of last European Accessions, (EFIAL). LC, Vol. 3. No. 12. Dec. 19.54, Uncl. --- -- - ---- - - --- ICONDIIAGn, J.; LI-ISZCZYSi~I, S. "Institute of Geoerapby at the University of Warsaw in tbe Years 1945-19_54.11 P. 175, (1-dZF,GLAD GEOGH"ICZIff. POLISH GEOGRUPHICAL R-3-VIIN, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2954, Warszawa, Poland. ) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (I)FaL), LC. Vol.'A .W 9 NO. 12, Dec. 19~54. Uncl. KDMDRACKI, J. Problems involved in the rigional phaicogeographioal division of Fb1and. p. 299. POLISH GEDMAPHICAL RMEW (Pblaka Akademla Naluk) (tn~tytAit 0oografli), Waranwa. Vol. 21, no. 1, 1955 So. glast Marapean Acomasions Ust. Vol. 5, no.1, 1956 .1anuary x 0 17 DIRA C K I I i - "Progress of Research, oa the ~~zatermwx-y of Poland", P- 144-, Vol.. 25, No. I/Z itroclaw, Poland) SO: Monthlv List of East European Accet-qions, (MAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 3 ;~RY 1955, UBC1- 1 0 NIOND-MGUY J, A conference concerning a plan of five-year studies in geography in universities. D.454- IY IC Z: I IT 1, PR7,DGLAD (IBOGR. 1, 1Y. POLIS" C-DMIUIPIIN-.~'U R-ENT77-1 (Polska Akadenda lialL'. Instytut Geografii) Wars--awa Vol. 27, no. 2, 1955 So. East -European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1950' KONDRACKI) J. KONDRACKIp J. Physiographic .division of Poland. p. 2$1, Vol, 9) no, 6, Nov./Dec. 1956. Wirniwa, Poland Geografia W Szkole SOURCE:- East Paropean Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6y No. 4- -:pril 1957 J. lst. Geomorphological Conference of the Geographical Society in the German Democratic Republic. P. 371. PRZEGLAD GEOGRAFICZNY. POIISH GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. (Polska Akademia Nauk. 1-nstytut Geografti) Warszawa. Vol. 28, no. 2, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions Ust (EEAL), Library of Congmas Vol. JP. No. 12, December 195% KONDRACKI, J. Conference of the Institute of Geography and the Commission on Resdarch of the Quaternary of the Polish Academy of Sciences concerning the r~uaternary, March 17-18, 1955. p. 440. PRMLAD GEOGRAFEW. POLISH GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Geografii) Warszawa. Vol. 28. no. 2. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (FEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5~, Wo..2, 1956. KONDR-ACKI, J. Conference of the Lake Commission of the Hydroblological Comn-Ittec of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mikolajkl, June 1956. P. 870. (PRZEGLAD Gr.-,OGRAFICZNT. POLISH GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEM. Vol. 28, no. 4, 1956, Poland). SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. KONDRACKI, J. The Masurian lakes as a natural region. P. 226. (GEOGRAFIA W 3ZKOLE) (Warszawa, Polard) Vol. 10, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 1957 SO; Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 KONDRACKI, Jerzy Swiss views an the concept of larAmeape in geography. Przegl Pogr 30 no.3:495-"7 158. (SW 918) (Mtserland--Geograft) KONDRACKI, J.; LESZCZYCKI, S. Polish-Soviet cooperation in the fibld of geography; remarks on the occasion of Professor I. Gerasimov#3 visit in Poland. P,701- ERZRGLAD GEMRAFICZNY. Warszawag Poland. Vol- 30, no.4, 1958- gog?ay List of East Eurppean Accessiors Index (EEAI), TZ. Vol. 8, no. 9, Septenber 1959 n . LENTSHVICH, S~aninlov fbenae!WIC2, Stani6l~kyl. prof. (decease3j; !19HDRM'SKIT, 733W-[Kbndra'ckI, Jerzyl,'~rof.;. ILI#ICII, Tu.V. (trans.9 9F TA.W. Et-r slatorl; ROVILWY-Im. Jl.~--imslatorj; TOSALICMN. an KAKANIN' L.G.9 red.; RMIUK, Tu.Ta., red.; SKPWOVA, He 19 9"'tekhne red, EPhroic:1 geography of Poland] Fizicheeksia ieograjlLia Pol'shl. Obrabotal i dopolnil Nzhi Koidratskii. Pod red. L.G.Ca-MnIna. Moskva. Isd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1939. ~198 p., (KIU 12:9) 1. Geograficheekly inatitut Varshavokolo universitsta, kafedra fizicheskoy geografli (for Kondrat ki 8:; (Poland-Physical geograp -KONDRACKI9 Jerzy,, dr. Studies on the natural landscape of the Masurian lake district. Frsegl geogr SuppIg to v 31.-111-119 159. (MZ 9:6) 1. Read of the Sectlen of PlWelcal Geograpbr Department of Physical Geograpbr, Institute Polish Acadeqy of Sclences,,Warsawe Read of Physical Geography. geographical Institute of Warsaw, of Lakes of the of Geograpby of the the Department of the Warsaw University, (PoUnd- PlWalcal geography) (Masuria- Description and travel) KONDRACKI, Jerzy Types of natural landscapes (geographical environment) in Poland. Przegl eagr 32 no.1/2:23-33 $60. (MUI 9: 10) 501ard-I&MBAPO) KONDRACKII, Jerzy; LESZCZYCKI9 Stanislaw 3d Congress of the U.S.S.Ro Geographical Society: Kiev, Jan* 30 - Feb-7, 1960. Przegl Geogr 32 no-3;30-354 96o. (EW 10:3) .(Russia-Geograph,-) --KONDRACKI.-gerzy __1 T ypes of natural lazdscape (geographical envirmnent) in Poland. flrzegl geop Suppl. to 32:29-39 $60. (EUI 10: 4) 1. Warsaw University, Geographical Institute, Warsaw. (Poland-ftsical geography) KONDRACKI, Jerzy prof. Narsaw) The history and activities.of the Polish Geographical Society. Review Pol Academy 6 no. 4:59-62 O-D 161.; 1. Chairman of the Polish Geographical Society, Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30, KOPR - AQKI,.Terzy,__prof. Nistary and activity ofthe PoliBh Geographical Society. Nauka PolBka 9 no.3:159-165 '61. 1. Preses Polskiego Towarsystwa Geografiesnego, Warnaw, Krakowskio Przedmiescie 30. KOWDRACKI, Jerzy, prof.dr. (Warszaw, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 30) 1 An excursion of the Polish Geographical Society to Bulgaria, August 17-31, 1960. Czasopiamo geograficzne 32 no.3;380-381 161. 1. Uniwersytetp Warssawa. KONDRACKI, Jerzy, prof.dr. (Warszawa, Krakowskie Przadmiescie 30) The stay of the Excursion of the Geographical Society of the German Democratic Republic in Poland. Czasopismo geograficzne 32 no.3:381-382 161. 1. Uriwersytett Warszawa. KONDRACKI, Jerzy. ***__~ ~Onthe -term~inology and taxonomy Iof regional units in Poland's physical geography. Przegl geogr 33 no.1:23-38 161. MAI 10:6) (Poland--Physical geography) KONDRACKI, Jerzy (Warszawa) The 6th Congress of Yugoslav Geographers, September 27- October 5, 1961. Czasop geograf 33 no.2:286-290 162. GIEYSZTOROWA, Irena,- KONDRACKI, Jerzy Stanislaw Kale .onik's jubilee. Przegl geogr 34 no.2.-442-444 '62. Z., 9 jQmnjACXI. Jerzv Poland no title given no affiliation given Warsaws Eggeolad-Goograficaua Vol 34# No 3, 1.962, pp 621-22. "Climate Conference of the Geographic Institute Of the University of Warsaw and the Polish Geographic Socletym, DZAWACHISZWII.1, Alksander, (Tbilisi); XONDRACKI, Jerzy, tlumacz -1 11--1-- Scme closest assigraents of the landscape lore. Przegl geogr 34 no.lo.197-199 162. 1. Redaktor dzialowy kwartalnika "Przoglad Geograftemy"i (for Kondracki). I KONDRACKI, Jerzy ------,From the activities of the Hydrobiological Gommittee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Przegl geogr 34 no.4-.8-16 162. -KONDRACKI, Jerzy Climatological Conference of the Geographical Institute of the Warsaw University ezC, the PaUsh deograp4ical Society, April 6-7. 1962o Przogl geogr 34 no.3s621-622 162,t KOHDRAC9 rzy, prof, dr (Waresawa); SALONI, Janimp mW (Warewm&) 1"mammm- 11 A - - WJ-141 - - - - Report on the activities of the Polish Geographical Society for tbe- year 1961, Ca"Op gr*Vaf 34 no*2:lF)-7-2-01 163, 1e Przewodniezacy Zarzadu Glownego (for Kondracki). 2. Sekretarz Generalny (for Salmd). KOMRACKIp Jerzy (Warstava) rpwwmmm""I~ Ju*l" cbmention of the Mm9arian Geographical Society,. Cza,91DP 980graf 34 no.2s2M-202 063. -KOMACIT, Jerzy. ~-- "--~ q Reviewd by , ~pjc&j geography of (6r=Uu: by ?: Hmfke przogi pogr 35 no 1LU5. - Jerzy Kodracki- t6j'. UNDRAMIS Jerzy W--a.w ~-- ~%, Difficussion meeting on.-Maier Dymamics in Laksoo Przegl geogr *35 no-1.045--147 %.63. 0.- KOMMOU., Zeray Geamarpholqpta" Gmate==9 of the Coogmpbleal IrAtitute of the Uni"reity d Wi.. Prug' pogr 95--wa,147-149 163,, KONDRAGNI, hrzy . Meeting of the Iktional A~las.Commiosion of the International Geographical-11-idon in Budapest'. -Przegl geogr 35 no,1:160-164 963o RECS1. Airton;'KONA14M, Jerzy ~translatorl immm- - Bela Bullaj, 1906-1962; obituary. przegl geogr 35 no*2:299-3oo 163. I xovDRACKI,J.; KIKUISKI,Z. Discusdion meet#9 on t~he dynamias of lake wateros Przegle geo- .i fiz. 8 no.I/Nia-30 t63t I KCVDRACKI., JeK~Z_lVarosawa) French-Polisageographical coolloquium. Czasop geograf. 34 nol+.6439-440163. KONDRACKI~ -,~ NG~neral geOgraphyp" bdited by Adam M&3-tcki. V. 1. Reviewed by Jerzy Kondracki. Frzegl geogr 35 no.3:483-486 163. KONDRAGKI, Jerzy wDeography and geplogy, R V. 2. Przegl geogr 35 ~no.3487-489 Reviewed-by Jerzy Kondracki. 163. KONDRACKI, Jerzy 1963. PoUsh national conference on slope morphologyp May 18-20, Przegl geogr 35 no.4055-758 163. Polish-Czechoslovak geographical seminar, May 22-24, 1963. 758-759 International phytosociologic excursion to northeastern Poland. 760-761 KCNDRACKI,, Terzy (Warszawa) Activities of the Polish Geographic Society during the years 1945-1964. Czasop geogrif 35 no.3At445-453 164 Y MNDIUCKI, Jerzy Regional Congreas of the Polish Geographic Society in Torun, September 14-16, 1963. Przegl geogr 36 no.1:205-206 164 KONM!,;'KI', Jerzy, dr . A. , I role of tre no.3:465-476 t64. , ~ 0c, 1. . - :r-,.PL?L i~fc-vgr 36 Jerzy, prot'. ~ ;V; '-,3 1 , ~ trnis-lom, uvo,'. C-" .1 . I I I Geogrraphical Instit-Ilte Of U16 "iril-1:114 jjn.;v(,,.j,sjty (111ririg tjif~ years 1954-1963. Przegl geof,,r 36 ilo.3,51".)-535 164 - KONDRACKT) Jemy. (Warsaw) Seventh CoriventLon of the Goographical Society of the German Democratic Republic. Cza3op geograf 36 no.1:116.-117 165. , , i ~~ I r4-.- j - I - K %0j N! D I t ~ dr; S)AL01,11, JaDIna, m-y" ca-L soclety for p the a0t4vitips of the 13olish Geographi ~Jqy,,or ~ 0. J. 1963. Czasop geograf 36 nG.2:221-227 165. 1. Cha-I.rman of the Executive Board of thq Polish &--ographical !3ocjety, Warsaw (for KonAracki) . 2. ",ecretary General of the polish Geographical Society (for 311loni). KONDRACKYY MI., inz. "Luminous tubes" by (inz.) Karel Buxbaum. Reviewed by M. Kondracky. Elektrotechnik 19 no. 3:94 Mr 164. KONDRACKI W. Sstuesp-0 bwi&tX* w fotografil. (Artificial light in photography) by W* Nondracid. Reported in &A _BWJM (Noun Kaiamido) February 25s 19569 Noe 4e KONDRACKI, W. Engineering problems of exterior heating networks. p. 222 GAZ, WODA I TECfD.IKA SANITAIRNA (Stawarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne lnzynierow i Technikow Sanitarnych, Ogrzeunictwa i Gazownictwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 33, no. 5, Flay 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC,Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959 Uncl, XONMUDI, N.V. -------------------------- ;' Corrosion of copper, aluminum, and Iron In acetic acid and ammonium sulfate solutions. 1%vovys*uchebes&vo;tmvstw=t9 no.4:165-171 '58. (mmi n: 12) I* Moskovskiy Institut tovetnykh elektro-khtall I korrosit. (Ketal-Gorrosion) (Acetic metallov I zolota, kafedra wta) (Ammonium suifate) KONMUI, aero, Dr. Range of indic&tions for Matti's surgery. Orv. hetil. 99 no.6:198-200 9 ?eb 58. 1,.A Kitivardat Jaraqi Tannes Korliazanak kozlemenye. (BONN AND BOIM. transpl. Matti's nurg., technic & Indic. (lbin)) EDIRM,IAI, Ge-rog. Dr.; GIRLII, Ferena, Dr. Lymphoreticular sarcoma of the duodenum. Orv. hetil. 100 uo.21: 771-774 24 Kay 59. 1. A Jarasi Korhaz, liavarda (igaagato: Zondral Gero dr.) Sebessati Oextalyanak (fooryos: Mondral Gera, dr. ) an a Megyel Korhaz Wiregyhaza. OcLusto: Banko I&szIo dr.) 11orbonctani-koresovettani OestalyarAk (foorvos: Gerlel Perenc dr. east. m. tanar) koslemanys. (LUOIUM , neoplasms sarcem. reticulum call (Mm)) (SARCOM9 RVIGULUM CWJ,, case reports duodenum (Htm)) KOIWAI, Gero, dr. j~~-444 '--Yeiriiiral 11docaine anesthesia. Magy.sebessat 13 no-D 76-78 7 l6o. 1. Klevardal thRraol Tanace Korhaza (Igasgato: Hollobasy lajos &9) sebessetl costalyanak (loorvost Kondrai Gero dr.) koslemanyo. (LIDOCAM) (LMTMU SPIRLL) KONDRAI, Gero, dr.,- MAKLARI, Endre, dr. A pbysiological modification of herniotonr. Nagy. sebeszet 14 no.4: 225-226 Ag 161. 1. Jarasi Tanace Korbaza, Kiavarda, Sebeezeti ontaly. (EMU M=g) KONDRAI, Garo, dr. Sutum of the rectus abdosivils. Magy. Sebesz. 15 no.1-48-50 F 162. I., Jarasi Tanaes Korhaza, Kisvarda. Sebeezeti Osztaly. (ABDOMINAL WALL surg) KONDRAI) *--0, dr. A roller for adhesive plaster... Orv. hetil. 103 no.6:275 1LF 162. 1. Jarasi Tanacs Korhaza Kievarda, Sebeszeti op2taly. (CASTS SUMICAL) STANOL., Jgzsef, dr.; KONDRAIO G2ro, dr. Iieusin pregnanoy. hetil. 103 no.22:1032-1035 .1 Je 162., 1. Jaitsi Tanaes-Yorhaza Kisvarda,, Szuleazet- Nogyogyabzati es Spboozati Osztaly. (,PPEGWGI compl) (INTESTIMAL 6BSTkUCTION in pregn) 38 KONDRAI,,_qqr!p,-_O.r* The significance of the so-called Mial bone preparationsa and the method for their preservation. Orv. hetil. 105 no.131 598-600; 29 HrI64 1. Jarasi, Korhas, Kiavarda, Sebeazeti Osztaly, jr GERGEM, Mihaly, dr.; KWDRAf, Ck3ro, dr. 6o-ralled eosinogniho granolomag of tho digestive tract. orv. hotil. 106 no.25:118.3.,.1186 20 Jo 165. KMDRAI, Geroo dr.; GERGEIY,, Mihaly.. dr. waluation of a modified %asini's operation. Nagy. s~bem 17 no.1:6-8 P164. A combined method for inguinal hernia surgeryo Ibidt8-12 1. A Xisvardai Jarasi Korh#4z Sebeameti. Osztalyanak kozlemenye. 40 KONDRAI., Gero, dr.; KEUNTEY, Barna, dr. Perid4a anesthesia Vith a colloid solution. Orv.hetil. 105 no.4:172-174 26 J 1649 1. Kisvardai, Korhaz, Sebeszet es Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Gyogyszertani Intezet. I i Koff ~uw ~Qep- dre, I - I I Rev met od or anesthesia In prostatectany. &a. sebeow. 17 no*32179-192 Je'64 1, A Klevardai Jarasi Korhaz Sebeezeti Oastalyansk (Foorroarl Kondmi,q Gero,, dr, ) kosleasnyse - ~OMAI, G., dr.; TARSOLY, E. Data to the advantages of the use of the Kiel bone preparations. Act& chir. aced. sci. &mg. 6 no.2tl0l-107 165. 1. Chirurgische lbtollung (Chefants Dr.Ge lmdrai) des Kranken- hauses Kievardap InsUltut fuer Anstomiep Histologie and I*- bryalogie (Direktort Prof. Dre 1. Krom"cher) der Medizinischen Universitaet, Debrecen. KONDRAT, Gero, dr.; TARSOLY, Emilp dr. St7ady of the applicability of the "Kiel method" of bone preser7a- tion. Orv. hetil. 106 no.320.496-11.98 8 4165. 1. Kisvarcel-Mras.1 Kjrhalz~ Sat-65--ati Oazt-aly (foorvos'. Kondralp Gerog dr.11, Dibreceni OrvosLudumanyl Egyetem,, Anatomiai, Szovet- es Fejlodebtani Intezet.(igasgato: Krompecher, Istvang dr.). The bones used were previously treated by the Kiel method and stored in sterilized ampoules. In this manner, a bony obstacle is mounted in front of the humerus head. The Procedure was used with good results in 4 cases. 6 Eastern,European, 6 Western references. 90 an&cg KO a as, aza), X~svarda (chief Physician. Dr Gero KONDFAI). "Ascariasis with Complications" Budapest, MagZar-sebeszoto Vol 19P No 3, Jun 66; pp 181-183. Abstraotg The surgical significance of .4so'aris lumbricoidos and the literature aata are discussed. The complications caused by the worm are discussed on the basis of the author's own cases, consisting of two instances of Ascaris in the bile duct, one intestinal pertormation caused by Asoaris, one instance of sevare toxicosis, and one instance of Ileus verminosus. In the sixth case the worm caused postoperative insufficiency of the intestin&I suture. (17 References, Predominantly Eastern). L i I 1-10, T! F-A.~It uc ria r! Lq va te t izod %,~i MIKHAYLOV, N.N., kand. biolog. nauk; KONDRAKHINA, K.Lll.; CHISTYAKOV, I.Ya., nauchny.v sotrudaik Hygiene of the preputial cavity in boars. Veterinariia 41 no.9:92- 93 S 164. (MIRA 18W 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy veterinarii. 2. Starshiy laborant Vsesoyuznogo instituta eksperimentallnoy veterinarii (for Kondrakhina). SOV/1 37-57--11-?-?704 ran slationfrom: Referativnyyzhurna I, Meta It urgiya, 1957, Nr 11. p295 (USSR) AUTHORS: G-.-, Yegorova, L, G. . Songina, 0. A. TITLE: Application of the Amperometric Method for the Analysis of Chromites and Chrome -magnes ite Refractory Materials (Primeneniye amperometricheskogo metoda dlya analiza khromitov i khromomagnezitovykh ogneupornykh materialov) PERIODICAL: Izv, AN KazSSSR. Ser. khim, , 1957, Nr 1, pp 45-50 ABSTRACT: The amperometric titration method with a rotating Pt microelectrode is employed for the determination of Cr, FeO, and Fe total in chromites, rock, and chrome -magnes ite refractory materials. The fundamental basis of the method is the electrode reaction, namely, the oxidation of Fe2+ at an E=+1. 0 v in relation to the Hg iodide comparison electrode (E--+0. 02 v). Under certain conditions Mn, Cr, and V do not produce any electrode reactions. For the determination of Cr and Fe to the weighted test samp] e is fused with a mix- .8at ture of Na 2and Na2Go V The melt is leached out with water and the Fe(OH) is filtered off, the precipitate is dis- Card 1/2 solved in hot 2N H2SU4, the solution is reduced with metallic SOV/137-57-1 t-22704 Application of the Amperometric Method (cont. ) Bi and an aliquot part thereof is' titrated with 0. IN or 0. OIN K bichromate solution. The Cr is determined in the filtrate. After the removal of ~2 0 the solution is neutralized with HZS04 and a sufficient excess of the latter is aided to make the concentration of the acid in the solution correspond to 0. IN. Cr is titrated with a Mohr-salt solution. For the determination of F( 3 10 cc of the solution ( I liter contains 4 g of V205 and 100 cc of 1:2 mixture of phosphoric and sulfuric acids) are evaporated to tHe incipient crystallization of the salts after which 10 cc of a mixture of phosphoric and sulfuric acids are added, the mixture is again heated to dissolve the salts after which 0. 1,1 g of test sample is introduced. When the test sample is completely dissolved the solution is titrated with Mohr' s salt. V. P. Card 2/2 KONDRAKHINA Ye,G. Ammeter determination of copper in magnesite and chrcme-Mgmesite brick after service in non4errous matallurgical furnaces. Orne- upory 26 no.8:381-382 161. (MIRA 14:9T 1. K~ialdiskiy filial Akademii stroltel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. (Conductometric analys"7- (Firebrick) (Copper-Analysis) KODDRAMMA, YO.G. Amperometric analysis methoti of detemining chronlim wide contuent of chrome liquors and e--.tracts. Kozh.-oIxrv..prcm. 3 to.10:32-36 0 161. (MIRA 24:20) ~Conductometric -malysis) (Tanning materials) KONEMIGIINA. Ye.G. Amperometric method of determining organie matter in soils. Pochvovedenie no.3:105.-109 Mr 162. (MIM 15:7) 1. Kazakhakiy filial Akademii stroitelln+-va !~rkhitektury SSSR. (Conductcwtric ana3j+s1s) (Soils--Analysis) (Org=ic matter) KONDRMINA, Ye,Ge __ C=-- Determining ferrous oxides in chromites and chrome-magnesite refractories. Ogneupory 27 no.9:420-424 162. (KMA 15:8) 1. Kazakhskiy filial Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitektury SSSR. (R~fraotory materials-"alysis) (Iron oxides--Analysis) EDNIRAKRINA, Ye.Se; SONGINAp O.A. . ~1. ' I ,", rtermInIng In chromium Trudy Inst. chromium oxide, total Iron content, and iron oxide ores and chromium-magnesite refractory materials. strol. I stroimat, AN Kazakh SSR 1:149-159 1589 (MIRA 11:6) (Refractory materials) MAKFAVEYEVp N.I., prof.; IAPTET, M.I.; MITYAKOVA, M.N.; KOBDRAKHOVAJO.J.; SHANKIN, P.A.; BZHANITSYN, B.A.; RABKOVA, CHALOV, R.S. [Planning the navigable channels of unre"ted rivers.] Proektirovanie sudovykh khodov na svobodnykh rekakh. Moskva, Transports, 1964o 261 p, "'N40ft(Moscow. TSentral'W nauchno-Iseledovatel'okii imatitut ekonomiki i ekspluatatsii Yodnogo transports., Trudys'noe 36). (MIRA 18:12) L 08268-67 FS8-2/EWT(1)/EEC(k)-2 SCM rr/DD/GD/GW' ACC NR. AT606491 SORGE CODEr UR/0OO0/66/0O0/0O0/O(06/0(,.j7 AUTHOR: Arzhanov, I. K.; Bryan~v,-I.-J,; B aturankajo-A.; Bgregovkin, A* V. uxanov. P..,~ ny Kovaley V. V.;.If-'A-1- ~L- V N.a Krasov kiX.-A. S.: Kuzmteov - , 0. Me; - Kuznetsov.-S. V.; N no A, Vq; Nistratov - . Tiret'"v, V. G.; Fedorov, As Yee I Jjh1ebnikov, Q. V. ORG: none TITLE: Some results of the postflight e4omination of P. I. Belyayey and A. A* UWv 9 - following their flight on t4 -Yonkhnd 06pacecraft [Paper presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Nediciff-Weld in Xoacow from 24 to 27.Kay 19661 SOLECE: Konferentsiya po problemam kosmicheskoy meditainy, 1966. Problemy kosmicheakoy-meditainy. (Problems"of space medicine); materialy konforentaii, Moscow, 1966, 36-37 TOPIC TAGS: space medicine, postflight medical examination, bodily fatigw,, body weight, cardiovascular eyatem,,ooulocardiae-reflax, unconditioned reflex# space psychology, oxygen consumption,, respiration, pulmonary ventilation/Voakhod-2 ABSTRACT: PoBtf4gh~ examinstions of the Voakhod-2 crew membera,.Leonov. land BelyiYev, were performed on the, thiid and f ourth days after the flight' :and again a month later, The ensmonauts complaisked of light fatigue% ;They were found to have hypereniia of the. mucoma dr the nose and thibat .~~d. ~ondunct.ivitls of the eyelids and 4"balls YhW.. 4ad lost weigh L 08268-67 ACC NRs AT6036481 pulse showed a certain lability. Pulse frequency ros' Their e significantly !during mild physical exertions and changes in the position* of the body. There was an increase in intraventricular conductivity, an increase in .the systolic index (7-11%), and a delay in restoration of hemodynamic indices after physical exercise. Belyayevi s oxygen consumption -increased by 23% and LeonovI a by 1476 as compared with preflight levelsi - Vital capacity of the lungs diminished by 8-1216, while pulmonary ventilation increased by 51-113%. 'Neurological examinations revealed a light tremor of the fingers, a high orthostatic reflex with an absence of pulse reaction to the oculo- cardiac reflex, and an increase in the slow bioelectrical activity of. the brain cortex. Psychological tests revealed an increase in distribution and in the middle magnitudes of the duration of the period of sensory motor reaction. Since this was not accompanied by errors, it is possible: to assume that the fatigue -observed in,'commonauts was a compensatory i reaction. Blood and urine examinatioh on the third day after fli ght did not differ. 4ubstantially from preflight leviels. Biochemical a uncovered an increase of chlorides, adrenalln, noradrenalin, and 17-oxycorUedeftroids In the urine. Card 2/1 L 0- -8 2 68 - 6-7- ACC NRi AT6036481 The observed -shifts in physiological indices were short-term and ,reversible. They Indicated the development of moderately marked fatigue in the subjects. Thus, despite the complexity of the flight, the ,postflight examinations revealed only moderate functional changes in the two cosmonauts. There was no difference in the nature of these changes in the cosmonauts. This indicates a high degree of training and a good neuropsycholo cal and physical pr~psTation.&r.gacsfl~oht,. 1 [W.A. No. 22; ATD Hapwt 66-1161 SUB CODES 06g 22 SM DMi OOK Ay66 BUKOV, Y.A.0 BYXOV, L.A., VALUX, V.A., VARTBARONOV, R.A., ZHILISO M.F.g MORM, V.A., SYCHEY, G.I. YROLOV. N.I., 70KIN. A.S.. JaMINS11r. A.N. (Sarator) Now method for producing stable neurogenic hypertension In dogs [with summary in English]. Arkhpate 20 no*5:21-27 '58 (KRA 11:6) (EMA , anatow and histology, thebasian vessels, review (Rua)) . KC7.)7:,tY'-V - V. Y.-First Lieutenant of the Yedical SerVice-Experience in the Use of the Method of Tneumotachomotry and Forced Spiromett-i in Dispensary Obsel-vaticn. Vovenno--Yeditsinskiy Ahurnal, No. 11. 1941, np. 70-79. K014DRAKOV-,-YJJ,,, starshiy I crj-ter-n i, meditsinsko7 sluzhby Use of the method of pneumotachor/Ary and forced spirometry in dispensary observation. Voen,.-mod. zhur. no.11:78 19 161. I UA (m 15:6) (RESMUTION) ~ F. A. 42081. KREISTINSKAYAq V.N.., XONDRAR, F.A.-Issledovaniye kolloidnykh ra5tvorov vol.lframo- voy disloty v sistem: vollframat natriyarodanid aw..oniya-sernaya kislota. *Trudy ' kbim. in-ta (dirgiz. filial Akad, nauk. SSM), vyp. 2, 19h8 (izd: 1948), Be 85,93o Bibliogrt 8 nazv. SetOT)iS' Sot Zburnallnvkh Stateyq Vol. 47,, l9h8 kp Aio USSR/Cultivated Plants Coi-,xiercial. Oil-Bearing. SuGar-Pearing. M, Abs Jour Ref 21wr Diol., No 18j 1958) 82414 Author Bereznyakovskaya, AN., Inst AcadeLiy of Sciences Uzbek SSR Title On the Problem of the Reclamatio;i of Saline Soils for :Cotto-.,i Plaitts Mder the Cmiditioas of Khra-Kalpakiya OriG Fub UzSSR fanlar akad. akhtoroti. Izv. AUJ UzSSR, 1956, No 3, 19-25 Abstract 11, 3.953-1954, experiments were coiiducted at the Kara- Kalpakskiya Experiment Station on cultivation of saline lai'As vithttheir -titilizatioi, for cottoa plant. ai aali- ne soils-7where Ground waters are at -wie depth of 2.5 me- terssaud- deeper, 'good res;,lte were produced by:supplemen--:. tary (besides the sprinG irriC~ption) vegetative wateriags with the nom of 100-1200 cubic meters per hectare. Card 1/2 - 69 - - KOVDW,_O.,- PRIBYL, R. On the problem of the effectiveness of anti-alcoholic therapy. Bratisl. Lek. Listy 42 no.4t215-222 162. 1. Z Psychiatrickaj lecobne vo Vellkych Levaroch, riaditell MUDr. I. Torok. (ALCOHOLISM) (PSYCIIOTHEWY) KONDRAS, Z. I'Summary of the Results of Workers$ Inventiveness in the 3d Quarter of 1953. " P. 348 "The More Important Designs Approved for Realization in the 3d Quarter of 1953" p. 350 (Chemik Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1953, Katowice.) Vol. 3, no. 6 SO-. Monthly List of East European Accessions./Library of Congress,June 1954, U4el-