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APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 06/23/11: CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 i E~lT (~ ~ f Pik F ~ ~ ~~T R,,~ ....~,,....~.~ ..._.. _. .~ ~i~dz3sd~ s~~~i c~~: c~~~oa~~:%%ooa~j~~~~~~.~n~~i AUTHORS Vorob~. Yu-'~'.�.~ Kam.,, V,V.} ~ e4 v d. I.; Sav3~na G. G. w~a I~~MM.ew+ Rr+~rMMrtlM~AP^bW~M/M ~~ ORGa none J -t ~~ ~ TxTT~ t C, rro~ian of oa~or ;~einfarced aoxaaret�~ ~}iipbu;l.i~i~.n~R 1 SOURCE s Ref . ~.h K11im~,ya (pt � 2 } , Abs. 11~R~+ ` REF SOURCE s Tr. Kk~ar ~ kovdk. in~ta ~.nzh. zh. d. trdnaP � , 195, ~ � ?3, d 5~^?%~ Td~'IC TAGS: rginforaed aonaz~et;e r cntr~nt, corrosion robistr~nca/1~UV~i3i73 c.vrxrnt 1#BSTRt1CTt The raa3,stanoe of Seibryaltavsldi �;u~..fat~~-r~a~i:atant por'tlarxi c~c~~~nt contn~,n, inQ ??�~`~ ~CaO�SiO~ and 2CadNS~.O~ and ,~.~s'j ,~;:a0 �Air;O~ azld tlio r~ar~ com~nt carz~~~ininC 2~ CaC12 and 2~ A12(50~,)3 as additions was tostod in sQa wator. Tlio ar3.dns. holpod expansion and rapid h~ardenin~ of tha concrotas .end r~ortars Arxl leci to f'a.ll:}x~~ of pore3 in the eancrete (Dement TtYVE~3). Tho ordar of proparation~ stora.~o, and tostin of th�, and the chardcterist3.cs of th� corrasivo liqua.ds (sy~rl;~,~c~tic ~3laclti Sea axxi Caspian Sea waters} care doscribod ~.n dota~.]. � T11o concE�>trata,on of tha Solna. WAS ~ &rid 3 tinu3s the nat11Y'al Co11C43i1trat~.ons. The corrosion ro;~istanC� was evaluatad from the coefficient KCd which is oquai to tho rat~.o or Rix cif tha tort and control spa~aimons at 8 months aCe. C�mont R'JVE23`~had a hi~El corroscion ras3stanca Card l~ /~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 l ~ �~'~ r H1~C Nli: tl~l.r~l~.l~l~l,~) f ~~~ �l1i};1\~ii ~^.1~: ~',. ~~tfi\iLAi~f l~f~~~Wlrl.~1:~}IVI~~/~~>G !AUTHOR: i~iamedvv, i.. K. ; Keri~~~ov, T. G. ; Kostryul.ov, V. Td. ; Guse,rnov, G. i~. ORG: none 'TITLE; Specific heat atul entropy of i.nua.urn monoselcraide at l.ow temperatures I~OURCE: Aii i3SS1~. 7~ar>titut ii~iki tvez�av~-,o tel.a po7_ut~rovodniltov. ~,nim.lches~,~aya svyaz' v poluprovodnilcakh i termodinamika ( ~>ond in semieanductors and thermo-, dynamics) . bZinsk, tiauka i tekhni?ca, 1966, 179-182 TOPTC TAGS : a.ndium compound, selenide, spccif'ic heat,, entropy;, low tempera-! I turn research, semiconducting material, chemical bondir~r ~ i ABSTRACT: Tn view of lack of investigations on semiconducting compounds of the ~iI - VI type, thf: authors measured t'ne specific Yreu,t of indium selen:ide, which was shown by earlier experiments to have certain singul~~xit;iGS in the structure and character of its chemicF~l bonds. The temperature dependence of the speca.fa.c heat 'was measured ~ with an adirbatic calor~.metric setup to that described earlier (P. G. 5trelko~r et al., ZhFKh v. 28, no. 3, x+59, 195~F) . I'~-e prcparatian of the arnf~le and the mea- surement procedure are described ~.n some detail. The specific bents mez~sured for 89 values of the temperature fell a1.1 (within on~c per cent) on a smooth curve, thus in- I~ ~ dicating the ebsence of phtise transitions or anom~.lies in ~%he specific heat of this investi aced ter erature xan~;e (50 - BOOK) . A table oi' the values of ~ compound in the ~ TP the entropy and enthalpy, obte,iraed on the basis of the measurement results, is also ~ I~ r.,.a ~2 vnc : ~~~.57 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 .~ S' r ~~. ~,- ~: f ~_. ~- t t% k F b 2~ 1.39-66 ACC NR: A~'Eoo37~3 transition~F. The authors calculated i;he discontinuity by using different E~xtrapolat~.ons of the speGii;'ic-~he~~t curve from the ].ow- temperature and the high-temperature ~~ide~, and a forr~~ula deriv- able from the theory of the molecular field. The results ct~.n be reconciled w~,th the experimental data for all metals except nickel, where the error reaches ~?~~. The res~xlts are used to estim~.te the coefficients of the expansion of the thermodynamic potentia;i . The authors tha~,nk A ~,-� BUr~v~.k-Romanov fc~r ueefu~, discussions, Orig, art. has: 6 figures, 6 formulas, and 2 tablee. . SUB CODE: 20/ SUBk~! DATE: 12Ju1~5~ ORIq REF: 00~~ OTR R~,F: pQ~+ S Card ~ ~f 2_ ~..~ _ _...._ ---_. _... ... _.~ -__ ... _ _ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 ~~; i, ', =� , ~~:. ' 1 ~~ AC~~Q37~~ .fiotrRCF cctnr~f tr~~n~~~ /~~/nn~/nn1 /m r~/n~Rn ~~ r - :. S,. ` v. AUTRORS: Kallnkina, I. N. ~ Kostryuk;ov`, V. N. },, ~,� a. ORC~: Institute of Cr s ta:llo~raphV ANA SSSR, .Moscow { Ins ti to t ~~ ~~ kristallografii AI SSSR ~,. t; ~~ TITLE: Jumps of specific heat in ara~tiferromagnet3~e carbonates ,~ ~:.. R,,~ SOURCE: Fizika tVerdogo i;e1a, v. 8, no. 1, 1g66, 176-180 ~s {~ TOPIC TAGS: specific heat, carbonate, antiferromagnetic mater~,a1, j- second order phase transit;~.on, transition me tai, thermodynamic potential, nickel, iron, manganese, cobalt - Z101 8218 was measured with a calibrated platinum ~�esistance t}rermametcr. 1!tileasuremerxt below 12�K were made with the same calor:.meter zn a helium i;ryostat (YF~ S. Itskevich and P. G. Strelkov, Zh,� eksUerim. i teor. f~~., 3~'-, 467, 1957) . Temperature was measured by a c,a;~bc~rr r~~sil~i:s.ncc t}i~=rrtni>rni:~t~;~ ~� ~~;h~ ch far every individual experiment was calibrated against t}ie tempPZ�,~+~ure of liquid helium and the triple point of hyiirogen. These r:easuremer:ts .sere performed at the Tnetitut fizicheskikh p.^ablem AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems, AS USSR . The data for the specific heat of LiH re given in Table 1. It was found that thi= I)ebye l~irritinwr ].raw tici]:I;; da~~~r~ trf tE;rn~~c~r�s.tuz~f:E3 cur c4,r~~,vnill,n~P era ~ ~7, `~ i~ s .t ~. -: ?;:},.'f "� -. ~; is ..ll ,I ~t' I�i /.� ~ 't'~5� t1 'l~S: 1~ �5 b. ~.issecist.on o~ LAP. i^i t,e caior;._.,, ~~, ., : ~~� _ - _ w :,. ,� �-~_ ~ .....~ .�:: - , _ _ -:~:- }iiiLr 1}t~ eTitri~~y~, S~ L~l l;i~F~$ta1.~.~a::C .., .. ... ..� ..~?%~ :. i~:.. _,,. ... .. ~� 1 479 + 0.005 entropy units. For this tera~;erature, it is further ,~�iven; II,I, - iI~~ :~ ~)Q2.S1 rF~l~d~~;�mo~~~. '1'l-~~ f~~rt rl~trt rli:~ rc:~,~ult t:,:� ;;.,, :~�:LI ,}~:~ a P not agree with those obtained by F. ROSS:L:11 et al. (see belox) ~~s eaplaired by the author in that those scientists �,s:~rwed i�ith ux:suffi cien~t�: :;:re substances, and that tY~e determination a" cr. ~.vere rr.~zde inaccurat~~_ ~'T2e Card 2~4 `: APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 ~..,.._~ 2651 r-- 9~0 C 6_/61 f 03 5~OO~~OO'j~O16 ~~ `~`~ ~ ~ B 101 B~ 1 S // /~ ~ D AUTHOR; Koetryukov, V. N. (Moecow~ TITLE: Thermodynamic studies at lour temperatures. KI. Tree specific heat of ' ithium hydride betrneen 3.7 and 295oT:. ETltr~:~~y and Enthalpy at 29E3.1 ~oK PERIODICAL; Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii., v. jj, r~o. 8, 101 , 1'?~`{ 17t~,? T.EX'1': The author attempts to render uiorc~ l~.i~E~cise the values ct' s. ~~~:.flc heat and entropy of LiH, hitherto only inaccurately determined, ~x;::.z to find out whether the Debye limiting law holds for this substance grit}~. sia~~~le cubic lattice but gtron~;ly differi.nzi F~toms, a::, rF~~;ards their s.lf~c~,. LiH of ,r ~-lk~~:;i~~et~ o;f' ~~~urity of )~.(3~~ way rasE~c}; n~~~,r;>>i~E~~~~u~~~z~t;~ rlY~~av~~ 1~'O~~ ur~-�~,~ ,~~ ~.~le ire ni.troben atmo>nphEarc, by r.l met},od dc~sc:rl.l,~~~l Fi;i~c~r,' a~i~y5~.c,..l, technical MeasurF.menua December 1, 1~~5r~ :�~rd:v tok!Zn~ch -~:1~:1 ~:n Techr.icai., ~znd F}adi~,_ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 1 A3~ ~ 4~/ a1 ~r~t~ .Ai7`PHARSt kc,~tryukov, V. id. ~znc~ ~~~e~zovtz, G. ;~_};. T,X'rI.ffi~ ~'r1~fSE'd1Gt~}`1~t&~.t3 t3tuet~.+?~ t,6 :+ '~,!lY3 `?'~:t1~~kt,iCtttx~'~+1, ~;, ';p~fcl~'~,o tip,=t of the Yello~~ ~odff'cratr.,rf n~` ,..~-fed. ?~~or,ox~r~t~~ i.ra t~~it.~ T~:arperatuz�e 1Zang~: ~ ~.~z-3(:,3~'K acid ~ntropy rst ~'~~t3.1t~�~{ PERIODIC~~L3 Zhurnal, fizi,ch1~a};Gy ~~hi.i~:.i, 19fi~, YJoI. 7~+, i+u. ~, f, pp� 1e33 - ~e3o !. Tr,XT; Tho specif zc he~~t a~' yt~l? c,~~ '~~~ in +,ht~ ~+.~mnr-,,r;re:s~arer~vnt:~ were made in the ab�ve temperature z:-ttzrvui, mhe specii'zc hc~.t cif rbO :: given in Table 7. wnom,~,l.iea +~ere :,aL ,'?b~3urv~s~'i. Using V. '4'. mjarY;~so~r's formula t'or heter�dynaaric structures (~e,',1+~), the values a: entropy anc~ enthalpy for 12�K were extrapolmted: a~2o~ - ~~sao,~ ,~ p, 17 ~. ,~.~2'e,u,; f 1 /+ X12�K ~QO w ~ .01 + ~.L 4. ?w,~ . : ~';Q' Ydn1',.tf;.`:: {jf~ "nt~'l~l~y :3.nC: trl ~ fi ~r~ e; t3 ~ E. v i. ~'_ ~ S Card 1/6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 - 0573 AUTHORS: Bykov, V. P., and Kostryuk.ov, V, N. 1'ITI~~ A Device for Keepi.n~; 'the Level. of Liqu;i.d tyJ,t~�c~~';~~fl _-.!~ s Dewar Constant (Pribor dlya avtomatiche;>kogq podderzhaniya postoyannogo urovnya zhidkogo azor,a v dyuare ) 1='a~k~~C~.~DiC.~saa: gr~.bory i tF~khn~.lctr, 1t)`~~, l~i� '~ p 1 ~4 (t1SSR ) A~S'I'~.ltCT: The devicE (Fig 1f consists of rc metc n; ~:t~>ain~ The rubber rinE; E ensures tha�; tl-~: :.i~~ht~rl _i. properly sealed to the container, Tl~.r: v~~Ivc.~ ~:~~ t,r~l~ lcl't, is a sa.f'ety valve. (Complete ~tra.nslation of ~~.J.1. rr~:J.L..~v~~rzt ~_;rtrc~ 1/~ matter) , c.~here is l figure, APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 Therrnodyn3mic Investi~;atio~is at Low Te^~:~~eratures. VIIa 7~W32-G-21~~~6 The Phass Transitions in Solid ~F3, CFq and SiF~ ~~hich the authors were title to c~,z~ry out by experi;:.ental de~ tcrr~inationa of the depr8ssion of additianse Thane are ~ i'i~;;,x~@a, 1 t;ahle, asyci 7 referencQti 9 b of which ctrl Soviet . t1Sa0CI~1TIg1r: Ara,demiya nauk SSSR~Ir,ytitut fi~,iche:~Icikh problem.P~tcck�r~, (AS US51~~I~a;~cc~w~In:�titut~ of I'liysicr~l ~~~aL1.e;~a) S1]DI1I`i"~'LU : Februs.ry 1 n , 1 ~ ~'j ~.. saran i'J, ~b~�'1`llermr:,dyrlam~.r~ ~}rapez'ti~:;~ ~ � CoP~.ler f l.t~c~ra.~~~. ---7.'hermodynam:ic properties 3~ Silicon �luorides-=ThErmodynaztti~� properties 4. Metal ~'luarides~aTemperatt~re i'actars 5~ phase transii:ions Card 3/3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 Thcrrodyna,nic Tn r~csti~-.itions at Loer Tc;: weratt~ren 4 VTI. ~ , ~76~-32-G-2~~~5 Ttir' l'h-i:;o ~r~4i:;s~ttioris ire Solid .3F~,C1~ ~ ~xnd Sil~'~ 4 e~.keriL~er.t.xl results obt~y:ined tr:e at:thors concluded that thE. i~il;~~se tr.~n~�,i~,ion four:c~ try Sc~i.x~~cie~r .?t~ci Euc'.l;en is zic)t c.~~~racto2 isti c fox the ~F~-lattice bay fer. the syste:a I3I~'3~.dc~itions; th~3 rneGsurements of thQ ther~~r~.l ca.p~>city from 12~G�K to the mel~tinU point dici nat ~3ho~~r c3n~. co:rre~,,~oridir~~,; anOt;ifilie.`3 in the cf~se of 1~F'~; it t?iox�cforQ cc,n be ca.7cluc~e:~ tr~~.t ir. solid BFI no ph4~se +r~r,sition ta~:e;~ ;71o,ce~ Tl~i~: tner~;.�:ror,~ents v~ith CFA showed th~~ alx,eacly ubt3Qrved ph~~~e tr~xnsition t~rhich it1 thr~ present ~~~.per is; hot�reve;r, rc~~~,rded ~xa ai;e of second ordero An anOmttlOLia drop of the ther:,l~tl cFZi~f~ci ty ~;rio:r to 'c}cc melting; point ti~as not noticedo It is assL~~ried tYi~.t tine ph,~se trr.~::ition in CF~y that i.n Si:G'6 and the a ~ R tr~:nF;ition in gv~~rt2 bF~loni; to the typo of seco~id ordere InlestiEatiazis of ~SiF,~ s!';ov~GCl that no phasa transition t3~:es plc~es~ and thn.t ther~afore the que.tion vrhether cr~Tstrzl 1Wttices coiisistin~; of sirzilt::r tetx�~:hedric molecules ~voulc3 react in a siiail~tr may must be ~.n;~wercad in the ne~ati~roF measux~Gl~Xe, caused by the exzstence o~:_�phase fluctt~a.tio~aa in solid fig, eras established. ~~cperiment~31 pry- melting of solid kig was brou~bt about ~~y the addition of Zn, T]:.and ~~ ~ ~' to the pure mercury, During ~'1 cancey~tratian in the merc~uzy rangir,~g fxoxn 0, 0~ to 0~'I% the sgeci~~c heat peak was observed at a melting point a~ the Tl FTg euteGttcs, Eleven refeir~ncee: it -USSR; 3 -USA and ll-~aiglish X1915 194}. Table; graph; drawing, - ~n~ti,tutian .Acadamy of Science~i USSI~t,, Thv Sq ~, 'Vav3lov Institute of ;Physical ].~robleme Submitted March la, 1954 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 .~' CC`a ~r A n ' - R~~.w~~ ~~ :Auttiore _ t ~~t~I,k~v, ~`~~ C., T~~.kevi~h~ E. ~., Kostr~~yu~gv,.~.:Y. ,N., N~rekaya; ::; . _ T~~~�~ = Th~rmadyn~t~.c inve:~t3,gctions at law. temperatures, dart ~.�~ _ _ -aau~remer~t �a~ e~ecfic he~gt a~ aol3ds aid liquids between ~.2 std 3~' K, P+~r~;c~laal . : xhura ~~. ~~hitu.: ~~, Sd.:3f 459.472, March 3.954 - Abet~~~t s A v~+puun ~ oe~.~ox-t~r .ang~~nt with ec~reening shi~l.~a waa aanat~uoted which ens~b],r~$ ta- measure at low temperatures the . e~alt'~,~, heat a~'` cubetarrf4~s wh~;ch at room, temp+~rature arc either _ ~t a~l~d ~` ~,qu~.~ etatee~, ~ha vacuum hnualri~ of the ca~ar~te~ar ~a ce~tona~. bec~t~e~ ~f the $octional v~cuu~a canpreeaar functi~n~ ' ~~ At .~,a~r ~ ~~mp~~~ture~. ~hc inata~.lation is equipped with alb. ' o~hsr ~ux~:~la~ devie~a. Ga1~,braton is made ah the e~pty ~_ aala t~ ~ '~e' d e~cr r W t ~ e d i a a rr n gem e e -b nt n ~ e t ],e t c oQa a rdr~~ ** y ~ r~~ y ~~y~ ,,{ ~ YQ y ~ y ~w ~r ` ~ p x ~y ~ -^ / ~ y ~ } F ~ ( ~ p P} 1 ~~~~Li-;.~~,{j ~-., yp~~i a'YW~.V 441i~ 4'~ rY4 4f1~ +41frw~l,N ~k11 i~,L~~ ~; re~er8ncee. ,DrswinBa, g~+s-phs. . ~h'~ti~#+4~ t AOa at ~~li ~~~ t~e ~~ ~� VaY'iloY ~ristitute 0~` P~~~ei.~ls~I - problame andl the Moscow S~~ate ~neti.tute a,~ Weights ~~nd I~Ceasures s~tb~,tted a June 6~ 1g53 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 KQSTHYUgOV q.A., inzh.; ffOPXLOV~ L.T., inzh.; 40YOROY, V.P,, inzh., :~+a=~4~*~-wti~~t~~tl~Ad. ; Y~"CHUK4Y, Y.S. , red, ; ~ I .Y. , otvat av. zn vypuek [Program for th� st~b~ect Production atanda~ds ar.-d estimates" in the technical school ma,~or pSanitary installations in build.inga~" approved by the Ni;.istry of $i~her ~ducatio-~ of the U.S.S,Pti., dpril 11~, 1q5~. ~ 90-hour course] Pro~ramm~a predmeta "Tek:hr~ioheskoo narmirovanie i smoty" k uchebnomu plan~a. spetaia'I.'nosti tekk;-niln.~mov "~enitarno-tekhnichaskie uatroistva zdenii," utverzhclennomvi Mini- aterstvom vysshe~;o obrazovsniia SSSR, 14 aprelia 1955 ~. ~b"ems grogrammy - 90 chseov. Moskva, Uchebna-i~todichoskii kabix~et~ 195x. 9 P� (M1RA 12:2;1 ~.. Rugsia (1917 R.S.~.S:R.~ Mi,nister~~tvo etroitel'stva. (?tde1 nahebnykh zavedeniy upxr~vleniys kadrav., (Construction industry) APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 ACG NR~ AI7,ti02Ci074 . ~ ~N~ - - SOUAC;E CQD~: UIt~0121~r~G6/OQO%0;- f BO~t7JBO~t;I AUTHOR: Kostryki.n, V. F. f `~'ITLr� Gas flow in the annular clt~annel of a blade~le�rs redial turbi:~e impeller i +~ SOUc~CE: Ref. x,h. Malchanika~, Abs. 5'~2a2 ~ ` R' , SOUI~GL: Tr. Tsentr. n,wi. ~.n-ta marsk. flotn, vyp. 62, lgf~5, 2f~-33 TOPIC 'FAGS; C~as flow, C Ta solve the roblem of heat ~aradier7ts in tho spiral ducts and it- tho ltt3S ~"'Rrl T . P ra.n~ channel of d blada-�less ~.mpellar, ~.t is nrjcasaax'y to evaluate the lasses in bath c-1am�nts. At thQ prey�nt timQ at-aZytieal motl~ods ara 1~akin~, aad the f~sxer to t,i~.s q,usstion can only be abtainEd exp�rim�~ztal~.y. The a~cpreesian for thf~ ooeff~.c~,ent of enemy loss is derived in tits fl~rrn O.OdOG -.~, O.e r~ ~~ `, I 80.2 itg ~ ~I,~rr~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I [-_ _______ -~-r~~ X0.7 ,,rn ao.e %1 ` o i .. .. a ;_~ whore the indices 0 end ~. dpsigns-te psxarn~ters at the end outlet of the rind Card l~2 -__..________.,~.. ----- - - --- -- APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 _ ._. t , ~ �` .. _ ~ ,. ;.~/ Fr+f+7/`"~/41QV~0{?1/r~J~l~`oa4 ._ -n '. ~ha~ use ~~ $aa turbines` ..: $19~~~~5 .y .7~,: ..i. .. .. .. - .. `,. +~~' 'g~ner~tora, ar ~� PTAs ~. ~~ thx~ise ti~ea greater with $a,eF�~ '~ , . ~~tr~ine ;-~lrv~ � ~ae~r~in~ gramps ox~ tankers are ~te~+m~-dr~.~rert ' - axtct~ ,pArt,~~ular~y on d3ea+~~ ~~d 8~s'� tankers this r, aquxres ~Eaxge'~ ~-.uxiXar~r"" ~ ; ` . ~ Of cour~~e sofas bailer ~-xowi.~ion must x-e- ~, _, ~, for h~a'~ix~g the ca~~~~ for ~ra~~~ing tanks and mset3,n~~ g1$nera7 ;; ship _xequ~.r$mc~~ta� dux!'~n$'~toya$ea, 1~ttt the extra power x'e~~ni~red -- during .loading.; o~aera-ti.a~~ l:s ~isttea^ gravided by an independ+~n.t -~- ` : ~ ~Irivr~ ~~rorn ~ith~r- +~ die~e~ .~~ $~-s j~rxr~i'ix~e. ~n taz~ke~r~ !boa, an ':~.nart ~~~ ~~mo~~f~s~~e ~u~t ~~m+~tm~a~ ~~ p~rorride~ ~~ ~"u~-x ~~~~1~~ . ~ ~ ra ~~`s turbine oan ~~rve � thin ~vix~po~+~ and alas provid+~ aatppr~~ssQd� , �, axlr for maim.. ong~.�e i~t~irting find ~a~ one Gay tu,~bxnes f+a~' tnatxine~ _ _. ' , awr3~liax^y` use ~ht~tald be of the $~,an~~.e open circuit type a~itho+~t ~,,. , ~eg�~nerat~.on. ~ z~~n~a ~ +~i' ~~~~s ~;~~.~: be re~,~f,red bet~weet~. ~;~ and . ~{~t~~ h.p.,~ too .~a~r~t~ i~p t~ ~QQ l~.p� :~'or gay turb~.~i~a up ~~ - ~, ~~~ h�p. radial tu~b~n~s =and Csn~tr:lfu$ar,l ca~praseor~ giv~+~ hi$h~r ., .~ r: e~fciez~cis~i than;. ~~'~~ tu~t~inea o-~ac~~ co~npreas+~ra. ~t ~i~ uucxl~,~ea ~' .. th~~` ~a~ ~t~rbiries ~ w~,~.l ~:a '~-dvanta`$�~~us 'pis the main drive~~ o~~' shZ~' ~ ;, $~nex~~tQr,~ ~~cc~gt wr~aa~^o-- a ~~~at~~h~~~~ bo~.~er cam` b~ u~cecl. -< ;r ~'a~s tux~~t;n~s may he,'~~e~y~ ~-aeful as peak load $enerator~,;~ax~'t~.cular~:~ -~ in pass~n~er ships. Therie ~r~ ~ f~;re~ and ~ teblsa. APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 C -.~ - y ' .. ~ .. - 1 . '.. _ ,. :. aUTHE3T~S~'_ _ -- ~�zenlaex~~, G.Sh., ~and~~ate cif Techniaa~. Sc~i.erica,s, . - Koet~~~~~~ ~~~~n-~~r', g;aetal'skiy, S.A.. f~ng~;neeir~ , ,. .. .,:. - mYTLE s ~ The uge of. ga:$ turb~;ne~e~ ae marine auxil~taries P~RIflDI~A~.t Sudoetroyenye ~ .ho.1, .193, a4..29 , . ~`~~~:~ Gas turbin+~~i' afar e-dvanto�ge+s a~ maratz~~ ~ auxiliarxe~ ~.n - cae'e~ wt~exe ~hex~ ~:~ght ~~~~ght f ~cfi~pl~c~~y.. of aonetru~t~,~~ anal .. ~ - re~.~,ab~~~~~' ~c~~ ~~ .pr'~~`~` iapo~~tak~a ~n,d their heavy fu~e1 ~, f - aonei~mp~"it~rt f a , aGC~-~tabXe ~ T~3.s to the drive- c-� ~- '~ $mergem~y -and peak genera ors' and to- firo pumps. ' ' If waste-~;oat `~boilors aria usod s,'n'' east jur+vtato~ wi.`th aux~,liary gas-turbines t the `f~~l. ~`cz~stimpt~o~ may ,be xea~r b~ a".�actor~ `a~ l.'~ than that for a I .=cta~e~~~ gert;eratQr.. writh aux]:~:ar~y ' -car .a steam turbo-~,gerierato~r .: '~ri~h~ ma~.i ~s,il~r. phis m�thod:" ~ta:~ been: used an the American ship ..~ - ,~ ~~~ionee:r M~rQr". , 'h~rdxo~a~~l ves.erele freight axed 'space ;ire at a . ,-`~rrs~-ium~, `~iu~ vayagea, :are.. ,br+~f and. reft~e~~~.~.~ag iffi fre~,~-eiit. Und~ar the~:e a~r~~t~a~ah~es.., Sad t~rbinee ~ou~,d off~x cone3.derab'~.e - '~adv~~ta~ee ~~~ail~~~i`~a~ - Ae; e+ogn~airedl w~~h the~~i`~itaa~. diesel ` -,eng~oa~.,, axzd rna:~~,ng .roue allo~tanee ~`ar ~a~e~ Cou,s~t~apticsn, ;thy ov~tprat ~ , _.. ~- . -- - , ... - APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 '~ACa ~~~ ARba2z.,-..8~_~..WA,..~..~~..~~_~..~w~..~_~souvc~~cov~: v~/o~98/~&/0o%~~/VCi1/tro:~x I 39 AU'1'HQ~I: Koatryk~.t~, V. F. j TITLB: Gas floK in the annular channel of thn buekQtlaen golds in a rAdj.a~. turbin~y SOURC;~: Raf. xh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 3Vt3~ R' ~ SOtTiZCk;t Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta moxsk. flota, vyp. 6z, 165, 28-33 TOPIC TAGS; turbine, turbine design, heat bal,anCo, haat equation, heat rneaaurement, engine component, heat loss, thermodynamic state equs~tion J G'!~S ~~occJ ABSTRACT: The solution to the problem of distribution of heat drap$ in 'tha spiral duct and the annular channel of the buckr~tlese~ guide requires an evaluation of losses in both elements. Calculation methods are 1a.cking at this time. Qniy experi- ment can provide the solution to the problem. An egr~ation far the dinsipati.on factor is brougi~t outs ' 0,040f ~ y r ~~,o.e ~, ~~o.z sin aa.e i ~ ~ ~ f~BO,~ Sin uo,8 . ~~ ~ i `rl i i ___._.. _ _.__. _-- -- _.-. .._ i ~. ,~ ~ c~L2 _. w.~....~..~.......~.~._. ..~ ~ : _ . 6~~.. X38 ; 629. .... APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 S~1 Et1~61~OO3~OJ~~U1 c?/o3a Study of the electric conduct.ivity.~ , Ti1O2~$1O~ ner'sea.. The ahapea of the curves I = f(~;) proved tc> be :~lnic~~,t in.l~:pendE.rld-tl�c3;~:. ^I. ~' ii. , t; r,~~r~.,i~,:f ~~ >' 1 U-~ ~;~~~ ,~21c( e~:er~~a volt;a~;e~ti cif ~l r-),_�:1Oi~;) of trtz r3x';AViG gla~~~ (`~i--lfi)' 1U~`t nl tirit~k ,Intl relllt(t,itl (f,--,,".~1~ 4.i1~`~ t~111 t1~it~!'. 'I'llt f.ffect of the stz�~zJtthela.iJ,~; Jult:~�I~ICtci tiJjtf~ tc~ Errct�11Rt1c~~~it1 tit ,nlt~~l tklic~i.~ll~~s~;~ya d,~ c)1t=1.c~c~xir.;r?' llt).t:l~ri 1~3 p~~r,et1 ~~~ ~lt~ 1mpt~7'tclJJCt~ t)~ :~tJltlylnti t1~e t"11tc~stit~ll o~ ~41~~ ~;i~�r,~~l~,thr,l~. i~i~ c)f ti11n films f~"i tine do~eloprrlent of miex�olntJ>.iJ~tRlx�+~ clcvlcd:,~~~, CJs t~J~r`tteulJrl� ~llrn eJ>.t;tl.u~l.t;~;i�~J i ~';~Ilt~tl hts}-r lrl.~~a c;le?t;tricFtx stxonttia in stRlditic)n ti3 ilt~h c~lp~lcitJ~nce. L~T'r~~n5l~t.ic~n of ~lsslx'~.~'I: ~ ~' r~7rd ~~~ - -- L~DC: 62:t.;iJ.5.a16.96�U15,~1 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 I i i i ~ccr;~slors iJi~ ~ n~'l~o;~l,',~;~. II~ i.I c;la.v~.oaGxa.G R,t~x�cnf;l;l~~ ~.'ht~ c~t'~"�ct o.E L~I11~r1:~~.i.n;; ~~,i~t~ cz~y~:rt~~~s w~~~ ~~1-~o a.n~v~fi,~~at;t~d, ' 'rho diQZ~~ct;ra.c st,ror~~t;i~~- o.f a~.ic~~.~halldo monocry;~t~~a~.u a~ tlly pcxl:,~,,;~a~~ua-~ r~nr~as wore moasurod with both una.rmealad and annQa:Lad czy t,~a.],.~ a It wtxo t"uwuw tl~a~ ~hn ~'; aa.olecux�~.e :~Gz~oa~;1~t~ c~3' Ght~ u~a~~no~.e;d c~�y~att~l. wG~:; ~l,~.Stt'l,~f'~ 1.a~9Faoz' ,~l~tit,r- ti~r~t o~ Hilo ~tuleolod czy:~ ua~.. ~'I-~v di.a ~vronco l~e~t;~roori tho tiro va~.~~cs ~.ric~~r3aac~i x~_t`,~ dC,cxyaa , ~.t--~ L~.ct~ onvrl~A r~u~-1;~_~-~ ~'xom o.Uout 1.0~~ .f'saz~ i~ta~. ~fic, nbc>ut; l~~t~~ ~'ar K~~~ lt: ~+f~~, nt~tGC~ that Gho dispez�siat~ o.t' �va].t~Q;~ was ;~:i.~t7i.C'~c~~nt',ly i.os:~ ~oz� `rho annea~.od crystals d Thus, mvchanac~.. s~z~osso~~ sax. d:i.:~lacata.ons ~.n tha u-nnnnaalod. cxKyst;a~. pla;1` nri. ass4nt�5.r~7. x~alo ins sc~tt,tc~x~~.z~; ~~:irt:lcfixor~v~ a.ncz~c~asl.n~ tl~v d~.olQCtiz~ic I str�nui;i~q Oa~ag. �~xt;d l~gt ~. c~,t~~ram ari,d 2 G~-U~.os~ ; A.SSGCI.A'.I'~ON: Tomsltay po1~.t~aklu~,i.chesl~r ~si:a.tutc~ a.m~, So M., K2ro�t~a ~Torr~k i~a3y`~ecizr-ic Ins~it;uty} i ~, SIJBI~tTT~ s 13Aug6~ ~ ...' DATB ACt~ a 20May'(a~t ~ ~r'CL s 00 I~ j SUB CQAB a S.S NO ~ ~ SO~f t 405 OTti~2 t 04~ ..,il � ~ , CarcT"4 Z~2 .. _. ...__________.______..._ h ___d__~. __.___-___. ___.__._____._...-_.. --- -_. _ . - _ _- -----. _. ..,r..-w.,.., --- .- .._. _.. ,.. , _.,_~_~--.~, ,..,~.r..,...,,,...,..~.....,.r,~...,,.a.-.,,~,.~.,,,~,~,-~.,~..~ .. _ , - . .. .a _ _ --_____~..__. - - - APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 ACCESSxai1 ~!R x ,n~l,0~~s95~. s/o~.~~./~~~.,/c~6,~aa~l~.~t~/~.5~z i~ AUTliO~ t Vorcib' ydvi A. 1~.; Vurpb ~ ynv, G. A. Konclike~rbuyav, x. K. ; Kostry~+t~in, Z asava L. G. V. A., Nola ~ i ~Ix'lz,~.: xrzi'lugnce a~ 1~11a QlQCtrorias rznd tha ~~t,z�uctuxi3 of cl~.o].Gata~~.c cryat�~1q an i;ha~.r d;i.alaGtz�S.c atrot~;th S(7UI~:;. T'~.x~alca tva~rdnga to~.a, v, 6, no. ~, 1.'~b~t, 1~6G-~.5G2 a0~.'ZG '~AGSa allc~.~. h.:~3,cla' d~.alactrac dao7.aatrac otran~~t,-i, ,annaa~t~gr ' ~,o ~~N:yiu~7i aom~aund . ' Ac~3,:~Tr~~C7.': Thn;,r~.c st,z~arlLr~h c~~ Z rzumbe.r~ a~. a1.{~~a1.x.-�h~~,1~c1c+ cz~~r~'f.ala 4da~ ~, tne~~~uz�ad uy usan~; save a1 t;~~as o~ ~l.acti�~>dt~~~;, Use: ca� s~~~:~~xli:ia c~Ilzctro~~a pr,~ducaed noax~.y �qu~.l valuos whack ~roz�o a'oc~uF~ 1a5~ lcr:~rar, t;luan ~l~a ~r,3.luos abtained us:~_x3~ a aa'l;u.x'a~eti ~laC: so~.ut:i.on as tha o~,octx~c~clas. xur7;hax~ aravf.~sL;i.Catal~n rzs~.z7 i aon~banat;a.ona a~ 1:iqu~.c; ar~i fma~h.~.~;v a~actra:aa~ ~hcr~rc~e~ tlaah,~ ra~az�clrl.ass of tlla { anuda r~,~tr~x~S~]., ~;lac~ v;zltzq at ~l~c~ d~.a;I.agt,z~;l.c =~1,z�dri~tl~ v~~~ tr~3.tcIY ~e~; ar ~titl~ u~ tl~r~ cathode th~~ wllr~rz ~uiia al~.t~a~ro~,;,~a ~rEx~ tlzc~ cathcxda. r ; i;~ CgnCl,uded ~tl`~.t ' ca~.d rina.aaiar~ fra~i tho cai;hodo li~q u ni~;ai~a.a~.nt q~~a~ ot~ i~hca ~rc~t~q o~ tho ~a roc ~~ ~- ~,~~ _ ~ - APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 ACCESSION NR: AT4016320 ~, were fastened between two plates of plastic const:ttuting th� conductor and provided with metallic NaC -immersed electrodes allowing the finest interspace control. The break� dawn was effeetec~ with 5 x ].0-Saec rectangular pealses and recorded by a high volyage electron oscillograph. It was ~fournd that the smaller the layer thickness of the same mono- crystal and tl~o lower th� lattice energy of difforont monocrysts,.ls, the greater the magni- tude of the discharge lag and ttie electric strength. ThQ ~.0 � thick NaC 1 monoerystala I showed a drop in electric strength aftor exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The establis`~ed existence of electric strengthening and greater discharge lag during dielectric breakdown is believed to confirm f~he existenco oi' impact ionization. "In conclusion, the aut}sar thanks Prof. Dr. A. A. Vorob'yev and C~und. "I"eQl~. ba. G. A. Vorob'yev for their attention and help." Orig. art. has: ~ fi~u~es and 1 fsrmula. ASSOCLATION: NII at the TPT, Tomsk SUBMITTED: 00 SUD CODE: ~/~ .,~ DATE AC~P: 06Niar84 NO REIN' St)V: 003 N ENC L: d o OTHER: 001 r~ Card 313 .... , . __..~...... .:......_..~ __,.. , ......, ......~...._...:..~.~.. usR. ,,;rte-.~�_..,;.:r.m ~-~s~e ~, , 8 r l~ :. ~ ~. ~ ;4; ~~~ 'ii r}, R,' L J I ~ ~,'xx. ~1' ~` t { ~'l 11 x APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 l1Cl.~.t~~~I~1V 1'11Li AT~U~~~~~ ~/aaaa/c~/oac~laaa/a:~a~/a~+~a AUTIiCfR: Kostry*gin, V, A. ~I7.'lai:: X~ivestigtttinn af,eloc�trleal l~xraalcc~own Uaz�ou~~~ t3~tn lay~7xc~ oC ahGa.ll halide morta- orysrale SaURC~: Veos. eovaehch. 1x7 ~iz~ shchaloc}ulogcaoicin, ~crlst~.llov. 2t1, l~iga, X;61.. "~.'~-udy*. Fiz. ehcl7alociulogaloidn, lcrist~~llov(Phlrsic~s of alltali halide crystals). Riga, 1962, 366-369 I TOPIC TAGS: 17alide, alkali halide erysta?I, oieotr. ical brealydown, dielectric, ~. allcali halide electrical breakdown, electric strer~gtl~, er;ystal electric strength, impact ionization, alkali halide ionization, discharge, diischargc~ delay A135TP.ACT: As evidence of thc3 occurrence of in7pact ionization during a solid dieleetric- breakdown, the author undartooic to estaUlislal~ axe cum ~ ~ri Ix~a ~~ procedure, u.s~g ~d . an increased discharge lag in than diclectrie y p microscope, errors due to the lac:l~ rf structural uniformity of the prepared layers, largo electrode dimensions and inaccuracies in layer thickness moasur�ment warn olirninated. 'The 1 x I x 0.6 em, NaC7~-- KC 1-, KBx- and 1{I-monoaryetal sp�aimens Card � 1~2 ._. ~ e a ~ ~ APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE. 06/23/11 CIA-RDP86-005138000825300052-6 S/!' psi X21�;--^v t~G0~~Q3~~Od.S z~7~~ x31O~ ~iUT`k:(:)ciJ s Vor. ob � yev, G. ~.. , ~.nd i{o