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KORNACKI Henryk. inz. - - Design and use of light type 50~1M A. rall conductors. Problemy proj hut maszyn 12 no.11039-343 N 164. 1. Capital Investment Designing and Supplying Agency, Warsaw. LXornacki, J.) Science In radio mind televison broadcasting. Mir naWd no.6:20-21 159. (MM 23:3) (Radio In education) (Television in science education) - KORUCKr,, J,.j KWUI, W. -1 Polarographie method of deteraining lead in perbydrol,, hydrofluoric acid, and Inium fluoride. p. 825- CM41A ANAUTYCZNA. (Komisja Analityozma Polskiej Akadenii- Nauk i Neezelaa Organizacja Technicsna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 3p no. 5/6j, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (MI) W, Vol. 8. No. 8p August 1959 Uncl. WRNACKI,, J.; ISMUIA.. W. Polarographic determination of sulfates in perbydrol. p. 831. CEHHU AUUTYCZKk (Kouisja Analityawaa Polskiej Akadenii Nauk i Naczeina Organ:Lzaoja,Techniczw) Warszawa#-.Po1end,.,Vol- 3,9 No- 5/69 1958. Monthly *List of East European Acoessions (EBAI) IC,, Vol. 8,9 No. 8., August 1959 Uhal, KORNACKI, J.; XDIUIA, W.; BRACHOZ121j, W. Nsphelom9tric determination of sulJ'ates in perbydrol. p. 939. cHmn ANALITrcZNA. (Romisja Analityczma Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Naoselna Organizacja Technicsna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 3. No. 5/6, 1958. Monthly List of Ust Z=pean Accessions (EMI) Wp Vol. 8, No. 89 Aigist,1959 uncl. KEMU, Wiktor; CHODKOWSKI, Jervy; B"IEWICZ, Michal; KORNACKI, Jacek; P-4XCWSKA, Eva; VINCENZ, Alina Polarographic investigation of some derivatives of A-nitroacetophenone, ,4 -nitropropiophenme, and 1-,A-nitrol)!,,.,~nvi-1,3-propanediol. Rocz chemii 33 no.6:14854493 959. (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemii Meorgamimnej Uniwersytetug Warszawa. Zaklad Fizykochemicznych Metod kialityunych Instytutu Chemii Fizyquej Pol Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warmawa. (Polarograph and polarography) (Nitroacetophenone') (Nitropropiophenonti) (Nitrophenylpropanodiol) -KORNACKI, Jacok The VIth Pupash Comfortince in Moscow, November 27-J)Dcomber 5, 1960. Nauka Polaka. 9 S043:213,215 16L 1. Sekaja Szkol Wsasychi Instytutow Naukowych Zwiasku Naucsycialetwe, PoWdego, KORVATSKIY, Yateek (KorrAcki,, J'Acek] (Pollsha) Conference on technical education. Mir nauki no.1:26-27 162. (MIRA 15.7) (Technical education-Congresses) KORNACKI, Jacek 15 ydgws* of the activities of the World Federation of Scientific Workers., Nauka, Pol-9 ne.4:229-134 G-D 161. 1. Sekcja Szkol Wyzesych I Instytutow Naukowych Zwiazku Nauesycielstva Polskiego. KORNACKI,, Jacek Frcm the activities of the World Federation of Scientific Workors; Session of the 3,xecutive Board in Geneva, Octoberj 22-23p 1961. Nauka, Polska 10 no.1-.150 Ja-F 162. 1. Zwiazek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, Sekcja Szkol Wyzszych i Instytutow Naukowych, 'Warszawa. Cumlenes; hydrooarbons with-a. cumulvated Wstem of binary bondao, Wiad-...chaw, 17 na&3~tI43-16R- Mr- 163. 1. Zaklad Fizykochomioznych Method Analitycznycp~ Instytut Chemii Fizycznojp Polska Akademia Nauk,,'Warsz&wo,L* KEMULA, Wiktor; KOINACKI# Jacek Polarography of cumulene hydrocarbons. Pts. 1 - 3. Rocz chemii 36 no.12&1835-1862 063. 1. Department of Organic Chomistryp University, Warsaw, and Laboratory of Phyaiu-o chemical Methods of Analysisp, Inetitate of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciencesp Warsaw. Kornacki Z. Kornacki Z., Eng. "A Continuous Vethod of 3ingle-1,Ayei- Brushliood Mattress Production in Flo-iting 'ilorkshopst' (Tasmowa produkcua materaca jednaearstwowego na warsztacie ply-wajacym). Gosnodarka '.~,Iodma No. 3-4-5, 1949, Pp. 97-99, 3 figs. Fascine mattresses were hitherto made on shore and then pushed into the river and hauled to their de3tination where they were sunk. The author analyses the above functions and, ta.~ing into con.-.ideration the fact that the present use of fascine mattresses as independent constructional units i~or river regulation, nece--sitates large size fascines, recorimends that the manufacture of mattres es be transferred to dalleys or barges on which they could be produced by continuous method on the spot where they are required to be sunk. This method, employing 62 men, enables 100 lineal metres of mattress to be produced in 8 hours, even with less skilled labour an.; a snving of 50% in labour and ranufacturing cost. SO: Polish Technical Ab3tracts - no. 2, 1951 KORNACKI, dr mad. Problem of maternal mortality during labor. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.24:758-762 14 June 54. (T-ARM. complications. maternal mortalJ (VITAL STATISTI,039 maternal mortal. in labor) larly subulatIon followlad; Powwow s*cttono' Polski tygod. lid. n n0.8:354-357 2D Feb 56. 1. Z Odds. Polo unicso-Ginek. Sspitgla Woj. w Zielouej Gorze: ord. dr. sod. Zygmunt lormackt. Poznan u1. Stestradzklego 3 a. 3. (CIBARVA SWTION, early amdulation. Apol)) MDRNACKI. Zygmust Webster-Baldy's, operation anit prevention Against the origin of ovarian tumors. Gin. polska 28 no.3:293-297 WAY-June 57* 1. Z Oddstalu Polosideso-Glaskologiesnego Sapitals, Vojewodskl*v w Zielonej Gorze Or4yn%t,)r: dr. med. Z. Kornacki. Adrest Pbsum, Ul* Slestradsklego 3 a. 3. (UTIMP Gurg* Webster-Daidylie operation. prey. of ovarian tumors (paw (OVARINS. -neoplasm prey., following Webstor-Baldy's operation (Pol)) KORRACKI, Zygmunt; RUSZKOVSKI. Marian: KAPCZYMI. Witold Studies on intrauterine fetal anoxia. III. Blectrophoretic studies of proteins in the wmiotic f luid and serum during the course of pregnancy in rabbits. Gin.polska 31 n0-2:173-178 Mr-Ap 160. 1. Z Il Kliniki Chorob Kobiecych i Poloznictwa A.M. w Posnaniu. Kierownik: doc.dr mod. 1. Howorka. (ASPHTZU ESCMATOM exper.) (BLOOD PROTEIN) (PROISIN cbem.) (AMNIOTIC RUID chem.) KORNACKI, Zygmunt; WYRZYKIL?WICZ, Tadeusa ----------- Role of the auscultatior of fetal pulse in bduplicated pregmelese Gin. polska 32 no.3037-343 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Ginekolagicano-Polosniesaj AN w Poznmiu Kierowniks doe. dr mod. E. Howorka (PBZGNLNCr campl) (FETUS) (AUSCULTATION In pregn) KOFa,'ACKI, Zygmt; JAGIEISKI, Maciej The origin at protein fractions in the amniotic fluid. Ginek. pol. 34 no.69W-692 263. 1. ?L II Kluiki Ginekologiezrio-Polo2miczej AM w Pozmaniu. Kierownik:*Howorka.- KORNACKI, Mislaw, mgr Inz. Use of prefabricated parta in constructing a large diameter collector within the bed of a river., Gaz woda techn sarLtt 37 no.10:320-323 0 163. 1. Stolica Design Office of Communal Constructions, W&,-saw. KORVACKIJI Zygmunt,; JAGIELSKI, 14aciej Fetal serum and amnIlotic fluid proteins in prolonged pregnancy. Ginek. P01. 36 no.1:5-8 Ja 165 l. Z II Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Akadeirii Medycz- nej w Poznantu (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. E. Howorka). KOBACKI, Zygmuni; BICZYSKO, Romuald Creatinine content3 In the amniotic fluid in caoeo of fetal distress. Ginek, Pol. 36 no*. l2r13;7-1231 D 1 65 1. Z II Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych AM w Poznaniu (Kierowniki prof., dro 1. Howorka). ~ORIIAI,, Jaqcs, a kozgazdaaagtudcmwqok kandidatusa What is operations research? Blot tud 15 no,17:532-535 2,4 Ap 160. 1 1 KOMI.. JOW98 "Introduction to operation research" by C.W. Churchmam.. R.L, Ackoffs and E.L. Arnoff, Reviewed by Janos Kornai. Stat azemle 38 no.,4:428-42S, Ap 260. RORNA;Jjmgp -- Haw economical is T Elet tud 26 no,42:1335-1338 19. 0 161. KORNAI Janos Economical problems of automation. Magy textil 13 no.5:214-217 My 161. 1. Textiliparl Kutato Intezet. KORNAI Janos; LIPTAK, Tama Two-levol planning: a model of the theory of games and .,iterative computing method to be used in the national economy for solving 1=6-range plans. Mat kut kozl MTA 7 Series B no./+:577-621 162[publ. 1631. FREL Unav, a matemortikai tudaimnyok kandidatusa,--V-"4~,,,~anos,,,.,a kozgazdasagi tuodmany-ok kandidatusap tudomanyos fomunkatars Application of mathematical methods in the field of economics with special regard to an industrial branch. Magy tud 71 no.8/9:498-511 Ag--5 164. 1. Computing Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. 2. Acting Director, Computin Center, Hungarian Acadeqr of Sciences, Budapest (for Freyl. non=, #~~ kand1dat teldWahesIrM nank; ?ALI,- K.C, kandidat tekhxd&o- llmk. Aff toleat desigme for on*-w4W olassif leation yards. Zholodor.traamp, 37 n0-21:49-52 1 ~55. (Kw 912) (Ullroade-Switching) A, VERTSMAN, G. Z.. fend. teMmo' nauk; GOMOLTAKO, I.K., kond, tekhn, napk; OLMM, M.S., kand, talkha.Asuk; KMUAKOV, A.K., imad. tekhno PlUk OCollecied papers of the Moscow Research Institute of Pailroa(k Engineering; destining rail,road stations and yords.0 Reviewed by G.Z.-Tertsman, Trensp. stroi. 8 no. 7:31-32 JI 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Railroads-Stat tons) (Railroads-m-Yards) KWMKOV, A.K.,hvnd.tekhn.muk ----- - Combining*recelving &ad dispatching tracks in single-sided classification yards. Transp.stroie 9 no.3:40-43 Kr 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Railroads-Yards) KORNAKOV A.M;, Imud.takha.nauk I f Most efficient angles of crossing for viaduct Intersections. Tran". strci~ 9 na.6t4"? A 1590 (=A 12:11) I (31milroads-CrossIng) (TI"Wts) ORLOV, Anato-Iiy Petrovich, kand. tekhn.nauk; KORNAKOV, A.M., red.; MEDVEDEVAI M.A., tekhn. red. (Machines and machanims for switching movements of cars]I-Ta- shiny i mekhanizmy dlia manevrovykh peredvizhenii vagonov. Mo - skyap Vses.izdatel'sko-poligr. ob"edinenia M-va putei soobahchs- nijas 1960. 113 p. (MIRA 15%3) (Hailroads-Equipment and supplies) (Railroads.-Switching) KORNAKOV. A.M., kand.takhn.nauk; GLIEM&N, M.S., kand.takhn.=Luk Modern designs of hwV marshalling yards. Transp.stroi. 10 no.8:43-47 Ag 160. (MM 13:8) (Railroads-Jkm yards) KOPITAKOV Atatoli Mikhaylovich.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KARLOVSKIY,S.A.; -~~i~n2h., 'retsenMen ;~~KOV, U.S.., inzh., red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F., tekbn. red. [Layout of railroad tracks in junctions]Razviazk-i zhelezno- dorozhn,,,kh linii v uzlakh. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 153 P. (Railroad engineering) (MIRA 15:81, KOFIIAKOV, A. M., kand. tekhn. nauk ~ Calculation and design of yards of special profile. Transpstroi 13 no. 11:40-45 N 163. (MIn 17:5) KORNAKOVY A.M., kqnd.tekhri.nauk -,; Efflolent grading of tho plodmorit hump area in SCrt4rg yat~dq. Zhel.doro transp,, 46 nooll,,447-49 N '164. (MIRA 18?1) 18-5100 SOV/116Ng-io-11/18 AUTHORS: Kim, K.Tet A2LnAk Y," Ye. and Safronov, N.V. TITLE: A Method of Extruding Tubes with a Small Inside Diameter PERIODICAL: Tavetnyye metally, 1959, Nr lot pp 65-68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Until recently, tube stock has been extruded at the Artemovskiy Plant by the standard method, using a 600 t hydraulic press and. centrally bored shells made of cut lengths of rod extruded on horizontal presses. The shells have been bored on specially set lathes; this, in addition to increased production costs, increased'the proportion of produced scrap metal. These shortcomings of the production technique have been eliminated by the staff of the Artemovskiy Plant, where a new method of manufacturing tube stock has been developed and put into practice. The advantage of this method (which consists in using horizonta]l hydraulic presses for extruding not solid rod but hollow shells) is that it does not necessitate any modifications in the existing equipment and can be employed on any horizontal press equipped with piercing attachment. Extrusion of the hollow shells is carried out with the aid of a specially designed mandrel, Card 1/5 shown in Fig 1. The normal practice in tube extrusion is 6569h SOV/136-59-10-11/18 A Method of Extruding Tubes with a Small Inside Diameter to use a cylindrical mandrel, the diameter of which is equal to the inside diameter of the extruded tube. Consequently, it is difficult to extrude tubes with the inside diameter less than 22 mm, because during the piercing operation a small diameter mandrel is easily shifted from its original central position, as a result of which a tube of non-uniform wall thickness is produced. The mandrel designed by the present authors consists of two parts: shaft and tip. The diameter of the shaft is considerably larger than (50 to 60 mm) the inside diameter of the extruded product; this is to ensure rigidity of the tool during the piercing operation. The tip of the mandrel is-shaped like a bottle neck: it tapers towards the end of the mandrel and ends with a cylindrical portion 15 to 20 mai long, the diameter of which is equal to the inside diametter of the extruded tube; this cylindrical portiOrL is located during extrusion in the centre of the extrusion die, with which it forms the annular space through which the metal is forced out. The extrusion process is illustrated diagrammatically in Card 2/5 Fig 2. showing: I -- container; 2 - die holder; 3 - die; 6.:69h Q A Method of Extruding Tubes-with a small Inside Diameter mandrel-, 5 extruded tube steel; 6 - billet; 7 dummy block; 8 - wain ram; 9 - mandrel holder. The mandrel can be made either in one piece or with a detachabletip. For extruding tubes with the internal. diameter larger than 15 mm, it is recommended to use a one-piece mandrel made of steel ZKh2V8; for extruding tubes with the internal diameter smaller than 15 mm, it is better to use a mandrel with a detachable tip, with the shaft made of steel ZKh2V8 and the tip of a more heat-resistant material. The construction of the two- piece mandrel is showi,,i in Fig 3 (a - shaft, b - tip). Setting of is illustrated in Fig 4, showing 1 - die; 2 - mandrel; 3 - mandrel positioning nuts; 4 - main ram cross-head; 5 - piercing cross-head pillars. The usual sequence of operations is employed in extrusion. In order to evaluate the nexz technique of extrudin'g' tube stock for the 600 t press, a series of tests was carried out in which two batches of holloi.,r brass shells (2108 kg) were made'by the old process and three (5475 kg) by the new method. When the old method was employed, rods of Card 3/5 97.5 mm diameter were extruded from 250 x 650 nuii billets 65694 SOV/136-59-lC-11/18 A Method of Extruding Tubes with a Small Inside Diameter on a 2500.t. hydraulic press; these were cut into 100 min long pieces through which holes 22 itim diameter were bored. (The length of the bar stock was limited to 100 inin to avoid boring from two ends.) After boring, the inner surface.of the tube stock was very rough and the wall thickness varied by as much as I to 2 imn. When the new method was tested, the tube stock was extruded, with the aid of the newly designed mandrel, from 250 x 650 'I'm billets on' a 2500 t press at 750 to 780*C; the inside surface of the extruded stock was smooth, the variation of its wall thickness being 1 to 2 mni in the first extruded poriion and not more than 0.6 min in the end part. Data collected'during these tests and reproduced in Tables 1 and 2, show that the proportion of scrap, amounting-to approximately 29% in the old process, was reduced to about 17% when the new method was employed. No difficulties'have been experienced in applying the new method on the industrial scale, the new mandrel having proved to be an durable as that used in the normal Card 4/5 extrusion. Thus, in the period 20th February to 65694 SOV/136-59-10-11/18 A Method of Extruding Tubes with a Small Inside Diameter 20th April 1959, during which 202 t of tube stock (97.5 x 22 mm) was extruded by-the new technique from billets measuring 250 x 650 mm, only five mandrels were expended. The method can be used for extruding profile tubes (rectangular, square etc) with the inside diameter of 6 to 8 mm. Acknowledgments are made to Yu.I.Ignatlyev- and D.T.Narpachev, who participated in this work. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Artembvskiy zavod Jsvetmet, (Artemovskiy Plant "Tsvetmet" Card 5/5 Uct 52- USSR/Metallurgy - Casting., Methods *Precision Casting by the Investment Method,O M. Kornakov, Director of the Noginsk Plant of Fuel-Firing Equipment Za Ekon Materialov, No 3o pp 72-76 Describes casting technology which has been used since 1949 for manufacturing 19 parts of fuel pump with weight of castings from IS to 360 g. Main features of process are: application of pattern stearin-paraffin mixture in pasty state and use of dry coating material. States that cost of products at plants using this process amounts to only 25% of production cost at plants using wet facing method. Source #264T64 KORNAKOV, M.A. International congress on the mechanization of gardening. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Goa. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 18 no.2:53-55 F 165. (R-jRA 18:5) KORNAKOV 9 No - ~:W What a review of labor orgauization Sots.trud ne.2:88-91 7 156. (Blactric Industries) at the "DinamoO plant showed. (MLRA 9:7) MONOSZONY N.A.; STOWVO A.M.; GiSHETp N.A.; SPEVAKOTA F.M.; 're.y.; KULAKOVP TAVNO A.Kh.; KOBN F.M.; kL~iinv V.P.; GORSHKOVA, Ts.Gd' Power supply system of tin slactrcuagnot of the 7 bev. proton ayncbrotron. Frib. i -InMi. eksp. 7 no-4:27-33 JI-Ag 162, (MIRA 164) 1. Imuchno-isaledovatellukiy institut slaktrofisicheskoy appantury Gaeudarat"nnogo kmiteta po ispollsovanlyu at=wy energii SSSR. (Itlectroagnets) '(Siynchrotron) KCRNAKOV, Y'~?,"V. h0739 S/12o/62/000/004/004/047 E194/E420 AUTHORS. Monoszon. N.A., 5tolov, A.M., Gaahey M.A. , , Spevakova, F.M. Y~qvno A.Kh ~~ Hulakov, F.M., Nadgor Yy, Gorshkova, TITLE: The supply system for the electromagnet of a proton- synchrotron of 7 Gov PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika'oksperimenta, no.1t, 1962, 27-33 TEXT: The article,describes the supply system for an clectro- magnet, the field of which increasosat the ateady rate of 6.7 x 1o3 O a/sec to reach a maximum value of 9300 On in 1.55 see and then fa lls off exponentially in 0.8 sac '' therepotition frequency i s 10 to 12 cycles per minutes.- The voltage on the electromagn et is increased from 5000 to 10250 V with a maximulp current of 2500 A. An induction motor of 3500 W, 6 kV, 740 rpm dri ves through a fluid coupling a 6 phase alternator of peak output 37500 kWj 8.2 W, and an auxiliary generator of 250 kW, 380 V for auxiliary supply to the 12-phase ignitron . rectifier. During the current decrement period the rectifier operates aa .an inverter. A description of the smoothing circuit S/120/62/000/004/004/047 The supply syntem for the alectro-... E194/E420 is given. Particular fault conditions of the circuit are -analysed and the protective devices fully described. The performancu is x1lustrated by ascillograms. Schematic and block circuit diagrams are given and an outline drawing of the ignitrons. There are 8 figures. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-isaledovatelOskiy institut elektrofizicheskoy apparatury GKAE (Scientific Research Institute for Electrop1hysical Apparatua-ME) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1962 Card 2/2 Yu-.N.; AMOVA, IN.S. Dlfrcror,tiatod trap in' USIOn III Lhe raWdia Vi',v a ur I i ~ uy y. 1 rlc-',7~43-51 165 0 (.MTRA 12:0/) T 6-,, %i-ooXhildidi 31'oLr6k(-.g,) otdalloni~ya AN KU NESTERENKO.. G.V.; KORNAKOV.. Yu.N. Subalkaline trap rocks in the VilyW Valley as a product of metasamatosis. Dok3.. AN SSSR 153 no.5:U75-3-177 D 163o (MIRA 17:1) 1. Predstavleno akademikm D.S. Korshinakin. ASHEML19 Sales professor; CHEMINA, Z.G., klinichaskly ordinator; ]IMMAKIWA,-A khiuik Dynamics of adsorption and circulation of norsulfasole sodium In the organtsm during various methods of its administration. Terap. arkh. 26 no.6t67-75 N-D 154.- (KM 8 1 P.) 1. Is klinicheskogo otdola (may. prof. S.I.Ashball) Gorkovskogo Inatttuta. gigiyany troda. L profsabolovanty. (SULTONMIMS, administration, norsulfazole sodium, absorp. & o1re. in various modes of admin.) ASHBELI, S.I.; KOIMAKOVA, A.A. _. State of vitamin C and K metabolism in pteumosclerosis caused by toxic chemicals. Trudy GIGT no.9:136-1481i 162. (MIRA rl: 9) KORNAKOVA* A.L. Effect of Dzhusaly mineral water on hematopoiesis in experimental anemia caused by lead. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. med. i fiziol. no, 2:85-90 160, (MIRA 13:10) (KARAGAMA PROVINCE-MIURAL WATFMS) (AMiIA) (MAD-PHYSIOLOGICAL' EFFECT) data o& the effect ofmineral waters from the Dzhusaly Springs on the secretory function of the stomach. Zdrav., kazakh..,22- n0-1:50-53 162. (KIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry normllnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. A.A. Uzbekov) Karagandinakogo meditsinskogo Snatituta. (ISTMACIr--SECMIONS) (KARAGANDA PROVINCE-MINERAL WA=--PIMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) GRIGOWTSE, G.V.; POLEVOY, V.V.; LMIOVA, L.A.; KOR.'Ay.01I.A., E-F Some characteristics of jTotein metabolism in corn coleoptile segments treated with ,indolineacetic acid. Izv. SO AII SSSR no.8 Ser. biol. med. nat no.2:24-28 164 (MIFA 18:1) 1. Vostochno-%Sibirskiy biclogicheskiy institut Sibirsknp ot- deleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. KORNAKOV& ALZ. I FRANK, 0. M. s and SHTEINGAYS, L. N. I "On Structural krocesses in the Ner7e." Zef. Zhur., Vol 33, No 4, 1947, P483- Physiology Inst imeni Academician 1. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR. SO: U-4396 KORUKOVA, Ye.V.:YBM, G.M. I.- ~, -l:,-.1l~'-:l Modifications of mechanical properties In the nerve daring Its stimulation. Dotlady Akad. nauk SSSR 87 no. 4:555-558 1 Doe 1952. (CIUL 23:5) 1. Presented by Academician A. I. Oparin 20 September 1932. ' KMALEWSKIp T.; SMODRICZAIISKI, H. Intensity ratios of spectral lines in the visible triplet of ZhI in the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Acta physica Pol 24 no.5:601-W9 W63. I& Institute of Physics, .1agiellonian Universityt Krakow. L-85318-66 ACCESSION NR: AF501W~7 -Po/loo45/65/027/0C~/0987/00 AUTHOR- Kor'nalewskip T. TITLE: Enforced electric dipole transitions in the spectra of Sn I SOURCE: Acts, physic a Polonica# vo 27, no. 6,, i965p 967-988 TOPIC TAGS: tinl spectral line, UV spectrum, optic transition, dipole Interaction; stimulated emission ABSTRACT: The author advances argumen6s in favor of the assumption that the four lines observed by Meggers (J. Res. Hat. Bur.. Standards v. 24,. 153., 1940) in Sn are not due to electric quadrupole transitions and are more likely to be enforced electric dipole transitions. The fact that these lines could not be observed In the spectrum of Schuler laMs even after nine hours of exposure shows that Schuler's Imp does not produce an electric field sufficiently intense to enforce such transitional so that a search for these lines In the q=k spectrum of tin 18 recommended* Orig. arts hast I table. ASSOCTATIONt Inetytut -Plzyki Univeri;ytetu jagiellonsklego, Mmkow (LWt1tuto Physicap Jagelloulan Vidmaity) emnTED s 03NLT65 EML: 00 MM Mgt OF IM MW sow, 000 OMM, W4 KOFMAIEMI, T.; WISWODRICZZSKI, H. Intensity ratios of spectral lines in the visible trip- let of Zhl in the temperature of liquid nitrogen. Acts. physics Pbl 24 no.5t601-609 MO. 1. Institute of Phynicap Jagiellanian University, Krakow. JMHO'UT, J., EDRMVA# L EDRULIK, 1P9 gffect of antihiotaminics on experimental gastric ulcer. Gesk. fYsiol. 8 no.3*.209-210 Apr 59. 1. IT. interni, kliubm 91, Ustav pro vaeobeewu a pokusnou patologii. Fakulta, vseob. lek., Pralut. Predneseno na III. fysiologickyah dnech v Brno dne 14. 1, 1959. (PVTIC UICIM, exper. off. of antihistaminice (Cz)) (ANTIRLSTANIKIM, off. on exper. peptic ulcer (Cz)) KOHOUT, J.; XORBOVA, L; MDHUAIIKL~~ Effect of antihistaminics on the development of experizental gastric ulcers. Gas. lek. cook. -96 no.20t63&.640 15 NM.V 59. 16- IT. interni klinika v Praze, prednosta prof. dr i. Prwik. Ustay pro vsedbeenou. a pokasnou patologil v Praze, preduosta prof. dr. J. Kepner. J.K., Praha 2, U nemocnice 2. Do redakce doolo v cervenct 1958. (PVT IC UICIIR. exper. eff. of alfadryl (Cz)) (ANTINISTANINICS. effects, alfadryl on exper. peptic ulcer (Gz)) KORBOVA, L.; KOHOUT, J.; IOIRNAgK ,jr, Effect of antihistaminics on the appearance of e3merimental peptic ulcer. II. Effect of various doses of analergin and phenergan on the appearance of experimental PeDtiO ulcer In guinea Digs. Cas.lek.ceelt.99 no-35:3111,ill4 26 Ag,6o. 1. Ustav pro vaeobeenou a pokusnou patologii fakulty vseobeonsho lelmrotvi KU v Praze, pr-3dnosta prof.dr. J.Hapner -- IV. interni. klinika fakulty vaeobeen,3ho lekaretvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. M.Fucik. (PEPTIC ULCER exper) (ANTIHISTAMINICS pharmacol) KORNAL I uAftL Sireniform m1formation in twins. Acta univ. carol. [*dl no. 3:395-402 161. 1. Katedra patologicke anatomie a mikrobiologie fakulty detskeho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Fraze, vedouci doc. 1AUDr. D. Benesova. (MONSTERS) (TWINS) N!, r, itr s i I I T~sW carr1rd o-.& an a labaratnry s~nm M resulUiV Worn, irregiOr Atrui ture tit varfew points ot tho fifd:~~ tbt- At eXM-inivIA- CarPied Out on Mhen from Yarjt5l!~ parUi, a~A _j 4, 1 nOVI I~mvldi . therefor,, a cen-ro "Ion 1-3 j the phenomenun can thty bc i eprod -iced. Vhm avitt~ have aluborated a aft-ndard rw4 iwt of- dtdL- a ni P, I km for oblifiting' m+x9rifted the utWtari !an ne fm4t ~btndffig 1011~~Ing 6n, umt n . syn~hetle Rotanta NV and, 541phACA per, MnE tianIm I%i'v ' POLUM/Chemical Technology. CheWcal products and Their Application- R-22 Trestumt of SoliA YAneral Fuels. Abe Jour: Fleferat Mm-ndmiya$ No 5j 1958p 15682- which they are subjected to coking. The oxidation Step COUSti- tutes the principal specific feature of the mthod. The fol- lowing correlations were deteradmM Ibetwm Mcbm"Ical strength )tfs,, &=tim (up to 10 hours); and texperature of b~o (180 briquette oxidation; between yield.Of coking Pro- ducts, ejejmtsl coVosition of briquettes and duration of their =-4dationj between mechanic'Ll strength of briquettes and the wwunt of binder (8-12%). As the initial fuel use was =Ae of the foll" products: 2 varieties of semicOke Pro- duced att 6W and 505 tcontent of vo3L&tiles, respectively, 8.5 and 2.5%, "h n.6 and 13-00P 3 varieties of coal con- taining 41-33 volatiled and 13-8.8$ ash., and also coke fined of 3 = Particle sizel as binder were used the following frSc- tions of low-Aenerature carbonization tsr: 230-2700, 270-3000, Card 2/3 POKORHY17d.; jumWIRT) J.; KORNALIK) F. Mutual relations betweon methionine and cysteine in protein synthesis. Acta univ. carol. (med..] Suppl. 14-.61-67 161. L Ustav pro vseobeenou a pokusnou Intologii fakulti vseobecneho lekarstvi Univorsity Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J.Hepner. (METHIONM metab) (CYSTEINE metab) (PROTEINS metab) KOIU~-IA~LIK ~~UWIRT p J. Role of sulfur in the biological, efirect of snake venom toxins. Acta univ. carol Cmed.] Suppl. 14s83-88 161. 1. Ustav pro vooobacnou a pokusnou patologii fakulty vseobeeneho lekarstvi University X&-rlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J.Hepner. (SULFUR pha:rmacol) VMTOVIS toxicol) (EST.I4U9?Z pharmacol) KORNALIK, Frantisek Proteolytic properties of some snake venoms in their relation to the 3d and 4th phases of blood coagulation. Cas. lek. cesk. 101 no.24/25%759-762 22 Je 162. 1. Ustav pro vesobeenou a pokuonou patologii fakulty vaeobeeneho lekaretvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Hepner. (VENOM toxicol) (BLOOD COAGULATION pharmacol) UATITO its 7nit=l kUn=&), r.-4;.Ua (for au) 3=0" Vnitmi le-mra=- !TO So 1463# 485-486 wftuamau ilindingm i& tho is,-4*z%j ~a~oa.w XOFNALIK, Frantisek, iifect of snake venoms an blood coagulation in vitro. Acts, Univ. Carol. (mad.] (Praha) 9 no.2t149-188 163 1e Ustav pro vsoobeaco6r; a pokumnou patologii fakulty ves- obeeneho lekarstri University Karlovy v Press; prednostat prof. MUDr. J.Hepner, Grimaldia fragrans (balb.) corda, Fimbriaria specota- (Wahlb.) nees and Ricci& Bischoffin gub. w Jurze Krakowskiej. Krakow, Noki, Polskiej Akademii Ibniejetnosci, 1952. 16 p. (Materialy do Fizjografll Kraju, nr. 30. Documenta physiographica Poloniae, no. 30) Ar~maldia frazrans (Balb.) Corda, Fimbriaria saccata (Wahlb.) Nees, and Riccia Bischoffii Hub. in the Jura 1,11ountains of Krakow. Freft;h ammary. Illus., maps, bibl., footnoteg SO: Monthly List of East European lecessions, Vol. 3, NO. 2, Library of Congress, Feb..1954,.Unel ...... ......... I...... KORUAS, J. Research on systematization and geography of plapts in the Soviet Union. P. 576 (KO340S BIOLOGIA. Vol- 5j no* 52 1956,, Warszawas Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12,Dec. 1957. Unclo KORNAS, J. Associations of sporiferoug plants and their classification. P. 3. WIADOMSCI BOTANICZNE. (PolBkie Towarzystwo Botaniczne) Krakow, Poland. I Vol. 1, no. 1/2. 1957. L6! I Montlily List of East European Accessions (EEAI) Vol. 9. no. 1. Jan. 1960. Uncl*- KORHASv J. 11th International Phytogeographic Expedition in the Eastern Alps. p. 448. (KOSMS BIOLOGIA. Vol. 6, no. 4, 1957. Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accesaions (FMI.) LC. Vol. 6,, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Unal. KORMIS 1, un Find of Bideas melanocarpus Wlegand In Brest. Bot.mato Gerb. 20:337-339 e6o. (KIRA 13:7) (Brest Province-ftrMrigold) KORNAS' J. The extinction of the asigociation Sper eto-Lolistum remoti in flax cultures in the Gorce (Polish Western ra!rpathian Mountains). Bul Ac Fol biol 9 no-1:37-40 1451, (Em 10:9) 1. Department of Systemides and Geograpby of Plants, .-Tatgellonian University, Cracow. Presented by B. Pawlowski. (FLAX) (SPERGULA) (LOLIUM) KORRAS , Jan B~)gumil Pawlewokiv member of the Polish Academy of Sciencoo. lbuka Polska. 10 no.2-.71-74 162e Is Uniwersytet, Jagiellonskiv Krakow., XORNAS, Jan "Xerophytic conditions of the Quercetalia pubeacentis woods of southeast Central Europo" by Paul Jakuos. Reviewed by Jan Kornas, Wiadom bDtan 7 no.ls85-4% 163* 1 MEDWECKA-KORNAS, A.; KORNAS' -J. Plant comimmities of the Ojccw National Fdrk (southern Poland) and their successions. Bul Ae Pol biol 11 no.7:353-355 163. 1. Phytogeographical Laboratory, Institute of Botany, Krakcwy Polish Acadevq of Sciences. Presented by B. Pawlowski. MEDWECKA-KORNAS, A.;Z11NASt' Potential-natural vegetation of the Ojcow National Park (southern Poland). Dul Ac Pol biol 11 no.7057-359 163. 1. Phytogeographital Laboratory, Institute of Botany, Krakow, Polish Academy of Scienoes. Presented by B. Pawlowski. KORITAS) Joze 11 f ", ~ - Petrological characteristics of the volcanic series of the Scinawka IV borehole. Kwartalaik geol 6 no.4:783-784 162. 1. Zaklad Goologii Inzynierskiej, Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. SUM, Wladyslaw; GONDEK, Jozofj ZURZYGK1, j.; OLSZEWSKI., j.; STIL-CHLIK, Loonj PRNAS,_Jan; SKIRGIELLO, A. Reviews, Wisdom botan 8no.3/1+: Suppl.- Blul ogrod botan no.3/4:257-266 164,, KMNASp An An international group of phytosociologleta visits Floland, June 4-11p 1963, lbomoo biol 13 no.103-96 164 GLZIINSKA, Barbara; KOITASp Jan; DYAKOWSKA,,J.; KROTOSKA, T; POGAV.,E. Survey of books and articles. Viadom botan 7 no.3//.:248-254 t63. KORNAIL Jozef,,,,.,. n- Results. of petrographic: studies of the bcrebole of Scinawka near Net& Rudae Kvartalnlik geol 5 no.4:982-983 161. 1. DolnosUekA Stacja,Terenowa, Inatytut Geo-ldk&MM . Warszawa. 777, Y P W. "Aat candidates for pilot nhould remember." p. 20 (Skrzydla I Motor, Vol 8 No 2 IM Jan 53 'darszawa) 30s Monthly jAst 91 kat EMoRIAR AccemaloQa, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Congress Sept 53 Unol KORNASMiSKI, W. First course of aviation medicine for assistant surgeons* p. 182. (SKRMIATA POLSFA, Vol. 10, No. 12, Mar. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), Lo, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncle-' KORNASZEWSKI, W. A difficult task; prior to the International Glider Contest. p. 182. (SKRZYDLATA POILKA, Vol. 10, No. 12, Mar. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EUL), LC, Vol. 3. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl:.' KO!vI't.Sz:AEwm';--Ij We UI-IG is good to think about lleatin(; the Cabin of a Glider. SwIrbownik.", P- '15, (SKRZYPL~.TA POLSKA, Vol. 1-0, No. 47, Nov. 1954, Warszavls, Poland) '00. Monthly List of East Europerm Accessions, (EPAL), LO, Vol. 4, ITO. 5p Yay 195151 Uncle KDRWZWO Ki W. Instouctions for medical owninations of workers, employed with heavy machinery In buildleg. M9&. pracy 6 no*4:235-262 1953. 1. Z III 111alkI Chorob Wownetrzzych A.M. we Wroclaw1u, lispowulk: prof. dr. 2.8sesekIlk 1 s Slownego Oerodka Baden Lotaloso-loo- karsidah US. Klerownik: W.1rornessewski. (IRDUBTRUL ZYGIM Sed.'ezem* of castruction workers with heavy machinery) NDRNASZEWSKI., W. Wor)dng at heights P, 244 OCHFDNA PRAZY: BEZPMCZE%TSM I ITIGIEIIA PRACY: Warszawa Vol 9,, no, 8 August 1955 SOUXE: East European Accessions Idst, (EEAL) W Vol. 5. no- 3 March 1956 KORNIA SKI, W. Gymnastics of a parachutist. (To be cont'rIj. p. 12 , Vol. U, no. 21, May 1955 SKRZYDIATA POLSKA SO:M-WITHLY UST OF &-'t3T EUX)FEAN ACCESSIONS, (&SAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. Grmnaslics of' a parac,hiiUst. ('Io 're cort---:.) 1). 12 Vol. 11, no. 22 E, y 1 5. u SO: 1-,rithly Livt of European Accassi.=3, (EF-PIL), I,C, Vol. 4, na. .0-, Oct. 1055, uncl. K ci R;~ 711, 1, ,.I ,".,. 7,ymnastvics of a parachiitistt,. (To bo contid. ) P. 12. SKI-MLAI"A. POLZKA, 111-arsmwa, Vol. 11, no. 23, June 10,551. SO: I-Ionthly List of East I'wropean Acc(,,sojo,,,1;3 . I "A , J ) ., C'i- L), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955 Uncl. ..!. .t4 CS ,TvnaZ, of a parachutist. p. 12. SKI,'-','Y*)I-A,TA' FOL3KA, 'darszawa, Vol. 11, r13- 24, Julie 195-5. S)G: 'Zont'lly List of Ea~--.t ~'Alroccar, ;%ccessions' LO, Vol. 4, no. '~,, Oct. 1955, Uncl. LWMETA XMICA Soc.? V01,10/4 FccUatrics AprA56 764. IKORNASZEWSKI W. and IWANKIEWICZ S. Wroclaw, ul. Zimowa 5. *Lecze- Me ciziecl c1loryVI na krztusiec obnilonym cignieniem barometrycznym (w komorze niskichcidnied). The treatment of pertussis by means of lowered barometric pressure (in the chamber of low pressures) PEDIAT.POL. 1955, 30/11(1071-1074) The effect was studied in 90 children. The -children were placed in a chamber of low pressure at the altitude from 3,500 to 4,000 m. for half an hour once to four times. Some of the children were siniultancously treated pharmacologically. Only 10%of the cases completely recovered,,The restwere con4id 'ered as uncertain or not responding to this treatment. Froin authors' summary(XX-,7) j! :;RPT;-. ~-_- DICA Sec. 17 Vol,, ~/.?J~ublic Hea_-.~. 57 2930. KOFLNASZEWSKI NV. - Od zagadr.' ef, medyc-my lolniczej do r-ed%.c%-.v kosmic- z_n_eT._FTo -mavi at ion to space travel!ing med:cal problems WLAD.LtK. 1956, 9/16(721-726) Aviation medicine closely follows the great technical progress of aviation. Per- manent consideration for the health of aircraft personnel and passengers has pro- vided means for the reduction or even ellimination of certain factors exerting their influence during the flight (oxygen apparatus, special clothing, protect-on against cosmic rays, etc.). Space travelling confronts medicine with new problems for the protection of health and life of interplanetary crews (oxygen provision, the com- bating of over-exertion, the realization of ~irtificial gravitation, employing electro- gravitation, etc.). It may be expected that also with regard to aviation medicine, primarily apparently unsolvable problems and difficulties will be overcome. ~MXA ZIVSKI 'WaOlaw f 'Application of ojqwtor in medicine, Postopy wiedzy mod. 4 no.3:279.- 281 JuV-Gept 57. (aYGIM, in blood, oxymetry. rovliw (Pol)) ,-MOUASSEWSKI. Vaelaw Iffect of Plackis (Valoalval,s) test on the electrocardiographic curve; Polski tygod~lek. 13 n0.228839-841 2 June 58 I** V Glownego Osrodka Baden Lot - Lekarskich ve Wroclawl-a; kierownIkI W~ Urnassevski; Adres: Wroclaw, Glowny Oar.' Baden Lots'. - Lekspokleb; (RISPIRATION, Physlole' Mack test,-eff. on BOG in normal cond.' (Pol)) (AIRMOCAFMIOGRMIY, off, of Ilack test in normal condo' (Pol))