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KOROP5 P. A plant of the communist tomqrrqv is already in operation. Tekh.mol. 31 nol-.5-6 163, OaU 16:3) (Moscow region.- Industrial buildings) 3ABSKII, II.A.; RLWAMM, R.S.; LEIMMEER, L.S.; KORNOTNITSKAYA, O.L.; MILISHTEYN, M.A* - '_-, - Seromarin,, a colloid-salt blood aubstitute. Trudy Kiev. nauch.-issl. inat. perel. krovi i neotlozh. khir. 3:103-106 161. (MIRA 27:10) 1, -Aw AaflLnaya .3tantmiya r.,on,.IIv;,nIyn krovi. I Ode, ja A- -28851-66 L ACC NR: AT6012741 SOURCE CODE: 0122/66/000/004/0014/0016 (NIA) UR/ AUMOR: .,Koropov. Se IOAEnglineer) ORG: Khartkov Transport Machinebuildim-Plant im.!- Malyshev Mhar io-vskiy _z_a_vqd_ t-r-an-a-p-o-r-Cnogo-mash;lnostroyd--nly-a-7--~ TITLV" ': Improvement of locomotive and marine diesel engines SOURCE: V estnik mashinost.royeniya, no. 4j 19660 14-16 TOPIC TAGS:, . diesel engine, turbosuperoharged engine /~50-diesel i engine, D-100.diesol,.engine, D-70 diesel engine ABSITMACT:. The performance and further development of turbosuper- oharGed diesel engines manufactured by the above-mentioned Khar1koy Plant, is- discussed. The, gains in specific output are mainly obtained!--.,, by increasing th e supercharging pressure an& by cooling the super- charged air. Them ,progress made by.the plant in the post-war years is demonstrated in a table comparing the characteristics of various types of engines (horse-power, rpmj cylinders, pressureB,.auporcharg- C ard 1/2 UDC: 621.436 iCard 2/2 0 e 0 93 )d 25 J* 0 2s :1 ja 11 32 u JS S J6 V Is j0 4 41 41 , f-fil--h- L L AL-A F, 9 It 3T --V T A A-1-M-MAX-CO- M --A d - , t 11 b l j A & ** -- - .. - - , -- ", . ~ W, t bulal .r, -0 - so jr ~ Us ab~Wpbft 41 111000 00 M*OadlW IS 42PWiMMMU witIl angl0dollatiNd - so 00' 8:~ dogs. V. Kosovov. Afth. Ack AW, (U. & & R.) 32. M"(W.O.-On int"uction 4 )Vx) the empty damsuck evamlices begins in 2 min. swi 6 &mpbwtrd so a il 4 k in 15- 1) mia, 7W-kqp~9 part 4d klot JW ahm hdroductlim as pure 11,0 me an w i% aboarbird by Ow . jella4wes tM cht dais. The tymphatic itystem &*% sat Ilwtkipste In this process. Th* abKwpdm of pum H.0 is very sine and it dillicult TlikiscameasOydemonotattdOwn arben then is s marked facrmse in tbe sy%tnnk circuladgm. 00 IfrO is shwrbed fmm milk ee , W. A. PlIPLEWNIG s =so t Go P goo see set 2 00 09 0 0 -R A (TA IC LI -SS CU S L O T OC F T 00 IT L . L L AL A I KA I G TE L CL 00 S: ee s L. 00 U U AT -0 S a ew 0 0 4 1 V DO ` 'l K Vto' sos 00*40 0900410.0::040006006 0000 00 **`Vl 4,6*0496 *f*4*q soq :::119 of ***see *Goose 004112 - 0-OW-W-4 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 ' es : - :1 " % i'" '- I- Az L L, Y, o I Y kA ie 14~ I, -45 P ~ a OPL V. L -410 00 00 -00 : The 4irtion of 860"1100 00 th* sircretiley activity of 11be I'll KIWO- V 1 made in the 4 tid d 0 , ~ . diraffirstir paro , 1. P. Mr S d V u 00 . . . . W, m . fx0 I.-Mriervation of the parotid glAnds of dap P.M witil tlwml~ fw"*A of the 'Ali ty Stand. cauvril 4 dr- Crew to WNV% wit I Im after I ho In *1 ton of admislint 0 (1) from 3.11 tr. to 1~2 din". me arg 44ift Cecil" after Now dolillood of Wrap"brile Isairitvation or too "M saliva- A "411 roe c nerv". ot Wit the Pro"Iflaille and "Irs""Pal rho twrllf"f"mpy 10jerflon at I b" an l"hililling torri on the glenrivatoill a" - 111frebads 8; ahown fly I lie 0 00 ar sop" er ill NtOwilural WiTsiFal Inalked Aftseast W Thellshilli- Inry sellon of I Is of Short duration, for within 24 lus. the ~aljvation to it retunis in normal. In unn' a-in-6 with rimlipleirly droelvaled Stands the inhibillxv rdect 4 1 Adays, lot see 0 we* j 1 y 11 gs~ _6 n It K H a ar Pill- it LJ 11 90 00 0 KOROP;V, V. M. (Professor, Director of the Institute). Zooveterinary Institute. So: Veterinarlya; 23; 5-6; May/June 19h6; Lncl. TABCOIN Z)' years of the-4,05cow KOR01OV, V. Ml. (Professor-, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Director of tne Moscow Veterinary Institute.) ~n water hunger in horses. So: Veterinariya; 23; (8-9); August/September 1946~ Uncl. TABCON 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 KOROPOV, V. M. KOROPOV, V. M. (Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences). From the history of veterinary education in Russia. So: Veterinarlya; 2L; 9; September 1947; Uncl. TABCON 0 0 0 0 0 0 w* OA WROPOV, V. M. KOIIOP~,)V, V. M. (flrofewjor, Doctor of Vetkirinary Salomon). About thu work of veterinary universities. So! Veterinariya; 2h; 11; N.vember 1947; Lncl. TABCON itbROPOV9 V. M. -FA 13f4V14T UM/OdUlne - Neirwam fi*stsm Jul/Aug 48 Ybdicine - Infections "Data an the Study of the Role of the Nervous System In the Pathogenesis of Infections, Il" V. M. Xbropov, Chair of Path Pbyelol, Nil Mod Acad imeni Kirov, Chair .L of Path PhysIol, Mbwow Vet Inst, 51 PP "Arkhir PatologliO Vol X, No Part I appeared In "Arkhly Patologli" No 5, 1947, Nero Moropoy discusses affect of Inflannation an the ssoret=7 function of par (a) deprived of Par4M7Wth~t1G 1WWrw&t1'0:1!!aa6lTbj Oftj'L cowletely deprlrod-ot-.norrmo:mrotsa*.;iD*morlboe experluents on dap. Tabulates wd discusses results. AM -P, UM/Nedicine-Yetei-inar-ylbdiola* Novl~8.- Medicine Education, Medical "This Organization'of the Moscow yeterinary AcadeW," Prof V. M. Kbropov, 11 pp OVeterinarlya" No 11 low organliAtion' was ictivated in autum 1948. Flentions'Acad K. I. Skrystli, B. If. Vyshelisskly, &schetovIch, B. M. Olivkbv,, -A. R. Yovgraf'OT', -- V. Domrachev, L. A. Paddayev, S. I. Afonskiy, and I. Ye. Mozgov. 21AqT96 KO',IOF,OV, V. Y. 42532. Protiv reartsionnyrb teoriy V vaterinarii. Veterinariya, 1948, No. 12P S. 7-11. KCROPC,V, V. M., Frofessor, Doctor of Veterinary Scienc-~S. Lavelol-ment, of pathological physiology in veterinary -universities and its immediate tasks. Source: Veterinariya; 25; 6; June 1948; uncl TAFCCN KCROF01i, V. M., Professor "One hundrecl fortieth anniversary of a high veterinary school." SO: Vet 25 (8), 1948, P. 4 F KC1,010C43, V. M., Prof. "Organization of the Moscow Veterim7 Acadeqr.11 SO: Vet. ;K, (u) 1948, pp. 9 and 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 l9 0 0 0 0 0 1"'UOP0, V. M. Prof. "Against reactionary theories in veterinary 8cience.11 SO: Veterinariia 25(12). 19489 p. 7 V .,? KOROPOVI i% . Data on the pathological physiology of salivary glands Moskva Moskovskaia veterinarnaia akademiia, 1949. 249 P. DA KA FM 27280. KOROPOV, V. M. Veterinamaya nauka v bor'be za rost zhivotnovodstva. VeterinarVa, 1949, No.9, s- 7-11- SOt Letopis' Zhumallnykh Statey, Vol- 36, 1949. REWPOV, 'V. (Prof), hootor of lloscow Vattjrinary Acaaei4y Viruses and blicrobes - a New Interpretation (Izvesti-va, U MaY 1950) C'u=ent Digest of the sov:iet Press, No 19, 24 June 1950 KOROPOV, T.M. [Restoration of fwwtion of the parotid salivary gland after partial xcision] 0 voestanovlenil funktall okolaushnoi allunnoi shelesy posle hastichVkh resektalL kyth.pat..., Moskva * 12 no.1:22-29Ja-y 150. : (cum 19:1) 1. Of the Departuent of Pathological Physiology (Head -- I.Ye.Potrov), Military Medical Academy Iment S.M.11rov and of the Department of . Pathological Physiology (Elead Prof. W.N.Iloropov). Moscow Veterinary Academy. KOROPOV, V.M., Prof. "New on the natur*e of viruses and microbes." SO: Vet. 27 (8) 1950, p. 7 teigo ('Rector, Mosco-,Aj vc~,Acad.) Ll VsP, \joi 111 1 V16 lqj lq5-6, P. 16+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r "Reaor;~anization of Pathological Physiology Ih the Lipht of I. F. Favlov T,3aching't (report deliverad at a setantific confolnnc~~ of phystolo.,ists, pathophysiologisbs and pathoanatomistus hald Jull 5-7, 1950 at the iaoscort Vat Academy) SOURG7.: Vetirinariyal Vol 27, '4o 9, pp 53-59, Sep 1950 (Trans 231 by 4.,lich) JO KOPbPOVj V.M. "Yeterial. on the pathological physiology of salivary glands." (,~bscow Vet. Acad., 19/+9.)(Reviewed by Prof. S.I. -Prankshtein.) SO: Veterinarija 27(9), 12~O~ p. 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KOROPOV~ V, M, Prof. "Applications of Pavlov's Teaching In Veterinar7 Science,* Veterinarlya,, 27, No.10, pp 1-13, 1950 A digest W-170050 26 lob 51 Ko-."U.Pov v. '"'. 'Prof) wPrinciples of th,3 b-3aching of Michurin and Pavlov in prophylaAs of noncontagious diseasas of agricultural animals" (report dalivar-A at th.) MXII Rent= of Vat Sec of thi All-UnIon Academy of Agricultur&I Scl-3nces, Oct 1950) SOURCT : Veterinariya, Vol 28, No 1, pp 5h-57, Jan 1951 (Trans 147 by Ioilich) p FARM XOROPOVI V. M., Prof., Dr. of Vat. Sci.- POLIAKOV, A. A. :'L "First volume of the Veterinary Encyclopedia Dictionary.If SO: Veterinariia 28(8), 1951, p. 62 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KGR,-P%G"~"', -.17. "So-le pro -ervou~-. ~xtivlties bleinz of Pl%vrAol()Cicii-1 Pa~hOlod7 of t'-e 500, .ro,-. tho pussla;.01, "P. - of Domestic kninals. Tr. 7--f' Vol. 11-0. 11, 'Tov. 1952, W;Lrezav-~., Pol;ind) SO: ~- Lir-.t of 3,st 2vu~,-;~..Dea~.. Accesr,-,o-,-,s, (~LIAL) , LDC , Vol. 5. ,thl, M&;, 1955, Uacl. KOROPOV, V. M. "Vet-)rinary hfatt,3rs During the First Years of the Soviet Zra (1917-20)1* SOURC3: Vet,3rinarlLa, Val LUX) No 1, Jan 1952, pp 8-13 (CTS 46, 21 Aug 53, P- 91; #17265) (Professor, Rector of thie Uoscorr VvetarLnary Academy) Iqo all VsterinAry Tiorkers" SOLIRC&: Vet3rlnarlya (Table of Contents) Vol 29, No 4, l95201priq 61 Or 62? XOROPOV, V. tt. Veterinary Medicine Significance of the works of Academician M. F. Ivanov for the development of veterinary science. Veterinariia 29 No. 8 1952. 9. M2athly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195k Uncl. 2 ival.-~)v to k'si't D1 117=30T't~--ICC Of tu,T! .-ork of vt t.!r i raim the 2a:--t Pi S A A L io LCurt-ti 11-2" V. `on~hly Li3t of -H;iSt ot 9.1 .,o 53, K()ROPOV, V.M. History of voterinar-f science in the USSR Mosk7a, Gas. izd-va selkhoz lit-ry, 1954 366p. (Uchebniki t uchabnye posobiia dlia vysshikh sell sko-khoziaistvannykh uchebnyl-.h zavedenii) KORMIPV, VA., professor. doktor veterinarpykh nauk. Development of higher vaterlaM sdko&tIon In Russia and the role of Darkov Vaterinary.lustituts, Gbor. tru& lbarl. vet. inst. 22:12-28 054. (MLU 9:12) (lbarkov--yetstimary 001194") KOJWMV, V-N., professor. Reactivity of a growing Orpnism. Veterinartla, 31 no.12:10-15 D (NLU 7: 12) (VJRMIFART PHTSIOIAGY) EDIMV, VA.. prefoomer, relaktor. Livestock brooding and votorl=7 the Nongellan People's Republic. Taterlsorlia 32 no.2:14-17 F 155. (KM 8: 3) 1-Hookovskqa voterinsamays Y&O (;;WLiA,--SWCZ AXDqmmwnIw)(wwOLU__TIIwnff Ms- DICIU) -v KDROPOV, T.M., professor. Tozemlax In dairy coms. Toterinarlia 32 ne.11:43-54 N 155. (MA 8:12) l.Hookovokaya vaterinarnaya akademiya. (CATTIB--DIRASIS) One hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the veterinary deWtment of Karl Marx University in Leipsig. Vaterinariia 33 no.2:83-84 F 156. (KLR& 9-5) (LIBIPZIG--VBTMUNARY IMICINI-STUDY AND TBACHING) KCROPOV, V.11., profasiter. W V ~"M'W4i Is works in veterinary medicine. eterinaxiis, 33 no-9: 80-84 S 156. (KIaA 9:10) I.Mookovskays. vetorinarmqo skadomiya. (Kuleshov, Pavel Nikolaevich, 1854-1936) KOROFOY, Y.K., professor. -M~ Some problems in the organization of higher Teterinary education. VaterinarII& 33 no.11:3-7 N 156. (KM 9: 11) 1. Rektor Nookovskoy veterluarnoy Wcademil. (Veterinary oollove) AFONSKIY, S.I.; KCROPOV, V.K. Forty years of advanced veterinary training in the U.S.S.R. Vaterinariis 34 no.12:11-20 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Veterinary wdicine-Study and teaching) KOROPOY. V-M-. Drof. Alimentary toxemias (ketosis) In milk cows and their control. Veterinarlis 35 no. 7:57-65 J1 '58. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarnave akademiva. (Acetonemia) KOROPOV, V.M., prof.; POLUMIN, F.S., dots. Develop and strengthen veterinary training through correspondence. Veterinarlift 36 no*2:11-13 F 159- (KnA 12:2) 1. Hookovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya. (Correspondence schools and courses) (Veterinary zedicin"tudy and teaching) KOROPOT., Problem of rogdowl (zonal) PlAb 0109Y . Yeterinartift 36 no.7: 12-10 JI '59. (MiRk 12tio) 1. Moskovskaya vetorinarmya akad"ITRO (Medical geograpbyl Y....T.M..-prof.; ALIKAYNT, V.A., dots. Concerning A.S. Solun's book 'Righ level nutrition of dairy cattlen. Vaterinarlia 36 no.i2:69-n v 159* (MIRA 13:3) (Dairy-cattle-Feeding and feeding stuffs) DALK TOY, Mikhail Konstantinovich; ZHURAVAL' q A.A.; SOLOYBY, A.B.. red.;. PROKCFITZTA, L.N., takhn."d.; DNTZVAO V.K. ,, (Pathological physiology of farm animals] Patologichaskale fisiologiia nallskokhosialetyennykh shivotnykh. Isd.2.9 parer, i dop. Musky&, Gos.isd-vo mallkhoz.lit-ry. 1960. 511 p. (KIRA 13:9) AInair'y* pathology) 41 MteA KOROPOV, V. M. Professor, Moscow Veterinary Academy Means for the elimination of pathological changes in the lactational functions of highly productive cows, Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 11, P- 55, 1960. I XORCFOV, V-M-P Prof. Pathological derangements in the lactation of higbly productive Ove and methods of their elimination. Yeterinariia 37 no.llt 55-57 N 160. (MM 160 la Nbskovskaya veterinamaya akadeniya Clautation) (Caws-Diseases and ~esta) KOROPOV, V.- M.. Professor, Moscow Veterinary Acmlemy, Reviewer. "A valuable monograph*." Footnote*: 1(hpanadze, K. K. Istorii Veterinarii v Gruzii X addition to the History of Veterinary Medicine in Georgia7 State- Publishing House "Sabchota Sakartvelo", Thlisi, 1960, 149 pages; 1,000 copies. Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No- 1, P- 89., 1961 KOW V. M. (Profus. or) and BITSEINO V. A. (Moscow VOtcx:nm_-,, .1 Acadumy~__ "Yetabblic;m, in normal and pathological m-iternal organism and -fetus." Vet-_,rinar, a, Vol - 3', "To. 12, December 1. 0 ly - _9A, P. 110. KOROPOV2 New textbook on the pathology and treatment of noninfectious diseases of agricultural animals. Veterinariia 39 no.1:89-90 Ja 162.. (MIRA 15:2) (Veterinary medicine) KDROPOV., V. N. (Professor) and NOSNDV, N. M. (Docent, Moscow Veterinary Academy). %tabolism in calves during ontogenesis, in normalcy and in pathology... Veterinariya., vol- 39.,,no. 2.. February 1962 pp. 4= TURSOV, S. I. (Professor) and IMROPOV, V!_~L. (Professor) Reviev of the manual "Biochemistry of Animals" (The book vas vritten b S. I. Afonskii, M. Gosudarstvennoe Izdatellstvo "Vysshaya Shkola", 1W Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 5, may 1962 p. 87 _-KOROPOV V rof NHistory of veterinary medicine in Geogia" by K.Kapanadse. Reviewed by V.M.Koropov. Veterinariia 38 no.1:89 Ja 162. (MM 1594) 1. Mskovskays veterinarnaya akademiya. (Georgia-Veterinary medicin4') (Kapanadze, K.) ZAGAY-EVSKIY, !.S., prof.; IEMSHEV, A.V-, prof.; ILIIN, azasist~.nt TRUSOV, S.I.p prof.,-, KOROPOV., V,,M., prof. Reviews and bibliography. Veterinariia 39 no*5a85-88 My 162 (MIRA 18-.1) KOROPOV) V.M., prof.; ZAYANCHKOVSKIY, I.F., dotsent In the service of the native land. Veterinarlia 39 no.121l4-17 D 162, (HIRA 16%6) (Skriabin, Konstantin lvanovich, 1878-) PA.VLOVSKIY,, Ye.N.,, prof.; KOROPOV., V,M,,, prof. Kazan Veterinary Institute. Vaterinariia 40 no.6:20-26 je 163. (MIRA 17: 1) 1. Rektor Kazanskago veterinarnogo instituta (for Pavlovskiy). 2. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya (for Koropov). SHARABRIN, I.G., prof.; KOROPOV, V.M.., prof.1 ORLOV, P.T., dotsent Feed quality as a basis of normal metaboliim in animals. Veterinariia 40 no.6:54-56 Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskaya voterinarnaya akademiya. r~n OSTAPENKO, K.A.; MROPOV, P01IJKNIN, F.S.; SRBMy;'.1 :.,.G.; fUi-.,iYAGTN, V.I.; ZINCHENF6. I-, GOGIUSIFIIIJ V. ; S. ; y SIKORSKIYJI A. Information and brief news. Veterinariia 4-1 no.2:119-126 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) -&QWZOV,_Ljjt, prof.; KALUGIN, V.I., k&nd.vaterin.nauk; MALININ, K.M., kand. veterin.nauko Geroy Sotsialistichaskogo Trudal zasluzhennyy veterinarnyy vrach RSFSR; MILAZEVSKIY, A.V. From the history of veterinary medicine. Vaterinariia 41 no.8slIl- 116 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:4) V.i1-1. prof.; pi.i.l kand. veLer. naiik Fr~T amino acidc In the blood cf cou5 with "--etcoio. Vcterirariia U2 n-).10:515-56 0 165& (MI RA 3-8: 10) 1. Mookovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya. POLYAKOV, A.A., prof.; KOROPOV, V.M., prof.: VERTINNIle, K.I., prof. In memory-.of Professor Aleksandr Fedorovich Dorofeev, 1870- VeterinaAia 42 no.8:124-125 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) PETROV, Ioakim Romanovi Mikb~kylovich; UfF*DINt, c h; L01101 LIDI A.S., red. (Practical manual in pathological physiology] Praktilaim po patologicheskoi fiziologii. Izd.3., perer, Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 400 P. (~',JT 18:2) DONTSOVAY Z.S.; KOIMPOVA, A.Ye. Changes in the functional characteristics of neural elements of the respiratory center of a frog after the exclusion of afferent pulomnary impulses. Biul. eksp. biol. i Died. 52 no.12:13-17 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry fiziologii cheloveka i zhivotjWkh Dnepropetrovskogo universitets, (zav. - prof. P.Ye.14otsnyy). Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom PIAII A.V.Lebedinskim. (IEDULLA OBLODIIGATA) (LUNGS-IMERVATION) -7- ' -- * , -- -7-: Xffect of methionins, on the cholesterol and phompholipid content of the blood In patients with atherosclerosis. Terap.arkh. 31 no-9: 85-90 S '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Is institute. terapti ANN SSSR (dir. - deystvitellayy chlen ANN SSSR prof. A.L. Vqasulkov), Noskya. (GROLISTML blood) Mospmxprm blood) (ARTMOSCLAROSIS ther. (WHIONin ther.) IlGiOPYAN jK. K. 21648 7~QtUPXAN, K.- K. `rilozhomiye affimoggo preobrazovaniya k zadache o vne'LsF~ntremnom rast,,-azherdi ---zh.--tii. Trudy Krasnod-arsk. in-ta nishch. proift-oti, wm- 5, 1949, s. 63-67. SO: ietoois Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 29, h!oskva 1949 KORMAY, K. K. 2164/0 KOROPYAN, K. K. svobodWfe kolebaniya iz --iba krivogo bnlsa bolls',-.,oy krivizny, ocherchennogo '-po du ge okruzhnor;ti. Trudy Krasnodarsk. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, vYP- 5, 1949, 3- 103-12. 50: Letopis' Zhurnalinykh Statey, vo. 29, 1.1osksia 1949 TV114-4 -m #7 P 1. 14 14 4j jL- L 01 it J, I 4E Pff'cl im FVM~ is UwWrim kam famedrin. lict., rft impunsom of the S coolest of dometic wrAp!i And wam" 6 CVIPWiltli. A formuLit is given for the h d i W I f 8 h = I 00 UMOM nit cowcat ur A Kime o of ng cup g bat e ch foundr e lit it f 1 i i T 00 i a o nwav qua y n. y rr-W% b tudliffs CwgC M uw id kmO 3 i9 =in. b . . , au s p =00 The qualty of recently imported Rumian pig ifims wa.% U-76 46-ft Mn c i l C 3 M 2 th t oo . . on lm a ey , l""WY-1 47-70 ml S FiWA MO 0 - 1 , a Y coo 00" coo I lo" q%u :9 0 it 0 it ft m 0 a It it K ti tt It Ol 0 0 0 * * 0' 0 * * 0 0 * : : : SO C I" lk*o An I I a a CAD A 1 14 dna: : : 0 of 0069 go see 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 00 0 0 u 1 9 1 1 lit It 1) is Is 14 1? 1 v It Is j3 IS 111 0 it u a Is O;L, , * JL A T . v V4AC4Ujj ANO POICJ-901III I.PI. 1. Uwe r"kif Uh W 11411411k ifllu dual kill Ait"As. 10"401 Vol 4" joij. pp., fttm r1m, 32W 333). (lit Ifitmarim l. affectim* the o( imWA "MmAdis whk-h wrm illVvwk wit" IMMM dolimm hismilling fit the 21-4-Witt'. - tho 4ushty (it thr im %Oki it, 11"r Ownt. OWWWO is' -Now, oll Allow 114pvt nmAlm (Ifirks,469 110 411161111flum"' tVP") 41, 11tattlWy "ounplam. 11w imIllimsesm of uwuu framit"Mat ill till, 04~1. o(mmid fib in HmW"imstm works QjlV.-t Shp Outtum U& a 09" 46W &Wg kip of chamma out in i Total C inill Wall; fimml, 1.,o. 11 0 - 14" Moe 4 47 m tmg% ms, A spiti6l pig inm 14 olmil" 4em UUy in Hivowy, n a mimll ma irm its PnIslimid OXF blaA.funmm, rpim km raauA:,UW shupim sbw and xt#wl coo sismarf. This irun bills Uw C 44%. V.- COO %Fmcl-M maifacclIodof I mmis"mvmjh3-,,, 71wnimbimins, a see 41' mleamith"Illp nuiahm of n 'i is W" vvm see WvOnummulm their ill. Arm bW.1 thm. th6 P akrAm b1p umd aWw4lv " irwof nupubip. wil MOO t im it is a rarmb to thr, jrbmi ON!,*,. Th, dtitlKw to 2.41'. oW imnvuWq,%r=-," '. 400 ash-ural" buimim a Imcm ill. hbod-6 for 1W m4r see I-p- of frof sh. dkmj.r&AhW ~ in4rA a bqww Ta ismtsi .4 JAO larf Obsy. use TU dad vWWf OMM be Momod by pod-m-M --W- S Also AS a. SL A WALLUSICKAL 1.111110WIll CLASUPOCATION !I,- if -*-., a ~N-v Got AV 11) AS it An I v 1W 0 0 4 1 v go I a 4 11 4 0 - - p 44 a a W at a a No 11 14 01. . 0 0 0 * 0 1111, 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 * * Is ZRX tiff I I I de, TI. a A,T x **A- -A- jiw *00 .04 9A 99A 9 00. 46%. UrILIUTION Or CM DMT IN CUPOUS. KGrOm, B. (Danyass. 06 Kohass. lapok, Sept. 1949, "L 4, 401). 00 '00 0* It is proposed to briquette coke dust and other waste coke with 0o0 an organic binder wA use Wo briquettes for fluel in the cupola AM :0Z 9 fte a~-! j; dryIng stoves. The binder contRins 5% of Fortland cament and 1%C 00 =00 Of 11318. 000 wile 7 a* Colo we* ASO-SLA, 11STALLUMIC" &ITUATift CLAWNWA"W %low WNL"V 111104" .1P d. V (lot 1951111 (W any All V I -*I 1 4 S I Old 0 It 8 1 Ir 81 4 dB 4 3 4V 01 AV jo is 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Oi 0 0 01'. : : 01: 0 0 0 00 Is 0000 40 0 41 0 0 0 0 CA ft ~Wdmj!! off Paw of into molds. = . K lwpok V. 2Xjd-4RjI.:a),M r" , #Arlon liffectill life pefimul of illaot 111(pliti, bamilkill of kwits, aluf qual. .4 m4t ifull are fi%. Alwied Ill dictaill. A sipwilil kliml tot file Irtm, W44 PfIbIM t *IP1,6, town ve-rkh aluillillate dAg slut Fe wrall. ,:ft*= bbiv-t tufume y (d 0105 Pis moll W&I %ill ilAr to that mamM. with V a I A& a cc go -A It I L y 1 0 I-A-& sty *NP ?,-P 1?49181 0 0 it CN%DI too A-4ras. .................. i wi 7 ,go 'Go of TA IC&L LITIRAILMI.CL, At% WK&TK4 u IS AV 0 0 3 a 9 At '0 ou 00 *0 Be 11 00 *0 110 Is I I V 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 5T44::0:**G*ioooo:oe 66 00*0 so es 0 0*0000 0::i KOROS, B. "Answer to a reply of Miklos Kiraly, (p.216.) "Rewarding of the Bent-onite Committee." (p.21-6.) KOHAS~ATI LAPOK (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszahi Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 3, no. 9, Sept. 1952. SO: EAST European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No 8, Aug. 1954. 'A h r k-c"t q1 f r7in-11 Y-1 17, w(olq'i f ~ir!J `~,,,ndfy J" vivig t - A le-wlitJm Ow. onpohm-nN for imitm of io-tv, itwO,k cuntlatAvil In. ltifuc!,uian, (wimiflzi -41 eOW i~wt:,z maln~!;tcwm 'inn he at;, 1. the -11alliciY, Itividlil; -milrZt t inouid design FM km lie f(A141jilry njnterl~jl. '1*(V) f"ril,,rai 0144"Ctivii. of the rxvfti=ntA cue~d rat fit thisad tjfilN-tw,.i P t ti i o u v 11(ical h4 rxill ing"' fA the most cam fu I hand U ng Hdo f. c. their pmtection f.".4ch 1"'rAup of 1"I (Ii.-Aruct vL eff"el. - of 110 flow: of - atcd.: =dfVl --- (.54) to Itm In.11. d=rding tot~j~) fElld Mtf-nf; I no Hung%rian Nahnical Ab at tht) t1inut.1 6c an at(cqilaw krigth of t Ina; Vie liffar c(11tim-nie"t mit'. the %wrage we of "Ch mmld oinzy Vole 6 No, 4 1953 12 1 j()ijT3. -Arillo of "Idmlly" hasidbd n=td Frnu was - -2 ~-arlv U~ft~j& j4Njt._t rove ItirX I vviv. In ovier to imp. the quality of MU q fife, ingut- tUred of '?a, hme pf Itavo nPI)TOX, Rudely Cia.mEris C&h iitirq~ tlic, life of *h" weir'. oci the to w All' A ~;nftll vumbci druiulds,virm-dir-ectly irbjd-F,=I- result-4, Jim-illy Pt_ ftMld__ In .nQ r -4)itlet t,3 lni,.tefi~e their-Me.As a jiiutt of all.thiso ma:41IMS anti i-xxotilitig to 0a graph platted Im une~of V4 at, tnill% cnvid-nefing -flits tClt% tfte.&V~ragll We of file maris L ~~rtant -, tyl~s of moulds; oauld be lnucaxdd Imprics, 'a. Met& .1111ay idthatigh rtat, all 0 the tame-exteot (fret K011033 B. "Hungarian experiments in producing graphitic iron rolls durir;g 195211, p. 97, (KOHAS7ZATT LAPOK, Vol. C, no. 5, May 1953, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C.9 Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1953, Uncl. ;:rY KOROS, B. On the problem of "casting rollin ." P. 404. KOHASZATI LAPOE. (Vagyar Bany&82ati es Kohassati Egy 'esulet5 Budapesto Vol. 9# no. 9, ept. 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL)q Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 KOROS, B. Criticizing now procedm-es in the tanks of researchers; concluding words on Erno Weigl's answer. p. 8. KOHASZATI LAPOK. (Magyar Banyaszati as Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 10, no. 1,, Jan. 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (ZEAL) Library of C"ongress Vol. 5. no. 6j, June 1956 1 "o-:1 for o 11(;:l DC:- O~L "I!.)!. w , I 7nC] nave Oce-a C7,-IUuQLCU t, -1 uimc Ot facreasing the quality of thc- yearg for the purpose principal kitidip of roUing infil rclls~ Owing to th~- cir- curnitf llce~- p"e-valling j..j Minga-iill Lic-c-riC3 -UNi ilxt: produced exclusively frovi cupoLi sub --qumt modhic7itior, wil", that le -T.- -777- ---T..A T,111-i ri~.f~hf- W-W5Q mn llrawqa-tht~- q fn~ Tram- d rarls oql a 'aint additiou of mo-pesium and lboty'n will vj% results for ch finish roll-~ Tez,',% In illed ho, A -4Z,4~ ir a rcry 61 ro-I Li~ Tll~ -,.LL~ w2rizat in. the f.-II-1wing tmuuneat "ho 'viol weu. KEL rim cnlw-, Limyev-zar, On-, mul-, WaIL mr me a rc-safts of a Lurger nar-abber of tcts~ la the &he,- McU, chiilkd-cast h,51, ru[Ls c)qly tho:5k: whi, I axt treated wiL dt ht ~Mg, FeB (low A! ,r~ [Li qua:ity ulasc T G001,01 j I'V i, on a s I F7, . p erti-- an-11 use o' I -o nei-,, roll material of cast-i ("~-)HAS"jk-IT I,LFO", "fol. 12, no. ?, I~ar. 101~7, SO: llonthlv List o' 7ast Accessions (77,11L) Ir. '!r)!. 6, no. 12 7 Dec. 1?5;. uncl. KOROS) Bela, kandidatus "Dilution" of the liquid cast iron with spheroidal grphito during the casting of rolls. Koh lap 12 no. 4/5 Supplement: Ontode 8 no. 4/5 97-98 Ap-My '57. 1. "Koh)Aszati IALPokII azarkeazto bizottsavi tagja. KOROS) Bela, dr. "Newer correction to a formula to determine the degree of saturation in cast iron" by P. qobias, H. W. Wenig. Reviewed by Bela Koros. Koh lap 12 no. 11112 Supplement: Ontode 8 no. 11/12 246 N-D 157. I'lleaviest steel casting of the world" by G. Schmidt. Reviewed by .vela KoroB. Ibid.:246-247. Molding materiala for thick-walled steel castings. Ibid.:24'1-248. 1. "Kohaszati Iapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. VARGAY Ferenc; KOROS, Bela; CHAPO, Elek; JANOSSY, Kazmer; SW , Rezso Manufacturing conditions and properties of modified cast iron. M. 2. Koh lap 9 no. 9: Supplesent: Ontode 5 no. 9: 193-208 S 154. KOROS) Bela, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Significance of calcium silicon in iron smelting. Koh lap 9 no. 9: Supplement: Ontode 5 no. 9: 212-216 S 154, KOROS . Bela "Steel castings" by J. A. flyahendzi [11#--;,hendzi. Yu. A. J. Reviewed by Bela Koros. Koh lap 9 no. Ili Supplement: Ontode 5 no. 11: 262-263 N 154. KOROS., Bela,, a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Problem of "fuaion rolling." Koh lap 9 no. 9: 404-405 S '54- KORLOS, Bela The Hungarian foundry patent is half a century old. Koh lap 9 no. 12:, Supplement: Ontode 5 no. 12: 286 D '54. G. -W" -X a -10 06 40 0 0 a 0 a a a 9 9 e a Sir 6 6 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 * * 11, Go* 0-- N`T~ * 0 0 fee 0 4 9 10 It 11 14 Is IS It to IMP a a x , H Id 11 NO If a a 0 u li 61 M;p a A A-&- A-A-M. A-X-AL - I -A 71, to 99 ,-A- 6 d I a k i k It a & I 00 .4 1 6'. -").1 1 00 F&CO9111'.111, ..GI. ; Goo -00 Sea -00 16'aaar Ftmlei Folyloint SOS Hunrarism Journa I of Chemistry god voll 40 1 95L o10114, no.12 decomber ' 00 goo r age 00 000 OOW "Ill.1jr oil I~111 I.Stiou and dt,,mpositlan 'I#IJ ............ IN 4:11 400 see 4109 we* L & !!t ._ BMW viv)-o"itv"M film 11"Niltll, Sebago map 411141181409 ON&AII (ill mV Ill - r-- v a a . q I q 1, 1 a I -, v- A I, a u SAVIOLS P I Ill 1 41111 SO 9 1 9 a I M 4 3 a 9 I Do"WAM&M of suffIsIlso ftWW to Compowwo. froth 'Whotrill IIVKI RUtite K MIA (1".411 11114L41WOO. Mdour Kim. Folyirtwf ~.-Ik 10W) Jame. sister (C.A. to, IPQv) I% nwxtWwd- To 70 mi. ol water in a jill)-tol. &11h, am 11. 116110; + wistic "mrvely pond. ovism- IsV " 2,1 Join., jeo",Yst the 1141104'. Aftij 114141 she slample. holl 11) "lilt "War. r%%vI' anti lifixor with 1). 1 N IICI In the jorsesser .4 give. a twitri, rust Im4no Ibs" off" mellivi trio. Onemi. 4180.1 XIICI - LOW and after 1111 mi*. i1trale thr enrcip I with 11.1 N Nas.SAN. f Onernf. 40.1 N I soon. - 1,1110 mg. witkIkSaml 01.412 mit. 611-Milratc .4. Its the P"Wtuv fit Ruffitc. thilmlifitte. hr- IN ralf."Inte. It It hr-t todri, *11116fie S by th-MOK the "mi4r with 11,111 is"luddive. on the II'l itim fit asset whith o%idit" it to II'vif off the fit evireft and If tatimifides and thit~ pult-M" Mir ;Wrwnt. she turthnal should be snothfird by add- Ing 41.4,1 6 lilt. of Itle'l, KC%' to thedists. 114-11; brfive 411011. In thlo raw. CTAII. low volumis A the trwivel fit a vTtv somil vO , wash uslop 4 %ittoll brolt". ond evasp. AsAn 1WI.Wr villathill. M-lifiration. act dl.) dexiltmil ,,, I- w1fult, 8 and thic"ulkle S. I*tv,. -IZAR067 The'llos yols of am-0 I.."I _QfX.fj_hjA,. And the 41411nindtion of sornt W their pro ertles P Ad" A# ~dWvw=f"W1(d-GU U is d Id - $Jonah vistj I - R. 1gj:u:!11eX"k4 =df S stalunt- Jon Chali~ -,AfdV4r, I'$ diral -Vol. 38. 1953. No. 12, PP- 367-3 t no article daalswithitha gravimetlio'dat Ination of the adiphide aul P. Olt content of ammonium polyoul- Vh1do solutions. 7 a hydropo tuiphide distilla over tram the solution. to be arialysed *Wk boUing with boric add can be absotbed in a -1 to I mixture by volume!of Hungarian Tedtnioal Abst,. 4o% sodium hydmxyde and 30%' drogen. peroxide and Do weighed as barium so hate. -we reaction of Amnlo- Vol* 5 No* 4 1953 rdum hydroxyda with sul rw mined under various INSt 600ditions. It coul tab' that. in 96 Closed Isystem and in the absence 61 oxygen, the reaction alw -it" to the formation of ammonium pentasul i - PhIde iand -a' =-Onium tMosulphate independently of the ritio. lof.tba, components. the temperature; Pressure.. "Me reaction occurs According to the followin fornm1a dml/,Om+ gas- a (N11#),S8+(4V11JtSO#+311&0 The IMne cou"Got itaction can be, observed in casaof d x .'h Ides "Aling with sulphur in an oxygen-free atmos-' Ek"nts have proven that ammonium hydrox- Ammonium polysuipldde-do not Ide and _jpact In aqueous Isolutrons At given test tcmpqMtur",P(1 pressures. D. llarsdayi 7 7 f the lormulcu rc4 Sludies on the. rr cr%uhka a I Acarnposition of cuffides. polysulfides, wlfitc5 and F. s0allck- awl (Acta Chimt~'11 Acutdcriwav. ~x-M-i i VOL L Iff 53. No. 1. lip, x Z5 - 1,1, ) Xviklz III;: akt of mectiod., 11Q,cribecl u Cartier datc. tmm wczx~iwllv up. (t) On dkaotvizzig s-ulftir in -odumt hydru%i~lv- unAwl, h'!ating I un,i vdhd~, "01111, HI,-J-40fate the whition Con, En thk rcactinn vn~xtu-~- sulfi(E., 'tu'd wCre n-.-t detectjbL-, (zll Ozz dis*of~.iqg sulfur m aqueou, 4,he Solution Cantat'El--' SUIfitk% P01Y9111fide And - S0106011A Of Sqxliuln and Ntx-iuln kulfide Are quickly famudi"In of oxidizat tiv attrusphrric u~ygcu undcr suffito and thio!-,ulfatc. (4) The eadicr obcrv-ation by ,I accordiog to which thinullate -qolu,icins M54i ' to the Q%viuvig ef,(,(.t c .1 ur, contain t*trathion3te~i dtw was carraborated by nien-suremcnts. of pH valitc3 (5) Nly,mWEIt5 arc oxi?izzA by atmophrc o,,vg_ . to th-.) ic sulfate. (6) &:It snlutinns %;-ith an aikalme M~ t1un, i not too wreentrated (aa t-.t-.4Alwxn pho~phatc and iAlrax). at~ suiW.. -1 -Cr-- I E. CC- 0 and Mamwie-i A--odhir'.- and - MuNiL P Aa MR. cads Ulf.- ~cf. C.A. 32, 63204. ter ft- moval - of 4-- and b pta. with Ba** under appropriate coadltWus. the Sucompda. are converted first to nitrates by repeated treatment with HNOs and then to borstes by appr te treatment with H&BOs. Ana soln. of the boratesortitrated. with HC104.- the sotn. evap: to dryness, and the residue extd. with WOH. The Insol. r KCIOI Is converted to borate. and t1trated, and the (NaCIO4 + RAW recovered frorm.the EtOH Is also converted into borate and titrattd. Thi method Is suggested for the uWysls of drInking waters, mineral waters, blood serum# etc. 13. P. Elosk- J I IM Ci~ Reduction orateq and their conver3laxt I z P-cm into tg. and jlujiunuafty Acta Chim, Acad. Sci.-Hang, 3, 289-MM31 (in Gennavi).-Aq. 3% CIO#- Is not reduced by glucose and I INN NH:OH, or Niff, and is reduced only in sma!I Pitt by IICL IlBr, or M. In tho solid phtw, reduction occurs upon ignition of NICIO& and glucose, HjCj0j, NasM, or, MLL but in no case is the Ignition suitable for analytical work. The ignition of a 1. 10 raixt. of MCIO, and 1FjBO1 at 8W' for 10 min. gives 100% conv'erslan to borattt if It inixing is adequate. HYSTI. of a Bain. of the two give, satisfactory mixing. At 4 )* a ineasurible anit. of CIO- I famed. The path of the mechanism is proposed to b, MC104 + HIBOI ~ 1100f, I-IC104 - Cli, and Cl, - CIO Any 11CI formed re. acts with more HCIOI to yield Cl, CIO- Is also formed in the reaction between KCIO~ and Us DO, at 2001. D. P. Block