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XOSII4)v. 8.A. "Physiology of productive processes" by [prof.] M.I.Vinogradov. Rovieved by B.A.Kosilov. Gig.truda i prof.zab. 3 no.4:6o-61 .TJ-Ag 159. (MIRA 12: 11) (FATIGUE) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIBNE) (VINOGRADOV, M.I.) KALININA, N.; K04III)V. S.-. SHIII, V. Problems of the phy-siology of work (0 Ph7slology of uork processes" b7 M.I.Vinagradov. Reviewed by N.Kalinina, S.Kosilov, V.Malmahin). Sots.trud 4 no-9:150-155 S 159- (HIRA 13:1) (Work) (Paychnltogy, Physiological) Mnocradov , M.I.) KOSIwV, S.A.. Froblem of psychophysiological, analysis of motions in work. Vop.paikbol. 5 no-5:1C4-11i S-0 '59. (MIR& 130) 1. Institut rq truda i profzabolevaniya, AMN BSSR. Mlyzent, Psycholof of) (Work. Method-of LIBEDINSKIY, A.I.; KOSIWV, S.A., prof.; 9MOVITIVA, L.M., _ On the night shift. Zdorovle 5 no..12:21-22 D 159. (MrRA 13:4) 1. Starabiy evarebehik sialoprokatnogo zavocla imeni Dzerzhinskogo. Odessa (for Iebediuskiy). (NIGHT WORK--HYGIMNIC ASPZCTS) KOSILOV, S.A.,-prof. Problems Of PhYsiology of mental work. Vest. AHN SSSR 14 no-3-46-54 '59, (MIRA 1. Institut g~giyeny truda i proftabolevanly AMN SSSR. (THINKMG, phyuiol. of ment. work, review (Rua)) (WORK, same) XOSILOV, S.A.; HOYIIIN' TU.V. Certain conditione furthering the maintenance of dynamic motor stereotypy. Fisiol.shur. 45 no.B:932-937 Ag 159. (HUM 12: 11) 1. From the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Professional Diseases, Moscow. (MOVEMENT. physiology) ' VODOIAZSEIT, L,A.-, ZOLINA, Z.M.; OSILOV, S.A. Illectromyographic investigation of nuscular activity in man during prolonged industrial work. 7isiol.zhur. 45 no.9:1045-1052 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Institut giglyeny truda i profzabolevandy AMN SSSR, Moskva. (FATIGUR Physiol.) (ITaCTROMYOORAPHY) 0V ,, doktor biolog.nauk, red.; LETAVET, A.A., prof.j red.;_KqqM -,__O ZOLINA, Z.H., kand.biolog.nauk, red.; KRAFIVIRTSMA, S.I., kand. med.nauk, red.; OKHNYANSKAYA, L.G.,, red.; PAVLOVA, T.N.,, red. (deceased]; POLEZRAYEV, Ye.F., red.; LUU1AROVA, A.I., (Materials on the physiological, basis of working processes] Mate- rialy k fiziologichaskoma obosnovaniiu trudovykh protsessov. Pod obahchei red. A.A.Letaveta i B.A.Kosilova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo Med. lit-ry, 1960, 286 p. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Almdemiya meditsinskikh nauli SM, Moscow. InBtitut gigiyany trade i profzabolevaniy. 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii medi- tsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Letavot). 3. Institut gigiyany truda i profzabolevaniy AHN SSSR (for Kosilov, Zolina, Krapivintseva, Okhnyanakaya, Pavlova). (INDUSTRIAL HYGIM) (PHYSIOLOGY) KOSILOVf S.A., prof., red.; SMMOV, Z., red,.,- CHUMAKOV, G., tekhn. red. [Methods in pbysiologib4l investigationa of work procesaeo) Metody N'. fiziologicheakikh isaledoWadi trudcivykh protaoseov. Hoskvap In-t gigieny truda i profzabolovanii MIN SSSR, 1960. 127 (mpiRA 14:7) "--, (cork) -- KOSILOVv S.A. Relationship between the first and the second signal systems during work. Zhur. vys. nerv. deiat 10 no. 4:481-487 J1-Ag 160. (MIRA- 14:2) 1e Institute of the Hygiene of Labor and Profesoional Diseasesj U.S.S.R.,Academy of Medicil Sciences, Moscow. (CEREBRAL CORTEX) (EXERCISE) ,_- 9*~ Prof. I Fatigue in the industry and methods for its investigation. Vest, AMN SSSR 15 no. 5:5/.,..61 160. (MIRA ;319) la Inatitut gi iyeny trude- i profzabolevaniy Abill SSSR. ~FATIGUE) (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE) ,_ Y~OSILOVv S.A. _' Development and application of the principles of neurodynamics in the physiology of labor. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no. 4:381-387 Ap 166. (MIRA 13:10) 1. From the Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Professional Disease6 of the 1%SaS.R.y Academy of Sciences, Moscow. (ME,DIGINE, INDUSTRIALI (YMVOUS MSTEM) T KOSILOV9 S.A., prof.; NIKOLOVt A.I.p vrach Behind the control panel. Zdorovle 7 no-3t9-10 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (AUTWATION-HYGIVIN ASPECTS) LETAVET, A.A., prof . rO.- KOSILOV S A,.,.Prof., red.; ZOLINA, Z.M., kand. biol: natiks~yrW.-,---Yi-,i~UAPiIV'iINTSEVA, S.I., kand. med. nauk, red., POLOBA, Ye.V., kand. med. nauk, red.; SOLOVIYEVA, V.P., kand. med.nauk, red.; ALTUKHOV, G.V., red.; BALDINA, N.F., tekhn. red. [Resedrch on the physiology of work processes1lasledavarAlu-po fiziologli trudovykh protsessov., Pod obahchei red. A.A.Letav-!ta. Moskva,- Medgiz, 1962. 2719 p. (MIRA 16-0 1. Akademiya meditainskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Letavet), (WORK) KOSIlDV.' S.A.# prof.;'MhRSHAK, prof. Rhythm, shift, and regimen. Zdarovle 8 no.12:4-6 D 162. (MIRA 16 -. 1) (INDW TRIAL HTGIENE) KOSILOVP S. Develpirig a acientifically based work and rest schedule. Sotstrud 8 no.3:94-99 Mr 163. (14IRA 16-3) (Work) (Rest periods) BRIKS, Z.N.,-.KOSILOV, S.A. Physiological analysis of the formation of a lathe operatorto working habits in school children. Zhw. v7s, nerve daiat. 13 no.5t928-938 S-0263 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institute of Physical Education and School Hygienep ReS.F.S.R. Academy of Pedagogical Soiencest Hoscow. KOSILOV !~t 0- Physiological factors determining the rate of workerst movements, Fiziol. zhur. 1+9 no&2t241-248 F164 (MM 1723) 1. Institut f12ichaskogo vospituni'qa i abkollnoy gigiyeny Akademil. pedagogicheBkikh nauk ESFI!R, Moskva. r, I."-: i '.!'II , -Z A. o I -i7i oul. basis (T the regime of work and rest and the e in the capacity4. Nerv. sist. ro4l+:173-175 163 (t,!TPA 18:1) 1~7,n.-,U!Lut fizic*-,r,,n:-.ogo vospl'tniya i sYlcollno-,.- Gigiyeny temii nauk ILSFSR. Kc~qLL-O-V-j_Aerg2y_Ne~stiNE2Ach, 4oktor biol, nauk; DENISOVA, Irma Mikhaylavna; NIKOJAM,, V.R.0 jr;p4e (Work and rest) Trud i otdykh. Mosk7a, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1965. 29 P. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, takhnike. VIII Seriia: Biologiia i meditsinai no.17) (MIRA 18:8) -KOSILOV, S.A., doktor biol. nauk- Physiological principles of tetchnological irmovations. Mashinostroitall no.8t27-29 Ag 165. (MJRA 18:11) ZATTSEV, V.M.; Kq~TWV, Y.F.-. (Saransk) Lethal result from shock following intravenous introductian of glucose with vitamins C and B1. Kaz. med. zbur., no.504 S-0163 (MIRA 16t12) '~~._KCSILOVI V.V,, inzh. Investigating the possibility of automation of the assembling of machine units in mass produotiona Izv.vys,uoheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.12:76-81 861. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Moskovskiy stankoinBtrumontallnyy institut. (Assembly-line methods) (Automation) FADRULI, Z.1a.; XOSILOV, V.V. Automatic machines and automatic lines for assembling tractors and agricultural machinery. Mahinostroitoll no.3:25-427 Mr 62. (Aasembly-line methods) (Automation) (MIRA -151-3) KOSILOVO V.V. inzh. Automation of the assembly of Ixtrts joined along smooth cylindrJxA surfaces. Trakt. i sellkhowuis4h. 32 no.12:33-36 D 162. (MIRA 1623) 1. Nauohno-issledovateliskiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i sell- skokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniyao (Machinery-Construction) Retervird vitimains in the orgaWism of poultry. A l"two'kit. 'lk ' -Ke, )yw, .11,1 1.. Custov., .11YU.St4w AJ. SO. No:-r-. Viitilijl, toditirrions 1,.Ant m4trrLil WAS saw%figAILA AS vilAillol vdqurt,~% Wt 1.lullry. Arrvirw of 14 plants shoirtA Wt the firietl Imil p ';w'Iff of tKirdock. Allies. Noll atwill WrM gotid Impurreti vitamin A with and 13' mg. jwr kg. carotene. iftl. 1111) 4M. U 4etrients, of Sillier trill :wswder. flurthlrk IrAl Itoilrdri, vitamin A Ivielon, still twj suplikincul tit chkA Iml At (lit tale of *Akl -, 1wr 1(016 X. 0l' fmi (ftl X. chick, betWern the 10th and 15th day of age jWMIUMI Olick, ~A%Tfagirlx '01.41. X'41'3' And :117.0 K . firp., .111.1 the live" t'"ItAn"I 111.1. 13o. 130. *d 4.1 1 rwolelle Iles g. A w%~Aiid wirift tit I"t on Ititilt), IKxdI% %litmell thAl ftr~ls stren% a- Oantol A it1q,lermitts Ilto,locril IwtIri gto.1h mith better ftonoiny th-an vitamin A voilventt4le. At tiolioul tit twier isolinAl A thiftl ~.ri- --f t-t' -ilh 06A- -114-11111 IlLd lWtlCf Xf-th "A,l 1011- 1.1jill,l 'Aith 41%1111 Al .1 'A"lliv A %twinka, A awl It, Ilmn ,litill A Ilw Vil'ollilli. -.1 lgivirw M. M. Plain -TTL poulty.-I I-r%aly for as i i f., no. -A1-1171, List, Of Rus-~icu', Libvar-T of Congr,ho-1, KOSILOVA, A.; PREVO, A. - .,. J.- Fattening young turkeys. Mias. ind. SSSR 24 no.5:50-52 '53. (MLRA 6-12) 1. Veasoyuznyy nauchno-isoledDVat8l'skly institut ptitnepare- rabotyvayushchey promyshlannosti. (Turkoya) KOSIL(WA.A., kandidat sellskokhozyayst-.-ennykh nauk; PMO.A., biologicheBkikh nauk; VINOGRADOYJL,A., Quality of meat from fattened poultry. Mias. ind. SSSR 26 n0-3:23-25 '55. (KLR.A 8:9) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Inistitut ptitseperera- batyvayushchey promyshlennosti (Poultry) KOSILOIUTA~ A. G. . Cand. Tech. Sci. Dissertation; "Investigation of the Processes of Finishing Machine Farta vrithout Taking off Chips." Moscow Order of the Tabor Red Banner Higher Technical School imenl 111. E. Bauman, 3 Mar 47. SO: Vechernyaya Moskya, Har) 1947 (Project #17836) IDSILOVA AeG., kandidat takhnicheskikh nuak, dotsent. ,- W. -.,. I* On determining setup dimensions ka setting up machine tools. (Trudy] MVT[J no.44:30-42 155. (KaIA 9:6) (Machine-shop practice) (Machine tools) A. C-7- ANTIPOV, K.F., inzh.; BALAKSHIN, B.S., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; BARYLOV, G.I., inzh.; BBYZELIKAH, R.D., inz1a.; BERDICHHVSKIY, Ta.G., inzh.; BOBKOV, A.A., inzh.-, KALININ, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOVAN, V.H., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk-; KORSAKOV, V.S., doktor tekhn.nauk; Xq�1h0YA,-A,G,kand.tekhn.nauk; ICJDRYAVTSEV, N.T., prof., doktor khim.nauk; KURTSHF-VA, Ye.S., inzh.; LAKHTIH, Yu.M., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; NAInMN, M.S., inzh.: NOVIKOV, M.P.. kand.tek-lin.nauk; PARIYSKIT, M.S.,, inzh.; PEREPONOV, M.N., inzh.; POPILOV, L.Tej., inzh.; POPOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.naiflq- SAVERIN, M.N., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SASOV, V.V., knnd.tekhn.nauk; SATELI, R.I., prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; SOKOLOVSKIT, A.P., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk (deceased]; STAIWWICH, V.G., inzh.; FRUMIN, Tu.L., inzh.; XMW(OY, M.I., inzh.; TSETTLIN, L.B., inzh.; SRUKHOV, Yu.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk; MARKUS, M*Te,j insh., red. (deceased]; GRANOVSKIY, G.I., red.; DEMIYAHY , F.S., red.; ZUBOK, V.1i., red.; MALOV, A.H., red.; NOVI- KOV, M.P., red.; CHARNKO, D.V., red.; KARGAITOV, V.G., inzh., red. graficheskikh rabot; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Manual of a machinery designer ar..d constructor; in two volumes] Spravochnik to)-.hnologa-mashinostrc,itelia; v dvukh tomakh. Glav. red. V.M.Kovan. Chleny red.soveta B.S.Balakshin i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd--vo mashinostroit.lit-ry. Vol.l. Pod red. A.G.Kosilovoi. 1958. 660 p. (MIRJt 13: 1) (Mechanical engineering-EUindbooks, manuals. etc.) ATRUTIN, S.Y., inzh.; BAKLUNOY, Te.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; GLET2ER, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; 7RPIMOT, T.P.. laind.teldin.nauk: KARTOT, S.F., Inzh.; KEDRINSKIT, Y.N., Inzh.p Inureat Leninskoy premii; KORZII.IKIN, T.I., inzh.j__KQ�JjDYA,-A.'Gvj kand.tekhn.nauk-, M&OY, I.N., kand.tekhn.nouk; KATYUSKN, T.H., doktor tekhn.nauk; OSTUTSOV, G.V., kand.takhn.nauk: PANCIUMO, K.P.. kand.tekhn. nauk: PARFENOT. O.D.. ksnd.tekhn.:aauk: ROZHOSTYERSKIT, L.A., kand. tekhn.nauk: ROKAIIOT, Y.F., kand.t,Dkhn.nauk; SAYMIN, M.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; SAKEIAROY, G.N., kand.tekhn.nsuk, SOKOLOVSKIT, I.A.. inzh.; FRUHN, Tu.L., inzh.; SHISHKOT, V.A., doktor telchn.nouk-, ACHERKAII, NaS profqq doktor tokhn.nauk, glavVy red.; TLADISLAVLET, V.S., red. [de;;ased); POZDKTAKOY, S.N.. red.; ROSTOYM, A.Ta., red.; STOLBIH, G.B., red.; CHMWAYSKIT, S.A.. red.: KARG.WOT, V.G., inzh., red. graficheskikh robot; GILIDEOERG, M.I., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F., [Metalworking handbook; in five volume] Spravochnik mtallista v piati tomakh. Chleny red.soveta: V.S.Tladislavlev I dr. Moskvs, Goo.nouchno-takhn.izd-vo maahinostroit.lit-ry. Yol.5. 1960. 1184 p. (MIRA 13:5) (metalwork) XOSILOVA. A.G.. kand.tekhn.naukv dotsent Technological principles for designLng machining operations. Izv. vysouchebazava; mashinostr. no.l:li5/+-184 161. (~mu 14:4) 1. Wskovskoye vyssheye tek:hnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana. (Metal cutt:LngO XOSIIDVA, A..G.,, kand.tekhn.naukq, dotsent Technological investigation of autometio production linee, Izv.vye.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.9j:15-19 162. (MMA 41622) 1. Moskovskoye vyaobeye tekhnicheskoys-, uchiliahche imeni. Baumana. (Automation) NEVIIHOVSKIY, I.A.: t-EYSHTADT, D.M.; SEDOKOV. L,M.D kand. tc-k-.n* V.F.-, ILIN, nauk-; inzh., retsenzent,. Yu.M.; ZHDANOVICH, IMMETI]OV, Yu.I., inzh.., retsenzent; KOSILOVA, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk: red. ITnereasirIg the productivity of heavy-duty machine tools] Fo-nyshenie proizvoditellnosti krupnykh metallorezhushchikb stankov. (By] I.A.Nemirovskii i dr. Voskva, Mashin&,- stroenie.. 1965. 201 p. (MIHA 18:5) KOSILOVA, Ye.I. Reactions of earbiftdraten In gulfite cookIngo Trudy LTA no.8o: pt.2:117-134 158. (MIRL 13:4) (Woodpul-p) (CarbolWdrates) KOSIIA)VA, Ye.I.; BEPEMN, N.N. Investigating the reaction of the carbohydrate part of wood in sulfite cooking. Trudy 12A no-87:23-32 159. MRA 13:4) (Woodpulp) VSR/Cultivated Plalits - Graius. M Abe Jour Ref Mur Biol., VO 18, 1958, 82318 Author Kosi-l-lov, I)., IGIOIMtov, A. List Ti Ou lli;tcd Pla:lti-.~gs of Cora and Bea;~s OriC Pub Khochagii k1shloki Tochiki8toii) 195'Tj 110 5) 33-37 (tafth.), S. kh. Tadzhikistaiia, 1957, No 5, 35-38 Abstract Results of au experimeiit carried o t 111 1950' on t1he ex- peririei.,tal plot of Tadzhik Listitute of AgriCLIlttire, oii the c ltivation of con. mixed with bcaiis oii irri&ited soil. Plaits of the piire 3A nixed sowiiigs were almost the samo with regard to the rates of growth. However, the coni pln:-t+,s of mixed sowia,-'s coiisiderab.Ly s,' rpassed the corn of pure sowings ia heiglit a:id diameter of the stei:i, the uumber of leaves oii a siiigle pla%t, their width al-A leii(~th, n-id W- so iii the:.ii ziber of cobs. The slbtti;ig 0f tLe firs'. Cob Li plants of mixed svwiigs was also Card 1/2 M country USSR Category: Cultivated ri.ante. Grains. Abs Jour: RZhBIol-, No.22, 1958, No 1002613 Author :opsimovt D.; yholMatov, A. Inst : Title ; SxperiMehts In BOOUring.Two CropO of Corn a year on trrigated Lands,. Orig Pub: S. kil, tadghikidtaAao 1957, No 7, 19-24. Abstractt Cond Iitibns of the irrigated eegions in Tad- zhikistan permit obtainins tWO Crops of corn In one VOSOtative period-s The agricultural tochnique,for the first and second plafttings is set forth in detall- Farly varietieS have to be utilized to obtain tWO crops. The Card 1/2 BOYBUTAYEV, K.B,, kand. tekhn. nauk; 111RAITOV, Zh.M,i USj'AH)V,Yu., a.-sistent; ~OSMM, Sh., red. [Use of solar energy in the national econonW] Kuesh energiiasidan khalk khuzhaligida foidalanish. Toshkent, "Kizil Uzbekiston," "Pravda Vostoka" va "Uzbekistoni Surkh, if 1964. 40 P. (Uzbekiston SSR "Bilim" zhamiiati, no.2) (In Uzbek] (MIRA 18:6) --I--- q-S - Now processing of observations made ifith the Repeold vertical circle in 1901-1902. Izv.GAO 20 no,,4;72-83 '57, (HIRk 13-4) (Aatrometry) (Stars-Oatalogs) ~m L"T. . K031i'll G.S.; ID' U B.K., BAGII, INSK Y) 'tru'le-ErW-11 vertical circle Tnv9stigating the flpxnre of the La (141 ~;Ui 17:9) t. 23 no.4:69-75 154. at pulkovo. Izv. GAO SURWS., Given Names COuntx7: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: MD InfCctious Diseases Department Kraj Intititute for People's Health (Infelconi Affiliation: oddrl-i-A KUNZ) Chief; Dr. Z. KOLOUCH Source:p,r8gIAt,, 'cky Lekar, Vol 41, No 15-16, Aug 21, 1961; pp 687-69o Data: Tn6esirnlde Effects of Antibic-Aas Occurring During Treatment of Infectious Dis- KOLOUCH, Zd--~n KOSINA, Prelit. ON 981643 HRBEKP M.; KOSINAp F.; VEJ'VODA, M. 5 cases of hemolytic jaundice in the same family. Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.17:451-454 26 Ap 163. 1. Chirurgicke odd. KUNZ v Usti n. L., vedouci MUDr. J. Rodling Infekeni odd. KUNZ v Usti n. L., lbdouci MUDr. Zd. Kolouch Ustredni laboratore OUNZ v Usti n. L., vedouoi MUDr. M. Vejvoda. (JAUNDICE) (GENETICS, HIMN) (SPLENECTOMY) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (THERAP~0TICS) (HEiA.YSIS) I KOSINA, I., inzh. The "CzMIM" diesel locomotive,, Zbel.dor.transp. 46 no.6:86-88 is 164. (MIRA 181j) 1. Glavnyy konstruktor po teplovozam zavoda ChKD, Sokolovo. llosliltj J. 'IDulda Cr-cso-country Yotorcycle Pace", r. 52,J) ro-Ic7u) Vol. ') 1"o. 17, A-L,,-. V'54, Fraliv, Czechoslovalar-) SO: Yorthly List of F-ist D~ropean Accessiom, (1-1,U), LC, 7.7o1. 4) 17c), 1p Jan. Uncl. KOSINA, J. "Carrying out control of the production process." (p. 120). STAVIVO (Ministerstvo stavebnich hmot) Praha,, Vol 32, No 4, Mar. 1954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 4, No 8, Aug 1954 KOSINA,- J. "Technological processes in the production of cement." (p. 153). STAVIVO (Ministerstvo stavebnich hmot) Praha, Vol 32, No 4, Mar. 1954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 4, No 8, Aug 1954 KOSINA, Jan,, dr. in.T. Experience of the Horne Srnie Research Worksite in the eco- nomical use of electric pGwero Energetica, Ca 13 no.17t 585-586 N'63. 1. Vyskumno--7yvojove pracovisko, Horne Srnie. KOSINA, -V,- Fighting against accidents in railroad operation. p. 69. (ZMZNICE., Vol. 3, no. 3, Jan. 1951, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Baropean Accession, Vo. 2 #8, Library of Congress, Auknxst- 1953, Uncl. 11 Tc. chrd ca Cur TRilr(~nflsll, 7, (T71,-:7'1(71-~ IC711T, Vol - 17, 1954, Czzech.) SO: A.1 11.), 1 A ~-, t, (,f t Viirci,rav Accon,1101", ATO , I C, Var I-lard'i 19~5, U'.01. IRRAIr,.Zdenek [Jirsak, Zdenek], inzhener. i;w,,eq,'u',Ipm,ent- on- ... Czechoslovak railroads. Zhel. dor. transp. 39 Lag-5:-l -24..Ny 137 -6) .7- MU 10. l.,Zames,tite1',,mch&l'nikm TSentrallnogo tekhnicheskogo otdela Mini sterst" transport& (jor Kosina). 2. Nachallnik eektora, Ti;;ntr-&-I-'npgo t9khnichesko g9 S)~-Iela Ministerstva Transporta (for Irsai~.*-- .(c.z6choolovakia-Railroads,--14uipment and supplies) L 38936-66 ACC NRt AP6029727 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0038/66/000/OC)4/0141/UL41 AUTHORI Kosina, Zdenek --ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, CS Rez (Ustav jaderneho vyzkumu CSAV) TITIE: Time selector for two-dimensional time-height measurements SOURCE: Jaderna energies no. 4, 1966, 141 TOPIC TAGS: time measurement,, gamma spectrum, neutron captures laboratory instrument A13STRACT: UJV Report No. 1450/65. The paper describes auxiliary digital equipment for use with the 2048 channel analyzer to measure gamma-ray spectra from the resonanci neutron capture in eight neutron energy intervals simultaneously. The position and width of the corresponding time-channels can be chosen independently and entirely arbitrarily within the range of 2048 or 4096 us in steps of 1 us or 2 us respectively The-same equipment also provides the possibility of common time-of-flight measurement made on the same time-scale. [Based on author's Eng. abst-1 IJPRS: 36,8351 .SUB CODE: 20, (Y7 / SUBM DATE: none UDC: 539-1-2-(y75:621.3-015: 539-12-075.621-389 10 Wv L~, 2 0? S/081/62/000/023/099/120 B101/B186 AUTHOR: Kosinar, M. TITLE: ~Zohction of electric insulating tubes of the heat resistance class B PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal K~imiya, no. 23, 1962, 691 .6 692, abstract 23P167 (Bull. VUKI, N:. 14, no. 5, 1961, 243 - 252 ISlovak., summaries in Russ. F.nd Eng. -1) TEXT: The requirements having to be met by the structure of the glass serving and by the insulating varnishes, in the production of electric insulating tubes (IT) belonging to the hea '1; rdsistance class B are investigated. The continuous and the discontinuous production process of IT are described. For producing IT the polyurethane resin varnish VU-S 26 is recommended; its elasticity, ita breakdown voltage (7.4-8.8 kv at 0.51-0.62 mm, wall thickness), its insulation resistance (200 megohm/m), and its stability to transformer oil, gasoline and impregnating varnishes .vere determined. Tests for heat resistance of IT (based on the reduction of the breakdown voltage) by long-time (up to 50 days) thermal aging at Card 1/2 S/oill/62/000/023/099/120 Production of electric ... B101/B186 threP7 temperatures (140, 160, and 1800C) shoived thq advantages of IT based on VU-S 26 varnish over IT ificorporating another pdlyurethane varnish, E-8933, and particularlj ovet IT based on oil v6rnish insulation. The properties of IT based on VU-S 26 varnish are compared Aith those of IT produced by various foreign firms. [Abstracter's note: Complete trans- lation. Card 2/2 WNGL, Milan, prof., inz., dr. [decease4l; KOSINER, Ervin, inz. Construction of spray towers in amonium-calcium salpeter plants. Inz stavby 10 no.12:"5-"8 D 162. 1. Vysoka skolm dopravni, Zilina (for Nencl). 2. Chemoprojekt, Praha (for Kosiher). KOSINYJL,* Nduard. HUDr ..-~ 'A.- Conservative therapy of a case of luxatio centralis coxase Acts, chir orthop 09 vl no.1:27-30.y '54. (AUL 3:8) 1. Z orthopedicke kliniky HU Brno*" Prpdnosta prof. MUDr B. Frejkaip (H , dislocations, *ther., conservative) (DISLOCATIONS, *hip, ther,, conservative) FR&TKA, B.;KOSIM, X. Preliminaz7 report on the control of luxation of the hip treated b7 means of conservative methods. Acts. chir. orthop. traum. ceoh. 27 no.1:44-56 F 160 (HIP fract. & disloo.) KossKA, iduara Contribution to the problem of ante-torsion during the first year by means of Pavlik's stirrups. Acts. chir. orthop. traum. cech. 27 no.1:72 7 160 1. Ortop. klinika v Brno, prot, Prof. dr. lek. ved. B. Frejka. (HIP fract. & as a.) KOSINKA, Eduard Foam rubber extension. Roshl.chir-39 no.12:796-798 D 6o. 1. Ortopedicka klinika v Brue, prednosta prof. MUDr. B.Prejka. (IXG dis) (BANDAGES) - KOSINKA. ' Q2. --- Roentgenological measurement of scoliosis. Acta chir. orthop. trauma. each. 29 no-3:26/4~268 Je 162. 1. Ortopedicka, klinikq faku.Itni nemocnice v Brne, prednosta. doe. dr. M. Janacek. (SCOLIOSIS radiography) FAIT, M.;_KOSINKAp B, Preoperative, preparation in scoliosis. Acta chir. ortbop. traum, cech. 29 no.51n.p. 0 162. 1. Ortopedicks. klinika lek. fak. University J.Ev. Purkyne v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. M, Janeoek. (TRANSPLANTATION) KOSINKA~ E. Measurement of antetoredon of the femur neck, Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 30 no-51412-415 0163. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarske fakulty UJftP v Brne, pred- nosta prof. dr.M..Tanecok, CSa. KOS:NY,A, E. Treatment of cervicc~bra'ahiai syndrome 'by traction on a tilting table. Acta chir. oraicip, traum. oech. 31 no.1957-60 F 164. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarnke fakulty University JF. Piirk,,,ne v B--ne (prednosta prof. 8r. M. Janeeek) a Ortopedicke cddc:c.-I Hornicke nemocnice v ErIabrunnu, (vedouci Wrjr. E. KoslnRa, KOSIM, E.; JANECEK, M. Transfer of large homoplastic bone grafts. Acta chir. orthop. traum. Cech. 32 no.5:449 0 165. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brne (prednosta prof. dr. M. Janacek, CSc.). KOSDIKA. E.; HORN, V.; CAHA, A. %~ --l- I Healing of irradiated bone homografts. Acta chir. orthop. traum. Cech. 32 no.5:432-435 0 165. 1. Ortopedicka klinika lekarske fak-ulty UniverBity J.E. Flurkyne v Brne (prednosta prof. dr. M. Janenek, CSc.) a Onkolog4teky ustav v Brne (reditelka, MUDr. D. Kadlecova). KOSIM V. [Kosinska, W.]; FEYGIN, le. [*gin.. J.] Method for determining acetyl groupo in acetylated polyformaldehyde. Plaot.massy no.6:8--9 161. (MM 14:5) L Varshavskiy institut plastuaso. (Formaldehyde) (Acetylation) s/i4l/6o/oo3/O2/O22/025 AUTHORS: Kononenko, K.I. andJ_ asjnj~2!UE ~2 TITLE: Attenuation of Decimetre Waves in Gas-disciarze Plasma_ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnylch zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 2v Pp 338 - 3110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The attenuatiolloof, decimetre waves propagat-ing along a two-conductor line immersed in the plasma of a steady- state gas ga4dischage was measured experimentally as a function of the plasma density and the wavelength. The experimental equipment used in the measurement is shown in Figure 1. A m6guetron was used as the oscillator. The measuring line was pass6d through a gas-discharge tube filled -with satiira-t-ed mercury vapours,, The length of the line inside the tube was ~* = 330 mm, the distance between the conductors being d = 29 mm. The radius of the conductors was e 1-5 mm and the diameter of tho discharge tube was D = 120 mm. The measurements were made at the following wavelengths: 52, 68, 76 and 86 cm. The attenuation coefficient in nepers as a function of the plasma density is represented in Figures 2 and 3, Cardl/2 where Curves 1 show the experimental values. The 20688 S/12o/6i/ooo/o01/O24/062 9,V/.30 (113,el 11411j 2*'d)lj 32-0)) E032/Eli4 AUTHORS: Net~ets, O.F., Saltykov. L.S., and Sokolov, M.V. TITLE: A Device for the Selection and Adjustment of Photomultipliers (D PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnikEt eksperimenta, 196.1fANo. 1, p 78 T LXT: The principle of the device is illustrated in Fig.l. Light from the lamp 1 passes through the slit 2, the collecting lens 3, and finally reaches the mirror 4 which is rotated by an electric motor. The reflected ray falls on the photomultiplier 6 through the slit 5. The focal length and the position of the lens are chosen so that the. image! of tho light source in the plane of the photocathode has the required dimensions and brightness. The mirror (5 x 8 MM2) is rotated by a MM -1 (I.-IM-1) motor, working off the audio-oscillator '-,r -10 (ZG-10). The speed of the motor can be varied between ~800 and 25600 rpm when the osciilator frequency is varied from 1200 to 2000 cps and the supply voltage from I to 6 V. The angular velocity of the motor is independent of the aupply voltage Card 1/ 4 20688 S/l2o/6i/ooo/ooi/o24/o62 E032/EI14 A Device for the Selection and Adjustment of Photomultipliers (between 4 and 6 V) which ensures that the length of the leading edge and the amplitude of the light pulse remain constant. Figs. 2 and 3 show photographs of pulses obtained at the maximum angular velocity of the motor. Fig.2 was obtained with a circular diaphvagm, 3 nun in diameter, and Fig-3 with a 0.1 mm slit (both at 5 in Fig-1). In these figures one division corresponds to 0-27 ~isec. Thus, the device is capable -f producing light flashes with leading edges --r 0.05 ~Lsec, repetition frequency 420 see-l' and amplitude equivalent to a scintillation produced in a sodium iodide crystal irradiated with particles of a few MeV. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizihi AN USSR (Physics Institute, AS Ulcr.SSR) SUBMITTED: December 2, 1959 Card 2/4 2o688 S/120/61/000/001/024/o62 E-032/Elil.4 A Device for the Selection and Adjustment of Photomultipliors t F2 M, 20688 S/12o/6i/ooo/ooI/024/o62 B032/EU4 A Device for the Selection and Adjustment of Photomultipliers Card- 4/4 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 442F5 S10481621026101210131016 B117/B102 AUTHORS% Kosinov, G. A., and Nemets, 0. F. TITLEt Measuring the p r-angular correlation in the reaction Be'(d,pr)i'O PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskAya, v. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1518 - 1520 gl 2 TEM The p~~angular correlation was measured when bombarding an 8m cm thick Be9-target with 13.6-Mev deuterons from'the cyclotron of the Institut fiziki AN USSR (Institute of Physics AS UkrSSR). The measurements were made with on a device consisting of a readtion chamber, two scintillation spectrometers and fast and slow-coincidence circuits. The reaction chamber was composed of two cylinders welded together at right angles. The proton spectrometer (resolution 3.5-4%, for 6.8-Mev protons, distance from target 11 cm) and the r-spectrometer (resolution 6-7% for the second Co6o line,. distance from target adjustable from 11 to 25 cmJ dach contained(P-43-15 (FEU-13) photomultipliers, and NaI(Tl)-crystals and were able to rotate Card 1/3 S/048/6~/026/012/013/016 Measuring the p r-angular B117/B102 around the axis of one cylinder. The second cylinder of the reaction chamber, mounted in guides, could turn the whole system in the vertical plane around the center of the chamber. The system described allows of measuring the angular correlation 1) within the following rangest In the re- action plane from -155 UP 'to +155 ; in the plane perpendicular to the re- 0 0 .coil axis from -155 to +155 or 360 depending on the angle between the directions of the recoil and thp deuteron beam. For fast coincidenceo, the coincidence circuit proposed by Bell et*al. (R. E. Deli, R. L. Graham, H. E. Petch, Canad. Phys., 30, no. 1w 35 (1952)) was used, giving a time resolIution 6.1o-9 sec. To relieve the system amplifiers of the type ~114C-2 (UIS-2) with double pulse formation and single-channel pulse-height analyzers of the type AA-1 (ADD-1) were used. To measure the p angular correlation in the reaction investigated, which leads to the 5.5f-Tilev0 excited state, the proton counter was adjusted to make an angle of 15 with the direction of the proton beam. The results could be expressed by the equation; W(G) - 1 - (O-3E�0-04)P 2(COSQ) (9 is the angle between the r -counter and the recoil direction). Conclusions '+ The Be9 ground state is a 3/2- state. The first excited state of Be1OX2 ~ is excited in the Card 2/3 S/048/~2/026/012/013/016 Measuring . the - p 3--angular ... B117/BlO2 neutron capture with I - I and de-excites to the ground state, 0 via an E2 r-transition. AssuMing L - S coupling the spin mixture for the spin of,tho entrance channel was found to consist of about 90% of spin 2 and I(YI, of spin 1. This paper was read on the 12th Annual Conference on Nuclear spectroscopy in Leningrad from January 26 to February 2, 1962. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 VIROVETS, A.M., professor; BAMNI'O. Ye.l., inzhener; IMNDOVsKjy, M.K., in- zhener; GORELKIN, L.F., in2hener; MIIATSKAYA, E.M., inzhener; ZELI- CHENKO, L.B., inzhener; IUNOV, V.F., inzhner; XMNSKIKH, I*G., in- zhener; KOSIITOVI M.Ya.. in2hener; WRIN, D.A., inzhener; MAUEM. V. 0. B4V., inzhener; SOLOVIYEVA, M.V., inzhener; PISHKIN, V.N.; RYTOV, A.V., redaktor; SHLENSKIY, LA., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Tables of the rectangular coordinates of map frame angles and of map frame and area dimensions of trapezoide gf topographic surveys, using the scale 1:5000; for latilwdes 360- 68 . Kraeovskii's ellipsoid] Tablitay priamougolInykh koordinat uglov ramok, razmerov ramok i plosh- chadoi; trapetsit topograf!tcheakikh s"emok masshtaba 1:5000. Dlia shirot ot 36u- 68 0, Ellipsoid Krasovskogo. Moskva, IZd-VO ge0de2i- cheskol lit-ry, 1953, 909 p* (MLRA 8:4) (Survoyin,-,-Tables, atc.) (Coordinates) (Trigonometry-Tables, etc.) KOSIR(W.P.. absolyutuyy chenpion B13SR po parashyutnoma sportu na 1951 g,M,- (g. Dnepropetrovsk) -load of the parachutist-sporl'osman. Kryl.rod. 3 no-5:9-10 My 152, Olosinov, Petr Petrovich) (Km 8:8) KORNEVP A.N., kapitan-l-go ranga; KOSINOV Ye.K. kapitaa 2-go ranga Proteoting nets in foreign fleets. ~br. abor. 44 no-5:82-84 My 161. (mIRA 16-5) (Submarine warfare) LOZHEOMOMA, A.D.; TRBWM, A.G.; LBOBTIYEVA, R.S., mladshly nauchnyy sotradnik; PODOLTAN, A.F.; TRETIYAKOVA, O.L~ Pril3imali uchastiye: PAVLOVA, I.A., inzh.; GWYACHETA, G.A., starshiy tekhnik; SELI- VIRSTOTA, 2.P., starshiy, tekhnik; YZDOSOVA, M.I., tekhnik; GOREMOVA, M.I., tekbnik; KOPRM, Y.K., takhnik; TIMOFETEYAl T.F., tekhnik; KOSINOVA, 2.1., tekhnik. GONCHAROT, Te.p" otv. red.; USHAKOVA. T.T., reA.; SKRGRYBY, A.N., tekhn.rad. [Agroclimatic reference'book on the Tajik S.S.R.] Agroklimati- cheskii spravochnik po Tadzhikskoi SSR. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1959. 151 p. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Stalinabad. Gidrometisorologichaskaya observatoriya. 2. Sts- linabadakays gidromsteorologicheskaya observato-.-iya Upravleniya gidrometeorologichaskoy oluchby Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Lozhkomoyeva, Trestman. Podolyan, Tret'Iyakova). 3. Inatit*t pochvovadeniya All Tadzhikskoy SSR (for Leontlyeva). (TaJikistan-Crops and climate) SLZINZAK, Jadwiga; KOSINSKA, Bozenit Psychological analysis of 200 children with cerebrospinal tuberculous meningitis. Gruklica 29 rto.10:879-878 0 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Rehabilitacyjnego Dzieolecego Osrodka Sanatoryjno- Prewentoryjnego w Raboe 6idynatort.lek. med. M.Plesinska Dyrektor.- dr mod. J.Rudnik. (TUBERCULOSIS ME11INGEAL pWhol) (W TAL DISORDERS atiol) KOSINSKA, Bozena) SLENZAK., %Tadwiga Cases of multiple recurrenwa of tuberculoaia maningooncepha- litis in the ligbt of payeboalogical observations. Gruz3ica 30 no.10:939-943 162. 1. Z Oddzialu RebabilitacyJaego Dzieciecego Osrodka Sana-, toryjno-Prowentoryjnego w Rttbee Dyrektor,. dr mad. J. Rudrdk Ordynaton lek. mad. M. MeAnska, (TUBERCULOSIS IN CHILDHOOD) (TUBERCULOSI'S MENINGEAL) (IMLLIGEN(;E~ (NEUROSES) KOSIWIISKA . ,,Fw1ra; MMAN, Kazimierz ma , Six cases of tularemia in Poznan region. Polaki tygod. lek. 11 no-23:1028-1030 4 June 56. 1. Z Oddzialu Zakaznego Swpitala Miejskiego-im. J. Strusia w Poznantu; ordynator: dr. med. Andrzej Zabradnik, Poznan, Szpital Miejeki in. J. Strusia, Oddz. Zakasny, ulo aw. Wincentego. (TULARMIA, case report-3 (POI)) XOSINSKA, ElwIra,-JfEYMAN. lazimle.rz: PARIUS, Jozef DUNg-nogis of tularemia wii~ph the aid of tularin. Pols)ct tygod. lek. 11 no.41:1758-1761 8 Oct 1~6.' 1. (Z Oddzialu Zakaznego Szpitala Miejskiago Im. J. Strusia w Poznaniu; ordynator: dr. med. Andrzej L. Zahradnik i z Zakladu Antropozoonoz'Instytuta Madycyny Pracy i Higieny Wai w Lublinie) Adres: Lublin, u1. OgrodowQ6 4. (TULARVIA, diagnosis, tularin skin test (poi)) KOZIOWSKA, F.; GHDDIBA, L.; KOSINSIrA' X.; RADVANSKA, U.; FOJUDZKI, B. __ OEM Diagnostic value of blood iron& copper determination in mechanical & pare nehymat ous jaundice. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no. 14:641-646 6 Apr 59. 1 (Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. w Poz-naniu;.kierownik; prof. ;; Stefan Kwasniewski; z Oddstalu Zakaznego Bzpitala Miejskiago w Poznaniu; ordynator: dr mad. A. Zahradnik; z Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A. M. w Poznaniu; kierownik; prof. Dr T. Rafinski). Poznan, ul. Dluga 1/2. 1 Klinika Chorob Weicietrznych A.M. (JAUNDICS, OBSTRU,TIVE. blood in copper & iron levels, diag. value (Fol)) (JAURDIGN, blood in copper & iron, diag. value in pareachymatoua jaundice (Pol)) (COPPBR, in blood diag. value in obstruct. & parenebymtous jaundice (Pol)) (IRON, in blood same) KOSINSKA, Elwin .. -------- Attempted establishment of the criteria for the anesthesiologic treatment of severe casev of tetanus. Przegl.epidem. 14 no.2: 157-i6o s6o. 1. Z Oddzialu Zakaznego Spitala Miejskiego im. J. Strusia w Poznaniu Ordynator; dr A.Zahradnik (TETANUS ther) (HIBERNATION ARTIFICIAL) KCSIIZA) B. X-ray measuremant of the extent of scoliosis. Ortop.ptravm.i protev. no.2t52-55 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kafedry ortopedii (zav. - prof. B. Freyka) v Prno. Adres artora: Brno (Chekhoslovaklya), Pekarskaya 53j, Ortopedicheskaya klinika. (SPINF,JUMOTIMITIR3 ARD DUORMITIES) (SPIl'Z--ROIOGWHT) SUPNIEWSKI, J.; NIELMOKI, Bk_l*.OSINSKA, H. Synthesis of 2-methyl-2-tutenecarboxylic aoid. Bul Ac Pol biol 9 no.2:87-89 161. (BUI 10: 9/10) 1. Yaboratory of Pharmacology., Cracow, Polish Academy of Sciences, and Research Laborator7, Gracov Pharmaceutieal Establishments. Presentod ITf J. Supniewski. (NEML BUTENECARBOXYLIC ACID) KOSIWKA, Krystyna Auxiliary raw materials in the rubber industry. Polimery tworz wielk 9 no.5t210-212 MY'64. ' 1. Laboratory of Materials, Institute of the Rubber Industry, Warsaw. YO S r I,", TAYAI A. D. 52 "Rermlic of 11acterlolo,71cal --4,thc4 olf 4--amtIvation Ill 'I.C.--m 'I'lutdetz of J,f. T. Pro;~iorov; IWbovIchj, L* Ya. ~Ant.,;cwa,, A. 1. Kod.nrlcayas ~M-Ulnicn 1mt of A(,r croblol '#Vetc rinarly.a., - Vol `70 P, -R-) ,IactcetlAorlicni Oc-mI.Iv4ti6n, condi- t c ve i~n Ur :Pall fir 19U, wDt, off"eOlve All miorl'ir n~' -a- or do=-vtic ap-imni-c. Pvlburcs (:.--v bactcriolopic', Panich, ra 3 Crv; i cy cm~ t f,mb r420 bj'[7C,-(~, a jazr. nrca ItTc, _3 (Myc V.- WPE N~v&~?an 0:~ aai.. zrono msulfz vv:-c nat obtainmi :L-. a fc--- enve, ltx4 arplained , low 4,,177~ at the ti!= t3e vor'- van cirrics-I w-Ap n bv oor or,,:-ani7aU-. mO lack c-12 con-dinatcd KOSINSKAYA, A.V., [Kosynlka, A.V.,]; BESPALIKO, N.A.; KORABLIN, V.P.; B.Kh., - Trazksca:~pathian of the Ukrainian S.S.R. as rav,,aining,~.cast stones. Gaol. zhur. 23 no.5:62-72 163, (MIRA 16:12) ;,uxIyLNCVP Ml~; Use or no-hods of muli-Afantor exper"men . tir - - g ~,r chousing var-!apta of aWyt-l-,al methc-6d%'W'*- Zav. lab. 30 no.7i869-872 164. (~SRA 18-3) 1. gosudarat-ureanyy universitet -Imizqj� Lornonosova. KOSINSKAYLA, I. V. Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Study of are dirchareos as nonhomogeneous sources of radiation." /tDr~/, 1959. 10 pp (State Order of Lenin Optical Inst im S. 1. Vavilov), 150 copies (KL, 41-59, 103) -3- XOSINSKAYA I*V I STARTSEV, G.-P. Cross seition of oxy-gan absorption in the vaau= region of the spectrum. Opt. i apektr, 1.8 no,42735-736 Ap 1650 (MA 1818) BALANDIN, A.A.; KUKINA, A.I.; CHZIULN KHOU-SHEN [Chang Hou-shgng]; Contact comersion of cyclohexene and 1,2-cyclohexadiene in the presence of Ow -iron. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.llt2504-2512 N163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Mloskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ime-ni Lomonosova.